The Campaign for Teachers College and Our Next 125 Years The Way Forward Highlights of the 125th Anniversary Gala at the Apollo Theater Calling All Donors Students Clifton Shambry (Higher and Postsecondary Education) and Amanda Washington (Education Policy and Social Analysis) took the stage at TC’s 125th Anniversary gala at the Apollo Theater to demonstrate how to text-to-pledge for student scholarship support. Annual Report 2013

The Way Forward The Campaign for TC — and — Our Next 125 Years

LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT p2 TC’s anniversary year has been a time to reflect on the College’s remarkable legacy P 9 of firsts. Now we’re preparing to rise to the challenges TC Takes Center Stage of tomorrow. A gala celebration of our 125th, on 125th Street at the legendary Apollo Theater.

SPECIAL REPORT Off and Running 2013 TC launches “Where the Future Comes First,” a historic $300 million YEAR IN REVIEW p3 campaign that is the largest ever by a graduate school of education. Cutting the ribbon on a permanent home for the Teachers College Community School; mounting a major effort to help NYC schools and families in the wake of p p p Hurricane Sandy; the new 12 14 15 Laurie M. Tisch Center for The Campaign for Invest in CREATE OUR Food, Education & Policy; a Teachers College Our Students FUTURE FIRSTS year long celebration of TC’s 125th anniversary; and more.

Honor Roll Of Donors p19 Financial Statement p p p Highlights And 16 18 19 Teachers College Build a 21st Century enhance Financial Engage TC Alumni Officers, Advisors & Environment Flexibility and Friends Board Of Trustees p32

The Teachers College 2013 Annual Report was produced by the Department of Development and External Affairs, Teachers College, contributing writers: Clorinda Valenti, Joe Levine, Heather Smitelli creative director: Corliss Elizabeth Williams contributing art director: Miles Courtney cover photo: Meira Gottlieb • Dedication of Teachers College Way, Sept. 3, 2013 1 Letter fromPresident the Letter Dear Friends, inquiry andpractice brilliant thinkerscometoshapenew fieldsof that TC remains theplacewhere visionaries and The Campaignfor Teachers Collegewillensure of education.Where theFuture ComesFirst: of individualsand communities,enablingthem to transform theeducation,healthand well-being has thecapacitytowork onmultiplefronts to Among graduateschoolsofeducation, onlyTC real-world influenceandimpact. campaign The TC future beginswithourhistoric $300million reach to rise tothechallengesoftomorrow. our knowledge andexpertiseourunparalleled at TC, we willbuildonthedepthandbreadth of Now, aswe prepare tolaunchthenext125years our TC family. celebrations thathighlightedtherich spectrumof Way, we markedouranniversary withspecial the dedicationof120thStreet asTeachers College a dozencountries andmore than20U.S.cities,to Historical Society, toGlobalTC Daygatherings in From theexhibitonTC’s historyattheNew-York direction ofeducation,healthandpsychology. the challengesoftimesandanticipate history ofcreating andshapingnewfields to meet reflect on TC’s remarkable legacyoffirsts Indeed, ouranniversary year hasbeenatimeto exciting future. to ourhistoric legacyandtolaunchaneven more honorees gathered for abenefitgalatopaytribute friends, alumni,students,facultyandfive illustrious 125th anniversary celebration.More than600 TC exclamation pointonTeachers College’s yearlong legendary ApolloTheaterinNew York Cityputthe in november,anextraordinary evening atthe 2 annual report 2013 – the largestcampaignever for aschool – and translatetheirideasinto – our view torecommit ourselves tobuild W Susan Fuhrman (Ph.D. 125 years. Ihopeyou willjoinusonthisjourney. graduate schoolofeducationtodayandfor thenext TC long viewtorecommit ourselves tobuildastronger With thiscampaignwe are takingGraceDodge’s century andmadeherplansaccordingly.” hundred-year look.Thatis,shelookedaheada by aNewYork Citynewspaperashaving“the from ourfounder GraceDodge,whowasdescribed chart ourcoursefor TC’s future, we drawinspiration As ouranniversary year comestoacloseand we our future. for TC andthevisionarydonorswhoare supporting on page12,aboutourunprecedented campaign I inviteyou toread more inthisreport, beginning and oneanother. connect our90,000alumniandfriends withTC will enhanceourfinancialflexibilityandengage teaching andlearning aswell asresearch. We also infused withthelatesttechnologythatsupports 21st centurywithclassrooms andstudent spaces communities. Ourcampuswillberenewed for the and partnerships thatchangeschoolsand leading-edge fieldsanddevelop programs enable ourworld-class facultytogalvanize to supportourpromising andtalentedstudents, With thiscampaignwe willexpandourcapacity practice andpolicytomakeapositive difference. example ofhow TC excelsatconnectingresearch, Education &Policy atTeachers Collegeisaprime February oftheLaurie M. Tisch Center for Food, City, thenationandworld. Thelaunchlast flourish andcreate abetterfuture for New York a stronger TC. – e’re takingG race Dodge’s long a Collegewe cancelebrateasthefinest ’ 77)

susan fuhrman: lofi studios for teachers college, columbia university

photo-illustration: top from left: Laurie M. tisch (Jamie McCarthy; getty images); susan fuhrman (bruce gilbert); mayor bill de blasio (heather van uxem lewis); christopher emdin (samantha isom). bottom, from left: tc global day (tC files); tc commencement (meira gottlieb).Dewey Statue: TC File Photo; Russell Hall: TC File Photo ile P hoto F ile all: TC H all: R ussell P hoto; F ile tatue: TC S tatue: D ewey gottlieb). (meira commencement tc files); C YearCOVERING THE PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1, 2012in THROUGH AUGUSTReview 31, 2013

September 2012 October 2012 award-winning HBO YoungArts initiatives in learning, policy “MasterClass” series. and comprehensive More than 300 parents, The National YoungArts opportunity in public schools. teachers, community members Foundation begins nationwide In her State of the College and dignitaries celebrate the distribution of a study guide, address, TC President Susan The annual Elaine Brantley new permanent home for the developed by Professor Fuhrman declares 2012-13 Memorial Award for pre-K–8 Teachers College of Music Education Hal “the year of effectiveness” and Community and Civility is Community School. Abeles and team, for the announces transformative awarded to Evelyn Cardona, susan fuhrman: lofi studios for teachers college, columbia university columbia college, teachers for studios lofi fuhrman: susan emdin christopher lewis); uxem van (heather blasio de bill mayor gilbert); (bruce fuhrman susan images); getty M c C arthy; (Jamie tisch M . L aurie left: from top photo-illustration: (samantha isom). bottom, from left: tc global day (t day global tc left: from bottom, isom). (samantha illustrations by Josue Evilla 3 2013 YEAR IN REVIEW

Administrative Assistant in the Education, launch a Hip-Hop College’s Office of School and Science Battle for students Community Partnerships; at 10 public Thomas Rock, Associate high schools. In June 2013 Diversity & Dean, Enrollment Services; senior Jabari Johnson of and Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Urban Assembly for the Community Affairs Assistant Professor of Performing Arts High School With faculty, students and staff, TC’s Office of the English Education. is crowned contest winner. Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs (ODCA) builds community and civility, promotes TC hosts a debate between academic and workplace engagement and the education advisors of addresses TC climate concerns. ODCA responds President Obama and to Title IX guidance by the U.S. Department of Republican challenger Education, promotes education about gender- Mitt Romney. based concerns and harassment prevention and strengthens TC’s climate concerning LGBTQ issues. November 2012 January 2013 Soon after Hurricane Sandy, Volunteers from TC, The Year's Efforts Include the TC Reading and Writing JPMorgan Chase & Co. On Constitution Day, Programming to Project’s Literacy Lifeboats (JPMC) and World Vision distribution of the U.S. encourage master’s initiative raises nearly distribute backpacks filled with Constitution; the forum degree students “The Political and Social (particularly black and $30,000 to help damaged school supplies to Dimensions of Surveilling Latino men) to pursue schools. TC Cares, students at PS Muslim Students after doctoral education. spearheaded by the Vice 154. The school 9/11.” President’s Office for is part of Awarding $11,450 for Diversity and Community REACH (Raising “Choices and Chances: student-, faculty- and School Policies and staff-sponsored diversity Affairs, launches a citywide Educational Practices and the and community initiatives, assistance effort. TC also Achievement Experience of Exclusion.” and $7,500 for student provides tutoring to students Coalition in Cornell West and TC research in diversity. at Kingsborough Harlem), the College’s faculty members Lalitha Community College. partnership with local public Vasudevan and Michael Sexual Assault Awareness Wilson discuss students’ Training for Students. schools supported by a experiences struggling in, December 2012 $1 million JPMC grant. dropping out or stopping “Admitted Student Mix & Mingle,” co-sponsored Dinelia Rosa, Director of TC’s out of school. Faculty, students and staff kick with the Office of Dean Hope Center for off TC’s year-long 125th The Racial Literacy Admissions. Educational and Anniversary celebration at a Roundtables. Psychological Services, “Coalition of Latino/a party in the Zankel Hall lobby. Focusing on transgender Scholars Envision,” becomes the 2013 President- concerns; helping pre- for those considering Elect of the New York State TC’s Institute for Urban and and in-service teachers graduate school. Psychological Association Minority Education and navigate LGBTQ identities – the first person of color in the workplace; training The Autism Awareness academic publisher Zaner- to serve in that role. LGBTQ individuals to Program, featuring the Bloser co-sponsor the film “Temple Grandin.” identify straight allies Rap artist GZA and TC’s conference “Beyond and create safe and Christopher Emdin, Bullying: Safe Schools, welcoming workspaces. New Faculty and Employee Orientation Assistant Professor of Science Successful Students.” “Systems of Support Sessions, including FERPA for Individuals with Training, Preventing Disabilities,” co- Workplace Harassment sponsored with the plus Gender-based Barrier Removal Misconduct and Title IX, Committee; the and Racial and Cultural Disabilities IQ Series. Microaggressions Workshop. The Mindfulness and Education Working Group; The fifth annual TC meditation for Facilities Community Cook Off. Dinelia Rosa and Union Members. osue evilla j osue by illustration photo k ; istoc boo k bag: file; tc rosa: dinelia lewis; uxem van heather friedman: thomas file; tc neuroscience: evilla j osue by illustrations photo 4 annual report 2013

faculty members, students Teachers College ranks third and staff. in 2013 among the nation’s Master’s International and The College’s 2013 Coverdell Fellows Academic Festival Programs. TC’s Jaffe Peace celebrates the legacy of the Corps Fellows Program was late TC President and founded in 1985 to prepare education historian returning Peace Corps Lawrence Cremin and honors veterans to teach in six distinguished alumni, high-need schools. including the late science educator Sreyashi Jhumki June 2013 Basu, who died of breast TC’s Office of School and cancer at age 31 in 2008. Community Partnerships receives an annually renewable The College unveils 125th federal grant of $1.173 million Anniversary street banners for its Harlem Ivy 21st Understanding Learning is just one focus of TC’s new honoring its academic neuroscience lecture series. Century Community leadership and alumni. Learning Center. February 2013 New York City Public Schools Tisch Lecturer Howell The Program in Chancellor Dennis Walcott July 2013 Wechsler (Ed.D. ’95), Director Neuroscience and visits the Teachers College Joining student delegates of the Division of Adolescent Education begins a lecture Community School to from 17 countries at the UN, and School Health at the U.S. series featuring investigators encourage registration TC students celebrate Malala Centers for Disease Control from local universities. for the city’s 4,000 new Yousafzai, the Pakistani and Prevention, urges pre-kindergarten seats. teenager who survived being education schools to focus April 2013 shot by the Taliban. on student health. May 2013 Carol Burris (Ed.D. ’03), Global TC Day unites the TC Principal of South Side High TC’s Commencement honors TC hosts a major conference community worldwide to School in Rockville Centre, NY, New York Times columnist to launch the Laurie M. Tisch celebrate the College’s 125th is named the state’s High Thomas Friedman; Merryl Center for Food, Education anniversary. & Policy. (See page 15.) School Principal of the Year. Tisch (Ed.D. ’05), New York Regents Chancellor; and The inaugural Financial Lee Sing Kong, Director March 2013 TC hosts the launch for the Literacy Summer Institute, Encyclopedia of Diversity in of Singapore’s National Former U.S. Surgeon General funded by TC Trustee Joyce Education, an analytic survey Institution of Education. David Satcher keynotes TC’s B. Cowin (M.A. ’52), prepares with contributions from 17 TC fifth annualHealth 50 New York City high school Disparities Conference as teachers to incorporate the College launches its new financial education into Center for Health Equity and their classes. Urban Science Education. TC hosts New York City’s The New-York Historical 2013 mayoral candidates Society launches a month- for a live-streamed discussion long exhibit on TC. The of the arts and arts education. College unveils bus shelter ads showcasing John Dewey, August 2013 Shirley Chisholm, Mary The Rockland County Swartz Rose, Carl Rogers Historical Society honors and Albert Ellis. Professor Emeritus Edmund Gordon and his wife Susan The Columnist Speaks The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman Gordon, a physician, with its at TC’s Commencement in May. Living Landmark Award. osue evilla j osue by illustration photo k ; istoc boo k bag: file; tc rosa: dinelia lewis; uxem van heather friedman: thomas file; tc neuroscience: evilla j osue by illustrations photo 5 2013 YEAR IN REVIEW Environmental Initiatives Research TC continues to reduce its carbon footprint since implementing its Sustainability Commitment in 2010. Funded by the federal Institute of Education Sciences, TC EXPANDED USE OF GREEN economist Henry Levin and CLEANING CHEMICALs his Center for Benefit-Cost The use of green Studies launch a project to cleaning chemicals – demonstrate how to conduct free of bleach, dyes or cost-effectiveness analysis in ammonia and meeting education and promote its use the Green Seal Standard – expands to to improve the productivity of include the residence resource allocation decisions. halls as well as A study in the Journal of academic buildings. Counseling Psychology, co-authored by TC psychologist Robert Carter, finds that black Americans may have adverse mental health effects from perceived racism, MODERNIZING TC’S HEATING including psychological AND COOLING SYSTEMS responses similar to TC’s modernized controls for heating, trauma symptoms. ventilation and air- Education Next’s 2012 conditioning (HVAC) Probing Racism’s Damage TC’s Robert Carter has found evidence “Edu-Scholar Public systems and that racism can cause effects similar to trauma responses. Presence Rankings” includes components now TC’s Henry Levin, Jeffrey automatically shut fans Joey Lee, Assistant Professor community college students Henig, Susan Fuhrman, and other devices via Thomas Bailey, Amy Stuart pre-programmed of Communication, Computing prefer face-to-face rather than and Technology in Education, online courses in subjects they Wells, Priscilla Wohlstetter temperature settings. and Luis Huerta. The controls heat receives TC’s annual Strage consider difficult, interesting or and cool discrete Junior Faculty Prize, funded important. TC’s Campaign for building areas. by Alberta G. Strage (M.A. Educational Equity ’62) and her husband Henry The TC characterizes the educational INCREASING TC’S Strage. Lee applies principles resources to which students RATE OF RECYCLING of games to the development contingent TC increases its are constitutionally entitled of creativity, collaboration and at AERA and documents the lack of recycling rate to 60 problem-solving skills. percent, targeting 75 numbers 172 these resources in 33 percent in 2014. A study in Proceedings of the high-need schools in Whittier Hall begins National Academy of strong New York State. single-stream recycling Sciences, co-authored by TC TC and New York public media in September 2013, psychologist Jeanne Brooks- At the 2013 American provider WNET are funded by with New Residence Gunn, finds that during lean Educational Research the National Science Hall to follow in economic times some mothers Association (AERA) meeting Foundation to develop January 2014. impose harsher discipline on in San Francisco, TC prototypical mobile games to their children. economist Thomas Bailey, teach fractions. The mobile A study by Shanna Smith political scientist Jeffrey apps will incorporate Jaggars, Assistant Director of Henig and sociologist Amy characters and content of TC’s Community College Stuart Wells are named Cyberchase, WNET’s Emmy Research Center, finds that 2013 AERA Fellows. Award-winning math elin D elin G rant C arter: R obert courtney miles by icons k ; istoc environmental: courtney miles by icons N essi; S ioux j aggars: smith shanna 6 annual report 2013

