Art & About 2013 Major Projects Expression of Interest

Seduction, Sustainability and the Vogelkop Bowerbird

A Vogelkop Bowerbird nest in Papua New Guinea. David Attenborough describes the Vogelkop Bowerbird as the master builder amongst bower birds.

Artist / project conceiver: Mathieu Gallois

Project Architects: Zana Wright & Langzi Chiu Mentor architect / sustainability Consultant: Caroline Pidcock Social Media and visual communications: David Kaldor TROBEC - CHIU Digital fabricator: Gabriele Ulacco (ARMA) 00 Contents

01 Registration of Interest Form 03

02 Artists impression of proposed installation/project 04

03 Artwork statement 05

04 Project methodology 06 - 07

05 Draft budget for installation execution 08

06 Additional reference information 09

07 Team bio’s & CV’s

Mathieu Gallois (Artist) 10 - 11 Caroline Pidcock 12 - 13 Zana Wright 14 - 15 Langzi Chiu 16 - 17 David Kaldor 18 Gabriele Ulacco 19

Art & About 2013 | Page 3 01 Registration of Interest Form


 I/We having read, understood and fully informed myself/ourselves of the contents, requirements and obligations of the expression of interest, submit this expression of interest for the performance by myself/ourselves

of Seduction, Sustainability and the Vogelkop Bowerbird

[insert details of the project] for the Council of the City of Sydney.   Name of Respondent: Mathieu Gallois

Subsidiary Company (if applicable): Gallois Fine Arts

Address of Respondent: Unit 205 / 271 Cleveland Street Redfern, 2016  Postal Address: As above Refer enquiries to: (Full Name) Mathieu Gallois

Phone Number: 0415 326 716  Email: [email protected]

Legal Entity (if applicable)  ABN ACN: 80 739 385 475 

Signature and Date

Official Position Held: Artist, Director  Signature of Witness  Address of Witness 

Art & About 2013 | Page 3

02/03 Artists impression / Artwork Statement Seduction, Sustainability and the Vogelkop Bowerbird

Artwork statement:

The following You Tube clip is the conceptual premise of our proposal:!

(If you have trouble with this link, please Google search: David Attenborough - Animal behavior of the Australian bowerbird - BBC wildlife)

We admire and seek to celebrate the brave heart and values of South-East Asia’s Vogelkop Bowerbird who through, integrity, hard work, sound environmental design principles (creative and adaptive reuse of found objects), excellence in design and con- struction, and of course to die for romanticism; creates a space for love to express itself and be found.

Based on the example of the Vogelkop Bowerbird, we propose to create a ‘bower’ in Sydney that acts as a symbolic interface for love and sustainability in the city (please note: the bower You Tube clip will accessible through QR code on site and on our web side).

Our bower will be created out of 80% recycled materials. We seek to emphasise the imaginative and creative reuse and reinter- pretation of recycled materials in our design. We do not want to create a structure that can easily be categorised as ‘other’, that looks like ‘junk’ or ‘hippy’ architecture. Rather we seek to demonstrate that recycled materials can be used to create beautiful, mainstream, functional and sustainable structures.

Our bower will mimic the Vogelkop Bowerbird’s endearing collection and display of materials that seek to impress a mate.

Some of the non functional collections we will display include: a) Over 3000 incandescent globes (leading up the launch our group will petition Sydney siders to relinquish their homes remaining incandescent globes). b) Over 5000 disposable plastic water bottles – (leading up to the launch our group will petition large Sydney busi ness to collect disposable plastic water bottles from their offices).

Clearly each of these materials seeks to create awareness about unsustainable practices. Many homes in Sydney still have in- candescent globes which are very inefficient. People in Sydney consume huge amounts of bottled water which has a significant environmental footprint (transport and refrigeration); when tap water is freely available and of a very high standard.

Our bower will be created from a radically modified shipping container, 250 glass front loading dishwasher ‘bowls’, 3000 dispos- able plastic bottles, and bundles of bush brush branches.

To build on the Vogelkop Bowerbird’s example, our bower site will have a small solar panel array (and batteries) and a ‘public’ compost toilet for use by visitors.

Our guiding design and construction principles are:

1) Creative reuse and reinterpretation of materials (80% of the materials will be recycled) 2) The Bower will comply with BCA regulations (for example it will be accessible to people with disabilities). 3) We will make the ‘build’ adaptable for re use in another context


How do we bring about the necessary massive behavioral social change for a sustainable future? Bruce Mau, design guru and environmental philosopher, and key note speaker at Sydney’s 2010 Hot House symposium au/ (at which team member Mathieu Gallois presented his Reincarnated McMansion project) argued that artists, designers and creative people have to imagine and create highly seductive, beautiful and compelling sustainable alternatives to our current ex- pedient economies. By combining seduction within a compelling sustainable narrative of adaptive reuse, the Vogelkop Bowerbird bower encapsulates Mau’s ideas.

