394 bus time schedule & line map

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The 394 bus line (Glossop) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Glossop: 7:30 AM - 5:35 PM (2) Stepping Hill: 6:40 AM - 4:38 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 394 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 394 bus arriving.

Direction: Glossop 394 bus Time Schedule 69 stops Glossop Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:30 AM - 5:35 PM Stepping Hill Hospital, Stepping Hill Tuesday 7:30 AM - 5:35 PM Sainsbury'S, Stepping Hill 15 London Road, Stockport Wednesday 7:30 AM - 5:35 PM

Brewers Green, Stepping Hill Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:35 PM 51 London Road, Stockport Friday 7:30 AM - 5:35 PM

Commercial Road, Hazel Grove Saturday Not Operational

Queens Road, Hazel Grove Grundey Street, Stockport

Chester Road, Hazel Grove 394 bus Info 2 Pineapple Street, Stockport Direction: Glossop Stops: 69 Torkington Road, Hazel Grove Trip Duration: 53 min London Road, Stockport Line Summary: Stepping Hill Hospital, Stepping Hill, Sainsbury'S, Stepping Hill, Brewers Green, Stepping Rising Sun, Hazel Grove Hill, Commercial Road, Hazel Grove, Queens Road, Hazel Grove, Chester Road, Hazel Grove, Torkington Hazel Grove Golf Club, Hazel Grove Road, Hazel Grove, Rising Sun, Hazel Grove, Hazel Grove Golf Club, Hazel Grove, Mill Lane, Hazel Grove, Mill Lane, Hazel Grove Norbury Hollow Road, Hazel Grove, Threaphurst Road, Stockport Lane, High Lane, Royal Oak, High Lane, Keswick Road, Windlehurst, Methodist Church, Windlehurst, Norbury Hollow Road, Hazel Grove Higherfold Farm, Windlehurst, Doodled Stores, Windlehurst, Canal Bridge, Hawk Green, Windlehurst Threaphurst Lane, High Lane School, Hawk Green, Hawk Green, Goyt Mill, Hawk Green, Brook Drive, Marple, Coteeld Close, Marple, Royal Oak, High Lane Brindley Avenue, Marple, Priory House, Marple, Navigation, Marple, Navigation, Marple, St Martins Road, Marple, Brabyns Brow, Marple, Marple Station, Keswick Road, Windlehurst Marple, , Windsor Castle, Cote Green, Cote Green Road, Cote Green, Glossop Road, Cote Methodist Church, Windlehurst Green, Lane Ends Inn, Lane Ends, Werneth View, Lane Ends, Sandhill Lane, Ernocroft, Ernocroft, Higherfold Farm, Windlehurst Woodheys, Ernocroft, Rock Tarven, Ernocroft, Lower Stirrup Farm, Ernocroft, County Boundary Cottages, Doodled Stores, Windlehurst Chisworth, Sandy Lane, Chisworth, The Hunters, Canal Bridge, Hawk Green Chisworth, Marple Road 91, Chisworth, Holehouse, Chisworth, Lee Head, Charlesworth, Glossop Road, Charlesworth, Springmeadow, Charlesworth, Windlehurst School, Hawk Green Hargate Hill, , St Margarets School, Gamesley, Railway Bridge, Gamesley, Samas Roneo, Hawk Green Gamesley, Cottage Lane South End, Gamesley, Barnsfold Road, Marple Crescent, Gamesley, Hathersage Crescent, Gamesley, Eyam Lane, Gamesley, Hollins Lane, Gamesley, The Goyt Mill, Hawk Green Centurion, Gamesley, Youlgreave Crescent East, Gamesley, Samas Roneo, Gamesley, Glossop Road, Brook Drive, Marple Dinting Vale, Primary School, Dinting Vale, The Brook Drive, Marple Junction, Dinting Vale, Grapes Inn, Glossop, Sunlaws Street, Glossop, St Marys Road, Glossop, Arundel Coteeld Close, Marple Street, Glossop, Howard Arms, Glossop Coteeld Close, Marple

Brindley Avenue, Marple

Priory House, Marple Hibbert Lane, Marple

Navigation, Marple 31 Stockport Road, Marple

Navigation, Marple 31 Stockport Road, Marple

St Martins Road, Marple Oldknow Road, Marple

Brabyns Brow, Marple

Marple Station, Marple

Marple Bridge

Windsor Castle, Cote Green

Cote Green Road, Cote Green

Glossop Road, Cote Green

Lane Ends Inn, Lane Ends

Werneth View, Lane Ends

Sandhill Lane, Ernocroft


Woodheys, Ernocroft

Rock Tarven, Ernocroft

Lower Stirrup Farm, Ernocroft

County Boundary Cottages, Chisworth

Sandy Lane, Chisworth The Hunters, Chisworth

Marple Road 91, Chisworth

Holehouse, Chisworth

Lee Head, Charlesworth

Glossop Road, Charlesworth

Springmeadow, Charlesworth

Hargate Hill, Gamesley

St Margarets School, Gamesley

Railway Bridge, Gamesley

Samas Roneo, Gamesley

Cottage Lane South End, Gamesley Riber Bank,

Edale Crescent, Gamesley

Hathersage Crescent, Gamesley Wessington Mews, England

Eyam Lane, Gamesley

Hollins Lane, Gamesley Melandra Castle Road, England

The Centurion, Gamesley

Youlgreave Crescent East, Gamesley

Samas Roneo, Gamesley

Glossop Road, Dinting Vale

Primary School, Dinting Vale

The Junction, Dinting Vale

Grapes Inn, Glossop

Sunlaws Street, Glossop

St Marys Road, Glossop

Arundel Street, Glossop

Howard Arms, Glossop Smithy Fold, England Direction: Stepping Hill 394 bus Time Schedule 69 stops Stepping Hill Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:40 AM - 4:38 PM Henry Street, Glossop Henry Street, England Tuesday 6:40 AM - 4:38 PM

