El Precio de "El Morning Times"Es Cinco Centavos Oro o 25 Centavos Mexicanos-- No Se Pague Mas

COTIZACJONíS B HSTAUM. PRONOSTICOS DEL TIEMPO bt t Prftu Avoclida. PUU, Pr onií..... Washington, Octubre 30. nomo, cien llbnii.J "'TJt- Lluvias locales el sábado; despe- I Zinc clon llbtu I0- jado el domingo. mmmortám me 5 CTS. L Mtjror CIrtuUtiM, SABADO. 31 DDE OCTUBRE DDE 1914. CUATRO PÁGINAS PRECIO AÑO 35. ragidt, en el Buroeite. f EL PASO, TEX.. las fortalezas y los su I rw Al .FMANIRfi FN flAMINO DF. AMRF.RES El'irrobado muestra una oarte de los alemanes auo se cHritreh a Amberes, después del terrorífico bombardeo de las de la población. burbios de la ciudad, deteniéndose á contemplar el efecto de sus granadas sobre varios edificios situados en afueras é








Especial para El imes. ' Aguascalicntes?, fOctubre 30. Anoche la sesión secreta la ocu paron el presidente Villarreal y el Corl. González Garza, jefe de la facción antimilitarista en la con- vención. El Corl. Garza, discu- tiendo la renuncia incondicional del Gral. Carranza declaró que es- te último ño liabía respetado el i un i convenio de Torreón ; pero el prc-- "i ,Mi sicltfite leinterrumoió que el Gral. antiguo régimen, es una patente Villa tampoco había cumplido con viar dclegadosi personales a la ocupación y cumpla con las NO SEGURIDADES impues- indicación que el sueño de este, convenio desde el momento convención únicamente es con el DI ya han. sido ZAPATA í VILLA de LOS DOS QUIEREN jefe, es constituirse el arbitro mié. un había devuelto a los propósito de; no respetar los dic- tas en las negociaciones. este de Carranza la de asamblea, aseguró el de los destinos de México', con las representantes tados ésta EL PRES. GARBANZA EL GAUCHO ARGENTINO de presi- y uw.ua Corí. Garza. Esto prueba que la facultades nombrar un aauana uc juurw DEBEN RENUNCIAR elegir un desig- puntos la de se basa en Debía su.pa(s. dente, Congreso, de frontera. actitud Carranza muchas muertes en nom- - mnti(in Tnrnnatí .V mie"es' llftm-- jSiéxicp. nar irna Suprema 'Corte y Ningunorha'cumpliao.- PARA. LÁMPROTECCIOÑ DE nataPy en brar a los gobcrnacjqresde todos que debe clasificado entre N r.onrátpz Garza.' una Vez más, bra ser SOY ;EL LOS MEXICANOS .QUE Anoche se recibió un .mensaje l CONSUL, DICE ÉL MANDO MILITAR los Estados. Estoy ignorante de i r j:r - científicos v los demás ciernen se levanto y uijv j. SOY EL CONSUL, EN VERACRUZ de la convención de Aguascalicn cuales son lasvpretencpncs del Imputado tos, nocivps al, y itner-tad-- de la convención habia bienestar DICE ENRIQUES tes cuyo contenido confirma el Gral. Zapati; que no an- del. pueblo," terminó el, Corl. perojuzgo una verdadera falsedad. Pero Se expide una orden en México informa relativo al intento de ase- serán muy diferentes que las del el Garza. - GA- " ' tes que Villarreal contestase, recibido e para que no se reconozcan los sinar al uencral Villa euvGuadalu- í 'ENTOGUES - Grái; Villa. Al declarar que Carranza no n El uno asegura haber Gral. Robles terció, declarando Carranza,, documentos de Urquidi. pc. El mensaje dice más o menos retiro no es ninguno de ritmnlirin rnn lo nactado en nombramiento de y Su. estéril. que, en su concepto, el otro de. la convención. los siguiente: v "Creo que mi retiro del poder cumplido con lo pac-- Torreón, fué cuando el presidente lunes fué ejecutado en Gua- los dos había - De la Prensa Asociada.- j "El fio será estéril y que no cedo mer- Villarreal lo interrumpió para de- dalupe, Zacatecas; el Ar- jado 'en Torreón. - Asociada, México, Octubre 80. tLa ofici ,'Gaíjdio amente-el terreno a los enemigos recibido con. atrpnado-d- e Clr que Ilinguiiy luiui.ii.u:- icaptmuw De la Prensa gentino," Múgica, 'quien, según' se Esto fué ' 10. ha expedido una Ufe la1 revolución; a10! jefes de. lados, en los preceptos de la conferencia Nueva York, Octubre na de Relaciones dice, lutrar con ambos fue al expresado personales, anjbicioncs. Por Con- jos convención, pero mencionada. Francisco Ürquidi e Ignacio z, orden a las compañías do vapores escaños de la el deliberado objeto de" asesinar a OA LA PRESIDENCIA, secuencia manifiesto a la .conven- fué un y a los comerciantes que hacen antes que Garza puniera sanruc que anteriormente Villa. Cuando se descubrió la ción que estoy dispuesto a "entre- la sestpn EL COBRE AMERICANO. y esta situación, se declaró coronel, cohstitucionalista, tienen transacciones con México, a efecto trama, Música fué aprehendido gar el mando del ejército const!-tucionali- todo un terminada, a fin de tener Inglaterra hace gestiones pan los dos oficinas en el mismo edi de que el gobierno mexicano no llevado ante una corte marcial, y el poder ejecutivo la renuncia del habiendo confesado de sus - día para discutir comnrar ese nroaucio. aquí. Cada ha mandado reconocerá ningún uocumuiuo tu- plano, de- Ja nación, y si es necesario, ficio uno a Villa. Gral. Carranza. , , De la Prensa Asociada. pintar, en sus respectivas, puertas rnado por Francisco Urquidi, co- intenciones de asesinar salir del país, solo bajo las tres la sesión, - Además, revclacio Antes de clausurarse Nueva York. Octubre 30. El mc mo cónínl mexicano en- Nueva Mímica hizo CASO CONTRARIO, SI SE condiciones 'siguientes : adoptó una reso- que es, el consul general de que causarán EN a las 9 p. m., se York, El, representante legal en lies indudablemente "Primcra-rrU- n, sus gobierno ingíés ha abierto nego- xico cir este puerto. DESEA OUE SALGA POR gobierno tomar en todos z. sensación cuando sean del domi - lución' para soy el cónsul," dice Urqui aquel puerto, dice, es el Sr. AMBICIONES PERSONA debe estable- y no permitir ciaciones con objeto de comprar "Yo ' público. El Argén detalles la renuncia "TejiRo ,ofi , i nio "Gaucho O cerse con el appyo del ejército hasta el cobre que .conducían dí. los documentos tenía documentos LES PARA DEJAR LIBRE que la sesión se clausurara americano bancos, La pretcnción de Urquidiaccr-- a tino" vario A REAC- constitucional hasta' el tiempo, en terminación ciales y los libros de los per- EL CAMINO LA ... que se llegara á una cinco vapores coirfiscados por bu gobierno de que fué nombrado, por la comprometedores para varias SERVI- que se justifique régimen en cuestión. Soy el representante del México, fie CION. ENTONCES definitiva en el asunto ques de guerra ingleses en Gibral de convención de Aguascalicntes, se sonas de la cíudaddc A LA LA constitucional. mexicano, y, mi autoridad se buena canti RA CAUSA, POR Se teme algún gisturmo. tar, pero a un precio menos que dice por las autoridades, ,quc es vando tambie mina CUAL HA LUCHADO; ASI 'Segundo El Gral. Villa re- nue riva de la cónvcncion de Aguasca dad de dinero, T.n rnnvención se reunirá el costo nromedio de producción, solo es un reprc una falsa imputación, debido a TERMINA LA NOTA DE nunciará, no su 'candidatura a Ja, nadie, a licntes; Enriquez A Múgica se le conocía tanto vamente a las nueve. A según una declaración expedida sentante de Carranza y eso es: to que la dicha convención no tiene CARRANZA A LA CON presidencia o Viccprestdcncia, que excepción de los delegados, em 6i ref- nombra- en la Argentina como en México, sq ofrecido, por la "American bmclting do. Yo soy el que firma Josidocu el poder de hacer ningún VENCION DE . AGUASCA nunca le lia sino el periodis unió po- como asesino,-- informándose (jue ' alcunos docos ining Company," la cual se mentos de salida yv transa todos miento, por residir el supremo LIENTES. mando militar de la división del y corresponsales se les permi- - hoy empresas cuprí- Gral. fué obligado A salir de Argentina Norte, vida tas... a otras tres los negocios mexicanos." der solo en el Carranza. .f,v alejándose a la prir - .,1... Co nllC envío tele- ' Fabc-l- a debido a los mucos asesinatos que lira aCCCBU ai auiu. w. .v...- - ! feras al hacer el de un "Yo sov el cónsul," dice 'tam El ministro de Relaciones Asociada".. vacia y saliendo de la república, si mil que cometió en aquel país. De la Prensa ina tin n tres esoectadores grama al secretario de Estado, Enriquez. "Fui nombrado entregó al ministro'del.' Brasil, 30, la convención vota que es aconse- pasadas bien En el Hotel SanCarlos, de Mé Mexico, Octubre La ha asistidei a las sesiones Bryan, urgicndolc gestionar que nor Carranza, que es mi superior; Sr. Cardoso Oliveira, encargado jable para el realizarlo. las ga- Mé- xico. Múgica asesino, hace como nuncia del Gral, CarranzaTcomo y que se han permitido en a los mencionados vapores se les solo obedezco órdenes. Fui a ver de los negocios americanos en "Tercero El Gral. Zapata re- provo-disturb- años al de lerías y en la sala, puedan permita continúen su camino. xico, la contestación del gobierno seis agente consular presidente provisionally como pri nunciará el mando en- al marshal de los Estados Unidos o igualmente, el de- - man'dársele el Alemania, tiespue uc naucr luni-d- constltucio-nalist.- i. durante Al tiempo dé y a la policía de Nueva York, a la reciente nota del departamen- mer jefe del ejercito tregándolo a un general designado ser de lps Bryan, se de pi- una disputa con él por cuestión has.ida enrJaicondición d batead que promete mensaje al Sr. sabia Urquídi se rehusó citfrc-gann- e to de Estado, porcia convención." de- cuando de dinero. Múgica disparó cinco mas acalóranos. tres vapores que habían sido el consulado; pero ninguno diendo garantías para los' ciuda- que lbs gcncralcs.-2apat- y Villa Podrá, no retirarse. de la veces sobro la víctima, causaan- - Durante la sesión tarde tenidos; perp noticias posteriores ha hecho en el asunto, danos mexicanos, ahora residentes se retiren a la vidarprlvada, me ''Pero si lá única' cosa descada a nada lie dole una. muerte instantánea. Fue la respuesta de Carranza la in comunicaron que hay que agregar sido aconsejado que vaya a la.ofi en Veracruz, antes de queaquel leida hoy en la convención de es retirarme dc la jefatura a fin iMHi-i'A- n dele internado en la cárcel de Bclcm y nara asistir o enviar dos buques más a la lista: el puerto sea evacuado por las fuer- Aguascalicntes.., , de que- - las. ambiciones personales cína . mexicana y que obligue a cautiverio se volvió gado a la convención fué leída "Prosper III," con destino a Mai más zas americanas. durante su lin el documento el Gral. Ca- o la reacción encuentre el cambio Urouidi a hablar. He creído la decena roja fué ae una mancw iuh loe, Succia, y el "Ascot," para Ge- oficina no La respuesta no trae loco. Durante rranza aun cxpfesajia jilea de que libre, entonces declaro que estoy conveniente rentar una puesto en libertad. n... rmiinrian Zan ata v Villa. . Lobstante que Urquidi ha compelí pedidas; sino que dcmahdá'a firmemente resuelto a servir a la La respuesta no solo trajo una La American Smelting Com- - Washington para que fijcluna1 fe- su ausencia tiende al rcstublcci-mipnt- n causa por la cual he luchado." bri- UO ai gODlcmo iiicjui;miu ivvuiu- ARTILLERIA PESADA nazípn franca nceativa a la invitación; pany declara q'ue el gobierno alfombras y todo el cha definitiva a la partida dcíla's de la México. Ln reso prar muebles, QUE sino que fué una categórica tánico ha asestado golpe demás equipo de la oficina. Soy tropas americanas de Veracruz, De la Prensa Asociada. lectura, del rqcnsaje causó un tu UNA PROTESTA i.iKÍñn lc abandonar la nresi a la industria americana de cobre. hoy están ocúpando'el 30.--- La Mar- c( sejio;dc la tin el que firma todos los documenj que por Londres, Octubre multo en convención ha hecho sobre parciali- 1 de - s Zubaran dencia. ni ajeíatura del ejercito al incluir esc metal en la lista puerto mexicano. Wireless Co. recibió el y eji nn instante-Io- espectadores cpnsjderájidose el tos. Los documentos que.urquf coni si dad americana manifiesta. a menos que. se prometiera por contrabando, firme no valor ningunp, trataron de lnftrvcnir y suspender oficina como, "caso di tendrán NO SON RETIRADAS. guiente despacho de Berlin : tomó De la Prensa Asociada. convención no entregar la acto de Inglaterra un ni admitidos en ninguna y. la sesión. .Inacción que se anti- de comercio scrad "Se dice que los alemanes están po- Washington, Octubre 30. El a ningún miembro del grupo claro dé restricción aduana de 'México." cumpla acerca de la'rcnuucia no se ha extranjero," Sino hasta que Carranza llevando artillería de grueso ca licenciado Rafael Zubarán Cap- - revolucionario. por un gobierno con las condiciones, dido aun saberse, a lo menos hasta También demanda Carranza Aunque la mayor pane. uci co- - LOS NUEVOS CANDIDATOS libre hacia la costa belga, agre esta tarde. many, jefe de la oficina constttu- - Ir De la Prensa Asociada. n el nl...1n n rircamrntns grande. que Zapata y Villa i... Washington, Octubre 30. La gándose que es con el fin de poder Una amWki&i más ctonalista de esta ciudad, presentó se retiren a la barcos.es refinado, No pudieron protestar la seguri que 2apata y Villa mando militar y je los cincos informada disposición de Carran- dominar la entraua iei rio acuciui Al demandar el departamento de Guerra, nianera.".i-- i íAn exnresada dice nue dad de gastos de campana. ante n,:.,,,iW..T.V,- -. n - ntra Iwlarar iu en el Mar del Norte se rctiren.dlce: viua r- .1 ." ' De la Prensa Asociada, ca nara discutir las condiciones rnitrandn un escrito en se queja de dicfr el documento, "convocaré a una parte de aquel es cobre - Banks la costa. Los "Hayuna ambición más grande ercua? 00 del retiro de las tropas de Vera- entre Sand y d do- "bessermerizado," que Santa Fe, N. M., Octubre a, la que las autoridattesaniericanas. mis hombres y lucharé hasta o go- Ingleses en couse-cuenri- que la de"vcr presidente d; Un cincuenta nor ciento de los cruz, en la que provee que ci barco tendrán divisociiMavorecian a loe a todos estos se utiliza e grandes cantidade fcch.1 que cruzar por alta mar. es la de tener unaj linca minar bierno americano fije una sc amena- la fabricación de candidatos paa la Legislatura no ' fiiprza milii.ir omnipotente nara rebeldes de' Maytorena, ntaniies-tándo- elementos que ahora en Italia para l rvactiación fuerzas " arios .aeroplanos alemanes a su vez, registrar su manuicsio nara nor las desafectas a loa coMtftu- - zan la verdadera vida de la na- sulfato de cobre. Este, pudieron hecho que volaron por sobre Varsovia.Jan-,i,u- n perniititp un hombre obtener tet? se lla- protestatorio para los gastos de del Gral Funston, ha cioiialistas.que defiendan. Nco, Se ción." se usa para íabricar lo que que hnmlias v nroduciendo Un dos losjpoderes de la union. L.3. su'b'stancia que de hecho la campaña, ante el secretario de los funcionarios indiquen tas para. acusa a amonua wiunarcy Garza declaró que la actitud, de ma única se- incendio en fcuesución le dicha insiatcwia del Gral Villa rs ift para la media noche de fuerzas de los Estados Unidos de ño' el conocida a todo destruye la filoxera que perjudica Estado, VA tener el mando de la división del aMicricanas Carranza era bien ley. rán retiradas solo cuando el CO- - ciudad. edificio fue reducido perrle el docu- 1sc .ríitdi viñrdn italtailOS. . ayer, conforme lo requiere la Nortesnponieudo ser todo pod pase a Toii moldados Mr genwai los delegados, Renunció pasos, blernp de Carranza dé as seguri a tellizas. hecho solo La exposición teniiliia diciendo Se darán inmediatamente de ro$o, y al mismo tiempo prcteu Iienjamm lun, en tanto ios o. mento como hipócrita de para ia jiroiec-cló- n Fu los combates lvangorod te de suua ce dice, nara hacer Uso su dere dades anropiauas 1.000 el del or- Maytorcna cnzaü a 4' para aparecer como níártir a los que grandes cantidades aquellos que prestaron 1 austríaco han canturado diejida restablecimiento a Ingla cho a la Legislatura, después de de constitucional bajo la base dM resióN. tf-ojo-f de todo el mundo. to de cobre se cxpqrtau - y 10 amertlladoras." den elección, servicios a los americanos en la prisioneros La negativa de Carranza i en- - terra. ja DOS EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sobado, 31 ele Octubre dVi9l EL PASO MORNING TIMES tic de sur millones tic soldados, Im pontic sdltlcióüár á los jesuítas estado fogueando las posiciones y Edition en Español. clarar la guerra a Italia, pues San- petrará también del mismo Dios a las universidades alemanas. Me las baterías de los alemanes. M publica todos lo din del no por tos Caserío asesinó al presidente cristiano, que fortalezca a sus co- parece que se trata de un problC' "Los informes que se reciben de Especialistas El Ieo Mornrac TImea Co. Carnot; Austria misma debió ca- sacos y extermine a los enemigos ina diabólico para los prestigios tierra prueban que la puntería es Autorltadoe por Lr. Junta da ttajddftd 41 .Mttáda ñonear Y como cMrar Be ha becbo olldlud part tu registro en a Italia (su aliada) porque católicos y protestantes. estos de la divinidad cristiana misen buena y los resultados desastrozús da Tciaa. IVoctorea ntclitrados :iara ta Oficina de Correo de El rito, como Luchení asesinó a la emperatriz ruegos para la matanza y el ex cordiosa ; y hasta dudo de la bue para e lenemigo. En Enfermedades dal Cerebros Enfermedades consccucii' o rt!eulo de secunda date. enferma, debió terminlo, en que na fe con que se le plantea en las cía, el flanco de los aliados se Infecciosas de la Santre; Airo lamíanlo en Suiza; España proporciones ate o Debilidad del Nervioso; Insomnio; im 11. J l l! -- I t. 8ltma oncirtASi guerrear con Italia porque Atigio-lill- o rraii. son formuladas por los em iiiamouras ucncusa.t, puc ci mis conserva fuertemente apoyado. tratamiento infalible para, la Impotencia; Restau- Edificio del Tüwa, Ml-t- Calle Sur oreroa. asesinó a Cánovas del Canti- neradores de ílOÓ.OOO.uOO de cris tico kaiser, que ordena pedir di "Ayer y antes de ayer, los ale ración completa y permanent aln eitlmulaatea llo, etc. tianos; y van dirigidos al Dios de rodillas el- concurso de Dios, debe manes pusieron en acción varios dañosos. Curamos bajo garantía sin perdida de Todae ) comunicaciones deberlo ler llampo dolorosa, en muy pocos días! a a mansedumbre, de justicia, de per- considerarlo muy problemático, cañones de grueso calibre, hacien r ala operación la Estreches, Los promotores tic esta catás curan prorito la Oonorrea, Fístula, Catarro y en muy cortó tlempi EL FASO MORMMO TIMES dón y de olvido, que proclama el manda 100,000 soldados los barcos ing EL PASO, TEXAS. trofe bclicn, son: un anciano de cuando do disnaros contra enfermedades de la Vejiga, Estomago, illarado, PleU Itlfioneo, Hydro- 81 años, con un pie en la tumba, amor como el vinculo humano la frontera del Este con .1,000 ba leses. Estos recibieron perjuicios cele. Varicocele y otras enfermedades crónicas del nombre y la. mujer. REPRESENTANTES HE ANUNCIOS EX- católico fervoroso más poderoso, aconsejando amar tenas de cañones; y .'100,000 sol insignificantes. El fuego contra Solicitamos especialmente aquellos llamados "cuaos Incurables," TRANJEROS; ultramontano que no podido curados por otros doctores. C. hasta el enemigo, al morir en la dados a la frontera del Oeste con ellos cesó y parece un hecho que han ser Hueve York: 8. Dceltultb, Acencla que se golpea el pecho, reza y co- Ffjeuo cn el mtmcro del Hajr Eipecltl, Edificio de "Le Tribuna. 2,000 cuarto. otros doctorea ea el trlinir mulga con profundo misticismo, cruz de afrenta! baterías Kruppl se ha establecido la preponderan edificio do nosabro semejante llusquo cuarto No. . SL Loalii S. C. Deckwllti, AteneU Es- cr.ñones pecial, Edificio del Tercer banco ftacionat. reciñiendo la consigna del v ati Que decir de los1 pueblos íana iA Dios rogando y con el mazo cia de los navales. CONHUlrAH CHATIS. SE HABLE ESPAftOXt Atente Viajero; Lutber üarnard, uilie cano; y el fastuoso kaiser, que se tizados por Ja guerra que hoy se dando, ensena el fanatismo es "Las bajas durante todo el com Maltón. el panoli bate han sido insignificantes, no DOCTORES I enorgullece de ex prosternan cu de exter ALEMANES Cobradores autorlttdoi en cludidi 0. ser "Dcux rogativas Hora! jp,Q a. m. a 0 p. ni. Miller, Ed. y Claude obstante que una granada explotó - Morcan Lelfb Anarut. machina de la guerra moderna minio, que se meten de cabeza en Dominaros le l a.- ta; 13 ta. Cn el "Falcon," matando ' ' precios de suscnirciüN: del imperialismo amenazador, que los templos para hacerlas más destroyer Coarto No. t. Caito Mtaa No. SWJÍ. V iror correo, pato adelantada.) se siente llegar a viejo sin haber eficaces, y que mañana, cantando a un oficial y ocho marinos e hi- Al Frente da "Vm Krcaa." Secundo ríaa El rito, Texaa. y no. . LOS FILIBUSTEROS Olartaiuente lo dominios, un ..oo mostrado al mundo destellos na- himnos patrióticos, se harán nía riendo a otro oficial y a 1G mari lilarUmente y los domíneos, e meses... M.so nos más. Se informa que en el Diariamente y loa dominio. 3 meie.-.lf.i- poleónicos, después de propagar sacrar en de batallar Que operaban al Oeste de Chihua Diariamente y lo domtncoa, I rnet 7M ligero "Brilliant" resultó con el hecho, en 25 años, como el Este moderno culto terrible a hua desde hace tiempo. crucero Tflfrrafla-Carrer- corta. Inau Internacional número de lo domlntot, solamente, un muerto y siete heridos y en el un aCo 12X0 mejor gobierno, la militarización Saturno no recuerda la bajeza y El general Roque Gómez, jefe INSTITUTO llfTEItNACIOKAL, I'rlmarla, "RInaldo" ocho heridos. Azúcar Granulada (Por nuettro repariidore.) abrumadora, la absoluta obedien la estupidez humana, que cubría de un grupo de filibusteros mexí superior, comercial, idioma, curaos Diariamente y lo domíneos, I me 71c el "Se informa que los submarinos (pedalea, Eacobar Hermanos. Calle San cia, y la absorción tic la vida de un suelo de sacrificados para que canos que ha estado operando en Antonio Telefono osn. Teléfono tozo. enemigos ha estado cazando a los tm Internado; Mexicana pueblo en el culto a los cañones, los aplastara la divinidad que con el de desde Noroeste Chihuahua ; en- COLEGIO l'ALMUHE. Do caria, retinada, muy EL PASO 1I0NMNU TIMES. a y a la ducia al de Jugernaut en barcos ingleses pero éstos se blanca, los acorazados brutalidad carro hace ya algunos meses, siendo El Pato, Texas. Calle N. Oregon III clase superior, vendemos Dls. Published Every day in ihe Year by cuentran por los des- de Inaiei, Eipanol y a COMPANY. prctoriana. Aquella impotencia pueblos primitivos? iY pensar protegidos Curtos comercio. 1S.00 100 EL PASO TIMES una amenaza para las propiedades Cuadro docente completo y competente. las libras, en sacos dr112 que troyers." (60 pedi- Entered In the Potlofflce at El rato, senil y este orgullo. insensato, de de allí han salido Kant, uoe americanas de dicha region, ac en Claiet diurnas y nocturnal, internado biou libras kilos), Dirijan sua Tent, tecond data mill miner. , Beherjng, ' atendido, L. Wilton, .Teléf. 3U0. dos a it satán sobre Europa civilizada la the, Wagner, Kock, curntra en esta ciudad confrren 1NECEBITA AftTEOJUSf Directors. PUBLICATION OFFICESi destrucción, las carnicerías huma Mcchmcoc, Momscn y tantos sa Prerunts a cuan. Calla Texa Ro. 10 lili. UL1LLKH1IO CLI.8lVOr.TII. THE TIMES BUILDING, SOUTH ciando con varios mexicanos que ElUDIecinn pol. (Arivr,lmrnl.l en I aM Eapsclalldad eferinedidea de raujere United Sugar Companies STHEET. ñas en proporciones nunca vistas, bios y artistas geniales iQué actualmente residen aqui. operaciones quirúrgica. Oficinas; Addrett all communication! to, Toe Mem en guerra injusta c inmotivada, lento es el progreso de los pue SE NIEGA EL INFORME. ?en E. segunda SJu. Calle San Antonio 428 First National Bank Bldgr. Inr Timet. El Pato. Texai. Jloy se le vio en las calles de El ni. Telefono 314. netidcncia M fingiendo cubrirse con la máscara blosl Qué diria el inundo si esos Faso en compañía de Vanos re De la Prensa Asociadi. Teléfono 813. 1 raso, Texas de ".servidores de la paz," "obli- ejércitos colosales, llevados NO VENDA, compre ni cambia Usted ini voluclonarios orozquistas, sin ha Londres, Octubre. 