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I LOCATION K E M M by Cheviei AGENCY California Gold Rush

I LOCATION K E M M by Cheviei AGENCY California Gold Rush

// you seek a delightful 'At,' victory of success is penmula, look about you. half Zi'ou t('/it'» one gains the —-MottO' of HicliigaiL habit of work.

Seventy-tliird year, No. 39 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MIGHiGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1932 12 Pages California Gold Rush Sporty Chicken Hawk Mason Mens* Absence LOCATION KE MM Attracts Mason Boys CflUNIYDEPARTMENIS Operating* In Ingham CIIY COUNCIL ADOPTS Wrecks Olivet Team REPUBLICANS ASSER

Celand Lamphere and NIeland Pal­ All chicken hawks do not swoop The graduation of Philetus Peck BY CHEViEI AGENCY mer believe "Thar's gold in them thnr LYEAR down upon their prey without warn­ BUDGET OF $24,063,84nn d Otis Clipper from Olivet Is a CONFIDENCEJNHOOlfER hills," They're off to California to ing. At least that is the story coming parallel with The Last of the Mo­ II.VLLrSL.VGII, INO. To L E .V V E make their fortunes. They left Ma­ .KEI'AKlNCi KEPOKTS FOR SVV- out of Ingham township. It seems INCREASE NEEDED TO KETIKE hicans, After them the deluge. One CONVENTION PLEDGES ALLEG- .M.\I>LB STREET IlLILDINO. son Saturday, intending to stake out EllVISoltS' ANNUAL MEETING. that Jack Bowers and Benoni Halllday SEW.AGE DISPOS.AL BONDS. night an Olivet dispatch carried the ANCB TO ENTIRE TICKET. a claim in the gold fields of Califor­ were working In a field when they announcement that Olivet would find Loiij; Lease Signed Wldh .Arrow Oil nia. t>liiny linpiirliint .llanfers To Be De­ heard the ringing of a bell overhead. City Tav Rii«e Will Be .SILCO Willi 10 the 1932 football going rough because Congressman Person Praises Relief Company For GliraKc .\t ilelVevsoii Lamphere was graduated from Mn­ cided At Aiinuiii Octwhcr Sesstinn They looked up and saw a chicken Per Cent Decrease In .A.ssessed of the absence of Pock and Clipper Mciisurcs Of President Hoover, And Onlc. son high school In 1932, He wns cap­ Of Supervisors. hawk, Et'ory time lhe bird flapped ValuiiUons. from tho backfield. The next night, Cites Economy. tain of last season's football team. its wings a bell would rjng. When the lo nnd behold, came the news that This week Hall-Slagh, Inc., the Palmer left his studies to seek his Departments of the county are bus­ hawk coasted the ringing would cease. Olivet is to abandon football entirely. Not to be outdone bv the overflow Mason Chevrolet agency, is moving ily engaged this week In closing their That's their story, and they stick to It, A budget of ,fL In the the October session for definite action. Boy .At First .Appears Unhurt, Then Sewage disposal plant financing was Most Of tho democratic and repub­ Glen iMurphy, conservation officer, of the empire. Congressman Person hands of Mr. Dart. He announces Huge cuts were rocommended and the To|H)les Over Unconsckuis, Dies one of the issues between the Citizens lican candidates In the primary elec­ said that India, Russia, Central Anioi-- that he will sell or lease the building. states that the firearm permit law Is foe system abolished in the offices of In Doctor's Oflice. and Peoples parties. The former coun­ tions held September 13 havo filed not clearly understood. Permits grant­ loa, South .\merica, parts of Europe .Modern Cliirugo the county clerk and treasurer. Tho cil adopted a sewer rental tax for the their expense accounts as provided by and Turkey are In revolt but that the The former Chevrolet homo Is look­ ed for tho carrying of firearms In salary of the county clerk was slash­ Allen Coomor, six-year-old son oi retirement of bonds and the upkeep law. The campaign costs show .i areas frequented by game aro void United States has boon able to come ed upon as one. of the finest garage- ed from ,'5.5000 to §2500 by the salar­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coomor of Shop- of the disposal plant. The former wide variation with several candidates through throe years of readjustment buildings In the stale in cities tlie size after tho opening of the duck season ies commlLlee which made the report herd, was killed In an automobilo col­ council believed that the disposal plant reporting no expense while others on October 1, he says. Any person without revolution. The credit for the of .M.nson, It Is modern throughout in June, Clerks now receivlng'$1200 lision at Howards Corners, two miles should be paid for on a basis of use. show expenses mounting to large guiding of the United States through t-.nd contains many special engineer­ cnrrying a rifle or shotgun on prop­ and ^um will be cut to ?900 and l?!,- south of Dansvliic, Tuesday evening The Peoples party when It came into sums, C, A, Whitman, republican op­ erly other than his own or that con- the perils which havo toppled other ing fo.itui'os. It has frontage on both 200 under the schedule set by tho com- about five-thirty. ?Ie wns with his power after a clean svveoii in the elec­ ponent of Mrs, Ethel Phillips, register nations was given to Prosidont Hoover Maple and Park streets. The display ti-ollod by him after October 1 must mitloo. The prosocutliig attornoy will mother nnd Mr. and Mrs. Grant Zu- tion last fall repealed the sewer rental of deeds, and William L, McConib, re­ have a hunting license or be subject to and the Amei'ican Institutions of gov­ loom is expansive and attractive. The be slashed ?2.'50O a year If the report felt In the Zufelt car. They wore ordinance. The present council holds publican candidate for sheriff, report ernment. iorvico deparlmont is well lighted and arrest, Mr, Mui-pliy reports. Farmers Is adopted. headed west on tho Game Farm road tho opinion that those who voted lho they had no expense, Dr, Harold W. cjf tenants may carry firearms with­ Wiley, candidate for coroner on the Explains Rovcnucs venlilated. Tho sheriff and drain commissioner and at the Inlcrscction with the Dans- bonds, the entire city, should pay for out per-mits on their own lands. How­ democratic ticket, and Frank M. The representative from the sixtli While specially built foi' a Chevro­ will also be forced to take drastic re­ vlIle-Bunkerhill highway struck a and maintain tho disposal plant. ever, they must not attempt lo kill Fogg, candidate for circuit court com­ district explained the revenue source, let garngc lhe building is designed so ductions If the schedule Is adopted gravel truck driven by Edgar Colo of game out of season. Had the ordinance not been repeal­ missioner on the same ballot, report of tho federal governlnent. Ho said lhal with few changes it can be made without change. Tho drain commis­ Boll Oak, Both tho truck nnd the car ed tho residents of the city would no expense. However, those who spent that the income t.ax has the greatest to serve for other lines of business, The consorvalion officer rcpoi'ls sioner now draws .'i;3200 a year and were overturned. have paid in their water bills for the nothing were not elected. yield with Inhorltancc taxes next. Ex­ ,\Ir, Darl says that many Infiiilrlos lhal about 1000 gun permils hnvo the sheriff has an estimated net sal- At first It appeared that the boy upkeep of the disposal plant. One col­ cise laxos on tobacco and other prod­ lilive iilready been received regarding; boon issued lo Ingham residents, iiry of about ijJGOOO, Under the pro­ was not seriously hurt. Ho crawled lection of water rents with "'the inclu­ Tho statutes permit the expenditure ucts Is the third source, he slated, a Icnse, I Game may not be lulled upon a gun posed schedule the sheriff will be forc- from the ditch after being thrown sion of a sewer rental tax had boon of a sum not to exceed 25 per cent of Tho congressman said that afler the Tho buildilig replaced n long row of j permit. A hunting ^license costing ed to furnish transportation out of a from the car and walked to whore his made before the ordinance was res­ tho first year's salary of the office to war tho administration lowered tho fniiiio sluiclcs and greatly imprOvod I .•Ji .7,') is necessary for the luinling of salary of IjiOOOO and the drain commis­ mother was standing. Suddenly he cinded. Mayor Jason E, Taylor SJiys which the candidate aspires. Other tax rates but that with the slashing of Uic appeiirancc of the city's business snutU game. sioner will draw taut ,$1500, less than cried, ".Mamma, I am, so sick," With that had the ordinance still been in provisions aro thlit a candidate may individual incomes following 1929 tlie section. Diii'k Si'asiin Opon.s half the salary he now receives, these words ho slumped down on a effect the taxpayers would bo paying spend .$20 for elich thousand votes income tax failed to produce needed New Louiilion Tho open season on ducks begins itt culvert headwall and lost conscious­ part of Ihoir regular taxes under the cast in his district for his party's can­ revenue with the result that the gov­ noon on Saturday, OcLober I, and con­ A fight is expected on some of tho ness. He was rushed to the office of The new location Of HiiU-Slagh, salary items. Some supervisors" insist iilse of water rents. With the re­ didate for governor In tho preceding ernment found itsoir with a deficit of Inc. ia a site whore the automobilo tinues until sunset on Novemhor 30, Doctor Charles Finch in Dansvilie but peal of tho ordinance he says that ev­ general election. jVll of the candidates two iind onc-lialf billion dollars a year. Ducks may be shot from one-half that some of the offices wero favored died while being given aid. His lungs was rli'St introduced to Mason, D, G, In the schedule while others wero dis­ ery t.axpayer knows what the city who have filed their statomonts are The speaker asserted that the outgo Ban' operated foi- many years the hour before sunrise until sunset, wore punclured, government costs. within tho provisions of the act. ol government funds exceeded tho In­ Wooduck, cidoi's, ruddy duck n n d criminated against. Olliers Hurl Ford itgency on Joffci'son stroel. In Road I'rogriini Pour I'"uMil Rliiscil OiK.' Large .'\inouiil come by seven or eight nilllion dol- litl.S lie sold the business lo Deiui &. biifflehead m»y not be shot. No liiint- The boy's mother, Mrs, Harry Tlio largest total filed was lluit of liirs a day previous to tho last session tr.is allowed lo shoot moro than \n The 1932 highw.ay program was Coomor, was not seriously hurt, Sho The appropriations of $2500 for Parsons, Lliler tlio inlerests of G. B, hotly contested by the board. The sLroot lighting and ?3000 for street tho stiile coniniltloo of Govenioi' of congress, Parsons were acquired by Carl Jacobs ducks in ono day nor moro than 100 was given first aid by Doctor Finch Brucker, John Harror, Iro.'isiiror, during the season. 193.'3 program will .also be made the and then removed to hor home In improvement are the samo as last Tlie last congress was fliced with and the name changed lo Doan & center of strife, it Is bolioved. Last shows that $4004.78 was tho lotnl Goose and briint may Do hunted dur­ Shepherd, Mr, and Mrs, Zufelt wore year. The contingent fund appropria­ the task of balancing tho budget, ,lacob,?, Tho building rcliiiiined tho yelir tho supervisors from the rural costs ot the commitloo throughouL ing the duck season, .-V hunter Is nl- brought lo the Mason hospital. Both tion has boon decreased by ,'52.|27,G2 Cong, Person said. Ho oxplaiiiod that propoi'ly of D, G. Barr. Then Dean districts approved the highway pro- over last year, A sum of $1000 was tlio slate. .•Vccounts of other candi­ it .lacobs erected tho Ford buikiing on j lowed to kill not moro than four In are badly Injured, ^Ir, Zufelt sus- this was done by slashing a billion added to the poor fund, making lin dates for governor wore not Hied in Stale sleet and moved thoir business j one day nor more than fight during gram while a miijority of the Lansingj^ ,^J,'"/^;,,,|i„„3-eontusion' 'onis on dollars fi'om appi'oi)i'iations and tho appropriation of iji-IOOO for the coming this county, there, J, B, Dean purchased the in-1 rlic season, Rliils and cools and jack- supervisors voted against it, This year \. \. , , . , . iniu,.od the raising of a billion dollars of now in- year, Candidates whoso names do not iip- tercst of Mr, Jacobs and for many j snipe m;iy be luintod during the duck Lansing seems to be lining up support S^.t^!;!,^;;;;;! eye, M?Mrss , ZZufelt t coine through special taxes. He as­ for the Rod Cedar boulevard to join poar below havo not yet filed thoir yo,ars has boon solo owner, j season, .fv hunter Is allowed 10 In one was also badly cut and bruised on her M.ayor Taylor ancl the council work­ serted that evol'y federal salary over Lansing and East Lansing by extend­ statomonts. The rollowing aro the $1200 a year had boon cut. I'^ollowing the removal of Dean & ciliy and 50 during the season, scalp and chest. Both will remain at ed out an economical plan of poor re­ ing East Kalamazoo street to Har­ amounts given in tho sworn reports Oili's K.vpansifui ,lacObs from tlie Jeffei'son street loca-j it is unlawful to shoot plover, yel- tho hosi)ital until thoro is no danger lief tho past year, A program of wood filed with the county clerk: rison road. of infection, cutting was adopted and those In good The expansion ol' governnient iicli- tion, D. G, Barr re-entorcd the aiilo-iloiv leg.? or swans. It is also rumored that the 1933 pro­ Congress, republican, Seymour l-I. iiiotivo (iold with the Hiidsoii-Esse.x Edgar Cole, driver of the truck, health who requested aid wero em­ vitics and tho growth of national ex­ riicasliiit Hunting gram may be financed without the Person, (expense in throe counties of lliio. Mo later sold Nash cars. Then was cut and bruised. Ho was allow­ ployed at cutting wood. Scores of pense was explained by the congress­ Hunters claim that thero aro more levy of a direct tax, the present road Inghani, Livingston and Genesee I the building was leased to A. G, ed to return to his homo later in tho families who otherwise would have man. He said that the first billion pheasants this year than over before. fund balance, augmented tay revenues ,$802.97, .Spenny .t Sons for tlio sale of Ply­ evening, been dependent upon tho city were dollar aiipropriation bill was passed in The season on pheasants opens Octo­ from the weight and gasoline taxes, Slate senator, republican, Barnard mouth and Oldsniobile lines. Two Mr, Zufelt was driving a DeSoto made wholly or partially self-supjjort- IfllG and that the annual oxpcndiluros ber 15 and will close October 20, Miilo being considered ample for construc­ Pierce, ,$374.90.' yoai's ago the building was purchased sedan. His wife was In the seat be­ ing by employment in wood cutting. have increased until In 1931 tho Uni­ birds only may bo shot and no hunter tion and maintenance purposes oy Reprcsontativo in Legislliture, lii'st "by llio .\rrow Oil company of Lan­ side him, Tbo boy and his mother To Ciil. Wood ted States had a four and one-half is allowed moro than two birds in ono some supervisors, Thero is also the district, republican, .\rchlbald D. sing, A. G, Spenny tt Sons continued wore in the rear scat. The impact billion dollar budget. Ho declared that day nor moro than four birds during possibility that additional reiiof may City officials wore worried last Jones, $107.23; Merle E. Hopper, $49; ill the location until several months hurled the boy through a window .and iiitorest on the war debt alone more tho season. Prairie chicken and part­ be granted townships by authorizing week because more than 400 cords of Charles A. Egelor, $04.74; Laird J. ago when they acquired the Adams ridge may bo hunted in this section about 25 feet acros^ the road, Mrs, than exceeds tho cost of government the road commissionors to take over wood cut last winter remained unsold. Troyer, $34.05; Carl Young, ,$01.00. before tho war, that tho cost of com- buikiing on Wcsl Ash street. Thou i during the samo season as pheasants, Zufelt was pinned beneath the rear But an appeal in the Ingham County i^opresentative in Legislature, sec­ the balance of four-fifths In township fender. ponsatlon and hospitalization of war .lohn Slagh of Hall-Slagh, Inc, began j it is unlawful to shoot Hungarian road mileage under the McNitt act. News last week has helped the wood ond district, republican, V. J. Brown, to operate a general garage In the Merle Patterson, slilesman for the veterans accounts for another billion partridge this year and it is unlawful Welfare Tangle business, tho mayor says, and the dry $244.37; Ernest A. Densmore, $55.81. so that congress may only consider .•Vrrow Oil building, to liunt spruce hens or quail at any Cady Candy company, witnessed the wood is being rapidly sold out, Tho Judge of probate, republican, Louis liupnmMiiciil.s ."VIad<; Township and county welfare prob­ accident, i-Ie had just driven across savings of the two and one-half billion lime. funds secured by the salo of tho wood E, McArthur, $393,38; Charles F, left without earm'nrks. Tho Arrow Oil company has made Fo.\ squirrel may be shot in tho lems will also bo considered by the the intersection and had drawn up lo will be used to finance the wood cut­ Haight, $249,21; democrat, John Mc­ c.Ktcnsive alterations to tho building lower peninsula from October 15 to supervisors. At present Lansing town­ a filling station on the corner when ting program this coming winter. Clellan, $10,50; William S, Kellogg, The congressman assorted that tho ship owes tho county more'than It can leased by Hall-Slagh, Inc. Tho two 2-1. The bag limit is five in ono day the car and truck collided, Contracts are now being made with $3,50. cost of tho army and navy is groat but iou-s of posts supporting tho roof havo : and 15 in ono season. It is unlawful pay and other townships are' rapidly Mr, and Mrs, Zufelt and Mrs, Coom­ Prosecuting attorney, republican, that under present world conditions Increasing their Indebtedness to the owners of timber for cutting cord been replaced with five steel cross- to hunt black or gray squirrel this or and her son had boon visiting Mrs, wood this winter. The cily pays in William H. Wise, $207."S0; Dan Dana that it would bo criminally negligent beams supported on stool uprights | year, county for welfare aid. The county Zufolt's brother, Archie Griffis, who is McCullough, $700.41; William J. Car­ to Imperii the nation's defense, has been forced to borrow money from grocery orders for the cutting of the lilong tho walls, Tho Interior has boon, The rabbit season opens October 15 employed by Henry Sheathelm, wood, Tho city advances groceries baugh, $201.88. nelicf .Methods iopainted in white, I and continues until January 31 in tho tho board of county road commission­ Dangerous Corner What congress has done for the re­ ers in order to advance money for the and fuel for labor. Sheriff, republican, Hugh W, Sils­ .•\.n entrance to the building from I lower peninsula. Howards Corners is a dangerous in­ by, $244.66; Milton J, Utter, $321.48; lief of the distressed caused by unem­ Oak sti'ect will iilso bo pi'ovided, A relief of the unemployed In Lansing, tersection. Both roads are improved ployment was. explained by Congress­ Delhi, Meridian and other townships. Anona E, 13eobo, $7,77; Royce R, Ar- wide door will bo constructed on the and carry considerable traffic. Com­ Pierce Shifts Maroons (ColUililic'fl ffn P,-lt;e iJ, Ctflilliiii i) man Person. Ho said the Reconstruc­ south side of the garage, Tho vacant Former Leslie Pastor Soldiers relief problems nro also be­ ing from the east a motorist does not tion Finance Corporation Is the great­ lot on the corner of Oak and Jeffer­ coming serious, Tho entire welfare see the intersection until he Is nearly For Charlotte Contest est power for good or evil the world son is also Included in tho lease, ' In Court Next Month system may be revamped at the Oc­ upon it. The north and south road in­ Sticker Campaign Is has over known and that It Is working tober session, some supervisors as-' tersects the east and west road in the CHARLOTTE TO PLAY Ar .HASON for the recovery of Industry. Ho de- . C II A It 0 E n WITH EMBEZ/LINC. sort, , , . ... - - middle of a grade, A barn owned by FRI DA V A F r i: R NO O N. . Announced For Utter clared thnt In the past four years tho Teachers Entertained FUNDS OF INMATES. J, W, Wilford obstructs tho view of (Coluiliuufl nn Pago 2, Colululi ,3) By Mason Kiwanians motorists driving west and north. At Coach Cyrus Pierce hns made many UTrEK WAS POOR SECOND IN Rev. Ai'thul' G. Larkoy, former Les­ Frank Harrison Dies tho tlmo of the accident a heavy rain changes fn the football lineup that FIELD OF SIX. lie pastor and until recently an as­ was falling, Dixie Singers Are To GUESTS or KIWANIANS AND represented Mason against Lansing sistant chaplain at the stato prison at After Long Illness W, Ray Gorsiino, county coroner, Charles J, Opdyke of Lansing has WIVES .A'r OINNKR >IOXDAY. Eastern Reserves last week. When Make Appearance Here Jackson, will bo brought before Judge was summoned to the scene of the ac­ Charlotte comes to Mason this Friday announced that he heads a group of John Simpson in, tho Jackson circuit .•^lASoN ,\I,AN BURIED IN ATHENS cident. Sheriff's officers and state L'anslng voters organized to conduct Monibors of the faculty of the Ma­ a rearranged team will greet them. I. B. DEAN ANNOUNCES FREI court Monday morning to answer THUR,SD,AV AFrERNOON. police also visited the scone. Whether a "sticker" campaign for Milton J, son high school wore the guests Mon­ Charles Swartout has been shifted SHOW MONDAY NIGHT. chiirges of einbozsiloracnt. Prosecutor or not an inquest will be held is not from center to right ond. Edgar has Utter who was defeated in the repub­ day evening of the Mnson Kiwanis Attorney Harry D, Boardman has an­ Prayor services were held Thursday yet known. been moved to center from a guard lican primaries for the nomination as J. B, Dean, Mason Ford dealer, an­ club. Wives of the members of the nounced. The Jackson prosecutor morning at nine o'clock at the home position, Holiey has been taken from sheriff. Utter came In a poor second. nounces that a free entertainment is club wore also guests. Following the stated that the attorney general will of tho late Frank H. Harrison, 73, fullback to bolster the line at loft He received 4849 votes out of a total planned at his garage on Monday dinner and community singing a lim­ bo present and that the trial date had who passed away Monday night fol­ Church Group Compiles tackle whore ho starred last year. of 22,724. Hugh W. Silsby, the nom­ night, October 3, The entertainment erick contest was staged. Prizes for boon set for October 3 to make it lowing an illness of three months. Michitsch has been switched from inee, received 8293. Royce R. Arney win consist of the Dixie Singers and the best lonierlcks were awarded Miss possible for the attorney general to Tested Recipe Volume Burial was mad9, In the Athens ceme­ halfback to fullback and King hns was third with 4025. Glenn L. R, several Interesting talking pictures, Sylvia Barbour, Mrs, J, B, Doan, Mrs, arrange for the postponement of oth­ tery In the afternoon, Frank H, Har­ gone to left half. Burger received 2896, William L. Mc­ Tho Dixie Singers wore In Mason last Earl Salisbury, Hugh W, Silsby and er cases. It Is said that tho Larkoy CITY'S BEST COOKS -lOIN IN rison was born on'J^^une 8, 1859, In Comb, 1732, and Anona E. Beebe, 928. spring and made a distinct hit. The Mrs, Harry Bond, The program was trial will bo a long one and will re­ PRESBYTERIAN ENTERPRISE. When the whistle blows Friday at Burlington township, 6^1houn county, What the result of Uttor's entry show will be held outside the Ford In charge of Hari'y Bond and Clifford quire the presence of tho state's at­ Athletic field Medcoff will bo at loft the son of .John and Racliael Harrison, into the race will be Is being debated garage if the weather permits. If it WalcoLt, Tho club makes an annual torney, Circle No. 3 of tho Presbyterian ond with Holiey or Snow at tackle and On January 25, 1884, he was-.united in by politicians. Some are of tho opin­ is cold or rainy tho show will bo hold event of entertaining the teachers, Ladles Aid society has received 300 Clark Bullen or Barnum at guard and Rov. Larkoy is facing several em­ marriage to Betty Foote, 'To this ion that his entry will aid the demo­ inside the Ford building. Seats aro to Ne.xt Monday evening a stato offi­ union one son, Leo H,, was borrtK recipe books from the printer and Edgar at center, Swartout will bo at cial will explain tho reapportionment bezzlement charges brought by in­ right end with, Hanes at tackle and cratic candidate, Thomas H, Hanna, be provided by Mr, Dean, mates of the Jackson prison. The Mr, Harrison resided on his farm members of the circle are now en- while others say Uttor's entry will amondmont to be voted on at the No­ aged in a selling campaign. The Palmer at guard. . Bullen will play During and following the' show, vember election, Tho club Is making embezzled money was obtained from near Athens until about twelve year quarterback with Tripp and King at help Sheriff Hugh W. Silsby, Chances demonstrations of tho now Ford the inmates through bonus certificates ago when he and Mrs, Harrison mov­ k books was compiled during the are said to be remote that Utter will a study of tho propositions to appear summer by members of the circle, the halves and Michitsch at full. trucks and the Ford V-8 and Improved upon the ballots at the coming ciec- which wero turned over to him to ed to Mason, For several years he win the election. 4-cylinder passenger car will be .made. cash, it is claimed. The former chap­ worked for John Pingerle in his ScorSi^f, Mason women have con- Mason has made rapid progress In the general election of 1930, Dan llon. tributcJ^amlly recipes to the volume since the defeat last week and is giv­ The Dixie Singers and the talking lain at one time was a pastor in ono plumbing shop here. He is survived RIordon, the democratic candidate, pictures have appeared throughout of tho Leslie churches and moved from by the widow, Mrs, Betty Harrison, which conliKns about 40 pages, en an even chance with the strong lost to Hugh W. Silsby by 3300 votes. Tho book^^talns recipes for cakes Charlotte eleven, this section of the state the past Harry Hubbard Chosen Bath to Jackson several years ago the son, Leo H. Harrison, and threo The city of Lansing gave Silsby a lead month. Those who have_ seen and when appointed to the prison post. grandchildren, Doris,!Hubert and Dale and icings, c&okies, pies, puddings, of 2500 while the county outside of desserts, fried cakes, salads, salad heard them report that the' free show To Lead Republicans Harrison, all of Mason, and a niece Lansing gave him a mnrgin of 800 is entertaining and instructive. and nephew. He was a life member dressings, meats, combination dinner Attack Fatal Friends of Mr, Utter insist they are N.VMED AS HEAD OF REPUBLI­ Chemist Transferred of tho Athens Eastern Stars and dishes, breads, vegetables, pickles and To Alaiedon Farmer in the race because of dissatisfaction CAN COMMITTEE. Masons, relishes and candies besides helpful with tho primary system. They claim Building Country Honie For Vitamin A Work cooking tips and household hints. the primary system should be chang­ Harry D, Hubbard has boon chosen The entire work of ebmplling the FUNERAL SERVICES TO BE HELD ed. For Floyd Chatterton chairman of the Ingham county re­ tlUIJO WYENO ORDERED TO To Collect Clothing recipes, the solicitation of the .adver­ SATURDAY AFTERNOON. publican committee, Mr, Hubbard is CLEVELAND LABORATORIES. tising and editing and proof-reading LARGE HOUSE BEING ERECTED a resident of East Lansing and a For Needy Saturday was done by members of the circle, Jesse A. Brown, 58, died at his Delhi Hunting Group ON OKEMOS ROAD. member of the Lansing legal firm of Because of tho rush of business oc­ Mrs, William S. Seelye, chairman of home in Alaiedon township two miles Hayden, Hubbard & Rathbun. He will casioned by the introduction of Vita­ RESIDENTS ASKED TO PLACE the circle, and Mrs, Clayton E. Haz­ north of Mason, on Thursday morn­ Meets Monday Night Work began this week on a 10-room lead the republicans in what promises min A and other Carotene products BUNDLES ON PORCHES. ard, the secretary, had charge of the ing. He had been ill sinee April with home for Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cliatter- I to be the most active county cam­ introduced to the medical profession work, A meeting of the circle was a heart affliction. Funeral services F.ARMERS ORGANIZED FOR ton on the Okemos road nortli of Ma­ paign in a decade, Harry Hittle was by the SMA Corporation September 1, Welfare workers will have charge held Tuesday afternoon to map out a will be held at the home Saturday af­ OPENING OF HUNTING SEASON. son. The home is to be modern in named vice chairman with Mrs, Juro Wyeno has boon transferred of the collection of used clothing Sat­ selling campaign .for the cook book. ternoon at two o'clock. Rev. H. H. every respect. It will have 10 large Henry C. Ward as second vice chair­ from tho Mason plant to the Cleveland urday. Many sections of the city have Funds from the publication and sale Hoyt of the Mason Baptist church will The second meeting of the Delhi rooms beside a breakfast nook and man, Mrs, R, C, Spencer is to serve laboratories, Mr. Wyeno is a mem­ been canvassed and used clothing soli­ of the book are to be used in church officiate, Burial will be in^Mt. Hope Wild Life association is to be held In complete bath. Silas Aseltlne of Ma­ as secretary with Myles P, Gray the ber of the research staff of SMA and cited. Residents aro asked to pack work. cemetery in Lansing. the auditorium of the Holt school on son has charge of tlie construction. assistant secretary, William T, Shaw has made his home in Mason for the the garments in bundles and place the Recipe's contained in the little vol­ Mr. Brown lived in Lansing and Monday evening at eight o'clock. Har­ Many of the sub-contracts have al­ is the new treasurer. past two years. He has njado many bundles on the porches so that collec­ ume have been tested by some of the Holt 22 years before going to the old King and Theodore Thompson of ready been awarded. R. B. Wallace friends here. For tho last year he has Fred V. Hayford of Lansing is tors may pick them up Saturday. best cooks in Mason, the members of farm. adjoining the Canaan school Williamston, both leader^r.lu conser­ has the plumbing and heating con­ been a member of the Mason Kiwanis the circle say. They are not experi­ eight years ago. He was born in Oc­ vation affairs, have promised ^ to at­ tract. chairman of the Ingham county dem­ elub. Suits, overcoats, stockings, shoes, ocratic committee, William J. Barber hats and underwear are needed, those ments, it is pointed out. The recipes eana county October 16, 1875. On tend. They have been instrumental in The house is being built now to give of Mason is secretary of the democra­ • Mr, Wyeno. is a native pf Japan. He in charge of the welfare drive report. are. In fact, guaranteed for following August 12,. 1898, he married Emma organizing farmers into liunting as­ labor to carpenters, masons, plumbers tic committee. was educated In the United States. He The clothing will be repaired and al­ the directions on each Item. Is . the Van Brunt who survives. Three' chil­ sociations. • and other workmen. It will be com­ has been connected with tho SMA tered by volunteer workers and then name of the Mason woman who con­ dren, one of whom is now, dead, were The Delhi association'was organiz­ pleted about January 1, it is expected. FINE POPCORN, Corporation in Cleveland and Mason issued to those in need. tributed the recipe. born' to Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Two ed a year'ag:o with 112 . members. Howard Galley has some fine Golden for many years. sons remain, Fred D. Brown of Holt Those In .the association. hope to add BIG LEAGUE CHANCE. Carotene products are manufactur­ to the membership before the 1932 Lace popcorn. He has an acre that Is BADLY BURNED. F. & A. M. and L. V. Brown of Lansing. There Walter Dzurus, pitcher for the Lan­ hard to beat. Two sample stalks wero ed near Cleveland. The hazardous Regular communication of Mason are also two grandchildren and two season opens. Howard North is the sing Elks, has beeri''bffered a chance brought to the NEWS office last processes used in the extraction' of Edwin Aseltlne was badly burned lodge No. 70, P. & A. M., Wedhesday sisters and a Jirother. The sisters are president and Harold Wilson is the to try out for.the StI Louis Cardinals, week. One had four, ears and the oth­ Vitamin A from carrots precludes its about his arms and, hands when he evening, October 5th. Business In Mrs. Ada M. Stelnraah of Lansing and secretary and treasurer. Members of He Is to report next spring.^-Dzurus er five. The edrs ranged Irom five to manufacture in the big Mason plant, fell beneath a motorcycle at Charlotte which every member Is interested will Mrs, J. C. Dillingham of Rockford. the association allow hunting on the is known in Mason. His former home seven inches in length. officials say. Mr. Wyeno may return last week. ' come before the. lodge, A large at­ The l)rother is Newton E. Brown; .,, lands .controlled by them but the is Livingston, Illinois, the old home to the laboratories liere next spring, tendance is desired, tf. A. Wileden, hunting is restricted to those having town of Jack Healey and Miss lieona Tom Mix Friday-Saturday. wl he says. •• - Joe K Brown Sunday-Monday. wl W. M. . Tom Mix Friday-Saturday. wl association credentials. Benardin. ' mGHAItt-eOUNW-NEWS, MASON,-MiaHIGAN,JHI^ SEPTEMBER 29, 1932

