
BATDKDAT, NOVEMBEK f . IfM The Weather Average Dailj CircRiktkm etoeeeei A 0. a. weataw • r a n ffllatiflffaiw tn w iin j l|graH> Far tha tisath aT Oeto»- 1848 *“ OetAy aa« iiattoaH aMM So- But inataad of my Uvlng tb m BOW. S4 HOUR 8KRV1CB ■IBsM Mr. Waddell, of the Town r u m Don Willis Awarded Air Medal Jr. Red Cross 9,173 ttiptittig lip n d b Uvea Were and I, aa ena at Ms a« tha AaiH AiKHit Town Heard Along Main Street charity aubjecta. Mbemate In the Town Houa*. Gives Program g crMD a t tha Ancr- So long. MANUHKRTKR TAXI CO. MtmehesUr^A City of rOlage Charm Auxnutnr win nwet And on Some qf Manche$ter^$ Side StreeU, Too Old Hickory (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS tag. Nerember 12, at P. S: Annual Drive Is Opened 18) MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1946 ______Morrhi Matter of M If any one Is curious to know VOL. LXVL. NO. M Not ao long ago there m __a a trouble and oonft^on almply be­ At Barnard, Nathan iwiiiiia aknefc^v great hulabaloo becauae Joe Pren- cauae ah* wraa eoraewhat abaent what Wla bro*dc**ter*a real name minded. She parked her jalopy Is—juat Uka a walk Wmugh Ws %Hmm Wmggf MoCartmy. dau«h* Uce waa to aerve In the | Hale Schools lice department aa Deputy C T l^ In the new PUrnell parking area. main entrance at East Cemetery tar of IfcSd «• 1 She Wld W* attendant that aha and down the road a short way Plane Crashes IPs Wor1d*8 Largest A^npiarine The hue and cry waa to the effert : The American Junior Red Craaa CAR PAINTING Carton MW Lake, tor- that Prentice ahould not be ad­ didn’t know juat what time ahe Wey’11 And We newly cleared up Truman Ctatement m m tr o f Maochoater. tiaa vanced over the heada of captain, j would return. , He advlaed her to burial lot on We left side where aa Its annual driv* each year Get Oar BsUrwI* Chinese Postpone h o o ^ n>U at New H a m H j^ lieutenant, aergeanU and men ^ leave We key In the car In caa* It Hart Porter and hla wife Hannah during the flrat week In November. After Hitting y a n U j. She waa iwtaated with much longer reoorda aery-, waa naceaaary for him to move it. — 7 Porter are buried and Way’ll The Junior Red Croae Clube at 80LIMENE A FLAGG tlM «»■— of 1*44 from Manchertlir The woman went on about her And hla wife’* full name on her Ice. than he. There waa logic In Barnard and Nathan Hale gchoola IN& HUta schooL the objection of courae. 1 ahopplng and Wen decided ahe tombstone—and there you have It 14 Oeatoa Rl. tM. 8181 Date for Opening , Trees, Wires But. Upw, anyone a-ho haa occa- would go to the movlea. It waa for ahe waa my great aunt." presented the program below at Cooperation Tha LaiUea «rf St. Maurtc* of fcl- ■ton to telephone the police ata- a long ahow and when ahe re­ the regular weekly assembly per­ tao wOl hold a dance and rain* turned to We parking lot the at­ Uon during ttie biialneaa day won- The following came In W* mall iod. The title suggested the Pilot and Co-Pilof Are i i X at the Bolton Community H o w dera whether there lan't already a tendant bad left. Her car waa this week: national organisation waa "Junior thla evenlnf. ^ d ^ u ty chief on duty aUndlng right where ahe had left "Hallowe’en night my wife knd Red Croas Work In Peace-Time." National Assembly ctn at 8 p. m. Tl>ere win be re- WASHING MACHINES Killed; 17 Passengers It’a a woman, not a w m ber of the It. But Were waa no key In the I were at a cerUin night spot The Puipoeea of the Americdn REPAIRED - ALL MAKES fiaahmenta on aale during the eve­ police department. The aecretary lock. So ahe went to the flrat having a few drinka. One of the Junior Red (Sosa; The Enrollment And Stewardess Hurt; Next 2 Years ning. ___ on duty at headquarter*-i^em policeman ahe found and told him reasons we went there waa due for Service; Opportunities for Ser­ 18 Tears' Cxperleaeal all 'phone calla and ahe deapancia of her loaa. Then We police went ReaaoaaMe Ratoal Announcement of Delay Hartford Pair Aboard Mlae Marjorie Kloppenburg, to the advertisement In the Herald vice; Junior Red Croas Song, As­ Atomic Cake to know who la calling and - on Into action. They called the —Gala Coatume Party prlaea for sembly; Junior Red Cross work of For Two or Three Days .* » •ophomon at Boaton U n lv ^ ty what bualneaa. If the peraon t e ^ parking apace operator and Wey A. BREWER Cleveland, Nov. 11.—(ff)—A Calls Upon Both Demo* O ^age of Mtialc. will be gueat eo- funniest and prettiest. My wife Elementary School Children; The phoning the police ealled about everybody connected and I thought it would be fun to Work of the Manchester Junior Tetepboa* t-8848 Comes as Communists United Alrllnea plana crashed Into lolat at the Sunday morning aerv- 1 or any member of the department w l^ W e apace. Klhally the wo- Draws Fire Truttfan Urges Truce crats and Republicani aee the affair. We were very dla- Red Croas In Our Community treca and high tension wires just • s "i' ' Joe of the' Flrat PreabyteriM by name the aecretary atlll wanta manhlred a cab and came down appolnted, at flrat no one showed Last Tear. Allege yiolation of To Exercise ^Wisdom church. Woroeater. to aee If.ahe could And her purae. Donald E. Wlllla, of 8* Prince­ reaches of We Paclfle area. A north of Cleveland alri>ort early to know who la calling. up In costume. Finally about half large portion of We more Wan 915 The Work of the Camp and Hos­ Of Minister the daughtei of Mr. a ^ And the aame aecretary uaea the She called tjie cab driver* and all ton atreet, haa been awarded the Cease-Fire Orders to today, icUllng tho pUot aad co-pl- And Restraint in Opec^ B. Kloppenburg of 81 Cooper a doxen people walked In dressed Air Medal for meritorioua service hours that Lieut. Willis logged In pital Council; The Services of the Follow Curbs Lifting term "we" when talking poII« the cab owneae and told them We up. The one Wat really took our Junior Red Croas to Our Nation; lot and Injuring IT paaeengera aad pariment hualneaa aa Ihcmgh ahe atory. After iH waa told, police, while on active duty aa a Flrat Paciflp flsrlng was accomplished In Government Troops ation of Govemmeni eye waa We "old bum outfit." He areas of fighter plane and anti­ The Work of the Mancheater Jun­ JARVIS the stewardess. N. Crare actually a member of the de­ taxi drivera, and all around. We certainly deserved We priae for Ueutenant In the Army Air ior Red Cross for Our Nation, Laot V*. CapitaFe Clergy .Split At the roeeUng of M ^dieater partment heraelf. *It la our und«- woman found that ahe had the Forces. aircraft flic. Nanking, Nov. 11.—ga4 Blaea Bad af War Uw retoas* of eoA and aU other means when applied to Intro­ ARTHUR DRUG STORES declared there would be no further Seems Unlikely to Re- Items except rents, sugar and rice The preetden* dadarsd ha liaev opened Wo bag and found the b « clearrt away the bniah and briar Olcott street from the present east ductory remarks. rnarth Taeaday At Stato Anaetr. Mr. Truman repllad that ha liad o t no raalgnatlona ' ptoitaod b) contained goM old NaCl, aalt to fmm a burial lot In the East Ceme­ A few day* ago The Herald’ •48 Mala 84^ TM. 8888 postponement, and the Commun- ^ BaelMd t* Three BeepItoM was orderad by Preslmnt Truman end of Weet center weat to the A. NON. 8 P. IL snU in- Strictly Left- not heard of tho auggeatlona, but only 22 hours before the United membera of his cabinet afld aalt you unlnltlatea. tery which haa been In disgraceful present eaat end of Olcott and carried a atory about a fellow lata nave Inalated that formal con­ The paaaengers aad atearardeas French Vote condition for a long, long time. In stealing an automobile owned by vocation of tho Asaembly would Officials Tell were rushed to three Cleveland Wing Government eaid it to Juat what be baa been Mins Workwa chief met with Boc- that Chartoa G. RoM will continui Chapman Road on to Love Lane signal the end of psac# negotia­ urging alnoe August, 1945, when retary of Interior J. A. Krug to as hla preaa aecretary. LECLERC Mancheater haan’t any "W^y" thla lot He We remains of Hart Junction, and at that time eaat end William Munale of Benton street. hospitals, but half of them wore In reaponea to a question, thi dining placea—that la placea that Porter, We one time Mayor of The car thief waa eventuaUy tions. , released almost Immediately after News Today the war ended. present unannounced demands for PoMrral Home of Weat Onter street waa at the It was understood that formal About Threat Paris, Nov. 11.—(ff)—The Tb* dUaf executive killed off higher pay and ehorter hours. president sAd a dectolon oi require a certain alandart of Manchester, ao to apeak, for he Center. Of course If tha change caught through the confession of treatment for small cuts and whether leaders of tho new R* dreaa. But we note In an adver- was flrat selectman'of our town another young man who waa a British- aeaslona would begin U and whan brulaea. Extent of Injuries to tha Communists emerged t9da.v the pries aad wag* qpntroto in spring. Krug and Lewis, 2A Main Street waa made the houses that are now tho-Communlata and third party week-tad order, declaring: after govenunent aetoure of the pubUcan-controltod Oongraas wlX tlaement In The Herald of We for a good many years and Porter passenger In the stolen car. Police others waa not available Immedi _ the strongeet party in Watch for Indications DO cAlod to the White Houes fm Phone S2S9 “Kollerlnk" on Welle atreet that atreet and the Porter reeervolr on Spencer atreet would have to had strong suspicion that this American Club delagataa could bo persuaded to|X elephone CaU Says a t ^ . "1 am oonvincad that their fur­ mines to end a 58-day strike that be renumbered, but It la likely that puilclpata. ' France’s 0 8 W fourth republic, ther oontlnuano* would do the crippled the natlonto economy, weekly conferences to one to b* patrona muat conform to dreaa were named after him as well as young paaaenger waa also impli­ The Injured: New Government May made later. ■Undarda. The advertlaement the old Porter Iipmestead where 'renumbering would,not be neces- cated In the theft but since he had WASTE PAPER Protest Order VIolatod Montgomery Will Be Stewarteas Betty Dobson, 25; but the outcome of yester­ natlon’t economy mdre harm than a g r ^ on a contract caUtng for atatea; "Gentlemen muat wear a George Waddell now realdea. How­ eary on what la now Weat O nter The Communiato, who have in- Killed Unless Pales­ Madlaon, Wls. and Chicago, RL day’s national dection eeem- Develop More Pro-Rus- good.” aa 18Vi cants an hour Incroase. "Met Party ProgramT* tie or aport ahiri and coat. Ladleal ever, Hart Porter never owned the atreet." aiatod that military forces revert Roacoo Davla, Los Angelea. ,ed unlikely to bring a strict- At the sama time the chief ■trika Oould Follow Mr. Truman characteriaad for BINGO to their poslUons aa of last Jan. sian Foreign Policy executive ptoead "aquercly upon Lewis now wanta to and that Agn poUoy aa "a natlonA and aoi May I Help You? No dungareea!" so-called "Porter place." He almply tine Policy Quingec Mr. and Mra. E. L. Miuer, j y ieft.w»(ng government. On Aa far aa memory aervee ua that had the life use of We place which The recent Dree at Coventry CALL 2-1257 IS before the Assembly Is called, Shaker Heights, O. maaacaaiant and labor" tha "re* eontraet and up uw wage ocato a paiiy nrogram." He addad: By Hating your property was built and owned by thla have caused aome rather queer angrily protested today that na- New York ,N8t. UWtod BpmidWty* far ■eeaamle sUhUl- fbv a Awstsv work week- Ai la the llrat time In the town’a hla- for . tionaUat Armlas already were vio- London. Nov. 11—(«7— Scotland D .K .n , 1 ( W t or in baying or acliing or ar tory that patron* have been told writer's grandfaWer. After Mr frights among the realdenteOf that COLLECTION IdasB. Natioos dlptomata afanaad nporta he tiAw letd' dowh •' aL Aa8erohly»Aom*.naw roaUthM' how Wey ahould dreaa. We Wink Porter passed on the place with area. Two local men got quite a WILLIAMS TONIGHT tatlng GblaagW oeaas-irs Tard oOldala aald today that a AlhecL-Bxady, Oanhe. Msto. ''^ 'Piawtoe BawwUiiei»Sw*' ’ tame that oould coU for a notUtoa- Irstary of atate and I are eoncero ranging a mortgage for fright thla week while checking on eftoSive at nooktoday—by group­ tolej^bnO anohymbna threat to Howard Cook, Indepepdenee. Mo. appaarad pnmablo In Maoh o< the 88 Ceounaalat flectlofl gains in Hi2 daccntrol edict brought tki- tlon to the go*goveriimaiit Friday! It'a a good omen. If there'a any Its then many acrea of land In­ ing for a poesiblo attack <» the combine of popular Rspuhilcan* France today for indications that you? For further infor­ thing we diatike to aee In a dining cluding where boW the Porter and their cottages In the middle of the o n . SERVICE oaaaaainate Field Marahal Vte- G. 8. Smith, Milwaukee. Wla. mediata promtoea from industry that Iw intenw to tam lnata Uw (Ooatlaaod Oa Tags BIgIrt) night It seems that the Rod and MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Red capital of Joseph Mescie. Cleveland and (MRP), Communtota and Social- the new French government might and bualneaa leadars that pricea contract Nov. 20. Under the un- room or on a dance floor It’a a Howard reaervoira now are, waa "We Solve the Burning ORANGE HALL province. count Montgomery "unless British tota which controls the current mation tail: fellow with hla ahlrt-tail hanging supposed to revert to Wla writer’s Gun Club at the lake had a moose Qoestlnn” Boaton, Mass. develop a more pro-Ruaslan for­ will b* held a t reasonable toveto— im’s historic "no contract no­ MeanwhUe government author- policy on Palestine la Immediately William Hoifort, Somerville, provisional governmenL after a period of adjustment work" policy, a strlka ooAd fol­ outalde hla trouaera or a woman father. However, oWers got hold of head hanging above the fireplace, IN THE NORTHWEST SECTION Itlea In Peiping reported recapture Prior to the election the Ckrn- eign policy than the old regime, the property In some way Wat and some mice decided that it changed” waa one of several po­ Mass. But some of tbeee leaders tem­ low next week. In man'a panta. of the entire northern sectloa of G. Kramer, address undeter­ munlst party and the MRP each Should this occur, authorities pered their pledgee with a big The United Mine WoriurS* chief Alice Clampet doesn’t acem above board- for a would Indeed be a cosy place for e BIG PRIZES! the Pelplng-Hankow railroad, vital tentially daogeroua developromte promised if elected to shut out the ■peculated that It could radically An out-of-tOwn woman who battery of lawyer* engaged by mji« neat. The members got tired of Help the Hospital — Help i M c a i Industry By Continuint in the current war of nervea with mined. "ir*—if wag* demands don't up­ strode unsmiling Into Uw big In- Phooe Maaebeater 8-O890 link between north and central Fred C. Wolff, Cleveland. other from any new cabinet, bu* alter the power balance in the for­ set Uw appitesrt torior departnwilt confersnee Flashes! came In to do aome ahopplng the father failed to And deeds that hearing the moose speak In falsetto China, after two and one-half the Jewish underground. the election results teemed to have eign mlnlatera and United Nations Or WUllmaatlo 1428-22 other evening cauaetl a lot of would prove the property was tones *0 they took the head down ''Main Cleaners To Save Paper. The N84m1 Has Not Diminished! Police acknowledged “taking a J, C. Livingston, Wllkoiboro, From labor unnlons, many of room, IwaiJng a group of 25 other months of fighting. N. C. made this Impossible. meetings here. However, queetimia which already ara seeking higher mine workers offlolAs. They in­ (Imta BoDettas A Uw (8) Wire) legally hla. and placed It on the front porch. Admission 25c The last section of the line, be­ aerioua view” of the warnings ef The Communlete ousted Presi­ raised...... by the...... Sunday ■ ballot were "My grandfather, who had a Mra. M. Glueck of CHeveland and pay to offset living coat increases, clude district presidents of soft And Dyers'' tween Paotlng and Shihchlachuang, Irgun Zval Leuml, JewUh xmder- Chicago (wife of United Airlines dent Georges Bidault’s MRP from ■toted to go without exact anawera coA producing areas. 'wholesale shoe bualneaa In New was reported cleared of Commun­ ground orgpanisatlon, which haa there waa nothing but alienee on employe). the legisiatlve toad, winning back until all returns were In and the the preeident's action. CtoA Mines Administrator N. H. Rueela AesAle Brittok PsKcles York City In the 1830’a waa ad­ We Call for and ist troop* a UtUe more than 12 claimed credit for numerous Pal­ Guthrie Janesen, Springfield, tho place they took In the flrat new government formed. Colliason and other Interior de­ Lake Succeee, N. V., Nov. 11— vised by doctor* that he hadn't houra before the deadline of gen- estine bombings and for the re Frande has not always sided Plenty of Potential Trouble (4V-Tho UAtod Natioaa batth long to live, having aome disease erving All ni. constituent Asaomhly elected Oct On the cool, eteei, auto and aev partment officiato accompanied Announcing The Opening Deliver ■* O ’ oraliasimo’a caaso-flre order given cent bombing of the British em­ Mrs. G. Sweet, address imde 21, 1945, and lost In the second with the United Statea and Britain Krug; who has chaUsnged Lewis* over tiaatoeoApo flared la fA of which 1 know not. It was when Religious his forces in a "final" effort at bassy a t Rome. The organisa­ termined (booked from Loe An- elected last June 2. against Russia on critical issues— era! other fronts there to plenty of right to open the government wage force today whea Soviet BooeU of my father waa a small child. 8o Tel. Man. 3142 pSace. tion threatened by secret radio gales to Boaton). and eometimea has played the role potential trouble if management contract which the two made last aeoAled Brittoh poUclee oa Palea the life use of hla Manchester Order OaUed Bose over the week-end to "extend our Can Claim Premlerahip and labor deadlock aa they did a Faiths Released After Treatment On the strength of their gnina, of compromtoer—but in the main spring. Uae aad the UAted Statoe eeo» houao and property was given to Our Courteous Driver Will We Now Have Communlat six>kesmen earlier actlvttiee’’ to other countrie*, In French policy has lined u r with few months back. Lewis decUned to give any hint tered with a charge that Baaoii Mr. and Mrs. John Bush, 194 the Communlet* were In posltlm Mr. Porter for promising to bring with rilualitlic Stop At Your Door caUed Chiang Kal-Shek’a cease­ eluding Britain. the west more than with Ruasia. While the unions eaid .nothing, to reporters Whether ha would threatened to "Jeopardlxe" the ere up and see that a good education fire order, effecUve today, a ruse Hawthorn, Hartford, Conn. to claim the premlerahip and were tho United Statea Chamber of correctneu. Ckauds a t Homes Inereoaed expected to advance . Maurice Might Uhaage Allgameat make public hla demands, which ation of a truatecAdp couaeU. Al Kelley’s Service Center waa given to my father. Mr. Por­ which would not stop the fighting, Davis, Mr. and Mra. Miller, The Influence which the coramun (^ommorco called on labor to exer- he has held off during more then Guards, aaaigned to watch the though Hovlet Ambaeeodor NIeIc ter fulfilled hla promise In every *Remember the Main* and declared that government con- WoHf, Brady, Mr. and Mr*. Bush, Thorex for the poet against almcst lata appesred to have gained in the homes of Montgomery and mem- certain opposition from rJeerty a week of preliminary aegotlattone olA V. Novikov de>‘oted moot OL ^6 BRAINARD PLACE TEI. 7255 way as I was Informed by my *11 Paris government might, on key (CoaUaned oa Page Two) between a union committee and father many year* before he pass­ (Coatiaiied On Pago Eight) bera of the British cabinet, have (Oonttened on Page Six) other parties. 1 aa hour-long speech to oa ladict /BURKE Texaco Calendars been Increased, while all vialtora questions, change this alicmment Oollisaon. ment of Great Britaia. the Unjot ed on to what he used to refer to Party Secretary iaque* Duct •* Such a development would have EDWARD F. KELLEY, Prop. to the Colonial and Foreign of­ said the Communist* were "ready Other developments on the la­ of South Africa, AuetraSa f(id as. "The Happy Hunting Ground*." ■FSMUNUk ' «»KiM(SIU U)«» far-reaching ceneequencea. It bor front: even putting him through the Wll- fices—government departments to assume ell the responsibilltlee otlwr mandatory powen for wha: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 moat dowly connected with Pal­ would put an end to the eltuatlon No Formidable OANea FAI to Appear he called riolatloiie at the U, N brnham Academy, which In those Adpiits Slaying Racial Pieace Implied by our greet oucceao.” In which Russia often finds her­ REPAIRING ON ALL MAKES OF CARS days was claasrt aa "tops” In FOR for 1947 estine—are being closely acru- But thtire seemed little chance self without a voting partner In Rochester, N. T., The Demo­ charter, the most controverala educational line. My dad and our tlnixed. • they could form a leftist majority among the big powers, thus pre crat and Clironlcl* and Tha Times leeue to emerge was the "veto' Ehctra precautions have also in the Legislature or in a cabinet. Bases Planned Union—both of ths city's dallies question. By Weil Known IaicbI Mechanic —- At Your Service! present postmaatcr’a grandfather, • • r • Bickering Wife Seen Possible venting Britsw and the United and both owned by the Gannett • • • I.#evl Grant were nearly so-called THE SICK been taken in the provinces and Antl-Mnrxtst parties gained, too, States from raising the cry of GAS — OIL — LUBRICATION ' forty-ninera for they traveled to Fli.MS FILMS Tbc 1947 calendar includes six beautiful full color reproduc­ persona arriving at British porta while too Socialist* lost heavily "veto" against Russia o frequent­ group—fAled to appear.on the Dodlea Found In Wood* are receiving a double check. 6 Atmoflt Ail of lelandB streets for the third day aa me­ Ml. r’olly, N. J , Nov. II—UW- California together In the early Developed and Printed tions of selected oil paints by famous drtists— it is especially Mother of Five C3iil' "Iliese measures have been in ’A b s o l u t e Segregation’ » ra*uli the MRP renralned toe ly, It could have an Incalcuiable chanical employes sought to en­ Tho bodies of a man and woaut Road Service — Fiat Tire Or Out of G§n lAIO’s. « ® M l>oa*lbto spearhead of a powertui effect on the policies of amall Seixed from japan force wage IncreoM demands. Any Size —- 39c Roll Fruit Baskets effect some daya now and will con- anti-co>:.muni»t bioc. wore found today In the thlA "When 1 waa a youngster In the desiguf^d for your home. dren Found Deod, In , Unue," a Scotland Yard Inapector Seen ’First Essential European nations. Meanwhile, Binghamton printera woods of State foreat aoi 1890'a, I waa on a train with my Interior Minletry figures for 582 'The vote also was being etudied R u sY into Uflelesonefls joined those In alx other upetate ARTHUR DRUG STORES Made Up To Order Her Bed by Daughter aald today, disclosing that the By Alabama Governor | deputies elected from continental for its possible effects on Soviet far from the iweno where the emi father returning from a hunting i’IRE CHIEF HATS FOR THE KIDDIES ^ ** ‘telephoned threat against Mont­ New York clUas where Gannett used In the kidnaping of a soldtor'i trip when I heart a man aeatect 845 »lato S t Tel. 2808 France,-' Cditiica, Algeria Xiid foreign policy, which in the face Honolulu, Nov. 11.—(47—The papers at* published tn,^ asking near ua aay to hia companion. gomery** life wa* made to one of French Weat Africa gave the Com of eome reverses and stiff opposi­ wife, Mr*. Mary Kimmey, had beet $2.00 and up Come in and Get Your Calendars and Hats ^ ... Traverae City, Mich., Nov II— the - yiacount’* aide* Wednesday. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 11.—UP) mandated ielanda of the Paclfle located. Stato Police Capt. Waltei ‘There’s that Mr. ao and ao." (ff)—State Police CapL Earl J, —^Negroea and white* can live to­ muniata 170 seats, the MRP l?-9 tion haa recently, In the view of over which the United^ tatae le (Doattaned on Page Two) (Meaning my father who waa very the Socialist* 95, toe Leftist Rally American diplomata, been more 8 J. t!oughlin «aA the bodice had nSi Hathaway said today Eugene (ObirtlBoed oa Paa* Two) gether peacefully and harmonious­ seeking to retain control contain yet been Identified but that he 86 deaf). "He’s never made any , Nichol*,' 25, factory worker and ly, Gov. Chauncey Sparks declared (Mainly Radiw Socialists) 58, the conciliatory- no formittoble chAn of bases now, trouble yet but If he doe* we will Rightists (Republican Party of No Request For Delay Ueved they were those of the coA BODY AND FENDER RED & WHITE father of five children, had admit­ today, only H toer recognlxe that nor to any such chain planned, pie sought In the kidnaping.. Mra REAL ESTATE settle with him out of court." 1 ted strangling hla estranged wife, “abaoluto ecKvaeation" to the "flrat Liberty and Oaullist Union) 52 and Despite the uncertainties raised high Navy officera aay. Snow Covers Kimmey, 7B-yea?-old wife of Sergt later on told my dad what the man REPAIRING Lucille also 25. essential o i a workable racial so^ Independent* 48. by the French election, both AlmoA all of the wartime to- had said and dad Informed me STAND We- Hav^ A Full Line Of Anti-Freeze Urges Action Cloae Dlvtaloa on Vote* French and American offlclala said. Glynn F. Kimmey of. the U. S. Ar­ TURNPIKE The mother, who Hathaway aaid clety.” iand baaea aelxed from Japan in m y SIgnA Corps, wan Iddnapef FAIRVlEW ST.— OLCOTT DRIVE— who the man was. However, dad waa seeking divorce, waa found liie prospects for such an era in Thus the Communtota and So- France had mode no request for the bitterest fighting of tha war •-Boom Slagle. Corner lot. 7-Room Single In a d4llghttnl never got the ao-called Porter AUTO BODY WORKS ,West Ceunter Street claliata, provided they could get any delay In preliminary, talks on Plain States from the bed of tier hnaband oi dead in her bed Sunday morning the South are "good,” he added. today are rusting and crumbling D’e-t. 77. The FBI sAd at the Him Downstairs lavatory, tile bath. retting and enrroanding* Wat place which would have probably 164 Weet Middle Tpk.. Tel. 7048 by a daughter. LuciUe, 9. The On Palestine In a written answer to together, would command 225 Germany by the foreign mintotan into UMleeaneae. 