3QIIoy se herramientas de segunde mano ni HECHOS Y COMENTARIOS gados" a desenvainar sus espadas cuamente a las carnicerías, se su berse intentado aprehenderlo. negó oficialmente en Londres el rules, basta aue sepa mu precloa. de Atila y de Gcngiskan, en de- blevaran, si ejecutaran a sus ma Telefono 4)1. H. aíohr. 101 & EJ A Gómez se le considera res informe lanzado desde Berlin, el vaso. OPORTUNIDAD PARA fensa del "honor nacional" y de jcStadcs y volvieran a sus ciuda ponsable del incendio registrado EL CRIMEN DE LA GUERRA. imaginarias. 27 del corriente, asegurando que COMPKAMOS pedacerta le cobre y GANAR DINERO "agresiones" des, a la paz, a las familias y al en una de las colonias monnonas bronce, huesos, lana, cueros, Jarcia, El mundo civilizado está lleno empu- trabajo, cantando himnos evan se habían registrado sangrientos trapos, etc. y Podemos comprobar con Boletines de En medio del horror que que existen en el Noroeste de Herman Bloch Co., E. la Bolsa Petrolera de México, que Jas de estupor y de angustias frente jan esos dos emperadores y de un gélicos al amor y a la instrucción Chihuahua, habiendo pasado el encuentros entre la guarnición Boulevard SOS. accones do ALAMO DE PANUCO a la gigantesca onda roja de muer- episodio de la defensa rusa, sur- de los pueblos y a la felicidad uní suceso, hace mas de un ano. inglesa y tropas indias en Ale INSTITUTO "LYDIA PATTEUSOH" valen actualmente SI. 25 mcx., es decir Jas m S. Florence St. Tel. 3910. 10,25 mas de su valor. te y de exterminio que amenaza gen detalles cómicos y farsaicos, versal....? Pero no', estaremos Las fuerzas del general Gómez jandria, Egipto, agregándose cn Eicuela pira.vtrone. Interno y externo. Tenemos on cata acciones quo recibir hundir en pavorosa catástrofe la destinados a la carne de condenados a presenciar nuevas tauicio moaerno. naeatros experimenta moa antes do la alza que continuamos enfurecer se encuentran acampadas al Sur dicho informe que una corte mar doa. Clase nocture de vendiendo a $1.00 mex. no obstante) civilización europea. cañón, el soldado ignorante y su- explosiones de barbarie, que como de Columbus, Nuevo México. cial había sentenciado a muerte a IN0I.ES, ESI'AROL X MUSICA. que sabemos del aumento. ob- 1.a consternación que produce persticioso. Francisco José, en las que destruyeron al Imperio 30 el lio.oo de por cualquiera in Ka una buena oportunidad para individuos complicados cn trilincaclón tener una buena utilidad, aue Irá ere- - la amenaza de estos horrores, se solemnísimo ceremonial católico, Romano, también procedan del EXFEDERALES PRESOS. formación de la persona que robó dos tiendo1 por de un movimiento. eobertore U. S. del o. Campo de ñfanj dlariamonta tratarse aumenta cuando reflexiona impetra la ayuda de Dios para que Norte y del Asial Man cambiado alemán que decía negocio bien definido. Las acciones !e Por estar enlistando hombres pa El informe se tena. 10 Callo 3a. Arénela "Times.1 son valores al portador y se pueden acerca del origen y de los promo- dé el triunfo a sus huestes y ex- de nombre, pero serán mas des de fuentes oficiales no fué sino realizar en un momento. ra el servicio militar, API1ENDA USTED INOLES-C- Isc noctur- tores de las calamidades que van termine a servios y rusos (cristia- tructoras que en tiempo de los la el a, Los tenedores de estas acciones están una pura fabricación y prueba na en Instituto "Lydia i'atter'OQ." de plácemes. : El capitán Agustín Pantoja, que Florence MB. Tel. 8010. , a desarrollar sobre el foco más nos cismáticos) Guillermo manda Vándalos. irrefutable de ello es que en Ale Escriba Usted 0 telefonee pidiendo intenso de la cultura humana, l:i a su pueblo, cu peroración orato- En cuanto al trabajo de ese perteneció a la brigada que fue a jandría no existe un solo soldado AL COSTO venderemos toda las mangueras mapas, detalles, prospectos, etc. las del general Salvador para jardines, rouiz u zimuer. Europa occidental. La causa apa- ria, que se arrodille y pida a Dios Dios omnipotente y omnisciente órdenes indio. Mexican Petroleum Stock rente es la, raza a que pertenecía que acuerde el triunfo a sus ejér- para decretar el auxilio y la e.v . Mercado, fué aprehendido ayer Taquigrafía Comercio. inat. international. el ciudadano austra-húngar- o que citos luteranos y extermine a los terminación de grandes masas de por los agentes del gobierno, acu VIVERES EN LA COSTA. L. i. AllKLLAflO a HIJO Compramos y Agency asesinó a los principes de Austria: enemigos rusos y franceses (cris- sus más fervientes feligreses en sado de violación a laSylcycs de la De la Asociada. vendemos moneda msiicana dn todas Telefono 710. No. 18 Buckler Bide. Prensa class. MUI nldr. 504. Tel. 5054. EL PASO, TEXAS. es eslavo I Luego hay que llevar tianos ortodoxos y católicos), co- la tierra; y sobre las clasificacio neutralidad. r San Octubre 30. Francisco, (1! la a Servia (eslava), donde mulgando él y toda. la familia im- nes Dicesc que Pantoja se encarga SK IIMTAXrwi. ti.m.rlt. ,1a l.nnn guerra de ultratumba de los millones Los efectos de la guerra, combina presencia, que sepan conunuiuao, para parece que hay cómplices del cri- perial, para propiciarse el auxilio su ba de reclutar gente para prestar de almas sacrificadas por man dos con el mando de la Gran Bre Cuando quiera vender men de Sarajevo, sino se somete exterminador de la divinidad. Ni- dato son problemas de subida di servicios militares en Mexico, ha Juárez, Méx. ORO O PLATA en lo$ mares, el movi RECUERDE i un aultimátum humillante Por colás, antes de ponerse Til frente ficultad escolástica, que corres biéndosele fijado una fianza de taña sobre UN LUTTE Da isxlto y un cuarto de adobo, Que nototro al el co víveres en la del bomba üe sania, callo T. te V, en 1370. La Paramo precios más altos que cual- $1,000 ser llevado ante miento de costa muau y quier otro e Inmediatamente al con. ai contado el resto en abono. por misionado Oliven Pacifico, está perfectamente mos Weiss SIS 8. Stanton. tadot aln cobrar preaupueato El capitán' peaamos y ensayamos mientra Ud. Bernardo Bernal, trada aqui en tin cuadro preparado VENDEMOS papel de periódico, por mayor espera: que perteneció a la brigada de An y menor. E. overland 107. P. o. Box mi. diez minutos para ensaye de plata, por la Cámara de Comercio. media hora para ensaye de oro. tonio Rojas, fué aprehendido la se NECESITAMOS un carro de nuesos."' ller- - Se expiden certificados de ensaye y Este ano la cebada fue de una man. Dlocli ti Co. por el Tundición al s desea. mana pasada mismo asunto, cosecha ruidosa, y al estallar la IMPRENTA COUl'aUlA. Compramos o tratamos amairami y ayer fué llevado ante el comisio La Imprenta que perteneció a la extinta y ureclpllidos. guerra pareció momentáneamente No nado para verse los preli "ftefonna Social," situada en el No. 310 de venda en otra parte antea de Oliver que todo el embarque sena para la calle de Stanton, porpledad del Sr. Lauro vernos. Cl. Refinadora y Compradors da minares de su causa. También le lizado, y que la cosecha no se rqo- - Afulrre, ha Ido comprada por "El Correo de Metale. fué asignada una fianza de $1,000; del Norte", purpledad los Sres. Serrano Callé rio San Franrltco tío, tío. Oportunidad vena. y Vando, Una del quienes lomarán posesión de pero no pudo darla. Durante los tres meses últimos ella el primero del me de Noviembre. solo nor este ouerto. se ha exnor EL PASO 1IION k METAL san tado un total de 3,783,452 quinta-- Antonio tMi. Compramos cobre, fierro. bronce, huesos y bule, etc. Teléfono tico. C. Jes, contra óJVflvi que correspon Interesante La Edición Española, del Paso Morning EL CONSUL H. MYLES LINOLEO y tapete, alfuno de tiermoao Es saber qua en la den al mismo periodo de xviJ. patronea. Linóleo Uc yards, routi Times, hasta el 15 de Abril por Ha sido nombrado representante Zlnkler ti. Stanton US. FARMACIA RIO GRANDE TURQUIA CONTRA RUSIA. y 419 de la Gran Bretaña. MAIZ ti., frijol 11.70 las 100 libras. J. 3ra. Stanton Di I.i Prensa Asociada. Slanion fiOo. Telefono (194. Tel. 709. la suma de $3.00 Siguiendo el ejemplo de los go que Tokio. 30. emba Hallara Ud. siempre lo busca. biernos americano y español, que Octubre La FERHETEHIA y pinturas barata, en la Medicina' de Patente Francesa. el líenos ae mueoiea ae ervin. caite atan. nombraron agentes diplomáticos jada rusa acreditada en Japón, Ion 110. Productos de México, etc. en México para que !! ir.. ..: i. Escrupuloso despacho de recetas. El Paso Morning Times publica las noticias del día imparcial observaran l.MiLES Clases nocturna. Aprendizaje rá los y representa declarado la guerra a Kusia. pido. Colegio 3430. prejuicio. Ea el primer periódico da las noticias acontecimientos t'almore. Teléf. mente y sin que más ran a dichos gobiernos cxtra-ofi- - SE RENTAN 3 Cuartos amueblado con importantes de todos los centros de México, los Estados Unidos y ctalmentc, el gobierno de la Gran cocina, familia particular. Maroffin 700. DIAMANTES su - Europa. Una información exacta, acerca de los acontecimientos de Bretaña acaba de nombrar VISITENOS uted y vuelva otra v. Fe- Pasamos los mas altos precios agente especial a! Sr. H. C. Myles, AVISOS de OCASION rrcterla, rinturaa, liármeos y vidrios por diamantes, también oro y México, es la demandá del pueblo que habla el idioma español en la vicecónsul inglés en esta pobla- planos a precio bajos. 400, Calle Sur plata, en cualquier forma. Pato. A. Yaffe. Calle San Antonio 223 M parte Norte de México y en el Sur de los Estados Unidos. Solo el ción. El Sr. Myles acaba de re La ualabra una sola vai Una üulabrs una emana e Z. JOSEPH COMPRA TODA CLASt! GENEVA JEWELRY CO. Times publica esta información lo mas exactamente posible y casi gresar de Washington donde re Una linea al mes 11.00 le Dosperdlcloa de cobre, bronce. cibió su nombramiento por con zinc, fierro, hule. Adema costales. AUKMTCS ACTIVOS. y en enteros. siempre muchas horas antes de que lo hagan los demás periódicos. ducto del embajador inglés, Sir ara is Tema u u uu i cerda hueso furgones TlUtS" aollciiamo asemesracu lo Katadoi C. Juarez. Chin., Avenida Juarez 123- - spring-Ric- e. Una información completa se da por el Times acerca de la guerra Cecil ICJUV3, HUblU J j izo. VA UD. PARA MEXICO 7 Cambio europea, así como también las noticias locales de 'más importancia. .1 br. Myles no permanecerá HKl'lllll lilA lft;i.lliANA. UUflA3 COMI- - u dinero en la Avenida Lerdo No. con las diversas columnas milita- 3, de Juárez, Junto a la acencía fl. caciibanoa noy roitrno. uirecuooi r. u. nanclera o bien en la estación del La Edición en Español entregada por nuestros repartidores a res, que operan en el Norte de Mé ni &i v. u, nwi i., " APUNTES PARA LA HISTORIA. ferrocarril. xico, sino que o de slt: NKCb'SlTA una joven mexicana, olt, La batalla de Torreón con plano de. cualquiera dirección en la ciudad, o por correo cualquier de permanecerá - a punto rnn hllrnl rirrenei V DÜCll UrCtenilO- crtptW'ji y fotograbado de todo los bera estar en todo el norte de Mé llouae," Soli- jefe que tomaron parte. los Estados Unidos o México. HASTA EL 15 DE ABRIL DE 1915, ne, para cuidar "lloomlin Por el CorL Roque Oonxllei Oaria, P. xico, que es la jurisdicción que le cítete peraonalmeme en el No. it de Ramo Romero y J. Pérez ituL ' costará solo $3.00. Esta oferta estará en vigor solo un tiempo muy ha asignado su gobierno. liulldlng, Ave. Meia. Precio toe oro; por correo Uc. AUTOMOVILES DE RENTA Librería "La Ideal." calle Overland IOS, corto. IIJ.uo memualt) rentaio caía 5 pleiat, El Pato, Tex. En Chihuahua calle El Paso Auto A Taxi tiene para SUSPENSION DE GIROS. véndente loa mueble, informan Ave. Aldama No. 31. alquilar 10 crandes autos de ca- Córtese el cupón inserto abajo y envíese inmediatamente al De- Mea vn, Iteiiaurant Uambrlnus. mino y taxis, durante toda la noche No se pagarán in expedirán giros OUAHAMtt hXfcOTIUC CU. y todo el día. La estación esta partamento de Circulación del Morning Times. Dostales a México. TeUfono Ule. situada frente al Hotel 'Paso del ta empreis más ratonable en I ciudad, Norte" Calla W. - San Antonio De la Prensa Asociada. para aparato eléctrico y u compoiiura. DR. W. OLVERA ZÜNIGA No. 116. Telefono 111 y 449, Wa&hineton. Octubre 30. Una 413 Kaat Uouleyard. Facultades de México y Texas suspension temporal para los gi- KN6AYABOIMUI Consultorio 4 OS S. Stanton ros postales cutre los Estados ORO Y PLATA mu Teléfono Unidos y México ha sido anun- A. N. LO MB ARDI CO. Residencia 3862 Oficina ORES COMERCIANTES FOR CUPON Calle S. HI ro 107. Serundo nao. MAYOR: ciada hoy por las autoridades pos- Vendemos toda clase de mercancías tales. Los administradores de co t precio jumamente baratos por ser Departamento de Circulación, rreos pais no rentes exclusivo da la fabrica. en este expedirán Compramos cañado. Aceptarnos 1 Paao Morning Timet. Ciros nara México ni pairaran nin Montda CiRtitiícliMllsta ti lia di Hay: cualquiera da de dinero en pato EL PASO. TEX. guno d en este Cmfttms de mercancía y al mejor tipo. elos que se expidan Moneda da Carranza...... (0 centavos Señoree i ultimo país, después del so tic Moneda de Chihuahua, ,19 centavos JUAREZ ceHxueto.v CO. Moneda de Villa Vieja oentavoa Trtr Plao del Edirtelo Octubre. .,19 "FlrK Nalloaal Baa," in, i Deseo aprovechar la oportunidad que da tu oferta especial, y p Esta suspensión fué declarada U, 8. MEXICO HllOKEHAGK CO, 106--7 Oasi FrancUco el. efecto acompaño con eatc cupón la suma de $3.00, oro, con lo cual pedimento de México. Las mis i 'arvii4 enviarme la Edición an Español, de El. Paso Morning Times, mas autoridades postales no adu- ttaká 4 15 de Abril, a la d receló níiguíruUi cen otra razón que la intranquili- " ' dad nue reina en aquella repú blica, CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE SE COMPRA ORO Y PLATA CON AYUDA NAVAL. Axencta de Comisionen ea central, los mejores precios por moneda conatitucioaalUta y de basco, cn cualquiera forma 0 eav Fecha. (Nombre) Pecamos ais) Los aliados se han sostenido en O fichu City National Hank Búllate Na. M. TeLjfoao 341. tidad. Prados coa. sus posiciones. petencía, Asociada, JOYERIA Dirección) De la Prensa Londres. Octubre 30. El secre Sdbaflearjjr, llesTsaasioa tario del almirantazgo hizo la pacamoe los majorca Upo en cambio d moneda conatliuclonallita. Tacsblea Esqtswt Avaal4a J4aa y rantliamo dinero que revistióos por oiroa, tucIDlmo dtaero par venta ea hco- declaración: misión. Todas la operactonea toa caraotUadas. Muestra opmion relauro a la Calla Tasas "La (Iota inglesa continúa apo- letalidad de dinero es concedida. PraaHa al fio son disputado por nadie nuestras referencia dt mea f ea Josrea, Baaa Ría cando el flanco, izquierdo de los AXTKC TURE Gratula. ' maña-- aliados y desde el S7 en la j O. W, MORROW. C JUAREZ, CMIH. na o cañones de 13 pulgadas han SiUo, 31 de Octubre de 1914. EL PASÓ MORNING TIMES TRES han sido destruidas pbr gruesos US LINEAS UNIDAS cañones austríacos. Una posición EL PLAN DE AYALA fuertemente fortificada, ha sido capturada después de tenaz reals INTENTAN ROMPER FUE YA ACEPTADO tenencia. El enemigo perdió cita Demostración vlvlento Demostración Viviente i tro' cañones, cinco oficiales y C00 algunos dades do Joyería, con éíbfudai- de artículos ffle para el cabello. Trlmer CAM hombres, además de mucho mate -. Ralbadle LOS ALEMANES HAN POR LOS DELEGADOS DE remate de ora '. S0o l'l.o. paira Hoy BIADO LA TACTICA DE nal de guerra. TODAS LAS FACCIONES La de cobre Ale i sai sa i m Pantufla le Punto pan Cfi SUS OPERACIONES. existencia en CONVENCIONISTAS. a mi mania es suficiente" para proveer e f t i n mi ScAorna, el par OUC de guerra, cuando La solicita gobierno material aun Combinación de negro con rojo o prensa al que esta fuera de larca duración. Una tercera parte de los grandes se país de todo el Hy Sábádto, Ofertáis Eipedaks de "La PpM!áir" gris. Kxcclonte hechura, con sue-la- s limpie al Herr Rltomberg, consejero d estados se confiscará para be' Durante ano y mfta hemoa conseguido, mediante I excelencia do nucstrus mercancías y lo ra- espionaje. la embajada en Tokio, ha informa neficio del pueblo. Interiores do lana. Las tene- zonable de nuestros precios publicados semanariamente en las páginas de cate diario, mantener la- do en la mira mos en todos lo tamaflos. Precio una entrevista que tente la atención del público consumidor do esta ciudad do Kl Taso, Nuestras lectora pueden estar De la 'Prensa Asociada. del Asia El Plan de Ayala, adoptado por especial para el sábado única Japón es libertar a de la seguras de que los qu ofrecemos para venta do hoy en absoluto las mayores Londres, Octubre 30. La'ba la convención en su de artículos la satisfarán mente. influencia europea y americana y asamblea exigencias. talla del Yscr v la serie de com subyugar a China. , ayer, previene tácitamente que se bates que en to convoque a una convención de je do el 'frente de la linea en Bélgica MAS CABALLOS DE E. U. fes militares al triunfo de la revo y Francia parecen, con las tropas Jución, teniendo dicha convención s caballerías, - ahora exhaustas, haber degenera' Destinados para las de el deber de seleccionar un prest Hemos preparado tres grupos- para Ir venta de MOV 8AHADO, incluyendo en pilo un emborquo que ayer. seguros de que oferta, do ,en, numerosos ataques y con la triple entente. dente ad interim de la república, reciente de modernos trajes recibimos precisamente Kstamos esta De la Asociada. excederá en todo y por todo a todan las que anteriormente hemos hecho. No citamos precios por traataques aislados, etí que las ga Prensa que se encargara ac ia auminisira creeló Innecesario; pero nuestras clientes deben templar sus cnperunms en lo mejor, puesto que nancias y pérdidas entre ambas San Luis, Mo., Octubre 30. Se ción hasta que constitucionalmcn nuestra casa Jamas frustra las esperanzas de sus favorecedores. partes son casi iguales. gún informes recibidos hoy en es te se le nombre sucesor. De hecho, como se esperaba ta ciudad, se sabe que )ps agentes El nombramiento de gobema Uto los alemanes han cambiado sus de Inglaterra, .Franc ja y Rusia dores de los Estados, atribución operaciones más serias más al in- - que ejcrce cl general Carranza con tienen instrucciones de comprar terior, e intentan romper las lí- su carácter de Primer Jefe, lo con - neas de los aliados por Lll(e, lo 20,000 caballos más en las haden cede el Plan de Ayala, a los jefes $495 $10o00 $15.00 que uc nevarse a cano, oDiigana das de Missouri y el Sur de lili militares de cada Estado. Los Estos tres grupos ofrecen un Interesantísimo con Junto de las mejores modas de la estación, en esti- a los aliados que tienen ahora el nois. caballo se pa jefes militares tienen poder para los de túnica, largos y medianos. Algunos de ello s llevan adornos de terciopelo de seda; pero todos Por cada está por que respecta ü frente por a la costa, a re elegir a los gobernadores son extremadamente encantadores. faldas of recen una amplia selección lo Ypres gando el precio normal de $270, provi ajustador, a lu lucidora túnica y los estilos pllsrfd os. En cuanto u los colores, contamos con varios plegarse nacía uunquerque sionales de sus respectivos Esta matices modernos en axul, azul marino, negro, verde, "nlggerhcad," cafft claro, aceituna, etc. Es- Llegan refuerzos. bicrno francés' han comprado aquí dos y de convocar a elecciones pa pléndida selección en tamaños, para señoras altrfs, bajas y de mediana estatura. HAY QUE - Fcro nada es de hacerse mo 100,000 barriles de harina y gran ra seleccionar un funcionario VENUl A ESCOGER TEMPHANOl mentáneamente, mientras las tro des cantidades de otra clase de constitucional. pas, que están peleando hace Ifi provisiones, habiendo colocado La cuestión agraria se trata M Mms nmpiDirteinito és Q&t días, no descansen y lleguen re varias órdenes con las fábricas lo con palabras que no dejan lugar Nuestra Oferta do SOMBREROS a . . . fuerzos que llenen las brechas cales de calzado para la hechura a duda. Una tercera parte de las Varias do lun mejores modistas de la época contribuyeron a esta causadas en ambos ejércitos por de millares de pares. grandes heredades se confiscara oferta, puesto quo Incluimos en el lote machos sombreros que son beneficio pueblo. coplas o adaptaciones do las modas mAs oxdURlvIsttfs del nflo. los continuos y feroces ataques 1 ambien se dice que reciente en del Los pro- exactas reteniendo en muchos cunos, gran parte do su originali- de artillería c infantería. mente estuveo n este mercado un pietarios actuales, siempre que no se opongan a la confiscación de dad. Nuestras favorecedoras pueden seleccionar del gran conjunto. En la región oriental, los ale representante del gobierno alemán Colorea blanco y negro, negro únicamente y nlgunos de color si ao manes prosiguen avanzando para comisionado para la compra de esa tercera parte, podrán disfrutar desean. Todos ellos tienen precios asombrosos; pero Justos. efectuar su prometido ataque so- del resto ;pero si se manifiestan caballos. La incapacidad de Ale Dos bre Verdun, mientras que los mania para mantener una ruta se renuentes a esta disposición, su TIUCS OFERTA8 KSPECIAIiES Sorprendentes Ofertas en Sombreros Marineros franceses están haciendo todo lo gura entre América y Europa fué frirán la confiscación absoluta de EN SWEATErtS KombrcroH marineros, últimos Marinero iio terciopelo negro, que impedir sus propiedades. Acabamos de recibirlos y nuestras1 estilos, primorosamente adorna sin adornar. Inmensa selección de su parte está para el motivo de que no se efectuara pueden gusto. en lns mAs b.l clientes seleccionar a dos con listones. Oferta espe modernas formas. que se acerquen a aquella fortale operación alguna. procedimiento es el mismo Lo tenemos en colores negro, con la copa flexible o dura. za. En todos estos ataques, se puesto en práctica por el behemé blanco y otros varios, del tamaflo cial para HOY $2.39 Especialidad éxtra para pierden prisioneros y cañones, y UN PRESTAMO A FRANCIA rito Juárez por lo que respecta a que se desee, puro estambre y con SABADO a hoy sA bailo 75c las trincheras quedan evacuadas los bienes del clero. cuellos "Byron" .o de mantfln más decisivo Banqueros neoyorquinos presta El Plan de Ayala fué aceptado En Polonia algo $1.45 $1.95 v $2.95 BliUHAK EKTTMJ SASTltE HH $1.50 V A KfiCOlJEH CUALQUIERA 1I i NUESTROS ha ocurrido. rusos, después rán $10.000,000. en una junta de jefes Zapatistas COltSES DE 53.50, HOY SABADO Los $3.00, 1IOV SABADO A 50c de hacer que los alemanes se re De la Prensa Asociada. celebrada en el pueblo de Ayala, POIl $2.45 tiraran de las cercanías de Varso-- Nueva York, Octubre 30. Un Estado de Morelos, en Noviembre Espléndida selección de 20 docenas de blusHs No pondremos restricciones, escAJase el mejor via, sobre la que avanzaban, han empréstito de $10,000,000 hecho de 1011, poco después de haber to estilo castro, bordadas por el frente, de llnenn corsé del mundo, los estilo mas modernos, por un grupo de banqueros de las riendas del góbierno el y madras blanco, noisettes suaves, franelas de con el frente o el dorso adornado do encajo. atacado ahora su centro, al sur mado Estos corsés valen $3. G0 y cualquiera los oeste de la capital polaca, ysegún Nueva York, al gobierno de Fran presidente Madero. A este se le lana, a rayus, etc., etc. Las tenemos fft puedo obtener HOY SABADO al informes de Pctrocrad, Kan que cia, con el proposito de usarse el declara traidor, por no haber cum- en todos los tamaflos. A escoger por '" precio especial do brantado la resistencia de las úl dinero para arreglar las cuentas plido las reformas prometidas en timas unidades de los ejércitos contra las compras de provisiones el Pian de San Luis. Afectos - que intentaban mantenerse al nor en este país, está abriendo el ca Poco después se nombró jefe Oferta de Precios Notabilísimos en de Joyería Cha- te del rio Pilitza. La caballería mirio, en opinión de los banqueros del movimiento zapatista a Pas- jieados a 50c moscovita ha recuperado Radom, neoyorquinos a Alemania y Aus cual Orozco, teniendo a Zapata (Caketipiia y Hoy sábado ofrecemos novedades en donde capturó muchos cañones tria, para negociar empréstitos se mismo como segundo. Hopa Interior de liana para NlClos Trajeo Interioro, Unidos para Nlilas de Joyería con romates do oro, Tamaños t y 7 únlcamento, propios preciosos Juegos para y materiales de guerra. mejantes, con el fin de poder pa- A raíz del cuartelazo de Febre Camisetas y calzoncillos do lana para caballero, y estilos do saldo, para "soflorltas" de 10 a 14 aflos; ca- fistoles, broches, alfileres para gar los embarques de algodón y ro, se agregó otra cláusula al plan nlílos, en tamaflos y La situación favorable. í marca. "Merode." Ilcgularmento ven- lores natural gris, marca "Merode;" sombreros, broches para blusas y otras necesidades, de los listados acusando a Huerta como traidor, tallo perfecto. Generalmente los ven do En Africa del Sur, la situación demos la pieza a 75c. Eicclal C ara otra infinidad novedades. demos a 1 .C0. Especial, parece ser más favorable. El Gral. Unidos. Parece que ya se hacen lo mismo qua a Pascual Orozco, hoy sábado, la pieza. ... vWU Especialidad hoy Abado 50. los preparativos para un emprésti prometiendo fusilar a este último HOY HADADO, a 75c Louis Botha está a la cabeza del Hopa do Algodón para AlfltcrcM Namljid a Ü5c. to destinado a Alemania, vanan por ta espalda el dia que cayera Interior Trajea Interioren Unión do Algodón ejército que opera contra los co Señorón, para Sonoras Inmensa selección de primorosos los informes acerca del monto to en manos de los zapatistas. afelpados. y broches chapeados, La Camisetas y calzonclllot propio In- alfileres con mandos rebeldes de los Urales y mangas Grueso para principios de y tal de este empréstito y de las ges cláusula fué aceptada el 4 de Mar Camisetas de cuello alto alto, mangas perlas otras piedras do coloros Beyers y de Wet, mientras que largos. Grueso vierno, cuello largas, engarzadas, tiones que hace también Austria, zo de 1913, quedándose como jefe largas y calzoncillos largo hasta el tobillo, afelpados. 