
Ozzy Oeboume. Alemon • l Avdttorlum. Ch1Ueng e.nd mlnO-tettylng u In the o.ya .,_, cona.pt of k)¥e and ~ion are all that HM-h1ten obriously have an u to gnnd Jan 28 .. tumed the Gf W i~t portable Merao moat teenao•• taka Mt'IOUsty. it's bMn the And why? Pemaps they INr gro wing old In ll)eak... a h'l on our head& and tNutad baSil of youth muatc alnce Jlllft041M Rod our youth~iented aoc:..ty they've fcwgotten ··tmmtgrant Song'' at peak and H0<1r>d Dog IMI there doesn't ,.,_,. IO be a 'polnl' to SetMtnmg In the I IMtJU Oo wttlt ,.w wtll f'O mike me COJtlorm youthlth whh the Oec:Una Tho of - -hor "about Oodltld a lltNt proctucUon at the tho bOyo oneS gkto (but thoy'ro mottfy bO~) ot the lep. -ion ... Stutlio ...._ ~.. . • And t- thoro WhO QtMce at MCh other tOt support wnt .. lfnprooolon-.... __., youth might ltko -•· _ acrMtn"'cl OzzEE' After a number of Ouy' a near ---Thoy,..,..,_,._ - tho 2tiflus ,..,_ who .,... - • -~-lwooMatllngto time - -tho MOio,IIOping lot I­ .... T'bw! CM'III 1M ,...,• • c::urrw"ll hie ..Bark lflMJ lhoy Oltlr- HI...... ,. .,., ol--··llfl4nl--knhltho'f ottho-·. -.c:hltciOIImo,nletljuotu ..,. tue1 tuda ''*'·you ... Of - - Genotlc -ion - tho ... children of satan or h~tlpless_,....,_,lied pawns? ...,..,_, Other llfVOII ot .._.,..,, - ·

ot Hol'o Allelfe"'. - - Kenny floeon. -----ron - 1- llil "I!Wy. Don't ··­T- Y04JJ '-"""ToT-· ,....,- tho -tyr~ca . ,., wrillng tho - to a..--.... 1o< H-~ . s.t.... h'o - .11>-. Satan " when tha eono •••- ptayed·I­ bKkwar

8-erplece Wynton raltklg lrom the ashes of }aZ;Z controversy

:······:: : t-·······························Are)I(N~tbil , tllt ()(count J'OU -~------~------~ lt th8f'e music eher h ..vy : : 1'rotlipl S..'P .-e. 10--·- : : WIIM'• .- to ltd But are you metal? :- : an:tbM ,.,... btabklOaUof • Q) • &be aat oor:'P AAd tM ..._ ooc'P 12rounds ~ ~~I More than you ever wanted 10 is \lftCIIIUia dal. : ,.0 : Lit~ -:a - know about what 's happening WIIJMCremow•M::uabitor i .,.... : In Buffak> thla ~ • ~ : dDI ...... ,.._, aad order I Name I : U : ~'PF«amere~' (or 14.00. it J'CMI oaly ww balf a : ell : Iii _: : . ~ : yar) JOU c:u haft tbt ~ : ...... : s. cWMnd to your bout ewry Address : ~ : ..- . w~"DcwniCIIdU.Cwt I : Cfl : .._JIO'It_,Mw: ...... FUI I : : OUI the CC)Upla.. Now, pkut. : : Yoo...,.. odle,..hl.., oo _,. I: City/State/Zip I : ...... : : ...... about. 1------·I :r~ The• Second•• - International-~-~~------~-~------~·-·· Reader's Poll · 1 OK 181thlul (Md latthle&a) readers, It's that lime agaln. Alter · and will win thelt choice ot tha new Hall nd Oates album, I about two montha ol reading the redundant " Ten Aock and Soul Patt One, Of the live Devtd Bowie album Zlggy -~ Memorable/Etc." 11111 from anyone 'With Starduat'a Farewell Show. (You ca~ enter even If you don't I ..,.,... to publication, you ahoutd all be plenty alck and tired want either album. In fact, - wilh you ~d) . Deadline Is I and ~ to ll

.. ____--- .. _ ------.-.-v.. -...... ~_____- -~-__ ..-II.Y _. 11oo _, .. -.... ___- ...... , .... 1110 __ _,_ -----.-... -Y . Nt.- - '· ~~@@®~ A Night at A Night at the Millionaire's Club give 1 sample of hit lrlah dancing akllls. He procedeCI by • ooto won. of Yoohlko Qlumo'o perlonned gamely OllC>OJQh although tM only Plao Don, which OM por!ormo -Ifill 011 music available waa a apeecMd up ''Tlptoe oc:cornponylng ollde ocroon. h Ia a mucll Through tM Tullpo''. TM otho< '1P.H" oil more sombre wol\ in comparteon whh A included equelty original and UMIC.pected Night, alnce the alldes show lmagea componento, -lncludlng -ol ohoggy dog tuggesllng technological •lofence, an atorMta. wtdch were ohen Interrupted and kwuk)n ot bMuty by dea1h. Cttuma'a continued latet, and one auprltmely ludicrous dancing fa frantic and INI._.Y ridden; the ecene where the troupe Mt some cheap wind· lmpruolon ot •- ta Might- by tho up top tn motktn and proceeded to lmltete ooundtrock. Wlllcll r.turoo btut.otl nol­ tt\elf K:ttona. Highbrowa will note thet ttwtr. end static-titled tran~mlaalona with are undoubtedly aurreelilt and dadelat occaolonot muotc. and tM olldoa - .,. element a In Me. Chuma'a WOJk and bores will l>fftllontty coloNel - throotontng ...... ,.. argue ad nauseum over whMher thla Ia ot red Md btlclo. Tho llgllt ....,._ l(e performance art, dence Of' pure perfor"mlince, manipulated okHIIutty to moko tho lfttorploy but thoM wllo recoontza good otutt - ot woman, ohodow • ..,_ and oolor truly tMy ... tt wtll 1tay away from such l'nelmefil.ing. -onllouo quibbling. For upoornlng HOIIwotlo and Media Study A Hlflhl at the llllllloMire'a Club was ...nta. ... AoundL My _Dinner With Steven ....,.O_OOIIo • ---Zoyoo_Y ____ rom J-r 15th to Matcll •th tM and Pecltlc olr cllormlngly -tone olnoomonyot hw crowd that IIW 11 laat Sundey ••• .,.,,... and dMMrt The quattty or the Tllfto-- conoomecl. Tralfemadote'l ftDd and Mrricl II IIWI)1 oct to - Study taot Friday. Tho ,_H yelled dfroc:flono .,. oo 1\ooytty .._tad u ...... unquo~~-. raoundlng - It to bo ~blo to tho oud._ The moe1 _,thue.luUc reepon ... were to good, end occaalonally nc.-tent - the thl ...... Sondheim, eono• hi co-wrote tho cepKity ~·· onthuolaotlc­ .-._ hw certainly ...-..ano~o -· - · ttttuclnl with hatn and - to ~ Hight ef Hie w-.w'l CMo Ia any t--OIICKIQIIt-. Tbil t-t-.,. wll1l tho II- ot l_,ord llomotolft and pilot toll Into thlo lottO< cotogory-"''hd tM lndfcalkM\. FOf' truly aaciHng, quality aomat ltnaa apur-of ·tha ·momtnt Alcllon:l !logon. It wu o Nttlo ,...,., to - OHI the place Oflltl tOt bOf:h cftnn. and enterta&nment tlke thfa., we have to thank lmprovtsotlono, ind -llnoo _, Trotlotnocloro ployoro Joyce Coppola ond ohOw (StU5) lon1 bod oltho< No prolllomo HaJtwalla, and In parttcular. Hall want trlod Md true wtgnottoo; but oM _...... ,- Etlan Soundata, mora than old OIICKIQII to bo with d i nner, but 11 tor the theater performance prognmmar Stephan component. the Sonclttelm p._. needs to tM -· ot -~ mwnu perfonnlng, " II Matno oong, rnlmo...., oomk:--oplled or tragic acting. T- Wu llta.rrtect" trom Gypay, but tl\at waa have more oolno tot It than trw quaJtty ot u~ Geltoghor, - '- - ... bo - to bftftg _ _.._tolluffllowtn . lll,_.., ot tho_,, l(ojo and O.ylo Tllfto, nothing ooonporoclt-- to· tM lncongru"y ot "-• a- oongo '"""'- Occoolonolly lorgotton N.Y.C. ua .,lanta and ad•attturoua - ·o otrtPI* routlno during "You Gotto IY'IcO, - odoquoto plano playing and o llu--bo--to­ ··----mo..._.._Ma. Chwu •anct• ovt u a treMtlcalty vttal H... o Gimmick." OIMouoly t"-<0 Ia mora week 'fOtce In the trio are bugs In thla out Cllulnon and hw-"' -~~.. . than o Nttlo tongue.jn-c:IIMO cornplnooo to production tllot - to bo worked on. Otho< - tNy...... , ...... ot .,._­ -o..oftl\odloc:lpllnecl ____ - · ..... tho ~ion , AM'- tM -latlon ot than that, SoftdMkn and the Trait make for a ulloo-. ~ ._I.R. Oollety and -m ta qutto ol,_., portlcutotty during laJrty compellbte marriage tho portocl, ™...._.~ tho ploce occomoct - l"'pt•••rto numbora 110111 _ .. -uro -ota.-aa...,_-put ____.... thootllillll'tho ho ...,._ - 1111 - of Hon:l - ..- - A..... UttW -·tty Hlf/ltf Muo lc__,. FofflN, Colnpo•y ------f.l. Ill -~~~~--- uu

