Where does Nectar come from?

Agaves come in many sizes and colors — well over 100 species. Due to the Blue Agave’s high content (which results in a high percentage of in the final nectar), Blue Agave is the preferred species for producing nectar.

Though there are other species used to produce agave nectars, such as the Maguey Agave, the premium nectars are produced from 100% Weber Blue Agave.

All of IMAG products are made from hand-harvested certified organic premium 100% Weber Blue Agave and is organically grown and sustainable farmed and contains no chemicals, , or additives. 2

Agave Nectar vs. Artificial sweeteners: It can be a challenge for even experienced cooks to substitute artificial sweeteners for without compromising food quality or palatability. An artificial sweetener may be suitable for reducing the caloric content and of a dish, but they lose their usefulness in many other culinary applications where a is needed for more than its ability to sweeten.

In many regards agave nectar bridges the gap between real and artificial sweeteners. While it has all the useful properties of real sugars, its lower glycemic index helps protect against health risks associated with higher glycemic sweeteners. Agave nectar can be used in many more applications than artificial sweeteners, while also producing more palatable results. Since it is composed of real sugars (fructose and ), agave nectar performs admirably in the kitchen and bakery. It matches refined sugars in all the qualities mentioned above, serving as a browning agent, a humectant, a softener, and a preservative. 3

Agave nectar vs. Liquid sugar: Agave nectar is most easily substituted for liquid sugars, since it is already in liquid form and the difference in moisture will usually be negligible. Because of its lower glycemic index, it makes an excellent substitute for many natural and refined liquid sugars, including: , , Brown rice syrup and .

How is agave nectar made: When the agave has grown to 7-10 years old, the leaves of the are cut off, revealing the core of the plant (called the “pina”). When harvested, the pina resembles a giant pineapple and can weigh in at 50 to 150 pounds.To make the agave nectar, sap is extracted from the pina, filtered, and heated at a low temperature, which breaks down the into sugars. Lighter and darker varieties of agave nectar are made from the same plants. Because of the low temperatures used in processing many varieties (under 118°F) raw foods enthusiasts generally regard agave nectar as a raw food. 4

Health benefits of agave nectar Modern medical study has confirmed agave’s remedial properties. Agave nectar applied to the skin has been found effective against pyogenic (pus-producing) bacteria such as Staph aureus. The tradition of adding salt to the nectar has been found to further boost its anti-microbial property. Agave nectar has also been proven effective against enteric (intestinal) bacteria.

Substituting agave nectar for other sugars Agave may be substituted for part or all of the sugars or liquid sweeteners in many recipes. Drinks, salad dressings, sauces and many desserts are among the easiest substitutions.

Similarly, recipes for baked goods containing may be too sensitive to changes in the moisture level of ingredients. If replacing all the sugar in a recipe (while reducing liquids) does not produce good results, try replacing only half the sugar with agave nectar. 5

Agave nectar and Glycemic Index

Foods with few to no carbohydrates, like meats, cheeses and , will likely result in a glycemic index close to zero. The fewer easily-digested sugars and starches a food contains, the less likely it is to create a spike in blood sugar.

Dietary fiber, while classified as a carbohydrate, passes through the system undigested, so it has no impact on blood sugar. In fact, fiber works to help slow the absorption of digestible carbohydrates.

Agave nectar ranks low on the glycemic index and has a low glycemic load and is the perfect substitute for other sweeteners.

Glycemic Index table

0 17 30 54 64 75 100 IMAG RAW HIGH GLUCOSE HONEY SYRUP () FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP [email protected] @imagorganics imag-organics imagmx