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E2F-induced S phase requires E

Robert J. Duronio, 1 Adam Brook, 2 Nicholas Dyson, 2 and Patrick H. O'Farrell 1'3 ~Departrnent of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143 USA; 2Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Charlestown, Massachusetts 02129 USA

Both the heterodimeric transcription factor, , and the G1 cyclin, , are required for the GI-S transition at the start of the metazoan . It has been established that cyclin E can act as an upstream activator of E2F. In addition to this action, we show here that cyclin E has an essential role in DNA replication distinct from activating E2F. We have created transgenic Drosophila capable of inducible, ectopic production of E2F activity. Simultaneous overexpression of both Drosophila E2F subunits, dE2F and dDP, in embryos stimulated the expression of multiple E2F-target including cyclin E, and also caused the initiation of S phase. Mutation of cyclin E prevented the initiation of S phase after overexpression of dE2F/dDP without affecting induction of target expression. Thus, E2F-directed transcription cannot bypass loss of cyclin E in Drosophila embryos. [Key Words: Drosophila; E2F; cyclin E; S phase; cell cycle] Received June 13, 1996; revised version accepted August 16, 1996.

Many eukaryotic cells make a commitment to divide and Harlow 1993; La Thangue 1994). Consistent with during the G~ phase of the cell cycle (Pardee 1989). The this transcriptional role, dE2F mutant embryos lack ex- process of commitment can be described as the execu- pression of several genes encoding components of the tion of a series of molecular events that lead ultimately replication machinery (e.g., PCNA and ribonucleotide to the initiation of DNA replication. In mammals and reductase) (Duronio et al. 1995). In addition, E2F binding Drosophila, two such events are the activation of the sites are found in the promoters of many mammalian cyclin E/cdk2 kinase and the activation of the E2F tran- replication genes, and in some instances these sites have scription factor. Much of the regulation that governs pro- been shown to be required for gene expression at the gression through G~ ultimately controls these two G~-S transition (Blake and Azizkhan 1989; Pearson et al. events (reviewed in Sherr 1993, 1994; Weinberg 1995). In 1991; Dalton 1992; Means et al. 1992; Lam and Watson this report we explore the nature of the regulatory rela- 1993; Slansky et al. 1993~ Dou et al. 1994; Hsiao et al. tionship linking cyclin E and E2F. 1994; Johnson et al. 1994; Neuman et al. 1994). How- E2F is a heterodimeric transcription factor (composed ever, because many of the replication are stable, of subunits called E2F and DP) that has been implicated it remains unclear whether a new round of E2F-directed in cell-cycle control in many organisms (for review, see transcription of these genes is required in each cell cycle Dyson 1994; La Thangue 1994). In mammals, each sub- for S phase to begin. unit is encoded by several genes, creating a family of Several studies have suggested that cyclin E transcrip- different E2Fs, whereas in Drosophila only single dE2F tion during Gt limits execution of the G~-S transition. and dDP genes have been identified (Helin et al. 1992; Cyclin E is an activator of the cdk2 kinase (Dulic et al. Kaelin et al. 1992; Shan et al. 1992; Girling et al. 1993; 1992; Koff et al. 1992; Saner et al. 1995), which is re- Ivey-Hoyle et al. 1993; Lees et al. 1993; Beijersbergen et quired for the G~-S transition (Pagano et al. 1993; Tsai et al. 1994; Dynlacht et al. 1994; Ginsberg et al. 1994; al. 1993; van den Heuvel and Harlow 1993). Expression Ohtani and Nevins 1994; Hao et al. 1995; Sardet et al. of cyclin E appears to be a major contributor to the peak 1995; Wu et al. 1995). Activation of normally quiescent of cyclin E/cdk2 activity observed as cells enter S phase cells by overexpression of mammalian E2F-1 shows that (Dulic et al. 1992; Koff et al. 1992; Ohtsubo et al. 1995). E2F can trigger S phase (Johnson et al. 1993; Qin et al. In cultured mammalian cells, overexpression of cyclin E 1994; Shan and Lee 1994). The arrest of Drosophila dE2F shortens the duration of the G~ phase and reduces mutant embryos prior to S phase shows that E2F is re- growth factor dependency (Ohtsubo and Roberts 1993; quired (Duronio et al. 1995). E2F is thought to control Resnitzky et al. 1994; Wimmel et al. 1994). In Droso- cell-cycle progression via transcriptional activation of phila, heat shock induction of cyclin E transcription genes required for DNA synthesis (Nevins 1992; Helin causes cells normally arrested in G1 to begin DNA rep- lication (Knoblich et al. 1994; Richardson et al. 1995). What is the relationship between E2F and cyclin E transcription at the G~-S transition? One view that has 3Corresponding author. dominated recent thinking is that G1 act as up-