()I) suo Ml OOARO ONE. INC.

...... • FREE • • ~irst 1;2 keg: • • : BE E A .: •••••••••••••••••••• ·info: 636·2957 ~@ ~ ®W 0 ~0@mJ - Olivier, King Lear, Shakespeare: epic, timeless vision

tMunt hOneStY and awaraneee that medt hla -----br- f . HopiCIIIa royoHy o conatruetlw ~hough llnany tragic) path, while hla counterpart In we .,. nor 1M flrlt dlaenfranchlaement, Edgar, aUu Poor Tom Who, wltlt 1»1t mea'nlng, haw W.cUf't"d the Bedlam, wu tuclnatlngty rwnde

a..,..,..,_, ...... ,TV ...... HMM ~"._.,.,,.,..._.-...... ,...... 0... 1" " '1 o..M. ..,(.. "-"'M OYI of ..._...... ,...... ,.,.,_,wan ...... , ,. .. ,. ..,.._..,., .. .. --'IOU'UIM ...... L I-.--..4. ------...... ,.... ,...... ,...... ~·fiiOIII~ ...... ,.,...... ,...... ,, ...... ,,....._NeFti •~· ..... ,_ ..... ,...... ,._ .. _ =·- ·::;.z.~-:...u..::;: Clr4n , •• , ...... ,_ tr-. _..._.,,...... ,...,._.,...... , T..: MMtOIM Cttlll .., .....,. ,_..., a.oot-...... ,.....,..,.. I tiM. c:fiMMI It ...... _..,.._IN ...,...c.,...... ,,, ...... ~,_.,._AM~ . OiillJMa...... ,..,.._.,,.,.City ill c_,.,._. ... ol fOMWittc _,_., ...... ,.. ...,., ol ...... ,.,. ....,~ lov- ~ ...... , ...... ___. ... ,...... pollee ~.....,...... ,...... ,_ Amo6d .. ..,...., ,.,....,...... , tMI~('I'IIQ ...... ,...... ,.,.., ...... ,,....tfMIMIIfzt ...... ntr~t•--~- · -~ .... .,~ ...... , ,.,... ·-..... ,_ ...... , ...... afterMie,...... UMIIII,...... ~ ,,. ~...... ,.._, ...... _.... -.. .,...... , CM1 ...... ~1 .._. lib ltMICfl. Mil • ..__ r.,.,_..,. ..,...... ,.., TMI ...... 't~('tta~--lwrt ...... ,.. , _...... _ .. ..., ...... ,...,_,. ... ,. w ... ..,...... to...... ,lllf'l'...... ,_,_...... ~ - IIUdl~'--()ltrMr • .... ,..,...... ,,,..,.,...... ,,...... ,.,.,...... , ...... ,...... , ...... "0..,~ ...... ~...... c···-•.....,...... ,•...,...... ,. =~--~~"""'~~tO~-~~,--~n NMMM C1t1ti ...... , ...... _ ...... ~ttew ·cMUN . Mt ...... tM~ ,...... ,_,.r~ . ~~...... ,.. ~ ...... , ... ,.:JO ...... , ...... ____...... ~ ...,...,AIIil'l(''""'j~ ...... , ...... ClaM ...... , ....., --- -- .., ...... ,....,..,~ ...... blel, . ~ ,... "-- nwtl .. ,...... a..-. 1ft •flllcfll ric• wftltcc •••• tr~c •t ...... _.._ ...... f11111 ... CWI ...... ,_ ...... e...... ,..,...... dociOI ~.._..,.....,...__ r ,l ...... ,...... 11 ~...... _M ...... ,.. .,~__...... _ -"""~ ------...... ,..... QltiM. - ...... --...... ,..""' ...... _., ... -...... ~ ... AIIM. .... r...... 'll:a-...... ~ ...... _...... ,.__ .. c::r.-..._..,...... ,~ rJ _...... ,_ ...... -...... _... , .~ T...,...... , ...... _ ...... _...... ,. .. .,...... ,...,,,.,, __ -a ...... ---..4; ...... _...... ,...... ,...,_...... ,_., (1tillt .. ...,._ ...... - .. ,..- - ..._ er ...... _...... _ u-_. o-.. ~ ... ,_.,~ , "-""'.-~-"""·· ...... """'"""'··"""·· ,...... ,---·--· ...... -­ ...... -- , ...... ,..,...,...... c···•"""'....,., ...... =...... 1•• ., _,...._...... ,...... ~,...... _...... _.....ftW'I ...... ,..~ ...... - ,...... -...... ~ ~:::-...-:~=::..!: .,_,.._.._...,_.__ ...... _...... , ...... UIIIIIt_...... _....,.,...._,..... r·• The PASTIME lOUNGE ...... ,. -...... - ...... n...... ,0...... ,...... 000111 ...... _,.-...... presents ...... ~ __a..-...- ..,. .., ...... _r u..&.... , :.~... ~ .. A ~-~~---~-~-~0::-:". ... u..... y ...... tiiNCW .., ...... __ Ill ...... , ... 'lilt, Live "~11Y STREETS" -.--...... , ...... __.,....., ...... _.....,_ ...... " . ... - ...... ,., ...... __.-. - ...... _...... _...... ___.._ ...... ,...... ,.._, ...... _...., ...... ,, ...... _...... ne-... fi&L ,....,..,.,._ .._... ~~-~~-~-~ ...... l,..C..,O.., ... --....-...... ~-- ... --.....~------QIIIIr l····l ...... c...... o.c-,....,.._ ,...._._._ p.e.a~ta..., .-...... ____ r-. '--...... __ ., ...... , ...... __...... -.~-- *"'...... a...... _ .. ..,. -.... -...... __...... ,. ·--...... ~...... ___...... __ ...... -...... _.. .-----....._ ...... _., ...__ .. __...... r·" -·------·__-·----- ...,..__ ...... ,. Baker essays America

