
n o i GardenFestAberdeen t a c o l + 9 1 C O M M U N I T Y G A R D E N F E S T I V A L


A b e r d e e n 2 1 v


V o l u n t e e r t o g r o w ! n t

P r o g r a m m

e 4 - 5 S e p t e m b e r


01 Springhill Community Garden (Springhill Road, . Parking Available at Sheddocksley Sport Centre, Springhill Road, Aberdeen, AB16 6QJ).

02 Allotments Association (Garthdee Road, AB15 9FX).

03 Culter in Bloom (Culter Community Memorial Orchard, Kennerty Road, . Parking is available at the Kennerty Brae car park).

04 Bonnymuir Green Community Trust (Bonnymuir Place, AB15 5NQ).

05 The Secret Garden (Just off University Rd. AB24 3UT).

06 Duthie Park/Duthie Park Community Garden (Duthie Park, Polmuir Road, AB11 TH).

07 Nellfield 2 Allotment (Nellfield Place, AB10 6DJ. Next to Nellfield Cemetery).

08 Cultivate Aberdeen (St. Fitticks' Edible Garden, , AB11 9QT).

09 Tullos Community Garden (Path entrance beside 23 Tullos Crescent, Torry, AB11 8JW). PARTICIPANTS & THEIR LOCATIONS

10 Donside Village Community SCIO & Aberdeen Community Energy (Donside village, . Parking available on Papermill Avenue ).

11 Earth & Worms Community Garden(107A Hayton Rd AB24 2RM. Next to Tillydrone Pharmacy).

12 Powis Residents Group (11 Powis Circle, AB24 3YX).

13 Gwen's Garden (on the corner of Auchinyell Road and Garthdee road, AB10 7FU).

14 Slopefield Allotments (just off Craigton Road in Airyhall, AB15 7UD).

15 Social Juice (Cove Community Woodland, Cove Crescent, AB12 3QN).

16 Seaton Park (AB24 1XS).

17 Victoria Park (AB25 2QP).

18 CFINE bike tour departure (Butchart Recreation Centre. Car Park University Road, AB24 3UT).

19 Grove Nursery (Hazeldene Road, AB15 8HE). EVENTS MAP

Scan the QR code to access the map online.

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15 F R I D A Y , 3 S E P T E M B E R G E T R E A D Y F O R T H E F E S T I V A L !

PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION The Secret Garden 0 5 will be running a photography competition across the Community Garden Festival Aberdeen 21. Follow @ SecretGardenUoA Facebook page

APPLE DONATIONS 15 Social Juice will be collecting apple donations for juice and cider all weekend of Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th September. Collections can be arranged anywhere in Aberdeen, or within 20 miles of the city. Follow @ Social Juice Facebook page

10:00 AM-1:00 PM THE ALLOTMENT MARKET STALL The Allotments Market Stall will have fresh produce for sale, from allotments across Aberdeen at the following venues: 16 17 06 Seaton Park , Victoria Park and Duthie Park . Follow @ TAMSAberdeen Facebook page

7:00 PM-8:00 PM A HISTORY OF COMMUNITY GARDENING IN ABERDEEN Bob from One Seed Forward will give an online talk about community gardening in the city from its origins in the 19th century to present day, featuring examples of some sites that can be visited during the Festival. This will be an online ticketed event. Register @ https://a-history-of-community- gardening-in-aberdeen.eventbrite.co.uk S A T U R D A Y , 4 S E P T E M B E R D A Y 1 O F T H E F E S T I V A L

9:00 AM-10:00 AM MINDFULNESS SESSION 11 Earth & Worms Community Garden invites you to begin your morning with a quiet session of mindfulness surrounded by nature. Register @ https://mindfulnesssession1.eventbrite.co.uk Follow @ earth.n.worms Facebook page 9:00 AM-12:00 PM VISIT A COMMUNITY WOODLAND 15 Social Juice invites you to come along and see their community orchard, and to take a talk around the community woodland. Follow @ Social Juice Facebook page

10:00 AM-11:00 AM GARDEN TOUR 11 Earth & Worms Community Garden invites you to get to know what they are doing with the plants and other projects in their community garden. Register @ https://gardentour.eventbrite.co.uk Follow @ earth.n.worms Facebook page 10:00 AM-2:00 PM OPEN DAY 04 Bonnymuir Green Community Trust invites you to celebrate their three year anniversary, visit their garden and coffee area. Follow @ Bonnymuirgreen Facebook page

