Zeus/: God of the sky and lighting. He saved his brothers and sisters by overthrowing his father, Cronus, and became ruler of the heavens

Neptune/Poseidon: God of the water and earthquakes. He is usually seen with a trident.

Hephaestus/: God of fire and the maker of tools and weapons for the gods and Greek heroes

Aphrodite/: goddess of love. She was born when Jupiter’s genitals were cut off and thrown into the sea. She emerged out of a clamshell

Athena/: The goddess of wisdom and war. She helped Odysseus in Homer’s story The Odyssey

Artemis/: The goddess of the wilderness. She was tricked into killing her lover, Orion, with her bow and arrow. She sent him up into the stars to become a constellation

Demeter/: Goddess of agriculture. Her daughter, Persephone, is kidnapped by Hades who tricks her daughter into staying for a third of the year. It is during this third of the year that we have winter

Hades/: God of the underworld. He has a three headed dog named Cerberus

Cronus/: The god of time. He ate his children because he had been told that one day they will take him over.

Hera/: Goddess of children and motherhood. She is Zeus’ wife and sister.

Hermes/: He is the messenger of the gods and uses special winged shoes made by Hephaestus

Apollo: God of light and the sun. He carries the sub across the sky on a chariot

Rhea: The wife of Cronus. Cronus ate all of her children until Zeus was born. She gave Cronus a stone wrapped in a blanket and hid Zeus in a cave.

Gaia/Terra: Mother Earth. She is the wife and mother of .

Uranus/Caelius: He is the son and husband of . He kept making babies with her, but forced the babies back inside of her. The last baby, Cronus, cut off Uranus’ genitals and threw them into the water.

Socrates: He claimed that he was the wisest man because he knew that he knew nothing. He claimed that the root of knowledge is found by asking many questions until you find something that can’t be questioned any further.

Plato: student of Socrates and creator of the Academy in Athens. He believes that a healthy country is one where men and women are equal; there are three classes of people (peasants to work, soldiers to fight, and philosophers to guide) based on talent but everybody treats each other equally; and education is extremely important.

Pythagoras: He creates theoretical math and geometry. He sees the beauty in numbers and their abilities to explain the way things are. Thales: The first philosopher. He believes that the gods do not explain how the world works. He believes that the world is made of water in different forms

Epicurus: He believes that gods, matter, and souls are made of tiny little things called atoms that are bouncing around the world at different speeds and that explains why things are the way they are.

Plutarch: The first person to try write an unbiased (no opinions) history of the world. He is the first modern historian.

Zeno of Citrium: He believed you should only try to live an honest life. You can achieve this by living logically, having discipline, and not behaving illogically (doing stupid things which mess up your life).

Aristotle: Founder of Physics. He believes the world has four forms: fire, water, air and earth. He thinks the world can be explained by asking a question, testing it, and observing the results. This is now known as the Scientific Method