1ar formas particulares, los jefes leales, holandeses .e ingle mediano, tamaflos regulares. Gene etc. Itopresentun un do a se de tenemos en tamaños comunes y co- valor 75c ses, están aprehendiendo al co- El préstamo Francia supremo de la revolución zapatis ralmente vendemos estas pren- - PA y mas. Hoy sábado positará en varios bancos ameri ta, el general Zapata. rrientes. Itegularmento los vende mando del Ttc. Corl. Mártir, Emiliano das a SOc. HOY SABADO mos a SOc HOY SABADO 25c canos, dentro y fuera de Nueva do Muestra paro Ke floras quien fue herido y huyo a la fron Media 39c 60o -- Dcvpcrtadarc York, para pagar los productos LA RESISTENCIA TENAZ Tenemos una meaa con medias do 00o tera alemana. lisie, Despertadores marca "American" - americanos que se envien a Fran- muestra para señoras; medias de y Con la éolocacion de minas Por parte de los alemanes en la Importada; colores "Lookout," de nickel o acabado cia, que se tenga seda lisie, seda lq latón. Exactos en su a la costa de Irlanda, los sin entendido negro, blanco y amarillo obscura. movimien frente linea de batalla. to. Iteplque sonoro y claro. diarios ingleses piden que el Almi remittir oro alextranjero. De la Prensa Asociada. Tamaflos éxtra y comunes y corrien- un valor do OO Cada uno 69c rantazgo tome medidas más enér Londres, Octubre 30. El Ne tes, nepresentan PROFUNDA SENSACION. 60c. Hoy sábado, el par CtOl. gicas para evitar que se continue De la Prensa Asociada. gociado de la Prensa, hizo publicó l colocando minas; se cree que va Roma, Italia, Octubre 30. Los esta noche lo siguiente : pores que navegan con bandera ataques de Turquía contra Rusia, Continua un severo combate neutral son los responsables de ta sin una previa declaración de gue- con pocos intervalos, en las lineas les minas. seria impre de los aliados especialmente hacia rra, ha causado una a de guerra: 'iLotivainl" y "iTer gura también que toda la flota cos y tiendas La prensa pide también que se este el norte. La resistencia de los ale- presidente que han empleado mÜItacrs, arrestados sión, por considerarse hecho sido monde 1" perfectamente. turca ha salido del Mar Negro. en Agosto último, impie al país del espionaje que como que significa la extensión manes es tenaz y frecuentemente tantos operarios como les ha fueron encon- . marchan conti' Estas noticias las trajo un des- existe, siendo una de las pruebas fieros contraataques. posible, y que al presente rio tie- "Nuevas tropas trados palpables por el jurado. de la guerra y al mismo tiempo su efectúan nuamente para el frente. Un ofl pacho del Cairo, recibido en Viena Dos la captura de un individuo en la ' esto, ingleses nen ningún conflicto con sus em- fueron libertados. Aun no prolongación. No obstante los cial alemán, me dijo: "Aquí no y enviado a Londres por el corres- se mareen norte del rio Firth de te- pleados. pronuncia la sentencia. De parte del gobierno ruso, el están gradualmente ganando hacer mucho, pero pro- ponsal en Amsterdam a ja Central Forth, en momentos en que toma En un contraataque, una podemos Esta invasión, que fué frustada gobierno italiano ha enviado ins rreno. CAÑONERO HUNDIDO. baremos. Las cargas a la bayo News. ba fotoerafias. micciones a su embajador en las brigadas llevó a cabo un por la policía, era parte del pro- de los alemanes neta son terribles; algunos de yecto que tenían para con El anuncio aue Constantinopla, para proteger brillante ataque a la bayoneta, que Su tripulación resultó muerta, he- completa- SOLO DOS LIBERTADOS. ayudar la colonia portugue- nuestros hombres son dinero y provisiones a la actividad han invadido los subditos rusos y a sus propie dió buena cuenta de gran parte rida o ahogada. traspasados.' Estamos con de Angola no ha sido confir cuyas mente Phoenix, Ariz., Octubre 30. revolucionaría en México. sa dades. del enemigo, perdidas, en De la Prensa Asociada. el con el el agua hasta cuello; y Siete de los nueve mexicanos en Miguel Ortiz, jefe de los cons- mado. todo el encuentro, han sido gran- 30. El caño- de LA LUCHA EN ÁFRICA. Londres, Octubre tremendo fuego de ,los barcos juicio en la corte federal, por piradores, pudo escapar cuando des." fué hundido, fuimos atacados por tres UN GRAN PANICO De la Prensa Asociada. fr-- nero ruso "Donets" guerra, conspirar para Invadir a los ban sus camamilas fueron arrestados. 30, despa LAS MINAS DE COLORADO. de su tripulación ahogada y lados. Muchos fueron muertos en en algunas ciudades por los París. Octubre En parte Reina de para la agencia Middelkirke y el agua del canal se enemigos. cho Burdeos los demás muertos o heridos por roía aeroplanos Havas, se inform alo siguiente: No es exacto que el presidente dosq co ntanta sangle." la Prensa Asociada. los botes turcos torpedos, que están De informe recibido en esta, trate.de cerrarlas. "Los alemanes levantando Londres, Octubre 30. "Dun "En De Asociada. el fuerte de Odessa, de del general pobell, jefe de las tro- la Prensa ayer atacaron trincheras en dirección fhielt, querque se está preparando para 30. de y pas francesas que operan contra Washington, Octubre "No según un mensaje a la Lloyd detrás de las lineas Nicuport de sitio," dice un despa es oue el presidente un estado alemanes en ecua exacto este Agency. Dizmude. cho de Berlin para la Cia. Tele los audatrtca pensando algún plan para Ücspacho recibido aqui de torial, se dice que do columnas cerrar Los vapores rusos "Lazareff," Un gráfica de Marconi, y agrega : "En las minas de Colorado." Rozendaal dice que 14,500 refugia francesas ocuparon üdoa el 15 del el va- el cas ode un avance alemán, toda Los repetidos rumores de que él "Witiaz" v "Whampoa," y belgas regresaron el martes, corriente, después de una san da- dos vecinidad será inundada. Exis el cierre por francés "Portugal" fueron la en que ios trance podría resolver de las y 12,850 el miércoles, a AmDcres, el pánico en Ja ciudad de Dun grienta combate minas ha que Casa tados por las granadas y cierto te ses gran valor. hecho la Blan que 6,500 han salido para querque, sobre la que algunos demostraron ca hubiera expedido el anterior número de marineros resultaron Itero han arrojado Edoa es una importante esta muertos o heridos. aviadores alemanes ciSn que se encuen manifiesto, bombas. ferrocarrilera fijado También se dispararon grana NO HAY INFORMACION. Salanga SO millas de la Ninguna fecha se ha para rebelión-enAíric- tra en a de Odesa, La a del. Sur el retiro de las tropas federales del das sobre los suburbios De la Prensa Asociada. costa." aceite, ha aumentado. El Gral, de Wct distrito en huelga, según una de- cerca de los tanques de pe; Paris, Octubre 29. La oficina no fueron alcanzados, una fa- está a la cabeza de laínsurecclón UN CRUCERO TURCO claración emanada del departa- ro de Guerra publicó hoy en la noche del Congo, y brica de azúcar fué tocada por lai en el Estado Libre mento de Guerra. El gobernador la siguiente comunicación oficial: el Beyeres en el Transvaal Durante algunas horma bombardeó Ammons dijo ayer que había reci granadas. Algunos civiles fueron Gral. ó las informa- Occidental. Los boeros están po- la ciudad Tneodoaia. bido intimaciones de que las tro- muertos lastimados por los "Según ultimas niendo presos a muchos ingleses. De la Prensa Asociada. pas serían retiradas el 15 de No ciones recibida por esta oficina, Los habitantes de Londres es Theodosia, Crimea, Octubre 30 viembre; pero se dijo por los fun CONTINUA EL COMBATE. nada importante hay que comuni- tán abandonando la capital y di- ívia Petrograd). Desde la una y cionarios que ningún plan para se car el lia hoy." rigiéndose a Escocia, por temor a media hasta las diez y media de mejante pato se habla acordado. En la margen del río Ystr entre Escuela Mlecta para niñea y jóvenes mexicanos. los aeroplanos alemanes. a mañana de hoy. un crucero tur El presidente Wilson ha recibi loa enemigo. CABALLERIA TURCA. chimeneas, bombardeó Edkfkle moderno y elefante. Los bancos de Cairo, Egipto, co de tres do reiteradas solicitudes para re- De la Prensa Asociada. a las inmediaciones del ferrocarril la Se mueve las necetldatle los estudiante mexicano. lian suspendido sus operaciones. la estación del y tirar las tropas federales de aque- Amsterdam, Octubre 30. El Canal de Suez. Curses adaptados a de La flota anglófrancesa ha sido ciudad, causunrfo perjuicios en la lla región, después de que hubiera corresponsal en Sluts del "Tele? De la Prensa Asociada Maeair competente y experimentados. mrdanelos, catedral, la. iglelsa griega, un mue- ordenado el cierre de las minas, a graaf," dice: llamada tk km Londres, 30. Una Noticias olicialea de Viena ma- lle y algunos cobertizo. Un sol- menos que los dueños aceptaran el "Continúa el combate en ambas Octiibre MagníAco internado. Clase necturnai de Ingle y Miialca. fué y sucursal del fuerte división caballería turca nifiestan que no ha habido nove dado herido una plan de arreglo de los obreros. márgenes del Yser, pero es menos tc Invítame, a I'll, a billar t'l establecimiento dades en Galitzia, en .donde ambo Banco Ruso de Comercio Lxtran- - Uo mineros han declarado que severo que antes, Los belgas han se afirma que ha llegado a las cer- ejércitos están bien atrincherados.1 ero incendiado. A la conclusión si las tropas se retiran es casi cier hecho más de lo que esperaba de canías del Golfo de Akabab, en liALIlKNCH REYNOLDS, 11, 8 Director, zarpó Jtn Servia c han obtenido varias del bombardeo, el crucero to que los motines seguirán, aun ellos en los combates ; y, entre el e Mar Rojo, como a 200 millas 683 Routh Florence 81. Teléfono No. 3110, El I'aso, Tex, Victorias. Algunas batería rusa en dirección del suroeste. que loa dueños han mamiestado al ruido ü la batalla, se oye su grito al sur del Canal de Suez, y se ase

I CUATRO. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sábado, 31 de Octubre de (914,' El Intrincado Problema de Hacer que Todo el Mundo se Acueste.


"Aquellos que duermen, igual- todo su espíritu sano lo había sa- mente que los que se embriagan, crificado al placer. Cuando de mo- lo liaccn bajo las sombras de la , mento le es relevado a la Tía noche I. Tcsaloniccñscs, 5:?. cuán grande es la degra- dación del muchacho, vuelva ella El historiador del porvrnir, at la vista hacia la capital y, amena- describir el desarrollo y el ocaso zándola con el puño, exclama: de nuestra maravillosa civiliza- "O, París, lo que te maullamos. ción, teniendo cu cuenta una pro- y lo que nos devuelves!" funda 'apreciación de sus fuerzas Y sin embargo, cu la actualidad, complejas, deberá a la poste- dar Paris, afamado como ciudad co- ridad un estudio interesante del rrompida, no puede compararse problema del Siglo XX, de hacer con .Moscow. que la humanidad se entregara al Los el sueño. sueño, parisienses y , listo parecerá raro a los l.os parisienses están adoptando U a.. oídos del hombre o la mujer ra- las costumbre de dormir de una cionales, que van bien ordenados, manera normal en cantidad, pues- serenamente por la vida de acuer- to que la ciudad es empecatada, do con la antigua costumbre de ir sqlamcnte para los que buscan su el dia en tres periodos igua- lado malo. : ocho les ocho horaspara dormir, Algunas de las .casas parí el des- "alegres" para trabajar y ocho de Berlin, no abren sus puertas canso. liasla las dos de la mañana, la medio de cuyo ge- Edison, por hora precisamente "en que el Al- ha si- nio transcendental la noche calde de Nueva York está tratan- do en dia, nos dice transformada do de que se clausuren ciertos es- que aquella vieja división es pura- tablecimientos en que se baila, se mente artificial y no esencialmen- festeja y se canta. el de te vital para funcionamiento En la capital alemana, hasta que la ; es el humana máquina que la emperatriz presentó su queja, ele luz cu los de la falta no había quien se ocupara de las de la humanidad primen tiempos mariposas nocturnas, las que se de las som- utando, con daban gusto hasta que venía la luz bra-, Con el tesaba todo trabajo. del nuevo dia, y mucho después de nuevo "sol-- eléc- nacimiento del se los salones le divisiones pie cerraran trico, aquellas antiguas baile y Jos "cabarets" de tango; y dejaron de ser. barridas por la va- un observador reciente afirma (pie rita inagicii del esplendor, de ma- la avenida llamada " l'Vicdriclis-trasse- " el dia de pue- nera (pie actividades se ve tan concurrida cu la de por las, lit lio- - ser prqlongado madrugada como al medio dia. ras, siempre que uno pudiera exi- mirse de dormir. Datos alarmantes. El brujo, que ha abierto una lie aquí algunos datos que ale- brillante y nueva via al inundo y manes influyentes de varias ciu- SENTIMIENTO HOSTIL. aumennnlrj el periodo productor dades han enviado a la empera- del hombre, "bendiciendo a la triz, como ayuda a la de De la Prensa Asociada. protesta - ton la luz," como un es- aquella y con la sugestión de que, Bruselas, Octubre 29. Diaria- se refirió a Edison, ha ilu- si coiítinúa tolerándose la vida mente se tienen pruebas en esta critor - minado, al mismo tiempo, las vías nocturna tal como ahora, a la lar- población, del sentimiento profun- de! vicio, que el inventor no pudo ga degenerará la energía nacional clámente hostil de los soldados alc- - haber previsto. y producirá muchos otros males, manes contratos ingleses. Donde Se abre la caja de Pandora. como se demuestra por lo siguien- qüiera-q- ue los alemanes tienen I.a "bendición de la luz" ha te: Durante el periodo de 11)01 a que habérselas con los ingleses, abierto la Caja de Pandora, de la KH1, el tanto por ciento de divor- los' combates sé verifican sin tre- epic se están escapando figuras y cios se ha duplicado. Durante el gua. fuerzas no menos siniestras que año de 1!J12, el cuatro por ciento En cuanto a los franceses y ale- -. aquellas de la leyenda clásica. La de los matrimonios habidos cu y. - " manes, parece haber entre ellos ida alegre moderna amenaza no Prusia, terminó en divorcios. En más cordialidad. En las inmedia- solamente a las ciudades grandes, todas las demás ciudades del im- ciones de Courtrai, los soldados iüf mensaje sino también a las naciones. perio el porcentaje subió de 1 a franceses enviaron un a Si Babilonia se hubiera inunda- 18; Berlín demuestra que hay un los alemanes participándoles que do y subyugado bajo la influencia divorcio en cada diez matrimo- es el mayor enemigo del sueño, rant, la música empieza a las dos ese dia era el onomástico de su de la radiante luz de hoy, más rá- nios. "De seguir así," dicen los como París y Nueva York podrán y media de la mañana y el salón coronel. Los alemanes pasaron el ca- y con- pidamente habría corrido a su alemanes, a donde reinas a dar? testificar con los innumerables de tango inedia hora' antes. . telegrama a las trincheras su ruina. V este es Indudablemente a la ruina." Re- sos habidos de "nouvc.lu riches." En un tcatrito, cuyas puertas testaron: "No dispararemos mu- el pensamiento pie ha tenido pre- sultado de todo esto, continúan .Moscow posee tantos potentados, a media "noche, se dan, por chos cartuchos el dia de hoy ; pue- sente la Emperatriz de Alemania manifestando los teutones pensa- que el día se ha convertido parí' termino medio, ochenta piccesitas de el coronel festejar su dia." al hacer una vigorosa protesta dores, es el amor al lujo, la inmo- ellos en 21 horas de canto y baile hasta que el reloj marca las 5 de En Licja, Namur y Amberes contra la gangrena de la vida noc- ralidad que va en creciente y la continuos. En el principal restan-- la mañana! los alemanes se ocupan en recons- turna de Berlín y otras ciudades tolerancia prfra francachelas noc- truir las fortificaciones y reparar quiere, figurativamente, cerrar tli mas, con especialidad en Berlín. los cañones abandonados por los nuevamente la Caja de Pandora. Será un consuelo a los berline- belga. Se dice que un buen nú- El habitante de las aldeas, y el ses que deploran las condiciones mero de alemanes han perecido en morador en el campo, drán que de su capital; a los neoyorquinos la prueba de estos cañones. esos problemas citadinos no con-- i pie creen que su metrópoli es de temen a ellos ni a sus familias, a lo peor que existe; a los ingleses, menos de que isiten la ciudad. que llaman a Londres "la moder- I na población grande, con sus na Babilonia," c igualmente a los nervios etxciKlidos de comunica-no- n franceses por la cimentada fama rápida a puntos lejanos, y la de la vieja Lutccia, el saber míe no información completa (pie la pren- está entre, ellos la ciudad mas ale- sa diaria y revistas ilustradas pro- gre, bulliciosa y corrompida del porcionan a todo los lectores, es inundo, sin en Moscow, la ciudad parecida a una inmensa máquina rusa que ha producido últimamen- de fuerza motriz, pie envia sus te muchos millonarios con sus energías, buenas o malas, por toda criaderos de petróleo y sus mine- su área de influencia ; quizá sea rales; potentados que Compran el una inspiración bienhechora y de champaña por cajas y a los que bienestar; pero también puede dar nada significa gastar 500 o 000 el rcsmtado opuesto. rublos en un rato le diversión. Quizá el lector recuerde uno de La noche en la alegre Moscow. los pasajes más educativos de la Moscow tiene cerca de dos mi- novela "Safo," de Alfonso Daudct, llones de habitantes, pero de no- ej cual un joen campesino, que che parece que se aumentan. Es ha estado en la maravillosa metró- la ciudad moscovita más rica y poli francesa, regresa a sh hogar dentro de poco será la de mayor nvilecido y degradado, pues que extension. lTn nuevo millonario Halloween Comes But Once a Year, So Don't Mind if Your Gate and Porch Furniture Disappear Tonight

METAL MAItKETS. The Mornlnsr Times Circulation YoatcrtUy, 19,300 New York llver.. I'rlnlcil nnd Distribute--! ..: Hcnlembcr ATcrafco for Sunday, St, Loud lead ..... Wj:4 Sandfly 32,941 SI. Louis speller .M.tOOi.tS I September Average, 30 Daft,' Ilnslf, ,i ago WMnm& ffimtg Dnlly 19,031 35TH YEAR. SPANISHfSECTION 4fPAGES EL PASO, TEXAS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 191 4. ENGLISH SECTION 12 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS COMMITTEE SUGGESTS ELIMINATION OF CARRANZA AND VILLA