Pin thy faith to no man's sleeve; hast Write it on your heart that every Republicans Assert thou not two eyes of thine otvnf — AROUND THE day is the best day of the year. — Carlyle. - Confidence In Hoover Emerson. STATE Money to loan for the following purposes: (Continued from Page 1) government has dedicated more money for the relief of agriculture NORTHVILLE —Prince Ferdinand Por the purchase of cattle, sheep or hogs for INGHAM news than for all other relief measures Louis von HohenzoUern, son of Crown mItY combined. He said, "I have my doubts Prince Frederick Wllhelm of Ger­ feeding. as to the good accomplished by the many, has been visiting In Northville, huge grants made to agriculture, but He paid a visit to Northville to visit For the carrying of harvested crops, beans Published every Thursday attemoon In the City of Ifaaon, at least the government did what the a horse trainer who at one time had County Seat of Ingbam County, Mlcblgan, leaders of farm groups claimed should charge of the Imperial stables, and wheat when placed in storage. V. J. BROWN & SON, Publlaheri be done," BAD AXE—Two of the three wards Member of Mlcblgan Press Auoclatlon The speaker said, "The last con If you have experience in feeding, have the gross appropriated one billion dollars of Bad Axe set voting records in the to aid banks and insurance compan primaries by casting 90 per cent of necessary feed and can give proper security ies, one billion for unemployment re­ the registered vote. SUBSmiPTION BATES (Payable In Advance) ADVERTISING RATES lief through loans to states and cities, CASSOPOLIS —Voters approve this bank will be glad to consider your appli­ 800 millions as direct relief, 250 mil­ Display advertising rates on application; Business lo* bond, issue of $6000 for construction lion to aid farm banks, 125 million for cals and reading notices on first and local pages, lOc a of wells. Drinking water from a lake cation for credit. One year In Ingham, Eaton and Jackson Countlea-|1.60 seed loans and a billion to set up home has been used In the past but health line; No reading or business advertising less than 25c; loan banks; She months In Ingbam, Eaton, Jackson Counties.. .76 authorities claim the water is subject Card of Thanks, Ic a word; Obituary notices of 125 "These things have been done under We are not recommending that you borrow to pollution. Three months In Ingham, Eaton, Jackson Counties .40 words free, more than 125, Ic a word; No charges for President Hoover, The program is beginning to show results. He has for this purpose but to those who are quali­ birth, death or marriage notices, notices of reunions. LAPEER — Recount gives Glenn guided tho nation through the storm­ Single Copies Hollenbeck a lead of 49 voles over Announcements of entertainments where admission is iest period of its history. Recovery is fied and desire to do so we can furnish the Judge H. F. McCluskoy. Official re­ Outside Ingham, Eaton, Jackson Counties In U. S. 2.00 charged or of any plan to raise funds must be paid in now ahead. To reach safety we must turns of the election board had pre­ necessary credit. retain our captain and the crow. A All papers mailed outside the U. S. one year 2.B0 advance at regular rates. viously given the nomination to the change in either captain or crew may judge. An error of 100 votes in the sink the ship of state," tabulation was found on the recount. Entered at the Postoffice at Mason, Mlcblgan, as second-class matter Committee.!) Named Following the address of Congress­ The Dart National Bank man Person he announced the follow­ England has nothing whatever to do with tho 1932 clec Mojave Desert Proves Two More Amendments ing committee appointments: Creden­ Mason, Michigan tlon, Who Norman Thomas favors for the presidency tials, Walter R, Carven, Harry Lott, Stamina Of New Ford Last week in this column this writer undertook the should not be an issue. These things are not important John Leohler, Archie J, Earl, Mrs, Member of Federal Reserve System discussion of two of the eight amendments and proposi­ and the great mass of voters are not interested in them Dora Martin, Mrs, Edwin Bemont and H3,m MILES TUAVELED IN DES­ tions which are being submitted to the electors of Michi­ Americans are Intelligent. They have the ability to Mrs, Elizabeth Childs; permanent or­ ERT IN as DAYS. Under Government Supervision ganization, Fred Perry, William Love think for themselves. Most of them realize the necessity gan at the Novemtoer general election. joy, Russell Lock, Eber Robinson, Eddie Pullen, race driver, and his It was pointed out that three of the eight are being of sober thinking this year more than ever before. They Hubert Bullen, Mrs, Mattle Eckhart assistants proved that the new Ford vlllc, and Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt and submitted by joint resolution of the legislature, four by realize the danger of partisan propaganda. Thoy know and Mrs, Vera R, Flagg; resolutions, V-8 possesses, stamina and endurance Webberville Mrs, Brown of Lansing, were Sunday petition of the people and the last a referendum, nlso our system of government Is being put to a supreme test Theodore Thompson, Mrs, C, M, Cade, as well as economy in operation by a M, L, Campbell, Mrs, Jacob Schepers, callers of A, I. Butterfield, They are In a mood for convincing arguments. They are recent test made in tho Mojave desert obtained by petition, on a UK act passed by the legisla­ Harry D, Hubbard, John Harrar and of California, Pullen and two assist­ Mrs, Fred Masor Is Improving from ture. not and should not be content to be misled by fancy J, I. VanKucren, ants drove a standard Ford V-8 a dis­ Mrs. Howard Gould entertained the her recent illness, Attention is directed this week to the last mentioned, slogans. While the committees were in ses tance of 33,301 miles in 33 days, four Embroidery club at her home Friday Bert Gakle and family entertained afternoon, namely the referendum on the act imposing a tax. upon sion tho several wards and townships hours and 35 minutes through desert guests from Chelsea, Sunday, held caucusses to name delegates to heat Ijotwoen June 6 and July 9, Ac­ Mrs, Arthur Camburn helped to Mr, and Mrs. St, Johns and Miss the manufacture, distribution or sale of oleomargarine Street Scenes the state convention. curate records of the test were made. care for Mrs, Anna Smith a part of Wllma VanOrder of Lansing, were or any other substitute for butter. The act w.as designed Choose Delegatfcs Three average years of use were plied last week at the home of Mrs, Smith's Sunday callers of Elmer G, Alchin. Those who saw Street Scene at the Mason theater last to protect butter made from milk against adulterations, The representation of the several on ttio'car in one month. daughter, Mrs, Arthur Fear. Miss Laura Fraser entertafned Fri­ imitations and substitutes, It defines oleomargarines, week should be more content with thoir lot in a small townships and wards had been pre­ The average speed was 41.8 miles Archie Hawley was in Eaton Rap- day evening at a shower for Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Foreman, Many lovely sols up strict regulations for manufacture and salo and town or the country. Street Scene is not an exaggerated viously apportioned," Those named por hour and the mileage was 19,64 Ids, on business Saturday. showing of life in the tenement districts of the large wero Delhi, Mrs. Honora Phillips and miles per gallon. One and one-half Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson spent gifts were received by the honor imposes a tax of ?100 annually upon manufacturers; nn guests. cities. Most of us have seen with our own eyes physical Dora Martin; Lansing township, Rob­ pints of oil were used for each 1000 Sunday with his father. Reed Jackson, ofpial tax upon wholesalers and importers and their ert M, Montgomery and Robert B. miles In the terrific heat of 110 to 114 near Williamston. Rev, A, E, Camburn is attending conditions worse by far in Detroit and Chicago. iigents; and a ?D annual tax upon each retailer of butter Hilliard; Willlainston and Wheatfield, degrees and at high speed. The tires Dr. Fisk and Mrs, FIsk of Jones^ conference at Mt, Clemens, substitute. Under tho act, a retailer is restricted to There is not a home in Ingham county that does not Theodore Thompson; Stockbridge and gave 27,625 miles of service without White Oak, W. G. Reeves; Leslie, O. sales of less than ten pounds to any one person at any have more advantages than do the homes in city tene­ repair. Every working part of tho car ment districts. Here we have freedom to live without W. Achard; Ingham, Bunkerhill and came through the gnieiling test with­ one time and peddling of the article is prohibited, Vevay, Gerald Diamond; being herded Into droves. We and our children have out replacement or repair. The car Tho prohibition against peddling is one which has at­ Aurelius and Onondaga, Fred R, was driven by three different drivers chances for freedom not even glimpsed by residents of tracted much discussion inasmuch as the act itself fails Fanson; Locke and Leroy, J, M, and by 150 men and women spectators large cities. We have pure air, pure water, rest, quiet Speers; Alaiedon and Meridian, Agnes lo dolino what is meant by peddling. Some have con­ who visited the scene of the test. and content denied tenement and apartment dwellers Hunt Cade; East Lansing, Thomas All types of rond were included in tended that Lhe .act of delivei-y hy a merchant after a Here the family Is not broken down but is given a chance Gunson, Harry Lott and Walter F, Lhe test. The read mileage was as sale or upon order of the consumer might be deemed as Roddy; Mason, Hugh W, Silsby and to develop naturally. Here we can have friends, follows: 12,181 miles of pavement, S,- peddling and the merchant accordingly punished. C, Ross Hilliard; 910 miles of oiled macadam, 8,590 .Sinclair Lewis in Main Street and other temporarily Lansing City, Floyd Baird, Hazen The crux of the arguments pro and con upon the bill miles of oiled road and 3,030 miles of roMllUOM popular books sought to show that small town life is RouLLer, J, Arthur Boice, William rough dirt road. during its passage and thnt which will be heard fre­ moslly evil. Ho made a poor case. Ho didn't oven Pietric, Ernest Converse, James B, quently during Lhe approaching weeks nro Lhoso—pro- Porter, John W, Harrar, Rankin convince himself. LocLion for Lhe dairy market on Lho one hand nnd a tax Lewis, Herman Busch, E, Clare Dun­ We who live in the small towns and upon tho farms ham, Lewis Moroney, E, Guy Camp- Ancient History upon tho dinner pail of the poor man and his family YEARS do not always make the most of our opportunities, Thero boil, Lyle B, Austin, Sam Mullen, Gleaned from News Files of upon the other. Years Past is much room tor improvement. But the conditions sur­ Clarence Lock, Harold A, Moyer, Lot­ Organized daii'ying interesLs lobbied sLrenuously for tie Valentino, Merle Hopper, Mrs, rounding our homes, the ordered routine of life away Lhe 1)111, The price of milk, Lhen dropping rapidly, was Vera Flagg, William T, Shaw, Herbert froin tho noise, dirt, confusion and crowding of tho large Pavoy, Fred A, Swiggles, Clarence Ten Years Ago Laken as sufticicnL reason for such a law. cities, give us compensation far beyond the false lures Mears, Mrs, Myrta Ward, Robert Monday evening tho common coun­ Those who opposed lhe measure poinLod out that n of largo cities. Marsh, James A, Gibbs and David E,. cil cut its budget from its high point Lax on olcomai'garino was a tax on the table of the poor Lord, of ,'518,000 In 1921 to ?1G,000 for the Main Street as shown by Sinclair Lewis and Street man; Lhal any lax placed againsL such a product, if AdopI: l{esolHtion.s ensuing year. ,'58,900 of this amount Scene as depicted on the screen leaves the advtintage sufficient Lo materially increase the price of milk at the Resolutions formulated by a special Is for sinking fund nnd special paving with Main Street, committee were adopted, Allegiance and sewer purposes. ci-camoiy, would in turn drive big creamery concerns to —0— was pledged "to those principles of A daughter, Lenore Mario, weight olher states, thus destroying tho veiy market which was free, constitutiontal government upon seven and a half pounds, was born to proposed lo be pi-otectod. Needed Roads which this nation was founded" and Mr. and Mrs, Howard Smith, Sept, 26, citizens were urged to give "sober and The bill finally passed both liouses and immediately Bonnie Jean Hill and Dorothy Sny- Road commissioners and highway contractors from the careful thought regarding govern day havo entered M, A. C, at East the intoi-esLs opposed Lo Lho new law turned their atten­ 10 counties in the Upper Peninsula and 32 counties in mental problems, and for constantly Lansing and Merle Barr will begin While OKLAHOMA shook with tion to the task of securing sufficient signatures to peti­ tho northern section of the Lower Peninsula met recently guarding themselves against tho fal­ teacher training at the State Normal tions Lo compel a referendum to the people. This ac­ to lay plans for more highways in their part of the state lacious and superficial reasoning of at Ypsilanti. sophists and demagogues," Twenty Years Ago complished, enforcement of the act was enjoined until They were addressed by officials of the state highway monsters' tread Tho resolutions set forth, "That we Vandals did considerable damage to such Lime as Lhe people approve. department. They formed a strong organization to seek unqualifiedly endorse in its entirety stones in the Aurelius cemetery last Cambro-Ordovician crude oil of Oklahoma is the The vote in November is on the question as to whether preference for Northern Michigan in the matter of trunk that sound, constructive and compre­ week. or not the act shall be enforced. If approved, collection lino construction. hensive program set up as the plat A meeting in the interests of woman oldest of the Mid-continent crudes—being already form of the republican party at its of the tax will begin. If the people do not approve, then We'll grant that highways are needed In the north suffrage is called at the home of Mrs. ages old when dinosaurs tramped above its hidden national convention, a program which, O. B. Stillman on Friday evening. the act becomes null and void. We'll also grant that the lower tiers of industrial coun­ when put in action, will be positive H. E. Neely, Rev. F. G. Ellett, W. reservoirs. It has mellowed longer, filtered longer, con­ The act itself represents a clash of interests. Low ties should contribute a large proportion of the cost. But and effective." E. Zimmer, C. A. Clinton, and Arthur tains less carbon than younger Mid-continent crudes. price of butter and their dairy products arc found on we insist that Southern Michigan is entitled to some Commend Hoover Lane attended the republican conven­ When refined and blended in the great Sinclair the one hand while the consumers, employed or unem­ consideration, too. Two paragraphs of the resolutions tion in Detroit, Tuesday. praised the record and stand of Pres­ Harold Henderson left for Ann Ar­ ployed, find a great food commodity threatened with a refineries—dc-waxed and freed from non-lubricating There should be another highway constructed to re^ ident Hoover, The paragraphs were, bor this week. He will enter upon a special tax. The tax has many defenders. It has also liove the congestion on Grand River from Grand Rapids "That we commend the president of three-year course In dentistry. petroleum jelly, this oldest of Mid-continent crudes mnny who bitterly oppose its features. and Lansing to Detroit. On a return trip from Detroit the United States, Herbert Hoover, The common council Monday eve­ becomes Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil, a product of 80 Sunday night traffic conditions were hazardous. Cars who is our standard bearer for 1932, ning adopted a city budget which to­ for his fearless leadership, and his tals .?7400. million years of Nature's priceless treatment. Ask the Another measure which will not attract groat attention headed cast were fender to fender. West bound traffic steadfast refusal to listen to false doc­ Fitty Years Ago Sinclair dealer for Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil. is one which grew out of the agitation for pun­ was also heavy. A huge truck and trailer at one point trines or to resort to superficial or Railroad Agent Murray reports the ishment. It will be remembered that a capital punishment had west bound traffic paralyzed. quack remedies which in the end sale of more than 800 round trip bill was entacted during the 1931 session and that a This relief should take precedence over Northern Mich­ would cause even greater distress than tickets from this station to the Jack­ that which they were supposed to referendum clause was attached. At the election held igan plans. Hardly a day passes which does not add to son fair this week. remedy; for his inslstance upon the Tho two representative districts of in April of 1931, the people on such referendum vote, the loss of life on Grand River. There is too much traf­ fundamental necessity of a balanced this county are divided as follows; decided by a substantial majority against death punish­ fic for one highway, no matter how many times the state' budget; for his fortitude in extracting First district, Lansing city and the an effective reconstruction program ment for murderers, Inunediately there appeared a joint highway department adds a narrow strip to the width townships of Lansing, Meridian, Wil­ li& U. t. Ml OM from a congress which was embar­ resolution asking an amendment to Lhe slate constitution of the pavement. liamston, Locke and Leroy; second W MOTOR WOIL rassed by a house controlled by demo­ to take from the governor the right to pardon or reprieve district, the remainder of the county. If the state highway department has any funds at all crats who offered not one piece of con­ Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Brown were in first degree murderers. we believe they should be immediately appropriated to structive legislation and for his suc­ Jackson Sunday where they visited From the Oldest Mid-continent Crudei It is contended that in actual practice, a life sentence construct another road to Detroit for the use of Central cessful consummation of the St. Law­ relatives. rence waterway negotiations—even in Michigan falls far short of life imprisonment. How­ Michigan residents. The plan announced two years ago The common council" has voted a without the aid of the governor of city tax of .$3300. The street fund Agent Sinclair Refining Compony {Inc.) ever duiing recent years it may be said that tho practice to extend and pave M-36 from Mason to Northville New York; gets $1000 and the contingent fund of pai-doning or commuting the sentence of convicted should be carried out. Every day relief for Grand River "That we heartily endorse our pres­ $800. $500 was raised for the fire murderers has been largely restricted. It is tho purpose is delayed someone is added to the list of dead and ident's views pertaining to the repub­ department. E.D.BARR of those sponsoring the proposed amendment to forever injured. How high must the toll mount before some­ lican platform, as expressed In his G. Jay Charles, our new and enter­ address of acceptance." lock the doors of the prison against the release of any thing is done about It? prising dry goods merchant has an ad­ Brucker Praised vertisement this week which every Phone 167 or 117 person convicted of murder in the first degree except in Governor Wilber M. Brucker was housewife should road. M. E. COLEMAN, Mason GEO. ALBERTSON, Leslie those cases whore new evidence is discovered. In which praised for his tax reduction program. FRED BROWN, Mason C. A. EWING, Aurelius The secretary of state, auditor gen­ caso the convicted may petition the courts for a now If Claude Post, city, wiU bring Item F. O. BOWERS, Mason C. A. DAVIS, Eden eral, attorney general and state treas­ to the NEWS office before Oct. 11, he trial. Editorials From Other Papers F. F. CLINGENSMITH, Leslie H. A. FIELD, Meridian urer were also endorsed. The two will be given a free admission ticket This proposal requires little or no explanation. Voters United States senators from Michigan to the Mason theatre. CLIFFORD WATT, Lake Lansing will express their own opinions, prejudicial or otherwise, Michigan State College were lauded as was Seymour H. Per­ upon the matter of whether or not the hope of pardon son. The writer had been living in East Lansing only a Nominees for legislative and county should be extended to those who have taken human life. short while a year ago when his attention was called offices were endorsed. Following the No complexities are involved. The measure Is short, to what was termed a racket within the college. It was adoption of the resolutions, legrslatlve composed of simple language and easily understood. only a rumor but the fact that it was circulated freely and county officers were introduced and given opportunities to make brief Other questions of more involvled economic and mora, in the college city without Its being effectively chal­ statements. > character will bo discussed in future issues, lenged suggested some basis. Students knew that their Harry D. Hubbard, elected chair­ —0— tuition in the School of Music was being paid by the man of the county republican commit­ FOWLERVILLE FAIR college, and that the profits from the operations of the tee earlier In the day, was called upon. Need For Sober Thought music department^ went to private Individuals, some of He declared that the county commit­ tee Is to be more active this year than • —«0N TOP SINCE I886"^^'* There is evidence to point to the conclusion that Amer­ them officers in the college. The matter came officially In the past and that a militant cam­ icans are devoting study to the governmental problems before the State Board. The public was apprehensive, paign for the election of every repub­ crying for solution. Taxation and economic questions yet hopeful that the atmosphere might be cleared. But lican nominee from president to coun­ are popular subjects of conversation In all circles. These it seemed to us that the Board was overly timid In deal­ ty surveyor will be waged, October 5 to 8,1932 things should be discussed and it is high time that ing with a nasty situation. It feared publicity, and the citizens quickened their interest. harm that might be done to the college. Instead of going South Delhi Not only in the United States but throughout the all the way in dealing with those that were presumed to DAY & NIGHT world exist conditions which challenge the stability of be guilty, the Board adopted a rule that officials of the Mrs. Guy McMillan spent Thursday governments. European and Asiatic peoples are in a' college could not be Interested financially in private con^ and Friday at the home of her sister, ferment. No one knows what the next few years hold cerns profiting through dealings with the college. Also in Jackson. in store for civilization. It provided' that only a portion of the tuition fee for Mrs. S. Mizer spent from Thursday An Agricultural Expoution of Merit until Sunday at the home of her sis­ The problems faced by the United States are greater music be paid by the state institution. ter, Mrs. Floyd Vicary, of Leslie. than party lines. The dangers are not partisan nor Having failed then to get to the bottom of whatever Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Boelio of East A 7-Game Baseball Tcnnfamcut, 8 ThrllUng Harness Races. A sectional. What affects Texas eventually is reflected in trouble existed, it was to be expected that the subject Lansing, and S. Riches of Lakeview, Michigan. Disaster in Florida Is felt'in Oregon. Dan­ would again be brought to the front. That has happened. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, mammoth program ot stage and grandstand entertainment, re­ gerous situations in New York are cause for alarm in Nice. It is only necessary to assure the public-that the prac­ Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Bateman and plete with the finest in Vaudeville and Musical numbers, featuring New Mexico. tices complained of, are the exception, rather than the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spink and son The United States has come through other disasters rule. Michigan State college is a wonderful institution, Loren spent Sunday with J. K. Spink and times of stress. There Is no reason to believe we one that the people of the state may well be proud of. In Lansing. will not emerge from our present conditions. But we' President Shaw and a majority of the staff and faculty Mr. and Mrs. John Sheathelm spent part of last week with E. G. Spink. ^Tarade of Stars** will recover more rapidly if we devote ourselves to sober are honest, conscientious and entirely devoted to con­ Mrs. Carl Robb, Mrs. Paul Rowe thought upon governmental affairs. ducting the college as the people would Want It to be and Mrs. Harold Spink attended the We must not be misled by propaganda put out In the In the Interests of more than 3,000 students sent there training center at Mason, Tuesday The Greatest Night Show Ever Staged. Something Newt interests of political parties. Both major parties are for higher learning. They have decried" some of the Mrs. Minnie Howery and Mrs. Al bert Howery and Lester and Beverly Something Different! guilty of trying to confuse Issues and belittling political practices complained of, but have been powerless to deal of,Leslie, were callers of Will Stid, opponents. Whether or not Franklin D. Roosevelt Is a with it. Information developed by the investigation may Sunday. first or rffty-second cousin of Theodore Roosevelt is not bring about the cleaning up that is needed. Be confident BE FAIR MINDED AND BE WITH US! important. Whether or not Herbert Hoover did or did that, everything will be made right in the end.—The All thia country needs now is to be not take interest In Englisb politics while residing In Delta Reporter (Gladstone). as smart as It thought it was back in 1928. iyGirAirCOUNT¥^NEWSrMASONrMimiI€AN.-lWRSDAY>SEPT^ Page Three

Baptist Ladles Aid society will meet Mrs, Flo Cams of Boston, Mass,, re­ Detroit conference to Memphis, Mich­ at the town hall next Wednesday, Oct, turned Monday morning to.tbelr east­ igan, and Rev, E. B, Dixon haa been 5, Potluck dinner will be served at ern homes after 10 days here with Mr, appointed to the Dansville and Wheat- noon. Business meeting will be held and Mrs. Earl Osborne, field charge. Rev. Cross during his in the afternoon with election of oftl Mr. and Mrs. Prank Oesterle and pastorate here haa made many friends cers. All members are requested to family of Vantown spent Sunday with both In the church and out, and will be greatly missed. be present, Mr. and Mrs, R. L, Dewey. The flrst meeting of the Dansville \['\ gambit! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Otis of Maaon In Case the chapel of our home group In home furnishing .will be held TUomiiH ilannii McetilnK spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, L. E. at the school house, Tuesday after­ The town hall In Dansville was Otis. noon, Oct, 4, at one o'clock sharp. Of Need ^""^^''"^'s '^'"i he ar­ ON THE overcrowded last Thursday evening at Mrs. Chnrles Smith was removed to Anyone wishing to take this work Is ranged to seat as the booster" meeting for Thomas Han­ the St. Lawrence hospital Saturday urged to attend this meeting and be many as seventy-eight persons. na, democratic candidate for sheriff. afternoon for a blood transfusion. She enrolled or give your name to any of Over two hundred voters were in at­ is the daughter of Mr, aijd Mrs. Will the officers. The local leaders are tendance. The meeting was called co Blanchard, Mrs. George Vogt and Mrs. Howard What is just as important, perliaps, order by the chairman of the Ingham Robert Evans of Wisconsin visited Gillette, chairman, Mrs. Ami Terrill, is that it can also be arranged "to FUTURE township democratic club, Charles friends in Dansville last week, Rob­ secretary, Mrs. Verne Dayton. Making Woods, who is also a member of the ert was the son of Matthew Evans, the best use of what is already In your take care of the smallest gather­ county democrat committee. Chas, who formerly resided on a farm east home is the keynote of this project ings. Broadhcad, president of the village of Dansville. and should appeal to everyone who de­ It is easy to assume that "everything gave the address of welcome, who In Dr. Russell Finch and family of sires to make their homes more com­ a very pleasing manner threw the Lansing spent Thursday with the for­ fortable. Every homemaker is invited keys to the hall over the to the demo­ mer's father. Dr. C. Finch. to join. crats as the "first kick off of the dem­ will be all right", and though that is a Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Sawyer of ocrat campaign." The principal'speak­ Jackson spent Fridny with Mr. and er of the evening was Alva Cummins, A.B.BALL Mrs. Louis Lee. comfortable philosophy it is apt to lead Lansing attorney, followed by speech­ HOME FOR FUNERALS ,, es from several other democratic can­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald of ^Imbalance Scivlcc to disastrous consequences where the didates including Henry Jersey, Chas. Detroit spent Sunday with Mr. and PHONES Cummins, Chas. VanNote, Thomas Mrs. Mort Keene. What might have been a serious ac­ DAVI40 NlGHT72 Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Butler ot Holt JEfFERSON C ChEffRY Hanna, Ernest Gorton, E. Knapp, C. cident occurred Sunday morning, MASON, MlCH. matter of saving is concerned. Don't Aldrich and Dorr Greene, D, D. Har­ spent Friday evening with Mr. and when the car in which Hugh Angell ris, Lansing Ford dealer, and J, W, Mrs. George Bacon. and his • brother-in-law, Glenn Miller, merely go through life drifting along. Wilford, Lansing banker, also praised If Lydia Osborne, Dansville, will were riding, struck loose gravel south "Tom" in a very commendable man­ bring this item to the NEWS office of Stephen Hlinka's house, left the ner: Lansing, Mason, Stockbridge before Oct. 11, she will be given a free road and turned twice over down the Have some plan for the future and back and Howell were well represented at admission ticket to the Mason theatre. east bank. Neitlier of the men was this meeting, this being the first poli­ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Simons and injured. The car was quite badly that plan up with a good p-^vings ac­ tical meeting in Dansville since Wood- family attended the St. Louis-Detroit damaged. ning to remind them it was their wed­ Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy McCue called on bridge Ferris ran for governor a good baseball game in Detroit Sunday. Hazel Strobel, Ruby Rons, Iva Wil­ ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey, in Lan­ count. Thousands of peopie have suc­ many years ago. Hot dogs and coffee Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cross and chil­ son and Emma Thompson attended Robert Rood and Helen Horstmyer sing, and on Mrs. Laskosky and Mr. were served after speeches. dren of St. Charles spent Saturday the funeral of Mrs. Gertrude Jarvis, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and and Mrs. Martin Skinner, south of with the former's mother, Mrs. S. S. which was held in Lansing last week Mrs. Clarence Leonard. Miller road, Sunday afternoon. ceeded in life in just that way. Cross. Tuesday. Burial was in Delta Mills, Mrs. Charlotte Williams is visiting Next Sunday, Oct. 2, the Groven- Gntcrii College Miss Frances Keene began her cemetery. her niece, Mrs. Iris Nortli, this week burg church will observe "Go To Several students from Dansville left teaching at tho Douglas school Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Guy McCue called on in Lansing. Church Sunday". Rev. Watkins will provide For the Comfort and Security Monday for their work in college, day morning. Her aunt, Ferris Keene, Ralph Hart Monday. He is able to be Mr. arid Mrs. Perry Raines visited preach in the morning at ten o'clock. Clare Baker, who graduated last year has been teaching in her place for the up a little. Mrs. Raines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. In the evening. Rev. John McCue will of Your Family With a from Dansville, will enter M, S, C, as past month because of her ill health. Mrs. Harriett Alton of Bay City, D. K. Norris In Lansing, Sunday. preach at the first quarterly meoting a freshman In Che agricultural depart­ Dr. Charles Finch and Mrs. Hilton returned to her home Tuesday, after Mildred and Lavina North called on at eight o'clock. Saturday evening Savings Account ment, Ruth Thompson, continues her spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and spending a week with Mrs. Hazel Ralph Hart, Sunday afternoon. the business meeting will be held at work as a sopohomore in the literary Mrs. Earl Falter of East Lansing. Strobel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shasberger of the church. department at M, S, C,, Vivian Lee, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Diehl entertain­ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leonard Detroit, and Albert Shasberger of Glen Miller of New York city, has sophomore in the home economics de­ ed at dinner last Wednesday evening called on Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bateman, Lansing, called on. their cousins, Mrs. boon visiting at the home of his sis­ The First State & Savings Bankpartmen t at M, S, C,; Evelyn Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Mr. and Saturday. Mary Strobel and Mr. and Mrs. Fred ter, Mrs. Angell, this week. a senior in the home economics cjc- Mrs. C. E. Osborne, Mrs. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Ray North, Mr. nnd Strobe!, Sunday. Leo Emory of Allegan, and Bernico partmcnt at M, S, C,; Ethelyn Rao,'' a Noyce and son Gordon, Mrs. F. Cains, Mrs. Norris Hotchkin and children Mr. and Mrs. Arvldo North were Emery of Lansing, called on friends MASON, MICH. sophomore and Eileen Terrill, a fresh­ Gilbert Glover and Louis Stid. and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Franklin, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. How­ and relatives Sunday. man in the home economics depart­ Mr. and Mrs. Fayc Taylor of De­ Harriett and Mrs. Charlotte Williams ard North, Sunday. Martin Strobel called Monday eve­ ment at M, S, C,; Anna Terrill enters troit spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. enjoyed a picnic supper at the Irish Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and ning at tho homo of his brother Fred. Kalamazoo college and John Cleaver Walter Evans. Hills, Sunday afternoon and stopped Harvey spent Sunday afternoon at the Arvldo and Leone North attended enters Clcary college at Ypsilanti, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kent oC Perry in Jackson to see the famous cascades home of Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. tho football game at M. S. C, Satur­ and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Voss spent in the evening. and Mrs. Edward Burke. day afternoon. oimsville Free Mt'lliodisl. Church Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hob­ Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt and sever­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jennie of Lan­ Ruth Biiskirk and Elsie Horstmyer Wesley R. Caswell, Pastor art. al of the school girls called on Mr. sing, called at Fred Strobel's last began their scliool work at M. S. C. DANSVILLE NEWS 1 Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. Matilda Smith spent the week and Mrs. Carl Hunt last Friday ove- Tuesday evening. this week. Morning worship 11:00, followed by ond with relatives in Ann Arbor and a class meeting. Ypsilanti. Mr. and tMrs. H. A. Lindsay of Lan­ I{r>ii(l Work FnotlKill Game Evening seiwice 7:30. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening sing were Sunday callers of Mr. and Briggs & Cheney finished the Le­ Dansville won the first football at 7:30. • Mrs. Hubert Howe. roy township road job" last week and game of the season from Stockbridge Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtiss and last Frid.'iy 25 lo 0, Dansville boys are working full force on the road family of Lansing spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dictz spent Sun­ looked good for tho first time with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Curtiss. near Stockbridge, which is expected only two last year's players while on day in WebborvlUe with Mr. and Mrs. BIG ANNUAL Mr. and Mrs. Fred VanVorsc spcn; to take until November 1st to com­ tlie other hand Stockbridgo also had Robert Dietz. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Erit Kiss- plete. The county also began resur­ but one player from last year, Datus Mr. and Mrs. Prod Palmer of Mft­ lor of Stockbridgo. facing the road between Dansville and Frook and Dan Simons showed up son spent Thursday ovoning with Mr. Tho Revernnd Floyd Sullivan, a re­ Bunkorhill Atonday morning, drawing well in tho backficld. and Mrs. Charles Grlndling. turned missionary from Borneo gave Mv. and Mrs. Lou Thompson enter- gravel from tho farm recently pur­ a very interesting talk at the Metho­ tninod Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, chased from LOG Warlle. All niffh I'itrly dist church Sunday morning. Rev. iMrs. Duncan Noyce and son Gordon, About ono hundred high school stu­ Cross was absent from tho pulpit as Mrs. Flo Carns and Mr. and Mrs. C. dents attended tbo first all high party ho was attending conforonce at Mt. E. Osborne Friday evening. liist Friday night, Tho seniors, jun­ Clemens. Mrs. Cross spent Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Caswell, Mrs. iors and sophomores entertained tho Mt. Clement with him. Greenough, Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Ir- frcshmon. Games were enjoyed in tho Hubert Howe was in Lansing Sat- ma Miller attended tho district meet­ early part of tbo ovoning, hot dogs uday on business. ing of the Free Motliodist church in and cocoa being served for refrosh- Mrs. Lottie Kent has boon spending ments. Williamston last Friday. Word was received here Saturday the past week in Detroit with Mrs. morning of tho suicidal death of Gail Irma Dompsoy. Guest. Iliuiiirod Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Arnold ontor- Utter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ut­ 98-lb. bag 49-lb. bag 24K-lb. bag Miss Mao Boll of Redford, who h.as tor of Gravity, Iowa, formerly of tained Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Arnold of boon visiting friends hero Cor tho past Dansvillo. He hns a brother Melvin Gregory and Mr. and Mrs. George week was honor guest at a party at now residing here. Cotroll and Camily of Howell Sunday. lONA FLOUR $1.53 77c 39c tho home of Miss Ernestine Keone last Mrs. Lucy Mitchell returned to hor Misses Phyllis and Evelyn Diehl, j Fi'iday evening. About twelve former home in Leslie after a few days spent Louis Stid and Gordon Noyce spent I schoolmates and girl friends helped v/ith hor daughter, Mrs. E. D. Young. Sunday in Detroit. SUNNYFIELD $1.77 89c 45c j to colobratc the occasion. Games weVe Charles Woods, W, W. Almond and Mr. nnd Mrs. Dell Bovoo of Middlo- played and light roCroshnicnts served. Thomas Hanna attended a democratic ville, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Dakin banquet at tho Hotel Olds in Lansing of Lansing, spent Sunday with Mr. GOLD MEDAL $1.33 67c .^Ir.s. Will IJessler Monday night. and Mrs. Frank Hicks. $2.65 Funeral services for Mrs. Will Doss­ Mr. and Mrs. "Vern Bishop of Ban­ Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fairchilds of ier wore hold last Wednesday after­ nister wore Sunday callers of Mr. and Grand Rapids, spent the week end noon at 2 o'clock at the farm home Mrs. Thomas Gilliam. with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. PILLSEURY $2.65 $1.33 67c "The Brakes Failed near Munith. Mrs. Dessler was lifty- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard David and James Hayhoe. throo years of ago, and had boon in Camily spent Sunday near Charlotte Dennis MctMnnn and Rachel Kipp of To Work" ill health for sometime, having been with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bronson, wore Sunday callers of Mr. conflnod to her bed since January 11. and Mrs. C. A. Diehl. A telephone call at nig-lit Charles Halo. Rev. McKolvoy, minister of First Donald Parks and Rouse Raliegh of Misses Evelyn Diehl, Vernice Lee, telling of a bad accident. How Methodist church in Munith, officiated Lansing were Sunday visitors at the Olive Smith, Edna Osborne, Gordon G No.2H often faulty brakes are re­ with burial in Dansville cemetery. She homo of the former's parents, Mr. and Noyce, Edward Walker, Merle Caven­ lONA PE>^CH E 1,^ size can 10*= sponsible for accidents occurr­ is survived by her husband. Will Dess- tMrs. Roy Parks. der and Gilbert Glover enjoyed a lor, ono son*Joseph, one sister, Mrs. .weenie roast at the county park last ing,- at niglit. Come in and wt^ Mr. and Mrs; Ford "Vandervoort of Flora Reeves, and two brothers, Fred Detroit and Mrs. Steadman and Mrs. Saturday ovoning. will (\K the bi-akes on your car and Linius, all of Munith, Among Mrs. Fred Hotchler and infant Vandervoort of Williamston visited at BOKAR COFFEE "The Coffee Supreme" lb. 29c so that you will be able to stop those from Dansville who attended the the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Collar daughter returned to her home hero in time to avert an accident. funeral were Allie Braman, Mrs. Mat- Saturday. after an extended visit with her sis­ RED CIRCLE COFFEE •'Different In Flavor" lb. 25c tie Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corwin, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Otis and fam­ ter in Morrico. N.B.C. PREMIUIVI SODA CRACKERS 2.1b. carton 19c Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Diehl, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer oC Lansing, ily of Lansing spent last Thursday WHITEHOUSE MILK Tall Can 2 cans 9c A. G. Spenny & Sons Mrs. C. E. Osborne and Earl Osborne. with the former's parents, Mr. and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mrs. Leonard Otis. Tilford. Mason Uiiplisl. Liidics .AUl S()clely Mrs. Duncan Noyce and son Gor­ Mrs. Jennie Ford and son Ralph of large pkg. \ 5*^ Tho regular monthly mooting of tho don of Honnikor, New Hampshire, and Munith, spent Saturday with Mr. and GOLD DUST Washing Powder Mrs. Frank Mann. Mrs. C. E. Osborne, Mrs. Earl Os­ borne, Mrs. Flo Carns nnd Mrs. Dun­ 4 bars 25*^ can Noyce and son Gordon visited the LIFEBUOY SOAP Kellogg plant and sanitarium at Bat­ tle Creek, Friday. . 6 cans 25*^ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shopbell visit­ QUAKER MAID BEANS ed relatives in Lowell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Almond were Mb. can 15*^ Estate entertained at dinner last Thursday BAKING POWDER Q-kerMaid evening by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olin of Lansing, the occasion being Mrs, Almond's birthday. Other guests in­ PRUNES Fancy Santa Clara's 6 lbs. 2SC cluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steadman, HEATROLA Mr. and Mrs. Claud Steadman and SCRATCH FEED •Daily Egg" 100-lb. bag $L05 George Steadman of Williamston. EGG MASH "Daily Egg" 100-lb. bag $L39 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of Lansing, and Mrs. Olive Dakin of Ea­ F ton Rapids, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eber Thompson. The joint Foatiirvs of birthdays of Robert Thompson and tlic fiiciiiiiiio Mrs. Dakin were celebrated. Mrs. Anderson and son Don of East Sunbrite Cleanser 3 11 IBEATllOLA Lansing,- were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Anderson. Pnlciited Intcnsi- Mrs. Vern Dayton returned Sunday Fire Air Duct. '^Joint- after a week's visit with her daugli- less asli box—paper- ter, Mrs. Russell Robinson of Mason. tight door. i( Heavy Mr. and Mrs. Leon Crowl of Mason, ribbed fire pot. yirJoint- spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Clyde Fancy lesii, cast-iron combus­ Howlett, -"' Round, Sirloin, Grain-Fed tion chamlter. '^I.rfirgo Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Fortman and or Club Beet vapor tank. i( .'Stay- daughter of Lansing, were Sunday vis­ Steaks lb. lie cool'* door Iinndlos. itors of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Fortman. Finest quality por- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anway and Jack PURE LARD Refined 3 lbs. 19c BOILING BEEF Tender Short Ribs lb. 6c ccliiin-cnanicl finish. of Lansing, spent Sunday with Mr, PORK STEAK Lean Young Pig 3 lbs. 25c LAMB Shoulder Roast, lbs. 10c Stew, Ib. 5c ir Graccful,ultro-mod- and Mrs. Roy Hulliberger. ern design. Mr, and Mrs, W. W. Almond spent LIVER Fresh lb. 5c MINCED HAM or VEAL LOAF 2 lbs. 25c Sunday in Williamston, with Mr. and PORK SAUSAGE PurePorli 2 lbs. 15c FRANKFURTS or RING Mrs. Frank Steadman. Mr, and Mrs. Orrin Lathrop and FRESH SIDE PORK lb. 9c BOLOGNA 3 lbs. 25c family of Bellaire, visited their par­ A Genuine Heatrola ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Lathrop, over the week end. Orrin is attending the Tender is the cheapest stove Western Normal college at Kalama­ Chuelt Cuts zoo this year. Beef Roast lb. 8c Dorothy DeCamp \vas at the home that you can buy— of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Lee, Sunday, SPARE RIBS Choice, Meaty lb. 6c NECK BONE SPARE RIBS lb. 3'/2C Come in and we will Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Burleigh and SAUERKRAUT New Pacli 3 lbs. lOc HAMS Smoked, Hockless Picnics lb. 1,0c Mrs, Len Brightstone of Lansing, were Sunday visitors of Henry Lee LIVER SAUSAGE Fresh lb. 7c SALT PORK Lean, Dry lb. 8c show you why. Priced and family,- FRESH HERRING 4 lbs. 25c CHICKENS Choice Young Fowl lb. 15c Prank Remington Visited Dan Shep­ to fit the pocketbook. ard of Williamston, Sunday. The.remains of Wm, Scott, a for­ Famous Whole or mer resident 'of this plactl, were ...w'.:tan7-' Buy an Estate Heatrola . brought here for burial Monday aft­ Hams Jack Spratt Strbis Half lb. IOC ernoon. He was a resident of this town most of his life until about 20 I years ago, when he moved to Bunk­ Mason Plumbing & Heating Co. erhill, where he was living at the time of his death last Friday evening. The Great Atlantk A Pacific Tea Co. 141 W. Ash Plione 309 Rev. S. S, Cross, who has been pas­ tor of the M. B. church here and at Wheatfleld, has been appointed by the Page Foiu JNGHASTPOUNTT^

