
Riparian Systems

January 2007 and Management Leaflet Number 45


Riparian areas are transitional zones between terres- trial and aquatic systems exhibiting characteristics of both systems. They perform vital ecological functions linking terrestrial and aquatic systems within - sheds. These functions include protecting aquatic eco- systems by removing from , decreasing flooding, maintaining appropriate water conditions for aquatic life, and providing organic ma- terial vital for and structure of aquatic . They also provide excellent wildlife hab- itat, offering not only a water source, but food and shelter, as well. NRCS

Soils in riparian areas differ from in upland areas because they are formed from sediments with differ- ent textures and subjected to fluctuating water levels and degrees of wetness. These sediments are rich in nutrients and organic matter which allow the soils to retain large amounts of moisture, affecting the growth and diversity of the communities.

Riparian areas typically are vegetated with lush growths of grasses, forbs, , and that are tolerant of periodic flooding. In some regions (Great ), however, trees may not be part of the his- toric riparian . Areas with saline soils or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service heavy, nearly-anaerobic soils (wet environ- ments and high elevations) also are dominated by her- baceous . In intermittent waterways, the ri- parian area may be confined to the channel.

Threats to riparian areas have come from many sourc- es. Riparian and bottomlands are fertile and valued farmland and , as well as prime wa- ter-front property desired by developers. Since the early 1900s, riparian areas have been cleared and con- verted to use as pastures, cultivated fields, and hous- ing developments. Urban encroachment, channeliza- tion, and other water resource development activities have contributed to the destruction and alteration of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service native riparian areas. Symptoms of degraded riparian Riparian examples: California (top); Maine systems include , (or lack of oxygen), (middle); and Wyoming intermittent stream declines in , colonization by invasive (bottom) Riparian Systems which reduce habitat suitability for wildlife, and microbes, and the release of gaseous prod- and more frequent and expansive flooding. ucts of metabolism, such as dioxide and meth- ane, is enhanced. The objective of this leaflet is to assist farmers, ranch- ers, watershed planners/managers, homeowners, and The hydroperiod, which includes duration, intensity, community members in understanding the impor- and timing of flooding, is the determinant of the eco- tance of riparian areas and provide guidance in im- system’s structure and function. The timing of - plementing land management practices to improve ing is particularly important. Flooding in the growing riparian health. Additionally, methods for assessing ri- has a greater effect on productivity parian conditions and identifying resources available than does flooding in the nongrowing season. to assist in management are provided. Ground water has a close relationship with surface Benefits and functions of riparian sys- water in and flood plains. The normal gradi- tems ent and direction of ground water movement is to- ward features through ground water . During periods of high water, the gradient Riparian systems look and function differently across is reversed, and water moves from the stream to the the country. In spite of their differences, riparian ar- . The recharge of ground water is vitally impor- eas possess some common ecological and hydrologi- tant. In the West, many streamside go dry late cal characteristics; namely, , flood con- in the season due to poor livestock management in ri- trol, nutrient cycling, and water quality protection. parian areas, as well as removal, , and They provide recreational and economic benefits, as poor upland as a whole. well. Water storage and flood reduction , pools, bars, and curves in the stream chan- The flooding is important to riparian ecosystems as it nel absorb the energy of flowing water. If the channel can affect stream morphology and vegetation. Water is not altered and remains in contact with the flood storage is recharged through seepage and channel , floodwaters will spread out over the flood plain. overflow onto flood plains. Nutrients in riparian eco- As the floodwaters move through the riparian vegeta- systems are partially supplied by materials and water tion, plants dissipate erosive energy, reduce erosion, delivered during flood events. Additionally, overbank and increase the time for water to infiltrate the soils flooding ventilates soils and so that gases are and be stored for slow release. exchanged more rapidly. Oxygen is supplied to roots Nutrient cycling

When nutrient-rich is deposited on the flood plain, it is modified by a number of different chemi- cal and biological mechanisms and cycled through the system. Nutrients like , , cal- cium, , and potassium are rapidly taken up by shallow-rooted plants like grass. Easily dissolved nutrients that may leach downward through the soil into the ground water are taken up by deeper-rooted vegetation, such as trees. Some of the nutrients tak- en up by plants are returned to the system during au- tumn leaf fall or when the vegetation dies and is de- composed.