2 hedreome. Hot water heat. OU make for privacy. Every mud- been left to my brother and me. votes, while the MRP theoretically here. that the 'abductor wae CbAmefi burner. Aatomatle hot water. dm detaU, oil bhmer, tOe bath, arrest of Nichols followed after questions submitted by The Asso­ A French informant said what America’a requent for control Tornado Lautmugln an ex-convict, neighbora had notified police. ciated Press, the Alabama chief «X- could amaaa 269 with the Radical under a United NaUons truatee- Uneeaeonable ' • • * Baaemeat famiidr)'. etc. We will flniah It to aoit Zerone - Zerex - Prestone Pepper Asks United ecutive spoke out against what he Socialists and Rightists, not tak­ hla delegation, might do in the fu­ Admits ChoUng Wife shlp would cloak any future mili­ you. ing into account the predominant­ ture w t^d depend on the ptoas of Hits South; Rain to Fire Causes Man’s Death SO. COVENTRY— ^'Captain Hathaway said Nichoia termed "outside Interference,” and French President-Foreign MIntotar tary development with an Inlpec- New York Nov. II— Fire For Mazimam Heat and admitted In an oral statement that States Demand Inter­ said the South cannot solve Its ly rightist character of many of tlon-proof curtain. Newsmen who Fall in New England Looriad near lake, 4-Room ALEXANDER ST.— the independents. Gtorgea Bldault If BidosMt ton swept a three-story building in up­ Slagle, attached garage. Mot 7-Koom SIngla. Large ooroer Best BuminK Efficiency For Sale Ample Supply! he choked hia wife with his hands vention in A ffair racial probtoma "as long as we qre oome here from Paris at once, lie have juat completed a three-week In the bedroom of their home on hanutert by cynics, the spiteful Returns from the colonies on tour, however, learned - that: town Manhattan today, causing watiwheat. OU burner. Copper loL Oeaeral cpeidfleatloiMi Plea- KNOFLA Use Se additional aeats are not expect- ■aid, the Big Four may go ahefid By The Aseociated Press the death of one man police identi- ptarablng. 87,800. ty of clocel epaee. orb flooring, the sparsely aettled outskirts of critics and platitudinous preachen, 1 . From a military standpoint, •' ‘A.., '. ■ the city. Philadelphia, Nov. 11 -—(/Pi— either without or within." there’s n'>thlng much to look at, A heavy blanket. of snow—In fled as Mark Lee, 62, and injuriet hot water beating eyetem, oil U. 8. Senator Claude D. Pepper COeattaPod am PBgq Two), (Oaattaoed am Pago Fear) some places as much a* 16 Inches to Ax others, including an 12- PRINCETON ST.— bamer, aatomntlc hot aratei BROTHERS CANARIES "1 was tired of bickering and Voter Qaallflcattoae Tlgkteaed now; and quarreling and the coming di­ (D-Fto.), who terms British prac- 2. No plana are in evidence —covered aome porUone of the up­ months-old boy. The Injured were 8-Soom Slagle. Large lot. beat, copper plamMng, tally la General Contractor TEXACO We Also Have A Fair Stock Of Uces In Palestine "barbaric," wa* One step In the direction of bet per ptoln etatee today and In the Identified by police as .Maty l*e, Brick and frame. Downatalr* anlatod. Baaement laahdry and Guaranteed Singers vorce," Hathaway said the youqg now for any elaborate chain of on record today asking that the ter Negro-white relations in Ala­ forUfleaUons in the future, (A south at leaat one person was dead at, the dead man’s wife; Joseph^ lavatory, tile baW. Hot water baaemeat bulkhead. First floor Jobbing and W'hite and All Colors father related. United States government "de­ bama, Ckivemor .Sparks said, waa after an unseasonable tornado. eonalst* ot large OMidera kitch­ RANGE O IL . The woman’* eldest daughter, though Guam and nearby 8aipan Leie, 27, a son, and his wife, Mra.*' beat. Oil burner. Baaemeat laun­ mand of the Unlfrt Nations inter­ the tightening upon voter quallfl- Dulles Assails Red Tactics might become rather highly de­ Tiw tornado which struck in Helen Lee, 28; Ctekn John, 27. a dry and hatchway. en, - lavatory, dining room am| GeheraV Repairing Batteries For Mosf Cars Lucille, nine, fbund her motber’a vention in the Palestine affair." cationa written into the etato con­ Points Coupee parish of Louisiana, Uvlng mom witb flreplaca. See- body sprawled across her bed at 2 veloped bases. eoimln of Joseph Lee, and Robert DEVON DBIVE— A. M. HARRIS "Let’s remove Britain aa a man­ stitution. In last 'Tuesdays elec­ killed a Negro and Injured two oth­ John. 12 months, M* son. Another and floor haa 4 bedrooms and Call 4386 Cull 4496 a. m.A white scarf had been pulled datory power over Palestine and tion. . In Negotiations on Peace Tto group visited Kwajeleln, ers—a mother and her baby. All 4-Baem Slagle wlW furnace tUe bath. Now availahle for 195 Henry Street Into a hard knot around Mrs. Majuro, Guam, 8Apan„ Okinawa. adult waa not Inimedtntely Iden- Before 6 P. M. and Tires puti that unfortunate country 'The amendment would require telephone communicaUon with the tlfled. Persons caught in the blase beat. Pike 26A00. Sabstaa- oocopancy. laepectton by ap­ L. T. Wood Co. PHONE 5467 Nichols’ throat under the protection of the United voters to be able Jtp "understand PeleUeu, Truk, and Tslngtao community was broken, In other ttol caeb required. pointment only. Bruioea Indicated the slay­ New York, Nov. 1 1 .—(ff>—Rue-? help the flow of trade, treaty or no (C:hina), headquarters ot the U. were on the top floor of the build­ NaUons," he told the executive and explain" any section of the . Beventh fleet. Okinawa to un­ parte of LoAetona, rain and aome ing. er used his bare hands, accord­ committee of the American Jewiah constitution rather than merely to sia’e tecUcs in peace negottoUona treaty." 8 winds were noted, with Bhton HOLLISTER ST.— Call Saturday or Sunday ing to Coroner Eugene Sampson in centrA Europe where It "to, PreventCompetHlon der Army control; the other to- Large S-Eoeu Stogie. AU congress tost nighL read and write" portions. Its Rouge reporting a wind velocity of Publishera Freed In Contempt Case To Inspect Any of These A Few 6.00 x 16 Tire Chains He said there were no other in­ I^per also urged that the proponents sought Ita adopUmi as I most Interested In expanding its Ruaala’t tacUcs, he said, ‘*oper- lande are in Navy hands. 40 milea an hour. Unseasonably Oil bora- WASHING MACHINE juries. • - . 1 poUtlcA and economic eya- i ato to prevent American businesa The one mandated leland which Little Rock, Nov. 11—(4V-There Oeeupaaey. Properties. American government act to "put a means to pryvent maaa Negro ■eems highly Important to Navy warm weather had been re­ TROUBLE? Sheriir Leon Berratt of Grand United Nations force in Palestine registration while those opposing tern" were asaallcd today by Alton on a frto basto from compeUng ported over most of the south. Is "no rule ot law permitting Jail Traverse county aald Mra. Nichoia W. Dulles, member of America’s with the ’ government controlled defense planning to Saipan— •enteacea nod eonteropi tneS mer^ BIRCH S T ^ On Sundays Tel. 727S We will pick up, repair aad te- to do whatever la necessary. the law oaaerted that It waa un- which, with U. 8.-owned Guam, The snow covered Colorado, Ne­ Quality Work tura promptly aay maka waek- had undressed for bed but the bed "The United Statea,” the Florida democraUc and could be used to dclegaUon to the United Nation*. . economy of R u a ^ ‘ braska, Iowa, South Dakota, cen­ ly becauae a newspaper thlaka Veur S^Eoem Teuemeato, one Dulles urged busineae men to makes up the only reA American ■emn Judge ha* mlatakeoly stated WMUBt aad ready for oeenpaa- HOMES UNDER QJ. M i.i. OP lag machlae. Wo keva repaired clothes had not beti* turned back. senator went on, “will never send diaquallfy white peraona oa well as In a speech prepared for deliv base la Uw western Pacific. trA Minnesota and northern Wis­ BY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS huadreds a t washer* la thla He said ahe had returned from a lU Boldien to protect a British Neiegroes. leryery aat t Uiethe rtauonaiNaUonA roraignForeign Trade work with the UAted 8tatca gov­ consin. ' Moving eastward, the the law," the Artcaiwaa Sapreme uy. Buy this property for a RIGHTS; NOW BEINO ernment to* get Germany "off the Truk, Pelelieu (Palau) and other court declared today la treelag OONStRUOTED AT REASONABLE PRICES vicinity la the past year. SERVICE (’ance a t 2 a. m. and evidently tot mandate, hki if U>c United Nations Gov. 8parka predicted the new convention, Dulles said that Russia Japanese atrongholds of the w u storm went .into upper MicAgan Wringer RoUL Drala Hofca. the murderer in herself sometime taltes over the protection of Pales­ reatricUona would produce "an ■eeme to be Mocking Uw conclu­ dole. and was expected to bring rAn to two itegra puhllehen of contempt "Germany today to like a hank are being ignored as military bas­ peaAtlen aeeeaaed by a Pulaekl Etc., la Stock For All Makeo thereafter. tine, we win do our part. understanding on the pact of both sion of peace" and urged the UAt- es. ThAr guns and plUboxea wars New York and the New England MAYTAG SALES AND Mrs. Nichols^ live children wore Cnltoe WorUI Problem , races that their probtoma are ed 8Utes ‘To forget technlcaU- nipt corporation Into which oom*.. atatee today. (U ttle Rock) CIreAt omi^ "Seek THE MANCHESTER of Its credttora ore pouring mll- destroyed and their temporary Na­ comment doe* not create a preaeai SERVICE STATION - In the home at the time. In addl "This to a worid problem, not a mutuA and not dissimilar; that .tiea. vy inataUationa are nutjng to CAd Wave Follows Storm tlon to LucUto, they are Ida, 7; Britiidi problem," he continued, “t the welfare of their religion con­ "If we cannot fet a togA and Uons without any plan of reorgsA- In Colorado a cold wave followed danger to the admlAetrattoa w 88 UNION 8T. ROCKVILLE saUon," the American delegate powder. Justice," aaM the unaAmoue epln- Pbone Rnckvlllc 1887 and Re- TEL. 3 8 6 6 Shirley, 5; Dale. 2, and *nmothy, can upop our government to delay cern* both, and that the character signed peace,’! the prealdent of the KwajAeln ha* become a half-' the two-day ■to;m, which had tak- JARVIS REALTY Co. DRY CLEANERS 427 HARTFORD ROAD no longer In the performan- e of Its of government which they have Council on Foreign RelaUona, Inc., ■aid. “At the liame time other I loa by Chief Jnetice Grlffla Sorith; six months old. She was separated 9.3 W’ella S tr^t » Telephone 7254 %-eree Charge*, rhone Mancbe*- cradttora are taking the machinery I f DOVER ROAD TEL. 4112 OR 7275 tar 588d EvealngB. from her hflahand Eugene, of ■Ad. "let ua move as rapidly aa poo- (Cpattaued oa Paia Ax) ■ ^ a farmer Trever** City, (ConttaDed on Paco-8U)i (Oesttaoed oa Pago 8U> siMe to a state of peace which will out of the ptontai"

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(T rtiiiWiMl'i I' Ir

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death to thouaandg of thoir George VI participated at White­ sarlea of Jswtah torroriat ergshUM* feated. am. Chirley (D.,’ Maas.), who friendo and a lingering loatheonw Coal Miners^ Ice. and Uvlng as faithful stew­ did not seek re-election', also may hall. tione had arrived In aplte of eoun- Protects Town denth to theueende of othersT ards. Solons to Get tar-moaeurca and drawn up a Big Attendance receive retirement pay. Scotland Yard Array aearebee for arma and re Ueprveates Vlsleaae ■uggaalleaa . . . No apology would be aufficicnt "In the choice between self In- To collect, members mudi have A government spokesman depre­ "daath list" of natabtasL . to efface what ft may mean to ‘Free Economy’ Now dulgeoM servios to others Is aultant claahee. Tht Scotland Yard man would Against Suits Threat Tops rved St least sue years, not Tomorrow Scotland T^ard will cated London newspaper sugges­ tha people of the world." At Memorial the only hope at the world. It te Annuities Now necesoortly consecutive, and be Officials Tell draw on a conelderably reduced tions that a campaign of violence not comment on Ths Evening Biigeno Kuehn, the Bast Bt. tho choice which will determine years old. They also must con­ ataff— 12.S00 regulara aa oppoeed might begin In Kngland, saying Nowa atatemont that "Jewteh ter- a . Loula, ni., baker who deatgaed greatnaes tn personal Ufa. It te a tribute to the retirement fund six rortate" In England wars receiving Labor Seen C ftrlifm ttt O ffft to nearly 20,000 a doten year* ago "there Is no evidence to show any Board of Education the eake with the aid of 1« k . As Controls Dropped test that was made sreeterday, and Conerrte Evidence of per cent of their base pay for the About Threat —to guard notahlea taking part in terrorists have arrived In this their arma and money "from Local Patriotic Organ* wlU be mode tomorrow In the Ufa post five years. wealthy compatrlote In the United Here Acted Early This 1 nmn!*^toiertb^^aa'*^*£^ (OoMtlaaad Page Owe) of every person. W e have been Benefits Shown for f o r d l l the opening of the new aeaaion of country, 'nte poaalblitty that they isations and AuxiUar* Representative Kopplemonn, 66, may get here does cxIsL SUtoa.'’ buslneaa request" H* said It had bought with a price: we ttx'o has 10 years' House service. The BINGO (Oeatlaaetf rrwn Page Oae| Manchester Veterans' Parliament " It’a a pollUeal quaatlon,** the Year on New Law Nation Hesds into One through the preeloua Jeopardy of New Englanders ffco fam ily "Certain wartime precautions been ordered by Lieut (J.Q.) John strike action of the A F L Interna- ics at South Church minimum $2,716 lump sum would Hundrede of bobbtea (London’s apokeaman aald„ 'T oan tell you, T. Holloway of S t Loola, a mcm- ttonal Typographical union. Senrlce Center others. God rests the cause with Montgomery 'could not be reached have been restored," a War office Of Golden Periods of ee Caster Street net him about 2,202 a year for life Shop Marly uniformed police) changed to plain though, no evidence enlsU to show The suit brought by a Water- t>er of Bundy’s atari. us whether or not we wUI Uve for Washington, Nov. 11 — ( ^ — Payment of approximately $8,068 for comment. ^ . official said, "these Include a more Membars of three A F L prinltag (N ext to Muotetpol Bolldlat) clothes to mingle with the thou­ any Irgun Bval LsumI er Stem Stephana at hte Bloomington, A Urge congregation, with mem­ self, or moke a aaenunent. of our to cover his entire service would The threat. If actually made by stringent security control In War town High School pupil for $15,- trades usione employed ay Do- History or into Witn- Tetopham sn s aad 6441 Thanks to the legtetetlve reorgani­ TOMORROW NIGHT sands watching the lord mayor's gang terrorlate have arrived In ni., home termed the sermon ailly, trolt’e three dally papers asked bers of t>>4 patriotic organisations life In honor of Hte Holy name.” Telephone office precincts." 000, against hta teacher la of In­ Dlracior— Nathan B. Ostch- sation act of 194(L defeat at the return him $2,800 annually. procession Saturday. Many also Britain." adding: "W e Intended the cake as their International’ officara for ering Disaster and their suxlltertoa. attended the Representative Talbot (R.. 2-1254 or 2481 were on hand to watch the crowd A s^kasman for lootland Yard terest to tha local Board of Educa­ somcUilng to cat.” OIL polls need not be the great financial tion aa it Is to othar Boards of atrike authorteatlon. Armtetlce Sunday service at South (Tonn.), who did'not run for re- during yesterday’s Remembrance termed "sensational" an Bvening Mr. Davte, a Methodist minteter By rs~i— Marlow Aaotetont Dlractor — WolUr Mayor Helps Rout blow to older congressmen that It election, has served the requisite AMERICAN LEGION HOME News report asserting that emis- Railway Track$ Blown Education throughout the state. In London before coming to the Tbs FhUadelphte Racord and the Methodist church yuterdsy morn­ day ceremonies. In which King nearby Camden, N. J., Oourter-Poat Ford. once was. six years, but te only 45 years old. It la the Brat of tta kind brought Waablnffton, Nov. U — Socrotory—fiStesbath Wash- ing. The following groups were Leonard Street United Stetee in 1B29, came to were making all editlona with ex­ Ooncretr evidence ot the benefits However, by putting up the $2,716, Up at Throe Plaeeo a'nce lU siaetment at the 1S4S Today wa head into ona of the represented: Veterans of Foreign Two Holdup Men Washington in 1M4 from Summit ecutives fflling Jobe vacated by ktewlch which may be derived from the he could begin to collect $1,418 a Jsruaalam, Nov. 11— — Itall oesslon of the Legteleture making golden periods of American bte- Counselling: 10 to 12 noon; 1 Wore. American Legion. Disabled N. J. 880 members of the CIO American new retirement plan may be seen year when he reaches 63. EARLY way tracks were blown up a' the town equally responaibla In fe t y or Into wttharing dteoater. to 4 p.m.; 0 to 12 on Satur­ W ar Veteroite. Spanish W ar Vet­ N e w Haven, Nov. 11—(#)— GRAND SWEEPTAKES Nasvspapar OuUd aaoklng higher in annuities available to New Eng­ tree place along the Lydda-Halfi any suit brought egalnet Its toaeh- ’Time—It may taka yeara—wlU day. erans, Marine Corps League, Brit- Mayor WlUtem C. Celentano vocal­ MORE POPULAR EVERY WEEK wages. land senators and House members tine early today In tha vtdnlty of ars. toll which. Veterans’ AdmtntetraUon leh W ar Vaterona, Army and Navy ly coma to the old of John J. Scott, who retired or were defeated In INDIVIDUAL SEAlltl IMNIR PRIZEI TO PLAN the Raa El Ain railway aUtlon, Truman Urges T or wa havt reached that point One iMHiaewlfe tell* another how tberoagidy, hew gently elethee ‘The local Board of Education, Strike la Fourth Week contact Represoatatlvas — aub, ItoUon War Veterans and of 288 Golden Hill road, Bridge­ test week's election. FLAGSTONE AND which had been daatroyed by raaltelRg aariy In tha year the Tbs Trane World Airline pilots — that “froa economy” — whieh Thomas J. Sweeney, Jr,, dally. auxiliaries. port, and routed two would-be A ll EUgtMe For Annuities are laundorrd at the Modernised MaiMheater Lamdry. Have bomba I I houra previously. bttSineasmon and labor leaders, necrsalty of providing for Just such Industrial Truce strike went Into Ite fourth wuek 8;80-6:00 p.an.; Saturday, The choir under the direction of holdup men. Senator Walsh 7D., Mass.l, who FIREPLACE STONE y o u discovered our safe, careful laaaderingf Cempleta raaga Several mints alao war# found an emergency, arranged for and with both sides eUU trying to each in their own wajr, have 8:80-12; Howard Plonk. Tueo- [-George O. Ashton song music ap­ The spot the pair had chosen to was defeated: Senator Gerry (D., PENNY ItlNGU RKGUl.AR KINftO of aarvtoaa, from wat waah to dnished work. on the Jaffa-Tel Aviv railway line secured Iteblllty Insursnce to pro­ agree on an arbitration formula. screamed for. *' doy-Fridsy. 8:80-6:00 p.m.; Also Ready Made Stone EARLY (Continued tram Page One) propriate to the occasion. Clarence accost the Brid^port man about R. I.), who reUred. and Senator 7:3U It) 8:15 STARTS A1 8:20 last night. No eaeualUes were tect It in an action such aa now te New York’s Mayor WUHam The government hoe stepped Saturdays, 8:80-12. Dickeneon’s "Fbr AU Who Watch 2 ojn. Sunday was near the may­ Austin (R., V LI, who resigned to and Terrace Blocks reported. being brought In Watertown. O’Dwyer returned from a Califor­ aside. On Saturday— except for RohablUtatlon and Training accept appointment as United DELIVERY SERVICE 7 DAYS OR SOONER else ’’self-restraint" in wage de­ Today," and "Receoalonal" by H or’s home. Hearing Scott’s cries TO SHOP Police eou;^t three Jewe whom Grounds o f Buito nia vacation to faca a atrike oufor, rice opd rents— It dropped Offiooi — John Fox, avoltebla States representative on the Unit­ PHONE 2-0617 mands and In tha use of the strike Alexander Matthews. for osaistance, the chief executive CASH-AND-CARRY 10% DISCOUNT they accused of placing the bomba The suit was alleged against a threat by CIO Transport Workers on centrote on prices and wofoa. by ippointmont only. Rev. Ward's Sarnioa leaned out of a window and warn­ ed Nations Security council, all which destroyed the Ree B1 Ain high school teacher of the Water- weapon to anforca utoge demande." which wduld tie up city-owned This ended the controls which Secretary—Ruth~ “ ■* Gow. are eligible for Ufe annuities based And Robert-R. Watson, presi­ In hte eeimon on "Precious ed the two men, then called police. Dry Cleaning Picked Up and DaUvartd. •Utlon, killed one Arab and In­ town school aystam, claiming that transportation. hod been port of our dolly Uvea on their ages and length of service. dent of the National Association Jeopardy," Rev. W. Ralph Ward. By the time the police arrived, jured three BrlUah aappere who the teacher wtji negligent tnrough Fort Wayne, Ind., A F L bus and since 1942. the two men had fled. Scott suf­ In the House, Representatives YOU’RE of Manufacturere, dcclarad that Jr, called for heroic and escritl- were trying to remove tne explo­ failure to control the conduct SM street car workers stayed away ' '^ e y had been kept 14 months can wage# and prices go—and how clol living in the days of peace as fered some bruises but no mone Kopplemsnn (D., Conn.), and priess. after a temporary rise, after war’s end to n t us over that sive ebargea. setivitlea of the puplte when aha from work leaving the d ty of 126,- long con they stay up thero — are evidenced oo widely in times of to iy loss. Hoimoi (R., Moss.), who were de­ MOOUHIZiO, MANCHfSrfR Authorltlee pointed out the sim­ "w ill be adjusted jlownward under SURE m absented henwlf.” pupil clalnu 000 with 126 taxlcaha for public , hump of reecnverwon when goods without on eventual, frightful war.wa.. "W e are lltrfnr living,’’ " liBhe said,sold, "in’in ilarity between yesterday’s Inci­ reatored competitive conditions" wqre scarce and prices might have that as a result of being hit In th< transportation. crash. the most extravagant era of solf WALTER H. RAU dent and tha method employed by eye by an eraser thrown by an' unless industry costs are forced up rodcetqd. in-one spedal! Indulgence In 'American .history.” K t i P iO U K TO GET the Jewish underground organisa­ "by another round of wage de­ Hotel Efhployea Betnming Danger Not Poet Aftor the last war pricos rocket­ P r epriatet lAUNDRY other pupil, he lost the sight of ed. Then thh bottom fell out It because 'multitudes have taken the mands.” Employsa of three Philadelphia tion, Irgun Zvald LaumI, when a an eye, and the suit te a result No controls in that period freedom brought, by the war’s end Jeriiaalem station was destroyed Mr. Truman's order wiped price hotels were returning to work to­ might have meant very bod infla­ took about 11 years after the war n MAf‘11 SI I’ H U M I H-J !<’. I ’The law was enacted as a result for the gresq depression to hit. and are living only for tbemselvea. PHESCNrCAR, last week. ' Four daya ago tha of a suit brought against a Bristol ceiliiiga off building materlate ea day after two weeks of Idleness In tion. That danger may be less THE PICK well as scores of other Items, In­ ..It may hitlogaln. If we get hun­ The alternative to this way of life, group said It would continqt to teacher In IMS In whieh the court strike over Increased wage de­ than it waa a year ago. It te not said Mr. Word, te to U ke the new attack railway Installatlona. cluding clothing, automobllee, fur­ mands. post. gry and reckloss for money. This found against the tsacher. te the ghost that stands around the opportimity for living which peace Looking It*» Be$t! OF THE CROP Officiate also reportad tha death niture, paper,, ateel and other George Buaher, buelneaa mana­ I f It doesn’t come— If things metals. comer. has brought and reconsecrate our­ of a fourth Britten policeman, in­ ger of Local 36$, Hotal ReataUrant stay on on evtn keel In this coun- selves to the service of others and Doubt HoMlag Bolea lid It stands ready to tap on the Dm\ he “penur wbe m 4 pound jured In Friday’s booby trap ex and Building Sarvica Workers —we Miould be entering now OAciale of the National Housing shoulder the bustnesmmen and the the will ot God. M W ir WhUo wnHinc for the DO YOUR plosion during a raid on a sus­ Atoiilic Cake (CnO), said tha MO union mam- SI of our most prosperous per agency, which fought elimination labor people if, Ir their new found Mr. Ward pointed a parallel be­ ICE CREAM new Dedte er Plpoienth jren will pected arma cachs in the Bukhar- bara voted to end tha walkout fol­ lode. tween our time and the experience CHRISTMAS O.P.A. ISOFF ten area of Jerusalem. of building material contmla, ex- Employment te huge. People freedom of today, they skate blind' - drive, he enmH nad he^ year SHOPPING Draws Fire pressed doubt that the $10,000 lowing a management promise to of David, King of Israel, In tlw with Jobe, good wages, and money folded Into the future. cave of Addullsm when fresh eteeent «w leeUnf He heet Otw NOW BUT OUR PRICES REMAIN THE SAME sales lid on new, homes can be held Increase wages If the Office of saved ore hungry for goods. enperU eaa fhro yen— Of Minister for long, although N H A Chief Price Administration boosts room water was brought to him at great AT With that hunger for the stuff risk to his bodyguards. David re­ THI HAVOt-OF^W-WNmi Communists Top Wilson W. Wyatt has voiced deter rental ceilings. the factories can turn out, produc­ A Complete l^lne of Imported and Domeatle fused to drink tho wqter. but pour- mlnation to do so. Pickets were recalled following tion Miould be high for a good Banquet-Shower WINKS — CORDIALS (Continued From Pago Oae) _ I ed It out upon tho ground os a sac- DOUBLE Parlies in France Privately, aides of W yatt said the announcemenl late yesterday while, at loost. Hawaii’s choicest piofapplea and And Your Favorite Bottle of Liquor It may be necessary to boost the and engine room crews returned Powell called the picture ItaeU That’s the way It may be. or For Miss Bantly ceiling to $12,000. And the $80 to work Iromedtetcly. Other work­ people and Jehovah hte America’s juiciest oraagts art bleodod PROTECTION ' utterly loathsome.' might be. It’s a rosy picture (t'oDtInuert I-rum Page Une) rental ltd may have to be raleed. ers were to return ^oday and to­ maybe too rosy, and nuiybe too God. Many people are living that with fine golden cream to bring you diis FRED'S PACKAGE STORE Itien waving aloft the printed One NHA official told a report­ morrow. Miss Mary A. Bsntly daughter w«y t«>ay in quirt and u n k ^ ^ At reeeeneile eert. weH itretghten page, he told hte congregation: simple. ad to change the balance of power er, however, that "the only salva­ Tho Majastlo hotel was the first of Mr. and Mrs.