Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 6-16-1949 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1949). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3893. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Fln';'J' [1,\1"1'11<'1' (lJIIIHI'11 ::_ ::; a:)', J\11�C 9, 101rl 1------------------------------------------------------·- ,gead __ :n,c ;.::::�_ ���':���JY ll.\�('t; tJ!\"atnl! 'I'IIY. :"!'I',\HS i II • I 111'\.0",,,,:;,·,.,,,,,,11,1,,"1,,,· •• •••••••••••••••1 ' 1 1\'1' 1' .....-; Tlte Herald'. Bulloch e:•••:.:•••••••• ••••,,1••••••••• ••••••• •••11 10:15-Sund"y School. County'. �:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: � TRADE WIND CAFE 1 t ::lO-J\llol'l1ing worship l lour. Statesboro Junior Chamber Ads THE BULLO H Leadl_g li:4" B.T.U, Huund utnl SCllIIHll 1l1I11(l11llo( HERALD - lc With 1\IU"'((1 (h" R:OO Evening Evangelis! NftlpClper c SSIFIED hy DEDICATED TO Ho'lIl' Rev. Lovell. J _�BO � BU�H COUNTY \1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Georgia Cracker Of Commerce � � •...•...................•...•.....••• IWSIIING-HAlt'l' VOLmlEIX Hillbillies food. and M1's. Theron Kelly Statesboro, Georla, F H s.u- - lCI, CBEAM Is economical Mr. ANTIQUES Large \\'Ind • • Dunce nL 11111 1'rnc!p Ouru of announce NUMBER so - food values. Healthful, Rushing, Rcglster, game ruble, re lnlshcd $65. Compare • • HD on 1111' Oltl'll Air' £'lIvllllulI 'ihl", News Council Holds nutrttlous delicious, Eal MORE. �Ihe engagel11ent of their daugh-. Weekly Report Solid Inhlc­ mohognny gnl -lcg II, Methodists: Iitc Suturdu.y NI�ht. .hUH' Frnnccs, 10 Rex Students t0 a e chest % SUllet'iol' fce CreLim tor, Dg)'othy T k $50. LOI'Cc mahognny fill nurf h Annual Meet In College I.lIt'ull't! llu\II'r Ruud. l son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beaullful "Oonc lurt. New Paste original price. Orrlccs for rent. FOB BENT- 8'llt,·8hol'o. Hnrr. The will take Patronizc 21' wedding place the members of the Statesboro ,Junior New With the wind' Lamps front "J5 following Athens Next Wt�ek HOInes and hcut furnish­ Built In wnror, lighls, Census of June 26. Olmmber of Commerce. for a Statesboro 10 1"0111' luster fruit Ench is better States­ h $75. large Clt. SeD B. B, Monls. 211' working Miss Hushing Is n gl'Aduutc of Next week is the annual meet­ u brand new boro and Bulloch our bowls, $(1 each. And County. Let's all boost City IUld If come at School at­ Oounty. of the people knocking your nnswers I'D u sclected number de In bar­ Slation Statesboro IIlgh l:nd ing Gcorgia Home Demon­ or Oriental rug, 9x12. A real FOR SALE-Sel'vlce type Vacation in Brunswick Tell other of the we have in Greater door next week Ihe Pari" School Georgians advantages suauon Council. askIng questions, questions relating to WAGON car-holst. Stntesboro Machine tended Beauty Delegates at­ residence, gn!n. YE OLE WHEEl., Bulloch don't slam the door In their face, 10 minutes from in nnd now hus her County: from this age, sex, ami martini and educa­ Statesboro ltc Savannah, tendIng county will be Since 21,� miles souihenst of I Antlques, Company. And when tell M,·•. they you they are Uonal stetua. Jan. finest beach own shop in Stutcsboro." Billy district vice From a tabulutlon Savannah highway. Georgia's Simmons, tmesboro, The Slut shore Junto- Chumber tions the president of the Junior with of the taking a census 01 Statesboro, of these new FOB SALE- One L. C. Smilh Low Summer Mr. t tart served foul' years in plcturqs president. It chulrman of the State Council, answers they hope to Twenty-one homes were built in 6-30-4tc of don't thInk States-t---------� Commerce is undertuking a Chamber of Commerce, Buford and they are misrepresent­ obtain a sclcntlf'le Typewriter, Statesboro Machine Ih u ' Army with two also carrles focts about the club retiring presldent of the Bul­ description of boro between December Rates 30,1948, and June i ' 1949 Family .. ye,�,'s' new now tho t the ci t.y Knight, will be glad to heal' f!'Om lng the facts just because It'- not Stutesboro's '. - ltc in loch MontI'os _ Company. Ihe project, County Mrs. Eurl popututton. for a Grabam FARM LOANS organization. and about the va- Council: total of $81,150, Inquire Brunswick Soutlll�' Pl�c'flc pool has been completed lind put you. You may contact him at yet 1950. 