Energy transfer

Riparian areas are unique in the way in which ener- Maine Department of Environmental Defense gy contained in organic matter is transferred from or- Impervious surfaces, such as roads and parking lots, ganism to organism. Energy inputs from riparian veg- do not allow water to infiltrate the soil quickly. This etation are closely tied to the productivity of instream increased runoff can quickly overflow storm drains, . That is, energy contained in organic litter in potentially causing flooding. the form of fallen leaves, twigs, and other dead plant

 Riparian Systems parts, when transported laterally into waterways, pro- Riparian vegetation also reduces sediments in the wa- vides fuel for instream animal communities both lo- ter by decreasing the rate of erosion. Deep-- cally and downstream from the source of origin. As ed woody vegetation has the greatest stabilizing affect compared with purely aquatic or terrestrial ecosys- on streams or riverbanks. tems, organic matter produced in riparian ecosystems has the potential for supporting a diversity of food Nutrients, pesticides, and are transport- webs within the entire watershed. ed with sediment and trapped in the riparian area. Many of these are broken down by physical or bio- Water quality protection chemical processes and reduced to harmless forms. Some are taken up by riparian vegetation and incor- As flood spread over a flood plain, water veloc- porated into their living tissues during the growing ity is reduced by the vegetation, which allows much season. Others bind to sediments and are permanent- of the sediment to settle, reducing the likelihood of its ly stored in the soils of riparian areas. re-entering the stream. Riparian vegetation increas- es of particulate matter in the flood Recreational and economic benefits plain by filtering additional sediment from runoff and floodwaters. The result is that riparian areas serve Stable streams, made possible by an intact riparian as effective sediment traps and reduce the amount system, protect and enhance river and lake environ- of sediment that might otherwise enter a stream or ments for recreational uses such as hiking, camping, downstream waterbody. , fishing, and boating. Clear water, free of nox- ious plant or algal growths, is important to swimmers and anglers. The scenic qualities of natural beauty, wildness, and privacy are enhanced by native stream- side and lakeshore vegetation. In urban, residential, and campground areas, natural streamside and lake- shore vegetation provides a visual contrast and buf- fers the noise from nearby highways.

The ecological benefits, visual diversity, and aesthetic beauty of a riparian system can be considerable; how- ever, there are some economic benefits to a riparian area, as well. In some cases, haying, , or alter- native, low intensity agricultural enterprises (such as harvesting Christmas trees, strawberries, mushrooms, or nuts) can be conducted with minimal harm to the riparian area.

William Hohman, NRCS Aerial photograph of a functional flood plain in north- ern Minnesota in . in the river help Washington State Department of absorb the energy of flowing water. Functioning flood Black bears will utilize riparian areas for food and plains hold water and reduce downstream flooding. denning sites.

 Riparian Systems Wildlife use

General Birds use riparian areas as nesting, migrational, and wintering habitat. Abundant foods pro- Riparian areas are extremely valuable wildlife habitat. duced in riparian areas and adjacent aquatic zones Site characteristics (high productivity, structural com- are especially important to birds during migration and plexity) and situation (habitats interwoven nesting, when nutritional demands are great. Winter between terrestrial and aquatic systems throughout flooding of riparian areas provides access to foods at the watershed) contribute to the importance of ripar- southern latitudes. When large trees mature and die, ian areas as wildlife habitat. the standing snags provide habitat for cavity nesting birds. use of riparian areas has been shown to be Vegetation (whether living, decaying or dead, stand- positively associated with the number of snags, cano- ing or fallen) has a major influence on wildlife use of py layers, saplings, size, and diversity of vegeta- riparian areas. The shade, detritus, and coarse woody tion. Residents use riparian corridors for local move- debris provided by streamside vegetation are very im- ments throughout the year. portant for healthy fisheries. Leaves, branches, and even whole trees uprooted by or other natural Aquatic communities forces become food and shelter for aquatic organisms. Logs falling into streams often divert streamflow into Riparian areas provide organic matter and substrate new pathways, thereby increasing the complexity of required by instream organisms. Organic material in the channel and helping to maintain a diversity of hab- the form of twigs, branches, bark, leaves, nuts, fruits, itat niches for aquatic plants and animals. A multi-sto- and flowers originating in riparian vegetation adjacent ried plant canopy of annual and perennial grasses and to the stream is broken down by aquatic microorgan- forbs, as well as juvenile and mature shrubs and trees, isms and stream . provides a variety of above-ground habitat for birds and other wildlife, and below-ground habitat for bur- Overbank flooding of streams and rivers also provides rowing animals and soil organisms. Large numbers of organic matter and nutrients used by aquatic commu- migratory and resident birds rely on streamside habi- nities. During periods of high water levels, rivers and tat. More than 100 native species of land in streams expand into the adjoining riparian flood plain, the United States are dependent on riparian zones. picking up large amounts of organic matter, nutrients,


Mature riparian forests provide important habitat for small to large mammals. Black bears may be found in riparian areas, particularly where there is brushy cover for hiding and mature hardwoods for denning and food production. White-tailed deer make use of these areas for forage and cover. Land mammals use riparian areas as corridors for movement and routine- ly hunt along waterways. Many mammals use ripari- an areas as travel corridors as they disperse from their dens. Other mammals commonly associated with ri- parian areas are beaver, mink, , and river otter.

