ROB... January 13, 2009 By Dr.

Dear Rob,

1. I hope this is your name. I am always saddened by the ignorance of the average American. Yet America is so powerful that directly or indirectly it rules the world. For a country with ignorant people to rule the world it is an unmitigated disaster.

2. Clearly you have never been to . But if I may say so we are not obsolete. But I admit we have only primitive weapons for our defence. You can, with a few nuclear bombs wipe our country from the surface of this earth.

3. Sorry for the 3,000 of your innocent citizens incinerated in their place of employment. At least three of those incinerated were actually Malaysians. I understand hardly any Jews were in the building. They were not incinerated.

4. But consider the 300,000 Vietnamese, 50,000 Afghans, 100,000 Iraqis whom you have killed. Mostly they were not soldiers. They were not working in the offices either. They were babies, schoolchildren, sick men and women in hospitals. Of course they could all be terrorists, including the babies and the schoolchildren.

5. Who are terrorists? Are they only the suicide bombers? What about the countries, which sent their soldiers, air force, navy with tanks and guns and rocket launchers, and bomber and fighter planes to shock and awe and to kill people by the thousands. Aren't their victims (the children, old men and women, the sick in the hospitals) terrified when they hear bombers flying above, when bombs and shells burst around them, killing their fathers and mothers, their brothers and sisters; when any time they themselves would be blown to pieces. Aren't they terrified?

6. If they are terrified aren't the people who terrify them also terrorists? If you have a right to kill "terrorists" (also to detain and torture them), then they have a right to kill the terrorists who attacked and kill them and their people. I don't like terrorism but I also don't like terrorism by Governments. Both terrify.

7. We are primitive of course because we defend ourselves with primitive weapons. You train your children to kill by launching rockets from a thousand miles away, bombing with planes beyond the range of the primitive guns of your victims. You don't have to be frightened of us. But we must be frightened of the murdering bullies whom you think so highly of.

8. Saddam had killed people and buried them in mass graves. You kill many times more Iraqis, Afghans and Vietnamese and left them unburied, to rot and to be eaten by dogs. Remember My Lai?

9. May I know who were fed to the lions by Saddam. You must be absolutely ignorant if you are not aware how unfettered capitalism has actually destroyed your own country.

10. Yes the United Nations is a waste of money. That is because the US prevents it from carrying out its work to restore peace and justice in this world.

11. I think you need to go to school to improve your knowledge and understanding of what is happening around you, not American school of course because obviously they don't teach anything beyond glorifying the genocides perpetrated by you throughout history.


By LuCakap ke LuCeritaAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 5:35 PM

Dear Rob,

Its ok being stupid, but please do not show it. By IdolAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 5:41 PM

Thats MY TUN! By cakkuncakAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 5:47 PM

Dear Rob,

Hope you can learn a lesson or two from our "primitive" former Prime Minister who envisioned among many things;the tallest twin tower in the world in this 'primitive' country of ours.

Can you say the same about Bush or Barack ? What have they envision? Bush are taking American back to the stone age where life of innocents are considered as collaterals while Barack is silenced and numbed.

In the event that somehow you did not notice The United States of America and Israel are the ones now acting just like the early primates in the evolution of the human species.

And you say we are primitive? hmmm....I also hope your name is Rob and not Neanderthal. By pakpandir08Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 5:49 PM

The death toll in Gaza is 900 now ... memang malang nasib penduduk Gaza dan tiada bantuan yg IKHLAS disalurkan ... kerana RAMAI yg bersuara ingin membantu tetapi TIDAK ikhlas ... harap orang yg bersuara teguh sebelum ini BENARBENAR bertekad untuk MEMBOIKOT, dan bukan pakai cakap sahaja ... TERUTAMANYA pembodekpembodek disini ... sila tunjukkan AZAM sekalian ... marilah bersamasama merenung siapakah dalang lain yg bersepakatan dengan israel ... dan jawapannya German juga terlibat .. kerana pakatan senjata api antara German dan Israel (German is long Israel's most steadfast supporter in Europe)

(1) Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel by German ship hired by the US

(2) Israel, Germany Sign Cooperation Agreement for the Development of Loitering Weapons

(3) Three Dolphin class submarines have been built in German shipyards for the Israel Navy

(4) Merkel: Germany will stand by Israel

Sekiranya singapura terlibat dalam krisis di Gaza kerana PISANG Israel, rasanya German juga terlibat kerana bekalan senjata api mereka ... oleh itu, barangan german juga perlu diboikot ...

KEPADA PEMBODEKPEMBODEK disini ... harap sekalian berazam untuk membantu Gaza ... jangan pandai cakap tak serupa bikin ...

Kereta Porche dimiliki negara German ... harapharap pemimpin di negara ini sanggup bertindak melalui teladan ... apabila Tun menyeru orang ramai momboikot cocacola ... rasanya Tun juga perlu menyuruh anak menamatkan hak distributor kereta Porche TANPA ALASAN putar belit .... kerana senjata api israel banyak yg datang dari german juga ...

harapharap tidaknya Tun menyeru orang ramai boikot cocacola tetapi mengizinkan anak menjual barangan german ... sila tunjukkan azam ... pasti orang ramai menyokong ... kalau tidak, serupalah dengan negara arab, apabila berkaitan dengan kepentingan sendiri, buat bodoh sahaja ... By Adore TunAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 5:52 PM

US government already robbed MR Rob's you Tun By aridz1Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 5:58 PM salam che det... right on!!! u'ved said what supposed to be said to this ignorant of the species... let them be buried by their own ignorance dear tun... labu oo labu....mmmmm.. By RazlanAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:08 PM


Good explaination and perhaps this animal can learn living in modern world... tq By OcelatAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:10 PM

To Rob's family's, friend's and Rob himself, You have to totally read about this and open your mind beyond your media. If your country is soooo right, why are people around the world critizing USA and Israel ???. If USA use the power they had to contribute, being fair and protective of the unfortunate, certainly people around the world will be right at your back. Your country will have an enormous support. I hope this article should arouse some suspicioun and reconsider what your county is doing. I agree that nobody have the right to kill your 3000 citizen ( without even considering that other countries are in there as well ). However, how is it ever rightful to kill people ?? The opinion and the support certainly have a great impact because you are American's yourself. With a lot of American's aware of this, you can change USA to be a better USA. By Bob maverickAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:14 PM

Dear Tun,

We wish you will live for at least another 100 yrs more.

Salam By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:27 PM


I agreed with you, Tun. The reason I boycott US products because I am fed up with these ignorant Mr Rob bers who were taught to rob others with destructive instruments by creating fear and hatred to show the world that they are powerful by butchering and killing hundred thousands of innocent Asian lives.

Mr Rob or Mr NEMO (Clown Fish), please tell your President Obama that the world dislikes him, the only American whom I respect is Michael Moore!!!!

Tun, take care.

By kemamangAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:29 PM

Dear Rob. When I first introduced myself before your fellow American in the upper economics class at the University of Tennessee back in 1983, they were so amused and thrilled to know that Malaysia existed and actually could be found in the South East Asia. Likewise, I was so amused and excited by the chance that I had to teach the WHOLE CLASS a very primary geography lesson instead. Mind you, they were all bunch of juniors. On the contrary, we in Malaysia then had pretty good knowledge about America through the syllabus we studied in Stardard six and Form Four. Not confining to America alone, nations located on the other continentals too. In a nut shell, we may be primitive by comparisons, but, in reality, we don't look at things through a tunnel vision! By dzulmanAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:36 PM

YABhg Tun, Salam takzim dari orang lama; It's sad that the US, seemingly a powerful nation, is indeed under the strong influence of the Jewish community. Bush's in his last press conference, emphasized that Hamas must first stop firing the rockets before a truce could be discussed. He ignored the total disproportionate military aggression launched by the Israelis army against the people of Gaza. Israel with the backing from US can ignore annd disregard the call for a truce by the world body which has thus become an impotent organization. The US invasion of Iraq has turned into a total failure. One of the main causes of their failure is their ignorance of the differing cultures among the peoples of Iraq. They are going to face the same dilemma in Afghanistan as they do not appreciate the superior fighting spirit and strong determination of the Pathans etc. The Palestinian conflict and conflagaration will continue so long as the US succumb to the arrogance of the Zionis Israelis and their cohorts among the US lobbyists who consider the Arabs not as human beings. My dear Tun you are one of those rare statesman whose voice is still being heard and views being sort after the world over. The incoming president of the USA is clearly another stooge of the Jews. We don't expect any change in the US's foriegn policy in respect of the middle east turmoil! By WAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:44 PM

Dear Tun,

You should teach Dollah & UMNO goons a lesson they could not forget by generations to come by throwing them to the gallows. By anak2chedetAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:47 PM

Salam sejahtera buat ayahanda dan keluarga semoga diberkati Allah swt.

Mohon izin....

To Rob.. What nut are you? asking one of the great leader in the world, back to school. Shame on you!! Your jokes made world laugh on you stupiness. Please write with full respect and intelligently. I would like to invite you to Malaysia and study here how to be a good human not beast! I wish that I have an opportunity to knock you head!

Ayahanda you still world no.1. May ALLAH bless you.

By DenZuk VegaAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:48 PM

Cayalah Tun. Biar dia fikir sikit. By nookvillageAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 6:48 PM

Dear Rob,

I was in US for sometime. You must be the bad one! By bbbAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:04 PM

Dear Rob,

This is MALAYSIA... Malaysian way of thinking and ideology as expressed from simple logic and common sense.

Bersatu, Bersetia, Berkhidmat. By mayahelmiAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:07 PM hahaha... rob, you know who you're talking to? he's tun dr mahathir. the greatest leader in the world and much better than your president.. shame on you mr rob...hahahaha By monsi46Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:07 PM


Think what you said.. use your brain.... God gave us a p.... and a brain... but not enough blood to use it to your stupid brain.. You used it too much at your p.... you are the one supposed to go to kindergarten, I can help you if you want too, rather than you be a drug addict,snatch thieve or sitting in jail. never learn...

Tun now has answered... only a person like you will be very happy.. coz again, you have no enough blood to your brain... you are basically brainless...

By AMBAJAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:11 PM

Dear Rob,

1) I am saddened that your thinking had been "ROBbed" by the American media which are under the control of the Jews.

2) The Americans are actually cowards. The whole nation is "colonized" by the Jews. Obama will also inherit the system.

3) Bush must obtain approval from the Jews on any action to be taken(including number of trip to the gents).

4) I do have some American friends. From my observations they knew less about world history and geography. And the human understanding.

5) I must omit that the American Government did a good job on American patriotism. Our PM must learn that.

6) Open your eyes and go out the box, dig into history books, read more foreign newspapers, sit in one corner and think.

7) I agree with Dr. Mahathir, should you need more to know, I believe our Dr. Mahathir can prescribe and aid you.

8) Sometimes I felt sorry for human just like you. Blind in facts what actually happened around.

9) We are happy that God give us sight to see what actually happened around us.

10) Rob, I hope you understand and don't make yourself a laughing stock.

My God...... By omarkhalidAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:21 PM

Salam Tun, You have got it right.I agree with you 100%. By yeop zarulAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:23 PM

Askm Tun,

Open Letter To Rob,(wtf) american always like to be 'chuck norris' , lol By pakmangAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:36 PM

Dear Tun,

I am glad that you have taught this stupid ROB a lession! You're really making my day!It seems to me that quite a lot of Americans are not known of other things else except their own countryAmerica! That is why they were easily deployed to fight and invade other countries.

Until today, I am still dont know why Americans are so arrogant, proud and hostile to Muslim countries. But I also feel more sorry and sad why Muslims countries are still not unite together to solve the problem with these so called"Super Power" By eddie zaidiAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:38 PM that's our brilliant former Prime Minister...please show some respect to him, he knows what is right or wrong since he hs expertise in this field compared with you rob...he had shown to malaysian and asian his credibilities..n wht u got rob?prove us something before u talk.. By normal citizenAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:42 PM

Dear Rob,

Watch your own Michael Moore films to see how your President has deceived your people for the attack in Iraq.

Thank God you still have a guy from your congress named Ron Paul who dare to speak the truth. By lampu basikalAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:43 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Dear rob, remember your own american veterans suing the us government for mistakenly using agent orange on its own army during the vietnam war when it was intended for the vietnamese people. What will it takes for the americans to accept that the us government are be to blame for most of the massacre that they have done. The simple truth is that the world hated the us so much for being the first class terrorist. When the reporter threw his shoes at bush, do you think that is the act of love so much for bush? Well think twice.

Tun your are best and the last of the real prime minister that this primitive country have to offered. I salute you "Hidup Tun Dr Mahathir and may Allah bless us". aminnn..... By KL ObserverAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:44 PM

The ignorance of the Americans never ceases to amase (or is it amuse??) me... well done Tun for pointing out the true facts to Rob. Hope Rob will revisit some of the history of the world before he starts making a fool of himself. By ZZAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:50 PM

Dear Rob,

In case you're still dazed, you just got your *ss whipped ! :) By shakeAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 7:59 PM

Dear Rob,

It is a suprise that you are able to even post such a comment.From your reply to Tun, it is hard to imagine that you have the level of IQ to even connect to the Web. :) but if you do, you might want to see all the pictures of the women and children that died in Gaza due to the attacks by Israel available on the net( that is short for "Internet") or worst case senario, your level of thinking is too low, at least i imagine that you know how to turn on the TV ( that's television) and the switch usually have the word POWER on it.There's something that what we call "NEWS" and they show and reports events that happened here locally and internationally.You can watch it there Rob.

The people of Israel are watching the bombing as if there was somekind of fireworks show.What they and you dont realiaze Rob is that on the other side people are dying,children, women, innocent people.

Please Rob, show me the statistic of people died due to the so called terorrism as compared to the insurgence of the US and Isreal around the world.

Next time Rob, before ou open your mouth and say something stupid, i suggest that you switch on your TV if you have one. By PembelaAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:01 PM


1. Boycott US Dollar.

2. Boycott US Hollywood movies, songs, comics and arts.

3. Boycott US products, services and businesses.

4. Boycott US funds, investors, fund managers and businessman.

5. Boycott US people and government

6. Boycott US country.

BOYCOTT US = "Ultimate Satan" of the "Ultimate Sin" !!!


BOYCOTT US PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh God....protect us.

Oh God....DESTROY them all.

Oh God.... show NO MERCY on them and burn them all in hell.

Because.... they show NO MERCY and DESTROYING peace on your earth.

Ashes to ashes....dust to dust...



By razaktun0Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:10 PM

Salam Tun Right on. Totally agreed but I dont understand why Malaysian and many other Government do not declare that they will support and arm the Palestinians openly. This should be done By pokkamAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:11 PM

Dear Rob,

Watching too many Hollywood action movies is not good for you. It only make you stays ignorant. Read more educational books and less porn magazines.

By the way Tun, nice respond.

Salam. By razaktun0Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:17 PM

Dear Tun I forgot to mention. My new blog hero is Dr Rafick. He is making many sensible comments which reflects his opinion as an ordinary citizen. His thinking is not tainted with politics.

For e.g. he argues on the need to arm the palestinian in his blog. He make sense. No amount of resolution and declaration will make any impact. I agree with him at the following article By farizmnAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:19 PM

Dear tun... you got style.. By zaharAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:26 PM rob, you can't rob our thinking with your small brain? By Ahmad JoeAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:26 PM

Salam Tok Det,

That's a good one from Tok Det. Hmmnn.. by the way Rob is a good name for a new buffalo breed lah. By azienmatAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:27 PM haa gasak kau ! ! ! kann.. main lagi dia tuh! ayoyoo.. tak tahu.. ayoyoo.. tak malu.. terkencing dah macam tengok bapak yang baran membelasah anaknya sampai terkencing budak tu.. macam tengok hukuman pancung pun ada! tajam siut.. By mariaAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:29 PM hahahaha...Tun, i like this post..very very much!!! let this arrogant stupid american show his stupidity..lots of american are stupid anyway.. By ANWARISFREEMASONAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:29 PM i've just read what rob actually commented and id say he is as ignorant as Fox tv could teach him to be.. By zaki_77Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:31 PM

Dear Tun,

Rob is a typical reflection of the dumbed down and desanitised yank. A zombie who is spood fed propaganda and unable to use his own logic to "think" for himself. You should not waste your precious time on individuals like him, the whole world knows the reality of geosociopolitical game plan that Washington is playing. It may win the battles they have launched in Muslims lands, but they will most assuredly lose the war. This is the beginning of the end for the arrogant super power, make no mistake about it :^) By andi70Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:38 PM

Dear Rob,

Ignorance is mother of all evils especially when we know the truth! By AndrewAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:43 PM

I absolutely agree with CVCO's comments in "Open letter to Obama"all well said. Makes me very angry when there is deafening silence from the Muslim world, Malaysia included when Israelis are killed by Hamas bombs.

Recently I saw pictures of injured Palestinian children splashed all over Malaysian paperswill I ever see bloddied injured Israeli kids in the Malaysian papers for once? Definitely NO. Malaysia is so pro Islam that it supports Hamas unconditionally. Like CVCO said dead nonmuslims do not count in your eyes. Has Malaysia asked Hamas to cease rocket attacks?

Israel has no other choice but to defend herself. Unfortunately Hamas cowards hide amongst the civilians so when Israel bomb them, they cry foul that women and children are killed. Have you asked Hamas not to hide amongst women and kids? Hamas is to blame solely for their deaths as they indiscriminately use women and kids as human shield. This is a fact and you know it yet you turned a blind eye to that. Why is that so? You are so one sided in your views that it ludicrous.

Israel's heavy handed response is warranted so Hamas will think 100 times before launching another attack from civilian neighbourhood. What have you said about Israeli's civilian deaths from Hamas rocket attacks or suicide bombers? Did you condemn them? You are so bias and your hatred for the Jews (who purportedly have crooked nose according to you) is well documented.

I would like to see what you have to say in reply to CVCO's comment.

Another point I want to make is since you asked for boycott against US products for starters please refrain from flying Boeing planes or even Airbus planes since the Brits are an ally to the US. Maybe Malaysia Airlines should buy Russian Airliners from now on.

It never ceases to amaze me to see so much American hatred in the middle east that flags and president effigies are set alight yet they delight in having the greenback in their hands. How hypocritical? In conjunction with your American boycott call, Malaysia should also stop sending medical specialists, engineers, economists, computer scientists etc etc to the US for studies. And if your laptop is American or if you have Windows in it you should look for other versionsMalaysian perhaps? One undisputed fact is that Malaysia is always playing catch up in terms of Technology. I suspect you must be livid that the US unfortunately is the leader in many important fields.

I am an Australian. I am not a hate writer either but all I ask is that you be fair with your views. War is never the answer, many lives are lost. A life is a life Muslim or not. No one life is more valuable than another. Both Hamas and the Israelis should be condemned in the harshest terms. By nightcallerAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:45 PM

Way to go, Tun

Wishing that Rob (if that's ur real name) understand that the unfair advantage possess by the world superpowers with America as the World policemen is far more superior than those in the hands of those u termed as terrorists. As usual, the phrase "terrorists", "freedom fighters" are loosely used and coined by media controlled by the select few. And I hope Rob knows who actually owns and control the media in America.

Finally, I hope that u (Rob) can sleep peacefully with full knowledge that those who are bombed, missiled, shot, detained, totured are not the terrorist as picture and described by ur media but those are the people deprived of their freedom of speech, equal rights, opportunity to live and advance which Americans wholeheartedly believe in, as per stated in the Declaration of independence which is "We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

So Rob, can u see straight into the eyes of those women and children who suffered and degraded by the continuous humiliation from oppressors and their close allies and still proclaim "I am correct in my stand" ? Please Rob, do some soul searching when u talk about humanity...

Till then...G'nite everyone...wherever u are... By supirteksikelabchedetAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:48 PM

Dear Mr. Poor Rob,

I hope you can ask some American why they attacked some Muslims on the street just day after Sept. 11th. I am sure you will get same answer from Palestine boys if you ask them why they throw stones to Israeli soldiers..... you know why some Muslims became terrorists..??? Because you asked for it..!! By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:54 PM

Hello Rob,

I'm sorry for your lack of world knowledge and stupidity. You make it obvious and I can say that you represent all Americans (though some may not be stupid as you) but you just made Americans look stupid.

Tun, RIGHT ON! Keep it up!Thats my Ol' 'Primitive' Prime Minister. Well, we still lives on trees do we Tun.

Hazman Abu Bakar By azizAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:27 PM

Dear Tun,

I do not know where Rob comes from but one thing for sure is that he does not know what he is saying. He also does not understand your core point from the letter. So i suggest there is no point of debating with people like him because you already made your point very clear. Only people with no brain like him will continue arguing about it.

As usual, he does not see the American foreign policy as a problem to the whole wide world. he thinks that what the american government is doing is just to protect their people wherever they are from the 'terrorist' which they created from bombing and killing the innocent people around the world.

To you Rob, I suggest you do your homework first before you say something because that something may show that you are just like another ignorant american(if you are from USA) who does not care about other's point of view. There are too many points to argue about how United States of America trying to control the world and be the KING by attacking smaller countries.

President Bush just recently admitted that he was wrong to show the sign of 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' about the Iraq war. President Bush knows that he is doing something that shows his believe on WAR to conquer the world. he is someone who believe in war just like his father Bush Sr.

Whenever Mr President visited any country for the past 5 years or so, he always get the stick from the people of the country visited. he visited more than 50 countries during that time and you can do the Math of many people worldwide actually hate him for what he had done to the world.

I am sure you are someone with good heart and good brain to understand all the reaction done by the Muslims on your country like the Sept 11. they managed to kill around 3000 people. but the american's army invaded Iraq, Afghanistan and soon maybe Iran. So you tell me Mr Rob is there any justification about this war? if you do not want people to kill you, then don't go around killing people like nobody's business. and if people reacted, don;t blame them because their house has been burnt down, they parents killed, their sisters killed, and the whole family vanished. but nobody cares about this because the Americans are soldiers and the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are all terrorist. so you have the license to kill them all including the women, children and the innocent people. i hope to hear from you again. thank you. aziz By MozafarAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:29 PM

Salam Tun.

Absolutely agree with you Tun. The Americans and its allies are all confirmed terrorists. If we have the chance to kill them it is our right to protect ourselves against their terrorism. Very funny for a non White to lecture the definition of "terrorism" to a white man like Rob. Yeah, Rob should not only go to school once again but to master his own natural language as well.

About this war in Gaza. Its a pity because these Arab Palestine are besieged and deprived of weapons. On the other side,the American fully supported the Israelis with weaponry and financially. They are given a free hand to massacre and killed the Palestinians unchallenged. Very unfair indeed. The UN should allow sympathetic nation like Venezuela to provide the Palestinians with weapons to protect against the aggression of the Israel terrorists. Let them fight till they die in honorable way.

I have so much praise for Hugo Chavez. And for traitors like Husni Mubarak may he be ousted soon for collaborating with the American and Israel. By apanamaAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:33 PM

Dear ROB, firstly try changing yr name coz it sounds like that of a thief. Tun Dr.Mahathir response to your earlier comments is considered mild by any standards but he made one thing very clear to you THAT A BIG MAJORITY OF AMERICANS ARE AN IGNORANT LOT. I sincerely hope YOU are not one of those IGNORANT AMERICANS but if you happen to be one(as the chances are greater), please get out of the US a.s.a.p (assoonaspossible if they didn't teach you). IGNORANCE cud be the root of all evil my maaaaaaaaaan! If you are living in a world of SUPERHEROs, leave your comics at home and please be informed that the America Rambo is a fiction...and WE in Malaysia know that it's all a BIG AMERICAN BULLSHIT. Come to Malaysia Rob, though Bush has a buddy in our soontobe kicked out Prime Minister, our education system is not as bad as that in the US. We'll get you a place in our Madrassah in Pulau Duyong.

Visit Malaysia 2020.

By MelayuJatiAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:38 PM

Tahniah Tun, Amerika patut dihukum. Sekarang ekonomi dia dah lingkup. Pasal Israel, minta Allah saja yang boleh tolong rakyat Palestin. By Carl LeadAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:45 PM

Salam Tun,

Perhaps you've seen the Astro commercial where a cute litte girl told her father..

"Otak burung unta lagi kecik daripada matanya"

Nampak gaya si Rob ni otaknya sama macam burung unta!! By Allen FrancisAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:45 PM


"Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants the United States to weaken ourselves because he is intimidated and fearful of our more advanced society. Many countries are becoming obsolete due to advances in technology and don’t know how keep up.”

This raise some questions. Why is the US so dedicated in arming itself, even to the length of producing nuclear weapons? Everybody knows that the US is a nuclear power. How come this country of freedom and democracy is very afraid of the world? Maybe the answer is in a CIA terminology, namely “blowback”. Consultant to the office of national estimates of the CIA between 1967 and 1974, Mr. Chalmers Johnson have a lot to say about this. Go on Mr. Rob, search the YouTube for Mr. Chalmers Johnson’s talk and listen to what this fellow countrymen of yours have to say about the terminology (assuming that you consider a person who worked with the CIA as an authoritative source)[1].

“Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pretends the United States did NOT suffer an attack on our homeland where 3000 of our innocent citizens were incinerated in their place of employment. He wants us to let dictators, governments and terrorists organize and plan their acts of evil.”

First and foremost, Tun Mahathir had never denied that 9/11 happened. But, why are you shouting from your rooftop about September the 11th 2001, while from 47,000,000 who are not insured, about 18,000 people die in the US every year because they have no health insurance [2]. That’s six 9/11s every year. Your government excels the alleged “terrorists” in letting your people die, it seems.

“Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants the United States to stop defending itself and to stop killing terrorists. He thinks the United States is to blame for evil in this world, and it has absolutely nothing to do with primitive cultures, archaic religions, aggressive and torturous fathers who know nothing about how to raise boys to be good and productive adults. The fact that terrorists hide behind women and children is irrelevant to him.”

Well, about the US being one source of evil in the world, I really suggest you to hear, as I have stated in previous paragraphs, to Mr. Chalmers Johnson’s talk and hear for yourself, how the US government creates evil in this world. Not to mention the death squads in Colombia [3] and Nicaragua [4].

“He wants us to stop supporting Israel, whose citizens are regularly terrorized by suicide bombers and are regularly bombed from Hamas operatives launching rockets from civilian garages.”

For 10 years, before the start of the current 2008/2009 massacre in Gaza, 20 Israelis were killed [5]. But, by the third week of bombardment in the Gaza strip, more than 800 were killed and over 3000 were injured [6]. And in a place where children constitute 51% [7] of the population, it is not hard to realize who suffers the most. But of course, the children of Gaza will not be terrified by this grotesque mass murder, they will only be killed.

“Dr. Mahathir Mohamad thinks the United States should stop punishing bad behavior and thinks we should have continued to allow Saddam Hussein kill people with poison gas and bury them in mass graves. According to him, the rape and torture rooms should still be open and people continue to be fed to the lions (after all, lions have to eat also).”

Saddam...Saddam...Oh! You mean the dictator the US installed in Iraq and later hang?

“Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants us to stop defending ourselves with advanced technology, like missile defense systems and weapons which kill fewer civilians. He also wants the United States to end capitalism, which shares the basic human need for freedom and liberty. He does not want us to have any allies in this world that share these ideals and wants us to sign international agreements to weaken the United States and appease his anxiety over his countries weakness and incompetence. Finally, we should apparently join him in appeasement, incompetence and wasting time and money through the United Nations.”

There is no need to defend yourself from the enemy, provided that you do not create them. Now with 1,307,319 [8] killed in Iraq, do you think the Iraqis will be a friend of the US? With the US instigated coup in Venezuela in April 2002, do you honestly think the Venezuelan people will befriend the US? How about the death squads created in Nicaragua and Colombia? Will the people of these countries be friends with the US? The US had only created enemies, and that is why it is so paranoid about the rest of the world.

“Dr. Mahathir Mohamad should go back to school, perhaps in the United States, and start informing himself somewhat better.”

But judging from your writings, Mr. Rob, I think I have to educate you.


1.As for 09:28 p.m January 13, 2009,

2.As for 09:38 p.m January 13, 2009,

3.As for 09:50 p.m January 13, 2009,

4.As for 09:50 p.m January 13, 2009,

5.As for 10:11 p.m January 13, 2009, wewillask1230046.html

6.As for 10:12 p.m January 13, 2009,

7.As for 10:12 p.m January 13, 2009,

8.As for 10:26 p.m January 13, 2009, By bmwpetronasAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:48 PM dear Rob

If you going back to primary school please bring together Mr Bush. Mr bush did not go to school to study but he learn to be a gangster at his school. this time ask him to learn properly By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:52 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Rob is actually a flea brained maggot living deep on social security. Let’s not waste our time with Rob. But let us look within us – in particular at those who rely on the US and the Jews to make their stand heard and seen in the eyes of the world. Let’s just leave Rob at his trailers park home and let’s put focus on Anwar Ibrahim and that rich Jewish salesman friend of his – Wolfowitz.

“And Pheonix shall rise again from the ashes”.

It takes all sorts of people to make this world turn. Most honorable Tun, you are the finest among the finest, and Rob will never in his lifetime reach your heights to make his point to you, and so there he is at the bottom of the pit yelling out all his disappointments at life. Jews are good at that Tun. During WW2 they hid like cockroaches underneath stairs and in attics and never put up fight against the Nazi. Sure they may shout now (they still got the proxies), but they are still the same people and soon enough they shall return to the staircase and attics once again. Lets not waste time on this skunks. But instead let's put focus on their agents and allies in Malaysia. Let's identify these collaborators within our midst and expose them all.

Good night Tun. Warmest regards and love from all of us here. By dalAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 9:54 PM

Jewish Supremacism Rules America The Likudnik dominated Bush regime and the American Knesset cheer on their Jewish masters’ war crimes in Palestine

By Bob Finch

The Israeli military’s disproportionate, merciless, and savage, attacks on the democratically elected Hamas government have displayed the utter contempt that the Jewsonly state in Palestine has for Palestinian civilians in Gaza just as its attacks on Hezbollah in 2006 showed its contempt for Lebanese civilians. The use of jet fighters to attack civilian targets, the Jewish military’s use of white phosphorus in Palestinian residential areas, its attacks on ambulances and united nations’ buildings, Jewish soldiers standing by while Palestinian babies starve to death, etc, etc, clearly demonstrates to people around the world that Zionists regard Palestinians as subhuman. The Israeli massacres in Gaza are a blatant display of Jewish racism which they’ve tried to hide for most of the last sixty years or so during their everyday, piecemeal, ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

American politicians recently passed two resolutions giving wholehearted support to the Israeli massacres of innocent Palestinian civilians. "Earlier this afternoon, the United States House of Representatives voted 3905 in favor of H. RES. 34, voicing their support for the Israeli military effort in the Gaza Strip. The bill, cosponsored by 11 representatives, demanded that Hamas end its rocket fire against Israel and renounce violence, while expressing "vigorous support and unwavering commitment" to Israel and declaring that its two weeks of attacks on the Gaza Strip were rightful acts of selfdefense. The vote echoed a similar vote in the Senate yesterday, which "allows for the longterm improvement of daily living conditions of the ordinary people of Gaza" while likewise proclaiming attacks against them selfdefense." (Jason Ditz 'House Overwhelmingly Passes Bill Cheering Israeli War on Gaza' January 9, 2009).

That American politicians not merely endorsed, but lavished praise, on such a slaughter, which is just the latest manifestation of the Zionists’ six decades long campaign of ethnically cleansing Palestinians, shows they are perfectly comfortable with Jewish supremacism. American political leaders who support the Israeli massive bank robbery of Palestinian assets have completely lost all sense of morality and justice. A state that was founded solely through the exercise of terror, and that has been sustained for six decades by the extravagant use of state terrorism, has not the slightest basis in morality for denouncing those who, having suffered at the hands of such terrorism, use similar tactics with which to fight back. If the Jewsonly state is morally and politically bankrupt then so are American (and Western) politicians who give overwhelming support to such a degenerate state.

So far there have been two good analyses of Congress’s support for the massacres in Gaza. However, neither Glenn Greenwald nor Adam Horowitz. mention that these congressional resolutions underline the current balance of power between America and the Jewish colonial state in Palestine. When one country gives its wholehearted support to another country whatever it might do, then the former is obviously servile to the latter: no matter that it possesses the world’s most powerful military.

The votes in Congress show beyond doubt that America is run by a Jewish elite. This elite funds the country’s Jewish lobby which then bribes (and, if necessary, blackmails) American politicians to mouth militant Jewish racist propaganda. American politicians are like Dogs in crufts ‘Dog of the year’ competitions who are led around the arena by their Jewish handlers who have lavishly groomed their four legged pets for the big occasion. The Dogs show their appreciation for their masters by merrily wagging their tails. Sit, beg, roll over, play dead. American politicians will do anything and say anything for a few bite sized chews from their Zionist masters.

These Jewish owned politicians could never get away with their blatant subservience to Jewish racism if they weren’t also pressured into such a state of humiliation by Zionist propaganda being pumped out on a daily basis by America’s Zionist dominated media. In turn, the Zionist flag wavers in Congress and the Zionist dominated media would have much more trouble glorifying Jewish supremacism if it wasn’t for the complicity of America’s Zionist dominated universities. America’s protectors of the Truth have become propagandists for Jewish racist lies and fabrications. And, in turn, America’s politicians, its universities, and its media, would all find it difficult to wallow in Jewish racism if the country’s supposedly radical political opposition wasn’t also equally dominated by Jewish funders and Zionist crackpots whether this is the neolefties, the neogreenies, the neoantiwar/peaceniks, or the neolibertarians, etc. Virtually every sector of American politics is funded, managed, or manned, by Jewish Zionists, they even fund Christian organizations to help them to spread Christianity in America.

The American Congress is no longer a democratic institution representing, protecting, and promoting, the interests of Americans living in America. It has become a Jewish colonial outpost more concerned with financing, protecting, and cheerleading, for the scandalous activities of the rachmanlike Jewish racists stealing Palestinian land on the other side of the world. America’s Israelifirsters are pushing the country’s national interests around the world down the plughole because they’ve succeeded in channeling the Bush regime’s entire political and military energies into promoting Jewish military dominance over the Middle East.

The American knesset’s role is, firstly, to act as a cheerleader for the Jewsonly state’s continued illegal and immoral colonization of Palestine. Secondly, to syphon American financial and military resources to the squatter state so that it can continue its ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians in Palestine. And thirdly, to bully the rest of the world from taking action against Jewish racism and colonization. The American knesset is just a branch of the Jewish Knesset just as America’s two mainstream political parties are merely competing branches of the Likud party headquartered in occupied Palestine.

The Likudniks were the main funders and promoters of all the major political contenders in America’s recent presidential election so it is hardly surprising that their candidate won the election. Obama’s reward for winning the election was having the privilege of choosing his own dog handler, Rahm Emanuel, an out and out Israelifirster who has fought for the country of his birth but not for the country he’s temporarily made his home. The question is why Emanuel, such an ardent supporter of the racist state, a Jewish supremacist, a superZionist, should leave his beloved homeland to settle down in an alien country and get involved in its political process? Alexander Cockburn states that, "With men like Emanuel and "special assistant on the Middle East" Dan Kurtzer at Obama’s elbow, I imagine the Israeli embassy won’t have much difficulty in monitoring Obama’s plans .." (Alexander Cockburn ‘Israel's Onslaught on Gaza: Criminal, for Sure; But Also Stupid’ January 911, 2009). Emanuel will be able to convey the Jewish prime minister’s orders directly to Obama.

The Israelis are hoping that if they can cut off Hamas’s head they can present it as a gift to their new American president and then portray the slaughter as the Jewish state dutifully trying to please its superpower protector. This will have two beneficial political consequences for Israel. Firstly, it will uphold the politically kosher pretense that America is the master and the Jewsonly state a mere servant. And, secondly, it will put Obama into debt to the Jewsonly state which might lead him to reciprocate by ordering an American military attack on Iran or permitting an Israeli attack on Iran.

The Israelis are thus hoping for a geopolitical jackpot by defeating or dismantling Hamas. Firstly, they will have crushed Palestinian resistance thereby giving a huge boost to their ethnic cleansing campaign in Palestine. Secondly, they will be able to exert considerable pressure on the Obama administration to launch an attack on the Jews’ main enemy. And, thirdly, they hope that a military attack on Iran will lead to a regional war, perhaps even world war three, which will further boost the Jewsonly state’s regional military dominance and enable further progress to be made in ethnically cleansing all palestinians from palestine. If the Jews’ defeat hamas this will give the neoconservatives/neoliberals such a huge political boost that it will make war against Iran almost inevitable.

Source: By Waqas HameedAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:09 PM

Thats Our Tun! By Waqas HameedAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:11 PM

Thats Our TUN! By faudziAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:13 PM

Dear Rob hope you still around and learn something from Tun explanation. By munchen21Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:22 PM

Salamunalaik to Tun..

Brilliant replies on Rob, Kudos TDMM!! seconded LuCakap ke LuCerita comment. when i 1st read Rob's comment, there's a big spark in me and i was like "what is he talking about??" (apa hal mamat ni??) and immediately after, i read ur comment Tun, i just said "serve Rob right!!" and i really love item no. 11.. By otai@rockan2Author Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:24 PM

Rob's real name is Fred flintstone. He lives in the cave called America. By Nazri AwangAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:26 PM wahahahha....Hambik engkau ROb...ngah3....tajam , menusuk ke jantung hati terus..hahahahha....2 Thumbs up Tun.... By indianaAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:27 PM

If we stop identifying them by their skin colour and religion and start seeing them as just women and children who are the victims of war, and the men who dies as father and husband to these children and the women, I guess then only we will be able to understand the suffering of these people.

Nobody is predestined to be a killer or a victim. People are just people, it's what they do that makes them good or bad. By ndlawAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:27 PM dear rob,

We malaysian not scare to your nuclear power, ur plane, wo only scare to our god. Non of your weapon can stop the time , as long as time cant be stop sure we make it by little courage. every coutry have their own speacial , malaysian is the special , multi race, multi religion that live in harmony. little kid already know that american & israel is the real terorist. sorry to say, because u kill a lot of babies, children, old man and women. Are they sucide boomer? no... they hopeless of your ignorant. What is your main reason of this "war"? what do u want from palestine? what do u get by killing people? Who else your enemy? why u scare to nuclear energy? u have it too! Are u scare muslim? they dont eat people.. they eat rice and corn! they pray for peace and you ruin it! By alnamuzAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:30 PM hey Rob

U sure are right man,in ur own silly little world, coz oo btw who are you again? No one even knows u man, ur just some anonimous guy who i believe would never create history, well due to ur smarty brains and ability to construct logic. And im very sure u cant run ur own household properly, let alone a country. Dr Mahathir has led this Nation for 22 years man,from just a 50 year independence. U guys hv already had somewhat 200 years of tht and this is the best u can be? Destroying people and weapons? And lastly mr Rob a.k.a Smartypants, get a life, become a stand up or comedian maybe and study good yeah. By kyazizAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:30 PM

Dear Rob...

Please think carefully before you say...and please don't ROB the truth.. By Halim ShahAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:35 PM

Dear Rob,

Why don't you come to Malaysia and view our primitive nation and have a fresh perspective of how our nation will be in the next 20 years time. Our primitive nation is many many time more advanced compared to your nation when you are in your primitive state.

Your advanced nation is nothing compared to our nation even when we are primitive. We do not produce WMD which is useless technology in a civilized advanced nation, we do not produce chemical weapon to kill other fellow human race. We do not destroy our mother earth like your so called industrialization.

Your country have never never try to make earth a safer place for everybody to live in. Your country is the worst of it kind in brutally killing other human race with your 'so called advanced weaponry system and yet you hide behind so called democracy and human right. I know for fact you and your leaders are extremely confused with what democracy & human right is all about. Killing children, women & old man is your definition of democracy & human right. Man!!, you are so uncivilized and primitive.

By naqib mohamadAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:40 PM salam Tun, sekarang baru kita faham kenapa US mudah sahaja untuk berperang dan membunuh... rakyat sendiri diracuni pemikiran yang membunuh itu OK jer, dengan sebabsebab yang dirasa munasabah... By S..TanAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:42 PM

Dear Tun, salam mesra moga sihat sejahtera. Dgn izin..

...... PERFECT 10!

There are occasions when a man can seem flawless. This is such instance and Tun is eloquently right.

Point blank comment (appropriate, definitely proportionate), criticism justifiable, balanced and most important reflects the 'ground' feeling. Correct message to deliver to most ordinary Americans. Sound words making the right sound.

Rob's comments overgeneralise and too presumptious of Tun.

(Point no 11 is not a scoring point, more of giving medicine.) By Huril 'AinAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:45 PM

Salam Tun (: Care to share with us what this Rob precisely commented? By anieAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:48 PM dear rob, i believe that your country is 'killing the mockingbirds'. it was your country who teach us that phrase and yet, it is your country doing it. dear tun, you never miss anything. way to go. By daniel noorAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:54 PM

Syabas and bravo Tun !! May those in this country who think highly and worship these western demons like Demi gods remember that if they want to turn this country into a pro Western terrorists they will pay for it. Their choice is simple...migrate to these so called western thinking countries and see for themselves whetehr they are treated equally irrespective of color creed and religion.

I guessed Rob must be one of the 300 millions American who easily get lost in their own village trying to get out and see how the big city look like. Leave alone venturing outside their country.

Tun, there are many of us in this country that support you. Dont worry about those that make adverse or sarcastic comments. They represent the minorities anyway. Maybe just a fraction of a percent. The country cares and listen to the majority of the people that look upon this country as ' Heaven on earth " . For the minority they only knows how to bark at a brickwall. Leave them alone. They only like to make noise. They dont disturb the majority. That is good enough. By daniel noorAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 10:55 PM

Syabas and bravo Tun !! May those in this country who think highly and worship these western demons like Demi gods remember that if they want to turn this country into a pro Western terrorists they will pay for it. Their choice is simple...migrate to these so called western thinking countries and see for themselves whetehr they are treated equally irrespective of color creed and religion.

I guessed Rob must be one of the 300 millions American who easily get lost in their own village trying to get out and see how the big city look like. Leave alone venturing outside their country.

Tun, there are many of us in this country that support you. Dont worry about those that make adverse or sarcastic comments. They represent the minorities anyway. Maybe just a fraction of a percent. The country cares and listen to the majority of the people that look upon this country as ' Heaven on earth " . For the minority they only knows how to bark at a brickwall. Leave them alone. They only like to make noise. They dont disturb the majority. That is good enough. By daniel noorAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:03 PM

Tun, kalo mau bikin komen kat Amerika tuh jgn lah keres2 sangat. Nanti Anwar Ibrahim tersinggung... By daniel noorAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:04 PM

Syabas and bravo Tun !! May those in this country who think highly and worship these western demons like Demi gods remember that if they want to turn this country into a pro Western terrorists they will pay for it. Their choice is simple...migrate to these so called western thinking countries and see for themselves whetehr they are treated equally irrespective of color creed and religion.

I guessed Rob must be one of the 300 millions American who easily get lost in their own village trying to get out and see how the big city look like. Leave alone venturing outside their country.

Tun, there are many of us in this country that support you. Dont worry about those that make adverse or sarcastic comments. They represent the minorities anyway. Maybe just a fraction of a percent. The country cares and listen to the majority of the people that look upon this country as ' Heaven on earth " . For the minority they only knows how to bark at a brickwall. Leave them alone. They only like to make noise. They dont disturb the majority. That is good enough. By Nothing but windAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:05 PM

Dear Tun Dr M,

I strongly agree with you having negative opinion of the US and it’s presidents. I understand that average US citizen only knows quite a bit of America and a little bit of America and country x. However, a significant number of Malaysians are hard up of the America and its products. I am referring to the entertainment and fashion merchandise.

When I was young, I studied Sejarah. In a few topics World War II was discussed and during that topic, I read about Nuclear Bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. During that time I just took it as a story and didn’t bother much.

However, later when I became adult, I recollected the chronicles of World War II. I felt very sad for the hundreds of thousand Japanese who were killed and Injured. We could say that that was the worst man made disaster. This shows the US would do anything under the sun to be on the winning edge. The real sickening part is their excuse, which is “we need to end the war quicker”.

The US should be stripped of its international dominance gradually. The first step is to locate United Nations HQ in another country, preferably in a nonCaucasian country. My suggestion –Tokyo, Japan! By Tea DeanAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:08 PM

Hello Mr Rob,

Oh! It's very kind of you to drop many lines in our former Prime Minister's blog. At least we know what you theless primitive people are thinking about us and our petit and beautiful country.

I am so sorry that these primitives' people can read and write whether in our own language or even English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Portugese, Dutch, German, Indian or Siamese and never live on a tree. But we used to and some are still live in a wooden house on a land or ground. And some lives in flats, terraces and bungalow of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 storey height. They are people wearing simple clothes and some are carrying Prada or Louis Vuitton to work while munching our traditional delicious 'karipap', driving our own national car, Proton or CL 65 AMG.

Previously, we are primitives of course but we did learn from our colonial, the British a lot and change our lives. We claimed our independence without a single drop of primitive blood because we hate and terrify terrorism.

I have this one experience during my trip to Geneva, nobody came to help when I couldn't find my way to a bus stop to Versoix. Luckily there was a local guy walking his dog out helped me. I was so shocked when he knew I was Malaysian! He said Malaysians are very friendly,downto earth & helpful and he had visited Malaysia twice! See, friends who had visited Malaysia do have different images from those poor people who sit only at home listening and believe what they watched on their biasedtv and radio. And suddenly assume and claim that they know the whole world!

It's normal to get your shallow kind of thinking from most of westerners or Europeans. I do too when I came across to an unknown country name. But thanks to this thing called RESPECT that reminds me to "never judge a book by its cover". Hmm I think maybe it's because of such primitive education system makes me, me! I would like to thank our 5 prime ministers for their primitive contributions.

You know, I agree to Dr Mahathir not because he was our former Prime Minister but due to he always speak sincerely from his heart and brain. He does what he speaks and speaks what he does. You see, speaking solely from brain makes you a heartless robot, just like the weapons used to kill homosapiens or human being. While speaking directly from heart without brain turn you into un rage or a mad dog.

Sorry Mr Rob, I hardly maintain speaking with brain and heart like Dr Mahathir but practice makes perfect. Just like respect. Remember, good things grow and bad one someday somehow will vanish. By SariMysaraAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:09 PM

Cayalah...Dearest Tun, I m right. I knew that my Tun will come up with something as solid as that for 'the brilliant' Rob By NasrulIsham bin Mohd NasarAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:24 PM

Dear Rob,

1. I admit that United States have advance in technology and we don't have to develop the same technology. In other word, "We don't have to reinvent the wheel".

2. Yeah, 3000 Americans dead. I feel sorry about that. Maybe someone from somewhere hijacked a plane and drove it through the World Trade Center just for fun. Or maybe that someone from somewhere just want to test the advance defense system technology.

3. If my neighbor hit me, I will hit him back. And never come across in my mind to attack his father, his mother, his brother, his sister and not even his dog.

4. Hey man, don't worry. I will support you 100% if someone wants to take your land and your house. I will definitely not supporting that someone. By the way, I still wonder why the Red Indians had never became the President of United States.

5. Well, Saddam is punishing the Iraqis, not Americans, Malaysians, Italians, ... What about Somalia? Bosnia and Herzegovina?

6. I don't remember when is the last time the United States use the defend missile such as the Patriot in the United States? But I remember they use quite a number to defend Israel. Yes, only Israel.

7. If Tun Dr. Mahathir went to school in the United States, Tun Dr. Mahathir will never be the Prime Minister of Malaysia and only few people will comment in his blog, if he is lucky.

Why the United States don't want to attack North Korea? Pyongyang have announced several times that they have nuclear weapons.

Sorry if you don't understand my english writing because I studied only in Malaysia, my beloved country.

Best regards,

NasrulIsham bin Mohd Nasar Rawang, Malaysia


I still remember when a reporter ask Tun Dr. Mahathir when Taiwan wants to build the Taipei 101. If I remember it well, he asked Tun Dr. Mahathir to comment about it because at that time we have the tallest building in the world which is Petronas Twin Towers. Then Tun Dr. Mahathir answers "They have only one, we have two". By PsyTroopersAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:24 PM

Kudos to Tun Dr Mahathir! By owlzAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:25 PM

Nationalist Zionism originating from the Revisionist Zionists... Led by Jabotinsky who, before independence, advocated the formation of a Jewish Army in Palestine that would force the Arab population to accept mass Jewish migration and promote British interests in the region... Revisionist Zionism evolved into the Likud Party in Israel, which has dominated most governments since 1977... It advocates Israel maintaining control of the WestBank and East Jerusalem and takes a hardline approach in the IsraeliArab conflict... American Jews, or Jewish Americans, are Jews who are American citizens or resident aliens... The United States is home to the largest or second largest Jewish community in the world depending on religious definitions and varying population data... p/s: The America led by the Jews. That's why they love blood. By TokMatAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:28 PM

There is hero saying in Iban dialect ,"Agi hidup agi Ngalaban" and "Satu kali lompat, dua kepala dapat". My father during the 2nd world war was almost become the meat of the Japanese bayonet at Sungai Bakong in MiriSarawak. My grandfather was beheaded by the Japanese, too. Now, I am the only one have to continue my late father's will to foster the relationship between the Iban and the anak Melayu.

My late father was hidden in the pile of bananas. His life history still exist in Sungai Bakong, Miri Sarawak. Without the Iban people in the longhouses at Sungai Bakong in Miri Sarawak, I shall not live today. However, I am very thankful to the Iban people in Sungai Bakong, Miri Sarawak. The Iban people in these longhouses adopted my late father when he was at his age of 11 or 12 years old. And, finally got married to my late mother. Both passed away in the year 2000.

The iban is better to use the blow pipe. The punan can hide behind a piece of leaf. So, let these communities fight with the barbarian and uncivilised Israelis. And, called the 1946 warrior fighting the Dutch out of Java. See who is greater than the Israelis and the American.