ny John w. nonr.HTS. somu of Iho richest and largest landed es- (Staff Correspondent Morning Times.) tates. Other con- Aguascallcntes, Oct.. so. The Immediate measures voted ror by the vention Include the breaking up or th resignation from the constitutionalist largu landed estates or all holders by a army of General (.arranxa. General Villa and system of appropriation, of ihese General Zapata was recommended to the mil holdings lo g lo the people. s itary convention in session here tonight. or the properties tn bo confiscated by tho The recommendation came in a report of government will ho forced tn the care or the Joint committee on war and gobernación tho widows and orphans of those who fell to which had been referred tho resignation In Iho revolution. of General Carrama. One of the delegates said that to per The report, which Is signed by General cent of tho lend ln Hie Mato of Mírelos Obrrgon, l.ugcnln Agulrre llenavldrs. P.. Gu Is owned by nlnn families, all ór whom Herré and Felipe ngeles, of the committee arc ab?enii-- landlurds, nuw resident In on war, and Generals .Manuel Chao. Martin Europe. F..ptnosa, Garcia Aragón, M. A. Peralta anl naoul Madero, or the committee on goucr LIE l'ASM;l BETWEEN GARZA nación, Is couched In tho most respectful AND PIIESIIIENT VILI.AREAL. ' language. By JOHN W. ItOBEIITS, , wmZZZ iiii.iii i i i w . General villa and General Carranza, as (Starr Correspondent Morning Times.) well as General Zapata, arc warmly thanked or Aguascalleptes, Oct. M. (Delayed.) Tha for their valuable serviros lo Iho cauc lie was passed between President Antonio FRENCH MARINES BIVOUACKED" NEAR GHENT Previous to the German advance at the fall of Antwerp. the counirj, and am urged to patriotically I Vlllareal and colonel Hoque Gonzalez step asido lu order thai the convention may Garza, floor learter of the con- Undertake the work of selecting tho man vention. In Ihe closing minutes or the ses- tion for Washington off trials, me reeling sion of Hie convention tonight. Colonel lias oeen expressed in many quarters nero who will art as provisional president durltii? HALLOWEEN period, pcaro Is Garza, discussing the conditional resigna- for months thati Italy would sido wllh the a until or AT- Triple Turkey on DAHERHLOSE and the national election may bo tion General carranza, declared that the TURKEY'S Kmentc ir declared wt.r restored latter had not lived up lo the Torreón agree- uussia. Tins view, nowever, nas t.cen i. held. ment, when he was Interrupted by Ihe based largely on 'the. supposition, that .no Blind ban. Tho resignation was referred to the com- - president who charged that villa also had Musselmen In Egypt, rising against British STATE CONVENTION Black rais; WITH HORSE SHOW rn tice Hits morning shortly after the con violated this agreement by his failure to rule.- would incite their brethren In Tripoli Broomsticks. ventlon met and when It was seen that thcru turn over Hie custom houses at Juarez and to attempt to cast off Italian domination. Boys' Kicks; . among .paints on ihe to Italy, to remain neutral, must eventually Gray owls, waa no possibility of an agreement oilier northern border TACK ON detonates on ihn floor. The committee representatlvea of the Carranza govern- RUS rcacn some unaersianning wiiq ino inpie DECISION ON NEXT Y1ÍAKB MEETING (Wise fowls); THREE AtlMY TKAH8 AMI ONE COMPOSED the ment. Entente concerning the partition or Albania EXECU- - Wan stars gleaming, COMPETE was instructed to ronslder the resignation, PLACE LEFT IN HANDS Or - OF CIVILIANS TO Garza at oncn Jumped to his feet and de- or tno activities or ureece ,in mat coun- " AVhlle,- mists strealulng; i make recommendations nd report hack to coJiiirrrEE.. -- IN'G.lMKSj clared 'holly that Vlllareal had uttered a T - tive, Pale moon dying,! - it-(- ' 'y the convention at tue earnest possiDte tno r" flying. J -- aeiiDcraw'raiseiiooa. Rii.janla Slan.i Willi tlely, Witches ' fv' ment. j , Before Vlllarent lis What Is the reason ' " lily Colonel rtumanla lias Indicated In official ,om Beaullfui. Breast t'ln Presented Mrs.'Kelly, season Entries tor Horse Show Comjnjijn Fast and Thdii&li the renort Is aimed bv all the Isobel Motiles rolle Why, this Is,Ihe what icnsé situation by. Hie declaration thai, is viewed njiinlcaUQlu that slie will ally hcrseir with s'fTsiarns 01 unapicr io nrcouni vWhen weird and gliding ghosis are..". prcreiary as nereiving inquiries vil a ueiega tea on ooin commuters u is not sia In his IfSly In whatever course the- latter takes; as From Neighboring .Stales. accept opinion, neither Carranza .nor Vina Hon of Her Efforts Hostess.' seen bPitcvcd.its reconimcnnationa win do had lived up to the agreement- - by Tno Bulgarian government "u tinacraiooa This'isme-tim- or.iiaiiówecm able In the northern rcnrcsrnttallves nor to reached to, .he , - Turkey,' and, Hie Turceon, mediation conference. rrlenmv ta Austria. from tbe Zapata army when It Is pre though recerit rCptorts have spoken or.; the convention or The steadily Increasing popularity or polo those Adjournment Saves Situation. - The nlneicenlh annual the II. on tho floor, wavering' attitude- or the zrovernrrient-'.a- t as an aport ine sented This remark was greeted with thunderous division, Daughters or the Con Laughing girls, American is evidenced by appears that the question of the With Bucnarosr.Deeanse.or popular aemonsira Tetas Bobbing curls; requests the horse show It therefore applause from bolu sides or the house in behalf of entente. received by status of carranza, la as a died alarm tlonsln the came, to a close a,t i;30 last night far from settle which had scarcely out when Garza fidcracy, Mirrors wanted, many a polo Striking of opinion developed directors, from quarters, for when convention was ln(o direrences during .which caudles flaunted; connection with the, ment as" It was the moved that, before getting deeper today among the .diplomatic .representatives after a rour day. session rainn in Anvembct to tniy water. Hie convention adjourn until tomor- Coming rates. event tho military called order by President vmareai here as to the probable ruture rourre of there was never a dull .moment. Interest' Future males; show. No In recent niorning. row In order that thero might bo a full day events In Turkey and' the Balkan countries. Ing- and, at times, verging on .the strenuous, The midnight tournament was more generally enjoyed ror the discussion of tho Carranza resig- some was hour, In (jucrters 'It suggested that (he convention' was one of 'the 'roost suc- Old church lower; than iho game between tho tea'tns of the nation. WASHINGTON Turkey Mist have had' some assurances and tho Eighth infantry IIESIGNATION nEAD BEFOItE Iternre adjournment, which ocrurred at 9 cessful 'in the history iif the patriotic order, Gqhllna shrieking, border patrol 1I0HNINC. from Greece that the latter would remain squeaking Hie ravor vhlch, the CONVENTION THIS p. m.. the convention adopted a resolution would ,to and ended" as it Ircgari In a love feast wllh brigade, and wllh neutral before she dare attack Is I duo to It v the Aiiocloc.f pledging Itselr lo take up In detail and Uussia. One or military ihe" delegates vicing with each other ,in What the reason? iport regarded locally Is largely I'rttt dispose the .attaches only Why, this Is ihe season Mexico City, Oct. SO. The resignation of of the question of Ihe status or recently In Constantinople, Bul- things about El 1'aso, the efrorts or Ihe army orticors stationed to no held that saying pleasant When weird and gliding ghosts are General Venusllano carranza as provisional Venusllano carranza and lo consent garia would line up against Turkey for Ei-- Chapter, and Mrs. Kélly, In this vicinity. General Pershing has done adjournment the question Is finally tiobert Lié CE. seen gama president and chief of until DIPLOMATS tna reason mat ine government or ine Its president. . This Is tho lime or Halloween! much lo promote inurest In tho first the constitution and definitely disposed or. OFFICIALS AND peo- army, on the former cSuntry was the The preseniatlon or a beautiful diamond among Infantry officers, who have hereto allst based conditions that Spectators From Galleries. ple were strcruiy in sympa- - polo General Villa and Zapata to private Barred itussian their pin to . Kelly In token" of tho apprecia III. fore been ralher Inclined to regard retire The convention meets at 9, None but BELIEVE GRAVEST COM- mies. or life, .was lo the peace convention ot tion by the delegates or her efforts la Gipsy seer, as a pastime or the mounicu nrancnes read delegates, employes and a few newspaper Kuflland .Vol .Necessarily Involved. a success was sn Fortunes here; the at my, exclusively, and to the general Aguascallcntes today. men will be permitted In the ball, It beinir - make tha convention event Lad and maid the or PLICATIONS THROUGH Some or tra British orriclais pointed out will be long remembered by those who credit Is largely duo the organization in tne document tienerai carranza even reared that tno three thousand even ir broke out Uussia that Who's afraldT brigade team. expressed a willingness" to country spectators who have been gathered In tne that var between participate). oi tho Elsrhth leave the open and Turkey, England would not necessarily Wiles and aria. more polo, Ihe ir his absence worjtd .lend the re- - galleries during the aesslona of the OUT BALKAN STATES, Mrs. EilzaDem wooien cune, or wnanon, Maidens' hearta; To meet the demand for toward convention might create a If be involved. It was recalled that England of Horse Show association ratabllahment or peace. The message caused disturbance did not declare war upon It made the speech ot picscntatlon, paying The cauldron's brewing. directors the the debate, as It almost Inevitable, grows Austria until to hold a three-da- a In the convention at one NORTHERN AFRICA AND was established that Austrian troops were Mrs. Kelly a high tribute as "the woman The contents strewing; have decided lourna turmoil heated. righting In i France, thereby enabling tne who maintains the ideals of southern Magical motions, ment in conjunction with the horse show, timo spectators tried to Intervene and break During the arternoon session today lauer coun io invoice ine aia or us any a benediction-l- Mystical potlpns and a committee, consisting ot Lieut, J, UP Ibe meeting. Order Hnálly'w'aa restored reply to Ihe Invllatlon to attend MINOR WILL BE PRO- who Is her friends Is reason; to ASIA because she was being attacked. It was womanhood What the L. Collins, chairman: Lieut, a. L. P. Sands and bualness proceeded. What action, If or send representatives ihe convention or an and to all becauae of her Why, this Is too season to was formally admitted as possible, In the event to Ibe or and Carl A. Beers, haa been appointed any, was taken on the resignation, was not read. actual Invasion or nusala .by forces, readiness ever bear, burdena the When weird and gliding ghosts are arrangements. 'evening, Carranza Charged Wllh Fallb. DUCEDGREECE; ITALY, Turkish weak," to cbamplon Ibe cause of the make the Three known here this Bad the British government might have to re- and seen army compele and a team, f Tho reply contained not only a flat re- to call onnressed." Mrs. Cllne also extended' to tho This is the time of Halloween! learns wilt fourth Villa Charged With Unholy Amulllou. comply spond Itussla's for help. r compoacd of local players, will participate. fusal to with the Invitation to come ROUMANIA AND BULGA- Persons fair litar with the gengraDhlcal hosiers chapter and to EI Paso Ihe hearty in demanding that Villa and Zapata retire. personally or send delegates who would be condltloii'or,. he country scout the Idea ot thanks of the delegates' for the reception XV- i An effort will, be made Id Induce Ihe General Carranza saldi authorized to pledge themselves to abme the- Turkish invasion or Egypt in tno race Applca mellow, frrnous Midland team to enter the lourna is a greater that or by Ihe will of the majority, but also RIA MAY BE DRAWN INTO accorded them. Itunpklna yellow; cup bd "There ambition than or ine inieu neeis. ine noi neseris peo The rolloulng women were the donors of mint and a handsome silver will being president or the republic, and that is refusal to vacate the office of first Coffee so clear, ' as a polo games (Continued on Pago 3.) the pin: Mrs. D. A. Núnn, Crockett; ,Mrs. offered prlxe. The win to hold such military omnipotencias In per- chief unless the convention would deH' Crisp doughnuta near; on Thursday, wovemner niteiy promise not to turn the over TITANIC STRUGGLE. S. II, Watson,. Waxabachhn Mrs. T. C. West- - gingerbread be Dlavert rri mit one man lb overaway all powera of office Brown November ao, and Sunday, Novemberii io a member of the brook, llearne; Mra. J. P. Audd, watkam; And peachea red;' day,. union. The Insistency or General Villa In party. DAY'S SUMMARY It. Houston; Mrs. Henry A. Hearth-fir- glowing, tí, at Washington rara. keeping command of a supposed to II Mrs. A. .Howard, snow are commenc division also demanded as a condition or tha Cllne", Wharton; Mrs. John" Van Wert, Mar Entries for the horse be and at the same time pre- Carranza resignation Both General Villa OF EUROPEAN WAR to come' In' and secretary of the Horse that 11 u the Anaclated ..Mrs. Gerald. Weaver, WacojMrs. Ghost stories told, inr the tending to at once and General Zapata resign rrom the army Prttt shall; Kite Warm blood Vuna cold has Inquiries constitutional Washington. Oct. SO Turkey's attack orf mo- Flnley Evans, Mrs., II. Strength, Show assorlailon' received on of old It and retire absolutely to private life. ."Oth- 'tfhé Far Vas't has' taken, for'the Palestine; J. What Is the reason; and order the basis tbe regime, a imssta, 01 wwen. were counrniea ment at least,- center stage uowsru, mu; from horaa owners tn New Mexico An Indication ihi erwise." the document continues, "I shall gov. the ot tbe Marsnsii; .Mrs. uot nr ,Why. this lsthe' season contemplate making clear that the dream ot cnler call my men together and right we inofficial dispatches lo Hie American In the war drama that Is being en- seastrunk'. Tyler; Mra. Thomas ions: who cuines la or des- until e Husslan embassy J. o. Watts When weird and gliding ghosts are seems lo constitute himself arbiter the dominate all or these unpatriotic elements eminent and here to acted In Europe, Asia and Mrs. L. Marshall:. Mrs. seen From present Indications, It certain tinies or Mexico, to apv clay. was viewed by otrtclala and diplómala on the high seas. Marshall: F Jordan. grcauy exceco wllh the faculties which art nuw threatening Hie very life ot Wllh a lessening In W. Bryant Mrs. W, IU Aldrtdge, This Is tbe, time or Halloween! the number or; eninea win point a a congress, desig- generally is likely lo produce the'grsvest the In Belgium 0, Talllfero. yeatt list or events, a president, elect tbe Mexican nation." hostilities nórthern .and Aldrldge. and Mrs. Thomas tigin. Tire pin UMca Observer, that or Jas,t The nate a supreme court and thn govern- Garza complication throughout the' Balkan átales, France, and wjlh Ibe situation canned finally upon by tbe ass oelailon, rot 'rule colonel declared that the Carranza nortiiem Arrisa and Asia Minor, Turkey's or Is a 11. D. C. badge of gold suspended from decided ment or all the, slates. I am Ignorant of aliunde waa well known to all the by use her warships lowsi aa a The announcement or a slate or Mar be- agaln-- ostensibly friendly nations, not a gold bar bearing' Mrs., Kelly's Initials set TATKH ENAT0R What the pretentions or General Zapata are, He denounced ihe reply hypo I. Business . single ana n tween iiussia.and Turkey was expected clear enough' lo neat Us In CAMPAIGNING IN NEVADA Class horses: I believe greatly critical nocumrni iniennra soieiy ior Into the or jer meal diamonds. double to be sepárale. but they will not differ purpose of making carranza appear as a eventually to brlnr list belli- outcome will be, romes the announce- The reading or tbe names or Ihe donors) KNOCKED DOWN YESTERDAY. classed rrom those or General villa. gerents Greece and Italy, fallowed by Mu- ment Japanese Claas Í. High Jump, open. martyr In Ihe eyes ot, the world. Bulgaria. that the and British brought many delegates io weir reei, de- II u tht Associated 'rci Willing to Quit Country. ñíanla and nave begun a general allaek on Ger- Key Class J 1'onlea under saddle; nol exceed- The Lie Passed. .Morkerithau at Constantino-pl- claring that all would gladly have cons lleno. Her,. Oct. "I wish my retirement rrom power shall to Ambaaaador many's fortified .base at Tslpg Tau, ror- - ing 14 hands, ridden by boy or girl. carranza'; rerusal lo send delegates a. men- to the gift had they been aware, of I'ittman-o- f Nevada, here the ele, , be , am npt to In brier cablegram, made no Tbe ahelllng ot Talng Tau began tributad a horses-- any three gaits, not iterlle and that. merely the convention, declared Garza, means sim- tion or a or war by Turkey on the of Ibe few who gave It, and. lion campaign, war felled by bldw , class me to or rovo declaration with tbe dawn ot (be Japanese emper- Intentions an on a principal, nrun in tulips and srentlemen. relinquish iieia enemies the ply that Carranza refused lo bind himself Huilla, but laid the Hrltlili ambaaaador had or's) blrlbday Mr rim rrntlpri that the lift waa the in cncounier street t lo personal ambl by the ascred oath Imposed upon all them today, and at last ae hero today. Class. horses; pair (park) lutlon, chieftains with Informed tilm Of the bombardment or Odea rounla waa proceeding lgorously. inspiration or one of tbe donors which. Siarnesa liona. I consequently state to the conven her of the convention. This action, con- lorpedo-bo- Several men were atruck before shown suitable vehicle. aa uy three Tuíklsh deatroyera Talag been by to 1 tinued Carza, pro veil that Carranza waa ac- ,or Tau has Invested land when mentioned io ine oiners. was im- Senator Tillman was struck down, any five Hon that am disposed to deliver the com and the sinking a Jiusstan gunboat, re and sea virtually since the commence, Into action., Mrs. Claas (.Galled saddle1 horses; tuated by baso motives and that he was a vloualy Charge the mediately trsnsformed including l.yiton Stoddard, the man by gcnlleinati. mand of the constitutionalist army and Ihe d'Affatres Wilson, at men! of hostilities In Europe. that, the when he fells Supreme' galls, to be ridden man who should be classified with the embassy 1'etrograd. a Cllne, furiher stated donors were nearest nlm r etseutlve power of the nation, and If necea- "rluntlflco-s- American at relayed Set ere fighting continues la V, MeCarran; H, Clasa, 7, Broad jumpi-ove- low hurdles ami olher elements detrimen- meaaage American eonaul jCS the most araeni aamirera oi mrs, acsiy. t'ourt Justice J. a. sary, to leave the country, only the tal to or the from the at but (here N no mention by any a political United . and paper botes, lady or .gentleman. under the welfare and the liberties aa statin la the bombardment or the or Abolished, I'raliy, leader people. He charged (bat Carranza had ul that or the war chancelleries a resump. Proales Htates Marshsl A. B. Gray, A. W. Sha. Clati g. rallies' saddle horses; to be inree touowinr conditions: to n some American properly "was des- lion or Ibe sanguinary encounters or First A government ierly railed to live up to the precepts ot The constitution of the state division laaf ron or san trandaco, Deputy Hherirr. ridden by lady. .1 by troyed. , the early week.' The British .war sí- eh Hay a politician. shall be established with support or the Ihe, Torreón agreement the terms or night wat amended to disqualify all proxy Lrn I'pdlke and - CUSS V. ponies w w aoown unuvr ihe which Bad pledged to Turkish Conflagration at Hand, lice ass Ibe British are 'steadily one was arrested, rJl" army time as lh first chief hlmseir on the totea at ruture conventions. The motion jya saddle. . ' constitutionalist until such send delegatea to the convention uliiili dispatches and previous In Ealning ground western wind, - conditions legal constitutional With these the German Is was carried to annul two clauaea of th- Class io, combination horses; tunable Justify a' full Is now In session lu this very' hall. It dlcatlons the Levant, otriclala, resistance , from reared stubborn. constitution ajlowuig votes by proxy, and TLRKISII AND RUSSIAN for aadd e and harness, op'n. regime. waa at Hila point Hist President Vlllareal tlie conflagration in Turkey Wfil right Are Interrupted the apeaker the. He was waa They 01 Ins opetallons along the lino In It was decided mat in tne future no cnapter FLEETS. IN BATTLE Class II --finiréis- cnarge ra; ior oinccra It DrswHts nelecled. md at band. prepared la use the aecond-oene- rat passed. .North Carolina Ten- northern Fredce. tbe French report of not having a delegate at the conventions T OFF CITY OF ODESslA . or states army. ., Villa Shalt resign, not American cruisers and of united . What Avala Plan Provides. nessee to assist American, missionaries. If recrudescence the activity near would be allowed a voire in ibe govenW Event I .luce; half mile flat: civilian his candidature to the presidency or tbe Hbelms, along tbe heights .of By the A'tocittiil Prtlt nave oeen The plan or Ayala. adopted at yesterday's necessary, and to aei in motion measures or lbs menr. Oct. JO. "It It reported, members or tne raso uuni eiuo. vice.prsiaencyr wmch never convention, provide Hrue and to the south of Fresaes. Jmion. n Mm, command of tbe session of the relter for Americana almllar to those begun Tlx newly elected ufflcera lor the year from Constantinople that a battle be- - Event s - Two nine atcepiecnasei open to but; military ror the convocation Of a convention fien nations or Europe viere division; retiring io private life the rirat Germany claimed successful were Inaugurated, tbe first vice president; tween Turkish and lluistan fleets it ofricera of the Lolled Stales army. northern or military chlefiaiua ai the conclusion of plunged Into war. attacks leaving lave d la the region of Menporl sad Yores Miss Ellae 8. Orlfflnr, or Dallas; the louriu progress off Odessa." Unless otherwise .specified, the fee for and republic, ir Ihe convention the revolution and this convention la chart-e- The effects or Turkey1 should vote thai would be blm the doty or selecting a presldejit or " uasian porta waa and U the occupation of' silled terri- vlceoresldent. Mrs, A. V. Barlow, ot El This news la contained In a Home each entry in every clasa Is It, It wie for wllh everywhere tory Argoane Of ' consisting cups, riding lo do so. ad Interim or republic wlvo shall carry aitmltled, While II waa suggested In some la the forest. the I'aso, and the custodian, Mrs. W. T. Wroe, djtpsfli to the Exchange Telegraph Prim, ot sliver government constitutionally slluattan la the east Berlin offered no and In addition to ribbons, "Third General Zapata shall resign his on the until his quarters that the Ottoman government inlgi of A u si In. being absent. eoropanyj equipment, rath. elected suftestor Is Inaugurated In office. or destroy report. to awararu oi sccvuu command likewise, luruitig Ihe same over to rrpudiate the raid the' Turkish Fetrogrsd, on the other hand, An invitation to the 'division notd toe will be winners nrai, The appointment or governors or stairs. era and the Herman cruisers Ooeben year, was! third in each clasa. a general designated by the convention" peen oy l former claimed continued successes; on the convention next in Fort Worth AMSTTRDAM NEWhPAPEHA and a power litu mu ezercited and Brealau, attributing the acta k. the General, carranza nis mes sate as by-- or Ms office or fast Prussian frost and hevea tbe received from tne Chamber of Commerce itKI'ORT THAT CEKMAN8 ronriuaea carranza virtue Initiative or the Cernían orricera and crew Arkansas, Troubles. follows; cider I pUeed, the plan or Ayala. manning- - prevailed Vistula. Of that cjiy to the executive HAVE EVtCUATEH 8TEND Laser rirst r Ibeiu. the belief that A - 'But IMheronlv thins- daslred la to remove In the hands or the military chiertatr.' of Itusaia would not passively accept this view news aaeaey dlpalttMlves a re- committee with, power lo act By fkt .tuoclocd Prfi se ara empowered Constantinople By "tkrAttoctattd No at- - me from the'leaderhlp so that personal each álate. entertains would ronslder herself In or frota .that a naval A itnrtny act or resoiuiiona prepared oy Prf Fon Smith, Ark.. Oct, further anu man who will act as but stale Sort Use miS the Mus-- Anisjerflain. pet. 51. tVIa London, may find way lo select the provisional Mar with Turkey. between Turks the resolutions committee were adopted temiii will be made and operate billons or reaction the cleared. governor or .r reaswctlve stales a rati hf In pregeeas off MesKa, iHb a. in.) Both the Handelsbiad and then thai I am rirmiy Cemnllealletis In AIDanla. us thanking the bojteta chapter and tbe city the mines of Ihe company in declare resolved to an election for ,Kxr purpose of aetecltata; the Another sWiaTatch from the sama thn Telerraaf report that tbe Germans serve for wbicn I have been sirisg. ' Albania, or El I'aso for ihe entertainment or the Sebastian rounly unlit the United States the cause mnstituUonal Mrewnjent. The complications in where source reported wiRlIrslalioa at bite evacuated Utiend. gllng." Probloaa aWnOJiJ. Greece has aent troops to occupy Ertru, 1st favor at a war agahsst tha delegates. Mayor Kelly, Judge Adrian Ito), department of Justice decides what courae Laud supposedly Incurring the displeasure or Chrlsltaas, aa said BrdsitMi were ludge Pey'on Edwards, and alt who have U i" be pursued, according to local federal Ml the, larae landed catates owned by Tbe land itvteallun la dealt with In word. Arrives la New Orleans. sympathizers, soma or them princi- thst leave no doubt of Hvelr nettling. Italy, whirl) country reels a special Inter bftsw iaaur' alsa'g tbe KgypMaa aided in making live program entertaining, rerleus offilaU. Huerta all In repuev I ha ettent, will be confiscated by of the treat eatates the est In that territory. believed to after IruaUrr Turkish cal airy Uitlsaa the owpera or automobiles who loaned I heir I iría Creek mine where seventeen palities - are to be confiscated for the benefit or somewhat the alignment which would bate are reported ta he lu the aelgMor-hoo- d machines tbe slghlseelng or Juarex New Orleans. Oct. 10- ,- Tbe Southern federal receivership employes, accompanied Ihe new ronstilullonalfal government or ago, guM Akabah, for lour Pad. tne people. Th present owuers. If liter resulted a montlt from Turkey'a en of the of the and El I'aso, tbe Chamber of Commerce flc steamer porieus, disabled Wednesday by two deputy United States ruarshaU, Mealed, according la the daclslon of 0"' . nut oDDOSe tba taking of one third of or sea. y trance Into the field operations. Tbe Med tq w re away a ruslUade rifle AguaseaJtenics convention. This la In ac- itietr prup-rt- are to be allowed to rataua Al- I hadlan for Its booklet on El I'aso, presented the lu the gulf stream, arrived here late today driven under of news from Alliens Hut Greece entered H olflrUll) aaaeuared an with tho withes ot General Za- balance. In the event l hey contest use) bania or Triple En- troops are flgMkig both Ulla Europe convention, the John Brown ramp of united ir. low- Other than the loa of bar propCUcr shots from attacking parly on Thursday, cordance the with the consent ibe pata, whose slate, Moreloi, contain llOlliiuucij uu ! tente was a puzzling phase or the situa and Talag Tau w Has the allies. (continued on rage g.i Ihe vessel was not damaged. uas quiet and descried ttday. native rf PASO MORNING