- —Ernest - _T. _Bantly I places, said Mr. Ward, as they are truly great flavor treat. Take some born* ont body and fender dente, Comer Spruce and BItsell Strefcta “ If 1 had the authority of a A great many things can hap- materially. The 618 deputies will tion” of the veterans housing pro­ hit by the strike Oct, SO with of 44 Porter street, whose mar­ giving themselves to devoted serv- in the bandy Seoltest Pint Package. priest of the Middle Ages I would pon. What happens now, even ■eateve met epete, leneh np and serve five’ years in the AsBcmbly, gram may be In a "big drive” the union workers at the fashionable though it aeenm all right now, may riage to Samuel Lowe Irvin, son of ear ear to protect It freai the nation's most powerful body call down the wrrath o? God upon agency plane to encourage con such an obscenity. I would dawn Bellevue-Btratford walking out the hsva in It the seoda of future dle- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Irvin of Co­ under constitution ths voters struction of new homos for rent. next day and employes of tha oater. lumbia. S. C., will take place next adopted O ct 13. to Hell these people of callous This le prompted by a relief that Qonsctence, these traitors to hu­ Sylvanla the following day. Price Win Increase month, was honor guast at a din­ •d reieaiher, goad eppear- 'Ni* National Assembly will have sales prices may b^ome prohlbt ner party and shower test night at manity who could participate In Prices will go up on many things GBNUAl la OtlAM conp. I adde le Ite ralne when the 32 more seats than the last Con- Uve, atartlng today. That’s sure. Busi­ the Highland ^otel, Springfield. " V »a t UaU pry's smi/ief TK tnf* Inss no AoUlng him stltusnt Assembly. Taking this In­ such a monstroua betrayal of CoUe far Removal of Controls Continue Negotiationt slnoa h« storisd tslUnf Ex-Loxt” I eedMO ta trade it la. Drive everything for which the broken­ nessmen admit this. But they say Miss Bantly is one of the buyers Dairy PftJmm Cir>» **ks DR. R. M. RAYBURN to account the Interior Ministry The Associated General Con­ * etUy or temerrew and loTi hearted of the world are waiting." it will be only a temporary spurL at Burton’s apparel atore on Main ICE CREAM figured net gains of 20, 12, 14 and tractors of AmeHca called for re In Sugar Strike street She was Invited out for OPTOMETRIST RANGE Seen Overly Impreoeed They soy when goods, ^nerally, It aver. five seala, respectively, for the moval of controls on prices of new Honolulu. Nov. 11—OP)—CIO (md ore plentiful, with business com­ dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Burton Communists, Leftist Rally, Rlght- A t least two other Waahlngtoo housing, saying this would speed look far fhe SeofteH s%N ON the deer Praetlos Devotad To llxamtn- sugar Industry representativas peting against one another to moke Knopp officials of Burton's, Inc., Ista and independents, and net loss­ mlniiters took the view that Mr. up construction continued non-etop negottetlona to­ . inr HULSVlVoSe eY*l»W • qjsssxsawsia^ * *• *. j I Tune in rhe Sealtest Village Store, Marring Jsck Haley, Thursdays, 9:30 F. M,, NBC atum of Byaa for Corrective and FUEL OIL sales, prices will come down. for the Sunday evening Smorgas­ Ex-Lox is effoetivo, yst it’s gentle, | precaution, use only as directed. . e es of three and 2S, respccUvsIy, for Davies, who mentioned no namee Aa for rents on existing dwell day amid strong Indications they fiafor# it’s toe lot*, ba M, with Offloca and In his sermon, waa overly Iro- I f through aelflehneBS business­ bord dinner at the hotel and when oil ths MRP and Socialists among the Ings, the consensus of government were nearing an ag^reemant to end Optical Laboratory Located pressed by the picture. men boost prices and keep them they arrived Miss Bantly was much sure you or# odaquoltly Sollmene ft Flags* lnc« OPEN 24 HOURS DIAL 51.*>6 644 deputisB sleeted from continen­ offlciala te that there will have to the 71-day etrlka of 30,000 planU- up, they will be slaughtering the surprised to find her associates at 'The Rev. J. Warren HaaUnge, be Increases, as waa hinted by Mr •U C M tfrS t. At tal France and Corsica. tlo'n workers which has cut off 14 . choncta for prosperity because: the store already there. protactod with Form Bu­ In popular votes, Inooropleto re­ pastor of the National Christian Truman himself In these words: Service Entrance: Okott 8t. church who also numbers many per cent of America's supply. Those high prlcea will drain o ff Every one present enjoyed the turns gave the Communists 4,960,- It may be that some adjust the earnings and savings of people reau's up-to-lha-minutt MORIARTY BROTHERS notables in its congregation, com­ ments of rents udil he required." Nathan Felnslnger, special rep­ party, and the guest of honor re­ 843 MAIN STREET T86. MPR, 4,31'2,231. Socialists S.- who will be forced to spend on a **On Ihe l.evel At (Center end Brood" 182,303, Leftist Rally. 1,610,086, mented: "It is inevitable,’’ said one of- resentative of tho secretary of ceived as a reminder of the occa­ property insuronct. t ilt lirwM w DODGE - PlVmOUTH few things money they would have sion two beautiful sliver compotes TELEPHONE 8598 Republican Party of Uberty " If we can only learn to go no flclal, “ that with everything else labor seeking to mediate the DOl'i 1 I t) t-’.it. i( TPllf K further with the atomic bomb free of control there will have to strike, left by plane Sunday for spent on many. .^Thte will slow Returning to town the group spent (P R L ) and Rightist off Ilia tss, 2,- down production, generally. The 1947 247,418 and minor parties 618,687. than to making the likeness of Its be some upward adjustment.” tha mainland, confident that It the remainder of a pleooant eve­ explosion Into a cake wa shall be In lifting other controla, Mr, could be settled without govern­ Win Demand Higher Wages ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The total vote cast was expected And-:;-higher prices are bound to to approach 20,000,000. all right." Truman noted that "oome short­ ment intervention. Knopp, 153 Porter street. Slralterly. In another Interview, ages remain and some prices will f e m labor to demand higher w ag­ - Munisi n « mtiitANa ct. Predicts "New Tripartism" es, which some unions are doing al­ Boclnllst Andre Philip, former fi­ the Rev. Petter Marshall, pastor advance sharply . . But he Negro Killed by Friends I ^ I S E R of the New York Avenue Preeby added: ready. And more may*do so. Nmm tflka —WmOsi. IU* nance minister, expressed belief I f there are strikes, bad ones, terian church In downtowm Waah- "The consumers of America Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 11—(48 that no one or two parties could that will slow down production, get a majority "with the exception tngton, said he found nothing ob­ know that if they refuse to pay — Sheriff Lamartine Bouanchaud, scene about the picture and still keep goods scarce, still keep FOR SALE FREDT. of a CommunIst-MRP coalition, exorbitant prtete, prices will come of Potnte Coupee parish, said to­ SPECIAL down. g o ^ scarce, still keep prices up which seems difficult to realise." don’t ase anything loathsome day that one Negro wa* killed and NATIONAL "In short, the tew of supply and by keeping goods scarce. He predicted "a new tripartism about It at all." that two others, a mother and her BAKER \ demand operating In the market In this way the whole machinery CASH REGISTER that could be either a Communlat- Of the two men most interested baby, were Injured In a tornado \ place will, from now on, serve the will be thrown out of gear. *Did You Say Automatic?* Boclalist-MRP coalition or a re­ In Mr. Davies’ sermon Blandy said which struck between Morgenxs 105 HoII St. ho did not care to comment "off people better than would contin­ and New Roada, La., late Sunday , And if labor—Just because wage TOLEDO SCALES constitution of the former popular ued regulation of prices by tho Mptrola are gone—atrike* for un­ front with Communist*. Socialists, hand” and Lowry told newsmen he afternoon. n io New Orleans Tcl. 2-1263 thought the pastor "probably Just government." reasonable increojea, businessmen GLOBE SLICER and the Leftist Rally." Charity hospital, which recslvsd doesn't understand the situation." Bluntly Criticises Congress the two eases did not give out the win have plenty of reashon for Individual candldatoa elected In­ The president. In fixing' the saying they have to boost prices CUBE STEAK MACHINE cluded Presldcnt-Forolgn Minister He said the cake was the center names, and telephone connections \ \ Y E S ! piece at a reception last ’Thursday blame for his decontrol action between here and the - affected to meet higher wages. Bldnult; Communist Leader* Msu again bluntly criticized Congrees .The higher things go In this HOBART PtODUCT OF rice Thorex and acques Duclos; making the dissolution of the Joint points were down. Army-Navy task force which con for the "unworkmanlike price country, th'e more It will affect our MEAT GRINDER XAISBR-nUZU Former Interim President Felix control law (It) gave us to admin 'Boland’s Oil Service Is Gouln. Soctellst; Prewar Premiers ducted the Bikini A-Bomb tests trade with other countries and last summer. Blandy headed the ister." He said the "plain truth Is moke them less willing to buy HOLCOMB & HOKE < Paul Rcynaud, Kdouard Herrlot that, under this Inadnquate law, and Rdoiiarrt Daladier. and Rene task forca. here. That wUl dent our posperity. ELECTRIC FRUIT AND Lowry declared that the Bt. price control hoe lost the popular Have Critical Responsibility Capitnnt, head of the GaulUst Un­ support needed to make It work.” VEGETABLE COUNTER ion and education minister under Louts bakers who sent the cake did So here, starting t(^ay, businesq COMPLETELY to show their appreciation to Replying, Republican National the provisional prcslde'hcy of Qsn Chairman B. Carroll Reece said In and labor have a critical responsi­ the Army Navy and Air Corps for bility in seeing that prices and CTiaVlca de Gaulle. the efforts to find out what the a statement: ----- NOW PLAYING ------Losses of ths Soctellst*. who "There te nothing to be gained wages don’t become a mad see­ SAM FELIC E called a national congress for next atom bomb could do toward tho saw. end that we might have peace and by raking over that issue. The Con- 234 OAK STREET Sunday to "consider the situation," reaa which passed the law was a ^fiWI«YI|t80H£.|0itnlW** The whole point is: How high A U f O M A T T C certainly not encourage war. IMt the way open for Herrlot, >emocrat Congress." , A m "It’s quite evident,’’ Lowry add­ Radical Socialist, to become a pos- Reece seld that by hte decontrol albieterbltrator between the Com- ed, "that none of ue In the armed order Mr. Truman nad "bowed to YOU NEVER fi^VE TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR FUEL service want war, but It’s also cer­ munistf and the MRP, and h# was the wlU of tha people as expressed tain that we don’t want peace at OIL^UPPLY ^ MATTER HOW COLD IT menttonhd f ” ' president. in tha election." He added that GET^ 'The second house of Parllaroont. : u sf any price,” "because the order was delayed The Brltlih-bom Mr. Davlee, the 316-me^bcr council of the Re­ so long, there will be a temporary whose sermon subject was entitled cRe c k t h e ADVANT^G|:S BEI-OW o f BOLAND’S s e r v ic e public, will «a chosen Dec. 8 by an rtod of higher prices which might PLUS: “DANOEB WOMAN** The KAISER SPECIAL and the FRAZER "Lest the Uvlng Forget." said ho Electoral collie of 85,000 to be Kve been avoided." did not blame tho newepeper, the Btep In Restoring Fre« Economy sleeted Nov. 28; Both house* will Washington Poet, for printing tho WED, - TIiL'RS. - FRI. - SAT. pick the president after Dec. 24. The Chamber of Commerce, in Right Off the Lines at Willow Run picture or the photographer for FINAL WEEK 7 ' With legislative a^rovsl. he will a etatement by its president, W il­ make the premier, whp will form a taking It. liam K. Jackson, described the "What fills me with blttemeee la president's action as "an Impor­ cabinet. the fact that such an event could tant step In restoring a free OF tHIS AMAZING take place at all," he added. (4) Vont Alarm Sallmak^ora are now manufac- American economy." , (1) Product “ I only hope to God it lent But the chamber said it is neces­ ...”..... ’“'•"••X turlng nylon sails. printed In Ruiela—to confirm ev­ AT OUR SHOWROOM 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. TUBS., NOV. 12 The e«ly aoppUcr giving yoe a ehamleally oendl- ^,We Install a Scully Vent Alarm so that thor* Is sary also to encourags private en­ h^vrr B chanre egiae-Day’* Automatle Oetlvery Hye- ment which are on dismay at the J. W. Hale Oorp. sands upon thousands of Deetots statement Baturday night: CREME OIL tsm. F ob eaver aecd watch yoer tanh or ordsi nlL bav* prescribed It for so many years, "(This decontrol) action ptacas We are the only oil supplier giving the** stamps. rarvsau* aels'st osee nM only to re- squarely upon manegement and la­ Wo 000 to It that yoo havo an adeguals aopply re- IteveItevs euchsuch coughing but aUoslso ‘looten* PersoHHl Notlres gardlaaa of lha woatlier. No ataytag home to wait pAlegm’rm’ aiuland makeemskss itIt eaalersaslsr to raise, bor tha rtsponslbllUy for working out agreements for the adjustment for the oil uaa. hsfe for both old and young. P lsa f Permanent Waves Card of Thanka of their differences without Inter­ AU drugstore^' 4PERTU88INe ruption of production." (6) Burner Service \ Wr wUh to tbsnk our frUndr, nslgh- In the wake of the swing back to (3) Printed Defivery Ticket We have been Installing and srnicing nil burning bort and rrlatlvo* for thrlr kind drrdr a virtually free eoofiomy. Industry $8.50 -'J equipment for over a derada and all our men are fao- "I LOST 32 LSS.I and e«pr*»»lnns of rympathy In our a n d buolneea represcntatlvea PLUjS Moouer Of recent brreaveinent, the loss of our agreed that prlcea will rise tempo­ Aa aanarato roeord of every gaUoa of oU that la paid tory trained to give you the must elllrlent and eco­ WBAi •1X8 14 AOaiN" dear hurband and fathar, Robert Alex­ “ STRANGE CONQUEST*- OtAHAILfAlM Oar* 19S lb«.. Mirt Rrynoldiloat ander. We eepaclilly thank tha Ander- rarily. But they look for a down­ MACHINE OR MACHINELESS nomical adrviee. ward trend when readjustment son-Shet AuilHary. Ander*on-8h*s 1 ■Bin C*n4|r K»4u«*t ri»«. Post No. FHS and all those who grant­ "dtelocaUone" heve paseed. This Special Price Includes Hair Shaping and Every Other - i iCa' 1 Vent Alams will bt iniUllcd in tht order that contracts are signed, so stop at our office tomorrow, •Im bu a nadBl’a Ssurt. > ^ »■ ed the use of Iheir csrs. and expressed Knocked Out Of Buaiueaa Detail That (Toes With the Regular $12.50 Permanent ■MhanM may w aisy bm M iti* thslr sympathy through fioral trlbulss > 1 or call 6320 and a repraaenUtiva will call at your home. ■am* b«l uy tb i»^ »t mdodw and carda The decontrol knocked three M Mrs. Brma Alsxandsr, government agencies virtually out ’ THIS IS NOT A COLD WAVE! r : Immttt at SMaay ba«k. ' EASTWOOD • t Robert Alsxandsr, Jr. of buelneaa—OPA, the Clvllten ■■ tB.iliiiit*l ««•«• eoaduclad ^ Production administration and the MAIN 8T.—CAST HARTFORD IMNRmI dMOr* DMMibEH IM In Mcniorlain , t Ulo Wage BtohilteaUon board. a ^ l * In af*w wito R^nverslon Director John R. Ite AVD8 VUaisSiOaiter In toTlng memory of William J. 8111 ANNIVBBRARY WEERI Bteelman and Budget bureau offi­ TELEPHONE 4201 .FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT - i ■:ij .KadnciMklaa. Taylor, who dtsd Nov. 11. 1848. ciate oxpoct to confer this week CONTINUOVa SHOW TODAY '. .i 1 N* •i i i i Ub. N* Whsn shadows fall about us with the fieadi of these agencies to W alt Dlsnev** dniai. te l pl^y. Ym don't ,««i "MAKE MINE ftltlSICT out mMh, paUtooi, oto.. yoo jinl . And tad hssrts art alons, chart plana for a new liquidation out Unb down, gtegkn W iyi, . __ Thers la s strength that eornss to us bureau which will handle the few Full Length Featars be Colorl *a|*y diBdooo AYDB Vitaadn CSa^ Far grtsttr ths:i our own. remaining oontrolo. "SOMEWHERE amk. Only 83J4 lor M days' iteety. -.'.'I- BOLAND Thor* Is s lot* that eemforts. When wte iagency te aet up. OPA IN THE NIGHT" les’ Beauty Salon TOWN MOTORS, Ine. Thsr* is s light that iMd*. Chief Paul Porter. CPA Afimlnte- John Rodtak - * Nancy Guild WELDON DRUG CO. There Is a heavenly fsthsr. trator John D. Bnoall and. W8B “Where It’g Cflinvienient To Park’’ s Telephone 6320 Who understands our needs. Feotura At: Prescription Pharmscists Chairman W. Willard W irU ore ex- S;80 • 1:0$ IftIO P. M. 74 EAST CENTER St. NEXT TO THE TEL. CO. j 45 WEST CENTER ST. TELEPHONE 8557 Wif* sad sons. pectod to reoign. 901 MAIN ST. TEL. 5321 23235323484853232353534853484853484853482323484853535353484823532353232330484823482323

' .' ■ • T '7 'P ' -.■■■ . , • , • . v - ■■ I . ■. .■ , MANCHESTER EVENING HF.RALU. MANCHESIKR. CONN.. MUNUAY, NUVhMkeTK 11, ll*4B f a G E M V £

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALU. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11,194S lowtng a long lUneas. He was bom Banner, praj’er by Rev. Slglamund food eale Saturday afternoon and In Poland June M, 1888. the eon Worontecki. and short talks ,by evening. November 16 at tha P A G B F O U R Rav. Eugene Solege, Mayor Ray- church. The food aale qftll start The proposal In the form ap­ Rockville of Julian and Frances Oik Polln- WASHING MAOHNKS aki and haA been a resident of rhond E. Hunt. Ongreaaman-elect at 3 p.m. and refreshmenta will proved by a subcommittee notes Antoni Sadlak. a member of the also be sold. There will be an en- Envoys Scan that the applications of Albania. KEPAIKRII AM MAKKH RockvlUe for 48 yeara. He waa a Kaiser Speeial Design Is OutsUnding member of S t Jose|H)'e Catholic pariah who also received a check terUlnment program itartlng at Outer MoMolla, Ttans-Jordan. Ire­ 18 Vearr Baprrtraeel o c ^ ie 4 and George Goldqiatt. Miss Mary 7:46 In the evening. land and ^ rtu g a l for UJ4. mem- Clean-Up Call church and St. Jooeph'e Benefit So­ H. S. Band Features Braewaable fisteat COLUMN ciety. He leaves hla wife. Mrs. Paraanowakl a-ho waa a lleutanant French Vole berahlpe were not recommended In the Army Nurses Corps spoke Funeral facilitien include Ihe use of the by* the Security councU. It >eould Anna (Nowlcki) PoUnakl; twd A.' RKKWKK For Rockville aono, n c . Thacdora PoUnakl of briefly. Ensign Helen Baatek who Holmes Funeral Home. Or, If yon wish, have the Genera. Assembly call By Hal Beyle sends you hona, carat only at •erved aa a Navy nurse waa un­ Armistice Day Parade News Today upon the flecurity council to re­ Camp Fort Bragg, N. C., and the service may be conducted in your New Tork, Nov. 11 He ^ tired I Just walked Henry PoUnakl of this city; also a able to attend. examine these applications •‘strict­ Four members of the parish lobt home or the church of your choice. ly on their respective mertu aa was ona of the "I'M),'* not the old Annual Fall Collection daughtar, Mlsa Irene Pollnakl of •Ion when we count the precloua (Continued from Page One) around standing up hoping I'd get their Uvea In the service. measured by the yard stick of the “ 400" of New York society, hut lt,"he said. “You know whnt 1 call RockvlUe. Small AmounI of------March- cort In pmllant live*, we con«#- O f Tin Cans to Start The funeral will be held Wednes­ Evening School Tuesday around Nov. 20 with plans for charter." of a new, tougher “ 400" naade up guya who Just got it la Normandy 7 There has been lengthy debate * Painter, Decorator, Newcoraera! The green ones day at 8:30 a.m. at tha White iThe aeaalon of the Rockville Pub­ Tod.y; SpIenHH ft; their first talks on the German Tomorrow Funeral Home and at 9 a-m. at S t In the committss on the proposals, of Araerica's battle elite— the men to come up and ask how long Td lic Evening School usually held on question. If, however, Bldault Fine Wall Papering Joseidt’s Catholic church. Burial Monday evening will be postponed but the small nations sitting st the who lived through more than 400 been with the ou tfit They felt bet­ AddrCM «l B m p ***' >*1^. ,u„d .» t». should be delayed because of the RockvlUe. Nov. 11— (Special 1— wUI he In S t Bernard’s cemetery. until Tuerday evening due to the political situation arising from the table appear determined to put the Parket and Hardwood days of fronUlne fighting. ter when I said 'AU the way.' They Bv Arthur J. Cx>nnell nid of BnoUier poet-war era The annual fall coUectioo of Un Book Week Starts holiday. lOuimnaMtet Ernest Peteraon la- • Again we are etrlylng to •ecure election, the French would then Issue before the assembly. Floor* Rrflniahtd He waa big and broad-shouldar- felt If one guy bad made it they Soviet Russia vetoed the appli cans arranged by Alderman Sam­ The annual obaervanct of ChU- Plan Bnaaar vltea Voa To Uet UnmpMe Oelall* our future ami preaciva our free have to decide what move they Contract or Diy Work ed and young, but hla stomach might too," cations of Trsna-Tordsn, Ireland uel Gamble of the Health commit- dren's Book Week wlU start on The Manchester High achool dom from war. Again the Amerl wanted to make. A blonde came In nnd aald "Hol­ The WSGS of the 'Vernon Metho­ Abnnt The O. 4. V, Telepboiie and Portugal; Outer Mongolia and Writ* for Appointaieat rauaclea wars going flabby. For six tea of the Common CbuncU* wlU Tuesday November 12 at the Rock­ .JNEMIHOKI band made lU first appearance in can Ueglon Ir In the forefront of lo” to him, but when be started dist church WlU hold a basaar and 17481. Meetings Every. Serond and 3S«W)0I)B8lMi $l MANChtatR The foreign ' ministers, having < Albania dlo not receive the needed raontha he aald the only exercise start on Tuesday, November 12. vUle Public Library, due to the the new .mlforms In the Armistice a •ound movement for luRiirlng he had taken was elbow bending. toward her ahe eased quickly past jFimrtb Toeaday At Stale Armory left off formal work Saturday and council majority. Houseboldera are asked to have library being closed today for tha 8 P. M- parade this morning. The eternal peace. Sunday, reassembled today for a Theodore C. "1 spent It moaUy In places like him'to the end of the oar. their tin cans at the curb tonight Armlatlce Day holiday. Over 200 “ lU member* have fought In this,'* he said, flicking hla thumb >“I got hit three Umea," he said, ot M pieces with three ma­ new week's seaalona on the caatem In containers which can easily be new books for children of aU agea two great a’art to achieve that European peace treaties. Their Zimmer at the email crowded bar, a cosy looking her moodily. "Once n rifle handled. Alderman Gamble atates wiU be on exhibition throughout jorette* *dd«th the books divided by hoapiUl. At the hosplUl IM flags "But first we need national unity for exclusive control over certain ample time to plan for the large FRtiM FINE HOCHCBS" that mental "lost world" Into BteO Assigned NMES ihlnga to do. And I get mad when age groups. The theme this year representing the number of Man­ In the faith In America. We ncetl | YMCA Actirities key Pacific Island* captured from crowd which la anticipated. Be­ which many a veteran has retreat­ The senior Basketball League, chester men who lost their lives New Frazier-Kaiser Autos I see all the people living fat and is "& o k s are Bridges.” s new seal in our belief In the . Japan. cause of the two slttlngB, it Is im­ ed—men who spent so much cour­ easy armuid me and think about all aponsored by the Rockville Recrea- The centenary of the modem pic­ A SOAP SHORTAGE? in the two wars were placed on principle* on which America wa* | For the Week Various other ,issuea, Including portant to specify the time wrhen age In waf they have none left to Uon Board wUI open at the Town the nights apent In foxholes.” ture book le also being observed t the south side of the bronse work on selection of a permanent tickets are purchased. The first 1 founded. Thoae principle* still rep- | Are to Be Displayed Here face the qpleter personal battle of But he likes the barrooma. be­ HaU on Monday night, November this year and the library will have plaque commemorating the dead headquarters for the new league serving will start promptly at 5 represent tne greatest charter of 1 peace. cause then U a kind of rising ex­ lA The hall baa been assigned for a display of hooka lUustrated by ot World War I. , Today aomewhere In the United States, o’clock and the second at 6:30. tracUce sesstons this week aa fol- human freidom. liberty and Jus-! Three yeara ago today he waa In citement In the clinking glaaeea famous artists. Arthur K. McCann was master 3-*— Junior .athletics. also were elated for committee (X>n North Africa, glad because the lice on the face of the earth. They That long awaited event, the un- • time embodies 1847 styling and A complete Smorgasbord menu and girls laughing and people talk­ Jows; Tonight 6:30 p. m. American DIatribate Cheeka of ceremonies at the hospital engineering featurea designed to 7 p. m.— Adult athletic class. slderation. French had Just signed an armlt- You’ve Hearii Rumors. Hero Are the Facts! Legion; 7:80 p. m.. PAC; 8:30 p. ■rtounds. Rev. Raynold Johnson have made America the land of veiling of the new Frasler-Kalser will be served and will Include a ing loud and.friendly. A govern­ A t the dinner In honor of the provide utmost paaaenger safety 7:15 p. m.—Softball Bowling Beyond the possible Impact of Uce with the Allies. That gave him m.. Scouts; Wednesday, 7 p. m.. of the Covenant Congregational promise, the land of opportunity automobiles, will lake place to­ variety of cold cuts, Swedish meat ment pension enablea him to spend veterans of St. Joseph's parish as well as comfort and "roadabil­ League. Sunday’s election on French for­ balls, the always popular allced a break after three days' fighting. Girls BasketbaU team; 8:80 p. m., church, who Was to give the open­ and the land of reward which ha* morrow at Town Motors Inc., local Tuesday more evenings at the bar than he serving In World W ar II held Sun­ been the envy of countless million* dealers at 46 West Center street. ity." Teat models of the Frasier eign policy, another aspect ot the baked ham. plenty of hot baked I TO ffJOP YOUR OLD HtimOS “1 thought 1 >vaa a real veteran," CeiUcs. On Thursday night the day afternoon. 241 checks for ing prayer was detained and the have been on road and laboratory 10 a. m.—'YWCA activities and election results closely studied he aald toneleealy, " I f I had known should. exercises opened with the reclta- •broad. amuBu. Onlyv,.../ by—^ cUnging— 0---0 to thsm The pubiTc is cordially Invited to dlahea, salads, relishes, fish dishes, AMO WIN NIWONtS- "1 oughtn’t to be here,” he said. hall adU ba used for Its drlU. Fri­ 123.75 were distributed, totaUng "breakdowna” 24 hours a day for diacusslona. here was what they might mean in and home made Swedish rye bread, what waa ahead—." day nnd Saturday nights tbare wlU Uoa of “ nanders Field” by James c n we retain oui blessing* atop In tomorrow *knd take a peak 12:16 p. m.— Board of Directors ‘T ought to be doing eometblng, more than 86,500. During the war THm * la • wofM-whlo ahortof* of animal foH and of several months. Special teat In­ terms of Communist popularity dessert and coffee. * Then came winter fighUng In be no baaketbaU aesslona as tha the pariah held two bazaars to Hooker and Lee Sllverateln, Man- i 'Our comrades died by the tens at these two new cars that are luncheon. SIND but I don’t know a thing I want to the talk of the automobile world., cluded an extended trial run In the over |lurope. American officials Reservations may be made Tunisia and summer fighting In haU arlU be given its final floor raise money for a veterans fund. v g la M a olh. This BhortaRa olVacto alt of ut. For Inslanc*. cheater High school sttidenU of thousands In two great w *is to Great Smoky Mountains In Ten­ 3-6—Junior athletics — boxing had recently expressed the private RWSrCRAFT do. There's something wron* with New, advanced body llnea, un­ through the following: Mrs. Carl FRIINDSMP Sicily more training In England finish preparatory to the opening John Cyrklewlcz, chairman of Rev. Raynold Johnson of the vindicate thoae principles. They be­ nessee and North Carolina where class. \ opinion that Communist popular me. 1 know I’m the one that’s HtlsyMNPsaapmidiars havabaeftablato ohiain only on* (Iflh CDvcnant-^^gregatlonal church precedented seating width and in- Noren and Mrt. Raymond Erick­ CARPS* ^ and then long summer and longer of the league. The use o f the hall the fund committee was master of lieved In them enough to die for hill climbing, braking, acceleration 7 p. m.