The Japanese was suffering in Sarawak fighting with the Ibans. Lucky the Japanese did not meet the Punan. If the Punan show their super power can hide behind a piece of leave, off course many Israeli can be killed where they cannot see with their naked eyes or infra red detector weapon. Thank you for sharing "anih tetapi benar". Salam. By guybrush3rpwoodAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:29 PM

This ROB fellow is something eh..

Obviosly he's been taking literally all his country main stream media. Yo Bro.. wake up. Use the god given brain & try to figure all that happened around us. All the fishy smells & paper trails lead to your country under the armpit of those Zionist scum.

Anyway TUN should not entertained this sort of ignorance among those who is beyond help & understanding how the world work.

May Allah bless us all including those ignorance SOB and let's pray for a better world. AMEN. By ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:31 PM

Salam untuk TUN dan untuk semua. Satu jawapan yang tepat untuk Rob. kebanyakan orang amerika terlalu insight iaitu membaca dan mengkaji kehabatan sejarahnya sendiri, padangan outlook terhadap dunia luar mereka terlalu sempit hingga tidak tahu apa itu Asia apatahlagi negaranegara kecil seperti Malaysia.Itulah taraf pemikiran orang amerika yang diwakili oleh Bush menganggap dunia luar sabagai primitif dan liar. Oleh itu Rob patut masuk sekolah balik semula By hbs SporeAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:46 PM

Salam Tun, Si Rob ni tak tahu apa yang dia merepekkan....Padan muka dia dengan komen yang Tun tujukan padanya.Harap dia baca komen Tun ini. Syabas Tun.... By KaiSERAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:46 PM

You've been ROBBED!!

Ha.Ha..Ha, You Americans are ignorant people, given a World Map, you guys wont even know where our country is..and a lot more countries other than us ...haha(I've lived in your country and experience this first hand), and yet calling yourself, educated and ahead from the rest of the world...Ha..Ha.. again. Well may be A HATE by the rest of the world makes more sense.. Ha Ha Ha again to you.

How about shooting spree @school and @college events @USA, what do you call that (Ohh .., CIVILIZED.. thats the correct word).. Hahaha ... again i guess, well i better stop here. FEW EXAMPLE ABOVE is ENOUGH.. By ZaidiAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:50 PM

Rob, sometimes it's better to stay quiet and let people think you are a fool, rather than talking and confirm it.

Tun, thanks for sharing with all of us your views. By TalhahAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:53 PM

Dear Rob,

Truly.. this is really rare... You are being "honoured" here to received the personal attention of Tun Dr. Mahathir.

To celebrate this rare event i share with you this :

Enjoy!!! By Mohamed IsmailAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:55 PM

Steadylah Tun... Apa yang Tun kata semuanya fact...

Rob, study n think before you write, dont under estimate our TUN... By azamAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 11:57 PM

Surah Hud: Ayat 34

Dan tidak ada gunanya nasihatku kepada kamu, jika aku hendak menasihati kamu, kalau Allah hendak menyesatkan kamu (kerana kamu tetap berdegil); Dia lah Tuhan kamu dan kepadaNya kamu akan kembali". By newgeneAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:02 AM dear charles who currently an american citizen.upon your comment on an open letter to barack obama,quote

'So, are you saying the USA is wrong only because it doesnt support the side youd like to prevail in the ongoing conflict? Considering your letter to Obama, isnt it a bit surprising that Malaysia is as perfectly willing to support one side in the very same cause you claim to want to stop?' sorry to say, you should not wrote about a thing that you don't really bother to know.maybe back in your 'great' country america, you never heard about the real story of why all this endless conflict occured. for your knowledge in 1948, most of all jewish all over the world without any feeling went to palestine and kicked out the palestians in order for them to establish a country that never exist. so, which is right or wrong now from the beginning of this mess. for me, i have to say that israel is never right and not even close to it. it is not enough if you only see things with eyes and not your heart. By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:05 AM

Rob US now! By newgeneAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:06 AM poor rob...never mess with tun dr.mahathir... p/s;look forward to read your comment. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:06 AM

SUM MUN BUK MUN UM YUN FAHUM LAA YAR JIUUN. To Rob, thats the word of Allah. Chapter 1 "THE COW" "ALBAQARAH" verse 18. Grab the Koran and read the translation in English. It doesn't matter whether you a nonbeliever. By ipohmalayAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:08 AM thats the good result of reading book.. the anti mohamedan campaign by the early monotheist and latter atheist is planning everything to be controlled. the atheist being their leader without resistence: no thanks to various falsely made mindset. kudos ayahnda! By ktakAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:11 AM

Better a truce than condemnation

Dr Yaacob lauds Singapore Muslims’ rational response to MidEast conflict


AS THE Israeli offensive continues unabated into a third week in the Gaza Strip, shouldn’t Singapore condemn Israel’s disproportionate use of force against the Hamas militants?

That was the question posed to Minister in charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim during a dialogue session with residents of Punggol East.

“While we’re not for a terrorist organisation like Hamas, we’ve not condemned Israel, which is obviously the aggressor. What we’ve been doing is calling for a truce, but how come we’re not condemning terror?” asked a Punggol grassroots volunteer and former journalist Khartini Khalid.

Urging both parties to strike a truce, however, is more important than voicing condemnation, replied Dr Yaacob.

“From Day One when the incident broke out, we’ve expressed our concern,” he said. “Israel is a state; we have to recognise it as a state. Hamas is ruling Gaza; they’re rightfully elected, but they’re in conflict. So, our position has always been that we take a very serious view to what’s going on in the MiddleEast, and the best solution is for both sides to have an immediate ceasefire and come together and talk. No point condemning.” Views on terrorism have to be put into context and the Singapore Government has been consistent in offering them, he added.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) last week described Israel’s move to begin ground operations as “an extremelydisturbing development”, which could only “exacerbate the already grave humanitarian situation”.

Just as it did after the attacks on Gaza began, MFA had called for “maximum restraint” and expressed hope that “an immediate ceasefire can be agreed so that urgent humanitarian concerns can beaddressed.”

“A ceasefire should also be the first step in a process to ensure that the events that had led to the current situation willnot be repeated and to establish a stable modus vivendi in Gaza that is in the best longterm interests of both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples,” the ministry had said.

On Saturday, MFA welcomed the United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza — a positive development, said the ministry, which urged “all parties concerned to make every effort” to implement the resolution“expeditiously”.

Since Israel began its attacks on Gaza, thousands around the world have protested and demonstrated against the killing of the Palestinian people. The death toll in Gaza so far has passed 800.

And Dr Yaacob recognised that the MalayMuslim community is concerned about what has been happening.

He said: “We know that SMSes have been flying, emails and what have you. And the most important thing is that we must not be affected by all these SMSes. May not be from Singapore, and I don’t think it’s sensible for us to do some of the things that are mentioned, like boycotting products. It doesn’t help. The most important thing is for us to register our concerns at the national level.”

He added that the Government will continue to work with the Muslim community and respond to the situation in a responsible manner.

Other faiths have also called for a ceasefire. Pope Benedict XVI, the head of the Catholic church, said a ceasefire was indispensable for restoring acceptable living conditions in Gaza and called for peace talks and “the rejection of hatred, acts of provocation and the use of arms”.The pontiff condemned violence “wherever it comes from and whatever form it takes.”

In Singapore, the humanitarian issue is also a concern to groups such as the Young Sikh Association, said its vice president, Satwant Singh.

“We would be very happy to have a concerted effort with other faiths to support any humanitarian causes,” he said.

TODAYonline.COM By Jeffery AriffAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:23 AM

Akum Tun... I just wanna say what a brilliant words that you have give to this kind of person.. Yup, he diserve that and it's directly on target. For you ROB... As a person with have a dignity, i think you should be a shame of yourself because you have lost your's... By OumonoAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:31 AM and Rob, what do you mean by America defending themselves from terrorist? Americans equipped with huge killing machine and with most advance weapon that can even target an ant from miles away. The so called 'Terrorist' equipped with what?a gun and a small bomb maybe. Logically thinking, who should feel threaten to who?Does your American mind is too soaked with your Bush propaganda that you can no longer think for yourself what is fair?

You are obviously ignorant. To you, your American interest is far more important than other peoples lives. When you feel threaten you bomb the whole country to dust so you could feel safe. Who should go back to school? You or our beloved Dr Mahathir?

Use your brain and travel around the world and try to listen. When you dont listen to others you will fall. Thats what happen to Rome, Greece and many more civilization. Think about it. You cant live alone in this world. Nobody can. By Pemuda PelapisAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:37 AM

Salam Y.Bhg Tun,

Thanks for your reply to this bloody guy who named himself as a bitch Rob. He deserves the right to accept your 11th comment as he was damn stupid moron.


I guess what has been replied by our Super Hero: Tun Dr Mahathir could make you really understand as a normal human being but not like as an animal. You deserves the right for the 11th comment by our exPrime Minister since you're damn stupid to differentiate what is good and bad.

PEMUDA PELAPIS By austoziAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:59 AM

"For a country with ignorant people to rule the world it is an unmitigated disaster."

As true as it is for ignorant politicians to run one beautiful country like Malaysia. By yemmoAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:10 AM

What interests me is that Tun has singled out a redneck and addressed him headon. Is his ignorance worth to be addressed Sir? For I think that the time to educate a Man/Woman of his stature has long past. His worldview has already been carved in stone.

Maybe the reason you addressed him is because you do not want such ignorance to be perpetuated among your readers. If this is the case, then well done. I think you nailed his coffin on this one Sir. By Tauke KedaiAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:12 AM

Dear Rob,

Thanks for your interest in reading Dr. Mahathir Mohamad's writings. If you haven't noticed, he is a qualified Doctor. He cares.

Oh yes and thanks for your opinion too. Perhaps you should appreciate that in this 'primitive' land of ours, people can speak up their mind freely and not be restrained from doing so. After all, the mind of the one who knows has knowledge. The mind of the other, who opines only, has opinion.

Keep reading. Your teachers will never teach you about anything that you can read here. By samuraimelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:18 AM



LAUGHTER IS STILL THE BEST MEDICINE..HAHAHA!..HEHEHE!..HOHOHO! By I love JewsAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:18 AM

Below is Rob's message..have a read guys and I do think it makes perfect sense..despite being a malaysian, i agree with Rob.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants the United States to weaken ourselves because he is intimidated and fearful of our more advanced society. Many countries are becoming obsolete due to advances in technology and don’t know how keep up. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pretends the United States did NOT suffer an attack on our homeland where 3000 of our innocent citizens were incinerated in their place of employment. He wants us to let dictators, governments and terrorists organize and plan their acts of evil. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants the United States to stop defending itself and to stop killing terrorists. He thinks the United States is to blame for evil in this world, and it has absolutely nothing to do with primitive cultures, archaic religions, aggressive and torturous fathers who know nothing about how to raise boys to be good and productive adults. The fact that terrorists hide behind women and children is irrelevant to him. He wants us to stop supporting Israel, who’s citizens are regularly terrorized by suicide bombers and are regularly bombed from Hamas operatives launching rockets from civilian garages. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad thinks the United States should stop punishing bad behavior and thinks we should have continued to allow Saddam Hussein kill people with poison gas and bury them in mass graves. According to him, the rape and torture rooms should still be open and people continue to be fed to the lions (after all, lions have to eat also). Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants us to stop defending ourselves with advanced technology, like missile defense systems and weapons which kill fewer civilians. He also wants the United States to end capitalism, which shares the basic human need for freedom and liberty. He does not want us to have any allies in this world that share these ideals and wants us to sign international agreements to weaken the United States and appease his anxiety over his countries weakness and incompetence. Finally, we should apparently join him in appeasement, incompetence and wasting time and money through the United Nations. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad should go back to school, perhaps in the United States, and start informing himself somewhat better. By izzatazizAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:28 AM mengapa US menjadi pengawal dunia? kerana kita yang membenarkanya Tun, kita yang membesarkan US.. bila ada masalah kita meminta bantuan dari depa.. kita mengharap mereka dapat menyelesaikan masalah kita.. kita mengharapkan resolusi PBB.. mengapa berkenaan palestin kita pergi perangi mereka mengunakan tentera kita sendiri? adakah umat Ismah sudah lemah Tun?

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W banyak menbawa Muhajirin untuk beperang berbanding dengan Ansar, kerana Muhajirin yang berhijarah di hati mereka lagi terasa kesanya berbanding Ansar, jadi kita umat Islamlah yang perlu melakukan sesuatu untuk Palestin kerana ia milik Umat Islam.. bukan PBB bukan US bukan Perancis, Bukan negara lain.. tetapi kita umat Islam.

Mereka perang, kita runding? Lemahnya kita.. Mereka bunuh, kita bantah? tu je kita mampu buat? US membekalkan wang dan alatan kepada Israel.. mengapa negara Islam tidak melakukan perkara yang sama pada Palestin? Kalaulah negara Islam masih diperintah oleh Khalifah, bukanya presiden mahupun raja, mahupun perdana menteri sudah tentu kita tidak ditindas.. bagaimana Tun? By huguonAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:33 AM

Nice post. ;) By angahAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:40 AM


You forgot to mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki in point number 4. By Fuzzy!Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 2:25 AM

The world's stereotype of the average American is the ignorant hawhawlaughing redneck. Thank you, Rob, for reinforcing that stereotype.

But I don't think Rob's an American. The structure of the phrase "Lions have to eat also" sounds more like he's one of us Asians. Plus, he spelled everything correctly. Americans can't do that. By afif abd azizAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 2:28 AM mr rob,

please do not trying to play with fire or it might be burn yourself. think twice if u want to email the most greatest leader of this century is it 3000 of your recruit bigger than 300,000 Vietnamese, 50,000 Afghans, 100,000 Iraqis that included babies,oldman,women children? or maybe you should learn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 and memorize very clearly... By LahmAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 3:14 AM

More effective than boycotting is to make sure that Malaysians become relevant to the world by producing or contributing to inventions. Then Malaysians can talk. Even now, Malaysian government are still using American products and services. From Motorola, Microsoft to even consulting and market research services. So why should the rakyat boycott when the government doesnt. By CucukSanggulAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 3:59 AM

Ya Allah, Syukran Ya Allah...kerana menganugerahkan Malaysia dan umat Islam seorang pemimpin sehebat Tun Dr Mahathir!

Dear Rob, We are proud to be Malaysian, Rob! Veryvery proud! Hope you learn something from here. We are glad that we are not an average, ignorant American like you and many others living in the world today.

Tun.. I love you lah!! :D By extremelyhappyAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 5:59 AM

Hahahaha Rob, You've successfully made yourself look like a muppet! Who are you to state bias facts when you clearly haven't done nothing to your country. Just talk and obviously no action. Most typical!

Shame on you Rob! Errr perhaps you should run for Presidency in the next election. Hahahahaha. We'll see if you even get anywhere.. and to one of the worlds' best leaders of the world Tun Mahathir Mohammad I take my hat off for you with my greatest respect.


By JohnDAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 6:09 AM

Dear Rob, You are really an ignorant person. The Vietnam war; Do you think we have forgotten that naked little girl that was running from a napalm attack whilst her skin was still falling off her! And today there are still children there born with THREE LEGS because you dropped chemical weapons on them!

You want to talk about the Iraq war? War that was driven by packs of lies! Where is the weapon of mass destruction, where is the nuclear weapon Saddam had your country so confidently claimed. Where is it?! Your country ignored millions of people marched all over the world in protest of the Iraq war. Your country asked other countries to join them to send soldiers to their deaths for these packs of lies. For them to come back in wooden boxes with several body parts missing. Your country killed many more Iraqis than Saddam had in his years of ruling the country. And you dare to claim that those you killed were terrorist. Tell me how did you know that those are even terrorist? Did they have a namecard on them, a badge on their shirts saying that there were terrorists?! And where is billions of Iraq's wealth that has gone missing?! Where is it? What about the unmetered oil that were shipped out of Iraq? And by the way, in case you still not getting this; 9/11 HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQ. Are you that stupid?!

Well where's next Rob? Iran? North Korea? Syria? Which country you want to decimate next? Your country is the most imperialistic country in the world. Countries in the middle east that refused to become your country's slave government has either been attacked or threatened to be attacked. Iran on nuclear weapon? No ?

Why are you so eager to send your young men to die in these pointless wars? Have met any of these soldiers or their families that went to these pointless wars? Have you seen how their lives were destroyed? How they became permanently handicapped/paralyzed in these pointless wars. How some of them lost their lives? How their families were shattered looking at them came back in wooden boxes? Some of them don't even have a body anymore.

I doubt these soldiers as stupid as you, and as ignorant as you. Why can't you comprehend it in your mind that WAR KILLS PEOPLE, is a known fact. OPEN YOUR EYES. By RLAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 6:42 AM

Tun, Good morning. You omitted that the USA is the only country in the world that hs used an atomic weapon against humanity. This is not to say that I did not find the war conducted by Japan in WWII abhorrent. RL By erineAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 6:56 AM

Heheh.. your acid tongue (or rather sharp typing skills) never failed to amazed me! World leaders never cease to stop having roundtable discussions (in the name of diplomatic strategies) while many are dead and injured.. When they have come to a conclusion, they do nothing about it! Sheehsh... U should replace that Korean guy on UN instead! By erineAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 6:58 AM

Anyway Tun, I really dont like those advertising space in here.. its a constant reminder of capitalism! By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 7:19 AM

Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun.

During my 11th Grade back in High School I was made to study the subject US History. A compulsory subject for graduation credits. The syllabus deals mostly with the slavery chapters and also the American economic capitalism – Carnegie, Rockefeller etc. Then in 12th grade I took up American Government. Again, it was compulsory for graduation. For this class, I could say that I was brain washed into thinking that America has never done wrong in the history of modern civilization. They never started any fire (to borrow Billy Joel phrase), but they are merely defending everything of theirs that’s at risk. Everything was neatly arranged in such a way that in the end, we all walked away thinking all Uncle Sam had been doing was to protect its freedom and way of life from tyranny and oppression. And also that Uncle Sam has to protect its standing as world most powerful nation – at any means. Patriotism to them doesn’t stop with all the 50 states, but it goes right around the globe and the moon (the moon race with USSR). We were also made to take emergency nuclear strike drills. Any means is almost legitimize. That particular curricular subject, put fear into the students with historical events like the Cuban Missile Crisis, The 1929 Black Friday and the Vietnam era. For Vietnam, the syllabus legitimizes everything as “defending the right to freedom and the American Ways”. We study neither geography nor much of world history. That subject is dead beat. Even on World History, it was concentrated on the Russian Revolutions and the Chinese Red Revolution making Chiang Kai Shek an absolute hero in their book (their slogan: the only good commy is a dead commy –commy: communist). In short, at every turn they get – they would pump into us about American rights and supremacy. In college, they teach you everything you can learn from building micro GPS transmitters to antimatter propulsion engineering. So what you get are geniuses who has little balance and knowledge on the actual world that’s surrounding them. This task, the politicians in Washington who are totally owned by the Zionist Regime, would control. And thus, we see the chaos it has brought upon us. On my personal experience, if an American is exposed to the real world situation, away from the Jewish propaganda machine, you may perhaps see remarkable compassion for humanity and the world. I am in no doubt, that the whole of America, its government, its people (their mind frame), its economy and its might is there solely to serve the Zionist agenda. And is that not slavery in some forms and manners? Tun, I sympathize with them, as from the cradle to the grave they are still slaves who would on a note, drop all that they are doing, leave their loved ones behind, take up arms and sail half way around the world to die for the Jewish agenda.

Rob, you seriously need to switch on your brain now. By khor87Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 7:26 AM morning tun, its just so inspiring to c ur reply to that ignorant guy there in this early morning... am proud of ur answers do hope that the americans know how ignorant and cruel had they been to the world for their own personal glory.. anyhow i am proud that our country had been ruled by u for the pass years and wish u all the best... proud to be an "anak Malaysia"!! By aqieAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 7:37 AM salam Tun,

Hujah, idea dan pandangan Tun memang hebat. Walaupun sacara rasmi tidak lagi menjadi PM di Malaysia, tetapi kepimpinan Tun telah diupgrade dengan adanya teknologi internet blogging ini untuk disampaikan ke setiap pelusuk dunia. Boleh dikatakan Tun secara tidak langsung berupaya untuk memimpin masyarakat di dunia ini.

Terima kasih di atas idea hebat Tun untuk membawa Teknologi internet ini ke Malaysia di zaman pemerintahan Tun. Disebabkan teknologi ini, masyarakat Malaysia dapat menjadi lebih maju dan berdaya saing dan paling penting mendapat informasi yang terkini dan dapat bersemuka sendiri dengan pemimpin tersayang secara online

Saya tertarik dengan petikan alquran iaitu surah alkaafiruun yang di selitkan di dalam artikel TUN yang lepas. Diharapkan selepas ini dapat diselitkan lagi ayat alquran sebagai ayat sokongan terhadap hujah2, idea atau pandangan Tun sendiri... saya selalu terfikir sekiranya tun diberi peluang untuk memimpin masyarakat di dunia, adakah tun akan memikul tanggungjawab ini? saya percaya sekiranya niat Tun untuk memerangi kezaliman adalah ikhlas untuk kebaikan sejagat, pasti apa yang diperjuangkan oleh Tun akan mendapat kemenangan... saya berdoa semoga Tun dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik dan terus menjadi 'live'role model untuk masyarakat dunia zaman kini.

By GabanZAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 7:44 AM

Haha Rob,

I also hope that your real is name Robert. Not Rubenstein, Rubin, Rabinowitz or Rubashkin.

What a poor man you are Rubin. Oppsss.... Robert? By laskarmelayuAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 8:29 AM

Dear Rob, I hate to say this, still i was forced innerly to say that, you're a typical american. Lack of knowledge of others rather than what happened inside your country only. A load of american that i've met acting exact like you. A simple word to describe most amerians is 'ignorance'.

Love and Peace for Gaza By sohaimizainalAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 8:32 AM

We are also terrified that America and Israel try hard to justify that killing innocent lives is ok.

May I quote from an article in the New York Times (published on 12th January, 2009): "... For example, Israel killed a top Hamas ideologue, Nizar Rayyan, during the first week of the war and at the same time killed his four wives and at least nine of his children. Looking back at it, Mr. Halbertal (a leftleaning professor of philosophy at the Hebrew University)disapproves, assuming that the decision was made consciously, even if Mr. Rayyan purposely hid among his family to protect himself, as it appears he did. Yet almost no one here publicly questioned the decision to drop a bomb on his house and kill civilians; all the sentiment in Israel was how satisfying and just it was to kill a man whose ideology and activity had been so virulent and destructive...."

Yes Tun, America with Israel combined are the real world terrorists.

Keep going, Tun. By akulaAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 8:37 AM

TDM Keganasan Amerika & Israel di Palestin tak dapat di bendung dengan perarakan dan tunjuk perasaan. Kekuatan militari ternyata berat sebelah. Apakah akan memberi impak sekiranya resolusi di capai oleh badan dunia Islam bersetuju menggerakkan persyarikatan negaranegara Islam menghantar kekuatan militari ke Palestin (bersamasama dengan sekutu negara dunia lain yang menentang jenayah Amerika & Israel). Setidaktidaknya dihantar senjata berat ke Palestin seperti mana Amerika menghantarnya ke Israel. Walau tidak terjadi sekalipun, sekurangkurangnya resolusi itu menjadi message kepada Israel dan Amerika supaya berhenti membunuh rakyat Palestin & dunia Islam serius menangani keganasan Yahudi itu.Apa pendapat TDM? By tampinboyAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 8:37 AM

Dear tun

Spot on. I believe american government and american people are the same.They are naive about the world around them.

By the way, BN boleh menang kat K.T ke Tun? I hope the malays bersatu semula for the sake of malays survival.

Take care tun. By (MFMS)dAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 8:55 AM

Salam Tun,

Memang bernas surat balasan daripada Tun.

Si Rob ni sungguh taksub dengan negara Amerika yang tatkala ini sedang gawat.

Tiada apa yang perlu dibanggakan dengan negara polis dunia yang sedang kehancuran. Tuhan Maha Adil. Tidak perlu hantar peluru untuk hancurkan Amerika tetapi dengan ekonomi. Sungguh pelik bin ajaib kerana sistemnya sendiri yang menghancurkan Amerika. Ha ha ha... By panjihitamufuktimurAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 8:57 AM

Akum Ayahanda Tun M....

Love you so much..

Rob..go to school..get your knowledge rite...hahahaha..stupid Americans..your WAR will come to you..dont worry..thats my promise By rexisAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 9:01 AM

The phase "terrorist" is mainly putting on top of the losing/weaker side. In the end, it doesn't mean anything at all, its merely a propaganda.

In fact, we are as primitive as cave men when we decide to settle things with force doesn't matter if we use stone axe or nuclear missile same purpose different efficiency. By rozamnahAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 9:24 AM

TQ Tun for explaining brilliantly to our MR Rob. I hope he is not blinded by his glorification on the Americans. If majority of the people in the entire globe can see the indirect cruelty and double standard that the American Govt did to the Palestine people, why can't this Rob guy see that too?. All the glory that Americans had once upon a time ago for becoming the saviour of the world, only left in bitter memory for many people of this world. USA is no longer a saviour . Eversince they weakened the Russia influence back in the 80's, they had become the Big Bully themselves as act as the Puppet Govt for the Israelis. Their democracy or human right call are only for those people who are as bad as them.