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Duronio et al. stream activators of E2F. Overexpression of cyclin E I V-7 S Phase G1Arrest stimulates E2F-dependent transcription in cultured / mammalian cells (Johnson et al. 1994) and in Drosophila embryos (Duronio and O'Farrell 1994, 1995). This stim- Illllllllllll 1 ] I I LA I ( ulation seems to be mediated by phosphorylation of pRB, G214 Gl17\ Endocycles I I kA which is an in vitro substrate for cyclin E/cdk2 (Hinds et al. 1992; Dowdy et al. 1993; Ewen et al. 1993; Kato et al. Time AED 1993; Du et al. 1996a). Hypophosphorylated forms of ~-- 3 hrs 7 hrs 9 hrs mammalian pRB (and its relatives p107 and p130) bind to Figure 1. Embryonic cell-cycle program. Timeline indicating and inhibit E2F (Chellappan et al. 1991; Zhu et al. 1993; the progress of embryonic cell cycles [times are hours after egg Smith and Nevins 1995; Vairo et al. 1995). This inhibi- deposition (AED)]. Mitosis is represented by a black bar, and S tion is relieved after pRB is phosphorylated in response phase by a shaded box. Absence of these symbols represent a to mitogenic stimuli (reviewed in Weinberg 1995). Mu- cell-cycle gap phase (G1 or G2}. The first 13 cycles are nuclear tation of cyclin E causes loss of E2F-dependent transcrip- division cycles that lack and gap phases. Most of the tion in the CNS of Drosophila embryos, demonstrating -6000 nuclei produced by these early rapid and synchronous nuclear cycles are organized in a single layer at the surface of the that cyclin E does function as an E2F activator, at least in syncytial egg. Cell cycle 14 marks a major change: The cycle this specific situation (Duronio and O'Farrell 1995). slows and becomes asynchronous, a G 2 phase is introduced, and Recent work by DeGregori et al. (1995b) suggested that the superficial nuclei are enveloped in a surface membrane (cel- E2F-1 overexpression in rat fibroblasts is capable of by- lularization). The timing of the next three cycles is regulated at passing the need for activation of cyclin E/cdk2 kinase. the transition from G 2 to mitosis. A G~ phase is first introduced This raised the possibility that the only essential role for in cycle 17 (-7 hr AED at 25°C). Most of the cells, notably those cyclin E in S phase is to activate E2F. However, in a of the embryonic epidermis, arrest in this G~ for the remainder different biological setting cyclin E might perform addi- of embryogenesis, and enter S phase after hatching. Induction of tional functions that are required for S phase. Our previ- an ectopic S phase in these quiescent epidermal cells was scored ous genetic analysis of Drosophila embryos suggested by assessing BrdU incorporation and expression of S phase genes that in certain tissues cyclin E is required for DNA rep- (see Figs. 2-4). Other cells that are destined to endoreduplicate also arrest in G1 of cell cycle 17, including those that will form lication downstream of E2F activity (Duronio and O'Far- the midgut epithelium and the salivary glands. Unlike the epi- tell 1995). dermis, these cells begin endocycles during embryogenesis gen- We wished to explore further this potential role for erating the stereotypic patterns of DNA replication observed at cyclin E. Drosophila offers the possibility of directly each stage (e.g., see Fig. 5A). Induction of S phase in these tis- testing whether cyclin E function is required for E2F- sues was detected by premature incorporation of BrdU (see Fig. driven S phase by using a cyclin E null mutation. We 5). Note that the time line is not to scale, and that the diversity ectopically activated E2F in Drosophila embryos using of cell-cycle behaviors is oversimplified for illustration put- heat-inducible hsp70-dE2F and hsp70-dDP transgenes, poses. and caused epidermal cells to enter S phase inappropri- ately. Mutation of cyclin E blocked the ability of E2F to induce S phase, demonstrating that cyclin E is required for DNA replication independently of E2F. We propose intervening mitosis (endocycles). Some cells, including that cyclin E and E2F can interact in two ways: the first those of the developing midgut, begin endocycles during is at the level of their activation, and the second is at the embryogenesis in a characteristic spatiotemporal pattern level of their action in downstream events that lead to (Smith and Orr-Weaver 1991). In contrast, epidermal the initiation of DNA replication. cells remain arrested in G1 of cycle 17 (Gllz) and do not begin endocycles until after hatching (22-24 hr AED at 25°C). Results E2F is inactive during G117, and must be activated for cells to enter S phase (Duronio et al. 1995). We tested Simultaneous overexpression of dE2F and dDP induces whether overexpression of the E2F subunits, individu- DNA replication ally or together, could induce entry into S phase. Em- Drosophila embryogenesis proceeds via a stereotypic bryos carrying two copies of either a hsp70-dE2F trans- cell-cycle program (Fig. 1; Foe et al. 1993). During the gene, a hsp70-dDP transgene, or both transgenes were first sixteen cycles, DNA replication begins immediately aged until stage 13 or 14, a time at which the epidermal after the completion of mitosis. The first ap- cells are arrested in G 117. The staged embryos were heat- pears in of cell cycle 17 (-7 hr after egg de- shocked, and then pulse labeled with bromodeoxyuri- position at 25°C)(Edgar and O'Farrell 1990). With some dine (BrdU) at various times after the heat treatment (see notable exceptions (e.g., the central and peripheral ner- Materials and Methods). Expression of either dE2F or vous systems) (Hartenstein et al. 1987; Bodmer et al. dDP alone had no effect on the G117-arrested epidermal 1989), cell proliferation ceases at this time. Subsequent cells (Fig. 2A, B, respectively). However, simultaneous growth occurs by a process called in expression of dE2F and dDP induced DNA replication in which the genome is amplified through successive cycle 17 epidermal cells (Fig. 2C). S phase began by 30 rounds of S phase followed by a gap phase without an min after the end of the heat shock, and was completed