New Faculty TC hires the following new faculty members for Fall 2013 Development multimedia project. TC’s John Black will serve as Ryan Brian Bolstered by its 125th Principal Investigator and anniversary celebration and S. J. De Baker keller the growth of its Grace doctoral student Michael Dodge Society, TC raises Associate Professor of Assistant Professor Swart will lead app a total of Cognitive Studies of Applied Statistics development and field testing. (Human Development) (Human Development)

A research team led by Yeon Soo Kim, a visiting scholar in Peter Jennifer $33.7 TC’s Departments of Bergman lena million in new gifts Biobehavioral Sciences and Assistant Professor in Associate Professor of Arts and pledges. Health & Behavior Studies, Economics of Education Administration and Sociology Contributions to the finds that people who exercise (Education Policy (Arts & Humanities) from 2.5 to 7.5 hours per week and Social Analysis) TC Fund reach an are likelier to report better Oren all-time high of mental health than those who Catherine pizmony-levy $2.04 million, do not. The study, published in chase thanks to the Assistant Professor of the September 2012 issue of generosity of more Assistant Professor of International and Comparative Preventive Medicine, was than 4,500 donors Cognitive Studies Education and the leadership co-authored by TC faculty (Human Development) (International & members Carol Ewing Garber Transcultural Studies) support of the Dewey and John Allegrante. Joseph Circle, which now Ciccolo Detra includes a record TC’s Xiaodong Lin, an expert price-dennis 256 members. on technology, cognition and Assistant Professor of Applied culture, receives a $2.5 Physiology Assistant Professor of Since 2007, gifts million grant from the (Biobehavioral Sciences) Elementary & Inclusive to TC at the National Science Education (Curriculum & Teaching) $50,000-plus level Foundation to probe the Carey Cooper have tripled in motivations that lead students Susan number and total to pursue STEM subjects. Assistant Professor of garnett dollars, with a Developmental Psychology russell significant increase in (Human Development) new planned gifts at Assistant Professor of that same level. Luciana International and Comparative de oliveira Education (International & Overall support to the Transcultural Studies) Associate Professor of TESOL College from alumni and Applied Linguistics Nicholas of all programs is on (Arts & Humanities) the rise. And the wasserman College has been Mary Assistant Professor of successful in hafeli Mathematics Education re-engaging with (Math, Science alumni from all Professor of Art & Art Education & Technology) (Arts & Sciences) regions, as well as e-Skeptic TC’s Jaggars maintaining close finds online courses aren’t best for some. Laudan connections with Jahromi emerging leaders from among its more Associate Professor of recent graduates. Intellectual Disabilities/Autism (Health & Behavioral Studies) elin D elin G rant C arter: R obert courtney miles by icons k ; istoc environmental: courtney miles by icons N essi; S ioux j aggars: smith shanna 7 2013 YEAR IN REVIEW

Office of Enrollment Sponsored Services Programs policy

The College receives 6,921 applications in 2013, an TC’s overall volume of increase of 3.4 percent over grants for innovative 2012. Applications to TC have projects totals increased by 18 percent in $40,345,596 in awards the past five years. from private foundations and government sources. A record The total includes: $21,330,944 1,925 in renewal awards new students enroll in the Summer/Fall, a $4,825,022 2 percent increase in supplemental Cafeteria Crusader Kevin Concannon, U.S. Under Secretary over 2012. awards for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, champions healthier school lunch. Nearly 23 percent of incoming students $14,189,630 At “Beyond the & Policy hosts the are from in new awards Schoolhouse Door: conference “Bringing Policy Bringing Non-School to the Table: New Food Factors Into Education Strategies for a Healthier 68 Policy,” TC policy faculty Society.” The event and the countries outside the members Jeffrey Henig and center are funded by the United States. China, TC Faculty Michael Rebell join Richard Laurie M. Tisch South Korea, Canada, D. Kahlenberg of the Century Illumination Fund, founded Female: 57 percent India and Taiwan are Male: 43 percent Foundation, Greg J. Duncan by TC Board Vice Chair TC’s top five feeder of the University of California Laurie M. Tisch. nations. New York, at Irvine, and Richard In her final speech as Murnane of the Harvard New Jersey, President of the Graduate School of California, Education to discuss the Association for the Study Pennsylvania and , TC connection between of Higher Education Texas are the top five Professor of Higher Education poverty and education. feeder states. Anna Neumann charges Tenured: 77% TC’s Cowin Conference Center that many policymakers, “TC’s popularity hosts “Taking the Election professional development abroad keeps to School,” a debate between specialists and researchers growing,” Jon Schnur and Phil Handy, frame higher education solely education advisors to as an economic engine, says Thomas P. President Obama and his rendering “learners and Rock, Associate Republican challenger learning…often invisible.” Dean, Enrollment Mitt Romney. Services. “While In his inaugural address as many institutions Minority: 24% A federally appointed panel President-Elect of the including TC faculty member National Council of saw a decline Michael Rebell issues Teachers of English, in the number guidelines for closing the Ernest Morrell, Director of of international education achievement gap TC’s Institute for Urban and students, we bucked that address school finance, Minority Education, argues the trend with a teacher compensation, that “we must simultaneously record number universal pre-K, poverty, school champion and transform the of international governance and accountability. discipline of English in a applications and rapidly changing world.” TC’s new Laurie M. Tisch broadened our reach Center for Food, Education in the U.S., too.” ; icons by miles courtney courtney miles by icons coo k ; susan concannon: k evin 8 annual report 2013 125th Anniversary Celebration TC Takes Center Stage Five distinguished honorees joined more than 600 TC faculty members, students, staff, alumni and friends at the legendary Apollo Theater in Harlem on November 12 to celebrate the College’s 125th anniversary and kick off Where the Future Comes First: GalaThe Campaign for Teachers College

GUESTS OF HONOR TC President Susan Fuhrman (center) with the honorees. From left: TC Trustees James P. Comer and Laurie M. Tisch; singer Tony Bennett and arts education advocate Susan Benedetto (M.A. ’98); and GE Chairman Jeffrey Immelt.

Photographs by Annie Watt 9 1 2 A SPECIAL TRIBUTE to an extraordinary group of donors drew a standing ovation from gala guests. (For a complete list of visionaries, please see page 20.)


The Party & Performance November 12, 2013 The Apollo Theater who’s who 1 Susan Benedetto (M.A. ’98), guests were treated to a knock-out Tony Bennett, Laurie M. Tisch 2 “Food Network” host Ellie Krieger Broadway-style musical review that celebrated (M.S. ’94) 3 TC Trustee E. John the College’s 125-year history of creating new fields Rosenwald and Pat Klingenstein, wife of Trustee Emeritus John Klingenstein and paid tribute to the five honorees. TC students 4 TC Trustee Dailey Pattee (Ph.D. were the focus of the benefit gala, which raised ’04), left, Trustee Missie Rennie Taylor (center) and Darrell Lorentzen 5 Dr. $1.4 million for scholarships. Ruth Westheimer (Ed.D. ’70) 6 TC Professor Emeritus Edmund Gordon and Dr. Susan Gordon 7 TC Board Co-Chair Jack Hyland 8 Dennis Chambers (Ed.D. ’10), TC Public Safety Officer (right), with 9 Trustee James Comer (center) and the 10 University of Connecticut’s Preston Green (Ed.D. ’95) 9 Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo with Matilda Cuomo and TC President Fuhrman 10 TC Trustee Sue Ann Weinberg (Ed.D. ’97), right, with Jody G. Arnhold (M.A ’73) 11 TC Board Co-Chair Bill Rueckert (left) and GE Chairman Jeff Immelt 12 James Comer and wife Bettye Fletcher 13 TC Trustees Ruth Gottesman (Ed.D. ’68) and Joyce Cowin (M.A. ’52), Philip Buckner and Ruth Nathan (M.A. ’67)

12 13


10 3





GETTING FRESH A tribute to NYC Green Cart supporter Laurie Tisch

Sending ‘em home happy: Bennett serenades the crowd

And the party continues on stage! for more gala highlights visit 11 the campaign for teachers college We’re off Running…

Where the Future Comes First is our $300 million campaign to transform the education, health Our Campaign Goal: and well-being of individuals and $300 MILLION communities in New York City, the nation and the world. We’re halfway to our goal! As of the campaign launch $151 in November 2013, we’ve raised MILLION raised $151 million for TC’s future. niversity U niversity C olumbia C ollege, T eachers for V incent M att by photograph 12 annual report 2013 teachers college takes pride in its legacy of firsts — a 125-year tradition of pioneering and A future where programs and partnerships transform leading numerous fields and giving birth to ideas our schools, foster healthier communities and create a that addressed the urgent challenges of the times. more just, equitable and prosperous society. Now, we ask “What’s Next?” “How will we rise to And a future where people study, work and gather the challenges of tomorrow?” in historic buildings renewed for the 21st century Our answer is this historic campaign — the largest and infused with technology to build community ever by a graduate school of education — which charts and make learning a dynamic collaboration. the way forward to our Future Firsts that will shape With a successful campaign that supports our this century. five priority areas, Teachers College will once again The Campaign for Teachers College is about our be the place where the future comes first. future — a future where the best students from around the world learn, discover and lead, free from the burden of student loan debt. A future where world-class faculty galvanize new fields of inquiry and practice — and inspire students through teaching, research and policy leadership. …to the future niversity U niversity C olumbia C ollege, T eachers for V incent M att by photograph 13 Campaign Priorities five Campaign 1 Goal Priorities $110 Million Invest in our Students Key Investments Scholarships & Fellowships Increase Scholarship & Fellowship support so that the best and the TC’s future is about our students. They will contribute to the education, brightest students from around the prosperity and well-being of individuals and communities throughout the world. world will achieve their dream of a We want to make Teachers College the first choice for the most talented TC education. and promising master’s and doctoral students. Cultivate additional sources Our students come to TC because they want to make a difference in their of financial support so that our fields in education, psychology and health. They deserve our support to students can graduate from TC pursue their passion for public service free from the crushing burden of debt. as debt-free as possible.

getting started…

“The view of education at TC encompasses not just what happens in schools, but also nutrition, health, sexuality and more. It was important for me to have a broad field.” –Tonia de Souza Casarin, TC’s First Lemann Fellow With students from 81 countries, TC boasts a global reach that is unparalleled among graduate schools of education. Abby O’Neill, center, with O’Neill Fellows YuenPun “Bonnie” Chow (Elementary Inclusive Education), left, and Kimberly Iwanski (Early Childhood Education-Special Education). Now the Lemann Foundation Fellowship program has enhanced the College’s global leadership by Too many teachers are strapped by debt from graduate school naming Tonia de Souza Casarin and the high cost of living in New York City. Abby O’Neill is its first Fellow at TC. The program determined to improve those conditions to keep the best teachers provides support to students right here in our backyard.” –President Susan Fuhrman

with a deep interest in the overall P hoto F ile That’s why longtime TC Trustee September. The Fellows are earning advancement of Brazil. Abby O’Neill made an extraordinary dual certification in areas of great Tonia, a master’s student in Adult $11 million gift commitment to create need for New York City schools, Learning and Leadership from Rio the O’Neill Fellows Program. Abby such as science/inclusive education, de Janeiro, hopes to return home after wanted the best-educated teachers elementary education/bilingual and graduating from TC to work with to devote their careers to high-need TESOL (teaching English to speakers teens in Brazil who lack opportunities TC C asarin: S ou z a de onia New York City schools without the of other languages). With the support to pursue higher education.