- ramp Woodstock'Corps ity was dropping off and that Eu winter fighting from Normandy to of step.” ... gave the benediction. The Man­ creaaed visibility are features of son, representing the Ladies' Aid. during the playing eeaoon for prac- cSremonlea for the after dinner of Nm Im p o i^ oUs fhoy u s m I in 1f4l—for Im s dooiisillc them. Wherever our soldiers, sail­ and other performance factors dinner. ropeans generally were showing Germany. Frienda left lying on He set hla drink down and aald. chester High school band played the 1847 Kaiser Special. Careful 6:30 p. m.—Intra-Church Bowl­ and Mrs. Edward M lffltt and Mrs. “ But you know thera'a one thing Uce will be announced later this program. The program opened arlth ors, marlne.T and airmen fell In attention to the factors which pro­ were checked under extremely preference for non-Communist So­ G. Albert Pearson from the Mis­ dusty roads, frienda dying In rainy the alnglng of the Star Spangled fata, too. the aationa'. anthem and the exer­ battle—at Chateau Thierry, at t. rugged conditions. ing League. cialism. I ain’t sorry for. I ’m damn glad 1 cises were closed with the sound­ 8 vide passenger safety and comfort sionary society. Mrs. Ida ' Soder- guinea and snow-covered fields — Meeting Poetponed Mlhlel. or In the Meuse-Argonne— Theodore (DocI Deles, manager Wednesday carried a rlfl^ and I carried It all ing of taps. has been g.ven In dealgnlhg the 2 p. m.— Baby weighing by reg- burg from the Mlasionary Society but for him the ••million dollar The meeUng of the RockvlUe or at Pearl Harbor, or at Norman­ Of Town Motor* *«y* he la more wound," the wound that cripples tha way.” Bacouso of Iho ¥Patld.wld8 thorlOfOr manufaqltwarf ofo The Speaker automobile, a product of Kalser- Utered nurse. Open to all. Reconsideration Seen and Mrs. Amy Carlson from the Fish and Gama Club usually held MITCHELL FUEL .CO. dy, or on the alopes. of Okinawa— Frasler Corporation at Willow enthusiastic about the new Kaiser- Ladles' AU. are co-chairmen of the the second Monday In each month, The Armistice Day address was Frasiers than anything he’s seen 3-fl p. m. Junior basketball. unoMo to Rol Hi# amount of fait and oils thoy iiMd la rnoha delivared by Arthur J. Connell, of they created American ahrlnes of Run, Michigan. 7 p. m.—Adult athletics. On Five Applications genersJ supper committee. w a FS/miRJI THIMt, the time Is 10:30. AU thoae ro w ­ has been poetponed to next Mon COAL — OIL Inspiration for the last full meas­ The new Fralser automobile also in the automotive Industry In his ing coats are requested to be 4 Middletown. Past Department 7:30 p. m.—YW CA modem Lake Success, N. Y., Nov, 11— day due t o the holiday. not only M qM» but alto paints, toxIilM, Hms, laolhor Raads, on display tomorrow for the first 24 years in that business. BIRTHDAY, North Iloveiitry | Prompt Delivery! Commander of the American Le­ ure of devotion to freedom and dance class. (g»»—An authoritative aource ex­ present. Aathony FMInakl floor covorinBi* BlBOrlcal o^ion cot, olc. gion, who spoke as follows; liberty. 7:30 p. m.—Wednesday Night T pressed belief today that the Po­ The Center Neighborhood Club Anthony Poflnakl, 64, of 184 M2 Tolland 8L. East Hartford Armlatloe Day— 184* •Their silent white crosses- within" tactics. The membership cratic groups—Tha American Le­ Bowling League. litical committee of the United FRIENDSHIP, Coventry Grange No. 75 held will sponsor a Mending K it and High atreet died Sunday at S t TeL-Hartford 8-5507 gion, Maaona, Odd Fellowa, Elks. -Idy Fellow Americana: wherever they sleep In glory today, of the Communist Party of the 7:30 p. m.—Girl Scout* meeting. Nations Assembly would approve election of officers at their regular Christmas Suggestion Box course Frances hospital In Hartford, fol In Hio foco of thoso condMons, Amorloon toop monufoo*' ••With humility and with far from home or In native soil- Knights < „ Columbua, the YMCA, p. m.—Ski Club meeting. on November 26. There are many United State*, according to Direct­ 8 a resolution calling for reconsid­ ANNIVERSARY meeting last week. Officers thanks, arltb reverence and with carry an eloquent message. or Hoover, docs not exceed 100,- Hotury Hubs, employers’ associa­ 8 p. m.— Manchester Improve­ eration by the U.N. Security coun­ fine things to make In the Christ­ when you bring your tutors hovo dona Iholr utmost. Thoy hovo Ivrood oil Iho tots tions, chambers of commerce and elected to fill the chair* for determlnaUon, The American Le •‘•rhoy are the outposts of Amer­ 000 today, but he warns "each of ment Association meeting. cil of five memberahlp applications mas suggestion box and all are and ollB thoy hovo boon oMo to obtain Into soap |ust os glon, 3.500.000 strong, leads today ican falthl those communists has his any other grotipa fostering Inde­ Thursday rejected last August. AND CARDS FOR the coming year were: Master, welcome to attend this meeting. ^ 106,000 pendence of thought and free ex­ FORD " H O M E " In the observance of the 28th an­ •"They testify to the Invincibility or her contacts and his or her ad­ 3 p. m.—Junlor athletics and The committee will meet at 3 Emory Hill; overseer, Kenneth The mending kit la .exceptionally 1 quickly os posslblo. niversary of Armistice Day. pression of opinions. good and will be of use and Interest of the American spirit of liberty! herents and followers who arc only Basketball League meeting. p.m. e. s. t. at the U.N. Interim o (x:a s i o n s Sims; lecturer, Elmer Clark; sec­ for sorvko “ Two global wars have poured They serve as proof that the flrea " If we are to preserve conatltu- 6 p. m.—Bowling, open to pub­ headquarters here ready to take to all ladies. too willing to follow the party line tlonal government In our land. If retary, Katherine Purdln; treas­ their oceans of blood and tears, of freedom lighted In American and they number dose to a mil­ lic. up a resolution built from three io ' )oU and treasure and sacrifice and we arc to perpetuate our cherished urer, C. Irving Loomis; chaplain, But for H holp of Amorlcon housowlvat, tho sboitui o of hearts at Concord and Lexington lion." I 8 p. m.—Red Cross First Aid separate resolutions offered by the FUer KlUed In Crash glory Into the significance of this freedoms and liberties, and If we Philippines, and Panama. A Ruto Loomis; steward, June 1 ANThfRiSZE to i^ would hovo boon for moro sorlous. lost yoor, moro In 1775 still burn brightly. •■Consumed with real for their cla.ss. gay. It has a two-fold meaning •‘We need such eternal flames are to keep the yokes of foreign 8 p. m.— Bailev party. vote Is In prospect at this meet­ Loomis; aast. steward, Robert absurd theories, Communists arc Hampton, Nov. 11—(51— Mynott thnnowoowtof ovory oIm peckogos^ toop stddwiw mado today. of patriotism to feed the fires of tyrants off our necks, we must 7 p. m.—Adult athletics. ing. Christensen; gatekeeper, Roger 2 BRAKES seeking to Infiltrate Into all strata tight as wc never fought before The Dewey- Platt, 22, a former Army Air For­ " It la Attainment Day! love of country In America tmlay. Friday Would Re-Examine Appllcatloiis Sima; lady asst. Steward, Alba from usod fait sovooTln Amorko's kUdions. “In the hearU of the nation's of American life. They are con­ against the attacks on the bul­ Peace; Ceres, Vera Peace; Pomona, ces pilot, waa killed and two cotn- [For there are evil Influences at 2:30 p, m.—YWCA dunce class. panions critically Injured when a 3 CHAINS litglonnalrea. this anniversary centrating on key workers in basic warks of our way of life. 3 p. m.—Junior athletics. Boys Rene Perrodilo; Flora; Dora Le- I work In our homeland today, as Industries, on returned veterans, "At Its 28th national convention IHic and.O. Raymond Johnapp was three passenger Cub cruiser In wUl,always, be associated with never before, to quench those fires Town club meeting. Richman Co. 4 HEATER Aroerlea’a m a t triumph In free­ on government posts and on stra­ In San Francisco, The Amcrlcart Mccted a member of the execuUve which they were flying, crashed on Don't Momo your grocor. Ho Is doing his bosh Rko Iho of Americanism. 6 p. m.—Bowling alleys Ma- JEWELERS Them Now! dom's Cause knd her conquest for tegic position* dealing with the Legion called on all Americana to committee. Refreshments were In a farm here yesterday. The Injured eoepimdiors, to got moro toop for you. Wont you do your "A cunning and sinister move­ chin'e shop. passengers, Walter Stone, 16 and t 5 WINTER peace. disilcmtnation ot public Informa­ stand up and be counted In on this 8:30 p. m.—Challoner club. Q U IM T U n E IS charge of Mrs. Edward Skllton. ment Is on foot. It seeks to create STATIONERS tion and news thrmigh press, radio, fight for the survival of American ahnvs rsflsvs ssrs threat Frank Postemaky were on the dan­ host by •oving and turning. In ovory 4hrop of u8od futs* •The day wlU be forever con­ .disbelievers In America. It cultl- 7 p. m.—Gym open to adults for The Mother's Club met last week nected with the attainment of vIct principles and Ideals. essghs-acMng shmsIss at ger list at WUllmantlc hospital. LUBRICATION o * ''C vatea grievances of Individuals, movies and speakers' channels. If athletics. , , • OPTICIANS at the home of Mrs. Allen Gates toxy—victory which ' came the "The American I.«glon lit San While Our Stock Is Complete groups, classes nnd minorities, the communists cannot get a party Saturday vrith 18 present. It was decided to first time when the guns of World member Into an Important out­ Francisco laid the foundation for 9-1 —Junior hasUetball and foot- have Mrs. Grace Bruen of the State Heads Syrian Group War, I were stilled In final Ger­ slyly offered as proof that our a militant revival of old-fashioned system of government'has become post, they nmneuver a satellite b«ll. C N E S rC O IK Department of Health conduct a SEE YOUR man surrender—and victory which Into the spot—a fellow traveler, a Americanism. It proposes to fight 1:30 p. m. Mary Morlock girls course In Child Care which will outmoded, that It needs stream­ with every means at Its command IT lUIIINO Torrlngton, Nov. 11—(P)—Mich­ came again with V-B and V-J so-called progressive, a liberal ally, • vsa ------' ftfttlCC* c IH 5 S ON Include Practical Home Nursing daya In World War 11, ahatterlng lining, that we should Import poli­ citizenship training of the young, i 4 .12 0 ni MUSTeroIE ael Koury ot Torrlngton waa elect­ YOU (2N HaP!...SAVE USED FATS! a parlor pink, or a duped Impracti­ -Bowling alleys open ] an(l lectures In problems concern­ tical and social reforms from for­ R E L IA ilE ed president of the Lebanese and Xmas Wrappings 3 f J. the power ot Fascism. Nanism ana education of the adult and coun- 1 p„bllc ing children. The dates for the eign countries. It proposes to make cal Idealist. Their campaign of Syrian American Federation of Nlpponlsm. pentratlon relies on dishonor, de­ ter-offenolves against the sub-1 n/_D;,ncc to J\ikc box mu CARS-TRUCKS first four meetings are November “ For tbeaa attalninents we bow us over Into a lalelllte state! vcrslve elements. 1 Connecticut at the annual conven­ FORD ' sic. Open to public. 12, November 26, December 4, and “ I refer to the menace of Ameri­ ceit, propaganda and deliberate DODGE, 1841— Model W H A 47, tion of the order held here yester­ our heads In gntsnil prayer lies. The whole communist move­ "In Its militant efforts to in­ DMember 17. They will be held In can communlim. The 3-yard dump truck. 825, U day. Other offlcera chosen were; T t la also Reconsccratlon Itey! ment thrives In the field of dlhi- crease individual and group appre­ $64 the Ladles' room of the Church Amffirican Fat Salvage Committee •■We have It on the authority _ _ I ply tires.. In excellent con­ Vice president, Ted Hyder, New DIALER! “ We have won the shooting)Otlng slon. It provokes nnd agitates ciation of American blessings. The Community House and all Interest­ A Good Variety — Xmas Tags — As. of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover Amerlfan'Legion Is counting on dition. Haven; English secretary. Louis E. 147 fwli A vi*a» Naw VaHi 17, DL V. wars. Now on this solemn occa- minorities because they are the Dewey-Richman ed are urged to attend. himself, that during the past five the ..upport of millions of veterans ''Main Clearters DIAMOND T. — Dump Trucks, Ganem, Torrlngton; secre­ sorted Seals, Ribbons, Cards, Money In­ yeara American communist* have most responsive. To that end the There will be no meeting of the tary, Mllad Malotuf, Waterbury; communist tacticians nnd field of World War II. Men and women equipped with S-yard body, 3 Sunday school teachers on No­ made their deepest Inroads upon who have nerved In uniform In for­ treasurer, Mlsa Isabel Ayoub, An- closure Cards, Gift Inclosure Cards, generals exploit and fan hatreds Q u e s tio n to choose from. 4 tonners, vember 12., as previously planned Gown and-Jacket our national life. He warns that In eign countries have seen for them­ And Dyers" Co. sonla. of groups against groups, classes Westlnghouse air brakes I inasmuch aa the pastor Is trying our "vaunted tolerance for all peo­ selves how much happier and more OCIIMST 900x20 tires. These trucks Boxed Wrapping Assortments. ples, the communists have found against classes, creeds against plentiful life Is under the free to obtain a speaker who will be creeds, races against rnees. The W e (-all for anti have been driven only 12,800 available the following week. Fur­ AmericasAmerica’s ■Aehllle.t'Acmiie.K heelneii. races - American way. They Invested a W H A T S YOUR insur­ miles and arc in excellent COS. * "The menace of American com- 1 tragedy lies in the (act that ma'j.v IMlESCRin iONS FII.I.ED ther detail., will be announced at a part of their life-time In defciul- D e l i v e r diUon. munlsm lies In Its "bore from j sincere Americans are misled Into Ing that way. ’niey will not stand NEW ERAMES ance question? We want later date or on the church calen­ Priced 5c to 50c I becoming catspaws for ulterior : fiir losing the Investment, ^ Tel. Man. 3142 to know it— even the O.M.C„ 1941— -Ton Express, dar. comiminlut design*. An example Is t "Relighting of the fires of love LENS DDI’I.ICATED in excellent tnechanical eondt- The Fall Rally^of the Tolland the attempted mohillr.atlon of ' of countrj imi.'st underlie every Ouf Courteous Driver Will tion, Asaociatlon of Churches will be REPAIRS MADE $64 one. This agency held on Sunday, November 10. from Inexpensive Dolls I Americun mothers In the (luisc oi I program of service The American Stop At Your Door AUTOCAB, 1845—M o ^ l C-BO-T pacifism. Chapters have been or­ l.cglon has adopted for 1947. Our wants every customer to Tractor, fully equ lp^. Spare 8:30 to 8:45 p.m. The service will ganised by Communist front work- I Job Is 1.0 make believers in Amer- tanks, lights, Westlnghousa be held In the Union chqrch of Rockville. Discussion - for youth, era In 22 cities where such mothers I lea. *Remember the Main* fully understand the air brakes, 5th wheal. In A«1 are duped Into demonstrating *^he American Legion will con- condition. Ideal unit for con. What kind of asaociatlon will beat The Dewey-Richman Co. LOOKING- FOR protection furnished hy tie Tolland youth groups? For lay­ against national preparedness In ; tinue to be an effective force for tractors. WILL YOUR RUGf the belief they are advancing the the preservation ■ of American In- A WEDDING GIFT? men and women. How deepen the each policy he buys— G.M.C.. 1940 — >i-Ton Special spiritual life of our churches? In JEWELERS STATIONERS OPTICIANS I cause of lasting peace They fallntitutlons and Ideals Ifi the days A SHOWER GIFT? Expros.q furniture body, good ______' to realir.e that iicace can belong of peace in the same patriotic and GIFT FOR NEW BABY? what it does and what it the evening a eoimd movie will YOU mepl. tnlcal condition. he shown "The Color of a Man." e . • ( • pnly to^thr strong vigilant sense that Us members IT’S BE AS BRIGHT GIFT FOR BIRTHDAY? INDIANA, 1938 — IH-Ton Negro spirituals will also be heard. "Make no mistake about the were a fighting force for the sav- 1 does not cover. final objective of American com- ! log of those Institutions and Ideal* Stake, good running order.^ Mrs. Francis D. Ellla will give the FIND IT AT address of the evening. munlsts. 1 has been publlclv set In time of war. iCAkGETAlOANjj^] INTERNATIONAL, 1841—Mod­ forth bv William Z. Kostii-, homi ' ‘ By the .silent white cro.s.ses of el K-7 heavy duty 3-verd The Center Neighborhood Coat Want a Job? MARY’S school will meet on Tuesday, No­ AS YOUR TREE? of th e ‘ ComimmiHl I’nitv in the om heroic dead, tbl* I* the pledge dump body. 8.25x20 12 ply tires, In excellent condition. vember 12, at the usual place and Ihilted States. He .Hiys, “ there l.s [ of Amerieu’.s l.eglonnulres on this GIFT SHOP Edgar Clarke If Yoa Are a FIrat Class V rooiy only for one party, the com- ' ArmiBtiee Uay." 1*46 CENTER ST. TEL. 6002 Mechanic, We Need J miinlHt party. The road to this *(.)• ■______^______,___ OpiMisIte NIchnls-BrWtol, Inc. 173 East Center Street f eial development can only bo open- j ______;_____ WANTED Open Dally 10 A. M. to 9 P. ,M. CARPENTERS ! ed by revolution— the working i The more times we sav "Yes" Tel. .1665 3S-34-35-36-S7-S8-S9-40 Washing Look ahead now and be bright and shining-for j class cannot Itself come into pow­ the nioie business we do. Proof: For Inside Finish Work UuHtetA er without civil war." The ultimate Custom I out Jf 1 Who ask for a loan at Model Cars In Trade On a Thanksgiving and Christmas! You know what’s objective |a the overthrow of cap- Pernor'll get It. 1941-1842 Fords. Chevi I ua, Machine Service ahead . . . homecoming, guests to entertain, friends ttaliani am. free enterprise and Venetian Blinds Perannal makes loan; ol 825 to Plymouths. Dodges. Chrya. Bricklayers - 9 replacing those principles with and neighbors making the rounds. If ever there is 10" to 100" |30U 'o 6redtt-worthy toiKs on ■era. DeSptns, Oldsmobileo, Only Genuine Parts Used! . world comnuinisin. theli signature .alone. A loan ol Pontiacs end Bulcks. 'etc. In Plasterers a time you want every room looking its best^, . • it’s "Foster has declared openly his • Free Esliinatca 8100 coil* 8’, cause service interrup­ Hzstmai •49 Main SL Phone 7590 Venetian Blind MUIr Taealvr Hldg. Capitol Motors, tions^, endangering life or limb in THORO.CLEANSING 9k 12 RUG O u r Rc lion tad riMt rhu.r ,11.1* By Sue Burnett n. H. HBf.jr. Mar. THE W. G. GLENNEY COMPANY From $5.40 up (includes demothing, sizing) Company Llress# Nw Wl Inc. A beguiling nightrobe to keep P’ FHONE 4148 386 Main St., Hartford T-fll44 hospitals and homes or interior you as warm aa freshly made tbaatf HARTFORD 5-S790 Narrow ruffling flniBhea the neck j points the way to a Yts • YES end seslloped cloelng—have long Announcing The Opening with industrial and commercial PHONE 7-1171 (HARTFORD) or abort aleevea and tie with s belt I superior funeral serv­ LANK LKUNAKU or .not, aa you wish. To match, a . By Mrs. Anne Cabot MICKEY FINN Down To Business! o t delicious quilted Jacket with perky I Oolden-halred "Eva" Is made of . operatiiMis. round collar. - |pale blue braided cotton yam, | ice in a range of prices NO,INDEED, PHIL] I t h o u g h t PHIL \l WONDER WHY i R N O W ^ OKAY. BOVS.' OUR TRUCKS Are In Manchester Every Wednesday for Pick-Up Pattern No. 8105 comes In sizes wears a dotted dimity apron— -A S I TOLD YOU, 1 WENT HOME-“THERl ’ WORKED WHY-AND THE MEETINd IS _ and Delivery; Phone Us Today Or Tomorrow! U , I«, I* .^18, 20; 40 end 42- Size "Topsy" It constructed of black P hil h a s I'M AWFUL GLAD YOU WAS JUST NURSING HE IS.GOIN'UPON HARO ID G l SOWUYDU (hat meets the needs ORDER,* P A ti K Kelley’s Service Center 14, nlghtdreasrsbort sleeves, 4 1-4 yarn and is gay and cheerful in a RETURNED PHONED ME. H U G O -1 , HIM ALONG TO GET THE PUTFORM WITH HUGO ELEC -IN A FEW . jrsTds of 36 o r'^ 8-inch; 2 yards red-dotted apron. 1 CONGR -HE WANTEl _ MINUTES.' Bag your limit of game but not or wishes of every TO TMB lthought g ilhoo ley had I THE GOODS ON HIM.' HUGO/ 16 BRAINARD PLACE TEL. 7255 Isce; quilbed jacket,'-three quarter That perennial favorite. "Upside VICTORY WON YOU OVER.' -C 'M O N UP ON THE IE MAYOR HIMSELF ■ ^ ■lesves, 1 SHI yards of 36 or 38-lnch. down Suzy" ha* two heAds. two MEETING OF PLATFORM* For this pattern send 85 cents, different frocks and Is apt to be insulators! family. HIS PARTY. HU If EDWARD F. KELLEY, Prop. In colas, your name, addresa, size the favorite In a little girl’s doll YOU POC dsBlred, end the-Pattern Number collections! Faces are embroidered. HIS M ONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 to Sue Burnett The Manchester To obtain complete instructions 1 CONFIDENCE evening Hetsid U50 Ave. Ameri­ for marking ’Topsy and Eva' IN THE NEW REPAIRINGON ALL MAKES OF CARS cas, New Yorit 19. N, Y, (Pattern No. 61671 and cutting MAYOR DONCHIAN’S The Fell end Winter iesue of pattern, finlahfng instructions lor COMFLETELV. By Well Known Local Mechanic — At Yonr ^rvlcet Fashion Is brim full of smart ideas ••Suzy" (Pattern No. 5220) send Z5 RESTORED. Tbs Gonneetieiit Power Conpany GAS — OIL — LUBRICATION 205 Pearl Sireet— Est. 1884— Hariford, Conn. ter evsiy woman who piles s nee- cents In coin plus 1 cent postage n-n f « Bs. Basy-to-mske styles . . . spec­ for each, your name, addre.ss and ial designs by America's top flight the pattern number to Anne Cabot . Road Service — Flat Tire Or Out of Ga» rrH flsslgners . . . lots o f ideas with ac* The Manchester Evening Herald. 1150 Ave. Americas, New York 18. . * BUBOriis - - .J 6 n printed pattern AM BUl^CE SERVICE, ; In b08k. P riou W oeots. ■ . "I,; , 1 " ,: •"■'•.-J ...■r I PAGE SEVC3 MANCHCSIER E\ L M S ii HCRALU. MANCUKSI EK. UU.NN. MU*M)AY. NUN hMKhK 11. 1!»1®

MANCHESIKK e v e n in g HERALO. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 11.1«4« out New England for her ablUty as to other atatea. the nicnibera eon- mentioned statement, that the • reader, needs no Introduction tojttnued. the task of tracing a line Nutmeg state la fortunate, indeed, PAGE STX arlea” and predicted that “now in having as part of its service t®'riv>—iMv lj)AR Memorial Mancheatcr D.A.R. members who'ot descent te small. All available FUEL and RANGE A c t i o n ws’ll have leas democracy at home Plane O-Rshes had the pleasure of hearing her a ■ Information la located In one place to Its rltlxens. such a well-super­ Million Voles “• f'**"*' •"'* No Foi’iiiiilahlc — ------, , and abroad than we have been Half A Million \oies i the r.tton o mn.- •aid. althourh. RA^A. _ __ R. construction Aof # •m 4 wimii—isao year ago. ‘ snd the Connecticut seeker does vised and well-alocked institution TfMay's Radio aa the state library In Hartford. fHatirlifBtrr RrSBS*H R l u i l l l f M l strong bsat st Ouam, second only On Ptilesline having-’______Report Made Since the December program b y' not have to travel from town tq Wc pr<*vl«i«y lon.mHitPd on;„onBry tendency. It con do thle laU nC .S I l a i l l l E - l l ^ p«I^i Harbor in alae and faclll- After Hitting Caatani IHaR4Brd OIL Railways Back la OpemtlM Mrs. Chlina will be open to the town In search of the desired In- •KUlIf p»rtl«l ITt ' ihmnxh reAtrlcllon of governmeni ; ties, retains top priority. And aim e I public, tickets have already been 1 formation. * ,\. O. H. Orniips Elect Clean, Careful Delivery! Eoriiiusi l(rrnU> (Continued from Page One) M«A*«rh»iii^ttA endiim on imopylng dates from grsvrstones. head ot the auxiliary at conven­ voters whether slate legislators] flstlim. Stome of Its 1 ,^„„haII Islands but that govern- dlapatch aald that all Mrga porU J.Vi CKNTBR ST. niAI. 5115 RuMIthrS Evfr> E»»nlnr *^*",l** I ...... J ...U-. kind J, n,int*rv in name only, and od from Jan Wolff, who auffarad aavaial erack- Nawa WTHT—Lum and Abner. regent. Mre. Robert L. Cooper. | public records at The ^t«?hurrt > 8T d to theirs. He mentioned. ‘ retary, and Patrick Hickey of New fixed "defenses la "aa dead aa^ the Aa a nsiilt. United Nations dia- In Palestine, reminiscent of the Kramar, Janaaan, Mrs. Kam and WDRC—Joan Davla Show; Haven, treasurer. The auxiliary - (ir.» To«r by AI»H ' ..... I » isi ( uasions ot trualeeahlp propoaala Uoaford ware reportad "undar ob- Hound. ™ 1 lAiclua A. Barbour and hla ton.! among many other ’ angles." the ( .75 support amendments to Its char- taxes This, again, la a proimsai dodo bird.” Admiral John M. Ttiw- dark ages.” Hawaiian7 Wl.Id turkeya are said WTHT—Norwood’a Nonaenae. News. elected f^uth Galvin of Meriden. |*^f mrtJith by MaH t .0:1 are expected to center around .Sal- aervaUon. not aarloua. ’ ooened with a Colonel N. H. Barbour, ably aaalst- [ neceoslty of the proper protection P. A . C . {ttiifU t e " which wfll atienRthen the « hi-It seema hue to the Indlvlrlual. era. commander In chief of the I a- In a press conference prior to to be dasceipoai.nts of a flocK taken w n C —Lorenao Jonea WONS- -Csse-Book of Gregory Ih. rhakiain Mrs - ed by James Arnold who did a lljtlU l records from fire and other vice preauieni: ixora uoyie or w a -• * s tm clflc fleet, told a news conference pan m o r e than any other island. ^^^n^.^preM conje.encc^p.u. ^ , M ^k |n nrttrtrrd On. \>«r •;••■■•• • tixon Unlterl Nations and make It a hut which Is rerlalnlv had for the 4:48— Hood. i^AenSLl and thV oledw ' the necessary copying. Mr. Burt | haaards; the extreme Importance terbury. secretary; Mary Halllgan , iverterb •i"i APO ...... recently. Noah uaad patrolaura. in tba WONS—Buck Rogcra. WTHT—Dsshiel Hsmmet’s Fat world Federal (Tovemment able to counliy. unUaa It doea happen to The nickel coin stands only 25, nepiibllcan election victory --a , •*">* ® form of pitch. In building hla ark. b aTuitrnM tht flaa gave many Interesting factt and'of the use of a apeclally made of New Haven, treasurer, snd Mar-' Kven the Navy’s plana for a one w n c —Young Wldder Brown. Man. member o r j prevent war ’’ ’ *’*' accompanied by a sound redtic- percent nickel. triumph of America-a rea- tlun- terpriy.______•nie Smaidlne ^ficer then saked ‘ aUtlatlca regarding the wealth of permlnent Ink. patterned after the cells Busick of W’sterhury, hlato- THE associated PRESS and one-third bUllon dollar devel- 8t#8— W n c —Howard Barlow’s Orch. 'Hie question was not auhmltle.1 j tlon In federal spending so that, WDRC—World Neighbors. l;00 S ' A C S ’ !K ciS '.!r',.''’