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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

6-16-1949 Bulloch Herald

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Fln';'J' [1,\1"1'11<'1' (lJIIIHI'11 ::_ ::; a:)', J\11�C 9, 101rl 1------·- ,gead __ :n,c ;.::::�_ ���':���JY ll.\�('t; tJ!\"atnl! 'I'IIY. :"!'I',\HS i II • I 111'\.0",,,,:;,·,.,,,,,,11,1,,"1,,,· •• •••••••••••••••1 ' 1 1\'1' 1' .....-; Tlte Herald'. Bulloch e:•••:.:•••••••• ••••,,1••••••••• ••••••• •••11 10:15-Sund"y School. County'. �:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: � TRADE WIND CAFE 1 t ::lO-J\llol'l1ing worship l lour. Statesboro Junior Chamber Ads THE BULLO H Leadl_g li:4" B.T.U, Huund utnl SCllIIHll 1l1I11(l11llo( HERALD - lc With 1\IU"'((1 (h" R:OO Evening Evangelis! NftlpClper c SSIFIED hy DEDICATED TO Ho'lIl' Rev. Lovell. J _�BO � BU�H COUNTY \1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Georgia Cracker Of Commerce � � •...•...... •...•.....••• IWSIIING-HAlt'l' VOLmlEIX Hillbillies food. and M1's. Theron Kelly Statesboro, Georla, F H s.u- - lCI, CBEAM Is economical Mr. ANTIQUES Large \\'Ind • • Dunce nL 11111 1'rnc!p Ouru of announce NUMBER so - food values. Healthful, Rushing, Rcglster, game ruble, re lnlshcd $65. Compare • • HD on 1111' Oltl'll Air' £'lIvllllulI 'ihl", News Council Holds nutrttlous delicious, Eal MORE. �Ihe engagel11ent of their daugh-. Weekly Report Solid Inhlc­ mohognny gnl -lcg II, Methodists: Iitc Suturdu.y NI�ht. .hUH' Frnnccs, 10 Rex Students t0 a e chest % SUllet'iol' fce CreLim tor, Dg)'othy T k $50. LOI'Cc mahognny fill nurf h Annual Meet In College I.lIt'ull't! llu\II'r Ruud. l son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beaullful "Oonc lurt. New Paste original price. Orrlccs for rent. FOB BENT- 8'llt,·8hol'o. Hnrr. The will take Patronizc 21' wedding place the members of the Statesboro ,Junior New With the wind' Lamps front "J5 following Athens Next Wt�ek HOInes and hcut furnish­ Built In wnror, lighls, Census of June 26. Olmmber of Commerce. for a Statesboro 10 1"0111' luster fruit Ench is better States­ h $75. large Clt. SeD B. B, Monls. 211' working Miss Hushing Is n gl'Aduutc of Next week is the annual meet­ u brand new boro and Bulloch our bowls, $(1 each. And County. Let's all boost City IUld If come at School at­ Oounty. of the people knocking your nnswers I'D u sclected number de In bar­ Slation Statesboro IIlgh l:nd ing Gcorgia Home Demon­ or Oriental rug, 9x12. A real FOR SALE-Sel'vlce type Vacation in Brunswick Tell other of the we have in Greater door next week Ihe Pari" School Georgians advantages suauon Council. askIng questions, questions relating to WAGON car-holst. Stntesboro Machine tended Beauty Delegates at­ residence, gn!n. YE OLE WHEEl., Bulloch don't slam the door In their face, 10 minutes from in nnd now hus her County: from this age, sex, ami martini and educa­ Statesboro ltc Savannah, tendIng county will be Since 21,� miles souihenst of I Antlques, Company. And when tell M,·•. they you they are Uonal stetua. Jan. finest beach own shop in Stutcsboro." Billy district vice From a tabulutlon Savannah highway. Georgia's Simmons, tmesboro, The Slut shore Junto- Chumber tions the president of the Junior with of the taking a census 01 Statesboro, of these new FOB SALE- One L. C. Smilh Low Summer Mr. t tart served foul' years in plcturqs president. It chulrman of the State Council, answers they hope to Twenty-one homes were built in 6-30-4tc of don't thInk States-t------� Commerce is undertuking a Chamber of Commerce, Buford and they are misrepresent­ obtain a sclcntlf'le Typewriter, Statesboro Machine Ih u ' Army with two also carrles focts about the club retiring presldent of the Bul­ description of boro between December Rates 30,1948, and June i ' 1949 Family .. ye,�,'s' new now tho t the ci t.y Knight, will be glad to heal' f!'Om lng the facts just because It'- not Stutesboro's '. - ltc in loch MontI'os _ Company. Ihe project, County Mrs. Eurl popututton. for a Grabam FARM LOANS organization. and about the va- Council: total of $81,150, Inquire Brunswick Soutlll�' Pl�c'flc pool has been completed lind put you. You may contact him at yet 1950. 4\�<;'o Interest with the 593rd Amphihious Engl- Lester, presldent of the Arcola + Is - rious cities over stuto Residents of This one less FOH BENT Furnlshed uprnt- Cham ber O·f Commerce into operation, The project. is to Darby Lumber the which The ,class in Principles or So­ Statesboro OI'C ask­ home built here Is Terms 10 suit Ihe borrower. Sec ncers, Company. Home Demonstration Club and have ELich at ed to the six Co-op Managel' ment, 5 rOOI11S, nil conveniences. ------work t"awHrd securing at least Jaycee groups. Jaycee ciology Georgia Teachers Col­ coopernto In this 'Pid' during months period from LINTON G, LAN1ER, G S, Mnln Local Jaycees received newly elected president of the mnklng Dealto Ise.""ce Irorn copies Speak Montros Gruhnm RENT-A and half miles tennis usc under the rllrectlon of 1 was named Johnston 115 Snvnn- FOR 1:1I'gc comfort able Two two courts for ten­ at lege, Prof. , January to June 1948. tst FIIlOI' 'cn Islnnd Bunk Apartrncnts, I couple. by of the St.atc Roster t.hls Wednesday's meeting received Bulloch Home Dernonstru­ survey possible. ] t promlses t.o 1, How- St., Georgia County ..I' or the Juno 1. bed roo wit.h 10 on bus linc, :l902, nis fans hCl'e in Stntesbbl'o. David Hawk, Is At C manager West Side 'Iar- Ilfth Ave. Occupancy by Ill, ,hath, his of this tion completing plnns furnish both vuluable Pl'uctice to C.'"lJ:leettlUy eve" Ihe 22 built In Building, Phonc. week. The roster lists the nnmes, copy book. Others may CounCil; Mrs. Otis Gmovel', (� o ljpmes thut mel'S for l1. Coopcro ti ve Assocla & Sec Hinton Booth 01' George M, ness man 0" busincss womDn,hUSi-ltown01' 1VfI'S. E. L, Preetol'ius. 6·162t.p census of the entirc white the students in tlon of A committec has been Appoinl- wives' and oth- secure them from Jim Watson, drcss revue winner and stale learning Ilt first l,eriod lotllied addresses, names, of Mis, ElIzubeth Denl, affectioll- $ld3,500. feclive today, June 16.' G.T., FABM LOANS, Johnston tf population the city or States­ hand about 0 F.!-I.A" , ed to to club typical tnlk propel' pal'ties con- Cl' fucts about all members of the secretury. mUl'keting chuil'man, Mrs, ..... red Georgiu ally known us Fifty-!wvcn new homes were MI', iJ boro to on liPid," and GI"ahnm from Convenicnt. loans. All � per- 'I', begin Mondny, June und II daugh- graduated thut. Lunier, general and community, sct of facts who is a I built the SA V ANNAl-! BEACH, 1NLET cCl'ning I.ll'l'ongcments might JuniOl' Chamber of Commerce in If have delegatc \ Dawson, ter of Dr. and Mrs, D. L, during full yeul' 1948 for the cent. se,'v\ce.- you any informnt'ion fol' 20. Deal University of Georgia In Swift, prompt urban nbout the itself which will a airl­ be made fOI' these The booklet carries n. represcntative, Miss Dor­ city Teachers of I.olal or $258,500. one - FREE constrllcting Georgia, in this column College. Slatesboro, wlll be the cultuml A. S. DODD, ono Bldg" N. Main ApArtments and rooms FREE SPECIAl, pllblicution please Student members of tho class be of value of nil g,ies;: engllleOl'lng Saturday. Ho othy and Irma townspeoplc who to the 21 new courts. H an Johnson, Spears, Signed Bull speaker at: the While homes were was u and stores. you have slIgges- list of the officers of each club, cull \OVol'th at 502, will as Statesboro Cham- beinc formor SI. Phone 518, Statesboro. (tf) block from ocelln McDougald act enumerators In obtain· nre intercsted in outstanding 4-1-1 Home Demonstl'ation community de­ cuit. The ehurch a ber built (he first half of agents. of Commerce here on 1949 only C:ub Clenn rooms with sink, hot plute ing from residents in homes Tlles- boy here in the counly, and The here, velopment. been on six now DO YOUR LAUNDRY THE 1I0w Woulll You Lilw To Get meeting will be held on thIs circuit day, June 21. business buildings wore then and icebox, sleeps three, $20 pc,' ; I'AUJ. Il. AKINS n. W. KNIGHT &: ,J. B. HOI)OES Illl. IIlJNTER 1l0IlEIt'I'SON uftel' purt of a yeur ot: the the Coordinate of the -,:------transferred t.o the G const"ucted for a total of EASY WAY. Bring them to SOl'l'iel' Insurance Lumber Campus Miu Deal has been In $19,000. he was wcck. Larger apartmcnt with gus A New Agency Darby Company Self, Dentist teachIng Ulliversll.y procured by University of frol11 Mon- of whIch Rev. Dav! FOI' the YCllI' 19'18 13 1I0W BUTH'S AUTOMATIC WASI-lEB, �r. .�. linII 1I11•.L ALIlEltMI\N ItEX HODOES Georgia, ParIs for the past year. ill build- the Modena runge und private screened porch, IIANI{ Charles Davis While I"lulIl.ation to act as DONOHEYSIn' day, June until ., 1$ wor(' 25 Zettcl'owcl' Ave. Prompt ser- A\derman Hoofing Co. Rushing Hotel 13, Friday, June Fl'8ncc she traveled in ings constructed tolnling hCI'dsmun for $35 per week. For Spain Dnd Nome two years. slecps six, ItAY AIUNS Goll' Pro, Forest Heighls 17. vice. Curb Service. (to JACK SNAIlE Outstanding features of other sections of the $106,000. He then served reservations write 01' call Mrs, the. Show continent. four years In (he Akins Co. HEII,�IAN DEAl. program will be BASEBALL Baby For tho first half of Applinace Mgr. Forest Heights Count,·y Cluh Health, Education Chan)l) concluding sermon_ Next year she wlll teach in 1940, $17,- nnd then W. R. Tedder, 114 E. 31st SI"eet, South n!lvy returned to school. GOODYEAR EMOlty ALLEN Statesboro Coc...Cola Btl. Co. and De­ It was sort of 050 went into DR. J. L. JAOKSON Family Life, Community keeping it in next at 11:30 America. remodeling exisl'ing v..'. H. SavannDh, Ga. Phone 2-1853. ltc Sunday Smith Jr.. association W. e Al111 Starts 3:30, 5:30, 7:26, and 9:22 the Baptist Chu"ch, will be the tember trip. of Christian and vncn- the on guest 19 to 24 this year. . 22c Pt. 39c Rov. George Lovell, I'BKtor fellowship Saturdays, junior boys play spot peanuts, it is timc for Slaris 2:45, June 15-16-17- BOILING Ih. Qt. Officers of next F.F.A. \V. H. Evans is 5:19, 7:53, and 10,27 -ComIng year's tlon is $12.50. Reservations may baseball. speaker. pastor the fail' including the pl'emium Bulloch farmers to start Dusting are 10:15 of the local church. Plus Cart.oon and WOMEN" group Eugene School. eount.y 'I'ho aro "l.ITTLE OllcOOKINo 51.85 Bowman, presl- Sunday be made at the First Baptist On Thursday afternoon, the public list, they to keep the money lb. dent; Anderson 11:30 theIr sulphur dusting program. is invited to uttend. in Bacon Parrish, vice-pres- Hour Church not cordially thcir . . llc Morning Worship later than July 1. senim' boys' baseball games are treasUl'Y WATElt OROUNI> l'eck ident; Sammie Bird, secretul'Y; 6:45 Baptist Training Union Makc now to attend your plans played, Georgia Experiment Station rc- y, Olll. Freddie Rushing, treasurer, and 8:00 .ordinance of the Sulphur Bacon 43c Baptism "Christian Youth Camp" from On Tuesday nights the Junior suits on with to dusting sulphur Ha,'old I Brannen, and Lord's Supper. 11-17' lit Crawfordsville. Knots meet the Meal 5Se rel�rter. July at Community control leaf spot shows an in- Clowhite '23c JIM DANDY 5 lb. bag Center. This club is for boys from crease in .------peanut yield of from Brief' .. • • But If's 8 to 12 News ATTENTION OANE Gal. years old. 30.3 per cent to 62,2 per cent over OANE Gnl. y, On A Line Grits 33c Fletcher Hurls Second Friday nights the Happy- undusted peanuts In the same Complete Jere No-Hit , L:ids meet. These are field • Go-Lucky and less shrIvels and ' pIck­ IN 89c INTERESTED saving lives? drive fol' the Junior \Voman's I -.- 49c Syrup the teen-age girls. outs on the dusted bc­ Syrup CALIFORNIA Tall Cans peanuts, Thcn enroll in the Club On the life-saving continues and will come to of .------Game In Saturday nights Knot sides lengthenIng the digging sea­ Junior class at tile Memorial Park Swim- an end the last of June. Oo.n- Hole Club meets. This is for son and Appli. Jar �or OIL Baseball, boys improving the quality of Qt. League Pool is the advice of Max cnnts hall ming betwqen l8 and 35 se­ If have . you any eXlleriencc ill Furniture Sardines 2 .35 Jere 11 th!'Ough �yeal's or age. the fact may ' Fletcher, of the hay by the more leaves player-manager Dynamites BULWOOS BOW Lockwood, recreational director. ctlre information ' 1'0 OARI>S at the about'the young the second no-hit of the 1949 Every morning Commun- are retained on the' plants. Butter 51.09 pitched game seaso� Swimming clnsses aL'e heing held woman's cluQ from Mrs. Bowen. amI like In lhe ity Center there is supervised play and Electrical Applianee sales would when the junior boys league this all to �sage Dynamites defeated the Cobras 4 to 1 The station reco;"mends that fOi' age groups, 8 80. Adult MilS. GUADY BLANIl, chair­ Ins�cticides for all children from 9:15 to 10:45 Sure Jell 2 Pkg'.25 the I last loway pitched for the Cobras, week. migh ty Bulldogs tool< started classes al'e taught 011 M'ondHYs, man of the be when leaf commit­ �::�t .�� "OHEEZY" lb. Thursday, a.m., and from 3 to 6 p.m, dusting spot membership with Stubbs behind a gooil pOSition, write- Fletcher allowed only one man the plate. their first defeat at the hands of shows which Is around Wednesdnys, and Fridays, from tee oC the Statesboro \Vomau's and Dusts The wading pool Is for smaller up, usually 9 to a.l11. to score when Catoher Rondel Gilbert Cone Jr. batted a 10 A class [01" all be- Club 29c .500 the Cardinals. It was their first children, June 20 and that at least thl'e� (senior) unnoun�es thl,s week I Pimentos 2 ens·.25 45c is held from to ]2 a.m, Cheese Wilson 11 Tnpe a dropped the ball on third average for the for the defeat of 20 ginnel's thnt if members will rencw their game Dy­ in ten games, Max Rob­ Miss Emlly Kennedy Is the play­ applications pounds each be -.- strike. on alld Fri- namites and Hal Averitt scored erl s pi tched the Cards to applied at 10 to intervals. Mondays,. Thul'sdays mcmbership now they will be their ground supervisor and will be on 14-day Classes foJ' Bobby Newton threw the Ilrst the only run for the Cobras when with If the dust is washod of� In 12 days. intermediatcs given opportunit.y t.o choose the Victory, Bobby Donaldson the playground, dally from Mon­ no hit from 10 to 11, the week before when l;e went to first on the catcher's getting three hits for four to 24 hours after the MondflYS throur,h committee to Wilich wish to OFFICE BOX 23 East Peanut Co. trips day through Saturday from 3 to applying, they POST Georgia the and for ndvanccd swim- Gold Bricks defeated the Dy- error. to bat. Jones next should be Fridays, be [lssigned. SUe also stotes that Shuman's Cash Jimmy caught the 6 p.m. applleatlon applled mel's from 11 nomites in the season's The Gold Bricks are in to 12 Mondays the must renew­ GEORGIA Grocery opener, still in game for the Cm'ds, Fountain and All mothers seven days. membership be STATESBORO, are urged to en­ 6 to 2. first through cd 248 FREE DELIVERY place pOSition in the Senior Preetorius made up the Bulls' F,·idays. before August 1 If the member GEORGIA ' courage the chlldren to take S'l'ATESBORO, part Conditioned dusting or IIIRS. J. E. In the game last Thursday HoI- sulphur nOWI'lN JIL an- wishes her name In the book. League. hottel·Y. in the sumrne \ year program, are recommended. copper-sulphur n'Ounces that the membership The dues are fOllt' dollars. �=�----- . .;.:.:' •