riBy' atditjf irm cbáí are repofwé W W rxler Um tea pnfcirnie ptoaai coeAoefM the rwrmans to withe aw tomé IrOpWáBI flBMaBamiWalsVaM RS 111 whet, while the antlrti M rtent are A812WA MINES Mid M bare been able t omance en im Tne) aarno Hoe further tnto Mte tajaw-wwo- c the Brillan Mr! force eeor )ffea)Or or NG TAX PAYE Saturday Special eoawieta three mofrtwra, mtM enimri by1..j ana a oaiuesnip wnn nRaK4o- - can't strovera are croftllnr tM ahina frotn at id t mH lacks from Oerman aubmerinea, which Have VALUATMHf Of pRtL'CaMl AND mH fjjg antos, toren.. jet rats. Tom ati. & siM of bk hat been hovering around tne coast. rwrmwem rnmrnTiani rixen Our Boys A Oerman official report eeya (hoi Bun AT W,W,Of., in th hat In Department kirk Is preparing for Mere tftet Ht wbt'i populace la ready to flood theailocality In Don't case of a Oeirnan advance. fnereao ef Ifrerly Tare MM of eHaf tkf oounti No important development are reported qrrt rranens veera maewwf buy VELVET b from Utiiela or Poland today. - H fonnd by Cennnlaalanare. '' 50 dozen corduroy WUh the announcement that Baron Flitter imHTEIS HUE cfltisM it's in a bit? tin. will succeed Prince Louis or nattenfeerg Pi Time aVrofef CormponttHt from M as flril sea lord or the Mmiraitr, the news PhoeMi, Oct. so, The twe entinud Paa bécauw tbtr' knee Pants, all on part Art., date but paper believe (hat the ; warfare the comnlslen Mes recently issued ttatetttenta big A- - Mme or tne navy win no proiecuiea aicraiy. snowing whet tbe valuation or the pro veteran. Mr. Mfry VELVET in th sizes, 4 to 16 "The essence or war Is violence: mod duclng end mme. of the mr ine seoiiei on et raao, ana neat eaten eration in war 1 Imbecility," li quo of atata on we basis of the output of m ",rU IK sayings. lrl, 2J& Admiral Fianer Under the lew the valuation ta fixed by ' - I taak la tt tha' A renewed demand being maáe for certain methods and the taxes are uh Be Stedoeral chapter. D. A, K, the doling of the entire forth tt)4 on prodyemg mines, but the se Mr. Camtt, the planting- - Qt mines there. iwwwm pmtrvwt ,vtitit itiiivh mines, tnea mat are not operating it M s ma artimnni tha ru thai aHiaau 50c A majority of thé newspaper eapress taxea a hcuímti a Pair profit mnot piv iwon different ta haha tha aaa Sn mrwcr tiaMoal'tNtf efTVILYITT mnttAmrn In tha lovatur te the eeuitlry er mine mr.miié u u basis value. The proaueing ef aTMal im proceed letfe, or Prince tout of Patteneerr, but raw tne tMa year g ven mi, t ntinioteri awe are at a value raee kmeinot fts or them consider mat ma rewmanon wm or an over we of.et for their leesetmg Mm Ú fM,Tije.7, increase pmt' the wttoteft to coewrttet me ser-- JibenJ ot wise and desirable. oil year of nearly two tnilHón dollars effka; wtky 'ivw vi rmt cem fStamWm Tne ng mines nave s imm nm aeifiwi. resotnitan ti Katcky 206-1- CERMANfl AOAIV wat road y Mr. umH Wpw ot 0 value of UMiiiKM for the purpose of aoepied fe, The EVACUATE LILLE. fe-- Nt4, 04 we wm rtohtf Uxatton. making total r ait mine value t ictímmUic mi Si.n Ulf the .iiiofoffrf Prf or aeaosea.ti, Itiwe'R Moga' London. OcL -(- ti4l a. m.lThe ; bef, Mile, aeorá-I-0r rrensttfen enewa hteMase. a - - l 'at: t M muA Antdnio Q mans have araln evscualtcl Vir-r- f Store to the eorrespondrrt or the Dally Mall one Ronceante feature or tne report Of sSafaVnyo to the U.iTc. eenrerrften hive "fyjii ftf ' In France, lie say the tilled rmles have tN mines Is that nearly ytatanr K praise Kl Pase, aem ror a s: eight million copper, far advanced beyond Lille on the north and pound of tMW PWr tttttoe of wm ojty, , ounrea or roin. a minion ana a lie it ounces 3DC secured Turcolna-- driving the .Cernían i a ntvetr Buy, , paen ny It 175,080 more -,' forres a cgnajderabla distance to the eaitf of Mirer, pound of lead, then and woae- saM Mrs. o. Sea- - iwd aw nan minion peímos pi sine, nn rOmeet ward. Quicksilver n wm nrv mm m einr The Inhabitants or L lie are how hopeful WAOO pounds of were era. .I... duced by these mine and plsced the AuJllUI.j v U .TI that this will prove the final evacuation, urn u the .correspondent say, and preparations market, the tnoet noticeable increase waa twa year, 4 1 know thet every Raptor tnet or quicksilver, or wnicn; are are beinir made. W set up a nw machinery there , pr civil life. goo4 depodt In Arizona, etBVÉalUin ta I hair allU. ibi. sent such a network or hostile Interest It la expected by the ate tax contraía Kolly 1 t no of me iweoteft woman TURKEY'S Greece and rtalkan nailon slew that many mine in the ATTACK that the other Look ror the of the new 1,9m had the pHamre or nmimr, and SATURDAY may easily be drawn into he vortex. group win increase during ke rm been uw nnttr year worker fot ICooiioutd from Pitt one) Creed, it ta behaved, will likely be the Itabblta at Ardotn's Market. (Adrertlaer the present to such in extent that Iba aaiáeeaa nr tha aaavaatiaa la rfi.i. first state now neutral to ihrow her weight ment.) they win pe jn the producing group of against the Ottoman army. Bulgaria holds ...... v. vjr ,u tfins uto anu by Araba make al- ,uiinimii pled hostile would It a remarkable position, fine is bound to PLENTY Of BIQ OAME. vaJnatlon aesion roll around next year, ReirMai Aertaeonr Mepioyed. most impoistb i ta march an army over-Uo- liilsate by racial Ilea and to Orral Britain Sore Fast Horse at Male Fair. WW, BHsaneih Wtat Ctme, of Whamn, by obligations for diplomatic support In N'ew Mexico Sporlsman'a Paradise Ateerd- - The com trig state fair, open in atefad t ih wm over tho Specials! which lvtiréen Meat TURKEY HAS COMPLICATED the pail war. But her interests ana mo to Annual itepori ot varoen, Phoenix on November o, will nrm together Mnrrm, vn nnuy occien aeceraen im THE EUROPEAN WAR. are violently hostile to Turkey and BV Ttnt$ Bf(da Corrnpondint the greatest aggregate of speed horse hoatea chapter end eopeelilly Mrs. Kelly, Oreoce. t Santa re. N, M Oct. SO. That there are ever gathered on an American track. There "It l so hweiliatmr to see io-- m or the By the Aiiociatci fr or thj London, Oct. W.IU p. m.) The com An attempt to Invade tn with plenty or bear, deer, and wld turkey in will be no less than firiy-flv- e driving n '"W?; eoevefiifon.' he hM. iauuiiu, practically all ranrea of any alte nep 'that I Havo often tnónint that if n plications of be European war Germany and Russia righting on the other mountain mm wijn rccofaj jet tnsn ma ror would hare been or Stventy-flv- e to My wy atone rerTiome HnHsmR9H side. Is the plan mllltiry men believe in new Mexico ta tne assertion piste the mile. mare have records of the slur Pork Roeet. ,,.... 20c lb. further landed by the entrance or tho Oame Saca, who and allaatta that aim hua ,ha . Fwh U Turkey la likely to attempt to carry out. Warden Trinidad C de better than gift, never before in history 1 nnW Of those who hayo Fancy . , , 5c lb, . Turkish empire into ino conflict on tho The Portuguese government describes the u rnriMil with the aillltance or state falra haa there been audi a host worked bwdeit for the Beef Oven Roast or rnrmer B. Oterg, In compiling or ircuiu uo Yimmw to cry ror a aide the Teutona. Following the Oerman invasion of Angola aa a small af- Warden Pare fast horse ror one week' meet. Th. wnote and Pqrk Loaf , , , 20c Jb, oiplolt in bombarding TheodosU. his report. This will be pro. d'y and Right. Tho hasten ha for f t fair, but it la thought here that It may id cumiug iront pit nvev vie eouniry w been tea ran in tha FMurTX1 - Vl Rutila, Turklah destroyers have sunk tha result In bringing rortugal, definitely ln' rusely lliuitrated and whll It wilt not try out the finest track to be round, the uinnl. Narrow Breakfast Bacon, 4 to 6 lb. av, .... . 25c lb, gunboat Donuts in Odessa harbor direct the Inquiring hunter to the exact spot one trick in auto- ber hvo been too eater to provide for Itunlin the general war on tbe aide of the triple the United Slates where , jwile 1 lb. end damaged three Hutalan and one French entente, where the bear or deer la legated It wilt be mobiles make sort dirt records on the wnrrotmco or qetegateai Nations Pure Hog Lard, lb...... 5c advrtlsln-th- e Ibey, Werajetl too merchantman. Wewa received from tho or considerable usefulness In same nupse tne ftorsea make ,rast miles. Hyi Mrd to Mvo ta auf lb. western battle of the sports- Home Dressed Hens 2214c l'o official declaration or war hat yet lines tonight Indicates that the Oerman' attractions this state for Preparing for Big Read Raee, made, man. I,,wH,1(1,t,, chapter, Mayer Kelly and been but the Turkish action aeemi desperate attempt to gain Caíala and com- Autoist are checking to. and of IW area, or con- out ww cuniripuieft tpe Dressed Turkeys Home Dressed Ducks v to make It probable that the mand the English channel has failed for Phoenix rapidly now to make li to er tb ie Home - ceiling that' 110 gold the entertalament tha ,h. flict rnay be greatly widened and tho tha promt. The floodlna- or the vallev How about offered end or two iiai..a on Made In America Page last Sun. the desert road race course of automobiles, ano; everyone who In any Home Dressed 'Springers lasuee Involved. The palkaniv . whence by the Yser canal, together with, the work the in preparatory to the big send ofr. Tuesday prank the present European conflict, pre mo day's Times for tho best rewritten adt SeaUhipi Received Daily. ' or orinan warships and or the Belgian FUtt Miller, with hi Fort plder, or Doug Co Pleased WIHt ttotnltnWy, Oysters Many .answer have, already been sent in. to r. you an equal enanca yet, la, reported tbe local sharps irter Mr, Mamie Wynne Cox. of pro. California, put cave .ana run over tbd road, and at Mar, Freeh Trout Freeh Fith ,4 p. m.. Oct- - St. Just eventide peouttmi, most until Saturday, e f"? Thomas brothers in the glgantfa Oldsmo-btl- hospitaWe and m?s( entertaining city in Blue Valley Butter, left for, El PiaO to get ready to start, '."t ." - have he PECOS FAW OFFICERS ELECTED. Tx. "l had best time I .. .. : Tbe largeit and smtlleit car er tbe great ever h4 fa nv tiran ha ..i Jil'i, BcunJking By Association Already Oroanlzino Tor Next raco therefore met In rrlendUaeet yester- been given roe by the gwerouá Kl Paeoaoa. Mail Year1 Exnosliloa. day to meet again in a battle er smoke, They - AM TO OWBT AAVWGS ACCOUNT nevor know when stop when they JTJaT KABX A WIT UB AS blast and smell when or 220 Mea KOTJSK TOU LIVKD NSXT DOOR. ' Time (Special (jorrttponitent fthJnehert El Paso renra ainwnrn or are entertain-In- r i'ecos, iei., ,uci. jo, me iieerea county get the boya away Sundav alarkt'a ueelr. vll(ri. um thau a . . ...US oeetf laUMit, twloe ver year. Wo do El Paso Motoreycliaut Wo 9T P eeapeded fair Aiaoclailon. under a new colter of la PhoeaU. make any sacrifice necessary ror the com- - 27t Avné nname ador Use depoattgrtr rawiMaty law of tato Stavto of Tea- t- electing orricera aa far In advance aa jinoues, w. u uear KiaUng 4 ror ai i. rau av Ouoxauatr TwaA Bastk. aa prenrldad by amen law. has clionn' ll board or directora and I. 0. oeschner, all W and are The rotlowlne- - of Pao, A the lots fair. were elected! representing tho pas NotOfcycle tat adAtUoai to beta convenient. U nafa, M. 11. Moore, cjly club : v., wrutyvi Oh pin, yrfltal W. Collie. F. W, Johnson, Wm. Phoenix g miar uiu WkotvL Moboéy auu error loot av dollar ta a Wa. Bank U W. P. lirady, It. 1). Link, B. w. Ward and arrived in on Tuesday to ttnd undone or unthpught of 0 make the Tka the meeting the ruul arrangement, for tbe benilne a WJUWB TOBAX OTJK JTOUDB BOOKX.KT, "BAXXEKQ UAXXT immediately after atoekholdera' b . a"aw.(Miue. wjii iiwaya rOK T immediately arter ine stocanoiuera raniing, bicycle grind during fair week between or eaptured Conedrit battle flags, Wok Mrs. W, .t. Srown and Mr. Berth Cetitnoa mi mptrvr xaxxi touk betosht. aud elected the following otficerai M, W. tno two fastest growing c tie in tne south- - Dowltngeetnrolttee, corwrtltte to looato Stark. Moore, " Collie, president) Wm. IL vice pres- west. back here 'a orten aa poséale, Confederate menureents. The afternoon session eonrened at 4:98 c CO., 1 P. John for the t EL PASO BANK TRUST ident! 110. Link, ecretaryj W. womaa'a aud Federstien in r, mo During tne conven- - o'clock, and. a number Of the delegate, vis Pa, Thii son. treasurer. settle ,1 vvuiacu mildOBt Hamil yesterday réível 1 teta. waa at- uienuaic. a nine town nine miles north- ' r. I MO mna i'asoans aram rram hi T. Warner, manarla editar ted the Confederate cemetery, The grave Tlie atoekholdera' meeting welt west ta mu. A tut f am ,k. ti v tended, practically every bualneas In Pecos or Phoenix, is now entertaining tbe .J. pf the Houston rost, congratulating, tier m of Yeterwa Ma Daughters of tho Can,. annual or seijtltnen of an reejeney, who are purled coy. . being represented, and a number or farmers sessions the Central District filrrolndedPimnter of her there were ' The Federation or Club eftd witn loweri, who own stock were also on hand. Woman's of Artxon Mrs, Mary E. Bryan reported to the con report or the management or the fair for and a large number or women are iq enoughend1 u!iVnW,W veo Men the Houston Telegram ha SI was auupicci wmi inmune, n from all part or the central Practically the entire day yeaterday wan that history or tier ...... : nromlaed to give space to 1 U, B, C. de nabbtt at Ardoln' Mrkt(Advertlv the first report In the this fair or counties or the state. Phoenix la rep eotuiumail itlinaiuit. At Tt... ment.) ' which ahowed a balance in bank after all by only ibout third nf lhejlmTbelng devoted' partment, to be edited y her. and anted if running expenses and every other current resented allegation of tweqty.three. that all chapter new sent her rrom the prominent club woraeo. The principal ad- uw4uwu or tne qay. : debit Item had been paid, and waa made , n 7.1 chapters be In the See Made In Amerle page, Sunday Its, or the-- various would prlfl!d Ttmí? 17 Granulated Sugar $1.00 in spite or the fact that one day out of the dress event wU be delivered by depertment column. f to In gold for' the, b rewritten four waa "rained out.". Mrs. Henry D. Host, president of the State id. The polley outlined will be porta, Texa room. Confederate mtiHure, MM Myr c, Winkler, of the ei earned out to the extent of aDDOtntlnr all Far Municipal Lljlit PlaeL chanter, was escorted to tbe platform foand How about getting that HO gold ottered- - Morris & Co, Sugar Cured Hams, per lb 20c an early Especial department heads at date, A movement, wa begun tha A.PMw rt0fí 'IIMÍ, Hood' made short speech Iff which aha thanked on the Made In America Page In last Sun , care will be taken to build up the agri in session memorial Itt, Morris & Co, Bacon, per lb , , or the city commission on Tpediy to committee, educational tne csevenneo tor tne reverenee in wnicn day Tima for the beet rewritten sut. 25c cultural ana uva sioc cnui at tne worn. emmlttae, oemmlttee en the memory of her mother, Mr, Av V, on tn strength or the showing made, and establish a municipal lighting plant for placing Picture Many answer have already been sent to. 4 Lbs. Fancy Peaberry Coffee pres oomm Wlnkter, la held by the slate visten, you have -- $1.10 n spite or the untoward financial .oondi. phoenix and thus save W per cent or the tpo71.1 rvawi, but an equal chene yet, and !0-l- lions are general, a number or shares preaent cost, report, cmmlttoer secure the rotura solo were aun oy . K aster, unit) 0 p. m- - Saturday,. Oct, 31. White Leaf Lard, b. size that or double the efficiency or Mr. I, $1,50 or the (air1 stock have been '1 thii tho present system at. the present coat. Cottolene, 10'lb. size ween. The city l purchasing light for itreet BS9- - ...,.$1,40 i lights from the Pacific Ots 10-l- Bee Made in America Page, Sunday Times. and Kiactrio Snowdrift, size $1.25 oitijiuijr, which in mm purchases rrom 10 n gold for tho bast rewritten ad, it 16 Lbs. Sweet Potatoes, ,25c the united statea reclamation service, The cost to the city per kilowatt 1 5 cents, 1 TIRED OF LUX 3 Lbs, Colorado Potatoes. ,25c whereas the city could purchase from tho reclamation aervlco direct or an averite 3 Quarts Cranberries, . . . . 25c Mrs. Rjchard Rose Write Not to Husband. or 9 tents per kilowatt, ana rire ratal nuuei. It (4 estimated by city Manager 4 Lbs. Bulk Starch . , ,25c Desnondent and. tired or lire, Mrs. nicb- - rarrlsb, WÜI Buy in t. who an engineer pf experience, that the Mat $15 Clothes Meatj, ard Hum, or no. i Crawford apartments, expense New Bulk Mince 2 lbs for 25c yet total to which the city wilt be Main atreet. erday morning urea put in Installing system, together pistol into breast. Deattl audi bullet lur left r'th additional pumping equipment for the Try Our Fresh Meat Department. Only the beat was Instantaneous. water plant, wilt THEHE'3 nothing unusual about a $1 S.prica for a suit or overcoat? we of body by H. L, be allghtlr In ex.eae of The was discovered Mr, sao.Q80. allowing so per cent ror - Meats handled Morris, who occupies an adjoining apart entW- don't rnentlen the price as a special reason for coming here; but if you e at lowest price. gcnciea, ana mat me annual cost of e ment In the seme building, and urkeen will be lemawiMt ever coroner 1. J, Murphy, who wa notified, theee ADLER'S "COLLEGIAN" suite and overcoats that we offer at $15 se.oew.' This will be an Immense aavWf for found a note addressed to the husband or the city. yau'll wha,t the unfortunate woman ta which she had realize a chanca wa offer ytu, m m CUT PRICE GROCERV that e was tired of life. written Mr. d DUeka at , Her love ridvu. They're remarkable goods at ...... , , Iloie declared for her husband Usoment.) ,)10 V AND MEAT MARKET I and begged that he alwaya remember her. The husband la employed aa barber it . Beat antes. carenH omtra. PmoxM He, tu Sheldon hotel. He was at work when IAdennemenu Mrs. Rose was M 1571-157- the tragedy occurred. Phones 2. 40W10 Wyoming St. j ears or age. M'Re.VALO TALKS IN CXBUUCRMT, The funeral wlH be held this aflamo ' from the chapel SU .Meneen, simmoaa t New Mexico Governor Raptalae reMUe on ástíf-- . Hartford, on North urcet. f Jleavrwa, fpeekl Wire ta re TImh See Made in America Page, Sunday Times. cioudcron. n. m.. net. " w. lio in gold ror the beet rewritten ad. & McDonald, of Mw NhIco. afflv4 We morning ITS oJHr wetMierfwl hew ' this it 0:3, acseiawaiM MeT Caaat Zeae'letwiiary, ecmocratic county aaaajai I, iiitMsli yelue H4e.Út Panama, Oct. 30 iKfi-I- or the PsAaaVu Morrett. secretary MHHlticaia we tet IV canal jono are much, coaearned over tee mil. A4ler fetl-ae- 4 Our One Rutes developed over we ratification for the state) . Hero y laal a War to or0ltlon leglslaiure from txero aasMfar-- w1 reet fmH Panama MseotWy new voree- -. by the of tlx oel uu i unte stnnier ana peen mi ff wow Wiitr We Uve h. Hetaatfua 194 dn acne boundary convention, wJcb waa iff veeVw W YOUNG MVfS JPVW "V Galvaataat ed by representotlve of Ma United sHoto i no eavsntar sHiHt' in tit ' le)iiont a rot mty el tKep et I tlClfl S innn and Panama September f. pavilion, whit lutt sjs)am '"15 ; yea'aj be vHWwp Ve aey IfWM - X Resident or tbe district or IH lajtestM, every cttlsen of tat orMi'Si'J' fet) 9At9 MMaR V which, It X proposed to cedo to Pasante an t length W la itMH ratho taWasM'eiHI-le- C- Witt Weee Beebs t'Hton akaftaskul VeBalamT - riaKe) fan those, yen eea X exchange ror Colon barter, oeefere snot ty, and otear are the placing Laa Paneana! at ,entln Mm $T? goed en of sabeaea tinner Istua In the nimnajam aatd aaM I flee 4t TARTAN mm. have fam Í WVea Uaee a X Ubmih jurlaeieilon would probaMy reoutt n nr at Issue In tha r amps owing to ttra increai tenoeton. ror the eledten ef a fiaeaaorn to OyMIPlAiOS 8av aaapa Texai fer Tax epposltlen la behur fostoron also W it Lotataisbw -- S)ixefl . S Cuten merchante. It i tatd, on (satrloMe waajl Wem4ftsmmH iMal aJ lasoeae. Caller eavsrTa)e aaatec eese pa tQBU log RMtonat por). airó, aV EI Pm f rr 1 oe Caetees naai -S- Seo Made In URGE M. wlO 4.2S- Amanea Par. atmtiat eeeheJMr Xmt-- h goia ror ta hetr Oate Way te New Yerk '.aX & StovM.Heit Vtaveat rait, choice of nr vW i st. we eea e Jf rout, em RAKnew rwt ryan. bartaOtM fea; iMs Woit ee ji IPX How OjIum or ntveeton. m X " h far- meala natd bwtj, freo ti Header, Meetetle VwtM Ckerien lMot for Rf ona tuuiai noevee avawl laasnpes: rtMt,ttiti TWC t. lsa a( IMaUü -- -' 200 to cleae et eajg iff oeHUd rrtt et imtJfAntonio?., Oct, M.-- W, . Reoh. ftaJM an .American Mining ng anear wheed b held In Vm Santa eeaowa ajeoci Jttet MaaWal yy aaaciovto mraora, 44 immi i at rnrien! ef Wtav ah poraieat, H U M, a a Vetaak pafaarixtl of W.m. Tne rafcin ot ka As ek Urf UvyCÍToflbryCo wsm was MM by VSJta orlialaieh' im laHr7,M!M br Morreef. waa ereaawd na eaninaj fertiW raaen a a of Ma ar fA KWW láflK MaUV iai .waman ...... 0JV LÜt"1! 'SSL Tas Anaaotran Maamy aa4 Mlltanar enaja-pe- W YMtVX AMO I Wkl I I aatawrlty far Itx sunaai E lje WMH JMaaian M poaat w Mm an , Tro Tmtom M lefBjHry AvneKri H fIf C W iaa sr. n mmtá ae lean Oreru m.