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E2F-induced S phase requires cyclin E

DNA Replication molog of the mammalian pRB family of proteins (Du et al. 1996a). The failure of singly overexpressed dE2F or dDP to induce S phase in the epidermal cells was not attributable to a failure to accumulate the induced pro- hs E2F tein because accumulation of each subunit was similar whether induced alone or together with the complemen- tary subunit (data not shown). Thus, if either subunit has a pool of free monomer in the epidermal cells at this stage of development, this pool is small, and the amount of heterodimer formed upon induction of the comple- mentay subunit is not sufficient to titrate inhibitors. Whereas the vast majority of the Gl-quiescent cells of hs DP the embryo are similarly unaffected by singly overex- pressed dE2F and dDP, the central midgut is induced to enter S phase by induction of dE2F alone (arrowhead, Fig. 5B, below; see also Asano et al. 1996). This might be rationalized either in terms of a tissue-specific difference in the levels of free dDP, or in terms of a lower threshold required for triggering S phase. hs Mammalian cells stimulated by E2F-1 overexpression E2F/DP can progress from G1 through S phase and into mitosis (DeGregori et al. 1995b). Because the cells we were ex- amining usually undergo endocycles, it was questionable whether they could undergo mitosis. [3-tubulin staining Figure 2. Simultaneous ectopic production of dE2F and dDP revealed no evidence of mitotic figures in the embryonic induces G~-arrested epidermal cells to enter S phase. Staged epidermis up to 4 hr after heat shock production of dE2F/ embryo collections from flies carrying hsp70-dE2F (A), hspTO- dDP. The lack of evidence for an ectopic mitotic phase is dDP (B), or hsp70-dE2F and hsp70-dDP (C) transgenes were consistent with the fact that cells destined to begin en- heat-shocked and subsequently pulse labeled with BrdU. Incor- doreduplication cycles terminate the expression of genes porated BrdU was detected by immunofluorescence. Each panel required for mitosis (e.g., cyclins A and B; Lehner and shows a whole embryo from a ventral-lateral perspective (dorsal O'Farrell 1990). Similarly, an induction of cyclin E at at top, and anterior at left). Epidermal cells driven into S phase these embryonic stages drove cells into S phase without by dE2F/dDP overexpression are heavily labeled in the embryo subsequent mitosis (Knoblich et al. 1994). shown in C, but are not labeled in the embryo shown in A or B. The arrow in A and B indicates cells of the proliferating ventral nerve cord that are well labeled. The CNS appears to be unaf- Simultaneous overexpression of dE2F and dDP induces fected by induction of hsp70-dE2F or hsp70-dDP. In C this target gene expression, including cyclin E obvious pattern is obscured by the ectopic DNA replication in the overlying epidermis. One way in which E2F might advance cells into S phase is by trans-activating genes encoding essential replica- tion factors. Therefore, we tested whether E2F overex- by 3 hr. dE2F/dDP overexpression also affected the nor- pression activated the expression of known target genes. mal program of embryonic endocycles in tissues like the The small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase (Dm- midgut and salivary gland. This program is disturbed by RNR2), PCNA, and cyclin E were defined as E2F target induction of dE2F/dDP, such that normally quiescent genes based on the finding that their expression, which cells (in between endo S phases) begin DNA replication occurs at the G1-S transition, is eliminated in a dE2F (e.g., see Fig 5C, below). We