Reptiles and

Connections to uplands within and beyond the ripar- ian area are important to and amphibians and need to be managed. Many species of amphibians rely on aquatic habitat during the breeding season and then spend most of their lives in upland habitat, often NRCS at a considerable distance away. The reverse is true Riparian areas serve as wildlife corridors providing for many reptiles as they need dry upland sites for important routes for the yearly migrations of land nesting. Fallen trees and snags (remaining dead trees) animals and birds. As seen in this image, connecting are used as shelter and a source of food for many spe- corridors allows wildlife to travel without entering cies of amphibians and reptiles. farmland or developments.

 Riparian Systems and small organisms. When flood waters recede, this nutrient-enriched water further supports the growth of aquatic plants and microorganisms. At the same time, flooding allows fish to migrate from the stream channel to feed and in the flood plain.

Riparian vegetation can have a great impact on wa- ter , which is critical to many aquatic or- ganisms. Reduced stream temperature can increase a stream’s oxygen-. Vegetation shades the water from the sun, particularly important during the hot summer months.

Riparian system structure AFS Fisheries Techniques Visuals The plant species of riparian areas vary depending on Zone 1 contains water-loving plants that help to stabi- the location of the watershed, as well as the stream lize streambanks and promote water recharge. slope, light and water availability, flooding, and soil conditions. However, regardless of the species com- position, the vegetation is organized into zones or ecosystem bands based largely on site-specific mois- ture regimes.

Riparian systems may have one to three zones, de- pending on the location and habitat structure. Some systems are very simple with a single zone of grass- es and sedges. Other systems have additional zones of primarily woody vegetation and mixes of upland and riparian vegetation. The expression of zones in an area is a reflection of such as fire, wind, herbivory, and flooding. Each zone consists of vegeta- tion adapted to survive in the specific moisture/distur- bance regime of that area and able to perform specific www.clr.utoronto.ca ecological functions. Zone 2 is represented by the background trees in this image. Zone 2 contains species of shrubs, trees, and • Zone 1—This band hosts species found along moisture-loving grasses and forbs. the water’s edge. The most prevalent species are sedges and rushes that are water-loving and ca- pable of stabilizing streambanks with their deep, strong roots. These species are critical for pro- moting water recharge and decreasing depth to . • Zone 2—This zone contains species that are found in wet ground and consist of shrubs, trees, moisture loving grasses, and water-toler- ant broad leaved plants. These plants catch wa- ter and facilitate absorption of nutrients trans- ported into the area by runoff and ground water and provide habitat for terrestrial animals. • Zone 3—This zone is located where the ripari- an zone merges with the uplands and includes a mixture of riparian and upland species. The area Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Zone 3 contains a mixture of upland and riparian spe- is also host to many terrestrial animals including cies. As seen in this image, zone 3 can create a many early successional, edge-loving species. edge habitat and, thus, contains many early succes- sional species.

 Riparian Systems Degraded riparian systems Removal of vegetation increases sunlight that en- ters the channel resulting in increased water temper- When a riparian system is degraded, heavy runoff atures. Vegetation removal also exposes soil to - moves through the directly into riv- drop impact runoff, increasing erosion. er channels. Fine sediments eventually fill up stream pools, altering the shape of the stream channels and covering rocky stream bottoms, thereby impairing im- portant food-producing, shelter, and spawning areas. Often sediment and erosion controls at development Runoff can bring seeds of nonnative and nonriparian sites are inadequate for the type of land being devel- plant species, reducing habitat for native species, and oped. Some construction sites have improper erosion the water table can be lowered by crowding out more and sediment control measures from the beginning of native riparian species. of the native work, and the remaining riparian areas are unable to plant community can create a fire risk by increasing mediate the sediment load entering the water. fuel loads. Furthermore, streamsides lose their ability to buffer and protect streams, resulting in damage to Impervious surfaces, such as parking lots and roads, aquatic habitat, increased costs for treating drinking create a water movement system quite different from water, and loss of aesthetic appeal. a natural watershed. Rain quickly runs off the imper- vious surfaces into river channels, resulting in earlier and higher peak flow. Runoff in watersheds with sub- Misuse of riparian areas stantial amounts of impervious surfaces has the po- tential to carry increased sediment loads and other Forest management materials such as , pesticides, trace metals, and other toxic materials that were improperly ap- Improper forest management practices can destroy plied or disposed. riparian area benefits and functions. Sediment is the most prevalent coming from poorly man- Water flow modifications aged forests. Sediment comes from erosion of ex- posed soils due to improperly constructed access Dams, , and stream channelization significant- roads that concentrate runoff. Improper harvesting ly alter water movement and storage in riparian sys- practices can also impact riparian areas. Inadequate tems. Additionally, these modifications can severely riparian buffers contribute to bank erosion and cause alter the suitability of rivers and streams to spawning water to rise. Skidder traffic causes ero- and migratory such as cutthroat and bull . sion of soils and soil compaction, which in turn af- fects the regrowth of vegetation on impacted areas.