worry of student debt. of the program, these future New The Foundation works with schools P hoto F ile TC welcomed the first class of York City teachers will graduate from and local governments to strengthen 12 out of 24 O’Neill Fellows in TC with reduced student loan debt. leadership in public education. ; T C oo k ; S usan O ’neill: A bby C oo k S usan T isch: M . L aurie C oo k ; S usan C onference: N utrition ailey: TC B ailey: T homas 14 annual report 2013 Where the Future Comes First

2 Goal Create our $10 0 Future Firsts Million Faculty & Program Support

Teachers College faculty are world-class Key Investments teachers, discoverers and innovators Support faculty at every level of who produce astonishing breakthroughs their careers by enhancing funding and guide and inspire our students to for early career awards, post- achieve excellence. doctoral research, professorships Our faculty are the catalysts for and endowed chairs, and by innovative programs and partnerships growing innovation funds. with influence and impact in schools and Invest in research and program communities throughout the world. initiatives that connect the dots “If you are interested in This campaign supports and sustains the between disciplines and fields to work of our extraordinary scholars who will educational equity, advance TC’s historic Legacy of community colleges create TC’s “future firsts” that contribute to Firsts and influence policy and a smarter, healthier and more just world. should be central to practice in education, health your agenda.” –Thomas and psychology. Bailey, the George and Abby O’Neill Professor of Economics and Education and Director of getting started… the Community College Research Center TC’s Community College Research Center (CCRC) is the leading authority on the nation’s nearly 1,200 two-year colleges. Recognizing this leadership, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded CCRC five grants totaling Former NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, U.S. Senator Cory Booker and Madelyn Fernstrom of NBC News at TC conference on food policy. $15,553,686 over the Inset: Laurie M. Tisch, TC Board Vice Chair. last four years to spur student success in higher education. The grants I believe every New Yorker deserves the chance to live a healthy, provide funding for general productive life.” ­­–Laurie M. Tisch support and research and Teachers College was the birthplace of Laurie Tisch unveiled the initiative implementation projects.

nutrition education more than 100 years at a major food and nutrition policy CCRC, established in ago. Today, with the Laurie M. Tisch conference at TC last February, declaring: 1996, studies community Center for Food, Education & Policy, “Today represents the beginning of a new colleges to develop ile P hoto F ile TC is building healthier communities chapter in TC’s nutrition program, which practice and policy that throughout New York City, especially in will provide research, evidence-based expands access to higher high-need neighborhoods, by connecting programs, policy and training for the next education and promotes nutrition education and policy. generation of nutrition professionals.” student achievement. The new Center was established last asarin: TC C asarin: S ou z a de onia year with a $10 million gift from the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund —

ile P hoto F ile $5 million of which goes toward the establishment of the Center and to seed TC’s capital projects. ; T C oo k ; S usan O ’neill: A bby C oo k S usan T isch: M . L aurie C oo k ; S usan C onference: N utrition TC B ailey: T homas 15 3 Goal Build a 21st Century $60 Million Environment Key Investments Campus & Technology Build smart classrooms equipped with the latest TC’s beautiful and historic buildings will be transformed technology. into an environment in which our students and faculty can do their best work, share ideas and create a Create leading-edge stronger community. auditorium spaces. The Campaign will enable major renovations to Develop a TC Student Center. our buildings and infrastructure, infuse teaching and Complete the renovation of the learning spaces with technology and build our one-world Gottesman Libraries. smart classroom. Repair the aging campus infrastructure.

Horace Mann 438 is home to TC’s high-tech classroom.

16 annual report 2013 Photograph by Tim Soter Already Under Construction: …The Smart Classroom “Joining 21st century technology with the expertise of TC faculty and students is the best way to ensure that all children learn to their fullest potential.” –Amity Buxton (M.A. ’52, Ph.D. ’62) Sm i th With Amity Buxton’s support, TC has created a

prototype smart classroom where students and g e org faculty use dynamic new technology to create and explore a world of ideas. illa an d c a m illa The Campaign will invest in more smart classrooms that prepare TC students to teach, work and lead in a hyper-connected global future.

A smarter TC campus means that “our society o f Cour te sy Sm i th : will benefit from informed, critically thinking and empathic citizens,” she says. g e org …& the Library of the Future d an c a m illa on

“I believe the library is the key Bux t Am i t y to any institution, and especially to an institution of learning.”

–Camilla Smith (M.A. ’72) f o Cour te sy on: An $8 million gift from Camilla Smith and her husband George will enable Teachers College Bux t Am i t y to renovate the fourth floor of its Gottesman Libraries as the Camilla and George Smith Learning Theater. The new facility will support the next generation of faculty and student research and instruction, offer immersive projection capabilities like those of movies and high-definition television, and ensure that TC’s library remains preeminent in the field of education. The Smiths’ gift extends the legacy of TC Trustee Ruth Gottesman and her husband Sandy, whose gift enabled renovation of the ground floor archives and material processing center together with three public floors of the library, completed in 2004. “When completed, the Learning Theater will be a great model for institutions across the country,” says Camilla Smith. 17 Campaign Priorities

4 Goal $30 Million Enhance Financial Key Investments Flexibility Build the TC Fund to advance the Advance TC’s Priority Initiatives College’s priorities and key initiatives through Unrestricted Funds through unrestricted giving. Increase participation in the TC Fund Scholars Unrestricted giving provides TC leadership the flexibility Program by tripling the number of donors. to address the most pressing needs of the College The program allows donors to establish a and to plan for our future success, while supporting our one-year term scholarship for a student with students, faculty and programs today. demonstrated need. Grow the John Dewey Circle (yearly contribution getting started… of $1,000) by 50 percent. Increase membership in the Maxine Greene Society (TC Fund gift every year for five years or The more) by 30 percent. Understanding Fiscal Responsibility Increase overall participation in the TC Fund curriculum has not by 10 percent.

only increased the P hoto F ile knowledge of Enhance support for ay: TC ay: students and teachers Academic Initiatives D about the budget Build the Provost’s Investment Fund to support deficit and the collaborative and multidisciplinary projects that national debt but also address societal challenges, develop partnerships

increased their E merson murphy:John S u z anne P hoto; F ile with other institutions and attract additional TC G lobal P hoto; F ile motivation and ability funding from donors. to get involved with these issues.” –Anand R.

Marri, Associate Professor of TC M arri: A nand C a k e: TC B irthday Social Studies and Education TC’s Provost’s Investment Fund seeded Anand Marri’s idea for a comprehensive social studies and mathematics curriculum about the fiscal challenges that face the nation. The curriculum project subsequently received a three-year, $2.45 million grant from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Today, “Understanding Fiscal Responsibility: A Curriculum for Teaching about the Federal Budget, National Debt and Budget Deficit,” teaches a half-million students in grades 7-12 in all 50 states — ­and in 11 other countries — about public policies leading to budget deficits and the national debt. More than 50 university- level teacher educators are using the curriculum with their pre-service teaching students.

Alumni gather in Taiwan for Global TC Day in July.

join us as we shape the future

18 annual report 2013 Letter from the Vice President

5 Engage TC Alumni & During the past year, Teachers Friends College has done more than Wherever innovators and visionaries simply reflect on its illustrious past. work to build a better future, you’ll The College’s 125th anniversary find a TC graduate. Our 90,000 TC also has been an occasion to alumni and friends are the College’s best ambassadors. We will harness focus on today and look ahead the power of TC’s people around the to the future. world by connecting alumni to each other — and to TC — to enhance their

ile P hoto F ile influence and impact in diverse fields We are so grateful to our loyal trustees, alumni,

ay: TC ay: in New York City and around the world. friends, corporate, foundation, faculty, staff and D We’re so proud of our wonderful community partners for joining us in the celebration alumni who are making a positive difference in so many lives and and supporting the College’s work. You’ve already communities. We want them to be been such an important part of TC’s efforts to

merson E merson murphy:John S u z anne P hoto; F ile proud of TC. lobal TC G lobal P hoto; F ile advance the art and science of learning. You’ve helped us transform urban schools and conduct research that shapes existing fields of inquiry and arri: TC M arri: A nand C a k e: TC B irthday builds new ones. Now, with the spotlight on our new Campaign for Teachers College, let’s show the world how much more we can accomplish.

So thank you for your generosity and foresight. The future begins right now — with you.


Suzanne M. Murphy VICE PRESIDENT DEVELOPMENT & EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 19 Contributing Partners Society of TC Visionaries Teachers College gratefully acknowledges and appreciates all donors who have made cumulative commitments to the College of $1 million or more. These gifts of cash, securities, pledge and bequest intentions are a testament to the exceptional philanthropy of these remarkable supporters.

$10,000,000 or more $1,000,000 to $2,499,999 Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Anonymous Anonymous (6) Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Joyce Foundation The Ford Foundation The After-School Corporation The JPMorgan Chase Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (TASC) Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Nancy John and Patricia D. Klingenstein American Cancer Society W. K. Kellogg Foundation Esther A. & Joseph Klingenstein The Annenberg Foundation Emily Davie & Joseph S. Kornfeld Rauch Fund, Inc. Estate of Julia R. Beck Foundation Mr. Gerard G. Leeds & Booth Ferris Foundation Kresge Foundation Douzinas Mrs. Lilo Leeds Patricia Cloherty Jan Krukowski & Nancy H. Krukowski, Lumina Foundation Consolidated Edison, Inc. The Winston Foundation, Inc. Abby & George D. O’Neill Leon Lowenstein Foundation President, The Irma L. & Abram S. Croll Say Yes to Education Charitable Trust Tess Magsaysay* & Ken Boxley The Rauch Foundation; TC Laurie M. Tisch Estate of Martha E. Currie Math for America Foundation Trustee; daughter of TC Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund Eileen A. Cutler* Harold W. McGraw, Jr.* alumna Ruth Treiber Rauch Estate of Arthur Zankel & Zankel Aaron Diamond Foundation Thomas F. Milbank, Bqst. Charitable Lead Trust Judy & Jamie Dimon, Stuart A. Miller The Long Island-based Rauch The James & Judith K. Dimon Evalyn Edwards Milman $5,000,000 to $9,999,999 Foundation The Myers Foundations Foundation supports TC’s Neukom Family Foundation recruitment of outstanding Anonymous Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Joyce B. Cowin Doris Duke Charitable Foundation William Penn Foundation scholars and future teachers GE Foundation Nancy R. Douzinas & Estate of Orrea Pye committed to serving Ruth & David Gottesman Kostas Douzinas, Charles H. Revson Foundation, Inc. high-need communities. The James Irvine Foundation Rauch Foundation The Riady Family Margaret & Richard Lipmanson Dunlevy Milbank Foundation Inc. Robin Hood Foundation Richard Robinson Criteria for making Foundation Estate of Lillian G. Finkelstein Estate of Florence K. Geffen Susan & Elihu Rose philanthropic gifts: The Virginia & Leonard Marx Foundation Rita Gold* & Herbert Z. Gold* Gary Saltz Foundation, Inc. The project must be in line Peter G. Peterson Foundation Goldman Sachs & Company Marla L. Schaefer, Rowland & Sylvia Schaefer Family with our mission and goals, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Foundation Foundation, Inc. its leaders must have clearly George & Camilla Smith Patricia Green Vivendi Universal Fund Spencer Foundation Antonia & George J. Grumbach, Jr. defined, realistic objectives and Estate of Elsie Wachtell Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund IBM the ability to deliver on them. National YoungArts Foundation Sue Ann Weinberg Jeanette H. Irwin & John Irwin III Jewish Foundation for Why I support TC: Education of Women TC’s excellence, proven track $2,500,000 to $4,999,999 record and close affinity with Anonymous (2) The Atlantic Philanthropies our goals. Estate of Sylvia J. Berger Charles C. Cahn, Jr. 21st Century Visionaries Working with TC: William T. Grant Foundation TC partners with us in an William & Flora Hewlett Foundation At the 125th Anniversary Gala at the Apollo Theater, open and productive way. We J. M. Huber Corporation Board Co-chair Bill Rueckert introduced a special group have done interesting research Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe, of extraordinary philanthropists whose generosity Jaffe Family Foundation and leadership have transformed the College and set together. I anticipate an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation the stage for an even stronger TC. The Campaign excellent colloquium this spring Enid & Lester S. Morse, Jr., on education in the suburbs. The Morse Family Foundation for Teachers College will build on the foundation Carroll & Milton Petrie Foundation established by these visionaries to launch the next The Pew Charitable Trusts chapter in TC’s illustrious history. ile P hoto F ile The Rockefeller Foundation Patricia & E. John Rosenwald, Jr. Estate of Charles T. Wilson, Jr. Ben and Grace Wood Trust * deceased inas: TC D ou z inas: R auch N ancy 20 annual report 2013 Sept. 1, 2012 – Aug. 31, 2013

