Rome attractions walking map

Continue In this post, we provide you with free, self-central walking tours with print tour cards as well as an audio tour option for smartphones. You can use them to discover the city at your own pace (or) as a preview for what you will see on live excursions. Check out our free walking tours of Rome. SELF-GUIDED TOUR OF ROME'S CENTRE This independent tour takes you through some of Rome's main attractions, from the through the Trevi to Campo de Fiori. Overall, there are many attractions along the way spanning over two thousand years of history. Here are some of the sites that you can expect to see on this tour: the Piazza Navon Pantheon Spanish Steps Venice Square Campo de Fiori We also have our own app where you can find a more in-depth version of the GPS-led audio tour for just 1.99 euros. Here's an example. Download our free walking tour app on (iTunes) or (Android). There are also daily guided tours both day and night that really work on paying for what-you-like model. INTRO This 15 stop, self-guided excursion takes you through some of Rome's main attractions, from the Spanish steps through the Trevi Fountain to Campo de Fiori, with plenty of attractions along the way spanning more than two thousand years of history. It is best to set aside 2-3 hours for a walk along this route. You will see a lot of tourists and Romans as you go, and both groups make good people watch, not to mention much chance at photos, coffee, ice cream, and historical color. Click on the map to zoom in or download to your smartphone. If you haven't done much walking in old parts of Rome yet, the ancient layout of these streets can be misleading. The streets are winding, pedestrians and cars often share space, and you'll regularly find your way to the square, Rome's large outdoor squares organized around. You can get this tour with destinations in 3 ways: Download this tour in the Google Maps App (link). Download the PDF version. Take our GPS audio tour on (iTunes) or (Android). We will guide you with the buildings and using street names that you will see on signs above eye level. As for time, this tour can be enjoyed anytime the sun, and some of the squares are alive even after dark. Crowds can be a limiting factor throughout this walk; if you want to start things on a quiet note, Spanish steps, one of our first stops is usually in their quiet early morning, briefly during lunch, and around sunset. starts at the Spagna metro station. As you exit from the west side of the building, you can look to the right and get a full view of the Medici villa, just down the street. 1. VILLA DE MEDICI Villa De medici, along along along Villa Borghese (which houses ) beyond, stands on the site of lucullus gardens created more than two thousand years ago when the Romans saw gardening as a strange new hobby imported from Persia. But the house you see today was built in 1576 after the land had been a quiet vineyard for centuries. Villa De Medici Rear Houses like Villa De medici were designed with ancient styles in mind, and inside, they often displayed ancient relics found in the ground dug to lay the foundations. The Medicis and Borghese were among the most powerful families in during the Renaissance and beyond. The Medici clan included bankers, nobles and popes. But they are remembered mainly for their support of the arts and sciences Villa De Medici offers excursions daily, lasting about 90 minutes and available in different languages at different times. It is open every day, but Monday and the standard entrance is 12 euros. Villa Borghese is home to the third largest public park in Rome; Admission is free and available from dawn to dusk daily. There are a few things to see and do here in the park. In particular, there is the Borghese Gallery, where you can see many works of art and artifacts from the classical and Renaissance era, as well as a number of other museums and galleries. contains an Etruscan museum that rivals the culture of the early Romans. In addition to museums, the hotel has a zoo and a replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. 2. SPANISH STEPS For many foreigners, Spanish steps are a visual abbreviation for Rome; they have been used in many films and television shows since the Roman holidays back in 1953. It was a natural hillside as recently as 1723. Before the steps were built, it was the slope of Pincio Hill, one of the many hills around Rome. The 138 steps were built in the 18th century and got their name thanks to the neighboring Spanish embassy. Unfortunately, from 2019, you can no longer sit on the Spanish Stairs. Violations can receive a fine of up to 400 pounds. Food on the steps is also prohibited. At the bottom of the steps is and , which means the Fountain of the Long Boat. Legend has it that the design of the fountain comes from a boat washed up in this area by the flood of the River. It is the first of many that we will see, and it was designed by Pietro Bernini in the 17th century, up to the steps. Pietro Bernini is the father of the famous architect , whose work we will also see a lot. When you get to the bottom, look up the stairs to look at this French church upstairs called Trinity dei Monti. If you look at the right side of the steps below, you will see a peach-colored building, the Kitts-Shelley Museum. The English poet John Keats came to live here in 1820. If stopping in order before going on, the Antico Cafe Greco at the bottom of the stairs was one of his dens. When you're here, get away from the steps and past the fountain. Turn left and you will see the square narrowing to a free-standing column, the Column of the Immaculate Conception. 