Agricultural management

Grazing animals with unrestricted access to riparian areas may remove streamside vegetation, compact or disturb soils, and break down banks, resulting in both channel incision and widening of stream channels. Additionally, when animals have free access to riparian areas, their manure is deposited or washed into streams. This results in excessive nutrients, or- ganic matter, and pathogenic organisms.

Riparian areas have often been converted to cropland because of and convenient access to ir- rigation water. Intensive use of the land for growing crops can have negative environmental consequenc- es due to the scale of operation. Agricultural practic- es such as chisel-plowed row cropping and installa- tion of surface and subsurface drains, adversely affect the hydrology and water quality of riparian areas.

Agricultural processes can remove permanent vegeta- Sally Letsinger tion, which reduces the rate at which water infiltrates Bank sloughing, as seen in this image, is a sign of de- through the soil and moves into the . graded riparian system.

 Riparian Systems

In the Great Plains and arid West, diversions for irri- The appearance of unstable riparian areas is often gation are common and have important implications quite different from that of stable systems. When as- for plant life, as well as life cycles and movement pat- sessing for system stability, indicators such as bank of aquatic organisms. In some cases, the with- sloughing, seepage in the banks, lack of vegetation, drawals are indirect, resulting from extensive pump- straightened channels, and invasions from nonnatives ing of ground water in close proximity to the stream should be addressed. A more detailed description of or river reducing flows. instability indicators can be found in table 1.

Wetland loss Management and restoration Since European settlement, many have been Restoration and enhancement projects are often com- lost or degraded for agricultural, commercial, and in- plicated as the hydrology at both local and watershed dustrial developments. Additionally, habitats scales, , and current and historic plant and ani- have been affected by the invasion of nonnative plants mal communities must be considered. Extensive plan- and introduced animals. On many sites, these nonna- ning must be done before a riparian restoration or en- tive species have become well established, common- hancement project can be implemented. ly replacing native species or exerting large influences on the functional dynamics of existing native habitats. Landowners must first identify and understand the Wetland loss and degradation in the watershed is an problems (loss of vegetation, overgrazing) and oppor- important planning consideration when seeking to re- tunities (how lost functions can be restored). Local establish riparian functions. landscape and historical factors that led to the cre- ation and function of the riparian ecosystem must first Riparian assessment be understood. These factors may include land use, topography, water quality, climate, and . A large number of riparian classification, inventory, and evaluation procedures have been developed; how- Once the problems and opportunities are identi- ever, most of these were created to fit local needs or fied, objectives for restoration must be outlined. specific programs. Some are comprehensive, requir- Objectives might include planting riparian buffers, ing detailed onsite surveys; others are very general. fencing livestock from riparian areas, and conducting Currently, the Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, de- controlled grazing or burning. The available resources veloped by the NRCS, is used in all 50 states by land- required to undertake the restoration or enhancement owners and staff. This protocol includes riparian project must be identified and analyzed to formulate areas and can be found at http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/ a plan of action and any alternative plans of action technical/ECS/aquatic/svapfnl.pdf. that might be considered. Available resources might include riparian restoration expertise or financial re- sources. Armed with all this information, landowners will be well equipped to decide on the proper plan of action for their riparian restoration or enhancement project.

Before implementing their plan, landowners and managers are strongly urged to discuss their ripar- ian restoration or enhancement plans with experts from Federal, State, or local government agencies or qualified personnel from conservation organizations. Evaluation of the plan throughout the planning pro- cess, as well as during and after its implementation, is vital to the success of the project, as well as future ri- parian restoration and enhancement projects.

