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Les informations contenues dans ce répertoire reflètent la situation au 31.01.2016 S’il vous plaît consulter notre site web ( qui est régulièrement mis à jour

The information contained in this directory reflects the situation at 31.01.2016 Please consult our website ( which is regularly updated Powered by Developed with Official Sponsor

New Multistrada 1200 Enduro The Wild Side of Ducati

Wherever the adventure takes you, now you can follow it all the way. On any terrain, in any condition, the new Ducati Multistrada 1200 Enduro is designed to experience the journey with a new style, new performance and new technology. The 160 hp Ducati Testastretta DVT engine, 30 litre tank, 19” front wheel, spoked wheels and 200 mm wheel travel.

New Ducati Multistrada 1200 Enduro. We have given it everything, except boundaries. TABLE DES MATIERES / TABLE OF CONTENTS

Accueil du Président de la FIM Europe /Welcome from the FIM Europe President 6 FIM Europe 8 Le Secrétariat Général/ The General Secretariat 14 Les Congrès / Congresses 16 Organigramme de la FIM Europe / Organisation chart of the FIM Europe 18 La structure de la FIM Europe / FIM Europe structure 19 Organizations Internationales Motocyclistes / International Motorcycling Organizations 38 Federations Motocyclistes Nationales / National Motorcycle Federations 39 Associations Régionales / Regional Associations 45 Sigles des FMN d’Europe / European FMNs initials 46 Résultats sportifs 2015 / 2015 Sporting results Championnats d’Europe / European Championships 47 Coupes Européennes / European Cups 133 Palmarès / Roll of honour Champions d'Europe / European Champions 151 Les gagnants des Coupes d’Europe / European Cups winners 176

La communication / Communication 188 Site Internet FIM Europe / FIM Europe website 190 Carte de Presse/ Press Card 195 Conférence sur la Sécurité Routière / Road Safety Conference 196 Congrès de la FIM Europe / FIM Europe Congress 200 Hôtels “Relais Motards”/ Motorcycle friendly Hotels 204 Sport 2016 La saison sportive 2016 / The 2016 sporting year 226 Prix de Licences 2016 / Prix of the 2016 FIME licences 234 Droits d’inscription pour le calendrier 2016 / Inscription fees for the 2016 events 235 2016 coureurs - Equipes - Paires allocation / 2016 Riders - Teams - Pairs allocation 238 Circuits homologués / Homologated tracks 247 Calendrier sportif 2016 / 2016 Sporting Calendar Sous-calendrier / Sub-calendar 258 Championnats d’Europe / European Championships 259 FIM Europe Coupes / Cups 270

Cover Page: photo by M. Zanzani, © Youthstream FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 5 ACCUEIL DU PRESIDENT DE LA FIM EUROPE

Chers Présidents des Fédérations Européennes, Mesdames et Messieurs! L’année 2015 a été riche en activités, non seulement sportives et non-sportives, mais également sur le plan de l’entraînement et de la formation. Le développement de notre sport, tout particulièrement au niveau de base, en veillant à ce qu’il soit financièrement abordable et favorable à l’environnement, et destiné aux hommes comme aux femmes, est l’une de nos principales priorités. La reprise reste lente en Europe après le grand coup porté à l’économie mondiale par la crise financière de 2008, ce qui complique grandement la réalisation de nos objectifs. En dépit de cette situation actuellement difficile, les 47 fédérations européennes (48 à compter de 2016, puisque la Fédéra- tion Géorgienne de Motocyclisme est devenue membre de la FIM et – automatique- ment – de la FIM Europe), les clubs, les organisateurs et des milliers de bénévoles ont dû travailler plus dur que jamais pour atteindre leurs objectifs, motivés et poussés par leur passion et leur amour de la moto. Le Congrès FIM Europe de Malte a été très réussi, avec 38 Fédérations et bien plus de 200 délégués présents. Parmi les décisions qui ont été prises, je souhaite mettre l’accent sur la création d’un groupe de travail ayant pour mission de discuter et d’analyser tous les aspects de la question de l’âge minimum des coureurs en compétition, en tenant compte de l’ensemble des problèmes liés à la sécurité et à la législation. Les résultats de ce travail devraient être présentés lors du Congrès FIM Europe de 2016 à Kavala, Grèce. A l’oc- casion de ce Congrès, la FIM Europe (anciennement UEM) fêtera son 20e anniversaire. Les chiffres sont impressionnants, puisque 39 championnats, pour un total de 132 cour- ses, ont été organisés en 2015, ainsi que 14 coupes. Dans l’ensemble, pas moins de 364 courses se sont disputées. Nous travaillons à élargir l’éventail des compétitions dans les différentes disciplines; les Championnats d’Europe de Courses sur Route en Moto 2 et Superbike, qui ont remporté un franc succès, sont de bons exemples à suivre. Les affaires publiques et la sécurité routière resteront toujours des points prioritaires à l’ordre du jour. Nous devons rester proches de la législation et des décisions suscep- tibles d’avoir un impact considérable sur les motocycles et le motocyclisme, que ce soit sur route ou off-road. Je souligne à ce propos l’importance de notre collaboration grandissante avec la FEMA, puisque nous partageons des intérêts communs. Les normes environnementales sont généralement très élevées en Europe; notre mission actuelle est d’accorder une attention constante à ce sujet particulièrement important. Nous avons poursuivi le développement de notre stratégie écologique (Green Education Strategy), qui inclut la mise en ligne de nouvelles check-lists pour 2016. En fin de com- pte, c’est aussi simple que ça: pour préserver l’environnement, roulons proprement! L’un des projets les plus intéressants sera la formation dédiée au Management du Mo- tocyclisme, mise en place en collaboration avec la Fondazione Universitaria “Foro Ita- lico” de , qui commencera en novembre 2016 et se terminera en mars 2017. Je tiens à remercier les membres du Bureau Exécutif, du Comité Directeur, des Com- missions et, bien entendu, les fédérations européennes pour leur précieuse collabora- tion, ainsi que le personnel de la FIM Europe à Rome pour son efficacité et son professionnalisme. Wolfgang Srb Président de la FIM Europe 6 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 WELCOME FROM THE FIM EUROPE PRESIDENT

Dear Presidents of the European Federations, Ladies and Gentlemen! 2015 was a year full of activities, not only in the areas of sport as well as non-sport, but also in the field of trai- ning and education. The development of the sport, especially at grassroots level, affordable and sustaina- ble, for men and women, is high on the agenda. As a matter of fact the recovery in Europe is still too slow since the financial crisis in 2008 has hit the global eco- nomy, thus making it not easy at all to achieve our goals. Despite this ongoing difficult situation the 47 Eu- ropean Federations (48 as of 2016, as the Motorcy- cling Federation of Georgia has become a new member of the FIM and – automatically – of FIM Eu- rope), clubs, organizers and thousands of volunteers had to work harder than ever to achieve their goals, motivated and driven by passion and love for motorcycles. The FIM Europe Congress in Malta was very successful, as 38 Federations and far more than 200 delegates have been present. Among the decisions that have been taken I like to highlight the creation of a working group with the task to discuss and analyze all aspects of the rider s minimum age in competition, considering all safety and legal issues. Expect the presentation’ of the study at the 2016 FIM Europe Congress in Kavala, Greece. During this Congress FIM Europe (former: UEM) will celebrate the 20 years anniversary. An impressive number of 39 Championships with a total of 132 races have been or- ganized in 2015, as well as 14 Cups. All in all, a big number of 364 races have been staged. We are working to expand the range of competition within the various sports; the successful European Road Racing Championships in Moto 2 and Superbike are a good example. Public affairs and Road Safety will always be high on the agenda. We have to be close to legislation and decisions that have substantial influence on motorcycles and riding, might it be on-road or off-road. Let me underline the importance of our increa- sing cooperation with FEMA, as we share common interests. Environmental standards are usually very high in Europe; it is our ongoing task to pay permanent attention to this important issue. The further developed Green Education Strategy works with on line new check lists for 2016. By the end, it is as simple as that: Ride green and keep it clean! A most interesting project will be the “Advanced Course in Motorcycle Management” in cooperation with Fondazione Universitaria “Foro Italico” in Rome, which will last from November 2016 to March 2017. Let me thank the members of the Executive Board, the Management Council, the Com- missions and, of course, the European Federations for the excellent cooperation as well as the staff in Rome for the efficiency and professional work. Wolfgang Srb FIM Europe President FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 7 FIM EUROPE

Autorité La FIM Europe est une organisation européenne agissant dans tous les do- maines liés aux activités motocyclistes et, en tant que telle, dans les domai- nes relevant du sport, du tourisme, des loisirs, de l'environnement, des transports, de la sécurité routière, des affaires juridiques, de la protection et de la défense des droits et des intérêts des usagers motocyclistes. La FIM Europe est habilitée à exercer toute autre prérogative pouvant lui être accordée par une décision du Comité Directeur ou de l'Assemblée Gé- nérale de la FIM qui traitera dans le détail les modalités et les délais. Pour ce qui est du sport motocycliste, la FIM Europe est l'unique autorité su- prême européenne habilitée à contrôler les activités sportives motocyclistes organisées sous sa juridiction à travers l'Europe. Les titres officiels délivrés lors des Championnats d'Europe, Coupes FIM Eu- rope et de toutes autres compétitions ou événements européens, dans toutes les disciplines du sport motocycliste, sont la propriété exclusive de la FIM Europe. En conséquence, la FIM Europe peut imposer les conditions techni- ques et économiques qu'elle juge nécessaires au déroulement des événe- ments relatifs à ces titres.

Buts La FIM Europe est le propriétaire exclusif des droits de télévision, radiodif- fusion, cassettes vidéo, commercialisation, publicité, promotion, licences et de tous autres droits relatifs aux Championnats d'Europe et Coupes euro- péennes. L'objectif de la FIM Europe est de développer et promouvoir le motocyclisme sous toutes ses formes en Europe, ainsi que la coopération et l'amitié entre les pays membres, et notamment: - examiner les questions relatives au développement de l'activité motocy- cliste en Europe; - organiser les championnats européens et mettre en place toute compé- tition qui pourra paraître bénéfique; - coopérer avec la FIM pour tous les problèmes concernant l'organisation de manifestations internationales et l'activité motocycliste en général; - organiser des stages et des séminaires pour les pilotes, les officiels, les entraîneurs et les administrateurs des différents pays membres de la FIM Europe;


Authority The FIM Europe is a European organization acting in all matters in relation with motorcycling activities and, as such, in domains ranging from sport, tourism, leisure, environment, mobility, road safety, legislative affairs, pro- tection and defence of the rights and interests of motorcycle users. The FIM Europe is entitled to exercise any other power that has been entru- sted to it by a decision of the Board of Directors or the General Assembly of the FIM which will specify in detail the terms of references and the time limit thereof. As far as motorcycle sport is concerned, the FIM Europe is the supreme and sole European authority empowered to control European motorcycling sport activities organized under its jurisdiction throughout Europe. The official titles of European Championships, FIM Europe Cups and any other European competitions and events in all disciplines of the motorcycle sport are the exclusive property of the FIM Europe. Consequently, the FIM Europe can impose technical and economical conditions which it judges necessary for the running of events relative to these titles. The FIM Europe is the sole owner of all television, radio, video cassettes, marketing, advertising, merchandising, promotional, licensing and any other rights for the European Championships and FIM Europe Cups.

Aims The aims of the FIM Europe are to develop and promote all forms of motor- cycling in Europe as well as the co-operation and friendship between its members, and notably: - to examine all questions related to the development of motorcycling in Europe; - to organize European Championships and to establish all competitions that appear beneficial; - to co-operate with the FIM in all matters relating to the organization of international events and motorcycling in general; - to organize camps and seminars for riders, officials, coaches and ad- ministrators of various FIM Europe Members; - to support the creation and development of motorcycling activities in all European countries; - to promote the co-operation among all European FMNs; FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 9 - encourager la création et le développement des activités motocyclistes dans tous les pays européens; - promouvoir la coopération parmi les fédérations nationales européennes; - promouvoir le motocyclisme chez les jeunes, aussi bien dans le domaine de la compétition que du loisir; - encourager l'utilisation de motocycles dans les pays européens et déve- lopper le tourisme motocycliste; - représenter les intérêts des motocyclistes devant les autorités européennes; - faire promouvoir par les médias le sport motocycliste et l'utilisation de mo- tocycles dans toute l'Europe.

Un peu d’histoire L’idée de créer un organisme européen de motocyclisme naquit de l’exi- gence de traiter des sujets étroitement liés à des situations particulières et locales. Par exemple, la nécessité d’étudier une “licence européenne”, après que l’Union Européenne avait libéralisé l’activité sportive dans les 15 pays adhérents, ou de trouver une solution à la très grande difficulté des pays de l’Europe de l’Est pour développer un minimum d’activité sportive internationale dans l’état de crise consécutif à la chute du mur de Berlin. Problèmes nombreux que la FIM, organisme mondial, aurait pu difficile- ment gérer et matricer dans si peu de temps. Le 5 Septembre 1995 les représentants de 7 Fédérations Motocyclistes Na- tionales se réunirent à Munich avec l’intention de créer une Union Europé- enne des Fédérations Nationales, semblable à l’Union Latino-Américaine déjà existante et reconnue par la FIM. Les représentants des Fédérations Nationales présentes à Munich, celles de la France, de l’Italie, de la Suisse, de la Grèce, de la Slovaquie, du Por- tugal et de l’Allemagne (ADAC) signarent un protocole d’accord, dans le- quel il éait précisé que le nouvel organisme n’était pas né en opposition lesquellesà la FIM, mais à l’intérieur de la FIM pour favoriser la promotion, le développement et la diffusion du motocyclisme dans le Vieux Continent et une collaboration plus étroite entre les Fédérations Nationales, spéciale- ment avec celles des pays où le motocyclisme n’était pas encore très déve- loppé. Lors de la réunion suivante à Bratislava le 27 Novembre 1995, d’autres Fédérations Nationales (Biélorussie, Bulgarie, Estonie, Hongrie, Lituanie et République Tchèque) demandèrent de faire partie du nouvel organisme. L’élection de Francesco Zerbi à la présidence de la FIM donna un nouvel élan à ceux qui avaient cru en cette initiative et le 17 Février 1996, à l’ini-

10 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - to promote motorcycling among young people, both as sport and mo- torcycling in general; - to encourage the use of motorcycles in European countries and to de- velop motorcycle tourism; - to represent the interests of motorcyclists before European authorities; - to promote in the media the sport of motorcycling and the use of motor- cycles in all of Europe.

A little bit of History The idea of creating a European motorcycle organization started from the need to face certain themes strictly connected to particular local situations. For example, the necessity to study a “European licence”, after the Euro- pean Union had liberalized the sport activity in its 15 affiliated Countries, or to find a solution to the great difficulties of the Eastern Europe Countries in developing an international sporting activity in the situation of great crisis after the fall of the Berlin wall. All problems that the FIM, world-wide organization, would have managed and controlled with difficulty in such a short time. On the 5th September 1995 the representatives of 7 National Motorcycle Federations met in Munich in order to create a of the na- tional Federations, like the Latin-American Union that has existed for many years and is recognized by the FIM. The Federations which were present in Munich are those of France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Slovakia, Portugal and (ADAC). A docu- ment of agreement was signed in which it is specified that the new organi- zation was not born in opposition to the FIM but inside it, in order to improve promotion, development and diffusion of motorcycling in the Old World and achieve a strict cooperation among the National Federations, especially with those countries where motorcycling was not yet developed. During a further meeting in Bratislava on the 27th November 1995 other Federations (Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Czech Re- public) asked to be a part in the new organization. The election of Mr Francesco Zerbi as the FIM President gave a new enthu- siasm to those who had believed in this initiative and on the 17th February 1996, on the FFM initiative, a Constituent Assembly was convened in during which 21 National Motorcycle Federations decided to join the UEM. Germany was no more represented by the only ADAC, but by the National Federation (OMK). The Assembly approved the Statutes and elected Mr Jean-Pierre Mougin as FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 11 tiative de la FFM, une Assemblée constitutive fut convoquée à Paris, au cours de laquelle 21 Fédérations Motocyclistes Nationales décidèrent d’adhérer à l’UEM. L’Allemagne n’était plus représentée par l’ADAC, mais par la Fédération Nationale (OMK). L’Assemblée approuva les Statuts et élut M. Jean-Pierre Mougin comme Pré- sident, huit membres du Conseil de Direction et deux Commissaires aux Comptes Internes. Le siège légal de l’UEM fut fixé à Mies, auprès de la FIM, et le Secrétariat Exécutif à Rome, compte tenu de la nomination de M. Vincenzo Mazzi comme Secrétaire Général. M. Wilhelm Lyding, président sportif de l’ADAC et promoteur de la consti- tution de l’UEM, fut nommé Président d’Honneur. Deux Commissions furent aussi constituées, une Commission sport ive pré- sidé par M. Dieter Junge et une autre chargée de la Promotion, du Tourisme et Voie Publique présidée par M. Jorge Viegas, toutes deux composées par de Groupes de Travail spécifiques dont les membres n’étaient pas élus, mais nommés par le Conseil de Direction, afin d’avoir une certaine garantie d’efficacité et de flexibilité. Cette organisation est validée provisoirement pour deux années, le temps nécessaire afin que l’UEM pût grandir et faire ses premiers pas. Pendant ce temps, un Groupe de Travail présidé par M. Jacob Douglas fut aussi constitué afin de revoir le texte des Statutes et proposer un Règlement Inté- rieur. Le premier Congrès de l’UEM s’est tenu les 5 et 6 juillet 1996 à Cologne, Allemagne, regroupant les délégués de 29 des 33 Fédérations affiliées. L’UEM fut reconnue de la FIM lors du Congrès du 1997 à Athènes. En 1997 la FIM amende ses Statutes en adoptant les dispositions relatives aux CONUs lesquelles sont entrés en vigueur le 19 octobre 1998. Par la suite l’UEM est reconnue comme Union Continentale (CONU) lors du Congrès FIM de 1998 à Cape Town. A partir de 1998, l’UEM a reçu de la FIM la responsbilité d’organiser des Championnats et Coupes Européennes. En 2010, la FIM adopte des modifications statutaires et les CONUs son désormais appellées FIM Africa, FIM Asia, FIM Europe, FIM Latin America, FIM North America et FIM Oceania. L’Assémblée Générale extraordinaire de l’UEM du 30 Novembre 2012 a pris la décision de modifier ses Statutes en conséquence.

12 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 President, the eight members of the Management Council and two Auditors. The legal Headquarters of the UEM (Union Européenne de Motocyclisme - European Motorcycle Union) was located in Mies at the FIM Headquarters and the Executive Secretariat in Rome, considering the appointment of Mr Vincenzo Mazzi as Secretary General. Mr Wilhelm Lyding, ADAC Sport President and promoter of the UEM con- stitution, was appointed Honorary President. Two Commissions were also formed, a Sporting Commission presided by Mr Dieter Junge and a Commission for Promotion, Tourism, Road Safety and Mobility presided by Mr Jorge Viegas, both composed of specific Wor- king Groups whose members were not elected, but appointed by the Ma- nagement Council in order to grant a certain eff iciency and flexibility. This organization had a temporary validity of two years, the necessary time for the UEM to grow up and move the first steps. In the meantime, a Wor- king Group presided by Mr Jacob Douglas was also formed in order to re- vise the text of the Statutes and to propose the By-Laws. The UEM was officially recognized as a Continental Union (CONU) at the 1997 FIM Congress in Athens. In 2010, FIM amended its statutes by deciding the six existing CONUs would be named henceforth as follows: FIM Africa, FIM Asia, FIM Europe, FIM Latin America, FIM North America and FIM Oceania. On 30 November 2012, an UEM Extraordinary General Assembly took the decision to modify its statutes accordingly. FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 13 THE GENERAL SECRETARIAT

CREATIVITY – INNOVATION - SERVICE Our creativity is reflected in going out from the traditional schemes and in a constant research for new procedures, more and more effective and efficient. We always try to use a realistic view of the concept of “administration” and “servi- ces”, in order to transform creative ideas in innovation. Th e passion for our work and for the creative innovation represents our life style, a mental attitude inspiring our daily job. Our spirit of service is constantly accompanied by emotional intelligence, with which we try to shape our services on the peculiarities of our Members, trying to be in em- pathy with all of them, considering their complexity and their diversities, even if be- longing to the same big family of Motorcycling.

Notre créativité s’exprime dans notre volonté à sortir des schémas traditionnels et dans la recherche incessante de nouvelles procédures, toujours plus efficaces et pro- ductives. Nous nous efforçons toujours de conserver une vision réaliste des concepts d’admi- nistration et de services, pour que les idées créatives se transforment en innovations. La passion que nous mettons dans notre travail et dans la création d’innovation, c’est tout simplement notre style de vie, un état d’esprit qui nous inspire dans l’ac- complissement quotidien de notre mission. Notre conception du service s’accompagne toujours d’une compréhension émotion- nelle, grâce à laquelle nous nous efforçons d’adapter nos services aux particularités de nos Membres et d’atteindre un niveau satisfaisant d’e mpathie, en tenant compte de leur complexité et de leur diversité, même s’ils appartiennent tous à la même grande famille du motocyclisme. 14 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Alessandro SAMBUCO Secretary General

[email protected]

Silvia MONATTI Secretariat Coordinator Financial & Accounting Head Department [email protected] Financial & Accounting Activities, Licences, Bookkeeping Software, Issue of Invoices & Credit Notes, Expenses Notes & Payments, Contract’s Archive, Non-Sporting Activities.

Paola BIANCHETTI Head Sports Department [email protected] Sporting activities, Sporting Calendar, Sporting Rules and Supplementary Regulations, Circuit licences, Disciplinary, Press Cards, Sporting Results, Jury Reports, Web & Social Media.

Silvia D'AMICO Marketing & Communication Department Assistant Sports Department Assistant [email protected] Sporting Calendar, Supplementary Regulations, Sporting Results, Jury Reports, Web & Social Media, Video, Photo and Document Archive, Marketing & Communication, Education.

Andrea DIAMANTINI Junior Accountant - Travel & Logistics Assistant [email protected] Financial & Accounting Activities, Licences, Issue of Invoices & Credit Notes, Expenses Notes & Payments. Travel assistance for plane tickets, hotel bookings and car hires. Expeditions of documents & goods. FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 15 LES CONGRES DE LA FIM-EUROPE THE FIM-EUROPE CONGRESSES

UEM 1996 Paris France (Assemblée Constitutive/Constituent Assembly) 1996 Köln Germany 1997 Praha Czech Republic 1998 Stockholm-Saltsjöbaden 1999 Bucharest Romania 2000 Krakow 2001 Budapest Hungary 2002 Luxembourg Luxembourg 2003 Amsterdam The 2004 Sofia Bulgaria 2005 Opatija Croatia 2006 Kiev Ukraine 2007 Larnaca Cyprus 2008 Riga 2009 Istanbul Turkey 2010 Porto Portugal 2011 Treviso Italy 2012 Belgrade Serbia

FIM EUROPE 2013 Vilnius Lithuania 2014 Cracow Poland 2015 Malta


Commissaires aux Comptes Assemblée Générale Collège des Juges Internes / Auditors General Assembly Judicial Panel

Président President

Comité Directeur Collège Médical Management Council Medical Panel

Bureau Exécutif Executive Board

Secrétariat Général General Secretariat

Comité Sportif Comité Non Sportif Sporting Council Non-Sporting Council

Commission Courses sur Route Commission des Affaires Publiques Road Racing Commission Public Affairs Commission

Commission Dragsters Commission de Tourisme Drag Bike Commission Touring Commission

Commission et Motoneige Commission d’Environnement Motocross and Snowcross Commission Environment Commission

Commission Supermotard Commission Marketing, Promotion et Industrie Supermoto Commission Marketing, Promotion & Industry Commission Commission Enduro et Rallyes Enduro & Rally Commission

Commission Trial Trial Commission

Commission Courses sur Piste Track Racing Commission

Commission Moto Ball Moto Ball Commission

Commission Motos Anciennes Vintage Commission


Président / President

Dr. Wolfgang SRB

Vice Présidents / Vice-Presidents

Martin DE GRAAFF 1er Vice - Président / 1st Deputy President

Silvio MANICARDI 2ème Vice - Président / 2nd Deputy President

Michal SIKORA Trésorier / Treasurer



Juhani HALME


Michel TURK FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 19 Secrétaire Général / Secretary General

Alessandro SAMBUCO

Directeur Des Affaires Publiques / Director of Public Affairs



Président / Chairman


Membres / Members




Président / Chairman

Rodolfo ROMEO

20 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Membres / Members





Président / Chairman


Vice Président / Vice-Chairman


Membres / Members


Tomas BROZ



Président / Chairman


Membres / Members



Eddie HERD

Palle LIND







Président / Chairman


Membres / Members



Jean-Pierre MOREAU



Président / Chairman


Membres / Members








Rowena PERKS



Président / Chairman

Palle LIND

Membres / Members







Président / Chairman

Eddie HERD

Vice Président / Vice-Chairman

Peter HANSEN FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 25 Membres / Members








Hans-Rudolf HEIN


Nicoleta Melania OLARIU



Marian ZUPA


Président / Chairman


Membres / Members

Gianluca AVENOSO

Ruslanas BYKOVAS



Panteley NAYDEV



Président / Chairman

Marco BOLZONELLO FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 27 Vice Président / Vice-Chairman


Membres / Members






Pavol SAS



Oleg PASHCHYNSKYI (Observer)


Président / Chairman


Membres / Members








Président / Chairman

Piotr SZYMANSKI FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 29 Vice Président / Vice-Chairman


Membres / Members


Christian BOUIN


Giuseppe GRANDI







Dickie STAFF




Président / Chairman


Membres / Members

Valery MOSIN




Président / Chairman


Vice Président / Vice-Chairman

John DAVIDSON FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 31 Membres / Members




Massimo SIRONI



Massimo MITA (Consultant)

Luigi FAVARATO (Observer)



Président / Chairman

Jean-Pierre MOREAU

Membres / Members



Wiktoria LASKUS


Francesca MAROZZA



Président / Chairman


Membres / Members

Laurynas BALTR NAS Ū

Panagiotis KALAITZIS




Président / Chairman


Membres / Members




Mi elis MELZOBS ķ

Anastasia ROTAR


Renata SUCHY


Président / Chairman


Membres / Members





Danijel VAŠTAG


Présidents d’Honneur / Honorary Presidents Dieter JUNGE Wilhelm LYDING † Vincenzo MAZZI † Jean-Pierre MOUGIN

Membres d’Honneur / Honorary Members Vito CONSOLONI Giuliano GEMO Giuseppe LUONGO Bogdan NIKOLOV Francesco ZERBI

Vice Présidents d’Honneur / Honorary Vice-Presidents Fred AEBI Ted BARTLETT Jacob DOUGLAS Pietro Mario ROZZA † Jorge VIEGAS Andrzej WITKOWSKI

Commissaires aux Comptes Internes / Auditors Robert W. SMITH René VANDENEDE

36 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Présidents d’Honneur de Commission ou Collège / Honorary Commission or Panel Chairmen Gianfranco D’ORAZI Collège des Juges / Judicial Panel

Nico DE GOEIJ Commission Motocross et Motoneige / Motocross and Snowcross Commission

Andrzej GRODZKI Commission de Courses sur Piste / Track Racing Commission

Anders LINDEN Commission Enduro et Rallyes / Enduro & Rally Commission

Thomas TRAPP Commission Motos Anciennes / Vintage Commission

Membres d’Honneur de Commission / Honorary Commission Members

Christer BERGSTRÖM Commission de Courses sur Piste / Track Racing Commission

Arne HEDIN Commission de Trial / Trial Commission

Gerhard ITTNER Commission de Courses sur Route / Road Racing Commission

György KÖKENYESI † Commission de Supermoto / Supermoto Commission

Günther ZARITSCH Commission de Courses sur Route / Road Racing Commission FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 37 ORGANISATIONS INTERNATIONALES MOTOCYCLISTES INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLING ORGANIZATIONS FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE MOTCYCLISME (FIM) 11, route de Suisse, CH-1295 MIES Tél. +41 22 9509500, Fax +41 22 9509501, e-mail: [email protected] UNIONS CONTINENTALES / CONTINENTAL UNIONS FIM Africa Tel. +27 11 6752220 Fax +27 11 6752219 P.O. Box 6677 Weltevreden, Roodepoort, South Africa e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] -

FIM Asia Tel. +60 3 5511 3429, +63 12 786 1932 Fax +60 3 55112505 c/o AAM, 225 Block 4 n° 7, Persiaran Sukan Laman Seri Business Park, section 13 40100 Shah Alam – Selangor, Malaysia e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected]

FIM Europe Tel. +39 06 3226746 Fax +39 06 3213677, Via Giulio Romano 18, 00196 Rome, Italy e-mail: [email protected] -

FIM Tel. +1 905 5225705 Fax +1 905 522 5716 North America 605 James St. N, 4th floor, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada e-mail: [email protected] -

FIM Tel. +51 1 4482444 Fax +51 1 4482066 Latin America Av. Libertador, Edificio Xerox, Piso 5° Apdo Postal 69018 Bello Campo, Altamira - Caracas 1062 - Venezuela email: [email protected] [email protected] -

FIM Oceania Tel. +61 409 624220 Fax +61 936 840555 c/o MA, P.O. Box 134, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205, Australia E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] -


ALLEMAGNE DMSB - Deutscher Motor Sport Bund e.V. GERMANY Tel.: +49 69 6330070, Fax: +49 69 63300750 Hahnstr. 70 - D-60528 FRANKFURT/MAIN email: [email protected] - ANDORRE FMA - Federaciò Motociclista d’Andorra ANDORRA Tel: +376 726999 / Fax: +376 726999 Plaça de la Germandat 4-5-6 AD600 SANT JULIÀ DE LÒRIA - NRT: P-800192-F email: [email protected] - AUTRICHE ÖAMTC - Österreichischer AUSTRIA Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club OSK Motorsport - Pasettistr. 96-98 - 1200 WIEN Tel.: +43 133 22669, Fax: +43 133 2266933020 email: [email protected] - AZERBAIJAN AMSF - Azerbaijan Motorcycle Sport Federation AZERBAIJAN Tel.: +994 12 5962706 134, Beshir Safaroglu St. - AZ- 1072 Baku email: [email protected] BELARUS BFMVS - Belarusian Federation Of Motorcycle Sports BELARUS (BFMVS) Public Association 9, room 5, Domashevskij lane, Minsk 220036, Republic of Belarus - Tel. / fax: +375 172073712, Fax: +375 2089494 - e-mail: [email protected] BELGIQUE FMB - Fédération Motocycliste de Belgique BELGIUM Tel.: +32 2 7365397, Fax: +32 2 7320128 550, Chaussée de Louvain, Bte 7 - B-1030 BRUXELLES email: [email protected] - BOSNIE- BIHAMK - Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club HERZEGOVINE Tel: +387 33 212770, Fax: +387 33 213668 BOSNIA- Skenderija 23 - 71000 Sarajevo HERZEGOVINA email: [email protected] - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 39 BULGARIE BMF - Bulgarian Motorcycle Federation BULGARIA Tel.: +359 2 9818989, Fax: +359 2 9805934 22, Pozitano Str - BG-1000 SOFIA email: [email protected] - CROATIE HMS - Hrvatski Motociklisticki Savez CROATIA Tel.: +385 1 3012321, Fax: +385 1 3012320 Trg Kresimira Cosica 11 - HR-10 000 ZAGREB email: [email protected] - CHYPRE CyMF - Cyprus Motorcycle Federation CYPRUS Tel.: +357 99 446607, +357 99 530368, Fax: +357 25 575278 P.O. Box 14013 - 2153 NICOSIA email: [email protected] DANEMARK DMU - Danmarks Motor Union DENMARK Tel.: +45 43 262613, Fax: +45 43 262615 Brondby Stadion 20 - DK-2605 BRONDBY email: [email protected] - ESPAGNE RFME - Real Federacion Motociclista Espanola Tel.: +34 91 5625342/3, +34 91 5625344/5, Fax: +34 91 5613507 General Pardinas 71-1° - E-28006 MADRID email: [email protected] - ESTONIE EMF - Estonian Motorcycling Federation ESTONIA Tel.: +372 682 5273 Suur-Sõjamäe 10a - EE–11415 TALLINN email: [email protected] - FINLANDE SML - Suomen Moottoriliitto ry FINLAND Tel.: +358 207 789960 Nuijamiestentie 5 A 10, FIN-00400 HELSINKI email: [email protected] - FRANCE FFM - Fédération Française de Motocyclisme FRANCE Tel.: +33 1 49237700, Fax: +33 1 47000837 74, Av. Parmentier - F-75011 PARIS email: [email protected] - [email protected] FYROM MFMA - Motorcycle Federation of Macedonia FYROM Tel.: +389 2 6090733, Fax.: +389 2 6090734 Strezovo N. 5 - 1000 SKOPJE - FYROM email: [email protected] - [email protected]

40 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 GEORGIE GNMF - Georgian National Motosport Federation GEORGIA 47 Chovelidze Str. Tbilisi Georgia 0108. (Temporary affiliation) Tel.: +995599211211, +995596911911 email: [email protected] - GRANDE ACU - Auto-Cycle Union BRETAGNE Tel.: +44 1788 566400, Fax: +44 1788 573585 GREAT ACU House - Wood Street - RUGBY, Warwickshire CV21 2YX BRITAIN email: [email protected] - GRECE AMOTOE - Hellenic Sporting Motorcyclists Federation GREECE Tel.: +30 2510 246424 - Kotsalou Stadium GR -65201 Kavala - email: [email protected] HONGRIE MAMS - Hungarian Motorcycle Sport Federation HUNGARY Tel.: +36 1 4606873, Fax: +36 1 4606874 Magyar Sport Haza Istvánmezei út.1-3 - 1146 BUDAPEST email: [email protected] - IRLANDE MCUI - Motor Cycle Union of Ireland IRELAND Tel.: +44 2890 813095, Fax: +44 2890 813095 47 Ballynahinch Road, Carryduff, Belfast BT8 8DL email: [email protected] ISLANDE MSI - Motorcycle and Snowmobile Association of Iceland ICELAND Tel.: +354 864 4732, Fax: +354 514 4001 Ipróttamidstödinni Laugardal, Engjavegur 6 104 REYKJAVIK, Iceland - email: [email protected] - ISRAEL MEMSI - Automobile & Touring Club of Israel ISRAEL Tel.: +972 3 5641103, Fax +972 3 5641167 20, Harakevet Street - P.O. Box 36144 61360 TEL AVIV 65117 email: [email protected] - ITALIE FMI - Federazione Motociclistica Italiana ITALY +39 06 32488201, +39 06 32488204 Fax: +39 06 32488410 Viale Tiziano 70 - I-00196 ROMA email: [email protected] - KAZAKHSTAN AMFK - Automotosport Federation KAZAKHSTAN of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: +7 727 2939028, Mob.: +7 777 6410828 12/24, Kazybek bi str., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050010 email: [email protected] - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 41 LETTONIE LaMSF - Latvian Motorcyclist Federation LATVIA Tel.: +371 67 845851, +371 29441380 Dzerbenes street 27 - LV-1006 RIGA email: [email protected] - LIECHTENSTEIN LMV - Liechtensteiner Motorrad-Verband LIECHTENSTEIN Tel.: +423 7777696, Fax +423 2367374 Postfach 549 - FL-9490 VADUZ email: [email protected] - LITUANIE LMSF - Lithuanian Motorcycle Sport Federation LITHUANIA Tel.: +370 65788447 Raudondvario pl. 184 Post Box PD614 LT - 47002 KAUNAS email: [email protected] - LUXEMBOURG MUL - Motor-Union du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG Tel.: +352 26 008351, Fax: +352 26 008443 3 route d’Arlon - L-8009 STRASSEN email: [email protected] - MALTA ASMK - Assocjazzjoni Sport Muturi u Karozzi Malta MALTA Tel.: +356 2 1410089, Fax +356 2 1226892 P.O. Box 72 CMR Marsa, 1001 Malta email: [email protected] - MOLDOVIE FMRM - Federatia de Motociclism din Republica Moldova MOLDOVA Tel.: +373 22 929767, +373 22 843781 Fax: +373 22 433211 16A ap. 8 A Colina Puskin street MD-2005 CHISINAU email: [email protected] MONACO MCM - Moto Club de Monaco MONACO Tel./Fax: +377 93 305250 6 quai Antoine 1er - MC-98000 MONACO (Principauté) email: [email protected] MONTENEGRO MFM - Motorcycle Federation of Montenegro MONTENEGRO Tel.: +382 69872590, Fax: +382 20 234467 Rimski trg 60A - MONTENEGRO e-mail: [email protected] NORVEGE NMF - Norges Motorsportforbund NORWAY Tel.: +47 81527808, Fax: +47 21014249 Nodre Storgate 42 - N-3015 DRAMMEN email: [email protected] -

42 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 PAYS-BAS KNMV - Koninklijke Nederlandse Motorrijders Vereniging THE NETHERLANDS Tel.: +31 26 3528510, Fax: +31 26 3528522 P.O. Box 650, Zijpendaalseweg 1 - NL-6800 AR ARNHEM email: [email protected] /[email protected] - POLOGNE PZM - Polski Zwiazek Motorowy POLAND Tel.: +48 22 8499361, +48 22 8499362, Fax: +48 22 8481951 Ul. Kazimierzowska 66 - PL-02-518 WARSZAWA email: [email protected] - PORTUGAL FMP - Federação de Motociclismo de Portugal PORTUGAL Tel.: +351 21 3936030, Fax: +351 21 3971457 Largo Vitorino Damásio, n.º 3 C – Pavilhão 1. P-1200-872 LISBOA email: [email protected] - ROUMANIE FRM - Federatia Romana de Motociclism ROMANIA Tel.: +40 21 3241734, Fax: +40 21 3241734 Bdul. Basarabia nr.68,etaj IV,ap.10 - Sector 2 022117 BUCURESTI, Romania email: [email protected] - RUSSIE MFR - Motorcycle Federation of Russia RUSSIA Tel.: +7 495 9897078, Fax: +7 495 9897079 107023, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya - Semenovskaya street, 40a - email: [email protected] - SAINT-MARIN FSM - Federazione Sammarinese Motociclistica SAN MARINO Tel.: +378 999402, Fax: +378 999395 c/o Crossodromo Baldasserona Via Cenghe di Atto 63 - Borgo Maggiore RSM-47031 REP. DI SAN MARINO email: [email protected] - SERBIE AMSS - Auto-Moto Association of Serbia SERBIA Tel.: +381 11 3331114, Fax: +381 11 3331104, Ruzveltova 18, P.B. 35-66 - SR-11000 BELGRAD email: [email protected] - MSS - Moto Association of Serbia Tel.: +381 11 3331114, Fax: +381 11 3331104 Ruzveltova 18, P.B. 35-66 - SR-11000 BELGRAD email: [email protected], [email protected] FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 43 SLOVAQUIE SMF - Slovenska Motocyklova Federacia SLOVAKIA Tel.: +421 42 4260332, +421 918 627 665 Fax: +421 42 4260332 Sportovcov 340 - SK-017 01 POVAZSKA BYSTRICA email: [email protected] - SLOVENIE AMZS - Avto-Moto Zveza Slovenije SLOVENIA Tel.: +386 1 5305230 Fax: +386 1 5305410 Dunajska 128 - SLO-1113 LJUBLJANA email: [email protected] - SUEDE SVEMO - Svenska Motorcykel - och Snöskoterförbundet SWEDEN Tel.: +46 11 231080, Fax: +46 11 231081 Sprängstensgatan 2 S-603 79 NORRKÖPING email: [email protected] - SUISSE FMS - Fédération Motocycliste Suisse SWITZERLAND Tel.: +41 52 7230556, Fax: +41 52 7230555 Zürcherstrasse 305 - CH-8500 FRAUENFELD email: [email protected] - REP. TCHEQUE ACCR - Autoklub Ceské Republiky CZECH REP. Tel.: +420 2 24223370 Fax: +420 2 24223363 Opletalova 1337/29 - CZ-110 00 PRAHA 1 email: [email protected] - TURQUIE TMF - Turkish Motorcycle Federation TURKEY Tel.: +90 212 2324006, +902122324140, +902122324007 nönü Mah. Turna Sok. 17 i li İ34373 - ISTANBUL, Turkey Ş ş email: [email protected] - UKRAINE FMU - Federation Motorcycling of Ukraine UKRAINE Tel.: +380 44 4556753, Fax: +380 44 4556080 Prospekt Peremogi Ave., Building 52/2 UKR-03680 KIEV-57 email: [email protected] - [email protected]


AAMU Alpe-Adria Motorcycle Union Tel.: +39 331 6951123 Legal Site: Viale 24 Maggio 1 - I-34170 GORIZIA Secretariat: Via del Gazzato 4 – I – 30174 Mestre (VE) email: [email protected] www. AMM Association Méditerranéenne de Motocyclisme Tel.: +33 1 49237700, Fax: +33 1 47000837 c/o FFM, 74 av. Parmentier, F-75011 PARIS email: [email protected] - [email protected] BMA Baltic Motorcyclists Association Tel.: +371 67 845851, +371 29441380 c/o LaMSF, Dzerbenes street 27 - LV-1006 RIGA email: [email protected] - BMU Balkan Motorcycle Union Tel.: +359 2 9818989, Fax: +359 2 9805934 c/o BMF, 22, Pozitano Str - BG-1000 SOFIA email: [email protected] MACEC Motorcycle Association of Central European Countries Tel.: +48 22 8499361 Fax: +48 22 8481951 c/o PZM, Ul. Kazimierzowska 66 - PL-02-518 WARSZAWA email: [email protected] NMC Nordic Motorsport Council Tel.: +45 43 262613, +45 21 465544, Fax: +45 43 262615, c/o DMU, Brøndby Stadion 20-DK-2605 BRØNDBY email: [email protected] FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 45 SIGLES DES FMN D’EUROPE / EUROPEAN FMNS INITIALS

FMN Code* Pays / Country FMN Code* Pays / Country

ACCR CZE République Tchèque FRM ROU Roumanie Czech Republic Romania ACU GBR Grande-Bretagne FSM SMR Saint-Marin Great Britain San Marino AMFK KAZ Kazakhstan GNMF GEO Georgie / Georgia AMOTOE GRE Grèce / Greece HMS CRO Croatie / Croatia AMSF AZE Azerbaijan KNMV NED Pays-Bas / AMSS/MSS SRB Serbie / Serbia The Netherlands AMZS SLO Slovénie / Slovenia LaMSF LAT Lettonie / Latvia ASMK MLT Malta LMSF LTU Lituanie / Lithuania BFMVS BLR Belarus LMV LIE Liechtenstein BIHAMK BIH Bosnie-Herzegovine MAMS HUN Hongrie / Hungary Bosnia MCM MON Monaco and Herzegovina MCUI IRL Irlande / Ireland BMF BUL Bulgarie / Bulgaria MEMSI ISR Israel CyMF CYP Chypre / Cyprus MFMA MKD Fyrom DMSB GER Allemagne MFM MNE Monténégro Germany Montenegro DMU DEN Danemark MFR RUS Russie / Russia Denmark MSI ISL Islande / Iceland EMF EST Estonie / Estonia MUL LUX Luxembourg / FFM FRA France Luxemburg FMA AND Andorre / Andorra NMF NOR Norvège / Norway FMB BEL Belgique / Belgium ÖAMTC/OSK AUT Autriche / Austria FMI ITA Italie / Italy PZM POL Pologne / Poland FMRM MDA Moldavie RFME ESP Espagne / Spain Moldova SMF SVK Slovaquie / Slovakia FMP POR Portugal SML FIN Finlande / Finland FMS SUI Suisse / Switzerland SVEMO SWE Suède / Sweden FMU UKR Ukraine TMF TUR Turquie / Turkey

* D’après le Comité Olympique International COI According to International Olympic Comittee IOC

46 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 33 98 86 73 41 39 37 30 80 31 78 40 39 30 50 9 16 157 4 11 10 20 20 25 10 9 13 9 8 8 5 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total A B Résultats / Results COURSES SUR ROUTE / ROAD RACING FIN SMLITA YZF R6 Yamaha FMI 11 11 Kawasaki ZX-6R 16 0 8 0 9 20 11 FRANED FFM KNMV YZF R6 Yamaha Kawasaki ZX-6RFIN 0 0 0 1ITA SML 13 10 FMI YZF R6 Yamaha Kawasaki ZX-6R 0 0 0 4 8 10 5 4 3 5 6 7 6 10 8 ESP RFME Honda CBR600RR 8 10 0 6 11 CHAMPIONNATS D’EUROPE 2015 CHAMPIONNATS 2015 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Augosto Fernandez Guerra 2 Michael Rinaldi3 Federico Caricasulo4 ITA ITA5 Niki Tuuli FMI6 Andreas Tucci FMI7 Luca Vitali Honda CBR600RR8 Davide Stirpe Kawasaki ZX-6R 16 209 Gauthier Duweiz ITA 20 0 9 FMI 20 ITA BEL Kawasaki ZX-6R FMB FMI 0 0 0 13 YZF R6 Yamaha Kawasaki ZX-6R 16 20 13 16 7 6 5 25 4 13 3 16 25 7 13 0 11 1 13 9 16 1 1 Razgatlioglu Toprak TUR TMF Kawasaki ZX-6R 25 25 25 25 25 16 10 Hugo Clere 11 Rob Hartog 12 Morrentino Nicola jr. 13 ITA Ilya Mikhalchik14 Eemeli Lahti FMI15 Axel Bassani UKR16 Christopher Gobbi Kawasaki ZX-6R FMU ITA 4 9 Kawasaki ZX-6R FMI 0 5 7 YZF R6 Yamaha 6 13 0 0 0 4 7 ROAD RACING Superstock 600 cc.

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 47 8 7 3 1 8 5 3 1 4 17 20 27 24 21 18 Tot. 90 75 61 3 4 1 3 4 2 7 1 6 8 5 2 2 3 25 0 1 8 0 7 3 20 25 16 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 20 13 2016 20 13 1625 20 13 25 20 13 16 25 16 0 0 0 0 20 20 191 Moro-Sher, MoriwakiMoro-Sher, 11 20 16 25 0 25 25 25 25 25 25 222 Yamaha YZF R6Yamaha CZE ACCR Moro, Sherco, ITASVK ACCRCZE SMF RMU CZE ACCR Sherco, Sherko, SHERKOHUN ACCR Moriwaki 13 MAMS Moriwaki Moriwaki 0 11 11 0 0 16 20 20 20 16 16 143 GER DMSB Kawasaki ZX-6R 7 6 11 NZL MNZ YZF R6 Yamaha ITA 0 0 FMI 0ITA Honda CBR600RR 2 2 0 ESP RFME Kawasaki ZX-6R 0 0 1 0 Alexandre Sirerol Mayor 2 Manuel Torrini 3 Roman Kucera 4 Petr Svoboda 5 Filip Salac 6 Máté Laczko 1 Oliver Konig 17 Julian Puffe 18 Guillaume Antiga19 Alessandro Zaccone20 FRA Roberto Mercandelli ITA21 Stefano Casalotti ITA FFM FMI22 Kevin Manfredi FMI23 Kawasaki ZX-6R Gerardo Maxmiliano ITA Honda CBR600RR24 URU Mathieu Marchal 10 0 0 YZF R6 Yamaha 0 FMI ITA25 Ricardo Caruso FUM26 Santos Domingues FMI FRA 2 YZF R6 Yamaha Honda CBR600RR27 Finsterbusch Toni FFM ITA 0 0 FRA28 Honda CBR600RR Jake Lewis 0 0 0 29 9 YZF R6 0 FFM FMI Anthony Dumont Yamaha GER 530 Agostino Santoro DMSB YZF R6 3 Yamaha 031 Kawasaki ZX-6R Massimiliano Spedale FRA Kawasaki ZX-6R ITA32 11 M Canducci ITA 6 0 6 2 FFM 233 FMI FMI 34 Lagonigro V. 0 Honda CBR600RR 5 YZF R6 Yamaha 0 33 YZF R6 Yamaha 1 0 0 0 2 Events: 1 Aragon/SPA; 2 Assen/NED; 3 Imola/ITA; 4 Portimao/POR; 5 Misano/ITA; 6 Jerez/SPA; 7 Magny Course/FRA 6 Jerez/SPA; 4 Portimao/POR; 5 Misano/ITA; 2 Assen/NED; 3 Imola/ITA; Events: 1 Aragon/SPA; 2 Pannoniaring/HUN; 3 Rijeka/CRO; 4 Most/CZE; 5 Hungaroring/HUN; 6 Slovakiaring/SVK Events: 1 Adria/ITA; Superstock 250 cc.