TALLY OLVD MEETS Audrey Cartledge hns roturned The Bulloch Herald. Thursdav. June 16. 1949 81'i\TESDORO- from a week's vncatton at Klns­ Dottie Mrs. Humid Powell wns hostess Hargrove's LI. and Mrs, G. R. Thompson Tho offeels of earlier The Editoria.l tall, N. C., us guest 01: MI'. and age appear Great Moments of Indecision Wednesduy t.o the Tally Club, visited his slater, Mrs. Z. Whlte­ Personals Mrs. G orgo W. TUrn I' Jr. and In very hot regions. Strnwbcrrtcs and icc crcnrn were hurst. and fnmlly this week en­ Brenda. MI', Turner was coca- daugtitor, The first colored ad. ------. DOTS. served before the gUIlICS, route from Norfolk, Va., to SID printed SOCIETY Friends of und Mrs. former rnnnuger of MCLcilam upt. Poole colas being served In tel' M I'S. Hay Calif. vertiscment was for a rug. Pickett, of Winder, will be lntor, Store Co. here. The Turners Woman Abroad Darley was glven n clgnrctto box' �ran��o, American ca Icnrn spend u short whllc hero next The ted to rhut. he hUB uc­ I and ush tl'uy set fOI' top SCOl'C. ""!!!�������������������������- Willi ted a Ion us week on their way to Seu Island Ihe of won II cop poslt English III· tho nnd noble purpose of tuklng story 'Miss Lois Stockdule plnstic • - Monday of this week high (Editor's Note IIALF·mGII OLUB MEETS AS YOU LIKE IT OLUB structor at Emory Juntor Bench, a hrlst Into tho world's broad field of for law and cut a College Hall POI'rIU, of Bradford, Eng­ gentle apron prize, M... , Mwnle at Oxford. Dr. H. C. of rnun. Tho ones WITH �ms, W. IL LOVETr ENTERTAINED THURSDAY McGinty Hunting- Club. We be­ baltic agalnst man's Inhumnnlty to set of rorrlgcrutor plnstlc covers, to the Statesboro Rotary West with spoke In MI'. and M,·s. Jack Tilimnn and 1011, Vu., spent Monday will who go with a complete luck of Interest. any­ went to Mrs. Bernard Scott. lIeve that the women of Bulloch count.y On Friday afternoon, members 'Mrs. Grady Blnnd entertalnod M,'. lind Mrs. C. O. Bohler. offenders. MI" and Mrs. Ben Turner were but themselves urn tho worst They WCI'C M I'S. W. D. and that the men of the thing of the Club were enter- members of the As You Like It Other plnyers find It challenging Halt-Hlgh week end of Mr. and Mrs. Zita Burke spent the week bored at horne unci would be bored In guests Mrs, Here Is the corn­ are usually talned and friends at her Lundquist, Mrs. Frances Rasmus­ county will find it Interesting. by Mrs. W. R. Lovett. The Club "'other Lehmun Frunklln at nd with her Mrs. on the face of this Suvunnuh molJ,er, Byrdn uny of the Iascinutlng spots sen, Mrs. Ben Turner, and Mrs, plete text of her talk.) guests were served sandwiches, apartment Thursday morning. Beach. Parrish. and attended the Roun­ curth. These we can clnsslfy as "those to be en­ Jack Tillmun. potato chips, olives, and coca- The rooms were attractively Misses Jo and tree reunion near Graymont Sun­ dured." everything nnd every plnce Nancy Attuway They compare colas. decorated with gladioli and hy- BAl'TrST W. M. S. OIROI_ES returned from a visit to day. with the "back homo," I heard un Arner­ Thursday faster than at phrase In a world that Is changing Mrs. Bob of M.... Bland served a Misses Anne and Jackie abuse nt u waiter Niver, Opelika, drangeas. Mul'l'uy to Icun traveller shouting Jupanese the I want to talk and coca­ The circles of Statesboro any time In recorded history Ala., received a milk glass candy frozen .alad sandwiches, In Augusta. in a Kobe hotel when the charge for It packet of American Woman Abroad­ Baptist W,M,S. will meet Monduy for awhile on the dish for high; Mrs. Till won colas, and cookies. Mr. and Mrs, Jake were you was cents. "In Hartford, Connectlcutt I Tiny Murray about. Camels 30 afternoon at 4 o'clock In the Icl­ she makes as she travels a what Impression milk glass nut tray for low. with the week end guests of the Grady only pay 15 cents." Madam is not in Hartford, Mrs. Olliff Boyd, top she does and suys-c-whn t Im­ lowing homes: the world-what springs, so we arc in Mrs. Bernard Morris won cut, a Attawuys. Connecticutt," was the perfect reply and It spoke -r�;;;':;O;��;P;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;':;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;';;;;':;=;;; coming up score, receive a bisque figurine; memories brings Service ut lhe home of experiences, und the world milk glass mint dish. Circle, Mr. nnd M.... Godbee presslons, �hc volumes of whut he actually Ihought of the lady. by degrees. Mrs. Jack Story won visitors' George I have on this Mrs. Gordon Mays; Scrson Circle, home with her. Any knowledge Other and Larry and or And to some extent it might 'be under­ If lived in a players were Mrs. Joe high; Mrs. Billy Cone won low, ,ons, George, textbook entitied, although you've always with MI·s. S. L. Lanier; Loyalty with an Infant's were guests of Mrs. subject began standable-it shouldn't be wildly demon­ house-all to cun't Robert Tlllman, Mrs. Earl Alien, and Mrs. Z. Whitehurst won cUL Savannah, of Other Lands." certainly yourself-you Circle with Mrs. Glenn Bland; "Big People and Little People " Mrs. mlma- Charles Nevills this week. strated. For the smiling altendant might suddenly nuaglnc what pleasure I'm ex­ Phil Booth, of Hanover, New Prizes were novelty bisque book was the picture of Friendly, Circle with Mrs. J. L. On the IIrst page of tho Mrs, Bob Darby und small son, wake and with "Why After three of Hampshire; Mrs. Ed and tures. up say perfect justification: R"c��i+lJr.... '1!�:laWlll perrencing. yeurs Olliff, underneath was wrlten, "Jump into ':':':'JrIi,.... Johnson. a rickshaw and '''ill:' rs, Brad, of Jacksonville, ure vislf ing' not back to Hartford, Connecticutt 1" t in thc M Bill Peck. go exisung apartments, joy were Mrs. Sld­ we will �/""� Others playing u rickshaw and away go." he I' Mr. und Mrs. curr -- UTTI_E I'AUL JONES parents, and snustucuon of living in a Mrs. Gordon Frank­ men-some nrc rnis­ MEET WITH ney Lanier, In As for the wives of business �;;-".,.,..... FORTl'IlGIITERS Bradley. From that day until that lovely morning r'1 tour-room, one-rloor house on u Mrs. J, E. Bowen Jr., Mrs, RETURNS TO IllS nOME out of . lin, some are heroes. In , was fits and unsung many MRS. LESTER BRANEN JR. Mrs. Bob Pound and sons, Bob' when I arrived in Shanghai there 70 x 150 foot lot is May, 1925, the super. Frances Brown, Mrs, F. C, Pur­ the way places they have skirmished ahead of Friends of M,' .and Mrs. H. P. and Mutt, nrc visiting the mind but that some day I by never any doubt in my Now, the apartments were fun. On Friday evenlng, Mrs. Lester ker, Mrs. Chalmers Franklin, Mrs, and preached in advance of the Church. They Jones Jr. hove been much con­ Nath Hollemans at their home in into u rickshaw." army .-� should really and truly "jump .� They were places to cut and Brannen Jr, was hostess to the Bunny Cone, Mrs. James Bland, make homes in the outskirts of civilization and cerlled ovor the condi liol1 of thcir Mountain City, Gu., this wcek. und at Club at her horne on Mrs. J. C. Mrs. Frank Mi· conversation the the _., sleep play housekeeping, Fortnighters Hines, "When I was small the following learn from cxpericence to appreciat.e wuy son, Paul, who wn's stl'lckcn 'with Linda Pound is visiting hel' aunt, but this is like turned loosc Jones avenue. Gladioli and mixed kell, Mrs. Loyd Brannen, Mrs. • Wa.h Du.t Out of Air You .reolh. mealtime, I am big other half lives, I met one in my travels whose being lukemia on a visit to his MI'S. Edna Gunter, at St. Simons. was regular routine at "When. girl � while in I'll summer flowers were used in the Gene Curry, Mrs. Attaway, • Add H•• Humidity to Air In would reo husband WliS the Burma Oil Com· fuiryiand. Maybe get my Grady MI'. and MI'S. S. B. Mr .and Mrs.' Charies E. lthl�1 I'm going to China." And my grandma employed by gmndparents, Rodg· Your Hom. 1111 of it like and who decorations, Guests were served Mrs. Jack Averitt Jr., and Mrs. not to at their boys girls • dUr· to their ply, "Mamie, you know you are going pany. They wore the only foreign couple j Zeigler, of Nashville, Tcnn., ers returned Sunduy • Voporll. MedlCa,.n" In Sickroo,", work crenm gingerale In Ice cream, cookies, Johnston. truck•••• medium Dnd .. The dear old one she did was to in ice parlors, but George N. GMC light, heavy duty, RftAolin China." "Oh, but Grandma, I am." station. She said of the things ing the eady spring, will be giad home in Fayetteville, C., after • Ellmlnat. N.ed for Du.tlng Furnltvr. i 01••• 1 .•• are the belt truck can make. So are it won't be :;oon, and mints. Later in the evening buy you , I had been to China and take a course in tap Now anytime to know that accompanied two weeks with hc)' pal'· • .uI.-Furnltur.-Floors lady was stili alive after correspondence dancing. SOUTH A�IERIOAN VISITOIIS Paul, spending Ina GMC parts. And 80 I. GMC Ipecialized ·true!, 8ervir ;<:;:,;1...... =;;:;;::0:.1111&;;,1 were.erved nuts and Srub add a they punch. .and Josh • Tn.,, Wood, F,oo,. home for two visits, and I might I leave you to draw your own conclusions of girl Although the house has been his and gl'andpal'ents, ents, MI' Mrs, Ncsmith. GMC truck. and are of the I come back PICNIO by purents parh products world'_' for ARE HONORED AT • Shampoo aUIi and Upholltery voice as she like She came out of the , lived in about Men's a seat his home herc for W. o[ Jack· exclulive commercial vehicle manufacturer ••• an she had a warm chuckle in her who can do a thing that. before, H's only high, folding has returned to Lee Hollingsworth, that , athletic went to James benefit from the .dventReel of thelndualry'. fineat engh to the conversation to my jungle of Burma not only a good tap dancer, but nine months old, and I've been stadiums, Mr. and Mrs. Aulbert Brannen a visit. Though Paul is .greatly sanville, Fin., is viSiting his sistel', h3d occRslon repeat in.. and production facilitle•. evi· The Editor's Chair A table and Mr. also with a glorious feeling for life and Hving sitting in the windows scraping Thayer. bridge .etting were hosts Monday night at a improved, he is still considered Mrs. Ernest Brannen, Rl!xoir husband. Uneasy Our GMC ••,vice offera .pedal truck tool. and mach for four went to Mrs. Hltt met. George his case has Brannen for several wecl{s, •• mechanlca ar. on dent to everyone she pain t off glass panes with a razor picnic �t Brannen's Pond, near seriously ill. though and HUMIDifiER , truck-trained who expertl .11 111 Woman Abroad Is a varied and CONDITIONER The American Bulloch or coul'se all this is not true­ in the home of Mrs. Nel.lie for ladles. • •• con.t.nt from GMe'1 nation-wide noll Statesboro and county Airy blade and the are top score among the Lott's their cou· been arrested. partl .upply spots always Creek, honoring ••w the on her some who have to Se. Iltil """,.1"11 ".,._ of war.houMI. There'. In truck. or truck a as dlJfleult to describe as photographs And I Imow gone early graves in our own To be wife of the late Dr. M. Y. won parta Mothlne .... just have somet.hing that you exccpt nlinds. Allen, on It's Mrs. James Thayer floating and Mrs. Gardner Pat· the other side. tedious, but sins, Mr. 110m. Coli Ice better than GMC. See UI for .11 your truck need•. of the world "Amerl· nervous breakdowns in an to change BADl'TANTES t/..,lIIng appllanc.' Today, in all parts with attempt find in other towns and fair abollt the whole Allen, formerly of Georgia, and a box of Men's ASK FOR passport. don't perfeclly I'm nearly around now. prize, soap, cut, rick, and children, Valerie and the centuries old custom of Far Eastern natives: ca" is 8 magic word. counties. thing, citizens would find States� sister of the late F. N. Grimes, an ash tray, went to Albert Bras· Uru· Flhono 02-�r Write The yard needs expensive at· Gardner Jr., of MonteVideo, Dr. and Mrs. Devid King of is a law-unwritten and unalterable-that There a to bora and Bulloch we found North Carolina almost well. Mrs. Albert won small And it takes trip provc county lacking Braswell S. who are his N. announce the I was once Introduced to a class of pea· tention, but for the time being, guay, A., vi�iting Lumberton, C., B. R. DURDEN a is entitled to five on all Chinese cook percent us havc been in the same as delightful as Statesboro. ladies' costume Woodcock Motor the tlrst these facts to who exactly comparisons cut, jewelry. Dr. and Mrs. J. Z. Pat· birth of a Carol 666 5 IlluULn Streut school and a parents, Anne, Compan) In an English nllrsery £1 is working it ovcr with lazy daughter, pie for the kitchen. It is called "Squeeze" MAlAIII/'l purchases around for SUCll a time. we made. asked arter had been told that long Cool, quiet-will, delicious cat� The players were Mr. and Mrs. rick, in Pulaski. Other guests on June 10. Mrs. King was for· Stutesboro, Gao EAST MAIN STREET GA. I was they boy and a lawn mower, He hus ' 49'51 STATESBORO, question and an "old custom," To an efficient housewife, it f p t I ... � k AU the of our hometown But there is something almost Gene L. Mr. Mrs. were Dr. and Mrs. J. Z. Franklin, born In America was, "Please Mam, glories really ing properly spaced-we a Hodges, and Patrick, Miss Annette Shown I had been new· cleaned out small plot of rad' merly By Js, I suppose, monstrous-but my advice to not been of communities arc dimmed with wonderful about Statesboro and regretted leaVing. Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Darley Mrs. Ralph Al)POln.�t:m:::e:::n.::.t...:o:::n1�Y_:..======::::======are you a millionaire?" Had they ishes and tomatoes lett former George Hitt, Trapnell, comers was to accept it-with a good grace, Your by once familiarity. Bulloch county that makes com· Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henderson and of such tender I have told them that tenants and we are zinnia Thayer, son, Patrick, age might Chinese cook will not claim he will get it. Onc afternoon was spent in thc nursng only it, a n a were But just take trip-get long ing baci< home thrilling event. Mr. and- Mrs. Gerald Americuns; Miss Sarah Patrick, a t a In Burma the place cards maga· out at the front of Braswell, party And if it is and acquiesced In gracefully rnoulltains on Cumberland Nob plants along accepted from home qnd you begin Dr. Hiram and Mrs. W. L. and Jane Bab zlne cartoons that the hostess thought chracterls· way the house. Groover, Jackson, Jones, he will take mighty good care that tradesmen and in Roaring Gnp, Part of one comparing everything with every· in Surry County, 01'. J. L. Jackson. and Aulbert Brannen Jr. tic to Identify, without name, her guests. comfortably, enough don't make too much profit at your expense. One morning we v;isited the .Iargest Beth used to be satisfied to "back home." comfortably in Supry County, Neither the guests nor the individual concerned thing foreign neighbor of mine was determined to put open-face granite Quarry in the play upsta,il's, but now it's "I a You even develop into a sort North Carolina, in the foothills had difficulty in identifying one showing any a to "such nonsense," as she called it. She world, located ncar .Mt. Airy, wan t 'shunshine.' Mama"; "door stop of nuisance, For you are constant· of the Blue Ridege mountains. In from the prow of a ship and saying, girl waving did-for a month. For some unexplicable reason, p,art of one afternoon was spent lock-ope it, Mama," So I turn ly '''throwing'' Statesboro and a community eight miles from Mt. I'll see you at the end of $200." ' "Goodbye, her bill went up to $30 for the month-while talking with the grandson of one off the and take her out. gas Bulloch count.y into the faces of • • iron with us aSSUT· mine remained a steady $5. The difference of $25 of the original Siamese twins, There's a German police pup next When we go abroad we carry your friends, or their friends. have accounted 'for who settled in our of State in those days in China would the Mt. tAiry sec· door which fascinates her. We want ance and high courage and Secretary Leaving here on Thursday ,YOU these EXTRA VALUES be allow· five on a cortsiderable Quantity of tion hf the county in the middle her bites of an in our passports that we percent profit of last week we made a caught trading always request morning exclusive to Chevrolet in its lIeld' and cauliflower. Another more sensible 1800s. old big pine cone with him yes· ed to "freely to pass." Now this dignified phrase, cabbages trip into North Carolina with five of whatever she brought \ that the cook .. carries with it ,paid percent ." It seems to me, responsibilities In'" S. and terd��. , , , atops Colmnbia, C., Try taking a sometime ... wonder Into her kitchen. I add, did not go to I am afraid are not always assumed and I She, might Even the door·to·door salesmen WORLD'S Charlotte, N. C., on the way lIi) it's good for the mind, body and CHAMPION VALVI.IN.HIAD INGINI but is now a successful • as ambassado... of our an early grave, journalist a I them all the ."ra ."lcIH1 It we are always good to Mt. Airy, N. C. On the way soul. give me bang. missed pow. plant 'h...... n. th.....n.. for ,h. InduI"'. be. For one we must in London. on country as we 'mlght thing, back we stopped in Chester, S. C. living second tloors. Only yes· and not the Idea that because we are a great at sta· We returned to Statesboro re· terday, a middle·aged man (with "SHill 10DY STYLING AND LUXUIIY get For the missionary there is usually hardships, Along the way, filling 1949 over the and aware found .I••wh.... on Inuch co.tll.r Corl. rich nation that we oan walk roughshod we deliber· freshed keeniy that his two front teeth missing) onl, danger and, sometimes, -but there is a high tions and restaurants tal' and conventionalities of the countries in after all there are communities came Delln customs and satisfying reward in the work they did. Of ately asked questions so that we selling magazines, sometimes in the nation as as 'CIRTI·SA'I HYDIIAULIC IRAKIS which we are guests. To us they may a casual statement 1 2 3 4 just good Howard Roberson (Miss GTC of course, there are misfits even here-who some� might toss in (with Du"'."" IIlvatla.. Irak. that Statesboro and Bulloch ... seem absurd but we must remember they in Bulloch coun· 8 9 10 11 county 1947) lives one house away and Llnln,l) how seem to miss the spirit of the Cross they rep· like-"Now back S 6 7 our allurinl Iwlfter, later I"P. 'or ,ou an" ,our 'OInU,. are hundreds of years older than that there are people just as line Beth and I were down there viSe probably resent. But Christ Himself had His Judas. ty in South Georgia we have the 12131415161718 Conltltutlon and Bill of That doesn'.t mean and cordial and as t.he Rights...... the best the friendly iting, biggest 1920 21 22 23 24 25 HIAVIIST CAli IN ITS shouldn't be of our THE ADVENTUROUS ONES in Sta tesboro and Bulloch "I'm time LONGI", "ILD, to We . say that rightly proud the most attractive. . people biding my finest This character came to ,the 26 27 28 29 30 with WIDUT TRIAD, al. wall own but we should demonstrate 0:::;======'--'-...... county. heritage certainly etc and . . . I door' with his line. His Now for the adventurous ones. They are, per· entering ,'"Inl more Nom, Inor. rlclln..-comfort, more road....odln... ond .....,. not with nor with humility that heritage pomposity All the route we found \\las "I'm not haps, nearest to my own heart. They conform. to along THE ALMANAO SAYS THE Part of the same afternoon was wedge working my until I a -but with and that something in· get Chevrolet- tact, goodwlll the crops not as good as ours way or Loans S·INCH are descendants through college anything Farm WIDI.IASI WHIILS no strict pattern, but the spiritual THIS WEEK- spent with the doctor who ad· for want of a better word I WEATHE,\ side all of us ·that here in county. iike. that. haw." Dean and Ixtr. Low·Prallura of the pioneers. They are of the legion that was Bulloc}). THURSDAY, June 16, unsettled. ministers to the ailments and Haw, (with "ral) .hall call "warmth of humanism." And don't ever I want to be sure I the for In the towns we drove through I a look of amuse· g�t most my money!" .h. wld.I' rim. In ,h••ntINlow-prlc. n.ld, never listed. They vary ali the way from Anna FRIDA\', June 17, thumlerstorms. sickness of the com� and exchunged sly for one minute that even the " "..Icllnl ...... "cI..I.. think single the homes are not so attractive as ment. He in WII.,. Louise Strong and Rhana Prome to Sara Perkins! SATURDAY, June 1)lcasant. receives a salary just as you and grinned continually the law" won't this 1�, breed without recognize the homes in Statesboro. The busi· of his dentures and a schoolmate of mine. The scope for these wan· June 10, lair, we. Citizens in the communify spite miSSing "warmth of humani.m" when meet it. It's SUNDAY, CINTIII·POINT "IIIIING they ness Ilections are not so invitJng ted at his own \ derers abroad is less than it was 25 years ago. June 20, pay a small sum laugh artifiCially That the sentiments of countless fine·enr more EXTRA l\[ONDAY, windy. fixed, annually, ."Presses lentures, VALUES maximum It."'n I. •• without ar "cor-wand.," ••• written in black and bold letters in our simplest Ilvlnl •• I 'oNgu. as the business sections in States­ remarks, In a few he Tbe shortening of the world's commercial lifelines TUESDAY, June 21, Unl)lcasant. and receive what medical atten· seconds, and found .I••wh.... onl, on co.lIl.r COri. actions. In for instance, we don't want to people in all income groups, including o( nil kinds-nt the [OWOlt lJriCe8 and wiU. Chlna, boro. was in the is going on at a giddy pace. When I first went \VEDNESDAY, June 22, stormy. tion they need. Despite rain, miraculously living a funeral when mourners carry food in pro· who can to much laugh Amel'ican women had at� room, MONEY FURNISHED Payment Plan AdJu8tabie many afford buy highcr outstunding economy or operation nnd CURVED WINDSHIELD out to China, not many the BUT DON'T BLA�rE US IF THE snow, bad roads-the community with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY cession. until we are sure In the rural areas places In England-certainly that ... to make the to During my IS WRONG! doctor to the com· He what seemed to a To Your Need. cars. the rest but Ycs, the ncw Chevrolet is the 1110st lupplylng ."ra wi which "'ra .of.ty, ..clu.lwe to tempted trip Kunming. not the well·tended places we ALMA."'IAO manages keep had, me, lPIIDlIPl'Ly priced They're surveyipg upkeep, of the polltical complextlon of our associates, are rn Il" Ch.vrol.t In UI n.ld, last days out there I flew in and out of Kunming • • and so I (And so I nor of have in Bulloch county. munitY healthy happy. good buy, signed. awaiting the best-Chevrolet-tlw 1Ilost beautjrui ror (rom should one make fun of Queen Mary's hats I ,'" W. M. NEWTON, Loan Agent buy everylhing styling an alarm. did Dean.) We each took three familiar wai ting to Jand because or air raid Princess Mary's leg•. I am sure you are all .. IIIUId BalIk Bulldlng beautiflll buy oj all! We believe )'011, too, to staminLL, Ilnd we cordinlly invite you to 'ISHER UNISTIIL BODY CONSTRUCTION - all different and we landed magazines -. of the American who asked the Imagine our chagrin when eventually .l'8!!... with .,••, weld.d,o .,••, all oround you for moxlmum with the old story I1IOI'e .olldlty, I - Phone will dccide tilnt Chevrolet ror confirm Lhis rnet und tell your rricllds­ plan to swap around. Before he I !, II,' ••teeboro, OeoJ'l(a 4S6-M gives and lo'.ty. Chinese when he expected the departed to eat the and found that while the Japanese were bombing S FAIR� ALL,' left, he collected 90 cents and finc·car 1Il0re "I'm timo un/ill a OI,ovroWJ./,' the The was: your money-more bJ!uuty, biditlg my get food they brought to graveside. reply the town at 19,000 feet, we had been ducking in notified us that another man IXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWN-OPERATI-MAINTAIN "When smell the flowers that you put on a visitor's for five gallons of chips. There were them, John Denmark stays at the they out clouds at feet. Friday was day' and of 10,000 Afterwards, my would come by late in the after· ond brlnglnt',ou more wh.n you 'rod.; 'or Ch."rol.t. new And Queen Mary's hats may that three kinds and I tried them all, office, meeting all comers and grave." although Jane. Intrigued by fountain or. moll wOftl.d-..w or v.edl at times, was in New York, asked me noon to check the deal and make fact remains boss-wlW, with salesmen, Jim 1'1< goes on not be a world·shaking question-the -8 cute little thing, all walled plain potato chips, potato Denn;13 sure we one if ever told me about the time, understood it, "They a link with some day George had onion flavor delish to the mad. So that to many she represents glo· in with brick like a medieval forp {simply go does Floyd Wood, want to be sure," he added, "that And It well behooves us to respect hc was while the were with fish. Seems liI


