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Détails sur le produit Rang parmi les ventes : #274886 dans eBooksPublié le: 2013-02-07Sorti le: 2013-02- 07Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 41.Mb

Par Tracey Thorn : Bedsit Disco Queen: How I grew up and tried to be a pop star (English Edition) before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Bedsit Disco Queen: How I grew up and tried to be a pop star (English Edition):

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles2 internautes sur 2 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Very moving and smart book about what a pop star means from the insidePar STEPHANE BACCETTIWhat a pleasure to read Tracey thoughts, joys and constant doubts about what being in the music business means for a woman. Recommended for Everything But The Girls fans but even for readers who do not know Tracey and her former band1 internautes sur 1 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. I did not expect this book to be so goodPar Santo TrafficanteCertainly one of the best of the autobios by that generation. She has really interesting things to say about the music business, record company people, the music press, the act of recording. There is also a lot of poetry I did not read, but for fans this is certainly of use. Then, the love story with Ben, a look back to the who obviously have an important fan base in grunge musicians, she herself does not rate them as high, I think. Sometimes she just seems to take a step back and waking up in midst of the hype as the girl next door, giving it all a distant look, I especially loved these moments. This is a refreshing book, very personal on one hand, but still a book about the band and the business on the other hand. Highly recommended.

Présentation de l'éditeurI was only sixteen when I bought an electric guitar and joined a band. A year later, I formed an all-girl band called the Marine Girls and played gigs, and signed to an indie label, and started releasing records.Then, for eighteen years, between 1982 and 2000, I was one half of the group . In that time, we released nine and sold nine million records. We went on countless tours, had hit singles and flop singles, were reviewed and interviewed to within an inch of our lives. I've been in the charts, out of them, back in. I've seen myself described as an indie darling, a middle-of-the-road nobody and a disco diva. I haven't always fitted in, you see, and that's made me face up to the realities of a pop career - there are thrills and wonders to be experienced, yes, but also moments of doubt, mistakes, violent lifestyle changes from luxury to squalor and back again, sometimes within minutes.Présentation de l'éditeurI was only sixteen when I bought an electric guitar and joined a band. A year later, I formed an all-girl band called the Marine Girls and played gigs, and signed to an indie label, and started releasing records.Then, for eighteen years, between 1982 and 2000, I was one half of the group Everything But the Girl. In that time, we released nine albums and sold nine million records. We went on countless tours, had hit singles and flop singles, were reviewed and interviewed to within an inch of our lives. I've been in the charts, out of them, back in. I've seen myself described as an indie darling, a middle-of-the-road nobody and a disco diva. I haven't always fitted in, you see, and that's made me face up to the realities of a pop career - there are thrills and wonders to be experienced, yes, but also moments of doubt, mistakes, violent lifestyle changes from luxury to squalor and back again, sometimes within minutes.Biographie de l'auteurTracey Thorn was singer and songwriter with Everything But the Girl from 1982- 2000. At that point she semi-retired from the music business to bring up her children. She has since recorded three solo albums, Out of the Woods, , and . She lives in London with her husband and their three children.

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