3. COLUMN OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION AND PIA'A MIGNANELLI Column of the Immaculate Conception is the centerpiece of the small square of Minyanelli, which opens from the corner of Spagna Square. The statue on top of the column is the bronze Virgin Mary. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is central to the Catholic faith. And this statue was built in 1857 in memory of the pope's recent proclamation of the Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception: the idea that Mary, unequivocally among people, was born without original sin. The original sin is visible in the monument in the form of a snake, comes Mary. Beneath it are the authors of four biblical gospels, and even further down the four prophets are said to have predicted her birth, with reliefs depicting the four phases of her history beneath them. Depending on when you are here, there is a small chance that you will see a wreath of flowers on the statue. December 8 is the holiday of the Immaculate Conception; Every year on this day, the Pope visits this place with the head of the fire department, who originally erected the column, and they leave a wreath behind. The building behind the column of the Palazzo di Propaganda Fide - Palace of Propaganda of Faith. It's a property of the Vatican - you can tell by the yellow flag at the front - and for a long time, it was the home of the church department responsible for missionary work and evangelism. 4. AQUEduct RUINS Looking at this place, you can see what the ancient Roman would have to look at. Aqueducts - the famous system of imperial Rome for bringing clean water to the city - relied on gravity for work. So the water sometimes flowed through the heads of people who were going to consume it, with roads passing under the arches you can see the top of it from here. Being by the river, Rome has flooded many times over millennia, accumulating sediments every time, hiding, but also preserving the ancient city. The fence here limits the view, but above the arch, you can see the inscription with the word Germanicus just readable at the near end. This is one of the names of Emperor Claudius, to whom the inscription attributes the restoration of this section of , a system of aqueducts built to bring water to the newly urbanized campus of Martius after it was incorporated into the city. To do this, Roman engineers had to build a system of gentle slopes over long distances of irregular terrain, including crossing rivers, bringing convenience, comfort and health within reach The Romans. This knowledge was lost with the fall of Rome; with the Renaissance, writings about aqueducts were rediscovered. Through Via del Nazareno from these ruins is a tiny door used to enter the restored , a Renaissance replacement for the ancient system. And in a minute, you'll see another piece of this system: a fountain designed to put this revived miracle technique on display. 5. TREVI FOUNTAIN There will probably be a crowd around when you reach the Trevi Fountain, and even in the absence of people, water can make it a loud spot. Look at the fountain from the front. The main statue in the fountain depicts the god Oceanus. Beneath it you can see his retinue of newts, men mixed with fish. The one on the right blows up the projectile to announce their arrival. And the wild creature with which each of them fights is called the hippocampus, a horse mixed with fish. In this case, they also have wings. Greco-Roman mythology says that horses were the creation of the god of the ocean. The fountain is the end of the Acqua Vergine aqueduct, a recreation of the ancient Aqua Virgo aqueduct. And the design of the fountain tells this story. Above the statues, on both sides, you can see the reliefs - on the left is a man with a scroll showing plans for aqueducts, and on the right a woman points to the flow of fresh water to a group of men. She is Vira, a young woman, in Aqua Virgo - legend has it that when Roman surveyors searched for the source of water, a young woman led them to the source, and as a result the aqueduct was named after her. The statue to the left of Oceanus represents abundance - it has a cornucopia full of fruit, and on the ground next to it the urn spills water. On the right is Health, which holds a bowl of snake drinking out of it - snakes were ancient symbols of medicine. In general, the story is about the power of Rome to tame the forces