THE RESCUE OF MISS Motor Volllclos. T- ho Is g­ and Unclo Harry and - of oil, YASKEU. AND OTNER PIPE tha tradtUonaJ lnfamoua JMnbell unclo lrwy. You'll lind - DREAMS By Ruue/1 S.kw; treatment by window clerk about tho Pwrtaoon and tho ..-a; Condon & w-. mpp. Alex- Homlnon !Oft-· on- - ---~ btl! lame) and Wolfgang ­ _ ,to about twice oo long .. thlo Mozart (of Broadw ay t am e). -----by ..rt< Sp.U article, though aevaral tlmae Exhausted and frust rated, Franco tunnlor. TN longth ....- n goes to lodgo a complaint and finds tor a bedUrne Utter, a bua- rkMt Regulat reaclerl of TM New Ycri nm.. will recognize the nwne flu- BMor. His laleot book, Tile Aucue ol WI.. YatQN 1ttd Otttat ,..,. Drwma, ta a coUectkw\ of "0ne afternoon i.n Paris, Ernest Tim •• eaaaya from Baker'a <»- and Sunday o..­ HeminRWay and Morley CallaAhan columna, 1175 to 18&3. Avid challeORed Scot FitzAerald and me to a lol-., )'OU know the otyle-ond ,.... -tO!Iol hlo -ysl Tho bout of teem wrestlinR. HeminRway, who only 11\lng rnlaolng- twill bo Ink was vain about his half nelson, became bl-~ And lor - of )'OU who he.. a'tOkled the~ )'OU t\e¥e to enraRed halfway to the first fall when rMdwl\ilo-ng g--lo• Edna St. Vincent Millay jumped into the chanea to dlacover one of rinR and broke her umbrella over his -.._.....your-- ·· - -- Sundayell tno scull, cryinR" You monosyllabic brute! """'*'~~- - - ,_ !lap _..,.s aa.tw a ~lime Putttur Prize Get that half nelson off the finest winner, and It couldn't have 1\o_.od to o funnier guy. Ho American writers of our Reneration~" mow. all tM trtcb of the trllde· hypertot,e, Irony, and-Micuml - "I Remember Papa" Notlllng Is salo from his l>ltlng satn. Ho plumbO tno dol>th of Attlla tha Hun eeatecl on a c:ttuctJe. a guHaw at WOf'tl. 01 a moc1em Amortc:an lifo. Its politic&. bench-ha¥1nQ bMn there tor ank:Ur .,...... ,. d ....a; anywNn IU lnatltuttona. and IU _._ Thlo Is o-Donto rnlgllt ,_ went to aq- a -lo. peopte-mudl aa ~Twain did In - laughed at; lthW< ,_ lind n u.,...,. out - IInde out- ...... funny too, oil? "' -. llloo Yupll Ia, lor me Wh:I'\MI "The Fw Side of St11." n..r. oro oloo lots of ltor!M !Tom know, will ya? where Franc*» franco to the oo- --... a boy growing up New 'forti. State o.p.wtment ot In Vlrglnl&. You1f ,_ unclo an- Kotik's objects move into different dimensions

-----t" llleft 0.., -OUI-thoWall-"""' by ltring. - painting - unf altlft~ cotnata fold o•er .... Kotik'l nNbltlon at oxpoolng tile palntod bO<:ll of tho the Atbrlght· Knox Ar t I-. J Ga!Wy, 00 _..... enlltled Tltl l'alttter,., ObJect T ho largeot "*" hoiCia WOIU - lor tho !trot ttmo In thlo rnalnty lrom the 80a. Koll- hoe country en menetft coltectlon of retWMd to a mora trad"lonal, tavt this Oltlol's WOf1l. Conolotlng of ~·•• that deft¥ee he """ ol wotU done att• Kottk'e _.,...,. tenuro from ect"" ox,_.lc trom ~aklli IOf w.. t bt-•-and-.. Wllat ono e.rtln in ,.,, tM uttiO'Uon -..ry ,...... In this room Is -- the trono-lofl of lhe '-of gra.tty ond a - of tho pelnllng Into on olljed lhot weigM. Theoo - .. - tond 10 ---tpt-. bo lorVO ond - ...... - Abotracl pMitlngo heft- CUI· ropea, hlftgea, at~d geoMetric up Of d lrided Into g.ometrJc l>loclytho,_olol pwta brttoolllllll. Tho-. toke on - lo ..,_._ ____ .. Kat ...... 01 -I, U .. - the "'" ---.. ol "'" PMII to rocrMto tho ....,.....• ...., -'"'" ,....."'"'"~ '"'-The fhlroy model o..cnbed by "' m~~kora not In tanna or piOl at11tl~to--~onQvlat--- 1100 Don>4lly Slretton In Bob ,_., Star 60 but ol Yiaual ltyte ilnaplred by tha -* of Romalna lha Samo 11..ad ~In -.con~ ,_.., _,. of the - that pouad (allllougb- &1c -•Ia...... , to Norftglon painllf Ega Ill A-.mt nwvw.,.- Wajcla'a OM,.,.,, ~ tomon'OW at tho SIIIalda tallet 111M out from hlf atudlea-a at axploltatlon product. You con clleck "out at S.tunlay ollltlng at rnldf)lglll Thla - · Amhorwl, and ll>o Englla/1 thrllla< Tha -on to - aa a raca car - In the Un-.M, and Seneca Mall Clnemaa. HtHon'en, Friday ,,. 13th ).D, Tarzen O..upl,.,.,.,.'a O...troct, alao lomon'OW II Sa~aro , 11 the COmo e Tlleltlfa. And two Additional nota; "'ldnlght mo- - to Shamo ol lha Jungle, and Flvo DHdty VMOml Yeah! the ~ Art. (&.a tho -·ol both fllma unltnown bul hlgllly touted perlormora, Aldan be making a c:omobeck. Baoldoo tha 0ft1101ng on tha -'1• - -1 . Quinn and Dotyt Hw!nall, alliin --· I _ ... It lha Holiday and COmo TMitora, Tho ot- oHortnga r.atwod the talent ol young performer& headed by Martel filmthoir aboutu- youngIn a -.auftocatl'! ~~~t~o~aoc~o~po~~lllay~~'w~r.t~umod~~to min town. be doing quha woll.~ llla~~-~~lt~and~~-~~toThla - ·· aolectton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~- r--M-AP_L_E -FO_R....'ES- - T-T-HE-A-TE_R_S_, mtS\~rQl ©Q[{l)@[IT{TI~ PRESENTS \87 lP

A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES! --''Or~ oe....,....,,..._,...... ,..,.. .. - , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..~-,._...,..,..,..,..,..,... ---- ... ,..,.,...... -- ..... ALLSEATSONLY ...... ,.., ow ...... ,...,...... $ 1.00 ---,. .,...~ ,_···· . .... ,..,...... ,.,. ftp FOR STUDENTS AND FACULTY, WITH ID ,...... ,,.. ,.,...... TIWI: ...... ,...... ~ THIS MONDAY AND ...... , ...,... _..,...... ,.,,.. ... TUESDAY NIGHTS ~-...... - ...... ,. (W .,...... (1lk ATTRACTIONS -...... , ,. ...._.-- -•,.,.__..-., ...__,..,_T...... ,....---- ...... ~ - ...... -- ~ -CNC ...... _.._...... __ __ --~- _...... _..., ~- ...... ,...... rM'IIift ... T.....,.._... treat ...t .• ltcellot ~ a r e ctMVaileA&. ' IIAI'U fOIIUT t 11APU fOIIDT 2 ...... ,_.._.. .,...... f. ~ 1. · ~·--- ...... __ ~""- ...... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t-- .. - =--!."'!."', ~

...... LH OMNI!t I H tfln C J.... ~~a...... -.-w.. ~ .. --...... , ... - r .., .. ---~~~~-~ .....-;..,___...... , ...... _ ..... UIMDI'\ ._...... a....t ....."" ...... _ -.... ~ , ._...,...... r-).n...,. ,...... _... =-~ ,_~_ _'"'!'___ ~-~ ~ _.. _.,.. .., ...... •us.ua...... ~ ...... _.~,._, .....,....,ue ...... -o.a. ... _ ...... 0..., ...... a...... •'-~ r· ·,,...... ,...,...... ~ ...... _ ...... T "'--'· ~ ...... --....a..- ...... --=-:.=·---·--·...--­ -~ ...... , ...... ,..._,...... t"., ....__. __ ...... ___ . ~ .._. ___...... _...... a...... n...... ,