Riparian buffers

A is an area of varying size managed Asolin County Conservation District Once decisions are made, the plan should be imple- to reduce the impact of adjacent land uses on aquat- mented, paying close attention to detail. In this im- ic ecosystems. With careful design, buffers can serve age, is taking place along a streambank. several important riparian functions. Like a natural

 Riparian Systems

Table 1 Signs of a degraded riparian system

Headcutting and A headcut is a discontinuity in the base of the stream. Downcutting occurs when some- thing causes the stream to increase its velocity and erode away the channel bottom. As the channel cuts downward, the ground water table is lowered. Consequently, wa- ter-loving plants isolated on the old flood plain and streambanks may no longer get the moisture they need

Bank sloughing Localized bank collapse indicates a stability problem. Bank sloughing may be caused by undercutting of the toe (bottom of the bank), bank seepage, or saturation of very loosely deposited material

Steep banks Steep banks indicate that the stream is adjusting laterally or that the bank toe has been lost. This often occurs in channels that have been downcut and are reestablishing a flood plain

Seepage in banks Seepage often affects incised channels. When water tables rise, the seepage exits through the streambank. Soil particles are dislodged if seepage forces are sufficient. Even if soil is not removed, the saturated area represents a weak point the next time high flows occur

Lack of vegetation Lack of vegetation covering the banks can indicate that the area was recently subject to scour or or the area has unfavorable moisture patterns for plant growth. Sparse vegetation or changes in species composition may be due to lack of moisture re- sulting from severe degradation or a dropping water table

Straightened channels Frequently, streams and other waterbodies are altered to facilitate farming activities. This increases the slope by reducing the length. Streams often downcut to return to the original slope or original natural meandering pattern. Straightening can increase the speed of sediment and water movement and can reduce viable habitat for many aquat- ic organisms

Shallow-rooted vegetation with Riparian vegetation must have deep, strong roots to provide bank support. Shallow relatively low productivity roots will not perform this function, and bank sloughing and erosion will become more common Lack of shade and overhanging Shade protects the water temperature in a riparian system. The absence of shade is an vegetation indicator of poor riparian health due to lack of shade-producing vegetation

Wide stream channel with shallow, Waterbodies in riparian systems should be clear and free from floating sediment. If wa- muddy water ter appears muddy or murky, sediment is being disturbed by increasing flow or other factors Invasion of undesirable plant Riparian vegetation has adapted to the moist, flooded environment situated near the species banks. Many invasive species have not adapted to the specific ecology of riparian sys- tems and may indicate a change in soil regimes

 Riparian Systems system, well-designed buffers can preserve the char- Vegetation also plays a critical role in streambank and acteristics of the waterbody, protect water quality, riparian area protection. Its importance becomes even and improve habitat for wildlife in the surrounding more apparent in systems with easily disturbed soil area. To optimize their effectiveness in controlling ag- materials. As previously mentioned, vegetation pro- ricultural contaminants, riparian buffers should be vides a number of functions, including bank stabili- designed with awareness of adjacent land uses and zation, moderating moisture regimes, and protecting management. For severely eroded banks or deeply banks from streamflow. A dense mixture of vegetation entrenched creeks, , in addition to over the entire bank is desired to reduce sensitivity. buffers, may be required. Various age classes and plant types should be repre- sented with little or no exposed soil. A well-designed buffer system may include not only a buffer area established on land next to a stream, but Vegetation management also plantings that stabilize the streambank and wet- lands constructed to absorb stream runoff. Buffer Haying and Mowing design techniques are outside the scope of this leaf- let; however, for more information on riparian buf- Haying at appropriate times of the year using suitable fer creation and management, reference the Stream methods can be an effective way to maintain warm- Corridor Restoration Manual at http://www.nrcs. season grasses. Grasses should be cut to a minimum usda.gov/technical/stream_restoration/newgra.html height of 6 inches, and it is important to rotate har- and the Grassed Waterways Job Sheet at http://efotg. vested areas on an annual basis. nrcs.usda.gov/references/public/IL/waterway.pdf.

Assessing stream stability and sensitivity

Assessing existing stream conditions is imperative before initiating riparian restoration or management projects. Assessing the stability of the existing sys- tem and the sensitivity of the waterway to manage- ment practices requires examination of upstream and downstream areas.

Stability assessment

There are a number of visual indicators that can re- veal the stability of a waterbody. Healthy streams generally have a meandering pattern with alternat- ing areas of shallow water with rapid flow and areas of calmer, deeper water. Additionally, stable riparian areas have vegetated banks and an established flood plain.