™p.S S , .n d W W. r-r- |>r.n.n« ______Tht Asaoeiatfil Press is escltisisfly th^D^A^sTvall^rFoi^ ^ ^ ^ la l. i aonal supervision. : the of Spain eiituled to the use of repuBUcaUon M to the voters In all Massachusetts in aplte of aiith a tax reduction, WONS— Hop Harrtgan. WDRC- Radio Theater. all ness dispatches cradUsd to It or not / VATTHT—Terry. W’ONS- Gabriel Hsatter; News. Mrs Mucklow atated*that due to j With a State Ubrary which con- the ptheraiae cred'ted In this psper snd communities. But the results In the fe.leml budget la made to be the necessity of replacing the tains the complete vital rtH-onta of , Ink eti^ by hlnmelf and the state also the local nesra publlshad here. 1 w n c —W'hen a Girl Marries. WTHT—Dark Venture. the state from the founding of I chemists; hla approval of all plana the eltles and towns where the rnore In balance than It la now. 8:liV— w n C - Telephone Hour. presant wooden chapel by a stone DITTMEYERVS atnicture, all D.A.R. chaptera are each town thrtwgh IWH. church and malerlala for new buildings, B -l-N -G -0 AM righta of republlrellon of special question wss placed on the ballot Why la such a proposed reduc WONS- Superman. 9:18 asked to aid this project. records totalling 360.000 index : housing vital records, the conatmc-, dispatches herein, are also rcsci^ert have now been unofficially aiim- tlon In taxes a bad economic pol- il / WTHT—Sky King, WONS -Real Stories from Real cards, Bible records of 45.000 1 «on and care of especially design- HANDY V1LI.AGE ST., ROCKVIl.LE Pull sen'ce client of .N. E. ■'. Sertice w n c —Portia Faces Life. Life. Hie carillons, housed for many marlred by the committee which Icy, aa bad economically aa It la il cards both including Manchester ; vaults and ^ e repair and seek- Inc. _ / 8:80— 0:80— yeara In tha wooden building which GHT NOOK sponsored the referendum, and popular pollllcally? Becauaa suen WONS—Spotlight Banda. ^ r d a dating aa fa? back aa 1772. ‘"8 of old record*, Publlibera RApreaenlallv**: The ^ WDRC—Main Street, Hartford. has seen many memorial services a lax reduction la the aimpleat and || * W'ONS—CapUln MldnlghL WTHT—Rumpus Room. on this Oita of tha Battle of Gettys­ record* of gravestone Inscriptions With tha wraith of personal ex- 85 COI RTLANO STREET EVERY MONDAY — 8. P. M. Jullua Matlirwa Special Agency - New ^ these results are noteworthy. of Boms 2 000 cemeteries In this; perience and atatlatlral data at Off HrKee Street Tortt. Chtcag'. Detroit and Boaton.__ ' IThe ne ronioiivi--^ committee estimates that ...... moat ...... direct* ...... means poaalhle. of WTHT—Jack Armatrong. W TIC-Vletor Borge Show, burg and the terrible winter spent w n c —Jiiat Plain Bill. 10:00— there by George Washington and state, with originals and photostat' hla fingertips. Mr. Burt’s very In- OPEN o r 70 per cent of the voters who had „i,|i„g to the amount of monev coplea of hundred* of private rec- 1 formative talk proves the afore- PUBLIC WELCOME MEMBER AfDlT m-RF.Ai: ^ a . .. a. _ a a-._ ..a.maa^Aa winds up 8:48— WDRC—Screen Guild Players. his half-starved. Ill-clad revolu­ 10 A. M. TO 9 P. M. riRrfl.ATtONS. an opportunllv to vote on the the (leople of this nation |K»aaesa T h e crowd WDRC—Old Record Shop. WONS—Esquire Fashion Pa­ tionary troopa will aoon be housed orda and diaries, and probate docii- ; SATURDAYS queation did so. This la the lliat to pour Into the Inflationary cycle. i| WONS—Tom Mix. rade. In a lovely atone chapel. Many menu, the atate of Connecticut 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M. Tl*• j laiitly In and dcciec a tax leduc - WTHT—Elmer Davla. WONS— Lew Diamond's Orch. on her cold-irrttated their service to the Ideals of , eaiiac It happened to show these are wrong, and ^ those WTIC—Newa: St. Louts Sere­ other blooms, they were caat out WTIC—News of the World. upon the water in memory of those throat, chast and back at bed- peace. I Amerii ana voting this way at the ^y|,„ i>ehcvr that the first thing I" 4:80 ■ nade. tima, it starts to work In- Manchester Green Estate 18:80— who lost their lives during the last V ff How well those who have j very time they were engaged h> to explore the poaatbillllea ol W’DRC—Bob Hawk Show. tiVo wars. stanUy.Then.uhiie she $Uept, WONS—Henry J. Taylor. WONS— Mlcbael Zarin's Orch. Sponsored by charge of the bualneaa of creating 'voting a hanclaomr iHdltical vie-1 ti,^ hiiclget are right, II WTIC—Dance Orchestra. Future Programs VapoRub's special relief-giv­ eofxln^ wrTHT-Lone Ranger. Mrs. John Phelan of Columbia, ing action keeps on working THE ALLEN REALTY COMPANY Bitch a peace hava done In the lory to the Republican party. present tax rates are not balanc­ WTIC—Jack Says, Ask Me An­ 12:45— Ternon SI. — 180 Center St. Phone Manchester 5105 WONS- Xlachlto’s Orchestra. as program chairman, announced for hours. Often by morning pMt ia Illustrated by the fact that I There are many foreign oliaerv- ing the budget, and they ate other. that Mrs. John C. Calms of New Salesman On Premises .Daily 10:00 To 5:00. era, and aome domestic observers most misery o4a gsA afe Armistice Day now Includes re­ not, any caieleas reduction ol Britain, will give a program of the cold is gone. Also Saturday and Sunday. membrance of those who created j too. who have expreaaed fears that them will he no true gift to the readings on Dec. 5. 2:30 p.n).. In ^ T r y It tonight. iSiich a Repuhllcan victory will the Center church auditorium. victory In a second worhl war. welfare ol tlie iiatlou Another Television Problem Xlra. Calms, well-known through- The men who fought and died In I mean a return to American poll- | ^ . . . there must be a reason why! GH T SUGGESTIONS! the first world war did succeed In clea of Isolation. It was apcclll. ■ • I Is Solved by Scientist Coatuma Jawelry . . . CoMpaet Bala repellhfig the black peril ot their cally to allay such fears that flen- j I Deafened People May PerfmiMa particular time. But those who ator Arthur H. Vandenberg made , :|^I„ Tolirt Water . . . Sarbel . . . T bhi Aga Sata -Nfloi- Kumiing thnnigh field and wood . . . eighteen holes of golf . . . the Now Hear Clearly came after them And aaaumed re- the speech he did before the Unlt-1 I OHSllHi (Eastern Standard T)me) normal manner. The real heart of movies . . . the crowd naturally winds up at your place. Not alone because the system is the amplifier, some-, Science has now made it poasl-i For tlieae glfla as well oa ParmaBaat Wavoa ^KMUlblltty for the conanlldatlon ed NatlonH.last Frlciay Hut H _ . Naw York, Nov. 11—(>P>—Tele­ ble for the deafened to hear faint voii’re perfect hosts but because your home breathes ho.spita ity . . . has what Intricate in design. and other aloe glfU from HarrietFo. | of that victory failed. They failed aeema to ua that this Massachu- ’ (inttDuad from rage One) vision reception In all those com­ sounds. It Is a hearing device so • N O W lliat inviting, lived-in look . . . reflects your good taste and love of better Kallmann calls his method "In­ ao miserably that a still blacker setlB vote la artuallv more reaa- ---- munities where most folks are tra-video." It’a first real tryout small that It fits In the hand and should be beneficial to both races enables thousands to enjoy ser- GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE peril arose to engulf the world In miring than anything ,‘tenator living. apartment house dwellers certain­ was given at the recent Television and not for the benefit or advan­ Broadcasters association confer­ niona, music, and friendly com­ BtlU more Urrible war. They failed Vandenberg could say for It shows Watkins has made homes like yours po.ssible for everyone during theJiast ly Is a problem. An antenna-jam panionship. Accepted by the Coun­ tage Of either.” on the roof, and the many difficul­ ence. when a couple dozen or more | o R o » S ' ; ; s-w'’ '"': j OPF.N TrEHDAY, NOV. 88th, UNTIL 8 P. M. for many remsona, because they 1 that kind of basic sentiment to ( cuild Have C reated Negro Kart.v 7-’ \ ears bv con.stiiiitlv wtirking with designers and manufacturers with the receivers of various manufacturers cil on Physical Medicine of the Mad the voting (piallflcatlon.s ties encountered due to the behav­ American Medical Asaoclation. did not really aaaume reaponalbll- I which lear'eisjiip 1 mat il.self la- tbmight roremosi i making home furnishings of good, long-lasting design ior of high frequency signals, are were successfully operated. 1 reapcmalve. If It ho|M-s to survive lemalned as they were, the govei- This device docs not require sepa­ ...... HARRIETT'S BEAUTY SALON ity, because they forgot too soon and sturdy construction at prices to fit every budget. among the ’difficulties. rate battery pack, battery wire, V t/illtC'’ ' nor continued, Nagroa could havc^ Dr. Heinz E. Kallmann of the the coat of war, because they did I aa leadership. In fac t, all Sena­ I regfatered en maaae, thus creating Death Usted "Powible Suicide” case or garment to bulge or weigh 129 CENTER STREET TELEPHONE (824 not choose to preserve and honor tor Vandenberg said was that tellcon laboratoriea in New York you down. 'Hie tone Is clear and ( a "Negro party against a whjte figures'he has a solutidn. He haa in peace the principles to which America would hold to Us piTHeuI I parly," with ■each seeking tiy-•% --at- Hollywood, Nov. 11—(>P)— The powerful. So made that you can daveloped a system which he des­ death of beautiful red-haired Jan­ adjust it yourself to suit your they had pledged themaeh'ea In ' hue of foreign policy. What the lain advantage thiough numerical cribes as enabling almost any num­ aupprcsalon .'of the ette Grae Mack, 32. former Elarl hearing changes. The makers of voterA of Maaaac-huacUs said whn rtreugth ber of receivers to operate from a war. other." Rare old Windsor-base fallback chair, blue Carroll show girl, was Usted by Beltone. Dept. 498. 1450 W. 19th 'blue coal' And alt this failure after the that this nation must he IhluUliig alngle insUlIation. Coroner Ben Brown aa ‘‘possible St.. Chicago 8. III., are so proud ' ' ' U Klahoratlnc on his / assertion liomespun ...... 'i.'f.OO He says a long period of devel­ last war was centered more in the of going well beyond that pie.sent that the aoiith must hsve segiog- j suicide” today' as he prepared to of their achievement that they will opment and tests has shown that call an autopsy. Tbe death Sat­ behavior and the Inatlm ts of the fnielgu. jHillc y to make an elTo t ation, Coveruor Spauas wiotc: gladly send free descriptive book­ Commonder Coal r.uckel .sewing cabinet of pine, bright red in­ it overcomes "ghost” images, urday of Mrs. Mack, estranged let and explain.how you may get so-called little people, of the woild 'Viid l•cml•«•.ssioua for world pence- "(Vuilnct i.s initiating inndi is caused when signals are reflected not essential except in husincs.s or terior ...... wife of Robert W. Mack, aircraft a full demonstration of thia re­ than It was In the deeds of their , not Included in any oltlc iul Aiiici- from high buildings, and that it executive, was tentatively ascribed markable hearing device in your labor relations. / With his own Red-coated, white-trousered He.s.sian andirons, provides adequate pickup from the Koppers Coke atateamen. It ia true enuugh, foi icau |>ollc y at pient'ul. churches and § But these headline laolationlate 1 the creation of a world fccleral; portunity to develop indepeiul- . -A - and Introduce electrical obstacles, Floral Arranxenents Bjr Etperienced Ptoriata 3 t t i i e r d nourished themselvea on the Indif­ govemmeut under which the van-' etitjN' ■ ■ ■ ” ' Colonial match box in briglit red, hand deco- KaUmann rsstrlcta his setup to one For Pqnerata, Weddinga, Aipnivonarifs ference, the ignorance, the unncc- ' oua nations of the world can live! antenna for each telecast station Oiir consideration for those rated ...... ’•**’ with another added to cover the " H o m e saaary bllnitneas of the American In peace, as the 48 slates of ^ 'o V l* l* K full FM band. f DAILY DELIVERIES TO* HOSPITAL country live In pence under Ihevr | “■ y Seven-inch thumb-print crystal ivy balls...... 1.75 CL we serve includes a rust policy people ttaeinselvea. The root of Each Is connected by special AND SURROUNDING• off TOWNS the failure of the last peace was ■ fedi-ial goveniiuc-nt. Thnt haiy s Plain Stales Boston rocker, yellow or-green, gold sten- cable to a pre-adjusted booster am­ HONE 2-8151 to be found in the attitudes ot million American voters it)- one 25.00 plifier, placed In the top floor of Flowers Ttlegraphed To Any Point In the U. S. A., which permits those of aver- 225moi.St. cilled the building. From this unit go very ordinary people. I slste group should say nn^'thlng I Canada, and Europe. Member of the hlorista’ Telegraph (t ohllnued lrtunltv to build a laatiug I snow storm, i'welve iiirhes of aiiow / Mere arc the very things you'll want to give next ^ peace. And once agHin the ulti- G i Infla ,\nd Taxes I blocked highways near Alton, In .1 December. Best to select them iiow fot* many.* ORANGE HALL BINGO ; mate deterniinatluii of what we - and a falU of U> inches was rcppit- many things are limited to one-of-a-kind. Lttrge i shall do with that opportunity This lotion's grealest dome.stk . ed at Wayne. Neb. Sioux Cljy. la.. pieces, such as chairs, desks.,,sofas, will be stored EVERY MONDAY ssssssssAmbuUnce bervict ' had eight Inches and Sioux Falks, lx Y o u A re Urged To Keep Your Car In Good ;; Ilea not witii any group of head- problenf, and the domeslic. prob­ free of charge for Christmas delivery: lem the Incoming HepuhlHniV t"i>n- D. t’.. 11 inches. In Minnesota, the line atatesjnen. It Ilea In . the snow ranged up to six Inches, but I) Penny Bingo Starting At^ 7 :30 P. M. I question of whether 01 nut ordl- greda will have the rleairst op- ■ most melted In above freealiig Operating Condition, Winter Motoring Can ^ f nary people everywhere , consldei rtiinity to face. Is the prohleiii I teni|)ciatiires. Further snow was j Regular Bingo At 8:00 P. M. I.' the question of ~peB*e Important 'of Inflation. I prtHllcted by the Weather bureau for parts of Nebraska, Iowa, North j Admission 25c Be Trouble-Free And Pleasant. f. enough to deserve and denia Wr are already In a dangerous­ Uakota and South Dakota tonight. 23 REGULAR GAMES 7 SPECIALS , their own intelligent attention/If ly inflationary period. Allhoiigh it HOME O W N E R S w a w ^ ' the people forget the true wjrc- lua.v not seCni ao to any of tis in* PLUS SWE^IPSTAKES We will Winterize your Home complete with A L S (^ ^ lives of this peace, thgl nihkes il dividiiallv, collectivelv the people Police Court ' •MOTOR TUNEiJP a l u m in u m combination s t o r m and SCREEN / ca.sicr fm the atateamen Ao ahi iig of this eomifry iioW- have more SASH all around. A complete weathertight in.slaIlation ^ them '»fl loo. If the .people arc mniiey to apend thuii there arc Miirioii Wrohel. 24. of 24 .North JASCHA •VALVES GROUND AND CARBON REIHOVED for year’round comfort. For‘*a.s little as: ^ • complacent while the Klateaineu gooend it on. In this sit- St I eel appeared in coiiit this morn­ — — $7.00 a Month for Cape Cods------7 ' drift toward new w'ai, that drift iiutioii. prices are immlilng up­ ing on the charge of operating a •COMPLETE MOTOR OVERHAUL will tend to acc^erate itself. If ward, assisteil frequently by spo iiiidor vehicle on a limited license. — — $9.00 a Month for Larger Homes —— ordinary peopltr'^think that liow rial interests which aie esgei 'f,„, ami was lined $21 atler pleading BEAUTIFUL ____ Nothing Down — No Payments ’Til January------gmit) lle-vvBH iiivolv'ed 111 H slight •FRONT END REBUSHED because the w-ar has been won ' privlUceiing profits, /.s pi ices g collision with a car owned by O CALL YOUR “ALSCO MAN” NOW they can go oack to another care- up, labor Irailcrs like Lewis are l.ee Welih amt when Officer Dwyer mm ■ •CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION REPAIRS Icaa holiday from civic rcaponii- moving in with dynamie effort to. investigated he toiiiid that Wrohel ON THE PHONE 3556 bUlty that holiday will. In Its turn, lift wages up. This, in tuiii, will | vvas operating, a Mercury sedan 6 ROOM SINGLE •GENERAL IGNITION SERVICE have another tragic ending. tend to rai.se prices still more. |owned hy a Trompaonville resident Order NOW For I.MMEDIATE Delivery and Installatton. W ith a license, limited to a Ford lar NICE RESIDENTIAL SECTION And Reniemher — Money Saved On Fuel Help* Pay the Blonthly These are unpleasant thoughts. In such a situation, there are regi.stered iiiuler his own name. •GM PARTS «GMAC PAYMENTS Payments. But they are facta as well as various things wliii li government: .lacoh llogovyski. 20, of 362 S Rooms First Floor — .T Rooms and Bath Second Floor thoughts. If we have one ounce I ( an do.. It can try to■ keep ai till: * Adama street pleaded guilty on the TELEPHONE ALSCO ALUMINUM COMBINATION of true loyalty to those who gave |cial font nils on prices, w'hirh la charge of speeding and wai fined' Free Parking COMPLETELY RENOVATED .X30, He was apprehended hy .Offi­ WINDOWS Give Lifetime Service their youth and their Uvea for vic­ i what we did during the war, an 1 cers Dwyei anil iVarson. Me le.ft Drive info the Purnell Parking STEAM HEAT TWO-CAR GARAGE tory In these two vvara. It will be : which ia what ('anada is still d-i- Willie's Grill oi\ Ceiiten street, Plaza, rear of oiir store. We’ll le- HOUR NEVEB NEED PAIN-HNO — C^NT BCOT -- DOUBI^ LOT 150 l-X FRONT STBENGTH GLASS — INSTANTLY INTERCHAKGEABllS lianalBted Into the sacrifice and ; ing. Bloat effectively. But Ameri­ sped up Center alrecl. turned ^ deeni your parking ticket with any Om south on Winter at'reet and west on . Carter Chevrolet Co., Inc. FROM INSIDE mtalUgant underatandtng all ol ua ca hag given this artificial remedy OCCUPANCY ON COMPLETION OF SALE! Garfitn street, When the cnilaar purchaa*. rauat jeek In order to build a up. Government can also try to THI SOUTHIXN NIW IH O IANO stopped him be admitted that he ' M c u i c l t e d ^ TIIIPHONE COMPANY AND IMMACULATE THROUGHOUT! PRICED TO SEU.! PHONE f>871 NU-ERA PRODUCI S COMPANY world'paace. If we merely take control wages. That posaibillU'. knew that- the police were trying ' 311 YIAIN STREET life aa iisiiai, it will again he loo, America has now ahaiidoiied. to catch htiivand that he was try- ^ THI 6EU SYSTEM FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE MANCHESTER .",329 •M nilU'll ST., NE.\Il XI.\IN , MANCHESTER death aa usual a few yeara from With such poesibihties out of iiig to give Ihem the slip. now. We ar^now in out aacond, the way., there la one thing left Natural rtais la used by 40.000- .. wblch^^government can do. It can and laat, ch^a>4 060 custom^a In 34 atatea. :( ‘ \ i MANLHESI EK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESI EK, GUNN„ MONDAY. NOVEMBER 11. l»4f P A U E N U IB MANCMiSNI CK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CXJNN.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 11,194® TABX n O B T office. We have at one time or Saturday on the Farm F orum pro­ another been equally willing to of­ 50th Wedding gram over station WTIC. Dr. Gene Davis fer our Uvea In the defense of our 80th Birthday The fallowing names of the country. I ohall proceed, there­ Justices of the Peace were Inad­ fore, In the belief that the mem­ Date Observed vertantly omitted In a recent re- Ameri. j| S u m m a r V laniT*-** In the afternoon Pastor assistant steward. Miss Alba "Members of both parties In and U(^LA and Georgia giving the Na Thsodote B. Palmer dropped In to out of the Congresa have partici­ ed and served at itom by the bull team this season. Drills have Pease; pianist, Mrs. Gertrude A. daughters, and al^ ere able to be tlonal leaders a good run for their Slarkel In Early Minute* of Thir4 Period |o I aOtr his congratulations to Mrs. Haven; members Of the executive pated In the Inner council In pre­ been* held for the past month at present, namely/ue three daugh­ Manchester (7) Hartford (*) Johnson and during the “open committee consist of G. Raymond paring. and In actually carrying the Bast Side Rec and Coach money. Account fur Manchester touchdown in Contest house” Miss Barbara Peterson of out, the foreign policies of our gov­ ters. two so n ^ th elevsn grand­ Although the CadeU’ string of Paaska ...... Pains Johnson, replacing Mrs. Haven Johnny Hedlund has been acrutch- L. E. Spruce street and Rev. Palmer ernment. It has been a national children and/one great grandson. 25 consecutive victories ended In At Municipal Stadium; 3,500 Fans See Auto« whose term expired; Carl Snow- Poekstt ... Donatatlf sang favorite hymns of Mys. John- and Lewis T, HIghter. Members ex- and not a party program. It will The daugl^ra are Mrs. Anna Ing hla head, wondering ■•Juat who the 0-0 tie with the FighUng Irish Johnson, Mrs. Mary Hlldebrantf he will retain on hla ten man matic Johnny Brown boot perfect placement L. t ; ’ aon in the Swedish lsnr>»ge. offlclo, Emory Hill and Miss Kath­ continue to be a national program before 74.088 customers at Yankee The underdog Legion tenra be­ Th# Legion lino gras* Mgger and X beautifully decorated blrth- I and Mr*; Alice Mooney; the sons, Stadium Saturday, neither aide Thompson erine Purdln. Installation of of­ Insofar as the secretary rtf state fore the gunae. looking np nt tougher as the gnme pro­ Fop AH Important Point; Line Play of Winner 1 *****^‘^'* • L G.' dsy cake was an attractive feature ficers takes place at the Grange t and 1 are concerned. I firmly be­ John Griffin and Patrolman Ray- Tried and tested players who I appeared to have lost prestige In gressed. have reported t*i the club Include J ttwlr Mg. bad oppoM tn. ■**••*•• Karp cn the buffet table. Hall the first meeting In January, lieve that our Republican col- m(Ni(7 Griffin. the crunching battle of lines, Feature; Blues Fail to Gain a First Down Dur- Bycholsky Assorted sandwiches and other 1947. The next regular business Received Many Gifts ^ t t Blamonda, Red Gavello, Mike Looking ahead to Saturday, deUdoua Items of refreshment ieagiiea who have worked Intelli­ Zwlck, Jbhnny Green. Earl Yoet, in the Entire First Half; Play at Home Sunday Noaeiff .... Olekalw meeting will be November 21 at gently and cooperatively with iia urlng the receiving hours lelc- there is potential trouble for both ware prepejad by Mrs. Ida Soder- Russ AIlcsI. Dick Cobb, Gunner of the rtlgh-flylng leaders who R. G. the hall In North Coventry. In the task will do so In the rams of congratulation were re­ burg svho catered. Pompoms form­ ceived from Geneva. .N., Y.. Jersey Hlllnski. Pat Murdock. Bob Erm- may find It difficult to keep tbem 8a vino ...... Ferrari.' ed the centerpiece and the lovely Invitations have been received future. By Earl W. Yost R.‘ T.’ to the wedding of Miss B. Louise C3ty, N. J.. and New Haven. The lach. BUI Murray and Harcdd Burk- selves “up’’ for two week* In a bouquets sent to Mrs. Johnson Not Divided by Froblems children presented to their parents ington. All are former echolaatlc row. Sport* Efiitor DeSimone . Wadswrorth adorned the living room. Topliff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. vMy concern la not about those ’ r .’ e ,’ Harrisbn F . Topliff of 38 Hayden a purse of monev. The couple re­ players and several played college, Tbe Arm y' bump# Into an Hartford c*n have it« Blues — Manchester is satisfied with Miss Eva and Miss Norma John­ In either party who know the serl- pro and aervlce biUl during the Doggart . . M. Darling son were asslated by another sis­ street, Wlllimantlc, to Frederick C. ceived other gifts of money and aroused Pennsylvania team that the American Legion football team. The reason is simple. oiiineas of the problems which A ' .'i past 4put years. saw its dreams of a title blasted Q. a ' ter, Mrs. Beatrice Pearson of Roae, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton many beautiful oaskets of floMers. Yesterday afternoon the aggregation of local ball hawks In­ Storkel ., confront ua In our foreign affairs. i /■ Tha BAs are entering the bas­ by the Princeton upset of a week . Kaeiauakae- Boulder Road. Mrs. Johnson has L. Rose of Ripley Hill, this town, T alse a ahower of greeting cards. E«d Gavello hit the Blues, Our heroes, th* Legten football vaded Hartford’s Municipal Stadium and after four of the ’’i I h ." to take place November 16 at the Dr. Gene Dails Those who share great problemi Gold streamers and floweps S'ere ketball field for the first time in ago. Coach George Munger's Legion linemen one son, Jarle B. Johnson, of 19 are united and not divided by :t the history of the organization. hard and often. hardest fought and most exciting quarters of football one Selmonaon Dobrow-irieky ^ Johnson Terrace. First Congregational Cniurch, Wlll­ > ■ fe' the prevailing decorations tn the Quakers got back on the beam flrat vice president and Edson them. My concern Is lest any in During the past season the BA with a 41-8 romp over a strong could ask for, emerged victorious over the professional Blues R. ‘ H.’ imantlc. Bailey aecond vice president. / '» spacious recreation room and In Vlncek . .. Calcaterra j The cast of "Greed for Gold” of either party should seek In this i 1 / the dining room. A feature of the baseball team annexed tbe Twi­ Columbia team and are thirsting jy a 7 to 6 margin. A crowd estimated at 3,600, a very con­ TTie following directors will field an opportunity to achieve per­ light League champlonahlp and Giants Down for revenge for last year’s 61-0 hu­ F. a the Coventry Players group will serve for the year 1947; William V.' buffet table waa the wedding cake this led the club to form and back servative figure, included 2,600 Silk Towners. Score by pertoda: meet tonight and Wednesday eve­ sonal notoriety or partisan ad­ 1;"' / decorated in white and gold. There miliation by the Cadeta I South Coventry | O'Hara, Edgar Clarke. ICarl Clif­ vantage by exploitation of the a baaketball five this fall and win­ Notre Dame grapples with Howard Wylie’s ‘Jutiy’ Ontolaaaed All the Way T ------Manchester ...... 0 7 0—7 nings at 8 o'clock at the ford. Jamea Duffy, William Slover, y wsa vocal and'Instrumental music Eagles 45-17 Tbe final outcome fella to show ' forward posaea. On* hod to Hartford ...... 