48 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 18 15 4 7 7 29 10 2 8 5 7 4 0 26 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 20 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 108 110 9 10 8 10 0 3 5 7 7 110 10 13 135 9 10 0 8 20 0 7 0 0 0 6 7 0 16 107 0 7 1 8 4 0 0 67 0 1 8 57 3 3 8 9 2 0 31 1 1 0 21 0 7 5 0 6 6 0 2 46 0 0 0 9 38 0 60 5 3 5 5 8 0 0 4 6 45 5 5 20 3 0 44 3 33 40 5 60 0 0 0 0 00 10 0 4 00 0 21 4 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 10 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 3 A B A B A B A B Total 20 2510 1116 0 1611 16 20 0 13 2513 9 10 13 20 25 16 11 20 16 20 20 16 0 9 8 25 11 13 11 11 0 25 11 13 10 25 9 226 11 13 13 6 133 13 0 13 16 0 9 119 10 9 115 10 11 114 25 20 25 25 25 20 16 25 16 20 20 237 KALEX, Kalex KALEX, Kalex KALEX, Kalex KALEX, Kalex KALEX, Kalex ARIANE, Ariane FRA FFMITA TECH3, Tech3 FMI KALEX, Kalex FRASUI FFMMAS FMS SUTER, Suter SUTER, Suter ITA FMIFRA SUTER, Suter FFMAUT OEAMTC TRANSFIO Transfiormers, FTR 0 16GBR ACU 0 16 GER ARIANE, Ariane DMSB KALEX, Kalex ESP RFME Yamaha YAMAHA, 0 0 Marcos Ramirez Fernandez 2 Zafra Xavi Vierge 3 Alan Techer 4 Steven Odendaal5 ESP Luca Marini 6 RFME Eric Granado Santos7 RSA Nagashima Tetsuta 8 TECH3, Tech3 BRA Alejandro Medina Mayo9 ESP Federico Fuligni JPN RFME ARIANE, Ariane ITA FMI SUTER, Suter 1 Edgar Pons Ramon ESP RFME KALEX, Kalex 10 Thibaut Bertin 11 Adrien Pittet 12 Ramdan Rosli 13 Dimas Ekky Pratama14 Miquel Pons Payeras15 INA 16 ESP Xavi Cardelus Garcia17 Gabriele Ruju 18 RFME AND Iker Lecuona Gascon19 FMA INMOTEC, Inmotec Marco Nekvasil20 SPA Lucas Mahias 21 KALEX, Kalex RFME Maximilian Scheib Kruger22 CHL 7 Anthony West 23 AUT Suter7 0 Diego Perez Zuasti24 OEAMTC FTR Thomas Gradinger25 Thomas Sigvartsen26 ESP 2 3 Julian Miralles Rodriguez27 AUT ESP RFME Nikki Coates 28 6 NOR OEAMTC FTR RFME Marcel Brenner MR 29 NMF 6 Max Enderlein MIR RACING, Mir Racing 0 H43 0 0 SUI 0 3 FMS 0 2 29 0 0 H43, H43TEAM 0 5 2 0 0 0 7 FIM CEV Repsol Moto 2

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 49 1 107 32 14 11 1 11 11 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 17 0 20 20 20 80 13 16 13 13 64 11 11 7 20 49 25 20 16 61 20 0 0 0

1 8 7 7 10 11 0 8 6 16 11 0 8 4 3 5 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 5 138 11 20 16 6 10 4 10 10 20 13 9 16 8 16 141 9 9 8 7 94 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 6 A B A B A B A B Total 13 13 20 16 25 20 YAMAHA, YamahaYAMAHA, 16 16 0 13 11 13 25 16 7 11 0 128 BMW MOTORRAD, KAWASAKI Kawasaki KAWASAKI, KawasakiKAWASAKI, 0 1 Kawasaki KAWASAKI, 3 KawasakiKAWASAKI, 3 4 2 0 2 0 2 7 1 7 8 10 0 10 46 10 1 3 0 4 32 GER DMSB KALEX, Kalex FINFRA SML FFM FRA BMW Kawasaki KAWASAKI, FFM USA Kawasaki KAWASAKI, 9 10FRA 10 9 FFM 9 9 9 11 Kawasaki KAWASAKI, 8 7 0 10 6 0FIN 11 0 7 SML 5 6 0 Yamaha YAMAHA, 7 0 8 5 8 85 9 5SPA 0 9 2 71 RFME 0 0 11 Kawasaki 4 6 2 6 4 50 3 5 6 4 0 34 ESP RFME Yamaha YAMAHA, 20 25 25 25 13 25 16 25 25 25 25 249 ESP RFME Kawasaki KAWASAKI, 4 3 1 0 0 2 13 3 0 5 6 37 Carmelo Morales Gómez Lucas De Ulacia La Sotilla 2 Adrián Bonastre Alberola3 ESP Robertino Pietri Chiossone4 VEN RFME Ivan Silva Alberola5 Eeki Kuparinen 6 BMW Pierre Texier 7 ESP Maximilian Scheib Kruger8 CHI RFME Axel Maurin 9 Miguel Angel Alarcon BMW ESP RFME BMW9 1 30 Stéphane Frossard31 Bartolome Sanchez Perez32 ESP Marc Buchner SUI RFME FMS H43 SUTER, Suter 10 Kenny Noyes 11 Mashel Al Naimi12 Jonathan Hardt 13 Daniel Rivas Fernandez14 QAT ESP Saeed Al Sulaiti15 16 RFME Alejandro Esteban Gómez17 ESP BMW Niko Mäkinen 18 QAT RFME Marcos Andres Parada19 Kawasaki KAWASAKI, Chris Cotton Russell ARG 20 Raúl Martínez Alarcón21 5 Ole Bjorn Plassen22 CAN ESP Javier Prieto Martinez23 4 RFME Javier Alviz 6 SPA NOR Kawasaki KAWASAKI, NMF RFME 3 0 Ducati DUCATI, 0 0 0 5 4 5 0 10 3 0 3 35 FIM CEV Repsol Superbike Events: 1 Algarve/SPA; 2 Barcelona/SPA; 3 Aragon/SPA; 4 Albacete/SPA; 5 Navarra/SPA; 6 Jerez/SPA; 7 Valencia/SPA 7 Jerez/SPA; 6 Navarra/SPA; 5 Albacete/SPA; 4 Aragon/SPA; 3 Barcelona/SPA; 2 Algarve/SPA; 1 Events:

50 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 65 89 93 88 5 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 3 Total 65 217 23 134 22 46 44 90 225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 66 44 47 25 22 21 88

5 1 0 0 6 2 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 00 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 BMW BMW BMW UKCZE ACU ACCR Puma Yamaha Puma 1313cc 42 21 UK ACU Puma 1585cc 47 GBR ACU Fuel PBR Top 25 LUXSPA MUL RFME Ducati DUCATI, FRA FFM KAWASAKI FINESP SML RFME BMW SUZUKI SWE SVEMO Honda Juan Antonio Alonso Hernandez 2 TFB23 TFB5 Richard Gustafsson4 TFB4 Filippos Papafilippou5 TFB14 Steve Wollatt 6 Nick Milburn TFB8 SWE GRE7 TFB3 Den Berg Rene Van SVEMO Otto Knebl AMOTOE Suzuki Pro Extreme Suzuki 1327cc NED 64 KNMV 86 Cycle Workz 23 1 TFB1 Ian King 24 Juan Mari Melero25 Michael Møller Pedersen26 DEN Mario Peru Beramendi27 DMU SPA Juan Eric Gomez28 SPA RFME Eric Vionnet 29 APRILIA, Aprilia RFME Fabien Parchard30 KAWASAKI BMW FRA Ricardo Mateus31 Thierry Mulot 32 FFM Erik Morillas FRA33 KAWASAKI Philippe Le Gallo34 FFM POR Mickael Morin 35 FMP KAWASAKI Kamil Holan 36 FRA Erik Morillas Cuenca37 BMW Mika Höglund 38 FFM SPA39 Ducati DUCATI, RFME Thomas Toffel 40 Ricardo Mateus Lopes41 Jari Tuovinen POR FMP BMW DRAGSTERS / DRAGBIKE Fuel Bike Top Total Events: 1 Algarve/SPA; 2 Barcelona/SPA; 3 Aragon/SPA; 4 Albacete/SPA; 5 Navarra/SPA; 6 Jerez/SPA; 7 Valencia/SPA 7 Jerez/SPA; 6 Navarra/SPA; 5 Albacete/SPA; 4 Aragon/SPA; 3 Barcelona/SPA; 2 Algarve/SPA; 1 Events:

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 51 23 21 10 10 24 22 47 105 3 Total 3 Total 4362 109 93 232221 47 26 34 32 26 21 170 112 112 21 2 2 45 63 21 24 22 47 73 73 146 86 23 10 1 1 42 10 24 12 29 11546 31 49 175 24 119 63 Suzuki UK ACUGBRGBR ACUUK Suzuki GSXR1000 ACUSWE Suzuki GSX ACU 25 SVEMO Suzuki Suzuki Kawasaki ZX7R 24 11 27 76 GBR ACUGBR Suzuki TL 1000R ACU 67 Suzuki 50 30 147 Malta UKFRA ACU FFR Metal Yellow NOR Suzuki '95 NED NMFCZK 10 KNMVCZK ACCRFRA Zodiac TF Harley PRP ACCR White Cat FFM Special Super Twin 21 Overkill Super Twin 8 TF389 TF74 Antoine Coupiac Glenn Borg FRA FFR2 ST13 SY764 Ronny Aasen Kawasaki ZX 1100 Job Heezen ST625 ST34 Roman Sixta 6 ST80 Petr Ceska Bruno Salesse 2 P23 P124 Gert-Jan Lauseur Karl-Heinz Wiekum P75 P666 Alex Hope Robert Karlsson P757 GER Kenneth Holmberg P4 NED8 DMSB P999 KNMV Martin Bishop Anders Larsson P22 Suzuki Pro Stock SWE SWE Martin Newbury Buell 160ci SVEMO SVEMO Suzuki TL1000 51 Suzuki Hayabusa SWE UK SVEMO 28 Suzuki ACU 72 Suzuki TL 1000 51 48 13 171 65 28 144 49 90 1 ST48 Martin De Haas NED KNMV PRP 1 P1 Fredrik Fredlund FIN SML Suzuki 1755cc 90 94 97 281 10 TFB4011 Bob Brooks TF89 Frederic Lepine 10 P1711 Leonard Paget P11112 Bertrand Maurice P6213 Allan Davies P5814 Mark Smith P1815 FRA Ray Debben P97 Elsa Karlsson FFM Suzuki 1000 TLR Events: 1 Santa Pod/GBR; 2 Hockenheim/GER; 3 Pod/GBR Super Twin Events: 1 Santa Pod/GBR; 2 Hockenheim/GER; 3 Pod/GBR Pro Stock

52 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 2 12 26 27 29 26 25 23 22 2 26 25 23 22 21 3 2 0 5 48 5 3 16 10 25 21 13 11 32 56 2 2 4 8 19 3 5 9 6 27 1 3 0 4 8 6 87 04 10 9 10 10 0 22 0 55 859 6 5 0 6 4 5 1 7 6 7 8 6 18 14 12 46 43 38 0 13 16 1 2 3 1 2 3 Total 13 7 11 16 13 40 100 FRANOR FFM NMF Suzuki GS Suzuki ITACZE FMI ACCR PHANTOM BLATA NLD 16FIN KNMV GRC SMLCZE 16 BLATA ACCRSVN BLATA 13 AMZS POLINI 10NLD 16CZE KNMVUK BZM ACCR 50 BLATA 121 ITA FMI PHANTOM 20 20 20 20 25 26 131 ITA FMI PHANTOM 25NLD KNMVITA 25 GRC FMI 25 BLATA SCO ESP 25 20 0 120 2 Lorenzo Frasca 3 Alex Venturini 4 Jakub Gurecky 5 Lenoxx Phommara6 Cacey O'gorman7 Justin Fokkert 8 ITA Rico Salmela 9 Sven Wind UK FMI PASINI 11 11 9 11 1 20 63 1 Luca Lunetta 10 Matyas Palka 11 Jacopo Tatoli 12 Alex Novak 13 Etien Kantar Bozic14 Ondrej Honzak15 Jeffrey Troy 16 SVN Marco Tapia 17 Jayant Chote 18 AMZS CZE Michal Prokes 19 IAME Dylan Mellor ACCR POLINI 10 9 7 16 P4217 Charalambos Bousinis P6418 Petridis Dimitrios P3419 GRE Paul Sidiropoulos P7920 AMOTOE David Simon P55 Suzuki GSX-R Thomas Olsen GRE GRE AMOTOE Suzuki GS AMOTOE Suzuki Event: 1 Pomposa/ITA; 2 Assen/NED Event: 1 Pomposa/ITA; Events: 1 Santa Pod/GBR; 2 Hockenheim/GER; 3 Pod/GBR MINI ROAD RACING Junior A

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 53 92 56 32 2 2 98 8 103 225 18 70 39 62 36 1 16 3 14 1 2 26 8 25 6 11 9 6 11 20 37 13 11 18 42 11 13 2616 16 50 10 2 4 34 4 18 1 1 09 11 9 11 10 9 16 9 40 9 88 20 65 1 2 3 1 2 3 Total 1 2 3 1 2 3 Total 16 20 16 20 20 13 13 13 7 9 12 67 1020 10 16 10 20 0 10 32 72 13 13 13 16 13 26 94 16 1611 16 10 25 1010 20 11 4 40 11 5 133 10 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 175 25 25 20 20 25 50 165 SVNSCO AMZS IAME ACU SCO ACU SVN ITA AMZS FMI ITA NED FMI KNMV ITACZEUK FMI ACCR NED BLATA UK ACU KNMV SCO ACU ACU UK ACU NLD KNMV GRC CZE ACCR NLD KNMV 2 Collin Veijer 3 Emiliano Ercolani4 Enej Logar 5 Adon Davie 6 Imbrogiano Valentino 7 ITA Ross Maguire 8 ITA Lovera Toni Vidal 9 FMI Damian Boessenkool KNMV PHANTOM GRC NED ESP 20 KNMV RFME 20 25 132 0 Bromovsky Vit 3 Roberta Ponziani 4 32 Jan Poropat 5 Diego Goretti 6 Kevin Trip ITA 7 110 Luigi Nespoli 8 FMI Aron Dam 1 Andrea Natali ITA FMI DM 1 Michael Carbonera ITA FMI 10 Mattia Falzone 11 Patrik Carda 12 Jack Hart 13 Eddie Boer De 14 Owen Mellor 15 Josh Crawford 16 Jhero Blommers17 Keiran Grigor NED KNMV Junior B 2 Assen/NED Event: 1 Pomposa/ITA; Senior Open 50

54 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 0 0 0 19 23 20 10 10 45 2 00 0 0 67 1354 8 12 5 14 6 31 8 29 18 11 0 22 33 2011 11 1010 16 20 0 47 41 18 28 2 3 4 5 1 87 7 6 8 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 Total 11 8 0 1 A B A B A B A B A B Total 20 25 20 25 16 16 25 25 13 13 198 Yamaha, Yamaha TZ Yamaha Yamaha, NED KNMV NED UK KNMV UK ACU ACU NLD KNMV NSF 100CZENED ACCR 13 KNMV NSF 100NED NSF 100 NED KNMVGER 16 NSF 100 KNMV 16NED NSF 100 DMSBNED KNMV 20 NSF 100 13 NSF 100 KNMV NSF 100 16 16 25 13 50 7 140 22 87 FRA FMS Jean Paul Clement 2 Bernard Depierreux3 BEL Guido Testoni FMB ITA TZ Yamaha Yamaha, 16 FMI 16 Aprilia, Aprilia RS 250 13 25 13 20 16 20 16 20 25 20 25 20 16 20 16 20 25 197 25 190 1 9 Patricia Kok 2 Loran Faber 3 Aaron Schaefer4 Benedikt Belczykowski Till 5 DEU David Kuban 6 Rick Dunnik 7 DMSB DEU Max Zachmann8 NSF 100 Djoy Blommers 9 DMSB Jeffrey Buis NSF 100 10 DEU DMSB 25 10 NSF 100 25 11 11 0 8 11 20 9 13 32 9 0 91 26 94 1 Ondrej Vostatek CZE ACCR NSF 100 20 20 25 25 16 40 146 10 Anton Ununger 11 Andreas Ununger 11 Andrea Liberini 12 Scott Deroue 13 SWE SWE Barry Grigor 14 SVEMO Brendan Gall SVEMO ITA FMI 10 Justin Hänse 11 Kas Beekmans 12 Jurgen Kramer 13 Daan Alexander Booij NED KNMV NSF 100 Event: 1 Pomposa/ITA; 2 Assen/NED Event: 1 Pomposa/ITA; Honda NSF 100 2 Assen/NED Event: 1 Pomposa/ITA; HILL CLIMB ROAD RACE 250 GP

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 55 40 45 40 20 23 53 17 14 58 62 110 9 9 59 20 20 124 11 11 59 4 4 10 10 10 10 54 3 1 2 2 7 6 21 10 10 11 8 2 3 4 5 9 9 8 9 9 9 7 8 68 10 10 1 0 0 1 4 2 2 7 7 7 7 9 9 20 14 2 0 4 5 3 1 3 3 3 3 6 7 33 9 9 11 11 11 11 11 118 11 7 11 106 136 13 13 6 110 13 11 11 0 11 6 7 16 5 7 13 118 9 4 8 4 5 6 8 8 49 A B A B A B A B A B Total 11 11 6 2 7 7 13 16 10 9 92 16 16 11 10 25 20 20 20 10 10 9 10 10 9 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 Honda, Honda CBR600 RR Honda, Honda CBR RR MV Agusta, Agusta F3 Honda, Honda CBR 600 RR Daytona Triumph Triumph, Honda, Honda CBR 600 rr Honda, Honda NSR 250 ITA FMI Francesco Curinga 4 Franco Federigi5 Giovanni Ronzoni6 ITA ITA Angelo Testoni7 FMI Rolf Haller8 FMI ITA Alfred Stürzer9 Aprilia, Aprilla Storniolo Yuri FMI AUT SUI ÖAMTC Aprilia, Aprilia RS 250 ITA FMS 8 10 Honda FMI Yamaha 11 8 Suzuki 13 82 13 Stefano Nari3 Stefano Frisanco4 13 8 Uwe Rademacher5 ITA ITA 9 GER Jean-Noël Salvi6 13 FMI FMI FFM Carmine Sullo7 13 FRA John Pilloud8 8 R6 Yamaha FFM Yamaha Triumph, Yamaha, Thierry Jaquenoud9 ITA 13 7 SUI 8 David Lignite FMI Honda, Honda CBR 16 13 SUI FMS FMS 8 5 13 8 Suzuki, Suzuki GSX-R ITA 16 131 0 FMI 16 10 8 5 3 16 Kawasaki 20 8 7 8 5 20 80 20 10 9 20 6 16 16 11 13 20 16 9 20 8 10 113 9 13 16 92 1 10 Rechberger Toni 11 Mathias Seiler AUT ÖAMTC Honda SUI FMS SRE 250 efi 10 Daniele Stolli11 Erwan Bannwart12 Alex Ruggieri13 SUI ITA SöllingerAUT Raimund Jr. 14 FMS FMI ÖAMTC Harald Jungwirth15 SUI Yamaha Nicholas Rovelli16 AUT Honda, honda FMS Arnaud Berguerand ÖAMTC17 FRA ITA Yamaha Storniolo Yuri 18 FFM FMI Nicolas Richer19 3 Franco Federigi Honda ITA Ducati FRA FMI 2 ITA FFM FMI Suzuki 8 Honda, Honda CBR Kawasaki 1 9 0 5 4 6 10 1 10 0 0 6 5 Event: 1 Landshaag/AUT; 2 Chatel St. Denis/SUI; 3 Carpasio/ITA; 4 Villers sous Chalamont/FRA; Poggio Valfreddo/ITA 4 Villers 2 Chatel St. Denis/SUI; 3 Carpasio/ITA; Event: 1 Landshaag/AUT; sous Chalamont/FRA; Poggio Valfreddo/ITA 4 Villers 2 Chatel St. Denis/SUI; 3 Carpasio/ITA; Event: 1 Landshaag/AUT; SUPERSPORT

56 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 7 1 6 19 26 45 45 24 126 8 8 39 4 3 7 3 7 10 7 6 6 5 54 6 5 2 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 A B A B A B A B A B Total 16 16 20 20 20 20 25 20 25 25 207 6 9 4 3 793 7 10 11 2 13 11 10 13 16 11 8 13 110 9 13 10 0 11 9 10 13 2 11 9 13 115 11 2 109 9 3 9 3 9 77 5 5 5 4 29 0 1 2 4 8 9 7 6 8 8 7 6 65 0 0 7 7 10 8 6 7 10 10 65 A B A B A B A B A B Total 10 8 6 6 16 16 16 16 5 25 16 13 25 25 173 2025 25 20 13 11 Yamaha, Yamaha R1, BMW Yamaha Yamaha, Suzuki, Suzuki GSX-R 750 K Kawasaki, Kawasaki ZXRR Suzuki, KTM RC 8R, Ducati, Ducati Panigale Suzuki, Suzuki GSX-R FRA FFM Kawasaki 11 13ITA 25 FMI 25 Ducati AUT 25 ÖAMTC BMW AUT ÖAMTC BMW ITA 20 FMI 25 25AUT ÖAMTC 16 Yamaha 16 201 AUT ÖAMTC BMW ITA FMI KTM Francesco Martinelli Christian Wiesinger-Mayr Francesco Maria Piva Marco Giovannoni Ossi Niederkircher Herbert Eggerstorfer Jean-Luc David Markus Mitterbauer 2 Stefano Bonetti3 Jean-Noël Salvi4 ITA Daniele Lombardi5 FRA FMI ITA FFM Uwe Rademacher6 GER FMI FFM John Pilloud7 Honda, Honda CBR Raphael Péclat8 Honda, Honda CBR 5 89 SUI SUI Frédéric Bongard FMS FMS 5 SUI 6 FMS 20 9 Kawasaki 20 20 10 13 16 20 10 11 20 16 20 20 123 2 Loris Pedriali3 Fabien Bochatay SUI ITA FMS FMI KTM, KTM SMR Honda, Honda CRF 13 9 13 10 25 13 25 16 25 16 25 16 20 25 11 13 0 20 20 16 191 140 1 1 10 Rechberger Toni 11 AUT12 ÖAMTC Suzuki 13 14 Jean-Luc Ronchi15 Daniel Plank SUI16 FMS 17 Cedric Comazzi AUT18 ÖAMTC SUI Ducati Pierluigi Cinti19 FMS Daniel Arnold20 ITA Adi Wohlwend21 KTM, KTM rc8r AUT FMI Christian Seiler22 AUT ÖAMTC BMW ÖAMTC Suzuki SUI 1 BMW FMS 0 Honda CBR 1000 RR 5 5 4 4 SUPERBIKE sous Chalamont/FRA; Poggio Valfreddo/ITA 4 Villers 2 Chatel St. Denis/SUI; 3 Carpasio/ITA; Event: 1 Landshaag/AUT; SUPERMOTO OPEN

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 57 76 58 99 22 82 65 44 205 220 22 15 135 20 22 114 0 11 11 16 10 26 12 10 11 11 123 9 9 10 16 16 11 0 13 73 22 22 10 9 15 8 11 11 2 2 9 8 9 11 12 8 68 12 14 2 5 20 12 25 7 124 11 11 11 10 11 16 13 13 13 13 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 0 14 10 4 4 11 0 10 4 10 10 85 7 109 13 16 96 13 22 18 12 20 22 20 22 3 16 8 0 22 15 12 18 12 16 5 11 13 10 13 176 15 18 152 5 2 0 4 15 15 22 18 15 18 14 6 0 12 139 A B A B A B A B A B A B Total 2510 25 12 1112 14 9 14 20 18 8 22 18 1820 20 818 20 13 15 7 20 25 16 14 18 25 14 1822 14 13 22 18 16 10 8 25 12 13 20 14 189 16 158 14 15 11 11 9 6 11 2 15 13 14 121 11 11 5 13 7 5 8 7 13 16 1 20 117 13 815 10 13 9 4 6 8 6 3 1 0 9 16 16 25 25 25 25 25 25 16 22 Husaberg, Husaberg FS 650 MHR KTM, HUSQVARNA KNMV KTM DMU DMSB KTM DMSB KTM MB KTM SVEMO KTM 2 Kay Karssemakers3 Martin Venhoda4 Cato Nickel KNMV5 KTM Liam Everts 6 ACCR Kimi Koskinen7 KTM Radek Vetrovski8 Matti Jorgensen9 Sem de Lange SML ACCR KTM KTM DMU KTM KNMV KTM 1 Constantin Piller DMSB KTM 4 Philippe Bongard5 SUI Josef Frauenschuh6 AUT FMS ÖAMTC Olivier Chabloz7 KTM, KTM-JF SUI Yamaha Georg Albrecht8 FMS Nicholas Rovelli AUT9 ÖAMTC ITA KTM, KTM-JF Stefano Bonetti 25 FMI ITA 25 FMI Suzuki 20 20 Suzuki 10 Dave Kooiker 11 Lucas Bruhn 12 Jondel Teddy 13 Scott Smulders14 Lukas Fiedler 15 Andreas Jensen16 Caprani Tobias 17 KNMV KTM Jens Walvoort18 DMU Simon Langenfelder KTM DMU DMSB KTM KNMV KTM 10 Daniel Plank AUT ÖAMTC KTM Event: 1 Landshaag/AUT; 2 Chatel St. Denis/SUI; 3 Carpasio/ITA; 4 Villers sous Chalamont/FRA; Poggio Valfreddo/ITA 4 Villers 2 Chatel St. Denis/SUI; 3 Carpasio/ITA; Event: 1 Landshaag/AUT; MOTOCROSS EMX 65 NW Europe

58 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 7 3 30 43 27 40 31 11 10 44 4 3 7 8 0 8 9 9 18 3 25 25 100 1 2 3 2 8 2 0 0 5 50 2 0 1 13 0 0 60 3 3 0 7 0 4 0 22 16 15 1825 2215 18 16 16 18 16 15 7 72 14 68 60 9 0 7 2 0 1 1 0 0 3 1 5 5 16 16 11 2 5 1 4 16 22 20 11 9 82 A B A B A B Total 12 7 14 10 12 9 11 10 3 1 46 14 13 10 11 9 11 68 2520 25 15 14 15 0 22 86 15 18 16 14 20 18 101 0 50 7 0 2 1 30 3 0 1 2 1 10 0 0 3 6 4 3 6 5 3 7 44 1 6 6 4 4 7 0 7 6 6 43 RUSEST MFR EMFBLR KTM BLR KTM BFMSUKR BFMS KTM FMU KTM Husqvarna 22 22 ACCR KTM KNMV KTM FMB KTM KNMV KTM 2 Edvards Bidzans3 Matvey Vopilov4 Daniel Valovich5 Egor Frolov 6 LAT Romeo Karu 7 RUS LaMSF Martin Michelis8 BLR Aleh Makhnou 9 MFR KTM Kiryl Kadorkin BFMS KTM EST KTM EMF KTM 1 Kirill Vorobyov RUS MFR KTM 19 Patrik P ř íhoda20 Moens Yoran 21 Collin Wohnas22 Nick Domann23 ACCR KTM Sebastian Meckl24 DMSB Matyáš Chlum25 KTM Magnus Gregersen26 DMSB DMSB Kleemann William 27 KTM DMU Mads Fredsoe28 ACCR KTM KTM DMU Adam Maj 29 KTM Ivano van Erp30 Cas Valk 31 DMU Schmidt Jayden Young 32 KTM DMU Nicolai Skovbjerg33 KNMV KTM KTM Albert Legaard34 Sem Beijer 35 DMU Danny van Bosse KTM DMU KTM KNMV KTM 10 Stepan Popkov EMX 65 NE Europe Events: 1 Emmen/NED; 2 Lugau/GER; 3 Senkvice/SVK; 4 Culitsch/GER; 5 Randers/DEN; 6 Morso/DEN

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 59 8 6 5 6 1 26 24 23 20 20 11 10 16 14 13 27 7 8 15 4 212 6 3 0 4 2 12 4 16 1314 15 13 28 27 9 12 8 124 41 7 5 556 21 5 2 3 3 0 1 0 0 1 8 8 10 6 32 7 6 2 4 1 0 12 913 6 13 10 37 6 5 5 0 87 8 7 1811 6 12 10 10 13 14 LATLAT LaMSF LaMSF KTM KTM RUS MFRRUS KTM RUS MFRLAT MFR KTM LaMSF KTM KTM POLLAT PZMPOL LaMSF KTM PZM KTM RUSEST KTM MFR EMF KTM KTM LTU LMSF KTM LAT LaMSF KTM 11 Kurban Khaytmetov12 Damian Zdunek13 Roberts Lusis 14 RUS Kirils Maslovs 15 MFR Karlis Alberts Reisulis16 POL Arnas Vedluga 17 KTM PZM LAT Arseny Grishchuk18 Maksym Kyienko19 LaMSF KTM Alexey Orlov 20 KTM RUS Atzamaz Elkanov21 Olaf Włodarczak UKR22 MFR Bogdan Afonin 23 FMU RUS Daniil Korotkov KTM 24 POL Janis Kubulins KTM 25 MFR Alexander Anferov26 PZM Erlandas Mackonis KTM 27 COBRA, Cobra Kolesnikov Vadim 28 RUS Jurand Ku ś mierczyk 929 LTU MFR Andrey Grushenko30 RUS LMSF Maksymilian Chwalik31 POL 11 KTM Piotr Ś wiercz MFR32 KTM PZM RUS POL Aleksis Araids 33 MFR KTM Artur PZM Gałuszka 34 KTM Mikołaj Białecki35 KTM KTM Kirill Leiman 36 Mikk Kallion 37 Mikk Martin Lohmus38 POL Rainers Timko PZM EST KTM EMF KTM Events: 1 Orlyonok/RUS; 2 Cieszyn/POL; 3 Stelpe/LAT

60 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 49 26 44 38 95 89 76 57 34 27 24 21 27 16 16 13 19 100 117 4 16 16 32 20 25 97 18 18 36 3 25 25 2 8 12 14 15 7 0 9 10 1210 10 9 11 10 11 14 9 13 20 2516 22 14 22 13 14 1 A B A B A B A B Total SRB AMSS KTM TUR TMFTUR TMF KTM KTM 7 9 6 7 2 Dimitar Grozdanov3 Kristian Ivanov4 BUL Adam Kovacs5 Marius Popovici BMF6 BUL Hristian Dakov7 HUN Igor Cuharciuc8 ROM BMF KTM Alex Kozhuharov9 MAMS BUL FRM Neychev Viktor MOL BUL KTM KTM 18 BMF FMRM KTM BUL 16 BMF 22 25 KTM KTM BMF 25 15 22 25 KTM 20 16 6 11 KTM 18 13 18 22 15 16 15 18 20 16 22 13 15 20 20 11 15 155 12 13 12 1 Antonis Sagmalis GRE AMOTOE KTM 20 20 22 18 16 18 25 22 161 10 Borislavov Viktor 11 Jivko Bogdanov12 Stanislav Goshev BUL13 Krsmanovic Veljko 14 BUL BUL BMF Marios Kanakis15 SRB Andrej Susa 16 BMF BMF Aida Cajanu17 GRE AMSS KTM Dimitris Kalathas18 KTM Radostin Michylov AMOTOE19 KTM KTM Tzonaki Lamprou GRE KTM ROU20 BUL Bugrahan Bayraktar21 FRM AMOTOE GRE Stavros Vaggelakakis TUR22 BMF 11 GRE KTM Ali Berk 23 AMOTOE TMF Mandani Despoina 1424 KTM AMOTOE KTM Ali Ulusan Suzuki 14 GRE KAWASAKI 9 9 KTM 13 AMOTOE 12 10 KTM 0 12 10 11 8 8 EMX 65 SE Europe 3 Sliven/BUL; 4 Globare/SRB Events: 1 Giannista/GRE; 2 Troyan/BUL;

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 61 64 86 70 56 19 19 16 59 21 17 14 31 139 20 4 69 7 3 13 12 5 12 17 8 9 17 1011 11 10 21 21 18 13 74 13 18 31 14 8 22 3 2 3 8 9 2 2 7 8 8 6 11 5 22 18 15 15 14 7 16 20 25 22 22 20 125 15 16 1 A B A B A B A B Total 13 12 6 9 9 10 HUSQVARNA FRA FFM KTM 25 25 25 25 14 25 SPA RFMERUS KTM RFME KTM 2 Florian Miot 3 Raul Sanchez4 Adria Monne5 Xavier Cazal6 Daniela Guillen7 SPA Quentin Marc PrugniersFRA8 SPA Matteo Luigi Russi9 RFME FRA SPA Krismann Tejy FFM RFME ITA FFM RFME KTM KTM KTM FRA FMI KTM KTM 20 FFM 15 KTM 20 12 16 13 KTM 18 15 18 14 12 13 20 14 18 13 11 16 14 10 18 8 3 7 12 18 20 22 0 20 14 12 13 16 15 25 16 14 15 20 139 113 16 15 119 121 1 Edgar Canet SPA RFME KTM 22 22 7 12 22 12 25 22 144 10 Rocco Bertin11 Luca Andrich12 Gal Hauptman13 Alberto Ladini14 ITA Pablo Gutierrez15 AUT SLO Matteo Vantaggiato16 Graves Tyler 17 FMI ITA ITA FMS SPA Daniel Gimm18 AMZS Enzo Levrault19 FMI FMI RFME Arnaud Zoldos20 KTM KTM SPA Maximilian Ernecker21 ITA Gal Zupancic22 AUT KTM FRA KTM KTM RFME FRA Andrea Tortomasi23 11 FMI Ferran Ferre 24 OAMTC FFM ITA Gilen Albisua Fuentes25 FFM 11 SLO KTM SPA KTM Andrea Capuzzo26 8 Ilya Pavliv 27 KTM FMI AMZS KTM 9 RFME 16 Nicolo' Turaglio28 KTM ITA Martim Espinho29 10 KTM 10 Ruben Ferreira KTM ITA FMI KTM 10 POR 0 10 FMI POR 13 KTM FMP 11 9 FMP 11 KTM KTM 9 KTM 8 EMX 65 SW Europe

62 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 2 8 8 8 7 9 4 15 14 13 13 12 10 10 40 38 32 20 13 36 31 27 23 40 Total 4 4 74 5 6 12 10 0 6 0 0 8 2 0 7 0 9 B 11 13 10 15 25 14 12 20 22 16 18 0 3 0 7 0 0 6 8 0 1 9 A 15 12 10 25 13 18 20 16 11 14 22 1 1 54 4 0 FRAGEREST FFMLAT DMSBFIN EMFESP KTM KTM EST LAMSF SML KTM LTU RFME KTM BLR EMFDEN KTM KTM LMSF BFMS KTM DMU KTM KTM KTM NEDNEDCZE KNMVBEL KNMV KTM ACCR KTM FMB KTM NED KTM KNMV KTM RUS MFR KTM RUSCZESWE MFRBLR ACCR SVEMO KTM LMSF KTM KTM KTM 2 Kay Karssemakers 3 Martin Venhoda 4 Matvey Vopilov 5 Liam Everts 6 Radek Vetrovski 7 Jondell Teddy 8 Daniel Valovich 9 Dave Kooiker 1 Scott Smulders 30 Igor Amorim31 Afonso Gomes32 Davide Della Valle33 Edoardo Volpicelli34 ITA POR Sandro Lobo POR35 ITA Matteo De Sanctis36 FMP Simone Pavan FMP FMI ITA FMI POR KTM KTM ITA FMI KTM FMP KTM FMI KTM KTM KTM 10 Florian Miot 11 Cato Nickel 12 Romeo Karu 13 Kirill Vorobyov 14 Edvards Bidzans 15 Kimi Koskinen 16 Raul Sanchez 17 Martin Michelis 18 Quentin Marc Prugnieres19 Arnas Vedluga 20 Kiryl Kadorkin 21 FRA Matti Jorgensen FFM KTM Events: 1 Brezice/SLO; 2 Gazzane di Preseglia/ITA; Orehova Vas/SLO; 4 Fernao Joanes/POR Orehova Vas/SLO; Events: 1 Brezice/SLO; 2 Gazzane di Preseglia/ITA; EMX 65 Final

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 63 5 5 5 4 4 1 40 37 73 70 52 212 178 12 13 75 3 5 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 13 12 13 16 14 83 4 0 13 20 0 14 18 20 12 0 11 89 2 0 5 0 4 0 0 2 8 9 8 0 7 7 6 7 54 3 3 10 7 8 6 0 18 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 0 A B A B A B A B A B A B Total KTM, KAWASAKI GRENEDBLR AMOTOEHUN KTM ROU KNMV BFMS MAMS KTM FRM KTM KTM KTM GER DMSB KTM 11 0 15 14 CZE ACCR KTM 16 8 20 20 22 20 20 15 18 20 22SPA 22 KNMV KTM 223 0 0 7 10 7 8 16 0 4 0 2 Petr Polak 3 Rick Elzinga4 Christopher Mills5 Bastian Boegh Damm6 DEN GBR Raf Meuwissen7 DMU NED ACU Arvid Luning8 KNMV KAWASAKI 13 Filip Olsson9 KTM NED KTM 16 Emil Jonrup KNMV SWE 9 KTM 25 20 SVEMO 16 SWE KTM 22 20 SVEMO SWE 25 KTM 9 16 0 SVEMO 18 11 KTM 13 14 15 18 15 20 13 14 12 22 18 10 12 12 15 10 22 11 18 11 15 9 16 15 22 11 16 20 16 22 6 13 10 5 15 22 18 18 12 6 14 11 11 163 10 14 12 13 16 15 6 1 11 10 20 9 18 5 11 10 155 16 15 14 146 6 0 119 15 112 1 Mikkel Haarup DEN DMU KTM 22 25 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 294 22 Antonis Sagmalis 23 Karlis Alberts Reisulis24 Sem De Lange 25 Aleh Makhnou 26 Adam Zsolt Kovacs 27 LAT Marius Popovici LAMSF KTM 10 Anton Nagy11 Brian van Klij12 Ravio Dankers13 Pit Rickert 14 SWE Verhelst NED Tallon 15 SVEMO NED KTM KNMV Rasmus Pedersen16 KNMV Mathias Vesterinen17 KTM BEL DEN Aleksi Kurvinen18 FIN DMU 0 Eric Tomas FMB19 SML 14 Laurenz Falke20 18 KTM FIN KTM Max Palsson21 18 KTM SML Samuel Struk 10 GER 4 KTM 9 DMSB SWE 0 1 11 SVEMO HUS SVK KTM 0 13 0 SMF 5 8 KTM 2 6 0 5 14 0 14 4 1 0 3 6 9 4 7 11 9 10 4 8 6 0 0 8 8 2 0 7 0 0 12 5 66 65 9 14 1 39 Event: Kegums/LAT EMX 85 NW Europe

64 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 1 3 2 9 3 17 12 26 15 17 15 12 0 0 2 4 00 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 13 4 19 3 4 0 0 7 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 00 5 0 5 0 10 0 2 2 4 0 00 0 3 0 0 16 16 0 0 12 4 0 0 10 9 36 0 1 0 12 30 0 2 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 KTM, YAMAHA SWE SVEMO KTM 0GER DMSB 0 Husqvarna 8 5 0 5 0DEM DMU 0 KTM 1SWE SVEMO 3 KTMSWE 0 SVEMO TM 8 0 30 0 Michael Young Schmidt Michael Young Adrian Aminne Karlsson 22 Magnus Smith23 Axel Semb 24 Max Thunecke25 DEN Stef Karssemakers DMU26 Christopher Elfrom27 GER NED Husqvarna Ben Hess KNMV DEN DMSB28 KTM DMU Jeroen Bussink KTM29 Noel Nilsson30 Suzuki Loeka Thonies31 NED 0 0 Glenn Bielen KNMV32 SWE 5 KTM Robin Konrad 033 NED SVEMO KTM Axel Gustavsson 434 KNMV 0 BEL Daniel Stehlik KTM35 9 GER 7 SWE FMB36 DMSB 10 SVEMO 6 KTM Steyn Nooijen 1337 15 KTM KTM CZE Sara Andersen 238 7 ACCR 0 39 NED 0 KTM 1 2 Wagenaar Twan 0 DEN KNMV40 0 DMU HUSQVARNA5 Elix Ruth 041 3 NED Veerdonk Robin Van 4 6 042 KTM KNMV 0 NED 2 Dean Schellen KTM43 KNMV 6 1 7 Justin Trache KTM44 3 Storm Steensels 245 NED 0 Adam Collings KNMV46 0 0 0 GER KTM Martin BEL Hyllested 047 DMSB 0 Jonas Lund RasmussenDEN 26 0 GBR FMB 0 KTM DEN DMU ACU 0 0 3 DMU KTM KTM 0 0 Honda 0 0 0 9 2 0 0 12 Events: 1 Emmen/NED; 2 Lugau/GER; 3 Senkvice/SVK; 4 Culitsch/GER; 5 Randers/DEN; 6 Morso/DEN

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 65 25 40 36 27 25 25 24 19 24 21 16 100 3 86 117 10 19 9 16 16 9 7 16 15 16 31 14 15 29 2 9 10 8 6 13 18 45 7 14 13 12 111614 15 20 11 18 10 11 14 6 1218 58 52 48 7 1012 18 16 25 16 25 20 78 64 1 8 10 3 3 3 4 31 9 7 A B A B A B Total 1516 15 16 15 20 132018 0 12 20 18 13 2213 2 83 14 11 76 13 25 25 25 25 12 12 22 22 22 22 20 22 130 RUS MFREST KTM EMFEST KTM EMF KTM LATRUS LaMSFRUS MFR Husqvarna RUS MFR KTM MFR KTM KTM EST EMFRUS KTM MFR KTM LATPOL LaMSF PZM Husqvarna ESTLAT KTM EMFRUS LaMSF MFR KTM KTM KTM RUS MFREST KTM EMFEST Kawasaki EMF KTM UKR FMU TM, Suzuki 7 9 0 0 1 3 20 2 Petrashin Timur 3 Artsiom Sazanovets4 Meico Vettik 5 Maksim Kraev 6 BLR Jorgen Talviku 7 Egert Pihlak BFMS8 Oleksandr Chura9 KTM Allar Pent UKR FMU Suzuki 1 Svyatoslav Pronenko RUS MFR KTM 10 Ralfs Ozolins 11 Ivan Khuzhin 12 Nikita Petrov 13 Alexey Zorin 14 German Khanmurzin15 Daniil Kolotushkin16 Vladimir Sychev LAT17 Henry Vesilind 18 LaMSF Ignatiy Melnikov RUS19 KTM Dariusz Rapacz20 MFR RUS Daniil Kesov 21 Voronkov MFR Veniamin 22 KTM RUS Kucharczyk Wojciech 23 POL MFR KTM Dmytro Tsap 24 RUS POL Mairis Pumpurs 25 PZM Kawasaki MFR Arkadiusz Pryk 26 PZM Pavel Mangushev KTM 27 KTM Kevin Soe KTM 28 14 Patriks Uzuls 29 Andrey Pavlov RUS 11 MFR KTM EMX 85 NE Europe

66 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 4 4 69 63 77 14 14 13 10 46 37 10 97 36 4 18 1811 36 13 36 2 0 2 5 8 13 3 64 8 1 9 5 102 5 4 4 2 5 11 2 16 15 16 16 1110 12 10 10 9 13 8 1 6 8 4 7 7 0 12 12 14 15 71 8 8 8 9 8 9 13 12 75 7 5 A B A B A B A B Total 11 16 14 6 7 15 2515 20 15 20 18 2012 18 22 10 18 22 18 9 22 20 11 22 20 15 173 142 20 20 22 22 22 25 25 25 25 186 POL PZMRUS Suzuki MFR SuzukiRUS MFR 10 KTM 0 RUS MFR Kawasaki 2 Julian Georgiev3 BUL Kasabov Viktor 4 BUL Rumen Mirchev BUL5 BMF Nikolay Malinov BUL6 BMF Nikola Hranic7 CRO BMF KTM Georgi Totev8 BUL BMF KTM Dimitar Petrov HMS BUL9 YAMAHA Miodrag Stanojevic KAWASAKI SRB BMF HUSQVARNA BMF 14 22 YAMAHA AMSS 10 KTM 13 SUZUKI 25 11 9 13 25 15 12 13 25 16 12 11 20 14 14 11 13 16 15 10 16 11 110 109 12 14 96 1 Alex Dimitrov BUL BMF KTM 30 Jakub Mi ś kowiak31 Vladislav Savinov32 Filip Bukowicz 33 Leontiev Vasilii 34 POL Alexey Novikov35 UKR PZM Lev Obuhovsky 36 FMU Konrad D ą browski37 KTM Remigiusz Rutka38 KTM RUS Marcin Bandosz39 POL Denis Soloviev MFR PZM POL KTM POL PZM KTM PZM KTM KTM 10 Vasilev Vili BUL11 Aggelos Vogiatzis GRE12 Nicolai Timus13 MOL BMF Eray Hasan AMOTOE14 BUL KTM FMRM Stefan Neychev15 BUL KTM Jakob Kristof16 MAMS KTM BMF Antreas Andreoy17 GRE BMF HUN Janko Railic SRB KTM HUSQVARNA AMOTOE KTM YAMAHA AMSS KTM 18 18 Events: 1 Orlyonok/RUS; 2 Cieszyn/POL; 3 Stelpe/LAT EMX 85 SE Europe

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 67 2 19 21 60 97 92 24 12 57 27 44 16 25 46 41 4 9 8 29 8 9 17 10 10 29 25 25 150 3 14 7 22 16 3 15 6 13 13 51 2 3 5 5 6 6 45 6 7 5 4 8 4 1 6 8 6 20 3 22 12 16 93 56 4 6 0 9 12 6 18 15 0 15 15 16 20 25 18 20 129 2 0 4 7 8 8 11 14 13 A B A B A B A B Total 1615 3 14 22 13 22 12 12 25 11 18 20 11 117 13 14 18 18 16 722 13 22 20 KTM YAMAHA 16 9 KTM KTM KTM OSK-OAMTC OSK-OAMTC AMOTOE AMOTOE AMOTOE GRE FRA FFM KAWASAKI 25 25 25 25

Moreau Brian Strubhart Anastasios Aleiferopoulos 2 Thibault Benistant FRA3 Guyon Tom 4 FRA Kevin Cristino ITA5 FFM Mattia Capuzzo6 ITA FFM Alessandro Facca7 ITA HUSQVARNA FMI Maks Mausser8 SLO TM FMI 11 Marcel Stauffer AUT 9 FMI KTM Oriol Oliver AMZS SPA 20 HUSQVARNA KTM KTM 13 RFME 20 KAWASAKI 16 9 18 20 16 13 18 14 11 22 3 22 3 14 134 15 9 18 12 112 16 5 92 1 18 Milic Zimonic19 SRB Furkan Valimaki TUR20 21 AMSS Georgios Kariotis GRE 22 TMF KTM Andrei Poponut23 ROM Daniel Velkov24 BUL KTM FRM Atanas Bogdanov25 BUL Radojcic SRB Teodora 26 BMF YAMAHA Miroslav Kellev27 BUL BMF Mischel Racov28 BUL AMSS KTM GRE Anastasios Tsoutzidis BMF KTM KTM 3 BMF Yamaha Yamaha 0 10 Gerard Congost11 SPA Gioele Palanca12 ITA Francesco Bassi13 ITA RFME David Braceras SPA14 FMI KAWASAKI Sarasso Tommaso 15 ITA FMI Rene Hofer AUT 16 RFME TM Alex Soles SPA 10 FMI KTM KAWASAKI 12 RFME KTM 1 HUSQVARNA 5 12 0 10 10 14 4 13 15 9 15 88 Events: 1 Giannista/GRE; 2 Troyan/BUL; 3 Sliven/BUL; 4 Globare/SRB Events: 1 Giannista/GRE; 2 Troyan/BUL; EMX 85 SW Europe

68 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 8 2 2 1 27 27 36 32 25 47 16 12 23 11 25 25 16 11 10 23 10 Total 8 8 16 67 9 6 15 13 5 7 12 14 1411 28 12 23 B 12 22 18 16 15 25 8 8 7 10 10 10 37 5 7 6 5 4 4 4 10 9 8 11 5 A 15 18 10 22 2 11 5 0 0 0 0 9 60 10 0 0 0 53 4 0 1 7 1 0 0 14 0 9 2 FFM Kawasaki KTM OSK-OAMTC SWE SVEMO KTM NED KNMV KTM DENNEDFRA DMUCZE KNMV Kawasaki Kawasaki, Honda ACCR 16 KTM 2 Bastian Boegh Damm 3 Der Klij Brian Van 4 Brian Strubhart Moreau 5 Arvid Luning 6 Petr Polak 1 Ravio Dankers 17 Jimmy Grajwoda18 FRA Bruno Charrua19 POR Prost FRA Tanguy 20 FFM Alberto Barcella21 FMP ITA Lopez FRA Tony 22 FFM KTM Matheo Miot23 FRA Yamaha FMI Matteo Scalambra FFM24 KTM ITA Andrea Adamo25 ITA FFM SUZUKI Matevz Robek26 KTM SLO FMI Celian Riquelme27 FRA KAWASAKI FMI Samuel Nilsson28 AMZS SPA TM Eduardo Santos29 POR FFM KTM KTM 7 Gasper Polajzer30 SLO RFME Ricardo Rocha Jr. POR31 FMP Husqvarna KTM Oskar Reichenpfader32 5 AUT AMZS FMP Andrea Bonacorsi33 ITA KTM KTM Lorenzo Ciabatti34 ITA Raffaele Giuzio KTM 35 ITA FMI Zan Tomsic36 SLO FMI Enzo Polias37 FRA FMI KTM Simone Crippa38 ITA AMZS HUSQVARNA Max Ratschiller ITA FFM HUSQVARNA KTM FMI 0 HUSQVARNA FMI KTM 2 2 HUSQVARNA 0 0 1 Events: 1 Brezice/SLO; 2 Gazzane di Preseglia/ITA; Orehova Vas/SLO; 4 Fernao Joanes/POR Orehova Vas/SLO; Events: 1 Brezice/SLO; 2 Gazzane di Preseglia/ITA; EMX 85 Final

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 69 7 6 3 2 1 1 9 7 5 4 19 19 20 11 20 20 13 12 23 21 25 283 221 206 167 245 8 0 4 3 2 1 0 6 0 0 0 9 7 5 0 0 13 11 20 14 10 6 8 3 7 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 9 14 20 13 12 25 11 KTM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SMLMFRFFM Honda EMF KTM FMI Husqvarna RFME KTM MFR Kawasaki EMF KTM EMFSMLLAMSF Husqvarna KTM KTM Husqvarna A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B Total DENSWESWEFIN DMURUS SVEMOGBR SVEMOFRA KTM KTM EST KTM SLO ACUITA ESP RUS AMZS KTM DENSWEEST KTM EST DMUFIN SVEMOLAT KTM KTM NEDNEDAUT KNMV KNMV OeAMTC KTM Honda KTM ESP RFME KTM 18 18 25 22 22 25 15 18 20 22 22 4 25 15 25 11 307 Jorge Prado Garcia 7 Rick Elzinga 8 Raf Meuwissen 9 Marcel Stauffer 2 Josiah Natzke3 Maxime Renaux4 NZL Conrad Mewse FRA5 FMB FFM Miro Sihvonen GBR6 KTM ACU Davide Cislaghi Yamaha 22 FIN KTM ITA 22 14 SML FMI 11 20 11 KTM 20 9 13 TM 20 11 16 16 10 25 12 25 25 22 12 22 22 4 14 22 25 6 20 25 20 16 22 25 8 20 10 25 0 25 15 3 25 20 18 0 20 7 2 18 15 0 10 18 0 20 14 14 11 6 16 0 2 8 18 14 18 0 15 25 12 18 16 0 14 20 0 13 10 1 10 Mikkel Haarup 11 Emil Jonrup 12 Anton Nagy 13 Emil Weckman 14 Petrashin Timur 15 Christopher Mills 16 Thibault Benistant 17 Jorgen-Matthias Talviku 18 Maks Mausser 19 Alessandro Facca 20 Oriol Oliver 21 Maksim Kraev 22 Rasmus Pedersen 23 Filip Olsson 24 Meico Vettik 25 Allar Pent 26 Matias Vesterinen 27 Ralfs-Edgars Ozolins Event: Kegums/LAT EMX 125cc.

70 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 92 68 24 83 43 49 33 73 41 14 37 37 19 10 16 58 45 26 23 55 53 25 15 133 147 136 123 118 156 152 155 2 7 10 0 3 0 5 9 7 12 6 4 6 9 4 0 14 11 15 6 10 6 12 0 0 0 11 2 0 5 13 7 0 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 1 9 1 9 10 22 18 22 22 22 6 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 14 5 0 90 2 0 6 11 12 20 4 0 12 16 14 16 12 14 14 16 16 0 18 16 15 0 7 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 10 1 0 0 5 5 11 130 0 0 0 0 0 1812 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 20 18 0 2 0 3 00 8 2 0 0 0 10 20 25 7 8 7000008770452 18 05 0 0 13 6 8 0 13 5 6 15 0 12 11 15 12 16 0 5 0 8 Husqvarna Husqvarna Husqvarna Husqvarna Husqvarna ESP RFME KTM NED KNMV NOR NMF TM Ruben Fernandez Garcia Sander Agard-Michelsen Roan Van De Moosdijk Roan Van 7 Nathan Renkens8 Glen Meier BEL9 Mathys Boisrame FMB FRA KTM FFM DEN DMU Yamaha KTM 0 9 11 7 25 14 0 0 14 13 9 0 3 2 10 9 15 13 13 8 13 12 0 14 18 13 6 15 14 16 7 11 12 0 5 22 10 13 0 20 13 8 10 Stephen Rubini11 Jago Geerts12 FRA Cyril Genot FFM13 14 BEL KTM Filippo Zonta15 FMB BEL Kraaij Noud Van 1616 FMB KTM NED Morgan Lesiardo 15 ITA KNMV17 KTM ITA Gianluca Facchetti FMI ITA18 FMI 0 Anthony Bourdon FMI19 FRA 2 Jakub Teresak 0 TM20 FFM KTM Andrea Zanotti 121 Yamaha CZE 10 Kim Savaste22 20 SMR ACCR 1 16 0 FSM KTM23 0 0 5 Jan Pancar 0 Yamaha24 FIN 0 Marcel Conijn 4 0 3 SML 625 0 14 10 Hardi Roosiorg26 0 0 9 KTM 5 NED SLO 1 Richard Sikyna 13 5 KNMV27 11 EST AMZS 0 KTM 1 0 Yamaha EMF28 9 2 SVK 0 8 2 Alessandro Lentini 1 SMF29 3 ITA 16 KTM 9 15 3 12 0 Danne Karlsson 1530 KTM FMI 0 1 4 0 Zachary Pichon 0 0 SWE31 0 SVEMO 3 13 Kevin Horgmo 0 4 0 2 FRA32 0 11 8 10 13 Michele Baraiolo FFM 033 4 18 8 NOR ITA 0 Dovydas Karka 6 NMF 0 11 334 9 Yamaha 6 FMI 8 Bastien Guillaume KTM35 9 0 3 LTU FRA 3 9 Ivan Petrov 0 16 FFM LMSF Yamaha36 8 3 15 1 Eric Englund 0 0 KTM 137 12 KTM 0 Gabriel Ch_tnicki 8 10 5 0 0 POL BUL 1 0 SWE 9 PZM BMF 4 SVEMOKTM 7 0 15 3 12 0 KTM KTM 0 0 0 3 10 2 0

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 71 4 8 7 4 9 4 2 1 1 3 5 92 7 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 2 0 7 0 0 0 0 1 1820 612 16 18 11 13 18 15 15 15 14 14 6 15 0 13 14 0 15 9 10 122 123 22 112 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 A B A B A B A B A B A B Total 0 0 Husqvarna SWE SVEMOYamaha Christian Simonsson 2 Jack Bintcliffe3 Edberg Tim 4 Albin Larsen5 Lindstrom Viking GBR6 Alexis Collignon ACU7 SWE Hakon Fredriksen SWE8 SWE SVEMO Honda SVEMO FRA Eric Schwella9 Honda SVEMO Honda NOR Honda Junnola Tatu FFM 16 NMF 20 15 25 22 16 Honda GER Honda 20 13 22 18 DMSB 20 FIN 25 15 12 13 18 Honda 12 15 20 SML 15 22 8 14 18 16 10 20 25 Honda 22 25 16 10 16 20 20 11 18 22 11 13 25 25 10 16 20 25 10 14 12 16 22 20 16 20 15 20 18 18 0 13 18 249 212 6 18 197 16 198 178 1 Emil Weckman FIN SML Honda 25 18 25 22 25 15 22 13 22 22 25 25 259 38 Jim Kanters39 Bradley Cox40 Ludovic Bompar41 NED Nicola Bertuzzi FRA KNMV RSA42 Yamaha FFM Rasmus Andersson MSA SWE ITA43 0 SVEMOYamaha Lars Griekspoor KTM KTM FMI44 0 Luca Milec NED45 KNMV KTM Paolo Lugana 3 KTM 46 Thomas Berto 6 47 SLO 0 ITA48 AMZS Pierre Goupillon FMI ITA 0 FMI FRA KTM FFM KTM KTM 0 0 3 0 10 Berry Timothé 11 Martinez Yago 12 Max Erlandsson13 FRA Mack Bouwense14 ESP Andrea Adamo15 FFM SWE RFME SVEMO Slade Tressler NED Honda Honda KNMV Honda ITA Honda 11 FMI 0 USA 6 13 ACU 6 7 11 Honda 14 9 22 Honda 1 15 10 14 8 7 10 13 4 14 1 14 0 9 10 11 0 9 11 0 6 7 7 10 13 9 7 0 11 8 7 6 14 0 0 5 3 12 0 8 10 13 4 0 13 8 7 11 1 7 1 4 12 104 1 8 93 83 5 0 12 14 10 81 81 Events: 1 Arco di Trento/ITA; 2 Valkenswaard/NED; 3 Talavera de la Reina/SPA; 4 Matterley Basin/GBR; 5 Villars sous Ecot/FRA; 6 Mag- 6 Ecot/FRA; sous Villars 5 Basin/GBR; Matterley 4 Reina/SPA; la de Talavera 3 Valkenswaard/NED; 2 Trento/ITA; di Arco 1 Events: EMX 150cc. giora/ITA; 7 Lommel/BEL; 8 Assen/NED giora/ITA;

72 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 1 8 9 8 7 28 12 11 52 16 6 00 37 0 24 9 5 14 5 0 5 3 0 3 16 11 72 8 0 5 4 12 7 6 2 0 1 0 0 9 2 0 6 0 9 0 3 29 8 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B Total RSA MSA Honda Keegan Hickson Mahony 2 Damon Graulus3 Adam Sterry BEL4 Maxime Desprey FMB5 Alvin Östlund FRA GBR Yamaha 8 15 ACU FFM 20 KTM Kawasaki SWE 25 25 SVEMO 18 22 20 Yamaha 13 10 0 22 25 14 12 22 25 20 25 10 10 16 25 25 18 6 25 0 13 22 22 7 20 0 16 25 20 15 20 0 0 0 22 25 12 0 25 18 18 13 0 22 3 0 0 0 0 14 20 0 25 18 18 25 9 22 22 12 16 293 20 16 14 277 279 216 1 Nick Kouwenberg NED KNMV Honda 20 18 22 22 20 15 15 15 18 14 18 22 20 16 16 13 20 5 309 16 Henry Vesilind17 Luis Outeiro18 Alex Pettersson19 EST David Robson20 EMF Pascal Jungmann21 SWE POR22 SVEMO FMP Honda GER GBR Honda Bennet Schaefer23 DMSB MCUI Carl Jörgensen24 Honda 14 Andrea Bonifacio Honda 25 GER 5 Honda 4 Archie Osmaston26 12 DMSB SWE 0 ITA 16 Elias Persson27 Honda SVEMO 3 0 GBR Honda Alexandre Bours 5 11 FMI28 ACU 2 Grimshaw Tom 29 2 3 0 BEL Romain Delbrassinne Honda30 2 SWE 4 Honda BEL 5 Tanaka Yusaku 0 SVEMO31 5 FMB GBR Honda 0 8 FMB Jake Parker32 9 0 ACU 5 9 0 Verhelst Tallon 33 Honda 0 12 JPN 6 Honda 12 0 Rick Wennekes 934 Honda 7 0 MFJ 0 5 Raffaele Giuzio35 10 2 0 1 BEL GBR 0 Magnus Nielsen 0 NED 7 3 Honda 0 ACU 0 6 5 FMB ITA 0 KNMV 8 0 DEN 0 Honda 0 Honda 8 9 FMI Honda 1 DMU 0 11 3 0 4 Honda 0 Honda 4 3 3 2 2 0 8 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 62 3 1 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 24 2 0 0 2 24 0 4 3 14 3 1 0 8 Events: 1 Arco di Trento/ITA; 2 Matterley Basin/GBR; 3 Teutschental/GER; 4 Locket/CZE; 5 Lommel/BEL; 6 Assen/NED 2 Matterley Basin/GBR; 3 Teutschental/GER; Events: 1 Arco di Trento/ITA; 36Leopold Ambjörnson37Adam Caroleo SWE SVEMO Honda GBR ACU Honda EMX 250 cc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 73 43 35 86 57 48 37 34 28 25 96 80 30 190 118 0 15 81 0 0 0 31 5 10 7 00 55 0 11 0 37 0 0 1311 15 0 13 0 26 5 0 0 7 0 14 18 20 258 20 11 5 1 11 10 193 10 16 18 22 123 0 0 8 12 7 4 13 0 4 8 14 14 8 12 120 0 0 3 7 0 0 7 0 7 24 0 0 11 15 14 4 0 0 16 63 11 8 15 4 0 7 18 10 13 0 3 1 3 7 0 12 22 22 25 14 18 127 9 11 25 9 0 9 6 0 5 0 8 0 0 16 3 12 15 0 8 11 0 0 78 3 7 00030090731600 7 9 11 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 40 4 0 11 14 0 0

