UUEEMM PPrreessss RReelleeaassee nnrr 6699//22001122 FOURTH ROUND OF EMX 125CC IN BASTOGNE The fourth round of the 125cc 2 stroke Motocross European Championship was held today in Bastogne (Belgium). In the first heat victory went to Slovenian Tim Gajser (KTM) in front of Norwegian Magne Klingsheim (KTM) and Latvian Pauls Jonass (KTM). The victory of the second heat went to British James Dunn (KTM), followd by French Nicolas Dercourt (Yamaha) and Slovenian Tim Gajser (KTM). The provisional rankings see the leadership of Tim Gajser with 195 followed by Magne Klingsheim with 133 points. The fifth round is scheduled to be held on Sunday the 1st of July in Uddevalla (Sweden). UEM Press Office 17.06.2012 U.E.M. PRESS OFFICE: Via Giulio Romano 18, 00196 Rome - ITALY Website: http://www.uem-moto.eu Contacts:
[email protected] FINAL RESULTS MOTOCROSS EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP EMN 20/28 Class: 125 cc. 2 stroke 1. Heat Date 17.06.2012 Venue: Bastogne (Belgium) Pos. First Name and Name Nationality FMN Machine Points 1 Tim Gajser SLO SMF KTM 25 2 Magne Klingsheim NOR NMF KTM 22 3 Pauls Jonas LAT LAMSF KTM 20 4 Nicolas Dercourt FRA FFM Yamaha 18 5 Arminas Jasikonis LTU LMSF KTM 16 6 Ludovic Brevers BEL FMB Yamaha 15 7 Anton Lundgren SWE SVEMO KTM 14 8 Jaap Corneth NED KNMV KTM 13 9 Alessio Della Mora ITA FMI KTM 12 10 Thomas Do FRA FFM KTM 11 11 Dietger Damiaens BEL FMB KTM 10 12 Riccardo Righi ITA FMI KTM 9 13 Davide Bonini ITA FMI KTM 8 14 Simone Furlotti ITA FMI Suzuki 7 15 Freek Van der Vlist NED KNMV KTM 6 16 Vaclav Kovar CZE ACCR KTM 5 17 Dani de Vries NED KNMV Yamaha 4 18 Michael Eccles GBR ACU KTM 3 19 Cedric Grobben BEL FMB Yamaha 2 20 Dan Houzet FRA FFM KTM 1 FINAL RESULTS MOTOCROSS EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP EMN 20/28 Class: 125 cc.