Understanding Online News Behaviors Frank Bentley Katie Quehl Jordan Wirfs-Brock Melissa Bica Yahoo/Oath Yahoo/Oath Yahoo/Oath Yahoo/Oath Sunnyvale, CA Sunnyvale, CA Sunnyvale, CA Sunnyvale, CA
[email protected] [email protected] jordan.wirfs-brock@
[email protected] colorado.edu ABSTRACT edited and typically produced daily. While sometimes these The news landscape has been changing dramatically over sources represented the opinions or political views of the the past few years. Whereas news once came from a small editor, they were generally seen as a trusted source of truth set of highly edited sources, now people can find news from to understand what was happening in the community and thousands of news sites online, through a variety of chan- the world. From the 1666 publication of the London Gazette nels such as web search, social media, email newsletters, or to Publick Occurrences, America’s first newspaper in 1690, direct browsing. We set out to understand how Americans through the local and regional newspapers that remained read news online using web browser logs collected from 174 strong through most of the 20th century, when it came to diverse participants. We found that 20% of all news sessions reading written news, very little changed. started with a web search, that 16% started from social me- However, over the past few decades the news landscape in dia, that 61% of news sessions only involved a single news America has changed dramatically. The web and alternative domain, and that 47% of our participants read news from news sources have added many choices to the ways that both sides of the political spectrum.