Kawasaki, KTM GER DMSB Suzuki 18 0 13 11 0 0 2 13 12 22 20 20 13 25 9 12 6 Thomas Kjer Olsen7 DEN Brian Hsu DMU8 Ander Valentin KTM9 Simone Zecchina 0 12 ESP 15 ITA RFME 15 FMI Yamaha 16 22 18 Kawasaki 9 16 0 20 11 9 0 3 15 0 9 8 12 11 0 16 8 5 11 12 15 0 16 10 0 9 9 9 12 5 0 2 0 0 9 9 175 6 129 10 Berkel Lars Van 11 Der Vlist Frederik Van NED12 NED KNMV Michele Cervellin Kawasaki 3 KNMV 013 Kawasaki Steven Clarke ITA14 0 Nicolas Dercourt FMI15 Ken Bengtsson 8 GBR Honda FRA 2 1316 ACU Bas Vaessen FFM 4 Husqvarna17 12 0 14 David Herbreteau SWE Kawasaki 14 6 SVEMO KTM18 10 0 Davy Pootjes FRA 3 NED 419 Nicholas Adams FFM KNMV 0 7 Suzuki 18 020 0 0 Max Engelen Kawasaki 6 11 11 10 NED RSA 16 5 1221 16 KNMV Luca Nijenhuis 11 MSA KTM 022 13 8 Magne Klingsheim 4 14 10 9 NED23 0 KNMV NED Pontus Jönsson NOR 20 12 0 0 KTM NMF KNMV 024 14 Kawasaki Alessandro D'angelo 7 1 5 18 0 Kawasaki 4 0 ITA 0 14 325 SWE Simone Furlotti 22 0 FMI 9 SVEMO 8 14 Husqvarna 1326 Michael Eccles 0 25 16 KTM 15 1627 5 0 ITA Stefan Ekerold 12 14 8 028 18 FMI GBR Anton Gole 0 ACU29 0 Darian Sanayei GER KTM 0 Husqvarna15 2 2 DMSB30 0 0 Alexis Verhaeghe 2 KTM SWE USA31 0 Iker Olano Larranaga 0 0 1 SVEMO FRA ESP Honda AMA 0 6 0 32 Kevin Wouts FFM RFME 10 Kawasaki 0 433 KTM 0 Michael Hool Kawasaki 0 4 0 34 6 16 Andy Baumgartner BEL35 Malin SUI Valtteri 0 0 NED 6 DMSB36 KNMV FMS KTM Mechelen Joel Van KTM 15 0 6 KTM NED FIN KNMV 0 7 8 KTM SML 0 13 0 KTM 0 2 5 0 13 0 2 10 0 84 4 0 5 6 15 10 0 1 71 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 24

74 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 6 1 7 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 5 3 15 19 13 11 19 13 12 12 0 20 0 4 5 0 0 18 1 0 10 0 0 1 1 0 10 0 11 0 6 0 1 3 8 12 0 8 0 1 9 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 4 3 21 2 11 0 13 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 3 2 0 0 0 5 0 14 5 0 0 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 20000000200 5 0 1 0 4 6 13 6 2 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 6 0 0 2 0 EST EMF Honda LAT LAMSF KTM 37 Rene De Jong38 Jaap Corneth39 Lasse Christoffersen NED40 KNMV NOR Nathan Renkens Yamaha NED NMF 41 KNMV Jere Haavisto Suzuki Kawasaki BEL 742 Stefano Pezzuto FMB43 0 Priit Ratsep 1 FIN KTM ITA44 Indrek Mägi SML 0 0 FMI45 Matiss Karro Honda 0 0 46 Yamaha 0 0 3 James Dunn EST47 6 Eric Leijtens EMF LAT48 Der Mierden Sven Van NED 0 LAMSF Kawasaki KNMV GBR Honda49 Lucas Imbert Husqvarna ACU 0 NED50 Robert Davidson KTM KNMV KTM51 0 Robin Bakens FRA GBR52 Giuseppe Tropepe ACU FFM53 5 Ingvi Bjorn Birgisson ITA Husqvarna BEL Kawasaki 0 0 ISL54 FMI Bryan Toccaceli FMB 7 0 MSI55 Sileika Tomass Honda Honda 0 7 SMR56 Honda 0 Karlis Sabulis FSM57 0 LAT Adrien Malaval Honda 0 0 58 LAMSF Heugten Roy Van 0 KTM LAT59 FRA 0 Gianluca Ecca 0 LAMSF NED FFM Kawasaki 0 0 60 KNMV Riccardo Righi Kawasaki 0 0 2 Kawasaki 61 GER Davis Livs DMSB62 1 0 Nathan Dixon ITA Suzuki 63 FMI Rooij Ronnie Van 0 064 Henrik Wahl GBR Husqvarna NED 0 0 65 ACU KNMV Nicholas Lapucci Kawasaki KTM66 0 James Cottrell ITA NOR 67 NMF Wysocki Tomasz FMI Honda 0 GBR POL Husqvarna 0 0 ACU PZM 0 KTM KTM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 75 1 1 86 39 55 47 164 2 3 37 18 20 38 22 22 86 0 0 12 6 0 10 52 14 0 13 15 25 25 25 25 100 15 16 8 7 93 7 13 9 10 1 1 56 13 15 3 0 20 15 84 5 7 11 9 11 18 15 1416 5 25 015 025 4 14 0 67 12 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 6 13 9 9 0 12 0 8 10 9 5 13 94 A B A B A B A B A B A B Total KTM, Kawasaki Yamaha, Aprilia Yamaha, NED KNMV KTM, Yamaha22 20 BELNED FMB KNMV KTM 11 14 14 8 8 0 5 11 8 13 6 0 98 ESP RFME Yamaha 0 2 8 11 7 2 3 5 11 12 0 61 Ramon Brucart Sanchez 2 Matthew Moffat3 Dietger Damiaens4 Martens Yentel 5 GBR BEL Damon Strydom6 ACU FMB Mikael Kaipanen7 BEL Husqvarna Brad Anderson8 GBR 15 KTM FIN MUL Joey Smet 9 ACU 18 Patrick Vos SML 16 GBR Husqvarna KTM 25 12 18 ACU KTM 25 15 10 Yamaha 25 18 10 15 25 15 16 12 8 22 15 14 22 20 9 16 8 22 11 22 18 14 20 10 16 7 0 20 16 18 0 0 16 8 16 178 0 12 18 14 18 10 0 178 11 6 11 162 14 14 104 1 Marco Maddii ITA FMI KTM 16 11 20 20 20 22 25 25 20 22 13 9 223 68 Francesc Mataro Vilar ESP69 Liam Knight RFME Yamaha GBR ACU KTM 10 Nicolas Bender11 Lewis Gregory12 Mike Kras 13 SUI Davey Janssen14 GBR FMS Txomin Arana15 ACU Riccardo Cencioni16 Yamaha NED17 Yamaha ITA KNMV ESP Michele Cencioni18 9 Husqvarna 20 FMI Manuel Beconcini 1819 RFME 10 22 ITA Miguel Gaboleiro20 Yamaha 0 ITA 22 Husqvarna Robert Holyoake21 FMI POR 22 0 FMI Dušan Drdaj 022 4 FMP GBR Killian Auberson23 Husqvarna 0 0 0 0 KTM Andy Truyts ACU 024 7 0 Franz Lofquist SUI CZE 0 KTM 6 FMS ACCR 10 BEL Yamaha 9 SWE 5 KTM 0 SVEMO FMB Honda 0 9 3 KTM 0 9 13 12 14 7 3 7 0 0 8 0 4 4 66 0 0 0 49 Events: 1 Arco di Trento/ITA; 2 Valkenswaard/NED; 3 Talavera de la Reina/SPA; 4 Matterley Basin/GBR; 5 Teutschental/GER; 6 Udde- 4 Matterley Basin/GBR; 5 Teutschental/GER; de la Reina/SPA; 3 Talavera 2 Valkenswaard/NED; Events: 1 Arco di Trento/ITA; EMX 300cc. valla/SWE; 7 Kegums/LAT; 8 Lommel/BEL; 9 Assen/NED valla/SWE; 7 Kegums/LAT;

76 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 6 6 4 3 8 1 20 13 36 16 13 13 11 26 19 15 12 11 9 4 13 3 57 8 00 6 7 6 0 0 31 0 0 17 11 1210 23 8 18 15 16 31 0 20 0 4 0 0 4 2 0 4 2 8 0 1 1 3 0 0 9 18 18 10 3 1 13 0 0 0 11 0 6 20 1 0 13 0 0 13 1 3 CZE ACCR KTM GER DMSB Suzuki ESP RFME Yamaha 0 0GBR 3 ACU 2 Husqvarna 2 0 4 0 25 Jimmie Allen26 Meijer Tom 27 Gerard Garcia Güell28 ESP John Cuppen29 SWE RFME Martin Vanleeuw30 SVEMO NED Yamaha Kai Haase 31 TM KNMV BEL Petr Bartos 32 NED Yamaha Linden Joshua Van 33 KNMV FMB Giacomo Redondi34 KTM NED 0 Jean Loup Lepan35 Yamaha KNMV ITA Hove Ronny Van 36 0 Yamaha 14 0 FMI Purdon Tristan FRA37 13 12 6 BEL Micol Pacini38 FFM 0 10 Beta Michael Hool39 6 FMB RSA 4 Jonas Björklund40 Yamaha 4 Linden Rinnie Van MSA41 KTM ITA 1 0 Teijlingen Jeroen Van 42 NED 3 NED SWE NED Yamaha FMI Marcello Disetti KNMV43 0 SVEMO KNMV 0 MUL 6 Husqvarna Francesco Galligari KTM 44 1 KTM 7 5 ITA TM Aleix Diaz 545 KTM ITA 2 1 8 Hammond Ryan 46 4 FMI 4 FMI Ruud De Laat47 5 7 Erwin Robins48 6 GBR Yamaha TM 7 Ron Lespoix49 ACU 0 0 Mattia Folchi50 NED 0 TM Rene Rannikko51 5 KNMV NED 2 0 Kellett Ty 52 KTM KNMV 0 BEL Kevin Standaert 0 53 ITA Yamaha 2 FIN Michel Garcia54 FMB 0 FMI 0 Danilo Musso SML55 3 BEL KTM Alessio Gasparini 26 0 FMB 5 ESP Suzuki KTM ITA ITA RFME 0 KTM FMI Suzuki FMI 1 Yamaha 6 Suzuki 0 2 Events: 1 Valkenswaard/NED; 2 Talavera de la Reina/SPA; 3 Maggiora/ITA; 4 Uddevalla/SWE; 5 Locket/CZE; 6 Lommel/BEL 3 Maggiora/ITA; de la Reina/SPA; 2 Talavera Events: 1 Valkenswaard/NED;

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 77 71 47 40 29 29 37 49 40 33 84 4 18 32 7 13 12 61 0 8 1 5 43 0 0 25 20 22 192 10 12 18 15 55 6 4 5 11 3 9 0 0 28 18 22 15 16 22 25 16 0 9 2 0 0 27 10 1415 1812 13 0 15 12 13 11 14 10 11 1 81 10 16 13 65 62 14 13 0 0 5 0 32 20 20 1415 15 14 11 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 3 7 9 6 7 A B A B A B A B A B A B Total Yamaha, HONDA, Yamaha, YAMAHA YAMAHA Yamaha, EMF Honda LAT LaMSF YAMAHA 2 Grinsven Mike Van 3 Jani Tanhuanpää NED4 Priit Järvloo KNMV5 FIN WSP Zdenek Polàcek6 Marc De Vries7 SML Daniil Vlasov8 CZE 20 EST YAMAHA Lars Holmen9 ACCR 13 14 NED EMF Andrea Jr Cesari 20 KTM KNMV 10 RUS 22 YAMAHA ITA KAWASAKI 8 MFR 8 13 NOR 25 16 NMF 16 12 FMI 11 25 HONDA 15 18 18 13 YAMAHA 14 11 KTM 18 15 14 12 13 11 12 7 3 8 16 18 9 22 10 12 9 11 16 20 11 20 12 0 22 11 3 20 13 16 0 20 22 13 20 12 4 0 20 15 11 2 22 7 14 174 8 18 5 8 6 15 9 11 6 161 4 135 20 144 0 16 10 9 124 7 93 1 Edgars Mengelis LAT LaMSF YAMAHA 25 25 25 25 22 22 25 1 25 22 25 25 267 21 Kevin De Bruyn BEL FMB 10 Kristaps Veinbergs11 Martin Filatov12 LAT Kaspar Haiba13 LaMSF Ralfs Reinfelds14 KTM EST Jorn Huseby15 EST Karlis Bole 16 EMF LAT Simone Mastronardi17 EMF ITA Sten Jupaschevski LaMSF18 Honda-TRX NOR Denis Vanko19 YAMAHA FMI NMF YAMAHA Gillouin Yoann 20 HONDA Casper Honoré Holm Yamaha DEN SVK DMU 10 FRA22 16 SMF FFM Yamaha Davy De Cuyper23 9 15 Raivis Sootee24 KTM 10 Yamaha BEL 8 Henri Mundi25 10 18 Henrik Mogensen26 FMB 22 Alexander N ř rskov LAT27 DEN Mauri Kirsip KTM28 DEN EST LaMSF DMU Endijs Bernics DMU Honda EMF Yamaha Yamaha 15 EST KTM 18 LAT EMF LaMSF KTM EMX Quad ITP European Championship

78 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 9 5 3 7 1 8 4 9 27 22 20 22 19 18 17 14 13 12 11 11 22 16 15 0 0 10 2 2 23 3 1 7 8 14 2 0 4 6 1 6 7 8 22 5 4 8 12 09 10 0 3 9 00 7 70 0 0 0 144 6 0 2 3 0 16 5 0 3 1 0 13 6 8 9 7 6 0 1 8 5 4 3 10 12 16 2 5 7 4 16 6 LaMSF Honda LaMSF Suzuki LMSF Yamaha DEN DMU Can-Am ITA FMI SUZUKI DEN DMU Can-Am Asger Vestergaard Kristensen Asger Vestergaard Erik Vestergaard Kristensen Erik Vestergaard Alessandro Fontanazzi 29 Martin Milev30 Dairis Virkstenis31 Nicola Ciceri32 Martin Adamson33 LAT BUL34 BMF LaMSF EST ITA Jakub Kostelecky35 Yamaha Janis Saldavs 36 EMF YAMAHA FMI CZE Rene Tarend37 4 Husqvarna ACCR Mads M ř ldrup38 YAMAHA 5 Frederik Knudsen39 YAMAHA Grégoire Rabat40 EST 6 DEN DEN Ricards Zalite41 DMU EMF DMU 5 Florian Peroni42 FRA Kaspar Kangur Can-Am 43 Yamaha YAMAHA FFM 2 LAT Nicolai S ř ndergaard44 DEN FRA 5 45 LaMSF KTM EST DMU Frederik Dahlgaard FFM46 YAMAHA EMF Yamaha DEN Daniel Nystrom47 Yamaha DMU Sander Parts48 2 HONDA Reinis Purvens 49 14 SWE Yamaha 9 Sebastian Michelsen50 SVEMO DEN KTM Christopher Tveraen 6 51 7 EST DMU NOR Anthony Roques52 EMF NMF 4 53 Yamaha Dislers-Kirilko Valters 54 FRA YAMAHA KTM LAT Zigmars Stolarovs55 FFM LaMSF Anders Dyrholm Kam56 DEN LAT W-TEC Ruben Setra57 Yamaha DMU LaMSF Romain Grimal58 6 Yamaha Domantas Vaznys HONDA 2 FRA NOR NMF FFM YAMAHA Yamaha 3 Events: 1 Castelnau de Levis/FRA; 2 Gazzane di Preseglia/ITA; 3 Randers/DEN; 4 Stelpe/LAT; 5 Kivioli/EST; 6 Kegums/LAT 5 Kivioli/EST; 3 Randers/DEN; 4 Stelpe/LAT; Events: 1 Castelnau de Levis/FRA; 2 Gazzane di Preseglia/ITA;

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 79 29 28 26 64 50 28 42 38 35 34 50 34 31 45 126 121 10 10 46 25 2520 16 100 11 96 14 62 15 16 14 13 138 22 22 4 12 25 25 14 16 12 14 4 5 3 4 9 9 7 7 57 7 11 22 1613 20 22 20 13 16 18 2018 20 13 13 1816 18 16 1815 20 16 231 20 13 18 216 11 12 13 7 8 10 11 10 15 15 107 10 12 11 9 13 14 12 11 121 20 15 25 25 22 22 25 25 22 22 238 14 16 15 25 14 13 20 20 13 15 0 22 16 22 11 11 18 12 0 25 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 3 0 20 9 13 5 5 A B A B A B A B A B A B A B Total 25 25 HUSQVARNA 450/4 HUSQVARNA 450/4 HUSQVARNA KAWASAKI 450/4 KAWASAKI 450/4 KAWASAKI CZE ACCR KTM RUS MFR Yamaha UKR FMU KTM 350/4 6 8 7 8 16 0 Martin MICHEK Aleksandr Bugreev Tarasov Volodymyr 2 Petr Bartos3 Petr Michalec4 Evgeni Tyletski CZE CZE5 Nerijus Rukstela BLR ACCR ACCR6 LTU Marko Leljak BFMS KTM 350/4 HONDA 450/47 LMSF Hrvoje Karas 208 KTM 450/4 CRO 18 Saso Kragelj KTM 450/4 HMS 229 CRO 18 Theo Urbas 22 HMS 20 16 SLO KTM 450/4 20 11 12 AMZS 450/4 22 YAMAHA 10 10 SLO 15 450/4 YAMAHA 12 12 18 AMZS 0 4 12 14 16 14 25 15 10 16 14 22 18 13 18 14 9 14 9 9 15 11 15 18 14 15 12 18 12 9 205 9 170 1 10 Jonas Nedved11 Gajser Tim CZE12 Aljosa Molnar ACCR13 Peter Irt SLO KTM 350/4 SLO14 Mulec Toni AMZS AMZS15 Matúš LAVO HONDA 450/4 13 HONDA 16 15 Klemen Gercar SLO SLO17 7 15 SVK SLO Matej Jaros AMZS AMZS 18 SMF 0 AMZS Ian Katanec KTM 450/419 CRO KTM 350/420 HMS SLO Gusev Vitaliy 21 0 AMZS Marek SUKUP22 RUS 11 3 450/4 YAMAHA Wysocki Tomasz CZE POL23 MFR 5 Nikolay Batov 2 ACCR PZM24 5 Ond ř ej BRENDL KTM RUS KAWASAKI 4 25 CZE KTM Vladimir Bobin MFR26 ACCR RUS27 SUZUKI Yamaha MFR Ji ř í Č EPELÁK28 Nesytykh Vasiliy RUS29 Yamaha CZE Igor Tomin MFR ACCR YAMAHA Yamaha RUS MFR KTM EMX OPEN

80 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 7 7 8 6 8 7 25 13 18 13 24 23 21 18 18 18 15 13 10 16 12 15 13 23 14 3 3 8 6 6 14 8 8 16 4 4 8 6 6 0 0 13 8 8 10 11 2 5 5 6 2 3 7 1 1 7 7 5 5 26 6 7 10 8 0 0 5 2 8 10 0 9 6 4 8 3 3 7 10 2 5 4 9 5 8 6 8 10 12 12 13 11 11 0 7 8 10 6 9 0 0 0 0 1 1 KTM 450/4 4 4 Husqvarna KAWASAKI 450/4 KAWASAKI 450/4 KAWASAKI 250/4 KAWASAKI OSK-OAMTC OSK-OAMTC SLO AMZS YAMAHA BLR BFMSRUS KTM MFR Yamaha POL PZM Yamaha RUS MFR Honda RUS MFR Suzuki Vladimir Pridannikov Uladzislau Makhnou Alexandr Zatyaev Łukasz K ę dzierski Roman Mindryukov 30 Marco BagnarelliITA31 Anej Doplihar FMI 32 SLO33 Sergey Kurashev AMZS RUS34 250/4 YAMAHA MFR35 14 Petr Hudak36 0 KTM Nejc Gajser37 Karol K ę dzierski SVK POL38 SLO Denis POLÁŠ SMF39 PZM AMZS Anton Pestov40 SVK HONDA KTM Michael Pandzic Yamaha CRO41 SMF RUS Borut Koš č ak HMS 42 MFR Juraj POPOVICZ KTM SVK43 SLO Mikhail Bokarev Honda SMF44 RUS AMZS45 MFR YAMAHA SUZUKI Andrej Zdovc46 Arkadiusz Ma ń k Yamaha POL SLO47 Mattia Busso AMZS PZM48 Mark Lolaev49 ITA KTM 350/4 Danko Braim50 RUS FMI David Kraus51 CRO MFR HMS52 7 KAWASAKI AUT Evgeny Tozkiy53 Kawasaki 450/4 6 YAMAHA Rok Mikli č RUS54 0 Artem Sherbaev MFR55 RUS 0 Niko Topolovec56 MFR SLO KTM 1 Rok Zupancic57 AMZS Jakub HRUŠKA Honda 0 SLO58 HONDA 450/4 SVK Patrick Kainz AMZS59 7 0 SMF Karol Sado HONDA 60 AUT 3 SUZUKI POL PZM KTM

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 81 6 5 2 1 6 3 2 6 1 4 3 1 Total 5 3 10 2 4 0 1 DEN DMU Yamaha 9 SWESWE SVEMO Yamaha SVEMO Yamaha 4 5 15 DEN DMU Yamaha 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 6 0 6 1 0 0 6 3 2 2 1 3 16 DAM Line 15 DALGAARD Julie DEN DMU Honda 8 15 DALGAARD Julie DEN DMU Honda 6 23 7 VAN DE VEN Nancy7 VAN NED KNMV12 DAHL Emelie 12 DAHL Emelie Yamaha11 OSTLUND Frida 2 9 SWE SVEMO Honda 6 2 NOCERA Francesca ITA FMI DER WERFF Britt8 VAN Suzuki NED KNMV11 OSTLUND Frida Suzuki SWE16 DAM Line SVEMO Honda 7 7 VAN DE VEN Nancy7 VAN NED KNMV Yamaha 3 1 FONTANESI Kiara1 FONTANESI ITA FMI Yamaha 1 4 8 VAN DER WERFF Britt8 VAN NED KNMV Suzuki 4 1 FONTANESI Kiara1 FONTANESI ITA FMI Yamaha 1 2 NOCERA Francesca ITA FMI Suzuki 2 Race 1 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 1 WMX POLSVK PZMPOL SMF KTM PZM Husqvarna Honda RUS MFRRUS KTM MFRPOL Kawasaki PZM Yamaha Sebastian Witkowski Mikołaj Kołodziejak Michal NOVOCKÝ Nikita Prokopenko Alexander Kiselev Gabriel Ch ę tnicki 4 Denmark 2 The Netherlands Race 2 WMX 3 Sweden 1 Italy 61 62 63 64 Vladimír PREIS65 SVK Sergey Yarovoy66 RUS SMF67 MFR Peter VALYIK68 KTM Yamaha 69 SVK Benjamin Cirnski SLO70 SMF AMZS71 Vladimir Vasilyev RUS KTM 450/4 YAMAHA 72 2 Damian Kojs MFR 0 POL Yamaha PZM KTM Events: 1 Brezice/SLO; 2 Senkvice/SVK; 3 Orlyonok/RUS; 4 Cieszyn/POL; 5 Orehova Vas/SLO; 6 Mladina/CRO; 7 Sentvid/SLO Events: 1 Brezice/SLO; 2 Senkvice/SVK; 3 Orlyonok/RUS; 4 Cieszyn/POL; 5 Orehova Vas/SLO; EMX OF EUROPEAN NATIONS/ WOMENS EMX OF EUROPEAN NATIONS/

82 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Total 16 18 13 13 14 13 FIN FIN SML SML Kawasaki 17 Kawasaki 17 52 1 MONTICELLI Ivo1 MONTICELLI Ivo ITA ITA FMI2 LESIARDO Morgan FMI ITA KTM2 LESIARDO Morgan KTM ITA FMI 1 FMI TM 1 37 TM 9 13 SCHWITZ Ramona SUI FMS KTM 16 14 SEILER Celine SUI FMS Honda 15 19 GURYEVA Ekaterina19 GURYEVA RUS MFR18 MONTINI Giorgia KTM ITA Barbora10 LANKOVA FMI CZE Yamaha 13 SCHWITZ Ramona ACCR Suzuki SUI 21 REINOLA Hanna FMS KTM FIN SML Kawasaki 22 MATTILA Julia 22 MATTILA 21 REINOLA Hanna FIN SML Kawasaki 18 20 LEONTEVA Lubov20 LEONTEVA RUS18 MONTINI Giorgia MRF Floriana17 PARRINI ITA Yamaha ITA Lucie 9 SIMONOVA FMI Lucie 79 SIMONOVA Barbora10 LANKOVA FMI 26 CZE Yamaha CZE CZE14 SEILER Celine Yamaha ACCR 9 ACCR KTM ACCR 11 32 KTM Suzuki SUI Julia 22 MATTILA 10 14 12 FMS 36 Honda 15 46 20 LEONTEVA Lubov20 LEONTEVA RUS MRF Floriana17 PARRINI Yamaha ITA 8 FMI Yamaha 12 19 GURYEVA Ekaterina19 GURYEVA RUS MFR KTM 11 Race 1 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 2 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 1 WMX Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 1 EMX 85 3 SCUTERI EmilioRace 1 EMX 85 ITA Gioele 4 PALANCA FMI ITA KTM FMI TM 4 11 Race 3 EMX 85 3 SCUTERI Emilio ITA FMI KTM 4 Race 3 EMX 85 Gioele 4 PALANCA ITA FMI TM 7 5 Russia 6 Italy 7 Czech Republic Race 1 WMX 8 Suisse 9 Finland 1 Italy Event: Pietramurata/ITA EMX OF EUROPEAN NATIONS/WOMENS

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 83 25 16 20 18 CZECZE ACCR ACCR KTM KTM 1 2 68 CZECZE ACCR ACCR KTM KTM 7 12 CZE ACCR KTM 15 CZE ACCR KTM 18 11 GUYON Tom FRA FFM TM 1 64 15 POLAK Petr 15 POLAK Petr 12 CANTOURNET Pierre FRA FFM Husqvarna 45 OSTLUND Alvin45 OSTLUND Alvin SWE SWE SVEMO Yamaha SVEMO 46 KARLSSON Danne Yamaha46 KARLSSON Danne 2 SWE 2 39 SWE SVEMO Husqvarna SVEMO 15 9 VERHAEGHE Alexis Husqvarna 9 VERHAEGHE Alexis10 MOREAU Brian FRA10 MOREAU Brian FRA FFM FRA FFM FRA Kawasaki13 KRC Martin FFM Kawasaki13 KRC Martin 5 FFM14 TERESAK Jakub 7 Kawasaki Kawasaki 20 24 14 TERESAK Jakub CZE Filippo69 ZONTA ACCR CZE KTM ITA ACCR70 LUGANA Paolo FMI 13 KTM Filippo69 ZONTA 70 LUGANA Paolo Honda ITA ITA ITA FMI 4 FMI 78 FMI KTM Honda KTM 15 17 11 GUYON Tom FRA FFM TM 2 48 NAGY Anton SWE SVEMO KTM Jiri 16 MATEJEC 71 BONACORSI Andrea ITA FMI KTM 7 48 NAGY Anton SWE SVEMO KTM 3 71 BONACORSI Andrea ITA FMI KTM 9 12 CANTOURNET Pierre FRA FFM Husqvarna 5 47 LUNING Arvid SWE SVEMO KTM 6 Jiri 16 MATEJEC 72 CAPUZZO Mattia ITA FMI Husqvarna 12 47 LUNING Arvid SWE SVEMO KTM 8 72 CAPUZZO Mattia ITA FMI Husqvarna 14 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 2 Sweden 3 France 5 Italy B 4 Czech Republic

84 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 22 23 26 24 SLOSLO AMZS AMZS Husqvarna 14 Husqvarna 14 DEN DMU KTMDEN DMU 12 KTM DENDEN DMU DMU KTM KTM 18 21 POLPOL PZM PZM KTM KTM 20 SLOSLO AMZS Yamaha AMZS 10 Yamaha 11 YOUNG SCHMIDT Michel YOUNG SCHMIDT Michel 19 MAUSER Maks SLO AMZS KTM 8 84 20 ROBEK Matevz SLO AMZS KTM 55 PUMPURS Mairis LAT LaMSF Husquarna 17 PANCAR Jan 17 PANCAR Jan 17 PANCAR 18 MILEC Lukas 18 MILEC Lukas 65 OLSEN Thomas Kjer65 OLSEN Thomas Kjer DEN DEN66 MEIER Glen DMU DMU KTM KTM66 MEIER Glen 61 WYSOCKI Tomasz 3 61 WYSOCKI Tomasz 4 POL 89 POL Szymon62 STASZKIEWICZ POL PZM Szymon62 STASZKIEWICZ POL PZM PZM KTM KTM KTM PZM53 SILEIKA Tomass53 SILEIKA Tomass KTM 3 16 5 LAT 92 54 SNIKERS Arnalds LAT 17 LaMSF54 SNIKERS Arnalds LaMSF LAT KTM KTM LAT LaMSF Yamaha 6 LaMSF 8 19 97 Yamaha 19 20 ROBEK Matevz SLO67 SMITH Magnus AMZS68 KTM DEN DMU 17 KTM 9 55 PUMPURS Mairis LAT LaMSF Husqvari 19 63 KUCHARCZYK Wojciech 63 KUCHARCZYK Wojciech 68 67 SMITH Magnus DEN DMU KTM 22 64 RAPACZ Dariusz64 RAPACZ Dariusz64 RAPACZ POL POL PZM KTM PZM56 OZOLINS Ralfs Edgars LAT KTM 14 LaMSF 17 Husqvarna 13 19 MAUSER Maks SLO AMZS KTM 10 56 OZOLINS Ralfs Edgars LAT LaMSF Husqvarna 13 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1EMX 85 Race 1EMX 85 Race 1EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 6 Slovenia 7 Denmark 8 Poland 9 Latvia

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 85 26 25 23 24 AUT OEAMTC KTM 6 102 AUT OEAMTC KTM SUI FMSSUISUI KTM FMS FMS 11 KTM KTM 22 23 SUI FMS KTM 16 UKR FMU KTM 21 UKR FMU KTM 25 39 KURVINEN Aleksi39 KURVINEN FIN SML KTM27 HOFER Rene 5 9 27 HOFER Rene 37 SIHVONEN Miro FIN38 KYTONEN Roni SML38 KYTONEN Roni KTM FIN25 SANDNER Michael FIN25 SANDNER Michael AUT SML AUT26 PRAMMER Lukas 6 SML OEAMTC Husqvarna26 PRAMMER Lukas Honda OEAMTC Husqvarna Honda 8 AUT49 STEFFEN Enzo 9 21 AUT52 ERNST Mike OEAMTC KTM OEAMTC KTM SUI50 BURCH Sven 21 50 BURCH Sven FMS 22 49 STEFFEN Enzo Honda Volodymyr41 TARASOV 11 UKR SUI 125 FMU FMS KTM42 CHERNOV Dmytro Honda UKR 18 FMU Husqvarna 25 39 KURVINEN Aleksi39 KURVINEN FIN SML KTM Marcel28 STAUFFER 12 AUT OEAMTC KTM52 ERNST Mike 10 51 DISERENS Luca SUI FMS KTM 23 51 DISERENS Luca SUI FMS43 KYENKO Maskym KTM UKR 19 FMU KTM 20 40 VESTERINEN Matias FIN SML KTM 15 44 TSAP Dmytro 40 VESTERINEN Matias FIN SML KTM 16 43 KYENKO Maskym UKR FMU KTM 24 44 TSAP Dmytro Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Volodymyr 41 TARASOV UKR FMU KTM 10 143 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 42 CHERNOV Dmytro UKR FMU Husqvarna Race 3 EMX 85 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 4 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 2 EMX 125 + 250 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 3 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 Race 1 EMX 85 10 Finland 11 Austria 12 Suisse 13 Ukraine Event: Pietramurata/ITA

86 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 8 8 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 42 34 29 26 25 17 12 17 13 37 34 22 18 16 14 50 Total 9 7 0 8 4 1 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 B 20 16 15 13 12 22 14 11 18 10 25 9 1 4 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 8 3 5 A 22 18 14 13 16 10 12 15 20 11 25 HUNFRA MAMSCZE KTM FFM ACCR KTM KTM BELFRA FMBESPRUS FFM KTM ESP RFME MFR KTM KTM ESP RFME KTM GBRNED KTM GBR RFME ACULAT KNMVGBR KTM ACCR KTM KTM LAMSF ACU KTM KTM KTM CZERUS ACCR MFR KTM GBRESP KTM ACCRRUS RFMEFRA KTM KTM MFR FFM KTM BEL KTM FRA FMB FFM KTM KTM 2 Adam Zsolt Kovacs 3 Radek Vetrovski 4 Florian Miot 5 Matvey Vopilov 6 Martin Venhoda 7 Zakhar Osmolovskiy8 Pablo Gutierrez Solis9 Guthrie Vinnie RUS ESP MFR RFME KTM KTM 1 Kay Karssemakers NED KNMV KTM 10 Adria Monne Viles 11 Jorge Ramos Casasola12 Liam Everts 13 Kirill Vorobyov 14 ESP Krismann Tejy 15 Xavier Cazal 16 Raul Sanchez 17 RFME Ilya Pavliv 18 Quentin Marc Prugnieres19 Ferran Ferre 20 KTM Moens FRA Yoran 21 Rogister Tom 22 David Beltran 23 FFM Alfie Jones 24 Sem Beijer 25 Morgan Evans 26 KTM Roberts Lusis 27 Ben Pratt Motocross Open 65cc. Event: El Molar/SPA



FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 89 1623 14 19 86 26 21 21 16 Result Result Team 1st Race 2nd Race Overall WSP/Husqvarna NAT FMN MACHINE Ken DEN DMU Arne DEN DMU WSP/Husaberg 22 23 Dave AUS MA Mefo/Husqvarna Tyson AUS MA Eddie SWE SVEMO WSP/Zabel 22 22 91 Tadas LTU LMSF Tomas LTU LMSF AYR/Yamaha Johnny DEN DMU VMC/Jawa KARLIS LAT LaMSF Yamaha 9 5 24 Kristian DEN DMU Hamish AUS MA Rider/Passenger BOLE LINNÈ HOLM HOLM DOBIE NATKA BRERUP BRERUP SOOTEE Raivis LAT LaMSF Honda 30 8 MANUEL BALTUSIS NILSSON Christian SWE SVEMO RORLACH ANTHONYANTHONY Brian Greg AUS AUS MA MA Mefo/Zabel 17 20 MENGELIS Edgars LAT LaMSF Yamaha 1 1 STENBORG Simon SWE SVEMO STENBORG Philip SWE SVEMO WMC/Zabel MAESSEN Joe NED KNMV CRQF 8 3 ROBINSON John AUS MA FOLKESSON SONNIE SWE SVEMO WSP/Zabel 23 10 JÖRGENSEN Frank DEN DMU VMC/Husaberg 25 24 115 SÖDERBORG Rickard SWE SVEMO Family Name First Name CHRISTOFFERSEN Lars DEN DMU TEN VREGELAAR Ingo NED KNMV Yamaha 7 7 2 Latvia 1 Netherland GRINSVEN VAN Mike NED KNMV WSP 2 1 20 12 Sweden 11 Australia 13 Denmark Quads Event: Schwedt/GER

90 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Priit EST EMF Kawasaki 21 11 Lars NOR NMF Yamaha 15 17 83 Luke GBR ACU KTM 3 24 85 Leon IRL MCUI Kawasaki 7 23 Justin IRL MCUI Can-Am 8 3 Julian GER DMSB KTM 17 2 26 David CZE ACCR Can-Am 16 16 James GBR ACU KTM 29 17 Nicola ITA FMI Yamaha 21 19 Joakim NOR NMF Yamaha 20 18 REID SUSA HAAS HOLM Casper Honoré DEN DMU Yamaha 6 6 CICERI OLSEN BEVAN CESARI Andrea ITA FMI KTM 4 27 81 FILATOV Martin EST EMF Honda 11 5 ROGERS KANGUR Kaspar EST EMF Honda 6 14 47 HOLMEN TVERAEN Christopher NOR NMF Yamaha 18 15 JÄRVLOO POLACEK Zdenek CZE ACCR KTM 25 12 EDWARDS Bailey GBR ACU KTM 26 15 KAMINSKI Kacper POL PZM KTM 26 9 47 KERSCHER Christoph AUT OSK Suzuki 24 24 GWIAZDA Roman POL PZM KTM 10 11 NORSKOV Alexander DEN DMU Yamaha 20 10 SCHREIBER Stefan GER DMSB KTM 5 2 COLHOUN Dean IRL MCUI Can-AM 13 26 54 ZIENECKER Manfred GER DMSB Yamaha 4 13 NATKANIEC Witold POL PZM Yamaha 13 4 FLECKINGER Klaus AUT OSK KTM 27 20 MASTRONARDI Simone ITA FMI Yamaha 12 25 3 Germany 6 Denmark MICHELSEN Sebastian DEN DMU Yamaha 14 13 49 7 Ireland 4 Poland 8 Italy 5 Estonia 9 Norway 13 Lithuania BARTOSEVIC Jan LTU LMSF Yamaha 25 22 91 12 Austria FREIDINGER David AUT OSK Suzuki 12 10 90 11 Czech. Rep KOSTELECKY Jakub CZE ACCR Yamaha 28 19 88 10 Great Britain COOPER

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 91 69 4 Total 4 Total 3 3 2 2 1 1

Darius LTU LMSF KTM 19 18 EST EMF KTM 19,53 21,42 20,84 19,9EST 19,53 EMF KTM DNF 22,97 21,1 20,45 20,45 LUKSA KRAUSE Marvin GER DMSB Yamaha 22 22 VAZNYS Domantas LTU LMSF Yamaha 9 23 RUDOLPH Wilhelm GER DMSB Yamaha 29 VAINIONPÄÄ Valtteri FIN SML Yamaha 14 28 RUOTSALINEN Lasse FIN SML Can AM 27 23 Ivar Gynnild4 Billy Toomla5 Riho Kollist 6 Rando Lambing7 NOR Ragnar Kõllamõts8 EST Kristjan Lank NMF EST9 EST Andrus Kütta GMS DNF EMF Andres Juurikas EMF EMF KTM EST 20,34 Yamaha DNF 18,29 EST EST KTM DNS EMF2 EMF EMF3 Tuvikene DNF Tenny 17,71 23,82 KTM DNS DNF4 Jaanus Hugo Ermits KTM DNS URAL DNS5 Hannes Leitsalu EST EST 17,75 Riho Kollist 23,08 DNF DNS DNF EMF 17,71 DNS DNS EST EMF 28,55 Honda 19,24 20,82 Husaberg 24,62 EMF DNF DNS 23,08 19,24 DNF DNF 23,82 KTM 22,1 DNF 19,8 57,6 DNF DNF 20,28 57,6 18,97 18,71 20,64 DNF DNF 19,37 18,97 18,71 19,37 1 Urmas Põldma EST EMF KTM 18,59 17,13 16,611 Ivar Gynnild 16,85 16,61 NOR NMF GMS 17,4 17,55 18,16 DNF 17,4 10 Juhan Viirna EST EMF KTM DNS DNS DNS DNS 15 Finland TANHUANPÄÄ Jani FIN SML Yamaha 14 Germany FLEMMING Maximilian GER DMSB E-ATV 23 21 117 Event: Schwedt/GER HILL CLIMB Unlimited Modified

92 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - - - 9 8 4 3 0 6 5 2 1 0 0 11 16 13 10 20 Total 9 8 7 4 3 6 5 2 1 11 16 13 10 ITA ITA ITA 20 Race 1 ESTEST EMF EMF KTM DNS Husaberg DNF 23,74 29,23 25,9 DNF DNF DNF 23,74 29,23 234 Yuri QUARTI ITA 5 Nicola BERTUZZI ITA 6 FONVIEILLE Calvin FRA 7 LUGANA Paolo ITA 8 DHO William FRA 9 RUBINI Stephen FRA LA SCALA Andrea ITA ERMINI Paolo ITA 67 Anderssoo Tajo 8 Andreas Gynnild9 Birger Taal EST Ahti Piirak NOR NMF EMF Husaberg 21,7 Husaberg DNF DNF DNF DNF 20,7 DNF DNF 21,7 20,7 1 LESIARDO Morgan ITA 101112 Kevin ITA CATTANI 13 BUSCA Christopher ITA 14 UNGARO Matteo ITA 15 Yannick CORTIJO SUI 16 GENTOSO Davide ITA 17 Luca SANTANDREA PIAZZA Massimiliano Davide PAVAN 1011 Bruno Soosalu Sven Nõmm EST EST EMF EMF KTM DNS KTM DNS DNF DNF DNF DNS DNF DNS SX 125 Event: Milan EICMA/ITA Event: Kivioli/EST SUPERCROSS

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 93 7 4 8 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 19 18 12 26 24 23 12 24 11 10 16 13 40 20 Total Total 8 9 7 3 2 6 1 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 10 11 13 16 20 9 11 10 16 13 20 Race 1 1 9 5 4 2 8 6 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 11 16 13 10 20 LIE ITA ITA ITA FRA NED ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA SUI SUI ESP RUS USA FRA CAN 234 Angelo Pellegrini 5 Matteo Bonini 6 Davide Bonini 7 Marco Maddii 8 Kyle Chisholm 9 Joan Cros Nicolas Bender Davide Degli Esposti 234 Filippo ZONTA 5 Francesco MURATORI 6 CLOCHET Jimmy BRUGGMANN Luca CAMPORESE Lorenzo 1 Thomas Ramette 1 KOUWENBERG Nick 101112 Kade Tinkler 13 Stefano Sonego 14 Kim Schaffter 15 Fabio Ferrari 16 Vladislav Leonov 17 Andrea Testella 18 Mattia Buso 19 Gianfranco Mattara 20 Matteo Leoni Andrea Messina Fabio Pensini SX Event: Milan EICMA/ITA SX LITES

94 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 83 109 108 3 4 25 25 20 0 70 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 6 7 10 14 14 15 13 86 1 5 7 9 5 10 13 8 9 12 14 92 A B C A B C A B A B Total ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA SUI SUI FRA FRA AUT Skidoo, Ski Doo RUS MFR Russia MFR Lynx Russia MFRRussia MFR Lynx 11 Lynx 10 14 13 8 10 8 18 4 20 6 18 22 9 22 12 15 146 11 16 101 Estonia EMF Arctic Cat 7 13 7 9 20 22 22 25 25 150 FinlandFinland SML SML Arctic Cat 15 18 Lynx 18 18 15 14 18 22 25 25 13 16 Norway NMF Polaris 22 9 16 25 11 Norway NMF Polaris 14 11 16 12 22 15 16 20 6 18 150 Norway NMF Lynx 16 20 20 20 11 12 18 16 14 15 162 Ole-Herman Hagen Sjogren 789 JAUNIN Timothy CONTESSI Alessandro Alberto FORATO 2 Kaur Tiisler 3 Fredrik Kirkhus 4 Denis Ryazantcev 5 Eetu Karjalainen 6 Hertén Viktor 7 Evgeniy Smolin 8 Magnus Sagen Reiten9 Mathias Hagadokken Norway Norway NMF NMF Lynx 25 22 5 22 15 8 1 101112 HOELLBACHER Lukas 13 WINKLER Andrea 14 PRUDHOMME Boris 15 BORGHI Matteo 16 BONAZZI Filippo 17 CANTERGIANI Cristian 18 PEROTTI Andrea 19 Sebastian ZENATO 20 Allan AMATA 21 ZUGNO Enrico Yohan CORTIJO Alessio CRISTALLI 10 Artem Pekhterev 11 Kristoffer Holm 12 Dmitry Sklyarov Event: Milan EICMA/ITA SNOWCROSS

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 95 64 34 70 64 61 56 54 10 247 14 171 9 12 00 0 0 21 0 0 0 3 87 13 66 9 5 74 33 12 8 4 30 0 0 21 0 8 15 10 9 11 45 11 11 16 20 58 13 13 1810 0 3 10 44 10 33 14 20 22 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B A B A B A B A B A B Total 16 1618 14 1820 14 18 2211 16 13 13 9 20 22 12 18 15 22 12 13 16 11 14 18 20 25 18 18 20 22 16 6 18 16 12 15 13 22 200 16 13 191 16 13 162 25 25 25 25 25 25 22 25 25 25 SUPERMOTO FIN SMLFIN SML Lynx RUS MFR RUS MFR RUS MFR RUS MFR RUS MFR KZC AMFK KZC AMFK KZC AMFK NOR NMF Arctic Cat Sweden SVEMO Lynx 20 25 25 NorwayNorway NMFSkidoo, Ski Doo NMFSkidoo, Ski Doo 9 4 15 12 13Norway 11 9 11 NMFArctic Cat, Artic Cat8 14 12 4 14 6 18 16 6 Norway NMF Arctic Cat 6 6 8 5 7 5 5 7 8 57 FIN SML TM 2 Fabrizio Bartolini3 Diego Monticelli4 Klem Toni 5 ITA David Gimenez ITA FMI ESP Honda, HONDA FMI Honda, HONDA RFME Suzuki, SUZUKI 1 Marc Reiner Schmidt GER FMS TM 13 Peter Ericson 14 Marius Nord 15 Robert Lunden 16 Marius Ulrichsen17 Evgeniy Martiuchenko18 Gustavson Tore 19 Mikko Osmo 20 Norway Martin Moland RUS21 Dmitry Sorokopud 22 NMFSkidoo, Ski Doo 13 MFR Jere Tynkkynen 23 16 Chris Daniel Elde24 Alexey Nikishkin 25 15 Saveliy Nikishkin 26 8 Khomenko Valery 27 Norway Karpman Yakov 28 4 Alexey Popov NMF29 5 Joachim Olsen 30 Dmitriy Shirokov 31 Polaris Pavel Areshkov 12 10 12 Events: 1 Granaasen/NOR; 2 Fagernes/NOR; 3 Demino/RUS; 4 Demino/RUS S 2

96 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 10 76 25 22 22 19 14 12 10 18 18 17 21 150 144 9 9 25 7 8 14 13 4 58 15 6 14 25 20 124 20 2512 45 39 5 4 1 21 4 5 12 6 7 3 9 13 3 9 13 14 0 6 0 0 1 4 0 11 10 15 20 14 13 14 15 22 134 9 13 0 0 5 6 7 0 3 0 10 4 15 18 7 10 16 10 18 22 22 18 156 87 6 12 4 3 8 50 9 4 12 0 9 2 0 0 7 0 11 01 0 10 9 1 0 89 13 06 9 2 0 2 14 7 0 72 3 5 8 4 14 1415 20 20 16 1622 12 20 15 22 15 22 12 0 0 11 20 14 5 15 20 0 15 0 18 0 13 712 8 10 10 11 6 2 11 7 14 8 8 1 8 5 1210 9 10 11 10 12 11 115 11 101 CZE ACCR Suzuki, SUZUKI ESPSWE SVEMO RFMEITA Husqvarna, HUSQVARNA Aprilia, APRILIA 5 FMI 8 Honda, HONDA 0 15 8GBR 16GER 10 ACUCZE 15 KTM FMSESP 3 ACCR KTM ROU 11 KTM RFME 9 Suzuki, SUZUKI FRMESP 10 TM 110 RFME Suzuki POLFRA PZM Husqvarna FMI Honda 6 Petr Vorlicek 7 Giovanni Bussei8 Mattia Martella9 Lorenzo Lapini ITA ITA FMI ITA TM FMI TM, KTM FMI Honda, HONDA 10 Guardala' Yuri 11 Joan Llados 12 Kevin Fagre 13 Luca Ciaglia ITA14 Fredrik Eriksson15 Lorenzo Promutico16 FMI Manuel Hagleitner17 Honda, HONDA SWE Alessandro Asnicar ITA SWEMO18 Mickael Amodeo AUT Honda 19 OeAMTC ITA Michel Gregorie20 KTM FMI Jay Smith 21 FRA Honda, HONDA Philipp Prestel FMI22 NED Zdenek Jaros YAMAHA Yamaha, 23 FMI KNMV Oriol Peris 24 YAMAHA Yamaha, Honda Vlad Neaga 25 Romain Kaivers 026 Gerard Bailo 27 5 Matthew Ford Dunn28 0 BEL Hampus Gustafsson29 GBR Marcel Baumgartner 130 SWE Norbert Wiesinger FMB RFME SVEMO31 2 SUI Roberto Ponsicchi Yamaha KTM HONDA, Honda 32 1 AUT Alberto Bertasi OeAMTC33 FMS 11 Pavel Leskow ITA KTM 34 Husqvarna 6 Kevin Negri 35 Manczak Wojciech ITA 636 FMI Jacopo Farneti 7 POL Honda, HONDA FMI 3 HONDA PZM 3 ITA TM 45 FMI HONDA

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 97 9 8 6 8 7 7 6 38 30 29 25 19 26 7 4 9 9 18 11 11 22 2 2 3 10 10 10 10 55 2 7 0 9 9 7 7 39 10 1020 11 18 14 12 15 12 12 67 13 13 25 7 3 6 0 1 4 0 3 4 A B A B A B A B Total KX 9 10 YZ BUL BMF TUR TMF KTM ESP RFMECZE Suzuki ACCR HUSQVARNA 2 Can Alexander Oncu3 TUR Dimitar Petrov4 Kristian Ivanov5 Ata Kahvecioglu6 TMF Slavomir Ivanov7 BUL Zoltan Ordog8 BUL TUR Ares Stefan Bengic9 BUL Neychev Viktor BMF KTM TUR BMF ROU TMF 25 BMF BUL TMF 22 KTM FRM KTM KTM 20 BMF 25 KTM 18 16 20 KTM KTM 22 10 18 16 12 14 18 KTM 25 7 15 16 11 12 20 13 22 14 11 16 12 13 20 22 9 18 11 16 12 20 22 8 18 15 9 16 185 12 20 18 13 14 8 16 11 20 15 15 13 15 158 16 14 134 128 18 13 14 13 100 14 97 0 100 0 69 1 Deniz Elias Oncu TUR TMF KTM 22 25 22 25 22 25 25 25 191 37 Francesco Brizzolari38 Matteo Gallan39 ITA Abel Urizarbarrena40 Andreas Buschberger41 ESP FMI Zoe Parra AUT ITA42 OeAMTC Honda Lucien Reynaud43 RFME HUSQVARNA Petr Pinc TM FMI TM SUI FMS Husqvarna 10 Stefan Neychev11 Daniel Babescu12 Stanislav Goshev13 BUL Bahattin Sofuoglu14 ROU Razvan-Florian StanescuROU15 BUL Emircan Senkalayci16 TUR BMF Ercelik Yigit 17 FRM FRM TUR YZ, Yamaha BMF Stefania Bancila18 TMF Vasilev Vili 19 HONDA Eross Koppany20 TMF KX, KTM ROU KTM Daria Ganescu 15 Yamaha ROU 15 FRM 7 ROU KTM 8 HONDA FRM FRM 11 14 HUSQ Events: 1 Jerez/SPA; 2 Ottobiano/ITA; 3 Busca/ITA; 4 Poznan/POL; 5 Villena/SPA; 6 Melk/AUT 4 Poznan/POL; 5 Villena/SPA; 3 Busca/ITA; 2 Ottobiano/ITA; Events: 1 Jerez/SPA; SM 85

98 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 95 71 32 31 17 110 4 8 8 16 4 22 2515 47 15 30 9 9 49 17 17 69 3 3 15 16 2 2 16 16 1 1 A B A B A B A B Total 4 88 9 7 10 7 9 9 9 10 11 70 A B A B A B A B Total 1115 20 0 13 20 11 20 11 20 15 20 15 0 0 96 20 15 ENDURO TM 22 22 22 22 16 18 20 20 162 TM Husqvarna, KTM, KTM 250 EXC Husqvarna, Husqvarna 125, Husaberg TUR TMF KTM 16 18 18 18 18 0 16 18 122 ITA FMI FRA FFM 125 Yamaha Yamaha, 10 10 0 0 10 13 11 13 67 Muhhamet Hamza Zengin Jean Baptiste Nicolot Nicolas Pellegrinelli 2 Mucahit Zengin3 Stoynov Yanislav 4 5 TUR Ivelin Manev6 BUL Asrin Rodi Pak7 Nazlican Aydin8 TMF BMF Onganer Yigitham 9 BUL Jove Ivanov TUR TUR TUR BMFSUZUKI, Suzuki KTM TMF TMF TMF MKD 20 18 HUSQ. 20 MFMa 16 15 HONDA 20 15 20 20 22 20 22 18 16 152 2 Matteo Rossi3 Patrik Markvart4 ITA5 CZE Nicolo Bruschi ACCR FMI6 Jiri Hadek7 KTM, KEMoto, KTM 250 ITA Anthony Geslin8 FMI FRA9 7 CZE Honda, Honda 250 Fraser Flockhardt FFM ACCR GBR KTM, KTM 125 Yamaha 11 ACU KTM, KTM 250 13 15 17 13 11 0 17 17 13 13 0 20 96 1 Hakan Halmi BUL BMF KTM 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 22 197 1 David Abgrall FRA FFM 125 Yamaha Yamaha, 17 0 17 15 15 11 20 15 110 21 Oliver Szasz22 Patrick Pasckota ROU ROU FRM FRM SUZUKI KTM 8 9 Events: 1 Arad/ROU; 2 Pleven/BUL; 3 4 Pleven/BUL Events: 1 Arad/ROU; 2 Pleven/BUL; 3 4 Pleven/BUL SM 3 E1 Junior - Enduro European Championship

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 99 4 7 9 8 5 6 5 7 3 2 8 35 76 39 45 4 78 10 8 17 16 2 4 0 2 3 7 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 4 56 3 5 17 0 10 00 6 8 7 24 1 0 3 0 13 6 0 0 4 3 0 5 18 5 1 2 00 0 00 7 0 5 5 010 0 0 2 0 4 20 0 1 0 3 0 52 4 3 11 3 11 6 5 10 5 11 10 8 9 10 60 53 A B A B A B A B Total 10 20 17 15 7 7 17 0 93 GasGas, Gas 250, Husqvarna, Husqvarna FE 0 0 0 0 5 6 4 6 21 SWE SVEMOKTM, KTM 250 POL PZM KTM 250, SVK SMF Husqvarna 250 FRA FFM Honda, Honda CRFE 20 17 13 17 8 13 20 20 128 Alexander Gunnerheim Damian Magierowski Jeremy Carpentier Michal NOVOCKÝ 2 Sjostrom Tommy 3 SWE Joseph Wootton4 SVEMO Emil Pohjola GBR5 ACU Joshua Gotts6 Husqvarna, Husqvarna 300 Matias Savo FIN 3 GBR SML ACU FIN Husqvarna, Husqvarna 250 TM, TM 250 10 SML 7 Beta, Beta 250 20 1 20 9 13 10 5 11 15 11 13 72 1 10 Jacob Subachus11 Erik Ljungberg GBR12 ACU Henry Olenius13 SWE Sherco, Scherco 250 Mauro Zucca SVEMOKawasaki, Kawasaki 25014 FIN Priit Biene15 SML ITA Jakub Kucharski 916 TM, TM 250 FMI 6 POL17 EST PZM LUKE FLACK 13 Honda, Honda 300 18 Federico Aresi KTM, KTM 250 19 9 10 Pietro Enrico Collovigh GBR20 ITA ACU Edoardo Lazzarini ITA21 ITA FMI 8 Sherco Patrik Halgaš 722 FMI FMI KEMoto Kevin Burud Husqvarna 250, Husqvarna23 Husqvarna 250, Husqvarna SVK Kim Teikari 624 0 SMF 2 NOR25 0 KTM 125 Jesse Vilsakainen26 8 FIN FIN 0 Lucas Berglund27 4 SML SML 6 Albin Hamnäs KTM, KTM 125 28 SWE Honda 8 Husqvarna SVEMOKTM 29 SWE 1 Robert Lindholm SVEMOYamaha 330 Felix Gunnerheim SWE SWE SVEMOKTM 2 0 KTM, KTM 250 Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; E2+3 Junior - Enduro European Championship