4\�<;'o Interest with the 593rd Amphihious Engl- Lester, presldent of the Arcola + Is - rious cities over stuto Residents of This one less FOH BENT Furnlshed uprnt- Cham ber O·f Commerce into operation, The project. is to Darby Lumber the which The ,class in Principles or So­ Statesboro OI'C ask­ home built here Is Terms 10 suit Ihe borrower. Sec ncers, Company. Home Demonstration Club and have ELich at ed to the six Co-op Managel' ment, 5 rOOI11S, nil conveniences. ------------- work t"awHrd securing at least Jaycee groups. Jaycee ciology Georgia Teachers Col­ coopernto In this 'Pid' during months period from LINTON G, LAN1ER, G S, Mnln Local Jaycees received newly elected president of the mnklng Dealto Ise.""ce Irorn copies Speak Montros Gruhnm RENT-A and half miles tennis usc under the rllrectlon of 1 was named Johnston 115 Snvnn- FOR 1:1I'gc comfort able Two two courts for ten­ at lege, Prof. , January to June 1948. tst FIIlOI' 'cn Islnnd Bunk Apartrncnts, I couple. by of the St.atc Roster t.hls Wednesday's meeting received Bulloch Home Dernonstru­ survey possible. ] t promlses t.o 1, How- St., Georgia County ..I' or the Juno 1. bed roo wit.h 10 on bus linc, :l902, nis fans hCl'e in Stntesbbl'o. David Hawk, Is At C manager West Side 'Iar- Ilfth Ave. Occupancy by Ill, ,hath, his of this tion completing plnns furnish both vuluable Pl'uctice to C.'"lJ:leettlUy eve" Ihe 22 built In Building, Phonc. week. The roster lists the nnmes, copy book. Others may CounCil; Mrs. Otis Gmovel', (� o ljpmes thut mel'S for l1. Coopcro ti ve Assocla & Sec Hinton Booth 01' George M, ness man 0" busincss womDn,hUSi-ltown01' 1VfI'S. E. L, Preetol'ius. 6·162t.p census of the entirc white the students in tlon of A committec has been Appoinl- wives' and oth- secure them from Jim Watson, drcss revue winner and stale learning Ilt first l,eriod lotllied addresses, names, of Mis, ElIzubeth Denl, affectioll- $ld3,500. feclive today, June 16.' G.T., FABM LOANS, Johnston tf population the city or States­ hand about 0 F.!-I.A" , ed to to club typical tnlk propel' pal'ties con- Cl' fucts about all members of the secretury. mUl'keting chuil'man, Mrs, ..... red Georgiu ally known us Fifty-!wvcn new homes were MI', iJ boro to on liPid," and GI"ahnm from Convenicnt. loans. All � per- 'I', begin Mondny, June und II daugh- graduated thut. Lunier, general and community, sct of facts who is a I built the SA V ANNAl-! BEACH, 1NLET cCl'ning I.ll'l'ongcments might JuniOl' Chamber of Commerce in If have delegatc \ Dawson, ter of Dr. and Mrs, D. L, during full yeul' 1948 for the cent. se,'v\ce.- you any informnt'ion fol' 20. Deal University of Georgia In Swift, prompt urban nbout the itself which will a airl­ be made fOI' these The booklet carries n. represcntative, Miss Dor­ city Teachers of I.olal or $258,500. one - FREE constrllcting Georgia, in this column College. Slatesboro, wlll be the cultuml A. S. DODD, ono Bldg" N. Main ApArtments and rooms FREE SPECIAl, pllblicution please Student members of tho class be of value of nil g,ies;: engllleOl'lng Saturday. Ho othy and Irma townspeoplc who to the 21 new courts. H an Johnson, Spears, Signed Bull speaker at: the While homes were was u and stores. you have slIgges- list of the officers of each club, cull \OVol'th at 502, will as Statesboro Cham- beinc formor SI. Phone 518, Statesboro. (tf) block from ocelln McDougald act enumerators In obtain· nre intercsted in outstanding 4-1-1 Home Demonstl'ation community de­ cuit. The ehurch a ber built (he first half of agents. of Commerce here on 1949 only C:ub Clenn rooms with sink, hot plute ing from residents in homes Tlles- boy here in the counly, and The here, velopment. been on six now DO YOUR LAUNDRY THE 1I0w Woulll You Lilw To Get meeting will be held on thIs circuit day, June 21. business buildings wore then and icebox, sleeps three, $20 pc,' ; I'AUJ. Il. AKINS n. W. KNIGHT &: ,J. B. HOI)OES Illl. IIlJNTER 1l0IlEIt'I'SON uftel' purt of a yeur ot: the the Coordinate of the -,:--------------------------- transferred t.o the G const"ucted for a total of EASY WAY. Bring them to SOl'l'iel' Insurance Lumber Campus Miu Deal has been In $19,000. he was wcck. Larger apartmcnt with gus A New Agency Darby Company Self, Dentist teachIng Ulliversll.y procured by University of frol11 Mon- of whIch Rev.
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