As usual I do love you Tun, just like I love my dad (arwah). Always talk and give me advice with wisdom. Dont stop fighting for the benefit of the UMMAH. I wish I have the courage and the strength just like you. By amrilAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 9:26 AM

USA=world terrorist By azaliAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 9:53 AM

Good to know primitive brains of Robs' exist in the so call advance countries.

Why not we call for a resolution by UN to relocate the Palestinians to Washington DC?

Well, don't worry Rob, the idea comes from a primitive selfgrown M,sian brain.

You are a joker Bob, to comment and I agree with LuCakap ke LuCerita, "Its ok being stupid,...", but don't show that you are Rob!Robin Hood is acceptable. By BTAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 9:58 AM

Dear TUN,

As usual you could deliver a solid punch with a padded glove. But please don't be too harsh on Rob. He is but one among millions of his brethren who consider the World Series a baseball game among other countries and since American teams are always in the final, they are the greatest. Like most Americans too, Rob thinks Martin Sheen is the US president since watching the West Wing series.

There's a video clip on Youtube of a sorry excuse of an intelligent and civilized people these Americans (like Rob obviously is) when asked whether they should bomb Iran unhesitatingly replied 'yes' but when asked to point out Iran on a map, pointed to all over the place except Iran. One even pointed Australia. Now, that would be something to appreciate.

Tun, remember when we 'bailed out' our companies in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis who these 'civilized' people crucified you? Now they are doing what we barbarians are doing. Even their adult film industry is asking for assistance. Now even our orangutans are laughing. By MKMAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 9:59 AM

Goodday TUN,

I think nobody says it better than you TUN.This is just a tellinyourface explantion.I just simply love it.This guy just simply come out of nowhere and just says that the killngs of innocent people in country like Iraq,Afganistan,and Plasetine are just a justify act for the Americans that died in the September 11 attacks. I personally think that you need help with your head(ROB).Everybody knows that your goverment is the main terrorist here.I know you guys have been known to be called "baby killers" in your country and i think your comment to The Open letter To Barack Obama article just says it all.Personnally i think you are an idiot.Please do everbody a favour and just dont comment on this website again.This blog is for peple who have a heart and intelligent to share there personal opinion about what is current situation happening in the world right now.We dont want any idiots in this blog like yourself around here.

Nice Explanation TUN.You are the man. By naetto92Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 9:59 AM

Time to stop this bombing attitude. Start producing food and send children to school. Wish to see the Jews and Palestinian Playing 'congkak' while their parents sitting and laughing. I've seen this scene before somewhere in our country not long time ago. By DaniaLzAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:12 AM

Salam Tun;

From the way Rob wrote his feedback it is pretty obvious he is just an average teen who needs to grow up. You'll have many ppl who will write nonsense in your blog, just ignore them la Tun, these are just trouble makers who dont understand crap of what is going on in this world. Yup USA is a great country alright, thats why even CNN and the citizens of USA voted Bush for the "worst president in history" last week :)

Somehow,majority of the people in USA are against the Israeli attacks, coz they know they have been conned by their own president when he waged war on Iraq against weapon of mass destruction, which obviously, was never found. Its the same scenario with our rakyat and AAB, he makes the decisions, often silly ones, but we dont like and support him :)

Salam; Danial By arikAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:16 AM

Apa yang Tok Det cakap pada Rob itu betul. Saya nak bagi pandangan sedikit tok Det , Harap Maaf kalau salah

Saya berpendapat istilah perang ialah apa bila kita berperang kita berhak membuat apa sahaja keatas tawanan kita , cuma israel itu macam Hitler juga seperti mana bangsa mereka pernah diperlakukan begitu pada perang dunia pertama. Semasa itu semua orang islam bersorak kerana mereka golongan yahudi iaitu musuh Islam. Dan hari ini golongan bangsa yahudi bangkit setelah bangsa mereka menumpang dinegara negara lain selama ini , Kerana mereka golongan takut mati pada ketika itu , dan Kebangkitan Yahudi akan membuka lembaran baru untuk dunia pada satu hari nanti. Cuma apa yang saya kesal kan , sikap orang Islam di Gaza sendiri Saya melihat didalam Tv , golongan muda yang tidak berjuang untuk negara sendiri , mereka lebih sayangkan ibubapa mereka , sayang kan anak isteri mereka , mereka sanggup memeluk ibu mereka atau menangis atas kematian keluarga mereka ,dan yang paling menarik mereka membaling batu , adakah itu menunjukkan kebijaksanaan orang islam bukankah ianya menampakkan kelemaham orang islam , adakah itu sifat seorang Islam , dan bagaimana tuhan mengajar solat diwaktu berperang malah didalam Al Quran telah menyebut musuh kamu suka kamu berada dalam keadaan leka lalu mereka akan mengambil kesempatan untuk membunuh kamu . seperti mana yang tuhan mengajar kita . Kalau lah orang Islam dibumi Gaza benar benar bersatu hati , saya percaya dengan tuhan saya , Tuhan saya pasti menolong mereka dengan bala tentera yang tidak nampak . Percayalah kalau kita diberikan kemudahan atau kelengkapan yang cukup sekali mana pun untuk berperang . Orang Islam di Gaza tidak akan menang dibumi sendiri kerana sebahagian dari mereka berjuang untuk keluarga tercinta bukan untuk Negara mereka dan bukan untuk Tuhan mereka . Sebab itu apabila tuhan jadikan Adam , malaikat berkata, mengapa kau jadikan manusia tuhan , bukankah akan berlaku pertempuran darah diantara satu sama lain diantara mereka Lalu tuhan mejawab . Aku lebih tahu dari apa segenap yang ada dimuka bumi ini . Pada pandangan saya hakikat yang sebenarnya , Tuhan menguji keimanan orang Islam serta orang yang benar benar berjuang diantara mereka. Orang yahudi buat apa tuhan nak uji mereka musuh orang islam . By terongpipitAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:24 AM

Do you see the western movie: "How the west was won!"

The American won the war against the Red Indian..... hohoho similar to the Israel won the war against the Palestanine.... nothing to be proud off... because both (USA & Israel) are terrorist!

No wonder they support each other..... By bujangAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:27 AM

Bravo! ! There goes my exPM. Guy like this Rob deserves it. He reveals not only his arrogant, but also his ignorance of other countries and culture. Before commenting on such issues, he ought to go out and see the world, not just living in a nutshell. Maybe take the opportunity to come and visit Malaysia in conjunction with 'Visit Malaysia Year'...Welcome..and see the country.. By chemyAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:27 AM

Dear Rob

Why don't you come and study in our primitive Schools/University. It will be useful for you.

Its quite safe here. No students carry guns around and start to randomly shoot others just like in the US.

And furthermore Malaysia ban pornography which is an industry in the US. The pornography industry is veryvery hightech and your beloved country regards it as a legal economic activity. LONG LIFE THE US. Regards, Your low tech friend from Primitive Malaysia. By NostradameAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:27 AM

Tun, Syabas atas penubuhan laman web/blog ini.

Saya ingin mencadangkan ekonomi amerika dilumpuhkan melalui internet kerana ekonomi mereka juga banyak bergantung kepada laman web seperti ; 1)GOOGLE & YAHOO enjin carian yang memperolehi berbilion pendapatan daripada iklan sahaja. 2)FRIENDSTER 3)YOUTUBE 4)GMAIL 5)PAYPAL sistem pembayaran online yang memudahkan / menggalakkan lagi penggunaan USD. 6)MICROSOFT

Apa kata selain daripada usaha memboikot produk daripada US/Israel kita juga membina alternatif lain kepada laman2 web yang tersebut diatas.

Saya yakin dengan kepakaran yang ada di cyberjaya laman web tersebut boleh dibina hanya dalam masa singkat!!

Terima kasih. By mahyuddinAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:34 AM

Salam Tun, well said. Rob, you have to not only see from your own prospective but from others if you want to comment. It hurts to know there are still many like Rob out there. By bujangAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:37 AM

'Primitive?'..Wonder what's going on his head. You are right Tun. The UN is a waste of money if the US is still having its veto power. I remembered that you once proposed to the UN to abolish the veto power given to the five countries in order to maintain and uphold true global democracy. Talking of primitive, who is practicing the primitive culture. Isn't they themselves who practices the 'law of the jungle' now?..and still got the guts to say us as primitive.. I guess they should not even talk about human might make some people vomited when they mention it to the world.. By membrAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:42 AM


Ordinary American with income of US20,000 was allowed and approved to loan frm bank to buy house cost US750,000.

Then how he is going to pay the house with that small income?

At last majority ordinary Americans could not afford to settle their house loan.

Imagine millions of them could not paid their house loan?

Lehman brother went bankrupt. AIG bailed out.

Auto industries got into problem as well, as very less order for new cars and trucks as their banks have no money, so can't give loan.

GM Motors and Chryler were bailed out.

Bernard Maddoff gone with US50 bil. Country with sophisticated financial system, this could happened.

Tun, what wrong with North Korea and Iran having nuclear weapon? Meaning Americans and Israelis can using nuclear weapon to bom others, but others were stop and not allowed to develop, what to say to use it against them. By ATShaariAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:44 AM

Syabas Tun:

Clearly now that one of the reason of the ongoing atrocities, murder of the innocents, destructions and genocide that the Zionist Israel are able to carry out freely is due to the ignorance of the world population such as ROB. Obviously this pathetic Rob's knowledge are on the downside as he is not being fed with the real issues other than that was being spinned by Zionist controlled media. Not only does the US policy maker, i.e the Zionist spin doctors running wild in the White House manage to rob Rob's of his fundamental rights to 'think' but they have also rob Rob's and his pathetic kinds the right to economic wealth and comfortable living. What's the use of having 100 plus millions of population when the greater of it are in the state of ignorance! Zionist have succeded in turning the US into a zoo of donkeys. By masterpieceAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:48 AM

Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun... saya sokong dengan penjelasan Tun terhadap Mr Rob yang sememangnya cetek pemikiran dan pengetahuan.... Tun...teruskan berjuang demi bangsa, agama dan negara....teruskan bersuara kepada negara luar yang kurang ajar terhadap agama islam kita sekarang... semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat sejahtera hendakNya... salam.. By HouseWife™Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:49 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,


Go on Tun say more don't ever stop. Only your voice can be heard a thousand miles away. You've said what I have felt in my heart all this while but just can't put them in better words. You've said them all. Yes these Americans are totally ignorant of true facts and this made them sound stupid when they speak on world issues. They are a totally nonsense set of people!

Tun may I extract from "the sun says" Wed Jan 14: "...Israel may claim that it was provoked into doing what it is doing but to respond by mobilising its military juggernautits efficient Arab killing machineagainst an almost defenceless people speaks volumes for the attitude of the Jewish state towards the Palestinians. It is now a policy of the Israeli state that any slight injury, no matter how small, caused by the Palestinians to it or to one or more of its people will be retaliated with such a force that will cause immense grief to the Palestinians. It is the policy to frighten the Palestinians into resigning to the fact that worse things would happen to them should they attempt to stand up for their rights...... While we make an effort to rally the world conscience to end the atrocities we must also help to hasten the process towards the creation of the sovereign state of Palestine. WE AND THE REST OF THE WORLD MUST NOT FORGET THEM."

The Qur'an also explains that among the People of the Book there are those who harbor deep hatred toward the Muslims:

"You are going to find the strongest in enmity and hatred to the believers the Jews and the Pagans." AlMaeda 5:82.

Not all the Jews were treacherous or harbored ill feelings toward the Muslims. Among the People of the Book are those who are pious and do good deeds as the Qur'an explains:

"Not all of them are alike. Of The People of the Book are a portion that stand for the right. They rehearse the signs of Allah all night long and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in Allah and the Last Day. They enjoin what is right and they forbid what is wrong and they hasten in all good works. They are in the ranks of the righteous. Of the good that they do, nothing will be rejected of them, for Allah knows well those who do right." AlImran 3:113115

Tun, I believe there must be some good Jews left in this world, as the Qur'an states, who hate these killings of the defenceless Palestinians.

The Palestinians are not alone. The world is with them. Take care Tun and May Allah Look Upon You Always.

By Syed Akbar AliAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:51 AM

Hi Robbie,

My wife and I are just planning our retirement home we are still at an early age where it is not too early to plan for our grandkids.

Its going to take a few years but in Malaysia it is still possible to be honest, make a living and put a decent roof over your head. We would like a pool with a deck and a built in barbecue. I would like to put in a tool shop too but I dont know if I will still have the interest to do my carpentry.

So please dont come and bomb our country for whatever reason and spoil my plans. The United States of America must stop shedding human blood. You must really get over this urge to seek satisfaction from shedding human blood. By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:57 AM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. This agenda, brought forward to today is in order to help orderly evacuation on board the BN P036 vessel which is sinking in the coast of KT.

To Shahziman Abu Seman (Khairy’s cousin): Nothing more and nothing less, cause people are not as dumb as you are. By scizoAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:03 AM hehehehe... poor Rob.. By A Zaaba A MahmudAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:07 AM

YAB Tun,

I have always had this impression that the average American think AMERICA IS THE WORLD and THE WORLD IS AMERICA. All else are from some distant planet! If Rob is used as a sample of an average American knowledge of the world, my earlier impression of an average American would still be valid.

Thirty years or so ago, these average Americans could be forgiven as they are so coupedup in their vast country to know what is beyond their shores. But in today's world of the Internet? It gets quite difficult to rationalize or comprehend such lack of knowledge!

Sekian. p/s: Dear Rob, I really pity you for your ignorance. We may not be rich like you, but at least we are not so ignorant! By Hj M ZinAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:07 AM

As Salam'kum Tun,

The people of Gaza are firing rockets out of frustration over the greater injustice in 1948.

"Most of the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza came from somewhere else. Sderot, Ashkelon and Ashdod, the targets of Hamas' backyard rockets, were all built over the ruins of Arab villages. The city of Beersheba was almost wholly Arab until purged of its Arab population by Zionist forces and the story is the same the length and breadth of Palestine. Those asking why Hamas is firing its Qassam rockets into Israel cannot answer their own question without grasping the enormity of the crime committed against the Palestinians six decades ago." Jeremy Salt in the Palestine Chronicle (associate professor at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey)

Palestine sources:\ leeastthefundamentalproblem740098.html

Kind regards from Alor Gajah,

Hj M Zin By Amin73Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:10 AM

And another primitive weapon that we have is our shoes, a historical day indeed which should be remembered by the Americans in particular. Rob, I hope you know what I am referring to...

Sorry Tun, disagree with you that US is powerful. By bluesgangAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:17 AM

Dear Tun,

First and foremost, i would like to congratulate u, after reading rob comments, ive noticed americans have been reading ur blog. IT MEANS ONE THING, UR BLOG HAVE GONE INTERNATIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!! nevermind with rob crap but the bottomline is alot internationals are reading ur blog now.

PS, Ur the only guy in the world of modern politics that was not involved in governing party or opposition that manage to wallop both leaders at the same time. Pak Lah going out soon and Anwar strangely having soar throat (silence when USA economy went down and current Palestinian issue, he only comments on Israel not USA).

For many years to come, ive noticed that any politicians in Asia (emerging markets) that have good relations with USA in the open will have bad political career...I dunno how Maliki in Iraq going to survive in the voting democratic political scenario (well if american assassin protecting him). The guy who throw shoes have become an instant national hero and one day he might become very famous politician. Maybe KJ need to throw shoes at American embassy to pop up his image now hahaha. By karmaAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:20 AM

Assalamu 'alaikum YAD Tun,

Demikianlah, walaupun sebahagian orang (setelah YAD Tun bersara) telah membantah pemakaian YAB kepada Tun, tetapi saya terus menyarankan supaya Tun wajar diberi katamula Yang Amat Dihormati atau YAD Tun Dr. Mahathir.

YAD adalah penghargaan dari bawah, sedangkan YAB adalah pengakuan di atas. Adalah jauh lebih baik dihormati daripada memiliki kehormatan tetapi tidak dihormati.

YAD Tun, Benar kata Carl Lead, Rob mewakili manusia yang otaknya lebih kecil dari matanya. Mereka yang 'nampak' tetapi enggan 'berfikir'... By hanifahAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:22 AM

Salam Tun. First time posting although I had followed your blog from day one.

Once again, an incredible response. Succint and straight to the points with nothing but facts.

Please hantar salams to all your family on my behalf. Thank you very much. By Lan5029Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:23 AM

Dear Rob,

I am with you 110%.

1) It is OK to attack other country if we have a gut feel they are doing something bad towards us

2) It is OK to kill other people in the name of antiterrorist because 3000 or our people have been incinerated. This killing license will never expired, we can use it as and when there is a need to kill other people

3) It is OK if women, children and elderly people of other country killed because of what we did, it is collateral damage (can't be avoided)

4) It is OK to impose other country our idealism, because people of other country is not as intelligent as we are and they are not being educated by our education system

5) It is NOT OK if other people kill even one of our people, their whole country should be obliterated

6) It is NOT OK if other country imprisons people without trial, but we can do it because those in Guantanamo are not considered human (terrorist)

7) Having said that, logically it is OK to kill people of other country as long as we can label them first as terrorist

8) Because we are born and raised in America, we are genetically way better than any other human being. With our great education system, we are actually a higher form of life

9) Our country is so great, we must not bother ourselves to learn about others

10) We also do not need to hear what other people said in UN, because all of them is a lower life form than us and do not know the meaning of life as we are

As what George Orwell write in Animal Farm, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". He is absolutely right. By pakpandir08Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:35 AM aikss ... dah expect komen pasti ditapis apabila ia menyentuh kebenaran ... By CintaNegaraKuAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:36 AM


Mr.ROB managed to ROB and be GLORIFIED by THE WORLD because of weaknesses of HUMAN RACE to be dependant on Mr. ROB for TRADE and ARMOURY to be used as weapons to terrorise own citizen for SELF GLORY of selfish leaders who are NOT ISSUES CENTERED and for THE RAKYATS.

THE RAKYATS wish our leaders would learn from Mr. ROB and not ROB THE RAKYATS to be ISSUES CENTERED for a BRIGHTER MALAYSIA.

Thank you.

CintaNegaraKu By chemieAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:40 AM yuhuuu directly shoot to your stupid brain, mr. rob@robbery? By bluesgangAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:26 PM

Dear Tun, this is my second comment.

We dont need to boycott US goods, we just bring in the alternatives, their competitors like China and Russia.

These 2 countries at this moment have no problems in "smoking out" USA goods or service anytime. They have been doing very well in upgrading it.

It is high time to revive DASAR PANDANG KE TIMUR again, this time we bring in russia and china. Ive noticed British have some serious headache when u introduced that policy and letting mitsubishi coming in a big way. Written apology from British companies are all over the newspaper haha. With current economy that USA are facing, this is the best time to do it. Dont need to hate USA, just bring in their competitors in, lets see whats Rob going to say, maybe hes going to comment from USA then cause there are no more jobs in Malaysia for him.

I guarantee, Russia and China are itching to come in....and dont forget our East Asian buddies too but forget about SIngapore.

Example : Starbuck competing with Kopitiam from China with half the price. Lenovo competing with Dell with half price. To justify this move is simple, its not about the palestinian stance or how the world policy controlled by US. The main justification is " WHY WE SHOULD PAY MORE ATTENTION TO A BUSINESS PARTNER THAT DONT HAVE MONEY!!!! AND WE SHOULDNT WASTE OUR TIME WITH USA ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND ENDING UP BECOMING OUR PROBLEM!!! SEVERE THE LINKS AND DO BUSINESS WITH SOMEONEELSE!!! The guy who proposed to sign FTA with USA is a FOOL!!! luckily we didnt listen to him. By lebaikudinAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:26 PM

Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,

Rob is showing a glimpse of pattern of thinking of average American as a whole.The core of values are based on:

1.Might is right : right to bully smaller 'primitive' nations

2.The right to own a gun : shoot first,talk later

3.Democracy : USA brand of government is world's best

4.Freedom of speech : even at expense of humiliating other religion,faith,belief

5.Individual right : by sacrificing the majority's will

6.Animal right : Save the whale,kill Iraqis

7.Capitalism : forcing third world countries to open market by imposing biased conditions

8.Secularism : seperation of religion from government

9.Machiavellian : The means justify the action

10.Materialistic : physical posessions,income equal to modernisation & status

Wassalam By ahmadsAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:26 PM

Salam Tun,

Mereka, the Whites think they are supreme above ordinary people but they are actually rotten in terms of their behaviour. They do not have any culture but pornography... yes...that is what they are good at...Uptodate all their movies contain sex scenes that is actually irrelevant to their script... You can look at their economy now, very unkempt and messy but they still want to act they are the boss of the world. They never learn their lesson... They learn about killing people...of other cultures because they think others are aliens that are not conformed to their norms... By Lan5029Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:26 PM

Everything that God created in this universe have it's purpose. We may not know what is the purpose is, but there must be a reason why God created many American people with an IQ of a single cell organism like our friend Rob here.. By Rustam ArffinAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:26 PM

Right on TDM!

To Rob, please bear in mind that "Half knowledge is worst than innocent"!!! By Rustam ArffinAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:26 PM

Right on TDM!

To Rob, please bear in mind that "Half knowledge is worst than innocent"!!! By bluesgangAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:30 PM


How about all of us gather in Masjid Negara next week friday and collect all old shoes and go to US embassy and throw shoes at them.

Lets pile it up with some smelly socks too. By WhoCaresAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:31 PM

Hi Rob,

You sounds like a typical American, well you can change (like Obama champaign tagline, else who cares for the Americans are buried under their own ignorant!

As kemamang said earlier (perhaps we are of the same batch), I also studied in University of Nevada at Reno in 1985. In my geography class, the fellow American students were also 'ignorant' of the existence of Malaysia but they know the relative locations of Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. But again who cares for their ignorant :) A wise man has said that 'people are the enemy of their ignorant'. Same goes to you that if you still want to play ignorant, who cares?!

Yes, as kemamang said earlier, in Malaysia the education curriculum requires the students to be 'exposed' to the whole world; not only the geographical locations, climates but also in terms of economic activities etc. We have had the adequate knowledge about North and South America through the syllabus we studied in primary and the secondary levels. Thanks to Dr M that envisioned the country back then. He was once the Education Minister of the country. Else, we perhaps will also be like you who look at the world with a 'horseblinker' on both sides of your eyes. Well, pity you American!!

../mamat By wmaAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:34 PM

Well, personally, I don't think that Rob is an American at all. At least not from his beginning.

To Andrew,

Dig deeper, man. What makes Hamas launch their rockets at the first place? Hobby? By tuahbadanAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:45 PM

Ini Rob banyak bodo punya olang.. By Cucu Tok SelampitAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:47 PM

Dear Ayahanada Tun,

Great comments. I love you.

And for Rob, i hope you can learn one or two lesson from our primitive Former Leader. We are behind him.

May Allah bless you Tun. By Mr BennyAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:47 PM

I have this feeling that mr rob and the gang still think people here in the land called malaysia still lives in tree houses... :) on another angle.... i have this hunch that mr rob is actually malaysian who thinks he has gain enough knowledge that he regards himself as an American.... kekeke... more white than the whites i guess... By azariAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 12:50 PM

That's our Tun...he's our 4th Malaysian PM

Rob you messup with wrong person and wrong place..

Semoga kesihatan Tun terus mantapAMIN By terongpipitAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:07 PM

Salam Tun,

Keganasan Israel terhadap Palestine adalah biasa bagi USA sebab USA terbentuk saperti mana terbentuknya Israel. Dimana pendatang Amerika mengganas, membunuh dan mengusir 'Red Indian' dari kampong halaman mereka.

Jadi kalau USA tidak menyokong Israel bermakna Amerika tidak menyokong pembentukan USA sendiri. Munkin USA bermaksud hendak mendirikan United State of Israel di Timur Tengah pulak.

So? By andi70Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:12 PM

Salam Tun, rereading yours, rob and other comments, i would come to a personal conclusion that only economic war could hurt usisrael the most. the question is, do we go for a total boycott on usisrael products, or we need to be selective, starting from today onwards and forgeting our previous purchase? one of my facebook friend from singapore stop using facebook last night and terminate his account because he found out that the owner is a jew and also strong supporter of an establised jewish association. for every click that we made on facebook, we are sending cents to the owner. yahoo!, google, gmail, hotmail etc are all using this concepts. how about future government purchase on computers, microsoft windows and other daily necessity products to run a government? even most handphone users are buying nokia? i personally have stop buying anything usisrael products in all aspect that i could think off. but i still use whatever products i have bought, because, that's purchase in the past. why i want to waste more money at times like this?

Tok Det, i would like to hear your comment on this. By bzzAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:19 PM

Dear Tun,

Untungnya Rob dapat posting di blog Tun khas untuk dirinya. Lebih beruntung, kerana kedangkalannya.

