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Copyrighted Material Index AA 136 Blair, Tony 138 Accenture 140, 141, 142 Bold and Inspiring Future 27–33, advertising 146, 147 115, 119, 161, 181, 183, 213, Allen, Paul 214 240–41 alternative investment market Bonfi eld, Sir Peter 156 (AIM) 93 bootstrapping 86, 93–4, 100 AOL 148 brainstorming 143, 226–8, 242 Apollo 13 120–22 brands 131–2, 246–7 Apple 14, 60, 88, 90, 140, 141, 142, brainstorm possibilities for 143 157–8, 160, 162, 163, 164, 190, and culture 135–8 208, 214, 221, 230–31, 246 designing 140–44 Armstrong, Michael 155 identify central idea 140 AT&T 155–6 need for a name 142–3 ATMs 132–3 power of 132–4 promise or guarantee 141, 160 Barclays 221 reality check 143–4 Benioff, Mark 63–4 run-through of design 149 Benn, Tony 175 values 141–3 Bennis, Warren 214, 215, 217, 221 visual identity 143 Berners-Lee,COPYRIGHTED Tim 7–8, 11 Branson, MATERIAL Richard 50, 93, 137, 138, Biffen, John 175 157, 204 big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs) Brin, Sergey 157, 214 26–7 British Airways (BA) 221 Bilimoria, Karan 6, 43, 66 British Telecom (BT) 30, 37, 112–13, Birkinshaw, Julian 96 133, 156, 221 Black, Ben 64–5 Brown, Tim 63, 69 257 FIND YOUR LIGHTBULB Buckland, William 96 distribution partnerships 147–8 Buffett, Warren 4, 131 face-to-face selling 148 bureaucracy 161–4 non-TV advertising 146 business coaching 33, 229–30 PR 145 business culture 151–4, 247–8 TV advertising 147 at Egg 166–70 web search 145–6 be big with bureaucracy 161–4 word of mouth 144–5 creation of 159 Compaq 156 enthusiasm 160–61 competition 189–91 getting it right 157–8 confi dence 25–6 implementation of 164–6 control 20–21, 22 organizational 154–7 CPP 148 worst-case scenario 161 criticism 101, 241–2 see also culture attitude toward 37–8 business economics critics as designers 41–2 cash 192 immunity from 39 company profi tability 193 listening to 40 going public 193 personal 39–40 long-term value 192–3 prevalence of 40 product profi tability 193 reaction to 39–40 business model 101, 104 that’ll never work 38–9, 41–2, business plan 23, 101–2 46–7, 48, 49 fi nancial 103–5 tyranny of experts 42–6 pitching 105–6 using intelligent insights 46–51 business strategy 108–11 Cross, Nick 23 culture 135–8 Cable & Wireless 30, 32, 178 see also business culture Calcraft, Stef 12, 24 customer insight 54–5, 78, 79, 243–4 Carnegie, Dale 6 quantitative research 58 Cassani, Barbara 12 using 55–7 Celtel 11, 13, 63, 88, 114, 199 challenges 21–4, 29 Darbee, Peter 50, 123, 180–82, 194 Citibank 211 Davis, Sir Peter 151–2 Cobra Beer 66 decisions 200 Collins, James 26, 183 ’bet the company’ 206–9 commitment 83–5 big unavoidable choices 200, communication 201–2 affi liates 146 hot teams 222 and culture 159 optional avoidable choices 201 direct marketing 146–7 optional investments 202–3 258 INDEX DeForest, Lee 44 company culture 160–61 Dell 156 expressing 7 Dennis, Felix 14, 29, 43, 93 getting started 9–10 Direct Line Insurance 92 personal views on 6 Dixons 96 recreation of 23 Docherty, Tommy 25 sharing 5 Doughty Hanson Technology you not idea 8 Ventures 89, 215 European Union (EU) 98 drama 19–21 experts Dylan, Bob 235 dealing with 45–6 dynamic action planning 109–11 dismissal of new ideas 