First Grand Ball of Lawndale Civic Center Corps Plays at Eisen- F
THE SENTINEL Veteran Drum First Grand Ball of Lawndale Civic Center Corps Plays at Eisen- F. Post, Assistant Secretary of the steadt Golden Wedding. United States Department of Labor; The Lawndale Civic Center, which Albert Parlin, Mr. Abe Salzman, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Eisenstaedt of Hon. James A. Reed, Assistant United has enjoyed a very successful season Leon Shellow, Dr. J. A. Woolf, Dr. V. 5204 Ingleside avenue, celebrated their States Secretary of State; Hon. Ellison in educational and civic activities, is Josephson, Dr. Wm. Kamin. golden wedding at the Standard Club D. Smith, United States Senator from about to make its initial bow in the last Sunday. The clubrooms were South Carolina, and Chairman of the social world at a grand ball, to be given decorated with a profusion of yellow Senate Committee on Immigration; Sunday, February 27, 1916, at 8 p. m., flowers, which, with the gold service Hon. Adolph J. Sabah, arnking mem- at the Hall de Luxe of the Douglas of the tables, carried out the color ber of the Committee on Immigration Park Auditorium. scheme of the afternoon. and Naturalization of the House of All the principal arrangements have Mr. and Mrs. Eisenstaedt were pre- Representatives; Hon. William S. Ben- been completed and the friends of the ceded in the procession to the refresh- net, Hon. Meyer London, and Hon. Center are now given a chance to make ment tables by their ten grandchildren Isaac H. Siegel, member of the House the affair a social and financial suc- and their eight children with their hus- of Representatives; Hon.
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