Seperkara lagi, pada pandangan saya tentang usaha memboikot barangan US dan Israel. Secara ikhlas saya tak percaya umat Islam akan dapat memboikot barangan mereka secara total. Memboikot hingga mereka 'lumpuh'. Bukan kita tak mahu, tapi tak mampu. Kerana, kita ini lebih menjadi negara pengguna dan bukannya negara pencipta. Selagi Umat Islam dan rakyat negara lain masih menjadi pengguna, selagi itu kita akan duduk dibawah Amerika, Israel dan negara pendokong keganasan yg lain.

Kita masih perlukan produk mereka untuk lebih maju. Kalau mahu mencipta sendiri, kita masih lagi perlukan ilmu mereka untuk mengalahkan mereka. Agak sukar seorang murid mahu mengalahkan kebijaksanaan gurunya, kalau murid tadi tak mahu belajar dari gurunya. kalau boleh pun, anak murid mesti rajin berusaha dan bekerja dengan lebih keras. Masalahnya, kita lebih suka cuticuti Malaysia berbanding bekerja.

Lebih malang, ada sesetengah orang kita yg sama seperti Rob. Bila kita mahu berkorban sesuatu untuk menjadi lebih berjaya. Mereka tidak setuju. Masakan kita boleh sihat, kalau kita tak mahu telan ubat yang pahit.

Have a nice day Tun and family... By PraveenAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:29 PM

Dr Mahathir and all The attached article in The Independent clearly explains who is in charge today

Israel's prime minister Ehud Olmert boasted that he in effect instructed George Bush not to vote for the UN resolution on a Gaza ceasefire, leaving Condoleezza Rice, who had, "cooked it up... pretty shamed".

In an extraordinary speech, Mr Olmert also claimed yesterday that the US President confessed to him that he did not even know the wording of last week's crucial resolution, the most important international diplomatic step at the time in an attempt to end the conflict. The US was the only Security Council member to abstain.

Mr Olmert said: "Mr Bush gave an order to the Secretary of State Rice and she did not vote in favour of it – a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organised and manoeuvred for. She was left pretty shamed and abstained on a resolution she arranged."

The Israeli Premier described how he had telephoned the White House and demanded to talk to the President after learning, with just 10 minutes to go before the vote, that Ms Rice intended to support the resolution.

"I looked for President Bush and they told me he was in Philadelphia making a speech," said Mr Olmert. "I said, 'I don't care. I have to talk to him now'. They got him off the podium, brought him to another room and I spoke to him. I told him, 'You can't vote in favour of this resolution'. He said, 'Listen, I don't know about it, I didn't see it, I'm not familiar with the phrasing'."

Mr Olmert then apparently brusquely told President Bush: "I'm familiar with it. You can't vote in favour."

A White House spokesman said: "I've seen these press reports, they are inaccurate." By ENCIK NASIRAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:32 PM



Salam Tun & All,

1.This Rob person just show how ignorance average American are!

2.Rob u have much too learn about this world!

3.Don't talk stupid, people will treat u stupid!

4.The letter is what i consider a respectable letter from a former country leader to another leader. Their are in the same level Rob!!U know the leader of country level!)

5.It also kinda a reminder letter to president Obama in case he forget to do what he preach about making changes!

6. Here in ur comment ur show us that u like to talk crap by accused Tun of telling Obama this & that. (Rubbish!)

FYI Rob, In my heart right now as I'm typing this. I'm cursing like hell to u Rob! By Orang MinyakAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:38 PM

Dear Tun,

I am a Malaysian who grew up during the prosperous years of your time as our beloved and respected Prime Minister. I will forever be grateful for your years of service.

However, I don't feel this means I have to adopt the sycophantic attitude of many other readers of your blog. I feel that in replying to Rob's you have committed many of his generalistic, sweeping statement mistakes and have displayed a level of ignorance yourself.

You said: "I am always saddened by the ignorance of the average American." The average American is not dumber than the average Malaysian. It is easy for us to be wellinformed about the biggest power in the world. How much does the average Malaysian know about Mozambique? Can they point it out on a map?

You said: "I understand hardly any Jews were in the building. They were not incinerated." Many Jews died in the attacks, as did Muslims.It is an urban myth perpetuated by antisemites that no Jews died that day. I suggest you watch a documentary called "The protocols of Zion". Look up the list of casualties online, and count the number of names with "stein, baum, berg etc.)Your antisemitic attitude on this disappoints me. At the same time, I do not wish to lessen the plight of the Palestinians. No war is just.

You said: "I don't like terrorism but I also don't like terrorism by Governments." I admire your stance on this. However, where was the world's (and your's) outcry when Hamas was launching rockets into Israel? What did Hamas expect was going to happen? I don't agree with Israel's military incursion into Gaza, but how else do you defend yourself against a terrorist Palestinian government without force?

You said: "You don't have to be frightened of us. But we must be frightened of the murdering bullies whom you think so highly of." American foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired. However, there are worse regimes in the world that we could be criticising. Don't just pick on the US because it's easy. They're the world's biggest superpower. It's easy to use them as a scapegoat. Where was the Muslim world's criticism of Saddam Hussein? Or the Taliban? Or the numerous murderous leaders who weren't American? Why doesn't the Muslim attack its own despots? Why the double standards?

I respect your views on many areas of current events, but on this letter, I have to disagree. There are always two sides to a coin.

I sympathise with the Palestinian people and hope for a speedy end to the conflict.

I wish you the best of health dear Tun this year and I look forward to reading your opinions in future. By SraAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:40 PM

Salam Tun,

After several attempts to provide feedback on your writings since the migration of your website failed, now Alhamdulillah it is back to normal. Thanks to En Sufi and the technical team.

Your response and clarification to Mr. Rob is of paramount importance and significance not only to the readers of but also for us living abroad. There are many western community or people or even the media having similar thinking of Mr Rob. It is not a surprise to me. I do encounter few of them but majority of them do agree and remember to Tun's idea and leadership quality in governing our country Malaysia. Especially the currency crisis issue.

In fact, there are Malaysian in Malaysia or Malaysian living abroad having similar thinking like Mr Rob. Never know how to think positively and be proud of Malaysian leadership.

This has given me an idea to put forward to your good self (Tun) about having a debate which seems to be the 'inthing' in Malaysian politics. I was thinking it would be a great moment to watch a debate between TUN and ANWAR. The debate would be a historic one. Someone or any organisation could arrange for a debate on many issues and topics. I really hope you can consider seriously of my proposal. The debate is important to clarify matters on Malaysian politics.

Today, I heard from the Australian news that Mr John Howard has been awarded the highest honour of civilian (Not sure of the full title) by his close friend, George Bush. What a shame? The weakest leader (Bush) giving an award to the defunct leader (Howard). He even lost his constituency to a new MP happen to be born in Malaysia.

Wassalam Srazali Aripin Brisbane, Australia By MatAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:41 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Spot on. I think, while not all, a great majority of Americans are not well informed about the situations and happenings around the world. History of Israel is one of them. To think that the US has all the facilities and access to information, it beats me as to why this is so.

To Rob and one Andrew here, it would be great and useful for you to study what Tun M says here (I'm sure you can find the information in many books and in the WWW regarding those). Don't take them as offence first and foremost then maybe you can see something different....well that is just a maybe because if you are Jewish and/or strong supporter of Israel then too bad (and that is definitely you, mr I love Jews). By kamal ahmadAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:47 PM

Salam Ayahanda Tun. Tak habis habis depa duk kata Tun pakai kereta Porsche. Tak habis habis. Tun kena cakap saja terus terang kat depa Tun. Pendekan cerita saja. Saya bagi Tun pinjam saja. Ni kereta Ford Cortina Tun dah siap servis. Saya nak hantar balik ni. Fire extinguisher baru pun saya dah pasang. No problem. Terima kasih. By fariz ghazaliAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 1:54 PM

Rob is a classic example of an american.. FULLSTOP! By BradAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 2:04 PM

Dear TDM,

It's dangerous to assume that Jews are behind all the major conspiracy. I would prefer if you could publish some balanced view on the Palestinian conflict backed up with some accurate facts. Israel had to defend herself from brutal unprovoked attacks from Hamas and other terrorists. It is sad that innocent lives were lost, but none of these would have happened if Hamas weren't hiding in civilian areas, and that they leave the Jews to live in peace. By newgeneAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 2:17 PM

DEAR ANDREW, maybe you should read my comment first before you make up your mind to agree with charles with his clueless opinion on open letter to obama.if you still agree with him,well no doubt that you are a typical american p/s:i wrote my comment on that in this column and please use your heart and brain to think as what what mr.tea dean suggest:) By ChrisAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 2:25 PM

Sir, This is addressed to that birdbrain ROBocop. Hey Bobby, how is your family doin' back in your US of Assholes. Are they happy with 'soled out' Bush? Your military families? Look pal, more US soldiers have died in Iraq/Afghanistan than your countrymen and women in 9/11. Osama is laughing his 'raghead'( I qoute Harry of Westminster) off. Look again, don't mess with our Dr.Mahathir. You are nothing but a puny asshole compared to our foremost statesman. By angahAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 2:52 PM

Hey Rob,

I bet all those people interviewed on the YouTube video posted by Talhal above went to a 'primitive' Malaysian school. Dumb@$$. By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 2:59 PM

Dear Tun,

I am not surprised at all by the the Americans ignorant. What do we expect from them when even their President does not know where Kabul and Baghdad are located before they terrorise the two countries ie Iraq and Afghanistan. What a shame ! So I think it is great when somebody was daring enough to throw his shoes at the President of the most powerful country in the world. The President deserved it. Luckily enough the shoes did not hit directly on his face. If it hit him, he would have turn into A MORON INCREDIBLE HULK !! By Muid LatifAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 3:03 PM

Quote: from anak2tun "I would like to invite you to Malaysia and study here how to be a good human not beast! I wish that I have an opportunity to knock you head!"

Anger is not th best way to help a situation bro ;). just joking.

Now, I know for sure that this 'Rob' have no brain to even get an air ticket to travel anywhere in the world due to his stupidity and naive about other culture and country. Without dignity and pride, the guy sure like to show the world how naive and retarded he can be, and to think he'd be coming here would be a plain oxymoron. I bet he can't even afford to get an air ticket to fly of here.

Dah la, layan orang dunggu tu bukannya boleh dapat faedah, Let's us do more praying and help by donating as much as we can afford. There are a lot of things we can do. Take all the good advices from Tun and everyone who motivate and inspired us, and make it useful to our lives.

By heicalmyAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 3:10 PM

Salam Tun,

BRAVO! my ex PM. TUN Mahathir Mohamad. By lim74Author Profile Page on January 14, 2009 3:30 PM

Idiot!!!...Am not that surprise.....even somebody running for VicePresident Post also dont know where Alaska own Country!!! WTF is that!!!! Now you can imagine about the Citizens... By makan ayamAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 4:20 PM saya memang tidak bersetuju dengan kata2 kuno rob... dia cakap seperti seorang budak middle school di amerika... pemikiran kolot dan sempit... seperti yang tun kata.. dia tidak patut belajar di amerika sebaliknya.... belajar di afghanistan... supaya dia tahu akan kesusahan orang2 yang ditindas... By manhakimAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 4:22 PM



Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. America is owned, controlled and operated by the Zionist. America is their bumper against trouble and loses. The US government, the ignorant Americans, their capitalist economy that is heavily dependant on Jewish inputs and their military might exist solely to serve the global Zionist agenda; and that is to attempt denials to each and every word of the alQuran and the establishment of a New World Order. Term it anything they want, but that is slavery in every form and manners. Americans, from the cradle to the grave they are all enslaved to this Jewish doctrine. Slaves, who would stop all that they are doing, painfully leave their loved ones behind, take up arms and sail half way around the world, to be shot at, to be beheaded, to be bombed, to be maimed; to die for the Jewish agenda. But their government says it’s their duty as Americans to defend their homeland, their freedom and liberty. Their government termed all that as: “ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country”. The cold war has ended, and now they need new threats to keep the Zionist agenda alive and so they created Al Qaeda along with Osama. Osama, an Arab with bad kidneys on drips has managed to elude them all these years? Any real logic to that? I am not talking about Pentagon and White House logic; I am talking about real logic. And now, American kids fresh out of High School, who put their hopes for college educations on ROTC scholarships, gets blown away to pieces in a foreign land that they have never heard off nor have any business in even being there at all in the first place. And all in support of the Jewish Agenda as has been embraced by all their Presidents. The tradition continues just like those turkeys on thanksgiving’s folks.

I call not only to Rob, but to all Americans, to wake up and switch on those brains now! By Han SoloAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 4:38 PM

Dearest Tun,

Way to go, Tun.

We may be fighting with sticks and stones but we have MOUNTAINS of it. By chedeenAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 5:01 PM

Askm Tun & fellow readers

To Rob,

You must be a hillbilly by the sound of you, you obviously have never traveled the world, see places, meet people and study other culture as historically you tried to eliminate your own i.e the Red Indians(native Americans), the African American, Latin Americans etc. You must have also been one of those socalled "popular" kids in school, the type that likes to pick on the weak, nerds, geeks, and so on; somebody who knows something more than you i.e more intelligent then, you are the clown of the class and sit at the bottom ranking on intelligence. I'm pretty much sure you are rather well built but without or just enough brain matter, maybe your thoughts comes from your other "head".

Funny how your people talks about freedom and peace yet, your Government are endorsing wars and financing terror overseas. If freedom what you fight for, what is wrong with dictatorship? communism? or what is not democratic or "The American Way" of ruling the country in your view? Like Tun said, democracy will not work in every country. If the people can live in peace without democracy, why can't you people leave them be? Isn't it their right to opt for what is best for their people and their country? Isn't that freedom to choose?

For all your freedom and your policies, you failed to provide a proper health care system for your people. I guess it's the right of the insurance company to null your insurance and deny coverage, even Cubans have better health care for its people then you do. You owe the world almost $11 trillion($10.6 trillion was mentioned on CNBC), especially China, a communist country. Not to mention that your Government has a $500 billion deficit with a projected $1 trillion. Just to show how 11 trillion looks like,

$11 = tens $110 = hundreds $1,100 = thousands $11,000 = tens of thousands $110,000 = hundreds of thousands $1,100,000 = millions $11,000,000 = tens of millions $110,000,000 = hundreds of millions $1,100,000,000 = billions $11,000,000,000 = tens of billions $110,000,000,000 = hundreds of billions > this is currently how much the U.S is short. $1,000,000,000,000 = trillions > this will be how much the U.S is short. $11,000,000,000,000 = tens of trillions > this is how much the U.S owes the world.


Every country have the right to defend itself, so what is wrong for the Palestinians to defend themselves against the Israelis OPPRESSIONS? Those rockets were fired as the result of the Israelis own doing. The Israelis stole their land, impose blockade on them, deny their state independence while Israel forcefully declare themselves an independent state, they deprive them of their basic humanitarian rights and the list just goes on. Also is there the need for more arms and nuclear weapons? Does defending oneself includes invading and occupying other nations? In comparison, the death toll in Gaza currently is almost 1000 people. That is just within 2 weeks of assault, who knows how many actually died and will die. That is more then the total amount of death in Israel because of rockets fired in several DECADES. And you called that's FAIR and JUST, what crap!

If the Americans and her allies didn't create chaos, self guilt and enemy in this world, I'm sure they have nothing to be afraid of. By zizieAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 5:27 PM dear Tun,

I'm glad you ignorant arrogant Rob in his place. By chedeenAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 5:50 PM

To orang minyak

Please read the news paper more(the world & biz sect) and history books, LEARN and UNDERSTAND them. Probably that would make you reconsider the issues you've addressed.

P.s, there's nothing much about the U.S foreign policies to admire or to be desired. Let me ask you several questions,

1. Are you willing to incur debt that is beyond your means i.e living a life with ridiculously high debt? 2. Do you want foreign powers to intervene with the nations affair? 3. How do you feel if every sector in the country are owned by noncountry men? 4. Will you choose to suffer like the Americans when their economy fall? Jobless and what not. 5. Would you like to be an "American"? haha.

So think WISELY and CAREFULLY before you even say or write anything. By emvilleAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 6:15 PM

Nice going Rob! Now you see how others see USA as a country. If nothing been done by your leaders, I'm sure nobody will want to say bad things about your country, which usually will translate back to its people! By austoziAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 6:54 PM

I don't know about you but I find it amusing when Malaysians shout "boycott US goods!"

You must either be joking or naive. Honestly, without US goods, both the public and private sectors will immediately shut down. No medical equipment in IJN. No flights from MAS. No computers or Internet so we can't shout in the comfort of our homes "boycott US goods!". The antihypertensive drugs, anticancer drugs that many Malaysians rely on to survive on a daily basis, many of them are US inventions.

Let's face it. Give ourselves 10 years, we will still not be able to replace all the US goods we decide to boycott today with Japanese or European equivalents, let alone local ones.

So, I take it that actually, you mean "SELECTIVELY boycott US goods!", which is lame.

Quit your jobs? Those who earn a fat, comfortable income by fleecing the rakyat should just shut up. They do not understand how important a job, ANY job, is to the average Malaysian.

What we are doing today to "stand up against injustices against the Muslim world" is just trying too hard to win a popularity contest in the OIC. There is no practicality to it.

Don't blame the US. We can only blame ourselves for not making ourselves relevant to the world, for helping shape US into the sole world super power, empowering them to do whatever they fancy. Very similar to BN in its heydays in my opinion. Of course the US can afford to be arrogant. BN can tell you that. By suara anak mudaAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 7:00 PM

HIDUP TUN..HIDUP MALAYSIA..I'M PROUD TO BE MALAYSIAN.. By hanifAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 7:34 PM

Salam Tun,


By Orang Minyak on January 14, 2009 1:38 PM

However, I don't feel this means I have to adopt the sycophantic attitude of many other readers of your blog. I feel that in replying to Rob's you have committed many of his generalistic, sweeping statement mistakes and have displayed a level of ignorance yourself. ONE OF THE WAY TO ANSWER TO PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT AWARE THAT THEY ARE IGNORANT IS TO ANSWER THEM IN IGNORANT WAY.

You said: "I am always saddened by the ignorance of the average American." The average American is not dumber than the average Malaysian. It is easy for us to be wellinformed about the biggest power in the world. How much does the average Malaysian know about Mozambique? Can they point it out on a map? IT IS NOT WRONG TO HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT SOMETHING (IN THIS CASE, ONE COUNTRY) BUT, IT IS WRONG TO COMMENT ON SOMETHING OR A COUNTRY THAT WE DONT KNOW.

You said: "I understand hardly any Jews were in the building. They were not incinerated." Many Jews died in the attacks, as did Muslims.It is an urban myth perpetuated by antisemites that no Jews died that day. I suggest you watch a documentary called "The protocols of Zion". Look up the list of casualties online, and count the number of names with "stein, baum, berg etc.)Your antisemitic attitude on this disappoints me. At the same time, I do not wish to lessen the plight of the Palestinians. No war is just. TUN SAID SORRY FOR ALL THE VICTIMS BRO.

You said: "I don't like terrorism but I also don't like terrorism by Governments." I admire your stance on this. However, where was the world's (and your's) outcry when Hamas was launching rockets into Israel? What did Hamas expect was going to happen? I don't agree with Israel's military incursion into Gaza, but how else do you defend yourself against a terrorist Palestinian government without force? HOW CLEVER OF YOU ON THIS! I WANNA ASK YOU WHO IS ON THE DEFENSIVE SIDE? ARE YOU YOURSELF BEING IGNORANCE ON THIS FACT? THIS IS THE WHOLE STORY ALL ABOUT BRO! IT DOES NOT START WHEN HAMAS ATTACK ISRAEL, BUT IT STARTS WHEN JEWS INVADE PALESTINE AND CHASED AWAY PALESTINIAN OUT OF THEIR OWN LAND. ONE MORE THING, I DONT WANT TO ARGUE WITH YOU WHETHER WHAT HAMAS DID IS RIGHT OR WRONG, BUT WHAT MORE DO YOU EXPECT FROM THESE PALESTINIAN?

You said: "You don't have to be frightened of us. But we must be frightened of the murdering bullies whom you think so highly of." American foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired. However, there are worse regimes in the world that we could be criticising. Don't just pick on the US because it's easy. They're the world's biggest superpower. It's easy to use them as a scapegoat. Where was the Muslim world's criticism of Saddam Hussein? Or the Taliban? Or the numerous murderous leaders who weren't American? Why doesn't the Muslim attack its own despots? Why the double standards? IT IS NOT AN EASY PICK, IT IS CLEAR AMERICA IS IN FAVOUR OF ISRAEL AND USING THE VETO POWER TO WARRANT WHAT ISRAEL DID RATHER THAN SOLVING THE ISSUE, CLAIMING THEY ARE THE HUMAN RIGHT CHAMPION, THE SUPERPOWER AND BLABLABLA.....

I respect your views on many areas of current events, but on this letter, I have to disagree. There are always two sides to a coin. YES YOU ARE RIGHT, TWO SIDES OF A COIN, BUT THIS IS NOT A COIN BRO. EVERYTHING IS CLEAR.

I sympathise with the Palestinian people and hope for a speedy end to the conflict. THANK YOU, I HOPE IT IS A REAL HOPE AND NOT MERELY A NICE WORD TO HEAR?

KNOW THE WHOLE STORY AND MAKE UP YOUR MIND BEFORE U COMMENT PLEASE. By Tea DeanAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 8:32 PM

Mr Andrew/Bob/Rob/other bloggers,

1. We do see pictures of killed Israelis. We are sad of course, regardless of who they are, Palestinians or Israelis but the ratio is like 4 dead Israelis pics to 100 dead Palestinians. I'm not talking to Hamas or whatsoever.

2. You said we are proIslam while we say we are prohumanity. Because not all Palestinians are Islam. We do look at both side and had debated about it. But it seems that most of the bad go to the Israelis. it's not the first time that this war happen between them, it was since hundred over years ago.

3. Go study history of the world, don't be biased. The lands are not ours. It was well said in the old book somewhere, if you search for them, you'll find why we are against the thing we are against.

4. Don't do thing because of other people do it, don't believe thing because of others believe it. Study things even if you are born with it. The truth is within yourself. You always know the answers of all the question you raise. Don't assume you know the whole world when you study only the history of yourself. By OrgLepihAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 8:39 PM

What can you expect from people who calls almost every single event in their country 'WORLD SERIES'. They live in their own world... By thebigdipperAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 9:56 PM

Kudos Tun, Lets hope Rob is not typical of the American. He indeed is shallow. By RoyAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:07 PM

Dear Tun,

I am surprised that you still want to entertain Rob when everyone here knows how stupid Rob is, representing whole bunch of his people. If they are smart people, they won't be in cohort with Israelis to commit crimes against innocent people.

Rob and his relatives are no more than bunch of liars and stupid creatures in this lovely world. Let them be. By delimaAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:27 PM

Rob.. please wake up!!! I think you can access the internet ...a lot of information you can get to help you to enhance your knowledge... I've no issue to teach you on how to use search engines ..i.e Yahoo or Google ... very funny..we though American is clever but I don't understand why majority of your people elected Bush as President. By zulAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:28 PM asalamualaikum Tun, Hi stupid idiot Rob...... you think your last President so good..ahhh?kids also know that killing people(childrens,sick man,their mother,their sister,their brother,innocent people) is are bad thing#$%?!you think your chuck norris,steven seagal,Spiderman,Superman,Batman...... good?it's all about your campaigned like your film..terrorist is bad people,your hero is good people.your FBI very good,very sophisticated,very intelligent...ohh ya?Why 11.Sept your WTC collapsed happened?if you think your people very good,came to Malaysia & send your M.A expert...try our primitive & traditional Malay martial art.i can guarantee,even 1 inch you can't move...... ! By yuanmingAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:28 PM

Dear Rob,

We all knew that American is stupid but we don't speak out, we just sit at the back and watch you all make movie, you know why I said so? Example this economic crisis happened in US now, US have Harvard University, MIT, Washington University and others top ranking Universities, top CEO, top management but look with your own eyes, what happened to US now, all gone because manage by all those stupid graduate from those top university, what a stupid story that I ever heard !! what you said Rob, maybe you also have a PhD or maybe a fake PhD from one of your top University in US ??

Well, I don't have any MBA or PhD as what all top CEO have, but I can manage a company well, look at GM, Ford, and other top giant corporate company which manage by top CEO graduated from Harvard or MIT, hear what I say, SO WHAT !! you still need get bail from US government, remember that your new President name is Barrack Hussein Obama, look at middle name is Malay name, you also can said that he is from Islam country and he is terrorist as well??

Sometimes I wonder you all American use hips to think or brain to think?? Anyway, I guess you are one of the one who got layoff by the company, that is why Jesus punish you, how can imagine 2,600,000 people's jobless, congratulate to you, for sure in this amount there is many graduates from Havard, hahahaha.

700 billion USD bailout, oh my god, oh Jesus christ, you should shout loudly, but no need to worry, US have hightech printer, no money? no problem at all, you can print USD as much as you can, all the graduate from Havard or MIT University only manage the company to be bankrupt, do you agree ?