~ ------­ ...... -.; ....._...... ___, .... --...... ----·· ....__ _...... ,...... -...... _,..,...... _ ...... -_. .-.._....._ ...... ,_ ...... a...... ---- , ...... :.-:::-_...... -.."!"...... ,...__ ...... ___ ,...... _...... , ...... a...-...... -..... _...... ,.«al. ... _,.. ... -~..._...... ,.. ..____ --..-... -- ...... ---...... _...... --~- ...... ----~~ ~ ... ,....,...... , ...... ------~-- .._,,_"-....., ...... _.. ______...... _____ .._._,.... ------...... ~ ...... ------·.... -"",_-- ...... , .. _..---- -.. • ....,_...... _ --~----___.-t.-...rc ...... ,_•.. .__ ...... _ .. ------_ ...... _. -. --.----______,_ ____-...... -...... - ... _...... _., -.- .. _...... -~ ...... _a.-...... - ...... _,. -..._...... - ,...... -...._ .. =---:.::.::.::...... ~ ...... ______--=---= ...... ---:::.:::.::=.:.:::..-::------:.:.::.=.:-- Andrzej Wajda adapts history for the presefit DANTON directed by Andne/ bec:auae of hie fall tn:Kn olflclal ahut down and fCM' him and hla Walda , screenplay by Jean­ his atder siater aa ma ls bllthlng grace, and It II hard to be&left that foUowera to be arrettad: he raallzu him. In contrail to oecasionaJ Claude C.ffiere from the play wa;ca. dki not mun tor us 1o be that to do eo woutd CIIUH a popular oapicUona ol Danton aa being The Dlnton Affair by reminded of StaHn.. poUcy of uprlaing. )uat aa to aHow Dentoo to Chrltt·llke. Robasplerra reject• Stanisl•w• Przyby.azewalta, removi ng all r eferences to ret• ln his frHdom will likely olive branchaa ghr«\ him to hold at with Gerard Depardleu, "llquldaied" peraona from Ruulan produce the Mm& ruult. he poaes fOJ hts portraU. v .. Wojctech Pozonlak, Angell cuttu,. and wri11nge.) Wajda puta Danton and Danton ' s aarthlnaat and Winkler. Opens tomorrow at the This cou~ be a aubfect of Aobeep..,.,. at oppoaing andt of a Aobesplerra's detachment, us...-Uy Amherst Theater. endless controvway. ln fact, " wu even before tt'l-a rum waa rei•Md-both the French and ------by IIIF- Polish governments. who co-funded It, -. -edty uput with ~s l'lefe .,. • number of ways· ttnat torm, the fonner becauM of In wtllch O.nton c.n ,. what It aald about the paat Tlllkan , most of them (appare-ntly, Wajda' a view ol 1ntMCIH fN 111 IHst 11nt~ted by historical aventa Ia d~dadly dit«for Wejd11 (WIIn of Iron). The slanted). the ten., becauM or what conc.erna the struggles Jt Implies about the pru.ant. tt betwNn Denton and Naximllllan would teem beet, ho...,., to Robeapi errl , the two chief and i gnore any archftec:ta of the F~h RewoAuUon, comparl.ana atther hel\acl 'akt. leading up to the torrnar' s --. Wojdohu conltnnedenyiUCII P...... 111m..-- the .. oon-atlons of pollllcel­ -- -li'IIIOtleal euthenllclty, OM..., ._,rum In - to ahow the Men to be vtrtue and tailing Ia "" -.ty _..,. -­ ulllmata futility ot vlol&f'lt rupecltftt't. era a leo underMood The potenttal probtema--tono ,....,lutlon. an undertaking that by Wo)at~ . Donlon ~ to guzzle the lklllfulfy and purpoMiy-In - to· mamorfta and r ecite the - ot the bottle, -.1ng Declotot""' of thelliglltl of Men by cltunk anO tolling to apnng the ttop thollglltnot only. A --mult- but -

The - -lous ....-ogy IO be IUCil ...... - OUWMI«< aH ..- Ia to Wojcjo'l own _,., of Mem unt... tor one rM80n or ; o..nton aeema c)Mrty _..., -l.ln -Hnololl-o, to be 1 ~<~m~gate to< ~ w-. B..,., lftatMd to vtew OeltfCM on The lftuatlon of the 111m c.n be -to...._ _ _, t-"' _,of the-- film Ia - - ..,... The polltQI ~-ooeln. - after the Frenott RewoluUon. lll'lflllato-. -the-• """-'""'" ""' -.o lhe ~~- _..,., .. -.., -'trlbuted to the ftlon. ln - . - ..... -·- ol .._,__. - ""' -...... r-In-to-- . ~~~e.::::-....:: -·~~~~_..,._..., ~•pected Member of the -ion, be - ,_, I ...... ·-"" ·""' group portrait being palntM ---prweureenow to ...._"""-'""'" o.nton 'a-· PNM by Sam Peckinpah

by ?...... ,_., _, ~M wnHen and ____ _...... ,...... directed ~ Altdral ~ . wttll ...... A4&nl. s.m Nelli, ofiW..__...... ,• ..,..._Io .... ""'_ ... Heinz '*-· Now playing .. -__ 10_,_..,. the Como .,_..._ .._. _,_,_.. ----bJl'llll ...... --··--­.. ~ ... -. ·--Or...... ~Hell ...... - AdjOnl .. - ...... of .. -...--..-.­...... ,_ .--.uno.aw,o/-H ...-, ."'-­ . -1111 -...... -lcel-,..--- . .,..__.,.-of--•crM.ft a qua-brOughtlity •eldom ...... to ""' -·---·l___o41oti4uel _,_... .. 1114pal11cul ...... ltfy Writers, --..---...... _,__.,._., ...... _.. _,.....,.._, ...... ,. - ----10-- .. --. ltoitCOMO - ,__...,,.....-

went on to gain national axposura through the legendary drummasttK Art methodologist that he Ia with Jau and c ------by llillclleel F. Hos*JM Blakey,, and you begin to percetYe why Ellis Marsalis Is especially kx>ked upon by most Black and While c ln•aluable, and why Wynton M.,....lls Is so unJque. hartMnger of cuhural mlscegenaUon (or •s tt ho ltOry of Wynton--. hu-one of thtl moot w-,. ~ more than the otd tired cry, --what's he dol -od,lf 1101-- -.nloly narrated. mu.lcal c:llronlcleo Ot courw, all thla Ia ~ .nough for some. In the manMf which has Tof -t ,_._ The c.. of tho - IY domoMtroted hla alnce Omette CoMman and Sun Ra and he Ia, In tum. given I pet on the aome meuure of Ita )uat due in tne early t ~ tho otOftlng oompooltlona onc1 ~Ions of Dulle Mad and erroneously Complimented as a gifted technk:lan-.glfted. that Ia, authorhy. Rather than the Instant tJont to - one per with en Infamously u~ draftsman like Charin Uoyd. H.e Ia • lnduatry SoftO Q~tty Of mlarepresentatlon. It Ellington. T-...... -..., oncl Nltoo Onto..,_ otNorolwtth • wtrtuoeo lntooolty oncl oullttoty whlc:ll-tllto -lcPfOUd. All-honed by an tn.1mpet• who la poutbly the moat tully de"'8toped to emerge ln Jezz since informing ~-execut ives . entnus•asl ...-y--My. Wwaolla 1\ucopllllod tho-ottontloo CUff«d Brown. YM Maraallala repeatedly summariZed M .,he new hlltea .. , Mate of tod.lly'a Muak: beck tn order of tho - - • no -.prom1o1ng1y Juz orttot hu clone o1nco or u a pollahod Mlloa lmhoto<.l .. Man, I had a convwaaUon with a cat H