- se. 3Ai r : uri. .wmrwmwwmmmm r aa i it i 1.1 at a aruajaMBjOxl MeMaM III H ill II Itaflg lálaiitHr' hW8. Ttefc.:, áai a "ST mmkwm "V" rUTH GUILTLESS Infants9 and Children's Dav Todav The Winners Brinf th little MM kerc to the "PopuUtr" where their needs are looked alter as carefully as are their grown MAM TMSjfc Wethers and sisters. Note these special values; OTATE TO :M f. H. OfriiT. In the rtnui mjwcouwb WAXruf- - sowNi and autesemm. -- . INFANTS' FtKHCCD KIMONOS, A NEW SHIPMENT OP DUTCH ehim Hiwrted ts ee-- feá; r Shown fa aaveral stytsa of tieav-- 6Bp ANGORA BONNETS AND KNIT fleeced otklaa;, also colors, TOQUES "PopiilarV saaíat AMeeed Mi f sm ...... DUC Hhown In white tire, In blue or M.IIMlWlMiw tnfaats' ataaa only rfk A broad choosing is offered In tho HO. i KIND'S "VKKV real brhs-tt- e, cheiea .. DUC pink, with dainty designs, excellent many different styles and colors to Made in America nWr oaaatett aeCnatr brvtehea; INFANTS' JÍIJMMMWJWN grado íleccedowaf match sweaters. Prices range from Hrehaa Hmlte4 ,t cms rQ RACKS, Me choice . ... 50c brush! e to sím...m....,u9C Kalt wH alderdaw sacquea in 25c, 50c to S1.00 Contest Hile, Tet, 0t. --AKhto a. MiMelh JHUffTUS TOOTH BRUtHK8 white eatlre wkh pink or bluo INFANTS' X)TTpN GARMENTS SETS , in Gold, to ef Kl Pao, wanted Wo i 'aaswer twenty quality atylfta trlmmtaa;; an eatra. 25c FÜR FOR TOTS" tit PrUo,...... 30.ee la aart4 aná Ktiet ,t folks 3 years may affidavit fttM Imí rrfcMr. Mrtmc hit faca limited value I.lttlo, from to ( MISS NANCY" EDWARDS i purchase to two at ....OUC Fleeced cotton undershirts, whits, choose as else, wttti forgery of .alleged - 6 to Sité INFANT8' PETTICOATS AT 23c here nowhere Whlto cowtterfelt cr- brushes; 8ytal, long sleeves, sisea up to 1 years! an angora, Imlc ermine, cooney and 3nil S10.00 In Gold, to reaey of General. MejUcen eaoh ia Ffceced, loas; pettteoata In white or Prize...... VI1U. leader, ar ...... it.. t.lUC excellent garment at, OP - lamb! all new styles and exceptional Mil. JACK SKINNER rlved te txilM yeterdy month) la cu In pink or blue stripes, hemstitched bottow: special each Ov values at tedy Bf puty. nMUf .R. B. C 3rd Prlro., ...... $6.00 In Gold, to He 8ai. 25 COATS FOR CHILDREN OF TWO h ceonPMtd r Jada J. F WtkS WOOL DRESSES $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 MR. PAUL HALE or pato, CHILDREN'S VEARS si bis attorney, wbo made a tor VAL- - UP TO FOURTEEN CHILDREN'S SWEATERS 78c mal itatemcnt nr w4m. INIMITABLE tC Ail 13 Prize or $1.00 Each, to tho ing ei tihif vm AT iO.UU S3.95, SS.0S, M., f7.Se Offered In an excellent quality; that ven if ta o charge sgalnst McMath grey, cardinal, brown! following! could bo Droved, toe 'defensa wouM aet Saturday Come la sisea id 14 years, Includ. Not a visitor to this splendidly mer whits and ho Ing completo color rango In all chandlsed section but agrees that values to 1.5, L'croy Hill, ArhAlla.- - TNapoles, Fran- Jt ttt had net violated tmr law of. 'a 75 C uní, murmur upen agreement wiw the popular, dependable fabrics such valuea as ara shown here aro ces 'Dodge, Jnek C. Vowell, Mar the county, attorney. Justico Spédali; linea sizes an exception not a ruto, anywhere. SUITS AT V.9 Work fUd but are broken aad from 8VTTER gKret Myers, Made-lW- o McMath'a bond at KMO. eur regular lines that sold up to Beautiful styles, excellent materials, Pure trool sweater, drawer-le- Jíoórc. ííób't.. $9.9 1, Serges, worsteds, cheviots In colors to please mamma and kid. gings: a most remarkable Tandy, Ruth; Mt Morris,, Ern-rre- d Math folfo wed an lavestigattoer by Cowm' . ',,' RUBIFOASt" TOOTH WAWÍ Reg-,til- ar and novelties; . r dlo both. 8top In and sea them Value,, Saturday, at $1.00 Bet's, Crldtin llrown, Nadlno Aituiucj barrio cuuicfteon alter approxi- nn , Saturday. n, mately .oso, or alleged icpurioua VlHa 25e Blae; Saturday , t n Saturday su.uu . P,9rtcr, Wjtytlé'an-rrfctt- Flnloy currency had been tumid pver "to blm, all day ...... AUt Opal Onrrott, Virginia Tray-lo-r. and after Oeaerat Villa hd teat here i WOMEN'S OUTING GOWNS special aecrct.scrvlco agent, A- - WIIjLIAMS TAXjO POWDKn The Busy "Popular" C 0raar, lya9 Store (Second Floor) who awore? out the srriaavit, McMatfl M Kegular lie atsw; OFFERS JUST THE KIND OF VALUES AND THE GRADE OF MERCHANDISE The winners will please, call at tho arreated la fcl raso Friday AND Fleeced outing gowns of tho and Waa'heW Saturday alt 'day, ...... ;..i5c THAT EL PASO PARENTS BOYS LIKE. and' on a telegraphic warrant rrom Dalia. , BOYS' NORFOLK. SUITS BOYS' GAUNTLET GLOVES Leather batter grades are hero In a "Popular" receive their prizes. Iteuhir Sta-to- n JC McMath nor hit attorneys, FARiMAN IVOKY COMBS Larga "POPULAR SPECIAL" at, ...... ÍCaj.49 tleeco lined or unllned, black, tan, broad choosing of desirable Tho judges, Hon. Jos. Nealon, Mr. & Weeks, of El Paso, made any effort ) stylos. Many Of are to 'or combination toothy i o E to 18 sized, In greys, browns, tans and grey; also mooha finish or leather these Wyche Oreer and Mr,. J, C. aocure hia reloaso there, bat Jttdge . . . , In the, Weeks, who Is Saturday all day,n,.. .IOC blues, In mixtures, stripes and checks; some wrist gloves, for dress, all sixes. made new "mannish" were unanimous In associated wijh 'Attorney styles; large, roomy garments their Mlllikea k Puckltt or Dallas In defense or have two pairs of knickers; all aro made of for boys. Saturday. 39c highly efficient, McMath,- 4711 LIQUID GLYCERINE SOAP In atrlpes and fancy designs. praise over the said (that his client expects to h puro wool in wfnter weights, with stitched bond immediately appearance all day, n g BOYS' UNION SUITS Grey flap scat Prices range from masterful way In which every ono for his . . C belts and pleats. An exceptional ( Mf berore the grind Jtfry,- and tfien when the 3 bottles 'for. , aíü unions In good quality fleece lined,, IJS5, 91.45 to $1.03 of tha hundreds of essays Trere grand acta, proceeding value. at i...puXJ to IS years. Saturday only iry win be taken 'TAR. HATS SMALL ROYS Offer- Art written, and It was only, with the by means or habeas corpus to, test jee. PACKER'S SOAP Regutaf TYROL FOR THREE SUITS ....M.UU WOMEN'S OUTING GOWNS torre ry cbarges. 2So also; Saturday o . ing discontinued numbers, styles very be- Basement Special. most painstaking study and com- Slalemest of Attorney all day .IOC coming to boys 3 to 8 years of age, formerly BOYS' WORSTED SWEATERS Jer- Generously modeled, well parison that the final decisions In fcompany-''wtt- Atlorney Tom' Mil. sold, at Í1.2C up to'fS.OO; materials are felt, sey sweaters, roll or Byron collar with gowns made In whlto or In wero, rendered. Wo rogret that tho likens Judge' Weeks iftjdo the D. and R. COLD CREAM Regular plush and chinchilla; all colors, "button, grey, bluo or red, 1 A A fancy Btrlpes; neck and . rn cuffs ,, 6 0c sire i Saturday ( or- Special valuo...... )UC all alzos; Saturday 8peclal px.vv Illness of Mr. a. A. Martin pre- "in" tbo flrat place, Mr, McMath embroidered with silk and Is al) day ...M.i.k.i.uuC spoke his finishing tho work ha as ond or the" best cltlicas or EI stitched. vented Paso and he has never before been prose, POZZONI'S FACE POWÓEft SATURDAY SPECIAL had begun in judging this contest any cutedjon felony charge. Tho state will Regular DOo size. SWEATER EACH 69c and tho "Popular" wishes to ss furely(rail to convict him on any of Saturday all day;, . .. . tncsej 35c (Me COATS Its' sincero gratitude to both even judges and contestants, and wo "But admitting the truth or what TOILET WATER As- the in LAZELIS RUFFNECKTCOAT all' El Pasoans will con slate cUlms the charges' agathal sorted odors; Saturday SWEATERS IN HEAVY WORSTED Mad trust that bim( he haa violated no law or Texas. OT reel, 6 to "Boom Boost and Con- SSS I with two pockets, navy, brown or grey, sizes "Ta beg-i- with, eince or all day .Ol C im m SBJJSBJ the death Presi- I. I I I I to IS years; Saturday Special'. sume" Made In America Produots. dent Madero, tho, United State or America ...... !...... JOOi has recognized, no government In Mexico Huerta, was certainly never recognitea by tho United States, and, although Huerta was recognited by sorao foreign countries. Carranza and moro particularly General Villa "have never been recognized by any government. counterfeit because the origínala were not was Ignomlntously disarmed, and locked up, appeal. On September ta last Itargrave money. The occurred at the place com was a verdict of io.ooo by a jury 'But 'General villa, Carrant and a great POSTAL BANKS Incident warded They cannot he forgeries, as allegad ARE monly known at tho "Bend," where the In the Forty-firs- t district court, rjatntlif number, or other leading Mexicans organ sweep Mexico and was a In the employ Ued a party In1 ttJC cases against Mr. McMath, .even if river takes a broad into formerly brakemad or Insurrectos for the avowed boundary Is only by a few or railroad company In gritona and, purndse overthrowing tho regí the state could prove ii)em, which, we con- the marked thi of Huerta monuments, mostly covered with under- according to his complaint, received in- me. Ort Its race, ttjat seems regular, enough, fidently say, cannot be done; Forgery la FILLED defined.1 as tho making 'or a false Instru- WITH CASH brush and placed at a considerable dis- juries when a train on. which ha, was em On ef Tli but they have never been rccegplied by apart. Haggerty Is by no means ployed parted near Hardy, arts. Sand and tbo y ment,' purporting to bo the act or another tance united States., tho or L'ncie Sam's righting men to rust, blown from Hifl air brake hose, ho Not Thtan of Value. aad which would Increase or diminish the first pecuniary obligations or another. These ENORMOUS INCREASE IN DEPOSITS SINCE make the same blunder. complained, permanently Injured plaintiff's "In "seme way 'Oenerat Villa has had OUTBREAK OF WAR IN Yesterday at noon, at the request or eyes. Over-coat- printed a lot or paper1 which ha calls instruments are not, repretniec( to bo Suits s EUROPE. Kelly, provost . marshal, Hag or tnoney-fUy- set of any person or binding on any. Lieutenant v. "n U not xecogalseCL as éueb' the' Ardoln'(d-vertlem?n- .) Dnfl. 'They would not bo, the discharge or gerty was released by the Juarei authori- Fryers st in tne. untied states or truaay .civilised his horse and equipment turned country"1 even' In Mexico. iaonejr any obligation and they would not bear Honey WWeh Formerly Weat Into Hldlag ties an' of This Now to over to the United States customs suthorl promise-t- pay awyiniog to civic action as the assumption of any obltt Kbtrusted Code Sam aad '' does not any' Returaed to Chtasels of ties. Hti FOLLOWED A tdOSl one or even (hat It will be .redeemed by Trade, They do not create pecuniary obligations In Haggerty said he well treated while anyone.' ir is not a commodity or value In or tiMexican military, but' Prisoner Explains Hew He Left Jack Coun certainty money, war In is boon the hands the " at all. and not as and The Eurooe nrovlnr a bis upon bis return to this side requested that ty, Texas, and Wins 110 Fine. It valuó all,- - pe "K ,1 bad It would be Interesting to to postal savings in this country. From the If had at It would simply tima ryr he be detailed duty wiin tne suacaie Arthur Williams, who laid be belonged Made by Hart fSchsiff; llko or w'hat tbo' go more defply into Mexican conditions day hosuiltlea opened across the seas rot wheat article s ton pole expedition until his com tn Jack county. Texas, was yesterday fined in his connection, receipts began to increase by south can be sold ror on tne market. J but that win conje later leaps fell or Sixteenth hid time to forget tin by Judge Coldweil In corporation court many forged and bounds and Withdrawals rades the "It baa been rumored that orr. a result quito contrary, to tne pre- about ine inciacni. on the charge or vagrancy, Judgo coldweil mi? Wwx, certificates of this Villa money have been i' ' dictions or many persons asked the prisoner how he cutis to wander circulated or passed or floating In Mexico Stoo Tbose Karlr Bronetnu Canab who'. In their tmaalnatlon. saw lines or rever. TO SHOW M16SQURIANS. to far from his home, and Williams de- and la the border counties of Texas. The Ish depositors at pay wtndowa wagon aucjr uu flu vrtu.ci: II coi CUOCftCO. to again clared he followed a which hap. character or all or these certificates Is so and pave the way for serious throat and anxious return their savings to tbo to- boot-le- g body-be- SI. touts Business Hen to, Be Taken pened be traveling through that rar Is Impossible to the, genu- ung diseases, ue; a cotue or roieya and depositories whence crude that it tell iney- - came oerore to Elephant Dam on Special Train. country. Patrolman Henderson, who halts ine rróm rorged. and. even expert have Honey and Tar Compound, and tcke 'i free- inirusieu uncie sam. Will rnakc you feel like the ly, in- But the forecasters failed to reckon on from Jack county, railed to recognise. WII disagreed as to or not stops coughs and colds, heals raw At the meeting yesterday afternoon the whether certain flamed throat, loosens the phlegm aad is tho absoluta confidence of the American or or or com Hams aa a former neighbor. meeting the coldest day pieces were genuino or forged. cltuen, regardless flag met board directors the chamber mildly laxative, cms t. Miner, editor tn of the that first mere recommended that the budget rund Wanderers from other sections, with with cheerful smile. No Texas Jurisdiction. oulrer. Canneiton. Ind., had broncbal trou nis cyea, in me aouity ana purpose or tne men who to a very government to carry committee appropriate liw for tne horse Olltomlsns or claimed be "ir uch alleged forgeries have been com. bio, got hoarse, coughed constantly out lta obligation, not from the Oolden stale in the majority, were built wo or opinion they do i rom a ucjuiiig inron. mo ciea oniy only among the nations of the earth, but snow, to oe given nern next monin. They're upon honor routed, are the that to In the large collection of vagrants who come the Koley's Honey sod Tar Compound. Was en- mm mo numoiest omen or our una. A proportion to send two delegates from the first to the last not under meaning and purview tirely wants to know of have followed faced the court yesterday. Fines of lta or any law, Tbo court have ralleved. others Two lmnortant results the Rational Tuberculosis .society conven- ' Texas federal roieya .tioney ana Tar.' owi prug etore- - thousands of neonle. larrelv of forelrn next, month, were imposed in most of the cases. There atttch. . . held that such certificates would not bo tion la Denver was submitted (AuicriiKineoi.j birth, accustomed to send their ssvlngs by a representative or the Moose club, but was little money in the 'audience and most abroad, are now patrons postal-sa- of our no derinlte action was taken on the matter. or the delinquents will break rock for We are anxious to show tngs system: and enormous sums or actual tho next ten days. rash have been released ror commercial It was; decided to Invite delegates to the you just how much good- among our own a St. Louis Business Men's league Jn Bt. uies people at time when the every In i no ncea ror every avaiiaoio aoiiar is press Louis, Mo., to come through El Paso. It CHOCOLATES Vc pound day ness there is in these suits Inc. was proposed to engage a apeclal train, the week. Ardoin's confectionery. (Aaver The growth or postal ssvlngs In the United delegates to the Elephant Butte tlsemcnt.) . take the .Tf".'",.. mates jias oeen sieaay ana neanny ana them over raso and $25.00 system has an Important gap dam. and show El rilled be tho surrounding country. GIRLS TO EDIT COLLEGE WEEKLY. Seasonable tween the depository and tho fac is things tory 1, Other matters of routine business were It one of those a paymaster. On July when affairs Ella- - Paso, were running smopimy nere ana aoroaa ana considered. Mis Jarkton of El Business merchant likea to show. Specials the transmission of money across the At- Manager of Publication at Denton. lantic was safe and expeditious, there was StW TRIAL. CHANTES. 0v Times recial Corrtivondcnt Other good values, f Genuine Apple Cider New Cluster Dessert approximately s43.000.000 of postsl savings Denton, Texas, Oct 30. The first college too, at At) standing to tne crean or aooui Dcjendsat In Damage Case Have New weekly In lite south to be edited by young New Crop Raisins. Since then over 1 10.090 .060 of do- - women win oe tne Last, oy tne students ot ,f Perfectly Pure fitvt Seedless Sultana posits have been added and the number of he state college or industrial Arts in this Ór aa much aa you WAi depositors nas increased enormously, inn Upon tho plea of counsel ror ,the defend gain striking city. like, up 15c Per Quart Raisins. unprecedented is the. more new evidence the to...... )4U whan It la considered that the net gain ants that material to The movement ror tne adoption or Try Some for French Artichokes in tae last tnree monins is larger man tne cause in action bad been discovered, Judge weekly tuner to succeed the monthly or the Halloween 10c, 3 for 2 Sc. gain for the entire riscal year, lili, scores Prlre in the Forty-fir- district court yes put' Avas started recently by the College or offices have done more s terday morning granted a new trial In the rress ciun. Tne weekly will present new New English Walnuts Brusaells SprouU bustasaa since the war baa been going on case or Merkent vs. Charles teller while It ) nés and wltb its registration Saturday Extra Special! 25c Per Femmd. ISc Per Pound. than waa done By tnem during tne previous el al. in the first trial or tne case the tf yvi .tll.n(, 1h MitlMWMI. onnrld.nt ft existence of the service. The Increases are Jury ror n Its support. no special localities, awarded a verdict of si.oeo ola 7tOO to 9:00 p. m. Only On Sale All Pay New Seeded Raiatns AGUACATES ...26c confined to but have m me The oeen reu in every noox ana corner or ina tur, Nerxent, a rormer employe editors elected by the students body MliN' SILK 4 IN 11AND8 20o JAKGKIVK COTTON l'LKKOE country. New York City alone made a hotel operated by defendants, sued for are i Misa Josephine Ray. Fort Worth! UNDIUlGAIt3fENTH, JA caln In gentcmber or mora than a RrilMos. damage for Injuries slteged to have been editor. Miss Clare Ouiley, Fori Worth, i'. while Brooklyn showed a relatlvaly .wig sustained in an elevator accident some timo editor! Miss Ella Jarkaon, El I'aso, a vok ...... 50c S.TU11D.W SPECIAIi..tL:UC. lacrease, cnicago reponen a largwj ago. In the motion for a new trial the business manager, aad Miss connte Mcrar Positively the best value we've Hhlrts or Drawers, separate, or Watson Groceries In Ifca nail three nontha than far claim was made that .a material "Wttness, land. Pilot Point, assistant business man ever shown at tho price. the suit at 80c .previous twelve More 7,090 months. thaa whose whereabouts was unknown at the ager. Press Club member will have new accounts were optaea auring tne per or Hie Are Famous for Quality tod, bringing the number of depositors In time of the original hearing, bad bees charre various denartmrnta and of S that city hp to over 11,000. round and that toe testimony or tats wit general reporting. The Press Club U a llv 210 and 212 Texas St. The unesDected increase In pets would hAve Important bearlag on orginUitlon representing the only girls' buttaeas baa not only added greatly te las case, school belonging to (he Tens intercollegiate A and tho decision in tne Phonaa .5151 and 2 and 3 and 5. general administrative duties of the sga A motion ror a new trial, made by eau Pnia association, and which la furnishing S, 1Mb. but 'baa nrouaht ua many' new and company in tas casa new lo ine College rrcss service. The - canea ael for the defendant laieraetinf- preeiem wnicn nava tor or Hargrave vs. the A. T. k 8. F. rsHread, membership consists or Lucille Bunting, autster Osaaral uuriaaoa and Oovsraor was denied. Defendant gave notice ef aa Fort Worth, president, Clare Ouiley, Fort aackary. Tatrai Assittaat l'oitmaater ta worth, rice president; nuts Kline, sea sraL Hut. ahatr task baa been Hahtaast brook, secretary treasurer, and Ella Jack seaMwhM bar lae promptnass of daposHafy sea. El I'aso i tola Hooker, Be Loin t Paulina bMka. la fimaiahler aMlltonal sacurMv M Jameson. Houstoni Lottie Owsley, Den ton meet Mm saaoranl depasKa. A aumbar af cóme wawer. nenrieiiat auovb Taylor. the vary largest baaks w the country, wMM rarnvlll! Bess Hurler, WaHlst Josephine aavs iwraiawrs' aacimea n qumy ch May. Fort Worth) Elinor Eikel, New Braua. Coupon aiMoMaa far a funds, arehaoa PLA1NVIEW El Campo Camera Helen Franks, i irmeagard nasas adtoassta among the sppUcaata for tbwa. fatal Writs the aad at thras ester san Antonio ceeno Myers, force, hsi been oa tae sick list tae or the Spanish War Veterans til be BoaawbsorHxra ta tala paaar ta tas spaaaa aaerie. uvstdei aat Jield The seat wtH keiefSM you. MvrHe. Oaraella kitchen, Terrelli Nellie von tw qay. - tonlfht at the Fraternal Hrottierlinod halL pravidad kataw, pfaat at Ttaa Bsaasa Na, Matcher, corpus ChrUtlr Mabel Mose. oracon and Overland iireelt. urutioa eanin, HIBtiJ wlilc h . computed of mi iiilrff J or SUib with 1.M, and we wl t yea taa aswitaburii Mtrnret Matón, Den ion ( cook Havra avrtcLAa. Mw cuero; nancy United .Httc infantry revtnienl, haa Issued apeclal afodal fi rm9 Camera, maca by the 9Lvmmmm texice, Bcawan, xritser, TSyiort an tnvtiatioit to tho meinbtr or the Orand , ixt Tempi Kitchen veteraa-eam- Saatsaaa Xsdalc Ce this ajrsat M4ru-tta- a. Hyer, t Mua uanerwood, Q''yayfc gyy, Army post and the Luntrderata NURSERY i Connie McFsrlaad. Pilot Polnti a as or members or tho Span. aaa rreme FHsa Taak aad 4 A who welt ak asaavMv umito. norsevitte. nuthrul burs rarcad a back Isa War veterans tucli'U to other re at. wm '' ptata taatnwtleas. lastisMar ysaW aatt. winaow tn .iTn rairnin mid rvrt menu also civilian member. An ad. oa tit II. S. NMW laat ' and satiiMMna te tM aaaasaar awfaatas "Xadalt- - Viwrsday aisralag when Sergaaat Stew BIO KW M IN JCAWC. (Adv.) dnra ' I. bhi, are by CbapUln John A. lundolph, who ably rongraiulatlajr MwmK aa M eoaaa I or that ramp, and art Mwsarty ef tas momita atacaaaeat torease daavh. a member several outer mm k iWm the aad east steak from s painrut awamting will be mad l he at tae StiteeaNi HeMad S4Ms Jafaatry Wt aocacaarr. N, M. tiiki. juei Jt by saall ask 3 (or tasarad parsal pest. fcaay have aver aad Bfepaaatad The thief, wbo I dcicrltvNl aa a Mesteaa. o tM esas of ate raetoMM M lbs cat loa about t of ae, was a)Urovf4 by following th bu.lneii Hlon thers will varletJaa Have Jay BfteU t yr fpi that aaaa Ttmti Cfvf sel tlte colored woman who praaMe oar Mm be a aocUl bour-- Mm ata Cesada ssarfced tas divHMaf Mae t sates and da tas bast, aarfaectr assadcroft. Nr M Oct.4 e.--Dr t. II, Patter kite lien, geeurlns kwavv watv.e it afama ,.,,...... , aaa aa relumed frsaa AJtwaueraus, where (rom Wn IH)' tiumtaajwiess). a :! obitÍjaiíy í t fas way rat ai rasa as tas gasr. ajase from aar etsaasa, Wi make a sasentiy acal ta avaat ka brotaer, M. 9. cnsriru nw Hiiir, m, m mm aasat nasi Adatas Tadar. artar a ataM la laa caartal at l vasia-tt- Bast, ef Cal Iforal, wkea be Md aat seen - a specialty iKspagataaa creen door, pro: ppina- sasa. aaa HMfVCa MafAMM tMWWk AfRtat aar larty rive yaar. Has wer sat aasry Fuoml st gánese 1. IMffa eat JetUsd ay bratair eooa auri ac ssagBjar wuw Ce. that Ua saa to tdaatify ees aaaifcer by carian aaucei The of tasaría 1 Cok, asad S. m-- , rrom a . uasjaT wtncww na sat funertt ii Masas r aassa. b, 1. Km a aaa aaar aH. Joaash. fkau - Bt Rvriac. iHMisjsair tn aaaa mm, tim Mas. ámébtnr man. wbaaasieib occurr sustaaa- assjasajJrtt, . aar jsafcraMsM sad saber Ms., who will casa asas to bt ratear t hjaisRl j&ii tnm taw Tnur.diy at asan, wn fisaaMay I baa pes pa a?, o. w. a. aaa ta, waa raatiy Pott? lei mtnotify Bat, MM ( ir wt) ! Vttv I, nr ca wnea. fOriy (at Vm the riinUr.reddeace, ad ay a sraaa of as from Ytwraa le locals has been Jisi accara af ta a, o4, laVI at ireet, aw. Jha .Asaaa , Masa .,....N.I..5:í..V. Meakaa aaWlirs. la) sell oei aometdesasa. aatated urfa faf ta tit rso So upsflcS Wtminttr PKibywrtsa tiawa afficial-ka- I TM.saraaaat taaacM tae atsiteaai baa iyai 4 Ca4ero(t. ,u si any rtoaal pffenasa vmousA ta tJ lavaalM-sa- i tlaHad aislas aad teat to would a. wad. saawssMideat toiJfm an and tuasss ia waactt dsjeasaad ) Ms easeful aty la teas tassa ka tus-- r. 4anocrisot Lvuaaar comaaay, aa by rrteaa fad nilsasnra. Tta aitart caaaseasaala iraasasai. kawr a buaiiuii trio M at Pa. Waaaa Casa si Mwaaa aad aera ta aftbaatat J W.. tfubaak; aws aaesavaat ssjssjsssJi tssss yaaaats Ufja. fid . ruer, tas Msaasaat roavtaasd Macaerty SrlaaaivaevBf Vaaae, data, aoaaail aaa satuiaad, (eaai U UVVfMHsl aVVMtsW QrwM, J. P. say. nadar Fwi. afcsissaaaag tjapr a waat aa W. Laeai aad braafa Hard, ai el pAtp mobnpc; rm& SMisrtiay. CWar 31, Ul a- L" "A iKl'CatisurltM ...... 104 I .. el I 9 wwrKf - iv.. im Waterbeaa ...... lit R f1,8 4 Jga4MMI MORNING TIMES' FORM CHART mi Pack Bay ...... 118 1 .. 1 look far tint Helen IHrhee ...... 11 7 ,. 3f hdkee Letenia Resulte tOM Lady Moonet ...,...... ,...,,. 94 I .. tyv cáwtom, ac the coat of 1108 Olenealrn 4 .. 7 J BttetalWlttaThtTUei .....113 NEXT BOXING SHOW TuAUk dad dotiMtJtlc CLlCliHUTI. 