100 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 2 1 6 3 1 2 3 8 8 2 20 32 24 14 40 24 17 48 34 16 16 20 0 2 9 15 42 46 7 6 12 0 12 3 13 1115 17 37 32 9 8 43 2 0 0 1 20 20 15 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 100 8 690 2 11 0 0 28 0 71 2 80 6 40 0 4 00 0 100 6 9 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 0 0 0 00 00 29 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 5 0 4 0 1 1 13 0 17 15 11 13 15 5 15 13 Husqvarna, Husqvarna 300 0 0 4 7 17 17 7 0 52 FRA FFM Sherco NOR KTM Maelig Bron Fontanaz Ole Andre Mork Knutsen 7 Mika Tamminen8 Adam Tomiczek FIN 9 JAMES DENT POL PZM GBR KTM 250, KTM, KTM 250 10 Henric Stigell11 Max Vial12 FIN John Ramstrom13 SML Jan Schäfer14 SWE SVEMOHusqvarna, KTM Husqvarna 350 FRA15 FFM Frazer Norrie16 4 GER Mika Barnes Husqvarna DMSB17 KTM GBR Theo Bazerque18 ACU 7 Sylvain Fournier FRA19 FRA KTM, KTM 450 FFM Alexis Berepion FRA FFM20 FFM 8 Jiri Leino KTM FRA21 Sherco Robert Johnson Beta 22 Bastien Mechin23 9 GBR Jan Balas FIN24 FRA KTM, KTM 350 Martin Iggmark FFM SML25 0 Paul Roßbach SWE26 Sherco 250, Beta KTM, Eurotek .uk SVEMOKTM, KTM 300 Kevin Pouderoux CZE27 GER ACCR FRA 6 Lukas Kucera28 Husqvarna, Husqvarna TE FFM Felix Martin29 Beta CZE Mikko Stenvall30 6 KTM, KTM 300 Garin Rosser31 GER FIN Niko Heikkala32 SML 0 GBR KTM, KTM 300 EXC 33 FIN KTM Kevin Olsen34 KTM, KTM 300 SML 5 Alexander Nyberg35 NOR KTM Martin Krátky Beta, Beta 250-RR SWE36 SVEMOSherco Elary Talu 3 SVK Suzuki, Suzuki 450 SMF 0 KTM 300 EST EMF KTM Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA;

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 101 6 1 1 8 6 6 4 3 2 1 15 12 40 13 40 40 30 10 88 4 8 9 17 6 9 8 39 20 20 40 10 10 20 3 0 67 9 0 5 8 00 4 3 20 20 2 4 2 20 0 1 1 01 1 0 4 4 1 4 9 6 87 6 8 8 7 62 11 8 2 11 0 3 3 65 3 3 A B A B A B A B Total 13 1315 13 15 13 17 10 151110 10 13 9 10 15 17 9 11 13 0 11 9 100 0 92 ITA FMI Husqvarna, Husqvarna 25020 20 20 20 15 13 17 17ITA 142 FMI Suzuki 250, Maurizio Micheluz Alessandro Scandella 2 Julien Jagu3 Jakob Morhed4 Jonathan Rossé5 SWE FRA Benoit Fortunato 250 Yamaha SVEMOYamaha, 6 GER FFM Lucas Dolfing FRA DMSB7 YAMAHA Yamaha, Suzuki, Suzuki 250 FFM Thierry Pittens8 NED Edward Hübner 250 8 Yamaha Yamaha, 9 KNMV NED Antti Hellsten TM, TM 250 GER KNMV Husqvarna, Husqvarna FE DMSB 11 17 KTM FIN 5 10 SML 17 Husqvarna 10 7 15 17 17 5 15 11 7 13 11 9 15 7 99 7 7 54 1 10 Marek Haviar11 Andrea Bassi12 SVK Charles Evans13 SMF ITA Alexander Dahlen14 SWE GBR KTM 250, Edgars Silins SVEMOHonda, FMI Honda 250 15 ACU Velde Ismo Ten 16 250 Yamaha Suzuki 250, Yamaha, Niko Aitta LAT17 NED KNMV LaMSF18 KTM Husqvarna Roberto Rota19 6 FIN Jaka Seles20 SML Marcus Norman ITA21 5 SWE Lauri Niska KTM FMI22 SVEMOKTM SLO Marek Belko23 Suzuki HMZ Michel Hoenson 624 FIN KTM 250, Burman Tobias NED SVK25 SML KNMV Niclas Norman SMF KTM 26 SWE 5 KTM Marko Prodan SVEMOHusqvarna Suzuki 250 27 SWE SVEMOKTM Marek Polák28 CRO Daniel Vokel29 HMS Michal Trnik SVK KTM 250 SMF SVK SMF KTM 250 SVK SMF Husqvarna Husqvarna E1 Senior - Enduro European Championship 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA;

102 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 1 6 3 1 9 1 2 14 24 18 13 14 27 4 1 0 7 7 14 0 1 15 17 32 3 8 6 6 3 0 11 2 00 0 23 5 01 0 0 5 0 3 2 4 3 12 12 10 13 17 17 11 15 83 1 2 5 0 1 4 2 63 747 8 8 9 4 9 91 4 6 0 2 3 0 05 5 1 80 1 5 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 2 8 6 11 11 11 9 9 9 74 A B A B A B A B Total 1513 15 13 17 1511 15 17 1010 13 0 7 13 3 15 13 4 6 17 10 8 7 13 10 109 9 103 5 4 11 4 68 5 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 160 NED KNMV Beta, Beta 390 POL PZM Husqvarna Sylwester J ę drzejczyk Bas Klein Haneveld 2 Diego Nicoletti3 Rannar Uusna4 ITA Marco Neubert5 FMI EST Jamie Lewis GER6 EML Beta, Beta 390 DMSB Rudy Cotton7 Honda, Honda CRFE KTM, KTM 350 Robin Nijkamp GBR8 ACU Ondrej Helmich FRA9 NED KTM, Sherco 450 KNMV FFM Swan Servajean CZE 17 KTM, KTM 450 ACCR FRA Honda, Honda CRF Husqvarna, Husqvarna 350 FFM 17 9 Beta, Beta 350 13 11 10 2 15 8 8 7 10 7 10 6 100 6 56 1 Thomas Sagar GBR ACU KTM, KTM 450 10 Paweł Szymkowski POL11 Jaromir Romancik PZM12 CZE Edouard Balanche KTM, KTM 350 13 FRA ACCR KTM Martin Larsson FFM14 Andrea Balboni15 KTM, KTM 450 SWE Henri Himmanen SVEMOKTM ITA16 FIN Thomas Hostinský FMI17 SVK SML18 SMF Suzuki 300, Beta Marek Giertl19 Husqvarna Nico Rambow20 SVK Eemeli Muraja21 GER SMF Jussi Arvaja DMSB22 FIN KTM, KTM 250 EXC KTM 350, Mark Risse23 SML Radek Bohuslav FIN24 KTM, KTM 350 Bjorn Sloot SVK SML25 GER SMF Manuel Č erneka DMSB26 Beta Beta CRO 450 Yamaha LUKE LUSHER27 HMS NED KTM 250 EXC GBR ACU Sherco Beta, Beta 250 E2 Senior - Enduro European Championship 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA;

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 103 8 7 3 8 22 34 37 28 25 18 10 19 12 25 37 4 6 88 14 9 9 47 17 0 17 3 0 10 17 20 20 17 20 20 94 2 2 5 13 9 15 10 10 8 1 45 5 6 5 6 3 2 0 8 7 17 3 7 31 4 2 1 0 9 11 11 206 15 8 15 4 13 4 15 0 109 7 7 10 46 A B A B A B A B Total 1711 0 10 910 1313 9 11 15 7 11 11 11 0 11 0 87 20 20 17 15 13 13 15 17 130 Beta, Beta 300 HUSABERG Beta 300, Husqvarna OAEMTC OAEMTC OAEMTC SVEMO Husqvarna, Husqvarna 480 BEL Jean Francois Goblet 2 Miroslav Sevela3 SVK Radek Toman4 SMF Roni Nikander5 CZE TM, TM 300 Antonio Dieu ACCR FIN6 Husqvarna, Husqvarna 300 Jakub Horak SML7 15 FRA Gerrit Helbig KTM 8 FFM CZE Marko Tarkkala 139 Beta, Beta 300 ACCR GER Pittens FIN Wesley Husqvarna, Husqvarna TE DMSB 20 KTM, KTM 300 EXC SML NED 8 Beta KNMV Beta, Beta RR 480 17 7 10 8 9 6 10 13 107 1 Martin Sundin SWE 10 Dmitriy Parshin11 Kalle Svensson RUS12 FRM Mark Wassink SWE13 SVEMOKTM Sherco 300, Hans-Peter Musil NED14 AUT KNMV Thomas Hostinský KTM 300 15 SVK Christoph Kofler16 AUT Miha Špindler17 18 SLO Kristians Evarsons AMZS19 LAT Beta 300 Christoph Lessing LaMSF20 GER KTM Lauris Ermanis DMSB21 Husqvarna, Husaberg FE Thierry Graber22 LAT Michele Dal Pezzo ITA SUI LaMSF23 Husqvarna 2 Marc Neumann FMS FMI24 GER Ondrej Stofka Sherco KTM 300, DMSB 3 TM Racing SVK ACCR 0 KTM 1 0 6 E3 Senior - Enduro European Championship 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA;

104 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 3 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 6 21 17 16 14 34 13 40 23 4 5 867 2 13 0 1 5 4 3 17 8 9 34 3 4 19 0 0 26 15 15 30 10 11 21 3 0 9 0 7 2 89 9 7 10 11 1 0 0 4 0 5 6 0 8 3 7 18 1 4 0 07 10 0 6 0 0 70 0 1 29 0 1 0 3 2 0 2 3 0 69 11 10 13 6 13 4 0 0 13 11 13 9 6 10 75 59 0 0 0 0 0 6 A B A B A B A B Total 10 9 1113 10 13 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 160 KTM, KTM 350 Beta, Beta 390 KTM 300 Husqvarna, Husqvarna 250 2 0 3 5 KTM, KTM 300 OAEMTC OAEMTC OAEMTC OAEMTC 2 Martin Gottvald3 Juha Puotsaari CZE4 Jan Unger ACCR5 Husqvarna, Husqvarna FIN FE Ronny Thoms6 SML Cristian Monaldi 117 Husqvarna, Husqvarna 300 RMS CZE GER Pierluigi Surini8 FSM ACCR 15 DMSB Sami Pollanen 159 KTM, KTM 350 KTM, KTM 450 EXC ITA KTM 300, Radek Bohuslav FIN FMI 17 8 SVK SML SMF Kawasaki, Kawasaki 250 Husqvarna, Husqvarna 250 17 15 Yamaha 17 5 17 15 17 5 17 15 0 17 15 7 0 17 11 0 0 13 128 0 107 1 Muller Werner AUT 10 Christen Andersson SWE11 SVEMOKTM, KTM 250 Patrik Andersson12 SWE Hugo Schwenner13 SVEMOKTM, KTM 250 AUT Mario Grimm14 Manfred Liendl15 GER Jozef Marencak16 AUT DMSB Gjermund Frostad SVK Sherco 17 NOR Emanuel Strols SMF NMF18 Peter Lenselink Husqvarna 350 TM, TM 300 19 AUT Axel Hechel20 NED Einars Vinters21 KNMV KTM 300 Fabrizio Muccioli22 GER RMS LAT Mika Ruokolainen DMSB23 FSM FIN Husqvarna, Husqvarna FE LaMSF Mikael Wiberg24 KTM KTM 300, SML Janis Vinters25 SWE 0 KTM Jari Åberg26 Jaakko Karikuusi27 LAT FIN Peter Belko 228 LaMSF Husqvarna KTM FIN Olle Elm29 SML Peter Murgas30 4 SVK Petr Dukoupil Kawasaki SMF SVK SWE KTM 8 SMF CZE SVEMOKTM, KTM 250 EXC ACCR KTM 250 EXC, Beta 0 Veteran - Enduro European Championship Veteran

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 105 0 5 4 2 1 0 8 6 13 16 15 23 61 52 4 4 20 0 0 1 0 0 0 20 20 40 3 3 0 15 0 10 0 0 2 2 7 6 0 0 9 7 00 5 4 1 1 0 0 7 6 0 8 8 79 15 9 15 10 0 11 9 0 11 13 11 76 A B A B A B A B Total A B A B A B A B Total 20 20 20 17 0 0 0 11 88 15 17 8 8 0 7 13 13 81 20 20 20 20 20 20 17 17 154 15 17 17 20 15 20 20 20 144 FIN SML KTM, KTM 250 FIN SML 125 Yamaha Yamaha, 6 0 0 0 Sanna Karkkainen Annamaria Karikuusi 2 Audrey Rossat3 Marita Nyqvist4 FRA Nina Klink5 FIN FFM Hanna Berzelius6 SML Husqvarna, Husqvarna 350 SWE Cristina Marrocco7 250 ITA Yamaha 17 SVEMOKTM, Yamaha, KTM 125 NED Paola Riverditi8 KNMV FMI KTM, KTM 250 Amanda Elvin9 15 ITA 125 Yamaha Yamaha, 11 Maria Franke FMI SWE SVEMOKTM, KTM 125 13 11 GER Husqvarna, Husqvarna 125 13 DMSB 10 Yamaha 13 11 13 10 0 17 9 6 11 10 0 17 10 0 17 15 0 15 8 2 0 10 Maurizio Micheluz ITA 94 FMI 9 Husqvarna 84 9 61 1 1 Thomas Sagar GBR ACU KTM 31 Jens Boßdorf32 Jänis Rasmanis33 Claudio Orrea GER34 LAT Artus Robeznieks LaMSF ITA LAT KTM FMI LaMSF Husqvarna Sherco Beta 350 10 Martina Reimander SWE11 SVEMOKTM Heike Petrick12 Emmily Smalsjö13 GER Rhian George SWE14 DMSB SVEMOYamaha Jennifer Siekkinen15 KTM 350 FIN GBR16 ACU SML Katarina Juri č kova17 SVK Husqvarna 125 KTM Sanja Č rnac SMF Husaberg TE CRO HMS KTM 200 EXC Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; - Enduro European Championship Women 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; Overall- Enduro European Championship

106 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 8 9 6 8 8 12 34 26 12 41 31 18 55 8 10 18 3 5 17 17 34 11 13 40 67 6 2 17 17 13 13 20 15 2 8 45 0 6 0 00 5 0 9 9 20 0 0 00 8 0 130 0 5 100 00 5 0 0 11 7 0 0 11 4 0 0 0 3 1 4 0 0 10 7 22 0 0 0 0 2 18 0 16 14 7 5 80 0 13 3 76 2 7 4 8 00 15 0 0 0 12 13 9 0 0 8 6 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 36 50 3 01 3 04 0 1 0 0 26 0 15 1 0 2 18 4 1 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 90 90 0 0 2 8 10 0 15 9 0 15 0 7 10 57 4 41 11 11 6 0 0 0 4 0 32 17 1510 13 613 10 11 3 0 11 0 0 0 6 0 44 Husqvarna ITA FMI Husqvarna, Husaberg 5 0 9 9 10 8FRA FFM 0 Sherco Maelig Bron Fontanaz Nicolas Pellegrinelli 3 Jeremy Carpentier4 FRA Benoit Fortunato5 FFM Roni Nikander FRA6 Honda FFM Diego Nicoletti7 FIN Rannar Uusna Yamaha 8 ITA SML9 FMI EST KTM Anthony Geslin EML Beta FRA KTM FFM Yamaha 10 David Abgrall11 Sjostrom Tommy 12 FRA SWE Edward Hübner13 FFM SVEMOGasGas, Gas Marko Tarkkala GER14 Yamaha DMSB Marco Neubert FIN15 KTM Joseph Wootton SML GER16 Jonathan Rossé DMSB GBR17 Beta Honda ACU Henric Stigell18 GER Husqvarna Mika Tamminen DMSB19 YAMAHA Yamaha, FIN Jamie Lewis FIN 20 SML Matteo Rossi21 Jaromir Romancik KTM 22 GBR CZE Patrik Markvart ITA ACU23 ACCR KTM Nicolo Bruschi KTM, Sherco FMI24 CZE Emil Pohjola SVEMOKTM, Husqvarna 25 KTM, KEMoto ITA Lee Sealey26 FMI FIN27 Honda Antti Hellsten SML28 GBR Henry Olenius29 Husqvarna ACU FIN Mika Barnes30 Husqvarna FIN SML Matias Savo31 SML Jan Schäfer FRA Husqvarna 32 TM FFM Mirko Spandre FIN33 Adam Tomiczek SML KTM ITA GER POL DMSB Beta FMI KTM PZM KTM KTM

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 107 3 3 5 4 2 1 13 30 21 20 13 49 34 23 18 12 4 0 0 8 10 18 0 3 7 6 13 3 10 10 2 5 8 0 9 11 7 7 1 4 3 6 2 4 9 0 0 28 3 0 00 00 00 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 46 2 0 151 0 07 7 0 20 0 6 0 0 2 1 15 0 3 0 11 11 9 0 10 13 1 13 08 15 1 20 10 8 15 17 8 9 11 43 13 11 15 10 97 3 0 202 76 0 76 9 75 0 0 0 1 A B A B A B A B Total 11 417 13 13 610 6 11 6 15 0 61 20 17 15 20 20 11 20 13 136 GasGas, Gas 125, 2 Lee Sealey3 Lorenzo Macoritto4 ITA Joni Kaivolainen5 FMI GBR FIN Pontus Skog6 ACU KTM, KTM 125 SML Matteo Pavoni7 Husqvarna, Husqvarna 125 Xavier Flick KTM, KTM 125 SWE8 15 ITA SVEMOKTM, KTM 125 Antti Hanninen9 FMI Alexis Beaud 20 FIN FRA KTM, KTM 125 FFM SML FRA 17 KTM, KTM 125 Husqvarna, Husqvarna 125 FFM 0 TM 125, Yamaha, 17 5 3 13 10 17 0 17 4 8 17 0 7 13 106 9 4 6 0 47 1 Mirko Spandre ITA FMI KTM, KTM 125 34 Lorenzo Macoritto35 ITA Joni Kaivolainen36 FMI FIN Max Vial37 KTM SML JAMES DENT38 Jakob Morhed KTM 39 GBR Matteo Pavoni FRA SWE FFM SVEMOYamaha ITA Husqvarna FMI KTM KTM 10 Federico Aresi11 Debaud Valerian 12 ITA FRA Thibaut Passet13 FMI FFM Neels Theric14 FRA Yamaha KE-MOTO, HM 125 Luca Maliges15 FFM Lari Jukola FRA16 FRA Apolle Tim FFM17 FFM Jeremy Petit KTM 125, 18 FIN KTM Adam Andersson19 GER SWE SML Mattias Ojanperä20 SVEMOKTM FRA DMSB SWE KTM SpachmüllerGER Yannik Husqvarna SVEMOHusqvarna 125, Husqvarna 21 FFM Maciej Giemza 125, Yamaha Yamaha POL PZM KTM, KTM 125 KTM 125, 5 1 7 5 Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; Under 20 - Enduro European Championship

108 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 3 2 2 1 8 5 2 8 4 6 80 06.41.02,19 06.43.04,60 06.40.28,58 4 2 9 11 0 3 0 1 5 5 10 3 0 0 020 8 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 5 SPANDRE Mirko SPANDRE NORRIE Frazer 2 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 ROSSI Matteo SEALEY Lee 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 A B A B A B A B Total 20 131113 13 11 17 15 15 11 20 13 11 20 13 15 17 17 13 15 15 17 133 112 17 20 17 17 11 11 13 13 119 15 15 20 20 17 15 20 20 142 HÜBNER Edward Marco NEUBERT RISSE Mark LEWIS James GER DMSB Yamaha, Yamaha 125 Yamaha Yamaha, 0 0KTM 2 0 5 0 4 0 11 FINEST SFM NED EMF KNMV SAGAR Tom DMSJ ENDURO JUNIOR TEAM 2 XRACING FINLAND 3 KTM NOVI KORONA KIELCE 4 EXO BIKES TEAM 5 POL SUPER B BETA PZM 1 22 Emil Helander23 Ivan Coniglio24 FIN Adam James25 SML ITA Jani Salonen26 KTM Christian Presterud GBR27 NOR NMF Adolf Živny FIN28 KTM Christian Illidi SML29 Henri Partti30 Husqvarna, KTM, KTM 125 Husqvarna 125 CZE NOR Martin Kulhanek31 ACCR KTM, KTM 125 EXC CZE Grzegorz Kargul32 FIN POL Latostenmaa Teemu FIN33 PZM KTM, KTM 125 Hermanni Haljala SML34 FIN KTM Edvin Hamnäs35 KTM Husqvarna, Husqvarna TE SML Jordan Ridgway SWE Husqvarna GBR SVEMOYamaha 0 ACU Husqvarna 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 MICHELUZ Maurizio NICOLETTI Diego 2. Great Britain-ACU 1. Germany -DMSB SCHÄFER Jan 3. -FM ITALY Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; 2 Buzet/CRO; 3 Jamsa/FIN; 4 Woltersdorf/GER Events: 1 Cantalice/ITA; - Enduro European Championship Teams Trade Event: 1 Woltersdorf/GER - Enduro European Championship Team Trophy

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 109 07.03.48,06 06.51.15,69 06.48.54,65 07.09.55,50 08.37.41,95 06.52.06,54 06.51.47,34 06.52.40,97 06.57.17,54 08.50.02,12 07.05.22,43 NIKANDER Roni GOTTS Joshua IGGMARK Martin ROBACH Paul SERVAJEAN SwanSERVAJEAN MURAJA Emeli DIEU Antonio DENT James MikaTAMMINEN MACORITTO Lorenzo Matias SAVO Matteo PAVONI ROMANCIK Jaromir TOMAN Radek MARTIN Felix MARTIN COTTON Rudy GUNNERHEIM Felix MÖRHED Jakob CONIGLIO Ivan 1. FRANCE -FFM 10. - LaMSF LATVIA 3. FINLAND -SML 2. Great Britain-ACU 4. -FMI ITALY 6. GERMANY -DMSB 5. SWEDEN -SVEMO Kristians EVARONS RUNDZMS Gustav SLINS Edgars FLOCKHARDT Fraser KAIVOLAINEN Joni FLACK Luke ARESI Federico POHJOLA Emil SJOSTROM Tommy Yannik SPACHMÜLLER GUNNERHEIM Alexander APOLLE Tim SKOG Pontus NICOLOT Jean Baptiste Geslin Anthony CARPENTIER Jeremy ABGRALL David 06.38.20,63 Patrik MARKVART JAGU Julien HELMICH Ondrej VILSAKAINEN Jesse SUNDIN Martin HELANDER Emil SZYMKOWSKI Pawel JEDRZEJCZYK Sylwester HOSTINSKY Thomas KUCHARSKI Jakub SEVELA Miroslav KARGUL Grzegorz 08.10.05,53 9. -SVK SLOVAKIA 7. SWEDEN -SVEMO 4. CZECH REPUBLIC -ACCR 5. FRANCE -FFM 8. POLAND -SPZM 6. FINLAND -SML Event: 1 Woltersdorf/GER - Enduro European Championship Team Junior Trophy

110 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 07.10.35,09 07.00.55,61 07.16.49,89 08.24.08,27 06.45.46,48 06.42.46,78 12.00.00,00 07.41.01,71 09.31.07,11 KUCERA Lukas GRIMM Mario MARTIN Aaron MARTIN TOUKOLA Toni KARIKUUSI Annamaria 07.45.33,45 ROBEZNIEKS Artus RASMANIS Jänis HOSTINSKA Karin ROSSER Garin HALJALA Hermanni NYQVIST Marita KULHANEK Martin HADEK Jiri VINTERS Einars PÖLLÄNEN Sami VON AHLEN Mike BOßDORF Jens 4. SWEDEN -SVEMO 2. -SVK SLOVAKIA 1. Germany -DMSB 1. FINLAND -SML 1. -ACU MCC Wales 2. JAO - SML 2. -SVK SLOVAKIA 5. FINLAND -SML 3. - LaMSF LATVIA 7. CZECH REPUBLIC -ACCR ZIVNY Adolf MARENCAK Jozef VINTERS Janis Radek BOHUSLAV WIBERG Mikael BELKO Peter PUOTSAARI Juha ANDERSSON Patrik ANDERSSON Christer Niclas STARCK Kartarina JURICKOVA JAMES Adam LAANKOSKI Niklas THOMS Ronny KÄRKKÄINEN Sanna Event: 1 Woltersdorf/GER - Enduro European Championship Team Veteran Event: 1 Woltersdorf/GER - Enduro European Championship Teams Women Event: 1 Woltersdorf/GER - Enduro European Championship Club Teams Event: 1 Woltersdorf/GER

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 111 117 A Total A Total 5 20 126 117 39 35 31 105 29 38 31 150 27 20 15 4 Extra Points Extra Points Extra Points Extra Points AB AB 15 1513 13 5 5 17 11 5 11 13 5 17 17 5 3 3 4 5 Extra Points Extra Points 3 4 5 AB AB 2 20 2017 17 5 5 20 20 5 3 20 113 11 11 5 17 0 5 BAJAS 2 Extra Points Extra Points 1 2 A B A B A B A B A B Total 20 20 15 20 20 13 20 15 17 0 160 13 15 20 17 17 15 17 17 15 15 17 17 17 20 20 170 ABC ABC 1 Extra Points Extra Points 1 23 Arkadiusz Bernat Paweł Otwinowski 1 Adrian Bernat 1 Rudolf Lhotský 20 20 5 20 20 20 6 1 Damian Rajczyk 20 11 5 13 10 13 6 20 20 5 20 20 5 3 20 191 A B 2 Pedro Bianchi Prata 3 Claudio Mana 4 Richárd Hodola 5 Raffaello Manenti 6 Sebastian Kału ż ny 17 0 3 2 Arkadiusz Bernat 15 3 Adrian Bernat 20 10 13 4 Maciej Albinowski 9 5 5 Jarosław Kalinowski 17 0 5 17 6 Paweł Otwinowski 8 10 7 Simone Toro 13 10 5 17 15 5 8ś niewski Kamil Wi 11 0 13 9 15 Olga Rouckova 20 5 20 11 10 10 Cristian D'agnolo 3 11 6 20 5 17 6 15 17 15 10 11 6 17 13 6 13 6 15 5 9 15 5 10 13 5 15 15 5 17 10 5 10 5 5 3 0 161 3 17 160 A B Moto Quad Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; 4 Papa/HUN; 5 Idanha a Nova/POR 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; 4 Papa/HUN; 5 Idanha a Nova/POR 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; Q1

112 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 34 30 32 37 122 131 69 55 172 133 193 3 20 160 5 3 4 Total 17 17 4 AB 15 15 20 0 3 3 4 5 1 2 7050 100 55 70 100 50 70 45 410 60 260 100 85 85 70 100 440 2 TRIAL 2 1 A B A B A B A B A B Total 17 20 15 20 20 15 15 17 0 13 015 20 17 17 17 17 17 15 15 20 15 17 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 182 GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS 1 A B Extra Points A B C Extra Points A B Extra Points A B Extra Points Extra Points A Total 11 0 3 15 10 10 6 45 Simone Toro Cristian D'agnolo 234 Maciej Albinowski 5 Jarosław Kalinowski Olga Rouckova ś niewski Kamil Wi 1 Damian Rajczyk 23 Giammarco Fossà4ś niewski Wi Tadeusz 5 Stefano Cavaciutti6 15 17 Ladislav Zavrtalek 17 15 Luca Pasi 13 13 5 5 10 0 5 17 11 20 11 17 13 3 13 17 15 6 6 10 13 11 6 20 15 13 17 6 13 5 15 5 11 15 0 5 17 17 0 13 5 5 0 5 5 1 Graziano Scandola 20 20 5 20 15 20 6 17 20 5 20 20 5 2 Francesc Moret3 Steven Coquelin4 Hakon Pedersen ESP FRA RFME NOR FFM NMF VERTIGO Vertigo, GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS Ossa, OSSA 85 45 100 60 55 345 1 Gianluca Tournour ITA FMI UTV EC Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; 4 Papa/HUN; 5 Idanha a Nova/POR 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; 4 Papa/HUN; 5 Idanha a Nova/POR 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; 4 Papa/HUN; 5 Idanha a Nova/POR 2 Beled/HUN; 3 Pordenone/ITA; Events: 1 Stalowa Wola/POL; Q2

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 113 60 82 55 19 10 130 155 8 6 1 0 5 35 38 97 10 6 19 14 10 22 44 85 85 200 14 9 8 8 39 91 8 9 30 18 253 20 91 201 81 7 68 11 2 10 88 146 14 48 1 0 5 18 401440 40 25 22 30 14 20 25 22 153 3012 105 30 35 70 25 60 2220 3545 30 4525 50 16 55 20 60 50 40 55 50 197 3555 166 12 147 10 FMI Ossa FMISMLFMI Scorpa Ossa DMSB Beta FMI GasGas Beta ITA FMI Ossa, OSSA GBR ACU GasGas, GASGAS FFM Beta De Caudemberg Quinten Carles 5 Iwan Roberts6 Francesco Cabrini7 Martin Matejicek8 ITA Andersen Ib Vegard 9 GBR NOR CZE Matteo Poli FMI ACU NMF ACCR Ossa, OSSA Beta, BETA GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS Beta, BETA 16 60 35 40 45 196 10 Martin Kroustek11 Pietro Fioletti12 Dan Peace 13 CZE Jiri Svoboda14 ACCR Kenny Thomas15 ITA Ivar Norum16 Beta, BETA FMI Sascha Neumann17 CZE FRA Marcus Eliasson18 GER ACCR19 FFM Beta, BETA NOR Straub DMSB Yannic 20 Beta, BETA SWE NMF Gabriele Giarba 21 Beta, BETA SVEMO GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS Marek Wunsch Beta, BETA 22 0 Ossa, OSSA GER Manuel Vollgger23 Jarmo Robrahn24 DMSB CZE Sondre G Haga AUT25 18 GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS ACCR Noe Petralli26 OMK GER 4 Hugo Jervis27 GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS NOR 22 DMSB Beta, BETA Daniel Andreasson28 NMF 7 Randy Kerstjens29 Beta, BETA SWE 16 SUI Colairo Teo Beta, BETA 30 16 SVEMO GBR Myohanen Timo 31 12 GasGas, GASGAS FMS NED 12 Andrea Riva ACU32 KNMV 18 Ole Kristian Sorensen33 JTG 10 GasGas, GAS Beta BETA, Dennis Stetter 34 12 Giacomo Saleri 74 18 NMF 16 Sherco 7 60 54 Events: 1 Pietramurata/ITA; 2 Lucerna S.Giovanni/ITA; 3 Bilstain/BEL; 4 Grimmialp/SUI 2 Lucerna S.Giovanni/ITA; Events: 1 Pietramurata/ITA;

114 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 60 3 Total 3 Total 50 135 85607055 255 50 215 45 185 30 15 40 145 35 115 22 100 25 95 20 85 82 18 69 63 54 70608555 225 45 215 190 40 165 18 150 2520 102 30 83 70 66 65 6 2 2 30 85 60 40 45 25 35 55 50 30 22 18 20 16 70 85 55 50 60 40 45 20 35 70 100 100 285 1 1 55 70 55 60 50 45 35 30 22 25 40 20 85 70 50 60 45 22 20 25 40 85 100 100 100 100 300 GasGas Sherco GasGas Beta Beta GasGas Sherco Sherco Beta GasGas Beta Sherco GasGas Beta Beta Beta GasGas Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta GasGas GasGas Beta Ossa Beta FFM FMI DMSB DMSB NMF DMSB EMF NMF DMSB NMF DMSB ACU DMSB DMSB NMF FMI ACU DMSB DMSB NMF DMSB MA DMSB FFM ACU DMSB ACU 23 Sara Trentini 4 Bianca Huber 5 Jule Steinert 6 Inveig Hakonsen 7 Michelle Neukirchen 8 Keity Meier 9 Huldeborg Barkved Charlotte Steffens 23 Sergio Piardi 4 Jack Peace 5 Jarmo Robrahn 6 Max Faude 7 Sondre G Haga 8 Arthur Rovery 9 Robert Schiek Connor Hogan 1 Theresa Bauml 1 Martyn Toby 1011 Erika Melchior 12 Daniela Bauml 13 Payne Victoria 14 Lisa Marie Eck 15 Pia Emonts Hanne Haga 1011 Luca Winkler 12 Hugo Dufrese Thomas Culliford Women Youth Events: 1 Pietramurata/ITA; 2 Bilstain/BEL; 3 Grimmialp/SUI Events: 1 Pietramurata/ITA;

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 115 5 9 16 16 25 22 17 10 10 26 8 7 35 47 14 20 10 49 12 162212 65 62 51 15 14 13 12 11 10 16 4 8 2 7 3 9 5 18 10 14 22 25 16 Score 8 7 6 4 9 5 35 18 14 30 12 16 10 Scorpa MFR MFR OeAMTC MFR ACCR SVEMO SVEMO GasGas GasGas Ossa Beta Sherco Beta Beta GasGas Beta Ossa Sherco Beta GasGas Ossa FMB Beta TRACK RACING Russia Russia Austria Russia Czech Rep. Sweden Sweden FFM FFM DMSB FMI FFM DMSB FFM OSK SVEMO FMB FFM NMF NMF NMF BIHAMK 1314 Fabien Poirot 15 Jules Jaillet 16 Christopher Wengler 17 Marco Pedrinzzi 18 Kieran Touly 19 Boezwinkel Yeuh Ting 20 Paul Reumschussel 21 Clement Mallet 22 Maurin Gavage 23 Clemens Mitteregger 24 Pontus Ross 25 Nicolas Defourny 26 Bru Valentin 27 Jarand Gunvaldsen 28 Sander Sorbye Herman Hansen 2 Nikita Toloknov 3 Harald Simon 4 Sergey Makarov 5 Antonin Klatovsky 6 Daniel Henderson 7 Jimmy Olsen 1 Sergey Karachintsev Events: 1 Pietramurata/ITA; 2 Bilstain/BEL; 3 Grimmialp/SUI Events: 1 Pietramurata/ITA; INDIVIDUAL ICE RACING EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP Semi Final - Lukhovisty/RUS

116 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 7 7 15 14 13 12 11 10 16 Score DMSB ACCR ACCR DMSB NMF SML PZM OeAMTC MFR MFR MFR MFR OeAMTC ACCR ACCR SVEMO SVEMO ACCR NMF OeAMTC DMSB SML PZM DMSB MFR MFR MFR SML SML Germany Czech Rep. Czech Rep. Germany Norway Finland Poland Austia Russia Russia Russia Russia Austria Czech Rep. Czech Rep. Sweden Sweden Czech Rep. Norway Austia Germany Finland Poland Germany Russia Russia Russia Finland Finland 8 Markus Jell 9 Jan Klatovsky 2 Sergey Makarov 3 Nikita Toloknov 4 Harald Simon 5 Jan Klatovsky 6 Antonin Klatovsky 7 Daniel Henderson 8 Jimmy Olsen 9 Andrej Divis 1 Sergey Karachintsev 10 Tani Tomi 11 Andrej Divis 12 Franz Mayerbuechler 13 Jo Saetre 14 Mikko Jetsonen 15 Miroslaw Daniszewski 16 Josef Kreuzberger 17 Artem Novik 18 Egor Kazenniy 10 Tani Tomi 11 Jo Saetre 12 Josef Kreuzberger 13 Markus Jell 14 Mikko Jetsonen 15 Miroslaw Daniszewski 16 Franz Mayerbuechler 17 Artem Novik 18 Egor Kazenniy Final - Lukhovisty/RUS

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 117 0 0 9 6 4 1 1 1 0 12 18 7 22 5 20 97 9 7 0 0 9 6 4 1 1 1 0 87 7 1 6 5 5 9 2 2 20 17 459 105 118 52 7 8 8 5 10 12 9 5 9 8 33 6 6 10 33 30 7 28 8 28 25 66 12 1 0 7 2 16 1 2 3 4 Total 10 5 12 1512 14 11 11 12 15 16 55 51 16 15 18 9 58 DNS DNS DMU PZM PZM PZM SVEMO PZM SVEMO SVEMO MFR PZM PZM PZM MFR DMU SVEMO PZM SMF MFR PZM MFR DMU PZM PZM Denmark Poland Czech Rep.Germany ACCR Poland POL DMSB SWE POL SWE SWE RUS GER GER Poland Poland POL Russia Denmark Sweden Poland Slovakia Russia Poland Russia Denmark Poland Poland GER 2 3 Antonio Lindback 4 Janusz Ko_odziej 5 Martin Vaculik 6 Grigorij Laguta 7 Przemys_aw Pawlicki 8 Artem Laguta 9 Hans Andersen 1 10 Peter Kildemand 11 Piotr Protasiewicz 12 Václav Milik 13 Gollob Tomasz 14 Martin Smolinski 15 Jedrzejak Tomasz 16 Pawel Przedpelski 17 Mateusz Szczepaniak 18 Fredrik Lindgren 19 Piotr Pawlicki 20 Fredrik Engman 21 Joel Andersson 22 Belousov Vitaly 23 Michael Hartel 24 Kai Huckenbeck 25 Adrian Miedzinski 26 Busch Tobias 27 Kacper Gomolski 28 INDIVIDUAL SPEEDWAY EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP INDIVIDUAL SPEEDWAY F2 Landshut/GER; F3 Kumla/SWE; F4 Ostrow/POL Events: F1 Torun/POL;

118 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 0 6 6 5 3 6 8 8 12 12 10 10 10 9+2 DMSB 11 Score Score FMI FRM MFR SMF PZMPZMPZM PZM 13+3 13+2 PZM 11+3 PZM PZM FMU FMU ACU ACCR ACCRACCR 11+2 AMZS AMZS ACCR 13 LAMSF 9+3 MAMSMAMS 1 1 MAMS 7 LaMSF 14 UKR SLO CZE SVK HUN HUN ROM UKR LAT CZE POL POL POL POL CZE POL HUN CZE ENG GER RES POL LAT ITA SLO POL 23 Maksym Drabik 4 Bartosz Smektala 5 Krystian Rempala 6 Kacper Woryna 7 Eduard Krcmár 8 Alex Zgrardzinski 9 Roland Benk ő Michal Skurla 23 4 Erik Riss 5 Kulakov Victor 6 Ernest Koza 7 Jevgenijs Kostigovs 8 Michele Paco Castagna 9 Ziga Kovacic Damian Dró ż d 1 Andzejs Lebedevs 1 Zdenek Holub 1011 Stanislav Melnychuk 12 Nick Skorja 13 Patrik Mikel 14 Michal Tomka 15 Márk Bárány 16 Róbert Tabaka 17 Dragos Moosz Maksym Rososchuk INDIVIDUAL SPEEDWAY U21 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP INDIVIDUAL SPEEDWAY Semi Final 1 - Debrecen/HUN Semi Final 2 - Macon/FRA

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 119 8 6 7 6 2 0 7 6 5 4 3 1 0 4 7 12 13 FMI SML FFM FFM FFM MFR PZM PZM NMF NMF DMUDMUDMU 12+2 10+2 DMU 10+N DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU 12+3 DMU 14 ACCR DMSB Score Score SVEMO 10+3 SVEMOSVEMOSVEMO 9+3 9+d 8 SVEMO 3 DEN SWE DEN DEN SWE SWE DEN SWE DEN POL DEN DEN DEN FIN SWE NOR NOR DEN POL FRA ITA CZE GER RUS FRA FRA DEN 1011 Kamil Wieczorek 12 Dimitri Berge 13 Nicolas Vicentin 14 Ondrej Smatana 15 Steven Mauer 16 Arslan Fayzulin 17 Jordan Dubernard Julien Cayre 2 Mikkel Brøndum Andersen 3 Palovaara Victor 4 Nikolaj Busk Jakobsen 5 Jesper Scharff 6 John Lindman 7 Joel Andersson 8 Mikkel Bech Jensen 9 Rasmus Broberg 2 Nikolaj Busk Jakobsen 3 Bartosz Smektala 1 Anders Thomsen 1 Anders Thomsen 10 Emil Grøndal 11 Thomsen Tobias 12 Patrick Hansen 13 Jiri Nieminen 14 Kenny Wennerstam 15 Glenn Moi 16 Espen Sundvor Semi Final 3 -Brovst/DEN Final - Silkeborg/DEN

120 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Score 8 8 7 7 3 8 7 5 3 0 0 8 13 3 24 (+3) MFR PZM PZM PZM PZM ACU DMU DMU ACCR ACCR DMSB LaMSF 8 LaMSF DNS SVEMO 8 SVEMO 7 AMZS AMZS DMSB DMSB OEMTC AMZS LAMSFOEMTC 11 11 N 13 6 17 * 24 (+2) LAMSF LAMSF DMSB LAT SVN SVN GER POL GER LAT SWE RUS POL GBR SWE POL CZE DEN POL DEN CZE LAT GER LAT AUT SVN LAT AUT GER Maks Gregoric Christian Hefenbrock Maksim Bogdanows Friedrich Wallner Nick Skorja Tobias Busch Tobias J evgenijs Kostigovs 2 Andzejs Lebedevs 4 Aleksander Conda 4 Maksym Drabik 5 Erik Riss 6 Andzejs Lebedevs 7 John Lindman 8 Kulakov Victor 9 Kacper Woryna 3 Daniel Gappmeier 1 Kai Huckenbeck 10 Adam Ellis 11 Palovaara Victor 12 Krystian Rempala 13 Zdenek Holub 14 Jesper Scharff 15 Ernest Koza 16 Mikkel B Andersen 17 Eduard Krcmár 18 Jevgenijs Kostigovs PAIRS SPEEDWAY PAIRS Semi Final - Gustrow/GER

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 121 8 12 22 20 19 18 26 Score 12 7 0 1 0 8 4 7 1 4 5 6 2 15 13 12 16 14 14 7 0 1 0 8 4 7 1 4 5 6 2 45 8 1 12 6 15 13 12 16 14 10 12 DQ 0 FMU FMU FRM FMI FRM FMU FMI PZM PZM MFR MFR ACCR DMSB DMSB MAMS OeAMTC OeAMTC LaMSF LaMSF MAMS ACCR PZM ACCR DMSB MAMS ITA UKR UKR ITA ROU ROU UKR Stanislav Melnychuk Michele Paco Castagna Marian Gheorghe Sebastian Ulamek Belousov Vitaly Zdenek Holub Busch Tobias Sándor Tihanyi Alexander Schaaf Deniss Zvorigins Aleksandr Loktaev Damian Balinski Eduard Krcmár Grobauer Valentin Norbert Magosi 6 Nicolas Vincentin 5 Andriy Karpov 7 Adrian Sorin Gheorghe th József Tabaka 4th Kai Huckenbeck 6th Daniel Gappmaier 7th Olegs Mihailovs 1st Dawid Lampart Final - Debrecen/HUN 2nd Grigori Laguta 3rd Václav Milik

122 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 FFM FFM FFM FFM FMS FMS ACU ACU ACU ACU DMU DMU DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB KNMV KNMV KNMV KNMV Ő AMTC Ő AMTC NED FRA GBR NED GER FRA GER NED GER GER GER GBR FRA FRA GBR GER DEN GER GER GER GBR DEN GER FRA Patrick Kremer Stefan Müller Hermann Bacher Corina Günthör Liam Brown Chloé Agez Sandra Mollema Bertoneche Vincent Richard Phillimore Nicole Balz Mike Frederiksen Michael Burger 7 Christophe Grenier 9 David Carville 6 Guillaume Comblon 8 Tocheport Vincent 2 Karl Keil 3 Imanuel Schramm 5 Josh Goodwin 4 Marco Hundsrücker 1 Dennis Noordman 10 Achim San Millan 12 Matthias Motk 11 Stinus Lund GRASS TRACK SIDECAR EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP Semi Final - Loppersum/NED

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 123 35 30 27 12 Total 50 Team Score Team 9 10 10 1 4 2 2 4 6 1 5 7 3 9 0 12 11 11 10 10 10 13 13 14 Score Indiv. Score Indiv. PZM FIN GER DEN POL POL POL DMU SVEMO DMU DMSB DMSB SML SML SVEMO SWE DMU DMSB SVEMO DMU DMSB SML SVEMO DMSB SML SVEMO Krystian Pieszczek Kacper Woryna Event cancelled ANDERSSON, Joel ENGSTRÖM, Emil MÖSER, Dominik LEHTONEN, Jere BRÖNDUM ANDERSEN Mikkel RISS, Mark PARTANEN, Jooa PARTANEN, WENNERSTAM, Kenny WENNERSTAM, JENSEN, Sam GROBAUER, Valentin KLING, Joel RISS, Erik MUSTONEN, Jesse ENGMAN, Fredrik 1 Adrian Cyfer 4th LUNNA, Nike 1st Victor PALOVAARA, Final - Hertingen/GER JUNIOR TEAM SPEEDWAY Semi Final - Loppersum/NED Final - Plzen/POL 2nd HANSEN, Patrick 3rd Michael HÄRTEL,

124 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 19 34 30 8 6 9 0 9 2 1 2 8 4 2 7 4 4 2 10 11 8 6 9 0 9 2 1 2 8 4 2 7 4 4 2 11 FFM FFM ACU ACU DMS ACC DMU ACCR SVEMO 10 NED GER GBR GBR FRA CZE CZE POL POL SWE SWE DEN DEN CZE SWE DEN CZE CZE SWE DEN CZE SWE DEN Eduard Krcmár Bartosz Smektala Krystian Rempala John Lindman Frderik Jakobsen Michal Skurla Victor Palovaara Victor Patrick Hansen Ond ř ej Smetana Kenny Wennerstam Mikkel Andersen Patrik Mikel Fredrik Engman Andreas Lyager 2 Stephan Katt 3 Paul Cooper 4 Andrew Appleton 5 Jerome Lespinasse 6 Josef Franc 2 Joel Andersson 3 Emil Grondal 4 Zdenek Holub 1 Theo Pijper GRASS TRACK INDIVIDUAL EC SF 1 - Swinfield/GBR

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 125 FMI FFM FFM FFM FFM ACU ACU ACU ACU ACU ACU ACU DMS KNM KNM ACCR ACCR ACCR DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB KMNV KNMV DMSB NED GER FRA GER NED GER ER FRA GER GBR ITA CZE GER GBR NED GER NED GBR GBR GBR CZE GBR FRA GBR CZE FRA 7 Steen Henry Van 8 Enrico Sonnenberg 9 Gabriel Dubernard 2 De Jong Jannick 3 Jorg Tebbe 4 Lamek Tom 5 Die Palma Theo 6 Diener Bernd 7 Godden Mitch 8 Milanese Alessandro 9 Richard Wolff 1 Janoschka Enrico 10 Christian Hulshorst 11 James Shanes 12 Mark Stiekema 13 Bernd Dinklage 14 Lars Zandvliet 15 David Speight 16 Dave Mears 17 Martin Sturgeon 18 Karel Kadlec 19 Georgie Wood 10 Sebastian Tresarrieu 11 12 Skurla Michal 13 De Blasi Richard SF 2 - Bielefeld/GER

126 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 FMI SML SML FFM FFM FFM ACU ACU ACU ACU ACU ACU ACCR ACCR DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB DMSB KNMV KNMV KNMV KNMV FIN NED GBR NED GBR GER GER NED GBR GER GBR GER GBR GER NED GER GER GBR GER FRA FRA CZE ITA GER FRA CZE 2 James Shanes 3 Stephan Katt 4 Paul Cooper 5 Enrico Janoschka 6 Andrew Appleton 7 Christian Hulshorst 8 Der Steen Henry Van 9 Bernd Diener 1 Jannick De Jong 14 Heikkila Aarni 15 Hummel Romano 16 Baseby Mark 17 Swart Pascal 18 Hickmott Gareth 19 Eibl Markus 20 Gerdemann Klaus-Peter 10 Jörg Tebbe 11 Mitchel Godden 12 Lamek Tom 13 Gabriel Dubernard 14 Théo Di Palma 15 Richard Wolff 16 Allesandro Milanese 17 Bernd Dinklage 18 Jerome Lespinasse 19 Josef Franc Final - Staphorst/NED

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 127 6 0 40 25 25 20 20 20 18 10 16 16 29 Total Total 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 B 25 13 11 10 16 3 2 6 0 0 9 8 7 A 20 20 25 11 20 10 16 13 DMU 1 ABABAB VINTAGE DEN DEN DMU NEDDENDEN KNMV DMU DMU DENDENDEN DMU DMU DEN DMU DENFIN DMU DEN DMU SML DMU DEN DMU GB ACU Honda FIN SML Suzuki, Bridgestone 20 20 16 16 20 20 2 Haapoja Timo 3 Hentschel Tanja 4 Geoff Brown GER DMSB2 Aermacchi Søren Lemming 3 Per Christensen 4 16 Knud Blomgren 5 Jens Jørn Lemming 6 16 Bjarne Rise 7 Anders Elsberg 8 13 Seppo Rehakka 9 Lars Mortensen 13 0 0 58 1 Jussi Veravainen FIN SML Bridgestone 251 Thomas Nielsen 25 25 25 25 25 150 10 Skousen Torben 11 Ronald Vingerhoed 12 Anton Dinesen 13 Jon Nordstrom Class 2 VINTAGE ROAD RACING VINTAGE Events: 1 - Rijeka/CRO; 2 Donington Park/GBR; 3 -Jyllandsringen/DEN Class 2b Events: 1 - Rijeka/CRO; 2 Donington Park/GBR; 3 -Jyllandsringen/DEN

128 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 0 0 50 40 32 22 50 32 50 40 Total Total Total 3 3 3 1611 0 0 16 11 25 2010 45 13 23 2 2 2 00 9 0 25 25 2016 20 11 16 11 25 25 13 13 25 25 76 25 25 13 13 20 25 71 1 1 1 0 0 ABABABABABAB ABABAB 2516 25 16 16 0 16 20 0 20 122 20 20 20 20 25 25 130 Suzuki, Bridgestone SWE SVEMO Seeley G50 SLO AMZS Honda GBR ACUGBR Honda ACU Honda GBR ACU DWR Honda 2 Roberto Maria Coda3 Kevin Breedon4 ITA Kari Saarinen5 Darko _kibin FMI GBR FIN Honda ACU SML2 Bultaco Karlsson Tomas 3 Suzuki Simon Walsh 4 Oddbjørn Austad5 Gary Freeman6 SWE Risto Salovaara7 NOR SVEMO Chris Bassett 8 Yamaha Michael Andresen9 NMF GBR Ray Howarth FIN Honda DEN ACU SML DMU Honda Yamaha Honda 202 Lars Sanberg 3 20 Michael Cooper GBR ACU Craven Manx 1 Haapoja Timo FIN SML 1 Bernd Pollmann GER OAMTC Aermacchi 25 25 10 10 131 Bernd Pollmann 16 GER OAMTC 99 Aermacchi 20 20 9 10 11 10 80 10 Guttorm Nyhus11 Ole Andreasen12 Angela Cragg13 Richard Molnar NOR DEN NMF GBR DMU GBR Honda ACU Honda ACU Drixton Aermacchi Molnar Manx Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Events: 1 - Rijeka/CRO; 2 Donington Park/GBR; 3 -Jyllandsringen/DEN Events: 1 - Rijeka/CRO; 2 Donington Park/GBR; 3 -Jyllandsringen/DEN

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 129 0 0 0 0 32 50 32 50 40 22 10 36 26 36 26 22 10 Total 3 8 0 8 9 11 20 0 20 20 1613 2010 1620 36 13 29 0 23 20 16 16 32 20 0 20 2 0 0 00 10 0 16 16 25 25 16 16 20 20 11 11 10 0 13 13 20 20 25 25 90 1 0 0 0 0 ABABAB 20 16 13 13 25 25 11 11 0 0 72 SLOGBR HMS ACU CZ / Moto Morini 25 Egli Vincent DEN 25 DMU Royal Enfield DEN DMUGER Moto Guzzi DMS BMW GBRDEN ACU DMUGBR Norton Manx NED Seeley G50 ACU KNMVGER Seeley G50 Seeley BSA DMS BMW R500s SLO AMZS Yamaha 11 11 SLO HMS Honda 4 Jure Lampe 5 Alex Sinclair 6 Jouni Lehtimäki7 Gary Thwaites8 Jørgen Flintholm9 Jan Sørensen FIN GBR DEN SML ACU DMU Honda CB500 Matchless Molnar Manx 2 Arrigo Vinsani3 George Hogton-Rusling4 GBR Dejan Breznik5 Johann Furbock6 ACU ITA Søren Holm 7 Hasse Gustafson8 Carthago Trident SLO Jarno Jonker 9 SMF AUT Andrej Pristov SWE HMS Honda ACCR SVEMO Moto Guzzi Seeley Triton, 16 Foxman Ducati SLO 20 HMS Triton 1 Cormac Conroy IRL MCUI Ryan BSA 10 Sam Clews 11 Jens Jensen 12 Reijo Heitanen13 Chris Bassett 14 Jan Brouwer 15 Bitenc Viljem 16 FIN Jarno Jonker SML Metisse G50 10 Franc Pintar 11 Nigel Hall-Smith12 Brian Glyngo-Pedersen13 DEN Luciano Garlassi14 Stefano Del Fante15 GBR DMU Nick Killworth ITA ACU BSA R3 CH BSA Ryan SMF GBR FMS Ducati ACU Honda BK Triumph Class 6 Events: 1 - Rijeka/CRO; 2 Donington Park/GBR; 3 -Jyllandsringen/DEN

130 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 0 0 29 24 18 16 29 29 50 29 16 13 Total Total 3 3 13 0 13 10 0 10 25 DNS11 25 DNF 11 16 2 2 0 0 9 9 2511 2516 11 20 13 16 20 13 90 51 13 16 25 25 16 13 13 0 1 1 0 0 ABABAB ABABAB 16 0 0 0 11 13 20 20 10 10 11 16 87 Suzuki Moto Morini, MotoMorini Yamaha 25 25 20 20 20 DNS 110 OeAMTC GBRGER ACUAUT Yamaha HMS HMS Yamaha Ducati 13 16 GBR ACU Decorite GBR ACU Yamaha 2 Cormac Conroy3 Mario Stocco4 Nigel Hall-Smith5 Paul Allender IRL6 Hasse Gustafson7 ITA GBR Bert Heider 8 MCUI Marcus Ritter 9 SWE ACU Nick Killworth BSA Ryan FMI SVEMO Fluff Triton Foxman Ducati GBR ACU BK Triumph 2 Gunnar Jansson3 Michael Cooper4 Roland Johansson5 Cundle Vince 6 SWE GBR Carl Frederiksen7 SWE SVEMO Robin Lamb 8 Yamaha Karlsson ACU Tomas 9 SVEMO DEN Seppo Rehakka Yamaha Craven Yamaha DMU SWE 20 FIN Yamaha 16 SVEMO Yamaha 20 SML 0 11 Yamaha 10 11 10 16 13 25 DNS 103 49 1 Jussi Luoma FIN SML JLM Guzzi 25 25 201 Reuberger Werner 20 AUT 25 25 140 16 Stacey Killworth GBR ACU BK Triton 10 Juergen Riedel11 Hans Kordovsky12 Noel Heenan13 Milan _pendal GER DEN DMSB AUS DMU SLO Honda Rickman Triumph AMZS MZ Class 7a Class 7b Events: 1 - Rijeka/CRO; 2 Donington Park/GBR; 3 -Jyllandsringen/DEN Events: 1 - Rijeka/CRO; 2 Donington Park/GBR; 3 -Jyllandsringen/DEN Events: 1 - Rijeka/CRO; 2 Donington Park/GBR; 3 -Jyllandsringen/DEN