Patrick By miawAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 10:44 PM

Dear ROB, don't embarrass yourself with your stupidity.. By hasnuddinAuthor Profile Page on January 14, 2009 11:13 PM

Dear Rob,

I'm a Malaysian.

MY Height : Almost 6ft My Weight : Almost 100 Kg My Shoe : Size 9.

Thank god you are far away.If you are nearby ,I'm very happy to let you kiss my shoes.And for your info i'm a civil contractor.I wear a safety shoe.(Got steel on it)..Lucky Rob....unlucky Bush.

By SangNagaUtamaAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 12:10 AM


If I were to agree with Americans on labelling those who bomb the 2 WTC tower & killed 3000 people as TERRORIST, can you tell me what do we called country who BOMB TWO CITY namely HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI & killed millions not long ago, for whatever the excuses was ???? tell me please.

I think invading other people country is just in your gene.

I would to ask you more questions even though I'm unsure whether your stage of IQ permit you to ponder for the answers....

1.Can you tell me who invades Red Indian land and claimed they discover the land ???

2.Who invades the Maori's land ?

3.Who invades the South Africa turns the origins into slaves?

I guess you would never know coz you always tot that you were born in America,it belongs to you.... same goes to those conquering the above countries.

Its not your own, then only you forced democracy .... should it be your ancestor land ... you would have always want a monarch system, .... well I guess I'm just wasting my time telling "robbers" that it is not yours just because you able to grab it. sigh... By F13Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 12:34 AM

Hey Rob, did you realize with whom you talking to?? He is our beloved hero... Looks like you've got what u deserve... CONGRATS!!! hahahah By asgoodasitgetsAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 12:48 AM chedet,

I am saddened that you had to spend time and blogspace to respond to a pea like Rob when there are other pressing matters.

Rob is a typical American whose idea of a foreign vacation is a trip to Hawaii. God, that is not even foreign.

The rest of the world knows how beautiful Sipadan is, I have German friends who lamented the fact that there is no direct flight from Frankfurt to Sipadan, yet most Americans have not even ventured outside its borders, let alone been to Malaysia.

My 2 sen. By mOckAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 1:12 AM

Hey ROb..

You are the perfect example of blind man that certainly can see.. i wonder how on earth that you had guts and balls to speak out your "cleverness" to the public. Not all American is "bright" as you so to speak.. Even your President is the most "intelligent" American that almost had a size 8 shoes on his funny smile.

The Israeli has been a terrorist for so many years since 1948. Did you know the Palestinian have been driven out of their homeland in order to form an illegal nation of Israel? Back by your great country, The Zionist regime had become too arrogant and can act to what ever they desire to do. Even Ehud Olmert admitted that he control your government by ordering your most “intelligent” president ever elected, not to agree with the PBB resolution to end Gaza conflict.

To Tun, your words speak so loud when you mention about how Zionist not the jew few years back they controlling the world by proxy and that is clearly true even a small children can understand it.. but not to Rob and his buddy,Bush.. Please stop the antiSemitic bla..bla.bla.. the holocaust are long gone.. now the new one in Gaza must be stop immediatel. By Budin607Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 1:13 AM

Salam Tun

I read the comments sent in by Rob... my first thought.... it just goes to show how shallow the thought process of this particular caucasian (assuming he is one that is) character is. I just pray that he is one of the vocal minority. I have come across a few Americans during the course of my work and yes most of them think they are more superior from the rest of the world (thanks to their Hollywood make believe feel good American movies)but in reality they are not. They are loud and vocal with their views on the surface but underneath there is nothing much to shout about. I have also friends from Europe and they shared the same view too when dealing with the Americans. What they can boast of is their military might (used to be plus their economic might but we all know thats all crap now) but any country can boast the same if their defence spendings is as big as the US!

By MAMZAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 1:20 AM

To Rob, CVCO, Andrew & I love Jews...

Please wake up! After killing so many innocent people, you try to hide your countries sins?

This is not about Christian vs Muslim world. This is about Zionism that rules the world "by proxy". All these 4 idiots may be the Zionist's proxies. By narienAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 1:23 AM

Dear Rob,

It is your right to be stupid. It is even okay to show it but please let it be within your ignorant countrymen, not the whole world(especially not to Malaysian) By ogos31Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:24 AM

Hello Rob,

As usual you and your country only know how to talk big but fire blank.

Go back to school...and if u want i can teach u some true history lesson... By HBTAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:33 AM


I would like to tell Rob (I prefer to nickname him Robber), I do not boycott USA blindly, for example I will continue support Window XP, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino Pizza, Burger King, definetely not McDonalds. I love movies, especially movies with both side story that will let the audience decide for eg. 9/11, Flags of our father and Forrest Gump. I do hope that the hollywood movie makers will come out with more of these movies, not the Iron Man, Bat Man, Superman, Spiderman, Air Force One, The Mummy, that will only tell the world that Americans love NATO Never Act Talk Only and STUPID.....

By the way, I hate GUESS and Coach, even I can get clone product of these 2 brands, I would never buy because I wanna tell you guys and gals that I have my own standard issue brands, that is I will support local brand products. I have learned this strategy from you Rob.

Rob, never2 underestimate the world power, Your Obama's greatest enemies are himself and the American citizens!!!!

Go home and mess with your new President, this is not a right place for you to park your comment here!

Good day Tun. By sweetAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 10:30 AM

Dear Rob,

How dare u talk to Tun unwisely, Tun is a genius! u will eat ur own words easily. hehehe.

U r the resembles of the average United States Citizens. U r the shame of United States. Do not speak when u r ignorance of the truth of what's happening in this world. Believe me, American citizens lives in fantasy from the Media lies. They don't know moch of the turth, it's a pity for u all.

True what Tun said, u need to study at other place then America. By KuyomAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 10:45 AM

Asalamualaikum Tun..tahniah kerana Tun telah diberi Hidayah dari Allah Dan Semangat Perjuangan dan kebijaksanaan yang tinggi...Apa yang Tun lakukan ini juga adalah satu JIHAD....ALLAHUKAKBAR.... By katun66Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:25 AM

Ha ha ha Rob (Rotten Of Brain)

I wish I can go to US again and kick your ball and bring back for lion.

When I was working in US, i never met you and nobody in US know you, but why most of your US buddies know DR Mahathir

(Daily joke in email By lampu basikalAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:43 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

By PembelaAuthor Profile Page on January 13, 2009 8:01 PM


1. Boycott US Dollar.

2. Boycott US Hollywood movies, songs, comics and arts.

3. Boycott US products, services and businesses.

4. Boycott US funds, investors, fund managers and businessman.

5. Boycott US people and government

6. Boycott US country.

BOYCOTT US = "Ultimate Satan" of the "Ultimate Sin" !!!


BOYCOTT US PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh God....protect us.

Oh God....DESTROY them all.

Oh God.... show NO MERCY on them and burn them all in hell.

Because.... they show NO MERCY and DESTROYING peace on your earth.

Ashes to ashes....dust to dust...



P/S:I like this guy but dont boycott the movies, songs.....we make pirate copies of them. Just a thought..... By ShaharudinAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 12:47 PM

Dearest Tun, Somehow we cannot educate Rob the like, unless he himself do it. On the face value, majority of the American are peace loving, value human life, value quality of life and freedom. The sum is they got a heart. there are some how are ignorance & arrogence we as a Muslim must forgive them. We believe in Allah, the problem is we are totally not commited to these believe??. Pray to Allah for guidence, pray that all human who believe in GOD for His mercy, Muslim as One,All Arab united. Believe Allah, strengthen the economy of Egypt,Jordan, Lebanon & Syria. Read Surah Fatihah. The Arab has suffered for 64 years under brutal ocuppation it will go on for the next 100 years if the current strategy is continues.Be a good muslim, the the reward will be our American the mighty Muslim Nation will protect the world. By PohAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 2:11 PM

Dear Tun,

Many have said the things I want to say here. It suffice to say that I am with you on this all the way.

Good day.

Poh By Pootz In BootsAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 3:23 PM

Bodoh piyaq Rob ni..... Typical Americans... rednecks.... I hate calling names but then again berani pulak la badigol ni komen kat PM kita....ooppss exPM... I still personally feel that we only have 4PMs.... By LittleMalays75Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 3:33 PM

Hello ROB, This is answer from our former the Great Prime Minister in Malaysia. Please don't write the comments if you not understand the situation. Please ROB and i think you really stupid to understand.

* Sorry Y.BHG TUN, My english very bad because my time in school no have english language in Math and Sciences and also no have PLKN. Can i tell this your fault to us before TUN(Sorry, hope other people understand what i say) By The ZulAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 4:17 PM

Its Ok being Stupid Rob but you don't have to let the whole world know that you are Stupid !! I hope you are not stupid enough not to know how many Red Indians were killed before you took over their land or country rather. By mryuppyAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 4:45 PM i think the king of ingnorant are muslim, muslim ingnorant what Allah say what Prophet say. muslim ignorance about sin, muslim shall be a best man on earth, because ignorance guildline from who create us, that why we always leave behind,we need somebody to lead the people as Saladin. please be ingnorant people for my english grammar. By KeribangAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 4:46 PM

Rob,U epitomised average American that are ignorant and clueless about other people feelings towards your country..what type of country installed "a brainless,heartless Moron" to be their President?Having said recently that his track records(Bush)of defending America is strong,but the truth of the matter is he is no where near to our beloved Tun M intellegence.That goes to u too ,Rob.. By asdszsAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 5:09 PM

I would like to reply to SangNagaUtama's comment on why the destruction of the wtc towers is indeed an act of terrorism (with respect though). Yes, the americans did indeed bomb hiroshima and nagasaki but the reasons for that are quite simple. Japan at that time had taken over most of asia, including malaysia and america was trying to force Japan to surrender and stop the killing a raping of innocent people. However, the amount of people killed (some innocent) is indeed quite uncalled for.

The bombing of the wtc towers ,on the other hand, has no proper reasons. As it was a 'counterattack" on america, in a war that they themselves started. However, i am not implying anything bad about muslims, as i feel everyone has the right to believe in their own faith.

On the matter of the american invading the red indians, it was actually the british that found america and claimed it theirs (america wasnt even there yet).However, I do agree that it was wrong of the americans for violating the rights of the africans and invading the maori.And even though america has done wrong and isnt perfect, nobody in this world is.Even though i'm not a muslim nor a malaysian i too agree that what rob has written is indeed wrong insultive and one sided.

Regards to Dr Mahatir and Malaysia By KeribangAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 5:14 PM

I want to believe that you represent a small majority of Americans that does not sympathise the plight of the Palestinian.Children,innocent civilians were randomly bombed and merciless Israelis showered praises over their military achievement..yet being fearful of our God Almighty,we pray that Israel/US economy will collapse,other countries no longer interested to have businesses with them,unemployment rising,lack of fund to finance your military budget and to pay your servicemen's salaries.Beware!Godwilling you'll crumble before your own eyes. By penang78Author Profile Page on January 15, 2009 6:32 PM

Salam Tun, saya sungguh kagum tgk cara Tun membalas komen dari Rob!! Way to go TUN!!!

Si Rob tentu terdiam membaca komen dari Tun nie... By nridzuanAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 6:48 PM

LuCakap ke LuCerita ...

Took the words right outta me! hahaha gud one By YelloWAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 9:07 PM


1 suicide bomber killed approximately 20 peoples..what about 17000 peoples who killed about 1000 and 3000 injured innocent peoples?? go back to school and learn mathematics.. By HajarAuthor Profile Page on January 15, 2009 11:32 PM

Dearest Tun,

1. Obviously, Mr. Rob was speaking on behalf of the American Government. I agree that most of the American leaders are ignorant and VERY arrogant.

2. But, I believe that the Americans (common people) in general are nice people. I know quite a number of very nice Americans.

3. To Mr. Rob: Based on your writeup, it is SO obvious that you REALLY need to improve your knowledge further so that you are aware of what’s happening in this world. You are the one who’s OBSOLETE. Next time, please write something based on FACTS & please UPDATE your knowledge accordingly. Thank you.

May Allah SWT bless Tun and family. By Alvin KassimAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:39 AM

This is a reminder of what that idiot Rob wrote before so we may all see how shallow his thinking is and what an idiot he is:

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants the United States to weaken ourselves because he is intimidated and fearful of our more advanced society. Many countries are becoming obsolete due to advances in technology and don’t know how keep up.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pretends the United States did NOT suffer an attack on our homeland where 3000 of our innocent citizens were incinerated in their place of employment. He wants us to let dictators, governments and terrorists organize and plan their acts of evil.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants the United States to stop defending itself and to stop killing terrorists. He thinks the United States is to blame for evil in this world, and it has absolutely nothing to do with primitive cultures, archaic religions, aggressive and torturous fathers who know nothing about how to raise boys to be good and productive adults. The fact that terrorists hide behind women and children is irrelevant to him.

He wants us to stop supporting Israel, who’s citizens are regularly terrorized by suicide bombers and are regularly bombed from Hamas operatives launching rockets from civilian garages.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad thinks the United States should stop punishing bad behavior and thinks we should have continued to allow Saddam Hussein kill people with poison gas and bury them in mass graves. According to him, the rape and torture rooms should still be open and people continue to be fed to the lions (after all, lions have to eat also).

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad wants us to stop defending ourselves with advanced technology, like missile defense systems and weapons which kill fewer civilians. He also wants the United States to end capitalism, which shares the basic human need for freedom and liberty. He does not want us to have any allies in this world that share these ideals and wants us to sign international agreements to weaken the United States and appease his anxiety over his countries weakness and incompetence. Finally, we should apparently join him in appeasement, incompetence and wasting time and money through the United Nations.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad should go back to school, perhaps in the United States, and start informing himself somewhat better. By gedd5Author Profile Page on January 16, 2009 8:29 AM

The moral insanity behind the lies and crimes of Israel in Gaza By Uri Avnery

Nearly 70 ago, in the course of World War II, a heinous crime was committed in the city of Leningrad. For more than 1000 days, a gang of extremists called “the Red Army” held the millions of the town's inhabitants hostage and provoked retaliation from the German Wehrmacht from inside the population centers. The Germans had no alternative but to bomb and shell the population and to impose a total blockade, which caused the death of hundreds of thousands.

Some time before that, a similar crime was committed in England. The Churchill gang hid among the population of London, misusing the millions of citizens as a human shield. The Germans were compelled to send their Luftwaffe and reluctantly reduce the city to ruins. They called it the Blitz.

This is the description that would now appear in the history books – if the Germans had won the war.

Absurd? No more than the daily descriptions in our media, which are being repeated ad nauseam: the Hamas “terrorists” use the inhabitants of Gaza as “hostages” and exploit the women and children as “human shields”, they leave us no alternative but to carry out massive bombardments, in which, to our deep sorrow, thousands of women, children and unarmed men are killed and injured.

In this war, as in any modern war, propaganda plays a major role. The disparity between the forces, between the Israeli army – with its warplanes, gunships, drones, warships, artillery and tanks – and the few thousand lightly armed Hamas fighters, is one to a thousand, perhaps one to a million. In the political arena the gap between them is even wider. But in the propaganda war, the gap is almost infinite.

Almost all the Western media initially repeated the official Israeli propaganda line. They almost entirely ignored the Palestinian side of the story, not to mention the daily demonstrations of the Israeli peace camp. The rationale of the Israeli government (“The state must defend its citizens against the Qassam rockets”) has been accepted as the whole truth. The view from the other side, that the Qassams are a retaliation for the siege that starves the one and a half million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, was not mentioned at all.

Only when the horrible scenes from Gaza started to appear on Western TV screens did world public opinion gradually begin to change.

True, Western and Israeli TV channels showed only a tiny fraction of the dreadful events that appear 24 hours every day on AlJazeera's Arabic channel, but one picture of a dead baby in the arms of its terrified father is more powerful than a thousand elegantly constructed sentences from the Israeli army spokesman. And that is what is decisive, in the end.

War – every war – is the realm of lies. Whether called propaganda or psychological warfare, everybody accepts that it is right to lie for one's country. Anyone who speaks the truth runs the risk of being branded a traitor.

The trouble is that propaganda is most convincing for the propagandist himself. And after you convince yourself that a lie is the truth and falsification reality, you can no longer make rational decisions.

An example of this process surrounds the most shocking atrocity of this war so far: the shelling of the UN Fakhura school in Jabaliya refugee camp.

Immediately after the incident became known throughout the world, the army “revealed” that Hamas fighters had been firing mortars from near the school entrance. As proof they released an aerial photo which indeed showed the school and the mortar. But within a short time the official army liar had to admit that the photo was more than a year old. In brief: a falsification.

Later the official liar claimed that “our soldiers were shot at from inside the school”. Barely a day passed before the army had to admit to UN personnel that that was a lie, too. Nobody had shot from inside the school, no Hamas fighters were inside the school, which was full of terrified refugees.

But the admission made hardly any difference anymore. By that time, the Israeli public was completely convinced that “they shot from inside the school”, and TV announcers stated this as a simple fact.

So it went with the other atrocities. Every baby metamorphosed, in the act of dying, into a Hamas “terrorist”. Every bombed mosque instantly became a Hamas base, every apartment building an arms cache, every school a terror command post, every civilian government building a “symbol of Hamas rule”. Thus the Israeli army retained its purity as the “most moral army in the world”.

The truth is that the atrocities are a direct result of the war plan. This reflects the personality of Ehud Barak – a man whose way of thinking and actions are clear evidence of what is called “moral insanity”, a sociopathic disorder.

The real aim (apart from gaining seats in the coming elections) is to terminate the rule of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. In the imagination of the planners, Hamas is an invader which has gained control of a foreign country. The reality is, of course, entirely different.

The Hamas movement won the majority of the votes in the eminently democratic elections that took place in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. It won because the Palestinians had come to the conclusion that Fatah's peaceful approach had gained precisely nothing from Israel – neither a freeze of the settlements, nor release of the prisoners, nor any significant steps toward ending the occupation and creating the Palestinian state. Hamas is deeply rooted in the population ... but also as a political and religious body that provides social, educational and medical services.

From the point of view of the population, the Hamas fighters are not a foreign body, but the sons of every family in the Strip and the other Palestinian regions. They do not “hide behind the population”, the population views them as their only defenders.

Therefore, the whole operation is based on erroneous assumptions. Turning life into living hell does not cause the population to rise up against Hamas, but on the contrary, it unites behind Hamas and reinforces its determination not to surrender. The population of Leningrad did not rise up against Stalin, any more than the Londoners rose up against Churchill.

He who gives the order for such a war with such methods in a densely populated area knows that it will cause dreadful slaughter of civilians. Apparently that did not touch him. Or he believed that “they will change their ways” and “it will sear their consciousness”, so that in future they will not dare to resist Israel.

A top priority for the planners was the need to minimize casualties among the soldiers, knowing that the mood of a large part of the prowar public would change if reports of such casualties came in. That is what happened in Lebanon Wars I and II.

This consideration played an especially important role because the entire war is a part of the election campaign. Ehud Barak, who gained in the polls in the first days of the war, knew that his ratings would collapse if pictures of dead soldiers filled the TV screens.

Therefore, a new doctrine was applied: to avoid losses among our soldiers by the total destruction of everything in their path. The planners were not only ready to kill 80 Palestinians to save one Israeli soldier, as has happened, but also 800. The avoidance of casualties on our side is the overriding commandment, which is causing record numbers of civilian casualties on the other side.

That means the conscious choice of an especially cruel kind of warfare – and that has been its Achilles heel.

A person without imagination, like Barak (his election slogan: “Not a Nice Guy, but a Leader”) cannot imagine how decent people around the world react to actions like the killing of whole extended families, the destruction of houses over the heads of their inhabitants, the rows of boys and girls in white shrouds ready for burial, the reports about people bleeding to death over days because ambulances are not allowed to reach them, the killing of doctors and medics on their way to save lives, the killing of UN drivers bringing in food. The pictures of the hospitals, with the dead, the dying and the injured lying together on the floor for lack of space, have shocked the world. No argument has any force next to an image of a wounded little girl lying on the floor, twisting with pain and crying out: “Mama! Mama!”

The planners thought that they could stop the world from seeing these images by forcibly preventing press coverage. The Israeli journalists, to their shame, agreed to be satisfied with the reports and photos provided by the army spokesman, as if they were authentic news, while they themselves remained miles away from the events. Foreign journalists were not allowed in either, until they protested and were taken for quick tours in selected and supervised groups. But in a modern war, such a sterile manufactured view cannot completely exclude all others – the cameras are inside the strip, in the middle of the hell, and cannot be controlled. AlJazeera broadcasts the pictures around the clock and reaches every home.

The battle for the TV screen is one of the decisive battles of the war.

Hundreds of millions of Arabs from Mauritania to Iraq, more than a billion Muslims from Nigeria to Indonesia see the pictures and are horrified. This has a strong impact on the war. Many of the viewers see the rulers of Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority as collaborators with Israel in carrying out these atrocities against their Palestinian brothers.

The security services of the Arab regimes are registering a dangerous ferment among the peoples. Hosni Mubarak, the most exposed Arab leader because of his closing of the Rafah crossing in the face of terrified refugees, started to pressure the decisionmakers in Washington, who until that time had blocked all calls for a ceasefire. These began to understand the menace to vital American interests in the Arab world and suddenly changed their attitude – causing consternation among the complacent Israeli diplomats.

People with moral insanity cannot really understand the motives of normal people and must guess their reactions. “How many divisions has the Pope?” Stalin sneered. “How many divisions have people of conscience?” Ehud Barak may well be asking.

As it turns out, they do have some. Not numerous. Not very quick to react. Not very strong and organized. But at a certain moment, when the atrocities overflow and masses of protesters come together, that can decide a war.

The failure to grasp the nature of Hamas has caused a failure to grasp the predictable results. Not only is Israel unable to win the war, Hamas cannot lose it.

Even if the Israeli army were to succeed in killing every Hamas fighter to the last man, even then Hamas would win. The Hamas fighters would be seen as the paragons of the Arab nation, the heroes of the Palestinian people, models for emulation by every youngster in the Arab world. The West Bank would fall into the hands of Hamas like a ripe fruit, Fatah would drown in a sea of contempt, the Arab regimes would be threatened with collapse.

If the war ends with Hamas still standing, bloodied but unvanquished, in face of the mighty Israeli military machine, it will look like a fantastic victory, a victory of mind over matter.

What will be seared into the consciousness of the world will be the image of Israel as a bloodstained monster, ready at any moment to commit war crimes and not prepared to abide by any moral restraints. This will have severe consequences for our longterm future, our standing in the world, our chance of achieving peace and quiet.

In the end, this war is a crime against ourselves too, a crime against Israel.

Uri Avnery is an Israeli journalist, writer and peace activist.

(Source: By JamalAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 9:47 AM








How can I boycott American products while my computer is very important. Any software not made in USA..... By hmlAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:00 PM

Wisdom: that's what really matters and Tun, you've shown it significantly. Bravo By EMDAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:19 PM

What happened to Rob? Went back to school I guess. :) By Wanie IdayuAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 12:23 PM

Hello everybody!

I would like to say well written letter Tun to Obama & well replied to Rob. I don't think he will be reading your reply though coz as we all know of his "ignorant"ness. Heh. well done Hanif for replying to Orang Minyak. I was worried that everybody is too bz wanting to congratulate Tun on the reply. In addition to that yes, most of us don't know where Mozambique is BUT do we go and say / comment on something that we don't know & just assume?? Heh. Think thoroughly la Orang Minyak before "revealing" your notsothoughtof opinion as for Pak Pandir 08 do you want to help the poor Paletinians or do you want to vent out your hatred towards Tun?? I agreed that if we are using cars from the German & US sell it out & let them suffer (if we can make them suffer). By the way, if kitorang sokong Tun or "BODEK" as you call it, kitorang bukan dapat apa. "BODEK" tu hanya sesuai digunakan apabila kita memberi kata2 yg tidak ikhlas utk mendapatkan sesuatu drpd org yg kita tgh berkata2 tu. Jadiknya, ikhlas tak ikhlas tu, koboleh nampak ke?? Lg pulak, kalau kau boleh bagi pandangan mengikut suka ati kau, suka ati orangla kita nak bagi pandangan mcm mana. Kena ikut rentak kau ke??? to austouzi. GET OVER YOURSELF will ya?? If you think of it, of course we can't boycott all of the stuff. This is not because we don't want to, but because we CAN'T. So whatever little SELECTIVE things that we can do, by all means DO IT! Just because we cannot boycott all doesn't mean that we shouldn't boycott at all just because it is impossible to make any significant difference. And hey, if you or any other people wants to continue living ignorantbliss well, kubur lain2. God is Almighty. TQ Very Much. By DrPerfectAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 1:52 PM

Salute to Mr. Rob By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 2:50 PM dear rob, its such a sad thing to have a retarded human being controlling the government of your country never in history of mankind, a leader of the biggest power in the world is considered retarded... By M. Shahirasul IdrewoodsAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 4:27 PM

Maybe Rob need some enlightenment of his own regime. Or perhaps let's go to schooling in USA.

Then we can learn how to torture people and deny their rights as happened in Guantanamo.

Then we can learn about citizen rights of how US Muslim citizen denied their rights to fly in commercial plane.