0., Pel 80, 1911. "weather clean track Mil. Coupled. Brlnftmrat. piare I to , straw 7 to teoeharef, ptaee I lo I. S4MWM7 peóhUeÜM to to. flcratchedi rrtnee llermla, me Widow t.Mon, ,. Htaied ki Came- l- , i , LOT awosl fiKA nnsT imce-f- iv no onebsir furlongs. Tlm itt M, ta nrlnaburat, running to his best form, ombre Ma field and opened tie a rmitlK ATtlLSTie CLUR WK.L WEN AM into BUM good; won easily. ' lead ami uid his field safe at end. airn slowly but moved ajt f at- the value cot Fin., uom in atretch and rinlshed very sirosr. CaiuariM'sMo came with a rtiah.at end. watcf. Index. Hon. WI.SL ti H' V sir. jocaey. very slowly ran race; Rack Bay tired chawing the cartr a9A WTaMC Collin 16 bass broke and rood 'IT Kimle'CrocVelt .. n n P"1-- , katjt sou Gertrude D 110 ,1 fleylon 167 10 M xwon c whlftxt om t. so Wve sooj i.ondon Olrl tos- h 3' Metralf tot to 91 KM fimi UACE-O- ne mile. Time '.it :47, tilt l, III Blart rod roa amootk, Camel. No wild nose ...... no 41 McF.wen easily. ta ene Bout, nM vtuf Caraava aat4 hfot HUO ...... III) 8 7 7 5 Tiylor Vlrl A 'welWflt Lútea WM Meet la taet1. atftartaMc Gtttivat? ycuMkl hit uní sum Ill) 7 M 6 Tool Wt. Bt. u Htr. Fin, loclwr, I OCT rianotary 110 10 st 7 Ooo of nryn Mawr .to 4 31 t 1 I l'l dross ,11 to 8 10 tttnineiie 11 a tryout 20 foe cent. JXM3 Idi . .... 110 I 6 nice no utiristopnino .... 99 ! Hartwétl to s T. M. SCMNEIDAU. 3 Br TII7 Htm iturton ..... 110 II It II 0 Tehan t!09 l.uthfr ....103 3 flotan 8 10 - The new quarters of the Paatkaa AtMeate 41 ol 10't Mirtin 1109 Pan Vega 4 - Taylor tws Lime Puff ...... 110 ....IM i (WtV, in which all bout to be atageá by . W am ongraii ...... 110 6 I0 to' H llartwell toco Oil Marehmont ....111 S 4 8 l 8 Andress fr a inwW r St jiot Alice Dadley ..110 u II II is Murphy rt09 O'llagan ...... 99 J 1 8 Martin tsw club in the future win be HeM. wilt QOfer mt 11 tml tttM tlHH(. be opened a week from tomorrow, wbea Aft aanAaw 1 ' Jai' í, 43, nm-l- nouln Crwkrtl, place II to SO, Dow lo Gertrude I), place 81 to j, i how 3 to 1. Belle or nryn Mawr, place 8 to t, snow t to 8. Chrlstophlne, place to V0, sbow a double bill will be staged with Charley mrt, l éen'i rW CAMtWLS 4 Ixmdon Olrl. ahow 4 to I. to 8. M.uther, show 1 to 4. Sfteods and Billy York in on natr or mmmUj.iffrafM-r- l & mthmt S M when pace the ' - Flossie Crockett, under, restraint to the atretch, ran over In leader readr Belle or Bryn Mawr, running lo her best form, followed the and Benny Cordova Charley aaa avast J1- atsaa. and on ranina- up. uertmde II art fait pace and optned up a rood trap but tired restraint, took the lead entering atretch and drew out easily at end. Chrlstophlne, feature aad rat nnally, London Girl, closed a. big gap Wild lloie ahowed nica turn or speed and will well up throughout, rinlshed raiu Luther set a terririe pace to the stretch and then Lucca mixing It la the other half, both way. ... mum or we improve. ,,, . tired some when challenged, flsn Vcrn outrun-al- l the being variety. Quality - R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.: ,, The. new quarter are la the okl theater &, 3 WlataUa Iaaaa,W.C. r oí KK SECOND I1ACE Sir fuf long. Time : i47 , 1:13 i t. start gootlt won oí rq SIXTH HACE Mile and Time J3 3 l:ll 8, buHdtog on the street car line gotar over, drivinr. ., "lW t;47 1 .8. gtart good; won driving. ' JtMt berore the car turna KMo Mm mato Indei. Horse. .WfrBt. ti U' K Sir, Fin. Jorkey. Index. Horse. Wt. St. i V-- H Str, 'Fin. Jockey, atreeL The bulldlaf has beea Mttrcly HfO Thealerea ...... til 10 8 6' 3 POOl 13 to 8 tltt nonnie ilolse ...... tot 4 8 S 41 I" Metcalf 9 to to reitovated and win be well Netted and aBsBssa al (tnoi)nakland .., ..II& 9 fi l'l II t Murphy 07 to 30 tin niiiowa ...... '98 3 1 1 tl Murphy 31 to 8 the accommodatloM tor tfc puWIa all that till T. M. Green .... ,.115. J 3l 3 A'l 3 HIcV 189 to 10 II 10 Charley McFerraiv ...... ,.107 8 3 liobinson 111 to 8 can be desired. AH seats will be reaerved. 1114 The rteach ..III. I ( t 3 41 fleylon ior.a Chad nuford ...... 107 8 .. 31 4 Taylor In announcing the doubt bW which will 1030 nuhlcon II ..114 I I l' II 5 Melrair tttt Marshon .....til II '.. 10 8' Martin Inaugurate hew, quarters baa 41 4 Connolly 7 I the the club tíos Mae ..III 8 4 6 si 10 Euterpe ...... 111 10 7 Tehan secured two boats 'that atwuM prove SO.18 zall ..101 II 0" p 7' 7 Honlnson 1007 Steeoland 107 I ., 4 8 7 .Hartwell 11 91 Ooojo lively:' BhMdt ahd Cordova have SOSS Praetorian . .. ..III 7 C 8) 8' 8 Taylor ,tiw miiioo n ...107 It . .i.r 9 8 toss. O'sulllran ...... II it 1t tol 0' s LOtM ...Ill 13 0 10 10 91 Andress M4e themaeaVe solid among the local ton nsaple ...... III' 8 71 71 io lo 1 Howard nut Oalley Slave ..'....111 9 II 8 I I0 nice Tana, .botti. King fighters ta all jhat Too nrau Chilton .. ..III 11 13 13 ll'l II Moll Insurance Man ... Ill 9 8 11 11 II Mott ward Imp He a. Their presence ht the ring wo niliy llamea ... ..111 0 to II it ti Oro 17t6 Mike Pepper ...... 107 8 It 1t 11 It Orosa Htaare plenty or action and makes it cer 17 Lambstatl ..111 A II II 13 413 Tehan m uanymey iwy ...... Itl .7 13 13 13 13, Van Dusen tata that, the rasa, are go tog to witness Theilerea, place 3 to I. how II to 10. Oakland, place 7 to 8. ahow 17 to JO. T, M. Bonnie Klolse. nUce 11 to to. ahow s to '8. Billows, placo'31 to SO, show even. soraamtnc worth while. Oreen, ahow 8 to 8. Scratched! OlinL . . McFerran. ahow E7 to 20. Scratched! Clinton. - ''Shaada' epfeeheat, York, la taore or less Thealorea waa outrun 'early, came 'with a airona; ruah when straightened out In Bonnie Elolse waa outrun to tbo atretch. rinlshed fast when clear and got up Jn the well known to the loe fight fans. He the atretch and rot up .in the final, strides. Oakland forced pace all the way but final stride under good handling. Billows raced Chad Borord Into anbmlaatpaMd ' the has been .eomg .forward lately with big , y was tiring at end, T. M. Orcen ran lila race, nnhicon H outbroke tit s field and róuglit it out gamely. Charley Mcrerran bung final sixteenth. Marsbon closed a atrilles .sad feels confident that he can ahowed a high turn of speed Unit tired a If ahort.' bjg gap. Oalley Slave done early. oaro of JPag' take' himself In the ring wltb HACE f :47 1:07 taands. o Tllini) Five and rurlongs. Timo :t3 34, 1 llJOicr Hlart rood! won driving. ,lo icellsg Lucca, Cordova I going up against the toughest proposition he WALTER JOHNSON DICKERLNG. lyn in a bout here toalghtiA Wl. St. U U H Sir. Kin. Jnrkrr. Odfla. that Index. Hor. bal ever raced. This boy Lucca la a tough right to the jaw caused Fruta to takers 9 4 4 3 I Murnhr 9 to 4 count or nine tn the third round. -- (SWU)Cardlgan .Ill warrior or toe 01a school lie is a battier Senator ütar Says lS,eo a Year Won't , two Sunset ,109 3 a'l 3 t t Taylor 41 to to MORNING TIMES' FORM CHART Hake Him Jump lo Federals. 10 SI nenny ioj w zu that It boring in all the time and hla nu 2037 niliy Joe Ill el 4i a" By I A AttOcUted 4 a 8 4 Van Duaen meroua battle tears testify to bla game Preit ' 1733 Carrie Orme .. ,107 t Laurel Resalte 30. "They'll have ,.100 3 i t II Hmyth aea. lie has met some of the best boys Fort smith. Art, Oct IDCTTheraa Belhel it to raise tba Washington ante ir, tbey want 1B8I Yallaha 107 t V i ft' I Molt Special Wire to The Time Ifl. the game, he and drover Hayes battled 71, 7 me," Waller Johnson, pitcher for the cost nbodea ., ,100 0 10' 0 Olt DALTIMOnK, MD Oct. 30, 191. Veather clear; track fast. eight years sgo when Lucca waa juit sow n Flral 100 7 O'l 8 0 8" Orois ceretas out. Washington American league baseball team, 8 H 0 8 9 Martin IUCE-O- won easily. (20fl3)Anna Kruter .. 107 FW.3T ne mile. Timo :St, :is 1:15, lilt. Btart good; Cordova, however. In the opinion of al said here today. He asserted that 115.000 Sine, llnoa lloo ..... ,107 11 7' 7 106 10 Metcalf 2148 would not tempt him to leave the 'Wash- 11 11 most all who have teen him in bla local son Alledo 100 i II It Oooie ington .club.. Index. Home. rights, la one of the coming boys Of the 3 Billy Johnson admitted the SL Louis Federals Cardigan, place 3 to 8, ahow s to 8. Sunset, placo to 8, show t to 5. Joe, till Diploma ...... in; i I" I 1 1' Dorel prefea on. He carries a terrific "kick' show 9 to 10. Scratcliedi For Fair. tonnvhite Metal .., ...... 101 0 S'l 3' 3 sl Krderla in either' hand, being perhapa the hardest ortóed bun 115,000 ror tha 1913 season. and wore Si can get Cardigan was kept off the early pace to the stretch, then finished fast the tosi'vinr 103 3. S t'l 3i McCaboy hitter wno has fought across the river, "I that from Washington," he leadera down at end. suniet, well up all the way finished strong. Billy Joe cloaed l.ady Butterfly 103 8 8 6' 4 Doyler added. "They'll have to do better than tito 4l With this bo carries plenty of natural ' Tamerlane .... t08 6 7" , I 8 McTaggart UiaL" , sin I - ability and.,la a daagcroua man for any 3129 Vaxa lm 3 4 rticklaua He be 112,000 year "ACE Six Time :47, Start good; won drlv- - tl 7 8 7 body no matter what bla reputation. asserted drew a from romm furlong. :t3, lilt till (Unirnos 103 7 fk Falrbrother Washington under bis contract which DC" LUi.-- v 2157 I 103 4 41 8 7' a Karrlck Gene Delmont. the Memphis feather has CAaWrr ira Heflectlon ..... just expired, and admitted the Washington fit. U, K 'HIT, Fin. Jockey, weight who fights Jobnnlo Xllbane on the lndex. Horse. Wl. i Coupled. Mutuels paid! Diploma, straight IS.iO, place IJ.60. show 83J0. Davla club- had- offered bim an additional 83,000.. .118 S t i II Taylor King. coast In the near future, Is In tbo city (Si08)l)rlnghursi entry, place 2,S0. ahow .70. Scratched: niver ror a days and hopea to a However, he indicated the contract orfered Diploma outbroke her field and allowing the must speed easily held away through, few land match to ror to' which outgamed before the local wltb some good boy him was a long period, out. Wblte Metal waa alow lo get, going but finished with a rush,and .Vlfir fans be was opposed. at end. forcing the early pace. Lady Butterfly closed a big gap in the for Thanksgiving Day. Delmont na al' Latter tired ways among atretch. Vata quit. . been rated the best in bla f division and no doubt would make a big Levlnsky Outfights Fritts. SECOND HACE Mile and Timo &3 :18 it'll l;40-5- ; " bit with the fans, matched with some boy By the Attoda ted Preit J.t Mi Start. good; won driving, . of tbo caliber., Benny Chaves. Abe ftew. York Oct 30. Battling Levlnsky - of Altea of Index. Horse. WL St. ' Hi- In Jnfkey KUbana or soma of the other stars or the: New York outfought sailor Fritts or Brook- - Grand ' Slot airron ..100 3 1 1l t 1 Shilling featherweight, division. (S07)l)r. Duenner ...... 115 4 s r s 2 li Wolfe . , 3130 Iludas Brother . 107 8 8 7 8 4 3' Ambrose Will you be at the spot; (Advertisement.) Csro Nomo ...... ,...100 6 81 O'l fl S 4 Larferty Si- smtfA tllS on 31 ClectB Yo Car m Coaaiecrt - York (tllOO)retelua 3 3 8 Schuttlnger ' KnT "WW ' 2078 Oakhurat i...... 7 4 4 41 8 ' McTaggart with Bull '2069 Pcacoclc 107 9 0 9 8 7 7' Callahan JLjD dova Train 9130 Caletlrumptan ... 110 i '7 8 9 9 8 Turner LAUREL ENTRIES. hero every 8 9 Davis Hfl W (I709)nodondo ' MARVEL day. 4 o'clock. j M ía I fo s Time Vl atralght 31.00. place Dr. tl'lre TI Aata Osaacr Wask Peftk Mutuela paldi Balfron. 8i.30; Wf'tP'if Md so. ui 13.00. show l.tO. Scratchedi Mordecal, Baltimore. Oct. fihbt race 13.(0, show lludaa Brother, One mile. Ha nu isaiac aromad wHh watt aad a Pay, Font, Early. Light, Mallka. go apeoa; tata yoar ear an rt ra, qafafc. Fight balfron, away well, went right to the front and outran hla field all the way but. (2O0S)Maiiard . .. 1021 3129 ivy uutterny ttw set way. Xrop aa SI33 Change 90 Ir. aatllr. 18 .... toil aitl Ilacv gat a Bra ears 4a aaa. 1141- - OS 31 King 90 aad and was wearing' me winner down;atBdi;iHud8.J3rolher. .jutriAtp the atretcs, Surgeon ... River rinlihed aOing fastest, relelns quit. ' 12141'a or Honor e,2Ul Fair Helen,. 1 second race Five and rur in Juarez 91 KA TllirtD HACE of a mile. Time .t3 17 1:00 Btart long; ma, won caallv. (2fl3)BeIamour ... 1181 1877 Marjorle A .110 , tog Index. Horse. Wl. St. U Jockey 2035 Chuckles ... lis zoos Eimanai .. 2033 4 McCahey 9t4s Sherwood .. its Yorkvuie (20S3)Ilsnquet 0J 2113 103 4 3 5 Kederls W'tr Welles till lots Bulgar . .... (20M)He Will 4 1JJ ? 2097 Ella Bryaon 110 (iei8)Ida Lavlnla. 103 Sunday 1 3 Karrlck r S038 Hanson JJ 1 1' 1783 20 108 3. 8 4 Schuttlnger nu Honey nee . toi S03 Dr.i Larrlclt . J 9018 Emeraiduem 1ID aBasj 1101 , Jp3 7 ei 4" 3 nuxton Broomleaf Dervish JW 8 si 6 6l Borel THinD nACE Five and rurlonrs. Nov. I, 19 J4 ttot 20IS)KllkennyBoy 1181 . 105 2000 Vldrl ..- - , 103 7 7 7 DavU. till Pullui .... 8 11038 . At 4 p. 2111 Estimable 103 8 8 8 Callanar nanson ... iiimnrcuLeonnine ... ivu m. FOUHTH hace Mile and Munich paldi Banquet, atralght f 1,00, place 13.40, show 82.30. lie Will, place 33.00, ( 4(0)Flylng Fairy 117! 2072 o M Miller. 20l7)Oalnor .... 117 209 I'araner . . 4 FEROCIOUS BULLS 4 """BanquM1 toítretch then flnlahed rast and easily held field safe at 2071 Buskin . ... 118 2114 Tactics . .. end. lie Will had a rough trip, auffered from Interference at the half, finished I Mat (iosnnobtBradley 106 1072 Polly II .... ' Will Be Fought to Death by the Well Known Matador when dear, nanson ouioroao ma nem aim auowcu awu lyccu uu un vo,v.i- - vum Tartar . ... i Icnged, - FIFTH HACE One mile. lilt Paint Brush 1101 2103 SDrlngboard 103 FOUItTH HACE Mile and Ttme :23 17 , 1:13 (ttumeoublican. tot (3l43)ThornhlU ... iu3 2151 14S Stsrt good; won easily. (2008)Sharpshooter 108 t098 Ivan Gardner 93 Wl.St. V. H Sir. Fin- Jockey wis Lime nearer vn Index. Horse. SIXTH HACE One mile. Rivas SloT.Spesrhead 107 I 1T Davis 3 103 Antonio 2093 l'l toos C. llolloway Perthrock .. 103 3 31I 31 McTaggart Iron. 2111 Holiday . . Autumn . .. liu.(2l30)Buxx 100 1 4 4 McCahey tits Around 2103 Brynllmah 100 4 2080 Klngnadrord HO sue Delia Mack . 100 MORENO GRANDE DE SN. BERNARDO. 2102 Hood Day . 8 5 8 Callahan (21 16) Joe Finn ... Flatbuah . . 100 S Buxton losfllU (iiOISIEIwah ll 2113 Lohengrin . lOJi 2142 Mlnda 100 2033 10s 2142 tordecat Mutuela paldi Spearhead, atralght HM, placa 83.00. sbow I JJO. Holiday, place 83.00, Fr'k lludaon bulla been picked out, especially this 1757 SprlngmaM. 1031 3101 L'se Travers 98 These have for occasion. '''"sVearíeadll'owed 'Elwáh'ttui first six furlongs, then took the lead and eaaUy game Weather clear) track fast. Salé Full guarantees will be given to all by the local authorities. held away thereafter. Holiday raced well up throughout and made a finish. way, get near fclwah quit Urynllmah. hard ridden all the could never the leadera. LATOXIA ENTRIES. badly. ' ;47 good! Special Wire lo The Timet ADMISSIONU. . CURRENCY: Of KO FIFTH HACE s of a mile. Time :23 1:13, Start 10 nn drlvlnar. Cincinnati. O.. Oct. RACE Sell' Box Shade Side Stmay Side Ing. Mile and Shade $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 Index. Ilorae. Wt. Bt. Str. Fin. Jockey 1 25 Biacimroom. w 2129 injury . ... ta i!079 ..100 9 IT 1 McCahey (2l2l)Mockery . . loa S128 Star Aetna 108 Tranld McTaggart 2019 latdora' .,102 3 t 2128 itingiing ... iuj On 1878 Brave Cunarder 3" 3 3 Shilling SECOND HACE rive and fur 9018 Water l.ady 4 4 4 Steward lonira. 7 81 81 Butwell 2127 idoi . Anxiety . 108 ' (2t32)Fllttergold casaba ...... POiNTEl? 5 Fue Shot Gum, (2l03)Slumber II R 8 8 Buxton loss Amaxon . ... too((3l27)Converae . . 108 vA Revolver, e Hunting Kmvsm, 1103 Springboard .... 108 7 7 Davla Fleet Abeue wt 1097 Tokay . .. Coat 2127 One Step ... loo(2087)Aunt Josle . log Saturday, Mutuels paid! Tranld. atralght 123.20, place 19.10. show 4.10. Isadora, place 17.40. Freeman ... 103 issi Sweeth't Sue 109 Camp Kks AnuBunkion ' - , Q1 ad ahow 3.eo. Brave Cunardrr. ahow II8J0. 2083 Dortch . ... tos 2090 Dr Carmen.-- ill Tranld. away well, was rushed to the rront and aeiung a fast pace. (2ll9)Chriatie . - ioji Helton-Payn- throughout buwwaa tiring at end. Isidora forced the pace all the way and rought U Tillitu itAutv nanuicap. six runonga. October e Anns Co. out gamely. Bravo cunarder ran a good race and finished gamely. Slumber II. bad 1000 Miss Fielder 1001 2080 Ooldy . .... 117 a rough' irln and ran a winning race. It wasa ríate fit between the first slx (2063) Grecian . .. 101 2090 Ed urumn Ol Car. Cl Fas asl everlaaf 0U. 2083 urmuiu . .. 111 (2990)Chalmers ... its SIXTH 11ACE One mile, Time :23 13 ,1:13 1:39 I S. Start goad 20S3 Sea Shell .. i 2153 uon driving. " FOUHTH HACK AU uma Stakes. SelUBg Wt. Bl. 1 U 1 Tin Jne kT Onn mile. we will have on sale WIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIHHIHIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHÜ Index. Horse. 2126 Little Father ion tito Furlong . 107 (208i)(ierrard .....lit tool Brooktlekt . 104 2W8 Grov.Hughea tio xinu Aicouri ...... ,.;io3 tl I'l 2' Buxton toot Yengbaa . . 104 teso W'lng witch ill 2131 Napier .'....108 4l 3 3 Troxler FIFTH Handicap, Nile ana .one the $3.50 3 4 41 hack refular tost Véneta stroma .....108 McTaggart sixteenth. (2tl)l.ady Orant .... 8 6 Í Steward 2124 Floral ran. tot test ponerán . tas Looked (I ( Pollard oo) (2ll)Qulfk Start ... lk (vi Hennis toa (tmjMoage , im HOT POINT It O 81 IRON; soes iilllle Baker ...... lit 7 Mcklaui zuss vaicrij . it 2071 Astrologer ...... 108 7 71 8 Ambrose SIXTH RACE selling, six rurloBgs. 0(3 Smiley ...... 90 8 8 9 9 Louder 1IS0 Colle tsw Sleeth , tM ;;fpirí 1103 Droll . .... to SMI Glint 2.S0 , atralght 118.60. place 17.90. ahow H.eo. Alcourt, leea K.80, ...... m in the Roll Mutuels Oerrard. tito Bob MactMey IM Othello . ... im apíer. Hedge Dougberty, HMKract. mil ahow ahow ao.30. Scratched P.os, Dr. Harbaral . .. , IM Hancoclc Autumn. tito t4 (o)Lackroe . Hir KretruL Tom when test B'bTycansi itw aiouineart .110 as lots,of Wall Papers do. . .a . . followed Alcovrt to well within the atretch. then aaiwered sastab Hlcbwedd tl MM Bebago Oerranl the last sbowad'go speed tltfl .. mi . ... in called uiion and wore Alcourt down few atrldea. Latter loa Tha Haraaan t9l Wiu.lt . .. 1H But' how often is your choice a diMppointmea, whiM rbaMffiged. Kapler a race. Lady Oram ajwaa;etruB. kACK-41- it and hung on well when fair SEVENTH Hue aaa on' it hung? ; alxteeath. Mm I8M BraM 9a i MocUar . It is. pretty much the in selecting material cus GFRLS rLAY BAUfcUttaALU son. Every member of ten la H'WM tito same for a good condition aaa reit or sue ta7 tia twaaa . Geo. 810H torn maid suit. tilt Ly Cetoetat m 1438 Hermuda , Twa Teaaaa From Latal BstiaeU Have an cess. PlarreDUH tot 1140 Jo Dlebold. tm In the' piece it seems to be exactly what you want, and KxcHlag Gaaae aa Itaaay riHiaa. till Oaraeau Mea O'Sulllvan .. iM Saturday Only you buy Üf The two second baskeiiMt;Kain3 from TAKti MHC AN DYtrrtW UMT, Me. MM Soatoa . iw as Bocaery im K,. lha Balky and Vtlaa aebaaaa played an Weatos's, saw Sae Aatoatt, ( sj)0t foil, lt( After a .wait of three weeks yeur suit m delivered a per- exciting game on the BalNTfreund yes. , U Taturs muKmm. fect fit. perkafx, but from that day until it baeemes a cast off terday artcrooon, the girl t lcr .OO school winning by a sceee ai 48 10 3. you wonder what evil influence possessed jreu to select it. Captain Jan Marah, niMk Huras. Viva ttaaaaa talaala. 1, Actreta. lBjry, Mockery To avoid regret, buy v Bums. Julia Buchanan, LtWaa Cran and star - VsH school sir, WNim, ua- sicp, jusasoa. Klvla Hubbard represented ta Xd CrtMHp Chabaera, Solly. BENJAMIN CORRECT CLOTHfJ while no lea than UUrteea 4sjrr3 took Wlnatttf Witea, Grover tkfhes. UK) pari in tM gune for the WaMay school-Cap- Fathar. $20 to $40. aMarfonl, AHc Myers. Ellsali HXXUVAOSUHim MLBCiX Watarbaaa. rieral Park. Hoat. ' Hariorla Tew, Tbula Hardte, PaisHt Ivcr. WllhU. stotMaeart, Bayberry Cat-- la. saw. Urate Frkil. Alvlala .Kuha, Lula lt. Outda roat, Hraiuaa. Mabel Lang. NyrU Jacbsasi . Elbel a, iHirr. A L ai AsitMr. Kvcljpst Colima. Mia jSgsM Jack. El Paso . Electric k .,, - á A ef Mea acbool acl4 aa refere. :ha. .V. I .FA Wf.l aa tfatesr laaltaa. lTi a. a masillar Day. ruHua. Hsnun, vTii A. i. MMltfca, uataar. 8 arahaatr.a t 8iiaa. Ltttts Plaaaag Tea 3clxl sitova flay 0YStj-Jt- a, Jkm F Railway t'We Wl FOR PtESH 8 Aua4. A. aa4 au ay Tutay. ... fe M sgiia. M - TAtttC Ya-- JMtri CosiMiieiil of atafcaiina- tbe a fr4 HtC aaf LMr, ata. YQlJWrf 3M aaa St. (to-a-r of Usa rtew mcxko Agriciuturai CAfg .tWtmi's, Aaiaats or we a -rL M.jfr' im nsv mas &m -- Mines iMftlng for MsstHa in lata Msirsaf s- iU.War aa as l A. asjs) M, rnasjanCa. Mi'"- sua Ja wkar tar 1 k aarai- aav taair gaaarMcat ta gésasj n. It -ia vi I One Thousand Dollar Silver Trophy Cup Once Again Awarded to the UNDERWOOD Wins in Typewriter Speed and Accuracy Operated by Emil A, frefzge at 129 words a minute in open competition with all other machines, it captures again the International Trophy

"jKe Machine You Will Eventually Bug 99