Wei Wang Wells Fargo Corporate Giving Restricted Kenneth Zankel $1,000 to $9,999 Giving Anonymous (2) Apple Inc. Teachers College gratefully acknowledges those donors who have provided gifts for Frank E. Baxter specific programs, projects and endowments. Listed below are the names of those who James G. Best have pledged or given outright gifts of $1,000 or more in fiscal year 2012–2013. Michael R. Bloomberg, We wish to thank all who have provided restricted support this year. Bloomberg Philanthropies Margot Bogert & Jeremiah Bogert The Booksource Jennifer F. Campbell & Peter I. $1,000,000 or more Enid and Lester S. Morse, Jr., Patricia Cloherty Campbell, Campbell Foundation Anonymous (2) The Morse Family Foundation Valerie J. Cooke Central Coast Children’s Foundation Inc. Doris Duke Charitable Foundation NoVo Foundation Cranaleith Foundation Inc. James Cohen Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Peter G. Peterson Foundation Susan A. Diamond The Cozen O’Connor Foundation Inc. The JPMorgan Chase Foundation Patricia & E. John Rosenwald, Jr. Gloria Farber, Ed.D. & Hilliard Sarah Crouch Stein Say Yes to Education, Inc. Ronald I. Saltz, Ed.D., Farber, The Gloria & Hilliard Jerry Darvin George and Camilla Smith Gary Saltz Foundation, Inc. Farber Foundation Diana Woo Irrevocable Trust Laurie M. Tisch, Marla L. Schaefer The Fridolin Charitable Trust William K. Downey, Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund Rowland & Sylvia Schaefer Family Gilead Sciences Downey Family Foundation Foundation, Inc. Tim and Paulene Greeman, $500,000 to $999,999 John and Helaine* Dunmire, Spencer Foundation Community Teachers Initiative, Inc. Anonymous Dunmire 1986 Trust Vallavbhai & Savitaben Patel Marie Louise Hecht* American Cancer Society Carmen Farina Foundation, Inc. Debra Heinrich Nancy R. Douzinas & Kostas Lori E. Fox Sue Ann Weinberg Roger Hertog, Douzinas, Rauch Foundation Ruth W. Friendly Mary E. Whitney* The Roger & Susan Hertog The Ford Foundation Susan F. Goldman & Richard The Wyncote Foundation Charitable Fund Patricia Green Goldman Fiona M. Hollands & M. Ethan Lumina Foundation $50,000 to $99,999 H.A. Suh & Ross Garon, Berman The Myers Foundations Anonymous (5) Garon Family Fund Emily Davie & Joseph S. Kornfeld William & Flora Hewlett Foundation Marian A. Bott, Ed.D. Prof. Emerita Phyllis Gold Gluck Foundation Charles C. Cahn, Jr. Steven J. Goldstein $100,000 to $499,999 Estelle S. Kreinik* Mindy & Mark Dehnert Emilio Gomez-Villalva Anonymous (4) Jan Krukowski & Nancy H. Lise & Michael Evans Antonia M. Grumbach Altman Foundation Krukowski, The Hearst Foundations Jim Handrich Charles & Lois Barber Charitable The Winston Foundation, Inc. Marjorie E. Jansen* Harlem RBI Gift Fund Linford L. Lougheed, Ed.D. National Endowment for the Halley Harrisburg, The Children’s The Brain Recovery Project Patricia M. Maher* Humanities Museum of Manhattan Judith W. & Robert M. Burger Susan Mandel & Stephen Mandel, Jr., Cassandra Neff & Scott Freeman Ray Ann D. Havasy Amity Pierce Buxton, Ph.D Stephen & Susan Mandel Jr. Fund Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, John E. Hechinger Joyce B. Cowin Anne McNulty, The John P. & Anne Inc. Manfred H. Hecht* Judy & Jamie Dimon, Welsh McNulty Foundation Cynthia D. Sculco, Ed.D. Andrew D. Heineman The James & Judith K. Dimon Andrew L. Morse Thomas P. Sculco & Cynthia D. Jeffrey R. Henig Foundation Douglas A. Morse Sculco Foundation David & Laurie Hodgson Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation National Council of Teachers of Edith Shih Houghton Mifflin Company Goldman Sachs Gives English Research Foundation Benedict Silverman Foundation Jill & Ken Iscol, IF Hummingbird Ruth & David Gottesman, Leslie M. Nelson & Mitchell J. Alexis C. Strongin & Foundation Inc. Gottesman Fund Nelson Steven H. Strongin The Ivy Prep Foundation Inc. Elliot & Roslyn Jaffe, The New York Community Trust Televisa Foundation Leonard C. Jacoby Jaffe Family Foundation Kenneth & Florence Oberholtzer Stella M. Vengroski* Dr. Beverly Elmyra Johnson Janet Hayes Davis Foundation Trust Helayne & Larry Jones Jewish Foundation for Education $10,000 to $49,999 Offit Capital Advisors LLC Jason Jurgens of Women Anonymous (3) Organization for Autism Research Philip Kendall Monika Jones Andrew Adelson & Nancy Adelson, Mr. & Mrs. John G. Quigley, Julie S. Klingenstein & Joyce Foundation Adelson Family Foundation Civitas Foundation Andrew D. Klingenstein, The I. Michael & Beth C. Kasser, American Institutes for Research Beth A. Rogers Andrew & Julie Klingenstein I. Michael and Beth Kasser Jody & John Arnhold, Russell S. Rosen Family Fund, Inc. Foundation Arnhold Foundation Inc. David E. Shaw, The Shaw Family The League School John and Patricia D. Klingenstein, The Benedict Foundation for Endowment Fund David A. Levine, ile P hoto F ile Esther A. and Joseph Independent Schools Carole Sleeper The Ruth and David Levine Klingenstein Fund, Inc. Susan Sarnoff Bram Joshua N. Solomon, Ed.D. Charitable Fund Lemann Foundation The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation Alberta & Henry Strage Foundation Judy B. Lindamood, Ed.D. Leona M. & Harry B. Helmsley Center for Children’s Initiatives Mary Topalis* & Robert L. Lindamood Charitable Trust Children’s Hemiplegia & Stroke Jeanne Trainer Jeffrey Lippman David Li Association UNICEF USA Joseph R. Loftin TC D ou z inas: R auch N ancy 21 Contributing Partners

Janice Luke Loo Mary Jo Meade-Weinig & Sheldon Weinig, The TC Fund The Weinig Foundation Serena Moon Supporting the TC Fund means providing vital operating Theresa Mysak dollars so that Teachers College students and faculty are National Association of Elementary provided with the resources they need, day in and day out, School Principals to become accomplished scholars, educators and leaders. Ronald* & Patricia Nicholson, It is an honor to acknowledge and thank members of the The Nicholson Family John Dewey Circle, listed below. Charitable Fund Sharon Y. Nickols Vijayshree “Shonu” Pande President’s Circle Vijayshree “Shonu” Pande Clyde A. Painter $50,000 or more William F. Raffaniellom Palisades Charter High School Barbara Rolling Mark E. Reed Lise & Michael Evans Mr. & Mrs. William D. Rueckert m Theodore Robinson, M.D., Patricia Ruth & David Gottesman m Cynthia Sculco, Ed.D. m Patricia F. Green The Kurzrok Foundation m Carole Sleeper m Martha B. Lipp & Robert I. Lipp Aimeclaire Roche Green Joshua N. Solomon, Ed.D. Leslie M. Nelson & Diane Sunshine Dr. Pola Rosen, Publisher, (M.A. ’63) m Mitchell J. Nelson Ann N. Tillman m Education Update President, Green Charitable Patricia & E. John Rosenwald, Jr. m Maj. Gen. Irene Trowell-Harris, Ed.D., Pam B. Schafler Foundation; Director, Energy Ronald I. Saltz, Ed.D. USAF, retired m Amita Schultes Answers International; former & Michelle L. Saltz Yupha Udomsakdi Rebecca Schwarz public school teacher Marla L. Schaefer m Richard & Lisa Witten m Melanie Shorin & Greg Feldman Christopher & Janice Williams Elaine R. Wolfensohn m The Speyer Legacy School Green has established Lee & Roger Strong, Strong Foundation of New York a general scholarship for Trustee’s Circle Scholar’s Circle Martha Roby Stephens TC students. $25,000 to $49,999 $5,000 to $9,999 Mark H. Tashjian & Erin Tashjian Anonymous Dorothy D. Bennett m Milbrey ‘Missie’ Rennie Taylor Favorite TC Professors: Joyce B. Cowin m Marion R. Boultbee, Ed.D. & Elizabeth Thomas Leland Jacobs, who Nancy R. Douzinas & William Z. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Toepfer communicated his love for Kostas Douzinas Lynn M. Canaan & Najib S. Canaan Lily Lam & William Treen, The teaching children’s literature, Antonia & George J. Grumbach, Jr. m Gene R. Carter Sr., Ed.D. m William Treen Charitable Fund and Howard Fehr, who taught John & Patricia D. Klingenstein m Duane M. Christ, Ph.D. & of Vanguard Charitable us to understand why the Enid & Lester S. Morse m Lily E. Christ, Ed.D. m Maj. Gen. Irene Trowell-Harris, Dailey Pattee, Ph.D. number system actually Alice Welt Cunningham, Ph.D. m USAF, Ret., Ed.D Laurie M. Tisch m works, so we could put math Beverly Edgehill, Ed.D. TSCE Fund IV, LLC Jay P. Urwitz m Mrs. Ruth W. Friendly m Charo Uceda, Uceda School across to children. Steven R. Wechsler & Sarah Jane Gibbons m Sansannah A. Ude Suzanne Mackenzie m Marjorie & Gurnee F. Hart m Harold S. Varah Key TC experience: Sue A. Weinberg m Debra S. Heinrich Judy T. Wang Working collegially with M. Marian Wood Foundation m David & Laurie Hodgson Valerie and Steven Wayne my professors. Fiona Hollands, Ed.D. & Whittier Trust Company Dean’s Circle M. Ethan Berman m Deborah Passow Yaffe $10,000 to $24,999 Constance Hoguet Neel m Why I support TC: Reiko Kohara TC’s research constantly Jody & John Arnhold Korean Alumni Association upgrades our knowledge of how Mr. & Mrs. James W. Benkard m Phyllis L. Kossoffm children learn and informs our Dr. & Mrs. James V. Bruni m Christie N. Krase Patricia M. Cloherty preparation of teachers. This Emily A. Marbach Geoffrey J. Colvin & Marcia Colvin m Suzanne M. Murphy m dynamic process makes TC Dorothy J. del Bueno, Ed.D. the present and future leader Shailaja Nagarkatte Dawn & Ric Duquès m Barbara C. Noyes, M.D. m in education. The Gabelli Foundation m Amanda Offit & Ned S. Offit Jennifer & Bud Gruenberg Lida A. Orzeck, Ph.D. John W. Hyland, Jr. m Julie Ratner, Ed.D. m ougheed Elliot & Roslyn Jaffe Caroline R. Rosen & Helayne & Larry Jones Jonathan Rosen Chong Y. Kim Naomi B. Schiff-Myers, Ph.D. m Lisa J. Kohl Mildred S. Schmidt, Ed.D. Laura & Leo Kornfeld m Camilla Miner Smith m Julie & Paul Leff Susan Stempleski Ruth Watson Lubic Ed.D. Edith Rayner Sydney m Reuben & Arlene Mark Marlene Taussig * deceased L L . L inford of C ourtesy ougheed: Donna E. Marshall Milbrey “Missy” Rennie Taylor m Maxine Greene Society Mary Ann Milias St. Peter m C onnors D ennis G reen: atricia P L L . L inford 22 annual report 2013 Sept. 1, 2012 – Aug. 31, 2013