In turn, through our own integrity, hard work, sound environmental design principles, excellence in design and construction, and of course to die for romanticism; we seek to reaffirm the shared place of humans within a wider ecology, the lessons we can learn through biomimicry and the role of beauty in the creation of compelling sustainable narratives.

Art & About 2013 | Page 5 04 Project Methodologies - Towards Zero Waste

Design methodologies of the bower We seek to reuse and repurpose 200 - 300 front loader clothes washing glass bowls into a small functional dwelling for our bowers to inhabit (these bowls are readily available at white good recycling centres in large numbers). This modern looking and high tech ‘nest’ will be shaded and integrated into the landscape by a large sculptural pavilion made from steel and bun- dles of brush wood (available for purchase at most garden nurseries).

Digital fabricator and designer Gabriele Ulacco will assist the designing of the bower’s two main parts - the clothes washing bowl dwelling and the pavilion. Gabrille will use powerful computer aided drawing (CAD) programs that can, design, model and engineer complex forms with relative ease.

Bundles of brush wood that Front loader clothes wash- A glass hexagon dome Draft sketch of a non sy- will be used to create sculp- ing glass bowls metrical dome (aslo refered tural pavillion that shades the to as a ‘blob’ by architects bower conceived by team memeber Gabriele Ulacco

Our design proposal for the bower is focused on a sound methodology that we are confident will determine the most appropriate re-purpurusing of the clothes washing bowls and design of the bower.

Building code of regulations will govern our process and engineers will be employed to engineer any structural com- pents of the bower.

Our group has extensive building experience and access to major workshops in Sydney (COFA art school and Sydney University architecture Technology workshops). The bower will be built over an eight-week building program at Mathieu Gallois Redfern studios. Biomimicry: Sustainable Innovation Inspired by Nature

1. 4.



A shipping container is reduced to a three walled box, a A deck and sculptural pavillion are added to the bower dwelling. The lat- room is created in the space and a non symmetrical dome ter will shaded the bower and intergrates the dwelling into the made from reclaimed steel and front loader glass bowls will garden setting. forms the new bower. The social media interface of the work and selection of 30 bower quests:

Social media will play an important role in selecting ‘bowers’. This component of the project will be developed by team member and social media expect David Kaldor. Some initial ideas are for the social media component of the project to be interactive. This could involve the potential ‘bower’ ‘winning’ a night at the bower by expressing their creativity or proving their environmental credentials in a romantic way.

The bower as a Private and public work of art:

Private: Over the 1-month exhibition period, 30 lucky couples will get to occupy the bower between 6pm and 10 am in its private manifestation. Leading up to the launch of Art and About, couples will be encouraged to visit the project’s web site and submit a 100 word statement that explains why they should be selected to occupy the bower. Our web site will encourage proposals that go beyond youthful lust, to include an envirmnetal agenda and couples that have compelling love stories, or are dealing with life changing circumstances or illnesses (like cancer).

Public: As a public work of art, between 10.30am and 5.30pm, the general public will be able to visit the site of the bower (but not enter the bower room). The members of our team will take turns in supervising the work in its public manifestation, we will give a daily talk between 4 – 4.30 explaining the works premises.

Precedent artworks that have had overnight quests:

Tatzu Nishi’s Liverpool Biennale work Villa Victoria is an excellent precedent for our proposed work. This work consisted of a room built around the statue of Queen Victoria where the art going public could register to spend the night with Queen Victoria (Nishi created a similar work in-front of the AGNSW through John Kaldor Projects in 2009, this incarnation did not include sleep overs).

Bennalong point Observatory Hill Base of the south side of Sydney harbour bridge Locations:

Our preferred site is at the north end of Bennalong point next to Tarpeian Way between the Opera House and the Government House.

This site is Sydney at its best: 1) As part of the botanical gardens, is one of Sydney’s most spectacular and romantic ‘spaces’, it is a site that any Vogelkop Bow- erbird would be proud to occupy 2) Highly visible from circular key 3) The slope affords privacy to the occupants of the bower (see diagram) 4) The site can be easily accessed and secured (thanks to Tarpeian Way fence) 5) The site has mains power

Other potential sites are: 1) The base of the south side of Sydney harbour bridge (visible, private and unusual) 2) Observatory Hill (nice views) 3) The small public plaza between Oxford, Burton and Riley streets (highly visibly and an area associated with dating – but not very private for the bowers) Art & About 2013 | Page 7 06 Draft budget for installation execution