10:00 AM-2:00 PM GUIDED TOUR 14 Slopefield Allotments invites you to take part in a guided tour of their site, to hear about the benefits of growing your own and to hear more about their work to improve biodiversity on site. Numbers will be limited and booking will be via Eventbrite. Follow @ SlopefieldAA Facebook page 11:00 AM-1:00 PM MEET & GREET 05 The Secret Garden invites you to a meet and greet session with some appetisers & a quick tour around the garden. Register @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community- garden-festival-tickets-166300688837 C O N T I N U A T I O N O F D A Y 1

10:00 AM-11:00 AM, 1:00 PM-1.30 PM, 4:00 PM-5:00 PM & 7:00 PM-7.30PM GROW, SHARE & EAT The Keep Growing Aberdeen team and the Mixing Bowl invites you to a showcase of what you can do with your harvests this year, such as peas, spinach, lettuce, and beetroot! Live-streamed events. Follow @ Keepgrowingaberdeen Facebook page

12:00 PM-4:00 PM G A R D E N T O U R 12 Powis Residents Group invites you to a tour of their edible and forest garden allotment. Drop in welcome. For more information on the festival events, follow @ Granite City Good Food on Facebook and Instagram.

12:00 PM-2:30 PM RESHAPE THE FUTURE + LUNCH 11 Earth & Worms Community Garden invites you to come and share your thoughts related to how do you see Tillydrone by 2030. Lunch included. Register @ https://reshapethefuture1.eventbrite.co.uk Follow @ earth.n.worms Facebook page

12:00 PM-4:00 PM CULTIVATING COMMUNITY Cultivate Aberdeen 0 8 invites you to come along and enjoy a site tour while finding out more about the history of the St. Fitticks' Edible Garden and site, and help designing the next stages of development. Refreshments, plants, kids activities and more. Register @ [email protected] Follow @ CultivateABDN Facebook page

1:00 PM-4:00 PM OPEN DAY 07 Plots 1, 3 & 4 from the Nellfield 2 Allotments invites you to view and discuss about growing vegetables, fruit & medicinal herbs with plot holders. Drop-ins welcome. Follow Plot 3 @ GardenHerbs Facebook page C O N T I N U A T I O N O F D A Y 1

2:00-4:00 PM DIY SESSION 05 The Secret Garden invites you to a do it yourself session. Including making seed bombs, creating flower prints on cloth, building butterfly puddles, decorating pots Register @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-garden- festival-tickets-166997460901

2:00-5:00 PM OPEN DAY Garthdee Allotments Association 0 2 invites you to visit their allotments. Follow @ gfaa2017 Facebook page 7:00 PM-9:00 PM FILM SCREENING 11 Earth & Worms Community Garden invites you to watch a fantastic film related to plants and soil. *Weather permitting as this is an open-air screening. Register @ https://filmscreening1.eventbrite.co.uk Follow @ earth.n.worms Facebook page S U N D A Y , 5 S E P T E M B E R D A Y 2 O F T H E F E S T I V A L

9 : 0 0 A M - 1 0 : 0 0 A M MINDFULNESS SESSION 11 Earth & Worms Community Garden invites you to begin your morning with a quiet session of mindfulness surrounded by nature. Register @ https://mindfulnesssession.eventbrite.co.uk 10:00 AM-12:00 AM COMMUNITY GARDEN BIKE TOUR CFINE 1 8 invites you to come along on a led bike tour of some of Aberdeen’s Community Gardens. A cycle leader will allow you to see some of the participating spaces in a unique way. Bring your own bike, helmet, snacks and/or hydration. Contact @ cfine.org C O N T I N U A T I O N O F D A Y 2

10:00 AM-11:00 AM, 1:00 PM-1.30 PM, 4:00 PM-5:00 PM & 7:00 PM-7.30PM GROW, SHARE & EAT The Keep Growing Aberdeen team and the Mixing Bowl invites you to a showcase of what you can do with your harvests this year, such as peas, spinach, lettuce, and beetroot! Live-streamed events. Follow @ keepgrowingaberdeen Facebook page

10:00 AM-11:00 AM GARDEN TOUR 11 Earth & Worms Community Garden invites you to get to know what they are doing with the plants and other projects in their community garden. Register @ https://gardentour21.eventbrite.co.uk Follow @ earth.n.worms Facebook page