Mrs. Charla Hindley Tindall Christine P. Hayward m Carol Rothenberg, Ed.D. m Charo Uceda m Elaine Heffner, Ed.D.m Dr. Anne L. Rothstein m Valerie R. Wayne Linda K. Hiltzik Maria Schantz, Ed.D. m Howard G. Hitchcock, Ed.D. m Jill G. Schiffmanm Circle Members Dr. Joan H. Hittelman m Patrick B. Scott $1,000 to $4,999 David F. Hoff Robert K. Scripps, Ph.D. m Marjorie G. Hoffman Roy R. Senour, Jr. m Anonymous (4) Richard A. Hofmann m Joan Shapiro, Ed.D. m Ilse T. Albers Alice Y. Hsia James J. Shields, Ed.D. m John P. Allegrante, Ph.D Fumihiro Iwasaki Anne N. Simonsen Naif A. Al-Mutawa Thomas James, Ph.D. & Linda H. Sitnick Joan Amron m Professor Regina Cortina m Dian G. Smith m Professor O. Roger Anderson m Gregory T. Jennings, Ed.D.m J. P. Smith, Ph.D. Retha Arnette Beverly E. Johnson, Ed.D. Vivian S. Sonnenborn, Ed.D. & Professor Thurston A. Atkins m Roberta Kanter Donald E. Sonnenborn Benjamin M. Bakkegard, Ed.D. m I. Michael & Beth C. Kasser Harvey W. Spector m Linford L. Drs. William & Karen Baldwin m Martha Kellner Marilyn Truitt Staats m James H. & Margaret R. Bernstein m Louise G. Kerner Margaret Fecher Stadtlander m Lougheed Rebecca E. Binder & Charles Cohen Atsuko Kikuchi Dr. Marisela Hernandez Staller m (Ed.D. ’77) Frances S. Blackman & Faye Kimerling Elizabeth S. Steele m Leonard S. Blackman, Ph.D. m Jean Lenaz Klaiss m Lynn A. Streeter, Ph.D. & Author and educator in English Julie Blackman, Ph.D. & Eve K. Kleger m Thomas K. Landauer as a Foreign Language; Mitchell Dinnerstein Carol B. Kornitzer Nancy W. Streim m President and Founder, Karen J. Blank, Ed.D. m Eleanor S. Krieger Bernhard T. Streitwieser, Ph.D. & Instructional Design Company Dr. Corinne Bloomer Grace I. Keller Krumwiede m Mary Beth Warner Sarah Bolson Barnett Lillie Kumar, Ed.D. m John G. Stuart, Ed.D. m Lougheed has supported the Jane Kulla Boorstein Mildred C. Larsen Madeleine Sumile Sugimoto TC Fund and TC scholarships Prof. Marla R. Brassard m Patricia Laufer Emily Eugenia Summer m in nutrition education. Roger Bryanm Roy J. & Deborah A. Lewicki Vincent V. Suppan, USA Ret. m Amity P. Buxton, Ph.D. Judy B. Lindamood, Ed.D. & Gnana I. Supramaniam Nancy Cooperstein Carlinsky m Robert L. Lindamood Elouise C. Sutter, Ph.D. m Favorite TC Professor: Lola L. Chlupsa m Ticknor B. Litchfield, Ed.D.m James J. Sweeney My thesis advisor, Dr. Phil Lang. Cecilia J. Cogdell Linford L. Lougheed, Ed.D. Nobuhiro Takahashi Linda Bezold Colquhoun & Fern G. Lowenfels m Jane A. Taylor, Ed.D. Key TC experience: John Colquhoun Roland M. Machold Colleen K. Thompson Teacher supervision. Professor James P. Comer, M.D. & Bettye R. Roberta J. Mack* Margot E. Tobias John Fanselow made me Fletcher, Ed.D. m Diane J. Mancino, Ed.D. Adam Vane understand there isn’t just William J. Condon, Jr., Ed.D. m Eduardo J. Marti, Ph.D. Caroline H. Vaughan, Ed.D. Drs. E. Richard & Angela M. Covert m Patrick P. McGuire m Dr. Elizabeth & one way to present a learning Joy T. Daugherty m Elizabeth D. McIntyre Mr. Joseph Vecchione experience — and that my way Christina R. Davis Latie & Roger McLean m Anna Bell L. Washburn may not be right for everyone. Elizabeth L. Gordon Delizia m Peter R. Moock m Debra Wein-Zieper I’m still struggling with Julie B. Dozier & Douglas Dozier, Jr. Dorothea B. Moore Alfred Weiss m that concept. Joan Findlay Dunham, Ed.D. m Elaine J. Morfogen Hannah L. West m Judith Ehrman m Theresa Mysak m Bruce G. Wilcox m Why I support TC: Edith Everett m Dr. Franklin & Mrs. D. Joan Neffm Alice A. Wilder, Ed.D. m From 1974 through 1977 I paid Scott E. Fahey m Eleanor Odden Robert Willoughby Abraham S. Fischler, Ed.D. Mr. & Mrs. George D. O’Neill m Randi L. Wolf my tuition from scholarships as Jeffrey Fisher Yasuyuki Owada Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Mooney small as $50. Students should Erwin Flaxman & Linda Laughlin Seema M. Patel m Elaine F. Yaniv m worry about their education, Ms. Lori E. Fox m Yashvant Patel Stamos O. Zades m not about paying for it. Karen K. Frank-Au Samuel P. Peabody Ellen G. Freeman Clarence E. Pearson Dorrie Fretwell Robert V. Piemonte, Ed.D. m Elbert K. Fretwell, Jr.* May S. Pinto Gideon W. Fryer, Ed.D.m Anne S. Pruitt-Logan Susan H. Fuhrman, Ph.D. m Jill G. Pulley

ougheed Dr. May Futrell m Kristin T. Reed The John Dewey Circle James L. Gardner Lawrence T. & Padma H. Reichwald The John Dewey Circle recognizes and honors those who Lynn Gaylord m Hilda Richards, Ed.D. m Carmine P. Gibaldi, Ed.D. Drs. Robert & Elaine L. Rigolosi m partner with Teachers College by contributing $1,000 or more Patricia A. Graham Dorothy Townsend Robertson m to the TC Fund. These leadership gifts make a direct and Jesse J. Greene, Jr. & Family Erica R. Roizen & Scott Belsky immediate difference in the lives of our students and faculty Professor Maxine Greene m Drs. Herman & Pola Rosen members, providing them with the resources they need to Jon M. Gruenberg m Alison K. Rosenthal advance scholarship, develop policy and act with impact. We Katherina K. Grunfeld Jill Rosenzweig

L L . L inford of C ourtesy ougheed: gratefully recognize the John Dewey Circle members. Ms. V. Ena Haines m Deborah Roth Jim Handrich ennis C onnors D ennis G reen: atricia P L L . L inford 23 Contributing Partners

John J. Battles, Ed.D. m Kevin D. Beck TC Fund Donors Doris D. Bell m Teachers College gratefully recognizes donors who contributed Lissa F. Bentley $250 to $999 to the Annual Fund. Roni Roth Beshears Pamela M. Bischoff $500 to $999 Amy D. Blecher m Judith R. Bloom m Anonymous (4) Roberta S. Mitchell Saletta Boni, Ph.D. m Marie E. Bailey Jones Myah Moore Irick & Jaime Irick Joseph M. Borovicka Marshall W. Barron m Wayne T. Moore, Ed.D. Sadie Chavis Bragg, Ed.D Donald A. Boulton, Ed.D. m Elizabeth A. Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bridgewater m Elizabeth O. Bruner m Gabrielle Nohrnberg Xavier D. Briggs Jacqueline M. Carmichael m Elizabeth N. Weld Nolan m Ruth P. Brody m Joan C. Cavicchi m Francis J. O’Brien Charlotte Brown m Sarah H. Clark Robert M. Palaich, Ph.D. m Alfreda Burblis, Ed.D. m Vidal S. Clay, Ed.D. m Leonard B. Panar Robert L. Burkey, Ed.D. Joel L. Cunningham Jack F. Parker, Ed.D. m Mary J. Calabro m Miss Darlene Davis Margaret V. Ping Xavier F. Cannella Beth Alvin D. Delman m Lori A. Quinn Dannheim Laura J. Caramanica Professor & Mrs. Morton Deutsch m James and Barbara Redd Itty Chan m Chadwick Theodore Dimon Jack Richard, M.D. m Christine W. Chase & Jeremy Chase m Mr. & Mrs. Tom Doar, III m Francine P. Riemer Sandy S. Chuang Kasser Patrick J. & Daryl Dunlavy Richard E. Riggs (M.E. ’79) Chi-Oy W. Chyu, Ed.D. Drs. Fleurin Eshghi & Nate Dickmeyer m William W. Riley m Thelma A. Clive Former teacher; competitive Lucia P. Ewing Kent Brain Rogers m Diana Cohn triathlete; founder of Holualoa Michael A. Feller, Ed.D. m Julie E. Schaut m Theodore Cohn Educational and Fitness JoAnn Fley, Ed.D. Dr. Calvert E. Schlick, Jr. m Anne R. Cole m Services. Amy L. Garfield* Jean S. Shaw Mary Jo Blewett Collins Michael C. Gillespie, Ed.D. m Katherine A. Sinsabaugh & Joanne C. Conlon, Ed.D. m The Beth and I. Michael Kasser Mariana I. Gimenez Soucy David Kinnear Melanie N. Crawford Fellowship supports doctoral Nina M. Glasner Donald M. Stewart Katherine Cuthbertson m students in School Psychology Mrs. Lola Goldring m Laurel N. Tanner, Ed.D. Ronald M. Diello, Ed.D. m directed by Marla Brassard. Beatrice C. Goldschmidt m Dann Kenefick & Peggy A. Dillon The Kassers also support Lawrence E. Goldschmidt Mitchell L. Thompson, Jr. Gael L. Dohany health education research by Anna O. Graeber, Ed.D. m Dr. Charlotte M. Thornburg Margaret S. Eberhardt Charles Basch. Natalie M. Handelman m Carolyn Tolson m Dr. Martha Hart Eddy Dana Hart Mrs. Barbara B. Travis Dick Edel m Frances R. Hesselbein Harold S. Turley, Ed.D. m Favorite TC professors: Gary & Helene Eithm Sirvart K. Hintlian Gareth M. Vaughan Marla Brassard, Chuck Basch Marjorie Ellenbogen Paul R. Homer Karen E. Vlaskamp and Karin Zumwalt, who was Denise T. Farley Jeanet H. Irwin & John Irwin III m Maxine A. Warnath amazingly supportive and kind. Harriet A. Fields Bernard Josefsberg, Ed.D. m Judith Z. Weinberg m Keith C. Figgs, Ed.D. m Alisa S. Joseph Stephen S. Willoughby, Ed.D. Key TC experience: Nancy E. Fisher Prof. Judy M. Judd m Edgar N. Wright Bonding with my classmates Johanna H. Flynn m Marcia V. Keizs, Ed.D. Mary E. Wright m Kathy Morin, Meg Durham and Louise H. Fordham H. Sinclair Kerr, Jr. & Sandra D. Wright Maddie Roth. John Fracasso Jane Grant Kerr Karen K. Zumwalt & Bob Zumwalt Stephen C. Frauenthal Carleton A. Kinne m Why I support TC: Maria C. Fressola, Ed.D. Dorothy S. Kryger TC helped me develop skills $250 to $499 Frances P. Gaines Gladys P. Kusterer and lasting friendships. Since Anonymous (4) Jay Gaines Joan M. Leiman, Ph.D. Kasser 1984, I have worked with Philip E. Geiger, Ed.D. Sally I. Lipsey, Ed.D. m Anita C. Abraham-Inz m children, adults, seniors and Barbara D. Gholz Dillon M. Lobban, Ed.D. Hedda Sprohge Alsworth now super seniors. We’re all Thelma Anderson Gibson m Madeleine D. Lord m Mary B. Hill Anderson getting older! Cynthia L. Golan & Avi Golan J. L. Marshall, Ed.D. m Mr. Bryan A. Apt Joshua Goldhaber Kathleen McConahey m Irma M. Arndt m Photo: Beth Chadwick Kasser Polly P. Bonsal Goodyear m Prof. Elizabeth Midlarsky Sheila F. Astudillo (right) with her husband Michael Cheryl A. Gorelick, Ed.D. Dwight K. Miller m Amirthalakshmi Balasundaram and her mother, Doris Chadwick. Arthur S. Graff, Ed.D. m Elizabeth K. Miller Rachel S. Balsam Rosalyn H. Graves k C hadwic B eth of C ourtesy Kasser: Richard P. Mills Rachel E. Barr Deborah E. Greh Emily Siguler Mitchell Carol Bates k C hadwic B eth S hih E dith of C ourtesy S hih: E dith 24 annual report 2013 Sept. 1, 2012 – Aug. 31, 2013

Michael P. Griffitts Allen L. Mewborn Jackson R. Schonberg, Ed.D. & Richard N. Guibord m Theodore J. Meyers m Cynthia Schonberg Chelley S. Gutin, Ed.D. & Gordon Porter Miller Judith A. Schreiber Bernard Gutin Amy Miller-Cohen Christopher P. Scott, Ed.D. Richard A. Hansen, Ph.D. m Michael D. Minard Rina Shere Jun Harada Dr. Donna Davis Morgan m Edward J. Shine, Ed.D. & Richard C. Harper, Ed.D. Kathleen D. Morin, Ed.D. m Madeline Shine Ellen K. Harris Barbara L. Morris Ellen K. Shockro Gila S. Harris Robert T. Muller Pamela Reed Shufro Nathaniel Hathaway m Randolph C. Nichols Dr. Robert T. Simmelkjaer m Zelma W. Henriques, Ed.D. m Walter J. Nitardy, Ed.D. Jessica K. Simon Dr. Edwin L. & Joanne R. Nurss, Ph.D. m Thelma T. Slater Mrs. Patricia Greene Herr m Dr. Edward J.P. O’Connor m Lydia M. Spinelli, Ed.D. Jennifer L. Hickey m Roland O’Neal, Ed.D. m H. Karl Springob, Ph.D. & Irwin L. Hinds, Ed.D. m Ichiro Ota Helen P. Springob m Ms. Fiona Ho Fay Limbou Papas m Dr. Demetrios S. Spyridakis Mala E. Hoffman Andrea M. Paskoff Elizabeth Steltenpohl m Tom G. Holt m Lawrence F. Pereira, Ed.D. & Martha R. Stephens Queen S. Horton m Patricia B. Pereira, Ed.D. Ellen D. Stern m Edith Shelton H. Hsieh Christina T. Pershing m Kathleen L. Strother m Joni D. Jablansky & Paul Jablansky Edward A. Powers, Ed.D. m Shih Janice M. Sutton (M.A. ’77; Ed.M. ’78) Satinder Jawanda & Mary K. Pratt m Austin D. Swanson, Ed.D. m Head Group General Counsel Amitabha Bose Marjorie C. Quaife m Dr. Charlotte P. Taylor m and Company Secretary, William O. Jones Nancy D. Rassiga-Tripp William M. Terrone Hutchison Whampoa Eileen W. Judell m Charles T. Raynolds III Pamela A. Toledano Judith L. Judson m Lynn Haar Reichgott Richard L. Trent & Anabel C. Trent Shih established and has Helen Kazolias-Spiegelberg, Ed.D. m Marilyn Repsher, Ph.D. Mary L. VanBuren m supported the Edith Shih Helen B. Kelleher m Joshua A. Rich m Annamay M. Walter Scholarship Fund for TC Denise M. Kelly & Gregory P. Kelly Luns C. Richardson Mrs. Melba Marie Watson m master’s and doctoral students Sue N. Kelly, Ed.D. m Jane T. Roach Robert S. Weintraub, Ed.D. m from Asia. Dona M. Kemp m Nora Robell m Mary Wells m Paige A. Kenausis m Thomas P. Rock Charlotte S. Wert m Kathleen L. Kernan Dori S. Rockefeller Ruth C. West, Ed.D. Favorite TC Professor: Janine E. Kietrysm Renee Rogoff m John Westerhoff Clifford Hill. Beyond providing Maria Kovacs m Dinelia Rosa Ellen N. Wolfson m a solid, positive learning John J. Kowalik m Milly P. Rosen Barbara C. Wood experience, he taught me Maris H. Krasnow Marsha C. Roth & Peter Roth m Jon A. Yasin, Ed.D. humility. Because of him, Kathryn E. Krause Charles D. Rowley, Ed.D. Lois J. Zachary, Ed.D. despite leaving the education Lisa A. Krieg Leena Santore m Linda G. Zackin field, I have never ceased to be Ms. Lisa J. Landstein Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Savage m Marie R. Zwerling m a teacher. Charles L. Latimer, Jr.* & Alice W. Latimer m Key TC experience: Nancy Lehr Lee m New York City’s challenges and Jonathan D. Leef m enrichment of my life provided Henry M. Levin m a learning experience that no Bobbi R. Lewis The Maxine Greene Society other educational institution Myrtle J. Liburd-Marcano can engineer. Richard J. Lightcap, Ed.D. The Maxine Greene Society of Consecutive Giving Debra G. Lusman recognizes those who partner with Teachers Why I support TC: Margie Holloway Major m College by making contributions to the TC Fund Financial support by others Millicent S. Mali m over five or more consecutive years. It is our honor enabled me to receive a superb Kasser Mary L. Mark m to acknowledge these loyal supporters with the education. I want to help others Josephine Martin “m” notation following their names. benefit from the same positive Zoe E. Mavridis experience, especially students James F. McClellan, Jr. from developing countries. Arthur A. McCombs Kim C. McCrea Mary S. McDuffiem Andre A. McKenzie k C hadwic B eth of C ourtesy Kasser: Martha Turner Medford m * deceased Susan M. Mescher m Maxine Greene Society k C hadwic B eth S hih E dith of C ourtesy S hih: E dith 25 Contributing Partners The Grace Dodge Society The Grace Dodge Society recognizes those alumni, faculty, staff, trustees and friends who, through their generosity, foresight and commitment, have provided for Teachers College in their wills or trusts or through other planned gifts. Society members share the view of Grace Hoadley Dodge, TC’s founder, of education as the principal means to create better families, better communities and a better world.

