Solutions for Workplace Change: Funded Projects, 1999-2011
Solutions for Workplace Change: Funded Projects, 1999-2011 Prepared by the WSIB Research Secretariat Updated May 1, 2012 Funded Projects, 1999-2011 Page 3 Introduction The Solutions for Workplace Change competitive research grants program reflects the ongoing commitment of Ontario‘s Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) to high quality occupational health and safety and workers‘ compensation research. The program‘s purpose is to fund rigorous scientific research aimed at preventing occupational injury and disease; improving diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and return to work of injured workers; studying knowledge transfer and exchange; and ensuring the early and safe return to work and fair compensation of injured workers and the appropriate assessment of employers. The objectives of the research grants program are to support research directions that reflect the needs of Ontario workplaces, to develop a research program that meets international stan- dards of excellence, to expand Ontario‘s research capacity in occupational health and safety and workers‘ compensation, and to coordinate WSIB-supported research in Ontario. Solutions for Workplace Change is overseen by a multi-stakeholder Research Advisory Council (RAC), composed of representatives of researchers, workers, employers, health and safety associations, the Ministry of Labour, the Institute for Work & Health, and the WSIB. The RAC reviews all grant applications through a peer-review process, and makes funding recommen- dations to the WSIB Board of Directors. The program also funds two Centres of Research Expertise: the Centre of Research Expertise on the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD), administered through the University of Waterloo and directed by Dr Richard P. Wells, and the Centre of Research Expertise in Occupational Disease (CREOD), administered through the University of Toronto and St.
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