Sensitivity to management practices

Riparian area sensitivity to management practic- es (such as grazing or timber management) is deter- mined primarily by its dominant bank and bed materi- al, the relative height and steepness of its banks, and its vegetative cover. Field reviews should be certain to document these factors.

Water courses comprised primarily of , , , or low-plasticity clay are much more sensitive to outside influence than cobble-, boulder-, or bedrock- dominated streams. Likewise, streams with low, rel- atively flat banks are not as susceptible to change as those with high, steep banks. NRCS Bear Creek buffer demonstration site in central Iowa

 Riparian Systems

Mowing warm-season grasses can also be used as a Controlled grazing maintenance plan; however, this is not the most de- sirable alternative. Mowing keeps woody growth Controlled grazing can be an effective vegetative man- from encroaching, but repeated mowing creates a agement plan when used correctly. However, ripar- layer of litter on the ground that eventually crowds ian areas are very sensitive to unmanaged grazing. out grass seedlings. Additionally, this litter layer hin- Generally, riparian areas tend to be more productive ders the movement of young birds on the ground and than surrounding uplands because of the addition- makes the area less attractive to the they feed al moisture available to plants. Thus, even if forage is on. If mowing is necessary, a third of the area should readily available in upland areas, livestock may con- be mowed every year. Additionally, it may be neces- gregate and overuse riparian zones. Because of this, sary to lightly disk the stand every 3 to 4 years to turn simply reducing the number of animals is not the an- over the litter layer, destroy woody growth, and en- swer. Unrestricted access can create trails which courage germination of dormant native vegetation. cause erosion and compromise the integrity of the For more information, see Fish and Wildlife Habitat streambanks. When overgrazed or trampled, remain- Management Leaflet Number 25: Native Warm-season ing plants become widely spaced. Continuous graz- Grasses and Wildlife. ing eliminates young plants and weakens established ones. Many of these effects are site specific, so it is Controlled burning recommended that land managers consult with wild- life professionals to establish a location appropriate Established, prescribed, or controlled burning is a grazing program. very effective way to maintain and rejuvenate a stand of warm-season grasses. A third of the area should There are four controlled grazing options to consid- be burned annually which will help ensure a clean- er for vegetation management. Each option should be er, more valuable stand over a longer period of time. considered after inspection of the specific site. Permits are required, and caution must be exercised • Encourage livestock to use upland areas— during the burning process. Consultation with a fire Moving salt/minerals and feeding locations, oil- management specialist is highly recommended. Local ers, dust bags, shelters, shade facilities, and wa- NRCS or Conservation District offices can offer ad- ter sources to upland areas can attract livestock ditional assistance in developing a prescribed away from the riparian area. Improving upland management plan to meet specific objectives. forage can encourage livestock to graze away from streambanks.

Greg Sneider NRCS Livestock trampling and loitering can create trails Controlled access points made from crushed rock or and cause serious bank damage. other suitable materials can reduce the amount of ri- parian damage by only allowing livestock passage through certain areas.