Project management of entire project $5000

Construction of Bower $30,000

Collection of materials $2000 Storage of materials $1000 Workshop space 8 weeks $2000 Materials $5000 Machine hire $2500 Skilled labor $4000 Labor $5,000 Digital fabrication $4000

Contractors $8500

Architectural fee $4000 Engineer $1500 Electrician $1000 3D Cad drafting $2000

Compost toilet, PV array, water collection $9500

Tiolet $3000 PV $3000 LED Lighting $1000 Water $2500

Construction / installation

Digital media $7000

Website creation Graphics Website maintenance Social media

Manning site 11am – 5pm x 30 days $3600

Room service for Bower x 30 nights $3000

Transport to site $2500

De Installation and transport to new site $4000

Total $70,600 Contingency % 10 $7,060

TOTAL $77,660 05 Additional reference information

Precedent artworks that relate to this proposal by artist / architect Mathieu Gallois:

DIY Architecture:

This work’s brief: 1) Create a sleeping space for visiting artists, friends and family to stay for short periods in our Redfern artists studio / home. 2) Use at least 50% recycled stuff in the construction of the new room. 3) Source materials locally.

D.I.Y. Architetcure, 2008. Mathieu Gallois

Reincarnated McManison project

A single McMansion will be selected, audited, dismantled and rebuilt; Reincarnating an unsustainable McMansion into 2 best practice, zero emissions green homes using ex- isting McMansion building materials.

This project is seeking funding.

Art & About 2013 | Page 9 Mathieu Gallois Artist / architect Born Melbourne, 1969


2013 - Doctor of Philosophy, College of Fine Arts (UNSW) (in progress) 2008 Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, University of Technology Sydney 2003 MA Fine Arts, Goldsmiths College, Univer sity of London, UK 1996 Honours, Institute of the Arts, Australian National University, Canberra 1995 Bachelor of Visual Arts, Institute of the Arts, Australian National University, Canberra


2010 CplusC Design Construct (Design and construction residential architecture). Position: Evironmental Sustainable Design (ESD) research consultant. 2008 - 2009 Smyth & Smyth (Design, residential, corpo rate, retail). Position: Architects assistant (both full time and part time). 2004 - 2007 Di Emme Creative Solutions. (Sydney. Custom fabrication). Position: Project Manager. 2001-2007 Conybeare Morrison and Partners (Street Furniture Australia) Position: Industrial design / CURRICULUM VITAE MATHIEU GALLOIS Product development. AWARDS, ACQUISITIONS, GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND RESIDENCIES Mathieu Gallois graduated from the Institute of the Arts, Aus- tralian National University, in 1996. He has exhibited both na- 2013 Australian Postgraduate Award to undertake tionally and internationally, realizing 20 solo shows and par- Doctor of Philosophy at COFA ticipating in over 30 group exhibitions. Gallois has received 2012 Australia Council New Work Grant, established major grants from the Australia Council in 1999, 2003, 2007, artist category 2009 and 2012. He has been selected for numerous national 2009 Australia Council Connections Residences Grant art awards, including the Inaugural National Sculpture Prize, 2007 Australia Council New Work Grant-emerged National Gallery of Australia, ACT (2001), and The Helen artist category Lempriere National Sculpture Award, Melbourne, VIC (for 2005 Simon and Catriona Mordant Collection which he received a high commendation (2001), commenda- 2003 Australia Council New Work Grant - emerged artist tion (2003) and popular choice award (2003)). In 2002 Gal- category lois exhibited at the Australian Embassy Paris, France, and re- Acquisition, Native Born, Museum of Sydney ceived a Samstag Scholarship which enabled him to complete Popular Choice Award: Caravan. Helen Lempriere a Masters Degree at Goldsmiths College in London, UK, in National Sculpture Award 2003. In 2004, Gallois’ work was documented in Monument Special commendation: Caravan. The Helen Lem magazine in a feature review written by Jeff Gibson. In 2005, priere National Sculpture Award Gallois had a survey exhibition of his work at UTS gallery and 2002 Samstag Scholarship exhibited twice at Sherman Galleries in Sydney. Gallois com- Special commendation: Flight 934-B: The NSW pleted a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at the University of Helen Lempriere Travelling Arts Scholarship. Technology Sydney in 2007, and launched the art/architec- Sydney. NSW ture project the Reincarnated McMansion project on ABC Ra- 2001 Drive-Thru, Highly recommended : Helen dio National’s by Design program in 2008. In 2009, 1 house = Lempriere National Sculpture Award 1000 homes was exhibited at Carriage Works and later at the 2000 National Association of the Visual Arts marketing McClelland Sculpture Survey & Award in 2010. The ‘Welling- grant ton’ projects will be exhibited at Artspace Sydney and Western 1999 Australia Council New Work Grant - emerging artsist Plains Regional Centre, Dubbo in 2013 and at the Australian category Museum of Democracy Canberra and Centre for Contempo- 1998 New South Wales Pat Corrington Artist Grant Scheme rary Photography Melbourne in 2014. SOLO EXHIBITIONS