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 131 8 3 2 1 11 13 Total

2 Russia 3 France 4 Belarus 5 Netherland 6 Lithuania 1 Germany MOTOBALL Event: Kuppenheim/GER

132 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 25 25 0 7 5 7 9 10 8 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Résultats / Results ITA FMI Honda CBR 650F 10 10 0 7 0 8 7 42 ITA FMI Honda CBR 650F 20 8 20 16 13 13 11 101 ESP EMF Honda CBR 650F 8 9 8 10 35 ESP RFMEESP Honda CBR 650 F RFME Honda CBR 650F 13 0 0 0 10 23 TUR TMF Honda CBR 650F FRA FFM Honda CBR 650F 6 11 10 13 9 10 20 79 GBR ACU Honda CBR 650F 2 4 4 4 6 0 7 9 36 GBR ACU Honda CBR 650F 0 2 6 11 20 4 9 6 58 2015 EUROPEAN CUPS COUPES EUROPEENNES 2015 2 84 Paolo Grassia 3 27 Guillaume Raymond4 58 Emanuele Pusceddu5 59 FRA Dorian Laville 6 95 Giuseppe De Gruttola ITA7 38 Hannes Soomer FFM ITA8 3 Sam Wilford FMI9 Honda CBR 650F 15 Alfonso Coppola FMI EST Honda CBR 650F Honda CBR 650F 9 ITA EMF 13 16 11 16 Honda CBR 650F FMI 20 5 25 13 16 16 98 0 6 Honda CBR 650F 11 13 0 20 13 90 20 0 0 7 25 11 60 6 5 11 11 59 8 9 8 20 57 1 96 Javier Orellana ESP RFME Honda CBR 650F 25 25 16 25 25 0 16 25 157 10 54 Harun Cabuk 11 51 Matteo Ciprietti 12 35 Stefan Hill 13 53 Illan Fernandez 14 20 Dorren Loureiro15 80 Xavi Pinsach 16 52 Bezuidenhout Troy 17 74 Sikkelerus Jaimie Van POR18 1 Mika Perez RSA NED19 69 Joshua Harland FMP KNMV FSM Honda CBR 650F Honda CBR 650F GBR Honda CBR 650F 0 ACU 4 0 7 3 Honda CBR 650F 1 0 0 10 2 3 4 7 28 0 1 3 5 2 5 25 9 5 6 6 4 25 5 0 8 22 Pos No Competitor Nat FMN Make ROAD RACING Cup European Junior and Womens


3 2 3 16 16 0 0 2 2 4 R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 1 9 9 16 20 16 20 16 16 12 2 8 10 11 9 11 10 13 74 A B A B A B A B Total 16 16 20 0 20 0 20 20 112 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 200 Kraemer, Krämer KTM Kraemer, EST EMF FRA FFM Honda CBR NZL MNZ Honda CBR 650F 3 0 0 0 1 RSA FSM Honda CBR 650 F AUT OSK KTM POR FMP GBR ACU Honda CBR 650F 0 0 0 0 0 1 NED KNMV Rotax CAN CMA Honda CBR 650F 0 0 2 2 5 Josef Frauenschuh3 21 Bunt Jerry Van 4 72 Christian Schmeink AUT5 9 Johann Karl 6 73 Jürgen Schmeink GER OSK DMSB KTM, JF KTM GER KTM, Cagiva KTM DMSB Krämer KTM Kraemer, 10 5 7 13 16 4 13 16 11 11 95 8 9 7 10 9 9 63 1 58 Lukas Wimmer AUT OSK 22 18 Themba Khumalo RSA MSA Honda CBR 650F 23 21 Biddle Avalon 24 4 Romain Lecarpentier25 12 Byron Bester FRA26 5 Braeden Ortt FMI27 77 Bryan Castan Honda CBR 28 45 Dimitris Karakostas29 34 Dan Drayton GRE30 24 Said Dahan FMC Honda CBR 650F 0 0 1 0 0 1 20 85 Pedro Nuno 21 73 Cassano Tomas ARG CAMOD Honda CBR 650F 0 0 3 0 1 3 5 12 Pos No Competitor Nat FMN Make Supermono FIM Europe Cup 8 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 Cours/FRA Magny - 8 - Jerez/SPA; - 7 Misano/ITA; - 6 Portimao/POR; - 5 Park/GBR; Donington - 4 Imola/ITA; - 3 Assen/NED; - 2 Aragon/SPA; - 1 Events:

134 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 33 259 44 172 75 136 2325 117 51 100 98 94 265 126 220 10

6 9 8 5 35 0 4 7 6 18 51 63 47 161 3 6 1 3 0 0 13 5 8 5 5 23 1 2 3 4 Total 0 7 1 0 4 0 6 0 4 6 0 7 27 0 10 5 2 Suzuki Hayabusa, KTM Harries SUI FRA FFM TVX, Honda GER DMSB KTM GBR ACU KTM KTM, Tigcraft 6 6 7 10 8 13 0 10 60 NED KNMV Yamaha HRT Yamaha, 8 3 0 0 3 8 0 0 22 DEN DMU Ducati, JSB Ducati 20 20 0 0 0 0 40 HUN MAMS Suzuki 1300cc, 29 50 24 30 133 Daniel Lencses Donat 7 19 Perry Goldstein 8 7 Manfred Kehrmann9 36 Allan Østli GER DMSB Pami BMW Kraemer, 13 13 11 0 10 0 47 234 SSB585 SSB16 SSB5 Rick Stubbins UK ACU7 SSB10 UK Steve Venables ACU8 SSB8 Suzuki Hayabusa Mogens Lund DEN9 DMU SSB6 Pete Field Suzuki 1300cc UK ACU SSB68 112 Suzuki 1300cc, Thomas Granica GER 30 DMSB SSB14 Suzuki 1300cc Dave Holland UK ACU 114 94 Danny Cockerill UK 32 ACU Suzuki 1300cc 53 Suzuki Hayabusa 86 75 61 68 48 196 26 1 SSB2 Garry Bowe UK ACU Suzuki 1300cc 75 96 10 85 Ricardo van Duijn11 18 Libor Kamenicky12 98 David Hampton NED13 24 Alexander Michel14 8 Bruno Collin CZE KNMV15 44 Markus Herzig GBR GER KTM, Nova KTM16 22 Joris De Man ACCR17 23 Dustin Gerken ACU Mali Jawa DMSB18 63 Kai-Uwe Lohrengel19 17 11 Yamaha Jean-Claude Paul Tigcraft Tigcraft, MZ, MZ Scorpion 0 0 GER 11 0 FRA 9 3 0 13 1 11 0 13 0 35 FFM 33 4 KTM Tigcraft 7 2 7 0 8 32 20 6 José Carlos Teixeira FRA FFM Honda Tigcraft 1011 SSB47 SSB9 UK Mark Wells ACU UK Jemma Venables ACU Suzuki 1300cc Suzuki Hayabusa 26 47 49 DRAG RACING Super Street Bike Cup 7 Events: 1 - Croix/FRA; 2 Zolder/BEL; 3 Oschersleben/GER; 4 Assen/NED

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 135 25 25 22 10 29 45 30 24 22 10 38 72 72 10 62 10 75 22 73 26 49 21 21 3 Total 1625 31 25 22 22 13 27 22 10 57 33 2 15 14 25 22 10 27 45 10 82 65 30 24 22 10 25 1 25 22 Kawasaki 1199cc, Kawasaki ZX, KTM Husqvarna RFME Husqvarna ENDURO EUROPEAN CUP SPA RFME KTM, Husqvarna 16 ESP GBRGBR ACU ACU KTM KTM 1213 SSB7214 SSB5415 SSB14816 Clemens Walleit GER DMSB SSB4917 Leif Larsson SWE SVEMO Peter Adorjan AUS SSB83 18 Suzuki Hayabusa SSB5619 Richard Hann GBR ACU SSB1220 Shawn Buttigibg Malta Honda Blackbird, Honda21 SSB61 Suzuki 1300cc21 Stephen Mead UK ACU SSB5222 Sandro Haldimann CH FMS 21 Suzuki Suzuki Hayabusa SSB13123 Erich Gruber AUS ÖAMTC Suzuki 1300cc SSB16 51 24 Graham Dance UK ACU Knut Möller GER DMSB SSB6625 21 Suzuki 1425cc SSB6726 Suzuki Hayabusa Stefan Schmidt GER DMSB SSB31 2427 UK ACU Steve Wood 10 Suzuki GSX SSB570 Dennis Junge GER DMSB 22 Suzuki Hayabusa SSB19 23 Mark Hope UK ACU 73 28 Patricie Baronova Suzuki GSX CZE ACCR Suzuki 23 Mark Oliver Stahl GER Suzuki Hayabusa DMSB Suzuki GSX-R 2 Anders Becker Johansen3 Larsen Andre Wold 4 NOR Joakim Ljunggren 5 Alfredo Gomez 6 KNIGHT DAVID 7 NOR Blake Gutzeit 8 NMF BOLTON PAUL NMF Beta KTM 1 MARIO Roman Enduro Extreme Cup Events: 1 - Santa Pod/GBR; 2 Hockenheim/GER; 3 Kunmadaras/HUN; 4 Pod/GBR

136 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 8 7 6 5 20 18 12 11 20 15 12 18 16 14 11 10 7 7 9 22 8 8 65 6 4 5 4 0 13 20 20 18 18 14 14 12 12 11 11 10 10 15 15 13 20 18 12 11 16 9 8 7 6 5 20 15 12 18 14 13 11 10 Beta KTM KTM KTM KTM GasGas Husqvarna KTM KTM Yamaha RFME beta GBR ACUGBRAUT KTM ACU AUTGBR Sherco KTM GBRGER ACU ACU DMSBGBRGBR Beta Sherco ACU ACU KTM Husqvarna 9 Martin Hovin Johansen NOR NMF KTM 10 Fredrik Johansson 11 Jose Juan Bernabeu12 RICHARDSON JOHNATHAN 13 GBR Patrik Sjöberg 14 Fran Rico Rodriguez15 POR Thomas Sagar 16 ACU Alexander Hidalgo17 Magnus Tor 18 POR BEN HEMINGWAY19 FMP Andreas Linusson 20 KTM ESP DANIELS GARY 21 FMP LARS ENOCKL 22 GBR Sherco Joar Resaland Wiik 23 Sousa Fernando Jr. 24 LEE EDMONDSON25 KTM ACU Robin Gunnarsson 26 Nuno Filipe Pereira27 POR LUKE FLACK 28 GBR Marius Helmersen 29 Beta SAM LUDGATE 30 POR MARCUS KEHR 31 FMP Adam Broström 32 ACU MOORHOUSE HENRY 33 Erik Buursema 34 FMP KTM EXC JAMES DENT 35 GBR Beta Robert Eriksson 36 ZAC SHERWIN 37 yamaha Robert Forsberg 38 ACU KEELAN HANCOCK39 Henric Bertilsson GBR Gas ACU Husqvarna

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 137 4 3 2 1 9 9 45 20 14 41 33 33 21 11 32 26 22 18 14 41 45 Total Total 1 1 3 3 2 2 7 6 9 8 5 B B 20 10 16 20 13 11 16 13 11 25 25 4 3 2 1 7 3 9 6 4 A A 25 10 25 13 20 10 16 13 11 16 KTM KTM Lynx. RE, Lynx RE RE, Lynx Lynx. 600 Lynx Lynx Lynx e-tec Lynx Polaris Indy Rave RE Lynx Lynx Rave RE 600 E-TECLynx 11 Polaris indy polaris indy Re Lynx Lynx Polaris Re 600 Lynx LuuMKK Viro Lamk GBRGBR ACU GBR ACUGBR ACU Sherco ACU Sherco Beta 234 Susanna Lemström5 Katariina Junnila6 Emmi Sipiläinen O-SMK Meri Kainulainen Hanna Pihlajaviita Kemot KuusMK VMK E-PMoKe 234 Jari Kivelä 5 Janne Nurminen6 Jouni Mäntynen7 Mika Airaksinen8 Reijo Muhonen LAMK 9 Ahti Kolehmainen KuhMK Harri Hynynen KiuMk Marek Eerik Jämsänjokil.Kelkk. KuusMK Skii-doo Y-SMK 1 Heli Takkinen KuusMK Rave Lynx 1 Jukka Nyberg SyMoKe Arctic Cat SnoPro 600 20 40 LEE SAMPSON 41 Aleksi Vilkko 42 LUKE LUSHER 43 Sellæg Tommy 44 JENKINS GARY 45 Linus Johansson 46 CHRIS MADIGAN 1011 Aarne Simula Juha Perkkalainen KartMK Events: 1 - Bradford/GBR; 2 - Extreme Valongo/POR; 3 - Storstenshöjden/SWE Events: 1 - Bradford/GBR; 2 Extreme Valongo/POR; Event: Karstula/FIN SNOWMOBILE ENDURO CUP Women Veteran

138 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 8 6 5 3 0 8 1 7 23 21 21 20 15 13 11 45 29 29 45 32 45 45 50 Total Total Total 8 0 4 0 3 0 9 6 7 0 5 B B B 13 10 11 20 16 13 20 16 25 25 25 8 2 5 0 0 9 6 7 4 8 1 2 A A A 10 13 11 25 13 16 25 16 20 20 25 SKI-DOO MXZ Artic Cat Lynx e tec Lynx Arctic Cat ZR6000R RE Lynx lynx RAVE LYNX RAVE LYNX Polaris IQ 600R Ski-Doo 600RS lynx rave Polaris R600 RS Lynx Lynx Ski-Doo xrs SKIDOO RS Lynx 800 Lynx Rave FC 550 Lynx Lynx Rave RE Lynx RE Lynx SyMoKe KuhMK Y-SMK Sweden PukMu KMK Viro KuusMK 234 Jari Lehtonen Antti Kankkunen Simula Wiljam 2 KuhMK 34 Lamk Kettunen Ville 5 Käkelä Teppo 6 Feetu Koskinen7 Arttu Haapiainen8 Hannu Härkönen9 Ilari Halonen KoKe MMK Juha Haapamäki O-smk Jonas Lantz KauhMK 1 Niki Nummijoki1 KauhMK Jukka Järvenpää KuhMK Lynx 1 Lauri Pellonpää ASMP 121314 Petri Haverinen15 Osmo Määttälä 16 Ari Rajavuori 17 Jukka Heinonen Luumk LIIV TAUNO VELI-PEKKA Rissanen Ep-Moke 101112 Markus Roine MIka Laituri Mourujärvi Tero KuusMK Event: Karstula/FIN Junior Senior AC Senior LC Event: Karstula/FIN

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 139 7 5 4 2 1 9 4 3 1 4 22 16 34 26 22 10 20 20 18 13 40 Total Total 4 0 3 2 1 7 6 4 2 0 1 9 8 5 3 3 4 B 15 10 17 13 11 20 2 A B 3 5 1 0 0 7 6 4 5 2 3 0 9 8 1 A 17 13 15 11 10 20 1 60 70 100 70 85 385 100 100 85 100 100 485 Lynx Ski-Doo MXZ XRS Skidoo RS Ski-Doo MXZ X 600 RS re Lynx DMSB OSK PZM DMSB PZM MAMS DMSB SMF SMF DMSB SMF PZM DMSB SMF SMF SMF KiMK ISK DEU HUN DEU SVK SVK POL SVK ITA FMI Beta, SCORPA 234 LARS ENOCKL5 Jakub Lukaszczyk6 Eddie Findling 7 Krzysztof Nedzka AUT 8 POL Kujawiak Tomasz 9 Marcel Teucher POL Hodas Tomas POL Hollo Bence DEU 2 Luca Corvi 1 Mike Hartmann DEU 1 Pierre Sauvage FRA FFM Sherco, SHERCO 131415 Risto Kainulainen16 Jussi Ketonen 17 Henri Soukko VMK Juho Jurvanen Matti Kangasluoma KiMK 101112 Zych Tomasz 13 Felix Braeuer 14 Mario Fajbik 15 Martin Rysavy 16 Katarina Juri_kova Holger Dettmann Karin Hostinska SVK DEU SVK Event: Karstula/FIN Event: Lodz/POL Superenduro Cup TRIAL EUROPEAN CUP JUNIOR CUP

140 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 16 95 40 30 25 22 19 12 58 46 35 9 9 12 12 6 18 25 16 45 35 35 80 20 10 9 2 9 16 12 18 46 22 30 14 22 55 1 229 67 1 8 45 30 9 103 102 8 8 4 7 30 70 60 6018 85 25 70 40 345 8 25 116 12 1850 16 2010 12 25 16 4040 30 115 30 8 82 22 452014 55 40 20 45 55 35 60 50 22 45 55 30 250 220 121 35 FMI GasGas FFM Sherco OSK JTG NMF Beta DMSB Beta DMSB GasGas DMSB Beta DMSB Sherco SVEMO GasGas 3 Max Faude4 Julian Berntsen5 Marius Christiansen6 NOR Michele Andreoli7 NOR GER Manuel Copetti8 NMF Johansson Tobias ITA9 NMF DMSB GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS Rossi Valentin Beta, BETA GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS ITA SWE 55 FMI 85 SVEMO JTG Scorpa, SCORPA FMI FRA 85 50 GasGas, SCORPA FFM 50 Beta, BETA 70 55 40 50 60 295 305 10 Kjarten Mikkelsen11 Philipp Mackroth12 NOR Fabio Clerico13 GER Hendrik Binder 14 NMF Robert Schiek15 Beta, BETA DMSB Andris Grinfelds16 ITA GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS Sacha Bussow17 25 Marcus Ingelstrom GER18 LAT FMI Petter Bjerlin19 SWE Beta, BETA DMSB FRA LaMFS Nicolas Defourny 3520 Beta, BETA Sherco, SHERCO SVEMO Nils Johan GunvaldsenNOR Sherco, SHERCO 21 FFM BLE Florian Resch 22 NOR NMF 25 Scorpa, SCORPA Baptist Tobias 23 Beta, BETA Florian Cardinal NMF FMB24 GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS 14 Christopher Wengler25 GER David Lundin 26 1 2 Anders Paulsen27 DMSB 14 Ossa, OSSA Carlo Minot 28 Phillip Emonts 29 14 10 NOR 113 Jacob Gunvaldsen 30 Leiser Valentin NMF31 10 18 Beta, BETA Jonathan Schaub 32 Brian Allaman33 SUI Straub Yannic 12 7 SUI FMS 20 GER BETA 16 FMS DMSB GAS 57 GASGAS 53

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 141 7 55 45 40 25 25 95 90 95 Total 6 6 45 105 35 35 22 22 55 165 100 100 3 5 9 3 4 55 45 40 25 16 25 61 2 A B 45 50 35 35 20 7 1 1 5545 55 60 8560 45 50 60 40 50 285 260 20 25 10 18 18 12 12 70 30 25 22 18 85 8550 7040 50 100 3018 55 60 40 22 35 400 16 20 30 20 30 220 25 14 14 104 18 93 70 100 100 85 85 440 100 70 60 70 70 370 FMB Beta FMB Ossa FMB GasGas DMU Montesa ACCR Sherco DMSB GasGas ITA FMI Ossa, OSSA EST EMF GasGas, GAS ESP RFME Sherco, SHERCO CZE ACCR Ossa, OSSA AUT OMK GasGas, GASGAS GER DMSB Sherco, SHERCO Manfred Weissensteiner 2 Veelen John Van 3 Feltrinelli Walter 4 NED Alois Thoma5 Peter Mohr 6 ITA KNMV Angelo Piu Ossa, OSSA 7 Philippe Bontemps8 GER FMI Johan Herremans9 FRA Sherco, SHERCO Matthias Neukirchen DMSB GER JTG BEL FMI DMSB Beta BETA, GAS GAS, GasGas FMB GasGas, GAS GAS, GASGAS 35 40 30 22 16 143 1 Vladimir Kothay SVK SMF Ossa, OSSA 34 De Lange Tim 35 Morten Andersen 36 Julien Minerba GER DMSB SUI GasGas, GAS FMB GAS 10 Schumann Torsten 11 Dominique Guillaume12 SUI GER Sami Kymalainen13 14 DMSB FMS FIN Beta, BETA Jiri Macek 15 SCORPA Huffel Chris Van 16 SML Jorge Illa 17 Jaak Burk Ossa, OSSA 18 BEL Nicolas Puttemans 19 Frederic Malcorps 20 FMB Sven Groschler 21 GasGas, GASGAS Thomas Stampfli22 Eric Verkenne 23 Daniel Haase 24 SUI Patric Wenger FMS BETA SUI FMS BETA Events: 1 - Pietramurata/ITA; 2 - Lucerna San Giovanni/ITA; 3 - Bilstain/BEL; 4 -Grimmialp/SUI 2 - Lucerna San Giovanni/ITA; Events: 1 - Pietramurata/ITA; OVER 40

142 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 9 22 12 14 20 20 10 10 2 9 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 1 14 10 12 11 10 15 Score 10 9 19 SML DMU DMU DMU DMU SVEMO DMU SVEMO SML DMU DMU PZM DMSB SVEMO SVEMO PZM 9 22 12 14 FIN DEN DEN DEN DEN SWE DEN SWE FIN DEN DEN POL GER SWE SWE POL TRACK RACING FMI Sherco FMI Sherco OMK GasGas AMZS Beta 234 Jonas Seifert 5 Mathias Nielsen 6 Jonatan Gran 7 Benjamin Basso 8 Emil Portner 9 Alexander Woentin Antti Vuolas Jonas Knudsen 1 Christian Thaysen 25 Marco Marrancini 26 Oskar Walter27 Kalle Ivainen28 Thomas Weinzierl 29 Danijel Prodan SUI30 Patrik Schnider31 EST Carlo Fabbri FMS MONTESA EMF SUI GAS GAS, GasGas FMS GAS 101112 Kasper Faarkrogh 13 Mateusz Swidnicki 14 Lukas Baumann 15 Anton Woss 16 Bjoerling William Arttu Pentinmäki Pawel Tyburski Events: 1 - Pietramurata/ITA; 2 - Lucerna San Giovanni/ITA; 3 - Bilstain/BEL; 4 -Grimmialp/SUI 2 - Lucerna San Giovanni/ITA; Events: 1 - Pietramurata/ITA; YOUTH SPEEDWAY RACING 85CC EUROPEAN CUP YOUTH SPEEDWAY Semi Final & - /POL

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 143 ACU DMSB PZM ACU ACCR ACCR DMSB KNMV ACCR PZM DMSB PZM DMSB DMSB DMSB KNMV KNMV KNMV DMSB DMSB GBR GER POL GBR CZE CZE GER NED CZE POL GER POL GER GER GER NED NED NED GER GER 23 Kyle Bickley 4 Jan Kvech 5 Filip Sifalda 6 Wunderer Tim 7 Kruit William 8 Petr Chlupac 9 Karol Zupinski Maximilian Troidl 1 Marcin Turowski 1011 Denis Zielinski 12 Harry Mc Gurk 13 Marvin Wiegert 14 Finn Loheider 15 Chayenne Wiegert 16 Kevin Lück 17 Christian Wagemans 18 Margriet Diever Jeffrey Sijbesma DNSDNS Ann Kathrin Gerdes Luca Kastner YOUTH SPEEDWAY RACING 125CC EUROPEAN CUP YOUTH SPEEDWAY Final - Olching/GER

144 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 3 8 9 6 5 4 7 5 4 16 20 11 10 87 31 9 17 17 56 8 6 43 4 3 3 Total 2011 40 36 10 16 16 41 13 39 25 45 8 9 6 3 7 5 4 2 20 25 16 11 10 13 3 7 8 9 6 5 4 1 16 11 25 13 Kawasaki Suzuki Kawasaki Kawasaki Kawasaki Kawasaki Segale Honda 10 Suzuki Suzuki Moto Guzzi Ducati Kawasaki Suzuki Kawasaki Honda Honda Suzuki Kawasaki Honda Honda Kawasaki Suzuki Suzuki P&M Kawasaki 20 VINTAGE GBR FRA BEL NED FRA BEL ITA ITA FRA GBR FRA BEL FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA 2 Force Team 3 Sweatshop Phase Ii4 Roadrunner Team 5 Kaiser Classic Endurance6 Moto Bel' 7 GBR GER Bolliger Classic Endurance8 Segale Classic Team 9 SUI Ride 4 Grinta SUI 1 Sweatshop Phase One GBR 10 Armor Classic Bike11 Melting Potes 12 Taurus Team 13 Hampe Racing 14 14 FRA Neate Racing 15 Scert 16 Poweracing - Club 17 Thing Wild 18 Duduteam 19 Rpm 83 Moto 20 Ruiz Team 21 Real Dholda Friends22 Dd Moto Team 23 Alf Endurance Teal 24 Classic Suzuki Team 25 BEL Racer Garage 26 Rpm 83 Gwcrt GBR GER VINTAGE ENDURANCE CUP VINTAGE Maxi Classic

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 145 9 2 1 1 8 2 26 20 11 34 30 16 40 Total 3 Total 3 Total 20 53 2516 25 13 16 13 11 61 25 75 9 2 1 8 2 2 13 10 20 11 16 25 25 B 17 15 20 1 1 2 1 1 20 16 25 A 17 15 20 BMW Moto Martin Kawasaki Bimota Ducati Yamaha Segoni Special 25 Moto Guzzi Suzuki Laverda Kawasaki TRIUMPH TRIUMPH FRA FRA GER GER GER GER GER ITA NED FRA GER 2 Aml Racing 3 Autohaus Sellmann 4 German Guzzi Team 5 Acr 3 Martmann 6 Carlains Team 7 Dijk Racing Van 8 85 Classic Team 9 Acr 2 Endurance 23 Luciano Lentini Luciano Molteni 1 Scuderia Officine Toscane ITA 1 Capelli Belli 1 Anaya Jose Maria Martinez TRIUMPH 27 Motorradshop Bergkamen28 Baloo Racing Team29 GER Padova Moto Corse30 Projekt 34 FRA ITA 10 Antidote 11 4Q Racing Events: 1 -Paul Ricard/FRA; 2 - Spa Francorchamps/BEL; 3 -Aragon/SPA Events: 1 -Paul Ricard/FRA; 2 - Spa Francorchamps/BEL; 3 -Aragon/SPA Event: Folgaria/ITA Events: 1 -Paul Ricard/FRA; 2 - Spa Francorchamps/BEL; 3 -Aragon/SPA Classic 1 750 TT TRIAL CUP VINTAGE A VINT CAT.

146 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 8 19 32 28 34 22 22 19 23 21 16 34 24 20 28 17 16 12 40 40 40 Total Total Total 1 7 6 9 9 8 5 8 B B B 13 17 15 11 13 10 17 15 10 11 20 20 20 1 1 1 6 7 9 8 8 7 0 A A A 15 13 17 15 13 11 10 11 17 10 17 20 20 20 SWM SWM SWM FANTIC FANTIC FANTIC FANTIC FANTIC FANTIC FANTIC FANTIC FANTIC MORINI FANTIC HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA HONDA BULTACO 2 Dario Seregni 234 Marino Fontanot 5 Davide Diemmi 6 Alberto Diemmi 7 Moreno Bonetti 8 Rolando Tagliabue 9 Alberto Giacobazzi Roberto Porro Riccardo Aime 234 Christian Sartore 5 Daniele Semeraro 6 Ugo Alberti 7 Fabrizio Ceresa 8 Gabriele Milan Andy Nauli Maurizio Magni 1 Antonio Sangiorgio 1 Anesetti Rodolfo Arrigoni FANTIC 1 Feltrinelli Walter 1011 Rino Sandrolini Euro Guermandi Event: Folgaria/ITA Event: Folgaria/ITA CAT. B VINT CAT. C VINT CAT. E VINT CAT.

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 147 6 0 9 8 7 9 34 20 16 13 11 10 40 40 40 25 Total Total Total Total 0 0 9 8 7 0 B B B 1 17 20 16 13 11 10 20 20 20 25 1 1 1 6 0 9 A A A 17 20 20 20 SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR SVK SVK CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE GER GER BETA APRILIA APRILIA FANTIC GUZZI HONDA 9 Ciancia Vincenzo 2 Mario Bernardini 234 Kamenar Lubomir 5 Kupka Karel 6 Dvorak Frantisek 7 Hulka Petr 8 Krocka Marian 9 Padysak Milan Haider Berhnard Juracek Josef 1 Enzo Afri 1 De Fatis Gianni Tabarelli FANTIC 1 Moreno Piazza 1 Seidl Frank 1011 Mario Aini Euro Guermandi Event: Folgaria/ITA Event: Folgaria/ITA Event: Folgaria/ITA Event: Folgaria/ITA CAT. F VINT CAT. G VINT CAT. I VINT CAT. REGULARITY CUP VINTAGE A1 CAT.

148 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 6 0 9 8 6 5 0 0 0 9 8 7 4 7 20 13 11 10 20 13 11 10 16 16 25 25 Total Total 6 0 9 8 6 5 0 0 0 9 8 7 4 7 1 1 20 13 11 10 20 13 11 10 16 16 25 25 SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF OSK OSK ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR DMSB DMSB ACCR MAMS MAMS MAMS SVK SVK SVK SVK SVK SVK CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE AUT AUT GER GER GER GER CZE GER HUN HUN HUN 345 Seidl Frank 6 Stefan Vacula 7 Szantai Szabo Péter 8 Hrncal Zdenek 9 Maier Johann Bachar Vladimir Ziska Dalibor 234 Chvojka Josef 5 Otakar Talaga 6 Pöllmann Bernd 7 Lux Rostislav 8 Malek Ladislav 9 Koutny Ivo Paznocht Zdenek Hrncal Zdenek 1 Pöllmann Bernd 1 Cizek Jan 1011 Harantova Petra Kleemann Franz 101112 Hentschel Tanja 13 Serfözö György 14 Dvorak Frantisek 15 First Valadimir 16 Maurer Johann Matus Karel sen. Neumann Lázsló Event: Slovakiaring/SVK Event: Slovakiaring/SVK CAT. A2 CAT. B CAT.

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 149 5 0 0 6 0 1 20 16 20 16 13 20 16 13 10 11 25 25 25 Total Total 5 0 0 6 0 1 1 20 16 20 16 13 20 16 13 10 11 25 25 25 SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF SMF ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR ACCR DMSB DMSB ACCR ACCR SVK SVK CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE CZE AUT AUT AUT AUT GER GER GER CZE GER SVK SVK Rozenekova Katerina Kopecky Ondrej Sedlacek Ondrej 23 Medek Miroslav Sedlacek Roman 234 Follrich Milan F ű rböck Johann Stibor Marek 234 Nechanicky Jiri 5 Riedel J_rgen 6 Ritter Franz Pavel Tomas Kupka Radoslav 1 Sulo Lukas 1 Marian Tarhanic 1 Pavel Tomas 101112 Hulka Petr 13 Maurer Johann 14 Dienst Karl Maier Johann Ruzicka Rudolf Event: Slovakiaring/SVK Event: Slovakiaring/SVK Event: Slovakiaring/SVK Event: Slovakiaring/SVK CAT. C CAT. D CAT. E - SIDECAR CAT. Total

150 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 PALMARES / ROLL OF HONOUR PALMARES CHAMPIONS D’EUROPE / EUROPEAN Carmelo Morales Gómez (E-FIM CEV Repsol Superbike); Morbidelli (I-Superstock 600). stock 1000cc. Junior), F. tamaria (E. Supersport Junior), R. Russo (I-Superstock 600cc). 1000cc. Junior), J. Metcher (A-Superstock 600 cc.) rer (E-Superstock 1000 cc. Junior), J. Guarnoni (F-Superstock 600 cc.) (I-Superstock 1000cc. Junior), G. Rea (GB-Superstock 600cc.) Simeon (B-Stocksport 1000cc. Junior), L. Baz (F-Superstock 600cc.) 2012San- A. (E-SupersportJunior), Climent O. 100cc), (E-Superstock (E-Supersport),C.Morales Climent O. (I-Moto3/125cc.), Ferrari M. 2011 R. Fenati (I-125cc), J. Torres (E-Supersport), A. Schacht (DK –Supersport), I. Silva (E-Superstock 1000cc.), L. Baz (F-Superstock Petrucci D. 1000cc.), (E-Superstock 2009 Morales C. Junior), (E-Supersport I.Moreno (GB-Supersport), Coghlan K. (D-125cc.), Schrötter M. 2015 Toprak Razgatlioglu (T-Superstock 600); Oliver Konig (CZ-Superstock 250); Edgar Pons Ramon ( E -FIM CEV2014 Repsol Moto 2); M. Faccani (I-Superstock 600) 2013(E-Super Llano G. Junior), (E-Superstock A.Poyatos 1000cc), (E-Superstock Fores (E-Superstport),X. R.Ramos 3), (CZ-Moto K.Hanika 2007 (I-Supersport), M. Berger (F-Superstock 600cc.) A.Gyorfi (H-125cc.), A. Molina (E-250cc.), G. Tarizzo 2006 (A-125cc.), A. Molina (E-250cc.), D. Giugovaz (I-Supersport), X. Simeon (B-Supertock 600cc. P.Eitzinger 2005 M. Conti (I-125cc.), A. Molina (E-250cc.), G. Boccolini (I-Supersport), C. Corti (I-Supertock 600cc.) 2004 Lauslehto (FIN-Superspot), L. Alfonsi (I-Stocksport 1000cc.) M. Pirro (I-125cc.), A. Molina (E-250cc.), T. 2003 Sekiguchi (J-250cc.), M. Baiocco (I-Supersport), M. Fabrizio (I-Stocksport 1000cc.) M. Angeloni (I-125cc.), T. 2002 Iannuzzo (I-Stocksport 1000cc) M. Simoncelli (I-125cc.), A. Molina (E-250cc.), K. Andersen (N-Supersport)). V. 2001 A. Dovizioso (I-125cc.), D. Garcia (E-250cc.), Corradi (I-Supersport), J. Ellison (GB-Stocksport 1000cc 2000 D. Giugovaz (I-125cc.), R. Chiarello (I-250cc.), A. Escobar (E-Supersport), J. Ellison (GB-Stocksport 1000cc) 1999 K. Nohles (D-125cc.), I. Clementi (I-250cc.), S. Legrelle (B-Supersport), K. Harris (GB-Stocksport 1000cc) 1998 M. Sabbatani (I-125cc), A. Hofmann (D-250cc.), J. Hansson (S-Supersport) 2010 (E-125cc.), C. Morales (E-Supersport), M.Viñales A. Santamaria (E-Supersport Junior), S. Barragan (E-Superstock 1000 cc.), E.Fer 2008 L. Savadori (I-125cc.), A. Rodriguez (E-Supersport), K. Coghlan (GB-Supersport Junior), C. Morales (E- Stocksport 1000cc.), X. Courses sur Route / Road Racing

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 151 Crabtree (GB-Sidecar 350cc.), E. D’Eternod (CH-Sidecar 600cc.) 1928S. (GB-500cc.), Handley W. (GB-350cc.), Handley W. , (GB-250cc.) Ashby C.T. (I-175cc.), Panella A. (CH-125cc.), Lehmann H. 1997 (F-125cc.), D. Bulega (I-250cc.), A. Conti (I-Supersport), A. Vincent U. Mark (D-Superbike) 1996 Pirovano (I-Supersport), I. Gavira (E-Superbike) J. Martinez (E-125cc.), S. Porcu (ARG-250cc.), F. 1995 L. Cecchinello (I-125cc.), G. Boscoscuro (I**-250cc.), M. Paquay (B-Supersport), M. Innamorati (I-Superbike) 1994 Briguet (CH, Supersport), A. Rasmussen (DK-Superbike) I. Cremonini (I-125cc.), R. Laconi (F-250cc.), Y. 1993 (GB-Superbike) Rymer S. Perugini (I-125 cc.), G. Fiorillo (I-250cc.), M. Paquay (B-Spersport), T. 1992 J. Borja (E-125cc.), L.C. Maurel (E-250cc.), S. Scheschowitsch(D-Supersport), D.Amatrian (E-Superbike) 1991 (I-Superbike) O. Koch (D-125cc.), M. Biaggi (I-250cc.), L.D’Antin (E-Supersport), D.Tardozzi 1990 Heijden (NL-250cc.), H. Selby (GB-Supersport), R.Arnaiz (USA*-Superbike) J. Debon (F-125cc) , L.V.d. 1989 Linden (S-500cc.) J. Mariano (E-80cc.), G. Debbia (I-125cc.), A. Borgonovo (I-250cc.), P. 1988 Ricci (I-250cc.), A. Rota (I-500cc) B. Nikolov (BG-80cc.), E. Cuppini (I-125cc.), F. 1987 J. Miralles (E-80cc.), A. Stadler (D-125cc.), Cardelus (AND-250cc.), M. Fischer (D-500cc.) 1986 B. Casanova (I-80cc.), C. Macciotta (I-125cc.), H. Lindner (A-250cc.), M. Messere (I-500cc) 1985 Chili (I-125cc.), M. Matteoni (I-250cc.), Gentile (CH-500cc.) G. Schirnhofer (D-80cc.), P.F. 1984 R. Bay (D-80cc.), N. Peschke (D-125cc.), G. Noel (GB-250cc.), E. Hyvarinen (FIN-500cc.) 1983 Skold (S-500cc.) Hupperich (D-125cc.), C. Cardus (E-250cc.), P. H. Abold (D-80cc.), W. 1982 Biliotti (I-500cc.) Z. Matulja (YU-50cc.), S. Caracchi (I-125cc.), R. Roth (D-250cc.), F. 1981 Aldovrandi (I-125cc.), M. Hauf (D-250cc.), L. Becheroni (I-500cc.) G. Ascareggi (I-50cc.), P. 1948 Frith (GB-350cc.), E. Lorenzetti (I-500cc.) M. Cann (GB-250cc.), F. 1947 (I-500cc.), G.Cavanna (I-Sidecar 600cc.) (GB-350cc.), O. Tenni B. Francisci (I-250cc.), F.Anderson 1939 E. Kluge (D-250cc.), H. Fleischmann (D-350cc.), D. Serafini (I-500cc.) 19381000cc.) (D-Sidecar Schuhmann Mellors (GB-350cc.), G. Meier (D-500cc.) H. E. Kluge (D-250cc.), T. 600cc.), (D-Sidecar Braun K. (GB-500cc.), Guthrie 1937 J. (GB-350cc.), Guthrie J. (I-250cc.), Tenni O. 1936 Frith (GB-350cc.), J. Guthrie (GB-500cc.) Smith (IRL-250cc.),F. H.G.Tyrrell 1935 Handley (GB-350cc.), J. Guthrie (GB-500cc.) A. Geiss (D-250cc.), W. 1934 (D-250cc.), J. Simpson (GB-350cc.), L. de Meuter (B-500cc.) Winkler Goor (B-175cc.), W. Van Y. 1933 C. Dodson (GB-250cc.), J. Simpson (GB-350cc.), G. Kalen (S-500cc.) 1932 (I-500cc.) Taruffi C. Baschieri (I-175cc.), R. Brusi (I-250cc.), L. Janin (F-350cc.), P. 1931 Hunt (GB-500cc.) (GB-250cc.), E. Nott (GB-350cc.), P. E. Fernihough(GB-175cc), G. Walker 1930 Smith (IRL-500cc.) Goor (B-175cc.), S. Crastree (GB-250cc.), E. Nott (GB-350cc.), H.G. Tyrrell Van Y. 1929 Hunt (GB-500cc.) Longman (GB-250cc.), L. Davenport (GB-350cc.), P. S. Klein (D-175cc.), F.

152 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 S. Giggenbach (D-1000cc.) Peugeot (F-Sidecar) Curinga (I-Supersport 600cc), C.Balmer (CH-Superstock 1000cc.), O.Dichamp/ V. (I-Supersport), F. 1927 P. Henkelmann(D-175cc.), C.T.Ashby (GB-250cc.), J. Simpson 1926 (GB-350cc.), G. Longman (GB-350cc.), J. Simpson (GB-500cc) R. Milhoux (B-175cc.), J. Porter Walker (GB-250cc.), F. (GB-500c), 1925 S. Stelzer Nuvolari (I-350cc), G. Revelli (I-500cc.) (I-175cc.), J. Porter (GB-250cc.), T. (D-750cc.), M. Vaga 1924 Geert (B-250cc.), J. Simpson (GB-350cc.), G. Mentasti (I-500cc.) J. Van 2015 Martinelli (I-Supermoto Open) Curinga (I-Supersport), J.L. David (F-Superbike), F. J.P Clement (F-250GP), F. 2014 (S-Supermoto Open), O.Dichamp (F-Sidecar) (I-600cc), S.Bonetti (I-1200cc), F.Bochatay Bian (F-250cc), F.Curriga P.Y. 1983 D.Baertschi (CH-250cc) 1982 (I-250cc) W.Marsigli 1981 E.Fontana (CH-250cc), O.Schmid (A-500cc) 1980 (I-500cc) D. Bomvicini (F-350cc), S.Valentini 1979 Muller/ U. Bhaler (CH-Sidecar) (F-500cc), T. (A-250cc), D. Bonvicini (F-350cc), P.Giugler P.Schofer 1978 (CH-Sidecar) (A-350cc), M.Masnada (F-500cc), T.Muller/K.Waltisberg (F-250cc) , F.Schindle Y.Faure 1977 (CH-Sidecar) Waltisberg E.Stollinger (A-250cc), J.Hohl (CH-350 cc), M.Masnada (F-500cc), T.Muller/K. 1976 E.Stollinger (A-250cc) 1975 (CH -250cc) F.Erad 1972 (CH -250cc) W.Rungg 1971 (CH -250cc) W.Rungg 1970 (A-250cc) F.Widowski 2009 A. Polita (I-Stocksport 600cc.) 2008 Katen (NL-Stocksport 600cc.), N. Prinz (D-Stocksport 1000cc.) I.Ten 2007 Katen (NL-Stocksport 600cc.), N. Prinz (D-Stocksport 1000cc.) I. Ten * With FMI licence* With FSM licence ** With Courses de Côte / Road Racing Hill Climb Road Racing Courses sur Route Femmes / Women Courses sur Route Sidecar / Road Racing 2013 G. Ronzoni (125cc.), P.Favre (F-250 open), U.Rodemacher (D-Superbike), J.Schoenleitner (A-Supermoto open), L.Gottardi

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 153 E. Bastianini (I-Mini GP 70) GP 50), M. Pagliani (I-Mini 70), L. Loi (B-Mini 100)** Bagnania (I-Mini GP 50), G. Stirpe 70) F. R. Sokol (CZ-Senior Mini-Midi 40), M. Insalata (I-Senior Open 50) Open) 2005 Hill (GB) M. Spendal (SLO) / P. 2004 (GB) Woodhead / P. S. Webster 1994 (CH) / H. Wickli A. Vogeli 1992 G. Knight / M. Jackson (GB) 1993 K. Kavanach (GB) 1991 J. Lauslehto / S. Palojar (FIN) 1990 D. Dixon / S.R. (GB) 1989 Bottcher (D) R. Bohnhorst / T. 1981 J. Barker / Brushwood (GB) 1988 Wyssen / K. (CH) T. 1987 J.L. Millet / C. Debroux (F) 1986 Gess (D) B. Scherer / W. 1985 (GB) Wrathll F. 1984 H.R. Christinat / M. Fahrni (CH) 1983 Hookham (GB) K. Cousins / P. 1982 M. Barton / N. Cutmore (GB) 2015 (CZ- Honda NSF 100) L. Lunetta (I –Junior A), A. Natali B); M. Carbonera ( I- Senior Open 50), O. Vostatek 2014 Straalen ( N- Senior Open 40), M.Carbonera (I- 50), D. Baldini Mini GP M. Falzone (I –Junior A), G. Van 2011 C. Vietti Ramus (I-Junior A), N. Spinelli (I-Junior B), M. Casadei (I-Open 40), Pisano W. (I-Open 50), N.Bulega, (I- Mini GP 50), 2006 (I-Senior Open) M. Ferrari (I-Junior A), Marx (CZ-Junior B), A. Del Bianco (I-Junior C), L. Marconi (I-Senior Mini), T.Totti Mini Courses sur Route / Road Racing 2010 B. Palazzese Ieraci (I-Junior A), N. Bianucci (I-Junior B), Giorgianni V. (I-Open 40), D. Biagiarelli (I-Open 50), L. Gabellino (Mini 2009 F. Spiranelli (I-Junior A), F. Di Giannantonio (I-Junior B), W. Pisano 2008(I-Senior Mini Midi Di F. Giannanatonio 40),(I.Junior A 2/t), A. R. Schotman Forlani(NL-Junior A 4/t), (I-SeniorA. Del Bianco (I-Junior Open B 2/t), 50),E. Bastianini (I-Junior B 4/t), 2007 D. Krulis (CZ-Junior A), N. Antonelli (I-Junior B), A. Del Bianco (I-Senior A 4/s), C. Gamarino (I-Senior Mini), L. Marconi (I-Senior

154 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 2015 G.Bowe (GB -Superstreet Bike Cup) Fuel), M. De Haas (NED-super Twin), (FIN - Pro Stock), I. King (GB-Top F.Fredlund 2014 (GB -Superstreet Bike) S.Venables Fuel), S. Kemppainen (G-super Twin), (FIN - Pro Stock), I. King (GB-Top F.Fredlund 2013 Fuel), R.Aasen (N-super Twin) (FIN - Pro Stock), I. King (GB-Top F.Fredlund 2012 G.Balchin (GB-Superstreet) Fuel), N.Gagnon (CAN -Super Twin), (FIN - Pro Stock), I. King (GB-Top F.Fredlund 2011 R. Gustavsson (S-Funny Bike) Bengtsson (S-Super Twin), Fuel), P. Svensson (S-Top J. Thiel (DK-Pro Stock), P. 2010 C. Jager (D-Funny Bike) Fuel), L. Stauble (CH-Super Twin), Paljakta (FIN-Top U. Ogge (S-Pro Stock), P. 2009 Bengtsson (S-Super Twin) Fuel), P. U. Ögge (S-Pro Stock), I. King (GB-Top 2008 Fuel Bike), S.0. Rolfstad (N-Super Twin) Fredlund (FIN-Pro Stock), I. King (GB-Top F. 2007 Fuel Class), L. Stauble (CH- SuperTwin) (S-Pro Stock), I. King (GB- Top T .Tinndahn 2006 Fuel Class), R. Aasen (N- SuperTwin) A. Abrahamsson (S-Pro Stock), R. Gustavsson (S- Top 2005 Fuel Class), R. Aasen (N- SuperTwin) R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock), I. King (GB- Top 2004 Pels (NL- SuperTwin) Fuel Class), T. R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock), Koedam (NL- Top 2003 Bengtsson (S- SuperTwin) Fuel Class) , P. R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock), Koedam (NL-Top 2002 O. von Messen (N- Pro Stock), S. Dahl Competition Bike), A. Karling (S- SuperTwin) 2001 R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock), I. King (GB- Competition Bike), A. Karling (S- SuperTwin) 2000 R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock), O. Dahl (N- Competition Bike), S. Junerud (S- SuperTwin) 1999 Bengtsson (S- SuperTwin) R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock), Koedam (NL- Competition Bike), P. 1998 (NL- SuperTwin) (F- Competition Bike), G. Willemse R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock) - E. Teboul 1997 Sohn (A- SuperTwin) R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock), Koedam (NL- Competition Bike), W. 1996 Pels (NL- SuperTwin) Svensson (S- Competition Bike), T. R. Pettersson (S-Pro Stock), P. 1995 Svensson (S- Competition Bike), A. Karling SuperTwin) S. Meierwall (S-Pro Stock), P. 1994 Bossert (CH- Competition Bike), A. Karling (S-SuperTwin) D. Beck (GB-Pro Stock) , P. 1994 Bossert (CH- Competition Bike), A. Karling (S-SuperTwin) D. Beck (GB-Pro Stock) , P. 1993 Malin (FIN-Pro Stock) , H. Geeve (NL-Competition Bike) V. 1992 (F-Competition Bike) M. Balsberger (S-Pro Stock), E. Teboul 1991 Saunders (GB-Pro Stock), C. Elampson (GB-Competition Bike) W. 1990 M. Balsberger (S-Pro Stock), J. Hillman (SF-Competition Bike) Dragster / Dragbike

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 155 250cc), M. Maddi (ITA -300cc), M. Michec (CZE-Open) 250cc), M. Maddi (ITA (I-150cc 4 Stroke) E. Mikhailov (RUS-Open) 2015(NED Kouwenberg N. -150cc), (FIN Weckman E. -125cc), (ESP Garcia J.Prado -85cc), (NED Dankers R. -65cc), (NED Smulders S. (GBR -150cc 4 Stroke) Wilkie 2013 R.Dankers (NL-65cc), C.Mewse (GB-85cc), P.Jonass (LT-125cc), V.Guillod (CH-250cc), 2012 A.Burgreev (RUS-Open), (BLR-Open) (SLO-125cc), M.Pocock (GB-250cc), T.Tyletski X. Ramella (CH - 65cc), D.Pootjes (NL-85cc), T.Gajer F.Grigoletto 2010 B. Hsu (D-65cc.)*, B. Bogers (NL-85cc.), J. Tixier (F-125cc.2 2009stroke), (RUS –Open) Tanko J. Ratsep (EST -125cc), C. Charlier (F V. Gajser (SLO -85cc), P. Remmelg (BG -65cc), T. I. Petrov, (S-150cc. 4 stroke), 2008S. (CZ-open) Lenoir (F-125cc.), P.Bartos Teillet (F-125cc.), V. D. Pootjes (NL-65cc.), J. Herlings (NL-85cc.), K. Ratsep (EST-125cc.Junior), 2007 (RUS –Open) Tonkov Gajser (HR -65cc) , J. Clèrmont (F-85cc), G. Paulin (F-125cc), K.Gercar (SLO -125cc Junior), V. T. 2005 (F-125cc.). N. Hansen (DK-125cc.Junior), R. Morozov (UA-open) N. Recchia (I-65cc.), M. Fiorgentili (I-85cc.), J. Tarroux 2004 Junior), A. Safronov (RUS-open) M. Musquin (F-85cc.), Seistola (FIN-125cc.), I. Steinbergs (LV-125cc. 2003 C. Pourcel (F-85cc.), S. (F-125cc.), J. Kulhavy (SK-125cc. Junior), Godrie (B-open) Junior) 2002(EST-open Laansoo J. (SLO-open), Kragelj S. Junior), (SLO-125cc. Moze J. (I-125cc.), Cherubini L. (L-85cc.), Verbruggen D. 2001 (F-85cc.), K. Strijbos (NL-125cc.), C. Coulon (F-125cc. Junior), M. Milanovic (CH-open), M.Krucirek (CZ-open Junior) J. Tarroux 2000 (F-85cc.), A. Pyrhonen (SF-125cc.), L. Freibergs (LV-open) G. Tarroux 1999 A. Paricio (E-125cc.), N. Sipek (HR-open) A. Leok (EST-85cc.), 1998 N. Delepierre (F-85cc.), S. Boniface (F-125cc.), J. Jorgensen (DK-open) 1997 Dini (I-125cc.), J. Remacho (E-250cc.) F. 1996 (E-250cc.) Garcia Vico (I-125cc.), F.J. Traversini T. 1995 M. Stallman (NL-125cc.), Nilsson (E-250cc.) 1994 B. Jorgensen (DK-125cc.),1993 M. Caprani (DK-125cc.); J. Eliasson (S-250cc) 1992 M. Beltrami (I-125cc.) A. Dygd (S-250cc.) Motocross 2014 N. Kucherov (RUS -65cc), J. Geerts (BEL -85cc), B. Hsu (GER -125cc), S. Clarke (GBR -250cc), Rogozin (RUS –Open), A. 2011 Bartos (CZ- Open) (UA-85cc.), R. Febvre (F-125cc.), S. Zecchina (I-125cc. 2 stroke), P. J. Prado Garcia (E-65cc.), R. Voytsyckyy 2006 (B-125cc.), M. Maddii (I-125cc. Junior), Dottori (I-open) Kovar (CZ-65cc.), A. Lupino (I-85cc.), D. Verbrueggen V.