tho -. oncl ""-""!P'Iooa to fOUl...... _tho---"" of allio tho fi'OWIIIo by HU c::JirMtte. W. had._M Ornette taP£ on ...... ,._to ott- ptey ..._ tMir ~ Thal'a • true story; -eo...--h hto -....cllllg- ~ - from OilS-..-.. ...--.of tho Juz- In - Yotk oncl-to­ -to M o dlwtol.._,._.,. Thto to c:~~otoct.- by -. like Ia tltM Omette?' And he wu tethng me he --of~ hu """- tho--Ignited tho ,..-mloneoflrnaglnollono of public, - onc1 - tho_, __ t-loundlntho--.,f F---!allneCot..-­ Mtt'a fb Monk. Who do )'OU ttunk has h Ono boglna to ..-one~ tho ...,..,uona1 grow~~~ of thlo 10111• - r.turlniJ tho- of -Ia oncl- V< some bad ...-.... -. c:ooddlnolglle Into tho Clltonwulactng Juz t~ . ln IOIA---•-•totoa~oftllo-tlfod be a b'g eter, tt.1 ,,_. .. 'tnnov111ve JIZZ t tho-~ . ---or tho- giant&_..,. rap whlc:ll - - _,. of tho moot "'-~- mualcol rMHy ta. "CaUM nobody hal the h.. rt to s. oncllllli_,_,.._...... Oft-llllor--.-. __ ,.. __ ---­.. _.,...... ,_,..of the peat 20 _. .. - MWt of ungratolul junta -lnot "'L.ooll at Monk. You rMilze how bitter ..___ _to oood- __,.,.___.Jazz;. pitiful ... _dloy.._olroluaol to,_ whOte ttt.,.he ~ fnwn betng m111epret ______.... _of __ -In but"- .. In., - onciMy -nlng o1> --~~-- u. oooc1 or ...- ...., _ .. ,_... or Ju:z _,__- ... .. _____ -_...... ,...... "' o(1M-...-. ----.tho-____ .. ._,._., ... _ .. tho _...... ,..... Talldng - -. M bed u Mook wu --.. ~--.,.-.-ory-. 'TlMitonloul. ..,_. W8L He taught all e't~ ...... ,.,_ .... __.. ho_,,_,_ plolytr& ..... ---. - with '""' ""'' would..._..., that , ~ eo peop.. thoug -. 00 ho otOftod IMytftg l)lono. Ho ..... ·-pr.ytng. oncl ho ~ wllhouiMa..--ot_toT"" - - -- '" oquolly _ ....,_____ • porlarlnlrlo of-totho -­ •ot._•. Ho'a 1001 .,_,man. .,. .• noc t hfe tunee 11f1111111811~ YM know what I'm N --____~ Ho, of_~Mytftg_Juzln-~l!lut Holt,..,_,--. Eclwonl - · ~------~~.but""' myth o11ou1 Juz -· 1>o1og -to....--- CIMolcal, ond _.. no1 __.... - " Ia Mel the *""- .... ._,---. oncltlley _,- tbot - --~-----tho-.._ _u.y,. out trying to grob d the c - ·,.-polloi,"" 1-I*Yod -Lou l Qwlto'o ro. of ~ tho "Thoe'o no1 - M'l olloul. The bfOC"­ -'·•~--.-,·--wt-.thoyIn·- .,..,...,.,..J...... -.- of ...... -.., - - tho - """'ranty __ Third- to-IIIIo- ~- ---.... HohodgrNI­ .. ...,_,...,... --...,. - ...... ,ghen ... - --of-(MM now, - ho did to -.cooa "'Yo.ttJ104toteM...... aAndt• th41c:laal ----t_t_l,_, ____.. -.tho ... Toytor uiM- - - oncl - _.._ - --'-"-to-_,_,---.. to 0011¥11& ..... of the "-"'t--- ~ ,..... ,.,.. 8f'OIIJftd 1M otd llhow tn Ff'W'l~Ce, and M eakl l was a QrM ..-toto of~-"'""· Omolte'a ...... ,._ l -lnt____ ...- - pt8CI)oo ...,.. _,ctowcoo.. l y_,.. - ...------~1-tryto--to...... OIMiolortho- of-_....-_.... ~-olltt--_,....,-of- fllotltlonacy In My ...._-._-~of"'- tho-....-._ r-tolre. And AnthOny Btutoo, ah...... ,... otroiQIIt.-tlnt dtd In Oft_,_ leal yHt-m"'~ I Mile-s Davis (and .the meaning of life) i'hl Classic&J Avant~de alike, Is just have to say 'Damn. What's wrong with this man?' It's not just him. statety. nta cadenza climaxing the Al'-f/ro of the H-aydn compoaiUon, and .re critics as aome woe begotten either. Something's wrong with theM cats, man. his embeUiahments lacing the Allegro mod«-lto of the Hunvnel eonc.to , 5 the critbllndignaUon reelty any "And then, au the punks who acid out, now that it looks like the scene's represent the depths or a man ln command of hla e.xpreu6on. ! o•n ' wid dat White woman?!!"'}. going to tum the other way on them ... It's like, there's nothing they can If there Is any one precedent fof thla album, tt'a the Paco delude LP do now. They mlued the best )'Uti of their tivu., where they woukS have hom 1978ton Phillips~ INturlng 1he legendwy -gultOIIII r-...y learned how to play, atummlng, and now they're backed into a comet', intorp

