C CENTRE R DERECHERCHES M MATHÉMATIQUES AnnualReport 2011 2012 C CENTRE R DERECHERCHES M MATHÉMATIQUES AnnualReport 2011 2012 Centre de recherches mathématiques Université de Montréal C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville Montréal, QC H3C 3J7 Canada [email protected] Also available on the CRM website http://crm.math.ca/docs/docRap_an.shtml. © Centre de recherches mathématiques Université de Montréal, 2014 ISBN 978-2-921120-50-0 Contents Presenting the Annual Report 2011–2012 1 Thematic Program 3 Thematic Programs of the Year 2011–2012: “Quantum Information” and “Geometric Analysis andSpec- tral Theory” ................................................ 4 Aisenstadt Chairholders in 2011–2012 : John Preskill, Renato Renner, László Erdős, Elon Lindenstrauss, and Richard M. Schoen .......................................... 5 Activities of the Thematic Semesters ...................................... 9 Past Thematic Programs ............................................. 21 General Program 23 CRM activities .................................................. 24 Colloquium Series ................................................ 36 Multidisciplinary and Industrial Program 39 Activities of the Multidisciplinary and Industrial Program .......................... 40 CRM Prizes 45 CRM–Fields–PIMS Prize 2012 Awarded to Stevo Todorcevic ......................... 46 André-Aisenstadt Prize 2012 Awarded to Marco Gualtieri and Young-Heon Kim ............. 47 The CAP–CRM Prize 2012 Awarded to Luc Vinet ............................... 48 The CRM–SSC Prize 2012 Awarded to Changbao Wu ............................. 49 The CRM Outreach Program 50 The language of life : When mathematics speaks to biology — Gerda de Vries ................ 51 From Aristotle to the Pentium — Moshe Y. Vardi ................................ 52 Major trends in world fisheries and their effects on ecosystems — Daniel Pauly ................ 53 CRM Partnerships 54 CRM Partners .................................................. 55 Joint Initiatives .................................................. 58 Mathematical Education 59 Institut des sciences mathématiques (ISM) ................................... 60 Other Joint Initiatives .............................................. 63 Research Laboratories 64 Applied Mathematics .............................................. 65 CICMA – Centre Interuniversitaire en Calcul Mathématique Algébrique .................. 69 CIRGET – Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherches en Géométrie Et Topologie .............. 71 GIREF – Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Éléments Finis ..................... 73 LaCIM – Laboratoire de Combinatoire et d’Informatique Mathématique .................. 75 Mathematical Analysis ............................................. 77 Mathematical Physics .............................................. 79 PhysNum ..................................................... 83 Statistics ..................................................... 85 Publications 91 Recent Titles ................................................... 92 Previous Titles .................................................. 92 iii Centre de recherches mathématiqes Scientific Personnel 97 CRM Members in 2011–2012 .......................................... 98 Postdoctoral Fellows ............................................... 100 Visitors ...................................................... 100 List of Students Having Graduated in 2011–2012 103 Ph.D. Students .................................................. 104 M.Sc. Students .................................................. 105 Governance and Scientific Guidance 109 Board of Directors ................................................ 110 Committee of Directors of Laboratories .................................... 110 International Scientific Advisory Committee ................................. 111 CRM Administrative and Support Staff 115 The Director’s Office ............................................... 116 Administration .................................................. 116 Scientific Activities ............................................... 116 Computer Services ................................................ 116 Publications ................................................... 116 Communications ................................................. 