2014 ‘Wellington’. Australian Museum of Democracy Canberra ‘Wellington’ Centre for Contemporary Photography Melbourne 2013 ‘Wellington’ Artspace Sydney ‘Wellington’ Western Plains Regional Centre, Dubbo 2009 1 house = 1000 homes. Performance Space @ CarriageWorks, Sydney 2008 Reincarnated McMansion project Launch - 2007 Support Doubt Series – Prince Alfred Park, Surry Hills, Sydney 2005 The Art, Design and Architectural Concepts of Caravan, 2001. Acrylic Sheet / castings. Mathieu Gallois. UTS Gallery 2004 Social body. Mop Projects, Sydney Social Body, Shermans Gallery, Sydney Native Born, Museum of Sydney 2002 Flight 934-B, Australian Embassy Paris, France 2001 Flesh, Experimental Arts Foundation, Adelaide, SA 2000 Flight 934 B, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, VIC 1999 The Aesthetics of Disappearance, Artspace, Sydney, NSW 1998 Frontier, Blair Athol Neighbourhood Development, Campbelltown, NSW Game Show, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne, VIC 1997 Alien-Nation, First Draft Gallery, Sydney, NSW 1996 Number 1, Marcus Clark Galleries, Canberra, ACT 1995 Christmas special, Manuka, Contemporary Arts Space, Canberra, ACT Frontier (Polystyrene House), 1998.


2011 Reincarnated McMansion project DIY Urbanism. Tin Sheds. Sydney McClelland Sculpture Survey & Award. Melbourne 2010 Reincarnated McMansion project. Hot House Sympo sium. National Institute for Experimental Arts at COFA UNSW 2007 Untitled. National Small Sculpture Prize. Woollahra Council, Sydney 2006 Containment. The Helen Lempriere National Sculp ture Award. Melbourne, VIC 2005 Flight 934-B. Shermans Gallery, Sydney 2005 Flight 934-B. Bloc – Bowie Art. County Hall Gallery, Riverside Building, London Flight 934-B. College of Santa Fe Art Gallery, New Mexico Glad Wrap Up. Shermans Gallery, Sydney National Small Sculpture Prize. Woollahra Council, Sydney 2004 Flight 934-B. Portobello Film Institute, Westbourne Studios, London, UK Blind.The Helen Lempriere National Sculpture Award. Melbourne, VIC Mass. National Small Sculpture Prize. Woollahra Council, Sydney Flight 934-B. Portobello Film Institute, Westbourne Studios, London, UK 2003 Mass. Goldsmiths MA Fine Art Graduation Exhibition. London, UK Flight 934-B. Made in the UK, Arch Gallery. London. Caravan. The Helen Lempriere National Sculpture Award, Melbourne, VIC Art & About 2013 | Page 11 Caroline Pidcock Architect & Sustainability Consultant


PIDCOCK – Architecture + Sustainability 2008 – Direc- tor/Principal Architect Caroline Pidcock Architects/Design 1992 – 2008 Direc- tor/Principal Architect Grose Bradley/James Grose Architects 1990 – 1992 Graduate Connybeare Morrison 1989 Graduate Jestico + Whiles, London 1987 – 1989 Graduate Allen Jack + Cottier 1987 Graduate Alex Popov Architects 1986 – 1987 Student


Living Futures Institute Australia 2012 – Chair Carriageworks Board 2012 – Chair Greening Australia NSW 2012 – Board Member Sacred Heart Education Ministry Board 2010 – Board Member Object Gallery’s 2015 Creative Advisory Group 2010 – Member 1 Million Women 2009 – Ambassador Al Gore Climate Project 2006 – Inaugural Trainee and Caroline Pidcock is an architect with genuine interest and Ambassador experience in sustainable built environments. This has been Australian Building Codes Board 2003 – 2011 Industry developed and enhanced through her involvement in a wide Representative range of professional, academic and other commitments. She Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council is interested in working through architecture to be proactive 2005 – 2008 President in developing a positive sustainable future for us all to live in. Australian Institute of Architects 2005 – 2009 Past President NSW Chapter 2002 – 2005 NSW President + Na- PIDCOCK – Architecture + Sustainability is a practice that tional Councillor 1998 – 2002 NSW Chapter Councillor aims to excel in environmentally sustainable architecture NSW Architects Registration Board 2005 – 2009 and advice. PIDCOCK aims to demonstrate how the many is- RAIA Representative as Past President 2002 – 2004 RAIA sues that are fundamental to sustainability can be potent and Representative as President 1998 – 2002 Minister’s Archi- profound influences. Established in 1992, the company has tect Appointee worked on many projects throughout Sydney and NSW, with Bicycle NSW 2007 – 2009 Board Member particular expertise in residential and community projects. NABERS 2005 – 2008 Member Steering Committee The work of the office is inspired by the possibilities of creat- Your Building 2005 – 2008 Member Steering Committee ing desirable places that positively contribute to their ecology, SB08 2007 – 2008 Member Steering Committee people and local economies. University of NSW 2003 – 2007 Adjunct Professor 2003 – 2007 Member Building and Grounds Committee Registered Architect NSW / No 5946 QLD / No 4175 ACT / University of Newcastle 1994 – 1997 Member Academic No 2314 Senate AWARDS