156 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 1991 A. Chiodi (I-125cc.) 1990 C. Rostagno (I-125cc. 1988 A.Fanton (I-125cc.) 1989 Betthys (F-125cc) T. 2015 Italy 2014 Italy 2013 France 2012 Italy 2011 The Netherlands 2010 The Netherlands 2009 The Netherlands 2008 France 2007 Italy 2006 Italy 2005 Belgium 2004 Belgium 2003 Belgium 2002 Czech Republic 2001 Czech Republic 2000 Belgium 2015 Italy 2014 Italy 2013 France 2012 Italy 2011 The Netherlands 2010 The Netherlands 2009 The Netherlands * Avec licence FMI / With FMI licence licence FMI / With * Avec Nations of European Motocross des Nations Européennes / Motocross of European Nations Motocross Femmes des Nations Europeénnes/Women’s

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 157 2008 France 2007 Italy 2006 Italy 2005 Belgium 2004 Belgium 2015 ITP Quadcross EC) Edgars Mengelis ( LAT- 2014 Grinsven (NED) M. Van 2013 (F) J. Warnia 2012 (F) J. Warnia 2011 R. Couprie (F) 2010 R. Couprie (F) 2009 Holmes (GB) P. 2008 R. Couprie (F) 2015 The Netherlands 2014 The Netherlands 2012 France 2011 Belgium 2010 Italy 2009 France 2012 R. Bizouard (F) 2011 R. Bizouard (F) 2015 The Netherlands 2014 Belgium 2012 The Netherlands Quad Cross Nations of European Quad Cross des Nations Européennes / Freestyle Nations of European Sidecarcross des Nations Européennes /

158 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 2011 Belgium 2010 The Netherlands 2009 Belgium 2008 The Netherlands 2007 Latvia 2006 The Netherlands 2005 Latvia 2004 Germany 1 2003 The Netherlands 1 2002 The Netherlands 2001 Estonia 2000 The Netherlands 2015 M. R.Schmidt (GER –S2), D. E. Oncu (TUR –SM85); H. Halmi (BUL-SM3) 2014 A. Kingelin (FIN – ES2), C. Oncu (TUR SM85), R. Pac SM3) 2013 (NED -YT) -ES 2) , D. Vermeulen E. Borrella (ITA 2012 (NED -YT) (CZE - S2), D. Vermeulen Vorlicek P. 2011 Monticelli (I-ES Open) M. Ivanov (BG-85cc.), G. Cochev (BG-250cc.), A. Karanyotov (BG-450cc.), T-. 2010 L. Höllbacher (A-ES 3), U. Nastran (SLO-ES Open) 2009 A. Karanyotov (BG-ES 3), M. Porfiri (I-ES Open) 2008 O. Pope (GB-ES 3), L. D'Addato (I-ES Open) 2007 (CZ-ES Open) Vorlicek B. Rheims (F-ES 3), P. 2006 Sobczyk (PL-SuperQuad) G. Kökenyesi (H-250cc.), B. Stern (SLO-450cc.), P. 2005 G. Kökenyesi (H-250cc.), A. Hlad (SLO-450cc.) 2004 Drunen (NL-450cc.) A. Roland (F-250cc.), M. Van 2003 (I-450cc.), B. Hiemer (D-650cc.) M. Verderosa 2002 den Bosch (F) Van T. 2001 E. Seel (B) 2000 den Bosch (F) Van T. 1999 Godfroid (B) T. 1998 H. Ott (D) Supermotard / Supermoto

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 159 2006 Slovenia 2005 Italy 2004 Italy 2003 France 2015 O.H. Hagen Sjogren (NOR) 2014 A. Pihlaja (FIN) 2013 Herten (FIN) V. 2012 O. Norum (S) 2011 M. Lindback (NOR) 2010 J. Honka (FIN) 2009 J. Jurvelin (FIN) 2008 J. Biti (NOR) 2007 Ahmasalo (FIN) T. 2006 Ahmasalo (FIN) T. 2005 Pettersen (NOR) J. T. 2004 J. Persson (S) 2003 J. Biti (NOR) 2002 Not arranged 2001 Ahmasalo (FIN) T. 2000 (FIN) J. Tapio 1999 (FIN) J. Tapio 1998 Haikonen (FIN) T. 1997 K. Johansson (S) 1996 (FIN) J. Tapio 1995 (FIN) J. Tapio 1994 Haikonen (FIN) T. 1993 K. Johansson (S) 1992 K. Johansson (S) Supermotard des Nations Européennes / Supermoto of European Motoneige / Snowcross

160 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 1991 K. Johansson (S) 1990 Piippola (FIN) P. 1989 M. Ohman (S) 2015 (I) G.Tournour 2014 Kadlec (D) F. 2013 E. Karksson (S) 2012 M. Grattarola (I) 2011 J. Challoner (GB) 2010 (GB) A. Wigg 2009 L. Gubian (F) 2008 M.Brown (GB) 2007 D. Gibert (E) 2006 J. Dabill (GB) 2005 S. Morris (GB) 2004 Blazusiak (PL) T. 2003 A. Bou (E) 2002 J. Fajado (E) 2001 J. Manzano (E) * 2000 A. Raga (E) 1999 J.M. Alcaraz (E) 1998 J. Pascuet (E) 1997 M. Cattla (E) 1996 G. Reyes (E) 1995 M. Justribo (E) 1994 J. Benitez (E) 1993 D. Lampkin (GB) 1992 J. Pons (E) Trial FFM licence licence FFM / With * Avec

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 161 L. Sanz (E) W. Muller (A-Veteran), S. Karkkainen (FIN-Women), T.Sagar (GB-Overall), M. Spandre (I –U20) T.Sagar S. Karkkainen (FIN-Women), Muller (A-Veteran), W. 2015 Bauml (D) T. 2014 (D) I. Wilde 2013 E. Bristrow (GB) 2012 B. Cook (GB) 2005-2011 L. Sanz (E) 2002*-2004* 1999* -2001* I. Krämer (D) 2015 Martyn (GB) T. 2014 D. Peace (GB) 2013 Kadlec (D) F. 2012 J. Busto (E) 2011 S. Coquelin (F) 2010 J. Casales Carrasco (E) 2009 (E) Tarres P. 2008 Mottin (F) T. 2007 J. Challoner (GB) 2006 J. Challoner (GB) 2005 A. Wigg 2004 (GB -125cc), C. Kregeloh (D-250cc) A. Wigg 2003 L. Gubian (F-125cc), J.M. Juan (E-250cc) 2002 D. Oliveras (E-125cc), A.Bou (E-250cc) 2001 D.Gilbert (E-125cc), J.Fajardo (E-250cc) 2000 (GB -250cc), S.De Rizzo (I-over 250cc) O.Harjula (SF- 50cc), A.Fistolero (I-125cc), M.Vesterinen 2015 David Abgrall (FRA-E1 Junior), Jeremy Carpentier (FRA-E2+3+Junior), M.Micheluz (GB-E2), (I-E1), M. T.Sagar Sundin (SWE-E3), Trial Women Femmes / Trial Trial * Coupe UEM / Cup Youth Jeunes / Trial Trial Enduro

162 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 (I-E3), W. Muller (A-Veteran), A.Rossat (F-Women), M. Micheluz (I-Overall), MCT Motorace (I-Club Teams) A.Rossat (F-Women), Muller (A-Veteran), (I-E3), W. M. Micheluz (I-Overall) J.Jonsson (S-Women), H. Petrick (D-Wpmen), A.Leok (EST - Overall) Felicia (P-Overall) P. H. Petrick (D-Women), G. Reis (P-Overall) G. Fournel (F-Women), (GB-E2), D. Cadek (CZ-E3), H. Knuiman (NL-Veteran), M. Szuster (PL-Overall) L. Puy (F-Women), J. Curvalle (F-Overall) L. Puy (F-Women), Cyprian (SK-Veteran), R. Michalik (SK-Overall) L. Puy (F-Women), (Veteran), R. Michalik (SK-Overall) Kollman (S-Women), Müller (A-Overall) W. Mucha (A-Women), J. Zaremba (CZ-Scratch) , S. Laier (D-Women), G.M. Rossi (I-Veteran) Müller (A-Scratch) W. E. Roth (S-Women), (I-Veteran), S. Passeri (I-Scratch) E. Roth (S-Women), (LV-Veteran), S. Guillaume (F-Scratch) Quick (GB-Women), P. Extance (GB-Veteran), S. Marcos (P-Scratch) K. Price (GB-Women), Augustyn (PL-Veteran), Pellegrinelli (I-Scratch) T. B. Harmann (D-Women), Hrobsky (CZ-Veteran), F. 2014 (GB-E2), J. Cerutti Szymkowski (P-E2+3+Junior), M.Micheluz (I-E1), T.Sagar S. Holcombe (GB-E1 Junior), B.Freeman (Gb -U20), P. 2012 M. Larsson (S-E1 Junior), G.Martini (I-E2+3 Junior), R. Nikander FIN-E1), C. Cremer (B-E2), M.Micheluz (I-E3), W. Müller (A-Veteran), Müller W. (I-E3), M.Micheluz (B-E2), 2012Cremer C. FIN-E1), Nikander R. Junior), (I-E2+3 G.Martini Junior), (S-E1 Larsson M. (A-Veteran), Müller W. (I-E3), Micheluz 2011M. (GB-E2), Evans G. (P), Felicia P. Junior), (GB-E2+3 McCanney D. Junior), (P-E1 Oliveira L. Evans G. (I-E1), Zanni A. Junior), 2010 Nikander(FIN-E2+3 R. Junior), (I-E1 Mangini M. stroke), 4 (I-125cc. Maule L. (I-50cc.), Bresolin M. 2009(EST-Veteran), Nikopensius T. (SK-E3), Svitko S. (I-E2), Beconi A. (PL-E1), Szuster M. (F-E2+E3), Metge A. Junior), (F-E1 Dumontier R. 2008Z. Senior), (NL-E3 Wassink M. Senior), (S-E2 Jonsonn D. Senior), (I-E1 Beconi A. Junior), (NL-E2+3 Elsinga D. Junior), (E1 Lebrun S. 2007 D. Bolter (GB-E1), R. Michalik (SK-E2), KuklikW. (CZ-E3), M. Szuster (PL-E1 Junior), S. Wakeley (GB-E2/3 Junior), G:M Rossi 2005 Scovolo (I-E1), F. R. Müller Fermi (A-E3), (I-E2), D. W. Bolter (GB-E1 Junior), S. Svito (SK-E2/3 Junior), G.M. E. Rossi (I-Veteran), 2004Junior), (F-250cc. Deparrois N. (D-125cc.Junior), Hartmann M. (I-4/), Simoncini J. (CZ-250cc.), Kuklik V. (CZ-125cc.), Zaremba J. 2000R. Junior), (CZ-250cc. Holada J. (P-125cc.Junior), Marques J. (N-4/t), P.A.Ullevaseter (CZ-250cc.), Baros M. (P-125cc.), Marcos S. 1999(CZ-250cc.Junior), Baros M. (I-125cc.Junior), Albergoni S. (CZ-4/t), Macek M. (I-250cc.), Pellegrinelli T. , (CZ-125cc.) Gotwald Z. 2013 J. Rowland (GB-E1 Junior), D. Ventura (P-E2+3+Junior), M.Micheluz (I-E1), T.Sagar (Gb-E2), G.Martini (I-E3), W. Muller (A-Veteran), Muller W. (I-E3), G.Martini 2013(Gb-E2), T.Sagar (I-E1), M.Micheluz (P-E2+3+Junior), Ventura D. Junior), (GB-E1 Rowland J. 2006V. (I-Veteran), Rossi G.M. Junior), (GB-E/3 Sagar T. Junior), (I-E1 Oldrati T. (A-E3), Müller W. (SK-E2) Michalik R. (PL-E1), Mattila J. 2003 A. Paoli (I-125cc.), Müller S. (A-4/t), Passeri M. (I-250cc.), Micheluz (I-125cc. W. Junior), A. Belotti (I-250cc. Junior), G.M. Rossi 2002 I. Boano (I-125cc.), S. Müller Passeri (A-4/t), (I-250cc.), D. W. Miquel (F-125cc Junior), A. Beoni (F-250cc.Junior), A. Robeznieks 2001M. Junior), (F-250cc. Guillaume S. (F-125cc.Junior), André R. (CZ-4/t), Macek M. (CZ-250cc.), Baros M. (CZ-125cc.), Gotwald Z.

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 163 Vojkuvka (CZ-Veteran)* (CZ-Veteran)* Vojkuvka J. Eriksson (S->500cc.) Gustavson (S->500cc.) T. (D-500cc.) (D-1000c.), H. Shek (D-1300cc.) (I-350cc.), G. Andreini (I-500cc), H. Buese (D->500cc.), R. Witthoft (I-250cc.), A. Taiocchi (I-350cc.), G. Andreini (I-500cc.), H. Buese (D->500cc.) A. Taiocchi (I-250cc.), E. Andrioletti (I-350cc.), A. Croci (I-500cc.), M. Jager (DDR->500cc.) (I-250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), S. Zloch (CS-500cc.) J. Stodulka (CS-250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), S. Zloch (CS-500cc.) A. Gritti (I-250cc.) , K. Masita (CS-350cc.), Z. Cespiva (CS-500cc.) 1998L. (SF-Junior), Saari T. (CZ-500cc.4/t), Kremel M. (N-400cc.4/t), P.A.Ullevalseter (SF-250cc.), V.Kytonen , (CZ-125cc.) Michalik R. 1997 O. Samofal (F-125cc.), M. Arpa (E-175cc 1996 I. Boano (I-125cc.), J. (I-175cc.) 1995 M. Puigdemont (E-125cc.), Rubbin (I-175cc.) 1994 J. Boano (I-125cc.), Roma (E-175cc.) 1993 J. Ravira (E-125cc.) 1992 Confalonieri (I-350cc.), D. Kotrla (CZ-500cc.), M. Kremel (CZ.>500cc.) G.Gallino (I-125cc.), C. Rossi (I-250cc.), F. 1989 Muraglia F. (I-50cc.), EdmondsonP. (GB-125cc.), D. Wicksell (S-250cc.), L. Charbonnier (F-350cc.), S.E. Jonsson (S-500cc.), 1987 (S-250cc.), J. Saver (S-350cc.), S.E. Jonsson (S-500cc.), A. Croci (I->500cc. (I-125cc.), D. Wicksell G.M. Rossi (I-50cc.), D. Trolli 1986 S. Passeri (I-50cc.), J. Sauer (D-125cc.), H. Sturm (D-250cc.), S.E. Jonsson (S-350cc.), J. Chovancik (CS-500cc.) 1985 Gustavsson (S-500cc.) S. Passeri (I-50cc.), R. Hübler (DDR-125cc.), H. Sturm (D-250cc.), J. Scheffler (DDR-350cc.), T. 1982 Gagni P. (I-50cc.), H. Strossenreuther (D-125 cc.), K.B. Kreutz (D-175cc.), G. Brissoni (I-250cc.), G. Andreini (I-350cc.), E. Hau (D-500cc.) Pohl 1981H. (DDR-350cc.), J.Scheffler (I-250cc.), Gritti A. (D-175cc.), Kreutz K.B. (I-125cc.), Brissoni G. (I-50cc), Signorelli A. 1984 Muraglia (I-50cc.), R. Hübler (DDR-125cc.), H. Sturm (D-250cc.), J. Scheffler (DDR-350cc.), G. Andreini (I-500cc.) F. 1983 Muraglia (I-50cc.), A. Marinoni (I-125cc.), H. Sturm (D-250cc.), J. Scheffler (DDR-350cc.), E. Hau (D-500cc.) F. 1980 G. Perego (I-50cc.), S. Olszewski (PL-75cc.), E. Hau (D-100cc.), G. Brissoni (I-125cc.), K.B. Kreutz (D-175cc.), A. Marinoni 1988 G.M. Rossi (I-50cc.), A. Signorelli (I-125cc.), D. Wicksell (S-250cc.), L. Charbonnier (F-350cc.), S.E. Jonsson (S-500cc.), 1979 Gualdi (I-250cc.), Gagni (I-50cc.), S. Olszewski (PL-75cc.), E. Hau (D-100cc.), G. Brissoni (I-125cc.), A. Marinoni (I-175cc.), F. P. 1978 Gualdi (I-175cc.), (D-125cc.), F. G. Perego (I-50cc.), O. Scaburri (I-75cc.), E. Schmider (D-100cc.), Weber G. 1977 E. Schmider (D-50cc.), O. Scaburri (I-75cc.), J. Grisse (D-100cc.), H. Strossenreuther (D-125cc.), E. Andrioletti (I-175cc.), A. Gritti Brissoni 1976 E. Schmider (D-50cc.), G. Mauersberger (DDR-75cc.), Wolfgrüber W. (D-100cc.), A. Gritti (I-125cc.), E. Andrioletti (I-175cc.), 1975 Neumann (D-50cc.), P. E. Schneiderwind(D-100c.), R. Wolfgrüber (DDR-75cc.), Witthoft W. (D-125cc.), E. Schmider (D-175cc.),

164 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 J. Stodulka (CS-250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), I. Testori (I-500cc.) J. Stodulka (CS-250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), I. Testori Mrazek (CS-250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), Z. Cespiva (CS-500cc.) F. (CS-250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), J. Fojtik (CS-500cc.) (DDR-500cc.) Willamowsky (CS-250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), F. (DDR-500cc.) Willamowsky 250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), F. (DDR-500cc.) Willamowsky 250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), F. 250cc.), K. Masita (CS-350cc.), E. Schmider (D-500cc.) 1969 Mrazek (CS- H. Leitgeb Brinkmann Kramer (A-175cc.), (D-50cc.), (D-100cc.), F. A. R. Brandl (D-125cc.), Witthoft (D-75cc.), W. V. 1968(DDR- Salewsky D. (DDR-175cc.), Uhlig P. (D-125cc.), Witthoft R. (D-100cc.) Gienger S. (D-75cc.), Trinkner H. (D-50cc.), Kramer V. 1974 Neumann (D-50cc.), P. E. Schneiderwind (D-100cc.),R. (DDR-75cc.), Wolfgrüber Christel W. (D-125cc.), E. Schmider (D-175cc.), 2015 Germany 2014 Great Britain 2013 Italy 2012 Italy 2011 Italy 2010 Portugal 2009 Italy 2008 France 2007 Italy 2006 France 2005 Italy 2004 France 2003 Italy 2002 Italy 2001 France 1973 Neumann (D-50cc.), A. Brandl (D-75cc.) P. , W. Wolfgrüber 1972 (D-100cc.), (D-100cc.), Mrazek R. (D-125cc.), Witthoft Neumann E. (D-50cc.), Schmider R.Wolfgrüber A. (D-175cc.) Brandl F. (D-75cc.), W. P. Witthoft (D-125cc.), E. Mrazek Schmider F. (D-175cc.), Schmider E. (D-125cc.), 1971Witthoft (D-175cc.),R. (DDR-100cc.), Salewsky D. (D-75cc.), Wolfgrüber W. (D50cc.), Brandl A. 1970 H. Brinkmann (D-50cc.), A. Brandl Mrazek (D-75cc.), (CS- L. Specht (D-100cc.), R. (D-125cc.), Witthoft E. Schmider (D-175cc.), F. Enduro Trophy of European Nations of European Trophy Enduro des Nations Européennes / Trophée

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 165 2000 Portugal 1999 Italy 1998 Czech Republic 2015 France 2014 Great Britain 2013 Portugal 2012 Italy 2011 Great Britain 2010 Italy 2009 France 2015 Club - ACU (GB) MCC of Wales 2014 Club - ACU (GB) MCC of Wales 2013 (I) M.C. Treviglio 2012 (I) M.C. Treviglio 2011 M.C. Intimiano "N.Noseda" (I) 2010 M.C. Italia A (I) 2009 (I) M.C. Treviglio 2015 Germany 2014 Czech Republic 2013 Czech Republic 2012 Czech Republic 2011 Czech Republic 2010 Italy 2009 Italy Enduro Trophy Junior of European Nations Junior of European Trophy Enduro des Nations Européennes Junior/ Trophée Equipes Club / Teams Teams Véterans Equipes / Veteran

166 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 2015 DMSJ ENDURO JUNIOR TEAM (GER) 2015 Finland 2014 Italy 2013 Great Britain 2010 Sweden 2009 France 2011 (NL) WMP-KTM Team 2010 Italia GP Motorsport KTM Team 2009 (I) Team HM Daihatsu Terios 2008 (I) Team HM Daihatsu Terios 2007 Husqvarna Mucci Racing (I) 2006 KTM CZ (CZ) 2005 Husqvarna Mucci Racing A (I) 2004 KTM Sette 1 (CZ) 2003 (A Austria KTM-Team 2002 Husqvarna Mucci Racing (I) 2001 Husqvarna 2000 Yamaha 1999 Yamaha 2001 KTM 2000 Husqvarna 1999 KTM Trade Teams Trade Teams Equipes Femmes / Women One Make Team Equipes de marque/ Industrie 2/T / Manufactures 2/S Industrie 4/T / Manufactures 4/S

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 167 (Women), Q Sport (Team) (Women), skawiec (PL-Q2), G.Scandiola (I-S2), G. Scandola (I-Overall UTV) (POL-Q4) (P-Q3), L. Laskawiec (PL-Q4) skawiec (PL-Q4) (D-Q4), S. Pulz (A) Mariano (P-QU) (P-Overall Quad), S. Correia (Q3), J. Machacek (CZ-Q4), K. Rostowsin (PL-QA), P. (manufacturer 4 stroke). 2 stroke), Yamaha 1998 Karttiala (FIN) S. Suominen / T. 2015 R. Lhotsky (CZ-Overall Moto), D. Rajczyk (PL-Overall Quad), A. Bernat (PL-Q1), D. Rajczyk (PL-Q2), G. Scandola (I-Overall UTV) UTV) (I-Overall Wisniewski T. (PL-Q2), 2014K.Wisniewski (PL-Q1), Bernat A. Quad), (PL-Overall K.Wisniewk Moto), (CZ-Overall Lhotsky R. 2007 Rovegno (I-Q4), E. Pajer R.Sawicz (PL-Overall), D. Segato (I-Q3), P. 2002*M. Muratori (I-Overall), D. C>orreia (P-2 Stroke), M. (I-4 Stroke) 2001 S. Marcos (P-Overall, S. Marcos (P-2 Stroke), M. Marques (P -4 Stroke), Honda (manufacturer general), Honda (manufacturer 2010 Offroadmotors Quaddy BRP (I-Quad) 2009 MG Husqvarna (I-Moto), XC Race KL Kawasaki (I-Quad) Team 2008 MG Suzuki Bianco Moto (I-Moto), Basercoss (I-Quad) 2015 E. Sayfutdinov (RUS) 2014 E. Sayfutdinov (RUS) Enduro-Sidecar Bajas * Coupe UEM / Cup Bajas Teams Individual Speedway 2012 D. Bianchi Prata (P-Overall Moto), R.Costa (P-M2), L.Calado (P-Women), L.Laskawiec (PL -Overall Quad), Z. Zych (PL-Q3), L.Laskawiec L.Laskawiec (PL-Q3), Zych Z. Quad), -Overall (PL L.Laskawiec (P-Women), 2012L.Calado (P-M2), R.Costa Moto), (P-Overall Prata Bianchi D. 2011 A. Basso (I-Overall), A. Brunod (I-B1), L. A. Laskawiec Basso (PL-Overall Quad), (I-B2), R. Acurcio L.Calado De (P-Women), Sousa 2010 (I-B1), U.Filosa Ceci (I-B2), (I-Overall R. Moto), Acurcio P.Ceci De P. Sousa (P-Overall Quad), R. Acurcio De Sousa (P-Q3), L.J. La- 2009 D. Megre (P-Overall Moto), D. Megre (P-B1), N. Dutto (I-B2), G. Ronco Cruz (I-B3), (P-Overall Cruz P. Quad), (P-Q3), P. J. Mohr 2008Correia S. (I-B1), Cazzadore P. (CZ-A4), Lezatka K. (I-A3), Dutto N. (I-A2), Ronco G. A1), (CZ, Kastan I. Moto), (I-Overall Dutto N. 2013 D. Bianchi Prata (P-Overall Moto), P.Bianchi Prata (P-M1), R.Costa (P-M2), L. Laskawiec (PL-Overall Quad), P. Serbista (PL-Q1), L. La- L. 2013(PL-Q1), Serbista P. Quad), (PL-Overall Laskawiec L. (P-M2), R.Costa (P-M1), Prata P.Bianchi Moto), (P-Overall Prata Bianchi D. 168 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 2013 (SVK) M.Vaculik 2012 A. Dryml (CZ) 2011 G. Laguta (RUS) 2010 S. Ulamek (PL) 2009 R. Gafurov (RUS) 2008 M. Zagar (SLO) 2007 J. Pavlic (HR) 2006 K. Jablonski (PL) 2005 J. Jensen (DK) 2004 M. Zagar (SLO) 2003 K. Kasprzak (PL) 2002 M. Zetterstrom (S) 2001 B. Brhel (CZ) 1988 R. Okoniewsaki (PL) 1987 G. Havelock (GB) 1986 I. Marsko (URSS) 1985 Jonsson (S) P. 1984 M. Cox (GB) 1983 S. Baker (AUS) 1982 A. Kasper (CS) 1981 S. Moran (USA) 1980 Knudsen (DK) T. 1979 R. Preston (USA) 1978 Jensen (DK) F. 2015 A. Thomsen (DEN) 2014 Milik (CZE) V. 2013 (SVK) M. Vaculik 2012 B. Zmarzlik (PL) 2011 Pawlicki (PL) P. Individual Speedway Junior

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 169 2010 D. Andersson (S) 2009 Pawlicki (PL) P. 2008 A. Mroczka (PL) 2007 N. Klindt (DK) 2006 J. Pavlic (HR) 2005 K. Zabik (PL) 2004 A. Lidback (S) 2003 K. Bjerre (DK) 2002 M. Zagar (SLO) 2001 L. Romanek (PL) 2000 L. Dryml (CZ) 1999 R. Okoniewski (PL) 1998 R. Okoniewsaki (PL) 2015 (D. Lampart, D. Balinski, S. Ulamek –POL) 2014 SUCHÁNEK –CZE) MILÍK, E. KR Č MÁ Ř , T. (V. 2013 M. Dilger (D) M. Smolinski, K.Wolbert, 2012 S.Melnychuk (UA) O. Loktaev, A. Karpov, 2011 Pawlicki (PL) Pawlicki - P. J. Hampel - P. 2010 A. Dyml – L. Dryml – M. Kus (CZ) 2009 A. Dryml – L. Dryml – M. Kus (CZ) 2008 K. Zabik – A. Skornicki – S. Ulamek (PL) 2007 L. Dryml – A.Dryml – Z. Simota (CZ) 2006 – M. Rempala (PL) S. Ulamek – J. Wieslaw 2005 R. Kosklecha – K. Kasprzak J. Kolodziej (PL) 2004 A. Drymil – B. Brhel L. Drymil (CZ) 2015 Poland 2014 Poland Pairs Speedway Speedway Junior Team

170 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 2013 Poland 2012 Poland 2011 Russia 2010 Poland 2015 S. Karachintsev (RUS) 2014 Nesytykh (RUS) Vasily 2013 I. Saidullin (RUS) 2012 Kosov (RUS) V. 2011 Bazeef (RUS) Y. 2010 A. Shishegov (RUS) 2009 D. Bulankin (RUS) 2008 Zorn (A) F. 2007 D. Khomitsevich (RUS) 2006 D. Bulankin (RUS) 2005 M. Sacaharov (RUS) 2004 D. Bulankin (RUS) 2003 D. Bulankin (RUS) 2002 M. Sakharov (RUS) 2001 Fadeyev (RUS) Y. 2000 Polikarpov (RUS) Y. 1999 Polikarpov (RUS) Y. 2010 S. Karachincev (RUS) 2009 A. Gavrilkin (RUS) 2009 A. Fabriek (NL) 2008 (NL) R. Woortman 2007 A. Fabriek (NL) Courses sur Glace / Ice Racing Courses sur Glace Junior / Ice Racing Short Track

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 171 2006 S. Hilliger (NL) 2005 (NL) Valkema W. 2004 (NL) W.Valkema 2015 J. De Jong (NL) 2014 J. De Jong (NL) 2013 J. De Jong (NL) 2012 S. Katt (D) 2011 M. Smolinski (D) 2010 A. Appleton (GB) 2009 S. Katt (D) 2008 (F) S. Tresarrieu 2007 Pijper (NL) ** T. 2006 S. Katt (D) 2005 Hurry (GB) P. 2004 Pijper (NL) ** T. 2003 G. Riss (D) 2002 S. Schutzbach (D) * 2001 M. Groen (NL) 2000 Z. Schneiderwind (CZ) 1999 B. Diener (D) 1998 Z. Shneiderwind (CZ) 1996 S. Johnston (AUS) 1995 (GB) K. Tatum 1994 R. Barth (D) 1993 R. Musson (GB) 1992 Helm (NL) A. V.d. 1991 R. Saitgareev (URSS) 1990 R. Barth (D) 1989 Kehlenbeck (D) F. 1988 Kehlenbeck (D) F. Grass Track Individual Grass Track

172 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 1987 R. Matousek (CS) 1986 S. Cross (GB) 1985 (GB) C. Williams 1984 M. Hagon (GB) 1983 C. Brand (D) 1982 J. Doncaster (GB) 2015 Event cancelled 2014 J.Goodwin/ L.Brown (GB) 2013 Kunert / M. Eibl (D) T. 2012 Kunert / M. Eibl (D) T. 2011 Matthijssen / N. (NL) W. 2010 Kunert / M. Eibl (D) T. 2009 Matthijssen / N. (NL) W. 2008 Kunert / M. Eibl (D) T. 2007 Matthijssen / N. (NL) W. 2006 Kunert / B. Kreuzer (D) T. 2005 S. Holstein / D. Daubert (NL) 2004 Kunert (D) / B. Kreuzer T. 2003 Kunert (D) / H. Bacher T. 2002 (D) J. Onderka (D) / M. Wamprechtshammer 2001 Kunert (D) / M. Hundsrucker T. 2000 (D) J. Onderka (D) / M. Wamprechtshammer 1999 Kunert (D) / H. Bacher T. 1998 J. Onderka (D) / U. Kühberger 1997 J. Onderka (D) / U. Kühberger 1996 Kunert (D) / M. Unsrucker T. 1995 Maier (D) Kunert (D) / W. T. 1994 M. Glorie (NL) / H. Drenth * Avec licence FMS / With * Avec Licence FFM / With ** Avec Sidecar Grass Track

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 173 1993 K. Keil (D) / J. Reeg 1992 Huber (D) J. Onderka (D) / W. 1991 (D) J. Onderka (D) / R. Wolf 2015 Germany 2014 Event Cancelled 2013 Germany 2012 Russia 2011 Russia 2010 Russia 2009 Russia 2008 Russia 2007 Russia 2006 Russia 2005 Germany 2004 Belarus 2003 Russia 2002 Russia 2001 Russia 2000 Germany 1999 France 1998 Russia 1997 Russia 1996 Russia 1995 Russia 1994 URSS 1993 France 1992 CIS 1991 URSS 1990 URSS 1989 URSS Moto-Ball

174 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 1988 URSS 1987 Germany 1986 URSS

Vintage Road Racing 2015 J. Veravainen (FIN); T. Nielsen (DEN); T. Haapoja (FIN); B. Pollmann (GER); C. Conroy (IRL); J.Luoma (FIN); W. Reuberger (AUT) FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE2016-175 7 -FIMEUROPEANNUAIRE 2016 176 LES GAGNANTS DES COUPES D’EUROPE / EUROPEAN CUPS WINNERS

Junior Cup 2015 J. Orellana (SPA) 2014 A. Fernandez (SPA) 2013 J. Lewis (NZL) 2012 L. Wimmer (A) 2011 M. Davies (AUS)

Two Countries Cup (Cup of Nations) 2013 D. Fasanella (I) 2012 D. Sacchetti (I)

Supermono Cup 2015 L. Wimmer (A) 2014 M.Velthuijzen (NL) 2013 M.Velthuijzen (NL) 2012 M. Velthujizen (NL) 2011 L. van Dijk (NL) 2010 S. Meiners (D) 2009 M. Kehermann (D) 2008 M. Lawes (GB)

HONDA NSF 100 2014 P. Paavilainen (FIN) 2013 F. Salac (CZ) 2012 M. Gbelek (CZ) 2011 L. Tulovic (D) 2010 A. Arena (E) Courses sur Route / Road Racing 2008 M. Prasek (CZ-125cc.), Alvaro Molina (E-250cc.), I.P Pascota (RO-Supersport), O. Spigariol (I-Stocksport 600cc.), P. Szkopek (PL- Stocksport 1000cc.) 2007 H. Spjeldnes (N-Stocksport 600cc.) 2006 M. Emili (I-Stocksport 600cc.) 2005 L. Nedog (SLO-Stocksport 600cc.)

Sound of Thunder 2001 L. Van Dijk (NL) 2000 J. Ilmberger (D) 1999 J. Ilmberger (D)

Formula Twin 2000 A. Tomassoni (I) 1999 W. Hausner (D)

BMW Boxer Cup 2005*R. Panichi (I) 2004 T. Hinterreiter (A)

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE2016-177 2003 A. Hofmann (CH) 2002 S. Mertens (FMB) * BMW Motorrad Power Cup Suzuki GSX-R 2008 R. Resch (A) 2007 D. Lammert (D) 2006 X. Simeon (B) 2005 H. Kennaugh (RSA)

ParkinGo European Series 2010 F. Perotti (I) 7 -FIMEUROPEANNUAIRE 2016 178 TTXGP 2010 M. Himmelmann (D)* * Avec licence ACU / With ACU licence

Scooters Malossi Cup 2007 C. Dunikowski (F-GP 80), G. Olivier (I-Scootermatic)

European Scooter Cup 2009 M. Kundid (H-EP70), V. Grdic (H-EP Open), M. Perkusic (H-EP 4/t)

International Classic GP 2009 A. Gouin (F-250cc.), L. Gourlay (GB-350cc.) 2008 E. Saul (F-250cc.), J.P Lecointe (F-350cc.) 2007 E. Saul (F-250cc.), J.P. Lecointe (F-350cc.) 2006 S. Clark (GB-250cc.), J.P. Lecointe (F-350cc.)

Courses de Côte / Road Racing Hill Climbing 2015 J.P Clement (F-250GP), F. Curinga (I-Supersport), J.L. David (F-Superbike), F. Martinelli (I-Supermoto Open) 2014 P.Y. Bian (F-250cc), F.Curriga (I-600cc), S.Bonetti (I-1200cc), F.Bochatay (S-Supermoto Open), O.Dichamp (F-Sidecar) 2012 G. Marinoni (I-Scooter), H. Sommer (A-125cc), R. Erba (I-250cc.), D. Lignite (I-Superstock 600cc.), S. Bonetti (I-Supersport 600cc.), C. Zimmermann (D-Superstock 1000cc.), H. Schleindlhuber (A-Superbike), F. Federigi (I-Naked 650cc.), L. Gottardi (I-Supermoto), Pauli/Cavadini (CH, Sidecar) 2013 G. Ronzoni (125cc.), P.Favre (F-250 open), U.Rodemacher (D-Superbike), J.Schoenleitner (A-Supermoto open), L.Gottardi (I-Super- sport), F. Curinga (I-Supersport 600cc), C.Balmer (CH-Superstock 1000cc.), O.Dichamp/ V. Peugeot (F-Sidecar) 1983 D.Baertschi (CH-250cc) 1982 W.Marsigli (I-250cc) 1981 E.Fontana (CH-250cc), O.Schmid (A-500cc) 1980 D. Bomvicini (F-350cc), S.Valentini (I-500cc) 1979 P.Schofer (A-250cc), D. Bonvicini (F-350cc), P.Giugler (F-500cc), T. Muller/ U. Bhaler (CH-Sidecar) 1978 Y.Faure (F-250cc) , F.Schindle (A-350cc), M.Masnada (F-500cc), T.Muller/K.Waltisberg (CH-Sidecar) 1977 E.Stollinger (A-250cc), J.Hohl (CH-350 cc), M.Masnada (F-500cc), T.Muller/K. Waltisberg (CH-Sidecar) 1976 E.Stollinger (A-250cc) 1975 F.Erad (CH -250cc) 1972 W.Rungg (CH -250cc) 1971 W.Rungg (CH -250cc) 1970 F.Widowski (A-250cc)

Drag Racing 2015 G. Bowe (GB-Super Street Bike) 2014 S.Venables (GB -Superstreet Bike) 2013 G. Bowe (GB-Super Street Bike) 2012 G.Balchin (GB-Superstreet)

Motocross 2007 M. Spacek (CZ-EMX2 Junior 2/t), D. Baudrexl (D-EMX2 2/t) , J. Mitchell (GB-EMX Quad) 2004 R. Justs (LV-65cc.)* 2001 C. Coulon (F-125cc.), M. Kucirek (CZ-Open) * Avec licence KNMV / With KNMV licence

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE2016-179 Beach Cross 2010 F. Neugebauer (CZ-EMX 1), L. Maddii (I-EMX 2)

Minibike MX 2011 A. Baptiste (F-Pro), C. Godefroy (F-Ama), Y. Sega (I-Rookie), M. Mariotti (I-Women) 2010 M. Valade (F)

Snow Mobile Drag Race 2009 T. Lundberg (N-Pro Stock Snow), F. Sten (Top Fuel Snow) 2008 C. Blomquist (S) 2007 U. Eriksson (S) 2006 C. Blomquist (S) 8 -FIMEUROPEANNUAIRE 2016 180 Supermotard / Supermoto 2013 H. Halmi (BG-Junior), A. Kofler (A-Kid) 2010 T. Peev (BG-ES Junior), A. Todorov (BG, ES 1), A. Karanyotov (BG- ES Open) 2009 A. Georgiev (BG-ES1), R. Tonchev (BG-ES Open), T. Peev (BG-Junior) 2008 A. Georgiev (BG-ES1), K.Kulrv (BG-ES Open) 2007 A. Georgiev (BG-ES3), G. Kökenyesi (H-ES Open) 2003 G. Kökenyesi (H-ES3) 2002 M. Koutsoubos (GR-ES3)

Minibike Motard 2010 A. Finello (I-Rookie)

Supermoto MaxiMoto 2009 E. Marchetti (I)

SuperQuad 2007 M. Somfai (H) 2005 P. Sobczyk (PL)

Enduro 50cc Cup 2014 M.Pavoni (I -50cc) 2013 G. Bowe (GB-50cc.), N. Pellegrinelli (I-Under 20) 2012 J. Gardiol (I-50cc.), G. Conforti (I-Junior U20) 2011 D. Soreca (I-50cc), A. Castellana (I-125cc. 4/t) 2010 M.Bresolin (I-50cc.), L. Maule (I-125cc.5/t) 2009 N. Pellegrinelli (I-50cc.), S.Poloni (I-125cc. 4/t)

Enduro Extreme Cup 2015 M.Roman (ESP)

SuperEnduro Cup 2015 M. Hartmann (D) Enduro Indoor Junior 2010 R. Ellwood (GB) 2009 J. Joly (F) 2008 M. Szuster (PL)

Snowmobile Enduro Cup 2015 E.Takkinen (Women), J. Nyberg (Veteran), N.Nummijoki (Junior), Jukka Järvenpää (Senior AC), Lauri Pellonpää (Senior LC) 2013 A. Häreskog (S-Senior A/C), H. Marttinen (FIN-Senior), S. Lemström (FIN-Women), N.Vartioniemi (FIN-Junior), T.Nurmiranta (FIN-Veteran)

Baja Quad 2006 A. Fontanazzi (I-K3), J. Möhr (D-K4)

Cross Country 2012 P.Szymkomski (PL-Junior), J.Strbek (SK-Senior), Tynowski (PL-Veteran), D.Kalinowski (PL-Quad) 2011 P.Szymkomski (PL-Junior), J.Strbek (SK-Senior), M.Kowalski (PL-Veteran), M.Wojciechowski (PL-Quad) 2010 M.Haviar (SK-Junior), J. Dozsa (SK-Senior), M. Kowalski (PL-Veteran), J.Dozsa (SK-Overall), A.Kwiecien (PL-Quad) 2002 M.Graziani (I-Overall), M.Uslenghi (I-2 stroke), M. Graziani (I-4 stroke)

European and Mediterrenean Cross Country Challenge 2012 G. Redondi (I-Overall), G. Redondi (I-E1 Junior), E. Alberto (I-E2 Junior), M. Lucchese (I-E3 Junior), S. Agazzi (I-E1), L. Marotta (I-E2), R. Consolini (I-E3), A. Tronconi (I-E1 Veteran), R. Surini (I-E2 Veteran), FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE2016-181 M. Graziani (I-E3 Veteran), M. Zanetti (I-All Stars) 2011 G. Redondi (I-Overall), G. Redondi (I-E1 Junior), L. Marcotulli (I-E2 Junior), M. Lucchese (I-E3 Junior), S. Agazzi (I-E1), A.Giglio (I-E2), J. Figueras (E, E3), M. Antoci (I-E1 Veteran), V. Lombardo (I-E2 Veteran), S. Passeri (I-E3 Veteran), A. Gritti (I-All Stars)

Rallyes Tout Terrain / All-Terrain Rally 2013 Jordi Viladoms (SP-Overall), E.Sraver (NL-class), J. Viladoms (Sp class B), M.Gandini (I-class C), A. Patras (GR-class D) 2012 C.Pastori (I-Overall), V. Siafarikas (GR-class A), C. Patori (I-class B), I.Somodean (RO-class C), R.Szabo (RO-Quad), T.Ionas (GR-class C) 2011 I.Somodean (RO-Overall), G. Spitsieris (GR- class A), C.Pastori (I-class B), I. Somodean (RO-class C), R.Szabo (RO –Quad) 2009 A.Mancini (I) 2005 M.Chiesa (I-Overall), F. Benetti (I-class B), M.Chiesa (I-class C), T. Schilcher (D-class D) 2004 M.Chiesa (I-Overall), M. Chiesa (I-2 stroke), A. Zanotti (RSM – 4stroke), T. Frolich (D-over 450cc) 8 -FIMEUROPEANNUAIRE 2016 182 Trial Junior 125 cc. 2015 P. Sauvage (F) 2014 S. Neumann (D) 2013 I. Roberts (GB) 2012 F. Cabrini (I) 2011 J. Sheppard (GB) 2010 P. Tarres (E) 2009 J. Richardson (GB) 2008 A. Ferrer (F) 2007 A. Gomez (E) 2006 A. Wigg (GB) 2005 D. Oliveras (E) 2004 M. Grattarola (I)

Trial Over 40 2015 V.Kothay (SVK) 2014 Jussi Haapanen (F) 2013 John van Veelen (NL) 2012 M. Reit (NL) 2011 A. Buschi (I) 2010 M. Liljeblad (S)

Speedway Club Champions 2011 Vostok Speedway (RUS) 2010 Turbina (RUS) 2009 SK Kaskad Rivne (UA) 2008 Mega Lada Togliatti (RUS) 2007 Speedway Miskolc SE (H) 2006 Unia Tarnow ZZSA (PL) 2005 Mega Lada Togliatti (RUS) 2004 CKM Wlokniarz Czestochowa (PL) 2003 Mega Lata Togliatti (RUS) 2002 Mega Lata Togliatti (RUS) 2001 BKS Polonia Bydgszcz (PL) 2000 TL Polonia Pila (PL) 1999 BKS (PL)

Speedway Youth 80 cc. 2014 A. Kasperseen (DK) 2013 J. Jorgensen (DK) 2012 F. Jakobsen (DK) 2011 J. Jorgensen (DK) 2010 K. Nissen (DK) 2009 K. Nissen (DK) 2008 M J. Jensen (DK) 2007 M. Jepsen Jensen (DK) 2006 M. Jepsen Jensen (DK) 2005 M. Jepsen Jensen (DK) 2004 R. Bergqvist (S) 2003 K. Jakobsen (DK)

Youth Grass Track 125 cc. 2015 M. Turowski (POL) FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE2016-183 2014 J. De Vires (NL) 2013 P. Mikel (CZ) 2012 P. Mikel (CZ) 2011 S. Wassermann (D) 2010 J. Dubernard (F) 2009 D. Berge (F) 2008 C. Rinkenburger (D) 2007 M. Hoffmann (D) 2006 N. Lourens (NL) 2005 N. Lourens (NL) 2004 R. Stanek (D) 8 -FIMEUROPEANNUAIRE 2016 184 Youth Speedway Racing 85cc European Cup 2015 Christian Thaysen (DEN)

Vintage Road Racing 2014 J.Nordstrom (DK), P.Veravainen (FIN), P.Elo (FIN), B.Pollman (GER), G.Hogton Rustling (GB), J.Riedel (D), I.Simpson (GB), J.Reilly/D.Reilly (GB), S.Reilly/B.Reilly (GB) 2013 R.Grandlund (S), P. Veravainen (FIN), P.B.Christensen (DK), P.ELo (FIN), L.Sandberg (S), G.H. Rusling (GB), S.Sand (S), M. Andersson/K.Strid, T.Johansson/F. Johansson (S) 2012 R. Grandlund (S), P. Vervainen (FIN), J. Vervainen (FIN), K.Saarinen (FIN), L.Sandberg (S), G.Thwaites (GB), C. Conroy (GB), L. Smedh (S), C. Lewis/ I. Nickels (GB), T. Johansson (S) 2011 R. Grandlund (S), P. Vervainen (FIN), J. Vervainen (FIN), K.Saarinen (FIN), L.Sandberg (S), G.Thwaites (GB), C. Conroy (GB), L. Smedh (S), C. Lewis/ I. Nickels (GB), T. Johansson (S) 2010 R.Grandlund (S), R. Keating (GB), P.Elo (FIN), M.Cooper (GB), J. Kroon (DK), C. Conroy (IRL), L.Smedth (S), H.Enlund /W.Enlund (S), E.Toombs/J.Fosser (S) 2009 R. Grandlund (S), K. Salonen (FIN), L. Smedht (S), P. Elo (FIN) , H. Riksfjord (N), O. Partti (FIN), H.Gustafsson (S),, S.E. Johansen (N), L. Smedh (S), K.Stromberg/J.Fosser (S) 2008 B. Ivarsson (S); E.Klimek (CZ), J. Nordstrom (DK), P.Elo (FIN), O. Partti FIN),, J.kroon (DK), S.E. Johansen (N), R. Johansson (S), K. Stromberg/ J. Fosser (S), T. Toyriluoma/ T. Suutari (FIN) 2007 R. Granlund (S), E. Klimek ( CZ), P. Elo (FIN), J.Kroon (DK), J. Nordstrom (DK), L. Smedth (S), J.Luoma (FIN) , A.Krank/R.Krank (FIN), T. Myllymaki/ H. Myllymaki (FIN) 2006 R. Granlund (S), K. Salonen (FIN), P.Elo (FIN, T. Lansivuori (FIN), J.Kroon (DK), S.Jarvinen (FIN), L.Smedth (S), P.Karava/T. Suutri (FIN), S. Sixtensson/G.Hallin (S) 2005 R. Granlund (S) L. Smed (S) E. Paasio (FIN) P.Elo (FIN) T. Pohjola (FIN) J. Kroon (DK) S. Järvinen (FIN) H. Thorstensen (N) P. Kärävä / T. Suutari (FIN M. Hahn / F.J. Hahn (D) 2004 R. Granlund (S) L. Smedh (S) P. Elo (FIN) J. Elo (FIN) T. Pohjola (FIN) J. Kroon (DK) T. Pettersson (S) S. Järvinen (FIN) L. Smedh (S) P. Kärävä / T. Suutari (FIN) S. Sixtensson / G. Hallin (S) 2003 R. Granlund (S) J. Elo (FIN) P. Elo (FIN) J. Elo (FIN) O. Partti (FIN) H. Gustfasson (S) S. Järvinen (FIN) O.G. Moe (N) P. Kärävä / T. Suutari (FIN) T. Toyriluoma / P. Paljakka (FIN) 2002 R. Granlund (S) J. Elo (FIN) P. Elo (FIN) O. Partii (FIN) P. Elo (FIN) J. Kroon (DK) V. Salonen (FIN) G. “Knota” Jansson (S) S. Sixtensson / G. Hallin (S) P. Karava / J. Raiha (FIN) 2001*R. Granlund (S) J. Elo (FIN) U. Wikstrom (S) K. Eriksson (S) P. Elo (FIN) M. Neumaier (D) G. “Knota” Jansson (S), G. “Knota” Jansson (S), H.Englund / H. Laurell (S) R. Gren / T. Hilse (S) 2000 R. Granlund (S) P. Elo (FIN) P. Elo (FIN) O. Partti (SF) L. Sandberg (S) H. Gustafsson (S) J. Selmark (N) G. “Knota” Jansson (S), Strömberg / Strömberg (S), L. Eriksson / C. Eriksson (S) 1999 R. Granlund (S <48cc), P. Elo (FIN, class 1-175cc) , A. Ström (S-class 2-250cc), A. Järnland (S –Class 3-350cc), T. Andersson (S-class 4-500cc), J.E. Röstad (S-class 5-750cc.), 1999 B. Granath (S Forgotten Era <250 cc.), G. “Knota” Jansson (S Fotgotten Era >250 cc.), K.Minnberg/A. Martensson (S MCS A), L. Eriksson / C.Eriksson (S MCS B) * Championnat d’Europe / European Championship

Vintage Regularity 2015 F.Seidl (D), B. Pöllmann (D), J.Cizek (CZ), L.Sulos (CZE), M. Tarhanik (SVK), P.Tomas/Rozenekova K (CZE) 2014 F.Seidl (D), D. Ziska (SK), J.Cizek (CZ), R.Jaroslav (CZE), M. Tarhanik (SVK), P.Tomas/Rozenekova K (CZE) 2013 F.Seidl (D), J.RAcek (CZ), J.Cizek (CZ), J.Furbock (A)***, V.Patek (CZ), J.Exner/P.Balaz (CZ/SK) 2012 J.Masaryk (SK), V.Frantis (SK), Z.PAznocht (CZ), F.Dworak (A), T. Pavel (CZ), D. Gautret/M.Kubalova (F)*** 2011 D.Hanzalik (SK), S.VAcula (SK), Z.Paznocht (CZ), J.Cizek (CZ), F.Ritter (A), P.Verbik/M.Panacek (CZ) 2010 V. Heldes (SK), Z. Paznocht (CZ), J. Chvojka (CZ)**, J.Jancik (CZ), G.Fischer/G.Markmann (D) 2009 P. Balaz (SK), P. Jancik (CZ), V.Kotland (CZ), J.Jancik (CZ) 2008 D. Ziska (SK), A. Gagliardi (ITA), J.Roscher* (D); J.Jancik (CZ)

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE2016-185 2007 P. Balaz (SK) 2006 B. Seidl (D) 2005 P. Balaz (SK) 2004 B. Seidl (D) 2003 A. Kruzik (CZ) 2002 R. Portmann (CH) 2001*B. Vogt (D) 2000 H. Putz (D) 1999 M. Weber (D) * Championnat d’Europe / European Championship ** Avec licence SMF / With SMF licence *** Avec licence ACCR / Avec ACCR licence 8 -FIMEUROPEANNUAIRE 2016 186 Vintage Motocross 2006 J. Göransson (S-40+) P. Skytte (DK-50+) J. Keizer (NL60+) 2005 T. Karlsson (S-40+) K. Seipel (D-50+) R. Gummesson (S-60+) 2004 L. Muffels (B-40+) G. Josefsson (S-50+) R. Gummesson (S-60+) 2003 M. Sundelius (S-40+) G. Josefsson (S-50+) J. Isgren (S-60+)

Vintage Enduro 2013 O. Armanni (I-Overall), P. Caccia (I-Class A1 50cc.), P. Gamba (I-Class B1 125cc. 4 stroke), A. Pievan (I-Class B3 >125cc. 4 stroke), G.M. Giudici (I-Class C1 50cc.), M. Pinoli (I-Class C2 1000cc.), F. Parrini (I-Class C3 125cc.), E. Tortoli (I-Class C3 125cc.), M. Parrini (I-Class C5 250cc.), M. Calegari (I-Class 6 >250cc.), E. Belloni (I-Class D1 50cc.), L. Teoldini D2 (I-Class80cc.), L. Murer (I-Class D3 125cc.), O. Armanni (I-Class 4 250cc.), P. Sparer (I-Class D5 >250cc.), M.C. Careter (I-Club Team) 2012 O. Armanni (I-Overall)

Vintage Endurance 2015 Sweatshop Phase One (GBR –Maxi Class); Scuderie Officine Toscane (IT –Classic 1), Capelli Belli (GER -750TT) 2014 Team Force (BE –Maxxi Class), Scuderie Officine Toscane (IT -1000 Class), Capelli Belli (D-75TT), 2013 S. Baumann-R. Germann (CH-Classic 750cc.), H. Brasher-P.Linden–C. Cormac (GB-Maxi Classic), Bellucci-L. Segoni (I-Classic 1000cc.) 2011 C. Bianchi/G. Bianchi, L. Robustelli (I-500 cc.), G.Agueci/A. Cherubini/P: Ghirello/C. Rustica/M. Mantovani (I-A750cc.), C. Ceracchi/A. D’Antonio/C.Petrassi (I-B750cc.), R. Margotti, S. Valentini, F. Checchi (I-1200cc.) 2010 F. Greggio/G. Manzalini (I-500cc.), D.G. Colombo/M. Mantovani (I), Petrassi/P. Del Signore/D. Marziali (I-1200cc.), 2009 Mannheimer/A. Simonelli/F. Geri (I-500cc.), D. Colombo/M. Mantovani (I-750cc.), Muraca/D. Marziali/L. Garlassi (I-1200 cc.) 2008 D. Di Battista/F. Di Pietro (I-250cc.), F. Gaddi/A Mangino/G. Molendi I-500cc.), D.Marziali/L. Milan/S. Sardi (I-750cc.), D. Damiani/O. Fusco/G. Rossi (I-1200cc.) 2007 Mannheimer/Simonetti/Geri (I-500cc.), Paiola/Milan/Marziali (I-750cc.), Ceracchi/Tagliaesta/Detrassi (I)1200cc.)

Vintage Trial Cup 2015 Anaya Jose Maria Martinez (ES-CAT A), A. Sangiorgio (I-CAT B), R. Arrigoni (I-CAT C) , W. Feltrinelli (I-CAT E), E. Afri ( I-CAT E), G. Tabarelli De Fatis (I-CAT G ), M. Piazza (I- CAT I), 2014 M.Stokes (GB –Cat A), R.Arrigoni Ansetti (IT-Cat B), F.Cabrez Diaz (ES-Cat C), M.Capoy (ES-Cat E), P.Sembenini (IT-Cat E), G.Tabarelli De Fatis (IT-Cat G) NOTE

















Dans notre société actuelle la communication revêt une importance fonda- mentale. Au cours de ces dernières années, FIM Europe s'est particulièrement atta- chée à publier des informations sur son activité, même si les moyens étaient limités, de manière à rendre son action plus transparente et les bénéficiaires de ses services plus conscients du travail qu'elle accomplissait. La publication du présent Annuaire répond aussi à cette exigence d'infor- mation et fournit à toute personne intéressée une description complète de l'activité sportive et non sportive de la FIM Europe, de sa structure, de son histoire, de ses projets. Dans sa volonté d'informer la FIM Europe a commencé par renouveler son site web au niveau esthétique et fonctionnel, puis a publié une revue en ligne, FIM Europe MAG, qui offre des articles intéressants sur la présenta- tion de la saison sportive et de l’activité non sportive. Depuis septembre 2014, le MAG de la FIM Europe est devenu bimestriel et a vu son nombre de pages et de sujets augmenter. La publication d'une série de Communiqués de Presse s'est également pour- suivie pour une information rapide sur les principales décisions du Comité Directeur, les variations du calendrier, les résultats des courses du week-end sur les circuits européens. Pour suivre les activités de FIM Europe sur les smartphones, une nouvelle application a été créée, qui donne des informations sur les calendriers et les résultats sportifs et offre les cartes interactives avec les adresses des hô- tels et de sites intéressants pour les motards. L'année 2016 continuera sur cette lancée, avec peut-être aussi quelques améliorations et en élargissant la gamme des interventions et des informa- tions et avec le web site complètement renouvelé et avec un plus grand nombre d’informations.


Communication plays a key role in modern society. The FIM Europe has given great attention in recent years to the dissemina- tion of information relating to its activities, in spite of its limited resources, so as to increase the level of transparency of its activities and increase the awareness of its beneficiaries and of those who benefit from the work that it carries out. The publication of this Yearbook satisfies specifically this need and aims to provide to anyone who may be interested information on the FIM Europe sports and non-sports activities, its organization, history and programs. After having upgraded the website, both from an aesthetic and functional viewpoint, the FIM Europe has continued to publish, albeit on a quarterly basis, its online magazine, FIM Europe MAG, addressing the usual issues of particular interest such as the presentation of the sports season and non sporting activity. From September 2014, the FIM Europe MAG has a bi- monthly basis and has increased in number of pages and topics. A new edition of the series of Press releases was also held, providing a ti- mely report of the major decisions taken by the Management Council, the changes made to the calendar, and the results of the races held over the weekends in the various European circuits. To follow FIM Europe activities from smartphones, a new App has been created, which gives information about the sporting calendars and results and offers the interactive maps with the addresses of the hotels and of inte- resting sites for motorcyclists. In 2016, the aim is to continue along this path, perhaps making some im- provements where possible and extending the range of news and informa- tion provided and with a website completely renewed and presenting an higher quantity of information. FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 189 SITE INTERNET FIM EUROPE

Lancé en 2011, le site Internet de la FIM Europe est maintenant devenu un portail moderne s’adressant à quiconque s’intéresse au motocyclisme continental, que ce soit au niveau sportif ou non-sportif. L’objectif principal est de fournir des informations détaillées et régulièrement mises à jour sur ce qui se passe en Europe, en insistant tout particulièrement sur les initiatives de la FIM Europe. Le site est composé des rubriques suivantes:

A PROPOS DE LA FIM EUROPE Cette rubrique donne une vue d’ensemble de l’organisation de la FIM Europe et de son histoire. Elle contient des pages donnant les coordonnées des membres de la FIM Europe (avec une liste de toutes les Fédérations Nationales et Asso- ciations Régionales membres de la FIM Europe) et le nom de l’ensemble des per- sonnes faisant partie des organes de la FIM Europe (Comité Directeur, Commissions, Collèges), ainsi que les coordonnées du Secrétariat Général à Rome. Il est possible de télécharger très facilement les règlements FIM Europe et de consulter par la même occasion un calendrier interactif donnant des informa- tions sur les principales manifestat ions. Des informations concernant le Congrès annuel de la FIM Europe se trouvent également dans cette rubrique.