Thousands of Yards of New - $6.95 VALVES- . St."EETS SUMMER FABRICS Double-bed size. Lovely pat­ -Formerly to $2.59- terns. A rare buv at the low 72x99 and 8lx99 sizes. Fine " of • Rajah .Shantung price only- muslin. Minkovib' I': quality • Waffle Pique June Dollar Days offer them • Rayon Butcher 5Z.59 at only- Linen (STREET FLOOR) $5.00 • Seersucker (STREET FLOOR) For-mer-ly to $1.49 Yd. (STREET FLOOR) $2.00 NOW ONLY Men's Socks (Limit 6 - Street Floor) Group of 51.00 yel. Anklets or Full Length. Several fa­ (STREET FLOOR) Men's Ties mous brands: CANNON TOWELS CANNON SHErI'S Formerly 55c.-NOW Washable Palm Beach -WERE TO 79c­ (Percale) Cool Summer and rayons. Fabrics 3 for 51.00 -FORMERLY TO $1.00- Full 22x44 bath size. Heavy -Formerly $3.79- pile. Lovely pastel shades. (STREET FLOOR) Now, for next 4 days Size 8lx108. One of many • Lawns Now Only- CANNON CASES Dollar at Min­ • Voiles FOR Day Specials 3 kovitz' all want at • Dimities Broadcloth --42 IN. x 36 IN. SIZE- Buy you