Anonymous (67) Dawn Duquès Jean Lenaz Klaiss Sarah Abler Martha H. Eddy, Ed.D. Freda J. Klein Agnes C. Adams Judith Ehrman Dr. Sylvia B. Key Richard T. Alexander, Jr. Sarah Eigen Nona Kovalcin Deborah Wesley Allen, Ed.D. Sandra J. Eiker, Ed.D. Patricia E. Kopenhaver Joan R. Amron Susan S. Ellis, Ed.D. Judith Shankman Kosak Jeannette S. Anderson* Shulamith R. Elster Phyllis L. Kossoff Joan Garver Anderson Rev. Dr. William S. Epps Christie N. Krase Professor Roger Anderson Dr. Thomas W. Evans* & Kathryn E. Krause Mrs. W. P. Anderson Mrs. Lois Evans Estelle Stack Kreinik* Richard S. Anderson John F. Fanselow, Ph.D. & Kumiko O. Wayne & Grace I. Keller Sylvia Appel, Ed.D. Fujimura-Fanselow, Ph.D. Krumwiede Elizabeth B. Baer Marjorie Dycke Ferrigno, Ph.D. Lois Lagerman, Ed.D. Nishan Sara Jane Baldwin-Barru Joan Findlay Dunham, Ed.D. Mildred C. Larsen Alice Strong Barber Abraham S. Fischler, Ed.D. Blanche E. Lawton Patel Dorothy D. Bennett Betty L. Forest, Ed.D., R.N. Mildred Hollis Lerner (M.A. ’12) Elizabeth H. Bell Lorraine Fox Louise J. Lettiero Marianne Berel Norman F. Foy, Ed.D. B.J. Lewis* Art teacher, New Jersey’s Ruth C. Bergman, Ed.D. Ruth W. Friendly J. N. Lieberman, Ph.D. West Windsor Plainsboro High Louise M. Berman, Ed.D. Barbara Blanco Gaab Agnes Lin, Ed.D. School South Judith R. Bloom Anne Richardson Gayles-Felton Linford L. Lougheed, Ed.D. Professor Ann E. Boehm Jerry G. Gebhard, Ed.D. Ruth W. Lubic, Ed.D. The Vallavbhaiand Savitaben Alfred E. Boren Professor Celia Genishi Virginia A. Lucas Patel Foundation has endowed Marion R. Boultbee, Ed.D. Lois M. Gilson Carole L. Maatz a scholarship for master’s Princess Matilda Bowen David G. Goffredi Dale N. MacCutcheon degree students in TC’s Art William L. Boyle, Jr., Ed.D. Ruth O. Goldman Barbara R. Mackey, Ed.D. & Art Education Program Frederick R. Brodzinski, Ed.D. Jinny M. Goldstein Joan E. Manahan, Ed.D. Richard & Lucille Bridgewater Sheila H. Goldstein Joseph A. Manfredi Joseph S. Brosnan, Ed.D. Dr. Edith May Gordon Donald K. Marshall Favorite TC professor: Judith W. & Robert M. Burger Ruth L. Gottesman, Ed.D. Michael L. Marx Olga Hubard. In her studio art Jane Self Burnham Marvin Greenberg, Ed.D. Bridget Smith McCarthy class I could let go and explore. Amity Pierce Buxton, Ph.D Professor Maxine Greene Patrick P. McGuire, Ed.D. When I painted, it was OK to Charles C. Cahn, Jr. Michael W. Greene Kenann F. McKenzie-Thompson, Ph.D. sometimes not have an idea Mary J. Calabro Gail C. Grisetti, Ed.D. Latie & Roger McLean in mind; to let the feeling and Richard V. Campagna Dr. Helen Mayer Hacker Mary Ann Milias St. Peter emotions flow. Now I impart this Dr. & Mrs. Gene R. Carter, Sr. Charlotte M. Hamill Dwight K. Miller idea to my own art students. Joan C. Cavicchi Dr. Charles C. Harrington Dr. Mary E. Moran Stanley Chait Marguerite T. Harris Joseph Peter Morgan Sandra K. Chang, Jeanne E. Harroo Lynda R. Morris Key TC experience: In Memory of Leonard Chang Marjorie L. & Gurnee F. Hart Lydia Anne Morrongiello, Ed.D. Connecting with and learning Bobbi Chifos Beatrice R. Hillard Theresa Mysak from other passionate Rita K. Chow, R.N., Ed.D. Pamella E. Ho Sang, Ed.D., R.N. Anita Nathan-Michelson individuals who want to make Duane M. Christ, Ph.D. & Marian K. Hoffman, Ph.D. John A. Nolan, Ed.D. an impact through the magical Lily E. Christ, Ed.D. Dr. & Mrs. Edwin P. Hollander Barbara C. Noyes, M.D. medium of art. Chi-Oy W. Chyu Fiona M. Hollands, Ph.D. & Stuart H. Olsen Pierre T. & Elise W. Clement M. Ethan Berman Lida A. Orzeck, Ph.D. Why I support TC: Frances P. Connor, Ed.D. Carole Holmes, Ed.D. Dr. Clyde A. Painter Because it is a rare place where Professor Isobel R. Contento Virginia Hough Dr. Gilbert A. Palmer Dr. & Mrs. H. Dan Corbin Dr. William C. & Vijayshree “Shonu” Pande

exploration is encouraged to atel Joyce B. Cowin Carolyn A. Hughes Jack F. Parker, Ed.D. help seek one’s full potential. Professor Robert & Nan Crain Bonny S. Jacobson Hohenberger Michael J. Passow, Ed.D. Myrtle Crawford, Ed.D. Carol W. Jacobson* Shirley S. Passow, Esq.* Dorothy J. del Bueno, Ed.D. Adah Straus Jaffer Dorothy R. Pieniadz, Ed.D. Rubye M. Dewitt Mr. & Mrs. A. Clark Johnson, Jr. Dr. Lillian Mary Quirke Corrine R. Donley, Ed.D. Dr. Susan R. Johnson & Dr. Carroll Mary O’Connell Regan

Lester Dubnick F. Johnson* Lawrence T. & Padma H. Reichwald P N ishan of C ourtesy atel: ishan P N ishan H amill C harlotte of C ourtesy H amill: C harlotte 26 annual report 2013 Sept. 1, 2012 – Aug. 31, 2013

Sanford J. & Susan Riemer Sacks, Ph.D. William Wynn Riley Gary J. Robertson, Ph.D. Estate Gifts Captain Barbara A. Rolling, USPHS Edwin A. Rosenberg Teachers College gratefully acknowledges the Roger R. Rudzinski, DPT generous support received from the estates of our William Dodge Rueckert alumni, faculty, trustees and friends. These very Dr. Robert N. Saveland important planned gifts provide significant funds Marla L. Schaefer for scholarships, professorships, and program and Dr. Robert H. Schaffer general support. Maria Schantz, Ed.D. Mildred S. Schmidt, Ed.D. Anonymous Martha E. Schnebly, Ed.D. Eileen A. Cutler Mary Ann Doutrich Seipos* Diana Woo Irrevocable Trust Monte P. Shepler, Ed.D. Helaine and John Dunmire James J. Shields, Ed.D. Elizabeth McHose Joan B. Shostak Amy L. Garfield Alexandra Simmons Klitsch Eveline C. Gordon Peter W. Simonds, Ed.D. Manfred H. Hecht Trust Frances Walker Slocum Marie Louise Hecht Mignon Williams Smith Elizabeth Pauline Hagen, Ph.D. Joshua N. Solomon, Ed.D. Tressa Yeager Johnson Jonas & Nancy Soltis Carroll F. Johnson Gladys E. Sorensen, Ed.D., R.N. Charlotte Gladys E. Jordan J. Laven Sowell* Bernard H. Kinzer Malcolm C. Spensley Hamill Estelle Stack Kreinik Robert I. Sperber, Ed.D. Barbara Jean Lewis Gloria Spodick Retired hospital administrator, Gertrude L. Long H. Karl Springob, Ph.D. & former TC doctoral student M. Marian Wood Foundation Helen P. Springob Roberta J. Mack Marilyn Truitt Staats Hamill endowed a scholarship Patricia Maher Martha Roby Stephens in Reading Disabilities Kenneth & Florence Oberholtzer Trust Jeane S. Stockheim Millie C. Almy, Ph.D. Lynn A. Streeter, Ph.D. Favorite TC Professor: Josephine Rullman Barbra Streisand, Leonard Blackman Esther M. Stoker In Memory of Emanuel Streisand Rodney V. Tillman, Ed.D. Elaine A. Stueber Dr. Mary Topalis Madeleine Sumile Sugimoto Key TC experience: Mary E. Whitney, Ed.D. Elpida Summerscales While I was taking doctoral- Timothy D. Xenos Diane W. Sunshine level courses at TC in special Arthur Zankel Colonel Vincent V. Suppan, AUS Ret. education, I asked my Elouise Conte Sutter, Ph.D. professors if a friend of mine, James J. Sweeney whose son was having trouble Dr. Ruth E. Sweeny with reading, could sit in. Patricia M. Sweeting, Ph.D. They said yes, and she ended Edith Rayner Sydney up opening her own learning John L. Tewksbury Rodney V. Tillman, Ed.D.* center and lecturing part time Carolyn Tolson at TC on reading disabilities. Adam Vane Caroline Vaughan, Ed.D. Why I support TC: Professor Marie Volpe The quality and the flexibility. Phillip L. Volpe The work there is so important, Dr. Charles U. & and they make it as widely Mrs. Cherie D. Walker available as they can. Dr. Jessie A. Warden Esther M. Wenrich, Ed.D. Mary E. Whitney, Ed.D.*

atel atel Barbara J. Wilkes Douglas Williams Margaret H. Williams, Ph.D. Barbara A. Withers, Ed.D. Nanci Zabatta Kauffman Phyllis Frieda Zaleon Ellen Rubinson Zamor ishan P N ishan of C ourtesy atel: * deceased ishan P N ishan H amill C harlotte of C ourtesy H amill: C harlotte 27 Contributing Partners