44–5 accountability 128–9 tyranny of 42–6 approach 118–19 changing perspective 119–20 Facebook 192 interim end 124–6 fi nancial plan 103–5, 244–5 invent means as you go along business model 104 113–18 customers 103 key conditions 126–8 exit route 104 as practical 122–4 implementation issues 103 producing initial plan 124–30 operation, sales, marketing 103 reasons for adopting 112–18 opportunity 103 reassessing 130 people 103 start with end game 123–4 product 103 when in a hole, stop digging projected fi nancials 104 112–13 Fiorina, Carly 156 Dyson, James 24, 44, 93, 94 Firstdirect 8–9, 10–11, 14, 21, 25–6, 46–8, 54, 59, 61, 63, 73, 96, eBay 14, 246 132–3, 135, 138, 140, 141, 142, edge of reason 172–3, 182, 232 145, 201–202, 205 Edison, Thomas 254 Ford, Henry 55 Egg 5, 18–19, 21, 32, 48–9, 59, 62, funding 244–5 67, 83, 92, 96, 123, 125, 127, bold commitments 83–5 133, 134, 135, 137, 140, 141, bootstrap route 93–4 142, 145, 148, 151, 166–7, 176, borrowing from the bank 97 202–3, 205–7, 209–11, 221, 222 business plan 101–6 Ellison, Larry 63 choice 94–5 ends and means see dynamic action government and EU grants 98 planning growth route 85–93 Enron 178–9 inventuring 96–7 enthusiasm 239 long shots 96–8 259 FIND YOUR LIGHTBULB practical ideas 81–3 create enemy outside the size matters 98–9 company 221–2, 233 creating/maintaining 194–7, Garlik 62, 85, 87, 110, 123, 125, 126, 217–18, 231–2, 252–3 128, 132, 145, 148, 149, 152, decision making 222 168, 185, 187–8, 215, 235–9, defi nition 215–16 240–41, 243, 246–8, 251–3 feedback in design reviews 223 Gates, Bill 4–5, 7, 11, 42, 162, 214 focus attention on what General Electric (GE) 160 happened 220 66 give time to relationship Go airline 12 meetings 228–30, 233 goals 26–7 as obvious 216–17 interim 125–6 one-to-one meetings for light Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 9, 83 coaching 229–30 Google 14, 59, 87, 88, 90, 114, 140, practices of 220–30 141, 142, 146, 148, 160, 214, 246 regular progress meetings 223 Goss, Tracy 18, 29, 218, 219, 222 what’s missing that would make Government 98 a difference 220 Gratton, Paul 210 see also team Grierson, Nigel 89, 215 Howell Henry Chaldecott Lury Grossman, Lev 164 (HHCL) 54, 135 growth route 85 Howell, Rupert 54, 135–6 bring in the angels 86–8 Hurd, Mark 157 developing the concept 86 IPO or trade sale 90–91 IBM 27, 42, 140, 158, 221 professional VC 88–90 Ibrahim, Mo 13, 88 variations of 91–3 ideas 108 big but simple 13–14 Hayes, Christine 166 and change 19 Hewlett, Bill 156 dampen down 82–3 Hewlett Packard (HP) 156–7 enthusiasm for 4–8 Hoberman, Brent 155 generating 53, 243–4 hot teams 213 generation 70–72 in action 230–31, 233 get a reaction 72–8 brainstorming 226–8, 233 Goldilocks 81, 83 breakdown meetings to solve hot or cold 81–2 problems 223–6, 233 just right 82 and consensus 222 making them happen 3 context as decisive 218–20 searching for 61–2 260 INDEX start with an industry 63–5 maintaining balance on edge of start with emerging technology reason 172–3, 182 67–8 need for 176–83 start with yourself as consumer regularly recreate empowering 65–7 culture 184 unmet needs 68–70 seminar question 197 workable 59–61 Thatcher as example of 173–5 Ideo 12, 69 learning from others 10 Ilube, Tom 5, 62, 110, 