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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88228-6 - The Christian Parthenon: Classicism and Pilgrimage in Byzantine Athens Anthony Kaldellis Index More information Index The index does not include names that recur throughout the book: Akropolis; Athena; Atheniotissa; Athens; Attica; Byzantium; Constantinople; Jerusalem and the Holy Land; Maria; Parthenon; Parthenos; Theometor; Theotokos; nor does it include topics to which chapters are devoted. St. Achilleios (Larissa) 101 Armenians 65–66, 68–69 Achilles 20, 184 Asklepieion 31, 34, 37, 47 Acts of Philippos 59 Athena Nike, temple 42, 44 Aemilius Paulus 15 Athenaïs/Eudokia 8 Agathias of Myrina 46 athênarchos 103, 121, 123 Aineias of Gaza 15 Athens in the Pontos (Pazar) 140 Aischines 15 Athos 97, 122 Aischylos, Eumenides 99–100 Attaleiates, Michael 180–181 Akakios Sabbaïtes 142–143 Autoreianos, Michael 147 Akamir 73 Avar siege of Constantinople 90 Akathistos Hymn 7–8, 9, 90–91, 206 Alania 139–140 Babin, Jacques Paul 199 Alaric 20, 27 Bamberg: see Gunther tapestry Alcuin 67–68 Bardanes, Georgios 165 Alexander the Great 162 Basileios II 81–91, 92, 93, 110, 149, 197 Alexandros, emperor 93–94 St. Basileios of Kaisareia 22, 45, 69, 181 Alexandros of Nikaia 122–123 Bérard, Latin bishop of Athens 106–107, 118, 169 Alexios I Komnenos 103 Blachernai miracle 167 Alexios III Angelos 129 Blachernites, Ioannes, bishop of Athens 120 Altar of Mercy 188, 204–206 Blemmydes, Nikephoros 184 Altar of the Unknown God 50–51, 54, 56, 107, Bonifatius of Montferrat 163 204–206 Bourtzes, Georgios 112, 122–125, 188, 205, 212 Ammianus Marcellinus 22 Bulgarians 81–82, 88, 101 Anania of Širak 65–66 Anastasios, governor of Athens 187 Chalkis 118 St.
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