Franklin & Joan Neff Cassandra Neff In Honor & In Memory Scott Freeman With deep appreciation, we gratefully recognize the following donors who have made gifts Organization & Leadership to Teachers College in honor or in memory of friends, family and faculty. Dr. Nehar Noumir & Dr. Caryn Block Francine P. Riemer Riemer Consulting, Inc. IN HONOR OF Dr. William Croasdale Dr. Joan Gussow New England Institute of Stanley Haspel Dawn Person TC’s 125th Anniversary Technology Marcia C. Miller, Ed.D. David R. Terdiman Dr. Hal Abeles Anthropology Department Professor Clifford A. Hill Dr. Harold Post - Class of 1954 Mary B. Harris Harold Post, Ed.D. Mikiko Inoue Allison Chang Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Fang Hsiu T. Su Professor Morton Deutsch Mooney David M. Price Anna Price Dr. John P. Allegrante George Bramwell Mikaihla, Sklyer, Aliyse, & Sage Eric A. Gass Patricia A. Bramwell Erica Dolce Science Education Department Patricia M. Gass, Ed.D. Robin Elliott Reggina Kailan Professors Evans & Jacobson Abraham S. Fischler, Ed.D. Amirthalakshmi Balasundaram Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Margaret Hunt-Hartshorn Mooney Shirley B. Fischler Amirthalakshmi Balasundaram Pearl Kane Professor Orrea F. Pye Professor Charles Basch The Faculty Kathleen A. Fernald Joyce M. Pilsner James F. Hejduk Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Eric A. Gass Mooney Patricia M. Gass, Ed.D. Professor John F. Fanselow Beth Kasser & the Early Childhood Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Staff Mr. Guy R. Reavis Pat Bassett, dear friend & mentor Joan E. Reavis Arch N. McIntosh, Jr. Mooney Dr. Herschel Rosenzweig Hilly Farber 80th Birthday Jill Rosenzweig Professor Craig Richards Professor Leslie Beebe Dr. Dillon M. Lobban, Ed.D. Janice Dowd Susan Lipschutz Natalie Kaufman Linda J. Wright & Zoraya Flor Linda K. Hiltzik Pat & John Rosenwald Roger M. Mooney Persis C. Flor Dr. Joanne Kleifgen’s Retirement Theodore Dimon Eve Bernstein-Teachers College Dr. Susan Fuhrman Sally K. Mettler, Ed.D. Irit Schwager ’09 & ’89 Marjorie Ellenbogen John Klingenstein Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Ulana Lysniak, Ed.D. Franklyn Ellenbogen, Jr. Andrew D. Heineman Mooney Memorial Foundation Lillian Birdsall Ellen Condliffe Lagemann, Robert (Rocky) Schwartz Marjorie G. Hoffman Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Joan B. Frierson receiving the President’s Medal of Dr. Robert E. Fullilove Mooney Dr. John B. Black Excellence Eric A. Gass Jerald D. Cole, Ed.D. Roni Roth Beshears Mary & John F. Smith Patricia M. Gass, Ed.D. Brian D. McCarthy Organization & Leadership Laura Layton Professor Celia Genishi Bridget Smith McCarthy Dr. Caryn J.B lock Caroline H. Vaughan, Ed.D. Nina Asher, Ed.D. Mr. & Mrs. Maximilian Soller Riemer Consulting, Inc. Sharon Daniels Jane Lichtman Francine P. Riemer Abby S. Mayer Louis F. LoRe Charles & Esther Lee Kimerling Marianne Mayer Bobby Gerald Henriques Jonathan G. Silin, Ed.D. Charitable Foundation Zelma W. Henriques, Ed.D. Elliot D. Kimerling Professor Abraham J. Antoinette Gentile Ronald Philip Brauner Faye Kimerling Tannenbaum, Ph.D. Robert Stadulis Ellen T. Richer, Ed.D. Elaine B. Rosengart Ben Mayer my son Eric A. Taussig Edmund Gordon Carol E. Mayer Howie Budin Janice S. Robinson Marlene Taussig Dan I. Ristea Dr. Wambui Mbugua Donna Z. Williams Maxine Greene Iris Nelson-Schwartz Barbara A. Torney Paulette Brief-Liebowitz, Ed.D. Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Professor W. Burke Diana Cohn Kathleen Litten McConahey Mooney Saletta Boni, Ph.D. Kathleen McConahey Dr. Martha Hart Eddy Professor Bruce Vogeli to support Ruth K. King Stephen McConahey Dr. Judith M. Burton, Art & Art Ed. the Mathematics Program Cabrini B. Lepis Stephen McConahey Family Gillian J. Furniss The Joel & Trudy Cunningham Marjorie A. Lieneck Foundation Peter Furniss Charitable Fund Carol C. London Felicity Buxton Carleigh McCormack Alice Welt Cunningham, Ph.D. Barbara H. Martindale Amity P. Buxton, Ph.D. Patricia Nugent, Ed.D. Daniel P. Cunningham David B. Middleton Nugent Books, Inc. Joel L. Cunningham Charles Cahn in appreciation of Betty C. Miller Trudy B. Cunningham his efforts on behalf of public Mitchell Miller Dr. Jack Mezirow Gloria J. Pierce, Ed.D. Susan L. Forman, Ph.D. education in the City of New York Roberta S. Mitchell, Ed.D. Roger Hertog, Leigh Smith Jones Betty C. Miller Professor Barbara C. Wallace the Roger & Susan Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Robert Nagler Miller Eric A. Gass Hertog Charitable Fund Mooney Patricia M. Gass, Ed.D. Mrs. Enid W. Morse 80th Birthday Bryn Canner Father Benedict Groeschel, O.F.M. Joyce B. Cowin Joshua Weiner’s graduation Mary Canner James J. Sweeney Nancy E. Fisher Joshua S. Weiner Geoffrey J. Colvin & Marcia Colvin My Dad Milan Suzanne Murphy Dr. Ruth Westheimer The Zankel Fund Lubie Grujicic-Alatriste, Ed.D. Margot Bogert & Jeremiah Bloomberg Philanthropies Bogert

28 annual report 2013 Sept. 1, 2012 – Aug. 31, 2013

Michael R. Bloomberg Lawrence A. Cremin on TC 125th B. Marlene Crosby Professor Paul Kozelka James Cohen Birthday John C. Crosby, Ed.D. P. William Hutchinson Joanne Cohen Susan Dweck Albjerg-Graham Family Fund- Professor Philip Lang Charles Edwards Robin Willig Fidelity Charitable Lucille L. Lattanzi Linda J. Wright & Roger M. Jonathan J. Clark Athene S. Goldstein Dr. Philip Lange Mooney Patricia A. Graham, Ph.D. Marilyn G. Harwell George Heitler Robert T. Filep Karen Zumwalt Mae Dalton Renee Kasper Melanie Dalton George Marilyn T. Lieber, Ed.D. Kathleen A. Fernald Carol K. Kaufman Margaret McCabe Renee Darvin Richard S. Kaufman Dr. Karen Lee Carroll Kay R. Kershman Dr. Margaret Lindsey IN MEMORY OF Jerry Darvin Marian S. Kessler Dorothy Townsend Robertson Toby A. Kline My loved ones family members Fay Abramson James M. Davenport Bernice H. Davenport Frances B. Knight Isabel S. Vartanian Ellen N. Lauter Paula Lerer Frederick B. Lauter John W. Delonas Richard Lerer, Ed.D. Therese Malone Nadia G. Delonas Regina M. Lennon Grover Albers Dolores Levy Ilse T. Albers Marjorie R. Emmons Harold O. Levy Parents, grandparents-Virginia & Doris E. Dunbar Haskell Barbara J. Lupoff Leonard Marx Millie Almy Jerry Marcus, Ed.D. Jennifer & Bud Gruenberg Ainslie Embree Rabbi Gedalyah Engel Harriet Marks The Virginia & Leonard Marx Suzanne H. Embree, Ed.D. Liba H. Engel Molly S. McCartney Foundation Richard L. Myerson Dino Anagnost Ragna Fahlstedt Rita P. Matts, a great Nathan S. Cohen Valerie A. Joseph Rosemarie F. Myerson Carleton A. Kinne S. & S. Charitable Foundation advocate for Education Dr. & Mrs. Homer B. Fegley Susan L. Kinne Patricia Sapinsley Janet B. Matts John A. Fegley, Ed.D. Norma H. Schatz Professor Andy Anderson Milton Merritt-Graduate 1964 Professor John H. Fischer Eugene A. Schiller Gladys G. Merritt Jeffrey Brown David H. Fischer Margery K. Schiller Ronni S. Schuman-Brown, Ed.D. Judith H. Fischer Nancy K. Schlossberg, Ed.D. Donald L. Miller, M.D. Patricia A. Miller, Ed.D. Dorothy “Dody” Avril Robert J. Schwarz Vincent Fiske Noel Siegel Dr. Edwin E. Avril Jean F. Fiske Dr. James Milligan Toby Siegel Karen J. Blank, Ed.D. Maria Boccini Mary Flaherty Smith C. R. Spitzer Peter W. Simonds, Ed.D. Jeannette M. Boccini Brian D. McCarthy Maxine C. Spitzer Evelyn G. Braunstein Bridget Smith McCarthy Marian R. Sroge Thelma Minaya Sue Horwitz James L. Stern Mr. Felix R. Gil Dr. Jeannette Fleischner Kathleen P. Teso Dr. Michael Brick, Professor of Karen L. Pithie Gertrude S. Miner James C. Underwood Stewart W. Miner Higher Education at Teachers Floyd J. Fletcher Kenneth E. Underwood Dr. Mildred M. Montag College Anonymous Marie E. Underwood William L. Boyle, Jr., Ed.D. Barbara M. Fletcher Mildred S. Schmidt, Ed.D. John A. Whritner, Ed.D. Margaret H. Williams, Ph.D. Jack Brodsky Harold & Loretta Forest Katherine F. Whritner Tuck Williams Fred C. Bockian, Ed.D. Betty L. Forest, Ed.D. Jean Pierre Jordan, Ph.D. In Memorial of Dr. Maurice B. Sandra Bockian Daniel J. Mahoney, Ed.D. Florence B. Funch Morrill-Graduate of TC Betty Brummett Paul B. Funch Mr. Peter & Mrs. Margaret Kane Anna Morrill Albert G. Watson Doreen B. Gamoa Schwimer Edward Mysak Richard F. Burns Ms. Gillian J. Virata Elizabeth A. Morrissey Theresa Mysak Susan Stempleski Prof. Roma Gans Mildred Kapilow Estelle S. Naiman, M.S., D.E.P. & Xavier F. Cannella - M.A. ’46, Rhoada K. Wald, Ed.D. Janet W. Carson D.W.S.G.+E, (Pollution ph.D. ’55 Frances W. Katz Xavier F. Cannella, Jr., M.D. Miriam L. Goldberg Engineer/Master Chemist) Sanford J. & Susan Riemer Noah Katz Harvey G. Naiman Buzz & Beaver Chadwick Sacks Dr. Raymond Keating Murray A. Naiman I. Michael & Beth C. Kasser Clara Goldblatt Freed Joan C. Cavicchi Grandson, Travis Marc Odom Leonard Chang Marcia Lange Charles Keedle Betty W. Martin-Blount, Ed.D. Sandra K. Chang Anne Cox Greene Richard F. Bergamini Anne Olsen Anne Check Christine S. Greene ELDP Graduate: Maj. Thomas “TK” Stuart H. Olsen Estate of Anne Check Jesse J. Green, Jr. & Family Kennedy My parents Ruth & William Olsen Don-Chean Chu Professor Lennox Grey Joseph M. Borovicka Stuart H. Olsen Eugene H. Merrill William F. Raffaniello Francis M. Kianese Janet L. Merrill, Ed.D. Dr. Robert Pace Dr. Carroll F. Johnson Bernice B. Kianese Anne K. Franco, Ed.D. Willie Cook Ada Mae Abuza Isabel & Julius Kivy Melanie Dalton George Professor A. Harry Passow, Ed.D. Jane Albaum Dr. & Elaine F. Genkins, Ed.D. Joan R. Barron Gardner Cowles Martin Albaum Edward J. Metzendorf, Jr. Richard W. Baum Armin Klein Martha R. Stephens Grace H. Klein David P. Yaffe Stephen Bayer Deborah Passow Yaffe Susan B. Bayer Felix Kozak William J. Brosnan, Jr. Carol K. Ward Judith Cromer Seth Ward 29 Contributing Partners

Shirley S. Passow, Esq. Robert G. Stillwell Joan R. Barron June Stillwell Columbia University Alumni Club Esther Stoker Matching David P. Yaffe Virginia Stillman Deborah Passow Yaffe Roberto Stripling Gifts Estrella R. Patell Dr. Robert E. Wurtz, Ed.D. Rusi K. Patell Dr. William Summerscales Corporate matching gift programs Philip H. Phenix Linda J. Wright & allow donors to significantly Clifford V. Anderson, Ed.D. Roger M. Mooney increase the impact of their personal David M. Price Professor Donald Super contributions. These companies Kathleen M. Tolan Charles C. Healy, Ph.D. recognize the importance of private Lillian E. Rapp P. H. Nachtwey support for higher education. Teachers Salena Kern Professor Albert S. Thompson College gratefully acknowledges Randy Rapp Holden James D. Forbes II the following corporations and their William A. Holden Lois J. Forbes, Ed.D. employees who contributed to the Jo-Anna Rapp-Holden P. H. Nachtwey College through these programs. Marie T. Reedy Dr. Ronald Thornburg Sr. John A. Reedy Dr. Charlotte M. Thornburg Boeing Company Professor Edmund E. Reutter, Jr. Mrs. Helen G. Tolbert Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Robert V. Lichtenfeld, Ed.D. Ave-Marie C. Smith Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Elaine Richard Walter E. Travis Federated Department Stores Jack Richard, M.D. Mrs. Barbara B. Travis First Eagle Investment Management Foundation Ralph M. Roberts Norman H. Van Diest, Ed.D. GE Foundation Dr. Robert E. Wurtz, Ed.D. Annamaria Van Diest Goldman Sachs & Company Foundation Dorothy Rodriguez Newton CT Teachers Hudson City Savings Bank Teresa C. Lenoir, Ed.D. Josephine S. Vassallo IBM Foundation Larry Rosenbach Charles F. Warnath Renata S. Pienkawa Maxine A. Warnath, Ed.D. MasterCard International MBIA Foundation Allen S. Rudoy Maurice Wilson Welds ‘39 Merck Company Foundation Arleen S. Rudoy Just Give Kathryn Welds MetLife Foundation Gervis V. Rueda-Lima Mutual of America Foundation Darlene H. Miller Leslie R. Williams Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc. Dr. Gloria Farber, Ed.D. Joan Salerno New York Life Foundation Paula S. Marron, Ed.D. & Hilliard Farber Norman Fassler Norfolk Southern Corporation Martha K. Selig Rebekah Z. Fassler, Ed.D. Pearson Education Karen L. Pithie Pfizer Inc. Elaine M. Willoughby The PIMCO Foundation John Shanahan Robert Willoughby Phyllis M. Shanahan PNC Foundation Mayme Belle Wilson Classes of Procter & Gamble Fund George C. Shively 1947 & 1953 Prudential Foundation Lucy C. Shively Lena O. Townsend The Rockefeller Foundation Professor Walter E. Sindlinger Max Wise, Teachers College Shell Oil Company Judy A. Owada Professor in the 60’s TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign Yasuyuki Owada, Ed.D. William P. Fenstemacher UBS Jo Ann T. Smith Ida B. Wittlinger Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Vincent J. Butler Barry W. Kissane Violet Stein-Rosen Althea Wormbrand Clint Bahr Hannah Hahn, Ph.D. Marianne Brown William C. Tucker Alan M. Cohen Dorothy L. Cohler My Father, Alfred Zimberg, DeafLink, Inc. a TC Alumnus Stephanie Feyne Joyce Zimberg Ronald K. Gale Maria C. Hartman Cathleen M. Markand Ira J. Metrick Russell S. Rosen, Ph.D. Diane Smith-Gale Daniel Stein Sarah Crouch Stein Dr. Daniel F. Stevens, Ed.D. Paula Holwell