,, tie Mid ...... I ,..._. hMnf 8Wd "You-~ taM_-, like IMIOa Oowlo Of - "-k and Juat ory I Akl 'Man, that-'s OmefN'' ·on. NY w.tt. another Herbie Hanc:oc:t • gonn.~ c:ome up tomonow · Or Louia «: ne Cldn't liM Omenel Atmatrong. Ain't bu1 OM L.ouia Armauong, "*'· lhere ain't gonna be but u -rd -.o pley'l ~ - They one. That 'a _, the~< try to do, tlwy ea1t - the Loulo Armotroftt of tile " They _, know nolhing abou1 !50a-he w_, no ~ --IMn. They try lo ealt - 'he - Of> - Ha ..._.... ,.....So w-·-i ..,, no 1o1110a o..to. ~·· Jhe,'""" h'l .,._.._- tlloy tala11onG1n11 ...,._.., '-"1.c:o.-ti .... ·-·1ft U. Cia-.. -· _,.,.,. wltllol a.... ---"'0 - oougftt ol - .. -and t- -.a - , .... - T-.... """ ...... ol prollclancy ,_...to-·,_ not Mr.,. • .._AM .. hill 1UIIIIM. --Tho-la-alligllllglltlltHaalf-•'•-10 AllefrO ol""' ...,.... nt hOaaying? ...... 0.. --_,- ...,w..a- c-lollt...... , E.flallolajot ...... -. andlha...,.._oll.-old-'lc-to;-Ilia -·lc ,,..._lor_ ifl D lolajot, to 1he -lty and t-allzlng llourlall ol- ...... --,....,..,....-.- .... - ·· c-to "' E.flaO ...... -- and - .. IWtoo the - o1 thla loiYalc- aa _..-1ft QUIIa alOng Tho_, - . ~- -MinapiraliOfland-etot_l---..,..mne.~_...... ,...... ,____ .. __ ...•ol ,_._....,...... - "IV ~ .._ ...... Jlllf...... Cltl usk:. --llloydoM ....On lap ol 1111 tl'lll.--...... t"'"----'>' by .....lhli _, "'""'."" ______...... ,he IOi brtnglne""---....,.... __...., Into the _,.,.,., doWiv ...... ,. -- .,_the··-of--,.,. co-..--...... ,_ n._ol ______,_... irllerpa~M~Dft 2M-___..... - .. Tho___ .... _, _ -____.. u,ou, ,...,.._,...... ,_ ..__ ....., ,._ .... - ...... ol ._--l!lllnol.,...... -_(,.,,_,....,.._• .. -"" __ !Mt­ _ •-oi 'OO'a __ _ -~-----~ .i IIIIH-ataiiM--totlle ~·------...... ,._., 01 _.. _., - llllllt-....,_ol __ _ ... -----.. by­ ---.-.- a-, and-... ._.....,...... ,_.- .,.__._, ""' of .._ ...... ,. "INa-·-­ _....,,.....__ ___- __ the .. .,..,...... ,.. __ Dalllt ...... -- --"""~~ -· ... ._..... ol_ ..._ ...... __.. ---..--,..._,_,_.,_.,,ea.--_, ..---. ..-.... _, ...... , .--...... , _, ... .., _wttft_, ______T___ ---~·-ol-__ .. __.... _ M... -z---• .. -...-.. ... -.~-·- · -·-tr__ ...,...,.-.·-.._ ...... n._ _ __ _ ~ -Tho--...... _...... ,and ... __ -~0...... __ ...... _ .. .-.--. _....,.._...., oflfto"""""-._,....._,_...... Tho---· --.... oiU. _ _...,_ ..... - _..,.._ ... _,._ .---,... .. _.... ,___ ...... ,..._ _ .,.__,...... , ----bi!J"'""'--_...... ,--.-.--Ontllla ... __ ....,...... ,.....,._----S...-···--,.,...... ___ _,.· .. _ ...... ____ .... ,.._ _ _ ------....---··, --~·- .k·-- ...... ,Tho...... ,...... --·---...,.-~ --·---·...... ,_., __ ..... __ . -...---.....o,- --.-.----...... --...... ,...,·---__, ·-­...... _ ~------.a NYC~.. .. -.----~-..-·---.--­...... ----·- ... -.-. ---·--,,_.______...... -...... ,_.,__-· ____lllolloe------___.. -- .. ·------c.-·--· ...... --·"TTIa..,.....,_. -21-·---.-..-----·--- ...... ::=-:---:...... , -..meo cllchft~ struggle against Lila' s counterpoint recofd In order to gain populat notorietY If you have been looking for 1 way to (symbolized -utlfully by bou ond drum In throughout the country. This recent ,...... , Introduce youtMI!to tho now jazz (or ...., If churning turmoil against whk:h Moondoc hoWI'V'If, runs short of what the "'band really you've beon Into It 1111 olong). thlo to tho tunefully aasalla and atreama forth In needs to gain auccass. ...:ord to gel. And If you don, find It on liMo triumph) In " Echo In Blue" . " One For To begin wtth • It's poorty produced . a.hefvea. complain to the store buytK. It's Omette" Ia a puekllh tribute dktdy-wah Predominantly a bar-band, The Sllck81'8oyl, about time record rwlaJierl In ,Bufta)G got hlp dipping Into the SJHrlt , while " Nimus" Is • do not ·It seems - translete weu to the atud+o. \o what's been selling In the rest of the wor1d. time-space ' exptoretion of Freedom earned, The drums, for example, are repetltk:H.Ia and shared and prepared. excessively k)ud on the eara (a problem that ------Jeffrey Sdlanzer Judy'a Bounce Is 1 classic of truly Is definitely linked to the production of the contemporary Jan. cutting no corners and album, 1 1"1.) The vocals, while good, art puUing oo punChes. as engaging, elemental, nothing special, and they IMm to Jndicllte 1 and lyrk:aJ 11 only the finest masters of this stag~atlon of t he bend's mnic: mld­ Muak: can create. Whh this very special seotenHes new wavlth In tone ai'J style. Import Jemeel Moondoc stakes his claim as The SUckee Soya are r-..Jftfu..cf. ' The an 1'¥0Citlvefy unique Black artist, end It 's concept of the band wouto appear to bl ~ that, u the years go on, thla ctaAm will linked In oriental muatc and cutture. This bedulyprooood. mlounderatondlng could Molly oriN '""" tho CO¥Iif of the album and a glance It the eono not (whk:ll lncludoo one -.g obout tho bombing of Nogoooll>llng- ond Hon!a on ttOmbono Wld Cuttlo Clwll on original -.My -• opotlo out tho -t l1oe ..._...,. ~lc DrMma of plono.J Tho countwpolnt of MUIToy'o ~ uadtUons of Jazz and the rolllctlng PI (TwlnfTone Reco«Mtctlon thlo bringo to hlo own bond, hove - their tong owottod 'llvMdglll~'o -tync: lntonoltyond on - oMo ouHonty ond CyNmoflc OrHmo of 1'1. Tho ploy lo -- lilbUrn. no. lluto, ond Bulen-· _., ...,. m1n1mo1 With Alr"a hlp 4hootlng booolot Fnod albolm lo tho culmlnellon ol nino yoora ol t.._ pitying. - of tho 50'0 Hopldno ond tho logondory dr- Edword ..._ tend ..tlyotll.._, tovrtno. __ the band __,_memHre - Oovk. YOI tt.. lo olwoyo -hlng - 1. Moondoc: Ia ltonpounoo ond Mtth tredttloneJ going on that you can relate to-a rnoglc unlouhod; ...... ,__ -tcoMy Frfdoy lcll to MUIToy'O ....t" - 6nd awoytng with tho title tuno, 0< moon 1ft pr-.""""lnlnr-.nga~ ·UUAB Films Presents A aru·ce Le Marathon MIDNIGHT DOUBLE FEATURES FRI. Feb.3 SAT. Feb 4 Fists of Fury

and and

• suo Li"\DOARD 7130NE.INC. -~ ...... Tickets: S 1.75- students I 2.50 non-students All sbows at Woldman Theatre, Norton HalL Amha'st Campus sponsored by The University Union Activities Board. ' .. '

S l111o n To wnahond Swool Sound John "Cougar" Mellenc:ll... Ult-Huh practk:ea. On ratn.vtng hla own clunky name. (Pofydorl21) (RNa) • Mellencam.p got aome aenM of the job at Pretendera LHmlng To Crawl (Sire) hand. He was MIY to pln u a no-talent You say lt'a tMMn tlmott a ye~~r t lnce the ahowman, Jumping on the rock bandwagon last Who-f'eltttd product hit the maril:tt and Two welcome roaurgencq. Actually tilt­ becauM It happened to pasa hla way o.g,... you nMd a flx7 N"*' ftarl In tha Mml.graat Huh It Couger a..etlenc&mp't ll,.t true •• of talent not withstanding, MeUencamp tradition ot Outs Jagger, Mlka McGear (n.a 0.. thlo album, ho hu flnatty become tho ahowa he hat ample aplrlt. In light of hla p ..t McCartney), and Ray Cavill (h wu 0t¥e's Working Ctau Hero he'a been pre~umlng to aueceaa. Uh·Hull Is a bokt move tcw whk:h he band lwat). Simon Townshend now ~s his be lot MYWat .,..,.. Whet auowa him thta should be raiC)Kted. musical f•t wet. '"The mlnuta you slap now Ia hla underatandlng that there's no EQually bold a move It the returb4ahed Slmon't LP on the turntable," proclaims the herotam to be had. It )'OU're goll'lQ to be a poet Pretenders. While original memt.a Chrlaale press r...... ··au sibling auoclatlona 00 of the working clan. you better know lt'a Hynde and Manln Chambef pra¥all. sorely out thl window." Thia Ia of course bullthit, unatndy MnM of aurvtvat FOJ Chrtu.. mlaMd Ia tha MJroh lyricism or guitarist just tha kind of mlslnformaUon you would Honeyman..SCOtt One approacttes I.Nmittg Hynde, lt'a atwaya be1fn a tlxth ""''· and expect to Mar from tha paop.. who also tall with the deatha ol gulttrltt Jamea To Ctawl with this pr.,udk:e but doa not you to alap your record• onto your turntable. Honeyman-Scott one! bulllt Peto Famdon, IM¥1 whh lt. Whi .. not atunneta. gultartlat Pwte may be 18 yeara older than brothef lt 'a grown more acute. Robbie Mclntoth and baaalat Malcolm Simon, and perhapa not much Mlp In beating Fo.ter art competltlt. To bl hoMit, the - a oplrttod rll)'lhm """ ~~~- ... MCOnd album wu boloegUul . In toct, U 0 Peto ptOjKt·. thll II oontrola, too. All In oH, thlo 11 ~ much aajde, the ,... ot the album eeema mud\ nu not et an bed; tat r.aa moody then All rtte Clvloolo Hyndo'o olbum. With tho muolcot the material on OoutJII Fa rttt ar (not Saar Cowbo,. Have Clt#Mae E,.a and wtth cllounMy -tod by tho -onco of l!lllty IUfl>< phoN. Alluring - o lo Rlctwdo oro 80 carrlecl by tpare, ataady mythms on 111/k afld HOMJ (l'oly®r) ::0,~ c=~.:,,•u;:;;•"'fh:~ •• Authority Song" one! ·'W- Ploco To r-..go modo trom tho tomouo Ptoyl)oy ~ -· Only on.,.. oong. " f'lay Gult01," .,. Tho flrot thing to Moton for on Jolin one! lnt.,.,.. In the I all of 1110 11 11 pec.kacl wHh - chonll gt-. tho torolront onc1 thofo Yoko'• eequel to 1110't Ocw