- • Cretonnes 2 for 13e Sold For the Next Four Days at Usually 79c Yd. $1 FOR (STREET FLOOR) Z 51.00 $3.00 Z for $1 yds. $1.00 (STREET FLOOR) (STREET FLOOR) (STREET FLOOR)

Thurs. - Friday - Sat. & Monday .� DRESS SHIRTS DUNGAREES -Values to $3.95-- OVERALLS -$1.29 Values-e- Here they are, men-no finer-bar­ l\IEN ... "now is the time to 1'\'[ 0 the r s will be de­ This is truly a special that gain to be had anywhere. Wings, save real on work to learn they money your lighted should send you to the Bar­ Towne. and other fine Yes, are 8-oz. can "Blue brands of white and clothing. they buy boys' gain Paradise in a hurry-buy blue vat­ Steel" at-­ colored shirts. denim; sanforized, dungarees two or three at-- dyed. Sizes to 50. Priced at- for- 5Z.Z9 Z for $3.00 51.00 Z for $5.00 - Limit 2 (Third Floor) (Street (Balcony pairs) (Street Floor) Floor) �rnN'S Special Purchase of , .... 'D"_ ..... "" -:lcloth

PAJAMAS -Usually 79c Value­ -Formerly $1.69- Yes, we have them in white Coat style, two button-down New striped patterns. and fancy stripes and solid pockets. Sanforized, vat-dyed. found at $2.98 of the season's loveliest styles in cool, Usually Hundreds Sizes to 17. A bargain at- colors. And priced at-- reduced for for the next 4 days- summer CO.ttOIl and rayons--sharply _

Dollar ... )tin)W,'itz 4 Big Powerful June Days 51.00 5Z.00 Z for 51.00 COME AND GET YOUR SH.>\'RE! FLOOR) (Bargain Paradlse-c-Srd Floor) (THIRD (SECOND FLOOR)


LADIES' 111 D • SPECIAL PURCHASE! --SPECIAL PURCHASE! , FOR OUR JUNE $ DAYS RA Wash Frocks OPENING SPECIAL Ladies' . ��:��a;ed�:���k_ Sizes 12 to,44. Fast colors, THURSDAY-9 s: J.\I. !��a!�!!dE� pass age. this bargain. 79c value. $2.98 values. Many styles. 100 PAIRS OF NYLON HOSE Panties up Nylon several at 127 _ Sanforized shrunk. Buy pairs our All -Usual Values- Slight irregulars from $1.35 quality. $1.98 ' 51 . 00 A rare bargain at-- new summer shades. Z for 51.00 , , FLOOR) _" 51.00 (Second (SECOND Z for SlOO 2 for 51.00 _""' pairs �loOr) ..- (Second Floor) I' (TIDRD FLOOR) Floor) • (Limit 2) (Street Batiste Gowns Sizes 16 to 2"0. PANTIES Just Arrived for Our .June Reg. $1.29. ' cool in these PLATES Dollar Sleep Ladies' Us­ Days and dream of Min­ rayon panties. HOSIERY SALE Values. All colors. decorated breakfast GREATEST SEAMPRUFE kovitz' other bar­ ual 49c Lovely Famous brands such as: l\Iojud, Cannon, plates. Reg. 15c quality, now

gains (Bargain , in first Holeproof, and others, strictly qual­ SLIPS Paradise, Third 3 for ..mer shades. value. 51.� ity. All newest sun $1.35 Floor.) 10 for 51.00 During our 4-Day Sale- Lace trimmed top, bottom. $1.00 (THIRD FLOOR) (THIRD FLOOR) Fine Bur-Mil crepe. \Vhite, $1.00 pink, blue. 32 to 40. Com­ LADIES' DIESS (STREET FLOOR) pares to $4.98 slips. LADIES� DRESS SHOES SANDALS, PLAY SHOES, OXFORDS to $3.00 _ -Formerly $8.95-- Extraordinary savings, right in the (Second Floor) •00 . . .. 55 DU�UNG JUNE POLLAK DAYS midst of the summer season � We will sell our entire stock of regular $1.65 CIllLDREN'S Cannon .. and quality . J.\oIojud, Holeproof, LADIES' SANDALS --Milrmery ladle's fine nylon hose at SOCKS -FOR1UER·LY TO $1.99- Special lot of "'[any styles and combi­ quality hats (or summer. ZO�mIE STRAP. White, black, and nations of colors. 39c On sale at Only $1.29 pair red. Sizes 4 to 9. On Sale on Street value. Rare bargain at (STREET FLOOR) Floor and Third Floor. 1f2 Price 3 for 51.00

lot of 's fine dress , l\len's work shoes. Special plastic raincoats in quality and sport shirts. WhIte. , one"�!�;ot�X!��ve� ouirs Formerly $4.98. For 4 days ails. Sizes 8 to 12. A bargain at- silver and blue. Now only .Ugbtly soUed. Flnt Floor reg. ss.95 :Unes, NO�-$l.50 or only- 1.00 1.00 2 for • SlOO II $3.50 I (TlDRD FLOOR) (THIRD FLOOR) MEN'S SHORTS 81 x 99 SHE E T S Formerly to $1.00. Broken sizes, but a , .rare bargain. Gripper, button, boxer fronts. White and fancy. 3 lor $1.00 (Third Floor) June 16. her husbnnd, 01', und Mrs. HOI'!'Y 11'1', Mrs. Byron POI'I'lsh, nnd ut- dnughtry, nnd his grnndrnot h 1', The Thursdav. 1949 .. __ Bulloch_Herald. word, because the said money hns mlnlst rntor of E. C, Burnsed, 1'Op· "1'11E HERALD" The Bulloch Herald, Thursdav. June 16. 1949 tended of the MI's. J. L. Johnson. I 1�':\I1. the reunion f'amfly lind MI'S, U to the Court In his AUSTIN D. RIGDON DI', and MI's. P. C. F'l'lIl1l<1ln Sr. Sgt. Aubrey NCw\on very small Income. represents pe­ Subscribe to- of the lute Andrew Jnckson nnd MI', nnd M1'8. K W. Barnes hud This 4th of 1949. tltlon, flied and entered on r':u'I'lsh Bllt h, who touches 1111d Miss Bnrbarn Frunklln uro lind lillie dnughter, Janclto Evans, day June. duly I'I.U�IDING III; EI.EC1'11I(li\I� III 13th pubs, the Thornus Je".raon and John Ad. held 31 record that he hns fully adminis­ e r son a I s Mury Coleman nounuvo as guests during the week end Tho colors 1110st nt the cel�ury nmlh nIH' 1',Hlla Itt Fulton P lind of F'1.. .spent scverul lcglble F a '1 r High, lWO weeks with 1)1'. Denning days F. W. HUCHES This CUS-1 A II's sepnding E. C. Burnsed estate. OONTlli\CTING WM ams died Ads tered tomor ont it led In", to the some Wutson's nenr by day, July It 11I'h'[ vncutlou Pond, Grnyrnont, hOI' rutile)'. Rulph Wood, und her rulntlvcs here last Legal dlstunce are on Athmln. nfh'l' M,'S. David King' and family in vlsltlllg' week. Cuardlnn of R. in therefore to cite nil persons greutest yellow �n ------1 George OOlnl)li�t(1 Llnu tit tit tht· will Sunduy. I)1'Olh r, Hubert 'Wood, of Atluntu. MI'. und Mrs, E. K. are and bin ok. his wine drawn. 4, ]826. ''''I't'' nl\il b('IICh, begin Mrs, 110110 weston, of Lumberton. N. C. Cherry Lockhart. concerned, klndrcd creditors, sri ConUnueti rrom ''4-I''orll,,1 IlA,\' Atlanta, Jilh'Olrh'1I1 AI".ltnl1('f'S lilt! nt Mrs. Albert Bruswell Jr. nnd In Athens 6-30-4 tc LC&L to show cause, lf any they CUll, \\ u'k \)1\ his t('l"s degree Is the of 01'. nnd Mrs. J I. MI's. I!:. M. Blinn anti SOil, A, J. Miss Burbnru Frnnklln spt-nt viNii illg rclntlvcs this OITATION guest said Administrator should not Uilil UHf or (Jmrltl In 111111 81�ll UK Il!ft to visit 1'101' why us lit the' ,"',� tlh' l�l\h"'I�lty (If wtscous!n. F'. Arundel this week, Burin. or Suvannah, visit �d Mrs. son. AI, Monduy the wook end wilt! MlsH Stulllsc week. GEORGIA, Bulloch County. Ing drugs, greeled be dlschnrged from his udmlnls­ Jrnr An Esllmntu l lou- E. L. Barnes mode OIT/\TION �ht:ll't \11Siit II III Ihut Bunn's slstc Mrs, Byron Puh- pnrents. Mr. and Mrs, Cart wl1h II M,',..T. B. Dunham, of Guyton, having ap­ counter. DUI'Ing the �\II\I.)I\).! thn.I;(, (I joy g 1\111'. nnd MI's. Sum Frankttn I', Robey, who cntortulnod trutlon, und receive letters of plication 101' as ad­ Bulloch 1111 C of St. Louis, Mo. They wore visited her Mrs. Nellie MII- appointment GEORGIA, County, on first In -EXI'JIlRT OUNSMITIIING_ there, we chatted with Smith. I\lmUlwi" nil' Ht Montrent. N, .• "Ish, Suturdny. fel, beach purt y ut Suvnnnnh Beuch sl,IOI', dismission. the Monday spent 1110 week end In Atluntu. ministrator 01 the estate of Mrs. '1'0 All Whom It May Concern: uccornpanlcd us fur us At lnnt.a by Illst week. July, 1949. Mrs. Chal'lle one, Ruth one "lid "'" I,,,h'" 'lcOouRllld, Mrs. W. of Snturduy night. 101', Ophelia late 01 of -I.OCKSMI'I'H_ EIIIII, Cull returned to FI. M,'. lind Mrs, l lugh 1I(11'per, Akins, said J. Howell Del.oach, Guardlun F. I. Sgt. all WILLIAMS,O,·dlnary. her sister, Ann '''hlttlc: L, Hull s-.. 1I('lon oursey, of Mr. lind county, persons concerned are -GUN BLUEING_ this wee I< uf'ter Auuntu, WCl'c guests of the property of Jessie Howell 6-23-4tc FIW Benning spending hereby cited to at Tomas � appear the De­ ue Swinson, . and Hoi, Murinn LII\I�n I\nf1l..�IHII'1 W�l'th Mt's. J. G. Wat.son and other 1'01- he�'I'I,I.1U;�:n�l's. I Dol.oach and Harvey Lyle -RJIlSTOCKINO_ n )5·duy furlough with his par- Court of for said nil 00. MI'. and Mrs, Ordinary county minor" to Macon, both AlbenIlnd�ittle�llnrasw I'� Arnolct J\ndi'I'sons-AM'I)OIlG';lld,rna u� tltl� atlves of Atlanta, visited Leach, having applied 01' OUi\ltDIANSHIl' here lost week. on the first UJ:l'1'I!JIIS - onts, MI'. unci Mrs. W, L. Cult. Monday In July, 1949, tor liS Oourthmtl SI". Phunn 206 F I II t H.. VI. Gluddln and MI'. end Mrs. ti'e Ordinary by petition, per­ Al Jr.• LMI , HIIlIOII) hns with Wo Ifltvo in Stool, and show cause, if can, MI'. lind Mrs. Bob ,"Vest nnd Mt·s, Laniel' Ilncl dflugh. any they mission to seU lhe corpus of said GEORGIA. Bulloch Counly. lie c ,roo· fit Sidney C. 'J'. S\I'111'OI1 u"ul'ln� 1.lle Iveel< said ver nndGCrnldS"ndson, leve; Ll'on leiS c·I'OO. hul' SUml11Cl' ottngc 11�1'1y Joe, " why application should not of land In To nil whom it concOl'n: uttcnded the minaI'S consisting Bryan may And 1'- son, TOlllmy Powell, tel', Luul'cl Tut.e, spont Tucsday be granted. This June 1949. vel' and ,Emmelt und Rub)! Mnmlc Ilnll POI'I'It.t, Ritn John. end. 5-V G n I v It n i z e II 6th, Count.y, GeOl'giu, Hnd fol' perrnls1 Mabel Jones Gurbett, having ap­ G orgln Tech gl'lIcluulion exet'ciscs in Savannah. F. I. before of the son. I lIke They 111'0 Gibson Jr. tlnd RitR, of DI'. and Mrs. Arundel ot­ WIILLIAMS, Ordinary. slon to sell suld propert.y plied for guurdianship per­ openings. ston, Hugh 6-30-4 tc FIW IAYI lAVE SAVE SAVI Monduy mOl'ning at t.he Fox the· the Courthouse dool' in Bryan sons und property of Juanita evidences Stntesool'o is gl'Owlng Swulnsbol'o. 1\'luI'Y Akills hus with MI', and Mrs. Roy Lanicl' {lnd tended gl'uduutlon excl'cises Slit. Iltcr, Attnn!a, at time County, Georgia, and that the Jones, minor child at Mack Joncs, und in business, I'ec· her beoch homo ElcnnOl' iwhlch Mrs. Bel'nurd King of CeQJ'. expanding hcr Ht daughtcr. ul'duy at the Univel'sity of the sule of the lute of said county, doceused, Powell ,'eceived u B.S. de· SALE UNDER POWER proceeds proper­ und educntionnl racllitles. nnd Andcl'Son. The Geol'ge and or Atlantu, ROOFING said reoUon, Lovetl Ruby daughter, Ginny, glu. ut which time their duugh. IN ty be used fOi' the educutlon and notice Is given lhat applica­ gt·cc In indusll'lul munugcment. SECURITY DEED Albert BI's8wcll Sr. tilted It cocu· Brunsolls hud us wekend UI'C Mr. und Ml'S. Sidney Miss Jnnice I'cceived nmintennnce of said wards, tion will be helll'd at my office Hol