conclude that coexpression mutant (Duronio et al. 1995). In addition, E2F binding of dE2F and dDP is capable of inducing S phase in G117 sites contribute to PCNA promoter activity in vivo (Ya- and in the quiescent phase of endocycles. Duet al. maguchi et al. 1995). Embryos from hsp70-dE2F, hsp70- (1996b) also report that simultaneous overexpression of dDP, or hsp70--dE2F/hsp70--dDP flies were collected, dE2F and dDP induces ectopic S phase in eye imaginal aged, and heat-shocked as before, and then fixed and an- discs. alyzed by in situ hybridization. Heat shock coexpression New transcription of dE2F and dDP does not appear to of dE2F- and dDP-induced DmRNR2 (Fig. 3C), PCNA be the mechanism by which E2F is normally activated in (not shown), and cyclin E (Fig. 4C) transcription uni- the embryo, because dE2F and dDP transcripts are ubiq- formly throughout the Gl-arrested epidermis, whereas uitously and continuously present during G 117 (Duronio expression of either dE2F (Figs. 3A,4A) or dDP (Figs. et al. 1995; R.J. Duronio and P.H. O'Farrell, unpubl.). We 3B,4B) alone did not. Detectable RNA accumulation be- suggest that dE2F/dDP complexes formed from newly gan by 30 min after heat shock, and was maximal by 60 synthesized bypass normal constraints on E2F min. Cyclin E RNA disappeared by 120 min after heat activity, perhaps by evading inhibition from limiting shock, whereas DmRNR2 and PCNA disappeared be- amounts of RBF, a recently identified Drosophila ho- tween 3 and 4 hr after heat shock. Thus, as with the

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Duronio et ai.

DmRNR2 Expression val stages (Henderson et al. 1994). In contrast, genetic A analyses have indicated that new cyclin E transcription is required for the G1-S transition during cycle 17 (Kno- blich et al. 1994). We tested, therefore, whether E2F-in- hs E2F duced S phase requires cyclin E production by coexpress- ing dE2F and dDP in null cyclin EaR95 mutant embryos. Cyclin EAR9s is a nonsense allele (Knoblich et al. 1994) that allowed us to monitor expression of the mutant cy- B clin E transcript in the absence of cyclin E function. Both cyclin E and DmRNR2 transcription were induced by hs DP heat shock-produced dE2F/dDP in cyclin E AR9s mutant embryos to the same extent as in wild-type embryos (not shown, but see Figs. 3C,4C). In spite of this, BrdU label- ing indicated that DNA replication was not induced in the mutant embryos (Fig. 5D). Thus, mutation of cyclin E blocked completely the ability of E2F to induce S phase. We conclude from this result that activation of

cyclin E Expression A Figure 3. Simultaneous ectopic production of dE2F and dDP induces DmRNR2 expression. Staged embryo collections from flies carrying hsp70--dE2F CA), hsp70-dDP (B), or hsp70-dE2F hs E2F and hsp70--dDP (C) transgenes were heat-shocked and subse- quently fixed at 1 hr after the end of the heat pulse. DmRNR2 expression was determined by in situ hybridization with a digoxigenin-labeled antisense RNA probe. Each panel shows a whole embryo from the lateral perspective (orientation as in Fig. 2), with the epidermal cells in the focal plane. Simultaneous production of dE2F and dDP induces massive expression of Dm- B N ...... RNR2 in the otherwise quiescent epidermis (C), whereas pro- hs DP ...... duction of just dE2F (A} or just dDP (B 1 does not. The embryos in A and B are essentially identical to control embryos that have not been heat-shocked or that have been heat-shocked without the transgenes (see Duronio and O'Farrell 1994, 1995; Sauer et al. 1995). Thus, the out-of-focus staining seen in A and B is attributable to normal DmRNR2 expression in internal tissues. E