of nature and bring them to the benefit of the people of the city. As you can see, the fountain dates back to 1762, and it began as an exhibit for the Renaissance project to restore the aqueducts. But it was such a massive effort that it took more than a century, plus many financiers and designers, to make it happen. And it takes steady repairs to keep it looking sharp - at least last in 2015, the fountain burns at night. Like the Spanish stage, the Trevi Fountain owes its fame to the film - in this case, La Dolce Vita Federico Fellini (see video above). If you've seen the movie, you won't be surprised to hear that dancing in the fountain, or entering it anyway, is illegal. And as for drinking: yes, these fountains were once a source of public drinking water, but for your own sake, wait for one of Rome's other great works of water infrastructure, nasoni - little drinking fountains located above the city. The Trevi Fountain is home to many, many coins - visitors observe the tradition of throwing changes into the fountain, hoping for luck and the promise of a return to Rome. Typically, coins are thrown back over your shoulder, so make sure the coast is clear before participating in this tradition, and keep an eye out for other coin-tossers nearby. And the money, worth more than three thousand euros a day, goes to Caritas Roma, a Catholic charity that supports the poor and homeless. 6. GALLERIA ALBERTO SORDI Everything in the column is not ancient, as evidenced by this shopping mall, opened in 1922 and built in the Art Nouveau style, which borrows from several stages of the historical architecture of Rome. This design continues inside where you can find stained glass windows above the shops selling a lot of Rome's signature high-end fashion. It's a simple place to step inside if you need to cool down or use toilets. You can also find several places where the classic cappuccino and cornetto are served - Italian croissants, which locals eat in the morning, and tourists are allowed at any time of the day. The mall got its current name in 2003 after the death of Alberto Sordi, a classic actor of Italian comedy films. When you are ready to move on, go back out of the way you have come and cross the street to the Marcus Aurelius column. 7. MARCUS AURELYUS COLUMN Column of Marcus Aurelius is much thicker than many similar monuments you will see throughout the city. This is because it is hollow, with a spiral staircase inside that once allowed to climb to the top. The spiral is also on the outside - you can see the incredibly detailed relief up and down the length of the column. It shows the battles led by Marcus Aurelius against the barbarians. The barbarian is a broad term today, and it was broad for the Romans, too. These particular wars were against German and Persian groups. But the collective term barbarian can apply to almost any culture, and the word comes from a barbarian, which means blah blah - so the barbarian simply means people who speak languages that don't make sense. And the sculpture does not spare the details of the barbaric experience - the cities are burning, women and children are running, and the surviving soldiers are bent and terrified of the power of the empire. The column was probably finished after the death of Marcus Aurelius, and at that time, it would have been the least of his honors in this area - next to the temple of Marcus Aurelius. After their death, most Roman emperors were declared gods and worshipped. There is nothing left of this temple now, but temples for other Roman emperors still remain. Like all ancient structures in the area, this column has suffered from flooding and rising sediment, so several meters of it are underground. The statue on top is not Marcus Aurelius, Christian St. Paul, added when this monument received its own Restoration of the Renaissance. 8. PALAZZO MONTECITORIO AND OBELISK OF MONTECITORIO This obelisk is indeed Egyptian, made in the 6th century BC and brought here five centuries later. Earlier we mentioned that the obelisks represented the divinity of the Egyptian pharaohs. The head of the Egyptian gods was Ra, the sun god, and this obelisk was used in Rome as part of a huge sundial. Like others, it fell, was buried, and then reopened, and like others, it does not stand at its original location Today, there is a meridian on earth, pointing to the largest building of the square to nod to its former use. The building that the meridian points to is the Palazzo Montesitoro. This palace is the home of the Chamber of Deputies, one of the two houses of the Italian Parliament. Rome has been the capital of Italy since 1870, shortly after the unification of Italy, when many small, contradictory states in the region, divided after the fall of the Roman Empire, for the first time united into a single country. The building itself, at least part of you can see, is much older - it's another Renaissance creation. And this is originally the work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, a architect and sculptor we talked about, who was also a hand in the Trevi Fountain. I also mentioned his father, who was another sculptor and who saw the talent in Gian Lorenzo from an early age, giving him the advantage of early learning and a long, prolific career. Bernini's sculptures are all over the world, and its architecture is all over Rome. He is in charge of parts of St. Peter's Basilica, the square outside, and the fountain in Navona Square, which we will see soon, just to name a few. This building shows the style he cultivated and which many others imitated, but if you walked past the front door, all you'll see is a 20th century Art Nouveau. In addition to the facade, the building has been completely remodeled to meet the needs of parliament. 