ENGINE ... "Job-Rated" tor your p"ls. Check flues now; come and get whatever repairs you your loads. Saves gas, Oil-cuts service ex­ • FULI_-LENGTH CYLINDER You can for them when you sell tobacco. pense. need. pay COOLING ... Unilorm ot 119".� cooling

, . wear. I. Act Now! Take Advantage of This Offer! • VALVE SEAT INSERTS, •• cylinders, protects, reduces Resist wear, pitting. Reduce valve ON TOBACCO CURERS • 4-RING ALUMINUM ALLOY BRC PRICES REDUCED orlnding; preserv� performance, PISTONS_ .. Ior lop p"tormance; TRUCKS STOVE TYPE $175 (Installed-l!i190) • REPLACEABLE. PRE FITTED longer bearing life; low oil consump­

_ .. tion. • TYPE MAIN BEARINGS precision, . FLUE $125 (Installed-$135) a quality, Reduce maintenance We're in truck market ••• long-life • FULL-PRESSURE LUBRlCA· buyer's today it is a Iml'ner for cosls. we No obligation to pay unless satisfactory your TlON ... positive prolection ot and know itl rod and camshaft farmers can see the Stove we in­ • FULL CRANKCASE VENTI· main, connecting barn. Bulloch Oounty Type We like it that way. a LATiON ... remo'val of crankcase bearing and camshaft drive, Competition's good NOW-a automatic Electric a at farms. ... 5% DDT completely Frigidaire Range stalled on the Sam Nevilles and C. M. Rushing adjoining thing if your product's right ••• and sensational low Has all the basic features of and Chassis Features is price! operation Flue Type illustrated below. your price right.

that have made Electric famous fRICTION CLUTCH _ .. "Job-Raled" tor Iheload performance firigidaire Range'S • SUP"R housing We sincerely believe that Dodge "Job­ ... ow cosl. aN "." .. ,extra large frictional area. "-!Ek­ long-life up eep Sulphur for carefree cooking, better, easier meals. YOU SEE Rated" trucks are the best that money can NEW TOBACCO CURER UNTIL Raled" tor smoolh ..tion and long lile. DON1 BUY THAT .. Each truck • POWERFUL JOB-RATED" buy. is engineered and quality­ • RUGGED 3-, 4·, or 5-SPEED BRAKES ... Cyclebonil brake a • built to fit or . ... specific delivery exclusive Radiantube TRANSMISSION "Job-Rated" brake lile. hauling job Frigidaire's Cooking Unit, ••• linings (no rivels) prolong for Ihe load. Carburized gears: leat­ Look What You Get! economical heat on When your truck fits your job it performs fast, clean, anyone of 5 speeds-from (re'aled antifriction bearings. shafts; • CROSS-TYPE STEERING ... to better ... it lasts longer ... it costs less to simmer high, REAR Sharp turning angle; easier han· The amazing Cook-Master Oven Clock Control! It actually • FULL FLOATING You save ••• AXLE-Bypoid cosicn; b,njo-Iype dling ... simplified parking. operate. money every day cooks meals while Turns oven on, cooks meal, Dusting you're away, Oven SigDal Light and Interior Light. Signal Light for Sur­ every mile. turns oven off-all automatically. • Cab Features face Units Thermizer Well Cooker • Come in-let's talk Deep High Speed, > price, too, You'll save ADJUSTABLE SEAT-Seven • COi�,Fur.T·i\jJ,.SlER CABS • oven • to last ... with the best Oven Control. Preheats in 5Y2 minutes, Smokeless-type Broiler Full-width • money-first truck Simpli-Matic Storage Drawer as inches of seat Sulphur ... acclaimed drivers most adjustment. by can then maintains heat at desired or money buy ••• and at the right price! automatically roasting Roomy Upper Storage Drawer. Porcelain-inside and out comtorl,ble cab ot any sl,ndard pro­ duellon Irucks. baking temperature. -with • ALL-WEATHER VENTI- acid-resisting porcelain • coolling top Appliance - • SAFE VISION ... exira wide, LATI ON Comhin,lion healing Oven that roasts outlet • • windshield-8OO Inches. and and Full-sized, Twin-Unit Even-Heat easily Cooking Top Lamp Welded, all-steel c�aS5is • high sq. ventilating defrostillg system A Line Pilot,house cabs with rCJr �\liJrler engineered for maximum comIc.:! and Complete a 25 Ib, bakes 4 Fibrous glass insulation. turkey-or big pies, windo'.':s available, sately. 01 .See All These features Demonstrated Today! • Insecticides AKIN.S APPLIANCE COMPANY - FOOL- PROOF - EASY to OPERATE and Dusts 21 WEST �1i\lN STREET UGHT ROIL SIMPLE SAFE, STATESBORO, GEORGIA - YEARS - LIFE TIME-TESTED for EIGHT .nd TR�UBLE.FREE LONG • • • DISTRIBUTOR --- For Free DemonstTatio. See LANNIE F� SIMMONS East Georgia Peanut Co. PARKER MOTOR CO. TATrNALL MOTORS S. E. Creech Machine Shop Sylvania, Ga. Glennville, Ga. STATES�ORO,GEORGlA BOWEN MOTOR CO. EDWARDS MOTOR CO. GA. '-.- PHONE 185 CLAXTON, Metter; Ga. Claxton, Ga.