2012 Winner Australian Institute of Company Directors Not- for-Profit Chair Course Scholarship; Shortlisted Women of Style – Design section; 2011 Highly Commended Single Dwelling (New) Sustainability Award for Rose Bay Eco Chal- lenge House, Building Product News; Winner Marion Ma- hony Griffin Prize, Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter; Winner Insurance Council Australia’s resilient house competition with Bluescope Steel; Third Insurance Council Australia’s resilient house competition with House of Parts; 2009 Winner Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship 2009, NSW Architects Registration Board; 2009 Finalist Single Dwelling (Alterations & Extensions) Sustainability Award for Morrison Residence, Building Product News ; 2008 Winner Small Commercial Sustainability Award for Resource 88, Building Product News; Highly Commended Single Dwelling (Alterations & Extensions) Sustainability Award for Stanmore House, Building Product News; 2007 Highly Commended Single Dwelling (Alterations & Exten- sions) for Stanmore House, Marrickville Council; 2004 Winner Blacket Award for Shellharbour Workers Club (in association with Richard Goodwin Architects) Royal Aus- tralian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter; 2002 Win- House of Parts ner Department of Public Works and Services Award for Achievement as a Business Woman, NAWIC; 2000 Winner Design Award for New Building for Saines House, Manly Council; 1999 Commended Civic Design Award for New Dwelling for Cherry House Lane Cove Council; 1995 Com- mended Design Award, National Association of Women in Construction; Winner Refereed Design for Executed Work for Back House, CHASA


2012 – Sydney Olympic Park Authority Design Review Pan- el; 2008 – 2012 Winston Churchill Scholarship – Profes- sions + Services Panel; 2007, 2010 BPN Enviro Awards jury; 2007 NSW Government Energy Savings Fund Panel; 2006 Chair, Marion Mahony Griffin Awards Jury; 2005 Selection Panels for UNSW Asia Singapore Campus Masterplan; 2005 Dunne Treeby House University of Western Sydney new Teaching Facility; 1997 Specialist Environmental Adviser, RAIA National Awards Jury; Specialist Environmental Adviser + Jury Member, RAIA NSW State Awards; Architectural + Urban Design Ad- vice and/or Design awards juries for Councils such as Wol- longong, Parramatta, Randwick, Marrickville, Manly.


October “LBC and architectural practice” - talk to UTS B De- sign (Arch) Y2 students; “Advocating for sustainability” - talk to UTS M Arch students; “AGDF Positive Development” - break- fast + seminar, Customs House Sydney; August “Zero Emis- sions Housing” AIBS talk, Sydney; “Sustainable Urban Myths + Legends” talk at AIA, Canberra Introduction to LBC public talk Sydney; July “The Living Building Challenge” talk for the Aus- tralian Architecture Association, Sydney; “Designing Sustainably Object Gallery for the Future” presentation at FAOPMA Conference, Adelaide; “AGDF Positive Development” breakfast talk, Brisbane; “What is sustainable design” talk at Valmont, Surry Hills; June “NSW ARB Reducing Carbon Emissions” talk at Tusculum, Sydney; “ATA Speed Dating of Sustainable Designers” at Customs House, Sydney; “Design Trends in Alterations and Additions” talk at the HIA NSW Building + Business Show – Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre Axis, The Sebel Pier One, Sydney

First Steps Art & About 2013 | Page 13 Zana Wright PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PRIVATE PRACTICE, Sydney and Byron Bay, 2008- present Project Team Architectural designer Solo and collaborative design and construction documenta- tion of various prospective and completed residential build- ings and additions, restaurant developments and public art installations. Creation of comprehensive sustainability strategy for restaurant project. Hands-on building work on residential additions under guidance of builder.

DECV MANINCOR RUSSELL ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOP (DRAW), Sydney, July 2010- June 2011 Architectural assistant Sketch design, DA, concept design and construction detail- ing phases of large public university building. Responsible for managing overall drawing set, and undertook work in design, 3D modeling, graphics, visualisations, liaising with consultants, fixtures and finishes schedules. Also worked on residential projects in DA, concept design and construction detailing phases.