9. PANTHEON The name Pantheon is Greek, not Latin, which means for all gods. The source of the name is not defined - most of the temples were dedicated to only one god, not all together. And there is no record of how it was used in the 2nd century AD when it was finished under Emperor Hadrian. And Adrian restored the earlier temple, and the inscription above the entrance still dates back to this almost 2,000-year-old version. You can still read the name of Agrippa, who ordered the original temple built. You can also tell his age because it sits below the level of most of the ground around it, while initially it was elevated. There are several reasons why this lasted so long. First, in the 7th century, when many ancient buildings were abandoned or destroyed, the Pantheon became a Christian church dedicated to St. Mary and the martyrs; for a while he even had a bell tower on the street. Even then, its conversion as a church meant the removal and destruction of many objects that new users considered wicked. Another factor in its preservation is that the structure itself is built to the last. The dome on top is made of concrete, with thicker layers of heavier materials at the bottom, then gradually thinner and easier to go up. It is still the largest iusable concrete dome in the world. You can't see it from the outside, but at the very top of the dome is a hole called oculus or eye. Aside from the lightening weight structure, it also means that from the inside, you can see the sky and everything the sky does. Around noon, a dramatic ray of light becomes central, suggesting that the sky is clear. If the sky is not clear, then the weather comes in. Standing inside during rain or snow can be magical (video) as well as relatively peaceful since many visitors to the city do not want to hike to the Pantheon on foot during a storm. If you go inside, you will see the altar, apsa and other markers of the active Catholic Church. Among the statues are grave markers, including the artist Raphael and the first two kings of the united Italy: Vittorio Emmanuel II and his son Humberto I. You can get a lot more detail about the many features of the interior by taking the tour. Live tours are plentiful, and just inside, you can access the official audio tour, which is accessible and detailed. There's also a great free audio tour from Rick Steves. If you just want to absorb the visuals, you can go in on your own. Despite this, you are asked to keep quiet while you are inside. It is open Monday to Saturday, 8:30 to 19:30 (7:30 p.m.), and Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (6 p.m.), and through July 2020, it's free to enter. The Pantheon also holds Mass twice a week, at 5pm (5pm) on Saturday and 10.30am on Sunday. Outside the Pantheon is another obelisk, this one originally stood in the Temple of Ra in Heliopolis, Egypt, then in the temple of the Egyptian goddess Isis here in Rome, and then finally here in Della Rotunda Square. 10. CHURCH ST. LOUIS OF THE FRENCH The Church of San Luigi delle Francesca is dedicated to several saints, but the name refers to Louis IX, the holy king of France. It is another beneficiary of donations from the Medici family and one of many cases of the establishment of European powers with an honourable connection to major buildings in Rome. Among the many separate states that used to make up present-day Italy were the papal states. These were territories governmental by the pope in a non-ligious capacity, in addition to his role as a religious leader throughout the Catholic world. Rome was the center of the papal states, and today it still contains the political territory of the church, the Vatican. But when the Holy See was chief here such churches were a kind of embassy from other Catholic countries. The church you see today dates back to 1589, but it is in place used for the same purpose, perhaps centuries ago. At ground level on the left you can see a statue of Charlemagne, the King of the Franks and the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. 