10 Riparian Systems

• Fencing riparian areas into separate pastures— the streambanks and not skidded across stream chan- Reserving the fenced riparian areas for forage or nels. Avoid rutting during wet weather, and use cable dormant season grazing can reduce stress to the and chokers to skid logs. area while benefiting the riparian plant commu- nity. Upland practices • Total exclusion—Erecting fencing to exclude livestock from the entire riparian area (being In addition to the creation and management of ripar- sure to provide alternative water sources) is a ian areas, there are several upland practices that can means to completely eliminate grazing stress to be implemented to minimize the movement of nutri- the system, but also eliminates grazing benefits. ents, chemicals, and sediment into riparian systems. Maintaining vegetative cover over the soil throughout • Construction of controlled access points— the year will reduce the amount of sediment and ero- Ramps made from crushed rock or other suit- sion. Minimizing animal trampling and vehicle traffic able materials prevent damage to streams from on wet soils will protect the soil and vegetative integ- trampling. Electrical fencing has been success- rity. Avoiding the overuse of , herbicides and fully used for this purpose. other agricultural chemicals, and manure will reduce the risks of harmful chemicals and nutrients entering There are several other management practices that the system. Managing riparian areas to favor native will help maintain a successful grazing program in ri- plants will help to maintain their attractiveness and parian areas. suitability for wildlife. Finally, avoiding practices that • Allow plants to reach height of 4 to 12 inches be- artificially alter stream hydrology will help maintain fore introducing grazing animals. watershed integrity and riparian management. Sound upland practices, as reflected in proper function and • Rotational grazing strategies used at different condition of streams, are essential for healthy and times of the year can have a positive impact on productive watersheds. vegetation. Consulting with a wildlife profes- sional to establish site-specific needs can help prevent unsuccessful or detrimental grazing Case studies practices. Fox Creek riparian zone restoration project • Select a key plant by which to judge the extent of grazing. This plant may change as the plant The upper two-thirds of Fox Creek in Oregon community changes. The key plant or plants was severely degraded by open-range cattle graz- should receive a significant amount of grazing ing. Affected landowners, working in collaboration and be important to the riparian community. with adjoining Daybreak Ranch, U.S. Department of • Monitor riparian areas for suitable times to ro- Interior, Bureau of Land Management, and a number tate livestock. Stake heights can be set that be- of other partnering agencies, developed and imple- come visible when grasses are grazed to the mented a restoration plan for Fox Creek Canyon. The proper height signaling the time to rotate. restoration project also set the stage for reintroduc- tion of beaver into the canyon. • Grazing management should provide ample time for key plants to recover. In 2003, 4,000 cuttings and seedlings were planted in- cluding , redosier dogwood, cottonwood, mock Timber harvest orange, ponderosa pine, aspen, plum, walnut, and golden current. The planting was followed by the in- Harvesting fast-growing trees as early as possi- stallation of 7 miles of fencing to exclude cattle from ble removes the nutrients and chemicals stored in sensitive areas. Additionally that year, 16 acres were the woody stems and promotes continued vigorous seeded with native grasses. Beaver will be reintro- growth. Logging should not be conducted within the duced once there is sufficient habitat. first 15 feet from the top of the streambank; howev- er, when banks have been undercut or the channel The project received a Conservation Reserve Program is deeply incised, the careful harvest of a large bank (CRP) contract along with advice, grants, and support tree can help protect bank stability. When harvest- from a number of other groups and agencies. ing trees, stream crossings should be minimized, and roads should not be built except those required to cross the stream. Skidders should be kept away from

11 Riparian Systems

Buffalo Creek riparian buffer restoration

The Buffalo Creek Watershed, which is locat- ed in western Pennsylvania and empties into the Monongahela River in West Virginia, covers approxi- mately 107,000 acres across the two states. The creek has long suffered from nonpoint source pollution, es- pecially from cattle wandering along riverbanks, de- grading the riparian zone and damaging water qual- ity. Currently, more than 60 miles of riparian fencing has been installed. Other activities include instream restoration, construction of cattle crossings and alter- nate watering sources, and planting of native grasses on less productive areas to expand forage and provide better wildlife habitat.

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program is encouraging farmers to fence streambanks to keep cattle out of streams, allowing Fox Creek Farm trees and brush to regenerate and keeping excess sed- iment, nutrients, and bacteria out of the water. New vegetation shades the stream, making it more hospita- ble for fish, plants, and animals.

Landowner assistance

Landowners may need financial or technical assis- tance to manage riparian areas on their property. There are a number of governmental agencies and other organizations willing to provide assistance to landowners wishing to manage riparian systems. Landowners are encouraged to begin their riparian management activities by contacting these organiza- tions. Table 2 lists programs that can provide techni- cal and/or financial assistance for riparian manage- ment practices.


The ultimate solution to maintaining/re-establishing Fox Creek Farm watershed health is proper management of upland The top photo was taken at Fox Creek in 2002 and and riparian systems. Awareness of current condi- shows trampling and dung deposits from cattle. The bottom photo was taken at the same location in 2004 tions and relationships between land uses and re- after restoration and shows grasses and forbs closely source goals is essential for successful restoration of surrounding the creek. riparian systems.