INTERNATIONAL DESIGN GROUP, Sydney & China, March 2010- July 2010 Architectural assistant and graphic designer Travelled to Beijing and Ordos City (Inner Mongolia) to a sist team lead by Chris Johnson (former NSW government architect) on initial site analysis and sketch design of large urban planning project. Worked in Sydney office on concept design and documen- tation of large public building, followed by second trip to Ordos City and Tianjin to assist in putting project through government approval.

UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY, 2009 Green Star rating research assistant Assisted surveying and analysing Macquarie Bank staff ex- Alexandra (Zana) Wright trained as an architect be- perience in former building (20 Bond St) vs. new building tween Sydney, Berlin, and . As a vagabond (1 Shelley St)- the latter aiming to achieve an industry bench- on the highway of learning, she now uses her educa- mark 6 Star Green Star rating. tion as a platform upon which to traverse mediums, GRICE LYNCH ARCHITECTURE & INTERIORS, Sydney, collaborate and invent, whilst constantly seeking a February 2007 - June 2010 intermittently harmonious existence with nature. Architectural and interior design assistant Assisted architects and interior designers on residential and While she currently resides in the utopia of Byron hospitality projects. Responsible for fixtures and finishes Bay, Australia, her fingers are embedded in project- schedules, management of material library and office ad- ministration. Also undertook drafting in AutoCAD, Develop- pies spanning the globe as well as a breadth of fields. ment Applications, site visits. These range from buildings to short films, sound art to humanitarian and environmental activist initia- EDUCATION tives, photographic essays to site specific installa- tions, and more… 2011 - 2012 / Master of Architecture, Aarhus School of Ar- chitecture, Denmark; 2009 - 2011 / Master of Architecture, UTS, Sydney; 2006 - 2009 / Bachelor of Design in Archi- tecture, UTS, Sydney; 2007 - 2008 / Bachelor of Architec- ture, TU Berlin, Germany; 2004 - 2006 / Bachelor of De- sign, College of Fine Arts, UNSW, Sydney; 2001 - 2003 / SCEGGS Darlinghurst, Sydney; 2012 / ‘Youth Leading the World Congress’, Byron Bay; 2012 / ‘Audio Architecture’ conference & design workshop, Melbourne; 2010 / ‘Extra/ Ordinary’ 2010 National Architecture Conference, Sydney; 2009 / ‘Transnational Tides & the Future of the Arab City’ International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Beirut; 2009 / ‘Parallax’ 2009 National Architecture Conference, Melbourne ACHIEVEMENTS

2012 / Awarded Architecture Institute of Australia An- nual Graduate Prize for Construction and Practice; 2012 / Awarded Architecture Institute of Australia Structural In- novation in Architecture Graduate Prize commendation for group project ‘PreVault Pavilion’; 2012 / Awarded Architec- ture Institute of Australia Digital Innovation Graduate Prize commendation for group project ‘PreVault Pavilion’; 2012 / Nominated for Architecture Institute of Australia Struc- tural Innovation in Architecture Graduate Prize for individ- CVual project ‘Concrete Plasticity’; 2011 / Invited to join UTS Golden Key International Honour Society; 2010 / Winner of ‘Time of the Signs’ Hoarding Design Competition for Fu- ture UTS Construction (design scheduled to be built 2013); 2009 / National finalist in SONA Superstudio Student Ar- Responsive Mirrors, Denmark, 2011 chitecture CompetitionEXHIBITIONS; 2012 / ‘PreVault Pavilion’ group project exhibited at Architecture Institute of Australia Student Awards Exhibition; 2011 / ‘PreVault Pavilion’ group project exhibited at Aarhus Festival, Den- mark; 2011 / Contributed to larger work ‘How to be a Good Witness’, exhibited at Prague Quadrennial, Czech Republic; 2011 / Contributed to larger work ‘Networks of Surrender’, exhibited at Gwangju Design Biennale, South Korea; 2011 / Solo exhibition of installation piece ‘Pop-up Kasbah’, Mils Gallery, Sydney; 2009 / ‘The Diversity Machine & the Re- silient Network’ project presented at Pecha Kucha, Sydney; 2009 / ‘The Diversity Machine & the Resilient Network’ pro- ject selected for UTS Annual DAB Faculty Exhibition; 2009 / ‘UTS 2020 Library’ project selected for UTS City Campus Masterplan Exhibition; 2008 / ‘UTS 2020 Library’ project selected for UTS Annual Design, Architecture & Building The Periscope - UTS Hoardings Installation, winning entry, Faculty Exhibition; 2006 / ‘Eco-trekking Centre’ project se- Sydney; Scheduled to be built 2013 lected for UTS Annual Design, Architecture & Building Fac- ulty Exhibition


POSITIVE CHANGE FOR MARINE LIFE, Byron Bay, NSW, 2012 - present Creative coordinator Coordinating collaboration of artists, musicians, film mak- ers, and photographers with ocean conservation NGO to creatively convey marine debris campaign messages and in- spire change.

BYRON BAY HERB NURSERY, Byron Bay, 2012 - 2013 Volunteer Assisted in environmental best practice horticultural busi- ness which provides employment and training opportunities PreVault Pavilion, Denmark, 2011 for people with an intellectual disability who require ongo- ing support to work.

BEIRUT WONDER FOREST, Beirut, Lebanon, 2012 Volunteer Assisted planting on residential rooftops for NGO aiming to ‘green’ Beirut and improve the city’s food security.

HIMMELHAVEN (SKYGARDEN), Aarhus, Denmark, 2011 - 2012 Designer Involved in design, planning and fundraising stages of pro- posed large rooftop urban farm.

2009 SMART LIGHT SYDNEY FESTIVAL, Sydney Volunteer artist Collaborated on sustainable lighting art installations through Adaptable Deck, Byron Bay, NSW, 2009 Art & About 2013 | Page 15 VESNA TROBEC LANGZI CHIU Langzi Chiu Sydney AU Architectural Designer Director / November 2012 - Present BOLLES+WILSON Münster DE Architect / December 2010 - December 2012 Project: 1296 Mina al Hosn, Beirut LI Luxury Residential Housing / lobby and courtyard design and documentation Project: Eingangskomplex zum Inselpark, Hamburg DE Health Care/Mixed Use Building / construction documentation, development application, design developement Competition: Am Stadtgraben, Münster DE - 1st Prize Urban Redevelopment / presentation drawings, model making, presentation Project: MAB The Style Outlet, Frankfurt DE Shopping Complex / presentation and design draw ings, presentation Competition: Spenner Zement, Erwitte DE - 1st Prize International Architecture Award 2012 Office Building / presentation and design drawings, presentation Project: Monteluce, Perugia I Masterplan / renderings Competition: Alterhafen, Lingen DE - 1st Prize Harbour Redevelopment / presentation drawings, presentation Competition: Deutsche Fußball Museum, Dortmund DE - 2nd Prize Museum / design developement, presentation draw ings Competition: Philosophikum, Münster DE - 3rd prize TROBEC - CHIU Director University Building / presentation drawings Competition: Maribryrnong Defence Site, Melbourne AU Masterplan / concept development, presentation After studying and working as an architect in Syd- drawings ney, for over two years Langzi Chiu worked for the Competition: Eingangskomplex zum Inselpark, Hamburg internationally renowned BOLLES+WILSON in DE - 1st Prize Münster on a range of projects across Germany, Mixed Use Building / presentation drawings Europe, the Middle East and Australia. TONY CARO ARCHITECTURE Sydney AU He has recently returned with an eye to engage with Student / January - February 2010 Sydney’s urban & suburban environments, thus co- forming TROBEC-CHIU in Surry Hills together Project: Jackson’s Landing, Sydney AU with Vesna Trobec. High Density Luxury Housing / wet area construc tion documentation Project: Victoria Park Housing, Sydney AU Langzi has been nominated for the Board of Archi- High Density Housing / development application tects Medallion, the Australian Institute of Archi- drawings tects Design Medal, and the Bates Smart Prize for Architectural Design. Langzi currently teaches ar- McGREGOR COXALL Sydney AU chitectural design and communications at the Uni- Student / November - December 2009 versity of Sydney and the University of New South Wales. Project: Western Sydney Parklands, Sydney AU Landscape Design / construction documentation CHOI ROPIHA Sydney AU Collaborater / February 2009 Competition: UTS Broadway Building, Sydney AU University Building / conceptual design, presenta tion drawings BOLLES+WILSON Münster DE Intern / July - December 2008

Project: Barleti Development Center, Tirana AL Masterplan / preliminary design drawings Competition: Sedus, Waldshut DE Office Building and Showroom / presentation draw ings Competition: Draegerwerk, Lübeck DE Premises, Master Plan / presentation drawings Project: Monteluce, Perugia I Masterplan / design and presentation drawing, 3d drawings Project: 100 West Cromwell Road, London UK Residential (347 apartments) / planning application German Football Museum, 2011, Dortmund, Germany drawings, model making Project: Pilgrim Street, Newcastle UK Masterplan / concept and design drawings Competition: Lakeside, Tirana AL Masterplan / presentation drawings, model making