30 annual report 2013 Sept. 1, 2012 – Aug. 31, 2013 Corporations & Foundations Institutional givers –corporations, foundations and associations –play a vital role in supporting the overall mission of Teachers College. Their generosity makes it The possible for the College to initiate and maintain some of its most innovative, forward-looking projects and Community programs. They also provide critical support to our students through scholarships and fellowships. We are Teachers deeply grateful to these funders for the substantial benefits they bring to the entire TC community. Initiative

Anonymous (4) National Association of Elementary CTI provides scholarships Altman Foundation School Principals for high-need, low-income, American Cancer Society National Council of Teachers of urban-environment students American Institutes for Research English Research Foundation to become teachers to those Apple Inc. National Endowment For the from similar circumstances. The Benedict Foundation for Humanities Founder Peter Greeman’s Independent Schools The New York Community Trust son Tim and daughter-in-law Benedict Silverman Foundation NoVo Foundation Paulene have founded the Bentley Meeker Lighting & Staging, Inc. Offit Capital Advisors LLC The Booksource Organization for Autism Research Peter Greeman Scholarship for The Brain Recovery Project Palisades Charter High School deserving students. The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation Peter G. Peterson Foundation Center For Children’s Initiatives Pfizer Inc. Criteria for making Central Coast Children’s Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, Inc. philanthropic gifts: Foundation Inc. Say Yes to Education, Inc. We look for an institution that Children’s Hemiplegia & Stroke South Buffalo Charter School helps us make the connection Association The Spence School between student, scholarship Columbia University Alumni Club Spencer Foundation and school. TC helped CTI Community Teachers Initiative, Inc. The Speyer Legacy School find the best possible students Cranaleith Foundation Inc. Sussman Sales Co., Inc. DeafLink, Inc. Televisa Foundation for scholarships, facilitated the Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Tequipment, Inc. best possible outcomes and Doris Duke Charitable Foundation UNICEF USA connected us with organizations Florence H. & Eugene E. Myers Vitol Inc., Crude Oil Marketing and individuals that share our Charitable Trust Division, USA goals. The Ford Foundation The Weinig Foundation Inc. The Fridolin Charitable Trust Wells Fargo Corporate Giving Why we support TC: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation William & Flora Hewlett Foundation TC’s excellent track record of Gilead Sciences Willis, Inc. job placement. Not only do Harlem RBI The Wyncote Foundation TC students get jobs, they are The Hearst Foundations Higher One Inc. in the forefront of research, The Ivy Prep Foundation Inc. information and education in Jewish Foundation for Education urban teaching, which is very of Women important to CTI. The John P. & Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation Working with TC: Joyce Foundation TC’s flexibility and support The JPMorgan Chase Foundation have aided CTI in all aspects John & Patricia Klingenstein Fund of running the scholarship Emily Davie & Joseph S. Kornfeld program. Foundation The League School Photo: Peter Greeman founded the Lemann Foundation Community Teachers Initiative, Leona M. & Harry B. Helmsley now run by his son Tim and Charitable Trust daughter-in-law Paulene. Lumina Foundation The Morse Family Foundation The Myers Foundations 31 Financial Statement Highlights The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with standards established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) for external financial reporting by not-for-profit organizations. balance sheet unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted. Unrestricted net assets are not subject to donor-imposed restrictions. At August 31, The balance sheet presents the College’s financial position as of August 2013, the College’s unrestricted net assets totaled approximately $96 31, 2013. The College’s largest financial asset is its investment portfolio, million. Temporarily restricted net assets are subject to donor-imposed representing approximately 54% of the College’s total assets, with a fair restrictions that will be met either by actions of the College or the passage market value of $254 million as of August 31, 2013. The investment of time and appreciation on donor endowment funds. The College’s portfolio includes $240 million relating to the College’s endowment, permanently restricted net assets consist of endowment principal cash which represent contributions to the College subject to donor-imposed gifts and pledges. restrictions that such resources be maintained permanently by the College or designated to the endowment by the Board of Trustees. The endowment Statement of Changes in Net Assets is managed to achieve a prudent long term total return (dividend and interest income and investment gains). The Trustees of the College The statement of changes in net assets presents the financial results have adopted a policy designed to preserve the value of the endowment of the College and distinguishes between operating and non-operating portfolio in real terms (after inflation) and provide a predictable flow of activities. Non-operating activities principally include investment income to support operations. In accordance with the policy, $10.2 million return, net of amounts appropriated as determined by the College’s of investment return on the endowment portfolio was used to support endowment spending policy and changes in non-operating pension operations in fiscal year 2013. and postretirement liabilities. Unrestricted operating revenues totaled The College’s second largest and oldest asset is its physical plant, approximately $193 million. The College’s principal sources of consisting of land, buildings, furniture and fixtures, and equipment. As of unrestricted operating revenues were student tuition and fees, net of August 31, 2013, the net book value of plant assets was approximately student aid, representing 57% of operating revenues, and grants and $123 million, representing approximately 26% of the College’s total contracts for research and training programs, representing 22% of assets. The College’s liabilities of $195 million are substantially less operating revenues. Investment return, auxiliary activities, and other than its assets. As of August 31, 2013, long-term debt represented the sources comprise the remaining 21% of operating revenues. Operating College’s most significant liability at $118 million. In accordance with expenses totaled $181 million. FASB standards, the net assets of the College are classified as either

balance sheet August 31, 2013 Statement of Changes in Net Assets Fiscal Year ended August 31, 2013 temporarily permanently ASSETS unrestricted restricted restricted total Cash $ 31,385,283 OPERATING REVENUES Student accounts and other receivables, net $ 4,858,956 Student tuition and fees, net of student aid $ 110,651,415 — — 110,651,415 Grants and contracts receivable $ 4,329,234 Grants and contracts $ 43,099,863 — — 43,099,863 Inventories and other assets $ 3,839,325 Contributions $ 3,041,727 — — 3,041,727 Contributions receivable, net $ 11,110,507 Endowment return appropriated and other investment income $ 10,371,417 — — 10,371,417 Funds held by bond trustees and escrow agent $ 32,287,435 Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises $ 20,042,414 — — 20,042,414 Investments $ 253,786,803 Other sources $ 3,884,793 — — 3,884,793 Student loans receivable, net $ 3,302,560 Net assets released from restrictions $ 2,369,842 (2,369,842) — — Plant assets, net $ 123,252,443 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 193,461,471 (2,369,842) — 191,091,629 TOTAL ASSETS $ 468,152,546 OPERATING EXPENSES LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Instruction $ 66,015,258 — — 66,015,258 Research, training and public service $ 36,493,359 — — 36,493,359 LIABILITIES Academic support $ 14,332,250 — — 14,332,250 Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 14,891,767 Student services $ 9,503,036 — — 9,503,036 Deferred revenues $ 20,378,668 Auxiliary enterprises $ 32,963,703 — — 32,963,703 Long-term debt $ 118,389,638 Institutional support $ 21,623,853 — — 21,623,853 Accrued pension and other benefit obligations $ 35,577,612 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 180,931,459 — — 180,931,459 Other Liabilities $ 2,797,418 DECREASE IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATIONS $ 12,530,012 (2,369,842) — 10,160,170 U.S. Government grants refundable $ 2,872,711 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 194,907,814 NON-OPERATING ACTIVITES Contributions $ — 7,119,167 4,875,078 11,994,245 NET ASSETS Investment return, net of amounts appropriated $ 5,681,328 10,607,944 — 16,289,272 Unrestricted net assets $ 95,862,166 Pension and postretirement changes Temporarily restricted $ 92,429,821 other than net periodic benefit costs $ 10,459,053 — — 10,459,053 Permanently restricted $ 84,952,745 Net assets released from restrictions $ 406,879 (406,879) — — TOTAL NET ASSETS $ 273,244,732 Other, net $ 633,742 (117,803) (546,722) (30,783) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 468,152,546 INCREASE IN NET ASSETS $ 29,711,014 14,832,587 4,328,356 48,871,957 NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR $ 66,151,152 77,597,234 80,624,389 224,372,775 NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $ 95,862,166 92,429,821 84,952,745 273,244,732 Teachers College Officers, Trustees and Councils

TRUSTEES OFFICERS PRESIDENT’S ALUMNI COUNCIL James W. B. Benkard Susan H. Fuhrman, Ph.D. ADVISORY COUNCIL Nabeel Ahmad Lee C. Bollinger President of the College Alice G. Elgart Marion R. Boultbee Cory A. Booker Thomas James, Ph.D. Jinny M. Goldstein Frederick R. Brodzinski Gene R. Carter Provost & Dean of the College Jon M. Gruenberg Arnold F. Fege George J. Cigale Harvey W. Spector, M.A., Debra S. Heinrich Harriet A. Fields Geoffrey J. Colvin Scott R. Gartlan M.C.R.P. Alexandra L. James P. Comer Philip E. Geiger Vice President for Frances Hesselbein Joyce B. Cowin Helayne B. Jones Margaret M. Granados Finance & Administration Nancy Rauch Douzinas Jill Iscol David F. Hoff Suzanne M. Murphy, Ed.M. Dawn Duquès Jonathan A. Knee Beverly E. Johnson Lise B. Evans Vice President for Lisa J. Kohl Emmanuel A. Leyco Susan H. Fuhrman Development & External Affairs Phyllis L. Kossoff Shenzhan Liao Ruth L. Gottesman Scott E. Fahey, Ed.M. Harold O. Levy Mary Lupiani Farrell Patricia Green Chief of Staff & James P. Levy Patrick P. McGuire, President John W. Hyland, Jr., Co-Chair Secretary of the College Joshua N. Solomon Elizabeth D. McIntyre Elliot S. Jaffe Janna Spark Mary Jo Meade-Weinig Martha Berman Lipp SENIOR STAFF Alberta Strage Peter R. Moock Eduardo J. Marti John P. Allegrante, Ph.D. Lynn A. Streeter Myah Moore Irick Claude A. Mayberry Jr. Diana M. L. Newman Associate Vice President for Charla Tindall Leslie Morse Nelson Tara N. Niraula International Affairs Charo Uceda Dailey Pattee Valerie R. Wayne Jeffrey S. Putman William J. Baldwin, Ed.D. E. John Rosenwald Jr. Elisa Gabelli Wilson Francine P. Riemer Vice Provost William Dodge Rueckert, Elaine R. Wolfensohn Pola A. Rosen Co-Chair Scott E. Fahey, Ed.M. Carla Shere Marla L. Schaefer Chief of Staff & James J. Shields Edith Shih Secretary of the College Courtney E. Steers Nancy Simpkins Lori E. Fox, Esq. Vanessa L. Tesoriero Camilla M. Smith General Counsel Mitchell L. Thompson Milbrey “Missie” Rennie Taylor Susan H. Fuhrman, Ph.D. Bernardo S. Tirado Laurie M. Tisch, Vice Chair President of the College Adam Vane Jay P. Urwitz Nicole E. Vartanian Thomas James, Ph.D. Steven B. Wechsler Sue Ann Weinberg Provost & Dean of the College Bruce G. Wilcox Suzanne M. Murphy, Ed.M. Christopher J. Williams Vice President for Development & External Affairs Janice S. Robinson, Esq. HONORARY & Vice President for EMERITI TRUSTEES Diversity & Community Affairs Patricia M. Cloherty Harvey W. Spector, M.A., Antonia M. Grumbach M.C.R.P. Marjorie L. Hart Vice President for A. Clark Johnson Jr. Thomas H. Kean Finance & Administration John Klingenstein Nancy W. Streim, Ph.D. Roland M. Machold Associate Vice President Enid W. Morse for School & Community J. Richard Munro Partnerships; Special Abby M. O’Neill Advisor to the Provost, Jeffrey M. Peek Columbia University Charles O. Prince III Elihu Rose Donald M. Stewart

Douglas Williams the list of all trustees, honorary and emeriti trustees and councils were valid as of december 31, 2013 Non-Profit Org 525 west 120th street | box 306 | new york, new york 10027-6696 US Postage PAID Teachers College