_,....c;.,...... ,...... ,.._.,"""'A r \ r pu1 tQ~nhtt' • C"Atak• of Smd b)"OWfrct~ -eat.loe C7f lll \\ I~II·~IHh Ill ~'UI) I

Scotlaad'a TANNAHILL WEAVERS and ElliTAGE from Montreal




. 4,5 Tickets: 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 p I 1.50 student matiDee • 1.76 etudent I 2.60 DOD..tudent .., ...... ,...WOLDIIAM 'I'B&A.TUu... NO&TOif Theaterloft

Mulically, BuHaio Ia -...ng o lonnulo town. It you'roln o joZl go 11M~- ouch joZl- u o..tor rololion to Frad and Elllol) with Gonion, Alwnod Jomol ond AllMI' Lincoln~ ,....., plonlat AI Tl!!!!!r· A.tbr+ght-Kno~t. Hallwallt ta alto In ou~lat Bltol Abdullah and drurner '*"f McCIOift. cahoola with BuH SQ!o. At the Pwcuuiorl Ouortot wiN - 01 n-4irtolt on F...-...y 2e Upton Hall goflory on the Elmwood at -roma p.m. n.. _.... w111 portorm .,.,. mua1c 1or .,...-. On Moren •. ,...._ compua. tho SUC8 Att Ed . .,_~ wltl -t the e.at BuHIIIo--Oiion, on lntormedia Dopt. ond Hallwofla lo pr_,ll"'l o group lnlcucllng Don Me!z and Tonr Bllionl, at a:oo p.m. The proorom on m1x11n of art and onlfoct .­ - 11 (2:00 p.m.) Ia ontltled. " Buftlllo Guttllllala Plartng BuHIIIo Mualc, • "Pwaonal Elfoclo." Paintings ond - will -.... local gultllllala, Including the Buftlllo Guitar auortot, _ _,_,_., ...... ~-12oll,. . found objocta carnong them, on performing_,.. of BuHIIIo- __. Ortll. 8puct) and <14,.,._ Inflatable Buga Bunny) are Thla _,t Ia --111 the Buftolo Ollltor Soclotr ond the BuHolo dlaptayad - t.,-ln - Mualc --The-to all conc..ta Ia S3.00 _.,and the art onob of ony kind.··-lor · ­ 12.00 atudonta and ~ joxcept the guitar concer1 - Ia Eftectl"' rune to Feb. 10. ~ -OOIS3.IJOI. By pn~~enttng a wlde range of rnuak:a in one aertea. Theatertoft hopei to draw audMrtcM .tiling to come and Uaten to forma of musk: they m~t'tt not ottwwlM t. familiar wtth. In a period where mua6ca of aU torte are The Return -.cling with.- other, croNing o- and back, and u traditional tormo Iilia "IOZZ" and " ciOIOical" oro bocornlng IHa and IHa uoafu~ o lol of of Cabaret 650 pooplo oro dl-tng oxcHing things In mualcal -roo they prw¥louofy

cew.t --lad .. IIIlO­ - ..... to - ·.. wlllch ... tho - of - lnt-lng ployo lUI - et-J, In • Coolor ~ Ia ~-t· Malocuo lorl4 - ernphufDng - ,.. mualc ond ~..-.The club nightlllnt-ln-.galalo aft- 1or __,_ -wantto-moraollho -ltudy-of - oardo --· lithia plq_,..,..lnt_, _on tlown to tho cew.t 11110 - ...,_ llati.Wdar nlghl at 10 p.lft. • till - · Thoro wiG bo fully atockad bar ond IMI .,lor1of-la by The Buffalo New Mualc ::to':.=:=.=Ell- and Tortaion, among onwMI Somuof rvn let• tNa month, eo W81ch lor fl. -··F-.­

The Boolc ,Revue

Marlo Men: r .

Media Study Public Workshops for Filmmakers

For those of you who always 27th. Cotor Vktao Productkm will bo olloted In Video odillng, Video wanted to make ph:turea. not be In 1tso run for eight weeki and wUI be Technotogy, Sound Recording, them. Media StudyiBuftato on taught by Nancy Staloacker Beale Audk) Synthesis and e Oetaware Avenue is offering some Norwood. (lame datal}. special two daY aympoalum on How very reasonably pr~ worttshops Considering the high colt of to Write and Self Your Screenplay. on how to maka and 'rideos materlala for these mediums. the For furthet' lnformaUon, write or this month. Jonn Husenlratz will S50.00 regiatr~~Uon tee Ia not bad; call Media StudyiButlalo, 207 be taachina an etght week course. these are protesa~ally matruct..S o.laware A'tenue, BuflaJo. New ~n wf'lich a shof1 16mm film will be wot"klhof)S. York 1(202 , 8t7·2S55. made from February 7 to March Leter In the spring workshoos will

Tannahill Weavers

One of Scotlancra moat powerful bands. the Tannahill w.. .,.. will be headlining an evening of •nternatlona l tolk music at downtown Buttato's Traltamadofa Cafe this ...enlng {Thutsday, Feb. 2) at; PM ...... ,__.. _., NII-I ~ Fl1day ftiiM .. al ·-·--·"""""'two 7:10 Md 10 ...... at K~· 1 A fouHRan group playing tradjUonal Scotti4h muak, the TWs nave juat released their 5th album, Paau~ on thof Green Unne1 rec:otd labet Bukta the lead ..-ocala of guttanat Roy Guttane. the Waa¥'8t'a · aet hlghUghta the flute and wntst .. ptaying of Phil SmiiUa, the g'ultat, Buffalo ReRional ~allet bouzouki, vocals and baas pedalling of L.. Wilson an6 tampaatuoua warplpar Alan MacLeod. wmner of the DunciM and trwerneu Mods, ftrat In the march, The Bufl&)o Aegtonal htaet. atwayt one of the bf~ht ... atara on the strathapey and reet oompetiUona of lOCal d:anc. ICIIM. It preeenUng four ptlmlera billet I at Kathetlne Cotnretl cuue Milk. t..aa a110 exerciMa on lhlo -. Black Mountain co.._ II will opon- the ballet'~ Plk: by Aoaatnl, while RUiftaoian Oencea and I Got Rhythm Varlattona oro .,., - o1 auc.c. ~ MC lo IWIOO and GerMwln, ·-·-~ TICkall oro $5.00 -ol on auctJ in8t""'*"'' u lldrftjMIOflond an .,.,lngty ci!Mp U .OO lor lluclonll. C'mon, wtlat cov1c1 , CJuttw. _,.,., plano, ,..,.,., ..,.,_ buc.. ,,..._ld poulllly -•-no oneol , .. _, dMCO cello-·--, lluto, 1\onnonlco, tin comp.enj.n mthe arM ancs M..-lng aomt great cl.. tk::ll muak:? A beat bu)' Performance Art

...... , __ _

Master Harold ... and the Boys

IOn<>'*l at~en1t::'·~~~:~:o~__ ...... _,0 ' nt'::.~: t------....f John Sebastian. camp couneelor the diet,..., •..._. TOftr·awn... -Z..--IfttM_, _____ ...... ,..._.,_'-.... Jab ~alia Jottenttei:Htt·lllota .,okee ~...... _,,_ ...... ,.,,_ --hT...,.- ...... _ ... ,..._...,..._ ..... -the_.... - ""' T,.,_ tlllt T-.. _,,.... _by .. ...,...,._, ...... __ btl_ ..... ,., ...... J1111 Malia btchtde tult artetllea• •ocantt CtHn --·-·--- ,_,_.....,.-----y­llotoglooo,o-olttteJ- .... ---....--·the - .. ...,.,_ .,.__, __ ---.....---- ... ,__ lor • - ____- -_ ...... _....,.. -"-"' - ....- Sttl. tz.sl..... - -_ _ ---_ - _, - ·· ,....,. Willie Ul-~----_...... ,_ ----·... w --­ -.. -,...... _,, ------·-100... ,..... · ,_,...-· - ..10 ••••••••••••••• Mame ~~and law)er, lalk wi1h • lheMarine~~~ ~ • liDen he~ )001' ~ More than • 190,000 Mllrines could use )001' seMre. fine arts • .------., • • :•· • pop • culture • • • • • curtains • up