Project: House, Antwerpen BE Residential / Concept design, design drawings and development Project: House, Rotterdam NL Residential / Concept design, design drawings and development Construction: House Amsterdam NL Department of Philosophy, 2011, Muenster, Germany Residential: On-site construction with LenoTec Project: Special School, Rotterdam NL Education / Conceptual design and development, presentation drawings Research: MUWI School, Rotterdam NL Analysis of post-war schools in Rotterdam Education: St Michael Basic School, Rotterdam NL Education / Conceptual design and development, presenta tion drawings Exhibition: Building with Character, Tel-Aviv IS Logistical preperations, exhibition set-up

UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Sydney AU Master of Architecture / 2009 - 2010 Nomination, Architects Medallion, Board of Architects (NSW), 2011; Nomination, Design Medal, Australian Insti- House in Nesselande, 2008, Rotterdam, The Netherlands tute of Architects (NSW), 2011; Nomination, Bates Smart Prize for Architectural Design, 2010

CHINESE CULTURE UNIVERSITY Taipei TW Urban Planning and Design / 2009

TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT EINDHOVEN Eindhoven NL Sydney University Exchange Scholarship

UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Sydney AU Bachelor of Design (Architecture) / 2004 - 2006 Majors: Allied Arts in Architecture, Digital Architecture Nomination, RAIA Mirvac Award, 2007 Special School, 2008, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Art & About 2013 | Page 17 David Kaldor Social media and visual communications

+ Revealing the Arts: Identity, communications strategy and collateral for a conference (hosted by ABC and Australia Council for the Arts) that brought together Australia’s arts and culture leaders in order to discuss the future of the arts in a rapidly-evolving digital age.

Accolades + Finalist, South By South West – Interactive Awards (2012) + Nominee, AIMIA Awards – Best Cross-Platform (2012) + Interactive installation artist, TEDx Sydney and Canberra (2011) + Shortlist, FWA – Favourite Website Awards (2011) + Presenter, Sydney Design talks (2011) + Guest lecturer, Design Centre Enmore (2011) + Installation artist in residence, Berkelouw Books Paddington (2010-2011) + Winner, CIIC’s MAKE IT! competition – exhibited at Powerhouse Museum (2010) + Panellist, SPAA Fringe (2010) + Profile, Perspective Magazine’s ’40 Under 40’ is sue (2009) Based on Birds + Successful applicant for funding, New Enterprise Initiative Scheme (2008) 2007 – 2008 Architectural Assistant, David Fleeting Archi tects PROFESSIONAL

2011 – present Creative Director, AIME LEADERSHIP/ COMMUNITY Innovative Indigenous mentoring program 2012 – present Creative strategist, Infrequent Flyer 2008 – 2011 Co-founder and Creative Director, Based Campaign to communicate the environmental im On Birds pacts of jet air travel Boutique digital creative agency 2012 - present Digital strategist, SIBEPA As one of three directors/principals, I was responsi AusAid-supported development project - Solomon ble for developing creative strategy, managing client Islands Built Environment Professional Association relations, pitching for new work, managing staff, and managing company finance/administration. 2010 – present Volunteer and Team Leader, St Vin cent de Paul Night Patrol Project highlights Mobile outreach service for Sydney’s homeless + The Gradual Demise of Phillipa Finch: Multi-plat form campaign for ABC TV and Hopscotch Produc 2010 – present Advisory Panel, Assemblage Space tions that used animation, immersive web, mobile Interdisciplinary creative studio, exhibition and apps and public art installation to give users a workshop space unique experience of a narrative – fostering a pas sionate user community and giving expression to 2010 – present Guitarist, The Magnetic Heads the community’s creativity. Sydney-based 5-piece indie rock band + ClimateHub: An online platform intended to de 2012 – present Co-organiser, L’Entreprise liver leading-edge climate change information to us Sydney-based French language group ers, in order to bridge the gap between what scien tists know and what the public understands. 2003 – 2006 Soccer Coach, SBHS and ESSFA Gabriele Ulacco Digital fabrication

Gabriele Ulacco is co-founder of AR-MA, specialist consult- ants based in Sydney, who realise complexity in architecture. He teaches architectural design at the University of Sydney and UTS.

Professional Experience:

Architectural Research – Material Applications Founding Director Computational Design Consultants May 2011 – Current

Grimshaw Architects Architectural design March 2010 – May 2011

Tom Heneghan. Architect Design Competition entry December 2008 - January 2009

Sculpture by the Sea. Sculpture exhibition. Artist June 2008 - July 2008

Petra Gemeinboeck. Artist. Installation of digital media work June 2007 – August 2007

Gav Barbey. Artist. Mixed media artwork March 2007 – July 2007

Aboriginal Housing Company with Col James Traditional joinery/woodworking techniques January 2007 – May 2007

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