called on their father one evening last G. Kirby, also her grandmother, Mrs. making plans for a big week com­ mencing with a banquet to be held Dunn Community week. North Okemos W. D. Kirby. j NortheMtLanri^^ | North MasoB Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pulton visit- Monday evening, Oct. 3, at the Ma­ 13 Miss Pern Thompson is attending at ed their son, Lloyd and family, Sun­ sonic Temple for the members and the State Normal at Ypsilanti. • Next Friday evening will be Grange friends. Congressman Joseph T. Casper Lott, Edd Turner and friend The U-Go I-Go Pet3ro club went to Rev. Thayer, the new minister, oc­ day. Wayne Haviland .of Flint, spent the Booster night, Capitol Grange wlU Hooper will be one of the speakers. from Imlay City, attended the ball Lansing Saturday evening and sur­ cupied the pulpit Sunday at Commun­ Harold Suggate moved his family week end with his father, who is still celebrate by a meeting at Odd Fellow Tuesday evening William Comstock, game at M, S, C, and spent Priday prised Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson on ity church. He was a former pastor from the Green residence to John very ill. hall. East Lansing. Supper will be democratic candidate for governor, night at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. South Grand Ave. Prizes were award­ at Sparta. Everett's place. Mr. and Mrs. John Eames, Jr. and served at 7:30, with a booster pro­ will speak on the Island. ed Mrs. Thelma Smith, Mary Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson and The baby of Lloyd Stevens has been C. Lott. Bobby of Mason, spent last Thursday returned from the Sparrow hospital gram of speaking and music. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gere and son Mrs. C. L. Darling entertained the Roy Johnson and Lee Whipple. The with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Thompson to son were Okemos callers, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Esterllne have moved and is gaining slowly. The Grange met at the home of J, Meivin, spent the week end in Clio, Community club but only a small club wlir nieet In two weeks with Mr. help celebrate the birthday of Mr. L. Hulett last Saturday evening, and Mrs, Ernest Smith, south of Holt. to Lansing. with the former's mother, Mrs. Edna number was present owing to a mis­ Thompson. About 40 members were present. printed date in the announcement last Mr. and Mrs. Jess Curtis and Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Kroodins have moved Lovell. into the Liverance apartment house. Nominations were made for state Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble.of Onon­ week. and Mrs. Walner were in Kalamazoo, Grange officers as follows; Master, C, Sunday, to see Jess Curtis, Jr. Vernon Long has moved into the S. daga, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moffitt wel­ Southeast Inirkam Worthington house. H. Bramble; lecturer, Mrs, Dora H, Mrs. Ella Groome last Saturday. comed a baby girl, Mary Emily, into Mr. and Mrs, T, Robinson are the Stockman; secretary, Mrs, Maude proud parents of a baby girl, Phyllis, The Ladies Pioneer club met at the Miss Hattle Wright spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs, George BInns of Ad­ their home Sept, 14. Mrs, Shepherd Lovejoy; member of executive com­ who cared for them returned to her born Sept, 13. Alva Ewers was in Jackson, Thurs­ home of Mrs. Millie Roberts, Wednes­ in Jackson. dison spent Sunday at the home of mittee, Chfts, F. Hart. Mr. and Mrs, Alva West. home In Lansing, Sunday, day. day for its meeting. Mrs. Etta'Herre Mr. and Mrs. Dan Darrow are was the honored guest. The occasion staying with their brother and wife, The Ladies Aid society will meet at The Pioneer club met at the home Mrs, Elmer Dakin entertained her Mr. and Mrs. Paul Standfleld and was the 45th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, George Darrow, of Ea­ the hall Thursday for a potluck din­ of Mrs, Hiram Johnson, Wednesday, sister, Mrs, Chase, daughter Lois of Stockbridge son of Jackson, were week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Edd Herre. A wedding ton Rapids, and helping care for Geo. ner and program. Sept, 28. Lansing, and her brother, Herrick of Ervin Ewers and family. cake was served to the guests. Jr., who arrived last week. Andrew Zderne hns built a new hen Miss Mne Hollickor of Onondaga, is Dunsmore and son Coy of Vevay, James Quinn was in Leslie, Satur­ house. spending the week at the home of Mr, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnes and Gene Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rick attended Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright and daugh­ day. Robert West visited in'Toledo, Tues­ and Mrs, Cecil Hall, Esther Lott visited her parents re­ Foster of Lansing, visited friends here the funeral of the four months' old ter Maxine of Jackson, spent Sunday Louis Ewers Is assisting Tom Cullen day and Wednesday. cently. recently, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dor­ with her mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs, Gene Counterman of with his farm work. mer in Lansing on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Darrow and A Gorman police "dog and a hound KlnnoyvlUc, spent tho week end at the Mr. and Mrs, N, J. Hugger and Edwin Farmer was taken ill last Mr. and Mrs. George Wemple were James Heathman of Fowler, spent son spent Sunday with her mother, dog from the city broke Into Mrs, T, home of Mr, and Mrs, Ted Decker, daughters of Lansing, spent Sunday week while fishing at Bruin Lake, in Stockbridge, Sunday. Tuesday at the home of his parents. Mrs. W. O, Stone, of Central Onon­ L, Smodley's chicken house and killed with Mrs, Robt, Reese, Mr. and Mrs, Constance Morrison Is attending the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Standfleld of seven hens last Sunday night. State Normal at Ypsilanti, Ami Heathman of Grand Rapids, daga. D, J, Hugger of Lansing, and Mr, and Jackson, were callers of.James Quinn Mr, and Mrs. Ray Robeson were Mrs. A, Vanderslay of Holland, were Mr. Dancer is some better at this was a Sunday visitor of his brother. Herrick District and family, Sunday afternoon. callers at the W, E, West home last also Sunday callers, Thomas Spencer and Jim Heeney of writing, Friday evening. Tho Oliver children who havo been Rushton, were callers in this vicinity t " " Central Onondaga'" " j Mr. and Mrs, Herman Haviland making their home with Mr, and Mrs. one day last week, Dist. No. 3, Wheatfield Mr, and Mrs, Henry Sackey and Lawrence and attending school have Leo and Joe Ewers were in Jack­ -Mr, and Mrs, Fay Little, all of Flint, returned to Chicago, son calling on relatives Sunday eve­ Mrs, VanAuger and her daughter of Wheatfkild Center visited their sister, Mrs, Walter Pam­ ning. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Otis were at Jackson, have moved on her farm ment, and family over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. Art Wemple and Mr. Lansing Thursday on business, here, Miss Clarie Pamment returned home and Mrs. Sam West were callers of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Johnson and Mrs, Drumm and father visited her George Haskill preached at the with them for a week's visit. South Aurelius and North Tom Spencer and family near Rush- son visited in Lansing, Sunday. sister near Concord last Sunday. church Sunday while Rev. Cross was Miss Laura Frazer of Wobberville, Onondaga ton, Sunday. Ray and Cameron Glynn were at Mr. and Mrs, Claude Williams of attending conference. was hostess to a miscellaneous show­ Edward Briggs and sisters called on Ann Arbor Sunday to see Mae Glynn. Ackerson Lake, visited George Dox- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Showerman and er at hor home for Mr, and Mrs, W, 25 friends in Stockbridge, Sunday. She is recovering nicely after an op­ tader and family, Sunday, Glen spent Sunday with their parents, Foreman last Friday evening. Teach­ Mr, anfj Mrs, Herman Bullen and eration on the lung, Mrs. Prescott fell off the porch and Mr. and Mrs, M, Showerman and fam­ ers and members of the class of '32, two sons of N, Aurelius, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Webster and enjurcd hedself Saturday night quite ily. wore guests. Games and music wero Mary Haynes-Smith of Florida, visit­ YEARS Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Otis and Bernard badly. She will be confined to her Mrs, George Pratt and Goldean t Northwest Stockbridge the entertainment of the evening aft­ ed Clayton Snow and family, Sunday. and Bernice spent Monday evening at bed for several days, wero Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. er which watermelon was served. The P. T. A. of Aurelius No. 7, will tMr, and Mrs, Frank Otis'. Mr, Swarts returned home Inst Ben Baker and family. Many beautiful presents wore received have a meeting Friday evening at 8 HAVE Cameron and Rex Glynn, Janette week after staying a few weeks with Miss Josephine Alverann of Lan­ Mrs. George Gorton from Jackson by the bride .and groom. o'clock at tho school house, A speaker and Marjory Campbell.were In Jack­ his son In the southern part of the sing, is spending tho week with Mrs, spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Milton Smith and family of Lan­ will bo on tho program, also special son, recently. state. Guy Graves and Mrs. F. Biggs. H. J. Green. sing, visited his parents, Mr, nnd Mrs, music is being arranged. Everyone In The Conklln family have moved in­ Mrs. J. W, Butler, a former resident Mrs. R, A, Grostefon and Margai-et Bert Smith the fore part of last week. the community Is invited to bo pres­ to the store building, of hero. Is very ill at her home In Wil­ PROVED were In Mason, Saturday afternoon, Bird Herrick of Detroit, took dinner ent. Magdaline Sqljire spent Thursday liamston, Wylle Usher, Mrs, Lizzie Usher and t Island Corners 1 with his nephew, Howard Herrick, and Mr. and Mrs, James Russell visited with Dorothy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, Dell Wolf and children Guerdon attended the funeral of Mrs, wife, Thursday. Mr, nnd Mrs, Frank MInar of Mason, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Hoyt spent spent Sunday at hor mother's home Will DIssler at Munlth, last Wednes­ Mr. and Mrs, Fred Miller and Sunday, Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, James Hulett, Andrew Oakley and at Alaiedon Center. day, daughter Grace and son Myron visit­ Cyrus Field of Jackson, Mr, and IT Chas, Webster, John Freeman attended tho Stock- Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Abrendt spent O. N, Hague from Detroit, spent a ed relatives In South Lyons, Sundtay, Mrs, Gerald Field of Charlotte, visited Mr, and Mrs, 'Wm, Blanchard enter­ bridge Jersey Parish show last Wed­ Monday In Lnnsing, few days last week at his farm in this Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Foreman spent nt the home of B, H, Field nnd family tained their daughter, Mrs, Bertha nesday, Mr. and Mrs, Franc HInes of Ply community, Sunday with her parents. Sunday, Everett and family, Sunday, Mrs, Calla Morton and daughter mouth, were Sunday guests of Mr, and W, A. Wilson from Munith, was a While running at school last Wed­ Mr, and Mrs, Frank •Clickner visit­ Wm, Curtis is very 111 again suffer­ Dawn, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Foote and Mrs, George Frost and family and Mr, caller In this community one day last nesday, Dale Garrison, son of Mr. and ed thoir daughter, Mrs, Chas, Barnes, ing from a stroke. family and Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Morton and Mrs, Walter HInes of Dearborn, week. Mrs, Carl Garrison, fell, striking on and family of Mt, Pleasant, this week Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Webster were and Eva attended rally day at the spent the afternoon with them. W, L, Sharland and family spent his arm and injuring it so lie w.os un­ end. callers of Mr, and Mrs, Ed Ballard, Okemos Baptist church, Sunday. Arl Thompson Is 111 and expects to Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs, able to attend school the rest of tho About 29 of tho Aurelius canning Sunday, C, L. and James Hulett were in Ea­ go to Ann Arbor for treatment. Robert Down and Mr. and Mrs. Mil- week, club and visitors gave a party Friday Gerald Haskell and family, Mr, and ton Rapids on business, Monday, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Petty of Lan­ ford Down, near Leslie. Mrs. Abbie Baker of Williamston, evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mrs, Frank Hayhoe and Mr, and Mrs, Henry Guenther was taken to the sing, spent from Wednosdity until Sat­ Walter Bauer is hauling sugar beets and Mrs, Ruth Smith and 3 children John Freeman. Lyle Hayhoe and son were in Detroit, Eaton kaplds hospital for treatment urday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur to Lansing this week, of E.ast Lansing, called on their cou­ Mrs. Mary Haynos-Smlth who has .Saturday. last Thursday, He has been quile ill Frost. Mr, and tVIi-s, Rolland Barth from sin, Mr, .and Mrs, Howard Herrick, visited friends and relatives here the The married men were trimmed by for some timo, Mr. and Mrs, Ch.is, Densmore were North Lake, spent sevei-al days last Sunday afternoon, past few months, returned to her the single men Sunday at ball. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Turley of To­ Saturday guests of Mr, and Mrs. F. week with his mother, Mrs. Sarah A car of young people from Fowler­ home In Florida, Monday. Beatrice Otis was home over the ledo, Ohio, were Wednesd.ay guests of Biggs. Briggs, ville, were coming from the south Hugh Ford of Grand Rapids, mo­ week end. Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Frost and chil­ Lavonda Ashmore spent Sunday Sunday evening, wont into the ditch at tored to this place Sunday bringing Mr, and Mrs, Joe Spencer of Lan­ dren of Lansing, spent the week end night with Evelyn Robeson, the Herrick school house corners. his mother, Mrs, Hattio Ford, who will sing, spent Sundfiy evening with Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frost. With help the car was pulled out with work for E, L, Davis as housekeeper. and Mrs, Chas. Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Frost and Millvilie no damage, Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Hill of near Mrs, Jessie Feiton of Lansing, spent children spent Sunday at South Lyons Jonnoss Church Is on jury in Lan­ Mason, Mrs, Ruby Gorrls of Jiickson, Town Line Road last Friday with Mrs, Sarah Beau­ with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, An­ sing, Mrs, Church accompanied him Mrs, Maud Dolboo and daughter Mar­ mont. drew Bourns. The L. A. S, will meet Tuesday, several days last week. jorie were visitors at the E, L. Davis Mr. and Mrs, Allen Tomlinson and October 4, for dinner, home, Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Barker are son of South Mason, spent Sunday Siiinday school next Sund.ay at 10 <-»-»-»••«,,« nin,,>ii>,,»m,i> If Robert Thorburn, R, 3, will bring Mrs, Maggie Evolln w.as home tho happy over the birth of a daughter, with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Beaumont. . ."the world's safest and a, m. Rally day services in the eve­ Eaton Rapids j| this item to the NEWS office before week end from her work In Jnckson, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Keyes attended Tho I. C. C. club will meet v/ith bast non-skid tread" , , ning at 8:00, Oct, 11, he will be given a free admis­ They will soon install a now furnace the funeral of Mr, Keyes mother In Mrs. Helen Harlow at 1812 Davis Av. Mr, and Mrs, E, J, Bowen and little sion ticket to tho Mason theatre. In Dist, No, 7 Aurelius sehool. Lansing last Saturday, daughter of near Williamston visited Mrs. Emma Elsessor is spending a Wednesday, Sept. 28, tho L.anslng TRADE m Mrs, Anson Foote entertained Mrs, Mrs, Maggie Burden, last Thursday. few dtays with her son, Howard El­ association of Congregational church­ your old tires Foote's parents last Tuesday at a six Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Phelps went to sessor, and f.amily in Lansing. es met in the annual fall convention o'clock dinner, Ann Arbor Sunday afternoon to see Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andrews of with the local churches. Morning and Mr, and Mrs, R, Sherman enjoyed Mrs, Ethel Lake but found she had Commerce, were Saturday callers of afternoon sessions wore held nnd 25 the d.ay with friends in Grand Rapids, passed asvay about two weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Andrews. churches from Montcalm, Ingham, Insurance Sunday. Ethel will bo remembered here as Mr. and Mrs, Warren Rupp of De­ Ionia and Eaton counties were repre­ Mr. and Mrs. A, Foote visited Mr, Ethel Morrison, youngest daughter of troit, were week ond guests of Mr, sented, and Mrs, G, Waterstratt In Marcellus, ALL-WEATHER Rov, and Mrs. Morrison, who traveled nnd Mrs. Richard Andrews, Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Will Camp entertained Sunday, Ingham circuit for 3 years. They left they wero all guests of Mr, and Mrs, seven youngsters at a picnic dinner FIRE THEFT AUTO STORM Sec how Goodyear puts liift Mrs, L, Xanders spent the week end husky kccn-ocd lilock.s of here about 18 years ago. A, Rupp of Bath, last Saturday, Sept, 24, at Bennett with her parents near Eaton Rapids, rubber in the center—to dift Millvilie Sunday school elected the James Hulett and Mabel E. Root park in Charlotte. A fine timo was STRONGEST There wns a good attendance at the in, (Jrip iuul hold on slippery following officers Sunday: Deeo Wil entertained Capitol Grange, Saturday enjoyed. Community Country club business op^covERAG^E Dean Taylor COMPANIES roads. cox, Supt,; Howard Gauss, Asst. evening. About 40 were present. Mr. and Mrs. Southworth of Char­ meeting Friday evening, Potluck sup­ Supt,; John Graf, Sec.-Treas. lotte, were callers at the home of Mr. More stop f Remvinbcr, brakes per was served at 6:30 o'clock. New Over Farmers Bank Class No. 1, Jolly Friends, will meet and Mrs. Cecil Hall last Sunday. stop the wheels—but it tnkes committees appointed were: Enter­ with Mr, and Mrs, Eggleston, Friday Northeast Alaiedon The Chamber of Commerce Is tires wit It traction to stop tho tainment, Mr, and Mrs, Whitehead t car without slip or skid. evening. Sept, 30, Bring watermelons and Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Parker; or muskmelons for refreshments, Other treads coinc and go; menu, Mr, and Mrs, Merwin Pratt and Everett Harwood and Maggie Bur Mrs, Clara Wade spent last Wed­ the Goodyear All-Weather Mrs, Kittle VanCourt, den spent Sunday 'afternoon in Web­ nesday with Mrs. Hiram Butters in throws more popular every Mr. Slater has moved into the house berville with' their niece and family Williamston. year. Thi.t tire outsells any recently vacated by Glennis Franklin. Mr, and Mrs, L, P, Williams, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Core of Lansing other in the world. Mrs, Olive Parker and son of Hale, were Sunday callers at the Evans Take lulviiutaSc of our trade- nnd Mrs, Wm, Sidell of Fowlerville: home, in-.illowance—have the world's t Okemos and Vicinity visited the former's sister, Mrs, Will Mr, and Mrs. S. C. Rae of Lansing, OPEN AIR SHOW safest and best tires on your Clark, last Thursday, spent the week end with their parents, carforfiilln fid winter driving! Mrs, Bertha Br.avender is confined Mr. and Mrs.- William Miller. 1 The Baptist Ladies will serve a to the bed by Illness, Dr. and Mrs. Peter Lillle of Roch­ Newton Woods put a new roof on ester, Minnesota, spent a few days Latest Lifetime GiLirmtccd chicken pie dinner in the church din­ ing room Friday, Sept, 20, Proceeds the Hilliard Bravender barn last week. last week with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony are for repairing the church roof, Rev. R. E. Terwilliger and Mrs. Marzen. Dr. Lillle is connected with GCIOD^YEAR Mr, and Mrs, Otto Turnu and Terwilllger attended the funeral of his Mayo Bros, hospital, Mrs, Lillle is a daughter Audrey, recently visited grandmother, at Howard City last niece of Mrs, Marzen, SPEEDWAY Rev, F, Donovan in FInlay City, Thursday. Roy LaDue and family of Lansing, Miss Clara Doris Richey spent s were Sunday callers of the Roback's. Supertwist Cord Tirca Rally day for church and Sunday school was observed in the Baptist few days last week with Rev. Ter M. K. Campbell and wife of Mason, church iast Sunday, The pastor. Rev, wllliger. visited Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Wade one Curry, gave the morning sermon sub­ Ivan Rice of Williamston, called on day last week. ject on "Evangelization," This was his uncle, Everett Harwood, Monday. Twenty-five friends and relatives followed by promotion exercises dur­ gathered at the home of Mrs, Sadie ing Sunday school hour, A potluck Roback, Sunday, Sept. 18, the occa­ Monday, October 3 dinner was served in the dining room. sion being their annual September Afternoon service began at 2:30 with birthday party. There are ten mem­ Inspirational addresses by Rev, R. B, bers of the two families of Frank Ro­ Deer, pastor of the First church. Rev, The Williamston high school opened back and the late Arthur Hasbrook, at 8:00 p. m.—Rain or Shine (Inside if it rains) Ross of the South church and Donald last week with the following corps of who have birthdays in that month and Grey of the ofivet Baptist church, Mn teachers: Supt, James Cotter; prin- have made this an annual affair for Pull Price of Each In TulMi Ovifrsl/.o Knch r«lrs Hamilton gave several solos during clpal, Clyde. Overholt; commercial, the past 15 years. A bounteous pot­ the day. One solo was given by Paul Wilbur Bochrtahler; mathematics and luck dinner and supper was served. 4,40-21 «S.49 ••91 coaching, .Burton Carmany; English Guests were present from Clark Lake, 4.50-20. Fuller. There was a large attendance 3.89 S.79 .9> at those meetings. and economics. Miss Anna Laura Mc- Leslie, Davison, Lake Odessa, Okemos 4,50-21 3.95 3.83 .91 Elhenie; Latin, history, music. Miss and Lansing. 4.75-19 „... Rov. Thayer gave his first sermon 4.*» 4.50 .94 Viola Brody; home economics, Miss 4.75-20.,._..», In the Methodist church Sunday. He 4.70 4*57 .91 Ruth Williamson; seventh grade. Miss 5.00-19 X.OO was sent here by the conference from 4.9S 4*7t Sparta and Rev. O. F. Bulman was Ruby Johnson; sixth grade, Mrs. Joe New Talking Pictures 5.00-20 4.95 4.80 1.14 Star Rente ^.oa-2i sent to Sparta. Rally day was ob- Overholt; fifth grade, Mrs. Doris s.is 4.98 1.1* serlved in this church Sunday. Brunson; fourth grade. Miss Helen Prof. G. C, White and Mrs, White Gorsline; third grade. Miss Ruth Mrs. Herbert Bywaters has gone to A. A. Howlett & Co. visited relatives over the week end Thayer; second grade, Mrs, Estella Grand Rapids, to care for her mother, First Public Showing Talking Moving Pictures in Mason Mason here. Barber; first grade, Miss Helen Mrs. Kaywood, who is ill at the home Kuehn. The kindergarten department of her son, Bert Kaywood. is being cared for by students. The Mr, and Mrs. Pearl Ward are en­ total enrollment for the whole school tertaining company from Harbor WEEK END is 502, 206 of these are in the four Springs, Mr. Ward's mother and two higher grades, which leaves 296 in the sisters and family. lower grades. There are 85 foreign Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ellsworth and pupils with a few more to come later. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Scarlett were See! FREE! Hear! Claud Gorsline, the layman elected callers of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shat- from the M. E. church to attend the tuck, Sunday afternoon. annual M. E. conference at Mt. Clem­ Mr. and Mrs. Poster Bartlett enter­ "Source of the Ford Car", "The New Ford Truck", "Little Riv­ SPECIALI ens, last week was in attendance sev­ tained the latter's sister, Mrs. Ilah eral days and gave a fine report of the Beckwlth and daughter Nadine, Sun­ ers"—^Also the Famous Stage and Radio Stars wliile we term these as specials we do not mean tliat our session of the conference at the open­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Poster Bartlett otlier goods are liigher in price. We display tliese only to ing of the Sunday school Sunday. and family taking them to their home sliow our customers liow low our prices are and to lielp them Duncan Palmer, who underwent an in Chelsea, Sunday evening. emergency operation for appendicitis Miss Agnes Beebe attended her in their purchases. at a Lansing hospital last Priday, is Sunday school class party at the home recovering satisfactorily. of her teacher, Mrs. H. H. Barnum, The Ford Dixie Singers BUY NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Mrs. Carrie Linn, wife of Prank Saturday evening. Linn, passed away at Sparrow hospi Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Otis entertained tal early Tuesday morning. Besides the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. in person. DON'T MISS THIS TREAT! the husband she leaves two daughters Jessie and grandmother, Mrs. Mary Felt Tains, all colors - _25c and one son. Jessie from Northwest Stockbridge, Mrs. Waffle, widow of the late Gibb Sunday. Waffle, passed away at the home of Miss Bernice Allen was home from Men's wool mixed hose, pair.. 10c her daughter, Mrs. Edd Rlbbie, early Royal Oak and spent the week end THE NEW FORD TRUCKS O N DISPLAY Tuesday morning, aged 78 years. Sur­ with her mother, Mrs. Grace Allen. Boys' all wool high top hose. -30c viving are three sons and three daugh' Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Naylor of Ea­ ters. ton Rapids spent Sunday at the home and ready for demonstration. We want you to see and drive these trucks without obliga­ Men's Work Shirts 49c of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. DeGrdft. tion. A full line of the sensational Ford V-8 and improved 4-cylinder passenger cars on Mr. and Mrs, Prank Van Tyle and I Towar Garden and Hart display. Get the thrill of your life. Ask for a demonstration! family of Ann Arbor spent Sunday Congoleum Rugs, 18x36 9c Sub. Div. with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hodgson and family Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Otis of Mason All Kinds of School Supplies Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith called on spent Sunday evening with Mr. and her brother, Jay and family, Sunday. Mrs. L. C. Otis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Boyle and-chil­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Royston of Ea- Snyder's Sc-lOc to $5 Store dren, Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith called ton Rapids were Sunday guests of on Mr. nnd Mrs. Prod Hayhoe, Sun­ Mrs. Grace Allen. J. B. Dean H. H. SNYDER, Prop. day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. DeGroft enter- FORD SALES AND SERVICE MASON, MICHIGAN Mary Poster of Indian Hills, visited taine„ d Mr_ . an_ d Mrs. Huber and fam- her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R.|riy of Lansing Sunday evening.


opponents. However, the Dansville Burt Coons of Corunna, spent Sun­ Passes Bar Test Aggies Swamp Brown's boys scored In the third quarter on a Lott District day with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lar- delayed line buck. Frook carried the RUSSELLSMI LflSSBYFORESTFi ver. Crew In Opening Game ball about 26 yards to bring the total At the last meeting of the commun­ Miss Harriet Binkley of Lansing, points 25 to 0. ity club it was voted to hold a fair at spent a few days with her parents this WIN 25-0 WITII EASI>-DISPLAY Frook, Hoover and Simons starred J u TY FiFimS SETSNMRW the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wie- week. MIDSEASON FORM. for the Aggies and Dewey, Brogan land of Holf on Friday evening, Oct, The Birthday club was entertained and Purdy were the shining lights of 7. All members are invited to come MASON TAKES 12-INNING TILT AMPLE SPRING AND FALL BAINS by Mrs. Viva Wieland last Wednesday Displaying a strong: line and a the Stockbridge eleven. and bring something to sell and some­ WITII FIRE DEPAllTMENT. CUT DOWN LOSS. for dinner. A pleasant time was re­ strong, fast backfleld, the Dansville thing for the fish pond. A free lunch ported by all. Aggies had little trouble In winning Hits By Hnll And MiKcr In TwdfMi Dourcaso Oh 51 Acres In Average will be served. , their first game of the season last Fri­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Binkley and South Leroy End Pitchint,' Diicl At Area Of Fire, New Labor Policy Mr. and Mrs. John Rummlns and their daughter Harriet went to Owos­ day at Dansville by a score of 25 to County Park. lit Credltcil. 0. Stockbridge tightened up the de­ daughters accompanied by Mr. and so, Tuesday to visit his sister, Mrs. Mrs. Harry Rummlns and son visited fense In the second half and showed a Mrs. Anna Smith is quite ill at the Jane Rice. Miss Harriet remained Russell Stevens fanned 19 Lansing Unless extraordinary conditions de­ their son in Detroit last Sunday. with her aunt a few days, little better football form, holding the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur velop within the next month, Michi­ Aggies to one touchdown in the third Fear, but is improving at this writing. firefighters Sunday afternoon at the county park and he didn't fan them gan may experience this year the low­ quarter and scoreless in the last per­ Mrs. Arenath Oestcrle of near De­ just to cool them off after gxtlnguish- est forest fire loss in more than a de­ iod of play. troit, was in this vicinity one day last ing a blaze. He put a baseball past cade or since the department of con­ Stockbridge kicked off at the whis­ week. 19 of them for the third strike over servation has been keeping records of tle and the Aggies carried the ball Mrs. Mine Weston is very ill at this the annual destruction done by fire. back to the 3,5 yard line. From that a route of 12 Innings, a baseball game writing. which was-eventually won by Mason Figures issued by the department to­ moment Coach Searl Briggs proteges Mrs. Merton Rico visited her par­ day show 2,110 fires so far this year, drove the small Stockbridge squad 4 to 3. In 12 innings Stevens yielded ents In Eaton Rapids, last week. but seven hits. Ho was opposed by burning over approximately 36,000 back until at the end of the quarter The infant son of Glen West is very acres. This is compared with 4,133 they were In the shadow of the goal Trowbridge, stellar Lansing hurler. ill. Trowbridge pitched a good game, al­ fires reported in 1931, burning over post. The Aggies took the ball over Several ladies met at the L. A. S. 282,900 acres. the line on tho second play in the next lowing; 10 binglos but Stevens took his hall for a quilting isee one day last measure over the long route. Unless a drought occurs between period but failed to make the point week. after touchdown. Stevens was in perfect form. He now and snowfall to increase the fire Bert Wolverton was a caller of Frad hazard, the total acreage burned over Simons, carrying the ball around Holland in Webberville ono day last was never taken for more than one hit in an inning. In the twelfth, after in 1932 will probably not reach 50,- left end for the Aggies scored after week. 000, it was predicted. In ordinary running half the length of the field. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Monroe and chil­ the first man up cracked out a single, Stevens tightened up and struck out years the height of the fire season oc- Near the end of the half Frook cashed dren visited in Webberville, Sunday. GEORGE H. MCARTHUR curs In the spring and again in Sep­ in on a long pass bringing the score the threo leading firemen hitters. In Miss Maiiel Wolverton is assisting tember. Both spring and fall periods at the half to 19 to 0. Mrs. Ivan Wilcox with her housework. six different innings he struck out at least two Lansing sluggers. Among the 253 who passed the state have had plenty of rain, In the second half the Stockbridge bar examination on September 12, 13, The field administration division of squad came onto the field fighting. Maybe the people own the govern­ Mason Gt'ls Three and 14, was George H. McArthur of the department is crediting care on After that tiio Aggies earned all the ment. But the man who owns a plow- An error by Hall and a triple by Mason. He is the son of Judge L. B.' the" part of the public and the reduc- ground tiiey gained over their smaller horse doesn't try to dodge feeding it. Vanderiip gave the fire department McArthur and Mrs. McArthur. Ho tion of pay for drafted labor from 30c counter in the first. Mason went was graduated from the University of to 15c an hour, as having played an scoreless until the sixth inning when Michigan law school in June of 1932.; important part in keeping down the throe runs were made. Barker and Ho was a member of the 1925 grad- number of fires. Reduction in the Archer reached first by errors. Eckeri unting class of Mason high school, drafted labor pay rate has reduced the singled and then Stevens helped his Miss Virginia Dell, daughter of Mr.' number of incendiary fires, It is be- THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME MICI^OGAN BELL own cause by a single lo score the and Mrs. Rina Dell, formerly of Alaie- Hcved. third run. don township, also passed the tests. Increased efficiency on tlic part of Tlie comfort of the home is one of the first tilings that the TELEPHONE CO. A single in each of the scventli and the forest fire fighting organization is eiglith innings gave Lansing a run in credited with a gradual but certain home owner should consider. It doesn't mutter if tlie rooms each. In each inning Stevens struck i Pray Neigliborhood j reduction in the area burned over by out two men. Mizer's error accounted the average firo. In 1931, the average are beautifully furnished or if one has all the modern con­ for the run that tied the score.- area burned over per fire was 6S Trowbridge gave Mason but two Mrs, Ethel Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. acres. So far this year tho average veniences in a house if it is uncomfortable becau,sc of poorly hits between the sixth and twelfth Claud Redfield visited Mr. and Mrs. area ljurned per fire has been lowered innings. Stevens issued six over the Grover Royston, Friday. to 17 acres. fitted doors and windows which allow the cold winter drafts same route but only allowed one Mrs. Grover Royston visited-Mr. Fire wardens are urging teachers an inning. Mason won the game nnd Mrs. ?Ienry Redfield and mother, In scliools in the "forest firo districts" to enter. See us; the cost of making the home liveable the twelfth when Hall led off with Mrs. Anna Rodfiold, Monday. to instruct pupils in the proper care would be small and the added comfort will more than pay single. He was advanced to second Mr. and Mrs. John Barker were in of fires in tho woods and what to do and scored on Mizor's hard drive. Dimondale, Saturday evening. should a forest fire be discovered. Buster Hail and Mizer were the only Wilbur Daniels was in Eaton Rap­ for the expense. Mason men to lake Trowbridge for ids, Saturday. Hulliberger of Dansville, were Thurs­ more than one hit. Eacii of them Mr. and Mrs. Grover Royston wore day evening callers at the Collar poled out two safeties. Lynn Hark in Charlotte, Saturday. homo, Mickelson-Baker Lumber Co. ness, Lang, Barker, Archer, Eckert Miss Gertrude Todd called on Mrs. Mrs, Edd Mullen spent Monday and and Stevens got a hit apiece. Vander^ Delia Royston, Sunday. PHONE 16 lip with a triple and two singles was Tuesday with friends in Lansing, the leading hitter for Lansing. Trow Frank Mullen was in Lansnig a few bridge hit safely twice. days during tho week. Noitli Holt Jack IcUes of Jackson, is with his grandparents for a timo. Rally day was celebrated in tho^ Mrs. Ernestine Pliillips of Los An­ Investing Safely Prosljytorian church at Holt, Sunday,' geles, California, was a week end vis­ CROiSMEM Sept. 25. The primary class with an. itor with Mrs. Edd Mullen. Regardless of wliether a shrewd investor looks for profits, sure divi­ enrollment of 45 gave tho rfilly day| Mr. and Mrs. Claude Clements wore welcome song and led in repeating tlic j Thursday callers of T. J. Gillani. dends, or safety of his principal, ho always should know the age of AIFOWLEfiiLEFA Lord's Prayer. Their superintendent George Sawyer has traded ills farm the company before ho invests. is Mrs. Roy Shaft. Mrs. Ethel Thor- for property in Lansing. .^I.ASoN To ."MKITr .STOCKI$KII>GE burn's class of girls gave a 3 act play Mrs. Edd Mullen was in Mason, Sat­ Almost anyjiusiness can exist, Cor a year or two, but an institution IN IJASEIJ.ALL TOUIJNKV. "Tho Princess and the Baby Moses." urday afternoon, to endure must be old enough lo have come througii poor business "I'VE HAD SO MANY Mrs. Ellen Sitts of Mason, was n A recitation by Eunice Kirker and years unsluiken. Fowlervillo Fair To OpiMi Nc.vt Week Betty Drumm and the Old Rugged Sunday caller of Mr. and Mrs. Roy l.s one Ot Oldest Fairs, 1!I,S3 Parks. Cross by George Kieppc with the When you look for a safe place for your savings, look Cor Iho ago. GOOD TIMES SINCE WE PliiHS FJiibDrale. school joining in the chorus completed Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Jasdofer and the program. An offering was taken Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smitii of Lan­ During forty years, the Standard has safely handled over eighty mil­ In announcing their 'ICth exposition for tho Presbyterian board of chris- sing, were Wednesday callers at tho lion dollnrs, paid ils investors in dividends over eight million dollnrs, with the slogan, "On top since 1SS6,' tion education, GlUam home. and kept ils stock nt 100 cents on tho dollar, with never a loss and GOT OUR TELEPHONE" the directors of the Fowlervillo fair Donal Parks and daughter of Lan­ A son, Gilbert Eugene, was born to never a miss. say: "Wo point with pride but we do Mr. and Mrs, Steve Dorer, on Sept, 11, sing, were Sunday callers at the "Before wc got a tclcplionc, I missed not view with filarm. We have no The Woman's Missionary society Parks home. WE INVITE VOIJK IWEST.^IENT alibis to offer, and no apologies to will hold its annual silver tea on Wed­ Miss Vorleo Collar of Howell, spent iiiniiy good times with tlic crowd. But make," They point, witli pardonable nesday afternoon at two o'clock, A the week end with her-parents, Mr. pride, to their 1931 fair as their best and Mrs. Charles Collar. now they can reach mc easily, and I'm play will bo presented. Every woman Standard Savings effort, staged in tho face of a deplet­ n tho congregation is invited. always inchidcd when parties arc planned. ed income, due to a rigid reduction in If Mrs. Harold Shattuck, Star route, gate admission and the price of con­ will bring this item to tho NEWS of­ & Loan Association cession space. Full credit is given to fice before Oct. 11, she will bo given GrUwold at Jefferson Detroit, Michigan "Mother says that slic feels mucii safer Four Town Corners tho public for their liberal patronage, >~4 a free admission ticket to the Mason which the directors believe justify Local Representatives, with a tclcplionc in tlic Iiousc, too, for theatre. their plans for a bigger and better Mrs. Wm. Robbins of Miller Road, L. R. White, Mason, Mich. in case of sudden sickness, fire or acci- program for October Sth to Sth, 1932, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Aren't people smart? They are In keeping with the basic ideas of Wemplo. waiting for stocks to go up before C. A. Clinton, Mason, Mich. dent, it enahles us to summon aid im­ an agricultural fair a full line of live­ Mrs. Earl Braman and Mrs. Roy riding them down. mediately, day or night. stock, farm produce, educational pro­ ject exhibits and everything of inter­ est found at a fair, is assured by of­ "Considering how little it costs, fering liberal premiums in these de­ partments. wc decided wc should not be In the harness races and baseball without a telephone." . mm departments, two sporting events for which the fair is famous, an unusual program has been arranged, Owin to this fair being the last and only fair in the state oh these dates there will bo an overflow of the best trotters and pacers in the state, to compete At Our New Location .... in tho eight races. The usual four- team baseball tournament has been Hands— replaced by an eight-team affair, the first preliminary game will be played We Invite Our Friends To Share Our Good Fortune Sunday, October 2 by Perry and South Not Dollar Signs Make Lyon, Wednesday there will be a double header, the first game being between Williamston and Howell, fol­ lowed by Webberville and Hamburg, a Good Suit of Clothes Stockbridge and Mason start their battle on Thursday at 12:30, followed We wish to announce to our many friends and customers by the winners of the first and second so HART SCHAFFNER & MARX PUT 72 OF THEIR games. The last semi-final game will in and around Mason that we have leased the building formerly FINE .'ti«5 TO iii75 BENCH TAILORED DETAILS INTO bo played Friday and the survivors will stage a battle royal for first and occupied by the A. G. Spenny & Sons garage and have moved NEW FALL SUITS second money on Saturday, The stage and grandstand entertain­ to our new home this week. Our new shop and sales room, ment is something new to fairs—a de­ parture from the usual circus acts, located at 447 South Jefferson , has been entirely remodeled and we $22.50 featuring the stage show Parade of Stars, a musical comedy, directed by welcome our friends to share our good fortune in acquiring a new home Miss Corine Muer, former prinfa donna of the famous Artists and where overhead may be kept within the proportions of modern business. Models show, she will sing the song hits that she made famous. Parade of Stars is an elaborate spectacle in night entertainment, something never In addition to the same efficient, reliable service which we have always attempted by fairs of less than state fair caliber, maintained in our shop, we offer to the motoring public Sunoco Motor Oils Tluirsday is children's day, when the children will be the guests of the fair, FBce admission, free -rides, free and Gasoline. We heartily recommend this product to our friends and urge seats at the night show and a free drawing for a valuable bicycle, are them to give it a trial. features.

Again we extend to you an invitation to visit our new home and enjoy Pollok Comers the advantages with us of a reduced overhead. We are certain that you Mr, and Mrs. Frank Everett and children of Webberville, spent Sunday will be delighted with the promptness and efficiency of our service and the with Will Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Showerman fairness of our prices. spent Sunday with M. Showerman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Showerman wer,e in Jackson one day last week. The Conklln family have moved Into the store on the corner owned by Joe And that wasn't all that Hart Schaffner Cheney. Mert Vickers of Lansing, called on & Marx did. Beside the fine soft comfort­ George Vickers, Saturday. Alton Pollok and family have re­ able handwork—they improved the fabrics cently moved onto the Bates farm. Guy Phelps was in DAtroit last Thursday. —spent month after month testing and re­ Alice Cole and children and Nora Miller spent Sunday with Mr. and jecting and strengthening already good Mrs. Elmer Frost. Jason Pollok and Erma and James woolens. Kent spent Sunday with Stanley Voss. Myla Monroe was' In Detroit, Sat­ urday. Now you get greater wear, better weaves Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brenner and children were Sunday vlsltoi:s of Mrs. and patterns along with the smart new auth­ Rllla Pollok, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gragg and chll- oritative style. $22.50 never did more. dren of Detroit, spent the week end HALL-SLAGH, Inc. with Leah Squires.

If Mrs. Clara Casler, R. 1, will bring Harry E. Neely this Item to the NEWS office before Oct. 11, she will be given a free ad­ mission ticket to tbe Mason theatre. INGHAM COUNTY MWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29^1932 - Page Six

