Multitemporal analysis of landslides using the method of Air Photo Interpretation. Case studies in the Daunia Apennines ABSTRACT This study aims to identify landslides in the Daunia Apennines using the approach of Air Photo Interpretation. Air photos record all visible features of Earth’s surface from an overhead prospective. Actually the method of Air Photo Interpretation allows to compare the evolution of several features of Earth’s surface, during the years and at large scale. In the case of landslides, multi- temporal analysis of air photos allows to find relationship between landsliding and some of their causes, such as precipitation. Some recent works have already highlighted the relation landslides-precipitation. However, these data are collected until 2002 and completed with a collection of photos of May, 2009.

This thesis focuses on six examples of landslides, in order to better evaluate how the increase of extreme precipitation events influences the activation (or riactivation) of landslides. These case studies cover different types of landslides occurred in: , , , , and . Actually the examination of climate report of “SCIA Project” reveals during December 2010 an increase of 127% in precipitation in Southeern . Furthermore, pluviometric data of Hydrological Annals of Civil Protection allow to compare millimetres of rain during the years. The results confirm that climate changes have a fundamental role in the development of landslides. These findings have important environmental implication. On the one hand they improve the existent database for landslides cartography. On the other hand these findings could be considered as bases for further studies on the relation landslides-precipitation.