------..... - passil1ll a customs bnrrtor. We 111'0 finds tho high ndvonturo Rho I. The Bulloch Herald. Thursdav..Juno 16. 1�49 nrc too fill' aWRY fl'0111 whore seeking. The love. If lo II was M,·, and Mrs, Delmas Rushing. The Bulloch Herald. Thursdav..June 16. 1949 American Woman Abroad other lnnguuges OI'C spoken, COII� However Il1I1I1Y Mnrahull uida 'rho bright pnvillou nf pence lo And, 1{11.llng I to 110 one on of Register, visited Mr and scqucntty, unt II thc occnslon urlscs We onnct, howovor many wars we cun only be scen III that rnrifted SUS!oI(,lX, upologizo (COI1t1ntloti Frum I!ldlturlul llul{u) hut OUI' CUI·tll wh n 1 KIlY: "'1'0 mo it 18 G. W. Turner last Sunday. we don't scorn to reullzo the need nmy fight unci win, In the Hnal nil' From which red fpl' extent. With OUr that wus stands becn cltrntnatcd. Stat sboro." ,·a.slng high needed In never what kind of for it. At Icust, true In uccountlng our greatness fellowmun has Chamber Po(�!�! Mr. Leodal Boatright, of MrS'jCin­ serving and tho house wo know Junior standards of living, the we had h I as I SIlY, I believe 0" fulls on the of men and How olton in my truvels I have �!!�N�N) not is 1'1 Statesboro been type things louched when the pleasant cxpcrlcnco g my day-but cinnati, Ohio; Mrs. G. W .. Hodge consider necessities are I nm not so With OUI' the "I hate eon8ider� Ambassador come for inspection, around tho next corner. I I'Cl11em� thut Is changing, "omen we produce, hove heard remark, DOTTm HARGROVF- Mrs. :1. E. Parrish III tended the and little daughter, BUI'bul'O Ann, ed luxuries other and most of us S0I110- risen to such all and 1 nrn uf'ruid I must by iower To this day I ean sec tim unmade bor being qulte put out once SUI'C hut that wealth lind power Jnps," Ount InmJ rrom edltorloJ IJI'lc. Stnte Conference in and Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Hol­ Vocational Is been standards 01 living. It Is the sto- wont OVOI' to Lushlo to how Ihlnk I,ngllsh Ihe Illngullge heights, we should be able to canless thut I hove guilly Mucon last of Savannah, visited Ihelr bed, my evening wrap flung on when I Commerce Thul'8day and Frlduy, lund, EI Ihilll'" l'n; good bait ror IIny 01 Doris must thrcat 01 Commun­ of thut ant} in the not too rur Of rles the Duke. and Bar- the chest 01 n 10 and two uud other people simply ellrnlnnte the drawers, get plane Rungoon Miss parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank my evening Grace who has It If thoro 10 be distant "I the SUICSI1'lUII, He �\V(.'UI'!j I'd buy the Bowen, barn Hutton. that make the head- on weeks When I 1.0 lourn to spoak Is Ism-II It Is true Ihut poverty post. 01', dcsptso for seve ... 1 day. last slippers the d"esslng I"nble­ holiday. got been and Boatright, Okefenokee Swnnp with no quos­ leaching In Atluntu, lines. The art student on communication between us, nourishes Communism. Whatever "I detest Ihe' Ftlalnns." • the Left all covered a thick layer of Lushio one or tho oxccuttvos of uny British," • week. by If talked • Miss Maxie Lou who 1.0 a world lions uskcd ROmCOIl(! Alderman, Bank In and WUS 11 be that this feeling will the of Communism In China If we are huve united • News Parll the exchange bamboo dust. That was the scene the Ilrm by which I employ­ may type Report has been In Mr, J. B. Fields Is that rlght. to I11C. Weekly Jacksonville, spending student at Leeds where In a unlversnl time alone will tell, I remember we must rld ourselves of teuchJng University are lhat greeted His Excellency. A cd \VUS there find asked me eventuate lungungu have returned nrc now some with his Mrs. But r on joy mect home and time daughter, be true, it has II once 01'. John R. Matt Idea ut tho Not lng people. also "American Woman Abroad." tWO-InCh-square hole would have r was going. "I think you hud but, II It long' hearing right beginning. u Mallurd This whole rlcncc Is fun, ttcndfng summer school at Geor- M. E. Mallard, lind M,·. bcfore tho job Is COIl1- he believed If Is It un-Chrtstlun. bill down­ ex)) of the an­ And In their contacts with na- for me to slide better como to India with me," way to go suylng that Chrls­ only DonI. lie is <1 grnrluntc of the fur Juyceo sponsorshlp been ample Highlighting t.he news f .luy- giLl Teachers In Miami. Fla. cause I The I clcphonu company not if'lcd 'Miss College. tlves of other lands Nutlonnl Aviation and I know r regret very died out In the rest of thc right absurd, I lhlnk. B HIllI rocciv­ mill I beauty revue to pick lhey leave through and disappear forever in he sold. "China ptcted, lillllily week is the news of GCOI'gin t hu t wc could our cee nctivlty lhls Unlverslty The Woman's Society of Chris- I didn't try harder would from hated the militarism of the Jllp- liS taduy get Stntesboro" unci "Miss Bulloch Mrs. J. E C. Tillman Is vlslt- an ImpreSSion of the American the jungle. But adnllration 101' Is an expe..lmental IIIght much that world It spread again Governor cd 110nol's t.hel'e, my .making Thc Item It-om Atlnntn lhot rnuny high tian Service of the Portal Meth- WllS no cnl'th� phone; the pupel' boys leuve wc were learn the nallve IlIllgUllgCS In I'he shores of China. And though anese Boldier, thel'e County," Othel' pltllls being de� Ing her lon, M,'. Clifford Jones, life that Is anything but a con- His Brlttanlc Majesty'S Ambassa­ to India," So, vel'Y soon, to Herman Talmadge has uppolnled til thai loelll mllst Church met with Mrs. J. H. Asia's should cxlend Constit.ution in lhe morninG'S nnd II is wi I'cgl'ct JIlY� I wns tircd thc dlffcrent c8untrics in which it be n great weakness, ly reason why r vcloped include sponsorship of tI lind family In Miami, Fla. tlnual change of husbands. Of dar to China r9se to great heighls on our wuy to India. muy of t.he Stutesboro Jordan on _ I'OSS in the It[tel'� the secretary cees sec him lellve Statesboro, for ot last week. For one cven to hatl'ed to the chil­ thc Wuy paper Monday we come In from an all ride over the I hove Ilved, Jhlng, screne obliviousness time may my Jupunese huge tobucco fcslival to highlight Swains-' course, for criticism when he shook my hand and very night Junior Chnmbcl' of Commel'ce to In Dr. alld MiliCI' and Mrs. Rupert Moore, of floweI" noons. A Irllck Iwlf full of 'Watcr� he hus beon vcry l-JcUvb ,JIIY� Mrs. C. the Ihe attempt to spellk a foreign her hcro. Years mean little dren who galhcmd wild Ihe opening of Slulcsbol'o tabuccD -our faces, our flgurel, and our said: "It sU"prises my how Bunna Roud und Immediately help his Executive Aide, 1-Ie's Fn1l14 club's bora, and Miss Ella SaundCl's vls­ k,lndly mclons came this morning. lJc ccc aclivilics hCl'C, hill the gl'Ondson, Larry Simmons Mosley, to a sympalhelic In- lo months less, and mln­ and gav them 10 me as I Wllllod by ll1urkels, \,yatch this column fol' fingernailS-but on the I well you Ame"lcans know how to planc was ail'bol'l1c I wcnt language 'IiI0ws China, Stat.esboro nt� Mr. and M,·s. Hurold Hend"ix whole, 1110 of cis young all his now spent last Sun with their Ited ou,· curio be (They'll ulwt1YS rcmind Allen, wishes go with him day I did we tercst in a country. I hove Rcen utes at all. No Oriental by the roadside fol' fUl'lhcl' news nbout these projects, think we are given credit for cour- live." sleep. And sleep unt1"1 nothing M.... Darius and last Monday. there Is nol h­ George C hun c· and Stilson,) torney. duughle,', Brown, /. Chittu­ a few words of Chinese spoi