•• iJ } .' Legal Notice CIA§SIHED MOKTCiAOKK'S SALK OF KKAL ESTATE IS lOHBOI/OSUKE WH'ITrTERRTrRS Whcf'Chs, Uorfuilt Iffifi licoii nihdc ih the lefTOH ftml t'oiiflitlohn of Offft ccrtftln iiiorlnftKC fifttfiil lhe olKhtlf (.Stlf) tlfiy of July, lO'J'l. o.-ic efftfjil Ify Wllbuf't 1... (IrffesliccU hhtl tifiiifit fif-tfeslfeek, litfsbfthfl fthtl wire, of Lfthsltil?, IhK- lihnf Coffhly. IWIelfinah, lu Tlfo Coltfihbus Jolht For Sale Stock Lfiiftl Ufthk of Colfffnbtfs, it corifurhtioh. .i Dl' Colhnibtfs, Ohio, ofwfifiitoil hfffl uxisllhK un. MM i.s;, I, tier ffifti Ify virtue ol lllo ifi'ovislohs of tho Act LIVESTOCK—TOOLS of the Cohgfrss ot lhe Uhllofl Slfiles of Amcf'- ich, tfohffffohly kifowif ffs 'I'lfe I''«fltff'ftl Fhf'iff l.offff Art, which Hhifl morlKffKu wffs duly fflefl SJffifSiflfSSffSf:* FOR SALE—2 Holstoln heifers with for f-cf:offl Iff lho oirlcc of (he Hoitislor In uhtl enlves by side. Reasonable, Call for lhe Cfhiifly of Ihghhfff, Slhlu.of MichlKhii. Bmil Olnoy, 0 inlles'west and .1.lfl off tlfo Klovenlh. (I lib) flffy of AffiriisL il):;-!. miles youth of Mnson, SOwlp ftt Sillfl u, ffl,, antl there flffly f'ocof'tletl Ih l.fbur No, :.'ll, Iff MorlnffKf.'s, ffl luiKes Xi'2, hhfl fol- -•-'OJ lowlffK, of Inglfhfn Cthfifty, Michiifffff. Uccof'fls. FOR SALE—Choice Poland China ify f'effsfnf of Ihf! jfojf-ifffyfffefft of lhoso cortfflft spi'ing boixrs and gills at reasonable fffnorlizfftbff Iffslftllfifeffls of Offi! iltfifilf'cd Sev- ehty-rfvu fffifl Oll-lfJO (Sn.'i.llff) Dollitf's, effeh. prices, C, H, Ellison tt Son, firsL Kf'cuf'cfl by the sffid ffiof'lKffKe. which sffifl fni'in west ot stale game fnrm, 3n-tf fihff>rtl-/.ffiififf iffslffllnfffffls bccfffifo ilfie fffffl lfff.v- fflfle ffff the Kirst (Ist) flffy of Novoifibhr, I'.ill I. FOR SALE OR TRADE—For sheep, ffhfl the l''irsl (Ist) Ilffy of Mffy, I'.t.'fi, reslicc- a purebred Holstein cow, four years lively I hlfd Ify further feasoff of tho fffiluf'u of tho shifl ihorlKffttof's lo f-eihfbfff'«e tlfo lff'cs- okl, giving milk, Mrs, Mai'gnret effl ifolflef" of lho sffiti fflof'tfrffwo fof' ffff fftl- Biii-goss, two and one-half miles vaffco of 'rifirtcoh fffffl .Ki-Kifl (Slil,.'if)) Dollftf's, A White Terror of the North Atlantic west ot Mason on Coluliibia I'ond, fnfhie off life Ffhfrth (Ith) dffy yf .Mufrh, I!l,'l2, lo ictiolf llfff iffsfif'ffffco tfff lift! liffiltliifKs lorfftct) 3nw2 (Propnrcd by Nntloffhl OcoKrnpifio Society, most, are coiiiiilg soiilli at tlio speed off lift' (ftffds descriifod iff tlfo fffof'tKffKC iff t. it.Mflfirifofi, If, C,) —U^^JU jfcrvlce, ft.f'co : fffffl given. FOR SALE—Two Holslein cows, 3 CKHF.KtliS, lllo white torrors of Wlft'f'off.f, the Hffffl hfof'ltrfffro Ifffs beeff flffly tile North AUllnllc .ship lailo.s, aro .riio ocoanograplior notices, while year olds, with calves by side and ffssitrffcfl by the sfflf) The ColfififbffH ,If)lffl Stock likflting tile wlilor temporaturo, re- i(i coarse wool ewes and Shropshire l.ffffd Ibfffk of Colfifffbffs, ft cof'jftff'fflioff, tff on tllolr nnliiial initJl'atlon fi'oin Colfififbffs, Ohio, to Tlfo Vlf'Kiffiffh ,loifft Stfick Ilorts from slllp tliat tllolr presolit biick, Ui-ban Hess, 1 mile south I I the Arcllo to llioir doom In lllo l.fffffi Hffhk fif Clffirlesloh,. h cof'iforfflloff, of courses lulgllt carry tliom close to n iUKi I'l mile wcsl of Dansvilie, 39-1 p Cifftfif'stoff, West Vif'jtfffiff, fflso of'Kfffflvfed fffffl ' warm wlilel's on tlio gulf slrcailL Al­ t'.vfislifftr ffffflef' fffffl by vif'tffo tff the iff-ffvlsioffs ready Xorlll Allilnllo trallic lanes niiiiilicr of (laligoi'oiis bel'gs. An Ice FOR SALF—Plirebred 0,xfoi'd rams of life Ai't of the GohKfx'ss ot tho Uhiteil Sifftos warning Is liliiliodlaloly illspiUcliod, fit Afherich, f'offifhohly khowff hs Tlfo l'"cilef-ffl liiivo IfoiMi iiiovoil (10 allies sffiltliwanl and ram lambs, Percy FOler tt Kfff'fff Ufffff Act', lho shifl The Colfffhlfus'dtfiffl by order of tlio Ice pllll-ffl wlllcll re­ wlllcll llio vessels ackilowloilge with Stock l.fffffi llffhk of Coiffhfihfs hhviffi; Kohe Sons, Section 29, VVlieatliold, 39-tf, ports', that some li.'fO bol'RS will move thanks. Tilo vessels alter their ifflo volfffftfff'y lififffdfttioff ftffti ffll tit. Us ffssds coiirsos to clolir the U:e. If s Smart to be Thrifty FOR SALE—Five Holstein heifers to hffvifft: bci'ft aciiffifcfl fffffl Uffbilftif's ffsstfihcfl soiitllwiird tliirlli^' tilo IDIl'J Ice soaSon by lho shifl. The VfrKifffffft .loiht Hltfck Ufnil of April, Ma.v ami Jiiiio, On tile gi'oat stti-iiiiier Iliiio between freshen in November, Will sell or Hffffk tff Clfftf'Icstoff, by virtffo of ff cofftf'ffot More people than ever before are practicing' tlie liaijit of tlirift. Not trade for beef cattle, C, L, Thomp­ ilfflcd lho Twcffty-lff'sl (-1st) ilhy of .Soiftcfii- leclfoi'gs liiivo ahvil.vs boon the Europe and Aiiicrlca liners, cargo son, Holt, 39wlp bor, I'.f'J.'j, lho sffifl tlfo volhhlhf'y lifiuiflftlloff of ciirrloi'.s, and tramps pass constantly. the said Tho Colfffnliifs .Joint Stool; Lhhfl Hffhk drond of the translillantlc navigator, only tiiose wiio are forced to economize but tiioso who follow 'the latest of Coltffffbtfs ffffd the ffcflffisltioh of its ftssols Tlie.v drift liltlior antl yon, TIloy give It Is an avoiliio of tlio .soa jiist as FOR SALE—Or will trade for chick­ ffffd ffssfffffiftfofi of hs Ifffbllitios by the sffffi no warning of tllolr prosoiico, Tlioy inuoli ns Mlclllgan Iloiilovani or Fifth styles ancl fads ;ire among those saving' money in savings accounts at this ens, Jersey cow giving milk, Frank Tho Vlrufhlhff JolhL Stock Lffhd Hffffk of avenue Is a lloavy Iralllc stl'ool. On Tink, one-half mile west and two Clfhrlcsloff IfoiffK flffly ovfdehccd by cerllficfflo aro iiropollod now by ocean currents, of llfff Kftrnf I.offh Cofhfnl.ssiohor, • duly Iflofl now by tldo,s, and now by wlmls aiul what Is known as tile "westhoiind bank. It luis become the thing to do—and everybody is doing it. miles north of Bunkei-hill, 39wlp fof" f'lfffof'fl ih the Olflco of lho UoKlslt'f- iff ffhrl trauk.s" aro tilo slllps coming from fof' Iffglffffff Coffhly, Miclfijfftfi, oh the Tiflf'- waves. Fog Is lllf^lr conslant com- FOR SALE—Fiill blood Jei'sey bull, lletif Ciffllf) flffy of .luly, lOlil, fft Kiulfl (.SfOO) I'^iiropo, ilnd on the "oastbfnind pllnl • And tliat isn't all. You are building up a savings account that may I,') months old. Also 100 crates, A. M„ fffffl thef'o flffly f'of'of'flod ih Lilfer, No. tracks." 00 lnllfw soutli, aro tlie Ships '.Iff, of .Miscffllffffi'offs lU'coi'ds, off iffff;ch "JH.l A vessel spoodlng tliroiigll an area Wni, Sharland, Dansvilie, 39wlp going to I'hirojfo. fffffl fffllfnvlift,', of Iffglffffff Cfftfffly, MIchlgftff, tiifostod with moving loo, diiHng nlgllt prove to be one of your most valued possessions in the future. Start to­ liecorfis: fffffl tlfo sffifl fffof'ltcfftto is ftttw atvffofi All vessels ol'f tilo tracks aro re­ FOR SALE—Or exchange, Jersey bull by tifif saifl Tlfo Virttifflhff ,Ioiht Slock I.ftfiil or In fog, iilays a game of chance. calf, 2 weeks old, cow testing asso­ Hffffk of Chhrli'.''loff! fffffl Even on a starlit nlgllt a borg cannot ported for vltfllllloii nf llio rules. A day; be smart with the rest by beginning now to build up that financial ciation rocoi'd on dam, DIsoase-fi'eo WIfefcfts, thif ciftlf'O hfhoffht clffifffefl lo bo bo st^on boyonil a half mile; liiit when V0.S.S01 ol'f tliD track Is Just as dan­ fiffff fffffl fffflfffifl off lho sffifl ffiorlKfflfe ftt life gerous as an Icolforg or a dorollot. reserve. We will gladly welcome your account. herd, Eugene Lyons, phono 295- ilfftf' fff fills Notice'fof' tho bfflffffcc dffo off (Ife the position of tlin Ice is known to Fll, 39wlp sffifl fiiflfffif] fffffl delffffifft'fft iffstiilliffchls, tf>' the navigator, the flangor is ellmlnlit- The Ice patrol cutter stiilids as a itf'lher with iffti'ff'St thofi'on nfter doliiffiffehey, trallic o/llcor on tills nvoiiuo of the fffffl the sfufi ffflvffhi.'o, with Ihlorest llfef'eoff cd; ho call alter Ills course to avoid FOR EXCHANGE — Young w o r k soil. If tilo lee tliroaloiis blockage, horse to oxcliango for sheep, George ff'tffff tife dffle fflKfff tvhfcli sffch iidvtfffci.' trjis tho iiloiiaco. ffffffle, is tiff' sffhi of 'I'hf-f'o lltiifflreil Kit-hty- the ciittor sets the stop sign anil B, Disoni'otli, Ain'oliiis Center, Ma­ two ffnfl Dfiibtrs, nml Ihe Tlio ii.'O oniiios down evory year, as Tliesc men arc members of tlie Board f;;i-lffo (f?;j.suMi;)) ffff'- turns the Il-alllc Into a "side street" THE son postoffice, 39wlp tlfcr sfffh of Thirty-five hhfl If0-lff(f ($;)f"i,fiO) It has for (.'oilturi(;,s; Ifiit now every Dollnf-s ns ffff ffllof'ffoy's fee, ns ifroviflcfl fof" dolour to llio south. of tldsstronjr Banit; iff tlfo sffifl fuorlKfflTo fffffl Iff the slfftfflos ill berg tlmt follows Dio easlorn edge of FOR SALE—Day old calves and up,sffc h cffse ffffffle: fffffl life wlffilo hfffofifft clftirff- tile Oraiul nllilUs Into tlio stoaiiier Til roe soparato ellarts aro plotteil A, J, irftll U T, [.asonby J, N, nakor Lltnsing phone 703-F12, Will nlso f'fl to Ife flffe ffffd ffhimifl oh lho sffifl fffortgaj^e Farmers Bank L, n, McArthur L. II, Harrison A, 0, Wilson lanos Is Ucpt untlcr siirvolllanco Ify recording the slll|f's Ice and water ti'itde 7-yeai'-o!d gelding for cattle oh ffccfhfhl of shifl flelihfifieht ihslhllihi'hls, fffl- A, ,McnonaId f.,, U, Whflo Mhc VauKhn vftffco, hltorhi'y's fco is foffr Ilftffflrefl (lit! Inlcrililllfmfll If.'O pati'ffl, Kroiii toiiiiionitaros, Tilo latter Is very Im­ MEMRER OF FEDERAL RESERVE J, E. Taylor E, M, Shiiabuf-y H, E, Neely or hogs, 39w]p fffffl Sffvehlffcii fffhl DD-lfffi (.?.|17.i;;)) Dollhf's; hhfl this Korvico navlgiliffrs can loarn the port ant, beoauso by using from 000 to N, N, Itoffse J, B, Dean ho sffit or iff'occefllffK hffvifff^ lieeft iffslilutefl SYSTEM answer to tlio (iii(>.stlf)ii wliloli each l,;tOi) iiiossiigos in li'j days one can FOR SALE—About S,") Willie Log- ht Ifftv lo r )ver tho flf'ift hffw rehuflniift: se- hoi'n pullets, 2<.ir> egg productioncuf'ef l by llh' sffifl fhortiiffKO, or ffffy ifhrl asks: "\\'lloi'o Is lllo Ice?" locate UIO "colli wall," the line of tifefvof, wlff'feiiy lho I'ower uf salo eofflaiitefl doiiiarcatlon bolwooii tlie guff stream strain, 00c each, Russell Dolboo, Nift a single slllp lilLs boon lost Second house oast of Fox rlirm, Ip iff titff sffifl ffffirtj^iitto Ifffs Ifccofffe fipof-fftivf': water ami the coltl Lalirador current Now, Thcfoffife, Notice is llefoby (livoh. tliroiigll (.'(flll.sioii Willi an ICoborg siiloe Aseltine And Powers Thfft, by vfrlffe of Ihf^ sail! I'otvor of .Salff ahfl tilo plitfd! wlls liiaiigiiratoil, water. I'AHMiv-REAL ESTATE iff iffff-sfifffff'f' of the slfflffto ih sifrh cffse inhfle ami iif'ovfflf'fl, Ihf. sttifl niorljjittto, tvfll hf. fof'c- (!rt>fMililiiir,s "if'y inifliiitliliis" alfino The Danger Line. Texas fh-zd May Yield Fortune Play In Golf Finals f'lost'd by ff snle of tife iif-efrfises llfercin do- nro lllo sfMirco of lllo icolfol-gs tliat Tliis lino'Is lllo (laiigor lino, be­ FOR SALE—Farin SO acres with ."f'fibt'd 111 iiffiilii- nffriioii, lo Ihe hifillesi Iiiilder, cause Icoliorgs llliit iii'o. poi'ils to sniiiU down payment, Infjuifo at fffr f'ffsif, ffl tifff West I''f-oiit DfKir of lho como il,s fllr ,soulll a.s lllo stoliillcr ::i(i HOLE ,>r,\TCII SCHEDULED Nou's office or West Hiizol strool, I'offrl IIDH.-.!' ifl the Cily of ,M;i,wh, ih llie .saifl lanes. Journeying liliniit l.SOO inllo.s— sirlppllig solllom crff.ss It. Tilo lot'li- Cfifiifty of Ihttbanf, iff lhe Slatf' of .Miclfitjaff, Foil NEXT SUND.W. W, Thompson. wlp fsffifl iilaf'o b.'iffir tvhefe Ihe Circfiil Court in apifrnxlmaioly lllo (li.sillnt.'o from llon 01' It at lllo lil'ginnlng of the flfffl ffff' life sftifl Coffffly f>f IffKlfain is helfl), wiLslliiigion, n, C,, tn Hcllvol'—iH'fffro season Is an Index to lllo severily of l'\\UMS--ir InterosLod in buying, sell­ Last Sunday inorning Ed Powers fof Wf'flfff'sflffy, life 'l'wefft.v-oii;IftIf C.'.'illf) flav tlii-'y hocome "wllilo ,si)ooif'i'.s" In slilp- j oonflilions to bo ox))O0tril, ing or oxcliangliig farm propoi'ly of lii.f'ffiiiHT, lifli:;, ill l';i,.vi.ii (liifffi) o'eloc'k won his wiiy into tho final round in sf}e l'"'iet! A. See, VVillianisloii, phone iff the ffiri'ffofin of lifffl ila/, whif'If sffifl prem- ping. A borg tliat crossos tlio line cnni- tlic cliamplotiship division ;tt the Ma­ fsf's are ilf'siM-iliefl iff lhe sffifl mortiffiKO as son golf course, by dofoiiting Oscar ,''fl-\V, 39w;! fffllffws, tfHwii: W'Hh tilo oxf'oifllffn ot a silitill ,slrlp nills fiulck suioiilfs I'or water at i'u I Diehl 2-u, His opponent In the 30 Silifaf.'fl ill Ihf. Towffslfiif of r.of-oy, Cffififly of coast lino, Grooillaiid Is coilliflcloly to 00 llogroos iiiolts leo vci'y riiiilill,v. hole finals will bo Lyle Aseltine wlio FOR SALE—Or rout •! room bunga­ fff Ifftfiffffff, fffffl Stffte of Michitrfffi, ahfl kffffwn covorotl wllll a vilso li.'0 clip, os- A big lioi'g will ilisllifiiollr seven llays fffffl ili'sf'fibcil as ffillows: I won from Leo Burton by a score of low luul garage, ',.1 acre of hind in tiniaiod tIllf.'Uiio.s.s Is .1,000 I'orf, iiflor it ci'ossos tlio lliio. Holt, Ccorgo Thorburn, .Mason, R, Trffct i\f), 1 : Heifff; ff itarl of tlie hortif hfflf I'1-15 Sunday afternoon. of frfff'fff.ffffi .See. Nfi. L' ih Towffslfip No. II, Tilo (?oI(| wall Is oiLsy lo soo. North 3, 37-lf Always tilo If.'o iililntio Is mnvlilg Nffrtif of Ufihgo tvio, 2, Khst, and biMfhfled ffhfl of It llie ocoaii is a boautlfulr oUvo Play on tho first .IS boles of the ffffff'ff ffflly fl.'scf-ilu'tl as ffdiows: Coffffhehcffftr down tlio filffifo of tlio Illiiil nwaril match is scliedulod to begin at nine fft Ihf' horllftvesi f'orffer of lho sffiil Sectifth No. grooii, south of It llio walor is In- MISCELLANEOUS the soil. In gl-oat gliiclors, ]iiisliing o'clock Sunday inorning. Tho second L'; Ihomf' easlf'fly, iiloiit; /mil tvith Ihe ifth-lli- di.go blue Tlio Iligller coiitont of erly Ilffe fit saifl ,Seclioff No, 'J, .M.li,", chftihs; out tliroiigll tlio villloy,s. As lllo Ice IS will be played In the afternoon, FOR SALE—Concord grapes, '10c per liff'hf'O .siiuih, nliint; fiinl with a line paf'allel lo rcaolios llii' soli it no.ses nnt into 11* nili.'rosf.'opio uiarliio life gives tlio beginning at two o'clock. bushel, James Knaiif, Fitchburg, ]p Ihf' westerly line of the sffiti Seclioh No, 11, Labrador current Its ollvo-grooii tone. Iffl ffxis nfiil links; lliont'o wffstf'riy, alontr water until buoyancy lifts it up, ami Second and third flight are ftfhl with h liho imrnllel lo the horllierly lino FOR" SALE—Second hand Hotrick then llio front ot the gbioler hroalcs Tile prow ,of a cutter can be In progressing slowly. Handicapped by of the siiiil .Sf-clion No. o, .11 ehffiifs ahfl !lf"> cl'f at a won Ic spot. drive bolt, 7 in, wide and 100 ft. long links to it point fm tiie westerly lino of tho gropu water ot '10 dogreos Falirenliolt, rainy weather and early darkness, also short stlick of bean pod's. Fred shifl Seclioh No. o ; llfence northerly, itlohi; ahfl There Is a iloiu'onlng roar and a tilo ""storn In warm blue walor, that golfers have been unable to play their witlf the westerly line of lho saifl ,Seclioh No. registers GO dogreos. Tlio crew may matches as rapidly as was scheduled, Hampton, Losllo, phono 219F23. wl 'J, Ifi.'i rods nnfl 2 liffks lo Ihe place of liCKlh- tliuiiiloroiis I'ra.sh, anfl with a tidal ifiiitf, f'xcelflintt Ihofefrfhn Ihe smitherly M ftplasli tile glacl^ll fragiiiont pliiiigos swim In tropit.'al toiiiporaturod water, . In the first flight Harry Shultis and FOR S.-VLE-Nice Sweet juicy gr.apes acf'es Ihereof; nnfl ifontainintt, fffler tho fflfovc while half a mile away to the norlh Russell Bement aro scheduled to play eNceiilifnt is fnfule, abfful llf'i,,''iO Acf-es of Ifiiffh heavily into tilo son, almost submerg­ fjOc per bushel without basket. Dr. floats n lai'go Icoborg, drifting in cold Friday to wind up the semi-finals. The Trffct No. ••: Tho westerly 10 ncrf-s of the ing. The Wilier Is cluirned Into Freeland. 39wlp water. winner then will play Philetus Peck northerly lutrl of the NorllfeasL ff'nctfonal croaniy wavos as tlio newborn berg for the flight emblem. Nelson Brown fiffffrter of Secllofi No, li in Town.sliip No. Il, KlinUos olT tile soa, regains Its eriiilllb- As a boat approaches a floating lee FOR S.\LE—Golden Lace popcorn, iN'orlli, of liango No, KasI, .and Dr, Freeland have entered the ^^S)0 per bushel, grown by Howard ,\1I of lhe above described lanfl cohlainihir rliun, and sottlos Itself comfortably Islaml a si/.zlliig soumi become aud- somi-linais In the third flight and in Galley, Leave orders at News of- in the autrf-enale alimft IKJiO hcf-es, ffiiil boinc for •>. long Joiirtioy soutlnvard. ilile. Clo.so nttontlon shows lliat the second bracket Gerald Parsons lioo or Xlickclson-Haugh hardware, the sfffffe If'ffcl of lanfl conveyed to Wilbort I.. (Jrffcsiicek aiffl Knf/ifa f.'ruesbcck, hiisbahfl Come From Greenland. tills comes from siiiall pieces of lee ! and Lynn Harkness have advanced to 39-tf hfffl wife, Ify Albert .1. Crijipcn hnfl Ro.sc K. Tiiero aro eight principal borg-pro- slipping oil' into the sea. Unlike or­ ' to tho semi-finals. Cfii.pen, Ifis wifi', by lleefl daltil lloccnibor dinary Ice , Iiirniis, the pieces ef­ APPLES—1 will pay 30o por 100 for ml, r.fld, filefl for I'ecof'fl Ileconflfer 111, lOIO, duclng glaciers in Cireoiiland. The sound elder apples delivered my mill ffnfl fecftf-ilf'd in l.ibor TM, at phKO 07 of liiK- woi-^t ol'foiulei'.s are those of Disko fervesce. This Is a peculiarity ot Ifftfff Couffty need Itffcof-ds, glacial Ice, due, in all probability, to Rally Day Services commencing October 3rd, E, E, 'I'he sffifl If'ffds of land IfoinK contiKuofis and bay, JiiUolisliavoii, and Torsukatak, Emmons, St, Johns, Michigan, 39-tf lofjelher fornfint; one bofly ot Iftnfl tfsed ns tlio fact tliat it I.s compacted of snow. Karajiik, nnd UiiianaU on the west Are Held In Okemos one fffrni, coiLsr. Thoiisand.s'Of Anierlcans sailed to FOR SALE—Peonies, Iris, Bleeding Tlfi^, saiji, i.s. ,lo bo made ,sfflfjocl anfl inforior Tliat lioreiofore useless 'rc.xas weed the "de-ll's shoestring," may turn lo lhe finpaiil pf'iheiifal of lhe nolo secured by I'.orgs are disoliargcd in vnst num- Europe last year. Few of tliem were INTEKBSTING P U Q G II XM PRE­ Heart, shrubs and evergreens for the sffifl fnorlKftue to life said Tho Coluiiilius out to be n gold mine for tlio Lone Star state If CHperlmoiils now being made Ilers from these and other Greenland aware, as Ihcy retired lo tlieir state­ fall planting, C, L, Bashford, '103 .loiifl Slock l.ahd Hank of Columbus, now helfl by the Department of .Agriculture oxiiorts prove successful. It Is cliockful ot SENTED L.4ST SUNDAV. South St, on US 127, 38w-lf, by The Vif'Biniftn Joint Slock [.and Bank of llnrds. Vet few come south of New- rooms at night, of what precautions poisons fatal to Insects, which poisons. If thoy can bo evtracted from It In Chhrlestoh, amountinK lo I'offr Tifousffnd Four foiindliind. Many nre too small lo last were being taken for their safety. Rally day services were held at the Hffifflfefl Niiiely-six ftnd OS-100 (Sl,.l!tG,flS) us.Tblo form, may very well take the place of 10,000,000 pounds of pyrethrum FOR SALE—Evergreens, ornamental DoIIaf's, with inlofesl Ihofeoh at Ihe f-alo long. They did not know lliat in the radio Okemos Baptist church last Sunday flowers which, are now Imported nacli year to niako Amorldan Insecticides. The shrubs, perennials, rock garden of si.\- per ccfflffni (C,%) per anntmf ff-om hhd Oiily the fittest survive the biifCet- room on Uio upper dock of their shlp,s, with over 125 attending. At the morn­ plants, roses and forty varieties ot hfter the First (Isl) dffy ot Mffy, 1011',!, which a message from the Ice pntrol was photograph shows 1!. C. Iloark. dioiiilst In charge of .Insecticide division, with ing service Ray Hamilton of Lansing, hhlahec is lfh,vitblc in inslhllmcnls of One Ifun- Ings of the sea, to bo carried south Irise, Evergreen Nursery, Percy some "devil's shoestring." tenor soloist, gave two numbers and df'ofl Sevonly-rfve ftml 00-100 ($175,00) nolhff's, on the How of the Labrador current coming In, telling about fog nnd Ice­ Foler & Sons, Williamston, Section each, duo on the Fff-st (Isl) tiftys of Mfty and berg,?, Rev. F. L. Currey, pastor, spoke on 29, VVhoatlield township, 38-tf Nuvefnber in efich yoftr, such ihslftllfifont.s in- nnii along the eastern edge of tho "Evangelizing." At the Sunday school I'liiflinK inlofesl cnlcffbflcd nt .si.\ per cenlfffn banks Into the gulf stream. This Nor tlld thoy realize that their liner (fiOJ-), per finnufn hhfl h phymeiit oh the pi'in- hour the Intermediate' department pre­ FOR SALE—Ford truck, Ford panel cipffl ih accof'flhnco with the terms ffnd provi­ warm current gives them short shrift; was reporting a coast guard cutter G. W. Lays a Cornei^tone Again sented a play and Doris Powell sang. body truck, Chevrolet coupe, Nash sions of the note sccfircfl by tho saifl nfof'lKhno; but until thoy Illivo dwindled to the drifting on the Grand Ranlcis, so thnt A potluck dinner was served in the sedan, trailers and auto parts. Ma­ tlfo sftle is also lo be hiftfle sffbject to Iftxos for the yehr, Uilll, hnd tliof-ehftor, Bizo of nn ample library desk thoy nre oflicers on the cutter could check to church dining room immediately after son Auto Salvage, Okemos St. Ip nfftefl ht Mffsoh, MiifhiKftn, lhis '20th dfty of caimblo of staving In a vessel's plates. learn If the liner's course wns en­ Sunday school, Seiitemlior, 10il2. FOR SALE—Or trade two heavy duty The Labrador current, although a tirely clear of danger. Rev. D. B. Deer, pastor of the First THE VinClNIAN JOINT STOCK LAND Baptist church of Lansing, gave the 33x5 tiros, one nearly now. Geo, H, HANIC OF CUAIU.ESTON, (AssiKiioe hnd danger ciiirler, has Its usefiilne.s.s. It Tlio Titanic catastrophe In April, Ellison, first farm west of state Holder of the sffifl MorlifffKO). teems with all kinds of marine life, 1912, shocked the oiitli'e world, nnd a main address of the afternoon. Short J, W, WILSON, Allof'ffey for saifl AsslKnco talks were given by Rev. Donald Grey game farm, 36-tf nffording breeding nnd .feeding universal deuiand for a patrol gave ftnd llfdfler of said fnorlKaiio, nfisifiess Ad- and Rev. W. S. Ross, both of Lansing. df'ossf Virginian r..ffhd Ilhnk Hldt.-,, Chftrlosloii, birth to tlio International Ice pntrol. grounds for our lie.st food llsli. The young people's chorus sang two West Virt,'^!, :i!lwl3. Immediately after the Titanic disas­ For Rent Tlie berg danger period coincides numbers and there were solos by Ray 1 ter the United States navy detailed If ,\, H, Dlckman, R, 4, will bring with tlie heavy How period of the Hamilton and Paul Fuller. Rev. Hal- two cnilsers for guard duty until tho FOR RENT—Four room furnished this item to the NEWS office before Labrailor current each year—tlmt Is, penny, presii^ent of the Michigan apartment and garage, private en­ Oct, 11, he will bo given a free admis­ from llnrcli 1 to July 1. It Is dur­ last bergs disappeared from the Sunday school association, spoke on trance. Call evenings. Inquire at sion ticket to the Mason theatre. ing this period tlmt the cutters pa­ steamer lanos lu late June. In the "Character Building.," before an aud­ News office. 39wlp trol the Ico-enilangercd areas. spring of 19II.S two revenue cutters ience of over 200 at the Sunday sehool hour. •Wisconsin has ordered the removel Two cullers aro assigned to the lee wore detailed to carry out the patrlil.,* FOR RENT—6 room modern apart­ of all advertising signs along its pntrol, with n third cutter held in During the fall of the snnie''yfi»'^ ment, hardwood floors, cedar closets FIRE PREVENTION. highways, reserve. The cutter on duly Is a the International conference ''fjjj^ho and cistern, newly decorated. Fur­ Several insurance companies, nace absolutely A- condition. Bath busy place every day. To curry out safety of life nt sea was. co'ny»ned nt TRUCiaNfJ—Livestock, hauling and through their local agents, have sig­ closets. Location lVi< blocks from the orders, "to locate tho Icebergs London, to organize tliLs'paii^ol on nn general trucking, anywhere, any nified their intention of conducting a court house. Liberal terms to right and Ice fields nearest the transnllnn- Internntlonal basis, In .(jjeognltloa of time. Prompt service, reasonable Are prevention campaign during fire parties, Dick Henderson, Inquire tlc sleanislilp Innes, nnd to determine its service to syp>,j;of nil nnllons. rates, C. Balmer, DansvlUej phone prevention week, In a proclamation at 519 S, Jefferson, 38w2p RepresentntIvos%£^#b principal mari­ 77. 50eow the''sou+.lierly, easterly and westerly President Hoover recently declared limits of the lee ns it moves to the time nations of tti'e world signed the October 9 to 15 as 'fire prevention FOR RENT—Strictly modern and pri­ LARGE Chicago piano manufacturer Eouttiwiird, and keep track of nil Ice ngreoment on January 20, 1914, creat­ vate six room apartment, centrally week. Losses by fire have increased has in the vicinity of Mason, a beau­ 'seen or reported," is not an easy task. ing the Int'ornntlonal Derelict Destrne- greatly, according to jBgures of the located. Fine proposition for renter tiful player piano slightly used and The oceanogrupher's day begins be­ .tlon, Ice^Observation, nnd Ice Patrol National board of ,flre underwriters offered. Inquire at News office. almost paid for. Will sell to re­ • f 33-tf fore the break of dawn, because he servlco. who advocate an educational cam­ sponsible party who will complete, The'United States wns asked to un­ paign to lower fire losses, „ ^ contract on small monthly pay-, must get star slglits/'fQr position If FOR RENT—Five room steam heated ; tlie fog permits,, thl^,%8^^jt>t the series dertake the mnnngenient of this sorv- apartment with complete bath, hot ments. Also nearly new Baby Grand Tom Mix Friday-Saturday. , wl and bungalow-style Upright. For to be made a.nu';;!ei('c'ckcd all during 'ice. This .country agreed to send two • and cold,soft water, gas, electricity vessels which would patrol tho dan. full information write Auditor, P. O. tho 'dsy. , .•;i-f{' wielding the same impi'eincnts used by President George Washington 130 -Legal Notice hard wood floors, all new and clean. ger area during the Iceberg season. •V. J. Brown, News office. Box 195, ChicagO| Illinois, 38w2 ,X-At ,'slX'.. o'clock th^ ice broad- years ago. oflicers of'tlie Grand Lodge of Masons, co-operntlng with tho George , cast goes out to the sJiips with mod­ Each of the contracting parties con­ Washington Bicentennial cpinmLssion; re-enacted tl^o ceremonies of tho laying ORDBR FOR PUBLICATION sented to. bear « share of the cost In State of MichiRan. The Probato Court for el*^'equipment: "Patrol vessel near of the cornerstone of tlio Uhited States Capitol at Wnslilngton. \\ Ernest Tate, tho County of Ingham, Wanted Miscellaneous ! two bergs—latitude, 42 degrees SO proportion to Its slilpplng tonnage. took the role of W».sbington. ' At a acasion of nnid Court, held at tho Pro­ mlmitcs; longitude, 48 degrees 30 min­ The United States coast guard Is bata Ollice in tho City of Mason, in said coun- CARD OP THANKS—We wish to ex­ HEAIUNG CLAIMS. DUNSMORE—JAN. 27 , ty, on tho 23t-d day of Septcrobci-. A. D. 1932. WANTED—Soverar fresh milch cows. utes; set and drift, 180 degrees flve- charged with the duty of maintaining GOES TO SOLDIERS HOME. I Present. HON. h. B. McARTHUR, Judge Reynolds Dairy, Mason, R. 1. Phone press our thanks for. all the kind-, the pntrol. Thorcfore, when the cut­ Stntc ol Michigan. Tho Probato Cotirt -tor lot Piobftto. , . nesses tendered us In our recent' be­ tenths of a knot per hour; foggy, Ray Heath, veteran,-of the World tho County ot Inghnm. 239-F13. 39wlp ters snll for the Biinks' Ice guaril In tho Mittter of tho Estate of MATHIAS reavement, also Lawrence Curtis. smooth sea." Added to this will be War, was taken to the soldiers home At n HOSHlon of snltl Court, hold at lho Pro­ DOMINIK, Disappeared. every Mnrcli, tlio.v go In the name of WANTED—10 men with cars for ,Mrs. E. A. Dingwell ahd family. Ip tho position of perhaps twenty other In Grand Rapids Tuesday morning. bato OlTiqo in tho City of Mason, in said coun­ Frank Dominik, son ot aaid disappeared per­ Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Franco, He has spent many months, in vet­ ty, on tho 27th iliiy ot Scntembor, A. D. 1032. son having, filed in said Court Ijia petition steady work. Apply 427 South Jef­ bergs. Praying that the administration of said "estate CAi^ OP THANKS—We wish to ex- Germany, Great r.ritalii, Italy, Nothor- erans hospitals the past several years PrDHont, HON; L. B. MoAilTHURj Jutigo ferson avenue. 39wl' The set and drift data enable the I bo gl-anted to Frank Dominik, brother of said ^.jraiss our sincere appreciation and lands, Norwti,v„ Swollen and the Unit­ without apparent relief. The ambu­°^n Tht!'Ma'ttor. of tho Estate'oC MYRTIE M. disappeared. pcrsfjn or to some other suitable fjjfthanks for all the* kindnesses ten­ ship navlgotors to know tlmt the two lance of A. B. Ball was used to.con­ DUNSMORE, Doooased. , .' ' ' , , pei'son, .' ed States, liji't-sorvc; Uio shipping In­ • It'is Ordered, That the 3rd day of January, Lost and Found, dered us during the sickness and bergs, which are the two southern­ vey Mr. Heath to the hospital at the It appoaringto tho court that tho timo-foi' terests of tlio PillIro world. • ' prcflcntiiUon of claims'.against said, ostato A.. D. 1033, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon, at 'd6ath of our loved one, and Rev. G. Grand Rapids institution. , should bo limited, find that a tlmo. ami .placo .aald probate ofTlce, bo and' Is' hereby appointed LOST OR STRAYEDi.tSii;F r o m A. Perclval for his comforting bo apiiolntod to i-ocoivo, examine and adjust nil .for hearing said petition; •' Mr. Swain, a briridfft^hbund, three • words. L. L. Ketchum', Mr. and TO GO NORTH. partridge are so! thick that anyone can claims ahd demands against said .'deceased by It ia Further Ordered, that public notice get their season's limit' in an hour •MASON MARKETS and betoi-o said'.ooui't: ; thoi'cof bo given by publication of a copy ot colors with s,tcftpi:;aT6und neck. Has Mrs. Donald Snyder, Mrs. Mary Joy O, Davis is. leaving for the thia order, onco each month for four months with a rifle. " Grains It is Oi'dercd, That creditors ot sfild deceas­ scar on :riglit''^slde of jaw. Finder Stanford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Say- north Sunday with a party of Lansing ed aro required tol present their claims to said prior to tho month set for said hearing. In tho Wheat —-—-—? .45: $ .45 court nt said Probate Ottlcp on or bofoi-o the Inghnm County News, n newspaper printed please ^ffetiith same and receive re­ ers. : 39wlp hunters. They plan to meet a guide antl circulated in aaid county. ward,.' 'W. H. Bates, 1 mile north IN NEW LOCATION. Beans, cwt. 1.30 1.30 27th day ot January, A. D. 1033, nt ton o'cloclt at Berglund in the western part'of the in the forenoon, said tlmo and place being It is Flirthor Ordered, That notlco thereof ;;,apd y> mile east of Alaiedon Center. CARD OP THANKS—I wish to thank _The new location of the "Tavern" n\SS be given to each person named in said Upper Peninsula, He will take them after Saturday, October 1, will be the Oats .15 .17 hereby appointed for tho examination and ad­ ^>^' 39wlp . my neighbors and friends for their justment of all claims and domnnda ngiilnat petition ns hoirs-nt-law, or next of kin, by kindness, flowers and everything to a valley back of the Porcupine Hilliard home at the corner of Jeffer­ Rye .30 .28 aalili tlecensod. . „. . .„ depositing copies ot thia order in a postolTice, Mountains .where the men will erect a in envelopes nddrcssctl ono to each of them nt brought to me during my illness son and Oak streets opposite the Feeding barley .40 .50 It la Further,Ordered, That public notlco their respective last known poatoilico addresses, Business Locals and especially Mr. Henry of Holt for hunting camp for the deer season in school house.' Mrs. Lydia Mehan, Malting barley .50 .65 tlioroof- be given by publication of a copy, of duly registered and postage prepaid, within this order for threo auocossivo weeks previous thirty days after the illin? of said petition. assistance at time of my accident, November. The Lansing party will proprietor, opened her tea room-in the Poultry -to said day of hearing. In the Ingham Cofjnty iL. B. MoABTHUB, COAL—Will take orders for Michigan Dr. J. C. Corsaut and Mrs. Dan Kit- return next week. The guide writes Mary Hill home on Jefferson avenue Springers — ^^..—llci News, -0 newspaper printed and olixulatcfl in said .iounty., L, B, McARTHUR, '.'' (A truo copy) Judge of Probate. 'coal, $6,00 per ton. dellveredi At ley for their kind care of me and the the men to bring nothing but ,22 rifles about two years ago. . . , , Hens . „..„^_.-..-12c MARTHA THAYER, . • I .20c • A truo copy. Judgo of Probato. Heyden Machine Shop, Bast Syca> children. Mrs. Wm.* C. Sanford, and he will guarantee they will get , __—u Bggs —-—.:— RUTH BARB, Deputy Register of Probate. Deputy Register of Prohat«. . more .wd Rogers, Mason.; 38-tf Leslie. ' - ip tlieir limit of partridge. He says ttie Joe E. Brown. Sunday-Monday, wl Cream —— l?o , ,. I19w4 30-48-47-^Bl INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MIC HIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1932 Page Seven

Calendar of Events Scene^ and Persons in the Current News Welfare Fund Aided FOR THE WEEK By Benefit Picture _ ^ ^ Personal Mention 1932 OCTOBCR 1932 MASON TIIKA'TRE DONATES RE lUN MOM ryi wio TMU »»> I|T Help make Mason more neighborly by tclcphomng or sending intcrcsling OEIPTS FROM SHOW. personal items lo the News. Phone 55 • 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Between If.lO and .f50 was realized from the showing of Penrod and Sam Clifford Cowdry -was in Jackson Thomas Adams of Flint, spent the 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 at the Mason theatre Tuesday and week end with liis son, L, J, Adams, Tuesday on business. Wednesday nights. Tlic management Mr. and IMrs, Ciaudc Laws and chil­ Mr.-and krs. Marshall Barr and 16 17 18 19.20 21 22 of tlio theatre retained only money dren spent tlie week end in Otsego, son Ma.x and Mrs. Jennie Hazelton '^o%25 26 27 28 29 enough to cover actual expenses and . Mr, and Mrs, H, H, Barnum were were In Dimondale one day Inst week. the balance will bo turned over to tbe in Grand I^apid3 one day last week, Mrs. Elizabeth Ritter of Ypsilanti, Friday, September 30, Past Noble Community Welfare fund. Grand meeting with Mrs. Ford Whip­ Don Davidson and Miss Betty Brow­ is the guest of Mrs, L. E, Salisbury, Mrs. Clarence Eifert liad charge of tills week, ple. the selling of tickets for the benefit or were in Cliarlolte and Olivet, Satur­ Friday, September 30, Mason-Char­ day on Inisincss, Mr, and Mrs. Ford Aseltlno and sliow. A. McDonald and Mayor Jason Mrs. George Graham word in Lansing, lotte football game, 3:30 p. m. Ml', and Mrs, diaries Clipper and E. Taylor of the fund drive committee Tuesday. Friday, September 30, W. R. C. pot­ are appreciative of the aid givin by Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Edgar arc at St, luck dinner at Mrs. Fay Bennett's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hastings of Lnn­ tlio management of the theatre. They Helens for 1.0 days, Friday, September 30, Whoatlield sing, were week end guests of Mr, also express tiieir thanks to Joseph Gleaner" beneiit party. Mr, and Mrs, E, E, Brown of Ann and Mrs. John Samann. P. Wyinan and ills Mason school band Arbor, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Saturdny, October 1. Welfare cloth­ for appcai'ing as an added attraction Mrs, V. J, Brown, ;\ Mr; nnd Mrs, l^ussell McBride are ing drive. spending n few days with the former's both nights of the show. 13r, W, B, Hartzog and Mrs. Mart- Saturday, October 1, Mason College parents in Wayland, Club meeting with Mrs. A. B. Ball. zog returned today, Thursday, from ACTIVE VErEKANS. Mt, Victoi'y, Obio. •Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Murray of Ban­ Sunday, October 2, Rally Day at nister, were week end guests of L, H, Baptist Church. A city jiaper carried a story this Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Adams and Murray, Monday, October 3, Dixie Singers at week of a Civil war veteran" who dliiighLers were in Eaton l^apids, Sun­ Ford Garage. claims the distinction of being tho old­ day, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall. Mr, and Mrs, Orrin Lathrop of Belhiire, wore guests of Miss Florence Monday, Octobor 3, Past Chiefs of est domoci'atic delegate in point of Robert Bullen left Monday to com­ Lathrop, tho latter part of last week. Pytiiian Sisters moot with Mrs. Floyd sorvico wlio attended tho state con- plete his prc-medicai course in Ypsi- vonlioii ill Lansing Tuesday. Tliis Miss Esther Farr spent the week Harkness. iiuUi. Mondny, October 3, Coterie mooting man was W. H. Wieand, 87, of Cold- end with lior sister, Mrs. Verna Quinn Ml', and Mrs, 1-f. H, Snyder wore with Mrs. C. E. Eifert. water. He drove his own car to the in Bunl^erhill. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Guy Tuesday, October 4, Bunkerhill H. meeting and tlie story states that he Hubert'R. Bullen, counly treasurer, Bateman In Alaiedon. E. group at town hall at 1:30. is believed lo bo the only Michigan is confined to his home with an attack Mr. and Mrs. Carl Guernsey ol: Mid- Tuesday, October -i, Eastern Star civil war veteran who is able to drive of pleurisy. dloton, were Sunday giiesLs of Mr. and meeting at 7:30. ills own car. In Leslie, Robert Lyon, who was 90 years of ago last April, Mrs. L. F. Guernsey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Whito of De­ Wednesday, Octobor 5. Meeting of l_Acriiil view ot tho forest lire in the Santa narhiirn niiticfnai forest In California wliicli tliroatoiiofl to do.stniy troit, were Sunday guests of Mr. and F. t!i A, M, drives his car about at will. When Mr. and Mrs. Qlyde Moffctt of Rovcriil towns, 2—l're,sldont Hoover addressing the iiioinhoni of tilo nalioniil conrcrciico on wolt'iiro iiiul n^llol' mob- Mrs. L. R. White. Wednesday, October 5, Rebekah interviewed, he was found digging po­ Alaiedon, announce the birUi of a ill?.alion on tho white House liiwn, 3—VIrgiiiili',s iliciiiorial io Iior war dead, at liicliiiKfiid, wliich will bo deilioated on meeting at I, O, O, F. hall, Slst, an­ tatoes at his farm liomo near Leslie. d.augliLor on September lii. Mrs. Fred Lee of Toledo, was tho October 15, when its fine carillon of CO bells will bo lieard t'.ir (lie lirst time. week end guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl niversary. - Mrs. David Powell of Wiiliamston, Samann. Wednesday, October 5, Past Mat­ oKEt^lOS SENIOit I'LAV. was the guest of Mrs. Cora Riggs in rons meeting with Mrs. Harry Fresh- Alaiedon, Sunday. Mrs. Ida Turnbul! .and son Norman STOCKING CLUB. Seniors of the Okemos high school ot Kalitmazoo, were week end guests cur, 2:30. Ingham Counly Women Community Library, will present the Denison play, "House Mr. and Mrs. George Deuel were The Stocking club met at tho homo of Mrs. Loretta Whito. Thursday, October 6, Pink Commu­ ot a Thousand Thrills", in the school Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl of Mrs. Ward Brandol on Lathrop Receives New Books nity club meeting with Mrs. Harold Begin Economics Work gymnasium on Saturday evening, No­ .Tones in Lansing. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Zickgraf are Spink. street in Lansing last Wednesday. Ten spending a few days this week in Clii- members and a visitor who later join­ vember 12. The first practice was Mr. and Mrs. Guy West of Dans­ Friday, October 7, Eden P. T. A. KirrllTREN CoUNTV oUoUPS AKE STATE LIIUJAKIAN SENDS FIFTl ed were present. During the meeting hold Tuosd.ay evening. Members of ville, have moved into tho Edgar cago, meeting at llie school. IJKI'UESEtVrKI). NEW VOLUMES, 22 pair ot stockings were mended. tho cast include Robert Aber, Margar­ Adams home on West Elm street. Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald returned Friday, October 7, Kipp community Tuesday from a few days spent at This club was organized January 8, et Evans, Dawne Clark, Ethel Kelly, Mrs, F. E. Dewitt of Bancroft was club meeting at A. C, Brigg's home. The Ingham county extension work About 75 now books have been add­ Edna Woodworth, Carolyn Watkins, Good Hart. for women began Tuesday, September 1931, with a membership of 17, who the guest of Mrs. C. A. Clinton a few meet regularly lo mend stockings ed to the Mason community library Dick Wevor, Clayton Hulett, Russell days last weclt. Clare Cook and Dr. C. P. Smith George Griffin of Albion was in Ma­ 7, at the court house in Mason with the past two weeks. Fifty volumes King, Howard Angell and Eleanor were week end guests of tho former's an all day mooting conducted by Miss from the Lansing children' homo. George Clinton has resumed his son on business Wednesday. were received from the stale library Dorn. mother, Mrs. Frank Cook. Gertrude Rois, home furnishing spe­ studies at M. S. C. He spent the week Donald Hilliard has boon confined to at Lansing and 25 books have been cialist from Michigan State college. end with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clinton. Miss Boa Scribner of California, is his home with an attack of tonsilitis. Services Held For presented by Mason residents. Re­ the guest of Mrs. Jennie Barker this Chairmen, secretaries and leaders rep­ cords at tlie community library show Mrs. Robert Thompson of Lansing, Robert Dingwoll is recovering from week. resenting ten groups in the central Mrs. L. L. Ketchum that interest in tho library is greatly was the guest of her mother, Mrs. a severe case of broi)chlaj,pneumonia. The Pink Community club will meet and southern half of the county wore increased from last yenr. Miiry R. Hill, Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Royal..Melendy have present. Mrs. Harold Wilson, Holt, Specials For with Mrs. Harold Spink on Thursday, WOMAN l'A.SSES F O L L o \V I N 0 The library is located in the offico If Dell Abbott, city, will bring this returned from lheir,_ Eastern trip. was elected chairman and Mrs. Doris Octobor G. LINolCKINO ILLNESS. of the drain commissioner on the first ileiii lo tlio NEWS offico before Oct. Miss Bernice White, deputy counly Puffonbergor, Ealoii Rapids, secretary FRIDAY Anion La.xton of Detroit, spent a fioor of the court house. It is open .1.1, he wiil be given a free admission clerk, is confined to her home by ill­ ot the loaders training center held at few days this week with his parents, Funeral services wore conducted at from two-thirty until five o'clock ev­ ticket to the Mnson theatre. ness. Mason. and tMr. and tMrs. Artiiur La.xton. the Ball funeral home Tuesday after­ ery Thursday afternoon. It is spon­ Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Donnell of Lan­ C. Ross Hilliard loft this, Thursday, An outline of the work for tho year noon for Mrs. L. L. Ketchum, 72, who sored by the Mason Child Study club, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowe of Sar- sing, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jen­ morning lo attend the State Republi­ was given hy Miss Rois and it consists passed away early Sundny morning Mrs, Cyrus Pierce is chnirman of tlie nia, Canada, were week end guests SATURDAY nie' ilazelton and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- can convention in Detroit. of five lessons, first, making the house following a lingering illness. She had library committee. sIL'ill Barr. ot Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ball. homelike; second, furniture arrange­ been confined to her bed since April, Tlio W. R. C. will hold a pot luck ments; third, color, of the liomo; tMr. and Urs. Gerald Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Samann and ;193T, and had been in ill health for dinner at the home of Mrs. Fay Bon- fourth, making rugs of old materials GETS KAKE C'OIV, children were week end guests of Mr. children visited the Cascades in Jack­ four years. She suffered patiently iiell Friday evening. and (iflh, the background of the room. Clifford VValcott, liigli school prin­ Pies, each 20c and Mrs, G. B, Parsons in Mt, Clem­ son, Sunday. and the end camo peacefully at one Members of the Baptist choir enjoy­ Tho duties of the local group chair­ cipal, has a 177.'i coin in liis posses­ ens, Miss Lucille White and diaries o'clock Sunday morning. ed a hamburg fry al Potters Park sion, Tiie coin is slightly Ilii'ger than Jamison of Detroit, were Sunday man, secretary and leaders were out­ Fried Cakes, doz._10c Mr. and Mrs, Russell Campbell on- Wednesday evening. lined and discussed by tlie specialist. Harriet Tate was born in 13ay City a dime. Tt is well worn' but tlic dale lortiiined Mr, luid tMrs, OHa Disonroth guests of Mrs. Loretta Wliite. on November 25, 1859, and came to is easily distingiilRlied. The coin hns Rep. V. J. Brown and Sheriff Hugh Tho lesson as presented l^y Miss and dauglilors, Ruth and Dorothy, of The Pink Community club will meet Rois brought out many inlorosling Mason from Grand Rapids many years been passing around among higli Leslie, Sunday. at the home of Mrs. Harold Spink, W. Silsby attended tlie State Republi­ ago. In 1918 slie married Lee L. school students for a week aiul llie can convention in Detroit, Tliursday. points in keeping with the times, Ollu'r Cood.s, Too, Elwin nnd Winford Barnum will Thursday afternoon, October G. l^emedios for improvement witlioul Kotchum and has since made lior snioolh "dime" was woi'ked olf on lhe Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Curtis were in iipjioar on the Methodist convention Tiic Hall-Slagli Chevrolet sales re­ spending money or without tlirowing home at the Ketcliiim residence on principal as a joke. Are Delicious. Try Tliein. Kalamazoo Sunday lo see their son, program at Jackson this, Tluirsday, port thill tho market for new automo­ away tho old things, the elimination East Oak street in tliis city. She Cared Jess, Jr. evening. biles has improved slightly during the of useless cUittering articles, the re­ for lier aged sister, Mrs. Susan Wor­ NEW I'ASToi: GKICKTEI). past few weeks. Miss Bernice Allen oC Royal Oak, arrangement of furniture, personality don, until her death about a year ago. tMr, and tMrs. Clayton Hazard liave She is survived by her husband, Mr. A capacity crowd greetod l^ev, moved from the Edg.-ir Adams home If J. W. Fowler, cily, will bring this sjiont the week end with her mother, displayed in house furnisliing and the Stanley Thayer at his first appeiintnce Mrs. Grace Allen. guide to good taste were interestingly Ketchum, a niece, Mrs. Mary Stafford on Wosl I<;im street lo the Field home item lo the NEWS office before Oct. ot Lansing, and a nepliew, Frank C. before his now charge, tlie Okcnio.s Home Town on West .'\sh street. 11, he will be given a free admission Mr. and Mrs. G. Fountain of Lan­ discussed by the instructor. Tho sec­ Community church, last Sunday. Rov, sing were Sund.iy callers of Mr. and ond lesson on furniture arrangement Sayers of Detroit. Burial was made •121 South Rolriavir MiUSOIl, tMr. and Mrs, C, .'V. Clinton and ticket lo the Mason liioatro. in Maple Grove cemetery. 'I'liayor, Mrs, Tiiayor and their son, sons, Paul and George, were Sunday Ima Palmer is seriously ill at her Mrs. Frank Mapes. will be presented by Miss Reis on No­ Gwyn, liavo come"to Okemos after a .Jed'erson L>cllS.Ciy ^y^^^^^ vember S at tho court house in Mason. guests of Mr. and t\trs. llansoin Jump, home on W, Columbia street. She is George Quick is confined to his stay of six years in the M, E, ChurCii in .Munith. the daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs, Clifford home suffering from tho effect of a According to Mrs. Walter Kotchum, Olympic Games Topic in Sparta, Palmer, stroke received Sunday. county chairman, there .'ire IS groups Mrs. James I-lorton returned lo her in the county hnving organized clubs Mrs. Alvin Linn, entertained the At Alaiedon Meeting homo in Otsego Saturday aCLcr spend­ A stated meeting of Mason ChapLor and these were represented by their ing si.x weeks with hor son, Claude No, 150, O, E, S,, will be held in the members of the O. G. If. club last two leaders, chairman and secretary ,1. C. IIAVS TELLS OlJoUl' OF IIIS Litws, and family. chapter I'ooms on Tuesday evening, Tuesday. at tlie county meeting. An error was mado in the name of October -1, at 7:.'W o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Miller and family TlUr WEST. A. D. Snyder the son of tMr. and tMrs, Clayton Spink Carroll and Howard Cole and Ern­ of Lansing wore Sunday callers of of Lansing last week. His name is est Vcrn of Chicago, were guests of Mrs. Mary Greyson. Okemos Indians Play Mombors of tho Alaiedon Farmers "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" club were ontortainod last Saturday, Edward Taylor Spink. Mr. and Mrs. George Lathrop fit din­ Mr. and Mrs, James Russell of On­ ner, Monday. Tie Game With Holt September 2-1, at Laylinhurst, the Specials for the week Sept. 30th thru Oct 7 Mrs. Mary Haynes Smith has re- ondaga wore Sunday guests ^of Mr, beautiful pioneer home of Mr. and Uirnod to her home in Sulphur Mrs. Jennie Barker returned Sun­ and Mrs, Frank Minar, •To I'LAY HASLETr ELEVEN FKI- Mrs. L. H. Laylin, at the regular Springs, Florida, after four months day from Detroit where she spent sev- The Wheatfield Gleaners will hold a DAV .VFTEKNooN. meeting of tho club. After the din­ Salt, Crescent, Iodized 7c spent in Michigan with relatives. olal days with her daughter, Mrs. E. benefit party at their hall Friday eve­ ner had'been served the club was en­ R, Jftcobi, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerftid Dakin of Ann ning. The Langham brothers of Holt The Okemos Indians played the tertained by J. C. Hays, who told Arbor, announce the birth of an 8Vi Miss Nellie Kean and Kenneth will furnish the music. Holt eleven to a six-all tie on tho Holt about his trip to the Olympic games Baking Powder, Calumet, 1 lb. can 27c pound daughter on Friday, September While are spending this week in Mrs. K. J. Krupkat of Manitoba, field Friday, September 23. Neither in California. 23. Keystone, Indiana, with Miss Kean's Wisconsin, was the guest of her sister, side showed any decided advantage. Other features on the program were Mrs. Ida Garber of Mt. Victory, mother, Mrs. Clara Kean. Mrs. Robert J, Cross, Wednesday and Okemos made more yards, but twice music by Miss Ruth Cline and Miss Hekman^s Select Soda Crackers, 2 lb bx_ 19c Oliio, has boon spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Howard and Thursday of this week. was unable to complete touchdowns Virginia Lewstader of Okemos, a her sister, Mrs. W. B. Hartzog. Slie daughter Altavene of Ann Arbor, It Geo. Webb, city, will bring this when within a few feet of the goal. reading by Mrs. Ida Bowen and com­ returned home Tuesday. were Sunday guests of Miss Florence item to the NEWS office before Oct. Exceptional work in carrying the ball munity singing. A discussion on the Corn, Bicycle, No. 2 can 3 for 22c Mr. and Mrs, John H, Healey and Lathrop. 11,- he will be given a free admission was shown by Adcock of Holt and subjects of tax limitations and farm daughter Jacqueline wore Sunday C. P. Mickelson spent a few days ticket to the Mason theatre. Nye and Eicher of Okemos, The ex­ crops reports was made most inter­ Pancake Flour, Buckwheat compound, guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Holmes this week in Mason. He, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson and cellent interference supplied by Wcv- esting by the contribution of remarks in Clare. Mickelson and daughter, Frances, are son, Wendell, and Clayton Fox, of Ann er, the Indian captain, was respon­ from most of the members. sible for much of the gain made by 5 lb. sack 18c The Rebekah Coterie will meet with at Grayling. Arbor were Sunday guests of Mrs. his team. Mrs. C. E, Eifert and Mrs. W. 0. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bishop and son Mary Greyson. The Indians will meet Haslett on Gregg at the Eifert home on Mon­ Paul of Mt. Pleasant, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Forest Smith spent Anniversary Night Mixed Cookies, fresh from the oven, lb. 15c the Okemos field Friday afternoon at day, October 3, guests of Dr. George C. Moody and Friday and Saturday in Detroit with 2 o'clock, Murray of Mason will Planned By Rebekahs Mrs. Moody. ' - Dr. C. V. Lundb^rg .arid Mrs. Lund- Mr, and Mrs, Ben Sterling and two referee. sons of Eaton Rapids called on the berg. Toilet Tissue, 6 rolls for 25c C. M. Dewey of Sturgis, democratic The Okemos reserves played a LOCAL GROUP AVILL CELEBRATE former's mother, Mrs, Cora Sterling, candidate for senator, was the guest Mr.' and Mrs. Alvin Linn were call­ practice football game with the 81ST ANNIVERSARY. Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neely, Mon­ ed to Wiiliamston Tuesday by the School for the Blind Monday after­ Peanut Butter, Jack and Jill, 2 lb. jar., -21c Mrs, Emma Penbcrthy, Don David­ day. death of Mrs. Frank Linn, wife of the noon at 4 o'clock. The Lansing boys Plans are under way for the cele­ brother of Mr. Linn. son and Betty Brower spent Sunday in The Kipp Community club will meet showed that they knew football even bration of the Slst anniversary of the Marshall with Mrs, Anna Linden, Mrs, witli Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Briggs on Mrs, Chester Herrick has returned if not all of them could see it and organization of the Mason Rebekah Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Linden returned to Mason to spend a Friday evening, October 7. The wom­ from tlie St, Lawrence hospital in they gave the Indian recruits a good lodge No. 324. The event will occur few days with Mrs, Penbcrthy, en will bring sandwiches and pies. Lansing where she underwent an op­ drubbing to the tune of 24 to 6. on Wednesday evening, October 5, at Mr, and , Mrs, F, W, Dakin, Mrs, eration, the I. O. O. F. hall. This meeting will Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rhodes spent Snyder^s Grocery Harold Dakin and little daughter. Robert J, Cross attended the fun­ HONORED AT COLLEGE. also be in honor of Theodore Bortle, Sunday in Bay City, with Mr. and Faith, spent Sunday with Mr, and eral of Mrs, Lavanche Calhoun in Hol­ Thursday morning's Free Press car­ who was staff captain of the Rebekah WE DELIVER Mrs. C. O. Cliurch. Mrs. Rhodes and PHONE 12 Mrs, Gerald Dakin and daughter in land Tuesday, Mrs. Calhoun was the ried an Item from Kalamazoo, an­ degree team as long as health permit­ Mrs. Church arc sisters. Ann Arbor, aunt of Mrs. Cross. nouncing the new editorial staff for ted and who recently passed his 88th birthday and for other charter mem­ The Rebekah lodge will hold its reg­ If Charles Whiting, city, will bring Mrs. M. L. Hunt is recovering rap­ the Kalamazoo college Boiling Pot, bers and Past Noble Grands. ular meeting at the I, O, O, F, hall on this item to the NEWS office before idly after having her tonsils removed junior class year book, and Howard Wednesday evening, October 5, and Oct. 11, he will be given a free admis­ by Dr. Joseph C. Ponton last Thurs­ McCowan, Mason youth, was named All Rebekahs are cordially invited the celebration.of the 81st anniversary sion ticket to the Mason theatre. day. as one of the editors. He represents to attend. A program is being pre­ wiil occur at that time. A special pro­ the sophomore class of which he Is a G. S. Thorburn The Past Chief club of the Pythian The Woman's Relief Corps enter­ pared for the occasion by the commit­ gram has been arranged. member this year. Howard also is a tee composed of Mrs. Earl Dunsmore, Sisters will meet with Mrs. Floyd tained several women'from the Wii­ sophomore class senator in the Kala­ Mr. and Mrs. Vernor Wilson and Mrs. Lee BarnhiU and Mrs. Ford Harkness next Monday evening, Octo­ liamston corps, at the regular meeting mazoo college "Senate" which Is the Groceries, Fresh and Smoked Meats Mr. and Mrs. Vining:Wilson of Grand Whipple. Light refreshments will be ber 3, at 223 ,East Cherry street at on Tuesday. government organization of the col­ Rapids, were week end guests of Mr. 7:30 o'clock. .: served. All members of the staff are ,,..Miss Leone Smith left Wednesday lege. requested to be present. • and Mrs. E. P. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. for. Ypsilanti where she will resume A. G. Wilson of Aurelius, called at the Members of.lthe Ich Dene class of SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK OF SEPT. 30 TO 0CT.7 the M. E, Sunday school enjoyed a her s^tudies at Cleary College and WILD LIFE SANCTUARY. Rowe home, Sunday. OKEMOS SJJPPERS. roast at the White cottage.on Lake Michigan State Normal. The conservation commission has The Past Noble Grands will meet Lansing last week Wednesday. Mrs.. Mrs; Henry' Willis and Mrs. Mary accepted for renewed dedication the A chicken pie supper will be served Lux Toilet Soap, 3 bars for ,. .20c with Mr. and Mrs. Ford Whipple on L. R. White Is the class teachj^r.^,;.,, ; .Greyson were called to Detroit Tues­ 70 acres of wild life sanctuary offered in* the dining room of the,,Baptist Friday evening, September 30. Those day by the death of their aunt, Mrs, by John W. Hemans in Onondaga church on Friday evening of this . Bingo Popcorn, guaranteed to pop, 1 Ib. pkg .9c Jep Bisbee, Henry Ford's oldtime attending are asked to meet at the I. Sarah Lyons. township. The .sanctuary has been week. Serving will begin at five fiddler, while in Mason to play at the: o'clock. On Saturday evening the Pancake Flour, Victor, Buckwheat compound, 5 lb. bag .18c O. 0. F. hall and means of convey­ Mr, and iMrs. Louis Eetrie of Rah- dedicated, for another five years, local theatre,, called, on Mr. and Mrs.-: Okemos chapter of O'. E. S. will also ance' will be provided for all. way,'"N. J.Kand Mr. and Mrs. Dewey George Surateaux and entertained' •• • BEANS.' • serve a chicken pie supper atthe Ma­ Salt, Crescent, free running, iodized, box .7c The Eden P. T. A. will hold Its reg­ Calhoun olj Brooklyn, N. Y., visaed tliem. His violin is one. of rare value, George Washburn of Onondaga, sonic' hall beginning at 5:30 o'clock. ular meeting at the Eden school on th^ir'cousl'ri, Mrs. R, J. Cross, Thurs­ he states. :• :i ; thinks he has most farmers beaten on Calumet Baking Powder, pound can ...... 27c Friday .evening, October 7, at eight day,;'; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leach enter- beans. He has one stalk that has 137 "...'TEED INFANT DIES. ! o'clock. A play will be presented. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sisco and children tailned Mr. and Mrs. George Bickert; pods with an average of five beans to Funeral servliies were held Wednes­ Corn, Bicycle, white sweet, 3 No. 2 cans .22c Members and friends are cordially In­ of Lansing, and Mr. and Mrs. James Carl Bickert and Mr. and Mrs. Frank the pod or 685 beans. These are the day for the Infaritson of Mr. and;Mrs; vited. Deuel and June Slusser spent Sunday Kirk's Plak«5 White Soap, bar .3c Eifert at a birthday dinner Sunday, Bluepod variety. ,• : Glenn Teed of Aurelius who passed in Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mrs. Morris Lyon, who has been honoring Mrs. Leaohs father, George away' Monday morning following a Francis. Mrs. Francis Is a sister of Potatoes, No. 1 grade, 15 lb. peck ... .11c confined to her bed for several weeks Bickert, on his 75th birthday anniver­ VISIT DAIRY FARM. severe attack of measles., Interment Mrs. Deuel and Mr. Slsco. by illness is now able to sit up a few sary. Pupils of the first grade and some was made in theNorth Aurelius cem­ Kellogg's Whole Wheat Biscuits, pkg. 10c hours each day. She Is staying at the The Past Matrons of the Mason 0. of the students In the normal critic etery. The little boy, Russell D., was Mr. and Mrs. M.. Farmer, Mr. and home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. S. will' meet at the home of Mrs. room with their teachers. Miss Mil­ born, on September 26, 1931, and Mrs. C. Hires of Chicago and Mr. and Mason Evaporated Milk, 16 oz. can ; 5c Henry Irwin, Harry Freshour wfth Mrs. F. A. Les­ dred Williams and Mrs. Bernice D6B- passed away exactly one year from Mfs. A. Hlnes of Texas were Sunday ter as joint hostess on Wednesday af- dineau, visited the Reynolds dairy last Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bateman and the date of. his • birth, September 26, guests of their ' sister, Mrs. Frank ternoon,October 5, at 2:30 o'clock. Thur3dair"iiltern6on. They wereta,k- daught;er, Helen Rose, of Holt, Mr. and Mapes, and Mr. Mapes,.who were cele­ •1932.-,,'''••• en on a tour of inspection. -Mr, Rey­ SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Mrs. Lawrence Bradman and daugh­ brating yaelr 26th wedding annivers- Mr. and Mrs. J., T. Fowler were Sunday guests at the-home of Mr. and nolds dembristirated machine milking' MASON MEN HURT. ter Laurlne of Lansing, Sir. and Mrs, aiy. • , . E. H. Bradman and Mr. and Mrs, F. Mrs. Ellis Terry in Lansing; Mr. and and showed how cows are milked, by George Messner and Carl Dlehl of Shoulder Beef Roast, pound .13c Mrs. Clifford Smith and Mrs. Min­ L. Bradman were entertained at the Mrs. Terry celebrated their fortieth hapd. The children were interested In Mason were injured in Lansing Tues­ nie B. Hemans returned last Thursday home of Mr. and' Mrs. C. E. Eifert, wedding anniversary Sunday. the milk handling processes. day afternoon when they were thrown Rib Stew of Beef, pound 8c from a 12-day trip through Ohio, Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Densmore left from a truck on which they were rid­ Penhsylvanla and New York where Joe E, Brown Sunday-Monday, wl ing. Mr. Messner Is In Sparrow hos­ Ham Roast of Pork, lb. 14c The North Aurelius home furnish­ they vltlted friends and relatives of Wednesday to spend the week end In Ann Arbor with Mr. and Mrs, E. E. pital suffering from what may be a ings group In home extension work Mrs. Smith.' ' Mrs. Kenneth Powell Is In the Spar­ fractured skull. Mr. Dlehl was brought Lofb^rg and Professor G. E. Dens­ Shoulder Pork Roast or Steak, lb. 12c . met at the home of Mrs. Lillian An- Mrs. Wm. C. Sanford of Leslie who, row hospital In Lansing where she is to his hftme in Mason after seven more and Mrs. Densmore. way, September 13. The foUowlng of­ with her three grandchildren of Pon­ recovering from an operation per­ stitches were taken in his scalp. The Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds for 48c ficers'were elected: Mrs. Edith Lavls, tiac, were injured In an accident.two Mrs. Hurd of Jackson will deliver formed Saturday, , two men were riding on the p atform chairman; Mrs. Edna Jacobson, sec­ weeks ago Is recovering at her home. an address at the morning services Frank N. McKay of Buffalo, N. Y., of a truck. They were covered with retary; and Mrs. Lillian Anway'and The youngsters figuring In the acci­ for rally day at the Baptist church left Monday for his home after a visit a canvas tarpaulin to protect, them Mrs. Carrie Belt. The next* meeting dent are tbe children of Mr^. Wyman Sunday and also at the Sunday school with his sister, Mrs. W. H. Bingham, from the rain. The driver rounded a We Deliver Phone 36 will be at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Sanford, formerly Helen Breridel and session. A pageant will also be pre­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert corner and the two men were pitched Greene on October 11.. teacher in the local school. sented at-the Sunday school hour. J. Cross,.,;,. to the pavement. •'•'• : )


Cifyfilhl 1910 hy ItmuVr, Bmb Biiioricdiy Corrtet SIHKIIM flEORGE WASHINGTON'S TT^AVELS " By J.m«. w. Brook. AU RKliU RtMfvti FILM NEWS KI AIASON THEATER

With Tom Mix as the star, Lois Wilson heading the supporting cast, and a superbe story filled with con­ tinuous action, "Rider of Death Val­ ley," which comes to the Mason Theatre Friday and Saturday, prom­ ises unusual entertainment for then trc-goera who like to see/things really happen on the screen. In tills, his sec­ ond talking picture, Tom is seen as OEOtJoe MASON GEOCGE WYTWE FlEUOINO LEWI6 tho he-man hero of a beautiful girl whoin circumstances have sent into a HE roads wc travel and tlic friends we meet, liow tliey H ERE were other follts moving about in HE ma^crly sentcnccs.of the Vii-ginia'Bill JOHN PACICE treacherous desert with equally arc prized as Time ticlts off tlie measure of tlic possing their respective affairs as good neighbors do. of Riglits were fasliioncd by another neigh­ treacherous companions—all in search C O C Cueris of a fortune in gold, Fred Kohler and years! Among friends, tlicrc was Lord Faii-fax, Royalift to the In Alexandria there was Dr. Crtiik, to whom bor, George Maaon.GeorgcWythc, fii'^ professor Forrest Stanley are the villains in this end, watcliiug witli deep concern t;enil»er 1!) in Lansing. tawkod about Inst month al the Ladys Moines, Iowa, former residents of this HEATING Theodore Hyatt and wife to Mason Ralph Hart is able to sit up follow­ .•'tdo society meeting. E. Reynolds and wife, lot 9, block 10, neighborhood, have been calling on ing his illness. old friends here the past week. GRAPES AND GRAPE JUICE Thirsday—Blisters mother and fath­ in Village of Leslie; .'Jl.OO etc. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ireland and fam­ er enformod him that he has got a Mrs. Emil OinOy has been enter­ New Low Prices William I-I. Hunter and wife to John ily of Sterling spent the week ond taining her sister from Los Angeles, little sister, down to llio Hosspittie, A, Bassett and wife, lot 2S1, Maple with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ireland. Will Press Every Day Commencing Sept. 6 Blisters sod he druthor had a brulher California. Hill Subd; ?1,00 etc, They all attended a birthday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marshall spent even if ho had of had to wait a few Claud Faught to Bertha Faught, Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. weaks Longer for it. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clark GENERAL ELECTRIC Com. at SE corner of NE V, of Sec. John Ireland in Dimondale. Haynes. W. 0, GREGG, Mgr, 36, TIN, RIW, N 40 2-3 rods, W 65 Mr. and Mrs. M. Eifert, Mr. and Miss Betty Stevens spent the week rods, S-G 2-3 rods, W 95 rods, S 20 Mrs. Aubrey Tooker and family, Misii end with her parents. REFRIGERATORS Council Proceedings rods, E 92 rods, S 20 rods, E 68 rods Helen Whip, Mrs. Mildred North and School is closed in the Curtis school to beg; ,?1.00 etc. Launia, Alice Heinig and Art Uron. and on account of the illness of the teach­ Claude Winans, Alida A. Winans, Mrs. Joe Hart and family and Arthur er, Mrs. Johanna North. S>/ols MADISON WIXNOX Theron K. Winans and Harry H. Win­ Janecke were Sunday callers at James. Mason, tMich,, Sept, 2G, 1932, Miss Violet Warner of Detroit, vis­ ans to Case G. Winans, Com. at NE Hart's. MADISOMAVC.NCAH GRAN&CIRCVSPAItK J^ETHOIT ELECTRIC RANGES Council met and was called to or­ ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred corner of W of NW Vf of Sec. 19, der by Mayor Taylor, Present, Alder­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hart visited Mr. Warner, last week. T4N, R2W, S 14 rods, W 6 rods, N 14 men Barber, Darling, Fletcher, Jewett, and Mrs. Wm. Franklyn, Monday. Hotels of homelike rods, E G rods to place of beg; $1 etc. Kolly, Swartout, Absent, none, Mrs. Hugh Angell and Mrs. F. "nrhiK Vour Healing Septcmlicr 20 comfort and quiet Tlie minutes of the preceding ses­ Geisenhaver spent Monday evening Ray Potter and wife to City of Lan­ with Emma and Margaret Leonard. White Oak I rroblems lo Walliice" sion were rend and approved, sing, Beg. on W line of Sec. 22 at SE surroundings in the Tho finance committee report the Rev. H. L. Watkins of Dimondale, corner of block 221, City of Lansing, following claims and reeonimend their called on James Hart last Wednes­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hartsuff and heart of the city E to W line of Mich. Central Railroad allowance: day. sons of Stockbridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. riglit-of-way, S to Cedar River, VV to Jerry and Fred Nichols called on Election Board ,? 50.00 L. Boyle and sons from Tower Gar­ — AM» — W line of Sec. 22, N to place of beg; Joe and Roy Hart, Sunday. UrW.lUIl ' R. B. Wallace Glen P. Stevens and men G0.60 dens and Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Smith of ?1.00 etc. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edington and Lansing, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. M, Bowers and men 112.SO family visited Air. and Mrs. Frank 311 N, Cedar Phone 201 Russell R. Reed to Fay Reed Fred Hayhoe, Sunday. )Sf ScslauranI Kmous /or Dollar Dinners Dave Johnson 3.00 Kelly, near Charlotte, Sunday. Mary Olmstead 6,00 Stokes, lot 1, Cowley's Subd; iJl.OO etc. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox and son Louis Simon to Clarence E. DeLong, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Angell and fam­ of Jackson, visited their mother, Mrs. Elijali Durhoeni 1.00 ily spent Saturday visiting her sister V. L. Palmer 9.20 lot 168 and 169, Lansing Add. Co.'s Carrie Wilcox, last week Wednesday Subd; $1.00 etc. near Grand Rapids. and Thursday. Mr. Wilcox remained Dart National Bank 258.7.5 Miss Maxine Willis of Eaton Rap­ The Wesley Wiegman 33.32 Kendell G. Ide and wife to Union to help his brother with his farm work Building & Loan, lot 2G, Crestmont ids, spent several days last week at for a few days. Joy 0. Davis 1.40 the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Nichols. Jewott-Vogt 50.00 Subd; .fl.OO etc. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brandybeery spent Clayton A. Smith to Amanda S. Miss Lydia Osborne and Mrs. F. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. Mason Theatre W. S. Darloy & Co 5.80 Geisenhaver were in Lansing, Monday A. G. Sponny &, Sons 4.01 Smith, lot 83, Jessop's Home Gardens; Ivan Abbott returned home from .fl.OO etc. afternoon. the west last week Monday. N. N. Rouse. 45.00 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blakslee spent Friday and Saturday Sinclair Refining Co. 2.85 Elmer D. Franklin and wife to John Mrs. Bert Parker and son of Whit- \ THIS TOWN NEEDS H. Jones and wife, SW y, of NW yt, the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. tamere, visited Jas. Wilcox, Tuesday. Board of Cemetery Trustees __ 147.90 Blakslee. Ii-a Rose 65..50 also Com. 16 rods and 2 links, E of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Grill of Fowler­ ; YOUR PATRONAGE NW corner of Sec. 8 in T2N, RIW, S villo, called on Mrs. Carrie Wilcox, Bowers Tiro & Battery Shop__ 9.0G \ TODAY Wm. Swartout 2.50 SO rods, E 24 rods and 3 links, N 80 Sunday. rods to Sec. line, W 24 rods and East Alaiedon and West 1 Mr. and"Mrs. Frank Slid and daugh­ The report of the finance committee links to place of beg; ,?1.00 etc. Wheatfleld ter visited Jas. Wilcox, Tuesday. was adopted by the following vote: Ernest L. Odell and wife, George M. Mrs. Chas. Smith was taken to the Yeas C; Nays 0. Fuller and wife and William L. Fullor hospital at Lansing, Saturday, for a ^omorjow ijoii Appropriation Ordinance— and wife to Bert N. LaDu, E 75'/. ft. Mrs. Vivian Rogers of Webberville, serious operation. The City of Mason ordains, that of lot 22, block 10, Bush, Butler & spent several days with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sheathelm of tiiere shall be raised by tax in the may nM its Sparrow's Add; $1.00 etc. Mrs. Ed Ballard, and family. Dansville, visited her parents, recent­ next general tax levy to defray the Ray Glynn and son Cameron were' ly. expenditures find liabilities of said Lee Warfle and wife to Board of help County Road Commissioners of Ing­ in Ann Arbor to see Mrs. Glynn. She Mrs. Will Clark of Millville, visited city for tho next fiscal year which is improving. her daughter, Mrs. Blanche Wilcox, shall bo appropriated to the several ham county. Com. at a point 20 rods S of NE corner of Sec. 15 in T2N, Mrs. Frank Blanchard is slowly im­ one day last week. general and special funds of said city proving from her long illness. Lawton Gifford of Grand Rapids, in the following sums, viz: RIE, S 60 rods to E and W 1-8 line of NE i/i of Sec. 15, W 53 1-3 rods, N Wm. Curtis is quite ill. spent Tuesday night with his aunt, Contingent $ 3000.00 60 rods, E 53 1-3 rods to place of beg; Mrs. Glen Watkins and two daugh­ Mrs. Carrie Wilcox. Street _ 3000.00 $1.00 etc. ters, Beverly and Phyllis, spent a few S. H. Williams is not as well at Poor "4000.00 J. G. Kaiser to Clare P. Kaiser, lot days last week with her parents, Mr. present. Electric 2500.00 14, block 5, Hickory Grove Add; $1. and Mrs. Harry Lane. Mrs. Brandybeery and son and Carl Samann J. C. Corsaut, M. D. Sinking 10500.00 Sopticiniber 31 Mrs. Ray Dresser and Mrs. Floyd granddaughter of Lansing, visited Over Dart National Bank Fire — 1063.84 Richard D. Montgomery and wife to Otis visited Mrs. Daisy Hayhoe, also Mrs. Fred Wright last week Wednes Office Hours—11 until 12 a. m.; John H. Russell and wife, lot 13, block Wm. N. Curtis, Friday afternoon. day. Dry Cleaning—Pressing 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Phonw— $24,063.84 10, Manufacturer's Add. No. 2; $1.00. Mrs. Harriet Haskill and daugfhter Office 364, Residence 365. For ap­ Phyllis, son Kenneth, spent Friday TOM MIX in A. W. Jewett, Jr., Leo H. Kelly, VV. Lyle Hayhoe and Philip called on pointments call 364 after 8 a. m. Charles Fink and wife to Floyd E. afternoon with Ruth Haphoe. Mason Phone 354 J. Barber, Finance Committee. Lady and wife, E 15 acres that lies N Glenn Watkins, Monday night. The appropriation ordinance was Mrs. Ed Ball and son Raymond Rider of Death Valley of highway of SW 14 of NE % of Sec. spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P, Curtis called adopted by the following vote: Yeas 34, TIN, R2E; $1.00 etc. on their uncle, Wm. Curtis, Tuesday. 5; Nays 0. Clifford LaRowe, and Mr, and Mrs, Buried Treasure! A lost gold Ransom E. Olds and wife to Gerald Herbert Rector and family of Lan Dr.D. R. Lethbridge On motion council adjourned for two Eugene West of Webberville, W.E.C. McCowan mine! See who wins the race for Bateman and wife, lot 55, Capitol sing, and Mrs. Jane Rector spent DENISTRY—X-BAYS weeks until Oct. 10, 1932, at 7:30 p. Earl Saye spent a few days last fortune! View Subd; $1.00 etc. Sunday with their sister and daugh­ Office over Dart National Bank m. week with Mr, and Mrs, Alva Camp Clara Phillips to David P. Robin­ ter, Mrs, Sherm Campbell and family. INSURANCE Maaon, Mich.—Phone 202 GEO. KELLOGG, Clerk, ben. Also Bing Crosby in "One More son, lot 04, South Gardens Subd. No. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hayhoe and son Office hours: 9 to 12; 1 to S Chance" and "Air Mail Mystery" 1; $1.00 etc. Phillip and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Has­ Masco, Michigan Evenings by appointment September 33 kill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkins Memorial William R. Graner and wife to John .Hayhoe were at Detroit and Belle Sunday and Monday C. French, lot 7, block C, Franklin Isle, also general motors proving Charles F. Cummins Ave. Park Subd; $1.00 etc. grounds, Saturday. Commercial Printing Guaranteed Electric JOE E. BROWN in Gerald Lehman was in Ann Arbor Arab Land Co. to Fred Simpson and Rex .Glynn is on the sick list. last week to have his tonsils and ade­ wife. Com. at NE corner of Block 11, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Squires visited Quick Service Wiring "The Tenderfoot" noids and a growth in his ear remov­ Village of Okemos, W'ly to NW corner Ed Watkins, Thursday evening. Motors, Ftxtlure*, Everytiiliiff Happy Joe in a new role—a T«x ed. ' of said block, S'ly to SW corner of Mr. and Mrs. Loris B. Curtis and Moderate Prices Electrical Mr. and Mrs. Claud Crane chaper­ said block, W'ly along N line of Water Kathleen called on friends In Lansing,- ADAMS BROTHERS as tarantula who went busted on oned a company of young people from St, to Cedar River, S'ly along N bank Sunday. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS MASON Broadway! ,„,!ri <- Lansing at a cabin party on the M. of tall race to W line of Cherry St., Mrs. Jess B. Curtis drives a new N'ly to place of beg., T4N, RIW; $1. Ford sedan. Also Van Dine Detective Mys­ S, C. farm, Saturday nlght.-> Mr. and Mrs. Viges were in Niles, Prank L. Young and wife to Isaac Those who visited at the Frank tery, Cartoon comedy and News. Sunday, and Monday to consult an eye N. Latchaw, lot 18, block 11, Handy Folar home Sunday were Mr. and Dr. F. J. Kellogg Carl Jewett specialist. Home Add; $1.00 etc. Mrs. Harry McParren of Bath, Mrs. Michigan Baptist Convention to Florence McHenry and daughter of , OPTOMETRIST FARMS Closed next Tuesday'Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Laylln enter­ Walter R. Whltehouse and wife. Com,- Lansing. tained the Alaiedon Farmers club last 392,5 ft. N of SW comer of lot 52, Mr. and Mrs. Sherm Campbell and Webb Bldg., Mason Mason, Michigan Saturday. • Angells' Subd,, thence E 148.5 ft,, N family visited Mrs. Bertha Dale of DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Next week Friday>Saturday 33 ft., W 148,5 ft., S 33 ft. to place of Holt, Sunday. for If Edwin Eifert. R. 2, will bring this beg; $1.00 etc. Mrs. Jesse Curtis and Floyd Bald- WHEELER and WOOLSEY in item to the NEWS office' before Oct, Gertrude E, Arend to Albert James win were In Bellevue Wednesday on Try Your Home Town First 11, he will be given a free admission and wife, lot 16, Paul Park Add; $1. business. Prosecuting Attorney "Peach O' Reno" ticket to tbe Mason theatre. Bertha Elizabeth Rankey Warner to Mrs. Frank Hayhoe, Mr. and Mrs. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MIC HrGAWTHURSPATTSEPTEMBER 29rl932 Page-Nine

Cummins & Cummins, Attys. BusnnBss OABDS October 28, at Lansing. Clear vs Canvassers Report Conway. 3 rods of lots 3 and 4, Blk New Cases Begun ATTORNlirS 5 of Claypoors Sub., City of Lansing Ciiiivnss ot votes enst fit llio fioiicriil Prlniitry In Circuit Court Election lioltl oil 'I'ticstlfty, tho tliirtcoiitli tlfty O. J. HOOD Mid W. S. smLYR, AttarMrt $5827.18. C. F. & E. T. Hammond of Scptcnibor, A, I). 11);)2, ftml cffiivhsscil by at Law. Fnrmon Dsnk B\ia., Muon, MM. Ingham County Legal News Attys. OhuKiery and taw oasn begun in tho BofiftI of County Ciiiivftsscra ot IIIKIUIIII 'Phonif, olTice 302. IwBly October 28, at Lansing. Vander Ingham county olrcluU court during County, Michliftan. voort vs. Kyte. Lot 16 of Amended week eptfing Monday before date of Covcriior 0. G. F. WARNBR ft D.WiOHT U WILSON, A SUMMARY OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IN INGHAM COUNTY publloatloa Tho whole mimlicr of votes Kiveii by tlio Ue- Attorneyi-Kt-Lnw. 1002-9-4 Bnuch Balldlnt. Plat of Downer's Sunnyside Add., City Diibllcitii I'ftrty for cftnilltlfftos for olflco of Litnsinit. MichlKan. 81-lf of Lansing, $6923.82. C. F. & E. T. (iovortfot' wim twoifty-thfce tlfotfsitiftl ffovoii Hammond, Attys. hundretl soventy-scvon ('.i!l777) nntl they wefe FARMERS' MUTUAL Law Kivcn for the following ifftmcfl porsons October 28, at Lansing. Central FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF INGHAM ROSTER OF COUNTY OFFICERS Glenn R. McElmurry vs. Cedrlc Wllher M. Urucker lecclvctl (Iftoon lliou- County. Safoat. chcnpcnt, best. For Infor- Trust Co. vs. Carlton. N Vi of lot 4 Hunfl nine huiftlrotl ciKhty-alx voto«.-15i)S0 maUon write to Louis Stid, sccrotnn-. Mfi- Wardwell, appeal. Roy M. Chrouch, Williftin H. McKelKhftn ruccivcti two thou- PROBATE COURT Blk. 144, City of Lansing, $858.46. C plaintiff's Atty.; Def. Atty., A. D. non. G. A. Dcnnmorc, prcnidcnt, Mnson, CIROCIT COURT Hftntl Hcvoii htfiiflretl thirty votes 2730 Olfice on flrst floor court houHO. Iw62p F. & E. T. Hammond, Attys. Jones. Orlii A. Bftlloy reccivetl thf'ee huntlrefl October 28, at Lansing. Hall vs. Iwenty-niiio votes liiO CHARLES tFIRLD, Agent, CltiMM MutiMi Thirtieth Judicial Circuit Main office in Mason, branch at Lansing in Bauch India Tire and Rubber Co., a West Jitnion C. Quiiilftii reeolvoil one hifntlretl Johnson. Lot 33 of Assessor's Plat Virginia Corp. vs. Hefner's 24 Hour Automobllo InHurance Co. Phone MMM Bldg., open Mondays and Thursdays. hlxty votes - ICO 184. 4T-tf No. 8, City of Lansing, $775.67. C. F. Service. Trespass on the case upon Cico. W. Welsh received seven tlioffsuhfl Terms: January, 2nd Monday In January at Mason; 6 E. T. Hammond, Attys. flvo hundretl ifovoiity-two voteh 757'^ Judge: Hon. L. B. McArthur, Mason. promises. J. Earle Brown, Atty. VBTRRINARIAN March, 2nd Monday In March at Lansing; May, October 28, at Mason. Olds vs Totnl votes o{1777 DR. 'H. 0. GRAHAM, uucinted wlUi Dr. GM- Dart National Bank vs. Antonio The whole nuiiiber of votes Riven by the 2nd Monday In May at Mason; September, 2nd Smith. Com. at a point 24 rods E of Moody. Phono 45T. Probate Register: Charles A. Clinton, Mason. Genco, attachment. Hood & Seelye, Doniootntie I'ftrty for eiindlflfttos for olfieo of Monday in September at Lansing, the SW corner of Sec. 33 in T4N Attys. tloveriior wfts seven thotfshnd thf'ee lifinilrcd RIW, E 56 rods, N 160 rods, W 40 eljfrhty-llvo (7;i,Sfi) nnfl they wef'o Klveii for tile htindrcd nnd eiRhty-two (222S2) nnd they wore County Agent: J. M. Hewitt, Mason. Wattham Trust Co., a Corp. vs..H. followliiK ifffined ifersoiiM Riven for the followlnR nnnied ifcf'sons rods, S 40 rods, W 16 rods, S 120 Jay Hayes. Trespass on the case upon Phtriek H. O'lirlon received oli?ht hun- Harold 11. Moyer f'ecoivetl threo tliousitiid rods, to place of beg., $3285.52. A. A. two hundf'ed elRbty-two voles 3232 Judges: Hon. Charles B, ColliSg^ood and Hon, Supervisor of Mother's Pensions: Mrs.-Karen Ly­ promises. J. Earle Brown, Atty. df'cd (ifty-nlho votes 85!) Bergman, Atty. Clntftlo S. Curiiey f-eeeivofl nine hundf'cd John K. Webb receivetl thf'ee tliousftfifl Leiand W. Carr. man, Lansing. Union Mortgage Co., a Mass. Corp. clurhty-oiie„voles OS! seven hundf'efl tbirly-thf'eo voles 3733 October 28, at Lansing. Goodrich vs. H. Jay Hayes. Trespass on the Wllliffm A, Coiffstoek f-of;oivefl five tlfofi- Clark S. Chitmberlftln. Jr. f'ccclved five vs. Murphy. Lot 3 of Mlshler's Sub, case upon promises. J. Earle Brown, • sifhfl flvo hhndf'cd forty-four votes Olilt Ihousahd elRht Ifundf'od slxly-hlho votes 5S09 Prosecuting Attorney: John Wendell Bird, Lansing; COUNTY CLERK City of Lansing, $3289.41. C. F. & W. MeKclKhfth f'offeivL'tl ono vote 1 C. Uo'ss Hilliard f'eceivctl nine thousand Atty. 'i'othi votes 7;i.S.1 thf'ee bifhtlf'efl ninely-sevon voles 9397 Assistant, Dan McCuUough, Lansing. Main of­ E. T. Hammond, Attys. Clftffdc Post f'ecelvotl one voto 1 SomerviUe Trust Co. vs. H, Jay I.ieutpitunl. (roveniur Tolffl voles 222S2 fice. Capital Bank Tower, Lansing. Mason office, Main office at Mason, branch in Lansing city hall. October 28, at Mason. First State Hayes. Trespass on the case upon The whole iitiniber of votes ifrlvoh by Ihc Ue- The whole ifiinibof' of volos RIVCII by the & Savings Bank vs. Kinble. W V< of tffibllehii I'ffrty for effntlldfttes fof' olTice of promises, J. Earle Brown, Atty. I'leniocrfftic Pftrty for cftfuliilffles fof' oli'ico of 3rd floor Court House, open Mondays, 1:00 to Lieutenaht Covornor wits twenty-one thoushnfl Clerk: C. Ross Hilliard, Mason. SE Vi Of Sec. 3 In T2N, RIE, Ingham Coffnly Clef'k whs six thoushnfl nhd sovefity- J. L. Reed, Sr. vs. Rose Johnson. si.\ hffiiflf'cfl hnfl sevonty-six ('.ilfi7li) nnd they 3:00 p. m. ciirht ((ift7.S) jifid lhey tvef-c Riven for the fol- Twp., $978.17. A. A. Bergman, Atty. Trespass on the case upon promises. were Kivon fof* the followfiit^ iiffnfod lfoi'soffs lowiiiR lft.'^'sofis Lansing Chief Deputy: Flora G. Dewey, Lansing. October 28, at Lansing. Cap. Nat. Ltifen I). DlckiffHon f-eeclvcfl twelve thofi- J. Earle Brown, Atty. Clhtffle I). Aldrlch fecelveil Ibf'oc thou- Bank vs. Simons. Lot 3, Blk. 150, sffhfl foffr lifiifflf'efl nnd seveiity-fivo Sheriff: Hugh W. Silsby, Mason. International Harvester Co. vs. Al­ sftnd foffr htfndf'efl anil thirty voles.. 3130 City of Lansing, $3805.10. Shields, votes -_- i'.;-i7ri Clfttffle Post f'ecelveil two Ibousftnd six OTHER COUNTY OFFICERS bert J. Dennlson. Replevin. Cummins Charles A. Sink received seveh lhhffsffhd Silsbee, Ballard & Jennings, Attys. hffnflf'ed forly-oiRhl votes 2li-lS & Cummins, Attys. foffr iftfnflf'cfl ffhfl ttventy-ttvo votCH 7-1-2 Tolffl votes .— 007S Court Officer: William S. Rhodes, Mason. Treasurer; Hubert R. Bullen, Mason. October 28, at Mason. Gillette vs. Cbiinccry VirKll A. I'lleb received one thohsnhil Cochrane, N Vi of the S 2-3 of lots seven hiffftlrefl seventy-nine votes 177!! County Treasurer Register of Deeds: Ethel L. Phillips, Mason. Nelle B. Brgwer vs. William A. 'I'olftl votes .._ 2lfi7li Tbe whole hfffhifer of voles Rivch by lifo Probation Officer and Friend -of the Court, Laird 6 and 7 in Blk. 2 of Jerome's Add. to Brewer, divorce. Person, Marshall & Ueprcsonlntive ih Cohttrt'ss Relfffblicffh Pffrly for effiftlidftlos for olfieo of Drain Commissioner: George Graham, Mason. City of Lansing on W Vi of NW V, of Searl, Attys. The whole nffmber of votes niveif by tho Couffty Tf'eftsfff'er wfts lwenly-two thoushnd Troycr, Lansing. Sec. 15, T4N, R2W, $2317.27. Hood & Uelftfblicffff i'ffrly fof' cffhtlfttfftes for olfice of offe Ifffhflf'efl ffffd sixteen (22110) hhd tlfey wef'o School Commissioner, Fred E. Searl, Mason. W. Gardner Fitch vs. l^osalind Koiff'esontfftlvo Iff CofffTf'css wffs tweffly-thf-ee Seelyo, Attys. Riveh for the fnllowiffR nffhfcil ifersohs Fitch, divorce. Pierce & Planck, Iboffsnnfl Itvo btfhflf'efl elKhty-elttht (2ii'i,S,s) hml ilef'bef't E, ICijtke f'ecelveil five llfoffsffffd Road Commission: L. T. Lasenby, chairman. Mason, they wef-Q tjlvcff for the followini! hfufietl iiof'- Circuit Court Commissioners: Carl H. McLean and October 28, at Lansing. Cap. Nat, Attys. J foffr bffffflf'efl fflffffly-iiiife voles 5199 Bank vs, Kenney, E 55 ft, of lot 4 of sons Wiliiam G. Cameron, Lansing. A. H. Phillips, Lansing, C. H. Murray, Bunkerhill Rogina Schoenfeldcr vs. Paul Sch- Glfff'eifce W, Lock f'eceivf*l seveh Ihousfihfl Clfffs, IJfijjche .Smith f'eecivt'fl two hffhdf'ed elKlfl hffhfif'eil nhd two votes 7802 Blk, 65 of City of Lansing, $3919,47, oonfeldcr, divorce. , J. Flarvey Mar- fffftl flfty-sevefi votes *.;.*,7 Wfn, II, I.ovejoy f'oceiveil fiihe Itfffiilf-eil Shields, Silsbee, Ballard & Jennings, John Wohdell Mlril recoivofl five thoffsafftl golis, Atty. fffffi fof-ty-five votes 9-1,'i thf'ee bfihilf'ed fifty-six voles HD.'ili Attys, Hef-tf-ffiii W. Mi.-Et\-eif f'oi'civml l\vo llfnfi- Clayton G. Twiss vs. Arvillc E. (leo. K. Hoysefi fecelveil one Ifffhflf'cd nlffe- October 29, at Lansing, Capitol Sav- shiffl two Ifffffilf'etl fffffi sixty-six votes. 2206 Sec. 9, Delhi Twp., $2120.36. Kelley, Twiss, divorce. Person, Marshall ,t ty-sevoff vfftos 197 ings & Loan Co, vs. Claflin. Lots 45 Ilffbcf't U. nfflleff f'eceivefl five llfoffsffffd Sessions, Warner & Eger, Attys. Searl, Attys. Onfnt M. irffil.soh f'eceh'ed f>lnht Ihoffsnhfl seventy-one votes S071 six Ifffndf'od nhd foffr votes lion.l and 46 of the plat of South Gardens Mildred L. Bush vs, Harold G, Bush, Tolffl votes 22110 MORTGAGE SALE SUMMARY October 13, at Lansing. Fors vs. No. 1, City of Lansing, $279.40. Cum­ I'ftul It. Kelley f-eceived two huhdf-efl Scott, N 7 rods of E 44 ft. of lot 1, divorce. Partlow & Metz, Attys, iiihely-six voles ior, lieitisler of Deeds mins & Cummins, Attys. Scyfnoffr II. Pef-soh fecelveil eiuht thoff- Tlfo whole ifffffflfer of votes Rivefi Ify the Listed below are dates, places of sale, condensed descriptions of block 2, of Hudson's Add. to City of Lena M. Veelman vs. Oscar H. October 29, at Lansing. Capitol Sav­ Veelman, divorce. McClellan & Nel­ sfihfl seveh lifihtlf'Cfl eiKhty-one votes. S7SI Uelifflflfcfffi rffrly fof' cftffiliilftlos for office of properly, approximate amounts of mortgages, the mortgagors and Lansing, $5549.07. Kelley, Sessions, Vfffcefft I), Kyffif receft'cfl thf'ee Jftfffdf'ctl ReRister of Ocefls whs lweffl.v-ohe Ufoffshfifi ings & Loan vs. Howard. Lot 38 of ier, Attys. mortgagees, and the attorneys in foreclosures occurring within tbe Warner & Eger, Attys. hhd thirty votes lillO five Iffffitlf'ed fffffi tweffly (21020) ffffd lhey were Paul Park Addition to City of Lan­ Nathan P, Hull vs. Arab Land Co., Totfti votes '.;i)2.fS Rivefi for the followifiR iifffiieil ifef-snffs next thirty days. While great care has been taken in the compiling October 14, at Lansing. Cox vs. sing, $1382.35. Cummins & Cummins, a Mich. Corp. Bill for accounting. The whole nffffflier of votes Klvcn Ify the Elbel I.. l'hilli|is f-cceiveil sixteen tlfoff- Norris. Beg. at a point on the W side Attys. Dehiocf'fftic I'hrty for cnndldfftes for oli'ltfe of Hffffil foffr btfffdf'eil fifty IClf'O of this summary, the publishers of the Ingham County News do not John Carton, Atty. Ueprescnlhtive In Cohiif'css wfus six thoffshhfl C. A, Wlfitffiffh f'eceivefl five tlfoffsfffffl of Washington Ave., 466 ft. SW of October 29, at Lansing. Capitol ei(:rbt hffndf'cd flfly-flvo (liS,'i,'i) ffffd they wef'o guarantee its accuracy and will accept no responsibility therefor. This In the matter of the petition for the hhd seventy votes where the E and W yt line of Sec. 28 wivefi for tlfo followlffK nffmed lfersohs Savings & Loan Co. vs. Howard. Lot dissolution of the Rees Ashian. Hay- Tothl votes 21520 summary is compiled and published for tbe protection and conven­ Chns, U, Aihfir feceived foffr hunflf'efl crosses the W line of Washington Ave. 29 of Duplex Park Add. to City of don, Hubbard tt Rathbun, Atty. 'rife whole fffffifbef' of votes Riven by ilio ience of both mortgagors and mortgagees and other Interested parties. SW'ly along W side of Washington twent.v-flve votes 'llir nefffofff'fftie Pfff-ly fof- f-ffffflidfflos for olVice of Lansing, $1582,25. Cummins & Cum­ Union Joint Stock Land Band vs. Clfftfdo I'j, Cffdy recolvefl lliree thousfffftl Ave. 50 ft., NW'ly at right angles to UeRistfff' of liiH'ds wffs six Ibotlsffffil foffr Iffin- mins, Attys. Clarence A. Diehl. Foreclosure. Mas­ seven hffnflf'ed slxteuif votes ,'!7lli ih-eil nhfl eiRlfl.v-nhe (IM.SI) nhd they tvef-e Washington Ave. 140 ft., NE'ly par­ October 29, at Lansing. Capitol ters, Grain & Willett, Attys. Oee KerKffson feceived seveh huhdfcd tblr- Rivefi fof' life follffwifiR fffffnefl pef'sifffs September 30, at Lansing. Fors vs. R2W, Lansing Twp., $1049.54. Kelley, allel to Washington Ave. 50 ft., SE'ly leoh votes 7i!i nof'r A, flf'eeffo f'eeeiveil two tlfoffsfffffl six Savings & Loan Co. vs. Kenney. Lot John Crater and Eagle Laundry vs. CInrefico W, v\, Howbiiffl f'eceivctl five Whitney. E -l-l tt. of lot 16, Blk. 5 of Sessions, Warner & Eger, Attys. 150 ft. to Beg., $3746.37. C. F. & E. 175 of Oldsdale Subd. of City of Lan­ Ifffffdf'eil fiffil hfhety votes 2090 Credit Alliance Corp. of N. Y. Bill btfnflf'cd ahil thirty votes WM Johh I', Tyfffffi received offe tiioffsifhfl Bush, Butler & Sparrow's Add. to City October 7, at Lansing. Vandervoort T. Hammond, Attys. sing, $2030.23. Cummins & Cummins, for accounting. H. F. Hittlc, Atty. Wllllhfn J. MhKiffh f-ecoivefl five htiffilfed .seveh hffhflf'f'fl forty-six voles 17-10 of Lansing, ?323.21. Kelley, Sessions, Attys. nnil sevoht,v-oife t'otcs .'',7J Cffrl J, Wehle fiM'eivefl two thoffshhfl hhd vs. Kyle. Lot 16 of Amended Plat of October 14, at Lansing. Walter vs. Anna VanDorlee vs. Vernon PI. Swftff Swffffsoft f-eceived ifihe lufhflf-efl Warner tfe Eger, Attys. Downer's Sunnyside Add., City of Octobor 29, at Lansing. Metropoli­ fof'ly-lfve voles 20.LT Cook. B V2 of lot 52 of Collegevillc, Granger. Bill for injunction. Fred L. votes !inn Tolffl vfites OISI September ."50, at Lansing. Fors vs. Lansing, $6869.35. C. F. it E. T. Ham­ East Lansing, $852.40. C. F. & E. T. tan Lifo Ins. Co. vs. Geyer. Lot 45 of Warner, Atty. Totnl voles (i.S.V mond, Attys. Breiten Park Subd. of Outlets A and State .Sefintfir Circuit Cfffirt Cififfiiiissihiicrs Whitney. E U ft. of lot 17, Blk. 5 of Hammond, Attys. Helen E. Gargctt vs. Willis E. Gar- The whole nfffhlfer of voles given by the Tlfo wlfffle iffffffbei' of votes ttivefi by life Bush, Butler & Sparrow's Add, lo City October 7, at Lansing. Symmonds October 14, at Lansing. Central B of Clear's Add. to City of Lansing, gett, divorce. J. E. Converse, Atty. nelffflilfcffh I'ftrty for f'hnflfflhtos for ollico of Ilclffflflft'fffi I'fff'ty fof' f'ftffilfilfftos fof' olfice of of Lansing, $2835.68, Kelley, Sessions, vs. Baske. Lot 22 of Foster Court Trust Co. vs. Kelush. E 33 ft. of lot $2562.01. Shields, Silsbee, Ballard & Sherriff—Goslin Co., a Corp. vs. Stffte Scnfftof' wffs twffffly llfffffshiffi elttlft Ifffff- Cif'cffit Cofff'l Cohffffissiohef's wffs tliif'ly-lwo Jennings, Attys. flf'cfl ifnd sixty-six CiOSljl!) hhil they wef'O ),'ivefi tifffffsftfifl six Ifffffdf'eil ffffd sevefflffeff (32017) NVarner tt Eger, Attys. Add. to City of Lansing, $3104.83. C. 9, block 1 of Sparrow's Sub. of lot 1, Fred L. Minick. Bill for accounting. for the folliiwiifi; fffffhi'd ififf'sohs ffffil tlfey wef-e Rivefi for life followiffR hffflletl September 30, at Lansing. Fors vs. F. A E, T. Hnmmond, Attys. block 14 of Townsend's Sub. of N frl. Octobor 29, at Lansing. Capitol Donald M. Ryan, Atty, .loe C. Kosler f-ecelvf'tl teh thoffsffhil seven pef-sofis Wliitney. E 44 ft. of lot 17, Blk. 5 of Octobor 7, at Lansmg, Symmonds '/j of Sec. 20, City of Lansing, $1,- Savings it Loan Co, vs. Howard. W hffhfif'eil ffifftfty-nit:iit votes Ifi7!f.s .-\lviff A, Nf'llef- f-ei-piveil rfiffe thfffisffffd 101 ft. of lot 5, Blk. 30 of Elmhurst Uftf'ffftf'fl I'iof'ce received leff tlfoffsfffffl fiffil two ifffhflf'eil elRlfty-six votes 92.S0 Bush, Butler & Sparrow's Add. to City vs. Whaley. South Vi of lot 3, Be- 335.53. C. F. & E. T. Hammond, Atty. sixLv-seveh votes lfff)f!7 Subd., City of Lansing, $1410.68. Cum­ .Ifffhes U. nfffffsi'y receiveil six tboffsffhfl of Lansing, ?SC1.98. Kelley, Sessions, mcnt's Add. to City of Lansing, $3,- October 14, at Mason. Dart Na­ Affdy I'^ilwfff'fls f'ecefveil tufe vote i si'vf'ff Iffffffif-eil .-^evenly votes 0770 Warner & Eger, Attys. 228.50. C. F. & E. T. Hammond, Attys. tional Bank vs. Gonco. W 22 ft. of mins it Cummins, Attys. Circuit Court Tolffl votes liffSfif; Wfff. S, Cfffffi'f'fiff f'i'i-eivefl seveff tlfoffsfffffl October 29, at Lansing. Capitol The whole ntfhflfef' nf votes ijiven by life ffhd si'vi'iily.fofff' votes 707-1 September 30, at Lansing. Whit­ October 7, at Lansing. Jesse N. lot 7 in block 7, of original plat of Defnoci'iilie Thrly for ihfnfliflfftos lor olVfc.' of City of Mason, $1503.81. E. A. Dens­ Savings & Loan Co. vs. Carr. Lot 71 Proceedings Off I II. Mi-l.f-.-fif f-ei-i'it-cil nine llfou.ifffffl myer vs. Gimn. Strip of land 55 ft. Baker vs. Michigan Mortgage Invest­ State .Sonfflor wffs five tifnffsuhil foffr Ifffhilf'ed rfffff' IftfffflfiMl eijflily-seveff votes 91S7 of Reo Park Add. lo tho City of Lan­ Taken from journal entries of the ftnfl nifft'ty-ofie l.'iltfl) ftffd llff^y wef'f* gft'off 'width off oast end of lots 11 and 12, ment Co. Lot 3 of Alamo Heights more, Atty. Tolffl vnl'vf 32017 sing, $1267. 29. Cummins & Cum­ circuit court for life fillliitrfIff,' nnnfeil ifef'.sifhs 'I'Ife whole ifiifffiier (if viiles Kit'i'h Ify Ihe Blk. 14!), City of Lansing, .?4189.78. C. Subd. of W of NE Vt of Sec. 14, October 14, at Lansing. Union Uhllfh II. Ilhtvkihs feceived two llfoffsfiffd mins, Attys. l)"fffl)ef'!ftil' I'ffi'lv for effffdiilffles fof' office of F. & E, T, Hammond, Attys, Lansing Twp., $425.03. Kelley & Building & Loan Ass'n. vs. Cotton. W seven liffffflf'efl hfffi eittlfty-fofff' volf's.. 'J7.Sl t.''f'i'ifif Hofff't Cfiffffffissiohi'f's wffs eiRifl llfoff­ Seelyo, Attys. 22.38 ft. of lot 17 and E 11,36 ft. of lot October 29, at Lansing. Cap. Sav. Wifltef' W. Knftlflf f'eceivffd two lhoffsffffd sffffd f'itflft Ifffffiireil fffffi ffiffely'lwo {.ss;f2) ffhd October 1, at Lansing, Capital Na­ Octobor 7, at Lansing. Hall vs. 18, of Torrance Farm Add., City of & Loan vs. Torrance. Lot 84, Foster September 19 seven lufffdf-od hhd six votes -Tf'fi tbffy wef-e iiiveh for life followiffR hffnfeil lfer- .Toe l'"oster f'ei'eiveil offe vole i soffs tional Bank of Lansing vs, Rico. S Johnson. Lot 33 of Assessor's Plat Lansing, $2505.75. C. F. & E. T, Ham­ Holmes Road Sub. being a part of the People vs. Edward Anisko. Arraign­ 3S ft. of N n2 ft. of W 71/^ rods of lot Tothl votes illtll I-'f'ffffk M, I''ifRR f'eceivcd two llfoffsnffil No. 8, City of Lansing, $773.73. C. F. mond, Attys. NW Vv of Sec. 33, T4N, R2W, Lan­ ed, pleaded guilty, plea accepted. Re­ Ueifrt'.st'ntftlive Iff Stale l.egislal:hf'c, 2fffl DlsL 10, Blk. ISO, City of Lansing, .flSlO.lC. elRht buhilf'f'il hffd two voles 2s02 tt E. T. Hammond, Attys. October 14, at Mason. First State sing Twp., $826.03. Cummins & Cum­ manded. The whole hfffffiiec of vfdes Kiveff by life llefff-y A. ,Ief'sey f'et'eivefl thf'ee tboffsffhfl Shields, Silsbec, Ballard & Jennings, People vs. Frank McDonald. Ar­ Reiffflfrfeffh rffrly ffir cffffillilffles for oli'ii'e of fifffl ffiffely-foffr votes 309-1 October 8, at Lansing. Swarthaut it Savings Bank vs. Ocobock. Land mins, Attys. Itelfresehtftlive iff Stffto I.e'.tisifflfff'e. 'Jfffl IMs- Attys. raigned, pleaded guilty, plea accepted. Chffs, P, VhhNote f-eceived two iboffsfffffi vs. Hicks. Lot 1, block 1, Gansley along Mason-Lansing road, all in Sec. October 29, at Lansing. Metropoli­ trict wffs six thoffihfnfl fthfr bffnflf'f'fl hhd sev- hiffe Ifffhflf'f.'il ffiffety-six votes 2090 Octobor 1, at Lansing. Cap. Sav. Add. to City of Lansing, $7030.13. 5, T2N RIW, Vovay Twp. and City of tan Life Ins. vs. Lusick. Lot 35 of Probation 2 years. (B. & E. in the ehty (0170) hfffi tiftfy wef'O Kfvcn for the fol­ Tolhl voles .'iS92 night time with intent to commit lar­ lowini; nffmefl ifef-soifs & Loan vs. Sedolamier. Lot 121, City Walter 0. Estes, Atty. Mason, $3816.92. A. A. Bergman, Kenwood Sub. of a part of SE Vi of Vef'hffff .1, lif-owff ri'ceiveii fffffr Ihoffsffnfl nrttifi Cofiiiiiissioifer Park Subd. of part of NE M of Sec. October 8, at Lansing. Capitol Sav­ Atty. SE Vt of Sec. 20, T4N, R2W, City of ceny). hhd foffrteeh votes -lOl-l The whole mffhbi'r of voles Riven by the 22, T4N, R2W, City of Lansing, §1,- ings & Loan Co. vs, Spalding. Lot 55 October 15, at Lansing. Capitol Lansing, .$2317.05. Shields, Silsbee, September 20 Krncst A. neffsmof-o f-eceived two tlfoff- Uelfffblicffff Party for cffniHilhles for olfice of 238.33. Cummins & Cummins, Attys, People vs. Cora Golnitz. Order ap­ sfihd fofff- hffffflf-ed hhfl fifty-fotfr votes ti-l.vl nf'ffifi Cohffnfssitnier wns ffiffeleeff llioffshiifl of South Parkwood Subd.; also a part Savings & Loan vs. Veelman. Com. Ballard & Jennings, Attys. Tf'oyor receivetl ohe vote 1 five hffhilfeil rorLv-nihe (19.1-19) ffhd they were October 1, at Lansing, Cap. Sav. & of SE Sec. 28, T4N, R2W, Lansing 45 ft. E of E line of Pennsylvania Av. October 29, at Lansing, Cap. Sav. pointing attorney. Trial. Chns. A. E^eler f'eceivcd ohe vote 1 Riven for tbe followihR ffnfifefl ifef'sohs Loan vs. Tiiyne. Lot 109 of Duplex Twp. and City of Lansing, $2267.49. on tho S line of E Grand River Ave., & Loan vs. Mixter. Lot 16, Blk. 1, People vs. LeRoy Nestell. With­ Tolhl voles C'Ifo (!eo, fifhhnnf fei-eft'cil nine Iboffsnnfl seven The whole nffhflfor of votes Klvefi Ify the Park Add. of part of the W Vt ot Sec. Cummins & Cummins, Attys. Lansing Ihence S 73 ft., thence E 41 Stebbins-Moore replat of lots 1 and 2, draws plea of not guilty, pleaded guil­ hifnflf'eil fihil elRht volffs 970,S, ty, plea accepted. Motion to amend Democrhtie rffrly for cffhdiflfftes for oli'lce of Juliffs Selfffieielfel reeeivefl two Ihoffsffnfl 28, T4N, R2W, City of Lansing, $1,- October 8, at Lansing. Capitol Sav­ ft., thence N 73 ft., thence W 41 ft. to Blk. 13 and lot 2, Blk. 20 of Town­ Relif'c.sentftlivo iff Stnlc I.eKislnliff'e. 2nil dis­ nine Iftfffilf'cd ftffd ffinely votes 2990 480.81. Cummins & Cummins, Attys. ings & Loan vs. Young. Lot 19 of Beg., $2638,99. Cummins & Cum­ send's Sub. of N part of Sec. 20, T4N, information to ready LcRoy Nestell trict, wffs two tiioffsffiul four htfhtlf'cfl sevehty- Allen J, Tonflihson feceived six Ihoushhil instead of LeRoy Nistle. Granted. nino ('.il7n) nnd they wef'e ttiven for the foi- oiRht hundf'ed fifly-ohc votes OS.'il October 1, at Lansing. Cap. Sav. it Assessor's Plat No. 2, City of Lan­ mins, Attys. R2W, $2728.84. Cummins & Cummins, lowinifr nfthfetl iforsohs People vs. LeRoy Nestell. Recogniz­ Tolffl volos lO.'ilO . Loan Co. vs. Smith. Lot 27 of the re- sing, $3232.40. Cummins & Cummins, October 15, at Lansing. Capital Na­ Attys. Ilowftrfl Kliot f'ecoivetl ohe thoffshhfl four The whole nfffnber of volos Riven by the ance $500.00. plat of Blk. 3 of Ballard's Add. to City Attys. tional Bank vs. Miller. W VI' of lot October 29, at Lansing. Wilhelm hfihdred and forty votes 1-110 Democrhtie Parly for chnflidhles for olfice of September 3t Leo Wood reeeivefl ono tifoffsffnd itntl Of'hin Commissioner wffs six Ihtnfsftffil fofir of Lansing, 151904.42. Cummins & October 8, at Lansing. Capitol Sav­ 11, block 1 of Morrison's Sub. of Blk. vs. Mich. Mtg. Inv. Co. Lot 60 of In Re: Michigan State College of thirty-nine votes — - — lOIIll hffndf'cd sixly-elRht (MiW) hhfl they wef-e Riv­ Cumiiiins, Attys. ings & Loan Co. vs. Dell. Lot 101, 10 of Townsend's Sub. on Sec. 20, City Huntington Hgts. Sub., City of Lan­ Tothl votes - - '•I'l'li en for the followihR Ifef'sohs Valleau City, Delhi Twp., $2257.95. of Lansing, $1917.33. Shields, Sils­ sing, $197.14. Carl H. McLean, Atty. Agriculture and Applied Science, et Ucprescntfttivc In Stale U'lrislnture. 1st Dist Ff'Cd R, llffschke feceived ohe Ihousffnd October 1, at Lansing. Brooks vs. Cummins & Cummins, Attys. bee, Ballard & Jennings, Attys. October 29, at Lansing. Cap. Sav. al. Order for grand jury investiga­ The whole nfffnber of votes ylven Ify the seven hundf'cd iiihely-six voles 1790 R. B. McKlbbin Co., lot 9 of Chester-, nepfibliehn Party for cftnditlhtos for Ofi'Ico of October 8, at Lansing. Hopkins vs. October 15, at Lansing. Hull vs. & Loan vs. Farhat. Lots 83 and 84 of tion. Wm, A, Oxehilfde f'oceivefl one Iboffsnnd field Hills No. 1, City of East Lan­ Ueiif'csontfttivo ih Sthte LcKislhlfffe. 1st Pis. two Ififnilf'ed and foifr voles 1201 Baske. Lot 7 of Foster Court Add. to Bean. W 112 ft. of lot 61 of Maple People vs. Cora Golnitz. Verdict: trlct, wfts fourteen tliotfsffhd seveh hfinflfetl sing, §3699.58. John A. Brooks, Atty. Assessor's Plat No. 3, on Blks. 1 and Arthur 11, PliiUljis received thf'ee tlioff- City of Lansing, $3075.00. McClellan Grove Farms No. 2, Delhi Twp., 2 and 15 of Townsend's Sub., City of Guilty. Remanded to custody of sher­ nntl forty-two (I-I7'I2) nnd lhey were Riven for shnd four hundf'ed sixly-eiRht voles.. S-IO."! tho foUowinif hftfheil ifof-sohs Totnl votes C-IGS October 1,' at Lansing. Capital Na-' & Nelier, Attys. $899.32. Archibald D. Jones, Atty. Lansing, $4508.98. Cummins & Cum­ iff to await sentence. Andf'ow J. Eilwffrils reeeivefl ohe thoii- tional Bank of Lansing vs. Gordan. N, October 8, at Lansing. Capital Na­ Ofiobr.. 15, at Lansing. Capital mins, Attys. People vs. Milton Ryan. Trial be­ sahd nhd Iwenty-eiuht votes ]0'ZH Coroners 33 ft. of E 7 ft. of lot 4 of Blk. 02,' tional Bank of Lansing vs. Gleason. Savings <& Loan Co. vs. Boyer. Lots October 29, at Lansing. Cap. Sav. fore court without a jury, and verdict: Chffs. A. Etjeler reeeivefl Ibf'oe thousand Tho wholo humlfer of votes Riven liy the City of Lansing, $4083.18. Shields, 160 and 161, City Park Subd. City of Guilty. Remanded to custody of the nnd thf'ee .hhnflf'od votes .1300 Reifiiblicnn Pftf'ty for effiifliflffles for olfieo of Lots 65 and 66 of Excelsior Land Co.'s & Loan vs. Veelman. Com. 45 ft. E Merle If;. Iloififer f-eceived two Ihotisftnd Cof'onef'S whs thirty-eiRht thoffsnhd oho hun­ Silsbee, Ballard & Jennings, Attys. j Subd. City of Lansing, $2259.49. Lansing, $490.39. Cummins & Cum­ of E line of Pennsylvania Ave. on the sheriff to await sentence. four huhflf'efl nnfl forty-tlirco yott's— 2-113 df'ed hnfl seven (H.S107) ffnd lhey wef'C Riven October 1, at Lansing. Capitol Sav-, Shields, Silsbee, Ballard & Jennings, mins, Attys. 5 line of E Grand River Ave., Lan­ In the matter of the contempt pro­ .\f'chibnld P. Jones f-eceived one thou- for the followihR nhfucfl ifef'sohs ceedings, Ollie Osbo. Probation con­ sfinil foffr hffhdf'ed and forly-six votes M-lfi Harf'y E, r.,eh'dley f'eceivcd twelve tlfoti- ings & Loan vs. Bassett. Lots 12 and, Attys. October 17, at Lansing. Fors vs. sing, thence S 73 ft. thenco E 41 ft., I-,ftlf'd J. Tf-oyer f-eceivetl four thousand tinued 30 days from this date. sfihfl six hffhdf'ed hnd twonty-ono 23 of Bassett's Subd., City of Lansing, | October 8, at Lansing. Capitol Sav­ Brown. E 78 ft. in length of N 33 ft. N 73 ft., W 41 ft. to beg., $2631.95. seven hfihdf-ed hnd twenty-nine voles. -1720 votes 12021 ?2693.38. Cummins & Cummins, Atty. | ings it Loan Co. vs. Coates. Lot 166 in width of lot 6, blk. 122, City of Lan­ Cummins