Ah, also important thing to learn is how to be a world class marketer by selling an air and make it worth maybe USD 50 billion?

And perhaps we will also learn how to successfully be a successful killer. I want to be a sniper!!!

Can Rob tell me which school and which course I should enrolled into? By beautyAuthor Profile Page on January 16, 2009 11:22 PM


I think The US and The Jewish (TERRORIST) now is totally in fear. All the time......

I feel sorry for u.

I've been to The U.S last 2 years , for the first time i thought what the t.v showed about your technolgy etc might be what i was about to witness.But.. I was shocked ! Your place are dirty and freaking people are too many distubing people on the street. Your idea of technology, modernize etc has nothing to do with helping innocent people. I think a 4 year old knows what is right and wrong, better than you.

By yet18Author Profile Page on January 17, 2009 2:10 AM saya cuba sedaya upaya untuk boikot usa dan israel... By bujeesAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 11:59 AM

Thanks Tun, for your response on ROB comments. ROB is typical Americans citizen , ingnorance, arrogant and dumb. I remember when I was in US few years back, at the Dulles Airport, I was received by one of the US official. The 1st question he asked me when we were in the car is " Well, Where is Malaysia anyway? Is it at the Broneo Island ?. U see how ingnorance is he.He was tasked to recieve me,an offical from other country, he should done his homework or he should not ask that silly question in the first place. It is very embrasssing. My answer to his question is ; Well Mr John, Malaysia is located in South East Asia, where Thailand is its neigbor in the north, Singapore in the South, Indonesia is at the West and Philipines is at the East. At the center on these 4 countries, there is a nation called MALAYSIA. His Response , Ohh yeah now i know ! By Mis_bahAuthor Profile Page on January 17, 2009 3:18 PM

Assalamu Alaikum Tun,

To Rob and Andrew, I think both of you have jumped into a wrong ocean.Next time you should use your sopisticated technology to measure the depth of ocean you are intended to jump into. Otherwise you may drown. It is shame if people from a primitive country like us look as a moron developed people. By Bravo Echo Echo RomeoAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:45 AM

For you to say all Americans are ignorant of the world is totally out of context. No, we know more of the world than any of you in Malaysia who hears or reads your censored news and newspaper that are controlled by your government. You feed propaganda to your people and most are as blind as sheeps. We have educated and capable people leading our country and you have high school educated, money politics corrupted leaders. Just for your information, the United States of America is the most powerful nation in the world and can sustain itself to feed all it's own people and has all the necessary resources to stand on it's own two feet. We don't need anybody if we chose to. Who cares what you or your blind supporters think about what you think or say. There is a word in history. To the victor belongs the spoils. Yes,we are arrogant to the point that we will destroy all terrorists who supports and kills Americans. Yes, the average Americans may not want to know what is not important to them like Malaysia. What is there to benefit in Malaysia? There is nothing that interest us except we were requested to train your worthless government employees how to conduct business. Yes, we are sorry about innocent lives taken in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. However, we do not regret the fact that it sends a message to the rest of the world that we mean business and will make life miserable for you if you mess with us. Collateral damage is a reality. There is no simple solution on civilian casualties unless the two fighting parties step into a ring and slugs it out and leaves the civilians out of harms way. No, we know and cares more than you think about democracy and freedom for the rest of the world, as our country was paid with blood for freedom. We will shed more blood to upkeep it if needed. Stop your propaganda bovine manure to you people. By non jibaokAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:12 AM

Hey man Mr. Rob, I hope you read this comment, okay?

Lu bodoh punya Buffalo Bill. Don’t be khuatir Tun., si Jibaok tu tak paham pun Bahasa Melayu lah !!

I say man, Mr. Rob. What garbage are you spilling out against our beloved Tun Dr. Mahathir, huh? No good one lah you ., write like that about our Tun.

Anyway, allow me to chide you about your insolent remarks. Apparently you sound like an American or a Zionist asslicker and you appear to be more stupid than an American buffalo!

The era where the rest of the world had looked up to The USA – say like those times when the rest of the world had cheered for American movie stars in the likes of Errol Flynn or John Wayne is sadly now, dead and gone! No more are those Red Indian 'savages' and Japanese soldiers or Nazi villains are to be booed & jeered at, in the movie & cinema shows that was churned out by those Hollywood propagandist. Nowadays, The USA are instead looked upon as some great world villain, period.

No matter how many propaganda & gimmicks had been churned out to paint ‘a pretty political picture’ of The USA by the Hollywood & Zionist controlled massmedia, but the general world masses are no longer buying the message & lies being churned out by the American mainstream & Zionist controlled medias.. including those by Hollywood!

Let me as a nonAmerican give you some lessons about who really ‘controls’ your country. Visit this link and find out for yourself: or here: or here:

So, Mr. Rob.. I personally do not have any problem with the Jewish people as a race per se, but I do have a problem with ZIONISM, as a political ideology. The speech (in the early 60’s) by Mr. Freedman (who was a Jew), had himself condemn Zionism and its danger towards society.

Clearly from the above speech, that was how International Zionism had acquired Palestine and carved out a new state of Israel as we see it today.

Anway, Jews (especially Sephardic Jews) shouldn’t be blamed for what Zionism had done and contributed to the world’s misery. This issue should not be misconstrued. This can be clearly explained by Jewish Rabbis (in protest against Zionism), as below: and here:

In this regard, I also wish to chide YABhg. Tun by not referring to the Jews per se, but instead should target The Zionists as the culprit. Another terrific blogger had also chided Tun in this regard (way back in the year 2003), as below:

So, we must keep ourselves wellinformed and not be fooled by those mainstream media’s deceptive propaganda. That’s what had happened to the USA where most of general public were left ignorant and do not know who are their true ‘masters’.

Perhaps this old heavymetal music can give us some insight of what is really going on in corridors of power in The USA as well as in world politics, as below:

Thus, now it’s high time we pool our efforts and put a stop to these death & destruction going around us, being perpetrated by those warmongers – namely those Zionist Imperialists and their cohorts.

Another good rockmetal song, whose lyrics that should be taken heed of by the new President Obama, is as below:

If you may notice some of the lyrics of this song – in the 2nd verse, goes:

“If we had a President that did just what said, The country would just alright and no one would be dead, From fighting in a War that causes Big Men to get rich, There’s money on them Warmachines, ain’t this a Bitch! ”

However, previous US Presidents (since Nixon) did not heed to this song’s advise, thus had culminated in what is USA today – i.e. being a very unpopular and seemingly ‘villain’ state – in the eyes of the rest of the world. Pity.

So Mr. Rob, by now you should know who the real ‘Terrorists’ are. Many of them are wearing 3piece suits and smoking cigars and profiting from war and bloodshed, while women and children are slaughtered and many more are left landless and homeless.

These are grim realities that you are ignorant of or do not wish to wake up to. Or perhaps your selfdenial of the facts as the above clearly have shown, have made people like yourself become even more arrogant.

And you know what? Usually the arrogant ones will be the losers in the end. Because ARROGANCE is a WEAKNESS !!!

That’s what USA have become – without actually realising that some others are pulling your strings!

For your own good, do learn to realise this and try to break free from the unseen ‘strings & shackles’ and join the rest of humanity.


P.S. This message also goes the same to the more recent commentor – i.e. Bravo Echo Echo Romeo. By chewchewAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 12:10 PM





"SENATOR BYRON DORGAN: THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD NOT STAND FOR THIS!" By Ahmad FirdausAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 3:06 PM

Dear Bravo Echo Echo Romeo, looks like you've been drinking a LOT of beer while writing your entry. Hmmm...

I have no problem with Americans, some I know are good. But americans like Bush, CVCO, Rob, Andrew, and yourself that ticks me off.

Well, we admit that we do depend a lot on America, but we have been teaching ourself and our generations that America isn't everything. I recall Tun's effort in his office days to promote "Dasar Pandang Timur" (You can google that yourself since you have a lot of time to write here) which I think is an excellent effort. The use of Gold Dinar instead of Dollars is another excellent step. It may be a long shot, but it's a shot, and we'll get there sooner or later.

Yes, collateral damage is unavoidable, but if you do your MATHS correctly, you'll see that something is not right in Gaza now.

We have CNN and AlJazeera here and we know which one is censoring and filtering its news.

QUOTE "Just for your information, the United States of America is the most powerful nation in the world and can sustain itself to feed all it's own people and has all the necessary resources to stand on it's own two feet. We don't need anybody if we chose to." UNQUOTE

This is an interesting statement, boy I wish all the Arab countries turn off the oil taps to US. Let's do that and see what'll happen eh? This just snapped into my mind, IF US is, like you said it is, then why don't the jewish/israelis/zionist moved to the US. Hey, they have a bigger land! And plenty to take from the native americans too! I mean, just think about it, there will be no war. Both teams live far apart. But you have to drop long range missile development for the sake of peace.

Americans always think killing will solve anything. Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki? But of course, you'll say, with your actions that ended the bloody damned war! To defend your homeland bla bla bla....

Please remember that, if you mean business, then GOD WILL TOO. Remember, Roman Empire was once a powerful nation. If you stick your nose too high in the sky, God might pinch it, leaving you unable to breath.

And please stop being a phallus head.

Thanks for reading :D By huzannaAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 4:52 PM

Dear Rob, Get your facts right before you come in here and give your one side views to Tun Dr.Mahathir. 2.I really hope that you are only one of those ignorance Americans who do not know what exactly happend outside of your country,especially in Gaza.Why not you yourself volunteer to go and help the civillians there and see for yourself! 3.You must understand,we do not hate American,we know that ordinary and average American are nice and good people.But the problem is your goverment administration and foreign policy.Your goverment seems to practice double standard. 4.By the way,do not look down on our Tun Dr. Mahathir.You'll be surprise if you know him better.I think you better 'advice'your Mr.Bush(father and son)to go back to school.No hard feelings! KEPADA PAK PANDIR SI PENCERITA DONGENG, AWAK NI TAK HABISHABIS NAK TUNJUK HERO DI BLOG TUN. NI,BISINGBISING DAH ADA TINDAKAN KE BELUM?DAH BAGI SUMBANGAN KE BELUM?KALAU BELUM, BERI SUMBANGAN IKHLAS KE TABUNG GAZA KE MAYBANK NO.514105320501.KALAU TAK MAU BOYCOTT KE APA KE,DUDUK DIAMDIAM!! KALAU BORING...SAYA CADANGKAN AWAK BUAT PERMOHONAN JADI PELATIH BAGI MELATIH PELAJAR PLKN YANG MASIH KURANG LAGI.ADA JUGA SUMBANGAN BESAR DAN FAEDAH KEPADA NEGARA.

Semoga Tun sentiasa di Rahmati Allah. Bersatu Rakyat untuk kesejahteraan negara tercinta,Malaysia! ROZANNA HUSSAIN By zahariefendiAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 9:47 PM

Barrack Hussain Obama & George Bush.. Tiada apa yang membezakan keduanya, Sekutu Israel & Rejim Zionis!!! Kedua2nya merupakan Yahudi Laknatullah!. Sesiapa sekali pun yang menjadi Presiden AS, mereka telah ditaja oleh Persatuan Yahudi Dunia. Dan tidak mustahil apa yang kita tengok seperti yang terjadi di bumi Palestin. Negara arab?? Kebanyakkannya menjadi boneka kepada AS, tidak berani membuka mulut, memberi pendapat. Seperti binatang khinzir@ babi yang haram! terutama Mesir & Hosni Mubarak!!

ZAHARI EFENDI menulis... By drbaldevAuthor Profile Page on January 18, 2009 11:45 PM


What "basic human need for freedom and liberty" are you talking about.

Your forefathers bulldozed their way into Africa generations ago and kidnapped people and brought them back by the shiploads and called them slaves. Slavery continued for years and years before it was finally stopped. What gave you the right to kidnap innocent people and call them slaves. Do you have any idea what sort of torture and anguish you put these poor Africans through then. All because they were defenceless and more importantly, black. If they had known the word then, I'm sure they would have called you chaps terrorists long ago. Or maybe they had an even stronger word.

I put it to you that you are now uncomfortable and full of anxiety that a black American has been elected to become President. The wheel has turned full circle and the law of averages has proven itself.

We in Malaysia sympathise with the 911 tragedy. But please, do not use it to justify the continuous slaughter of innocent people. Were weapons of mass destruction ever found in Iraq?

An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth is primitive thinking. Like Dr Mahathir says, its the way of the caveman. The pen is mightier than the sword, and you should put some grey matter( this means your brain, basically ) to use.

Click on the MY LAI tab in the article above and show the visual to your children. Tell them why you must never never let this happen to innocent people again. That way you may be able to raise "boys to be good and productive adults."

Long live Mahathir. By aoAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 8:07 AM

Rob, i wanted to read your comment, but upon seeing so many comments on yours, i have decided, your are just another ignorance person who thinks the world evolves around the US, so i suggest you gain more knowledge about the world and then probably, i suggest, you comment on more lighter issues that do not require thinking. By born1978Author Profile Page on January 19, 2009 9:56 AM standing neutral, I partially agree with Dr. M, not all. American is not devil, but Bush is. stop buying/using American products are stupid. Ask Dr. M if he is using Windows, if he is using Linux then I'm proud of him from IT perspective. Ask Dr. M if he is using Intel or AMD in his computer, if yes, so unfortunate.

In this globalization era, stop creating such hatred! to cakkuncak, it sounds stupid to be proud of "the tallest twin tower in the world" that built by Japanese and Korean. if Bill Gates want to have a tallest triple towers in the world, he can have it under his name. Money drives!!! so, stop talking nonsense about "tallest" building and start be proud that Mt. Kinabalu is the highest mountain in SEA, that's the gift of God. By rzlAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 11:58 AM

Mr. Romeo,

Yes, Americans control the world. Controlling the world by hi tech weapons. Killing innocent people bruttally without fear. Why, because you all cowards which only need to push a button and destroy any countries thousands miles away. Yes very intelligent but no balls. That is the message that we can understand.

Are you sure Americans are very intelligent in Business? What is happening in your country? No economic impact? The brothers of Lehmans is still surviving? Or can only survive by injecting virtual money? What I have learned and notice is that Americans only know how to talk. Very fluent in english I guess and thats all. Do reasearch and find this meaning "Cakap tak serupa bikin".

If we have 10 Mahathir, we will definately control the world but our way will be different then yours!!! By DrPerfectAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 12:04 PM

By Bravo Echo Echo Romeo on January 18, 2009 12:45 AM

Hi there, I totally understand what you were trying to deliver, I do study philosophy and world history, do you have a personal website or blog I could access to? By shumieyAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 2:17 PM

Dear Mr Rob,

Go to hell!! By deg_hakimiAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 4:01 PM

Salam Tun, We are blessed to have you. Thank you as your voice and mind speak as a true Malysian. Love you TUN! May Allah SWT bless you with a long happy life. Amin. By hatikristalAuthor Profile Page on January 19, 2009 5:29 PM hey rob! shut up la!!! go crawl back under whichever rock u came from la!!!buat semak je kau komen kat sini!! By MalayJessyJamesAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 2:11 AM


I rasa dalam kes WTC tu, bukan 3 orang Malaysia yang terkorban, i rasa lebih lagi. Depa2 berkorban demi kedaulatan bangsa dan negara kita yang tercinta. Semoga Allah SWT cucuri rahmat keatas rohroh mereka.

Di akhir zaman, sistem kapitalis akan hancur dengan sendirinya. Ini lah yang terjadi pada Amerika pengasas kepada sistem kapitalis. Bila sistem kapitalis hancur, apakah pengantinya? Adakah sistem AlQuran? Hanya Allah SWT yang tahu....

Depa2 ni tak tahu sapa kita di sisi US tu. Amerika mungkin boleh campak 23 biji bom nukler kat Malaysia dan Malaysia akan hilang dari mukabumi ini. Tapi kita harus ingat, sebagai orang Muslim, kepada siapa kita harus takut? takut pada Amerika atau takut kepada Allah SWT?

Kita kalau nak bagi hancur Amerika tu tak payah guna bombom, kita ada kekuatan. Kekuatan yang mana ramai rakyat Malaysia tidak sedar. Kekuatan yang mana ramai orang Islam tidak sedar. Kita ada Allah SWT. Kepada Dia kita berserah. Kita bermunajat kepada Dia. Kepada Dia kita mohon pertolongan.

"Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia Yang Hidup kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhlukNya); tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. KepunyaanNya apa yang di langit dan di bumi. Tiada yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisi Allah tanpa izinNya? Allah mengetahui apaapa yang di hadapan mereka dan di belakang mereka, dan mereka tidak mengetahui apaapa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendakiNya. Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya, dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar." (Ayat Kursi)

Kalau kita diizinkan oleh Allah SWT, kalau kita sedut hak kita dari Amerika tu, mereka akan tumbang. Tak payah bombom.

By Bravo Echo Echo RomeoAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 7:37 AM

Ahmad Firdaus. You must be one of the turban heads in Malaysia. Why don't you join the Jihadi's in Afghanistan and let us vaporize fertilizers like you. Anyway, for your empty turban covered head, you should do some research at how much reseves of oil we have in the states. We will buy up all the cheap oil that we can buy and once that is gone, we have our own oil to sustain us while the rest of the world will not have any. We are not just a small country but a big continent. And for your info, if not for the US fighting Japan in WW2 your damn name would have been Ahmato Bodohno. Talk to your grandparents of the Japanese occupation. Israel is the defacto 51st state of the United States of America. We will never let it fall. By DrPerfectAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 10:57 AM

2. Clearly you have never been to Malaysia. But if I may say so we are not obsolete. But I admit we have only primitive weapons for our defence. You can, with a few nuclear bombs wipe our country from the surface of this earth.

Obviously Malaysia is not worthy of wasting the US resources at all. By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 11:53 AM

YABhg Tun,

Aptly put, sir... By ezaniAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 12:43 PM

Way to go...Dr M !!! By leotigerAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 4:03 PM

I am an American living in Malaysia now before you get angry and call me ignorant (which may be true) understand that I wholly support and agree with what Dr. M has written. I am ashamed of the many horrors that my countrymen have perpetuated in the name of "freedom" ..

I am only proud once again knowing that G. W. is leaving and Mr. Obama is taking over. It is exciting for us, for the whole world. .. although what change will actually happen will be interesting to see.

Don't be too hard on Rob. He has been educated and brought up within a very closed, ignorant society. Americans in general know very little of anything outside of America. It wasn't until I left and achieved a wider perspective that I could see what was really going on. Within the states there is a real feeling that America can do no wrong. You would all be very very sad and angered to know just how many Americans secretly (and some openly) wish that America would just conquer the whole world and that way everyone would be at peace.. and the same. Sickening.

But I am hopeful that things will change. I have already seen a much more liberal and selfcritical view from my many friends still trapped in the USA. I think Bush has cured many Americans of that "America can do no wrong" attitude.

Also remember that religion plays a huge role. (I think Rob said something about "archaic religion" obviously he was referring to Islam also obvious was that he was ignorant that Christianity predates it so is more "archaic"). In American school we were always taught that one great thing the American founding fathers did was to separate church and state. Although technically true, America is still a very Christian nation with very Christian leaders and lawmakers. Tun Dr. M is fighting to criminalize war hear hear! but will it ever be possible to stop wars when 99% of wars are religion based at their roots? Sure you can argue that wars are about greedy leaders, capitalism and profit but they are fueled with fear, hatred and bigotry.

I see no easy to solution to these complicated issues and differences. If we could only empathize more with our socalled enemies maybe there would be more understanding and less hatred.

And to Rob and other American zealots.. please stop embarrassing us.

By rzlAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 9:07 PM


Agree with you that it is not easy to stop wars when most of the are religion based. My suggestion is, start to educate Americans younger generations that Islam or muslims are not terrorists. We should respect each other's religion and that what Islam tought us to do.

Is it hard? Or may I say, it is impossible..... By jaiauyeungAuthor Profile Page on January 20, 2009 10:49 PM

Rob's a real Republican at heart; we should thank him; it's because people like him the new president is a Democrat. Best of luck, to the busybody, onesizefitsall country, which already starting to get some taste of their own medicine. Let them be.

If going back to school is too much; I suggest you learn a second language, Rob. And make it an Asian language. I used to think that most Americans are patheticmonolinguals, who only knows to mock Asians of their languages, they can only mock, coz they can't speak those languages, which we Asians feel sorry for. And sadly, many Americans still are pathetic monolinguals. By faaAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 7:41 AM

Dear Tun,

I cried when I saw the photo of My Lai. Rob, How could you and your government consent such cruel acts and continue doing so in the name of justice.Of course since your school hardly teach you anything outside the country then how could you know that, right? But, if you are intelligent enough to critize Tun, well, you have clearly demonstrated how ignorant, cruel and narrow minded kind of person you are as well as those who had elected G W Bush.

Malaysians, I do not see a problem in boycooting US products. There are so many alternative products by our own country and others.Maybe by doing so may affect our people working in those companies but I believe it will only be temporary because sale for other products will increase. Recently,I have just tried Marybrown to divert my children from going to McD. They really like it. NOt bad for our own Malaysian franchise. I see this as an opportunity for our Malaysian products to grow. Maybe some of you may think how RM50.00 could affect US but if there are one million of Malaysians doing the same thing...I think they will take notice of how much we hate them. As to the media,are you daring enough not allow advertisements of these products? Collecting donations is not enough.We need to send a stronger signal. By azharadAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 11:51 AM

ROB,you are making yourself look so stupid in the public.No doubt you are naive and ignorant but don't make it so obvious!!! Please ask your parents to send you back to school, God gives you brain to think, better start using it....errr..if u have one!!! By HammerheadAuthor Profile Page on January 21, 2009 9:34 PM

Dear all,

I'm a Malaysian Muslim and proud of it. I just thought of dropping a few lines after reading most if not all the comments above.

I found that most of the comments are emotionally charge and I could understand that we Malaysian are a very emotional lot. However, I implore my fellow Malaysian and everyone in general to try to rein in raging emotions when making comments, it doesn’t bode well in a forum accessible globally such as this one. Of course no one can be emotionless but lower it down and make rational comments.

There are hundreds of sides to every issues, and if we wish our particular views or arguments be given a serious weightage to it, present it in a factual and calm manner. Not by screaming at the top of our lungs trying to pound our views to others. Factual and logical points will be evaluated and most of the time accepted by average human (the operative word being average). A few comments here were presented well with references etc.

As for the ignorance of Rob, well, he had shot himself in the proverbial foot and his fellow countryman (if Rob is indeed American)– Leotiger has attest to this. What he said would never be included in Barack Hussein Obama speeches anytime soon, now would it.

This does not mean we Malaysian has to stoop down to his level and stereotyping every American. I say this not because I’m proAmerican etc, but stereotyping in itself is very damaging. We would certainly “blewup” when other people stereotyping us Malaysian so it is the same if we start stereotyping others. Held your head high my fellow Malaysian and be an exemplary people for other to follow and admire through good manners and sound judgement. This is what our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) thought us. Not hatred, violence and name callings. Please remember as told in the Hadith when the Prophet had a Jewish neighbour who called him names and smear faeces on his house every day. The great Prophet did not do anything to retaliate. One day he step out of his house and notice that there were no faeces thrown at his house and he didn’t hear the name callings from the Jew. He asked where is his neighbour and was told he was sick and couldn’t get out of bed. The great Prophet went over to the Jew house to visit and greet him and ask if he needed any help. Finally the Jew converted to Islam because of the great mannerism of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Peace be upon all of us. By plain ol' danAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 12:57 AM

Dear Tun, i think it was Stephen Hawkings who said it best to describe Rob.. "The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge Is Not Ignorance...It Is The Illusion of Knowledge!"

May God Bless All Mankind.. By MadudAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 1:41 AM

Assalamualaikom Tun and other readers as well, I've just started reading a book.. "Painting Islam as The New Enemy" , Globalisation and Capitalism in Crisis, by Abdulhay Y. Zalloum. To summarize,, whats been written has long been suspected , or i believe is the true nature of the White House and the Senate of America. From Hollywood to Wall Street, everything is geared to blind the American masses, just as Bush use WMD, words of mass deception.. the weapons of mass destruction is actually still words of mass deception.. Hollywood prepared the American masses to swallow whatever is dumped on them.. lock stock and barrel.. And it seems.. there exist third world situations and nooks and cranies within the US of A itself. And they tell us.. be democratic. By maxAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 11:21 AM

Rob has right to come into defence of his country just like like how Tun has his to come into defense of his opinion; and even for different matter in defense of country thousand km away just in the pretext of defending of fellow Islamic brotherhood.

Tun; your opinions nowadays does seem to be too relevant to most of us not in the commenting circle. Believe us, it does not. And for some who are making noise of what happened in Gaza, yes they are genuinely concerned but for how long. Maybe 1 hr, 1 month and then trip back to Starbucks and Mc D again for a good chilling coca cola. Palestine what palestine?

Rob probably has his opinion on his own view and judgement, unlike you who has many advisors giving you good tips on making comments. I admire of your well thought of opinions, sometimes make ppl think how the hell u can come up with something like that?