BrdU labeling experiments, induction of E2F-target gene transcription in Gl-arrested cells required simultaneous Figure 4. Simultaneous ectopic production of dE2F and dDP expression of dE2F and dDP. induces cyclin E expression. Staged embryo collections from flies carrying hspTO-dE2F (A), hsp70-dDP (B), or hsp70-dE2F and hsp70-dDP (C) transgenes were heat-shocked and subse- E2F overexpression cannot induce S phase in the quently fixed at 1 hr after the end of the heat pulse. Cyclin E absence of cyclin E expression was determined by in situ hybridization with a digoxigenin-labeled antisense RNA probe. Each panel shows a How can E2F-directed transcription trigger S phase? If an whole embryo from the lateral perspective (orientation as in Fig. essential replication factor encoded by an E2F target gene 2). As seen with DmRNR2 (Fig. 3), coproduction of dE2F and was absent during G~ and therefore limited a cell's ca- dDP (C) causes massive accumulation of cyclin E RNA in the pacity to synthesize DNA, then new, E2F-mediated syn- otherwise quiescent epidermis, hsp70-dDP embryos (B) appear thesis not only would be required for S phase, but might identical to control embryos, where the staining of out-of-focus internal tissues is less intense than with DmRNR2 (Fig. 3), and actually trigger it. Maternal stores are likely to fulfill the therefore less obvious (see Duronio and O'Farrell 1995; Sauer et need for most replication factors early in development al 1995). In hsp70-dE2F embyros (A) cyclin E RNA staining is (Smith et al. 1993; Duronio and O'Farrell 1994). Conse- more intense in the midgut relative to control embryos, ac- quently, no embryonic expression of the genes encoding counting for the obvious out-of-focus staining. Whereas the ba- these factors would be required. For instance, zygotic sis for this is unknown, it may be related to the sensitivity of PCNA function is not required until postembryonic lar- this tissue to overexpression of just dE2F (see text and Fig. 5B).

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E2F-induced S phase requires cyclin E

+ / + hsE2F in + / + Figure 5. BrdU labeling of wild-type and cyclin E mutant embryos after heat shock production of E2F. (A) A wild-type stage 14 embryo that has been pulse labeled with BrdU. The cells of the anterior midgut (arrowhead) and the salivary gland larrow) have finished S phase 17 and en- tered a gap phase at this stage, and therefore do not label with BrdU. (B1 A wild-type stage 14 embryo that has been pulse labeled with BrdU 90 rain after heat shock production of just dE2F. hsE2F/DP in + / A E hsE2F/DP in A E / A E The cells of the anterior midgut (arrowhead), but not the salivary gland (arrow) or epidermis (out of the focal plane), have been induced to enter S phase inappropriately. (C) A cycEARg5/+ hetero- zygous embryo carrying hsp 70-dE2F and hsp 70- dDP transgenes that was aged to stage 14, heat- shocked, and subsequently pulse labeled with BrdU 1 hr after the end of the heat pulse. Cells of the anterior midgut (arrowhead) and the salivary gland (arrow) have been driven into S phase, whereas the epidermal cells remain arrested in G] of cycle 17 (out of the focal plane). (D} A cycEARgS/cycEAn95 homozygous mutant embryo carrying hsp70-dE2F and hsp70-dDP transgenes treated the same as the embryo in C. Note the absence of BrdU incorporation in the entire embryo.