SPORT Cette rubrique contient toutes les informations sur les nombreuses disciplines du sport motocycliste couvertes par les Championnats continentaux et Coupes eu- ropéennes. Chaque discipline a sa propre page contenant des calendriers des manifestations actualisés, les règlements sportifs & techniques (ainsi que les rè- glements particuliers des manifestations), des bulletins d’inscription téléchargea- bles pour les coureurs, un service des résultats géré par le Secrétariat Général donnant accès à l’ensemble des résultats et classements des manifestations de Championnats et Coupes d’Europe, les résultats des éditions des années passées, un tableau d’honneur et encore bien d’autres informations et points d’intérêt.

TOURISME Le Tourisme joue un rôle important dans la stratégie de la FIM Europe. Cette ru- brique contient un large éventail de précieuses informations, telles que des cartes touristiques d’Europe téléchargeables (en accord avec l’ADAC), une carte inte- ractive des musées européens sur le motocyclisme, une carte interactive des hô- 190 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 FIM EUROPE WEB SITE

Launched in 2011, the FIM Europe website has now developed into a modern portal dedicated to anyone interested in continental motorcycling, both at a spor- ting and a non-sporting level. The first aim is to provide detailed and up-to-date information on what is going on in Europe, with a special focus on the FIM Eu- rope initiatives. The website is structured in the following sections:

ABOUT FIM EUROPE This section gives an overview of the layered organisation of FIM Europe and its hi- story. The section contains pages providing all contact information on FIM Europe members (with a list of all FIM Europe member National Federations and Regional Associations) and all the names behind FIM Europe bodies (Management Council, Commissions, Panels), plus contact details of the General Secretariat in Rome. FIM Europe rules can be easily downloaded, at the same time the main events can be viewed through an interactive calendar. Information on the annual Congress can also be found in this section.

SPORT This section contains all the information on all the many motorcycling sport disci- plines covered by Continental Championships and European Cups. Each discipline has its own page with up-to-date event calendars, sporting & te- chnical rules (plus single events supplementary regulations), downloadable entry forms for riders, results service managed by FIM Europe General Secretariat, di- splaying all results and standings of European Championships and Cups events, past editions results, roll of honour and more information and curiosities.

TOURING Touring plays an important part of FIM Europe strategy. The section contains a broad range of high value content such as downloadable European touring maps (in conjunction with ADAC), interactive map of European motorcycling museums, interactive map of European motorcycling-friendly hotels and regular tourism events organised by FIM Europe (like Eurobiker). The objective is to further grow this section in order to attract a growing portion of motorcycling enthusiasts.

RESULTS A new section of the web-site is dedicated to sporting events results. It collects the final classifications of all events but also the starting list, the schedule, the classifications of the season and the stats. FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 191 tels offrant un accueil privilégié aux motocyclistes en Europe et des informations concernant les manifestations organisées régulièrement par la FIM Europe (comme l’Eurobiker). L’objectif est de continuer à enrichir cette rubrique pour at- tirer un nombre croissant de passionnés de motocyclisme.

RESULTATS Une nouvelle section du site web est dédiée aux résultats des événements spor- tifs. Elle recueille les classements finaux de tous les événements, mais aussi la liste des engagés, le calendrier et les classifications de la saison et les statisti- ques.

SOCIAL La FIM Europe s’engage également pour aider le monde motocycliste à donner une dimension sociale à ses activités. Quatre domaines principaux sont pris en considération: l’Environnement, les Affaires Publiques & la Sécurité Routière, l’Education et le Club FIM Europe. Les deux premières pages sont gérées par les Commissions correspondantes, avec des activités, des documents et autres con- tenus originaux témoignant du rôle que la FIM Europe peut jouer dans la prise de conscience grandissante des motocyclistes européens en ce qui concerne les questions liées à l’environnement et à la sécurité rout ière. La rubrique Education est dédiée aux différentes possibilités proposées par la FIM Europe pour amé- liorer ses connaissances, pour les personnes impliquées dans les manifestations sportives (par exemple le cours pour les médecins officiant sur les manifestations) et dans différents segments du motocyclisme (tout jeunes coureurs ou motocycli- stes séniors). La rubrique dédiée au Club FIM Europe do nne des informations sur cette nouvelle initiative de la FIM Europe, qui a pour objectif, à travers l'or- ganisation d'événements de Tourisme, de mieux connaître les personnes qui coo- pèrent à l'intérieur de la FIM Europe, en créant des relations, en intensifiant la collaboration, en augmentant le niveau de confiance entre collègues, en motivant le groupe et en générant cohésion et intégration.

PRESSE Le Service de Presse de la FIM Europe s’efforce toujours de fournir un flux constant d’informations et de documents au plus large public possible. Des communiqués de presse sont régulièrement envoyés à une liste pré-établie d’adresses e-mail et à tous ceux qui s’intéressent au motocyclisme continental. De plus, une newsletter et des magazines thématiques peuvent être téléchargés directement depuis le site Internet. Les informations sont également directement publiées sur la page Facebook officielle de la FIM Europe, très appréciée, ce qui

192 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 SOCIAL FIM Europe is also engaged in helping the motorcycling world in providing social values to its activities. Four main areas are considered: Environment, Public Af- fairs & Road Safety, Education and FIM Europe Club. The first two pages are ma- naged by the corresponding Commissions with activities, documents and other original contents demonstrating the role that FIM Europe can play in increasing awareness among European motorcyclists in environment and road safety issues. The Education section is dedicated to the different opportunities provided by FIM Europe to improve knowledge both on people involved in sporting events (ie Event Physician Course) and on different segment of motorcycling (extremely young ri- ders or elderly motorcyclists). The FIM Europe Club section gives updates on this new initiative of FIM Europe, which has the aim, through the organization of Tou- ring events, to learn more about people co-operating inside FIM Europe, creating relationships, increasing collaboration, increasing the level of trust among collea- gues, motivating the group and creating cohesion and integration.

PRESS FIM Europe Press Office is always engaged in providing constant flow of news and contents to the broadest audience possible. Press Releases are dispatched regularly to a selected mailing database and to all those interested in Continental motorcycling. In addition, newsletter and in-depth magazines can be downloaded directly from the website. The news are also published directly on the popular offi- cial FIM Europe Facebook Page, increasing even more the reach of FIM Europe news. The Press Section contains also a page dedicated to photo albums containing hundreds of images from different events (sporting and non-sporting) and a link to the Youtube channel with videos of selected motorcycling races.

APP This section is dedicated to FIM Europe innovative application, addressed to Eu- ropean riders. It contains a link to download the App for mobile devices.

RESERVED AREA A reserved area is dedicated to FIM Europe members (FMNs), where it is possi- ble to download several reserved documents and where it is possible to add na- tional open events directly on the website.

ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES FIM Europe website offers extremely targeted means of getting sponsor message to niche audience of motorcycling enthusiasts. Competitive sponsorship packages are on offer with the possibility to advertise with leaderboard banners at the top of each page. If interested in knowing more on advertising opportunities with FIM Europe, contact [email protected] FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 193 élargit d’autant plus la portée des informations diffusées par la FIM Europe. La rubrique Presse contient également une page consacrée aux albums photos, qui contient des centaines d’images de différentes manifestations (sportives et non- sportives) et un lien vers la chaîne présente sur Youtube, qui offre des vidéos de certaines courses motocyclistes.

APP Cette rubrique est dédiée à l'application innovante de la FIM Europe, qui s’adresse aux motocyclistes européens. Elle contient un lien permettant de télé- charger l'application sur les appareils mobiles.

ESPACE RESERVE Un espace réservé dédié aux membres de la FIM Europe (FMN) leur offre la possibilité de télécharger divers documents réservés et d’ajouter les manifesta- tions nationales open directement sur le site.

OPPORTUNITES PUBLICITAIRES Le site Internet de la FIM Europe offre des moyens extrêmement ciblés de diffuser des messages de sponsors à l’attention du public de passionnés de motocycli- sme. Des packages de partenariat compétitifs sont offerts, avec la possibilité de diffuser la publicité grâce à des bannières en haut de chaque page. Si vous sou- haitez en savoir plus sur les opportunités publicitaires que vous propose la FIM Europe, merci de contacter par e-mail l’adresse suivante: [email protected]

Fiammetta La Guidara - FIM Europe Press Officer 194 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 CARTE DE PRESS / PRESS CARD


FonctionName -

Fédération Function-

Federation Le Président - Validité -

The President Valid until 2015-2018 Le Carte de Presse FIM Europe n’est pas un “Laissez-Passer”. C’est un documentqui permet à son titulaire de recevoir un “Laissez-Passer” et toutes les facilités néces- saires à l’accomplissement de ses tâches professionnelles de l’Organisateur d’une manifestation qui se déroule sous la juridiction de la FIM Europe. Cette Carte ne donne pas le droit de filmer sans l’autorisation préalable de l’Organisateur et elle est utilisée par son titulaire sous sa responsabilité exclusive et à ses risques et périls. Pour l’obtention d’une carte de presse, les journalistes peuvent déposer une de- mande auprès de leur Fédération Nationale, qui prendra à sa seule discrétion la décision de faire suivre cette demande à la FIM Europe. La Carte de Presse FIM Europe n’est pas transmissible et tout abus entraînera son abrogation immédiats.

The FIM Europe Press Card is not a “Press Pass”. It is a document which entitles its holder to receive a “Press Pass” and any facilities enabling him to carry out his professional duties from the Organizer of an event which is held under FIM Europe jurisdiction. This Card does not give the right to film wit hout the authori- zation of the Organizer and it is issued to the holder at his own risk and he as- sures full responsibility for it. For the press card journalists may apply to their national Federation, which, in its sole discretion, will forward the request to FIM Europe. The FIM Europe Press Card is not transferable and improper use will result in its immediate withdrawal and cancellation. FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 195 CONFÉRENCE SUR LA SÉCURITÉ ROUTIÊRE

Le 21e Congrès FIM Europe à Malte a accueilli la 9e édition de la Conférence sur la Sécurité Routière, qui traite traditionnellement des sujets les plus impor- tants et actuels concernant cette question. Ces dernières années, la Confé- rence sur la Sécurité Routière a abordé les thèmes des accidents de la route, des réponses et initiatives de l'industrie, des systèmes permettant d'améliorer la sécurité routière, des lésions traumatiques et des premiers secours, du com- portement et de la sécurité des deux-roues, des glissières de sécurité et des crash tests et, en 2014, les thèmes liés aux concepts de sécurité et aux di- spositifs provenant du circuit, comme l'airbag pour les motocyclistes. En 2015, la Conférence sur la Sécurité Routière a abordé le thème du déve- loppement de l'électronique pour augmenter la facilité d'utilisation et la sécu- rité à la fois sur circuit et sur route. La conférence était organisée sous l'égide de Silvio Manicardi, vice-président de la FIM Europe, et de Jean-Pierre Moreau, président de la Commission des Affaires Publiques. La première personne à prendre la parole a été une représentante du pays hôte, Mme Audrey Testaferrata de Noto, des Transports de Malte, qui a donné les statistiques de l'île pour les deux et les quatre roues. En particulier, en 2014, pour 18.400 motos immatriculées, on a comptabilisé 278 acci- dents de la route impliquant des motocyclistes. Les collisions les plus courantes sont celles avec des véhicules motorisés débouchant de routes secondaires. M. John Chatterton-Ross, Directeur des Affaires Publiques de la FIM Europe, est intervenu sur les "Questions d'actualité sur la moto à Bruxelles": la Cour Européenne de Justice et le cas de M. Vnuk (problèmes d'assurance dans les événements sportifs); le PPE - Normes sur l'équipement de protection person- nel (gants, bottes, vestes, vêtements et combinaisons une pièce); le «Livre Blanc» de l'U.E. sur les transports (pour ne pas oublier les 38 millions de mo- tocyclistes en Europe!); les normes Euro 5 sur les émissions polluantes pour les deux-roues motorisés - menace d'interdiction de circulation en ville; les re- lations entre FIM, FIM Europe et la Fédération des Associations Motocyclistes Européennes, la FEMA. M. Antonio Perlot, secrétaire général de l’ACEM, a été le troisième interve- nant à prendre la parole, avec son discours sur «Une conduite sûre pour l'avenir - L'engagement de l'industrie pour la sécurité routière». Il a commencé par un aperçu de la diversité des véhicules, des propriétaires et de l’utilisation qu’ils en font (déplacements quotidiens, loisirs, sport), en soulignant que les embouteillages coûtent à l'Europe environ 1% de son produit intérieur brut 196 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 FIM Europe 9th Road Safety Conference in Malta

The 21st FIM Europe Congress in Malta hosted the 9th edition of Road Safety Conference, which traditionally deals with the most important and updated topics of the matter. In the latest years, the Road Safety Conference dealt with road incidentality, industry responses and initiatives, the systems to im- prove Road Safety, traumatic injuries and first aid, 2 wheeler behaviour and safety, roadside barriers and crash tests, and, in 2014, with themes related with Safety concepts and devices derived from Track, such as airbag for motorcyclists. In 2015 the Road Safety Conference dealt with the development of electro- nics to increase usability and safety both on track and on road. The conference was held under the auspices of Silvio Manicardi, FIM Eu- rope vice-president, and of Jean-Pierre Moreau, Chairman of Public Affairs Commission. The first lecturer to speak was a representative of the hosting Country, Mrs Audrey Testaferrata de Noto, Transport Malta, who also gave the statistics of the Island as for 2 and 4 wheels. In particular, in 2014 there were 18.400 licensed motorcycles, 278 road accidents with motorcyclists. The most common collisions are with motor vehicles emerging from side roads. Mr John Chatterton-Ross, FIM Europe Director of Public Affairs, made his intervention on “Current issues facing motorcycling from Brussels”: the Eu- ropean Court of Justice and the case of Mr Vnuk (insurance problems in sporting events); PPE-Personal protective Equipment standards (gloves, boots, jackets, clothing and one piece suits); EU ‘White Paper’ on Transport (not to forget Europe’s 38 million riders!); Euro 5 emissions standards for powered two wheelers - threat of city bans; relations between FIM, FIM Eu- rope and the Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations, FEMA. The third lecturer to speak was Mr Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of ACEM, with his speech on “The safe ride to the future "Industry commitment to road safety”. Starting from a recap of the motorcycle industry in Europe, Perlot stressed the diversity of vehicles, owners and purposes (commuting, leisure, sport) and that congestion costs Europe about 1% of its Gross Do- mestic Product (GDP) every year. The speech faced the policy orientations of road safety for 2011-2020, and the safety trends, as well as the industry approach to road safety. In the end, the renewed ACEM road safety stra- tegy was illustrated. Mr Matthias Moerbe, Vice President of Technology Management System FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 197 (PIB) chaque année. Son discours a traité des orientations de la politique de sécurité routière pour la période 2011-2020, et des tendances en matière de sécurité, ainsi que de la façon dont l'industrie appréhende la question de la sécurité routière. Pour finir, il a présenté la stratégie renouvelée de l’ACEM pour la sécurité routière. M. Matthias Moerbe, Vice-Président du Système de Gestion de la Technologie et des Composants de Bosch Engineering GmbH, a évoqué la question de "L'électronique sur les motocycles pour la route et pour le circuit: comment ils contribuent mutuellement au développement de meilleurs systèmes pour l'uti- lisation sur route". Les principaux thèmes abordés ont été le contrôle de la traction, le capteur de l'angle d'inclinaison, l'ABS et le MSC, le dispositif de changement de vitesse, le drive by wire, la suspension semi-active, l'airbag et l'enregistrement des données, pour arriver à la conclusion que les motos sur route et sur circuit bénéficient de la même technologie et s'inspirent les unes des autres. Les présentations complètes de la Conférence sont publiées sur le site Internet de la FIM Europe, à la rubrique «social» via le lien suivant:

198 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 and Components of Bosch Engineering GmbH, spoke of “The electronic on road bikes and on circuit: how they help each other in the development of better systems for road use”. The main topics were traction control, lean angle sensor, ABS and MSC, gear shift, drive by wire, semi active suspen- sion, air-bag and data recording, to conclude that road bikes and on circuit benefit from the same technology and inspire each other. The full presentations of the Conference are published on FIM Europe web- site in “Social” section at the following link: FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 199 CONGRÈS DE LA FIM EUROPE FIM EUROPE CONGRESS



30 Juin / June - 2 Juillet / July-Kavala


09.00 – 16.00 Comité Sportif / Sporting Council Comité Non Sportif / Non-Sporting Council


09.00 – 12.30 Comité Directeur / Management Council Commissions et Collèges / Commissions and Panels

14.00 – 16.00 Comité Directeur / Management Council Commissions et Collèges / Commissions and Panels Commissaires aux Comptes Internes / Auditors

16.30 – 18.00 Conférence Sécurité Routière Road Safety Conference

18.00 – 20.00 Secrétaires Généraux / General Secretaries


08.30 – 10.00 Comité Sportif / Sporting Council Comité Non Sportif / Non-Sporting Council

10.30 – 12.00 Comité Directeur / Management Council

14.00 – 19.00 Assemblée Générale / General Assembly

20.30 Dîner officiel / Official Dinner FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 201


Dans le cadre de l'accroissement de ses activités tou- Within its growing tourism activities the FIM Europe ristiques, FIM Europe inspecte des logements (hôtels, is inspecting interested and suitable accommoda- motels, auberges, pensions, terrains de camping tions (hotels, motels, inns, boarding houses, campsi- etc.) en Europe réservant un accueil amical aux mo- tes etc.) in Europe for their motorcycle-friendliness in tocyclistes en conformité aux standards exigés par compliance with the standards set by the FIM Eu- FIM Europe. rope.

Si ces standards sont respectés, FIM Europe leur dé- If these standards are met, the FIM Europe awards cernera l'emblème officiel d'hébergement de FIM the official FIM Europe Accommodation Sign. Con- Europe. Par conséquent, il est assuré, que les moto- sequently, accommodations presented with this Sign cyclistes sont particulièrement bienvenus aux héber- will cordially welcome motorcyclists as their guests. gements où l'emblème "Bienvenue aux motocyclistes" est affiché. At an accommodation displaying the offi- cial Sign the accommodation operator will Aux hébergements ayant affiché cet em- comply with the FIM Europe standards li- blème, le gérant de l'hébergement rem- sted below: plira les standards FIM Europe suivants: An easily accessible, protected and ideally covered Un abri pour les motocycles qui est facilement ac- garaging facility for motorcycles. cessible, sûr et, dans l’idéal, couvert d'un toit. A lockable drying room for motorcycle clothing, if Une s alle pour laisser sécher les vêtements qui peut the room does not have a sufficient drying facility être fermée à clé si les vêtements ne peuvent pas être (campsites excepted). séchés dans la chambre (sauf terrains de camping). A washing and maintenance facility for motorcycles Une possibilité de laver et d'entretenir les motocycles on spot or in the vicinity. à l'hébergement ou à proximité de celui-ci. Addresses / phone numbers of the nearest motorcy- Adresses, numéros de téléphone de garages spécia- cle garages, accessory dealers and roadside assi- lisés à proximité, de commerçants d'accessoires et stance services. de services de dépannage à proximité. Recommendations for motorcycle tours in the envi- Recommandations pour des tours de moto dans les ronment (also off road, if available). environs (si possible également hors route). Information on weather forecast and road condi- Informations quant aux prévisions météorologiques tions. et l'état des routes.


AUSTRIA Pension Razil Apart Garni Niederhof Razilweg 50 Niederhof 127 Gasthof Sonnenkopf A - 6532 Ladis A - 6555 Kappl Faschinastrasse 84 Tel: +43 5472 6324 Tel: +43 5445 20074 A - 6733 Faschina Fax: +43 5472 632423 Fax: +43 5445 20074 Tel: +43 5510 316 Internet: Internet: Fax: +43 5510 561 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Motorradhotel Landhaus Jausern Hotel Simonhof Jausernweg 497 Mittlere Sonnleiten 30 Motorradhotel Berg Klause A - 5753 Saalbach A - 5761 Maria Alm Egganaweg 59A - 6762 Tel: +43 6541 7341 Tel: +43 6584 23423 Stuben/ArlbergTel: +43 5582 Fax: +43 6541 734110 Fax: +43 6584 234234 551Fax: +43 5582 5514 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Regina Hotel Sonnegg Motorradhotel Gailtaler Hof Gänsackerweg 10 Iglsbergweg 552 Kötschach 245A - 9641 Köt- A - 6534 Serfaus A - 5753 Saalbach schach/MauthenTel: +43 4715 Tel: +43 5476 6253 Tel: +43 6541 7142 318Fax: +43 4715 3185 Fax: +43 5476 6253-500 Fax: +43 6541 71428 Inte rnet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Hotel Iselsberger Hof Hotel Solaria Bikergasthof Hotel Post Iselsberg 42 Ringstr. 6 Dorfstr. 46 A - 9991 Iselsberg A - 5562 Obertauern A - 6432 Sautens Tel: +43 4852 64112 Tel: +43 6456 7250 Tel: +43 5252 6237 Fax: +43 4852 641124 Fax: +43 6456 7549 Fax: +43 5252 21224 Internet : Internet: Intern et : E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail : [email protected]

Hotel Enzian Biker Pension Maria-Theresia Hotel CäciliaTruyen Adamhofgasse 6 Dorfbahnstraße 11 144A - 6531 Ried im Oberinntal- A - 6500 Landeck A - 6534 Serfaus Tel: +43 5472 6517Fax: +43 Tel: +43 5442 62066 Tel: +43 54766888 5472 6517 Fax: +43 5442 620666 Fax: +43 5476 688820 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

206 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Gasthof WiesenheimMühlsteig Gasthof “Bergler Stub’n” Hotel Restaurant Les Arcades 7A - 6633 Biberwier Pittermann 36 Place Châmot 7E Tel: +43 664 1818504 A - 8254 Wenigzell B - 6980 La Roche en Ardenne Fax: +43 5673 3685 Tel: +43 3336 2639 Tel: +32 84 411029 Internet: Fax: +43 3336 2639 Fax: +32 84 412329 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel LuggiWinkl 23e - A - 6563 Galtür Gasthof Laudersbach Tel: +43 5443 8386 Sinnhub 1 CROATIA Fax: +43 5443 83864 A- 5541 Altenmarkt Internet: www. Tel: +43 6452 6075 Auto Camp Medveja E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +43 6452 6075-20 Medveja bb Internet: HR - 51416 Medveja/Opatija Hotel Weisseespitze E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +385 51 29 11 91 Platz 30 - A - 6524 Kaunertal Fax: +385 51 29 24 71 Tel: +43 5475 316 Internet: Fax: +43 5475 31665 BELGIUM E-Mail: [email protected] Inter net: E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel-Restaurant St. Vither Hof Hotel Admiral Rodter Str. 58 M. Tita 139 Hotel Capella B - 4780 St. Vith HR - 51410 Opatija Ausserrain 6A - 6167 Neustift im Tel : +32 80 229394 Tel: +385 51 27 15 33 Stubaital Fax: +32 80 229405 Fax: +385 51 27 17 08 Tel: +43 5226 2515 Internet: Internet: Fax: +43 5226 25155 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Restaurant Burg-Hof B - 4790 Burg Reuland 43 CZECH REPUBLIC Hotel Ehstandhof Tel : +32 80 329801 Ehstandweg 2 - A - 6271 Uderns Fax: +32 80 420232 B&B NA KOPEKU*** Tel: +43 52 88 629 48 Internet: Dolní 64 Fax: +43 52 88 629 48 E-Mail: [email protected] CZ - 51244 Rokytnice nad Jizerou Internet: Tel: +420 481 522 822 E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Villa Des Effats Fax: +420 481 522 822 Rue de la Grotte 11 Internet: Hotel Garni Fernblick M. De Beerst E-Mail: [email protected] Obere Dorfstr. 11 B - 6690 Vielsalm A-6533 Fiss Tel: +32 80 399504 Tel: +43 5476 6560 Fax: +32 80 399431 Fax: +43 5476 65605 Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 207 FRANCE Hotel Carina Pavillon Hotel Le Glacier 27, Route de Chabanas 46 Cours Aristide Briand Hotel des Pins F - 05000 Gap F - 84100 Orange Chemin des Crans - Tel: 0033 4 92 52 02 73 Tel: +33 4 90 34 02 01 F - 84410 Bedoin Fax: 0033 4 92 53 34 72 Fax: +33 4 90 51 13 80 Tel: +33 4 90 65 92 92 Internet: Internet: Fax: +33 4 90 65 60 66 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: info@le-glacier. com Internet : E-Mail: [email protected] Hostellerie de la Source Hotel Les Bartavelles 7 Place du Cabaret Neuf Le Clos des Pommiers Best Western Hôtel Arène Külm F - 13 200 Arles - Pont de Crau F - 05200 Embrun - Crots Place de Langes Tel: +33 4 90 96 31 01 Tel: +33 4 92 43 20 69 F - 84100 Orange Fax: +33 4 90 49 99 19 Fax: +33 4 92 43 11 92 Tel: +33 4 90114040 Internet: Internet: Fax: +33 4 90114045 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Au Relais D’Italie Hotel Les Peupliers Le Village - F - 04530 Larche Chemin de Lesdier Auberge Rognonaise Tel: +33 4 92 84 31 32 F - 05200 Baratier 20, Boulevard des arènes Fax: +33 4 92 84 33 92 Tel: +33 4 92 43 03 47 F - 13870 Rognonas E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +33 04 92 43 41 49 Tel: +33 4 90 94 88 43 Internet: Fax: +33 4 90 94 86 51 Hotel Club la Lauzetane le Bord du Lac E-Mail: E-Mail: [email protected] F - 04340 Le Lauzet Ubaye [email protected] Tel: +33 4 92 85 55 00 Camping LE FREJUS Fax: +33 4 92 85 57 44 Hotel Longo Maï Route de Bagnols Internet: Le Sambuc - F - 13200 Arles F - 83600 Fréjus E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +33 4 90 97 21 91 Tel: +33 4 94 19 94 60 Fax: +33 4 90 97 22 92 Fax: +33 4 94 19 94 69 Hotel de la Mairie Internet: Internet: Place Barthelon - F - 05200 Embrun E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +33 4 92 43 20 65 Fax: +33 4 92 43 47 02 Safari Hotel Camping Nostradamus Internet: 1060 Avenue Jean Henry Fabre Route dEyguières E-Mail: [email protected] F - 84200 Carpentras F - 13300 Salon de Provence Tel: 0033 4 90 63 35 35 Tel: +33 4 90 56 08 36 Hotel des Gorges du Verdon Fax: 0033 4 90 60 49 99 Fax: +33 4 90 56 23 41 Route De La Maline Internet: Internet: F - 04120 La Palud sur Verdon E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: + 33 4 92 77 38 26 Fax: + 33 4 92 77 35 00 Internet: E-Mail: [email protected]

208 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Flying Dutchman Motorcafe Grand Hôtel des Bains Hotel Daytona F - 74300 Araches La Frasse/ Flaine 3, Montée des Bains Hauptstrasse 3 Tel: +33 6 303 88935 F - 07600 Vals-les-Bains D - 54689 Dasburg Internet: Tel: +33 475374213 Tel: +49 6550 1530 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +33 475376702 Internet: Internet: E-mail: [email protected] Chambres d’hôtes Tournsol E-Mail: [email protected] Quartier de la Gare Gasthaus Pension Bei Lonnen F - 07120 Grospierres Hôtel du Vivarais Kirchweg 2 Tel : +33 475 35 90 13 5, rue Claude Expilly D - 54597 Ormont Fax : +33 475 35 90 13 F - 07600 Vals-les-Bains Tel: +49 6557 301 Internet: Tel: +33 475946585 Fax: +49 6557 900809 Email: [email protected] Fax: +33 475376547 Internet: Internet: E-mail: [email protected] Hôtel Restaurant Au Lion d’Or 15, rue Principale E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Zur Post F - 67290 La Petite Pierre Marktplatz 6 Tel: +33 3 88 01 47 57 Hôtel Restaurant « Bel Air » D - 94124 Büchelberg Fax: +33 3 88 01 47 50 QT Sainte Anne Tel: +49 8505 1210 Internet: F - 04850 JAUSIERS Fax: +49 8505 6619 E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +33 04 92 81 06 35 Internet: Internet: www. E-mail: [email protected] Hotel Bristol E-Mail: [email protected] 18, avenue de Colmar Best Western Hotel Sonnenbühl F - 68100 Mulhouse Wildbader Str. 44 Tel: +33 3 89 42 12 31 GERMANY D - 72213 Altensteig / Wart Fax: +33 3 89 42 50 57 Tel : +49 7458 7710 Internet: Hotel Zur Krone Fax : +49 7458 771111 E-Mail: [email protected] Mürlenbacher Str. 1 Internet : D - 54574 Birresborn E-Mail : [email protected] Hotel Restaurant Davat Tel: +49 6594 214 21, Chemin des Bateliers Fax: +49 6534 1635 Gasthaus Linde F - 73100 Aix les Bains Internet: Am Lindenplatz 1 Tel: +33 4 79 63 40 40 E-Mail: [email protected] D - 77709 Oberwolfach Fax: +33 4 79 54 35 68 Tel: +49 7834 386 Internet: ww Gasthof-Pension Lawine Fax: +49 7834 869598 E-Mail: [email protected] D - 79674 Todtnau-Fahl Internet: Tel: +49 7676 93330 E-Mail: [email protected] Hôtel Thermal Fax: +49 7676 933319 2, rue Davat Internet: Gasthaus Feldberg F - 73105 Aix les Bains E-mail: [email protected] Schönauer Str. 5 - D - 79674 Todtnau Tel: +33 479352000 Tel: +49 7671 242 Fax: +33 479881648 Fax: +49 7671 1468 Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 209 Waldhotel am Notschreipass Waldcamping Roden OHG Landhaus Müllenborn Freiburger Str. 56 Prümtalstraße - D - 54591 Prüm Auf dem Sand 45 D - 79254 Oberried bei Freiburg Tel: +49 6551 2481 D - 54568 Gerolstein Tel: +49 7602 94200 Fax: +49 6551 6555 Tel: +49 6591 958 80 Fax: +49 7602 9420111 Internet: Fax: +49 6591 958 877 Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Pension Haus Diefenbach Brementhaler Str.44 Hotel Wilhelmshöhe Landhotel “Zum Ochsen” D - 52396 Heimbach Wilhelmshöhe 4 Rathausplatz 12 Tel: +49 2446 3100 D - 56766 Auderath D - 79843 Löffingen Fax: +49 2446 3825 Tel: +49 2676 260 Tel: +49 7654 327 Internet: Internet: Fax: +49 7654 922431 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Romantisches Landhaus-Hotel Hotel Restaurant Hauer Hubertusweg 15 Sauerstaden 20 Camping Ourtalidyll D-53902 Bad Münstereifel D - 54669 Bollendorf Dorfstr. 21 - D - 54675 Gentingen Tel: +49 2253 920 10 Tel: +49 6526 920500 Tel: +49 6566 352 Fax: +49 2253 920115 Fax: +49 6526 9205050 Fax: +49 6566 1487 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Eifel-Camp, Freilinger See Islekhöhe Gansen Camping Sauer-Our Freilinger See 1 Bitburger Str. 1 Ourtalstraße - D - 54675 Wallendorf D - 53945 Blankenheim-Freilingen D - 54673 Krautscheid Tel: +49 6566 352 Tel: +49 2697 282 Tel: +49 6554 431 Fax: +49 6566 1487 Fax: +49 2697 292 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Lindenhof Hotel zum Goldenen Stern Hotel-Restaurant “Birgeler Hof” Braunetsrieth 12 Hahnplatz 29 - D - 54595 Prüm Hauptstr. 31 - D - 54587 Birgel D - 92648 Vohenstrauß Tel: +49 65 51 95170 Tel: +49 6597 3348 Tel: +49 9651 2220 Fax: +49 6551 7157 Fax: +49 6597 961555 Fax: +49 9651 4302 Internet: www.goldenerstern Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

Landhotel am Wenzelbach Wolff Hotel Landhaus Köck Kreuzerweg 30 Birresborner Str. 8 Ringstraße 7 D - 54595 Prüm D - 54574 Kopp D - 93470 Lohberg Tel: +49 6551 95380 Tel. +49 6594 92090 Tel: +49 9943 647 Fax: +49 6551 953839 Fax: +49 6594 920927 Fax: +49 9943 607 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

210 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Gasthaus / Pension Grillhütte Hotel Restaurant Café Sonnenhof Motor Hotel Sonnenblick Schneiders Am Hostertberg 41 Hollstrasse 24 - D - 56290 Lütz Unterdorfstraße 11 D - 56825 Beuren D - 52152 Simmerath Tel: +49 2672 2514 Tel: +49 2675 783 Tel: +49 2485 250 Fax: +49 2672 8720 Fax: +49 2675 1540 Fax: +49 2485 259 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Kleine Villa am Turm Hotel Haus Huschens Restaurant-Pension „Im Pfenn“ Poststr. 12 - D - 54574 Birresborn Talweg 2 Im Pfenn 3 - D-54689 Irrhausen Tel: +49 6594 9211480 D - 54568 Gerolstein-Michelbach Tel; +49 6550 1408 Fax: +49 06594 92114848 Tel: +49 6591 982960 Fax: +49 6550 929874 Internet: Fax: +49 6591 98296200 Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Camping in der Enz Metzgereigasthof Rebstock In der Enz 25 D - 54673 Neuerburg Landgasthof Beim Holzschnitzer Hauptstraße 65 Tel: +49 6564 2660 Dockweiler Str. 1 D - 77955 Ettenheim-Münchweier Fax: +49 6564 2979 D - 54552 Dreis-Brück Tel: +49 7822 1338 Internet: Tel: +49 6595 248 Fax: +49 7822 30274 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +49 6595 900337 Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Gasthaus und Restaurant Am E-Mail: [email protected] Eichenbach Hotel-Restaurant Pronsfelder Hof Frohnhofenerstr. 39 Waldhotel Kurfürst Hauptstraße 9 D - 53533 Eichenbach Auf der Wacht 21 D-54597 Pronsfeld Tel: +49 2694 785 D - 56759 Kaisersesch Tel: +49 6556 265 Fax: +49 2694 318 Tel: +49 2653 98910 Fax: +49 6556 900377 Internet: Fax: +49 2653 989119 Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-Mail : [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Blaue Ecke - Nürburgring Erlebnispension Im Tannengrund Am Marktbrunnen 4 Hotel zur Post Ellbachstraße 21 D - 53518 Adenau Hauptstrasse 8 - D - 54570 Deudesfeld D - 72270 Baiersbronn-Mitteltal Tel: +49 2691 2005 Tel: +49 6599 866 Tel: +49 7442 84500 Fax: +49 2691 3805 Fax: +49 6599 1304 Fax: +49 7442 845018 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Gasthof Hotel Bergerwirt Hotel Finkenberg Gasthof Zur Post Hauptstrasse 28 Giesental 2 - D - 53945 Blankenheim Hauptstraße 24D - 92557 Weidin- D - 92436 Bruck i.d.Opf. Tel: +49 2449 1073 gTel: +49 9674 320 Tel: +49 9434 94170 Fax: +49 2449 1419 Fax: +49 9674 91148 Fax: +49 9434 941717 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 211 Hotel Deutsche Eiche Landhaus Alemannenhof Grand Hotel Terme Castrocaro Bahnhofstr. 16 - D - 37154 Northeim Weberstr. 10 - D - 79227 Schallstadt-Mengen Via Roma 2 Tel: +49 5551 60020 Tel: +49 7664 5060 I - 47011 Castrocaro Terme (FC) Fax: +49 5551 600237 Fax: +49 7664 2029 Tel: + 39 0543 767114 Internet: Internet: Fax: +39 0543 768135 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Landgasthof Fischer ITALY Memminger Strae 35 Hotel Bellavista D - 89281 Altenstadt Strèda de Pordoi 12 Hotel Evaldo I - 38032 Canazei (TN) Tel: +49 8337 900112 Via Arabba 3 - I - 32020 Arabba Fax: +49 8337 900112 Tel: +39 0462 601165 Tel: +39 0436 79109 Fax: +39 0462 601247 Internet: Fax: +39 0436 79358 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel Restaurant Schoos Hotel Garni Toresela Ba selt Nr. 7 - D - 54597 Fleringen Hotel Rauth Via Rivana 5 Tel: +49 6558 92540 I - 39050 Rauth - Südtirol I - 38060 Nago-Torbole Fax: +49 6558 925455 Tel: +39 0471 615723 Tel: +39 0464 540030 Internet: Fax: +39 0471 615867 Fax: +39 0464 540095 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel-Gasthof Nöth Morlesauerstr. 3-6 BEST WESTERN PREMIER BHR Hotel Gran Paradis D - 97762 Hammelburg / Morlesau Treviso Hotel Via Dolomiti, 2 Tel: +49 9357 479 Via Postumia Castellana, 2 I - 38031 Campitello di Fassa Fax: +49 9357 1357 I - 31055 Quinto di Treviso (TV) Tel: +39 0462 750135 Internet: Tel: +39 0422 3730 Fax: +39 0462 750148 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +39 0422 373999 Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Ringhotel Calluna E-Mail: [email protected] Zur Büschkapelle 5 Hotel Mirage D - 54568 Gerolstein Hotel Mondschein Viale Rovereto, 99 Tel: +49 6591 94390 Strenk 4 I - 39050 Eggen I - 38066 Riva del Garda Fax: +49 6591 943999 Tel: +0039 0471 610123 Tel: +39 0464 552671 Internet: Fax: +0039 0471 610294 Fax: +39 0464 553211 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: Internet : E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Mr Wicked’s Hotel Tevini Hotel Santoni Freestyle Hotel Sösetal Str. 33 - D -37520 Osterode I - 38020 Commezzadura Via Strada Granda, 2 +49 5522 4125 Val di Sole - Via della Fantoma 8 I - 38069 Torbole sul Garda [email protected] Tel: +39 0463 974985 Tel: +39 0464 505966 Fax: +39 0463 974892 Fax: + 39 0464 506100 Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] 212 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Hotel Silence Hotel Acropolis Hotel Al Fogher Fraz. Scanna, 20 Via Verdi, 1 Viale della Repubblica 10 I - 38020 Scanna di Livo I - 47841 Cattolica (RN) I - 31100 Treviso Tel: +39 0463 533153 Tel: +39 0541 961506 Tel: +39 0422 432950 Fax: +39 0463 533084 Fax: +39 0541 967772 Fax: +39 0422 430391 Internet: Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Parc Hotel du Lac Località Lago, 2 - I - 38056 Levico Terme Hotel Pütia Borgo Tre Rose Tel: +39 0461 706590 Str. S. Antone 21 Via dei Palazzi 5 Fax: +39 0461 707252 I - 39030 San Martino in I - 53040 Valiano di Montepulciano Internet: Badia/Antermoia Tel: +39 0578 72491 E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +39 0474 52 01 14 Internet : Fax: +39 0474 52 01 00 E-Mail : [email protected] Pension Maria Internet: Antermoia, 53 E-Mail: [email protected] B&B Locanda di Alberi I - 39030 S. Martino in Badia Via Gricignano, 17 Tel: +39 0474 520115 Hotel Condor I - 50032 Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) Fax: +39 0474 520078 Via Plan de Corones 13 Tel: +39 366 6090672, Internet: I-39030 Enneberg/St.Vigil (BZ) +39 055 8409604 E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +39 0474 501017 Internet: Fax: +39 0474 501635 E-Mail: [email protected] Pineta Hotels Internet: Via al Santuario, 17 E-Mail: [email protected] I - 38010 Tavon (Coredo) LATVIA Tel: +39 0463 536866 Sport&Wellness Hotel Aaritz Fax: +39 0463 536115 Via Roma 53I-38056 Levico Terme (TN) Hotel NB Internet: Tel +39 0461 70 64 27 Slokas street 49 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +39 0461 70 63 20 LV - 1007 Riga Internet: Tel: +371 67815333 Garnì Lago Nembia Email: [email protected] Fax: +371 67815222 Località Nembia, 4 - E-Mail: [email protected] I - 38078 San Lorenzo in Banale (TN) Relais Palazzo Lodron Via Conti Lodron 5 Tel: +39 0465 730019 Hotel Kolonna Fax: +39 0465 730256 I- 38060 Nogaredo (TN) Tel +39 0464 41 31 52 Kaleju Street 9/11 Internet: LV-1050, Riga E-Mail: [email protected] Fax +39 0464 49 87 72 Internet: Phone: +371 67087507 Email: info@ Internet: Pub Hotel El Paso E-Mail: [email protected] Passo Santel, 26 Alpine - Bike - Relax *** Hotel I - 38010 Fai della Paganella I-39040 Truden/Trodena (BZ) - Südtirol Tel: +39 0461 583100 Tel: +39 0471 869118 Fax: +39 0461 581003 Fax: +39 0471 869083 Internet: Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 213 Hotel Dinaburg Moto Route Gourmet & Relax SWITZERLAND Dobeles street 39 Hotel De La Sûre LV-5404, Daugavpils 1, rue de Pont Hotel-Restaurant Adler Phone:+371 65453010 L - 9650 Esch-sur-Sure Klausenstrasse - CH - 8783 Linthal Internet: Tel : +352 839110 Tel: +41 556431515 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +352 899101 Fax: +41 556531515 Internet: Internet: Hotel Two Wheels E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Balozu Street 12 LV-1058, Riga Camping Birkelt Stroh-Hotel Künzi Phone:+ 371 6746 8884 1, um Birkelt Hofmattweg 2 Internet: L - 7619 Larochette CH - 3665 Wattenwil bei Thun E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +352 879040 Tel: +41 33 356 1909 Fax: +352 879041 Fax: +41 33 356 1911 Hotel Baltpark Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Pernavas street 36 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: LV-1009, Riga Phone: +371 67847000 Hotel Des Nations Hotel Central Fax: +371 67847006 29, rue de la Gare Grand-Rue 27 - CH - 2108 Couvet Internet: L - 9707 Clervaux Tel: +41 32 863 2381 E-Mail: [email protected] Tel : +352 921018 Fax: +41 32 863 2189 Fax: +352 929168 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: [email protected] LUXEMBOURG E-Mail: Hotel-Restaurant Grenzstein Oehningerstrasse 73 Hotel Du Parc Golf-Hotel Le Claravallis CH - 8260 Stein am Rhein 28, Avenue de la Gare 3, rue de la Gare - L - 9707 Clervaux Tel: +41 52 7415141 L - 9233 Diekirch Tel : +352 921034 Fax: +41 52 7415160 Tel: +352 80 34 721 Fax: +352 929089 Internet: Fax: +352 80 98 61 Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Hotel de l‘Aigle Grand-Rue 27 - CH - 2108 Couvet Auberge Aal Veinen„ SLOVENIA Tel: +41 32 8632644 Beim Hunn“ Fax: +41 32 8632189 114, Grand-Rue Gasthaus mit Zimmer Jazbec Internet: L - 9411 Vianden Idrsko 56 - Kobarid 5222 - Slovenija E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +352 834368 Tel: +386 5 3891400 Fax +352 834084 Fax: +386 5 3891402 Hotel Solaria Internet: Internet: Vea Valetta 113 - CH - 7457 Bivio E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: +41 81 6845107 Fax: +41 81 6845290 Internet: E-Mail: [email protected]

















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...... FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 217 Brand name of GSX s.r.l.

GSX S.r.l. Via Emilia, 488/2 55047 Querceta (Lu) Tel: 0584 85229 - 0584 85352 Fax: 0584 85350 P.Iva e C.F. 01839290465





















Dernier délai pour l’inscription au Calendrier 2017 des Championnats et Coupes: 10 juin 2016.

DROITS D’INSCRIPTION AU CALENDRIER Les droits d’inscription au calendrier devront être payés à réception de la facture en- voyée à la FMNR par le Secrétariat Général de la FIM Europe. En cas d’annulation de la manifestation, le règlement suivant sera appliqué: - après la publication au calendrier et plus de 90 jours avant la date de la manifesta- tion, le montant des droits d’inscription devra être payé dans sa totalité; - moins de 90 jours avant la date de la manifestation, les droits d’inscription seront doublés. Le Comité Directeur de la FIM Europe peut, dans des cas qui se justifient pleinement et particulièrement dans des cas d’annulation de manifestation pour raison de force majeure, décider de ne pas appliquer les règles de paiement ci-dessus, ou de diminuer la somme à payer.

JURY Système Le Jury est toujours composé d’un Commissaire/Président du Jury et d’un Membre (dé- légué par la FMNR). Un troisième Membre peut être choisi parmi les délégués des FMN éventuellement présents pour résoudre des problèmes particuliers. Toutes les per- sonnes susmentionnées doivent être en possession d’une licence de Commissaire Spor- tif FIM ou FIM Europe pour la discipline concernée. Le Commissaire/Jury des Championnats d’Europe de Courses sur Route avec une Di- rection de Course (manifestation de Championnat d’Europe FIM Europe organisée en même temps qu’une manifestation FIM) sera composé de trois personnes : un repré- sentant de la DORNA, le Directeur de la Manifestation et le Directeur de la Sécurité. Il est possible de faire appel d’une décision de la Direction de Course auprès de la Commission d’Appel, composée de deux personnes durant la manifestation : le Com- missaire FIM Europe et le Commissaire de la FMNR. Pour les Championnats d’Europe de Motocross organisés conjointement à des Champion- nats du Monde FIM (MXGP, MX2), la Direction de Course arbitreta les réclamations. La Direction de Course sera composée de trois personnes : le délégué FIM Europe, le Directeur de la Manifestation et le Directeur de Course. Tout appel contre une décision de la Direction de Course devra être présenté au Jury des Commissaires, composé de deux personnes au cours de la manifestation : le Commissaire FIM Europe et le Commissaire de la FMNR, en principe dans les 30 minutes qui suivent la décision de la Direction de Course. En ce qui concerne les finales de Courses sur Piste, les finales d’Enduro et les compé- titions de Motocross par Equipe, la présence dans le Jury d’un Membre de la Com- mission concernée, spécialement nommé pour cette occasion, est prévue. 226 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 THE 2016 SPORTING YEAR


Closing date for inscription to the 2017 Championship and Cup Calendar is 10 June 2016.

INSCRIPTION FEES TO THE CALENDAR The inscription fees to the Calendar are payable upon receipt of the invoice sent to the FMNR by the FIM Europe Secretariat. In case of cancellation of the event, the following regulation will be applied: - After publication in the Calendar and more than 90 days before the event, the full amount of the inscription fee shall be paid; - Less than 90 days before the event, the inscription fee will be doubled.

The FIM Europe Management Council may, in well justified cases and especially in cases of event cancellation due to a force majeure, decide not to enforce above pay- ment, or to decrease the amount payable.

JURY System The Jury always consists of a Steward/Jury President and one Member (delegated by the FMNR). To solve particular problems, a third Member may be chosen among the FMNs delegates eventually present. All these persons must hold a FIM or FIM Europe Sporting Steward licence for the respective discipline. In the Steward /Jury of Road Racing European Championship with a Race Direction (FIM Europe EC event organized with a FIM event) is envisaged to be composed of three people: DORNA, Race Director and Safe Director. To appeal against a decision of the Race Direction to the Appeal Commission consisting of two people during the event: the FIM Europe Steward and the FMNR Steward. For European Motocross Championships held in conjunction with FIM World Champion- ships (MXGP, MX2), Race Direction will adjudicate on protests. The Race Direction con- sists of three people: the FIM-Europe Delegate, the Race Director and the Clerk of the Course. Appeals against a decision of the Race Direction must be presented to the Ste- ward’s Panel, which consists of two people during the event: the FIM Europe Steward and the FMNR Steward, normally within 30 minutes of the decision of Race Direction. The Jury for Track Racing Finals, Enduro final rounds and Motocross Team events, the presence of a member of the relative Commission, specially nominated for this pur- pose, is foreseen. Appeals against the decision of the Jury have to be made to the FIM Europe Discipli- nary Commission observing the procedure stated by the Disciplinary and Arbitration Code of the FIM Europe. The Jury President must collect all One-Event licences and send them, together with his report to the FIM Europe Secretariat. FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 227 Les appels contre les décisions du Jury devront être adressés à la Commission Disci- plinaire FIM Europe, selon la procédure indiquée dans le Code Disciplinaire et d’Ar- bitrage de la FIM Europe. Le Président de Jury doit récupérer toutes les licences « Une Manifestation » et les en- voyer avec son rapport au Secrétariat Général de la FIM Europe.

INSPECTION DES CIRCUITS/PISTES Tous les circuits, pistes et terrains, etc., utilisés pour les Championnats d’Europe et Prix FIM Europe doivent être conformes aux normes stipulées dans les Annexes respectives du Code Sportif et doivent être homologués par la FIM Europe ou la FIM, selon décision de la Commission concernée. Les circuits, pistes et terrains utilisés pour les manifestations européennes open et nationales devraient, dans la mesure du possible, également remplir ces conditions et doivent être homologués par la FMNR. Le droit annuel pour l’homolo- gation est de 100 €. Les homologations des circuits de Motocross et de Supermotard ne sont valables que pour la manifestation concernée (100 € par manifestation). Les demandes d’homologation doivent être envoyées au plus tard deux mois avant la manifestation. Les frais de déplacement et frais divers de l’inspecteur du circuit/de la piste seront facturés par la FIM Europe à la FMNR, qui pourra ensuite les refacturer à l’organisa- teur ou à la FMN.

REGLEMENTS PARTICULIERS Le règlement particulier d’une manifestation doit être envoyé au Secrétariat Général à Rome au plus tard 60 jours avant la manifestation. Si le Secrétariat Général ne reçoit pas le règlement particulier dans ce délai de 60 jours, la FMNR en charge de l’organisation de la manifestation devra payer une amende de 130 €. Après son ap- probation, un exemplaire du règlement particulier devra être retourné à la FMNR, et un exemplaire sera envoyé au Président du Jury. Conformément à l’art. 110.1 du Code Sportif, l’organisateur d’une manifestation de Championnat ou de Coupe FIM Europe doit fournir au Président du Jury une copie de la police d’assurance rédigée en anglais ou en français, couvrant sa propre respon- sabilité civile et celle des constructeurs, coureurs, passagers, sponsors et officiels en cas d’accident survenant à des tiers au cours d’une manifestation ou pendant les es- sais. La police d’assurance doit également couvrir toute responsabilité éventuelle de la FIM Europe à l’égard de tiers. Le montant minimum de couverture d’assurance RC obligatoire doit être de 170 000 € par manifestation. L’assurance responsabilité civile entrera en vigueur deux jours avant le début des essais officiels et prendra fin deux jours après le dernier jour de course.

REMISE DES PRIX AUX CHAMPIONS D’EUROPE La remise des médailles aux trois premiers coureurs/équipes des différents Champion- nats d’Europe aura lieu lors de la Finale/de la dernière manifestation d’une série. De plus, les FMN des coureurs concernés recevront de la FIM Europe un prix individuel commémoratif à remettre aux coureurs des Championnats d’Europe (classés premiers uniquement) à la fin de l’année. 228 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 CIRCUIT / TRACK INSPECTIONS All circuits, tracks and venues, etc. used for FIM Europe European Championships and Prize Events must be in conformity with the standards stipulated in the respective Ap- pendices of the Sporting Code and must be homologated by the FIM Europe or FIM, as decided by the appropriate Commission. Circuit, tracks and venues used for Euro- pean Open and national meetings should, whenever possible, also fulfil these condi- tions and must be homologated by the FMNR. The annual homologation fee is € 100. For Motocross and Supermoto the homologations will be valid only for the relative event (€ 100 per event). The requests for homologation have to be sent at least 2 months before the event. The Circuit/Track Inspector’s travelling costs and sundry expenses are invoiced by the FIM EUROPE to the FMNR, who may then charge these costs to the organizer or FMN.

SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS The Supplementary Regulations for an event must be sent to the General Secretariat in Rome at least 60 days before an event. If the General Secretariat does not receive the Supplementary Regulations within the specified time frame of 60 days, the FMNR re- sponsible for the event will be fined € 130. Once approved, a copy of the Supple- mentary Regulations will be returned to the FMNR and a further copy will be sent to the Jury President. In conformity with art. 110.1 of the Sporting Code the organizer of a FIM European Championship or Cup event must provide the Jury President with a copy of the in- surance policy written in English or French covering their own third party liability and those of the manufacturers, riders, passengers, sponsors and officials in case of accidents to third parties during a meeting or during the practices. The insurance policy shall also cover any possible liability of the FIM Europe to third parties. The minimum amount of coverage of the third party liability insurance provided must be € 170.000 per event. The third party liability insurance will come into effect two days before the official practice session and will terminate two days after the last race day.

PRIZE GIVING TO THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS The awarding of the medals for the first three riders/teams of the various European Championships will be held on the occasion of the Final/the last event of a series. Furthermore the FMNs of the respective riders will receive from the FIM Europe a com- memorative individual prize for distribution to the European Championships riders (first position only) at the end of the year.

FIM EUROPE FLAG / LOGO / PODIUM It is compulsory for all FMNR / Organizers to display the FIM Europe Flag during all European Championships or FIM Europe Cup events, qualifying rounds included. This flag has to be ordered (cost € 100) from the FIM Europe General Secretariat. On all official documents regarding a European Championship or Cup, the FIM Europe logo has to be shown using the official colours. A film/litho can be requested from the General Secretariat in Rome. FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 229 DRAPEAU / LOGO / PODIUM FIM EUROPE Il est obligatoire pour toutes les FMNR/Organisateurs de déployer le drapeau FIM Eu- rope pendant toutes les manifestations de Championnats d’Europe ou de Coupes FIM Europe, y compris dans les manches de qualification. Ce drapeau doit être commandé (prix 100 €) auprès du Secrétariat Général de la FIM Europe. Sur tous les documents officiels concernant un Championnat ou une Coupe d’Europe, le logo FIM Europe devra figurer en utilisant les couleurs officielles. Un film/lithogra- phie pourra être demandé au Secrétariat Général à Rome. Un podium officiel doit être mis en place par l’organisateur, afin de garantir une remise des prix appropriée.

RECLAMATIONS ET APPELS Toute personne – coureur, passager, officiel, etc. – en possession d’une licence FIM Europe et concernée par une décision prise au cours d’une manifestation sous l’autorité de la FIM Europe, a le droit de présenter une réclamation contre cette décision (art. 4.1 du Code Disciplinaire et d’Arbitrage). Toute réclamation doit être soumise et signée uniquement par la personne directement concernée. Chaque réclamation ne doit faire référence qu’à un seul objet et doit être présentée au plus tard ½ heure (30 minutes) après la publication des résultats, sauf dispositions contraires prévues dans les Règlements Sportifs. Le droit de réclamation est de 130 €. Les dispositions concernant les appels ou les décisions disciplinaires de la FIM Europe infligeant l’une des sanctions mentionnées à l’art. 2 du Code Disciplinaire et d’Arbi- trage, sont les suivantes: - Contre une décision du Jury ou de l’Arbitre FIM Europe dans des manifestations comptant pour un Championnat ou une Coupe FIM Europe, auprès de la Commis- sion Disciplinaire. - Contre les décisions de la Commission Disciplinaire, il pourra être fait appel auprès de la Cour d’Appel (CDI de la FIM), dont la décision sera définitive.

Délai pour l’introduction d’un appel: - contre une décision du Jury ou de l’Arbitre 5 jours caution € 650 - contre une décision de la Commission Disciplinaire 5 jours caution établie par la FIM

LICENCES COUREURS/PASSAGERS Pour participer aux manifestations des différents Championnats ou Coupes FIM Eu- rope, il est nécessaire d’être en possession de l’une des licences FIM Europe suivan- tes: - licence annuelle ou licence pour une manifestation (formulaire disponible en ligne à la rubrique « members »). Les coureurs issus d’autres CONU sont autorisés à participer aux Championnats d’Eu- rope et aux Prix FIM Europe, ainsi qu’aux manifestations Open officiellement inscrites au Calendrier FIM Europe, dans les conditions suivantes :

230 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 An official Podium must be provided by the organizer in order to ensure an appro- priate prize giving ceremony. An official Podium must be provided by the organizer in order to ensure an appro- priate prize giving ceremony.