Market Hall, Glossop Wednesday 6:40 AM - 4:38 PM

Arundel Street, Glossop Thursday 6:40 AM - 4:38 PM High Street West, England Friday 6:40 AM - 4:38 PM

St Marys Road, Glossop Saturday Not Operational Brook Street, England

Sunlaws Street, Glossop

Summers Place, Glossop 394 bus Info Direction: Stepping Hill The Junction, Dinting Vale Stops: 69 Trip Duration: 52 min Primary School, Dinting Vale Line Summary: Henry Street, Glossop, Market Hall, Glossop, Arundel Street, Glossop, St Marys Road, Glossop Road, Dinting Vale Glossop, Sunlaws Street, Glossop, Summers Place, Glossop, The Junction, Dinting Vale, Primary School, Cottage Lane South End, Gamesley Dinting Vale, Glossop Road, Dinting Vale, Cottage Lane South End, Gamesley, Edale Crescent, Riber Bank, England Gamesley, Hathersage Crescent, Gamesley, Eyam Edale Crescent, Gamesley Lane, Gamesley, Hollins Lane, Gamesley, The Centurion, Gamesley, Youlgreave Crescent East, Hathersage Crescent, Gamesley Gamesley, Samas Roneo, Gamesley, Railway Bridge, Gamesley, St Margarets School, Gamesley, Hargate Wessington Mews, England Hill, Gamesley, Springmeadow, Charlesworth, Eyam Lane, Gamesley Glossop Road, Charlesworth, Lee Head, Charlesworth, Holehouse, Chisworth, Marple Road 91, Chisworth, The Hunters, Chisworth, Sandy Lane, Hollins Lane, Gamesley Chisworth, County Boundary Cottages, Chisworth, Melandra Castle Road, England Lower Stirrup Farm, Ernocroft, Rock Tarven, Ernocroft, Woodheys, Ernocroft, Ernocroft, Sandhill The Centurion, Gamesley Lane, Ernocroft, Werneth View, Lane Ends, Lane Ends Inn, Lane Ends, Glossop Road, Cote Green, Youlgreave Crescent East, Gamesley Windsor Castle, Cote Green, Ludworth School, Marple Bridge, Marple Bridge, Marple Station, Marple, Samas Roneo, Gamesley Brabyns Brow, Marple, St Martins Road, Marple, Navigation, Marple, Priory House, Marple, Brindley Railway Bridge, Gamesley Avenue, Marple, Coteeld Close, Marple, Brook Drive, Marple, Goyt Mill, Hawk Green, Hawk Green, St Margarets School, Gamesley Windlehurst School, Hawk Green, Canal Bridge, Hawk Green, Doodeld Stores, Windlehurst, Hargate Hill, Gamesley Higherfold Farm, Windlehurst, Methodist Church, Windlehurst, Keswick Road, Windlehurst, Horse Shoe Springmeadow, Charlesworth Inn, High Lane, Royal Oak, High Lane, Threaphurst Lane, High Lane, Norbury Hollow Road, Hazel Grove, Glossop Road, Charlesworth Mill Lane, Hazel Grove, Hazel Grove Golf Club, Hazel Grove, Norbury Church, Hazel Grove, Torkington Lee Head, Charlesworth Road, Hazel Grove, Queens Road, Hazel Grove, Commercial Road, Hazel Grove, Brewers Green, Stepping Hill, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stepping Hill, Holehouse, Chisworth Stepping Hill Hospital Grounds, Stepping Hill, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stepping Hill Marple Road 91, Chisworth

The Hunters, Chisworth

Sandy Lane, Chisworth

County Boundary Cottages, Chisworth

Lower Stirrup Farm, Ernocroft

Rock Tarven, Ernocroft

Woodheys, Ernocroft


Sandhill Lane, Ernocroft

Werneth View, Lane Ends

Lane Ends Inn, Lane Ends

Glossop Road, Cote Green

Windsor Castle, Cote Green Glossop Road, England

Ludworth School, Marple Bridge

Marple Bridge

Marple Station, Marple

Brabyns Brow, Marple Brabyns Brow, Marple

St Martins Road, Marple Oldknow Road, Marple

Navigation, Marple 31 Stockport Road, Marple

Priory House, Marple Hibbert Lane, Marple

Brindley Avenue, Marple

Coteeld Close, Marple Coteeld Close, Marple

Brook Drive, Marple

Goyt Mill, Hawk Green

Hawk Green Barnsfold Road, Marple

Windlehurst School, Hawk Green Canal Bridge, Hawk Green

Doodeld Stores, Windlehurst

Higherfold Farm, Windlehurst

Methodist Church, Windlehurst

Keswick Road, Windlehurst

Horse Shoe Inn, High Lane 10 Windlehurst Road, England

Royal Oak, High Lane

Threaphurst Lane, High Lane

Norbury Hollow Road, Hazel Grove

Mill Lane, Hazel Grove Buxton Road, Stockport

Hazel Grove Golf Club, Hazel Grove

Norbury Church, Hazel Grove

Torkington Road, Hazel Grove

Queens Road, Hazel Grove Grundey Street, Stockport

Commercial Road, Hazel Grove Albion Place, Stockport

Brewers Green, Stepping Hill 33 London Road, Stockport

Stepping Hill Hospital, Stepping Hill

Stepping Hill Hospital Grounds, Stepping Hill

Stepping Hill Hospital, Stepping Hill 394 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved