// you seek a delightful 'At,' victory of success is penmula, look about you. half Zi'ou t('/it'» one gains the —-MottO' of HicliigaiL habit of work. Seventy-tliird year, No. 39 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MIGHiGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1932 12 Pages California Gold Rush Sporty Chicken Hawk Mason Mens* Absence LOCATION KE MM Attracts Mason Boys CflUNIYDEPARTMENIS Operating* In Ingham CIIY COUNCIL ADOPTS Wrecks Olivet Team REPUBLICANS ASSER Celand Lamphere and NIeland Pal­ All chicken hawks do not swoop The graduation of Philetus Peck BY CHEViEI AGENCY mer believe "Thar's gold in them thnr LYEAR down upon their prey without warn­ BUDGET OF $24,063,84nn d Otis Clipper from Olivet Is a CONFIDENCEJNHOOlfER hills," They're off to California to ing. At least that is the story coming parallel with The Last of the Mo­ II.VLLrSL.VGII, INO. To L E .V V E make their fortunes. They left Ma­ I.KEI'AKlNCi KEPOKTS FOR SVV- out of Ingham township. It seems INCREASE NEEDED TO KETIKE hicans, After them the deluge. One CONVENTION PLEDGES ALLEG- .M.\I>LB STREET IlLILDINO. son Saturday, intending to stake out EllVISoltS' ANNUAL MEETING. that Jack Bowers and Benoni Halllday SEW.AGE DISPOS.AL BONDS. night an Olivet dispatch carried the ANCB TO ENTIRE TICKET. a claim in the gold fields of Califor­ were working In a field when they announcement that Olivet would find Loiij; Lease Signed Wldh .Arrow Oil nia. t>liiny linpiirliint .llanfers To Be De­ heard the ringing of a bell overhead. City Tav Rii«e Will Be .SILCO Willi 10 the 1932 football going rough because Congressman Person Praises Relief Company For GliraKc .\t ilelVevsoii Lamphere was graduated from Mn­ cided At Aiinuiii Octwhcr Sesstinn They looked up and saw a chicken Per Cent Decrease In .A.ssessed of the absence of Pock and Clipper Mciisurcs Of President Hoover, And Onlc. son high school In 1932, He wns cap­ Of Supervisors. hawk, Et'ory time lhe bird flapped ValuiiUons. from tho backfield. The next night, Cites Economy. tain of last season's football team. its wings a bell would rjng. When the lo nnd behold, came the news that This week Hall-Slagh, Inc., the Palmer left his studies to seek his Departments of the county are bus­ hawk coasted the ringing would cease. Olivet is to abandon football entirely. Not to be outdone bv the overflow Mason Chevrolet agency, is moving ily engaged this week In closing their That's their story, and they stick to It, A budget of ,<!24,0C3,8'1 was adopted fortune In the wcsl. He was a mem­ by the cily council at its meeting Mason people realized that local crowd nnd high enlluislasm at the from the line building erected In 1928 ber of the football team this year, books and checking their accounts for democralic county convention two the fiscal year ending September 30, But some of the neighbors are un­ Monday night, Tho budget total Is talent has meant much to Olivet col­ at the corner of Maple and Pnrk Lamphere has also served as assistant kind enough to say that the two men lege but few know tho actual truth, dnys previous, Ingham county repub­ streets to the Arrow Oil company Reports of the several departments nn increase of 51136,22 over the bud- scout loader the pnst throe years. were, deluded; that thfe bell was at­ gct adopted last yeiu-. The Increase that without tMason stars Olivet does licans crowded the circuit court room building on South Jefferson, The move are being drawn up for submission to in Mason last Thursday-to hold one Palmer Is the son of Fred Palmer, the board of supervisors which con­ tached to a cow In a field a few rods was made necessary , to establish a not feel warranted In continuing t\I, is made to secure a more central lo­ Lamphere is the son of Mrs, Fannie away and that the cow happened lo sinking fund to retire bonds and pay I, A, A, competition. of the most enthusiastic republican cation and to reduce the overhead venes in Mason the week of October conventions In years. Congressman Lamphere, 10, At tho October session appropria­ move hor head at the same time the for lhe maintenance costs of tho sow- costs of the firm, the officials state. hawk happened to flap Its wings. ago disposal plant. An increase of Seymour H, Person was tho keynote Since Juno, .lohn Slagh nn« been op­ tions are made for the following year speaker. Ho pointed out the dangers and the salaries of elective officials What about it? Has anyone lost a ,'51000 was made in the poor fund. erating the filling station at the Arrow chicken hawk with bell attached? Savings were made by decreasing by facing the nation and the world