PROTESTS AND APPEALS Any person - rider, passenger, official, etc. - holder of an FIM Europe licence and af- fected by a decision taken during a meeting under the authority of the FIM Europe, has the right to protest against that decision (Art. 4.1 Disciplinary and Arbitration Code). All protests must be submitted and signed only by the person directly concerned. Each protest must refer to a single subject only and must be presented within half an hour (30 minutes), at the latest, after the publication of the results, unless otherwise provided for in the Sporting Rules. The protest fee is € 130. The provisions concerning appeals or FIM Europe disciplinary decisions inflicting one of the penalties stated in clause 2 of the Disciplinary and Arbitration Code are as fol- lows: - Against the decision of the FIM Europe Jury or Referee in meetings counting towards a FIM Europe Championship or Cup to the Disciplinary Commission. - Against the decision of the Disciplinary Commission to the Court of Appeal (FIM / CDI), whose decision shall be final. Time limits for the lodging of an appeal:

- against a decision of the Jury or referee 5 days fee € 650 - against a decision of the Disciplinary Commission 5 days fee established by FIM

LICENCE FOR RIDERS AND PASSENGERS In order to take part in the events of the various FIM Europe Championships or Cups, it is necessary to hold one of the following FIM Europe licences: - licence valid for one year or a One-Event licence (form available in the members area). Riders coming from other CONUs are admitted to take part to the European Cham- pionships and to the FIM Europe Prize Events as well as to the Open events regularly entered to the FIM Europe Calendar, under the following conditions:

- If the rider is holder of a licence and of a starting permission regularly issued by his own CONU. - If the rider is holder of a licence and of a starting permission issued by his own Na- tional Federation.

In this case the rider will have to buy also a FIM Europe licence, Annual or One Event, contacting the FIM Europe General Secretariat, which will inform about the relative procedure. This additional FIM Europe licence is not requested for the Open events regularly entered to the FIM Europe Calendar. In both cases, the abovementioned do- FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 231 - Si le coureur est en possession d’une licence et d’une autorisation de sortie délivrées dans les règles par sa propre CONU. - Si le coureur est en possession d’une licence et d’une autorisation de sortie délivrées par sa propre Fédération Nationale. Dans ce cas, le coureur devra également acquérir une licence FIM Europe annuelle ou “une manifestation”, en prenant contact avec le Secrétariat Général de la FIM Eu- rope, qui lui indiquera la procédure à suivre. Cette licence FIM Europe supplémentaire n’est pas exigée pour les manifestations Open officiellement inscrites au Calendrier FIM Europe. Dans les deux cas, l’original des documents susmentionnés devra être présenté par le coureur sur le lieu de la manifestation concernée. L’autorisation de sor- tie doit clairement spécifier que le coureur est assuré conformément aux règlements de la FIM Europe. Les licences qui ne seront pas utilisées devront être renvoyées au Secrétariat Général avant le 11 novembre 2016 (sauf celles qui concernent les manifestations ayant lieu après cette date). Après ce délai, elles ne seront plus acceptées et devront être payées par la FMN. Les couvertures obligatoires minimales d’assurance pour les coureurs et passagers sont les suivantes

- Pour traitement médical € 14.000 - Rapatriement € 3.400

PENALITES Tout coureur inscrit à une manifestation et absent sans avoir fourni d’excuse devra payer une amende de 300 €. Les frais seront facturés à la FMN du coureur par la FIM Europe. Les FMN sont priées d’envoyer les informations concernant l’absence d’un coureur à une manifestation au Secrétariat Général de la FIM Europe par e-mail.

LICENCES DES OFFICIELS Le Directeur de Course d’une manifestation de Championnat ou de Coupe FIM Europe, le Président et les Membres du Jury, l’Arbitre, le Chronométreur en Chef, le Commis- saire Technique en Chef, le Délégué à l’Environnement et les Délégués des FMN doi- vent être en possession d’une licence FIM ou FIM Europe. Les tarifs des licences d’officiels FIM Europe (valables pour trois ans) sont les suivants:

- Directeur de Course et/ou Commissaire Sportif € 65 - Commissaire Technique € 65 - Commissaire pour l’Environnement € 30

CHAMPIONNATS ET TROPHEES REGIONAUX Les FMN des pays ayant entre eux des relations particulières pour des raisons géo- graphiques, historiques ou sociales, peuvent organiser dans leur région et dans les li- mites de l’Association Régionale compétente des Championnats ou Trophées en conformité avec les règlements de la FIM Europe. 232 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 cuments will have to be presented by the rider, in original, at the interested event(s). The starting permission must clearly specify that the rider is insured according to the FIM Europe rules. The unused licences must be returned to the General Secretariat by the 11 November 2016 (except those for events which take place after this date). After this term they will not be accepted any more and will have to be paid for by the FMN. The minimum obligatory insurance cover for riders and passengers is as fol- lows:

- For medical treatment € 14.000 - For repatriation € 3.400

For further information, please refer to art. 70 of the FIM Europe Sporting Code.

PENALTIES The riders enrolled in an event and absent without excuse will have to pay a penalty fee of € 300. The fee will be charged to the rider's FMN by the FIM Europe. FMNs are kindly requested to send information of their riders absent on the occasion of events to the FIM Europe General Secretariat by e-mail.

LICENCES FOR OFFICIALS The Clerk of the Course of an event of FIM Europe Championship or Cup, the President and the members of the Jury, the Referee, the Chief Timekeeper, the Chief Technical Steward, the Environment Official and the FMN Delegates, must hold a FIM or FIM Europe licence. The costs of an FIM Europe Official Licence (valid for three years) are as follows:

- Clerk of the Courses and/or Sporting Steward € 65 - Technical Steward € 65 - Environment Official € 30

REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS AND TROPHIES The FMNs of those countries which have particular liaisons due to geographical, hi- storical, social reasons can organize within their regions and corresponding Regional Association Championships or Trophies according to the FIM Europe Rules.


Type "Unit Price EURO" ROAD RACING Including: Road Racing, Road Race Hill Climb and Junior Cup 121,00 DRAG RACING 121,00 MOTOCROSS / SNOWCROSS Including: Motocross, Quadcross, Beachcross, Sidecarcross, Snowcross, Freestyle, Hill Climbing 121,00 JUNIOR MOTOCROSS Including: Motocross 125cc/2-stroke, Supercross Junior 70,00 SUPERMOTO Including: all classes except Minibike Motard 121,00 ENDURO Including: Enduro, Baja, Enduro Indoor Junior, Tout Terrain and Cross Country 121,00 TRIAL Including: European Championship, Women's Championship, Junior Cup and Over 40 Cup 121,00 TRIAL ASSISTANT - Annual 40,00 TRIAL ASSISTANT - One Event 20,00 TRACK RACING 121,00 VINTAGE: licences suspended for 2016 For vintage events: National licence + starting permission sufficient / PROMOSPORT Road Racing: Mini Road Race, Supermono, Endurance Cup Drag Racing: Super Street Bike Motocross: 65cc, 85cc, Supercross Rookies Supermoto: SM 85 Trial: Youth Championship Track Racing: 250cc, 125cc and Youth 85cc 50,00 ONE EVENT All disciplines except Promosport Events 48,00 ONE EVENT PROMOSPORT Road Racing: Mini Road Race, Supermono, Endurance Cup Drag Racing: Super Street Bike Motocross: 65cc, 85cc, Supercross Rookies Supermoto: SM 85 Trial: Youth Championship Track Racing: 250cc, 125cc and Youth 85cc 30,00

234 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 DROITS D’INSCRIPTION POUR LE CALENDRIER 2016 INSCRIPTION FEES FOR THE 2016 EVENTS (EURO) EMN Discipline Manches de qualification Finale Qualyfing rounds Final 10/ Championnat d'Europe Moto 2 et Superbike . / . Superbike and Moto 2 European Championship 10/ Championnat d’Europe Supersport . / . Supersport European Championship 10/ Coupe d’Europe Stock 250cc 4T . / . Stock 250cc 4T European Cup 10/ Coupe d’Europe Junior / Coupe d'Europe Junior Féminine . / . Junior Cup / Women Junior Cup 10/ Coupe d’Europe Supermono 600,00 Supermono European Cup 10/ Coupe d’Europe d'Endurance 1.000,00 Endurance European Cup 11/ Championnat d’Europe Drag Racing 1.500,00 Drag Racing European Championship 11/ Coupe d'Europe Super Street Bike 600,00 Super Street Bike European Cup 13/ Championnat d’Europe Mini Moto Vitesse 800,00 Mini Moto Road Racing European Championship 14/ Championnat d'Europe de Courses de Côte 800,00 Road Racing Hill Climb European Championship 20/ Championnat d’Europe EMX 250/300 2.500,00 EMX 250/300 European Championship 20/ Championnat d’Europe EMX Open 1.500,00 EMX Open European Championship 20/ Championnat d’Europe EMX125/2-T 1.000,00 EMX 125/2-str. European Championship 20/ Epr. Combinées EMX65 et EMX85 900,00 Combined events EMX65 and EMX85 20/ Coupe d’Europe Minibike Cross 700,00 Minibike Motocross European Cup 20/ Coupe d’Europe Motocross Open 65cc 700,00 Open 65cc Motocross European Cup 20/ Coupe d’Europe Motocross Féminine 700,00 Women's Motocross European Cup 20/ Coupe d’Europe de Supermotocross 1.000,00 Supermotocross European Cup 20/ Motocross Nations Européennes 3.000,00 Motocross European Nations 21/ Championnat d’Europe Supercross 1.500,00 Supercross European Championship 22/ Sidecarcross Nations Européennes 2.000,00 Sidecarcross European Nations 22/ Double Sidecarcross & Quad Cross Nations Européennes 3.000,00 Double Sidecarcross & Quad Cross European Nations FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 235 EMN Discipline Manches de qualification Finale Qualyfing rounds Final 23/ Championnat d’Europe Supermotard S2 1.500,00 S2 Supermoto European Championship 23/ Championnat d’Europe Supermotard SM85, SM3 et Open 1.000,00 SM85, SM3 and Open Supermoto European Championship 23/ Coupe d’Europe Minibike Motard 700,00 Minibike Motard European Cup 24/ Championnat d’Europe Motoneige 700,00 Snowcross European Championship 25/ Championnat d’Europe EMX Quad 1.500,00 EMX Quad European Championship 26/ Coupe d'Europe de Monteé Impossible 700,00 Hill-Climbing European Cup 27/ Championnat d’Europe Freestyle . / . Freestyle European Championship 28/ Coupe d’Europe Beach Cross 700,00 Beach Cross European Cup 30/ Championnat d’Europe Enduro 1.000,00 Enduro European Championship (2-3 jours/days) 31/ Coupe d’Europe Enduro Indoor Junior 1.000,00 Enduro Indoor Junior European Cup (2 jours/days) 31/ Coupe d'Europe de Super Enduro 500,00 Superenduro European Cup (1 jour/day) 32/ Coupe d’Europe Tout-Terrain Rallyes 1.000,00 All-Terrain Rally European Cup 33/ Championnat d’Europe Baja 1.000,00 Baja European Championship 34/ Coupe d’Europe Cross Country 500,00 Cross Country European Cup 35/ Coupe d'Europe Enduro Motoneige 500,00 Snowmobile Enduro European Cup 37/ Coupe d'Europe Enduro Extreme 200,00 Extreme Enduro European Cup 40/ Championnat d’Europe Trial 1.000,00 Trial European Championship 41/ Championnat d’Europe Trial Féminine 700,00 Trial Women’s European Championship 42/ Championnat d’Europe Trial Jeunes 700,00 Trial Youth European Championship 43/ Coupe d’Europe Junior Trial 700,00 Junior Trial European Cup 44/ Coupe d’Europe Trial Au Dessus de 40 ans 700,00 Over 40 Trial European Cup 50/ Championnat Euro Speedway 800,00 1.300/1.500 Speedway Euro Championship ECC/Final 51/ Championnat d’Europe Speedway Under 21 Solo 800,00 1.500,00 European Under 21 Individual Speedway Championship 52/ Coupe d’Europe Speedway Jeunes 85cc 700,00 European 85cc Youth Speedway Cup

236 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 EMN Discipline Manches de qualification Finale Qualyfing rounds Final 53/ Coupe d’Europe Speedway Champions de Club 800,00 1.200,00 European Speedway Club Champions’ Cup 54/ Championnat d’Europe Speedway Paires 800,00 1.500,00 European Pairs Speedway Championship 55/ Championnat d’Europe Speedway sur Glace Solo 800,00 1.500,00 European Individual Championship 56/ Championnat d’Europe Grass Track Solo 800,00 1.200,00 European Individual Grass Track Championship 57/ Championnat d’Europe Short Track 700,00 Short Track European Championship 58/ Coupe d'Europe Courses sur Piste Jeunes 125cc 700,00 European 125cc Youth Track Racing Cup 59/ Championnat d’Europe Sidecar 800,00 1.200,00 European Sidecar Championship 590/ Championnat d’Europe Speedway Under 21 Equipe 800,00 1.500,00 European Under 21 Team Speedway Championship 591/ Championnat d’Europe Speedway Junior s. Glace 1.200,00 Individual Junior Ice Racing European Championship 592/ Coupe d’Europe Speedway Jeunes 250cc 600,00 European 250cc Youth Speedway Cup 70/ Championnat d’Europe Motos Anciennes Courses sur Route 1.000,00 Vintage Road Racing European Championship 71/ Coupe d’Europe Motos Anciennes Régularité 700,00 Vintage Regularity European Cup 72/ Coupe d’Europe Motos Anciennes Motocross 700,00 Vintage Motocross European Cup 73/ Coupe d’Europe Motos Anciennes Enduro 700,00 Vintage Enduro European Cup 74/ Coupe d’Europe Motos Anciennes Trial 700,00 Vintage Trial European Cup 75/ Coupe d’Europe Motos Anciennes Parade 700,00 Vintage Parade European Cup 76/ Coupe d’Europe Motos Anciennes Endurance 700,00 Vintage Endurance European Cup 90/ Championnat d’Europe Moto Ball 500,00 Moto Ball European Championship

Quand on n'est pas indiqué une distinction entre epreuves de qualification et finale, cela signifie que le droit de calendrier est le même pour tous les deux. When not indicated a distinction between qualifying rounds and final, it means that the calendar fee is the same for both. Si les officiels FIM Europe sont les mêmes (pas de charges supplémentaires), la même règle s’applique à toutes les disciplines: si 2 manifestations/catégories se disputent le même week-end, seulement le droit au ca- lendrier le plus élevé sera facturé; en cas de 3 manifestations ou plus le même week-end, toujours le droit au calendrier le plus élevé sera facturé, mais un montant fixe de 100,00€ s’ajoutera pour chaque manifestation/catégorie supplémentaire au-delà de la 2ème. When the FIM Europe officials are the same (no further charges), for all disciplines is valid the same rule: in case of 2 events/classes taking place on the same weekend, only the highest calendar fee will be invoiced; in case of 3 or more events on the same weekend, it will be invoiced always the highest calendar fee, but nd adding a fix amount of €.100,00 for each further event/class over the 2 one.

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 237 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 16 15.05 50/4 ECC Zarnovica 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 16 14.05 Liberec 50/3 SF3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 16 05.05 Mureck 50/2 SF2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 16 30.04 Debrecen 50/1 SF 1 Speedway Euro Championship Speedway Euro 7 6 4 5 1 3 6 2 1 4 5 4 1 2 2 1 6 0 2 2 64 2016 8 8 4 5 1 4 6 2 1 4 5 5 1 2 2 1 6 0 2 2 69 2016 2016 RIDERS - TEAMS - PAIRS ALLOCATION 2016 RIDERS - TEAMS PAIRS Requested Obtained FMI SML FFM MFR FRM SMF BMF FMB PZM FMU HMS NMF DMU FMN Total ACCR DMSB AMZS LaMSF MAMS SVEMO OeAMTC reserve riders in ECC will 2 riders from 5th places in SF1,SF2,SF3 &SF4 with the best number of points. If will be tie on points then precedence will be given to the riders having the most number of 1st,2nd,3rd and f no FMNR rider has qualified to the ECC then only 3 riders will qualify from Semi Final 4 and right nominate o ne Semi Final 1: 4 riders will qualify to ECC (max. 2 from the same federation) - 2: t o Semi Final 3: 4 riders will qualify to ECC (max. 2 from the same federation) - 4: 2 I 4th placings. (an "0" for last placing being better than M-R-F-T-d-N). If above solution cannot be used, the order shall determined by ballot. 4th placings. (an "0" for last placing being better than M-R-F-T-d-N). 238 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 16 10.09 51/4 F 5 5 2 4 16 2.07 Varkaus Lamothe Landerron 51/3 SF3 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 16 25.06 Macon 51/2 SF2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 16 14.05 Ljubljana 51/1 SF 1 3 3 3 5 6 4 1 1 1 5 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 48 2016 3 4 3 8 4 2 1 1 6 2 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 10 59 2016 Requested Obtained FMI SML FFM MFR FRM SMF BMF PZM FMU NMF DMU FMN Total ACCR DMSB AMZS LaMSF KNMV MAMS SVEMO European Under 21 Individual Speedway Championship European Semi Final 1: 5 riders and 1 substitute rider will qualify to the Semi Final 2: 5 riders and 1 substitute rider will qualify to the Semi Final 3: 6 riders will qualify to the If no FMNR rider has qualified to the Final, then only 5 riders will qualify from Semi-Final 3

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 239 1 1 1 1 1 4 Riga 13.08 54/2 Final 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 12.06 54/1 SF Badia Calavena 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 11 2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 Requested Obtained FMI MFR FRM BMF PZM FMU HMS DMU FMN 2016 Total ACCR DMSB AMZS LaMSF MAMS OeAMTC 1 European Pairs Speedway Championship European Semi Finals : 3 pairs will quality to the Final

240 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 1 1 1 1 3 27.08 590/2 F Stralsund 1 1 1 1 4 17.07 590/1 SF Daugavpils 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 7 2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Requested Obtained MFR PZM NMF DMU FMN 2016 Total ACCR DMSB LaMSF SVEMO 1 European Under 21 Team Speedway Championship Under 21 Team European Winner of the Semi Final will qualify to Winner

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 241 16 DMU 19.06 592/1 F Grindsted 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 16 DMU the from rider a to allocated be will place the nd 18.06 Grindsted 592/1 SF2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 16 DMU 18.06 Grindsted 592/1 SF1 4 1 2 3 5 4 4 6 1 1 1 32 2016 4 1 2 3 5 3 4 6 1 1 1 31 Requested Obtained FMI FFM MFR PZM ACU HMS NMF DMU FMN 2016 Total ACCR DMSB KNMV European 250cc Youth Speedway Cup 250cc Youth European Semi-Final 1: 8 riders (max of 4 from the same FMN) and 1 substitute rider will qualify to Final. Semi-Final 2: 8 riders (max of 4 from the same FMN) and 1 substitute rider will qualify to Final. a eliminated, be will 2 Final Semi from rider qualified one then Final, the to qualified has rider FMNR no If host federation (FMNR)

242 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 rom t rom he 16 7.08 52/1 F Vissenbjerg 2 1 2 2 4 5 4 3 2 6 4 4 16 21 6.08 20.08 58/1 F Divisov 52/1 SF2 Vissenbjerg 2 2 2 2 3 5 16 6.08 52/1 SF1 Vissenbjerg 4 3 2 6 4 2 4 3 4 4 7 21 10 32 2016 2016 4 3 3 4 6 8 4 3 2 6 4 2 28 21 Requested Obtained Requested Obtained FFM PZM ACU SML PZM FMN 2016 Total NMF DMU ACCR DMSB FMN 2016 Total KNMV DMSB SVEMO European 125cc Youth Track Racing Cup Track 125cc Youth European Track reserve Track riders are nominated by FMNR European 85cc Youth Speedway Cup 85cc Youth European Semi-Final 1: 8 riders (max of 4 from the same FMN) and 1 substitute rider will qualify to Final. Semi-Final 2: 8 riders (max of 4 from the same FMN) and 1 substitute rider will qualify to Final. f rider a to allocated be will place the and eliminated, be will 2 Final Semi from rider qualified one then Final, the to qualified has rider FMNR no If host federation (FMNR) FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 243 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 0 16 Ufa 55/1 F 21-22.02 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 0 16 2016 3 2 1 3 5 2 1 1 25 Requested Obtained SML MFR FMS FMB ACU NMF FMN 2016 Total ACCR DMSB SVEMO 4 OeAMTC 3 European Individual Ice Speedway Championship European Track reserve Track riders are nominated by FMNR If any FMN's will withdraw a rider before the Final , then vacant place be given to MFR.

244 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 18 11.09 56/3 F Swingfield 3 1 2 3 4 4 1 18 3.07 56/2 SF2 Mulmshorm 3 1 2 3 1 5 3 18 2.07 Tayac 56/1 SF1 + 1 substitute rider will qualify from Semi-Final 2, and the ninth place will be allocated to the 6 1 1 4 6 1 9 7 1 36 2016 6 1 1 4 6 1 8 6 1 34 Requested Obtained FMI SML FFM FMB ACU DMU FMN 2016 Total ACCR DMSB KNMV Semi Final 1: 9 riders and 1 substitute rider will qualify to the Semi Final 2: 9 riders and 1 substitute rider will qualify to the A scheduled rider who is unable to compete in the Final will be replaced by next from Semi concerned. If no FMNR rider has qualified to the Final, then only 8 riders host federation (FMNR) European Individual Grass Track Championship Individual Grass Track European

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 245 1 1 2 2 6 1 Vries 24.07 59/2 F 1 0 2 3 2 1 3 12 11.06 59/1 SF Loppersum 1 1 3 5 4 1 3 18 2016 1 4 6 5 1 3 21 Requested Obtained FFM FMS ACU DMU FMN 2016 Total DMSB KNMV OeAMTC 1 European Sidecar Championship European Semi-Final: 6 outfits and 2 substitute will qualify to the Final


Pays/Country Circuit/Track Grades Distance/Lenght Valable/Valid

Austria Red Bull Ring A+B mt. 4326 2016 Croatia Rijeka - Grobnik A+B mt. 4.168 2016 Czech Republik Brno* A mt. 5.403 Czech Republik Most A+B mt. 4.212 2016 Czech Republik Lkartarena Ysilonka/Cheb C+D mt. 1200 + 800 2016 Denmark Jyllands Ringen A+B mt. 2275 to be inspected France Le Mans* A+B mt. 4185 France Magnycours* A+B mt. 4.111 Germany Schleiz mt. 3.805 Germany Oschersleben* A+B mt. 3.696 Great Britain Donington Park A+B mt. 4020 Great Britain Silverstone* mt. 5.891 Hungary Pannoniaring A+B mt. 4740 2016 Hungary Hungaroring A+B mt. 4381 2016 Italy Imola* A+B mt. 4.936 Italy Misano* A+B mt. 4.226 Italy Adria Int. Raceway A+B mt. 2657 2017 Italy Pomposa C+D 1200 + 480 2017 Norway Arctic Circle Raceway A+B mt. 3763 2016 Norway Valer Race Track B mt. 2262 2016 Norway Rudskogen Motorsenter B mt. 3254 2016 Poland Poznan B mt. 4.083 2016 Portugal Portimao A+B mt. 4592 to be inspected Russia Moscow Raceway mt. 3955 Slovakia Slovakiaring A+B mt. 5922 to be inspected Spain Albacete A+B mt. 3539 Spain Cartagena A+B mt. 3.506 to be inspected Spain Motorland Aragon A+B mt. 5078 Spain Jerez A+B mt. 4423 Spain Valencia* A+B mt. 4.005 Spain Navarra A+B mt. 3933 The Netherlands Assen* A+B mt. 4.542 2017 *FIM homologation

Dragster / Dragbike

Pays/Country Circuit/Track Grades Distance/Lenght Valable/Valid

Bahrain Bahrain mt. 402,33 to be inspected Finland Alaharma mt. 402,33 to be inspected Finland Alastaro A mt. 402,33 to be inspected

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 247 Germany Hockenheim A mt. 402,33 2016 Great Britain Santa Pod A mt. 402,33 to be inspected Hungary Kunmadaras C mt. 402,33 2016 Norway Gardemoen A mt. 402,33 to be inspected Sweden Mantorp Park A mt. 402,33 to be inspected Svemo Tierp A mt. 402,33 to be inspected

Snowmobile Drag Racing

Pays/Country Circuit/Track Grades Distance/Lenght Valable/Valid

Norway Gardemoen A mt. 402,33 to be inspected Finland Alaharma Norway Valle A mt. 402,33 to be inspected Sweden Sundsvall A mt. 402,33 to be inspected Sweden Pita A mt. 402,33 to be inspected

Mini Road Racing

Pays/Country Circuit/Track Grades Distance/Lenght Valable/Valid

Czech Republic Kartarena Ysilonka/Cheb C+D mt. 1200+800 2016 Czech Republic Brno Masaryk C+D 423 to be inspected Denmark Skaerbaek C+D 920 to be inspected France Juvaincourt C+D 1250 to be inspected Germany Wittgenborn C+D 1038+728 to be inspected Italy Ottobiano C+D 620 to be inspected Italy Pomposa C+D 1200+480 2017 The Netherlands Assen Kart Center C+D to be inspected Slovenia Vransko C+D 1030+655 to be inspected Spain Zaragoza Zuera C+D 1700 to be inspected

Motocross* *homologations are only valid for the relevant event after the approval of the Jury Presi- dent/FIM Europe Delegate Supermotard / Supermoto* *homologations are only valid for the relevant event after the approval of the Jury Presi- dent/FIM Europe Delegate

Courses sur Piste / Track Racing

Pays/Country Circuit/Track Grades Valable/Valid

Austria Murech To be inspected 2016-2018 Austria Natschbach speedway To be inspected Austria Wr. Neustadt speedway To be inspected Croatia Gorican* speedway 80cc Croatia Millenium speedway To be inspected

248 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Croatia Stadion Mladost To be inspected Czech Republic Mseno speedway To be inspected Czech Republic Slany speedway To be inspected Czech Republic Pardubice Speedway To be inspected Czech Republic Liberec Speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Czech Republic PK Plzen speedway 2016 Czech Republic Divisov Speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Denmark Brovst speedway/flat track 2017 Denmark Grindsted To be inspected 2016-2018 Denmark Silkeborg* Speedway 2017 Denmark Holsted speedway To be inspected Denmark Vissenbjerg speedway 80cc To be inspected 2016-2018 Denmark Munkebo speedway To be inspected Finland Varkaus Speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Finland Seinäjoki speedway To be inspected France La Reole grass track To be inspected France Lamothe Landerron ice racing and Speedway 2017 France St. Colomb de Lauzun To be inspected France Tayac grass track To be inspected 2016-2018 France Macon Speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Germany Hersfeld grass track To be inspected Germany Bielefeld grass track To be inspected Germany Gustrow speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Germany Haunstetten grass track To be inspected Germany Hertingen grass track 2017 Germany Teterow speedway To be inspected Germany Melsungen grass track 2016 Germany Mulmshorn To be inspected 2016-2018 Germany Moorwinkelsdamm speedway To be inspected Germany Wummering-Mulmshorn grass track 2016 Germany Schwarme grass track To be inspected Germany Bad Hersfeld grass track To be inspected Germany Stralsund speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Germany Olching speedway 2017 Great Britain High Easter grass track sidecar To be inspected Great Britain Tregleath Farm Washaway To be inspected Great Britain Thorpe St Peter grass track To be inspected Great Britain Swingfield grass track 2017 Great Britain Roche Cornwell grass track To be inspected Hungary Debrecen speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Hungary Gyula speedway To be inspected Hungary Miskolc* speedway To be inspected Italy Lonigo speedway To be inspected Italy Terenzano* speedway To be inspected Italy Badia Calavena Speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Latvia Daugavpils* speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 249 Latvia Riga* Speedway 2017 Norway Elgane Speedway To be inspected Poland Czestochova speedway To be inspected Poland Pila speedway To be inspected Poland Krosno speedway To be inspected Poland Opole speedway To be inspected Poland Rawicz speedway To be inspected Poland Rybnik speedway 80cc 2017 Poland Rybnik speedway 500 2016 Poland Torun speedway To be inspected Poland Sanok ice racing To be inspected Poland Tarnow* speedway Romania Braila speedway To be inspected Russia Balakovo speedway To be inspected Russia Lukhovitsy ice racing 2017 Russia Metallurg ice racing To be inspected Russia Stroitel Stadium/UFA ice racing To be inspected Russia Penza ice racing To be inspected Russia Togliatti speedway To be inspected Russia Ufa To be inspected 2016-2018 Slovakia Zarnovica grass track To be inspected Slovakia Zarnovica Speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Slovenia Krsko speedway To be inspected Slovenia Lendava speedway 2017 Slovenia Ljubljana speedway To be inspected 2016-2018 Sweden Målilla* Speedway 2017 Sweden Gislaved Speedway 2017 Sweden Hallstavik speedway To be inspected Sweden Eskijstuna speedway To be inspected Sweden Kumla speedway 2017 The Netherlands Blijham grass track To be inspected The Netherlands Eenrum speedway To be inspected The Netherlands Loppersum grass track To be inspected The Netherlands Uithuizen grass track To be inspected The Netherlands Noordwolde grass track To be inspected The Netherlands Roden grass track To be inspected The Netherlands De Tippe short track To be inspected The Netherlands Molenweg (Balkbrug) grass track To be inspected The Netherlands Stadskanaal speedway To be inspected The Netherlands Staphorst grass track 2017 The Netherlands Vries Grass Track To be inspected 2016-2018 Ukraine Chervonograd speedway To be inspected Ukraine Lviv speedway To be inspected Ukraine Rivne speedway To be inspected

*FIM homologation 250 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 NOTE

















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256 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 IMPORTANT Les informations contenues dans les pages suivantes on été mises sous press fin Janvier 2016. Des modifications ou adjonctions pouvant intervenir, il est conseillé de consulter le site internet de la FIM Europe ( ou de renseigner auprès du Secrétariat Général.

Le calendrier publié on-line est mis à jour réguliérement

The information contained in the following pages was sent to the printer at the end of January 2016. Further important modifications or additions may occur. For details, please consult the FIM Europe internet site ( or contat the General Secretariat.

The on-line calendar is updated on a regular basis. SOUS-CALENDRIER /SUB-CALENDAR

10/ Courses sur Route / Road Racing 11/ Dragster / Dragbike 12/ Scooters et Cyclomoteurs / Scooters and Mopeds 13/ Mini Road Race 14/ Courses de côte / Road Race Hill Climb 20/ Motocross 21/ Supercross 22/ Sidecarcross & Quadcross 23/ Supermotard / Supermoto 24/ Motoneige / Snowcross 25/ Motocross Quad 26/ Hill Climb 27/ Freestyle 30/ Enduro 31/ Enduro indoor 32/ Rallyes Tout Terrain / All-Terrain Rallies 33/ Rallyes Routiers / Road Rallies 34/ Baja 35/ Snowmobile Enduro 36/ Cross Country 37/ Enduro Extreme Cup 40/ Trial 41/ Trial Féminine / Trial Women 42 Trial Jeunesse / Trial Youth 43/ Trial Junior 44/ Trial Over 40 50/ Speedway Euro Championship 51/ European under 21 Individual Speedway Championship 52/ European 85cc Youth Speedway Cup 53/ Speedway Club Champions 54/ European Pairs Speedway Championship 55/ European Individual Ice Speedway Championship 56/ European Individual Grass Track Championship 57/ Short Track 58/ European 125cc Youth Track Racing Cup 59/ European Sidecar Championship 590/ European under 21 Team Speedway Championship 591/ European Individual Junior Ice Speedway Championship 592/ European 250cc Youth Speedway Cup 60/ Manifestations diverses / Particular events 70/ Vintage Road Racing European Championship 71/ Vintage Regularity Cup 72/ Vintage Motocross Cup 73/ Vintage Enduro Cup 74/ Vintage Trial Cup 75/ Vintage Parade Cup 76/ Vintage Endurance Cup 80/ Tourisme / Tourism 90/ Moto Ball 258 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser[email protected][email protected] WorldSBK – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] WorldSBK – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] WorldSBK – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] WorldSBK – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] WorldSBK – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] WorldSBK – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] WorldSBK and Superbike, Valencia and Superbike, Aragon and Superbike, Barcelona Catalunya Circuit[email protected] / ROAD RACING CALENDRIER SPORTIF 2016 CALENDRIER SPORTIF 2016 SPORTING CALENDAR CHAMPIONNATS D’EUROPE / EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS CHAMPIONNATS 10/110/2 1-3/410/3 15-17/410/4 29-4/1/5 RFME KNMV10/5 27-29/5 European Championship, Assen FMI European Championship, Motorland Aragon10/6 17-19/6 ACU European Championship, Imola Enzo & Dino Ferrari10/7 22-24/7 – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] WorldSBK FMI European Championship, Donington Park 10/8 16-18/9 FMI – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] WorldSBK 10/9 30-9/2-10 European Championship, Misano Marco Simoncelli DMSB FFM 14-16/10 – Dorna (DWO) - [email protected] European Championship, Monza WorldSBK European Championship, Lausitzring RFME European Championship, Magny-Cours European Championship, Jerez EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 10/12 12/6 RFME European Championship, CEV Repsol Moto 2 FIM CEV Repsol 10/10 17/4 RFME European Championship, CEV Repsol Moto 2 FIM CEV Repsol 10/11 29/5 RFME European Championship, CEV Repsol Moto 2 FIM CEV Repsol FIM Europe Supersport Cup COURSES SUR ROUTE CEV REPSOL EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP MOTO 2, SUPERBIKE

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 259 [email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected] MC Squadra Corse Badalucco - Organisateur / Organiser MSC Rottenegg - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Badischer Motorsport Club e.V. im DMV - [email protected] Badischer Motorsport Club e.V. Santa Pod Racers Club - [email protected] Santa Pod Racers Club - [email protected] European Championship, tba European Championship, tba European Championship, tba and Superbike, Albacete and Superbike, Algarve and Superbike, Jerez and Superbike, Valencia European Championship, Hockenheim Nitrolympx 2016 11/111/2 27-30/511/3 19-21/8 ACU 8-11/9 DMSB European Championship, Santa Pod ACU European Championship, Santa Pod 13/113/2 tba 13/3 tba tba 14/114/2 16-17/414/3 21-22/5 OeAMTC14/4 24-26/6 FMS European Championship, Landshaag 14/5 23-24/7 FMI 19-21/8 FFM European Championship, Chatel St. Denis FMI European Championship, Carpasio European Championship, Petit Abergement Moto Club Chatel St. Denis - secretaire-course@mcchatel European Championship, Poggio Vallefredda Um Ain - [email protected] FMI - [email protected] EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMNEMN / Title Titre Date FMN / Title Titre 10/14 28/810/15 2/10 FMP10/16 20/11 RFME European Championship, CEV Repsol Moto 2 RFME European Championship, CEV Repsol Moto 2 FIM CEV Repsol European Championship, CEV Repsol Moto 2 FIM CEV Repsol FIM CEV Repsol 10/13 3/7 ACU European Championship, CEV Repsol Moto 2 FIM CEV Repsol DRAGSTER / DRAGBIKE MINI ROAD RACE COURSES DE COTE / ROAD RACE HILL CLIMB

260 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Organisateur / Organiser [email protected] AMD Brezice - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Moto Association of Serbia with Club Gajic, MSS [email protected] tba BMF - Fax +359 2 9805934 [email protected] BMF - Fax +359 2 9805934 [email protected] MCK "Jaska" - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Slagelse MX - [email protected] M-Cross - [email protected] tba European Championship, tba 20/1 tba 20/220/3 26-27/320/4 16-17/420/5 21-22/5 AMOTOE20/6 4-5/6 FYROM European Championship, Giannitsa 11-12/6 BMF European Championship, Gevgelija BMF HMS AMOTOE - [email protected] European Championship, Troyan FYROM - [email protected] 20/8 European Championship, Mladina European Championship, Sevlievo 20/9 2-3/4 7-8/5 AMZS FMI European Championship, Brezice European Championship, Gazzane di Preseglie MC G. S. Galaello - [email protected] 20/7 18-19/6 AMSS European Championship, Krusevac-Globare EMN Date FMNEMN / Title Titre Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 20/10 28-29/5 AMZS20/12 European Championship, Orehova Vas20/13 9-10/4 16-17/4 DMU - [email protected] AMD Orehova Vas SMF European Championship, Slagelse European Championship, Senkvice 20/11 18-19/6 FMP European Championship, Fernao Joanes Associaçao Cultural e recreativa de Fernao Joanes Motocross of European Nations/Women's Motocross of European Nations Motocross of European Nations/Women's SE Europe SW Europe NW Europe MOTOCROSS EMX 65 and 85

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 261 MC Moorgrund e.V. im ADAC - [email protected] MC Moorgrund e.V. Imatran Moottorikerho ry - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser "Kristera Ser ģ a motoklubs" - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Moto Association of Serbia with Club Gajic, MSS Organisateur / Organiser AMK Loket v ACR - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Cieszynski Klub Motorowy - [email protected] Motoklub Olsztyn - [email protected] TSK Piladzis - "Piladzi" Stelpes Pagasts [email protected] [email protected] EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMNEMN Date / Title Titre FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 20/1420/15 30/4-1/520/16 KNMV 14-15/5 28-29/5 DMSB European Championship, St. Isidorushoeve SML European Championship, Moorgrund 20/17 HAMC St. Isidorushoeve - [email protected] 20/18 21-22/5 European Championship, Imatra 20/19 25-26/6 PZM20/20 2-3/7 PZM 9-10/7 European Championship, Cieszyn MFR LaMSF European Championship, Olsztyn 20/21 European Championship, Stelpe 23-24/7 European Championship, St. Petersberg ACCR OOO Pilotmoto Media - [email protected] 20/22 European Championship, Loket 20/23 2-3/420/24 9-10/420/25 16-17/4 AMZS HMS20/26 28-29/5 SMF20/27 11-12/6 AMZS European Championship, Brezice* AMD Brezice - [email protected] 18-19/6 HMS MSD Zabok - [email protected] European Championship, Vucak-Zabok 20/28 European Championship, Senkvice AMSS M-Cross - [email protected] European Championship, Orehova Vas* - [email protected] AMD Orehova Vas 20/29 25-26/6 2-3/7 European Championship, Mladina* MCK Jaska - [email protected] PZM European Championship, Krusevac-Globare MFR European Championship, Olsztyn Motoklub Olsztyn - [email protected] 20/3020/31 30-4/1/5 European Championship, St. Petersberg OOO Pilotmoto Media - [email protected] 14-15/5 LaMSF FMI European Championship, Kegums European Championship, Pietramurata MC Arco - [email protected] NE Europe Final EMX Open EMX 125 2 stroke *with EMX 65/85

262 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 [email protected]; [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser [email protected] [email protected] "Kristera Ser ģ a motoklubs" - [email protected] MC Arco - [email protected] FMB - [email protected] MC Mantovano Tazio Nuvolari MC Mantovano Tazio MSC Teutschenthal e.V. im ADAC e.V. MSC Teutschenthal Organisateur / Organiser [email protected] FMB - [email protected] St. MX GP Assen - [email protected] FMI - FMB - [email protected] RFME - [email protected] European Championship, Talavera de la Reina European Championship, Talavera EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 20/45 7-8/5 DMSB European Championship, Teuschenthal 20/3220/33 28-29/520/34 4-5/6 RFME 20/35 18-19/620/36 25-26/6 FFM ACU20/37 30-31/7 FMI 6-7/8 FMB European Championship, Matterley Basin European Championship, St. Jean D'Angely Mc Angelien - [email protected] FSM European Championship, Mantova ACU - [email protected] 20/38 European Championship, Lommel '7-8/5 European Championship, Frauenfeld20/39 '18-19/620/40 DMSB 30-31/720/41 ACU 6-7/820/42 FSM European Championship, Teuschenthal FMB 27-28/8 European Championship, Matterley Basin FMS KNMV im ADAC e.V. MSC Teutschenthal European Championship, Lommel ACU - [email protected] 20/43 European Championship, Assen European Championship, Frauenfeld 27-28/320/44 30-4/1-5 KNMV LaMSF20/46 European Championship, Valkenswaard 14-15/520/47 European Championship, Kegums 28-29/520/48 FMI 4-5/620/49 RFME St. Robra Parijs - Dakar [email protected] 18-19/6 FFM European Championship, Pietramurata ACU de la Reina European Championship, Talavera 20/51 30-31/720/52 RFME - [email protected] 6-7/8 European Championship, Matterley Basin European Championship, St. Jean d'Angely FMB MC Angelien - [email protected] FMS ACU - [email protected] European Championship, Lommel European Championship, Frauenfeld 20/50 25-26/6 FMI European Championship, Mantova EMX 150 4 stroke European Championship (Honda) EMX 250

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 263 Organisateur / Organiser "Kristera Ser ģ a motoklubs" - [email protected] AMK Loket v ACR - [email protected] FMB - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Off Road Pro Racing - Gsx Srl [email protected] 21/121/2 8/1021/3 5/1121/4 6/11 KNMV21/5 12/11 FMI tba European Championship, Arnhem FMI FMI European Championship, Genoa DMSB European Championship, Genoa Off Road Pro Racing - Gsx Srl [email protected] European Championship, Milan (Eicma) Off Road Pro Racing - Gsx Srl [email protected] European Championship, tba Off Road Pro Racing - Gsx Srl [email protected] 22/1 Off Road Pro Racing - Gsx Srl [email protected] 8-9/10 FFM European Championship, Dardon Guegnon MC Dardon Gueugnon - [email protected] EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 20/5320/54 '27-28/320/55 30-4/1-5 KNMV20/56 28-29/5 LaMSF20/57 18-19/6 European Championship, Valkenswaard RFME20/58 23-24/7 European Championship, Kegums ACU 30-31/7 ACCR de la Reina European Championship, Talavera FMB St. Robra Parijs - Dakar [email protected] European Championship, Matterley Basin RFME - [email protected] European Championship, Loket European Championship, Lommel ACU - [email protected] EMX 300 2 stroke European Championship SUPERCROSS Sidecarcross of European Nations SIDECARCROSS

264 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Organisateur / Organiser RFME - [email protected] RFME - [email protected] FMI - [email protected] PZM - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Sport Plus GmbH - [email protected] Sport Plus GmbH - [email protected] im DMV - [email protected] Auriga e. V. im DMV - [email protected] Auriga e. V. Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser DMU - [email protected] im ADAC - [email protected] MC Moorgrund e.V. TSK Piladzis - "Piladzi" Stelpes Pagasts [email protected] SA Kivioli Seiklusturismi Keskus - [email protected] OeAMTCOeAMTC European Championship, Linz DMSB European Championship, Linz DMSB European Championship, Munich European Championship, Mannheim RFMERFMEFMI European Championship, Jerez PZM European Championship, Albaida European Championship, Magione European Championship, Poznan 22/2 8-9/1025/1 FFM25/2 9-10/425/3 23-24/425/4 30/4-1/5 DMU European Championship, Dardon Guegnon FFM25/5 14-15/5 KNMV European Championship, Slagelse 25/6 30-31/7 MC Dardon Gueugnon - [email protected] European Championship St. Isidorushoeve DMSB European Championship, Castelnau de Levis 6-7/8 LaMSF European Championship, Moorgrund AGS Puech Rampant - [email protected] KNMV - [email protected] European Championship, Stelpe EMF27/127/2 23/1 European Championship, Kivioli 27/3 24/1 27/4 23/4 21/5 23/123/2 3/4 23/3 1/5 23/4 12/6 10/7 EMN Date EMN FMN Date / Title Titre FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre Quad Cross of European Nations EMX ITP Quad FREESTYLE / SUPERMOTO SUPERMOTARD S2 QUAD CROSS

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 265 Organisateur / Organiser BMF - [email protected] BMF - [email protected] FRM - [email protected] LMSF - [email protected] BMF - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Todor Hristov, 4x4 Adventure Club - [email protected] Hristov, Todor [email protected] GarZone R.O.P. Kft - [email protected] GarZone R.O.P. Kft - [email protected] GarZone R.O.P. Escuderia Castelo Branco - [email protected] St. Motorsport Harfsen - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser MC Costa Etrusca - [email protected] MC Brioude - [email protected] "A-Projekti" - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser M. C. Del Garda Ezio De Tisi - [email protected] M. C. Del Garda Ezio De Tisi - [email protected] MSC Großheunbach e. V. Trialsport Tanvald v ACR - [email protected] Tanvald Trialsport tbaFMI European Championship, tba European Championship, Castelletto di BranduzzoBMF FMI - [email protected] European Championship, Pleven LMSF European Championship, Elektrenai 23/523/6 11/9 18/9 23/723/8 7-8/5 23/9 11-12/6 23-24/7 BMF FRM30/1 European Championship, Pleven 30/2 12-13/3 European Championship, Crevedia 30/3 26-27/3 FMI30/4 30-31/7 FFM 28-29/10 LaMSF KNMV European Championship, Donoratico 33/1 European Championship, Brioude European Championship, Ogre 18-20/3 European Championship, Harfsen MAMS33/333/4 11-14/8 European Championship, Kecskemet-Bugac 33/5 9-10/9 MAMS 23-25/9 European Championship, Vezprem FMP BMF40/1 European Championship, Idanha a Nova European Championship, Samokov 40/2 3/440/3 22-23/540/4 6-7/8 FFM 14/8 FMI ACCR European Cup, Breal sous Montfort 35 European Cup, Pietramurata DMSB European Cup, Tanvald ACL Brealaise - European Cup, Grossheubach 33/2 24-26/6 FMI European Championship, Pordenone "Italian Baja" M.C. BRP Porcia & Fuoristrada Club 4x4 EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 23/1023/11 3-4/9 29-30/10 BMF European Championship, Pleven S3, SM Junior, Open tba S3, SM Junior, ENDURO BAJA TRIAL

266 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser [email protected] - [email protected] M. C. Del Garda Ezio De Tisi - [email protected] M. C. Del Garda Ezio De Tisi KKCIM SMOK KRAKOW - [email protected] 41/141/2 2/4 25-26/6 PZM FMI European Cup, Krzeszowice European Cup, Pietramurata 42/142/2 2/4 42/3 25-26/6 13/8 PZM FMI European Cup, Krzeszowice DMSB KKCIM SMOK KRAKOW - [email protected] European Cup, Pietramurata - [email protected] M. C. Del Garda Ezio De Tisi European Cup, Grossheubach - [email protected] MSC Großheunbach e. V. 50/150/2 30/450/3 5/5 MAMS50/4 14/550/5 15/5 OeAMTC European Championship, Debrecen - SF1 ACCR50/6 26/5 European Championship, Mureck - SF2 SMF50/7 16/7 Debrecen Speedway SE - [email protected] DMSB50/8 European Championship, Liberec - SF3 6/8 Peter Kirchsteiger - [email protected] DMSB 20/8 European Championship, Zarnovica - SF4 European Championship, Olching - ECC LaMSF PD v ACR Liberec - [email protected] MFR European Championship, Gustrow - F1 Speedway Club Zarnovica - [email protected] im ADAC - [email protected] MSC Olching e.V. European Championship, Daugavpils - F2 - F3 European Championship, Togliatti im ADAC - [email protected] MC Gustrow e. V. of Latvia - [email protected] 51/151/2 14/5 25/6 SC "Mega-lada" - [email protected] AMZS FFM European Championship, Ljubljana - SF1 European Championship, Macon - SF2 AMTK Ljubljana - [email protected] AMC Macon - [email protected] 41/3 13/8 DMSB European Cup, Grossheubach MSC Großheunbach e. V. 50/9 17/9 PZM - F4 European Championship, Rybnik Klub SportowiSpolka AKCYJNA ROW Rybnik EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre Organisateur / Organiser EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre Women Youth COURSES SUR PISTE / TRACK RACING Individual Speedway Euro Championship European U21 Individual Speedway Championship

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 267 Organisateur / Organiser STC "G. Kadirov" - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser "Speedway Grand Prix of Latvia" - [email protected] - [email protected] Moto Club de Tayac - [email protected] Vries Volksvermaken European Championship, Lamothe Landerron - F Dynamic Moto Club Lamothais - [email protected] 51/3 2/751/4 10/9 SML FFM - SF3 European Championship, Varkaus 54/1 12/654/2 13/8 ry - [email protected] Racing Team Varkaus FMI LaMSF European Championship, Badia Calavena - SF European Championship, Riga - F MC Riders Arena - [email protected] 55/1 21-22/2 MFR56/1 2/756/2 3/756/3 - F European Championship, UFA FFM 11/9 DMSB ACU - SF1 European Championship, Tayac European Championship, Mulmshorn - SF2 European Championship, Swingfield - F59/1 im ADAC - [email protected] MSC Mulmshorn e.V. 11/659/2 24/7 KNMV ACU - [email protected] KNMV European Championship, Loppersum - SF - F European Championship, Vries KNMV - [email protected] EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date EMN FMN Date FMN / Title Titre / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 590/1 17/7590/2 27/8 LaMSF DMSB European Championship, Daugavpils - SF European Championship, Stralsund - F "Speedway Grand Prix of Latvia" - [email protected] MC Nordstern Stralsund - [email protected] European Pairs Speedway Championship Speedway Championship European U21 Team European Individual Ice Speedway Championship Championship European Individual Grass Track European Sidecar Championship

268 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser FFM - [email protected] SVEMO - [email protected] Budel - [email protected] Motoball Vereniging 70/170/2 24-26/670/3 1-3/7 FFM70/4 5-7/8 19-21/8 SVEMO European Championship, Carole tbc European Championship, Anderstorp ACU HMS European Championship, Donington Park European Championship, Grobnik-Rijeka90/1 26-31/7 ACU - [email protected] HMS - [email protected] KNMV European Championship, Budel EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre VINTAGE Road Racing MOTO BALL

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 269 Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser ESA - [email protected] ESA - [email protected] ESA - [email protected] ESA - [email protected] ESA - [email protected] ESA - [email protected] ESA - [email protected] FFM - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Racedays Promotions - Tel +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel Racedays Promotions - Tel +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel FIM EUROPE COUPES / CUPS European Junior Cup, Calafat - pre season training camp DMSB European Cup, Nuerburgring FFM European Cup, Magny Cours EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 10/26 16-17/410/27 6-8/5 10/28 18-19/610/29 FFM 8-10/710/30 29-31/710/31 FMB 25-28/810/32 European Cup, Croix 23-25/9 FMB DMSB European Cup, Zolder DMSB DMSB10/33 European Cup, Zolder European Cup, Schleiz 4-5/6 European Cup, Oschersleben European Cup, Hockenheim 10/17 28-29/310/18 1-3/410/19 RFME 15-17/410/20 29-4/1/5 RFME10/21 KNMV European Junior Cup, Assen European Junior Cup, Motorland Aragon 17-19/6 ACU10/22 European Junior Cup, Donington Park 22-24/710/23 FMI +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel 16-18/910/24 FMI European Junior Cup, Misano 30-9/2/1010/25 DMSB European Junior Cup, Monza FFM +49 1722 963100, [email protected] Racedays Promotions - Tel European Junior Cup, Lausitzring 14-16/10 European Junior Cup, Magny-Cours RFME European Junior Cup, Jerez COURSES SUR ROUTE / ROAD RACING Cup powered by Honda Racing European Junior Cup & Women's Supermono Endurance Cup

270 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Badischer Motorsport Club - [email protected] Santa Pod Racers Club - [email protected] S-Riders Kft - [email protected] Santa Pod Racers Club - [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser EMF - [email protected] FFM - [email protected] PZM - [email protected] Supermotocross European Cup Russian Children's center "Orlyonok" - [email protected] European Cup, Hockenheim - Nitrolympx 2016 11/4 27-30/511/5 ACU 12-14/811/6 MAMS 19-21/811/7 European Cup, Santa Pod DMSB 8-11/9 European Cup, Kunmadaras ACU European Cup, Santa Pod 26/1 7/8 tbc26/2 tba EMF European Cup, Kivioli FFM European Cup, tba EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMNEMN / Title Titre Date FMNEMN / Title Titre Date FMNEMN / Title Titre Date FMN / Title Titre 20/59 21-22/5 PZM20/60 European Cup, Cieszyn 8/10 DMSB20/61 Arena, Gelsenkichen 20-21/8 European Cup, Veltins MFR DMSB - [email protected] European Cup, Orlyonok Stock 250 European Cup - TBA DRAGSTER / DRAGBIKE Superstreet Bike MOTOCROSS European Cup MX Women's Supermotocross European Cup European Open 65cc Motocross Cup Hill Climb European Cup

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 271 Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser ACU - [email protected] Kemijarven Moottorikerho ry - [email protected] FRM - [email protected] SVEMO - [email protected] PZM [email protected] Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser M. C. Del Garda Ezio De Tisi - [email protected] M. C. Del Garda Ezio De Tisi v ACR - [email protected] Tanvald Trialsport - [email protected] MSC Großheunbach e. V. - [email protected] M. C. Del Garda Ezio De Tisi ACUFRM European Cup, Bradfort Leeds Prahovei European Cup, Valea PZM European Cup, Lodz 37/137/2 10/1 37/3 24-25/437/4 26/6 29-30/7 FMP SVEMO35/1 European Cup, Extreme Valongo European Cup, Orebro 11-12/3 Extreme Club de Lagares - [email protected] SML31/1 5/12 European Cup, Kemijarvi 43/143/2 3/443/3 22-23/543/4 6-7/8 FFM FMI 14/8 ACCR European Cup, Breal sous Montfort 35 DMSB European Cup, Pietramurata 44/1 European Cup, Sokolov 44/2 3/4 ACL Brealaise - European Cup, Grossheubach 22-23/5 FFM FMI European Cup, Breal sous Montfort 35 European Cup, Pietramurata ACL Brealaise - EMN Date FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMNEMN Date / Title Titre FMNEMN Date / Title Titre FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre ENDURO EXTREME CUP SNOWMOBILE ENDURO CUP SUPERENDURO CUP (2015) TRIAL Junior Over 40

272 - FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser Organisateur / Organiser AK Divišov v A Č R - [email protected] tba tba tba DMU - [email protected] DMU - [email protected] Trialsport Tanvald v ACR - [email protected] Tanvald Trialsport - [email protected] MSC Großheunbach e. V. DMU SF & F European Cup, Vissenberg ACCR European Cup, Divisov - F FMSFMIFFM European Cup, tba European Cup, tba European Cup, tba 44/3 6-7/844/4 14/8 ACCR DMSB European Cup, Sokolov European Cup, Grossheubach 52/1 6-7/8 58/1 20/8 74/1 tba 74/2 tba 74/3 tba EMN Date FMNEMN Date / Title Titre FMNEMN Date / Title Titre FMN / Title Titre EMN Date FMN / Title Titre 592/1 18-19/6 DMU European Cup, Grindsted SF - F COURSES SUR PISTE / TRACK RACING Speedway Cup European 85cc Youth Racing Cup Track European 125 cc Youth Speedway Cup European 250 cc Youth VINTAGE Enduro

FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 273 Organisateur / Organiser DG Sport - [email protected] DG Sport - [email protected] DG Sport - [email protected] FFMFMB European Cup, Paul Ricard tbc Francorchamps European Cup, SPA 76/176/2 tba 76/3 2/7 Tbc Oct. Or Nov. RFME European Cup, Aragon EMN Date FMN / Title Titre Endurance


















FIM EUROPE ANNUAIRE 2016 - 275 ......