11. PIA'A NAVONA As you enter the Square of Navona, there are many possible first impressions, but I suggest starting with a big picture. You've seen the area in a lot of irregular shapes, but this one has the shape of a long, narrow oval. In the first century AD, it was a racetrack, part of the Domitian Stadium, Rome's first permanent stadium for sporting events. If you go a block from the square to the north - to the right of the smaller square of Tor Sanginha, looking south, you can see some of the ruins of the stadium under the modern building. There is also a museum. Apart from these ruins, the oldest thing you can see is the Palazzo Pamfil, a building on the opposite side from where you came from on the far left. It was the family home of 17th century pope Innocent X, and much of what you see in the square came from him improving his stomping grounds. His work in some sense benefited from the general public, as this square was the official state market of the city. But on the other hand, hunger in that era meant that since these buildings were under construction, there was not always food in these markets. The home of Innocent is now the Brazilian Embassy. Sant' Agnese in Agona (centre) Palazzo Pamfil (left) He is also in charge of the church to the right of his home, Sant' Agnese in Agon. Saint Agnes in the name of the church has a legendary connection with the domitian stadium. The stadium contained brothels, and in the early years of Christianity, when religion was still illegal in the Roman Empire. Agnes is said to have been punished for her religion by being sent there, only to have her hair miraculously grow to cover her body when she was stripped. Fontana del Nettuno Another famous feature of The Piazza Of Navona is its fountains. To your right is Fontana del Nettuno or the Fountain of Neptune, which shows the god of the ocean fighting the sea monster, along with our old hippocampus friend, and other aquatic creatures. The fountain itself is part of this 17th century explosion of improvements, but statues are added much later. To your left is the or the Mavra Fountain, added at the same time, again with later sculptures. Fontana del Moro and in the middle of fontana dei quattro fiumi or the fountain of the four rivers. Here we are again in the hands of Bernini, and we see him as an architect and sculptor. The four rivers in the name of the four corners of the monument, each of which is a river in what the Romans of the 17th century considered four parts World: Danube in Europe, Nile in Africa, Ganges in Asia and Rio de la Plata in South America. Italian explorers were in great demand for expeditions to the New World, even if they sailed under other flags. The details around each statue give a hint of that, and you can also see the expressiveness and sense of movement that Bernini's sculptures are famous for. All four are subordinate, more or less willingly, to the obelisk in the center, which, like others we have seen, has a cross at the top and so symbolizes the divine power of the Church in Rome. If you want a view of Navon Square from above, the Brazilian Embassy has a rooftop bar that is open to the public and there is also an extra view from our next stop. When you're ready, we'll leave the square at the southern end, at Fontana del Moro. Once you have all three fountains behind you, turn right and leave the square at Via di Pasquino, along the edge of the Brazilian Embassy. When you reach the intersection, look to your left at the damaged statue behind a small chained barricade. Paskino Eto Pasquino, the namesake of the street. It's older than any building you've seen, dug up and put on display in the 15th century. He is one of Rome's speaking statues - several places where he is popular to post protest statements, often in poetic form, and draw attention to his thoughts by remaining anonymous. 12. - PALAZZO BRASCHI Brasco was built as a home for the nephew of Pope Pius IX. Along with Piazza Navon, it was an example of popes exercising their political power for the benefit of their family, and in this case, unlike the square, it was a purely private allowance. The use of power as it was part of what led to the wave of revolutions across Europe in the late 18th century and beyond. And this laid the foundation for the unification of Italy, which to take away from the popes some material force. But the chance of abuse of power fell into other hands. In the early 20th century, this building was the headquarters of Benito Mussolini, the head of Italy's fascist government. At that time, the building had a massive image of Mussolini's face on the side. When this government fell after World War II, the city of Rome took over this property, and today it is part of the Museum of Rome. If you are thinking about entering the museum, one of the attractions is the view of Navon Square from the second and third floors. From here you can also see the past of the square. The museum's modest collection includes documentation of many bygone Roman scenes, including what The Square of Navon looked like before Pope Innocent, as well as how many historical sites looked like before the burst of destruction in the early 20th century. If your interest in Rome is at all related to Its history and how the modern city lives next to relics of its own past, this museum is worth your time, and the interior of the building itself is a wonderful bonus. The information is available in both English and Italian. It is open from 10am to 7pm (7pm) every day, but on Monday and costs 11 euros to enter. 