Warren Kinsella P. 11 Nancy Peckford P.12
EXCLUSIVE POLITICAL COVERAGE: NEWS, FEATURES, AND ANALYSIS INSIDENSIDDE DEFENCE HEARD POLICY WARREN ON THE NANCY HILL BRIEFING PP. 17-27 KINSELLA P. 11 HILL P. 2 PECKFORD P.12 CLIMBERS P.34 TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR, NO. 1341 CANADA’S POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT NEWSPAPER MONDAY, MAY 23, 2016 $5.00 NEWS LOBBYING NEWS LIBERAL CONVENTION Telecom giant ‘Most dysfunctional week’ Grassroots Shaw lobbies in the House, and despite Liberals demand most in April, 41 withdrawal communications pulling Motion 6, Liberals of proposed in one month still want extended sittings constitution to Telecom, broadcasting avoid ‘most divisive lobbying were up last month. convention in BY DEREK ABMA years’ : Grit riding Shaw Communications Inc., the pro- vider of internet and TV services, primarily in Western Canada, was the busiest lobby- BY ABBAS RANA ist of federal offi cials in April. The Calgary-based company had 41 com- The Liberal Party’s leadership should munication reports registered for last month, withdraw the proposed new party consti- compared to just one in March. The reports tution because it was put together with- showed the company met with several MPs out adequate “member consultation and as well as offi cials from departments such as engagement,” and a signifi cant number of Innovation, Finance, Canadian Heritage, and delegates will oppose it on the convention the Prime Minister’s Offi ce. fl oor which could make this week’s bienni- Some of the other groups that were al policy convention in Winnipeg “the most among the most regular federal lobbyists last divisive in many years,” warns one Ontario month included the Canadian Foodgrains riding association president.
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