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[email protected] ULTIMATE BOOKS THE ORIGINS OF CARDS “Closed poker” is the historiCal version he most distant ancestor of playing cards of poker. it was the most praCtiCed form seems to be ancient chips of wood used in of poker in the 1830s, when the game took The two players seated The players, having The players still in the China to write down dice toss results. on the name poker for good. it had many to the left of the dealer called the first bets, get game show their cards, As early as the thirteenth century in the variations, and bluffing and ChanCe played (called blinders) place a rid of the cards in their starting with the last T bet right off. Each player hand they deem useless raiser (bettor). The Middle East, players made their own cards from all kinds predominant roles. receives five cards, one (between zero and player to lay down the of materials. Drawing on traditional methods, they would at a time, and looks at four cards). The dealer best hand wins the cut out thick pieces of paper, fabric, leather, or papyrus his hand. Then comes replaces them with pot. If only one player the first betting round. an equivalent number remains, he wins the pot POKER and paint figures on them directly or with a stencil. Each player, when it is of cards. The second without even showing his turn, makes a bet. betting round begins. his cards. But it was Johannes Gutenberg and his development of movable printing “Special” cardS around 1450 that account for cards be- At first, the cardboard used for cards was poor in quality.