;=rcn:r BIRTH Capt and Mrs J, C, Schwa Ike and The Bulloch Herald. Thursdav. June 16, 1949 STATESIIOIIO- ItOIJNIl ntul son, Joey, ore spending thl. SIlIJAllt� MI', and Mrs Benton S I week wIth her pnrents. MI' and he I� stationed after spending 0 Tiny Ramsey 01 Gllffln spent announce the birth of a son, May Mrs J C lew his weekend with Read Bulloch Classified Dancing under thc Stars Robinson, and fumlly, days with parents, Mr. the his parents, Mr. County'. Penonals 26, at the Bulloch County Hospl- before to Great and Mrs H P Jones S,' and Mrs B H lIt reportlng Lukes, Ramsey The Herald'. tnt I-Ie hU8 been nurnod Neal Ben- III, for duty Mrs John Everett visited her MI s Talmadge Ramsey and soon, leading FOR Sale - Large Mr und MI s WU1'I10ck ton Jr Mr. was the BULLOCH ANTIQUES Raymond THE Strunge John Mrs Malvin In 81'C HERALD i'RADE WIND CAFE Capt Egbert' Jones re- doughtel', Bluett, Holmes, spending two weeks Ads refinished - hud as dinner Miss rormer Nlwspaper gnme table, $65 Sunduy guests MhlB Evu Moe> I turned to Mobile where Augusta the weekend, at Bench, ".1\'1111011 Sunday during Daytona Solid mahogany gate-leg table­ Edith Wnrnock und MI' Sam Har­ OPI'II 1\lr Until Ing Ituud DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF STATESBORO AND BULWCH COUNTY $50 Large mahogany chest-\!. bin of Savnnnnh, Mlsscs Ent'ldene On UIIVI'r 1Il\'f�ry original price Beautiful "Gone Nesmith and June Mlllcr, MI Bil­ \"I'dluosduy nud Snlurllny Night With the Wind" from $15 MI' W r Tidwell VOLUME IX Thursday, June 1949 Lamps ly Anderson, Adllll"'HicHl-O.'nU'·lIIt'li $1.00j Statesboro, Georgia, 23, NUMBER 81 to $75 Four large luster fruit Jr., MI' lind Mrs Dolphus De­ Lull"·",II'IUJf). bowls, $4 each And a brand new Louch and Chlldl en, MI und MJ's Locul Officials Oriental rug, 9x12 A real bar­ Elton Kennedy and children or gain YE OLE WAGON WHEEL, Vldullu, MI s Delmas Kennedy, 01 W Stop S.County Crete 2\!. miles southeast Mr J Mrs Rec Indians' Antiques, Brannen, Vacation in Brunswick Hemains . Statesboro, Savannah highway, Brannen, MJ' and MIS Dewey 10 minutes from Thievery Ring' und son Jl�-OE-9 Swindell of Glennville, finest beach MI' lind MI's John Grtfftn and Georgia's Coorgo COliC, Eddie Jenklns, Freezer Low Summer GET YOUR Locker Paper duugh(el' or Suvannnh. MI uud Bennio Melvin, Eddle r:VHI1S, und Found here Near and Cartons Akins Appli- Riltes \VullCI ill e Statesboro MIS Arthur NeSmith and daugh­ Fnmily Holloway, oes, ance Co 1tc ter of Sylvanlu, MI und MI s Inquire Brunswick 111 Bulloch County I I, bulng held fOI the next S 1101 COUI t For more than 400 500 buried on that Johnny Evans und son of Syl­ Chambel' of Commerce HiNCgl years--maybe years-they lay LOANS with ,I in FARM vunlu charged opcl'.,ng Itve­ l'idge Bulloch county, And, on Friday, while a new road out 4 \!o % Interest cutting by county whclcsnle �ocelY Ihert Mr. Cone Hall's place off U, S, Route a -bulldozer disturbed their bones. MIS Madl e and � --- , 80, Terms to SUIt the borrower See Phillips daugh­ ----- t LINTON 6 S Main LUCille, severn I days • ------. MI G LANIER, ter, spent F'lcd Hodges, chnlrmnn of \ "Trent That Can't Dcnl has been . 1st Floor Sea Island Bank last week With Mr und MI S R B St, the wus umor a Be Beat" requested by the shellrr's office county commlsslonors, J B II' L Building, Phtlllps lit Wrens l"at Stoell: Show eague of Emanuel to hold notified und when Ill' urrivcd all County Cone, Licks 12.9 � FHA, GI, FARM LOANS, SIIUMAN'S Jcn\{JIlS und Melvin rOl them the scene he found thut hls load- Mettel., MADE Set '50 Convenient loans. AU 41h per­ 1I0Mt) Sheller Dc�\1 und City Police .1;1'· April, workers had disturbed tht" gravos The Statesboro Junior Baseball cent Swift, prompt serv\ce­ Mea t Bill Lct t cooperated, In breaking The Stntesb 10 fat stock Sue's Kindergarten of lndluns League All-Stars defeated tho A S DODD, Cone Bldg., N Main IUhl I he show hus been scheduled fOl up Illlg Metter JUniors 111 a 12 to 9 fra- St Phone Statesboro, (tf) MI' Hodges, interested In fndlnn 518, These off'iccrs suy tlult rou I oj ApIII '27 III 1950, J V 'I'Hl- ens 111 Metter this week This hi now three, Vegetable 1M unrolling ))u))lIs loro III Bulloch county, culled At- the men were by the 1111111, ITIltl1ugCI 01 the l3ulloch the thud DO YOlffi LAUNDRY THE ume the Stateesboro four, uml five ycurs or ngl} ell11,loyccJ lanru nnd was advised to cull MI' H J Elfis Company, wholesnlc Stockyurds, announces EASY WAY them to SAUCE bu nt tin oughoul Junior-Size ballplayers have de­ Bring tOi tho full teem. They On quality Charles H Full banks, Nutlcnul and longer lind arc charged with 1,11- MI TIIII1H11l stutcd thu t the AUTOMATIC WASIIER, 811 t INfuoUoli Guarunteed r \y' grocer,to feated boys from Metter, RUTH'S for against PUII(s SCI vice, Fort FI ederlcku�luaIi:a�ltccd ccny of the gl'OCCIY supplies, lvus 110m ,111 the Lart y Evans hurled for tho 25 Zetterower Ave, Prompt ser­ DeliCIOUS With s tcne rcprcscnuu n"III(IOIiH trnlnlng, tnlJRlc, cuts, r t m cuts Nutlounl Monument ut St Simons lut a pel lad or Itl met III Ma- glass or gely SUgUl, over, shows GCOI gin Statesboro boys and BIll Foun­ vice Curb ServICe, (tf) l\I cut Ii rll;yother near BI urt, gumes:, HlorlcH, und oul· bruises, UI1SWICk a llrclimc about fOUl months The rlfth man, con last weck und wOIked out tuln caught SOli road hazar.blO:out�us in rCllrCl,tlon on ,Il ALL I" n st defects 1 door huge, aKar Evans, IS charged With ccelvlng I he schedule rOl next yen!' MI Fall'banks eume to Slates- Saturday of this week hlcs guarantee d mo.tcrlats. morning "egoln m W some of the slolen goods Such I:l wlil bol'O Monduy und W01 k In well-cfIUlplM!d Illuyground. or,k a���i��lcndn with ordinary plun plevent uny begun the Metter JUIIIOrS will play the MId and Ollgmated by ' , I UI,rW1C, to the about tile ureu the bulldozel' heavy c' AccOlchng 9fflcels conflicts wilme hud Statesboro juJlors in Statesboro , SII1J�IAN co, ���st. bp:t ... L, J, c WOI of uncovel cd ,,;;;. BATTE RIES Tires on yow $1 200 th sugal', soap pow- The local show Will be at the bones on Cone Field MRS. W. L. JONES Sintoshoro, Gil. mileage. and othcl dClS, canned goods!. sup- 1\11 bal'n next In the local the RE CHARGED TlllnMI1's year \VOI klllg 111 the cut, Mr FUII­ lea�ue Bulldogs (Even Makes Black Eyed Peas been stolen. hes had ul ll-I-i Club dnd stIli hold first -._ - Sevel boys banl(s llnd 1\11' IIodges found tht! place, Taste Like Bar-Be-Cue) Director These wcre beheved to have SENIOR IIOYS LEAGUE girls have aheudy selected lell18111S or unothel IndlHn 111 U C. J. McMANUS been sold at about half price 10 \Vlth wins thell' culves fOl thc show und five-foot banl( of dirt 011 the four and one loss the S72 811\'I1I1n8h A \'C. - Phone 225 edge 111 - 100 & 29c Glcnnville, Gold BTlcks a 86 W, Main St. Phone 6IS-M deuicis' Metter, now have them 111 the cOin of whel c the bulldozer hud cut have slim grip on At Your Loonl Grocer's Millon, Slatesbot'O, Swoll1sbolO, field Ill'st place In the Senior Boy, HAVE YOU tried RexalJ VVOI with u llowel und FunKI- and at hCI places 111 Bulloch coun­ kmg tillY Bltseball II ------• League, Rex salve for the treatment of !"::::"'::::'"::::'''::::'''::::'''::::'''::':'''!::'''::':'''::':''''::':'''::':''::':'''':::''':::'''::::''':::'''::::''':::"'::;"'::;"'::;"':;""�!I�!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� a small Whisk l)Joom, MI Fair- ty, All but one of these dealel s ThiS week the Dynamites push· dlscomlort due to a thletes foot. ba IklS I cmovcd the dll tawny a I'e Negt oes cd the Gold BI'leks into· 8 7 to 6 59 cents flOlll skull und the bones per tube at wCl'e Call led on the of Frankll� 'Phe opel'u lions $500 in defeat-their first of the se8son Hexall-Drug Company, Sallsfac­ Equipment the Inchu11 to I evenl thut the by exll d londlngs all delivery Hur ry SWlcord pitched the win' guaranteed or your money back backbone, 'thc ribs, and UI ms hud tl ucks and shortages 011 dehvellCS Head for East Side nlng game to an extra tnnini' (tf) the Com- y so budly dlsmtegruted thut there to fn!TIs sel'vlced by Brooks Waters racked up a ,500 Max Locln",ood, slJpel"lI1tendent WUs little tlnce of them The I at the bat for the FOH SALE- 1940 45x46 engme pany average Dyna. or the StatesbOlo skull was In but could F lltWlon l!oi ",hown ubo\'o The "opelators" would add a of ICclclltJon good shape mItes Newton fOl motorcycle Can be seen at Plato," \Bobby pitched Hecl cation annOunc­ 1I0t stalld The and I case of milk or a carton of SUgHI Deparlment, handling leg Gold Brlcka, Joe Ben Statesboro Machme Co Hc Amerlcu" l.nrllde III Atlllnta Olty lust full In th I} Jlut!onul .11\Ilss AmcriCIl," contest. lOSing Now See "Batman and Robm" In evel cd thiS week that $500 worth of thigh bones were drawn up under ShowIng to their load on almost y ItheCassedy caught, Cassedy got Rtt'iofUPH \\'Us selected us IOI\IIs8 Bulloch and was then solcelt·1) liS ,j�lIss and Adventure Oounty" Gcorgln" rCIJrescllt­ will be 111- the chin of the skull In the ICE CREAM IS economICal food, "UTTLE WO�IEN" TheIr Next Inter hidden, thell sold at eqlllpmcnt POSl- three hIts out of thJ A hiP, plaY�l'Ound five trips to super deluxe cd this st.utc In thc finals ut Atlantic She ",us III blle ul\lIss America" contest tion characteristic the Indmll Compare food values Healthful, Juno 19 wagon that City. sllOnsorml stalled on the East Side play- of bat June Allyson Peter Lawford SlIndllY. stand hard about half-price \Vi�l use, Large custom of burial nutritious, delicious, Eat MORE "COVER UP" 28' x 13" by the Junior Ohambcr or Oommerce. was first du'eeted glOund O'BTlen x 3-3/4" body SUspICion 'Margaret Wlth 1 .. Superior Ice Cream 4tc 1/4" super bnlloon at lilllis He was Purchase or Ihls IS states \ Fine Mystery Story Starring Cone by Henry eqUIpment Mr, FaIrbanks that the Duroc Saturll(ly, June 18 tires, Jersey Hog easy rUling wheels the Denllls O'Keefe, Barbar Britton ----����������� queslloned and hnphcnted 1.1ndc pOSSible by the local camp Indians found here 01 e the direct FOR SALE-Service Station type 1\vo Big F..atures! Sale Is August 11 WIlliam BendIX el s 0" tho Woodmen of the WOIld ancestors of the Crete Indians THE JUNGLE BOY" carahoist. Statesboro Machine uD01\[BA, Gwen West Is Named A purebred Duroc Jene), hoa 1\Iuntlny.TucP1day, June 20-21 -�... �•• PlonlJ '1'01'0 mnde last week to of the 1400-1700 era, They were Company, He Johnny Shefleld �. sale h.. been arranKed tor AUiust "TULSA" BASEBALL To complete the East SIde CommunI- fal'inel'!!:'" IIT!n 1Il1inted.,bout the Also Caml) Is O[len 11, J, V, "Tillman, manager of Ihl. FOR SALE - Small FrigIdaire, Susan Hayward, Preston Foster 1 Y Ccnlel Elmel Webb, Clarence same things we now plant, he "INCIDENT" �Miss Plaie' Bulloch YoutI1 Bulloch Stockyards. announces, as Fashion, County dnd McCorkle corn, benns good new, reasonably priced, Filmed In Technlcolor c:tcploe Glady sUld, squash, Warren Douglas Jane Frazee l'II"01'S' GAME H,Jl]SUI"TS Mr Tillman met with S, H GeOl Lovell JI , Robert Donaldson, office phone Next Oomlng Atrructlon Gwen West docs It agam' mg by a panel of beauty authorl- Hev ge pasto! completcd plAns thiS weel< fOl the TUI'ned Ul' the bulldozer Hey I{lds! Don't Forget To Bc (JII/II JUNE 15-2l by Young and J, B, Joiner of 310, residence 191, 6-16-2Ip EVERY SPRING" ties of the Statesboro Baptist ChUICh, 01 matellals to flshmg wei e several "celts" or stone Tfn, Here at 130 all to ,"1'[ IIAI"'ENS Statesboro s beautiful "Miss , pUlchtlse axes, Satul'day ... nille and County S. G. Met. Jmw I() t \"rights\'JIIe that al'- Agent GeOl elect- The natIOnal WlIlnel Will be de­ :l!1nounced yeslel'day the WOI k on the CommullJty Cen- a pipe, sevel'ul u glu of 1949" has been beads, pottery, ccr of We� FOR HENT-A large comfortable (�R()ShEY Rarn fOl Washington county tm milled wlthlll the next weel{ 1'�1I1gell1ents have been made tel' conch r;lldl used to drll1k casillo ed "MISS Fashion Plate of 1949" bullOlllg to with to bUSI­ li.������������������������� f \ ncsday complete arrangemenU bedroom, bath, 11" (lOll fh,' to 01' ten and will l'eCClve a June 16 at Stntesboro of Bulloch county lit the Unlvel'slly of GeOl'g18, days the youth These thrcc men wele selected tea flam. tillY arrow POints Thesc ness man or business woman, or for the sale. Mr Young and Mr one week vacation to New Wlightsville 7, Statesbolo 3 aaend the Youlh Camp at Craw- al'e Mr Athcns tnp at a jOll1t mcetlllg of the Cily III Hodges' office In the couple, Two and half mIles from 'SIIEL\j\[)()I{ Jomer promised Mr, Tillman the) York With and .'11111' 1'1 ,It Millon fOldsvllle thiS Sllmmel conducted fashion, style Hecrentlon BOdl'd uml CounCil and courUlOUsc, town on bus line Phone 2902, The contest, bClI1g by would enter some 50 to 60 spring at the Revlon Millen He stales that young people I more make-up traming 2, StatesbOlo 7 of' the East Side Ml also has In hIS of- Mrs E, L Preetorlus, 6-162tp ATTENTION Imagine Up to 12 feet college sales and I'esearch In co- leprcsentatlves Hodges pigs and 12 to 15 bred gilll In tho on Bulloch bctwecn the of "front-row" space, thanks Salon Fifth Avenue, New .Iune J 9 at StatesiJoro of county opel atlon With Revlon Products COlml1Ulllty f1ce the parts of the Indian which August sale. " to the marvelous to House" Shelvador, York, A whulwll1d tOllr of the ages of 10 and 16 arc ehglblc MISS MATTIE'S Play was held MetteI' 0, Statesboro 4 men o[ the East Side was tUI ned the bulldozer I an exclusive Crosley feature, Corporation, New York, All C011),­ up by These breeders brouKht a group a chance attend the Slll11l11el camp which will re-open September 5, A in see the City, expense free, prus The I'cmall1S of the show the -.- COl1}e and many, on nme college campuses thlough- June 20 \ut Stntcsboro mum!y nrc IIlvltcd'to be rnesent Jaw of hogs here last year that have - .. to 11 and extends full WIll be carried out, I many conveniences the : become n plolesslonal model begllls July in Sev- program out the nallon Millen 4, StatesbOl 0 5 next \Vednesd.lY, June 29, to l'e· fndlan's teeth good shape proven Several Bul­ .... the ..... ot satisfactory, and of various beaut)' stylt> wIll be part of the wlIlnel's I e- till ough July 17 Music art kinds, : el'al of the bones ure idenllfled WOI k on the � quality-huilt Crosley'" SelectIOn was based on person- ,lUJltj 21 t ..t StutesiJoro Slime pl'oJect They loch county hog farmers ul!. ,these wm d covers tile enure child best in Fu)'niture Only $1250 ts literature, games, and, If have had any If'0frigerators Todayl