10:00 AM-2:00 PM G U I D E D T O U R 14 Slopefield Allotments invites you to take part in a guided tour of their site, to hear about the benefits of growing your own and to hear more about their work to improve biodiversity on site. Follow @ SlopefieldAA Facebook page 11:00 AM-1:00 PM GARDEN GAMES 05 The Secret Garden invites you to a scavenger hunt and a 'guess the plant' game. All ages welcome Register @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-garden- festival-tickets-166998833005

12:00 PM-2:30 PM TAMS AND OSF LAUNCHES One Seed Forward invites you to the talk 'Organic Gardening and Soil' by Bruce Pearce of Garden Organic and to launch their partnership with OSF. This will be preceded at 12 pm by a hands-on session at the new TAMS Growing Space at Grove Nursery 1 9 , with tea and cake. Register @ https://tamsandosf-launches-at- grove.eventbrite.co.uk C O N T I N U A T I O N O F D A Y 2

OPEN DAY 1:00 PM-4:00 PM 07 Plots 1, 3 & 4 from the Nellfield 2 Allotments invites you to view and discuss about growing vegetables, fruit & medicinal herbs with plot holders. Drop-ins welcome. Follow Plot 3 @ GardenHerbs Facebook page

1:00 PM-3:30 PM DUTHIE PARK COMMUNITY GARDEN 06 Duthie Park Community Garden invites you to their open garden, to meet some of the volunteers who run the garden. Register @ [email protected] or phone 01224 580165

12:00 PM-2:30 PM RESHAPE THE FUTURE + LUNCH 11 Earth & Worms Community Garden invites you to come and share your thoughts related to how do you see Tillydrone by 2030. Lunch included. Register @ https://reshapethefuture2.eventbrite.co.uk Follow @ earth.n.worms Facebook page

1:00 PM-3:00 PM GARDEN TOURS WITH FUN OUTDOOR AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES Tullos Garden group 0 9 invites you to explore their wonderful garden in the heart of Torry. Take part in some natural or creative activities. Snacks and refreshments will be available. Register @ [email protected] or phone 01224498164

2:00 PM-3:30 PM VISIT A COMMUNITY GARDEN 10 Donside Village Community SCIO & Aberdeen Community Energy invites you to visit village beehives and meet beekeepers. Follow @ Donside Village Community SCIO Facebook page

2:00 PM-4:OO PM CULTER COMMUNITY MEMORIAL ORCHARD Culter in Bloom 0 3 invites you to a conducted tour of an orchard area and two nearby locations planted and maintained by this organisation. Follow @ Culter in Bloom Facebook page C O N T I N U A T I O N O F D A Y 2

2:00-4:00 PM OPEN DAY & WILDLIFE HUNT (FOR KIDS) Springhill Community Garden 0 1 invites you to have a look around their garden to talk about their plans for the future and to plant fruit trees for their community orchard. Kids can hunt around the garden for wildlife. Register @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-garden- open-day-tickets-167153409347 2:00 PM-5:00 PM OPEN DAY 02 Garthdee Allotments Association invites you to visit their allotments. Follow @ gfaa2017 Facebook page 2:00 PM-4:00 PM INFORMATION SESSION 05 The Secret Garden will reveal the winner of their photography competition at this information session. Register @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-garden- festival-tickets-166999815945 2:00 PM-4:00 PM OPEN DAY 13 Gwen’s Garden invites you to their open day where you can take tours of the space, find out more about the garden and how you can get involved, and take part in bluebell bulbs planting. Follow @ gwensgarden Facebook page

2:45 PM-4:00 PM BENEATH YOUR FEET 11 Earth & Worms Community Garden invites you to an exciting workshop to get to know about the different types of soils for gardening and their properties. Register @ https://beneathyourfeet.eventbrite.co.uk Follow @ earth.n.worms Facebook page 2:45 PM-4:15 PM COMMUNITY HYDRO Donside Village Community SCIO & Aberdeen 10 Community Energy invites you to get to know a Community Hydro Scheme. Follow @ Donside Village Community SCIO General enquires?

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@ G r a n i t e C i t y G F


Interested in being part of a growing community? Keep Growing Aberdeen Facebook group. C o m m u n i t y G a r d e n F E S T I V A L A b e r d e e n 2 1 V o l u n t e e r t o g r o w !


Before attending any event, make sure that you have contacted the organisers and that you have booked your attendance to follow the Covid-19 regulations.

D e s i g n e d b y @ L o u _ P a r r a _ F o l l o w m e o n T w i t t e r