E2F-mediated transcription is incapable of bypassing the scripts does not bypass the replication block caused by loss of cyclin E function at these embryonic stages. mutation of cyclin E. We conclude that cyclin E has an essential in vivo role in DNA replication other than in- A twofold reduction in cyclin E blocks E2F-induced S duction of E2F activity. phase in the epidermis, but not in the midgut Our conclusion is consistent with several other obser- vations. First, in vitro replication of sperm chromatin in Attainment of a critical threshold of cyclin E/cdk2 is Xenopus egg extracts does not require transcription, but thought to be a key aspect of an S phase triggering mech- is still blocked by immunodepletion of cyclin E {Jackson anism. Many factors could contribute to the establish- et al. 1995). Second, microinjection of anticyclin E anti- ment of such a threshold. For example, the cellular con- bodies into cells lacking functional pRb prevents entry centration of Cdk inhibitors like and p27 could es- into S phase (Ohtsubo et al. 1995), suggesting that pRb tablish different thresholds in different cells (see Sherr phosphorylation, and consequently E2F activation, is not and Roberts 1995), which would consequently require the only essential role of cyclin E {see also Beijersbergen different rates of cyclin E expression to achieve a suffi- et al. 1995; Resnitzky and Reed 1995}. Third, mutation cient steady state level of cyclin E protein to induce S of Drosophila cyclin E does not prevent the activation of phase. The cycEARg5/+ embryos in our collections E2F in all cells (Duronio and O'Farrell 1995) in spite of should express functional cyclin E at half the rate of causing cells to arrest in G1 (Knoblich et al. 1994). Sim- + / +. Analysis of the response of these embryos to heat ilarly, Hofmann and Livingston (1996) reported that ex- shock dE2F/dDP showed a normal induction of Dm- pression of a dominant negative cdk2 causes G1 arrest in RNR2 and cyclin E transcripts (not shown), but not in- cultured cells, even in the presence of active E2F. duction of S phase in the Gl~7-arrested epidermis (Fig. In contrast, our conclusion appears to conflict with the 5C). In contrast, ectopic S phase was readily observed in recent observations of DeGregori et al. {1995b), who re- other endocycling tissues of cycEARg5/+ embryos such port that expression of human E2F-1 in rat embryonic as the salivary gland and midgut (Fig. 5C, arrows). These fibroblasts using a recombinant adenoviral vector stim- results suggest that different cell types have different ulates S phase and without activation of sensitivity thresholds to cyclin E expression, and that as cyclin E/cdk2. The simplest explanation is that a low little as a twofold change can have dramatic effects. level of cyclin E/cdk2 activity that seems to persist in Whereas the basis of these differences is presently un- their system is sufficient to supply the essential S-phase known, it is interesting to speculate that differing levels function that is independent of E2F activation. However, of a cyclin E/cdk2 inhibitor might be responsible. we would like to highlight a second possible explanation that comes from the realization that cyclin E and E2F might interact twice, once at the level of their activation Discussion and once at the level of their action to trigger S phase. We have demonstrated here that ectopic expression of There does not appear to be a defined order of cyclin E Drosophila dE2F/dDP during embryonic Gl17 induces and E2F activation, because each activates the other. In both E2F-dependent transcripts and DNA replication. mammals, extensive biochemical characterization sug- Additionally, induction of E2F and E2F-dependent tran- gests that cyclin E activation of E2F occurs by phospho-