116 Mandate of the CRM 117 iv Presenting the Annual Report 2011–2012 Centre de recherches mathématiqes It is a pleasure to present the CRM annual report Aisenstadt Prize 2012), Luc Vinet from the Université for 2011-2012. Our two themes for the year, Quan- de Montréal (CAP–CRM Prize 2012), and Changbao tum Information on one hand and Geometric Anal- Wu from the University of Waterloo (CRM–SSC Prize ysis and Spectral Theory on the other, are among 2012). the most important research areas in the mathemat- ical sciences. As is now the tradition at the CRM, For several years now the CRM has had international the Centre welcomed world-renowned experts in both agreements, in particular with the ALGANT consor- themes, including the Aisenstadt Chairholders: John tium of the European Union and the Tata Institute of Preskill, Renato Renner, László Erdős, Elon Linden- Fundamental Research in India. The year 2011 was a strauss, and Richard M. Schoen. Apart from the lec- milestone in the development of international relations tures by these Chairholders, the thematic semester on at the CRM, since the CNRS (the institution responsible Quantum Information featured one summer school, for research in France) established an Unité Mixte In- two conferences, and four workshops, while the the- ternationale (UMI) at the CRM. This UMI, one of only matic semester on Geometric Analysis and Spectral 30 UMIs (in all subjects) around the world, is led by Theory featured six workshops. In 2011-2012 theCRM Laurent Habsieger (CNRS) and the CRM director. It also had a substantial general program, since it or- supports visits of French mathematicians to the CRM ganized or supported 14 events (schools, conferences, and vice versa, thus ensuring the creation or strength- or workshops), in particular two very important sum- ening of links between the two countries. mer schools (the Summer School on Non-Equilibrium The activities of the CRM are supported by the Gov- Statistical Mechanics and the Séminaire de Mathé- ernment of Canada through NSERC, the Government matiques Supérieures on Metric Measure Spaces) and of Québec through FRQNT, the Government of the the International Workshop on the Perspectives on United States through the National Science Foundation High-Dimensional Data Analysis II. The multidisci- (NSF), the Mprime network, and its partner univer- plinary and industrial program of the CRM in 2011- sities: the Université de Montréal, McGill University, 2012 included a conference on statistics (Statistics 2011 the Université du Québec à Montréal, Concordia Uni- Canada), a workshop on the climate problem, and versity, the Université Laval, the Université de Sher- the Fourth Montréal Industrial Problem Solving Work- brooke, and the University of Ottawa. On behalf of the shop. CRM I extend my warmest thanks to all of these insti- The CRM is also proud of the outstanding researchers tutions, which have helped the CRM attain the status who were awarded its four prizes this year: Stevo of a world-class research centre in the mathematical Todorčević from the University of Toronto (CRM– sciences. Fields–PIMS Prize 2012), Marco Gualtieri from the Uni- versity of Toronto and Young-Heon Kim from the Uni- François Lalonde, Director versity of British Columbia (both awarded the André- Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) 2 Thematic Program Centre de recherches mathématiqes Thematic Programs of the Year 2011–2012 “Quantum Information” and “Geometric Analysis and Spectral Theory” Quantum Information capsule summaries of the talks can follow the links provided below. Quantum information science is an interdisciplinary The scientific committee of the semester included the field lying at the boundary of mathematics, computer following researchers: Alexandre Blais (Sherbrooke), science and physics. The main goal of the field is toun- Gilles Brassard (Montréal), Claude Crépeau (McGill), derstand the fundamental nature of information in a Guillaume Duclos-Cianci (Sherbrooke), Christopher quantum mechanical world while simultaneously try- Fuchs (Perimeter Inst.), Patrick Hayden (McGill), Aram ing to exploit that understanding for technological Harrow (Washington), Peter Høyer (Calgary), Olivier gain. Montréal has been an important centre for quan- Landon-Cardinal (Sherbrooke), Michel Pioro-Ladrière tum information research from the beginning; twenty- (Sherbrooke), David Poulin (Sherbrooke), Bertrand five years ago, Gilles Brassard, a local researcher, in- Reulet (Sherbrooke), Louis Salvail (Montréal), and vented the first protocol for exchanging secret keys ex- Alain Tapp (Montréal). ploiting quantum mechanics. About fifteen years ago, Brassard, Claude Crépeau and collaborators discov- Geometric Analysis and Spectral Theory ered the famous quantum teleportation protocol fol- lowing a workshop here in Montréal. The 2012 Spring Semester focused on various topics in The Fall 2011 thematic semester on quantum informa- geometric analysis, spectral theory, partial differential tion was notable not just for the variety and success equations, and mathematical physics, including: geo- of its activities, but also for its judicious application of metric PDE, spectral geometry, probabilistic methods creative chronology.
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