US today has an African American president, and the US is the product of 200 over years of doctrine, struggle and achievement made over those years. Wheather we like it or not, they are there because of their belief and practices. Maybe the Muslim has its so called "Glory Days" too, but every civilisation has its life cycle. And today US may be on the decline due to the previous adminisration excessiveness, but what the heck US is still US.

Malaysia and many countries are in US's circle of influence and not otherwise; lets admit that fact. The ppl of US probably will have a good laugh at us when they hear we are trying to make noise saying this and that about US, although we know for a fact; if we dont do trade with them, boy we go down the grave.

Even in Malaysia we dont treat our own citizens with respect and dignity, and sometimes we allow calls to :ask some malaysian to go back to their own country of origin. I am not talking about calling ppl on the street, some hurtful remarks made in the parliament. Sometimes we send ppl to jail sometimes by calling them terrorist, or threat.

We should compare apple to apple; we say US also have Guantanamo Bay so its ok for us to ISA. But US send space shuttle to space with astronauts; we send only space tourist. US can have first Africa origin to become president; we openly tell PM post is only for certain ppl and rest are second class and can go back their country if they dont like Malaysia.

Lets not become international joke; as we a lot of local issues which we have found proper solution. Certainly we have a long way to go before we can talk to US and expect to listen to our opinion and gain the little respect.

Tun; a statesman i find that your posts too much on blaming mode lately. How long do we keep blaming other for the wrong things that happen to us? Are we gonna be self denial and keep making unfair justification everytime someone make comments on us

Thanks By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 3:46 PM

YABhg Tun,

..rob..WHO...... ???? By fairuzstoneAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 6:22 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun and everybody,

Reading Leotiger writing makes me remember some wise people advice in hatred control, i.e. "...there are still some good people among them, do not hate them all.." whenever there was a clash between races or tribes or sects as well as religion. Because in the holy book, the final revelations, Al Quran also we can read our God's reminder to the muslims while God, the One, revealed His wrath upon children of Israel who repeatedly disobeyed, treacherous conduct, unthankful behaviors even God sent foods from the sky for them to eat as salvation from starvation, even God had cut the Red Sea for children of israel run from slavery from the cruelty of the Pharaoh they still can worship a cow idol just because Prophet Moses p.b.u.h was a bit late from mount Sinai (thursina) and still God forgave them because God is the most Merciful. The worse were there were some rabbis who should be the most God fearing person among ordinary people, just because of some sentiments or agenda and for worldly desires but some of them were still willing to defy God by altering, modifying, deleting and adding some words of God in the holy books and scrolls to suit their taste or current political needs or racism. That's why in the Talmud and Torah the very existence and lineage rights of Ishmael p.b.u.h. was denied or erased by these supposed 'keepers of the books' fearing that their exclusivity status as "chosen people" being shared by other than children of Israel of those from lineage of Jacob p.b.u.s. son of Isaac p.b.u.h. as sole inheritor of Abraham p.b.u.h. religion. Is it fair? I strongly believe the original books from God will not discriminate and no such exclusive religion for one family or tribe or race only. As believers, we must spread the true religion to all mankind regardless their family trees, race, tribes, colors or blood. But it is unfortunate some interested parties among the rabbis of Jews/children of Israel just deliver part of the God's words that favour only the Jews children of Israel, therefore the following generations of Israel only share the religion of one God among their family only for the sake to maintain the title "the chosen people", but God does not ask the believer to make true religion exclusive for one race only it must be spreaded throughout the world with no discrimination. But for this selfacclaimed "Chosen People", never!!!! for other races to share the road to paradise, so selfish. They call other race as Gentiles to express their disgustion but yet they dont want to enlighten those gentiles with true religion of One God fearing the gentiles will share the status as "Chosen People" or "People of the Books". And then when Jesus Christ p.b.u.h. tried to bring back the children of Israel to the true teachings of the earlier prophets to share the belief with all human not only for Jews but Jesus also bring the romans, the greeks, arabs and other to embrace true teachings to worship One God and share the good news for all mankind, it made the hardcorefar right rabbis angry and accused Jesus with many accuses such as accusing Jesus claiming himself as son of God, but the fact is Jesus never claim he is son of God, he always remind his apostles that he is son oh human, son of mary, only because God can create anything even to make a virgin pregnant and deliver a son is not so difficult to God. He just says Be, and it be. And God wanted it happen to Jesus, to teach human that God can do anything He likes, even without father but God wanted it be. That's the message. But some shortminded ordinary people will just buy the idea this miracle become Jesus is son of God (God forbids), no, never, the truth is some jealous rabbis spread the rumours to the ordinary people that Jesus claim he is son of God but it was not, the reasons was that the rabbis wanted to create justification to arrest Jesus with the help of Roman legion so that Jesus wont spread the exclusive religion to other races and fearing that Jesus was providing the path for the last final prophet who will then rectify, consolidate and complete the true belief of One God that is for all for any races for any walks of life not only exclusive to one clan only and the last prophet will rise from descendent of Abraham but not from the lineage of Isaac as hoped by the rabbis but he is from the long forgotten son i.e. from blood of Ismael son of Abraham who was brought to a far desertland to live the life in hardship with his mother Hager (Hajar)for God only knows why for God purpose. And in the final holy book Quran, fortunately, the content is preserved, and we can read the justice of God and His most Fairness, in the Quran, God tells us everything the truth without discriminating any prophets not only tell the story of prophet from one family only but prophets from many races many orogin. In Quran also there are stories praising the prophets from Jews/children of Israel origin,like Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Jonah, Ezekiel, Zachariah, John the Baptist and many, all their sacrifice and hardship been told not been erased because God loves all His creatures and His prophets. And even God revealed His wrath upon wrongdoings of the children of Israel in the Quran, God still reminds the Muslim to not to hate the Jews totally because among them "there are still some good people", we were taught that we must not let the hatred to one race as factor for us to be unfair to them. That is why, to All Good People Among American and Israel, we Muslims do not hate you, we just hate the factions who are so cruel to us, who discriminate us, who disrespect other people, who call other races as Gentiles only them who are the chosen people by God. At last God had sent prophet Muhammad SAW/p.b.u.h. to rectify all the mess and lies made by some rabbis or deviationist. Through Muhammad SAW, mankind knows that no such "chosen people" to God because God will not discriminate his creatures, whoever do good and obey God commands and trustfully that there is only One God will be rewarded by God no matter what race u are, what color u are and what family u r. Peace, and that was the message that our Tun Mahathir wanted to convey to the west that many times been misinterpreted or spinned by people like Rob and others alike. By T.R.U.T.HAuthor Profile Page on January 22, 2009 9:36 PM

STUPID ROB.. YOU CANNOT ERASE MY LAI... THAT'S THE SYMBOL OF YOUR STUPID RACE By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 11:47 AM

YABhg Tun,

Sir, allow me to respond to the comment made by Max, dated January 22,2009. 11.21am

Max, firstly,you are entitled to your opinion and rightly so you have that right to express your thoughts.

But, Max...stop blaming Dr. Mahathir for everything seems to be on the blame it all to Dr. Mahathir and the Malays mode too.. yourself, don't you think so. Whatever he did when he was in power,...he had the support of the majority or else his party could not form the government and he would not be the PM, either. That's how it works Max. I think you know that. Now that he has retired...he has that same right to speak too....ahyaaa..!!! you and me lah now..expressing and exercising our right to speak.

Max,our country,it's system, gave you the right to choose anybody to represent you. So, come election your part and if your party wins the election, tell them to abolish and put right what ever you think that is not right! You need to have faith in the system. Well, most or atleast someone did..or else Mr.Lim Jr. won't be the CM of Penang right now..don't you think so!

Ahyaaa...Max,lets vote for PAS next time lah. I, too, am getting tired with the present Government, too soft!...... too may thieves,killers, robbers, along and conman running around lah now. I heard under PAS, criminals like them are going to be severly dealt with, if you know what I mean. Chop!..Chop! Chop!

Well... unless ofcourse DAP won the election !! and Lim or Karpal become the new PM. Maybe then, that will make you happy. But..Max, if that happens, I'll end up on the otherside of the barrel, so to speak and start complaining about the new governmant and protesting everything under the sky, just like what you are doing now! They might even start telling the local bumiputera like me to go back up the tree in parliment. And..ofcourse ISA would be abolished by then. There would be so much freedom..after all it's a DAP government. There had always been democracy and freedom in DAP or else how could Mr Lim and Karpal remain as their leaders after so,so many many years. Now..that's a party that practice true democracy..don't you think so. So...Max, give Dr. Mahathir a break...afterall he has retired as a dictator....

By non jibaokAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 8:16 PM

Bravo Echo Echo Romeo,

What shit & garbage are you spilling out here, huh?

I will tell you how much oil you have as per the video link below: or an article here:

As the Rev. Lindsey Williams have aptly put it – “..and today, not one drop of that oil has ever been allowed to come to the American people, by order of the Government of The United States.”

So Bravo Echo Echo Romeo (BEER), according to Rev. Williams that people like yourself and the whole American people are being playedout and scammed by your own government it seems, with regard the socalled rising oil prices, which subsequently causes or affects the increase of the prices of just about everything else!

Over and again you display how idiotic you are as well as your great insolence. We would not mind to be called Ahmato rather than to be called Hank Husin or Jeb Karim, isn’t it? Doggone it, no sirree !

Do you realise that our very first Vice Chancellor for our very first local university had studied in Japan DURING the 2nd World War. The good man is still alive today and is almost 90 years of age!

What do you know about the Japanese Occupation, huh? Have you been through it? At least during those period Asians came to realise (and in great awe) when they had finally observed how the mighty Imperialist WhiteMen can be brought to their knees, who had fled helterskelter for their dear life (on bicycles even on foot) away from the onslaught of those socalled tiny Japanese soldiers. Finally, Asians began to realise that the Whitemen are not so invicible after all.

Also, at least the nation of Indonesia had the finally gained their independence ‘through’ the Japanese, and not ‘from’ the imperialistic Dutch colonial powers who had ruled and colonized them for hundred of years. Did your ever know that?

So BEER, you have NOT done us no favour by defeating Japan in the 2nd World War. Perhaps our country would have been independent much earlier if Japan had not lost the war. But of course we cannot change history.

If not for the 2 nos. of EVIL nuclear bombs the your countrymen had dropped on especially the innocent women & children in Hiroshima & Nagasaki, then perhaps the Japanese would not have relented.

Again BEER, wake up from your slumber and begin to realise that you are yourself being fooled by your own politicians & leaders in Washington DC – i.e. according to your own countryman – Rev. Lindsey Williams.

Last of all you said that – “Israel is the defacto 51st state of the United States of America. We will never let it fall”

BEER, you damn fool..! Israel is not the 51st state of The US. It is more apparent that The USA is now more like a ‘vassal’ state of Israel, don’t you realise that? To prove my point just click at the link below:

As the above link catchphrase says:

“ Palestinians won't get their independence until Americans get theirs! ”

Thus, Israel is like a puny old Mafia don where The USA is somewhat like his big, ugly but stupid henchman who goes around the whole neighborhood & town extorting and beating people up. Israel needs only to snaps its fingers and The US will come running to do its bidding. This is so clear when Israel have violated just about every single UN Resolution against her, and yet every single time The US will come as its saviour or is it gangster?

It is also a pity when the Christian world (especially evangelical ones) do not realise this, and they are also being taken for ride (by their socalled god’s chosen people) by the Zionists Israelis, as per the link below:

So BEER, it’s time to wake up and kick yourself in the head!

Cheerio. By maxAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 9:11 PM

Friend mgpunya i am glad someone read my comment. i have been critical about my comment; but not intended to sound racist or what. Sorry if i have implied that way to you...

An alternative govt almost came to power, i can tell your scariest dream of seeing opposition govt was reality too close, maybe if the indeliable ink was in force.

You need not tell me to vote for PAS, i have done my part on that. And many BN ppl like yourself did advise so much crab. Well those ulamak's PAS in my area are better than hypocrites we have in BN today. Well your next argument is they (PAS) are pulling my legs. Well remember this is an election process. i did not get married to the PAS guy when i vote for him.

Election is like a buying process; if they are good they will keep for another term then another. If else they will tell to fly kites By maxAuthor Profile Page on January 23, 2009 11:26 PM

And last thing; i am not here to disturb Dr M or even trying to unsmart him; why would i do that. This is forum for discussion and arguments so i am trying to say want i want to say. If Tun likes what i am saying he will put it or he may just discard it. I dont care; for me posting comment here is stating my point

Did u say Tun has retired or just retired as dictator. So i guess what u are saying is Tun may have retired as dictator but NOT really retired from the political scene right?

Yes friend, he has not retired yet, otherwise why would he bother blogging and waste his precious time or get away with something else more useful.

So, pls do not worry so much for Tun. He wont be really worried with our writings. Nobody will be ever can unsmart him, and Tun knows that too. But he will pleased to at least to know what actually ppl out there are thinking.

That will help me to move his next pawn. Till he get a check mate!

My comment are not racist based, merely commenting on event happened for real. If u dont like it dont swallow it, i am not asking you to do it. By azri abu bakarAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 11:14 AM

Salam Tun,pernah tonton filem P.Ramlee 3 Abdul.Dimana Abdul Wahub,Wahib dan Wahab.Dlm pembahagian harta orang tua nya 2 dari tiga beradik iaitu Wahib dan Wahub telah mendahului dgn mengagihkan harta pusaka dengan sewenangwenangnya tanpa berbincang dengan Abdul Wahab.Abdul Wahab hanya dapat rumah usang yang nak roboh,tetapi yang 2 beradik lagi pintar dan memutar tu dapat semua,tanpa rasa belas ehsan dengan si Wahab.Wahab naik berang dan berkata inilah demokrasi terpimpin,ya saya dapat rumah usang yang dah nak roboh menyembah bumi lagi tak berapa saat dan ketika.Moral story nya adalah bila seseorang telah berkuasa dan lupa daratan beginilah terjadinya sekarang.Sesuai dgn lagu Tan Sri S.M.Salim apa dah jadi,apa nak jadi.Sekian wasalam agar Tun lebih bersuara demi umat Islam seantero dgn memperjuangkan hakhak kaum Muslimin dan Muslimat yang tertindas tidak kira dimana mereka berada.Wasalam. By Bukit UhudAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 2:16 PM

I remember a quote:

"If you kill a person, it is murder. If you killed a hundred thousand, it is foreign policy." anonymous

So, the United States of Aggressors foreign policy is what our beloved Tun try to make you understand, Rob. Our elementary school is widely open to you & your ilk. By fadzireenAuthor Profile Page on January 24, 2009 2:20 PM

Salam Tun,

To MAX, Malaysians are well known for their warmness towards foreigner. Example,like you. Both,ROB and thier 43rd President are 'Denise the menace'good for disruptng the world peace.They,not only invent good things,but subtly they also invent WARS.So,Max dont let ROB pull wool over your eyes.

For three weeks,the UN tried to stop the carnage,but was invain,because of meddling by powerful invisible hands.

It takes 200years for American democracy to mature,accepting a black President.Malaysia got its independence only 50 years ago. Democracy needed time to evolve and mature subsequently.

America only listen / champion the peoples of the bible. Our voices could be in the wilderness,but Malaysia tried. By mgpunyaAuthor Profile Page on January 25, 2009 12:22 AM

Max.....Gong Xi Fa Cai! By azri abu bakarAuthor Profile Page on January 25, 2009 9:04 AM

SaLam Tun,sebagai seorang doktor perubatan yang arif dalam penyakit.Apakah penyakit yang di hinggapi oleh UMNO sekarang yang tiada nampak ubatnya atau penyembuhnya.Kenapa saya kata begitu sudah terang lagi bersuluh keputusan pilhanraya kecil KT.Apa taknya semua di hamparkan,di tabur,di dan di..sehingga rakyat naik muak.Semuanya instant ibarat mee segera 2minit,,buka plastik,rendam dah boleh dimakan.Rupanya ramai pemimpin yang berkempen di KT telah tersilap,ibarat pepatah Melayu ada berkata,cakap jangan sebarang cakap,makan pula jangan sebarang makan.Begitu indah sekali peribahasa dan kiasan dan bidalan yang mewarnai senario alkesah UMNO dengan Labulabunya,sesuai sekali dgn pepatah ini dimana ramai berangan akan menang mudah.Dlm BERITA HARIAN tarikh 16Jan Jumaat,tajuk depan "Peluang BN cerah".Wow!dengan support dari media cetak dan penulispenulis mereka,akhirnya terbukti apa yg dicanang berpihak kpd pihak lawan.Bermakna sekali lagi UMNO tidak belajar dari kesilapan yg dilakukan.Sehinggalah ke PRU 13 yg hanya menanti utk di baca keputusan yang memihak kpd majoriti?.Jadi apakah ubatnya Tun yang arif dlm perkara penyakit,ubat apakah yg harus ditelan oleh UMNO untuk berdaya saing dalam dasar langit terbuka atau open sky kata orang putih.Semoga Tun beroleh kesihatan yang baik untuk berkarya demi bangsa,agama dan Islam sejagat.Amin. By watcherAuthor Profile Page on January 26, 2009 12:58 PM to pakpandir08 your name suit you well.your comment said it all.i can assume that you are maybe a little bit ingnorant i is easy for you to say to boycott US products, but do you ever think of the reality?yes, cococola is the mlutinational company origin from the socalled the great nation US.but when cocacola set up it factory here it actually generate jobs for the local malaysians.the local malaysians here are the malays,chineses and indians and it is not fair that they need to pay for what the Americans are doing to the Palestinians. if you still want to boycott american products it is find..the first step that you can take is stop surfing on the internet because it is invented by the american.why?you don't know?find,let me give you the lecture about the history of the inernet.The history of the Internet began with the ARPANET.if you do not know, the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) developed by ARPA of the United States Department of Defense. If you not know,the Unite States Department of Defense is the one responsible for developing the bombs, weapons and tanks that have kills thousands of my advice is, you should quickly shut down your computer and stop surfing the internet because you don't want people to say that you are supporting the americans and jews won't you?.. then we come to the 2nd i said before, you need to shut down your computer and throw it away.why?it is because the first of the "modern" computers was invented during World War II, in 1941 by a German engineer named Konrad see?the engineer is from german.and like you said in your comment the germans are also conspiring with americans in killinf the hurry,quickly burn your computer to show that you are boycotiing american products.. but wait..if you are using ACER it is find.because ACER was invented by the taiwanese.but remember!if you computer is using windows operating system then you still need to burn it.why?you don't know?windows operating system was invented by the bill gates.if you don not know, William Henry "Bill" Gates III (born October 28, 1955)or bill gates is an American.. but wait..if you don't have a computer you can't access the internet and if you can't access the internet that means thay you can't access this this means that my comment is useless? enough said,my advice to you pakpandir08 is that you shoul stop babbling ridiculous things and start living the real life p/s:Porsche was founded in 1931 by Ferdinand Porsche, an AustroHungarian engineer born in Maffersdorf, AustriaHungary known today as Vratislavice, Czech Republic.

By Ee VonAuthor Profile Page on January 26, 2009 6:57 PM

Dear Rob, You are an embarassment to your own countrymen. I pity the rest of America who got unwittingly lumped together with you. By wannoor53Author Profile Page on January 28, 2009 9:30 AM

Dear Rob..ber, Shame on you, USA is a big SHIT HOUSE. Filthy and stupid people like you will never see the truth beyond your nut shell. By elsyetAuthor Profile Page on January 28, 2009 2:20 PM

Thanks Tun, Keep on blogging Tun.. By stkhadijahAuthor Profile Page on January 29, 2009 3:24 PM salam TUN... i've read this article since teh first day it was puclished but im facing problem to sign in... so here i am today... rob's words is totally rude... who is he? ergghhhh... im so angry when i read his comment but i'm so proud when TUN replied him and answer his comment... it show the differences between knowledgeable person and stupid man without fully knowledge... please Rob, read and listen from both side first before you give such a rude comment... erghhh.... go TUN... By sitinoorAuthor Profile Page on January 31, 2009 2:51 AM

Dear Tun,

I felt sorry for the Americans, not because what Rob had said earlier, but the fact that now the readers have stronger evidence that Americans are actually stupid. Well, not all of them are stupid, but unfortunately, most of them are ignorant.

Good blog Tun. Keep on writing. By hisham76Author Profile Page on February 2, 2009 12:16 PM

Dear Tun,

I tend to agree with sitinoor. If rob had actually gone to school and pay attention in class, he would remember a quotation from one of his former president. He was a wise person and he could forsee what his countryman would have become in the future. That's why he quote to his countrymen " Rob, let other people assume you a fool rather you open your mouth and confirmed the belief."

One consolation for you Rob is that at least your excuse is that you are a fool but for 'Bravo Echo Echo Romeo' and Max who is a bigger fool wonder whats their excuse.

Well done Tun, keep on writing. By Sirius99Author Profile Page on February 2, 2009 4:04 PM


Like you, I am an American. I think the similarities stop about there.

I am much older, and have travelled a lot more than you.

How can I say that? Because, had you traveled at all, seen some of the world which exists outside of America and the inadequate educational system which has contributed so little to what you know of the rest of the world and the people who live in it, you would not make such foolish remarks which display the abysmal ignorance which clouds your mind and shackles any hope you may ever have of growing up someday into a reasonably wellinformed and mature adult.

Please, please, for your own sake, try reading a foreign newspaper. And, travel outside the US, take a look around at the people you meet.

It's OK, most of them will not want to kill you so it is pretty safe to do this. If they ask, it is OK to tell them you are Canadian or something, at least until you stop acting like an American and pissing off everyone you meet with your arrogance and ignorance.

Y'know, fellow... you make it difficult for the rest of us who have traveled, met and discovered that there are a great number of people in this world beside us.

Quite a few of them are OK, Quite a lot of us, aren't! Maybe you should learn to make the distinction between the two.

And, as an American who like you once believed all he was told and wasted his youth fighting in three of America's wars, and can tell you what war, killing and dieiing is about, if you are such an allfired patriot with such a grievance against those you consider "ter'rists, just why aren't you over there a'killing them like all those other good red, white and blueblooded American boys and girls?

Are you afraid to see just how red your own blood might run when it hits the ground before you do? Or are you just so much ignorant talk?

If you survived the primitive weapons of some of those people who are defending their hopmes against people like you, you will have, at least, learned a little bit of what war is really about. It is not all like the movies, Audie Murphy, John Wayne and Rambo, or did you know that?

All the bullet holes, body parts and blood are real!

By the way, I live in Malaysia now... by choice. And, if I saw you coming down my street armed with weapons, I would reluctantly rearm myself, however primitively, and come out to teach you what we are speaking about.

So, please do not come here. It would do you no good and your mother would grieve. sirius99

By hisham76Author Profile Page on February 2, 2009 6:01 PM

Dear Max,

I've read your comment and my opinion is when you subconsciously rub yourself deep enough Max, the racism comes out of you. Typical of you to glorify everything west is best. Especially the way you mention about the new president of the United States you said it with a kind of pride you wrote.

"US today has an African American president, and the US is the product of 200 over years of doctrine, struggle and achievement made over those years. Whether we like it or not, they are there because of their belief and practices."

Let me ask you Max why does it take so long. The Blacks in America have adopt the white man's language, their culture, religion and way of life and only after 200 years Obama became president. I wonder if he was a Muslim would they elect him. Well I'm not too sure about that Max.

In Malaysia I believe if i'm not mistaken one of our Prime Minister had its root in Uttar Pradesh, India. Being from a good family these newcomers chose to adopt the natives culture, speak their language and adapt the locals way of life and in return the natives here welcome and accept these people as one of them and even chose one of the grandchildren as their leader and like the British would say " did'nt take a Bloody 200 years ain't it"

In Malaysia the natives here whom majority are Muslims are very accommodating they tolerate newcomers, give them ample opportunities let them maintain their own culture, language and religion and even let them keep their own identity without making them adopt a local name unlike their Asean Neighbours. In return Max, all the natives here ask is the newcomers respect them, respect their way of life and not to impose a culture that is against their religion and not too assume that being humble and accommodating is akin to being stupid.

If you don't know Max, eg. of a local girls name are 'Mawar, Kintan, Delima, kuntum and eg. of a local Boys name are 'Bujang, Buyong,Damak, Awang.' Those are just a few example Max and they are not Muslim names, if you are Islamophobia. If you have the time why not visit the Asean countries. Maybe you could visit Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia and even Singapore and learn how non natives are treated compared to the natives there.

If it helps max, try to do some research on the history of this country and a word of advise the history of this country starts way back before the second world war ended. You could try the early 1900. Where the British refer to the majority of the immigrants at that time as 'Sinkekh' meaning new immigrants. The colonial rulers at that time would look upon the 'Sinkekh' as a 'floating immigrant' meaning these people do not owe any allegiance to the country they staying at that time except for economic purposes.

As for your comment refering our former PM as a dictator, i guess you have the right to your opinion as I am to mine. so I shall refer to you as a Dic.

My comments are not racist based, merely commenting on Historical facts of this country and its surrounding region.

Thank You By elleAuthor Profile Page on February 7, 2009 5:46 PM your rite Tun...

God bless you Tun!

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