CANVASSERS BBPOBT^ Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice ORDER OF PUBLICATION I.KOBATB OF WILiL. 8IM0N-0CT. 18 MORTGAGE BALE MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE (Continued from Page 9) Dofnult having been mado In tho conditions Slate of MIchighn. In the Circuit Court (or Now 28040-A Stato of MichiKhn. The Probato Court for Default having been mndo in tho condition; Default having been mado in tho eonflitions .stftto of MichlKnn. fcounty ot Innhiim, fjH, of a real eatato mortgage, whereby tho power the County of Inghnm. In Chancery. • Default having neon mado In tho conditions tho County of Inshiun. of a certain mortRaRO whereby tho power of of n corlain real cstato mortgago whereby tht Wo Do Hefcby CortUy. Thftt tho fovoifoinK of sale therein contained become operative, Willinm H. Wagner, PlaintilT, ot a certain mortgage mado by Peter HolTman, At it session of ffaiil Court, held iit the Pro. •ale thoroin contained hns bccomo operative, power of sitle therein contained became oper­ la It correct stittcnicnt of tho vot«n Klvcn In mad» by Prank T. Johnaon nnd Ethel J. John­ vs. a single man. to tho Chpltol Shvlngs & Loan hale Oirico In tho City of Miison, in fmid coun­ mado by Tho Lanalnu Duntllo Company, n atlvo, mafle by Elmer Berry (aingle), to tho tho County of IitKhhm for tho cnmllilijtca nnm- aon. his wife, to Flora A. Hall, dated October Velma Wagnef', Defendant. Company, a. Corporation, dntcfl tho 2nd day of ty, on tho 20th dny of September, A. D. 1032. Michigan corporation, to Enat Lnnsing State Union Building and Loan Asaoclatlon, Limit­ ctl in stich Htfttemcnt ftml for thi) oirico jloftiit- 9, 1920, and recorded In tho Ingham County, At a acasion of anid court held In tho Court Juno, 1027, and recorded in the ollico of tho Present, HON. I. B. McARTHUR, JUIIKO Bank, a MichiRan banking corporation of Eftst ed, a Michigan corporalion, of Lansing, Mich­ Bhtctl therein, Ht tho Oenernl Fall Pi; miify Michigan, Register of Deed's olTlco on Decem­ Room In the Cily Hnll In tho City of Lnnaing, RoRlatcr of Deeds for tho County of Ingham of Probato. Unalng. Michigan, dated May 8|||i, 1030. nnd igan, dntcfl Docomher 4, 1928, nnd recorflcd In Election, heltl on Tticfttlity, the Thirteenth tlfty ber 10. 1929, In liber 322 of mortgages on MIchighn, on tho 24th dny of August, 1932. and Stato of Michigan, on tho 4th day of Juno. Tn the Matter of tho Estate of AUGUST rccoriled In tho ollico of tho Roslster of Deeds tho Ingham Cofinty, Michigan, Reglater of PhRO 406, upon which mortgago thero ia now Present, Hon. Lolhnd W. Carr, Circuit 1027. in Llbcr 203 of Mortgngca. on Phgo 627, ot Soiftember, In tho year ono IhotisifntI nino SIMON, Dccoaaod. * for tho County of Ingham and Stato of Mich­ Decd'a olTice on December 6, 1928, In llbor 317 claimcfl to bo duo nnd payable for principnl Judge. on which morlgfiRo thoro ia claimcfl lo bo dtio hunfli'oil thirty-two. Bcnno A. Simon hnvinR filed In snid court igan, on May I4th, 1930. In llbcr 323 of mort­ of niorlgages on pngo 41, upon which morlgnge hhd Interest tho sum of 1640.06 j Insurance In thia causo It appearing that the defend­ at tho dato of this notlco. for principal and Ills petition prnylni! that a ccrtnin Instrument gages, on pngo 264, on which mortgago there there Is now claimed lo bo duo and payable In WItncfffi Wheicof. Wo hnvo hofctinto sot premiums paid of $9,00. nnd ta.NCs and Intereat ant, Velma Wagner, la not a resident of the intefeat, the aum of $1600,21, nnd the aum of in writing, purporting to be the Inst will nnd is clalmotl to be duo nnd unpaid at tho date for principal nnfl interest the aum of $2246,4,5 ; our lifinils hntl cfffiffetl lo be itirixctl the ffcitl oC thereon paid on mortgaged lands of (226.61. Stato of Michigan, but that hor last known $118,87 for tnxos paid by Jho mortgagee, and testament of snid tlecensod, now on lllo In said of this notice, for principal nnd interest, tho litxea paifl on mortgitged lantis of $164.45. nnfl lho Circuit Cotirt for the County of IiiKhhm. making a total Indohtodncaa of $776.67. and address was 203 Brfinawlck Blvd., BulTalo, New tho aum of $12.00 for liiauf-hnco phid by the court bo admitted to probate, and that tho nd- •um of threo thousand six hundred twenty- Insurance ptcmlums and Interest thotcon of this aafil flffy of Soifleinlier. in the yehr ono no suit at law having been bi-ought to recover York, thorcfore. on motion of Roy T. Conley. mortgagee, nnfl nn ntlorney's fee of $35,00 hs minlstrfttlon of sftId eatnte ho Kritnted to him­ Bcven nnd 53-100 (»3627.li3) dollars, and no $37.66. making a total flebt of 12437,46. and thoushnti nino hhntlretl thirty-two, ahid debt, or any part thereof, said mortgagee Atlofnoy for the plitlntilT, it Is ordered that proviflcfl for by Ihw, antl no suit or proceeding self or lo some other nfiitablo person. auit or proceeding nt law or In equity having no suit nt law having lieen brought to recover I., H, McARTHUR, electa to consitler all of aald debt na duo nnd the defeijtlftnt enter her apiieiiranco In said nt law having been Inatitiitcd to i-ocover the It is Orilef'cd, That tho 18th day of October, been hnd or instituted to recover tho debt se­ sltid tlcht. or nny part thereof, saitl morlgageo HUllEUT U, HUbLEN, payable at tho dato hereof by reaaon of tho cause on or before three months from tho dale moneys aecuifd by shifl morlghgo, or any part A. D. 1032, at ton o'clock In the forenoon, nt cured by said piortgnge. or any part thereof: having hy resolution tluly afloplcfl at a regu­ C, ROSS IIILUARD, non-pnyment of taxes hnd of tho inatallmenta of this order, nnd lhat within twenty days tho thereof. snid Probato OlTlco. be hnd ia hcicby nppoint- Now. therefore, by virtue ot tho power of lar meeting of its Board of Directors, declared of Interest accruing on December 12, 1031, and plaintilT causo this order to be publlahed in Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of tho (SEAL) • nohf'il of Coffhty Chnvhssof'K, c>unty. Michigan, to tho First Stato nnfl Sav- Lot "U" Leallo Park Subdivision. Town Four Coffrt for tlfo County of Inithftm, this 'I'M tlfty Commencing at n point four hundred aov- of Valleau City, being part of southwest quat'- county and slat*, descrilfed ns follows: T..ut 23 Logan Street, thcnco west 2 rods, south 0 rods, ings Bank, a banking corporation of Maaon. (4) North, Rango Two (2) West, Lanaing, Ing­ ot Scnlombcr, ih tho year one thouHanil nino onty-fivo (475) feet north of tho east and west Icr ot section five, Delhi Township, Inghnm of Mftyflclfl Farms. accorillnR to tho recof'tled cast 2 roils, north 9 rods to beginning, being Michigan, datcfl tho 18th day of December. liam County, Michigan. Ifffnflfcfl thlrty-ttvo, clRhth lino of tho southwest quarter of sec­ County. Michighn, plht thcf'cof, bcinR a part of the south half of now known oa lot thlrt.v-thrce of Aaacssor'a 1930. said morlgageo having availed itaoK of Dated September 1, 1S32. (SEAL) tion threo. township four (4) north, range two Dated August 1.3. 1932, the south hfflf of tho northwest quftrter of sec­ Pint No, 8, City of Lansing, Ingham County, tho option In said mortgage to doclaro tho CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN COMPANY. C, ROSS HILLIARD, County CIcfk, (2) west, and seventy-seven and Hve-tenths tion fotfr north. rauRC two west, from said Michigan, whole mortgage Indebtedness due and payable Mortgagee, UNION BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA­ L, H, McARTHUR, Chairman of the Coartl (77,5) feet (menaured nt right angles) from dofenilfintfl who hold the same contfaty to'the Dated August 2, 1032. by reason of a default for moro than thirty CUMMINS & CUMMINS. Attorneya for TION, LIMITED. Mortgagee. of Coffnty Canvassef's, tho center ot tho Michigan Central Railroad conditions ftnd convcnhnta ot a certain execu- FLORA A. HALL. Mortgagee. days in tho paj-mont of Interest thereon after Mortgagee. 400 Capitol Savings & Loan Build­ C. F. & E. T. Hitnimonfl, Attorneya for right of way, thence oitat parallel with aaid lof'y land coiftract for the phrchfiao thef'cof, it C. F. & E. T. HAMMOND. Attorneya for tho same became flue and payable, and by rea- ing. Lanaing, Michignn, 35wl3 MortRhgeo, • Business Addreaa, 001 Amerlchn eighth line three hundred sixty-two nnd five Ccrliflcntc of Detcrniinntion iippearlnR from the hlTltlftvit ot Seymour A. Mortgngec. Business Address: 601 American aon ot tho non-payment of taxes assessed Stato Shvinga Bank Building, Lansing, Michi­ one-hundrcdths (,162,06) feet, thcnco noi'th nt Rice that tho ilefcndant, I-*o Ncorick, resides State Savings Bnnk Building. Lansing. Michi- againat the preniiaea dcacrlbed in aaW mort­ gan. 34wl3 Sthto of Michigan, County of Intiham, as. out of the Sthte of MichiRftn and his last right angles two hundrctl (200) feet, thonco gage before tho same became delinquent, said MORTGAGE SALE The nohf-fl of Cotinly Canvft-ssef-s of Innhanf Khn. 31wl3 , knotvn hdflfess is Route No. 2, Conroy. Ohio, west pnrnllol with aaid oigltth lino two hundred mortgago being recorded In tho olTice of tho Default hftving been mffdo In tho conditiona MORTGAGE SALE Coffhty Ifffvinic fiscorthftfetl hhtl ChhvifssctI Ihe in chre of Victor fiftrmyn, it ia hereby orilered nlnoty-ono nnd thIrty-sIx one-hundrcdtha Register of Dccfia of Ingham Ounly. Michigan, of a cof-tiiin real ostato niof-lRifRO whereby the Votes of Ihe scvef-ffi Wffrfls anfl Towhshlifs of thftt tho said defcndhhts nppoar at the olTlce (291.30) feet to n point seventy-aevcn and five- MORTGAGE SALE In Lihor 205 of mortgages, on Pngo 630. on Ifowor of sftlo thoroin coiilhined bochmo nporff- Dofithit bftvihR boon mffflo in life conflitiohs sffifl Coffhty, of ibo fiehcf'hl Fall rrimary Elec­ of tho findef'slRned, 70(1 American State Sftv- tontha (77.5) feet (measured nt right angles) Default hhving lioen mode in tho conditiona the 15lh day of December. 1930, on which tlve, mado by GeorRO W, Cousins and Gladys of a certain inortRaRo mafle by The Uffllantino tion, helfl oh Tffcstlhy, the Thirteenth fbiy of InRS Bffnk BhlR,. Lan.slnR, MichiRftn. at ten from the center of anid right of wny. thcnco of n certhin real cslalo mortgago whcfeby tho mortgago llierfl Is now claimed lo ho duo and Coiisliia. hia wife, to llie Union BuildinR ahd Compnny to Arlhffr E, Wllhelm ffnd If-eno L, Seldemlfer. A, I), lOli'J, o'clock in the forenoon (ehatern standard Bouthweatorly pnrnllol with tho said right of power of sale therein coiihtincd bochmo opor- payable the principal sum of $3,141.60. and In­ Loan Aasoclhtioit, LImiletl, a Michlgftn corpor- Wilhclm, thtled the fif-st fifty of Augffal, A. D. no llefoby Cerlify hnfl Determine ' lime) on Monday, the 17th day of October, way two hundfetl twelve nnd two-tcntha alive, mhtio by Nelson Carlton nnd Rose Chrl- tereat in tho sum of $374.65, nnfl taxea aaaeas- ntlon, of Lansing, Mlcbighh, dfftefl Jfine 4, 1922, and recorflefl in Uio olflco of the Keglster That U'illfcr .M, [if'ucJfer hffvint? received Ihe' 103',;. hnd answer tho complaint fllefl In this (212,2) feet to tho pinco of beginning, con­ lon. his wife, to tho Contrhl Tniat Comphny ed against the mortghRod premises In tho fliim P.lllO, antl recof'tlefl in lhe Ingham Counly, of Deeds for Inghfun Cofinty, MlehlRffn. on life Ihrgost nffmbor of voles is nofninhtofi ehnfliflale cfuise, or jihlRihent will ho entered against taining ono nnd one-hnlf (1V6) ncrea moro or ot Lhnaing, Michigan, a corporation, dated of $400.77, and no suit at law hftving been In- MIchlgitff. RcRister of Oced's olflco on June 5, 7th tlhy of August, A. D. 1922, in Lilfer 2lfi of by the Reifffblican Party for the olfiee of saifl flefcnflhnUt by defmfit. leas. Mitrch 18. 1927, hnd recorded in the Register atitutcd to recover said mortgage intlebtedncss, 1930, In libor 324 of inorlRhgos on pftRO 625. Mortgftgoa on pffgo 426. on which niortghgo r,t)X'ef'ffor, DnU;d AuRiist 18. 1032. of Deed's ollice for Inghnm Counly, Michighn, Ihof-o Is clhlfncfl to be flue at Uto ilhto of lltia Dated Scptombor 17, 1932, or any phrt thercoL uiion whif'ji inorlRitgo Iberf! is now clfiimefl to That Williitfn A, ConfsloeU havihK f'ecoivetl EAST LANSING STATE BANK. MortRhgeo. on Maf'ch 22. 1927. In lihor 205 ot morlghgca notice, tlfo aum of Thf-ec thotfahnd ono Iftfhdfcfl WM, S, CAMERON, Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the be dffo anfl lffty-ffblo for jirlffcipffl ahfl interest the bfrtfest ntfnfbor of voles is nofninftteil can- FOSTER & CAMERON. Attorneya for Mort- on phgo 7, hnd duly hsaigned by aaid Central thirty-fivo dollhf-a hnd twenty-aix conla ($3,- 3Sw-l Circuit Couf't Commissioncf', power of sale contninod in aaifl morlgnge, nnfl the sffm of $221 1.29 ; Iffxos pftifl on morlRffRcd fUibfln ify lhe Deniocfiftic Party for the olTlce Rhgee, Busineaa Addf-ess, 700 American Trust (3omphny. a MIchighn corpornlion, of Ihmis of 8104,10, hnfl Insuf-hffco pf'cnilunis hhd 135.20) for itihciphl hnd intef-ost, ahfl life sffm of novof'nor, Lltnsing. Michigan, to Elizhbcth Wilbur, by an tn pursuance of the statute In such onjio mafle of Ninoty-efirht dollai-a ffnfl sovenly-ono ceifls State Snvihgs Bank Bide,, Lansing, Michi­ and provldcfl, the mortgagee will sell on Fri­ ihlof-cst thef-con of $17,20. nffikluR ft totffl flebt Thfft Lfff'on n, Dfcliihson havint; fTceiveil MORTGAGE SALE fhfslgnment ilalcd April 8. 1027, and rccof'dod ($98.71) for thxcs palfl by saifl nforlRffgcos, ffs gan, 33wl3 day, tho Mlh dhy ot October. 1932. nt 10 of $2332,71. hnfl no sffit nt Iftw hftving been the bfrf,'Ost ntfmifor of votes is nofninfftefl can- Doffffflt hftvihtr been made In tho conditions in said Register of Doed'a olTico on Apt'il 13, proviflcfl for In sfdd mortgaRC, ami no sfiit or o'clock in the forenoon of shld dhy ht tho west brohghl lo f-ccover shifl flebt, or hny pffrt thofe- fllilalo by Ihe Itepfiiflicffn Parly for tbo olfice of h ccrtffin real esthle ihortRhRc whef-eliy the 1927, in llbor 217 of morlRhgos on pago 71, lu'occeding at law hftving been institiitefl lo MORTGAGE SAT.E front door of tho Court Houao tn tho Cily of nf, shid iftorlRftReo, hftviiiR Iiy resfilutinii fitily of r.iefflonfffit (lovef'ffof*. power of sale thof'oin cohtidhed becffmo opef'ft- hnd dtfly assigned hy said Elizabeth Wllbtfr hfloplefl ftt ft f'ogfilar iheetliiR of Us nfhff-il of f-ecover tlfo iitonoys so aecutctl by said morl­ Dotault having bocn mado in tho contlitlons Mhson, Inghhm Otinty. MichiRan, that being That Sf'ymofir H, Person bhvintr f-eceiveil Ibe Ifve, nihdo by Ff'hhk nellihger ahfl Mhf'Rhf'et lo tho Central Tf-ust Cofnphny. of Lansing, Directors, doclarefl Its elcetiofi lo eonaitlef' the RhRO, or hny pai't thereof, of a certain mortgiigo. whereby the power of ono of tho places where the Circuit Court for Ihrnost nffffflfcr of voles Is nofhihalefl cffnfliilato UeilihROf', hffslihhfl hnd wife, of tho 'VillhRC of MichiRan, a MichlRhn corporation, hy an as- whole hniofiiil uffifaifl oh sftifl niortghRo debt lo NoUco is hereby Riven, that by virtue of lho nnio therein contained has bccomo oiierativc. IiiRhnm County. Michigan, la held, nt public by lho Itelhfbllrffh Parly for Ibe olflco of RfM>- Pinckncy, LiviuKslon County. Mich,, to Jffmes alRnment dated November 22. 1930, and ro- bo how flue ffnfl ifffyffble by reasfiii of tho iion- liowor of sale contffinefl ih sfuil morlRitRo nhfl given by GeorRo L. Clark and Mftry A. Clark, ftuction to the hlRhest bifider on the foi-edo- f-osefflfflive fit Coifttf'f'ss, M, liff.s.sell tff tbo Township of Affrelius, InR­ cortleil in aaifl Rogistor'a olTice on November pffymeiit of eorlifin inslallfnenls nf ifrinciifal liuf'suhiit to tho stfttuto Ih such chso fnhfle hhfl husband nnd wifo. of Lansing. Michigan, to atiro of saifl mortgago, the landa descrtbwl That Ciffffilf! 10, Chily IfffvfhK f-oceiveil Ihe hffni Couffty, Mich,, dhlcd .Inly 2. 1920. ahd f-c- ^ . 19,10, in lihor 273 of mortRages on page ffffd intof-cst ffs iff'ovlded fnr Ify sffid ifinf-tRffge, proviflcfl, the iinflersighefl ntorlgffgees will sell, the AMERICAN STATE SAVINGS BANK ot therein or ao iiihcti thereof as shall be neces­ Iffrfs'est nffnflfor tff votes is ifofnifffflefl by the eof'fled ih lho olVice of tho RcRister of Deefla 535, upon which morlRffRo thoro is now claim­ ffotice ia Ifofcby given lhat on Friflhy. Deccm- on the 17lli dffy of Deccnflfof-, A, D, 1932, ftt Lansing. Michigan, a banking coriMrntion un- sary lo sfttisfy Sltid mortgago Indebtednoaa, nofnocf-fftif' Pffrly for the olfire of Heifrc.sen- nf Inirbffhi Coffnty. MichlRffh, ofi shifl ,Itfly 2hfl, ed lo bo tluo hntl payable for principal and Jjov 10, 1932, at len o'clock ih tho fof-ehnon of ten o'clock in tho forentxih, ht tho north main flef- tho laws ot tho Sthto of Michigan, on tho Interest, thxea, Insurance premiums hnd nil Ifflive ih Cohtrf'css, llfl'O, iff Liber 217 of MorlRaKcs, on PfiRO 378, intoieat tho afini of S,S5S,I6. anfl no auit at sffiti flffy ht iforlh efftf-hneo lo Cily Hall Ifffflfl- eiili-ance tn Uto Cily Hall ih tho Cily of Lah- Ultli tlhy ot October, A. D. 1922, and recorded loghl coats. toRcther with Interost nt 7% hnil Tlffft ,Io' of IhR- Coffnty of Inghftm In the Stftto of Michlgftn on for in snid mortgage, Innfla described ns ait- Ify life lii'pfflflff'ffff Pffrly for Ihe od'fcc of Slate •II2.,S.';, hffd ihlef'e.'.t iff the sum of SI,.lf!fi,M, lliiit on Friflhy. Oclober 28, 1932, nt Ion o'clock Cofihty Cireffit Coffrt Is helfl), saifl nfortgaRCO ifftfn is held, at public auctioh, lo Ibe highest tho 23rtl tlfty of October. A. D. 1022. in Llbor ffhto In the Townahip of Vevay, nnd City of Sehfflor, ffhfl ho sffit fft Ihw or ih efiffity hhvihR lieeh in -the forenoon nf aaifl day, ht north ff-ont will, by virtffo of the power of sale ih sffifl Iiidfler, the pf-efffises tieseribed iff said morl­ 220 of MortRhRca nt PitRO 155 tiferoof. upon Mfufon. Ingham Ckiunty. Michigan, to-wit; Th« Thffl Rhilfb II, llftwlvins bhvihft fereivcil Ihe ihslitffleil lo f'ocover sftifl fhdebtcilness. or ahy ehtrhnco to Cily Hhll Building. Lhnaing. Ing­ iffertRftRO ahd Iff puf'suhnco of the sthtute, sell RhRO, or so mtfch lliei-eot as mffy be het-essfff-y which sffiti mortRage thoro Is claimed to be due west half of the norlltwcat tifiartcr of section Iffrgosl hffffflfer of voles is ffomiffalf'il cnffili- part llfereof. ham (jounly. MichlRhn, (lhat being ono of the ht iifilflfe mfclf'on the lands fle.serilfefl llfcreiff, lo phy .Ibo hmoffnl so hs hfof-esiflfl flffe on said ht tho date of thia notice for principal and in­ 5 in Town two north, Raiigo ono west, Michi­ (Ifflo by llfff Pehfocf-fftic Pffrly fof" the offfco of Notice is hef'eliy Riven thfft tiie ifiof'lRffROC places whof'O tho Inghnm Counly Cif-cuit Coffrt or so much hs sifffll bo hecesshry lo sfftisfy tlio fffortgifge, with fhlef-est al seveif (7) per cent tef-ost the sum of 50.16,30, is held), said asslRneo will by virtue of tho gan, except lho oast 2 rods thereof, anfl ex­ ,Slffle Seiffflof*, will sell on Fritlhy, the inth day of Decefiibef', cept fl pffrcol describofl aa commencing nt n ,'imihfht dffo tliereoh ht the liiiio nf shlo, togelh- frohi the flalo of this ifolico, hhd ffll logffl Thhl I.hifil ,1. Tf-nyer "hifvinn fwpft'Cfl Ihe A. 11, Kf.'i-'. ht teh o'clock in tbo fof-ehonh of And no action at law having been brouRht power of sale in saifl morlRhRO and in pur­ 01' with III] legfil costs, inlerpst and attof'ney costs. IhclffflihR ffn fttlorney's fee of twenty- to recover aftid mortRage debt or any part suance of the statute In such caso providcil. point 8,72 chains cast of tho west qiiartor post Ifff'frosl fffffffb(.f' (ff voles is ffoffiifffftefl f-ffniliflfflo said flffy, ht the west ff-oht floor nf the Coffrt of said aecUon 5, thonco nort'.t 38 dcgf-cen ohat, fee of Thirty-five Dollfff-s, ffs tbef-elff pf'nvided, five tlollaf-s ($25.(10) as pf-nvfileil for in aaifl by life Iteihfiilfrffff Pfff'ly fof" Ibe olTlt'O of Itolt- Iloffse ih the City of Mff.son, IhRhhfn Couhly. thereof, fell ht iiiibllc huctloh tho Ihnd described there­ a parcel descf-ilied ffs: lot thirty.tliree of Cedffr morlRhRO; sffifl prefiiises being locfflffd in tbo Ahfl Citrl A, Fors hhving bocn duly appointed in, or so much ffs shfdl bo noceasaf'y to satisfy 0,47 chains, thence niong the center of tho f-eschlhlive ill SL-ilc l,pt:islhlhrp, Isl DistrirL .MirhiRffif, Ihfft lielhR ohe nf the places whef'c Stnlo Rond to tho north nnd smith quarter .Arf'o .Sfibflivlsiofi nf pfff't of sofithwffst fiiifff-lef- City of Lffnsiffg, Ingham Cofiaty, MichiRan. Thfft Yef'fff'U .1. nf'owff bffvifffr feceivf'fl Ihe the cif'cuit cihfrt for saifl Coffhty of IhRhfihf is tho Uecolvor of tho Amei'ican Stato SavfURs tho ftmotfnt duo Ihef'eon ht the time of shlo, nf nortbeffst tlffffrler of section twefiLv-oiRht, fffifl desprilfeil iff sffifl iiiorlRffRo as: Bank, ft liankinR corporation, and having dfily toRcther with interest theroon ht sovon por lino of said section G, thonco south 52 tlcgreea Ifff'gest nfffffber of votes is ffomifffflod f'ffifflf- Ifeifl. fft lifflilic ffficlttih to the hiRliest bifider, Cily of LansfPR, Ihghfffn Coffhty. Miebigffn. Lot tweifly-.seven (27) Block Ono (I) Mhnu- qtfalfrfeil fts sffch Receiver, itnd having been cent per itnnfim, hnd hll IcRfd costs, IncIudinR east, S,36 chitlna. thonco west 10,61 chains to liffle by Ibe liriihblfnfh Pffrly for the nirfen of ffff life fofeclnstire of shid hfnrlRaRC, the Ihnils faclfff-or's .Adflition to the City of LftnsihR, ;ltfly atithori'/.cd in tlfo pf-emiscs. fffi attorney feo of Twenty-ffvo Dollafa. lanfis beginning, nnd nlso e.xeepUng tbo parcel do- Dhted Seplemiief' 17. 1932, I.rfff'esefflfflive iff SIfflo I.,ef:islffture, lifffl IHs- lipserilied llfef-eiff, or so hffieb thef-pof ffs slifill .MichiRan, hccof-flihg lo the f-ocof-i!efl plht Ihef-c- described hs: Tho north half of lot four, block scrlliefl aa a pht'cci afljoinihg the oftalorly linn UNION miiLiiiNr; AND LOAN ASSOCIA­ Irii'L be fiPcessfff'y lo sfftisfy snid hiorlRhRe iifdeliled- Now. tliorofof'O. by viftuo of the power of of. salo cohtfunefl in shid mortRhRo and puf-suhnt one bunflf'cfl forty-four, together witli fdl es- of the Lffnsing hnd Mffson I'offfI, ao-chllof], TION, LIMITED, MorlRffgee. Tlffil Ifowfff'il ICIfot bffvlfit: f-eceivptl life bff'tr- ffess, wilif ifflef'pst at Ibe rftle of six jier cefft- across tbo west half of the northwest quarter Dfftefl this 22nd flay of .Septefnbef'. A, D, psl hfffffbpf* of voles is fffffffiffffle.l pffffdlflfftp tffn ffhfl ihclfffliffR ffh ifttffrhey's fee of $3,".,r,0 to tho sthtuto of tho Stale of Michigan in auch liflilislicd driveway rights. City ot Lansing. C. F. .t E. T. HAMMOND, Attys. for Mnrt- cffso ifffftio ftiifl iif'oviiled. notice is hereby Riven IffRbftm Couhly. MichlRhn. of salfl section 5, the width of saifl parcel ffoni Rftgee, lltfsihess Addf-ess, (iffI .Afifef-ieffff Stffte 1»32, by lhe llpfhorf-fflfi' Parly for Ihe oli'if'e nf pf-nvified for in sffid fiiof'iRfffre, loRelher witlf ffll line of saifl sectinn 5 to a point 1000 fool ARTHUR E, WILIIELM ffnfl IRENE L. Rpprpsenlalit'o Ih Slffle l.Pcisbflfif'C, 'Jffil IHs- lefrffi costs, life ifffiils flpscf'iiipfl iis siliihte in the thht oh Wetlncsdhy, tho 12th dhy of October. Dhtefl AtfRffst 3, 1932. Sftvlhgs Ufthk BIflR., LaffsiffR, Mich. 3.Swi;! A, D, 1932. ht 11:00 o'clock in tho forenoon soulbehsterly shall bo 50 feet and ff-om tho WILII ELM, MorlgaRees. Iri.'t, Tiiwnsbip nf Afff'Pliffs. Cofffity of IffRhfffff fffffl THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF last named point lo the east lino of ahid tlo- CARL H. MifLEAN, Atlorhey for Mort- That f.oifis n, Mf'Artlfffr bffvih),' fereivpil life Slffte of Michitrffff, lo-wil: (Rhsterh Stafiflaril Time) said mortgaRO will LANSING. MICHIGAN. AsulRhoo. LICENSE TO SELL. PETERS—OCT. 18 be fof'eelo.sed by a sftlo nt public ftuction to tho scrfption, vi?.; 000 feet, tifo width ahnll be 33 gagees, llffsiness Aflflfess; 415 Holllster IllflR., Ifff'frf>-f fffifffbpf' of volps is noiififffftt^fl pffifdi- The west iialf of life sofilif effst nfifff-lef' hnd C. F. & E. T. HAMMOND, Attorheys for feet, lotnl lohgtb of center lino 1008 foci, hnd Stftio nf .MiehiRhn. Tife Pf'obale Cfhirt for Lnnsing, MichiRan, 3Swl3 lifflp iiy life Uelfffblfpffff Pfff'ly fof' life oH'fre of I llfp effst iffflf of lIlP solllli tvffst quiff'tpi' of sce- highest bf'tldcf', nt tbo north cntf'anco to tho Assignee, Bfisinesa Afhlf'ess; 001 Amei'ican tho (3ouhty of Ihghfim. City Hall in tbo City of LanslnR. InRham fflso excepting ffn easement gf-hnlod lo tho I'f'fdiMlP ,tffll(,'P, linh tifirly-fivc in Township two north. ranRC Stale SftviuRS Bank Building, LanslnR, Mich­ At ft si'.ssioff Iff shid Court, helfl fft the Pf'o­ Coffnty, MichlRhn, that boihg ono of tho places Coifffffonwehlth Power Coinpffny ha tiescrlbofi Thffl ,lf»ifff Mpf^lellffff Ifffvifftr f'Pi'fMvPfl Ibe two west, MichiRan. lRhn. 31wl3 In Liber 141 of Deefla on Phgo 503 in the bffte OlVice in lhe City of .MffsnfL in said f-offfi- whore the Circuit Coffrt for tho ahid County ly, nn Ihe 2f)llf flffy of .Seiileiiilier, A. 11. 1932. Our Frotection of the Dead Is our Ifff'ir.'.-I hfffffiier of volt's Is ffoffflffifled ciuhlf- .lA.MKS M. RU.SSRLL, of Ingbanf is helfl, of tho Inntia and promises oirico of the Ucgisler of Decfis for Inghnm Present, HON. L, M, McARTHUR, Judge Service to the Living cifitp by iifp npfhoi'rffifp Pffrly for tifp oirft'o fif .MorlRffRpe. deseriliefl in sftifl mortRhRo, or so much thereof MOKTGAGK SALE County, Michighn, And tbo.rlRht of why of Probate, Pf'ftiifflp .Iffiltfe, A. A. IIF.UCMAN. Altorney for MnrlRhRee. fts mfty bo nocessfff'y to pay tho lunouht dffo ha Dofftull hftving been mafle in the condilions grhnteii tn the Slate nf MichiRan. fts deaeribod In Ibe .Miflter of Ihe Estffto of HENRY J, WOLVERINE'S AIR-SEAL TIful Ifffff Ififffff ,\b'Cfflli>ffttlf ifffvifftr f-pc.'ivpil nffsiffess .Atlfif'ess, Mffsoff, .Michftrffff, ftfofesffitl on sftid mortRifRC. with interost tliofe- of ft cortftin real estftto inof'tRftge whereby the in Lilier II of Mi.seollaneoffs Rocof'fis on PhRO PETERS, Def'chsod, llfP Ifff'ffP.-^l Iffffffbt-f' of voUfs is fffifffifffflPil pjfff- 3SwK! on ht tho I'lfto of sovon |ior cent, and nil legal Iinwer of sftlo lifereift cofftffliied became opof'- 262 of aaifl Rogistor'a oirico, Ahfl hlso except BURIAL VAULTS (li.lffte by life li.'iMfblifffff • Pfff-|y fof' life olTif-p costs, cliaf'Res anfl expenses, inchidfnR tho at- fflive, mfffle by Ford L. Gunn. Knlhorino Gffnn, a strip of lanfl 7 rods In width, which baa h C, W, WIfitmhn IfffvlhR filefl ifl shifl coffrt Endures not for 25 or 50 years. of Prn-^ptMftfiitr .Atlof'ffpy, .MOUrOAGI'; SALE lorifey fee of 525,00 allowed hy law and nlso his tvffo; Russell A. Guhh, Maf-garet Oiihn. southeasterly Ifounflaf-y tloscrilicfl hs commenc­ bis ifelilioff lff'ffyiiiR fnr license lo sell the in- Tlffft llffuif W, Silsby bhviht; fpcpfvi'tl the \f). 'ic,i:,r,-\ ftiiy olher atfm or sums which may bo paid by his wifo; Earl G, Gunn, Maf-y W, Gunn, his ing ht a point In tho effst hnfl west quhrlor Iprest nf said estate in cef-lffifi reffi ostffle But Forever. ifff'i.'P'.l fffffffiipf' of voles is ifofffifffflPil Piiffiii- tlio Receiver of the morlRagoo to protect his in­ wifo, anfl Myrtff Gunfi Diflfus lo tho City Na­ line of ahid section 5, 8,72 chains eftat of the tifef-eiii fleseriliefl. For sale by your Funeral Director (l.-flp by tlfo Rplufblfpffff Phfty fof' th.» (ilfif'p Dpffiffit Iffft'iiitr iipf'ff IIIIMIP in t)fp t'nfiflftiufi.s terest ffa sffeh Receiver in tho promises. tional Bank of LifnsinK, Tffisteo. n Federal west qtfartcr post, anil rffnning thonco north, It is Ofilef-efl, 'I'hat life LSIb flffy fif October, fif Sli.'rilr, of ff eertffifi hfof'ltrfftre ffffffle by Cliffuffrey A. IfhnkinR corpof'alion of life Cily of LanslnR, 3S floRrees effst to tho paved lilRhway end A, D, 1932, fft teh o'clock ih lho fof-effonff, fft Tlio Inntia anfl premisca described in said 'I'iufI Thus, 11. Hffffffff lihviht! fereivpil Ibe .Morrisoff ffhd .Alice M. Mnrrisoff, hffsliaiffi fffffl MichiRftn, dalcd May 28, 1920, anfl recofflcd whoso northwesterly iKiunflffry is parhllel saifl pf-ulhtte oirice, be ffhtl is liereliy hiilinihtf'il mortRhRo lioinc hs follows: Situated in tho City Ifff'i,'f'.-l ifffffiLpr of volps is iffiififiifilpii t'fiiiili- wif.'. In tiip Cffifiliil .Sffvifftrs Loffff Cfiffuiffny. in lho olflco of tho HcRisler of Dcctla for InR­ Ihof-cto, and which extends ff-om Ihc aaifl onat for Ifefff-iiitr saifl petition, fffffl thffl ffll lief-.offs of LhhsinR. County of Ingham hnd Stato of flfflp by life Dt'fiiocf'fflff* Pffrly ffh" lho olTitfo If Cfiriinf'fflioh, (Ifflod the 2SlIi dhy of Alff'll, hftm Counly. Michighn. on November S, 19'27, fffid west fluftrlcr lino of saifl section 5 to ine ihteresled iff sffid estffto fflilif'af- Iif'fof'o said MicliiRan. hnd inof'o phrticulnrly described aa: of Shchili-. 1921!, ffhfl f'eeof'iled ih tbo nlfice of tho Reir- In liber 301 of morlRaRoa on pifRO 35, which pavefl liiRliwhy ffs a northerly boundary. All f'fifff-t, fft shid lihie hnfl lilffee, to show effffse 'i'ihfl f. iioss llillffff'il bffvfffK' f'ppoivpil life ister nf Ut'ods fnr the County of Ihtrhffm ffhfl Tho north onc-hfdf (V>) of lot Uirco (3) of aaifl mortgfiRO wffa ftftef-\vitf'fl3 ifsslRnetl by the bciiiR in tho .said Township of Vevay. hnd wily a licohse to sell tbo interest of saifl esthle Ifff'frp.-^t ffffffibpr tif voles is iioihiiiiilcil t'lfffili- Sthto of .MielilRffff, on life 2!fth tlffy of Aifril, block oho luihdf'cil sovon (107). City of Lhn- Cily National Bahk of Lhnslng. Trustee, to City of Mhson, Ingham County, MIchighn. in shid real esthto should ffot be grffffted: clffli' by life Upliiililiehn Phrly for tife filiiee of 192ii, in Liber of MnrlRaRes, oh PhRO 129, siuR, tOROthor with tho horeditamenta and hii-tho Central Trust Company, Tftisloo of the It Is Further Of-tlof-eil, Thht ifffblie notice Dated Jfily 19, 1932, Jewett-Vogt Coffhly Clori;. nil which fffof'iKfffre tlief'tf is clffifned tn bo due purtenancea thereof. Eslnlo of Milton H. Gunn, decoascd, on May Ibef-eof Ifo givefi by pffblicfftion nf a copy nf TIIE FIRST STATE AND SAVINGS BANK. 'i'biil Cbfffile n. Altlf'icif hffvifffr f-ereived the ht tho dffte of tifis iiotit'e, for pf'ihciphl hnd Dated ht Lftnsing. Michignn. thia 7lli dny of 1. 1023, by hn haslRnmont recorded in shld lhis nf-flef', ffff' tiffee sffccessivo weeks pf-evfoffs MorlRagoc. Iffrtfpst hfffffiif'r of voles is nofffinffled ehhili- inlef'Ost, lho sum of ?.10ri,10, hntl tiio shin of .luly. A. D. 103'2. RoRlaler of Deed's olflco on May 3, 1028, in lo sffifl dhy of liehriiig, ih llio Inghani Coffnly A. A. BERGMAN, Attorney for MorlgaRce. rlnlp by the lliMfforrfflie Pfff'ly fof" life olficc of $7.S,07 for tiixes piiid by the lunrtRffRee, fffffl ftfi CAUL A. FORS. Receiver ot American Sthto lihor 301 ot morlRnRos on page 75, and wns News, a newspffifor printed hnfl eif-efflalf-d Iff Business Address. Mason, Mich. 29wl3 Coffffly t^l.'rk. httorney'a fee of S2,'i,00 hs pf'ovidefl fnr Ify Iftw, Shvinga Bffnk. Mof'tRagee, hfterwhrds aaalgnctl by the Central Trast Com­ said coffnly, L, B, .McARTHUR, KELLEY, SESSIONS, WARNER & EGER. At­ Thffl Clfff'pffro W. Loid; bavinfr ref'pivf'il Ibe hhfl no sffit or pf'ot'eeflihR fft law hffvihR been pany, Trustee of tho Estate of Milton IL Gunn, (A tfhfe copy) Judge of Pf-obhte, torneys for Receiver of MortRnROO. Business Alex J. Groosbeck. Attorne.v. 1801 Dime Bank Iffrfff'st nfffffber of voles is ffoiffihffted t'lfhtll- iffstittflefl to reeovor tlfo iiioffeys socfff'cd hy decoascil, to tho Contrnl Trust Compnny, h MARTHA THAYER. Afldi'csa: 321 Mutifnl BIdg,, Lansing. Michi­ Utiilfling. Delniit. Micliigitii. Funeral Directors ilfflf' by the Itplffflilit-ftif Pfff'ty for the ollit'o sftifl mnrlRaRe, or hhy part thef'eof. corporation, on November 29, 1029. by nn as­ Deputy licgistor of Prfdiate. .I.StvJ (if Coffffly Tf'phsffrpr. gan. 27wl3 signment recoi-dcd in said RogLster ot Deed's Slate of MicirfRffn. In the Cireffit Court for Notice is ifef'oiiy Riven, tlfftt by virtffo of the Couffty uf Ihghftm. In Chftneef-y. No. Tlffft b.fbel I., Pifillilis bffviift: receiveil the olTico on December 11. 1929. in llbor 304 of life ifnwer of shie eonlaihefl in shifl morlRhRo, 15370. PROBATE OF WILL. BASSETT—OCT. IS Ifff-ttpst fffffffbor of voles is ifoffffffiilefl cfiffdl- afifl the slffttite iff sffch t'ftso inatio nfid pf'o­ MORTGAGE SALE mortgages on page 107 nnfl being aflerwnrtla At ft scssioff of said Cofff-t held ifl the City Stato of iMicliiRah. The Probate Court for fbftp iiy life Heiiiflilif'ifn Pffrly for Ibe office vided nn the 17lb dffy of December, 1932, at fluly nsslgned by shifl Tho Contrhl Trust Com­ Dofftull having been mfido in the conditiona Hall In tho City ot LanslnR. Michighn, this the Coffhly of lagbiffn. "of i^'ttistpr of ilppfls, infflO o'clock in tbo fofehooh, tho uhdef'siRhed of a certffiii real cslalo morlRffgo whereby tho pany to Foster J. Whitmyer by an assignment mado May 18, 1931. and rccof-flod in said Reg- 3Clh day of Augtrst, 1932. Al a session of shid Court, helfl at the Pro­ Tlffft nfif-f- A, nrc'ife hftvffftr f'cpofve.l tife will, ftt the north ffofft floor of the City Uffll, power of aftio Ihorotn contained hechnio opot'tt- bate Otrfco in the City of .Mffsnn, in sffffi coffff­ Ifff'ffresf hffffflipr of voles is nonfiffated effffdi- iff tifo City of LhnsinK, InRhhfn Coffhty, Mich- islcr of Deed's olTIce on 27lh dny of Juno, Pf-oscnt: HON, LELAND W. CARR, Cif-cuit tivo, niftde by .Iffmea 0. McMullon. (sInRlo), Jfhlgo, ly. on the lOlh day of Soiitemlior, A. D. 1932. dfflp iiy life llpfffocf'fflif; Pfff'ty fof' life olflco i«ffn, tifat iieihR ft plhco whef'o the Cif'cuit to tho Union Building and Loan Association. 1032, In lihor 304 of morlgitRcs on page 178, aS Itcuislf'r of nt^efls. Coffrt for the Cofihty of IhRhhm is heW, soil upon which mortgage thoro is now clhlmcfl lo iMieblRhn Life Iifsuranco Cofnpany, a Mlch- Present. HON. L. B. McARTHUR, JudRO Lfmitetl, a MIchfRffff corpof-atloh, of Lansing. igffn curiforfttlon, PIffinlllf, of Pt'oliate. REASONABLE Thht .Mviff A, N'pIIer Ifftvfht? reeeive.l tho ht pfibiic affetifin, to the IfiRlfost bidflor, tho be duo and phyhblo for principnl hnd intereat MichlRffff, dhted Mhfch 5. 1920, itnd recof-tlod in vs. In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES Ifff'frest fffiiiflipf* of voles is nofffiffateil eiihdi- Ifrefiiisps deseribed ih sffifl inffrtRffRO, or so the sum ot $4180.78, and no suit nt Iftw hav­ lho Inghhm Counly, MiehiRhn. RoRlator of F. Decoftsefl. ilffle by Ihe Keluiblicffh Phrly for the ollice of fffffelf thefenf ffs mffy be ifeeessfif-y to phy the ing been brought to recover said debt, or any Ff'hfik C, Bffrritl, Josophlno M. Bhrritt. BASSE'rr, Deed's ollico oh Mhf'ch I.'l. 1920, in lilfer 27-1 Lois Ba.ssett having fflefl in .shifl court her Cirf'fiit Coffrt Cofffmissionef*, ftfifoffnt so Its fffof'csftid dffe on sftid morlRaKO. linrt tharcof, notice la hereby given that on his wife, liowef-mhn Ffffhnce Cofnpany. of morlRffROS on pffge 307, uiion which morl- ff MiclfiRffn cof-poralion. antl John Doe, petition pf-ftylnp thffl h cortftin Ifistrfffnent Ih That Cffrl II, McLefih hffvifftr rereivefl the with seven iter cent iiitef'cst. and all IcRal Fridny, September 30, 1932. nt Ion o'clock in RiiRO Ihero ia now clfflnicf! to bo duo and pffy- Do fondants. writlnR, pffrpof-tinR to bo lhe Ihsl will nhfl Ifff'trest fffffitlief' of voles is tfoniihffted t'ffffdf- etfsts, toRtfthef' tvith said fftlornoy'a fee. \vhif?h alflo for pt'ihcipal and interest tho sum of the fof'onoon of saifl flay, nt tho Ottawa Stfcct In this cftuao it itpiiohrinR hy niriflavit of leslnfnont nf aaifl floceff.sefl, now on file Ih .said dffle Ify life Uep\fblicffh Phrly for Ihc olficc of sffid liremises af'o ilescribed in said morlRhRc SS90,70 ; tfuxes paid on morlKfiRod Iftnds of entf-ance lo the City Hall Building, in the Htfgh Frffncis that the dofendaitts, Ff-hnk C. court bo ifdiniltcd lo pf-obate, anfl that the fffl- Cif'cffit roffi't Cfhfifffissioner, ffs follows: S153,59 and Ihsuraheo pf'cfniums of $7,60, mak­ City of Lansing, InRham County, MichiRan. Bhrritt hhtl Josephine M. Bhrritt. his wife, ministf-aUon of said cslalo bo Rrhntefl to E, Thffl Hpfif'.v .A. ,Ierspy Juiviiff,' f-erefvefl tlie ing a total fleht of $1051,89. nnfl no ,ault at (thnt being one of the places wlioi-o the Cir­ Lot Tlif'ee llfinilref) Fof't.v-Foiir (311) of Les­ af'o not f'esidehts of lho Stato of MiehiRhn, but A, Den.smnre or lo .sohfo other siiilhbio person, RELIABLE Iffrtresl nfffffber nf voles is nonflnffled ohndl- Iftw hhvihR been brought lo recover shltl debt, cuit Court for InRlifun Counly ia hold) said lie Phf'k Shiidivision, LhhsihR Towhsliip, Ihg- are resldonta of tho State of Ohio, on motloh It is Of-flof-ofI, That tho I.Stli dffy of October, dfflp iiv liip ilehiocf'iitfp Piff'ty for lho olViee or any pffrl tboreof. aaifl morlgffgeo, having ftssiRnco and owner of aaifl mortgage will by Iffffn Cfiuhty, MieliiRhh, ot Alex J, Gf'oesbcck, atlorhey for the plftihUir, A, D, 1932,

Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE. MORTGAGE SALE ORDER POR PUBUCATION. MARSHALL MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE Default having been mado in the conditions Dofault havinft boon made in tho eondltloni Stato of Michigan, Tho Probnto Court for Dofadlt having been made In the conditions Default having been made in the conditiona Default having been made in the eondltloni No. JIIIM-A of a real estato mortgage, whereby tho power of • certain mortgago whtroby tho powor of tho County of Inghnm, Juvenile Division, of a real estato mortgage whoreby the power of of a certain mortgaso, wheroby tha power of of a certain i-cal cstote mortgage made by Default havinir been mado In the conditions salo therein contained bocamo operative, made of aalo therein contained became operative, aalo therein contained hu become operative, At a aession of aald Court, hold at the Pro­ sale therein containod has become operative, Earl a. Wright and Ruth E. Wright, husband of a certain mortgage made by Samuel H. by Charles Kimblo and Hattie Kimblo in her made by Glen A. Brigbam and Anna Brigham, and wife, to tho City National Dank of Un- made by Mahlon D. Shord. an unmarried man, bate Olfico. in the City of Mfufon, in said coun­ given by George L. Clark and Mary A. Clark, Borr and Rose T. Borr. husband and wife, to own right and aa his wifo. of Ingham Town­ his wife, to tho F. B. McKibbln Company, n aing, Michigan, a Federal Banking CJorpora- to Seymour A. Hice and Sadie J. Rico, bii ty, on tho Sth dny of September, A. D. 1032, hia wife, of Lansing. Miehtgan, to tho AMERI. tho Capitol Savings A Loan Company, a Cor- ship, Inghnm County, Michigan, to tho First Michigan corporation of Lansing, Michigan, tion, dnted August'l, 1931, and rocordetl In wife, dated June 10. 1030, and recorded in Present. HON. L, B. McARTHUR. Judge CAN STATE SAVINGS DANK of Unsing, ixirntlon, dated tho 23rd day of October. 1931. State & Savinga Bnnk, a bnnking corporation of dnted Decombor ID. 1023. and recorded in tho tho Regiatcr of Dscd's OITIco for Ingham coun- tho ollico of tho BoBlBtar of Dooda for tho of Prolfato. Michigan, a banking corporation under the and recorded In the ollico of the Register of Maaon, Ingham County, Michigan, dated the Inghiun County, Michigan, Register of Deed'a ty. Michigan, on Auguat 28, 1931, In liber County of Ingham and SUte of Michigan, on In lhe Matter of CATHERINE ANN laws of the Stoto ot Michigan, on tho 26th day Deeds for the County of Ingham and State of 27th day of July. 19U. and recorded in the olTlcc on December 29. 1928, In Ilbcr 296 of 306 of Mortgages on pagfo 329, and which Juno 20. 1030 in libor 33i of mortgagea, on MARSHALL, a Dependent Child. of April A. D, 1921, and recorded in tho olTice Michigan, on tho 24th day of October, 1831. olTlce of tho Register of Deodi of Ingham mnrtgngcs on pngo 551 and duly nssignod by mortgago was nsslgncti by the City National pngo 04, on which mortgage there li claimed Sister Mnry Mitgdnlcno hnving illcd In anid of the Register of Deeds for tho County ot in Libor 340 of Mortgages, on Page 69. on County. Michigan, in Libor 171 of Mortgages, said F, B, McKibbln (kinipfiny lo Edward Al­ Bank of Lansing, Michigan, a Federal Banking to bo due nnd unpaid at tho date of thli np; court hor petition nlloging that tfnid child is n Ingham in tho Stoto ot Michigan on tho SOth which mortgage thoro ia claimed to bo duo at on Pago 468, upon which mortgage thero is bert, guardian for Augusta Alliort, on Janu­ Corporation to Iho Cnpital National Bank of tlcc. for principal nnd Intoreat. and taxes paitl liepenilont child and It appearing Ihnt tho day of April, A, D. 1921, in Liber 213 ot tho dale of this notice, for principnl and In- now clalmetl to bo duo tho principal sum of ary 4. 1929, by an assignment recorded in snid Lftnslng, Michigan, a FetlcrnI Banking Corpor­ by (inld Mortgagccfi tho num of five hiindred mother, Helen Louise Marshall, citnnot bo Mortgagoa at Page 72 thereof, upon which tcrcBt, tho sum of 12830.62, and the oum.of 1900.00 and interest In tho sum of }78,17, and Rcglalor'a olfico on January 5, 1929. In libor ation by aaaignment dated March 1«, 1032, and Bovonty-elght and 31-100 dollars (1678,31). and t.100 for insurance paid by the mortgagee, and found, nnd thnt porsonnl service cannot, there­ anid mortgago there la claimed to bo due at no suit at law or in cijuity having been insti­ 283 of morlgngcs on pngo 300 upon which recorded In tho Register of Deed's OITIco for no Btiit or proceeding at law or in equity hav­ an attorney's fee ot (35.00 as provided for by fore, bo hnd on ho^, therefore tho dfite of this notico for principal, titorcBt tuted to recovor said indcbtedneas, or any mortgngo there is now claimed lo lie duo and Ingham County. Michigan, on Mnrch 19. 1932. ing been hnd or instltulcd to recover the debt law. and no suit or proceeding at law having It la Ortlered, That tho 7lh day of October. and taxes tho sum of $3,224,05, In Lilior 306 ot Mortgngos on pages 214 and part thereof, notice la hereby givon that tho pnynblo for principal nnd Inlotvst tho aum of Dccured by said mortgngo. or any part thereof j been instituted to recover tho moneys secured A. D.-1032. at two o'clock in the afternoon, And no action ot law having boon brought following, on which mortgngo there Is claimed niortgagoo will sell on Friday, the 28th day of S2309.07 nnti instirnnco premiums pnld of Now. therefore, by virtue of the power of by aaid mortgngo, or any pnrt thereof. ftt aald probnto oltico In Iho Cily of Mnaon. to recovor anid mortgage debt or .any part lo bo duo at the dnto of this notico for prin­ October, 1932, at ton o'clock in tho foronoon $12.60, mnking a totnl Indoblodnesa of $2321.67, salo contained In sold mortgngo. and pur­ Michigan, bo nnd Is hereby itppolnleti for hear­ thereof, cipal nnd interest the sum of $262D.80 and an Notico ia hereby given, that by virtue of tho of anid day, at tho west front door of the nnd no suit nt Inw hnving ,lioon brought to re­ auant to tho staltjto in nuch caao mado and ing snld petition: Antl Curl A, Fora having Iicon duly nppolntctl httorney fee of $36.00 na provided by atotute powor of snlo contained in said mortgago, and Court House in tho City of Mason. Ingham covor snid debt, notico la hereby given thnt on provided. NOTICB IS HEREDY GIVEN, that It la Further Ordered. Thnt public notico Ihc Retielvcr of tho Amorlcan Stoto Snvinga nnil the terms of snld mortgage, nnd no auit tho slatuto in auch cftso made and provided, County. Michigan, thnt being ono of tho places Snlurdny, Novcmlwr 20, 1932, at ten o'clock on tho 22nd dny of October. A. D. 1032. at thereof be given by publication of n copy of Bank, a bnnking corporation, and hnving tluly or procectilnga nt inw hnving boon Inslllutcd on tho Sth dny of October, 1032, at 10:00 whore tho Circuit Court for said County ia In the foronoon of sftid day, nt Ottawa Street 10:00 o'clock in tho forenoon, cnatorn stan- this orflor. for three Bucccsslve wcekB previous qunlified lui auch Rccoivor, nnd having boon to recover the moneys secured by snifl mort­ o'clock in tho forenoon, the undersigned will, hold, at public nuction to the highoat bidder entrance lo City Hfdl Building, Lftnslng, Ing­ dartl time, said mortgngo will bo foreclooed lo said dfty of hearing, In tho Inghnm Counly tluly authorized In Uio premiaoa. gago or any pnrt thereof; ftt the north front door of tho City Hail, in the on tbo forecloauro of snid mortgngo. tho Innds ham (Jounly, Michigftn, (thnt being ono of tlio by n sale at public vendue to tho highest bid- News, n newspnper printed nnd circulntofl In Now, therefore, by virluo of tho power of City of Lansing, Inghnm (}ounty, Michlgnn, described therein, or so much ihoreof na shbll pinces where the Inghnm Counly Circuit (3ourt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thnt by vir­ dor nt the norlh entrnnco to tho City Hall in snld county. L. B. McAllTIIUR. sale contoincti In siUd mortgngo and pursuant thnt Ifoing a plnco where the Circuit Ckwrt for bo noccflsary to aatiafy aaid mortgage indebted- Is held). Bald nsslgnco will, by virtue of tho tue of the potver of anlo contnlneti In aald tho Cily of Lannlwt, Ingham County. Michi­ to tho stnluto of tho Stnto of Michlgnn In such the County of Inghnm is held, soli nt publle (A Iruo copy) Jiitlgo of Piobnte. neaa, with intoreat nt 6 per cent nnd includ­ power of snlo In sffiti ntorlghgo nhtl in pur­ mortgngo nnd tho atntiile in auch cnao mndo gan (Ihnt being ono of tho placea where the chae mnilo and providetl. notico Is hereby given ftuction, to the highest bidder, tho premisea RUTH liARR. ing an attornoy'a too of $30.00 provided for in sunnco of the slnlulo In such cftse provitled, nnd provitlod, on Snlurdny, tho 1st day of Oc­ Circuit Court for snld County is held), of tho flescrilietl in anid mortgago. or ao much there­ tbnt on Wednesday, tho 12lb dny of October, Regisler of Juvenile Division. 37w4 said mortgago, together with all legfd casta, sell nt public ftuction oh forcclosuro thereof, lober, 1932. nt 10 o'clock In tho foronoon, prcmlsefl described In fuiid mortgnge, or so of na mny bo nocesanry to pny tho amount no A. D, 1932, ftt 11:00 o'clock In tho forenoon Iho lands altuato In Uio Township of Ingham, the Innds tiescrilied In snld morlgago, to satis­ Enstorn Stondnrti Time. Iho tindorsignotl will, mfich lliefcof na mny be necessary to pay tho .-ta iiforcaftiil duo on Bnid mortgngo. wilh aeven (Enatern SUndard Time) said mortgngo will MORTGACE SALE Inghnm County, Michigan, described aa fol­ fy the nmount due thoroon at tho tlmo of sale, nt the Norlh front door of tho City Hnll. City amotfnt due on nhld mortgngo na aforesaid per cent Interest, nnd all legal coats, together lio forocloseti by a anlo at public auction to tho lows, to-wIt:- tho west ono hnlf of the aouth- together with Interest thereon from ditto nt of Lnnsing. Inghnm County. Michigan, that with 7 por cent Intcrcnt thereon nnd nil legal with snid attorney's fee. which anid prcmlfloa Defnult having been mnfle In the conditions highest bldtler. nt tho north entrnnco to tlic onst qtinrtor of acction threo In Town two seven per cent per nnnum, nnd nil legnl costs. licliig ono of Iho plncea whoro tho Cir­ cosu, clfarges, nnd cxpensoB. including nn nt- nro described in anid mortgago as follows: of n certnln reftl oatnle mortgnge, whereby the City Hall in tho City of Lnnaing, Inghnm north. Rnngo ono cnst, Ingham Township, Ing­ Including nn attorney fee of Thirty-tlvo Dol­ cuit Cofirt for the Counly of Inghnm ia held, lorhcy fee of |26,00 allowed by Inw. nnd any power of snlo therein cohthinefi bccnmo opcr- County, MIehlgnn. that being ono of tho placea Tho South one-half ('/j) of Lot Thirteen hnm Oiunty, Mlchignn. lars, land dcscribefl fuf: West hnlf ot North sell at public ftuction to tho blgliost bifldor tho sum or Btima which mny bo pnld by tho under­ ftllvo, mnde by Melvin Johnson, widower, to whore tho Circuit Court for tlie ahitl County (13) of niock Seventeen (17) reserving tho ttvo nnd ono-hnlf roda of I-Kit len. Block Six, promises doBcrllicil in snld morlgago. or ao signed mortgagee nt or before snld sale, nec­ Charles E, Everett hnd Minnie H. Everett, huff- of Inghnm is held, of tbo landa and premlaca North threo nnd ono-hnlf {S'/j) feet of tho Dated July 27th. 1932. of Gt-oon Oftk Addition, City of Lftnslng. Ing­ much Ihoreof ns mfty be necessary to pay tho essary to protect its interest in the premises, hanfl hhd wife, dated Oclober 4, 1028, ftnfl re­ flescribed Ih salti morlgago, or so much thereof nliove property lo bo used with tho South three THE FIRST STATE AND SAVINGS BANK. ham County, Michigan. amofinls ao tltio on said mortgage with seven Shlfl promises nro described na followa; corded in tlio olTIco nf the Register of Deeds Mortgageo. as may ho noceasnry to pay tho itmount duo aa per cent Intorost nnd nil legal costs, together nnd ono-hnlf (3'/4) feet of tho property n,«1 Ihirly-oho hhd ohc-hnlf (Xl'Jj) feel nfo described in anid mortgage ns follows: ' Dated Lansing, Mlchignn, Jtdy 9. 1932. llio Fiont tloor of tho Court Hotiso in tho City ih lhe olfico of tho ncgislcr of Deefis for InK­ nfffiiness Addfeas: 415 Holllstor Bldg., Lan­ r.,nnslng. Ingham CJounty, Mlchignn, (thnt of l-ol Kighl (S) hhll the Smith Ihlrly-elghl Ixit Nfimhor FIfty-nvo (DC) South Parkwood WESLEY E. SYMMONDS. of Mason. Ingham Counly. Michigan on Fri­ hhm County. Mlclilghn. on Jtino 3. 1920, in sing, Michigan. - 32wl3 lielng one of tho pinces where tho Circuit hhll ohc-lfalf (DSVi) feet of Iho West Ihirly-ahe Subdivision lioing n pnrt of tho Southwest lilfor 269 of mortghges on phgo 519, on which LYDtA P. SYMMONDS, Mortgngcos. Court for Inghftm County la hold), said mort­ day. October 21, 1932, at 2:00 o'clock in the hhll offif-lfhif (31'/j) feel of Ionn cnrflotl in liber 115 of tleeds nh phgo IfiO, City with ffll legal costs, viz: fj.nnds In tho Cily to recover Bfud mortgago debt or nny part fhssignfifeitl dhlofl Octolier 1st, 1931, nhfl ro- fiH sffrvivof' of (.forge Fronch, (tlccchsotl), of Compuhy, It Oirporhlion, flftlcd tho 2nd dhy of thereof. of I.,ansihg, Ingham County, Michigan. of r.,hnslng, Ihghhm Couhly, Michlgnn, de- cordeil in said Regislor's olTlco nn Oclolicr 3, MORTGACE SALE Ihi;hftfh Couhly, Michighh, lo Erna Ilffllchlfoffk, February. 1928, nnd vecordod in tho offico of scriliofl hs: Lol two nf block fifty In snld City And Cnrl A. Fora having Iiccn duly npiwlnlctl 1931, Ih liber 306 of mortgaKOS on pffgo 16.'^, Dntod July 2, 1932. t,f llfo City "f .Ihclisoh, County of Jftcksoh hhfl tho Register of Deeds for Uio County of Ing­ of Lhnsing, hccof-dlng lo tho recorded pint tho Receiver of tho Amorlcan Stole Savings nefaffll having been mnfle Ih the cohdillons tipofV which mortgago there is now clhimoii to JOHN CLEAR, SR.. Morlgagee. Slhte of .MichiRffh. fifflefl August 15, 1031, hhd lfftm hnfl Slnlo of Michigan, on tho Srd dftrof thereof. Bank, n bnnking corporntion, nnd hnving duly of ft certftin nfffrigftgo, whef'eliy life power of ho duo nnfl pffyfflflo for princlpffl ffhfl Ihtorosi C. F. & E. T. HAMMOND, Attorneys for rccofilml ih Iho oirieo of Iho Itegislcr of Deeds, Fchniary, 1928, in Liber 308 of Mortgages, on ntmlifiofl na such Receiver, nnd hnving been sfflo Ihef-ein coiilhihefl hhs become oiicrhtive, Iho sum of .?25S4.3S, nnfl no .sffil at law hav­ Morlgngcc. Business Adflf-oas. Lffnsing, Michl­ Ihghhm Coffhty, Michighh, oh Atigffsl Ll, 1031, I'ngo 433, on which niorlgafo thoro Is clnimcd Dfftcd Lansing, September 10, 1932. dttly nulhot-lzcd In tho prcmisca. given by Amasa M. Iliotvn ahtl Eliznhelh A. MILO D. WALIvER, ing bcon Ifrofiglil to recover said tloliL or ftny gnn. 27wl3 ih l.ilfcr 2!fl of Mortghges on ifffgu 1.S7, upon lo bo duo nt tlw dnto of this notico, for princi­ Now, thoroforo, hy virttio of tho powor of Hrfiwh, his wife, of Breodsvillo, Vhh Biiren EVA I. WALKER, Mortgagees. pnrt thcf-cof, notico is hof-eliy givon Ihnt oh wliit'h llf(>ro Is now clfdmod to Ifo flue for prlh- pal hnd interest, tho sum of $301.03, nnd the sale contninoti In said mortgngo and purauant Coffnty, Michigan, lo tho LANSING STATE C. F. & E. T. HAMMOND, Attorncya for Friflay, Doecmbor 16, 1932, nt len o'clock ih rflihl hhfl ihtorf'st llfo sum of Two Thousfthd sum of S18S.70 for taxes paid by tho mortgn­ to tho ataluto of tho Stoto of Michlgnn in nuch HEARING CLAIMS. I'RATl'—.1 A\. 10 SAVINGS BANK, a cof-poration of-gftnlzoil un- MorlghRces, Bfisiness Address, COl Amet-lcnn the fof-choon nf said dhy ht north onlrhnce to Offo lltiffilf-oil Forly-sovon ftnd 7.S-100 ($2,- geo, and nn ntlornoy'a feo of $15.00 ns provld-^ ciuso mndo nnd provltlcti, notico la hereby given fler the general bftnking Iftw of the Stffte of Slhte Sftvlngs Bhnk Building, Lansing, Michi­ City Hhll Bffilflihg. Lansing, Ingham Coffhty, Stftto of Michigftn. The Prolfato Court for 117.7,S) l)ollftf-s, ffhfl Oho Hhnflreil Sixly-oighl ofl for by law, nnd no auit or proceeding at Ihnt on Thursdny. tho 13th dhy of October, the Counly of Iffghftfn. .Vlchlg.aii, which corpof-ate name was cliahgcti Inw hnving boon Instituted lo recovor tho mon­ gan. 37wl3 Michigan, (Ihht being one of the places where hhll .ll-i-lfiO ($l(',S,,'i.')) Dollhf-.s for tftxes. ftnd hn A. D. J932, nt 11:00 o'clock in tho forenoon Al ft session of said court, held ffl the Pfti- by ah itmonflmenl to Iho Articles of Assncla- eya secured by snld mortgago, or any part tho rngliam Coffhty Circffit Cofirt is lieltl). shlfl fftlof'iftiy ffu of ?3ri,00. proviilt^l Ify Blhltfto: (Eastern Standard Time) anid mortgngo will bftlo OlViee ih llic City of iMasoii, in shifl coun­ tloh of shItI hank lo tbo AMERICAN STATE thereof, ff.sslgnees will, liy virtue of Ihe potver nf sale said hfortghKO hftylhg bccfv nssigncil by Ef'hn DETER. OF HEIRS. PRATT—OCT. 11 lie forecloscti by n sale at publle auction to tho ly, on tho Ifflh flhy of .Seiflofffiief-, A. D. I'.f32. SAVINGS BANK on February 4th, 1921 nt a Ilftllehlicek lo T, S, Hogof-s, doing business ffs contnined In snld mortgnge anfl In ifuf-stfnnce mooting nt the stockholders of anid bnnk, cnll­ Notico ia hereby given, thnt by virtue of tho Stale of Michigan, The Probate Cotfrt for highest bidder, at tho north cntranco to tho Pf-e.sehl, HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Juflgtf T, S, llogors Cohfifftny, ffnti fussignctl by life of the staUite In such caso pf-oviflcfl, sell al efl by llfo ilH-ectors, nnd which snid chnnge of powor of snlo contolnod In anid mortgngo. and the County of Inglinin. City Hnll in tho City of Lnnsing. Ingham of Probftle. shid T, S, Itogof-s to T, S, Rogers Comphny, h pffbllc aficllon lo llic higlicst lildfler on fore­ name waa filotl with tho Comity Clork for the tho atntuto In such case mndo nnd providetl, At h session of .snid court, hold nt tho Pro-Cotinty. Michigan, that being ono of tho places In the Mhttor of llfo Estate of DELUEUT Michigfth rorporitlion, which shid hssighmonls closure thereof, the land doscribefl Ihof-ein, or County of Ingham, Stffte of Michigan, on Iho on tho 16lh day of October, 1932, nt 10:00 bhle OITIco in the Cily of Mhson, in snld coun­ where tho Circuit Court for tho aald County so much na shhll be noceasnry to satisfy the A. PRATr, Doccasctl. wore rciwiloil July LS, 1032. ih Liber 202 of o'clock In tho foronoon. tho undersigned will, ty, on the lOlh fifty of Septenilicr. A. D. 1932.o f Ingham ia hold, of tho landa ond premiaoa lllh dfty of Februnf-y. A. D. 1921, which snld Morlgffges on pngo 131, nml July I.S, 1032, In amount dtfo thereon at tho time of sftlo, to­ It appoaf-ing to Iho court thai the limo for mortgnge wna dftletl on the 24lh day of Octa- nt Oia norlh front door of the City Hnll. in Present. HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Jtttlge describctl in snld mortgago. or so much thereof gether with Intef-est ff-om date ht the rhlo of Ifresehlation of clhlfns agftlnsl shifl osthte Lilior 202 of Morlgagcs on phgo ISS. No suit tho Cily of Lansing. Ingham County, Michi­ of Probnto. na mny bo neceaaary to pay tho amount duo na hor, A. D. 1911, ftnd recorded In tho olTico of or proccciliiigfi fft Iftw hnving been liisliltilcd seven por cent por fthnuin, and ffll legftl costs. shoulfl bo limiW#, anfl lhal ft limo nnd place the Regisler of Deeds for tho County of Ing­ gan, thnt being n place whoro tha Circuit In the Matter of tho Estnto of SUSAN A. aforesaid on anid mortgage, with intorost there­ Including an hltnrhoy feo of Thirty-five Dol­ bo aifpoihled lo receive, exhniiho hnd ffdjusl to recover the moneys secured by sftid mort- (jourt for tho (jounly of Inghnm ia hold, aoli PRAIT. Dccefuscd. on at tho rato of sovon poc cent, and all legal hftm in the' Stoto of Michigan on tho 26th day gftgo, or hhy iffifl thereof, nolico is hotchy lars, lands described ns: Lot sevehteon (17) all elftlms nnd demhnds agftlhst said decoffsed of October. A. D. 1911. in Lilier 150 of Mort­ at ptiblic nuction. to tho highest bidder, tho Willinm C. Prntt having filed in said court coats, charges and cxponaoa. including tho nt­ of block two of Bush, Biiller and Sparrow's by Ifnd befof-e shid court: givoh tlffft by virtffo of the potver of ahlo coh- Premises describctl in aald mortgngo. or no gages at Pago 140 tliereof, upon which said his pctilion praying that snifl court ndjudlcnto torney feo of $35.00 allowed by law and alao Aflflltion, Cily of Lansing, Inghnm (bounty, It is Of-def-ed, Thht cf-edilors ot Haid de- Ihihtil Ih shlfl niorlgftgc and lhe .stfttulo in auch much thereof na may lio neceftaary to pay tha mortgago thoro Is clalmetl to bo duo nt tho nnfl detcrmino who wore at tho time of hor nny other aum or auma which may bo paid by Michigan. ceasefl ftro refiulf-cfl to present their claims lo case nihilo hnd provifled. on tbo 3rd day of Do- nmouBt ao aa aforcsntd duo on BnId mortgngo. flato of tliia notice for principnl. Interest, tn-x- death tlfo legal heirs of anid dcconsed and en­ the Receiver of tho mortgageo to protect his In­ DnlcHl September 20, 1932. sfdd court nt shid Probate OlTIco on or hcfof-e t'emlfer. 1932. ht 10:00 o'clock in tho forenoon with seven percent interest, nnd all legal costs, titled lo inherit the real cslnle of which snld terest na auch Rocclvor in tho premisea. 03 nnd Insurnnce tho aum of $2,219.99. nf sftlfl dfty, hi tho front door of tho Court the 10th day of Jftnuftf-y, A. D. 1933. at ten logelhor with snid nttorney's foo. which said dcconsed died aoizefi. The landa nnd premisea described In aaid NORTON E. GREGORY. And no notion nt Inw hnving been brought llouso (thnt being the plnco wliof-c Iho Circuit o'clock in tho foronoon. said time nnd place premisea nro described in snld mortgago aa It is Ordered, That tho 11th dny of October, mortgago being aa followa i SItuatetl in tho City GRACE P. GREGORY, Assignees. to recover anid mortgage dobt or any part Court for snld Cnfihly Is hold) in tho City of lielng' hofeby hiipoihlod for tlfo exftnfinfilion followa; A. D. 1932, nt len o'clock in the foronoon, nl of Lanaing, County of Inghnm nnd SUte of C. F. & E. T. HAMMOND, Attorneys for thoreof. Mft-soh, ihghhm Couhly, Michigan, tho undof'- nhd hdjustment of all claims and demhhtis I-hst Ono-fiuhrlor OA) ot tho Northwest Register of Deed'a OlTice for Inghnm County, aforesaid on anid mortgngo, with interest there It npiionring to the court Hint Iho time for Bnsko, bla wife, to Mark T. Woodruff nnd Juno 17, 1932. in Liber 273. ot mortgages on cember 27, 1927, in ilbcr 803 of mortgagoa on One-ipfhrtor (f/i) of ahid Section Twohly-nlho Michigan, on September 27. 1924, in Libor 249 on nt the rato ot acvon per cent, nnd nil legal pro.scnlnllon of claims against anid ostnto Henrietta Woodruff, hia wife, jointly, (or tho pngo 587. on which mortgage thoro ia claimed page 325, upon which mortgngo there ia now (20), thence South Four (4) rotla. cast Forty of Mortgages at pngo 91. on which mortgngo costs, chargea nnd cxpcnBos, Including tho at- shoulfl he limited, nnd that n time nnd plnce aurvivor of either), dated April 5, 1923, and to bo duo and pnynblo at dato hereof tho sum claimed to ho dtio nnd pnynblo for principnl (.10) loils. north four (4) rotls. west forty (40) thoro la claimed to bo duo at tho date of thia torney feo of $35.00 allowed by law and also bo nppointcd lo receive, examine nnd ndjiist recorded in the olTice of tho Register of Dccda of $1,408.06 aa principal and intoreat and tho nnd Intoreat tho sum of $2406,84 ; taxes paid rods lo Ifoginning, nil In Town 1 North, Range notico for principal and interest tho aum of nny othor sum or auma which may bo paid by nil clftims hnd demftnds ngalnst said decensod for Ingham County, Michigftn, on April 9, further sum of $35.76 for inaurnnco paid on on mortgaged landa of $139,35, nnd insurance 2 West, Ohohflaga Township, Inghnm Counly, $2077.95 and nn nttomoy'a fee of J25.O0 na tho Rocclvor ot tho mortgagoo to protect his In­ by nnd before snid court: 1923, in Ilber 220 of mortgages on pago 363. promiaea or a totol ot $1,603.81 now due, and premiums nnd intereat thereon ot $19,56, mak­ Miehighn, contnining Oho Hundred Fifly-threo provided by atoluto nnd tho tormao f anid mort­ terest aa such Receiver in tho promises. which Bald mortgngo waa afterwnrda duly a«- no auit nt law having been brought to recover ing n totol debt of $2565.75. and no auit nt (1.13) itiff-ca, moi-ft or le.sH, It is Orderetl, Thnt creditors of anid deconsed gago. nhd no auit or proceedings nt Inw hav­ Tho lands and preroiaes doBcrlbcd in sold aignod by tho aaid Mnrk T. WootlrulT and Hen­ anid debt or nny part thereof. Notico ia hereby law hnving been brought to recover anid debt, nro reaulre

r White DoK District 1 Expense Statements Something New in the Way of Freighters 54x54 inch all linen lunch cloths. Filed ByGahdidates Mr. and Mrs. James Palmadge and Cream with novelty fringed bord­ family and Mrs. Simons were Sunday Parkhurst Says: ers. Priced at 7flc. (Continued from Page -1) dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo­ ney, $48.27; William L, McComb, Trade with Mason's Home Owned dore Simons, Store, Where Quality and Price none; democrat, T. vFrank Foster, We have the satisfaction of know­ Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bird and Clar­ go hand in hand, .?226.10; Henry P. Carleton, $26.00; ence were Sunday evening visitors of ing that we sell one of the finest John Krygcr, $13,94; Lloyd Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Simons. * • « corselettes on the market for .In.OO. .S15,50; Claire C, Carpenter, 6c; John You get your money's worth when Mr. and Mrs, Cleo Sease were in Turkish Towels—22x44 extra hvy, Devlin, $18,30; William E, Wood, $10; you buy one. Sizes 32 to 40. Lansing, Saturday evening, quality—white with colored bord­ Thomas H. Hanna, $70,00.; John Mor­ Mr, and Mrs, Herman Shray were ers, 4 for 40c. rissey, $271,02. , • „ Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Coimty clerk, republican, Harold H, Mrs. Will Workman. Girdles in wide and rhodium widths Mover, $299,45; John P. Webb, Robert Allen, son of Mr. and-'Mrs. priced at 25c to ijll.OO. DRESSES—At this time dresses $285,55; C. Ross Hilliard, $612.71; Archie Alien, had the misfortune to are coming in most every day and Clark S. Chamberlain, $293.55; demo­ fall while at school one day last week going out at this same rate. crat, Claude D. Aldrich, $25.24; Claud and break his arm, Novelty wool tweeds and wool crepes. All 54 inches wide. Navys, Post, $61.02. Mrs, M. V. Butler' and Theodore Treasurer, republican, Clarence W. green and brown. Per yard $1.(10. were in East Lansing Saturday. Tuesday we received shipment of Lock, ,$334.65; W. H. Lovejoy, $52.10; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Merrifield and Herbert E. Klpke, $234.11; Hubert R. wool Jersey Dresses In sizes 7 to family spent Thursday evening with 14—Ideal for school and priced at Bullen, $418,14; democrat, Ernest H. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Butler. Just received new assortment ot Gorton, $8.88. , , Ijll.OO. smart styles in millinery. Priced $1.88 and up. Register of deeds, republican, Ethel -••••••••••••••.•"••'I L. Phillips, $100.01; C. A. Whitman, t West Aurelius Women's full fashioned Silk I-Ioso none; democrat, Carl J. Weale, $16.75; —the kind you recently bought at Dorr A. Greene, $8.00; John P. Tynan, $1.00. Now 09c pair or 3 pair for Full bod size Double Cotton Blan­ $32.06. . , Mr. Silver and sons from near Fow- $1.19. kets. Grey with colored borders. lerville, wore callers of F. O. Robert­ Pair $1.00. Circuit court commissioners, repub­ * ill * lican, Alvin A. Neller, $54,23; Carl H. son, Monday. * * * McLean, .$42.03; William S. Cameron, Charles Kirby of Eden, is visiting Ladies' Kid Gloves in the new dark Boys' 3-4 length hose in novelty $41.95; James R. Ramsey, $153.84; his daughter,- Mrs. Cora Robertson, brown shades and blacks—with patterns. Sizes S'^ to 10. Priced democrat, Frank M. Fogg, none; this week. white trim priced at $1.49. 19c. Henry A. Jersey, $16.50; Charles P. Mrs. Carl Smaill and Mrs. Bornice * !!• * Vtan Note, $47.39. Baumer of Eaton Rapids, were on our Drain commissioner, republican, streets one dny last week. Several weeks ago we mentioned New shipment of ruffled curtains George Graham, $49.70; Julius Sch­ James Swartz won a prize at M, S, the many contracts made for mer­ In white and cream. Extra wide meichel, $19.80; Allen J. Tomlinson, C. last Saturday for being able to boil chandise while the prices were the curtains and priced per pair 49i'., ,S4192' democrat, William A. Oxen- water the quickest of any of the con­ lowest in over a quarter ot a cen­ 79c, 98c. dale $12.,50; Arthur H. Phillips, testants, nlso tor starting a fire. tury. Since that time many hun­ * * » Just what the name Implies Is the steamship Scatraln, Now I'orlc, ns It wns christened nnd launched nt Clicstor, $10.25; Fred R. Huechke, $29.28. Mrs. O. iVI. Robertson visited in dreds of price advances have taken 36 inch white and colored outing Coroner, republican, George Vogt, m The vo.fsol will ciirr.v'loaded freight cars between New York nnd New Orleans and Havana. It Is tlie first frelRht Lansing with her granddaughter, Mrs. place in the wholesale market. llannels—per yard 10c. $35 28' W. Ray Gorsline, $210.41; steamer built in this coiintrv since tlie war. The Scatraln lias four decks, witli each acconiniodnting a f|iiartor ot a Lee Stafford last week. Frank Robinson, $167.06; democrat, nillc of trucks. A crane trlmsfers tlie cars from deck to lilor. Transfer of a full cargo fakes 20 hours or onc-sl.\tli Bruce Robertson celebrated his Harold W. Wiley, none. the time rcc|iilrcd to unload nn ordln.iry freighter of the same amount of cargo. birthday last Sunday. Mr. Kirby and Miss Amelia Kirby and Mr. Brockey Parkhurst's Dry Goods Store were guests. Bruce is twelve years 1 Rolfe Community t Officer Blackwell Makes Out Ticket old. t HOLT The Boy Scouts with their leader, Carl Topliff, were at M, S, C. last Mr. and Mrs. George Hummell and By »Irs. James P. King purchased from the offering taken at able to avoid the accident, it is said. week end. Lhe spring baccaluareate services of No one was injured by tho impact, daughter oC Lansing, spent Sunday P.aul Moffatt and family ot Jackson, afternoon witli Mr. and Mrs. E. H. the eighth grade rural pupils and tho but the West car was damaged. visited their mother, Mrs. Libbie high school. Two maps of Palestine iMr. and Mrs. Ralph Blackmore of Field. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clever an­ •Klink, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hadwin and fam­ nounce the birth of an &'/• pound were also purchased from this sum. Eaton Rapids, entertained the follow­ Robert O. Squires of Lansing, spent The dictionary was presented by the ing couples from here Monday eve­ ily spent Sunday with tMr. and Mrs. daughter on Monday, Sept. 26. tho week ond here.. Rev. S. J. Hall, a former minister here ning nt a bridge dinner: Mr. nnd Mrs, C. W. Burroughs of St. Johns.. The Scouts of Service, a Sunday John Simpson was home from Kal­ and now residing here. Threo new E. T. Blackmore, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robert Cady and Lyie Aseltine spent school class of Presbyterian young amazoo, Sunday. men, wore entertained at the home of members havo enrolled tho past week Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Mit­ Sunday evening with Raymond Rey­ Ralph Hnrshman and family from in the Bible class bringing a total chell, Ml', and tMrs. Marvin Bi'own, nolds. , their teacher, Mrs. E. B. Kirker, W. i Grand Ledge, wore Sunday visitors at Willoughby road, on Wednesday eve­ membership of 63. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hammond and tvrr. nnd Mrs. Lee Smalley and Mr. tho homo ot Bon Fries. The local football leaiu of the high Afr. and Mrs. Harley Harwood, Mr. and Mrs, Coc Emmons spent a few ning. The .15 mombers present spent Mr. and tVIrs. Albert Rockwell nnd an enjoyable time playing games and \ days last week at Lake George. Betty Jane of Detroit, were callers at school win play the high school team i and Mrs. Leo Toft ot Clark Lake, visiting. Refreshments were served at Stockbridge, Friday. wero also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Smith" spent the Robertson farm last week. during the evening. Mrs. Anna Youngs of .lackson, was Sunday In Lansing. , W. Livingston and F. Laird of Par­ If Mrs. Frank Giesenhaver, Holt,; a guest Sunday of hor falher, E. Rack­ Chiirlos Hazel and Joyce Hadwin ma, were callers here last week. Leslie Prei\ .'Mellinilisl. Churcli will bring this item to tho NEWS of-; • Wesley R. Caswell, Pastor liffe. visited tho Rolfe school last week. fico before Oct. 11, she will be given; Mrs. Nina Honnon spent the week Ml', nnd Mrs. William Blilt',cer and Sunday school 2:30 p. m. a free admission ticket lo the Mnson Worship' service 3:30 p. m. _ end in .\lbion the guest of hor sisler, Mrs. Atinnic Tittard of ScottviUo, Mr. theatre. Hawley Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Mrs. Marble. nnd Mrs. Eugene Schricncr of Green­ t No.\t regular ineeting of Rebeklih at 7:30. Miss Gwendolyn Clancy wont to Yp­ ville, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. lodge No. 'MO, will OcCul' on tMonday silanti Monday, where as a senior she The I-Iawlcy Community club meets George Hall. evening, October 3, at the I. O. O. F. will resume studies at Michigan State with Mr. and .Mrs. Archie Silsby, Sep­ Cdngri'giilionnl Cluirch Ml', and tVIrs. Ira Thorpe spent Sun­ hall. Normal college. tombor. This will be in llie feature of O. B. Thurston, Minister day with Mr. and Mrs. Ranney of Mr. and Mrs. Harry King and: About 2,') Boy Scouts accompanied a hard limo party. All will come "Tlie christian religion is a, siiam Pleasant Lliko. daughters of Buttle CrocK-, woi'o week by .Assistant Scout Master .Mlon dressed accordingly. Mrs. Carven lias unless it is constantly lived in every .Mrs. B. A. Marshall and Esther end visitors of his-parents in Holt. Clancy, attended the Alma and tMichi­ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clark charge ot the program, day life. Thero is no week day world gan Stale football game Saturday, and .Muri'av Somerville has taken charge in which religion does not count. If Haynesi\lr. an. d Mrs. Gerald Field of Cha!'- of radio work in the E. L. Mathias Mrs. I'"'rank Royston and family visited several places of interest at spent Sunday afternoon In Jackson at we forget tliis we aro wandering with­ tho college grounds. lotto, is spending a few days with his electrical shop, whore Morwyn Bus- out guidance." h!l\v had established a repair service.. Ella Sharp park and the cascades. Tho many friends of Mrs. Clyde parents, Ml\ and Mrs, E, 11, Field, The sermon Sunday morning will bo Tlic executive committee of tlie P.' Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barr and family Jewell of Detroit, will be glad to Ml', and Afrs, J. W, Tucker and based on the above, the subject, "How T. A. met Tuesday ovoning, Sept. 20, visited their parents, Sunday. know she is recovering satisfactorily, daughter Florence spent Sunday eve­ Does God Guide Us?" and outlined the work for the yoai'. Mrs. Bailey is on the sick list. following- a major operation. Mrs. ning with Mr, and Mi's, Frank Fet­ The church school subject, "Tho The rli'st progi'am, Oct, 10, is to be on Mrs. Wm. Bowden of Stockbridge, Jewell nnd Inisbnnd wore former Les­ ters, Christian Dcvotionnl Life." the subject of physical education and hor daughter Lillian and son Ridge of lie residents. a speaker is to be secured for the; Birmingham, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Ward, Mr. and Aurelius t evening. Mrs. F. Royson and family. M. E, Cluirch Mrs. Max Ward nnd daughter, Nnncy t Robert Shaft, son of Mr, and Mi-s,; Mr. and Mrs. Howni'd Artz of Mu­ Rev. Geo. Brown, Pastor Sue, visited relatives in Clinton, Sun­ Roiyy Shaft, lias gone to Kirksville,; nith, were Sunday callers at the Bari' The Sundny school will meet nt dny, homo. The lil'St mooting of the Aurelius Mo., where he has entered the college i l':vcl) lllo l(fil;;llt'.>