new film

new wave

the prodigal sun

write for .. _...... ··---·-...... ,,­ us ··-·--.._ ...... --AOS--.....--...ct.--,-­ ...... -YWflgro71 S. tt!.. s.c .... $uri t. "...,... _ J-'00 ...... Sl ~-}Mtl Movies •1!11111!1111~~~ ----- 7liiiS..., ...... S....-(11 ~ -.... -m ~----- 1M ...,...... -o.tf!Dol-1.46, 4"1$. 7·10, .... n.. UI0,71!.1:45 ~ -(tU!i ..-...... _ .,_. _,.,.... M/1111 IIIINifrr- IMII F. &v c:Mf-2...... 10, ,._ 0,. Wo.f-t.lQ, ...... _Sc.,.wi.:OO. $uri 2...... n...... , NonOfl H , A~Mefst M.~OittftiMMWlllle-ttv\11'.. 21...... _.., .... lt- lllw- Dic* ...... ,_,....._ ,," ~ U0. . 7'.3Q, )l0, 5.l0. 7:30..1:)0 ~ - ~~,..,..,....,...... ,.c:a..to~o-.,o...,...... F11 -~....._- -£wttl l"d, ~ 7 1$...... ----- 00. ~.,...... _~ bl- s.-...... ,_, £"""' -a...-. """""'ol .. 0..,0. bt' ...... ~ ...... ,_, o-1 f...... _, _, . 4.20. 7. 10. ~~lror .. "'-tl"ita.JO,._. " ··· •••-l020 Dol•••'• .... . c:- ...... u.c:-- 'iMw-Fri MO S.. 21$. sa...,.._,..J0.•::2$.rts.to Tneater----• .... at•y ...o-20 1 O.toworo A•o KonMOro -FII-Wostctlooto.r Coilll•ty, "-lO. 7~~Suft..,Tllwt:t5.UO, I:C.I.. n.-., llllll---St• --1.30, 4,30, 1-30. 1:40...... ,...... __.IN¥1a., ~,.....,_,.....,...,_.,...., IM - Tftl._, -ao.---Fri Wllds.tt.4. , l.l.~1i.Surl ~ ....-, .. t;JO.J'•tS.I:50.l...... ~ '--'-- --~w~-n--o ...... , ..... !fWU Thuf 2:15,.!, 7'1S. ~15, 7Jw ... C&.W-Frl 0.,-145.,3:46,U$, 746,1'115 flloctprs.--..a,..,.._.IM ..... ,.,..._ ...... ,. ._ .. , ,., ...... oS..2::1$.5.:ot5..t.. UUS.,S...U..Thwl.US. ~ ,..,...., Mon011 H• n, ...... ,.., ...... ,. .. F':310 . Classical•---• Awo - Fri- ~ ..._,_otOr .. . .. ,s ~FnMOS.l.!:l!O.I.S...ttwv c.r..u.- nwr. ... Frt.,.,., ~~~- ~ tfwolilllll'l ..,• r,...... ,.CM.,....,., ...... a...... ~ ...... _.tJ,_. It. ....,_ ,... fl\ul'1"5. !,1"1i,T-·• 1Ufw1Fft.,.. .. Z:11, .t,,,._.,. _so, r. 1. s.t .~ s-. ,,.. ,...,..~~~ - ll'lw~2 .. 121Mitt)-''t-...tl ol ••-• au11, 1, 1'.l0,. ..__ 1 1!., 1.1!.1:1$. Mtti,IW!*"tn...Z.I.t!..7 1$. ,._.,_uo. o..c.tt S..-1:00 n..._,_,_..,.,.,rl .. a:.-...... uo ... - ~.kiM _,..~_, EtAl _____ ..... ~ 2 .... 1. S:MIII ..,_ ,...... , ,.,...... ,..._... _ t ti Hof Oot-fn ..,. .. t. 4, 1. 1.1:56. Suft '" ,_,., £Mkott ~·· - wee .w,. - !NuThut~1S.$.7 , 1~ -flft MCIS..l.4 . "•-"• .._.,• . .s.c,., llfilt ., ~ _.,_ .kltWIIt ...... n.-.,...... 6 • • ~SWittww'TlUl.5.7 , 1. ___ .. .,..,._,u c::...l ,_. .,._att ....._ a.- ..... - AD JoM, , __~...._...... -.- ~ .,.,. s.t 1. 4 30. 7 1!. 1.46, 1W1 tN\1 OWl CIMe'-l ,...... , _Okl ~mp ...... P'fl ...... -..~ ...... , ._...,_h.,.Uol CMr,t GoooetU• ftM,r 2,.UQ,e;J0 ,_..,.,. ~ SXII Bmwood ~ ot ----o...-c:..~~~p,...... , .- .... ,. ---,.,.... ._ ...... Fft .. ti:'JO • .... ~...... _.. a.-ue...... ,- .-... ~-F-NIO S.. ...c1 lwt l:5&. 7 ~~111-.,..'lo..ll - l'ro•t ~ ...... ,._ ...... c:.Meltlllllir!SII.~tlllll-'lrl ..._ .. _. T•P;)O ~- ~-1:20. a. ..ell SWittS, s·ts. I'..Z --.n..,.,.. .. "" WOd s.. .. IMOI'MPI -...... ~ ...... ,...... Tt elte•oMro Coto- tOO '"••ter f..- -..-c.. m.noa ,_,._flrlw_,.,...... Md ~ ...... ,,,_-, ..,. , • • • • ,_,...... fl . ...-., •-sa...--t t!.. uo. r ''- 1:56. ~ Clad ..... Owltrt.. n..,s.,.,--.. - cRock.. u- •••~•-•,, -~-,, ...... r _,ol~ - t"JD,41S,7 , 1: t6,0..,. --,..s-~,,- .. Art Galleries- II - ll'lilllr-N•IISI 1 111 Frt-L•M• ••. .,.._.... ., .... "' ...... ,.., ,__,_ .,.... _,_ &::30,. 7. 1::310.,...... t.oooW C:.... o.--~ hf*r ., ...... ,.....,_,_o....M-....1 s.t -~ ...... DMir-'M ...... 'IJiliM-C:..O.W. _.., 'fMf- J­ ---2"1!. S.liO. 7 ... 1:56. ,._ Cry ,~.._ ... .,... u...---. ... ~ IW. w ~ u... ~ '"" .. .JO. ,.,. ~ ~ .... 1.n~~ , .. ,, ...... ltiMfl., ... __ ...... I'IIOW- l'1S,S.7.llll:56,,....,_2, • ..30, 7 ·~ .sr..-o~ ...... ---~ ...... ,..,...... ~ hfi.CO- lllu•t'- fal arot rri - (IIUOI ....., .....,....._MMIC: ot llltMMar • ~ ...-.s.. ._,..lO, U6. uo. 7U, c:- ._...,... Clilltt.,_, o.- ol ... CliM«. ~ ~ ...... , ...... ,~ t-~ . ~0.,.,-t.eQ.l:-!.AO , t.O.I'.O, IfOI E.t~ • ll t> ol-1 11 40) r•o Wo ii- C12 10) ...... _...... ~__...... of ...... _..._MI ...,_ .. - fro- ltlft IN 1M ••,. .,...... ,_. ,, •• i.,•• ~11"1~ z...... Dof- 1 30.3::li0.$.:30.73D,t;:JO ...... t -(1t15t, lODO ...... lit-'~ .... ~ ...... _...._llllt'V ...... ~...,~ """"'-'" ,___~ ...... ,..,._, .. s...... ~ . ~~ ,~·~121!11 lhrilll ,.. • • JM 'felfiltl 1k ,....Nrfy ..... ~ o.NII T'haotor bloott...... ---- ...... lrltoft- 0..0 ..... S.....l. ' 7 S.~--1.:00 S...... ,lwt 2 I ...... ,._IIIDc:ltr,...,....~.V..,.., ,..,..._....,....,,...... ~WM- OM!rofiMIII .... ~·ue"""'--'c....,..

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~~is '"·-· America's Youtli lin

New Pretenders lp ... p.l