0 0 Nathan Hale Community Canter sensational or by the mere crea­ ... .yK. ter. Northwestern which will be at­ There vrere about 75 In attend­ Thomas B.ntley and Ruasell Paul __ i and dancing, and all seemed to Coach Hedlund has called a tempting to rebound from a sur­ in any manner the euperiority^ond check the acoreboard oe the big, Touchdowns, Starkei, Parker; and firehouse respectively. Further The duties and opportunities of tion of controversy. _ I thoroughly enjoy themselves. ance at the County 4-H Achieve­ "We are set upon a hard course. practice session Wednesday eve­ prising 7-6 upset by Indiana. auprenutcy the local■ Blue and Gold rugged center waa buay corrjlng mint from try after touchdown, J . announcements made are that the a chaplain In the armed forces groom for a wedding trip to New 1 1 Mr, Griffin and the former Mi.'ts Wins All Age Stakes eleven enjoyed against their high­ )rown (placement); referee,^ ment Program held Friday evening group plans to have, novelty acts An effort by either the executive ning at 8:30 at the Rec. All play­ New Yorker* Strengthen The stock of both UCLA and the mail. It woe hinted that the at the Churdi Community House, were described to the Kiwanis York and C'.'iiada, the bride wore a Margaret Lane were married In ers and any newcomers will be Georgia rose several points over ly favored rivola. Manchester out­ Legion had five men In Iti back­ Phelps; umpire Kelly; Ilneeman, presented between the acts of the club at lU weekly luncheon today or the legislative branch of the , Mancht*Hler grey gabardine ault. black accesso­ /r u lla iic l Geneva, N. Y„ November 10, 1896. North Coventry, of which 10 were government to embarrass the other Invited to attend. Big plana are Grip on First Place in the week-end as they protected classed Hartford In every deport­ fleld. McCormick; field judge, Ackerley; play when It la presented at the by the Rev. Ernest Bengston, ries and white orchid ceraage. They came to Manchester to live Carl Meyer* Top* Field Notre Dame-Army Expert ment of the game. The BlUea were time, 12 min. quarters. > from the south end of town. Of Center on the evenings of the 22nd for partisan gain would bring frus­ already underway for the season their perfect unbeaten-untied rec­ Blue* Get Firet Break outstanding Interest is the fact young Manchester minister who D a te i f a o k 1 The bride a gift to her attendant /The Parish supper served In the In the early 1900's and for more and a gala opener le planned. Eastern Division ord* with respective decision* over Bo completely outplayed that The game etorted In a rather Substitutions: Hartfon^—Backa, that the Rev. Allen H. Oates pas­ and 2Srd of the month. Included has Juit returned from such aerv- tration to our country. To follow I wan a gold bow pin, and the brlde- social rooms of the church proved than 40 years Mr. Griffin was a 111 Derby Cla*s With they a t times looked and played euaplcloua manner when after Posrera, Sadosky, Taylor, Porker, the cour*e with honor to oureelvei Oregon and Florida. Neither, how­ Johnny Wlloox wros th* only tor of the Second Congregational in the novelties will be a skit by Ice with the United SU tes Army. Tonight ' groom's gift to hts best man w a ^ most successful In numbers and foreman for the New York. New By Murray Rose ever, was In the nature of a romp. like a team of dlaorgonlsed falling to gain after receiving th* Chopue, Montgomery; ends, Do- Hank Keene, solos by Agnes The Rev. Bengaton, who was and with benefit to our country„ family gathering of neighbors and **Duke“ ; Kjellqui*t’* Mancheater expert who select- dmrch of Coventry, received a cer- American I.egion annual Armis­ ; comb and brush set and to the ugh- Haven and Hartford Railroad. New York, Nov. 11—(>P)— The Florida gave Georgia plenty of sd Army and Notre Dame to Bchoolboye. opening kickoff on the Menchea- brutaky, QalaU; tackles, Michel- tlScaU and pin designating 20 Beauchamp, accompanied by Hank ordained at Center Congregational we must look beyond and above tice Day dinner. Legion Home at : ern, cigarette lighters. new families In town. They lived for many years on Hil­ trouble, forcing the bowl-minded “Shiner” Top* Puppy Bob Btarkel accounted for the ter 22. Moe Paine, Bluea end, son. Amone; guards Oleeky, Keene, and selections on the har­ church, and who subaequently held ourselves and our parly Interests Browns Snap NaUonel Football League gets play a scorelssa ball gam*. years of 4-H d ub leadership, while V p. m. The bride Is employed In tlje Alr- Mrs. Marlon A. Baker left town liard street and were active mem­ Bulldogs to come from behind In Other expert* were sway off Blue and Gold touchdown In the brtike through the line and blocked Stephanowakl; center Darling. lira. Oates received a certificate monica by Theodore Belts, Sr. his first pastorate in Granby. left for the true hearing. Tomorrow port Department of the Ptatt ft Friday to be guest of out of tqwn | bers of St. Bridget's church. Both down to cases next Sunday with 'a the second half for a 33-14 ver­ flrat few minutes of the third pc- Swede Solmon'a attempted quick Mancheater — Backs, (Jtnolfi. Mrs. Mary J. Clark of Main Howard "Doc" Wylie’s cry of the beam. and phi for tvo years of 4-H Club the latter post in order \p enter "As president of the United Lecture by Lennart Seabeck. I Whitney Aircraft plant East relatives and friends for several are enjoying good health. Losing Streak series of game? that can make or dict. Charles Trlppl. Georgia’# All- riod when he hauled down a bul-, Pain# woe Majswakl, Atkinson, Lavey; ends, leadership. Included In the pro­ street returned home last week the service as a chaplain. The States I am guided by a simple Ausplcoa Lutheran Brotherhood at .Hartford. The bridegroom served America backfleld candidate, was "Come around there Judy” echoed let-like pose from ‘I'***'^*''*?**' brought down from the rear on R. Brown, Converse, Farrell; days. I break several of the contenders. Bull DIiiar* Xnds .. * . _ ^ gram were group singing, presen­ after spending two weeks with her work, he aald. could be exception­ formula: To do In all cases, from Emanuel church i five venrs with the Artny. four In bottled up In the first two periods through the com field yesterday, iggart on the Blues' 26. The the Mancheater 5. Before fanem . tackles, Ferguson. Ulllono; guards, tation of county project awards daughter, Mrs. Frank Thomson of ally intereatlng to any one who day to day. without regard to Rrdnesday, Nov. IS I the Pacific theater. He is with There arc several families In ' Plenty of fireworks were shot and Judy did come around to win former University of Connecticut town who report dry wells, having j Chinese Poslpoiie off yesterday before a record one- blit scored two touchdowns and i of the Manchester Division will be had a chance to get seated com­ Rowe, Turklngton, J . Brown, O. of which the following town mem­ Hebron. Her granddaughter, Mrs. took It seriously. There were narrow political considerations, Fr»endiy Circle Bawiar, South 1 Carlson * Company, local tru ck-, Otto Graham Big Noise passed for a third In the second the All Age SUke in the stocking held Wednesday evening at the halfback fought hla way Into the Vlncek. to carry’ water for some distance day league attendance of 208,882 fortably, the Blues were knocking bers were recipients: Anne Gates, Evelyn Clupman entered Hartford particular opportunltlea. he said, what seems to me to be the best Methodist church Scout Room at Inv conrern. , ' I In Cleveland Victory in half. Coach Wally Butts' Bulldogs trials held by the Manchester : American Legion Home. Many im end zone from tbe 15-yard mark­ at the Legion goal. As has been award in green in g; Wlnthrop Hospital today to be hospitalised to be of aervlcc not only to those for the welfare of all o\ir people. 8. I Tl’c ronple wi)l mrke their home , fur household lucs. Dale for Opening that saw the New York Giants Division on Olcutt street. er. No less than three,Blues de­ next foe is a sub-par Auburn elev­ portont Itams will come up. One the case in the past, the “Seven Montgomery and Porker oltsmotsd Merriam, Jr., awards in poultry for a few days. soldiers who felt the need of splr- ■Our search for that welfare must Banquet of combined Mother's for the presenr with the bride's The Miflscs Bernice and Alice i and Chicago Bears better their en which bowed to Mississippi Judy .was braced with "Blinker" fenders had Cleon shots at Starkei j|------A. A. Conference positions at the head of the East­ being the closing of ail areas ex­ Blocks of Qranlte" dug In and In sweeping the ends for a tin t and livestock; Alice Thorp, was I itiial guidance, but especially to always be based upon a progres­ Circles, St. Jam es’s school hall , mother ot 93 Benton street. Hall arc spending the week-end I National Asseniblv State. 33-0. owned by Lee Fracchla, who plac­ cept one to th* running of bird but Bob waa running like a seared held. In fact, the Blues were chosen the outstandingoutatanding CountyLouniy f * | i * n •. some of the younger men who suf and Armistice D.ay as gucsta of I ern and Western Divisions w p ec- rabbit and crossed the final white down to the Legion 49. This was sive concept of government. at 6:30. New York, Nov. 11—(P) —The UCLA was hard pressed by Ore ed second. T. Sorenson’s "Dixie” dogs between the end of the bird throw'n back to the 8. The Hart­ Club girl and received the Develop- L i l l l l t l U D e ilO lt fered from homesickness " I shall cooperate In every prop­ nuirsday, Nf>v. 14 Mr. and Mra, Roy Comina tn Wor- | tlvely. And plenty more kte ex­ gon, 14-0, a team that took a 43-0 line standing up. Automatic John­ th * Initial first down of th * gom* (Continued from Page One| won third place. season to the start of the nexL ford rboters wanted Montgomery for the heavily favored Blues. Pow- moat Commission Youth award; "Girth control" was recommend er manner with members of the Parent's night at High school. cestcr, Mass'. Chicago Rockets and Miami Sea- pected a week hence when Wash­ pasting from Southern California The Derby Stake was won by ny Brown, lociil placement epe- R obtit Thorp, award In. dairy; ington, Green Bay, Philadelphia One Springer Spaniel iind when they got him he waa 'Sr'a poos was Intoioaptad by Sol- ed to the Klwranlana by the sec­ Congress, and my hope and prayer Friday, Nov. 15 Mrs. Minnie Carv’er of Rockville. ~ ~ . hawks, cellar dwellers of the two week ago. The Trojans kept In Carl Meyer's “Duke." Sam Felice's clallst, was Inserted In the lineup thrown for a loss. lAoda Twardy, winner of the Guest at Shower ond speaker on today's program Is that this spirit of cooperation Special Town Meeting. High and Mr<. Riitji French of North vening of the Constitutional Aa- and Pittsburgh will have to go all j ?^elr Nov. 23 clash with One springer spaniel was run at to try for the TOint. Twice In the monson on ths 28 and the drtvo County D rm review received rec­ Oliitiiary divislona in the All-America foot­ "Bucko" placed Second with John- the trials yesterday, a dog named Hartford foiled to pick up a was halted. StorkeTs quick kick Raymond Cooper, president of the will be reciprocated. School hall at 8. Covpptry, were Thursday guests j *‘^^®*^'^**‘* means a out to stay In the running. i ^CLA that probably will deter­ ny 'Varca'# “Queenle" third second period. Brown mleaed field ognition and inasmuch as she h ^ i Leg,jg Burnett of 118 final, complete national spilt, both ball conference, clash at Miami “Cookie" owned by Robert A goal attempte. When the Mint first down In the flrat half, a trib­ ■oiled for over Montgoniery's haod q Y.M.C.A., appeared to \irge mem­ “To them, one and all. I pledge SloiHlay, ,Nov. 18 of'Mr. and Mrs. John H. Steele. As a result of yesterday's firing mine the western Roes Bowl rep- “Whltey” KJellquist’a “Shiner" ute to the coaching of Tony Alt prevlouriy received her corres^ n ^ „ entertained at her bers of the club to loin the "Y ” fallh with faith, and promise to • G Clet Club 18th annual con­ political end military. ” tonight In a game which rounds the Giants, who were tied for resentatlve by a 14-0 victory over Jonea. There are now quite a few was needed, eure-fopted Johnny imd the latter was noUsd in his Mrs. L. R. Ladd had as guest They have Insisted that military won the Puppy Stake with "Bess” of these fine gun dogs tn town brio, Roy Mozser and Swede Hul Friday evening with a party and organise a badminton claas, meet good w'll with gt>od will.’ cert, Emanuel Lutheian church. Thursday, her sister Mrs. Walter out a full week-end for the pro- first with Philadelphia and Pitts­ stubborn California. This Satur­ split tha uprigbU for the seventh tracks on Hartford’s 39 .ones hs Military whist, S t Monica's/ Fiineral* forces revert to their Jan. 13 posi­ ftasional circuit. owned, by Louis Lanzano aecond and It would be a fine gesture to and what proved to be the game tine who handle the line. Tha scooped up tha boll by Eddie' Po- I!? * mlacellaneoua ahower, honor- or take pp aome other exercise. McCray and Mr. McCray of burgh a week ago. were all alone day's foe is Montana. and "Penny" owned by Lee Frac- Blues did however pick up two firet the program ware demonatrattons TVo new members, Ormond Mother's Circle. St. Bridget’s hajl. tions before the Assembly meet to The Cleveland Browns and New with a 5-2 mark followed by Wash­ Include a spaniel stake in the winning point. eko. A Powers to Wadsworth pass tng Mias Lillian Benoit, fiancee of . .r, - J Sp;-jngfleld. Mass, Arkansas scrambled the south­ chia third. downs In the third period and add la wMch Robert Vianay and Allan her son Harold Burnett. The host­ West and Dr. Barney WIchman, Give Quick Pledften Wednesday, Nov. 20 Jo-Ellcn t^nnrad Usher has rented her adopt a new constitution and to set York Yankee* strengthened their ington's 4-2-1, Philadelphia’s 4-i3; championship field trials that will lateroeptlon Sets Up Soor* gave th* Blues another ftnR down. Oataa, Jr., ahowad proper methoda Annual banquet Army and Navy up an all-party government. But west situation by subduing Rice, All Age be held December 1. ed three In the fourth stanza. An oxchang* of kicks foQowcd ess served s light supper to the were admitted at today's meeting. Of Cooperation funera r ® | ba.iement apartnnenl to an out of holds on the division leads yes­ Pittsburgh’s 4-3 and Boston’s 0-7. 7-0, thus taking over the confer­ The Blues, who were on the de­ of waahlng milking utanatls. Re­ group of friends who were present. The attendance prise, six quarts club. held this n.ornlng at the Watkins! government Armies have made terday, although the Yankees need­ In the west the Bears wer* far Duke, Carl Meyers’, Dixie, T. Up And Cotnli^ Pup Interceptions Galore with StorkcTs punt bouncing into porta were read by variotu town vats gains since Jan. 13, the date ence lead from the Owls, only Sorenson; Blinker, Lee Fracchla; fense practicelly all afternoon, A pleasant social evening was spent of motor oil donated by Ernest By The Associated I’rcss Nov. 21 and 22 / ed some help from the Buffalo In front with a 5-1-1 mark follow­ “Beau" a pup owned by Truman scored midway In the final period. Halting the Blues cold on the 8, tbe end zone before bouncing out chairman with George Kingaburyj, 34th annual eonventlort, Con- rad'^O wrecks'' olS •’S u r ^ ' ^ o f i r H Ju^ Girls' Club met of a 'truce subaequently shot full team that has been able to trim Judy. Doc Wylie; Bonnie, H. and rolling dead on tbe .. No. 1, SMFD. at ternal grandfather. Elden S. Con-I Miss Florrie Bishop Bowering of proceed*^ with Its plan for the As­ two full games. Big Six leader. tosa within three minutes. Foiling cepted a pass and on exchongs of proper manner with members of Th# Yankees turned back the sition. The Eagles then will go up Leggett; Dixie. T. Sorenson; running in th* Puppy Stake. man Swede Salmonson to score grain. Ne\l Two Years Chensy hall. / rad, of Melrose, and her m aternal; Tolland was the speaker at the sembly Tuesday. Other major surprises were Sy­ to gain, Salmoneon punted end on kicks took place before the Bluea second of a sarias of five the Congress." grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G | New Haven Home Economic club Los Angelee Dons, 17-12, at New again-st the Steelers at Pittsburgh racuse’s 14-7 score over <3omelI, Bucko, Sam Felice; Taby, H. Roy; A Job Well Done, Oabe six points for the home forces a tel pie reverse which started on launched their ecoring drive. On Dlachargad Saturday: Mrs. Vir­ Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of •IlipliMlay. Nnv. 28 Chou, Marshall and Gen. Chen in a game that will probably ring Queenle, J. 'Varca. Johnny Cslcuteiro’s attempted IfoBday evening maetlnga, open to ginia Ruaaetl and baby boy, Tal- Thanasgiving Day road race, Johnston, of Yellow Springs, Ohio. Monday evening, Nov. 4. Cheng, government chief of staff, York while the Bisona pulled out Vlrglnio's 20-6 edge Over Prince­ Gabe McMulIln did a fine job In the Naftford 19, the Blues lost to fourth down on th* Manchester the public, will ba held this eve­ (Continued from l*age One) Massachusetts, who will become sponaored by .\rmy and Navy Rev. and Mrs. Phillip King have a 17-14 decision over .the Brooklyn down the curtain oh the loser’s ton, conquerors of Penn; and Tex­ Judges, Truman Cowles and running off yesterday's trial* placement waa blocked by Smiley the 13. 33, Powers moved back Into punt cottville; Mrs. Mary French and speaker of the Republican House met as a committee of three, pri­ championship hopes. Whltsy Kjellquiat. Paocka, Legion left enn; the kick­ ning in the First Congregational baby girl, Rockville; Mrs. T. Annie club, / Laiigdon B. Judd, Jr. | returned from a visit in their fqr- marily lo seek clarification of con­ Dodgers, who stsnd second to the as Aggies' 14-0 margin over smoothly and efticlentty. Harry Dobrowolsky's punt waa formation. Instead, he whipped • church, WUUmantlc. The training ed. I firmly believe that our Re­ In January, replied in a statement; / Wedm-sday, Dee. 4 Funeral .services were held a t ' mer parish. Plantsvllle. Conn, Yankeas In the Eastern Division. Pittsburgh’s hitherto bright out­ Southern Methodist. Poppy Stake er was brown down after picking run back by Salmonson from the peas to Johnny Dobrutsky who Brown, 14 White street; Mrs. Hel­ publican colleagues who have “We welcome an opportunity to ditions of CTilang Kai-Shek's cease look was dimmed by Detroit yes­ Omkle, Robert Jones; Brownie. Turn In Bnnila up the flying pigskin by a nost of instituts will Include a course on "CKrlstniaa Chest" Fair, Wom­ two o'clock this afternoon for ! There are many in town 111 with In a game at Brooklyn. Navy appeared headed for Its Turn in ail bird bands to Lee's 38 to the 49 at tha period. wae ell alone end tbe Blues end “Jesus and the Gospela” and “A en Carinl and baby boy, worked Intelligently and coopera­ work with the president In carry­ fire order. It had been Issued terday when the Lions clawed out Don Anderaon; Beau. Truman local linemen. en's' Leasue. 2nd Congregational L'lngdon B. Judd, Jr., infant son ; colds and influenza and afflicted •without advance notice to. or dis­ Otto Graham sparked the worst season In history aftr bow­ Eisso Station. Twice the Legion drovs within ate up 26 yards before being haul­ brief survey of the Old Testament." Woodbrldge street; Minnie Kai- tively with us In the. past will do ing out the mandate of the people their 5rst league win by a 17-7 Cowles; Bess, L. Lanzano; Ginger. merchyk, 36 Clinton street; Joan c^ rch . of Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Burwell throat troubles. cussion with, the Communists. Browns to victory, engineering two ing to Georgia Tec^i's strong En­ , Legion Line Superb the Blues 15 yard line tn the asc ed down to the ground. Powere Bimfi^ scnool staff members are so In the future." and to return this government to the i Judd, at the T. P. Holioran, Funer- At the latt setback party spon­ touchdown drives in the first margin. A small 15,355 crowd in gineers. 26-20. A husky Penn I. Hayea; Jenny, L. Fracchla: The outatanding feature of the ond period, yet failed to have all then passed to Dobrutsky and the ospaelally urged to attend Weatercamp, 22 Drive B, Sliver The president said he Is con­ y Annual Christmas Sale of Chlang's order waa to take effect the people and to sane American­ Salvation Army Women's Home I al Home. Rev. Alfred Williams of­ sored by the Tolland Grange there peilod. Detroit saw the upset. State eleven which hammered Shiner. E. Kjellquiat; Jimmy, G. game waa the tigerish line play parts In the machine oiled and the latter lateraled to Parker on the (Tomorrow at 1:30 p. m., the Lane Homes; Jeffrey Cummings, cerned "lest any In either party at noon today, but there were no Washington's Redskins, which East Hartford; Mra. Frances Ka­ ism. ' League. ficiated and burial was In the East were thirteen and one half tables immediate reports of Its success or Qraham tosssd a short pass to Temple, 28-0. la In the Middles’ McMullIn; Beauty, Blit Emigh; Sports Schedhle of the Legion. The locals were de­ drives were halted. The first took local 30 and the speedy Negro Coventry Garden Cub will have should seek In this field (of for­ “America's position in interna­ In play. Light refreshments were nipped Boston 17-14 before 33,691 minski, Stafford Springs; James eign affairs) an opportunity to Thursday, Dee. .1 cemetery. failure. Dante LavelU for the firet marker path Saturday. Navy now has Skipper, Dr. M. Moriarty. termined to whip the Blues and place on the first play of the scored for the Bluek. Paseka broke as guest opeaker, James T. Laid- tional, affalra must be kept non­ South Methodist WSCS annual sei ved during the social hour. fans In the capital, face the task lost six In a row since opening Judge#—Steve Pongrantz. Webb they accomplished just this feat. through the line to block Caleu- Uw, ToUand County Cub Agent, Veneris, 28 Bunce drive; Eldmund achieve personal notoriety or par­ Clommunlat negotiators in the at the end of a 67-march foUow- Sundoly, Nov. 17 period when Doggart spotted partisan. (lirlstm as sale, 2 p.m. on. Mvtnorial Mass Mrs. Ida Williams who has spent Ing th# opening kickoff and paesed of halting the rampaging Bears with a win over Villanova, while Uttle. From end to end, both th* atart- lanky George Converse and a pas* terra'a attempted placement and wboaa subject will be “Cbriatmas Richard, South Windsor; David tisan advantage by exploitation of “We believe in America and thfe capital were disturbed over Yenan In Chicago. They’ll need the In­ Legion Football at Mt. Nebo 2 Also, annual Christmas sale of A memorial mass will he cele­ two months In Tolland has return­ reports that strong Nationalist col­ to Marion Motley on a play that Georgia Tech has copped alx Release More Birds Ing line and the reserve forward was good to the Blues 38 and thia meant the ball game. DaooratioDB''. The meeting will be Johnson, 11 Anderson street; Mra. the seqalKlonal or by the mere American way of life. We shall ed to her home In Waycrots, jured Sammy Baugh, for this one. p. m. Madeline Taflln, RFD, Manchester. creation of iKontroversy. St. Mary'r Guild. brated at St. James's churrh at umns under Gen. Hu Cliung-Nan covered 84 yarde and set up Ae straight since bowing to Tennea- A total of 124 birds were releas­ wall operators were great. The flrat down. Throwing a-running Powerhouse Yoah Vlncek per- held in the .reading room of the be glad to cooperate with the Sunday, Dee. 8 Georgia. ” The Bears, led by Sllngtn' Sid Thuradoy, Nov. 88 Blues line was worn to a frazzle Bonallj accounted for 18 yards Booth-Dlmock Memorial LIbrgry Discharged Sunday: Mrs. Mabel '•We are seCupon a hard course." 7:30 tomorrov/ morning in memoly were converging on the Shensi- see o ^ touchdown, scored by G ^ - oee. . ^ ed In the Manchester Division jump pass, Starkei hit Salmonson president and the patriotic Demo­ Welcome Home s.upper and serv-f Mrs. Harriet Pease who recently Luckman, nipped the Los Angeles The Engineers’ Nov. 30 claah shooting grounds. Annual Thanksgiving Day Army and the big name bocks In the after* the Blues kickoff, on three. and mambart are requested to Irwin, 15 Elro street; .1osep4 Strl- Mr. Truman sakL "An effort by crats in Congress to achieve prog­ of the late Louis Cfherrone. Kansu-Ningsia border region in lon Smith. on the Hartford 13. The catch be Icc, Emanuel Lutheran church. sold her Tolland Center home has Th# Forty-Nlnere taUted in the Rams 27-21 with the day’s biggest with unbeaten Georgia look* like No Stocking Trial Sunday and Navy Club Rood Race at 11 Hartford backfleld failed to gain line plays before Salmonson punt­ bring three or four sprays of ever- maltls, 27 Homestead street; Mrs. elthfcr the exccutlW^r the legisla­ ress and security In the American moved to her newly acquired home Inner Mongolia "and the Commu­ turnout—68,381—on hand In Los tween three defender* w 5:30 p. m. nist position was “ extremely criti­ lost period when Frenkle Albert one of the highlights of the south­ There will be no stocking trial a. m. any degree of yardage. ed out of bounds on the Blues 16. graaa. Marion ;Uto, 14 Courtland street; tive branch of the government to on Old Stafford road. Tolland. Angeles. Basketball — High vs. Alumni, honey, embarrass the other fw partisan way." Wednesday, Dec. II carried the ball over on the end of ern season. Sunday. The Barbar Hill Gun Club Former Boston Coflege acc, Lou Powers was nailed behind the line B ait W. Green Post No. 52 and Mrs. Ruth wmik'.ms and baby girl, Will Meet Responsibility Supper and sale of North Meth­ The regular Tolland Grange cs'.” . . In the fifth contest. Green Bay 8:30—Armory. Montgomery, high salaried Blue Field Goal Try Short 779 Middle Turnpike, east; Mrs. gain would bring frustration to Alioiit Town General CTiou prem;mably carried a *4-jrard drive. 'Louisiana State also has risen la holding a Msmberahlp Field of scrimmage fo the 8 and Bychol- . Its Auxiliary of the Manafield and Rep. Charles A. Halleck of In­ odist W S(«. meeting v. cs held Tuesday evening ?ummeled Chicago's Cardinals 19- as a power In the deep south, win­ Sunday, Dec. 1 back, faUed to gain a single yard The Blues held and Johnny akl IntercepU'd a Powers’ pass, his ' Oovootiy dUtricta are holding Alice Trott and' baby Ixiy, East our country." A regular communication of November 5, and was the election this report to his meeting todav A safety and e field goal by Joe Trial on their club grounds. Birds Brown was rushed in on fourth Mr. Trumsn pledged his co o p ta­ diana, a candidate for the House Thursday ,‘'U4-c. 12 with the other members of ll*e and virtually ruined the Card#' ning It* alxth declalon from Ala­ (Championship Field Triele — against the winners line. Cqjum- flftli interception nl the game, and ■ tlislr annual “Ex-aervlcemen's Hartford: Mrs. iRuth Rice, 199 Manchester Lodge No. 73 A. F. & of officers night. The following of­ Aguirre opened the scoring for division chances before 30,691 will be released tn ths Manchestsr bTa’a Bob Taylor, Johnny ^Powers down to try»rs field goal from the tion "In every proper m an n t" Republican leadership, told re­ Christmas Fair of Center Con­ three-man truce committoc. bama, 31-21 In a free-scoring M onche^r Divtelon of Connecti­ ran th* bail -dnwn the Blues' nine t Night” at tbs Lsglon rooms. Wall Woodland street; Miss Doris Fer­ gregational church. A. M. will be held tonight at 7:30. ficers were elected for the year the Dons In New York but Spec Windy City customers.. Division areas Sunday morning. of Holy Croas and other name 23. The kick from s difficult rell, 157 Birch street; Waldo E. Ly­ with congress—to meet "faith with- porters "we Republlcan-s recognize affair. The Bayou Tigers have Trucks will leave Lee’s at 9 a. m. cut Sportsmen's Aeaocletlon—Tel- as time expired. street, this evening, with a guest responsibility and we are go­ 'The entered apprentice degree will 1917 as follows: Master, Calvin Bandera put the Yankee# ahead The Packers take on the re­ performers, were knocked repeat­ angle was low, however, the ons, 23 Moore street: William Ball- faith," and "good will with good / ------^------momentarily with a 42-yard touch­ lost only to Georgia Tech. Skeet Next Sunday cottvlUe Flata. tiredit To AR ■pssker following the business to meet tt. be conferred. Wilcox: overseer, Russell Gunther; juvenated Detroiters In the Motor Duke, beading for a Nov. 23 edly off their plna by the hard Blues were offside and Brown wo* sleper, 70 Tanner street: Mrs. Ha- will." lecturer, Sarah West: steward. A skeet shoot will be held Sun­ The line piny of the locals lea- ‘ assstOMr, mud refreahmenta to be The text of Mr. Trdman's state­ president probably refers down Jaunt. City next week In a game they battle with strong North Cj&roUna, charging Legion line. given *nother''chsnce. This time, saiead by the committee with iel WoliUeb^ South Windsor; Mrs. Stephen Kosley; assistant steward, Bob Seymour took a 30-yard day afternoon at the Talcottville tured. Each and every ball player ment: to the ujree branches of this gov­ Roy Warren announces that he CAR PAINTINi; cannot afford to loae. took the measure of powerful Loon Bond Oostame* Playing professional rules for the boot was wide and the Bluea Qaorge Nelson, chairman. Legion Florence Roy, Rockville; Mrs. Car­ Henry Knybet; chaplain. Mary pata from Angelo BertelH and ran Fiat# starting at 1:30 sharp. This the first time felled Ui hamper the gave hta best and the result was ' oline Antonio, 68 Eldridge street; "The people have elected a Re­ ernment and of hla desire to co­ Weddings has just engaged a second bus to Wake Forest, 13-0, tbe Tar Heels’ took over on their own 20. Calcu- a well earned and well Ceserveo i and Auxiliary msmbera attended operate aa Bead of the executive convey the Tall Cedai s to Paw­ Brodbent; treasurer, Louis Vesly: Grt Our KaOmHle 17 yards more for a touchdown next foe. Carl Snavely'a North will be a good chance to sharpen Browrning, Mont..