Dear Mr. Albertson
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.~ 12 90 Avenue or tl1e Americas New York, New York 10104 April 29, 1986 Dear Mr. Albertson: Thank you for your April 15 letter and enclosures concerning the National Seminar on Future Directions for the Peace Corps planned for July 8-12, 1986 in Colorado. I was interested to learn about the effort of the Citizens Committee on Future Directions for the Peace Corps in cooperation with the Peace Corps and RPCV groups to evaluatethework of the Peace Corps during the past 25 years in order to determine the direction of the Peace Corps for the next 25 years. I surely do applaud this effort, and would be most interested in the results of the seminar. However, I regret to report that the Fund could not be helpful with respect to the funding needs that you are presenting to us. At this point in time, there is no budgetary leeway in which the Fund could consider even a modest amount of support for your needs. I am sure you can appreciate that the Fund receives a great number and wide range of requests and simply cannot respond favorably to even a small percentage of the promising projects, as in this case. While the seminar fits within the general contours of the Fund's One World program, commitments in priority areas preclude the range of involvements within areas of interest that would be possible if greater budgetary capacity existed. I hope I can count on your understanding of the Fund's position, and I would like to take this occasion to send best wishes for success in securing the support that the seminar requires. Mr. Maurice L. Albertson Fund-Raising Chairman National Seminar on Future Directions for the Peace Corps 203 Weber Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 NEW YORK-Rockefeller-2876 ,,.ci1 support awarded: Continuing Publications: Annual report, program policy Purpose and activities: "Support of efforts in *""'- building funds, general purposes. statement, application guidelines. the United States and abroad that contribute ~: Giving limited to Rensselaer Application information: Application form ideas, develop leaders, and encourage .-. NY. No grants to individuals, or for required . institutions in the transition to glqbal ' ....-nt funds, scholarships, fellowships, or Board meeting date(s): January, March, May, interdependence and that counter world trends July, September, and November -. gifts; no loans. of resource depletion, militarization, Write: Linda S. Weinstein, President ~ information: protectionism, and isolation which now 9*: Elissa R. Prout, Secretary-Treasurer Officers and Directors: Malinda B. Fischer, threaten to move humankind everywhere llan .ind Directors: James A. Robison, Chairman; Linda S. Weinstein, President; Harris further away from cooperation, trade and ~Richard G. Robison, Vice-President; H. Rusitsky, John Swett, Vice-Presidents; economic growth, arms restraint, and •tProut, Secretary-Treasurer; Doris B. Norman Leenhouts, Secretary; Steven G. -. Barbara R. Sporck. Schwartz, Treasurer; and 25 other directors. conservation." There are four major giving ~Identification Number: 222470695 Number of staff: 1 full-time professional; 1 catagories: 1) One World, with two major ., part-time professional; 1 full-time support; 1 components: resources management and part-time support. security, including issues related to arms Employer Identification Number: 237250641 control and those involving international relations, development, trade, and finance; 2) New York City; 3) the well-being of the non- 2874 profit sector; and 4) "special concerns". Rochester Female Charitable Society )::{ · Types of support awarded: General purposes, cl o Lincoln First Bank (212) 806-4316 seed money, special projects, conferences and P.O . Box 1412 seminars, internships, exchange programs, Rochester 14603 ~in 1930 in New York. matching funds, employee matching gifts, Edward Roche. Grant appplication address: Mrs. J. Peter Bush, · -..U>: t - consulting services, continuing support . ....._. ~t.i: (yr. ended- 12/31 /83): Assets, 179 Hollywood Ave., Rochester, NY 14618; Limitations: No support for churches, . ~6 (M); expenditures, $214,413, Tel. : (716) 244-4945 hospitals, or community centers. No grants to -. $109,700 for 50 grants (high: Established in 1822. IUoo; low: $1,000). individuals, or for endowments or building Financial data: (yr. ended 3/31 /83): 'Assets, funds; no loans. ..... .and .ictivities: Primarily local giving, $1, 126,801 (Ml; expenditures, $45,867, •9'>hasis on aid to destitute women and Publications: Annual report, program policy including $39,984 for 42 grants (high: $3,500; statement, application guidelines. .... grants largely for child welfare, youth low: $50). Application informiltion: . · ~s, and social agencies. Purpose and activities: Local giving, with Initial approach: Letter, full proposal, or ~: Givi~g ~dmarily in NY, CT and emphasis on recreation programs and facilities 'ID grants to md1v1duals, or for building or for youth, child welfare, hospitals, and social telephone =:::::: !unds, op_erating budgets, research, agencies . Copies of proposal: 1 ....._ , fellowships, or matching gifts; no Limitations: Giving limited to the greater Deadline(s): None Rochester, NY, area. Board meeting date(s): June and November ~lion information: Application information: Final notification: 3 months ,_ . •pproach: Full proposal or telephone Initial approach: Letter Write: Benjamin R. Shute, Jr., Secretary '4Pl!I of proposa I: 1 Deadline(s): None Officers: William M . Dietel,• President; Russell ~ie<sJ: Mid-May and mid-November Trustee: Lincoln First Bank. A. Phillips, Jr., Executive Vice-President; ~meeting dat.e(s): May and November Employer Identification ~umber: 237166180 Benjamin R. Shute, Jr., Secretary; David G. Anne l. Smith, Assistant Vice-President 1-.; Fernald, Treasurer. "'. United States Trust Company of New Trustees:• David Rockefeller, Chairman; Abby M . O'Neill, Vice-Chairman; Laurance S. ~ Identification Number: 13562206 Rockefeller, Advisory Trustee; Thornton F. Bradshaw, Laura R. Chasin, Mark B. Dayton, New York 10104 (212) 397-4800 Peggy Dulany, James H. Evans, Peter C. Incorporated in 1940 in New York. Goldmark, Jr., Henry A. Kissinger, George Donor(s): John D. Rockefeller, Jr., t Mrs. Putnam, David Rockefeller, Jr., Laurance Martha Baird Rockefeller, t Mrs. Abby Rockefeller, Rodman C. Rockefeller, S. Rockefeller Mauze, t David Rockefeller, John Frederick Starr, Russell E. Train, Jeremy P. D. Rockefeller 3rd, t Laurance S. Rockefeller, Waletzky. Nelson A. Rockefeller, t Winthrop Rockefeller. t Number of staff: 7 full-time professional; 1 Finilncial data: (yr. ended 12/31 /83): Assets, part-time professional; 18 full-time support; 2 $160,055,365 (M); gifts received, $47,430; part-time support. expenditures, $28,763,752, including Employer Identification Number: 131760106 $26,208,888 for 143 grants (high: $15,000,000; low: $2,000; average: $10,000- $75,000). 2876 Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc. T 1290 Ave. of the Americas, Rm. 3450 New York 10104 (212) 397-4844 Incorporated in 1967 in New York. Donor(s): Members of the Rockefeller family. Financiill ditta: (yr. ended 12/31 /84): Assets, $20, 108,085 (M); gifts received, $464,259; expenditures, $2, 106, 127, including $1,478,358 for 72 grants (high: $65,000; low: $1,250; average: $5,000-$40,000J. THE FOUNDATION DIRECTORY 463 - r (Cl'...C !\ :">DO : i ..:.. ~ E L T -=.r.~. i Y FORT (OLU!'\ S. COLORADO 805 2 ) 303/491-792 1 15 April 1986 Mr. William Moody 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104 Dear Mr. Moody: On the basis of conversations with Bill Delano I am sending this letter with the hope that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund will help financially to support the National Seminar on Future Directions for the Peace Corps. As you are aware, the Peace Corps has had a wide-ranging impact on development in third-world countries during the 25 years since its beginning. The Peace Corps has been a corps of dedicated and committed individuals whose efforts have been directed to fostering peace and understanding among diverse cultures and peoples. The more than 120,000 returned Peace Corps volunteers are now back home serving in a multitude of ways. Because of their rich experiences, they represent an incomparable resource of knowledge and abilities that could not have been obtained through any other process. As they moved into senior positions of responsibility in business, industry, banking, education and government, they have wielded an ever-increasing influence on all aspects of policy in both the public and the private sectors. The time has come to evaluate the successes, identify the areas needing improvement, and determine the direction the Peace Corps should take in the next 25 years. The Seminar is being organized by the Citizens Committee on Future Directions for the Peace Corps, an independent non-profit, educational organization with co-sponsorship by the International Development Conference and by Colorado State University. The Peace Corps is cooperating in exten- sively publicizing the event and in providing panelists, speakers and back- ground materials. Loret Ruppe, Peace Corps Director, will deliver the keynote address. The National Council of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and many local RPCV groups will also make important contributions to the Seminar program. Enclosed is an invitational brochure describing the seminar, as well as a copy of the current draft program. Mr . ~illi~m Moody Rockefeller Brothers Fund 15 April 1986 Page Two The Seminar will be open to all who wish to participate and is expected