13. Innocuous as it is, this place is one of the most read places in Rome, if not the most visited. The ruins here include part of the Portico of Pompeii, the place where Julius Caesar was slaughtered in 44 BC. Pompey, the namesake of the building you will soon hear more about, was Julius Caesar's rival in the Civil War, and after Caesar's victory Caesar was declared a dictator. Just a few years later, he was killed, leading to a period of war that ended rome as a republic. If you're familiar with this story, you'll remember that Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the steps of the Senate. At that time, the Senate was temporarily assembled here, as the usual Senate building was under reconstruction, which was ordered by Caesar. The site was lost until 1929, when it was demolished. It also contains the remains of four temples dedicated to the Roman gods, which are less well known today. But emperors and gods aside, people usually appear on the main attraction - cats! Once the site was discovered, a horde of stray cats moved, and today, it is a shelter for the mostly wounded and abused. Volunteers take care of feeding, health care, and spation and castration. There is a staircase that leads down to the gift shop and adoption area where you can donate, meet volunteers, or mingle with the cats themselves. 14. THEATER OF POMPEY You have to use your imagination for this part. The ancient Roman theaters were semicircular, with dozens of tiers of seats looking down to the central semi-circle stage. The actor walking on the lip of the stage could look at all the thousands of people in the theater in just a few steps. Most of the theaters were temporary, but the first permanent was the Pompeii Theatre, and you walk along the edge of its stage. This form is the only remnant of the theater to be seen from here. We mentioned Pompey at our last stop - his name was on the building where Julius Caesar was stabbed to death. Pompey was a contemporary of Caesar, as well as a war hero for the Romans. After one of his victories, he announced that he would build a theater for the public. Theatres were popular, but were seen as centers of vice, so permanent theater buildings were illegal within the city. But Pompey built it on the Martius campus, outside the city, and combined in one facility a theater, a temple of Venus, a garden, and a kind of museum, with art representing the great Roman works of the past and many places Pompey helped conquer for Rome. Thus, this place was a kind of temple for Pompey himself. You will able to see the tiny remnants from our next stop. 15. CAMPO DE' FIORI As you go out to Campo de Fiori, look over your right shoulder on the short side of the square. From the short buildings closest to you, they gradually become higher to the left, and the walls meet at odd angles. In one place you can see an open, corroded brick - a fragment of the Temple of Venus, which once stood on the top of the Theatre of Pompeii. The name Campo de Fiori is also ancient - before the theater was built, the area was campo, which means field, fiori, that is flowers. From there we jump into the 16th century, which is the era of the shrouded figure you see standing on a pedestal halfway along the square. This is Giordano Bruno, a Dominican priest who was educated in Naples but became a European wanderer after learning that the Inquisition was investigating him. As a student, he read forbidden works and claimed unpopular positions, and his vagrant life sent him further down that path. He argued that the Earth revolves around the Sun, that the universe is infinite and contains many small systems like ours, and that everything big and small was made of tiny, similar particles arranged differently, with the invisible force holding them together - that in his eyes was God. After many years on the road, he returned home, and the Inquisition jailed him for seven years, tried him as a yerotic, and burned him on the bonfire where the statue stands now. The statue dates back shortly after the unification and therefore secularization of Italy, and it was organized by a group of Roman students who sought the help of several famous writers in drawing attention to the case. They are positioned by his face to the Vatican. The inscription in Latin reads: Bruno, from the era he predicted, here where the fire was burning. It's still a rallying point for all kinds of nonconformist groups and causes today. The beauty of the Italian square is that history is like that you can celebrate in the middle and a million other things going on around it. Campo de Fiori is a market with cafes, restaurants and people watching in abundance. After all this research, maybe it's time for those things, in which case you have a lot of options within sight. View.

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