145, 152, 188, living the dream 215, 248, 249–51 be bold 9, 15 Imagine programme 29–33, 37 beating the odds 1 improvise 118 big ideas, simple ideas 13–14 incentives 23 create a statement 15–16 initial public offering (IPO) 90, 91, 96 creating a business 3 Innocent Drinks 12, 65, 111, 160, 165 enthusiasm for idea 4–8 Intelligent Insights 41, 101, 241–2 everyone can be extraordinary create list 51 11–13 statements of intent 51 experience of 2 using 46–51 fi rst steps 8–9 Internet 2, 5, 48, 61, 88, 114, 134, learn to infect others 15 145–6, 206–7 reaping the rewards 10–11 inventuring 96–7 step-by-step guide 2 Ive, Jonathan 60 stop dreaming, start it now 9–10 writing down your dreams 8 Jacomb, Sir Martin 173 London 2012 20 Jobs, Steve 60, 68, 157–8, 162, 163, Lukies, Alistair 12 214, 230–31 Macmillan, Harold 177 Kelley, David 12 Magliano, David 20–21 Kelley, Tom 226, 228 Marconi 178 Kennedy, John F. 3, 28 market research 61 Kleiner Perkins 214 marketing 54–5, 146–7 Kranz, Gene 120–22 communications 55 customer insight 55 Lardner, Dionysus 45 Mayers, Steve 11, 61 leadership 33–5, 171, 248–51 Mercury Communications 29–33, in action 183–7 37, 62, 112, 115, 133 create Power Gap 184–96 Microsoft 4–5, 7, 88, 90, 114, 140, 141, creating hot team 194–7 142, 160, 214, 221 261 FIND YOUR LIGHTBULB Midland Bank (now HSBC) 8, 10, 61, Power Gap 73, 132–3, 201–202, 205 brainstorming 188 mindset 17–19 condition of satisfaction 106 MoniLink 12 create hot leadership team 194–7 Moritz, Michael 214 creating 184–7 Mother advertising agency 12, 24 prepare for competition 189–91 motivation 28–33 principles in action 187–97 Murray, Jamie 42 take risks with care 193–4 Murray, W.H. 84 watch the cash 192–3 My Family Care 64–5 power of the gods 16 principles National Health Service (NHS) 179 art of customer insight 243–4 needs create Bold and Inspiring Future functional and emotional 59–60 240–41 Maslow’s hierarchy 54 create/maintain hot team 252–3 unmet 68–70 critics who count 241–2 Newcomb, Simon 45 culture is critical 247–8 NeXt 158 embrace brand, reputation, Nokia 39, 160 publicity, promotion 246–7 Northern Rock 139 enthusiasm 239 get business funded 244–5 Ocado 92 intelligent insights 241–2 Olympic Games 20 know ends from means 245–6 One2One 43 principles of leadership 248–51 Oracle 63 produce fi nancial plan 244–5 Orange 140, 141, 142 smart risks 251–2 star in own soap opera 240–41 Pacifi c Gas and Electric (PG&E) 123, problem solving 223–6 180–81 Prudential 18–19, 32, 96, 151–2, 177, Packard, Dave 156 207, 211 Page, Larry 68, 157, 214 public relations (PR) 145, 223 partnerships 147–8 publicity 133, 246–7 passion 58–9 Pukka Herbs 11, 12–13, 154 patents 79 Pauling, Linus 53 QDOS 251, 253 planning see business plan; dynamic action planning; fi nancial plan Racal 96 Pole, Seb 11, 12–13 Raddice, Vittorio 23 Porras, Jerry 26 rallying the troops speech 168–9 262 INDEX Ratcliff, Mark 58, 75 T-Mobile 43 Reed, Richard 12, 65, 95, 111, 137, 3M 160 165, 195 team reputation bonding 23 importance of 134–5 building 194–7 lost in an instant 138–9 recruitment 99–100 Rhodes, Terry 11, 13, 199 versus individual 214–15 risk 193–4, 251–2 see also hot teams assessing 212 technology 242, 243–4,
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