nnd Oil company building. At the Maple are set for the terms to which they EXPENSESTATEMENTS ui'ged that President Hoover bo given miN OFFICER will bo elected In November, ,'j;2400 the contingent fund and by par­ street location gasoline was not hand­ ing the fire department budget $300 solid support in order that chaos be led. Tho gasoline business nt the Ar­ The coming session of the bonrd of and tho elimination of an appropria­ averted, row Oil location was one of tho con­ supervisors promises to bo Interesting, FILED BYCANOIDATES AUTOMOBILE COLLISION tion for the city park. Tho congressman declared that the siderations which influenced Hall- CUES GUN lAW RULINGSSalaries , highways and welfare prob­ world Is In a ferment with every The tax rale for city purposes will LAW REQUIRES LISTING OF E.\- Slagh, Inc., to change, it is reporled. lems stand out as issues to be fought country In a turmoil of readjustment GUN I'ER'^HTS .ARE VOID aKGIN- be ?11,60 per ?1000 in assessed val­ PENSES BY CANDIDATES. Several months ago Hall-Slagh, Inc, out before the board, following the war 15 years ago. He underwent a change in stockholders, NING oOrOBEK \. WES FATAL TO BOY uation. Last year's tax rate was .flO, Ssillirlcs Rccoauiicnded However, city officials point out thnt asserted that Japan is trying to sot D, C, Dart disposed of his Interests to Recommendations regarding salar­ .Asplrliiits For Offlee Allowed To opening Of Duck Sea.son Siiturdaj the assessed valuations havo been low­ tho stage for another world war, that B, T, Fry, Stock in the corporation Is ies wore made at the June session of CAR AND TRUCK COLLIDE AT Syend Not .More rhiiii ^5% Ot Voids I'erniits For Clirryliig Oun.s ered 10 per cent. Germany hangs in tho balance, that now owned by Cecil Hall, John Slagh the bonrd. The wages recommended HOWARDS CORNERS. First Year's Salary. In Giituc .Areas. France is an armed camp and that and Mr, Fry, The disposal of tho gar­ at that meeting will be brought up In Disposal Plant Tax England is fighting the disintegration age at Maple and Park is lt->fL In the the October session for definite action. Boy .At First .Appears Unhurt, Then Sewage disposal plant financing was Most Of tho democratic and repub­ Glen iMurphy, conservation officer, of the empire. Congressman Person hands of Mr. Dart. He announces Huge cuts were rocommended and the To|H)les Over Unconsckuis, Dies one of the issues between the Citizens lican candidates In the primary elec­ said that India, Russia, Central Anioi-- that he will sell or lease the building. states that the firearm permit law Is foe system abolished in the offices of In Doctor's Oflice. and Peoples parties. The former coun­ tions held September 13 havo filed not clearly understood. Permits grant­ loa, South .\merica, parts of Europe .Modern Cliirugo the county clerk and treasurer. Tho cil adopted a sewer rental tax for the their expense accounts as provided by and Turkey are In revolt but that the The former Chevrolet homo Is look­ ed for tho carrying of firearms In salary of the county clerk was slash­ Allen Coomor, six-year-old son oi retirement of bonds and the upkeep law. The campaign costs show .i areas frequented by game aro void United States has boon able to come ed upon as one. of the finest garage- ed from ,'5.5000 to §2500 by the salar­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coomor of Shop- of the disposal plant. The former wide variation with several candidates through throe years of readjustment buildings In the stale in cities tlie size after tho opening of the duck season ies commlLlee which made the report herd, was killed In an automobilo col­ council believed that the disposal plant reporting no expense while others on October 1, he says. Any person without revolution. The credit for the of .M.nson, It Is modern throughout in June, Clerks now receivlng'$1200 lision at Howards Corners, two miles should be paid for on a basis of use. show expenses mounting to large guiding of the United States through t-.nd contains many special engineer­ cnrrying a rifle or shotgun on prop­ and ^um will be cut to ?900 and l?!,- south of Dansvliic, Tuesday evening The Peoples party when It came into sums, C, A, Whitman, republican op­ erly other than his own or that con- the perils which havo toppled other ing fo.itui'os. It has frontage on both 200 under the schedule set by tho com- about five-thirty. ?Ie wns with his power after a clean svveoii in the elec­ ponent of Mrs, Ethel Phillips, register nations was given to Prosidont Hoover Maple and Park streets.
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