12 Riparian Systems

Table 2 Assistance programs for riparian systems management

Opportunities for riparian Program Land eligibility Type of assistance Contact area management Conservation Highly erodible land, 50% cost-share for establishing Annual rental payments NRCS or Reserve wetland, and certain permanent cover and conserva- may include an additional FSA State or Program (CRP) other lands with crop- tion practices and annual rent- amount up to $5 per acre local office ping history. Streamside al payments for land enrolled per year as an incentive to areas in pasture land, fil- in 10- to 15-year contracts. perform certain mainte- ter strips, forest buffers, Additional financial incentives nance obligations includ- and flood plain wetlands are available for some practices ing riparian habitat Environmental Conservation practices Up to 75% cost-share, as well Incentive payments may NRCS State Quality such as riparian buffers, as incentive payments to land- be provided for up to 3 or local of- Incentives grazing systems, filter owners who employ nutrient, years to encourage pro- fice Program (EQIP) strips, manure man- manure, and integrated pest ducers to carry out man- agement buildings, and management practices. Also agement practices such as wildlife habitat improve- provides technical assistance prescribed burning, that ment and education to landowners may not otherwise be car- ried out Partners for Wetlands retained, cre- Up to 100% financial and techni- Restoration projects may Local of- Fish and Wildlife ated, or managed for cal assistance to restore wildlife include restoring wetland fice of the Program (PFW) wildlife habitat under minimum 10-year hydrology and wildlife U.S. Fish cooperative agreements. This habitat & Wildlife program is used in conjunction Service with CREP to provide financial assistance in establishing ripar- ian buffers Wetlands Previously degraded Technical and financial assis- Can provide technical and NRCS State Reserve wetland and adjacent tance to address wetlands, wild- financial assistance for ri- or local of- Program (WRP) upland buffer, with lim- life habitat, soil, water, and re- parian corridors provid- fice ited amount of natural lated natural resource concerns ing the protected wet- wetland and existing or in an environmentally beneficial lands are no more than 1 restorable riparian and cost-effective manner; 75% mile apart; corridors must areas cost-share for wetland resto- be used to connect two or ration under 10-year contracts more wetlands; and cor- and 30-year easements; 100% ridors must average no cost-share on restoration under more than 200 feet wide permanent easements on one side. Also restor- ing wetland hydrology and native vegetation Wildlife at Work Corporate land Technical assistance on devel- Can provide state-specif- Wildlife oping habitat projects into a ic advice and/or contracts Habitat program that will allow compa- for prescribed burning, Council nies to involve employees and managed grazing, or other the community practices for riparian area management Wildlife Habitat Habitat restoration on Up to 75% cost-share for Technical assistance is NRCS State Incentives private lands. Projects conservation practices under 5- provided to help the par- or local of- Program (WHIP) for outdoor education to 10-year contracts ticipant maintain wildlife fice on locally owned public habitat lands are also eligible Stewardship Acreage between 1 and Up to 65% cost-share and Can provide technical and NRCS State Incentive 1,000 in nonindustrial technical assistance financial assistance for or local of- Program (SIP) private forest land forest management plan fice development, tree plant- ing, riparian and wetland improvement, and recre- ation and wildlife habitat improvement

13 Riparian Systems References Briggs, M. 1993. Evaluating degraded riparian ecosys- tems to determine the potential effectiveness of Online sources revegetation. In Proceedings: Wildland and Arid Land Restoration Symposium. B.A. Baker, T.T. What is a riparian area? http://www. Roundy, E.D. McArthur, J.S. Haley, and D.K cahe.nmsu.edu/riparian/WHTRIPAREA.html Mann. 1995. General Technical Report INT-GTR– [Accessed 8 December 2005]. 315. U.S. Department of , Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Ogden, Bellows, B.C. 2003. Managed grazing in riparian areas. UT. http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/managedgraze. html [Accessed 5 December 2005]. Brinson, M.M., B.I. Masters, and R.C. Plantico, J.S. Barclay. 1981. Riparian ecosystems: their ecol- Malheur Agricultural Experiment Station. 2003. ogy and status. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Riparian areas. http://www.cropinfo.net/ripiari- Biological Services Program. FWS/OBS–81–17. an.htm [Accessed 11 December 2005]. Castelle, A.J., A.W. Johnson, and C. Conolly. 1994. Cooperative Extension. n.d. Riparian buffer Wetland and stream buffer size requirement- systems. http://www.riparianbuffers.umd.edu a review. Journal of Environmental Quality [Accessed 1 December 2005]. 23:878–882.

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14 Riparian Systems

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15 Riparian Systems

Natural Resources Conservation Wildlife Habitat Council Service 8737 Colesville Road, Suite 800 Mailing address: Silver Spring, MD 20910 P.O. Box 2890 (301) 588–8994 Washington, DC 20013 The mission of the Wildlife Habitat Council Street address: is to increase the amount of quality wildlife 14th and Independence Avenue SW habitat on corporate, private, and public land. Washington, DC 20250 WHC engages corporations, public agencies, and private, nonprofit organizations on a The Natural Resources Conservation Service voluntary basis as one team for the recovery, provides leadership in a partnership effort to development, and preservation of wildlife help people conserve, maintain, and improve habitat worldwide. our natural resources and environment. © 1988 WHC


www.nrcs.usda.gov www.wildlifehc.org

Primary author: Erika T. Machtinger. Drafts reviewed by Raissa Marks, Wildlife Habitat Council; William Hohman, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS); Scott Crave, University of Wisconsin; Gene Barickman, NRCS; Rich Nelson, NRCS; and Terrell Baker, State University.

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