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Duronio et al. rylation and inactivation of the E2F inhibitor, pRB In analyzing the order of action of these two gene prod- (Weinberg 1995). The recent cloning and analysis of a ucts, we should consider separately the pathway of their pRB homolog in Drosophila (Duet al. 1996a) suggests activation and their involvement in the pathway that that cyclin E can activate E2F in the same way in verte- promotes S phase (Fig. 6). Once activated, cyclin E and brates and arthropods. Conversely, data from both mam- E2F are presumed to carry out some function to promote mals and Drosophila has shown that E2F activity in- S phase. The order of their action to promote S phase can duces cycli~ E. Expression of human E2F-1 in rat fibro- influence the results of an attempt to bypass the func- blasts induces transcription of the endogenous cyclin E tion of cyclin E. Because we do not know the function gene (DeGregori et al. 1995a), and mutation of dE2F pre- that cyclin E performs to promote S phase, it may be able vents cyclin E expression at the G1-S transition in to act prior to E2F-driven accumulation of essential rep- Drosophila embryos (Duronio and O'Farrell 1995). Thus, lication gene products. Thus, if cyclin E/cdk2 is inacti- each regulator has the capability of activating the other vated and then E2F is activated independently, the cyclin (Fig. 6). E-dependent step might have been completed already. Because cyclin E and E2F activate each other, one can- Consequently, an experimental demonstration that cy- not define an a priori order in the pathway of their acti- clin E function can be bypassed for a single cycle does vation. Indeed, as described previously (Duronio and not exclude the possibility that it has an essential S O'Farrell 1995), the order of activation is different in dif- phase function. It is possible that the bypass experiments ferent cells of the Drosophila embryo. In the transition of DeGregori et al. (1995b) might have been influenced from G117 to S phase, E2F is activated first, and this E2F by earlier action of cyclin E: Their experiments involved activity is required for expression of cyclin E; in the rap- use of cyclin/cdk inhibitors or ~-irradiation to block cell- idly cycling cells of the central nervous system, consti- cycle progression, and expression of E2F-1 to activate tutive expression of cyclin E is responsible for the acti- E2F independently. In G1 of Drosophila embryonic cycle vation of E2F. Additionally, whereas ectopic expression 17, there is no cyclin E expression, and entry into S phase can often be used to define the order of action of genes in is limited by this absence. Thus, in our experimental a pathway, mutual activation leads to ambiguity. Thus, setting, cyclin E has not had an opportunity to perform cells arrested in Gl17 can be advanced into $ phase by its essential S-phase function and the mutant cannot be ectopic expression of either cyclin E or dE2F/dDP (Kno- bypassed by induction of E2F. Accordingly, cyclin E does blich et al. 1994; data presented here). have an S-phase role other than activation of E2F in G 117 of Drosophila embryos, and we do not consider the evi- dence in mammalian cells as a challenge to the general- ization of this conclusion. Indeed, we note that parallels A B between results in mammalian cells, Xenopus, Droso- phila, and yeasts suggest that there is a universal require- ment for cyclin-dependent kinase in the S phase of eu- E2F . " cyclinE karyotes (see Heichman and Roberts 1994). In Saccharo- \ / \ / myces cerevisiae it has been proposed that one \ / \ / requirement for G~ cyclins is to effect a change in pro- \ / \ / tein turnover by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of an \ / S-phase inhibitor (Tyers et al. 1992; Schwob et al. 1994; \ / Dirick et al. 1995). Perhaps cyclin E will be similarly involved in triggering changes in the stability of key cell- DNA synthesis cycle regulators in the metazoa.

Figure 6. Schematic of the relationship between cyclin E, E2F, and S phase. Cyclin E and E2F are capable of inducing each other Materials and methods (solid horizontal arrows). Each also has a role in an essential step Drosophila stocks (or steps) leading to DNA synthesis (broken arrows) that is sep- arate from their capacity for mutual induction. We propose that All experiments were performed with P[w+; hsp70--dE2F] and the order of activation of cyclin E and E2F can change in differ- P[w+; hsp70-dDP] transgenes, each of which are third chromo- ent developmental situations or different cell types. Accord- some insertions that are homozygous viable. Construction of ingly, induction of either E2F (A) or cyclin E (B) by natural or Plw+; hsp70-dE2Fl was described in Duronio et al. (1995). engineered (e.g overexpression) signals results in activation of P[w + ; hsp70-dDP] was made by subcloning a 2.1-kb dDP cDNA both, and triggers the G1-S transition. Note that mutual induc- (Dynlacht et al. 1994) into pCaSpeR-hs. This construct produces tion does not necessarily establish that positive feedback am- a polypeptide that has an 8-kD truncation at the amino termi- plification is what leads to full activation of cyclin E and E2F nus relative to endogenous dDP (data not shown; Hao et al. (Dirick et al. 1995; Duronio and O'Farrell 1995; Stuart and Wit- 1995). To coexpress dE2F and dDP, a homozygous viable, re- tenberg 1995). After their activation, E2F and cyclin E must combinant third containing the P[w+; hsp70- perform other functions for DNA synthesis to ensue (broken dE2F] and Pfw+; hsp70--dDP] transgenes was constructed. This arrows). The order of execution of these functions can influence recombinant third chromosome was used to construct the fol- the results of bypass experiments: They may need to occur in an lowing stock for overexpression of dE2F/dDP in cyclin E mu- obligate sequence to trigger DNA synthesis, or they may occur tant embryos: w; cycEARgS/CyO P[w+; wg-lacZ]; P[w+; hsp70- independently of one another. dE2F] P[w+; hspTO-dDP]/P[w+; hspTO-dE2F] P[w+; hsp70-

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E2F-induced S phase requires cyclin E.

R J Duronio, A Brook, N Dyson, et al.

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