— (P)—^Ther* locals either on the offenoe or the terra booted to tha Manchester 86 Mrs. Dorothy Hill, East HartforvI; publican majority to the Senate secretary. Ira Wilcox; gatekeeper, up your shooting eye for the final win. ^ / their respective churches Sunday and to the House o( Hepre.senta branch." Halleck said. “Certainly tucket next Saturday where they which put Los Angelee ahead. Carolina lads knocked William when Blockfobt Indians started defense. « Hertford ouUateraled when safety man Bobo Lavey was In a body in observance of Armls- Mary Jamieson, Rockville: Edward Jennie Labonta: Ceres. Grace Dlm- SOl.IMKNK tti FI.A(;r. Harvey Johnson then kicked a Wesleyan-T rhiity two weeks of the bird season. Manchester, but lost yardage on Manager Herl^\’righl eait after lives. Under our constitution the those of us In the legislative Baldygfi'Mori'ison are to institute a new forest, and and Mary out of the Southern Ulloring 100 uniforms for th* hit with a thud that waa heard all game thot The Legion would' ties S u n ^ . Zwatloki. 124 North School street; Miss Dorothy Mornson, daugh­ of the degree ock; Pomona, Edna Dlmock: Flora, INC. field goal for the Yankees and Coon Winners moat of the tricky toasea. t\e Gerald Montle, 112 Avondale road: Congreu la the lawmaking body. branch will Join him In that coop­ exemplify some Cjonference lead 21-7. Montana Stats University bond. over the etadluro. return to Mount Nebo Sunday The executive board of the The people have chosen to entrust ter of Mrs. Minnie Morrison of 93 Sophia Gottler; lady assistant 634 Ontei *4 Tel ■lini Bddle Prpkup pulled the day's Last Friday’s winners of tlie Local Fan* Galore Mrs. Albina Sacberek and baby eration." Play Saturday PltUburgh gave Ohio SU te a Coon Hunt held by the Manchester Two hundred deerskins, donated Thud Inspires Locals afternoon against a high class foe. BooCb-Dimock Memorial Library the controlling voice In this branch Rep. Leslie A rends of, Illinois. Benton street, and John Baldyga, ‘ZllabTe'andTall’ ceUars ma^ etew«”d. «aire thriller, a 77-yard punt return for surprisingly stiff battle ■ before by Montana hunters, were being The entire south side of the The thud woe the spark that In­ win meet tbia evening at 8 p. m. boy. 12 (>)ttage street. Jr., son of M.r. and Mra. John Bald­ cure them by calling Mr. Warren, committee. Harry Ljjbont®- _____ the touchdown that won the game Coon and Fox " Club were Art Discharged today: Kenny White, of our government to the Republi­ Hou.se RepTibltcan whip, said Re­ succumbing, 20-*3 and Iowa ral­ fashioned Into tribal costumes by atodlum woe jammed with Man- spired the Legion attack. Prutty The 4-H Town /Committee will can party. I accept their verdict In publicans In congress "will carry yga of North Main street, were for the' home club. By The Associated Press lied to trim Wisconsin in a big Ayers, Frank and Joe Irons, Cliff cheater supporter# end also on the 45 Campbell street; Mrs. Charlotte Joyce and Frank Roblnaon. This the Indian mrtUans. While they Majewskl and Starkei carried for | meet this evening at the home of the apirit In which all good citisens out their reaponaibtUtiea under the united in marriage Saturday after­ At Brooklyn, the Dodgere spot­ With the Yale-Princeton and Nine battle, 21-7. Illinois was bleachers located at the west end a first down to the 49. Doggart; Mr. and Mrs. Wlnthrop Merriam, Wheeler. RockvfUe. was the only team able to bring worked on the tailoring job, the accept the result of any fair elec­ new powers which came to them noon at two o'clock In St. Mary's (16) Harriann's ted the Biaons ten polnU and never Triiilty-Wesleyan football contest* idle and Michigan, another con of the plsjing field. (Iroups of Blue Starkei to the Hartford Sr.. Ripley HUL Admitted Saturday; R obert Episcopal church. The double ring COTTAdE STRfiST coming up on Saturday, Connecti­ back a coon. Bleckfeat loaned the bend their . • — . . ^ . ..i__I. tion. through the electlohs. (I) Freedman Wonder caught up. Preston Johnston ference contender, qient outside its own heeded end feather bedecked and Gold f*n* "'«*'® eprlnkled on 36. Doggart. on a quarterback TOP CASH Oorentiy Volunteer Finmen'a Wetherell, 129 Wells street: Cal­ "A t the aama time and imder the ceremony was performed by the Jk Dohin ( 1 1 ) cut looms large on the college Regular Meeting Wednesday the Blues side of the field end vin Hutchinson. Bolton: Wallace "The country, of course. Is first Market scored e touchdown, which he set own leaipie to whip Michigan coatumes. ■neak moved the pigskin down to AasociaUon will hold a ragular same conatltutlon, the duties and and uppermost In the minds of our rector. Rev. Alfred L. Williams. (Your Fire­ bp with a 37-yard run. and Lou gridiron scene.today. The regular monthly meeting ' their presence woe felt once the rtlng At ttte flri^ u ae tonight 1 S*’’*^"* 37 Alexander street; Rich- 18 Marlow’s . SUte. 55-7. ths 21. Yosh Vlncek bulled his way For Your Car reaprtnalbllltles of the chief execu­ party.” Arenda added. "1 think White Pompoms decorated the al­ stone SUire) ( ) Zontlnl kicked a 14-yard field goal. Wesleyan le one of the nation’s Harvard heads toward Brown, locals started to move. to the 8. Tbe latter bit off Uckle StSp.^ ■ Krlstoff, 78 Birch street: tive and of the Executive branch of few unbeaten and untied teams, Several jjnheralded cheer lead­ Robert E. Cowles, 197 Hilliard we should and must continue the tar. Beck’s PURMeU PARMM6 (19) Qulan's Glenn Dobbs got the Dodgers a 49-0 victim of the 'Yale Bulldogs, to the two but a holding penalty Or Truck . Mrs. EUsabetta Rychllng the govemmeht are entrusted to non-partisan approach to our for­ The bride wh'S'was'presented In Pharmacy 18 while the Yale-Princeton contest with the undisputed Ivy league er# were unfolded and releeaed oompleUd raum eratl^,^ as of street; bllth, a baby boy to Mr. Blair’s Into th# game with an -yard halted the drive and the Blues took Sell ua your car now and we me and ray associates. eign relations problems. (3ur for­ marriage by her cousin Ernest Ir­ Slancbester touchdown pass to Art Vantone. usually is a National headliner. lead after the Criraaon’a 21-7 edge iomewhere between Manchester over as the half ended. Baptember 9 ,' 'those children be- and Mrs. Howard Hansen. 30 Dlfflrultlea Tbreatened win, wore a gown of white satin Carroll’a Both are being played in the Nut­ Mystery Surrounds Final and the stadium. Just before the will. In many cas***. |>ay yon Laurel street; birth, a baby hoy eign policy program fchould be Cut-Rate Plumbing A - After Allan Dekdebrun had pass­ over Dartmouth. Harvard, Cor­ " Taking the second half kickoff. tweea the agap of 3 and 18 yaara, "Our. government Is founded up­ made and kept clear In the minds and. marquisette. Its bodice tn off- meg state, the Cardinals at Mid­ nell. Penn and ale remain In the gome lime the megaphoneless mure than you will have to pay laoatqd in the south end of town, to Mn and Mrs. Paul Hull, 25 Sea­ Manchester Supply ed to Ray Elbl for another Buffalo Power’# aerial from hla owrn 22 for eonie new 1946 mudrie. on the constitutional principle that of the people." the-lboulder effect with Iqce ber­ 421) Sllhroo touchdown, Dobbs connected with dletown and the Ells at New Hal- scrap for the unofficial champion­ cheer leaders got out In front of was grabbed out of U)e aid by By- with following to report; *of the man ptrcle. Outcome in \Y Cage Contest th* main Manchester stand and Admitted 8 'u n d a y ; Charlene the three branches of the govern­ Calls Btatentent Great tha. Her firijger-tip veil lOf illusion Ulanney's f2t> Tbe Tea Doyle Tackett on a 40-yard scor­ ven In the Bowl. ' ship > with the Yale-Princeton. cholski and run back to the Blues WE BUY ANY CAR-- 604 listed, 58 are of three years of ment are Independent of each o'th Senator Brewster (R-Me.l call­ was draped from a pearl coronet F. T. Blisb These teams came through with did their stuff. Never before In a fe ; 49 of four years and 31 of Schiebet, 25 Hamlin street; Mrs. IUmnd ing pass but his desperate bid to Yale-Harvard and Comell-Penn •26. Doggart then hit Starkei with OR TRUCK er. Under this principle our coun ed the president's ‘statement and her bridal bouauet was of 1 Hardware triumphs last Saturday, although scraps decidlhg tbe Issue. the hlatory of eeml-pro football In­ flvt ypars. Mrs. Donald Gehring Elizabeth Olson, 36 Maple atreet; ('181 Heller’s win the gam* In the final momenta In one of the inoet hecUc frays,* game, acoring 18 poinU, while TA volving a Mencheeter team was a perfect toss end Bob went over Regardless at Year. Moke, Elbert Atwood, 390 Lake street; try ha? p/ospered and grown grest ‘.‘great" and "worthy of . the office white roses with orchid center. Publlo Men’s W ear Wesleyan barely escaped being gb for ths y with 17 for the the score. Brown added mporta that there Are 290 children I should *be less than candid, how­ Miss Ruth who was flssled when Joe Davie-dropped one held to a scoreless tie by Williams, ever seen at the YMCA court.'the Moak# was hli there any more enthusiasm shown Hndel or Cnnditloa Muis Margaret Flavell. 640 Hart­ he holds. He shows that he ts 5larket Convenient Parking (24) Stone’*— Collects Bounty for Fox points. the point. In tbs north district In that age ever, If I omitted to state that the an American before ha la a Dem­ maid of honor for her sister, was of hie peseea In the end zone. punching out a victory only in the Columbian Squires put on a terrif­ by the loyM followers of the team Act Quickly — Before New'Oor mage; however, breakdown of ford ^ad ; George Macneel, 291 (IS) Werbner's Jewclera , At times .the Squires paade at­ than at Hartford yesterday. Hertford finally came to life. Spruce street; Mrs. Margaret Bar- present situation threatens diffi ocrat. 1 am sure he will find gowned In light blue net and lace, (25) Janet’s last four minutes. Yale poured Weldon, ni.—(/Pi—Farmer Mike ic lest ditch stand to edge out/the ProdnoMon Porece thnt figure is not yet available. with penlum bodice. Her blue veil Shoe Store ... AND ITS FREE tempts to have ete referees on the RwmenUilly, after the acore. Lou low, 95 Hamlin street; Marie cultles. v that Republicans will meet him In Hat Shop It on against Brown, subjecting Seal didn't have time to get a floor The game was rough with Try Several Formation# Used Prioca Down The Rav. Allan H. Gataa was "Only by the exercise of wisdom was held In place with a cap of net (U) Burton’s YMCA juniors in a rousing baaket­ Gagne, 34 Crestwood drive. the same spirit and with the aan^e W HEN YOU 51AKE A PURCHASE IN (28) Weldon the Bruins to the worst walloping horse or a hound or a gun so he Stevenaon Ming banished for trip­ In desperation the Blues tried, We Will Pay As High As naat preacher yesterday' at the and restraint apd tl\e constant de objective tn mind, the welfare .i.'.l nitver sequins. Her arm bou­ (15) .Arthur In their long series. ball tilt filled wttifi football and MKlovar Coogragatlonal Church Admitted Monday: Rosemary .ANY OF THESE CO-OPERA'nNG STORES Drag Co. BODY AND FENDER used his car to go fox hunUng. wrestling tactics. ping. . . end a total of 33 fouls bsing several offensive formations Howe, 41 Durant street; Marsha termination to place the Interest of the nation rather than any parti­ quet was of lemon yellow pom­ Drug Stores Last Saturday'* resultp: against the locals including |S. 1936 C A R S ...... 8400 iMtand of the Hebron and Gilead our country above ,all other inter' poms. \ ' r e p a ir in g Yale 49, Brown 0. When s fox fled to a state highway The scorer gave the final verdict celled, 23 of them on the Souires. Baldwin, 23 Newman street; birth, san advantage^" from Bears farm. Seal umped Into of 38-87 in favor of the Squires Holmes and Hanson played bill- spread formation. The latter 1937 CARS ...... 8500 shurobaa as pravtoisaly reported. a baby girl to Mr. and Mra. Rob­ esta, can we meet and solve the Senator Hart of Connecticut P.aymond Della If®*’* was beat Wesleyan 6, WllUama 0. ' Auto Driving A s'R a v . Fred U Broad of And- TURNPIKE his automobile and pursued the when the game wo* over, but a r*- llant defensive bail for the Squires, proved as Ineffective as the.slngle 19.38 C A R S ...... 1700 ber! Fregtn, 116 North School problems ahead of us. who did not seek re-election and man and the usher* were Carmen Connecticut S3, Rhode Island 0. and double wing of the Blues. sear simpUad the pulpit at the "The stake Is large. Our great Christiana of East Hartford and AUTO BODY WORKS Trinity 26, Norwich 0. animal down the road until the capitulation shows a 38-38 tie, and while the whole Y teem played 1939 C A R S ...... 81.000 street; Charles Baimond, 139 Oak whqsg term ended with last Tues­ their hearts out. Head Coach Ciharley Hurlburt's . Instruction Isoosid Oongragational Church ot Internal strength and our eminent day's election, said; "I am not a Joseph HlUnskl of Broad Brook. main street Tufts 18, Coast Guard Acad- .headilght-blindcd fox ran apiack when the scorer disappeared, - 1940 CARS 81.400 street; Sherrill Horwath, 14 Harv­ 16* Weat Middle Tph. TeL 70U into, another car. Seal recovered one could clearly decipher whether A return Ult will be a natural crew failed to reed or hear the ObvaiitrF- ard road. pcritlon In the w’orld are nbt, as lame duck. >ut a dead duck pre­ The mother of the bride apd th* ehiy 13. pre-geme gossip end atoriea that *41-*42 C A R S ...... 12.000 BOSS Anna XADoyt arrived borne some may too easily assume, IndC' paring to vacate my office. How- bridegroom’s mother assisted the Connecticut, too. piled it on un- the pelt and collected the county or not Ed Moske made five or four between the two teams, and oo* Krnin Yottr Home Birth Saturday; A baby boy to may be arranged soon. were making the round#. At least f®iir*4ay avaaingv to spend the Mr. and Mra. Ehtrl Rudln, 266 North ■tructlble. ^ever, I think tt Is splendid atate- bridal party at a reception for 60 ■ ’"i; t7 ,(8U) t'llflnru ^ ' iuckv Rhode Island State, w’htle bounty. foul shots. waab-and with bar fismily. yien’s and At the end of the game, the In the preliminary game, th* instead of taring down, rolling Main atreet. " I shall devote all my energy to ^ment end I have not only the hope guests at th* Sheridan, followrtng (27) Kinney Trinity pummeled haj)less Nor over and playuig. dead, as predict­ REYNOLDS PHONB IN 7-8144 ■ m la asstrlculatlng at tba New Ui# csrsmony, Mra. Morrison re­ Regular Parking Rate Bovs’ Sbiip . Jet-PropeUed Flab score of 84 all, and both teanaa Windsor glrte eosUy edgwl the " CUalc Schedule the discharge of my duty with but. the expectation that the Rt- Shoe Store ' 24 HOUR SEKVU'E wlch. Oiast Guard managed, ed. th* Lsglon took the field a Wa Win Boy tsm Oar - ' Oostaarvato^ of Muaie In Tuesday-^Tonatl and adenoid at full realization of the reaponribtllty publlcans on Capitol hill will meet ceived in black crepe with royal I (82) WatMna were forcod Into on overtime pe­ MonchesUr Cihlldren of Mary team (28) Regal however, to spoil a p e r f ^ day for 36-6 spirited band of players end from OforMw Vkaaa tan. w’hlch results from the present the' president more than half blue trim, black accessories and 15c For 2 Hours (.38) J. W. Hale our collegiate representatives by Jo t propulalon was used by fish riod. The Squires hod g.eboncs to by a verdlet.Th* locale lock DRIVING Men’e I call definitely clinch ell argumenU team play opd ■hooting ability. whistle to whistle'Manchester fens M aa AUee Tborp, daughter of Wednesday—Well baby confer­ state of affairs. 1 do not claim for way." _ • gardenia corsage. Mra. Baldyga Shops Corp. losing out In the last, two minutes long before nuin ever hit upon the • pv attired in hro'.vn crepe, brown Amount Refunded When You Make (It) r . ii..n-» Idea. Faat-ewlmmlng ocean species when thev were given an ex tra! Ann Mooney euffered a *pirained had something to cheer about. SCHOOL .and Mrs. Waltar. Tborp of ence at the 'YMCA from 2-4. myself and my asspclates. grcnter (29) The Tr-^Mlc at r. MANUHKSTKR TAXI CO. to Tiifts^ Johnny Bycholakl, a better than Capitol Motors qtraaL apoka on behalf Thursday-^Pre-natal at 9:45. 000,000 accessaries and corsage of gdrde- increase Ihe'r spe-d by ejecting shot whan the Y took too many j ankle In the glrla' gkOM. whllie Ed of devotion to the welfare of our na- tf iinmole.ited .''.30 !rsts Store „ A Purchase In These Stores A .Non, Inr. AttriiHoa The s:\ason ends next week for. average basketball player, Inter- Call East Hartford 8-0806 JW MAIM BE. Ribbaa Baby Basf Club, Friday—Well baby conference at : tlon than I ascribe to othars of an­ would be prortucert from s singHe' i nias. wafer, ro.:Uet-fashion, tbrpugh the time outs, but the misMd. For the Moske and Tracy of th* Y were a s ., ■ , 1 Bverg Gall Wesleyan. Trinity, Connecticut IV. ceoted no leea than five Hartforcl aMnbar, at 12;S0 the hobpltal from 2-8r other party. Wt taka the oath of pair tn three years. i When leailn f with the bride-1 and Coast Guard. gill openlacs. ' Oy itree, Dsy played e brilliant I'shaken up ellghtlt 1 ,

-'I: i- ✓ ' .


MANCMCSTIEK EVtriimU nCRAUU. ■tAnVineWlBR, lAinWn j i u r w a x , RUVBMRE* ll, 1»4% BY FONTAINE FOX gustedly ecrom the compua to­ ItNlNKKVILl.E FOLKS ward a hmeb room. Wssted ts Raat •8 Fuel and Feed i f - A Merhifirry and Tools It was overcrowded, too, and the Sense an>mpany, 166 Mid­ woman to care for children after* IN STOCK, Lime eowars, tractor life hi cemliat. Ooadoa a tH n Refi thru with your cereal?' It waa DEPT. BOirnS: Tlamann. I N South Main atreet Phone 3-SOeO. form bepomtng hot and heavy, his from cosataL (Stammering In dismay)- -But- dle Turnpike F’aal. noona and Saturdaya. Call 3-0041. SEASONED hard wood for atova, disc harrows portable tractor a elmaoe te lliilah aehoal safi a some time before I discovered that 8:30 A. dL to 4:45 P. M. Phone VI4S. furnace or fireplace, 31L.50 a cord, sawrlge, cement mlxara. Dublin patience wearing thin. He got up abruptly and pushed ■there muat be some mistake. ALX APPUANCES aerviced and] WOODLAND STREET — WeU part-tfme jab neuiwblle. nefi so- his way through to we door. These ore terma which no civilised she meant: ‘Have you finished PIELA'S RafrtgaraUon aarvica. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. delivered. Telephone 6870. Tractor Company, North Wind­ built 3-room eingte, garage, ateam eepta. Boea Ceodon aeka ble givl- then he noticed the glrla your porridge?’ repairpd, bumar*. rctrigaratora. Hoooce for Halt 72 A ccbwd of them at the next Uble. "What the dovUT" bo thought In nation eould Impose on another! Domaatie, oommareial, repaira on State age, experience, aalary ex­ ham Road, WlUlmanUc. heat, approximately one acre of MemL Dlae VorMy, to ftod adate American- -Wal, shortly after rangaa, waahera, ate. All work HARDWOOD for aala. For atove, Hal/ a dozen plain-faced aerioue sudden panic. "Is It gotag to get Foch (gravely). -1 am very glad all raakaa. Day and night aendea. pected. Write Box U, Herald. land, fruit trees EnUre house has for Bed. landed in England a waiter came guarani aad. Metro Servlee Co. furnace or fireplace. Alao kind­ TWO-FAMILY bouse, 4 and 6 Half a doisen more not ao m e? N ow ?" to hear you soy ao. No, gentlemen, Loot and FOoad 1 U Blren atraat Phona 3-1433 been newly decorated and la now up to me at luncheon and aald: Tel Mancheatar 3-0833. GIRLS and young women wanted ling wood. Phone 5766. roqms, 2-cer gerkgA lot 85x180. plain but abeorbed in the papera He walked tor on hour. Hurry­ these are not our terma. They are MuatesI InstruBienta 53 vacant for Its new occupants. •How did you find your chop, air?' Orange and white EnglMb in various departments for light One tenement vacant. Phone 6762 they were filing out. And a doU- ing hlmaelf. Trying to sweet the the terma Imposed on LUIe by the Price 39,000, amaU down pay- ’The algn In the lobby said REG­ replied: 'Oh, I looked behind the Setter. T montha CaU Hartford REFRIGERATION SERVICE h a ih o - factory work. Permanent poai- SEASONED Hardwood for fire­ 3 CLARINXTTS, one $50, one 375. after 6 p. m. faced blonde. Tbe girls were young, ebaurt toor out of his eyetosa German commander when that Service, repairs, picked up and place, furnace end range. Imme­ menL Edwards and Schwarx. ISTRATION. It pointed to the city surrendered. potato and there It wee,’ before I 8-1337 or Hartford 3-8090. Ra Uone. 40-hour week, good wages. com plete trap drupa aeL' 3100. too. Seventeen and eighteen. But Suddealy Red otopped la hU for HOUSEHOLD deUvared prumpuy. 30 years diate delivery. B. J. Begin. Phone Realtors, 841 Main street, Man­ rlgbL understood that he wee asking me ward. Tober Baseball Co. Apply In Ward Krause. Phone 5833. glrla were glrla Maybe college tracks sad M gsa to laugh out loud. experience lohn Ueloncy Phone chester. Telephone Mancheeter A TW O-FAMILY house. 5 and 4. Red followed the arrow into a At otM time President Woodrow how I liked IL • REFRIGERATORS person. Glaatonbury N33. wouldn't be oo hard to take after He was tired—that woe olL Holy l o s t —Saturday morning, black 3-1045. 1 Wamut etreeL 4488. / pTIy 39 Cottage etreeL big room cut In ball by a counter Wilson was riding along a country Scotsman- -That'a nothing to b«yond which s group of girls work­ nU. cow—one day of clvtlloa life aad what happened to me once. I w bOlfoId on School atraeL Kelvlnator Frtgtdalre Coldapot | WANTED —’Two glrla for .all ma Wearing Apparel— Purs 57 rood near Washington, D. C., 1 BOmCELLO AND SchulU 1 Gsrden— Ffirsi— Dstry FOR SALE#—’Three-family housA ed at desks, and the first half of Red waited until the blonde girl he broke out with combat totlguet In loilglngs In a small town in the return to addrcaa given In wallet.' Croealey Orunow Norge O.B. chine shirt unit. Good p a y -ln - looked up and he caught her eye acoompanled only by tha secret P.U.C license to do Conn. aUte ’TWO w i n t e r coats, both worn 4 rooms each, all modem im­ Wanted— Real Gi*tatc . 77 which was Jammed with boys In He looked at hla wrist watcM West of Ireland. Half an hour Would like to receive Important Montgomerv Ward centtva piece work. Manchester Predocts * 60 She tilted her pretty nose for aervice man who waa detailed to moving, local trucking. Ashes twice, sixe 18 and 44. New boys’ provements. separate fumacea uniform, boya in Macks and sport A quarter of two. He woe suppob- after I had finished my supper an paptra aad wallet Laundry, Maple atreeL minute and studied him end then lart him. They pasoed a small and waste removed. Phone WINTER Oabbaga 50e bushel. Near school and Cheney MtUa- PRIVATE Family wishes to buy 6- JaidMts, boys In mismsted suits ed to see on odvlaor at two about exceedingly pretty girl came Into COMMERCIAL ahoea. Phone 3-0477. her eye feU on the row of ribbons y by the roadside. Prceently the LOST—Brown wallet with name Bring own contalnera. George Priced right tor quick sole. For room single or double. Will watt and a few bobby-socked girls. hla aohedula. He turned back In tha my room end said: ’Will I atrip 3-16M. ______on his chest and the smiled back President turned to hie compimlon “M. F, McOulre" printed on IL REFRIGERATION snd GllberL Smith streeL Bucklaed. ICE BLUE evening gown, sweet for occupancy. Write Boa 83C. Red, sUU wearing his uniform, direction from which he had come now, elrV 1 fled Into my bedroom .Help Wanted— Male 86 Information telephone 3949. at him. She turned to the girls be and aald: Will Under pleaae keep money I Telephone 5058.' heart neckline, saUn top, new bot­ Herald. crowded his way through the door­ and locked the door, but I found SERV1C*E r a n g e b u r n e r s eervlced. side her and said something and President Wlleon- -Did you i I aad return walleL Telephone WANTED — Chauffeur, Careful tom, slxe 9, practically new. Call way and Joined the throng. Hia adviser, when Red got to what that boy did? out afterwarda that Iriah girls Telephone 6940. WAN'TED—A modern single. One they all turned and looked at hla 3 n e .______SCIENITHC driver, useful around house and 7091. Legal Notices He took one disgruntled look him after another walL proved to Secret aervice man- -No, air; elweya talk about 'stripping ihe FOR SALE—Winter epplea. Zola of Manchester's newer sections oorobat ribbons. Red felt better REFRIGERATION CO.. INC. grounds. Write Box G. Herald, around the room and latched onto be a thin over-worked underin- what did he do? table,’ when they mean ‘clearing Farm, Glastonbury. preferred. Will pay top price for the end of a long line which was Ho flnlehed fllUng In the Infer away the dishes.’ Building-^ontrficting 14 AT A COURT o r PRORATE held ■tructor. He began to aak Red Preaident .Wilson (shaking hla l o s t —Beagle hound, black and 87 Oah 8L Mancheeter 3-13M WE’RE LOOKING FOR Wanted— To Bay 58 a nice home and wait reasonable slowly moving toward the counter. matlon blanks, handed them In to hurried queetlona It was evident at Msnehealer, within and for the Uw girl at the counter and receiv­ head gravely)'* -Ha made a face at white with brown aara. Call 4805^ B. AND D. OonetnictioB Com-1 All-Around Machinists District ot Manchester, on the Sth time for occupancy. Write Box C, Aftgr 45 minutes be readied the that he was not impreaaed by Bousehold Goods 51 BEDROOM furniture, complete set day of November. A.D., 1M6. counter and the bespectacled girl ed’some papers to fill out concern­ I ALL MAKES Of aawlag maohlnea pany, concrete work, retaining I External Grinders Herald. Red's uniform and ribbons. Red, to The seenBY‘“iiervlci mab^.waa Social Siluationa LOST— Bunch o f' keya on Main sxperUy repaired. Singer Sewing wallA landscaping, grading, sep- or odd pieces, sofa and lounge Preaent WtLUAM 8. HTDE. Eaq.. behind It asked smartly: "How ing his eliglbUity under the OI MU him, was Just another OI to be Judf*. shocked. The Preaident waited atreet between Birch atreet and Machine Oo.. 383 Main atreet Uo tanka installed. For eatimates { Internal Grinders FORCED TO BREAK UP chairs sulUble for aUp covering, PROPERTY vwnere-If you are mueh university work have you o f rtghta fitted into the already overcrowd­ McLellan'a. Finder pleaae call Estate of Robert M. Alexander, late At least he shouldn’t have any moment and then aaked: Tel 8333. call 3-9195 after 6. Turret Lathe Operators kitchen Uble or chairs or what ot Uanchcater, In said DIstiicL de­ eouldering capiiausint on the h ad ?" ed university. Presl'dant Wilami- -Did you e The fUtustloni You ore referring BRAND NEW HOME have you. Call 3873. difficulty about thaL Red thought 6363.______Engine Lathe Operators ceased. preaent i market contact ua "Nooe,” Red said. He kept on asking Red questions what I did? to an elderly man who has a son ALBEKl JACOBS—A a^ and | CARPENTER work of all kinds. I On motion ot Robert M, Alexander, We pay cop cash* for residential ’Tm sorry, you’U have to get In grimly. He put down the facta and writing things down on a piece FOUND—Two hunting doga For Drill Press Operators Furniture To Be Sold For The MANCTHESTER’S oldest dealers Jr., of said Mancheeter, admlnlstra tor. Sccrot service man- -No, air of the some name, and you wleh rubbiah removad. Ugbt trucking Roofs, siding, additions and alter­ or commercial property For that Une over there then. ’That's When he had finlahad he was hun­ of paper and consulting a small furthar Information Inquire 14B Radial Drill Operators in ragA magaainss, p a ^ r and ORDERED: That sis months firom gry and tired and the cute blonde President Wilson (with to make It clear which one you are Tel. 7806.______ations. Also now construction. | UNPAID BALANCE the Sth day of November. A.D., 1M4. quick actior. communicate with freshman reglatrstlon.” blue-bscked book and at last he twinkle In his eye)- -Well, I made talking about Spruce atrceL ^ Slaffert. Phona 3-0353—3-1039. Broach Operators scrap meula have 8 trucka to be and the same are limited and allow­ us. Phone 7738-5329 or 'J-U92U, or Again Red went through the had disappeared. Red strode dis­ said: "You'll have to take a rather TERRY’S Household servlee. Don’t ------$197.75— caU at your home afiy Urns and a face right back at him. Wrong Way: Say, *H51d man Milling Machine Operators ed for the creditors within which to Write Brae-Buns Realty Oo., 5 I*..—. scrambled schedule this quarter. put off that odd Job around the pay you highcart prices. Wm Os- brine In their claims asalnst Skid es­ Williams." South Main atreeL Manchester These last minute registrations One of the questions in the Man AsnonnccRiests > house or office. Let Terry do IL Insulating 14-A Automatic Lathe Operators $50 Deposit — $3.00 Weekly . trinaky, 183 BisseU streeL Phone tate. and the said administrator It FUNNY BUSINESS Right Way: Say "John WUllams directed to five public notice to the are bad. Let's sec. Freshman Eng­ Chester school examination waa Senior," or "the cider John WU We do anything from cellar to Tool and Die Makers 5879. McNixelH arMIttla Inr. XMAS OIFT niggeetkm. A book INSULATION. InauUte your Young bualneaa couple had this creditors to biinr In their clainu PROMPT action on all realty lish. fir s t ..” "What is the significance of the atue. Phone 7690. I28H Birch Gauge Makers within said time allowed by publishing Hams." o f Ski Cartoons for the akier house now, save fuel, protects One, modem furniture only a few tranaaettons Singles, douolea and "Look here," Red broke In. alevepth of November, 1918?" atreeL Tool Grinders months; It’s practically NEW; In­ a copy ot this order In aonie newspaper busineaaea for sale. Suburban don't want any English. I want as with a aanae of humor, 31.95. health, eliminate drafts, uneven Rooms Without Board 59 having a circulation In tald probate A member of tbe class wrote Order nowl Blalr’a. LAWN Mowers, hand and powsr, temperaturee, "Lota" Home In- Aircraft Sheet Metal Men clude! 3-plece living room, tables, dlatrict, within ten days from the date Realty Co., RaaJtora. 49 Perkins much chemistry as I can got, and. this answer: L o o k H c r c l BY EDGAR MABTW lanvps, etc.; modem walnut BED­ of this order, and return make to thli street Telephone 8215. math. I've got a Job waiting when BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES sharpened, repaired. Enflnes auiatton Co. Free estimatea, no | Pattern and Model Maker FOR RENT—One furnished room "On that day the Armistice of A MiLL-FTR automatic lire sxtln- ROOM with lamp and rug: 5-pleca court of the notice given. I get through school, and I want tewa cofiaaM.mva Ot4,tafi.fM4MklMl\ serviced. Qarden tractors repair­ obligation. E. W. Johnson, repre­ Wood suitable for one or two persona, WILLIAM S. HTDE. Judge. WANTED To Buy in Manchester, World W ar I waa signed, and VtOtAAM gulaher, gives' 34-hour protection dinette with DISHES; everything to make It quick." there have been two minutes of l« MQ..BU6aV.^« i ed. Knlvea shears, hair' clippers, sentative. 6979. Excellent opportunities are offered kitchen privileges if desired. 125 or close by, a residential home, too, cowtoM O M M iR t to your home and bualneaa, Un- Included; makes the BEST BUY "Everybody baa to take Fresh peace each year aince." mowing machlnet and blowar to akillecl and aeml-ekllled men in Autumn StreeL Call 8717. AT A COURT o r PROBATE held can be either a single or two-fam­ S j darwritera approval, $8.95 .aaeh. OF THE YEAR! at Manchester, within and for the man English," the adviser said knives sharpened. Saws filed and this rapidly growing Induatnr. In­ ily. Willing to pay today's price. Cka7383.______’ Beating— Plumbing District of Msneheater. on the 9th primly. "It’s required." ITnIcnewn Soldier aeL Band saw bladas welded and teresting work, g o ^ pay, pleasant ROOM For Rent with bath. Gen dsv ot November, A.D.. 1946. Will wait 90 days for occupancy. A-L-B-E-R-T-S He finally banded Red a schedule Rest, soldier. In your long, sweet WANTED—Driver from vicinity for aala. Capitol Orindlng Com­ FOR HBA'nNQ efficiency and surroundinga and modem working tlemen preferred. Call 5291. Present WILLIA.M 8. HYDE. Esq.. Write Box H. Herald. Judge. that called for English, Zoology sleep; , of Drive D and Weat Center pany. Phone 7958. fuel economy call Edward John- condltlona. Our employment rep- 43 ALLYN S’TREET resentativee will gindly give you EiUte of Elisabeth M. Taylor, late and American History. Red stared The rumbling of the guns which atraet to vicinity of Park and son to put your heaUng system HARTFORD of Manchester, In said District, de­ at It. There waa not one subject craven men employ. Washington atmte, Hartford, full Information on any Job for Wanted— Rooms— Board 62 In flrat-claas condition. Phone ceased. In which he waa Interested. For a The bugle calling o'er the deep. ______dally boura 5 to 5:30. Ckll Hart- WARM AIR FURNACES 6979. Steam, hot water, warm air. which you qualify Apply Mon­ Open Ehrenings By Appointment On motion ot Allan K. Smith. 750 Bi|Iance Your Wheels YOUNG bualneaa lady dealrea Main street. Hartford. Conn., executor. minute hla impulse wax to chuck The silence of your tomb cannot fort' 8-8373. 8 A m. to 5:80 p. m. {CLEANED AND REPAIRED I days through Saturdays — 8 A. M. to 4:46 P M. Office Is located on VENETIAN Blinds, wood, steel or room centrally located. Furnish' ORDERED: That 'six months from tbe whole thing. destroy. Aak fo r Dick Lewta. aluminum. C3iolce colors. Conven­ the Sth day ot November, A.D.. 1946, be For Longer Tire Life Back in hla room he undressed Betrayed, you lie beneath the VAN CAMP BRCriHERS ■ Roofing— Repatiint 17-A Willow Street. Just off Main Street, ed or unfurnished. Phone 2-0569 and the same are limited and allowed Eaat Hartford. ient terms Phona for estimate, and threw hla uniform serosa a a ^ . WANTED—Ride to Prxtt end 249 North Muin Street for the creditors within which to bring Latest 'Tjrpe ' Whitney. T to 8:30, from North I REPAIR or replace asphalt shin- no obligation. Manchester Vene­ In their claims against said estata, and chair. A fat lot of good it and hla Your life unlived, hopes unful­ Telephone 5244 tian Blind Co. Phona 3-1524. Wanted to Rent 68 the said executor Is directed to give Balfincinff Equipment combat ribboM were going to do filled; Xlm atreeL PhoM 3-2300, glaa, slate composition or tin I PRA’TT & W H ITN EY roofa, chimneys, flashings, eaves- public notice to the craditora to bring him now, he thought sourly. He Truiiting fellow men, loving God, In their claims within said time allow­ MBAJtINO LOBS la profreselve. troughs. E. V. Coughlin, 390 AIRCRAFT FURNACES IN 8TCK3L Quality All Wheels Packed With flung himself down on .the bed and You fell, your youthfu heart WE HAVE finest aasortmenU or Mueliei pipolesa, pipe m o blower WANTED—Four or five room ed by publishing a copy of this order Are you oee of the thouaanda in Woodland atreet. 7707. e East Hartford. Connecticut in some ne«-spaper having a circulation the Proper Lubricant thought back over the unsatisfac­ forever stilled. kitchen linoleivna.- Also tile and Dt Vino Company, 16 Bennett rent for adults. Phone 4892. yuor oommualty who alao are In said prabate district, within ten tory day. Suddenly he raised him­ Rest, soldier, In your long, sweet Where To. WiMT? BTf.T.HAMLDI wall eovertngs. Manchester Floor CHIMNEYS rebuilt and repaired. MAN FOR Inside work. Steady avenuA Waterbury. 8-3856. days from the date of this order, and AI.I,V (M)P •uflarlug from loas of baaringT work, good pay. Inquire New WANTED-2-3-4 or 5 room rent or self on one elbow, looked at his sleep. Covering Co., 5fi Cottage street. Roofing. All work guaranteed. La return make to this court of the notice Around you strife again may Why datoyT Flad out bow youj System Laundry, Harrison streat. U.SED FURNITURE bought and apartmenL urgently needed by given. ___ Nichols^BristoL Inc. watch and bis face brightened. .WRL,rtUai^lTiS. lUBONCt. Call 6888. Rosa Bros , Phone 3-0768. Call tee aaa halp yeuraalf aa eo many sold. The Red Shop, 59 Hudson veteran and wife before Febru WILLIAM 8. HTDE. Judge. He'd nearly forgotten. This was reign; tnffffOlfffiMM- BCANDWIUB, 165 Center 8L TeL 4047 But Sentries, honoring thee, atlM n bava by eamng Mr. WalU any time. EXPERIENCED MAN StreeL Moore's Used Furniture. ary. Write Box V, Herald. Saturday. Russ had a party lined lOOHTlMNT XAOaSfil SHEET METAL WORK Good Servlee At the Right Priec their lonely vigil keep. Bek 3-3044 tor a fraa epaaeb haar- Phone 7251. up. A big thing. Whistling, Red T9UPB««C7LY; CHIMNEYS and fireplaces expert­ WANTED—Two or three room Guarding freedom that you may ing tesL Hot All Fumaoe Repairing. ly cleaned and repaired. Pwenty- To Take Complete Charge of spremg off the bed and headed for KLUOK problems solved with apartment unfurnished by veter­ REFRIGERATOR aud not have died in vain. two years ot experience. Well Modern Men’s Neckwear Miii a shower. I New Hot Air and Alt Conditioning linoleum, asphalt Ula^ countei an and wife. Call after alx, 2-2142. (To Be Continued) Carlcton R. Lancaster recommended. Manchester Chim­ Fumaeaa Installed. Manufacturintr Fancy Shaft Expert workmanship. Tree esU- WASHING MACHINE ney Experts. Phone Z-O.’VIS “ He saves his old numbers!” ahd Jacquard Fabrics. mates. Open evenings Jonas UNITED STATE Marine veteran SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH n a i j ,DEAN’S Panwnal Sarvlea Bava4 Trough and Conductor urgently needs 3 or 4 room apart­ SERVICE Repairing. Fun Oak atreeL Phone fpr adantlflo cltanlng of ruga, KUOFINU. elding end new call ment. Waited 3>i yeafs to marry BY DICK TURNER Inga our specialty Highest qiiai 3-1041 JAMES CARNIVAL t^olatery, wallA wladowa ■ and { Excellent Opportunity fiance. Skilled aircraft technician ,Repairs On All Makes! NORMAN BENTZ Ity materials used. Workmanship odd Joba. Hanchaater 5408. For Right Man. HEAirriFY Your home with Vene­ with nine years seniority at Pratt I^rompt, Economical! 877 Sprues Street guaranteed A A. Dion, Inc. ■» A tian blinds. Choice colors. Con and Whitney. Call Manchester 2- \ KIN6 IN CUZ’S ______Tel 8936______309 Autum street Tel. 4860. ABSENCE.IS All Correspondence Strictly venlent terms. t'sUI for eaUmatea. 1703. MACRI Antamobnes for Sols 4| f IRKED BY TME JAMES MAORI, General truck­ KOUFINU — Specialising in re­ Gonfidential. HarUord 5-8790. P otterton's liO b B L A 1880 F ort aadan, 4 ing. Range and fuel oils, ashes pairing roofa ot all kinds, alsr. t ORAND WIZER’S FOR SALE— Four-burner apart­ Maneh«ator*s Largest Radio GENERAL good Urea. Tel. 2-0532 . between | and rubbish removed. Phone new roots No Job too small oi Legal Notices 1? iHItWiePENCE. ment-size gas stove. Inquire 32 and Appllanee Store 6-7 p. m. I 4528. If no answer call 6460. large Good work, fair ->rlcc Free W RITE BOX J. HERALD f V Walker street, j AT A COURT o r PROBATE held At the O nter TRUCKING ’Two of B Kind ______MERRILLBY BL08BBB esUmetea CaU Howley, Man- 688-541 MAIN 8TBEET ■SiMOH FRECKLES AND HIS FKIENDS 1883 INTERNA’n O N A L tru ck .! WA’TBRMAN’8 personal errand STATE OF Connecticut—-Men be­ at Mtnchr«l«r. within and for the cheater 5.HHt. u n i v e r s a l Rahge. combination District of Msnchfiter, on the Sth Range Fuel Oils Dellv* ILarO. 1 HAVE _ ''WMATh WfiOWG 'AlrtH 4 Ose and ona-half ton combina­ ■ervlea. Local erranda. package tween 23 and 34 are wanted by <2^ VOO SAID it/ _ IT oil and electricity: Also 10-piccc day of November. A.D.. 1946. ered Any Time. P uck uf. oosivicfi GCMNOr, IlD confess that tion dump and platform. Can be I dallvary. Light trucking Auto the State of Connecticut to fill Preaent HON. WILLIAM S. HYDE. Wffte ALMOST J409 WOMgN ARB AT aean at 319 McKea atreaL niunbar plate aervice to Hartford Palntinff— Pap«riiiff *JI Prlaon Guard vacancies at Weth- mahogany 41nlng-room set, Queep Judse. ' Are you having trouble •TWIRF SEASON SURE THE BOOT OF whistle- FRSCK^ IWEAKBIEO/ b a it / . Phono 3-0752. ersfleld and Osborne Farm, En- Anne style. 70 Linden street. Tel. Getate of Chrlatliie England, late ol in getting your ashes and eACK-F(8 f P , 010NT I f? ALL^TKOUfiUS 1840 CHEVROLET fiva passenger I PAINTINU and Pa()«rhanginK 6100. Manchester. In eald District, deoeasod. P M ooiy/ Oeld. These are permanent post- The administrator having exhibited rubbish removed week­ buslneaa coupe, radio, heater, new RADIO need fixing? Hava It re Interior eno exie.-ior decorators tlona with a^alary range of $1.- ALL PORCELAIN, insulated Ills administration account with eald S e e tiraa. Accept older car in trade paired by exparta. Pick-up aarv reaannable prices CalJ tot fret estate to this Court for al|o'«’ance. It la ly? Then call Jim and e80-$2,700. Early appointments Coolerator, 100 pound capacity, ]^ua cash difference. Phone 7393. | lea. guaranteed worA Bate check eatimates. Lsach 6 Fogll, Man­ under merit syMem are assured ORDERED: Th*t the 30th day of your troubles are over. with ice cuber. Phone 4929 after November. 1948. at 9 0,'rlock. forenoon, ad In tha boma. Car radios a chester 5707, beat qualified applicants. Full de­ I ACT— not promise. Our 1988 P A C K i^ O eight aedan. Front ■paclalty. Manchester Radio 6. at the Probato Office in the MunlhlpSl JARVIS end all rabullL motor Just over­ INTERIOR and exterior painting tails at State Personnel Depart­ Building In said Manchester, be and many customers had ServICA 78 Birch atreeL Phone ment or any United States Em- the same la assigned for a hearing on hauled. BxceUent Urea, heater end 2-0840. and paperhangtng. Floore sanded the allowance ot said administration these troubles too. before radio. Below OPA celUng. MlUer and rbtinished. Oommerdiai and ploymeht office. MAGIC CHEF ga s range, in xood account with said estate and aaeertaln- for they switched to Jim. Sit Industrial spraying. Have your condition. Inquire 95 Pearl street. ment of helra and this Court directs llotore. 553 Center etreeL next to CLOCKS Repaired. Guaranteed that notice of the time and place as- back and relax. FrimlUiB Gas Station. work, raaaonabla (at**, promp' porch and lawn furniture spray­ SitnRtiofin Wtnted— WE BUY and sell good used •Igned for said hasrlng be given to all ■arvice, will pick up and deliver ed and stored for the winter ai Female 58 furniture, combination ranges, persona known to be Interested therein REAL ESTATE LET JIM DO IT! 188f PACKARD two-door aedan, to appear and be heard thereon by Wyrua Dial 2-1961. 1 tow coat. A good enamel Job on a gas ranges and heaters. Jones' I DIAL 4523 I M l Bulck convertlhle, 1942 Pon­ car as lotv as $40. Thomas J. Mc­ OFFICE GIRL, doctor's office pre­ publishing a copy of this order In some tiac coupe, 1942 Dodge dump HAVE YOUR sewers thoroughly Furniture Store, 36 Oak. Phone newspaper having a circulation In said If No Answer Call 6466 Kinney. Phonb»3-0l06. ferred. Business colege graduate 2-1041, District, at least five days before the Of All Types truck. 90 aheeta 4x8 American cleaned with out power aewer 1044. Diversified experience. Cora day of laid hearing, and by mailing In BY EKEl) HARMAN PAINTING and paperhanging A Chfillengo walnut pljrwood, 10 bath tubs. cleaner. Cutting head removea all Dickson, 416 Center street. Phone THREE-PIEC:E living room set. a registered letter, on or before No­ RED RIDER Algo have fltUngs for two hot air Good work. Reasonfbla rates 12'x vember 13. 1946, a copy of this order RE-0Pt*4'»V ?*»e root*. - Carl Nygren. plumber, 3860. Reasonably priced. Phone 4041 'WellE HOLOlfi' V« W^YEHfT (S3? ■ YOU'RE ATRMDr fWnaoee, some surplus lumber, ataaro fitter, pump mechanic. 15 14' room papered, $12, tncludce to William J. Wilson. Shaniko. Oregon: AWESlIPCNCri OAV^UlA' HN.L NAP after six. Samuel R. Wilson. 39 Griswold atreet. C iV fiOR rU R .»«. M s ^ f r w i aagtebed, aiding trim etc., steel South atreet. Telephone 6497. paper at 60c a roll Raymond Manchester. Conn.: Albert E. Wilson, K^oetz. AMO Hi* f^E^l FOR. aakb. cinder blocks, building Ule. FUke. Phone 3384. CURTAINS Laundered. CalledJOz, 395 Main street. Manchester. Conn. m o ih c CHEAlirq’ , Y£T.» HA r w / ^ Brunner’s Sales, 80 Oakland SEWING Machines, vacuum clean­ and delivered. Phone 2-2407. TWO LARGE radiators 65* radia­ WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Judge. TO BE SOLD s a a r r INTERIOR and exterior decorat­ straeL Phone 6191. ers and smai appilaneea repair­ tion. Phono 8008. We are offering for immediate aale, a tvell built Four-Room M in o r ed. A.B.C Appliance ahd Sarvlea ing, rooOng, floor sanding and Single Home located on Caropfleld Road, Manchester. This cozy CuTT ins FORD sport coupe Ifi" Co., 31 Maple atreeL Phone general repairing. AU work guar­ Dog»— Pets— Bird* 41 home was built of 'pre-war material in 1939. Automatic heat, u ;: SAASDS, eowL t»«« »Y w« sw ict SZ6 V a /A'/ SArieuHa wheels. Good shape. Tel. 5835 or 2-1575. Pick up and delivery serv­ anteed. Porch and lawn furniture X TERRIER and Boston Ter- (XIMBINA’TION Gas snd oil stove, baaement recreation room and many other features. Priced at eaea it«* cv wa i . tai an. ssa, v. a cut, orr. call at 9 ’Trotter etre'et before 4 sprayed at cost with any con­ KD INSURE $9,000 for quick sale. Occupancy December I4th. For appoint­ tW-i- ice. rlier pups. Zimmerman's, Lake good condition. Call 6627. “ Hercnflcr, Mian MIflKs, wlieii you licar ino niakma wild mOPtUEl06, tract. Call R E. Webster 6965. With ment to Inspect pleaae contact: "Gladys had a date with him and she told me he an P- m- etreet. Telephone 6287 promises to fi visilor, will you please lell me wlielher AAD awful wolf— but I bet » 1:2 w h s just bragging!” 1985 TERRAPLANE. 4-door INTERIOR and exterior painting. McKINNEY BROTHERS HI* FURNACE AND RANGE A CANARY Is a lasting gift. Pick lie’s n constHuenI or a splicilor?” aadan In good running eondlUon. Also paperhangtng. Prompt serv­ Notice Seal Estate aad tasanmos I OIL BURNERS CLEANED yours now. Hendr>"X cages. Gels Heater. M. E. Machle, IS School ice. Fair price. D. E. Frechette. 506 MAIN anr. t b u aoao ROBERT J. S^TH, INC. BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY «nd RALPH LANE REPAIRED— INSTALLED ler bird seed. Cuttlebone. tropical VIC FLINT Settinf the Stage street after 7 p. m. Phone 7630. House A Hale Building v fish, aquariums and supplies, dog A public hearing will be held by Real Estate TEL. 3450 - 5348 - All Unes o f b ' X If THEY Tl the "rown Planning Commission of itfijbbla (X>ubl«rrelM$rt fioM Jail^ ^THROTTU" 24-HOUR SERVICE INTERIOR Painting, wall paper­ food, dog roUars. Harnesses and ‘'If you Intend to live on earth, own » slice of It!" o o m , 5U33U. j / RNO ME, BUB31E Manchester. Tuesday, November passed Oi'ief aum snd me on our I I'M OPENINS OPENI UPf Ante Arenworie^—Tire* F| ing, ceilings reflnished and Ooora. lends. Ebeco Pet Shop. 403 Cen­ .WHAT'S 097^ I vuev't I BROWN-BEAUPRE, INC. ter street, rear. Corner Griswold 19, 1946, at 7:30 p. m.. In the Mu­ Zoning Board of wav out to vifilt the TWOSPOr. THEY'LL NEVIR H f & Phone Edward R. Price. 2-1003. take ME ALIVE/ GOODYEAR T U ^. More, sold then RANGE - FUEL OIL Tel. 3233. nicipal Building to consider the advieablUty of changing from AA OR YOU EITHill f MAJOR HOOPI.E any other make. Buy Goodyear Appeals fit AN fiWfW. NUfifiV, SUNT AND OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WII,UAM8 OUR BOARDING HOUSE for quality, mileage. Nichols-1 TEL. 6666 PrlYate InstractlonSt 28 A HOBBY for young and old Zone end Rural Zone to Business MR.nMT. If HE WA$ CHUM ARI NtAO* Zone all or part of an area bound­ 1 ' Pristol, 155 Cenfter streeL .Tropical lish Just received. Blue ON THE BOSaibNAVI to THIS WAV TO 066.' ME6SG t BETTER NIGHT CALLS 6645' ELOCUTION —‘ DICTION, clear Gourmt, Black Mollies, Green ed ex follows: MIMUfifOaOWfi- SEARCH THi ^ WE CAM E VVOW/ H o o o POfi. Town of 6olton BACK MILEO WAIT TILL X GET TC5 ANOmER ' NEW TIRES, new recaps, used j ■ speech, reading, phonetics, arith­ Swordtail HcUarlet. Zebras, Northerly by Tolland Turnpike, 3NB0IN8/ TIHOtfAOr. vouVl M AMOSfS BURGLAR will hold a public hearing In'■ the BRICK HpM ES TO SEE IF CH\CNaO AN' MAIL HOOPLE.' Urea end tubes Expert, vulcanlx- FIRE EQUIPMENT of aU types. metic, vocabulary buUdlng, priv­ White Clouds. Red Plstys and 788 feet: OOTTOHIOfiM m AUARfA/-^A)4*X Fireplace Room at the Comipunl- THf TANK / THE EUECmiC b c ■ HALF-** HE m ig h t WHO DOES tag. 8 hours recapping servlet, j Recharging and repairing, sales ate lessons. White Studio, 709 Bettaa. Canarlea, cages, Gelsler’s Bkmterly by Mancheater-Vamon On ' c OLUMBUS STREET, OFF BROAD STREET— ITMTAIW IROW 16 0 1 — fioufiteo r o ; ty Hall, Bolton Center, Tuesday. LuoO/ T(P Pick u p -IE Think. Maacheater Tire and Recapping and service. J. J. McCarthy, 01 Main etreet (Johnson Block). bird seed. cutUe bone, turtles. Town Une, 768 feet; VSWV DOWT BE'6 Company, Broad straeL Tele-1 Phone 2-1392. Southerly by Taylor Street, 455 Nov.. 19. at 8 P. M-, for the fol­ Four rooms finished— 2 rooms unfinished. Gar-Wood' VOL) GO Hd A SUNMERT BUCK.^ Delmont atreet Phone 3*1380. Ebco Pet sh op .'403 Center, rear, lowing application; FOO U !^ phone 3869. Open 8 a m. to 7 p. corper of Griswold. Phone 3338. feet; THE DOOR. FOR rr/ George Maloney for ' certificate air conditioning and oil burner. All plumbing coppgr ? WrTHTWAt P- RANGE Burners cleaned and aerv- Open 9 a. Jn. to 7 p. m. Westerly by land of Charles and 6ld-SHOT leed by a man with a permit. All MukicRl—Uramatlc 29 Ethel O. Laser, 427 feet. of approval for a gas station on tubing and Standard fixtures. Maple flooring and all SWe SllA Town Planning CommiseioB, Route 44. Bolton, at Lake HoP seaaonH lumber. A BQUAR6 DEAL OM . . worit guaranteed. Alao salei on PIANO TUNING and repairing. Garages Service— Poultry and Sopplica 42 Charles W. HoUnan, broqHs. Ti4iS-w i 4e 'S /wi eajTHER new and used bumera Joseph Player pianos speolnlty. John Storage 10 Senna. Phona 2-0147. Chairman. Zoning Board a t .^peale, SALESMEN ON PREMISES ALL DAY SUNDAY SO t'LL SPLIT TR" Oockerbam, 21 Ttgalow streeL THANKSGIVING Turkey orders Carl W. Noren. George O. Rose, Dial 4319. Chairman. RY l,KSLIE TURNER ELB2CTRIC M otors repair! i - and taken now. CMatomera pleaae Secretar>'. George Griflin, Builder — Call'After 5 P. M. — 2-0466 W ASH I'U B1|IS Reunion FOB RENT —. Two-car garage. rewinding. All work guaranteed order In advance. Weight 12 Iba. Manchester. Conn. Nov. 11 Fred C- Mohr, Sr., Phone 8159. Secretary. ^XUNEVHtPOnSETlNHrt Acs Electric Motor Repairs. 221 Business Opportunities 32 up. We have real nice turkey 1946. caponr In heavy weights. Phone ______\votnieDONeFORiaei North Main etreet, oppoalte De­ fOUHDYOU.fMhRrj CAFT»M..OB FOB THI Waatci Aatoa— pot entrance on North School OWNER.*? Managers wanted. Manchester 7733. IhSYl y THOU8M08 BHO m V W etreeL Phone 5642. Manufacturer wants reliable tW « MMfifinCtNT Motorcydea 12 parties to own and operate their FOR'SALE— • About 100 New' 1 RADIO, Electronic leb. We aervice Automatic Variety Machines In Hampshire pullets, starting to -Y i W t OUR offer before eelUng lay. 182 Vernon street. your ear or truck. Hlgbeat pricce home and auto radios. Specialize this-territory. Interview, your- ROGERS CORPORATION M A L E h e l p w a n t e d In record players and public ad­ territory, will ^ o v c unusual paid. BNod etreet Motor Solea Serving tho PLASTICS Indostriies INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK Pbooe 3988. dress syatema. Phone 4607. weekly earnlnga.^ No selling. Articles for Solo 45 Spare time or full time. We can M cI& E VENETIAN Blind laun­ get you up completely. Cash in­ FOR SALE—3 storm wjndowa, fi*x MALE HELP WANTED Good Pay! Permanent W ork! Vacation W’ith Pay! Boali ttarvlcaa U farci IS dry. Complete blind laundered. S', 4 lights to e window. John Life. Sicknesa and Accident Insurance Free! vestment $990 required. Secured I Wa coll for and deliver. Tele­ by machincB. Give phone. Addrcaa Wright, Cell 6829. • AM' 34AMBS c t waMtog bm phone 6714. For Paper Machines P. O Box 1198, Hartford, Conn. Apply «tda«a matmd. 20 yaan* exper-1 AT MAV<6S RANGE BURNERS clew d. mrv- Building Materials 47 tMMA c3 v l B m m r, 8-0S48. Dryers -Beaters IT ALL HOMEST Iced. Washing mechtne^vac'uum» OT-RtWiUiaM* Help Wantod— Female ORFORD SOAP COMPANY t h e €TAW-Aff-HQhAE ANO> A60VS BOARD OLD FLOORS RAItpED repaired, lawn mowers shai penVd ENOUGH new material for pne- .-Ipplv .At ihe Faclorv, MIII find Oakland SI reels jwaiemnumTiiit.YniTiWi and repaired. Saws filed. I’lck tip var garage or small shop. .Mostly Ixtylng and finishing. , Or At United States Employiiient Service 75 Hilliard Street ' 4: J. B. Jonaan. and delivery. Friendly Fixit Shop, EXPKRIE.NC'KD bfiokkecper. Ap- pre-fabricated. Price $300. Call TK. Y n U ia ^ tle 88X8, drMUnjn. T18 North Main strecu Dlv Flrcstpfit. 856 Mam atreet. 7707 alter 6 p. m.