Of any precedinr (ame, sbowlnr more skill ground i near the Bsttey school on Arliona and strength or less. The buttinr with the street, Time, 3;M to i o'clock, I ÍMNE T head, especially by the Best school, was WHERE TO Amusements splendid, and at times the ball went from BOWLING SCORES. "" one head to another ror three rood psys lAdreriliemeDii" The before hitunr the. rround. eharrtnr CAtTTUfl BOVLIN(IaÑS ATHLETIC CliVB.) MARY rVUKn AT UNrOUB TOOAV. was rood and at times two and three inert Whit li ida o ere l of Miry Fuller' myi were sprawHnr on thy rrotmd at once, ' Bsnkers' Lesgue, and io th onlookers the rame appeared lerloui charm. Iier wonarrul papuUrityT C1TV NATIONAL BANK. True, ttw moM or, written to be or the manly sort, and rough enough li the ttlked A, Slikraan 17 151 IOS The New Three Nations Cae ttraut on to suit the taste or anybody, yet with no sad adrertlaed ftrl the ,Kren u. Trague 14 - show of any real bodily injury. Next .4 AUhwV TiiMt Saaas El jPaao Street tooiy,- cut uw uiwti ira purely return I iS Rirely Im more subtle Denonallty in- The ball was in Beat's territory most or S. Stewart...... 130 its SO to eat. EverytWisf cImb ami taiUry. lietred on either creen or itife, Tody tho time, but Alta Vista could not keep I. L, Andreas,.!..,... tea lit 190 Geo! tMaf (he nuke 6er bow it the Unique H "The it mere tonr enourn to score pui once, 703 eta Special Dmnwr Every Day 40c witcn utn,'' in imereit nr comeay-arim- ror Bhodes and Tod 8epp and Hurua liar, Total,,.,, Don't fill to ce thii, tie rirnt Miry Fuller vey, the. inner men on Seal's rush line, JtlO OrtANP VAtlKY BANK, OPEN ALL NIGHT release under the Unlrersl prorrtm; alto were so lively that they would boat tt out Charles prchner I3 IU in Prescription idled anrt delivered EAT AT i rood 8terllst comedy. Tomorrow and or dinger in short order; une or Best's II. Kllenman 77 (15 lT at ttny time day or nlfht Mosday, i'Th Try o' lloirti" Wo. t and best players Is Mno. Bujorca, who played W. K. O'Brien ...., 151 to 04 Mail Orders Filled Promptly, MsMassaWssWsSVWVsWVV FLORENCE CAFE Mm s esM m conieoy, "i'trtnert in enrae. a rine "gotl'tend" position, saving Alia o, nedmond ...... tin ita lit Mondty tW.ADlmated WKly., Vista from scoring- - repeatedly. Each time, D, Itobertson 16 133 110 t A. E. RYAN & CO. LEADING pees renovsted tad remodeled sad ) except once, be grasped the ball when HOTELS tin at Tolsls. .... 7J 645 A4 (W PtnsMbHa lunch counter dlneenllnued. Fleal? Club House CafW Gaeaw auk ceMsur touay, right In his rosl and almost over the line end Quit won-C- lty Nstlonsl, 3) booths tar lsdtea remlemes. The. Bijou will i)Y mother roed. Ade and "booted" it out of danger with the Summsryj Points service, good 004 and pepulsr price. Rio orande, t. IHfh gsmej, L. Andrés, comedy today entitled "The Fable of the cool'hegdedness or a veteran player. Each High L. (34, Judg- e- 390 YWS BAM. rep. iw. total J. Andreas, EL Texas Street, f Author tad the Peir public and tho ríate or lime be used good head work and played is, Long, OF PASO Muh." Frew all indication! tbit one win it to the corner instead of Straight up DR, A. BURTON be Just Utile better than any you have the field. FinST NATIONAL BANK. teen. Pen't overlook It or ypu will wln' These two teams are sure to do some 200 DENTIST you Bud Ward let is W HMuri. beautiful work in ho eague games which V. Roberts its m ti t ara.daa.ta ZuUvllle till. THE LOCKIE "Seed and the llarveit," la two parti, win soon start. F. li. Oeerher ...... IM Ut 15J Ctte will pleate. Uwte tooktnr ror dramatic pie- - ;. e. Benton 134 157 144 Established her alnae ltlt, NOTKZi Alta Vista Bunson and psy ANB APARTMENTS STATE NATIONAL BANK Auee na a rooa For rani ns. 4M Mi Us Hide. iré, HOnuier cut in me right wings, Mosetey and 7 74S ESTABLISHED API! IX, 1M1. fMke picturq one to re ford, and Totsls , .,787' 7t Phonee Office te7e. Ktm, 3104. Comer Mills and Stantoa Btreatjs tmi xiiem be Qvercamp, tho left wings, played good in BANK ANO TBU8T COMPANY, Ml Rfbertd. The tins up follows t TEXAS Paaa, Tessur CAPITAL, SVRPI.r ANB PROMTS . , . uBday "The Iron Master," rsmea. wis is (3 ... ,tHr,oe,fia L. U. MlUr IM 11 R, 3, Lottkle, NgT. wonny pretenuun. Harvey, l. w,j RHftM Htrpey, H. n. Turbevllle..,,.. tot too 04 Phone 1491 Intaract PviJ on Account Mwiday "The fifth Man," threeEirt 1. . w,i Lawrence Rhodes (caet.), c. r lia Svfi special aran oy Kiioiyn wn Ted Stepp, r, I. w.i Csrtos Persas, r. w.i J, M. Procter IM I jarx'too Ben Hughes, I. h.i Frank HstftMs), l. E. Christie ,...., 179 IW 131 449 R. MORKHKAD, MAS Ylee-Pr- c h.t a President. JOSEPH OWN, Wilfred Adklnsen, r. h.i )oh riera, r. h.i C. N. BAMBTT, aKOROK D. 730 an tea, son Vfee.Pmtdent. FLORY, Casaler. t'KTORMS LHVoALHAUBRA. Maximo Abe r I a, I. t. Albert JlnMaes, goal Totals..... InrfoNontftnt Assay Offfos W summary: Points won First Nailon! This photoplay drwna wj wde by tender, game U aiLCHRIST, Awst Csief, t I'awi Buasen, . Bank, a. High wara, w. nun w fle company and It tells a itory that Attt vista w;rRy i'sl JudgeIt. Uoksln. ( a tptMi lesson. "rrfeior ford. I, I. w.j irviat tepnes,-c- . r.i Wll tiiwsrd a comedy sketch that is lltm Mosely and Louis Overcame, I, w. nunz-- IT tÁn ihn nnimd every dlV in - Br." serMi. ..tWWM.M - if' , .... BookktMping Kmagraphy Metes the mo Hon picture Abel Bardeiuc tad Mobert Harvey.' r, w.i s Harvey c. Tom the wee. Aruoin .oiiitciiu" fi'p',9, aextte. Tfete wfk's vauderttle sets are smoer M Bchorrel. h.i VsltM. r. b.i tlsement.) It r. DAVI. Mtuiacar Jlherd Mengel, r. h.t Sherd Menget, , r.j bM yet orrerea nere. msiwco tms aftec Pbotiea 1454-144-1. Trust Bid. aeon. i:K connnuoui perrsna PEMI.e WCFKATH IXIFTO.V. aH.fMtS.TaSM. Score, In ravor of Alta VIH, Time, thing Wo, Ho. pesrson. Tkat i on SERVICEw eaJaavor te m to five ya sfttkk "IM Mimables." we rreat French Mu M minuiea Haferse, Plsyrd a Muddy rted VVIw a4 Csase Is Uen fflaUnt aarvk. la 9 caatraat deawKtmawt 4 eur in motion pictures, is comtar W next Wednesday ettemoon Hh above WluHRg nsm rsmai' kK ' tesms, with Battey and San iaotaW, will ITUDY 8ÜOKTHAND Assayer nd delivery service. play a r tóate at Mm aaMeaic Cesnpetant Chemist Clifton, Arls., Oct, upon a steoograaMn m la constant da "WrHa im yaw isaiat trassalai." AT THE HWWAU. saaad. Leara ibe waai Traum-simpl- est, BO. W. CAM9BMOX 'WlWwa iiiwcsn. who wUI be muddy Held, which mid the bell slippery reelect and best. brd br (ocal picture show iMtrta fef and herd to hold, snd wttn I iteiay am ReyreeeataMTa aatppere t tAa Tuttla Paint A Glaaa Co. wore wun snif, ww M AUTOMOfMUM rOH HHM sle fallln throughout the game, the eleven M Paaerfatsttaiter. a seMat lee Wlrwam today in a twa-re- High school defeated , El Ant Tasa rrom Ibe Pemlnr VHatr-aaii- "Marees, the Fetter Hetfcer," Fase and Uwr.. . High school eleven by a score m aa sk. Et Paaa, Vmms SO urge tetirlNa-titi- ear sai Me local rvwio "MU Mooter's Home." t Blotrsob. wtít atta ihit mm tliiea. íTnestte pel i, k UI..H Hnffmm. I'hllllDl ana . O, Bex aa. Wte Hotel, lis W. M AiUaate fi, Csptstr, Ho'wsrd plsyed a great game ror CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE viwrrw "TRe vykh or w," khw PHONES m---w. it rHf fwwr sh luccess. It u for the loesl eleven. The visitors showed ttuir sucerlorlty in ail oepsniu'me "H MVflON W rii on Vra4 sum)' awHIWHiíáifat AUSWVriUU4aL eeroca rir '.stflBtakw Dr. Carl SrrUtH se Pase rTúsTís MVPTVHK, BLOOD. SKIN, XjSXWH fr UtfPie boiatet fi Cbtck Kidaey Treuate at eaee. l deanes ry eveetoir M Ui Ad ..i..,,.-- rúitv leilea In Fotei KIsfKKY A.VD HIiABkKK i. MssW aa4 tutu ifnU. Oa4 tm DIKKAHKS OPPORTUNITY SSsV rirst" MackKtJe, weak.sora kid i and' krsvúlar Koonis UT.IM i. painful bladder action yttat NaUonal Nastk aMA;. WW lfaTsUt4 rLAVI. níir with tbetr use. 0. palmer, uceen ssysr "My wtfe Is re. mem. a. LL makes oism rigbl ToJBarnJttoj 7Avn rsfidV Twe el teeei iefceile Sttw 11m íVine tar bealtb strsngih, ifue solsly wseai aOS TeM iy kidney pm."a4And Hutehens, arm,Í3A AVtltUE. rilUWMOOy UN ANTONIO, KA CWMfJUUI kw Wém Tetf4ay. Gunter Hotel KeHe ,f with UUim tKa USOU, Ul wrwm TM HHM preeww of nM A Haa4 IkAt Far IM QUaaU feiiiiii ttm .soccer t belter. uw isur pains h rneu es KleiX yeaseráay arternowi m tb cone I wi Msutsws tfajst the ! oí AUNO M oí arc all and siren mini LONGWELL'S TIAKSfEl WWT TTHJUKX. OWIWIÍ JHMMOAKTMM A. A. A, MH'VMS ffewaii M twees) mm mm school PANUCO, S)M nw II. Hex, astd tae AN VMM boys. 01 to aja TbpSt ti one. It H,t awe at KeiMa, Dr.OaHk lfSee 'eif AE AGtlSHT sKMMUH ACIATH.V. - Mm beiiH ilJtaad te'nl We offer a lot o jlsasa Ueat we AoUeV4Us.- btaeka, fJfar ad wm work. Mat io4 WMk 1st block aave la ttU c(ty at f t.flt Nee Imt itoariag tm sMmmw tee ar l.'atH aei Au4 sba TrwcMl "TakiKfr apH NT M, W BSMt'ftf MM 0 bf bO Ml awee they war reeved bafM tae rp m Ussskd sfeavir MaisUesr. tees, jm Ueatar We advance let afMM. to aa TA wn Walk a RaUWer Hee. fats ttm swt tbe It bXrl H' I Tta LmKm' wen, me saeiiiw. li rm?i neat. aM yrtuHy to obtain a arotrt. Mc esdi sty aWfeiidMU to the ease of the Hiele vs. xtleyers mm or Mm Writ r sai rnh nm entirety w will alv xou tWaiatkL hie Tesis Business Men's issocietloii, M tbe ft f4 the res, MsU Cspteta yuaatiowa. eio., ea.Mr. n. u m Sin Win arruail tn lb Ollth , Fewaaea lejr laur asesdMstf al AIM VleSe iM Cuuk aistrlct court beee hxtsy beter J mi to tAWMMMS) WtoM lhW4 Wk, pW wilcoi, bss beast rvnttaued utttll Mm Pe .easaMsMa rM VMsisyijMw, Miat 'prssaaisHb ei taw sMtswf4 wejLf saw ceniber tena. Aatomeys wersj preaent HH a rcSdy W preaeni argmwriin. out iw mi Heaass M Um sitúla Mal was snaes) ssseeaaary by Mm tact mu aAtotaw tnayiriew rf IM leswk fcLPASO MÓÚÑim. ÍIMB Saturday, October 3L l?H li.'... .a tan im an su. '. i aiiii..iaswi SCHOLARSHIP FUND SftUP OFilGSl. MÜJHM WAS ATTElMTinN WORK INAUGURATE FAR CROSS. SICK - VIOLENT MANIAC W Cam Yoii I" -- I v Vil) Dollars on.FootwMrSy PROFTSfJui IH'firir.r INTfllHircFjt hftl FEVERISH CHILD Today all Women's SJ.50 nnft 14.00 JKrr i.x nniKF talk Hr.vmr. KSn!H HM HT.PmiTATHs.N- Hunters and Campers ittciiKvr iionv, rnita att;.Xrce, Shoes ..... ,.M.M Today ilL Women's. IS.ftO Kjr&sWnisrh U sour, liter lorpU Srjoc,.., Kiplaln Can.illloiN of Csntrnt anil Pinlnl) MlnMrr lJmerta Crtlaet HeeaHs Today 40 Shoes . . , , .11. mmn nn m arm I lie nol lo Our Goodsand Prices Are Right Mcholarahlp Amono Kllglblci. miritrr lienerai villa. Odds

Mollierairin rrsl rasv arier lvW f.n Thai Franrltrn Uolfi-- . tKa Jome and Look Over Activity in ihc University fteholarhip ngs,- - Vniii.n h Them iuinrcrrup or DnrailiO in i., j eirruira ai (iiiaosiiine, mc. arier club work began at ttM lllsh school Friósy ciiged.-u- wssle, sou an iminrriii ii,n. ,;. food move Oenm-a- l Villa, tnorninir. A full sMembty of pupHs italhef. ifernrttig renllv snd wTw(sssined tw wa Shirts Lcggins and Puttees bowels, ami von - commissioned by Carrants. general Lt;. rd in the auditorium at II o'rforkMO hate hle- i ni.td.i io .WORK SHOES s. Army ill twoc.1 thirls, brent ClllldrVn sllñply nsfwhli the deed, was obsessed with l lie , fine leather purtee, black ,n, Hie wotk explained to tlwm, rril1ditlrI nol Mke Idea ti) kill nr - $3.00 Klk Shbcs, lined ,.12.15 !h Jtni from play to imply Vl bdwels, the leader lh .rim- nf ti.a all JTní, lite, dral shlrlS, military II.M lo KM Mr. Ituthey Introduced the subfect In thfr north, I me declaration of Brnor Jose Ma- colors Ü. and Jhey becrime lightly picked. Jlver gel Lilian, i .,...,,,..,.,.$2.-1- rollar rJ.iy I'lnc S. cativa puttee,..,., Me short talk, lie said that one bof and one ria mlliltlre nr Mly,m.,inn tu 12.50 Klk Shbes, Uiir citra linn olive dah serge., for jrin out or inn rour nun siuKgiin and atpiuaen disordered. tsbtnew ot,0eneral linens and Presldenl all nundren berore When colors rrlllral buyers, regular SS.no vslue. would colleke life, year crciss. re.verlsh. restless, iee ""fuajai. ami who wan. intimately atqtuiiu-r- d t2.e0 , , Suits be itarllnr ilert rrlrc .i ,..,U.vt aided by the two scholarship D0) eartt, tongHO Is coated, then rive this dellrlou Wllh the Mujlra case when the latter 13.00 Mack Calf, sowed blue flannel nirt, well made, of i me Knnr Our fine all wool ollre drat) U. S. sulls, whirh wtrd Cffered by tlx fnivcfsiiy "rrnlf 1,..n. fhii.i.m l,.. ' unen peniirnwary. Solrii ., $3.115 ttlih pearl bullón 11.3.1 slightly used. Per aim.,, rannot iniurv. mrrerrnee ?Frnr.ico .MuIcj. tame to Mexico In ,'Extr heavy .....tvío priioiarsiilp rlub, liat iho opiioriunlty was cadso .o whit rornpany Women's KcU JIohso. SHppcm SBSSSSSSSSSSIBSSSSSSSSSSSSSF khaki shlrls, two- khaki breeches ,,,,,,.11.7 an your ruu or with j troop of Argenilne. 'inirkeM .'.,....,.....,.,...,9.- open io every senior wtihed to go nine oneir ioidi or Mi glte exhibition or as $1.99 Pair. ' Khaki roam ...... ll.xt sore throat, diarrhoea, slnniieliáche I their rrafl lillicr. lie ...I ...... su .Khaki pants colleke, but. who hd nol 'the means. worked on Ihe rnm nr iheir nmnira i'Arnokeg Chambra ...ll.oo breath, remember, a gentle. "Iftslrie cleans. Mlnl.a.l luf.lh . I- .- . .. .. - ... ' shirts, guaranteed Our fino all wool army ..pants, great said the work was lit the hands of a boartl llnltr. MliN'tl KllOMS lasi coior ..,,,....i,..,it. toe VSIlies," pair . ... .".7. uso of directors, wbo wrrc? actively and inr siiould always be ihe first treatment iii.iii iiiexiov wnose name I rannot re. r. 8. Army all wool overcoais, rain. Intimately Inlertslrd In bmmotlnr tho work memuer." said Mr I.nlin "Tim $4.00 Patent Colt Dress Shoes , , .92.04 with rape, iz.o; of II ,age and grbrtn-u- cirauiiuitis did noivproye s success, and Underwear y m oleic each or raising tne money for lhes scholarships, aro bf intrd on J.EO . 1'lno blur, navy W inches boiile. i,F.,uniiiK me. (ierman I Kid or Calf Shoes, ., . v...... ".2.93 fin heavy winter underwear, per broadcloth, no men introduced mm, ciiss. A. k m c, each, SUl. uiimo wiiii ron' ,Mrme.nt .,,.,,.., : nido, U tit. goods, per yard... 12.2.. llegare Who M'H'ilSlln In tuv .Ihn Inmn Mo. $3.00 Kid or S2.45 7Jr who rounded tho club in i:t isik, and wiiose at counii'rrrlt fig yeups. Ask him in Calf Shoes...... Another grd ,."., loe your ror a, aswsslnatert the .Hotel iturblde. $3.S0 Shoes Navy enlbuslaim Is enuklfed only by tho work drugint bottle oY.iSiu nm.rgurt prycoss.in tne cafi was begun Oun MoUt $2.M undershirts. wnl mid linen. ..We Lease Revolvers fomU Syrup or sod j...... V. f. O, n, sweaters, 0 cr rent pure, We she doei for the club. rim." then look rarefnily be 'was .adjudged Irresponsible, vwil ...... M.9Í Mrs. Kifikln, t.ent inore thoroughly Inlo and see that II Is marte hv he Tiarl been deelireil Inline, inri y Good Selection the lubloct. ststlnr that the scholarship Fir Syrup compariy." Wo mske no smaller consequently he was assigned to the llclcin sllow'cd the to go to college sise, nana uacg contempt sny ivirvii iv in: iiucrm-i- i in tne .'manicomio EL PASO SHOE CO. Shoes our IF. B. Army Pennants'. Pillow tynps student the of wtn other general ThlsrCitlhlll hmcni nYi in a vrrv U. S. Army M.si ami new his choice not only lo the Texas University ur syrup, Throws, all patterns. v ""' 'uuv.inu- ammisiraior com. Rrosdivsy UK, tilhe-.- v3. SOr. $2.OT as so many thought. most run-- , II tiM lo Price In That students uiiuiirairq io inn. in. nis 41ldgtncnl. Opposite Hsjeslle Theater. Our tilth top clloAkin, big taiun.....;.; lubber Poncho ...... II.7J would go to college where there were no as .Indlsoerislblft thi n.nrim' uniii-- i Hunter aim ami scabbard Hills, urn cnnxiraKiiiir "' smuiuoin the Twenlleiji century, they aré awalilng shonld be held lrUoncr, bccSiise- he was a Blankets o work harder if they could and try for iiu-i- iiini. i ne r douios. uieir Drains, iheir tswuu niaii. ss ne was very impulsive, ' Hull Ava .constantly I flenuliiQ o, t). all uooí. U, S. sunn of the very finest nf the colleges. miuis are nanus today. ,TDcy he Intrltrulmr in tamied Field Glasses esa. oi ; on s Medium weight ii.ikj Mrs. Kinkle ciplalned the'SCOO, which hot help themselves.. will vqo leave uui Tesiamisnincjii, and I 1 power completo that What had escaped'durmg ihe- night LXtra heavy irray L'. $. blanket, i with leather wp. i them? time, watur ease u.,70 cum picnaen iiseii io raisu for tho wardensTiot preventing doing nroor l 1I.9.Í Will II lie, a him from HeRulalmn I S aluminum combination collected by large subscription, but dollar brain unspoiled by "dissipa- ruis, as no ivia' some, or inem mat ho had It. & ,V medical lilankfdt. white.... ti. by dollar, Tho men tion, s mind to Important .Vi canteen and eup, lop. earli...l.5ii and wonien, member Iralnid mink and. ci, btíslans to .Iranian Pateuil Fine don hie blanket. 7, Hit tl or proxco. - .Boy Seoul blanket....!. 2.z Finn aluminum meat pan, rexulailon 0c the club, paying dues to that amount urrrvus jsicm iruo as a dial in lis rc In view of this and for potter se- Make Your Dollar Produce More Fine U. s. meat pans, block tin 2ie evety year which entitled ihcin to vote rpnnse id the truth about vmi? curity he nlieeii in ihc tuni. in uur uuaiiipioii u in. iiuumri fl.tw , Argentine; Hoy Scout wale irood llmekecpeni. for me candldalo or their choice when the Will you; boy of Ihc Twentieth rentui-v- tentlary. but the. consul, who was lili rompa.4ea attarlied. $1.23 place In May, girl of Ihc iHieresird in me Caso, protested and asked Hats Pocket tool election tikes Twentieth ccnlury, let Ihcin that rinal arrangemenls Newr York City Hotel km, fx entupirlo tool li.oo, F.very contestant keep tils com as men among mcn among b? made to apply a liegulsiion 8 11.95 i.nr Mriy liamuier klta aro aomrlhln must or her as women ariide 33 of thetMtxicart constitution In his campaign ham si.ihi average; in an siuaicit- above m ror iho wimen in incir lime or will yoti throw cairo, j roc iibw, nickel plated. Price ft.uo away wmcn inn aenoriauon or nen Lalloo ll.oo (uimpaaaea 3ie hnle year in order do compete, and the their Ihheriianco berom thw hive nlclous forelaner : from ihn rmintrv. A pleasant iroom with private batfe r. . Army wiilt rnlllatur, slllrlu-- Waterproof 'match sale...., t.i time to. start Is now. It Is. "now" ror the hadthc chance to oven touch II? Will you "Jiut" at tlist tune ihé . Herman minister -- 11111111118- - PER DAY open hrlni . sl.r. knive and xrabhard Hie rreshmen a tvell as Ihe seniors ror these lei them come, taking your nlace. "nininj- DrevenieiL lms. as. .no .nam .Miniri niri nni $2.50 facing lare court.. Lalloo. fine quality,,... II. r. Iild you our Watch" (Jharm He rrcshinen will have Ibclr year through your eiperjences, only assassinated a Oerman subject, but (Not one room, but oae hundred cap jo,- - w turn four hallowed through of taem) ronlurny lolvera They Hlicotfrrent novelty 9.ÍC rrom todai. three year 3.foo has your joys, on bwri lhaftilj vlcitnl Jvid also- the character of a in milldinr them theJr or cousnL, The minister against iho neen raised ny inn dollar subscriptions, win you mug incir nope .away, decrcilng, protested An excellent room with private w expulsion, ano tne esse was held ror s nil One donor was so Impressed when 11 came anton like, that ihe man you might have Ing by the 'Judíelo de Interdicción.' and hej atfl U. S. Navy his to give ik'cii, me woman a facing Street, Southern ex Army and Goods Store turn a' dollar, by the fact thai voil mhrhl have hern nlacrd In lho nenttenttarv to insure Ida PfcR DAY sp.mi it tu, onin:ns. imi nan already been raised, o donar ni shall never be? minir priu saie. $3.00 posure is tout time, that be gave 1150 as tin' There will bo. meeting; "By known '.alstemerits MitJica had as himself a or the sénior (Not one room, but elehty-seve- n thsem.) mill or Ihe permanent fund, which .Monday with the 'president or cniver.ni- - sasslnated two other'" persons berore lie of We will po.llltrly fill any and all order for any of the ahovn tlio ame, flrl the killed ill" club to He neve jo. mum ,nrs a, tho .Geinian' consul,, and' repeatedly day wc receive your full yuaiaiili-t- I wishes establish. Ins suit' ciuo, Avcrni and .Willi in the' lie Ihn order with i.ur that gnodj inut at his name lo be, mentioned. This ..us i.nas. a. upon manicomio' hid lerrnrltnl Also attractive Room without Bath for $1,50 per day. Th allnwd hinkie th employes ny leiung'or and re- or money refunded. fund once. crcaled, and at Interes cindldaleji for this .year nis murders nut out and Ihe .t'blle.cllon lating all of the circumstances. . Restaurant prices are most moderate, , will provide necessary, amount ror the oí mis i nun a I once, 222 Mf Air. A. IIIIIIIIS, iljir. K l'su, the win atari ('The question or obtaining Ids. liberty Te. scholarship each year m this way rorever w coiuiiiiieu ur. law vers ana me' Ariren-- taking rare or l)seir. Foley Calhirlln T.hl.i. lino consul, and during his confinement in The also maintains a loan fund when VOII will Ilka their luxlllv .i.nnn th. the penitentiary im'jiiade propositions that Location collections sip urriclenl, which is .,.,v . .u.t.b tiict. vii tiio uonvis. ana give in lor. ins noeriy no wouki as. rund a wholesome, n, ñn. JSo REAL TRANSFERS T. S. Iliidclaton corrtpany ti build loaned ror a term of year to a thorotirh rlenminir tn sasslnate Ueneral Francisco Villa. at. One mlnats from's of taelsrecst depart ESTATE stuilrnt. tire bowel .tract, 'tho liver i i.o.in tentlnn was naiil tn nrrer hn marl ase! urick flat .13 and 14, no lo be- upon stir thee Stores. interest paid tl during th 5WCCI, but on speaking- wttn Pascual oroxro UIUIH 3UII0CI rouegc - aiviimi:!! OnSlI 19 l.aii r.l Po Town eianpany to .ellyr Jl; IHIJtlllK, fJgjUO., dayi btif- barlir interest rrom pailón, headache,, dull, tired feeling never was learned that he had made visits Fire mlntrtes wslk from principal thextrs. IC, 7, i;i Paso he Hum Mujlra Within a block the Fifth Wltt.lul li and block Uasl reaches an earning tlii A . "K.v"u fir1 roiey uainartic Tan and had .arranged the proposition of Are. sbopplnf Oct. 22 Ilalihlla at Ardoln'a .Marki;!. i SIS hib. winy zc. enmrnrfinir wllh lilnr. rtirntsliing htm wttli the au- - trict. addition, ttíi person aoeciaiiv meiu. Urs. Kinklr. afier ihi stout who fnloy the light and f thoriiation and,eienients to go and kill Gen Don A. cartx'nl'T to Vlcii r.armso, sliideni mcy g iVIII Every line of transportation pssses the doer. tho "of. tho scholarship leeimg vo. Owl ral hiiiIIi H feet nf lot IB. nil or IP, In block ttf. iiosilntlltle for Muilca Fifth Avenue Bus lines snd principal sorfsM indlvldtialiy, as the "WhenT lerrthecaolial was still i.ampbell addition. I5.IXIQ; Oct, 20. VITAL RECORD, tlifm introduced speaker conrincd in the. penitentiary, I lines. me morning. .Mrs. T. n, p ill ins. one or and when I). TO TIIC I read In !ho newspaper that lio had mado The (he Mudarte to Oliva iiiioin, oú IS to Ul'rlli! mo pr Mrs, on It. umi n.i Hudson Tubes across street noani iirr.inrs ijhe said that or Federal an attack against Iho lite of General Villa If., block l.'s French addlt(on, ?10 nnd olht-- - Slreet. In .Madhattari ueivhi. Elevated Railroad Station scroHjthe ili:i ri.Ni-- To .Mr. and Mr. Tom v. Her- riilltlns had an arcomnllihuieiit which I .knew that he bad .attempted- - to rarry out ttrest. Oct. S3. the, route of the proposed jiliiiway, Subvrsy Station three mtnutes sway. conlderatlon. J rín. Olivo slreet, Oct. 20, son. piacett her in a position where she could .scenic Is obsession, wclch he had been prevented a .1,1 u.um:i-- m GrsnsTCentrsj O. J. Hlfiics to 1 Klein, MMitheily 13 or service to the High school ii.irmr In im jince fjo eacn on rrom doing auring.my umo in me capí Station within seven minuta. ret 15. Present, prlc.es of lot 13 and the- - north I0M, feet of lot H, Dentin. llmulatlug scholarship Interest with lier njí to 500 each lai." reansyivania Ksiiroaa station Just one Alexander addition, en. -- . i.eavpii. qie way. in block 7, tlu and MII.1..WVW - William T. .Mlllaway. 152 Lire vs. rsxisirnce," was .Mrs. .May í. -t- -. i High BREVITIES. other conlderatln North Pledr.it ilfcetj lnrn. ' DurliUit con hllllp' ihemé..4he went back lo her OVSTF.riá AM) F1HII l,v Far convenience one could ask no moré. J. U and Mallín li. Tliornlon.lo C. cordla. school days. Illustrating how fr.h kv.fv .i.v I. unfortunate b ' 12, 3S, (lovcnt-tmen- l "i"1", niiiuiii (Aiivcriiücinent.) AdVcitls'em'cntsí5', Slieppard, luM II and block Al.DlllITt: Marirareiá Aldrcle, aired 21 was always lo look for some one on whom ' 11.50: Urn The mil addition, oci. t. year., ilurlal at Concordia. place blaine ror one's. mischances and Find iho Hotel 1:1 Paito cirtii inciiiixnt company to TMima natMr7W5l lili iimsroriuncs. claiming nn responsiiiiiiiy mr Or. Ebert, IX'ritlst, Mills Dldar.. EVERYTHING, NEW '.AND, MODEWt, I mi lleno, lots S3 to 2Í, tiock 71. 1U Paso uraniif, aireii rj years. Hurla at. liter one heir, 'ir onevhiorpssor riunked on Piiosl'F.nrit'jiiKin-ro- B miLROAnsr; 00 ROOMS nddlllon, Ocu t. Fof ' paper,- - seo Ctolding..iíll A FÍVB JlfflLUON DOLLAR HOTEL. lleild m. ' irrccn , riw.íwail K. .Vaxley said, ...r . . 400, BATHS llcnincla to J. ami J. J. She "we blame the geometry pro- mil ni.ni.rl i,... Í0UIPPED TO SATISFY THE MOST , kastcr. lota si to, 32, bloyki2). French ad- ltarrlann Llrrnsei. fessor, tho weather or the rat, the weather Hied Ullli New Mexico CommlsSlim. may HU EXACTING TASTB. dition. oo, Oct. so. POTrKIt O'lO..M)n-Iti- cd to I.. II. Pot be. at limes, legitimate) but the TI' Hl'eclat Corropondcnt (jin federate Veterans Heel Sunday, Banta Fe. N. At.. tlovia Odolu lo J. A. nnlH'rlion. 2S feet ter and .Mabcllc O'Connor of ihlj.clty, geometry professor can alwaya bo apeased Ori.. mti'i ,n,,,..i w.. The" Confedérale veterans will meet wllh I r lot s and 3, block 32, IMl i:t Paw ad- IIA.MH0AAVl;:ilKTTIl9Mied and the up," POrlH filed Wllh llR'stlle rnrnnrillnn .n.n. tlio Sons slid Daughters of the' Conredrracy I AH Baggage Transferred Free to to adro ratvhut mission of. the Li Paso A' Snhthwratiirn rum. dition, Di feet south of the t She said In a. .measure- luck hail to be 3.1). in., nexi sunday, November I. in namuoa anil hticebla avírette, bolh of pany, which operates line east of'KI Paso, the ' corner of Mid block 32, 11,275; Oct. 23. this city. recognized as a legitímala raclor tn lire rlub room or the Coles building, Alt visit- and from Pennsylvania Station Lul olw-- ve ing Heulto Soil to Juan So II. irrantor'a ,)W. thai .had far groatcr power ...u. .,in- mi mu sons and daughters and 'old veterans! ' lit AVhat iiurumi sysiein. ladtejl lulf interest In ÍI.W acre or laud and .tiilmiiiitlllcn l.lci'iisrd'. irtake ourselves we wanted to be Tho ratio or oneratlnr enrn in rv. are Earnestly Invited lo attend. The part S. A. sjo-l- lhau luck had lo'make us wn cmiM Kl Paso, - in a program ror of the ilatarlck siirvi'ya t. j. Monattlian, 3 Texaj atiTet, what didn't orlho i Southwestern nail- rumisn our 'entertain .os. IC7, 168 and 172. Ifl Serl. 13. Want "Id be. roan eoiiipany was oi.s per cent, and, lis ment, w. li. Frark, adjutant. THE HOTEL MARTINIQUE s line III .New Mexico shnweil m II. c. Myle.i to L. M. y7o-j- irí. In joiilh, she fevery one lived, lather) .'.on McUrniniiii ii. iurvey cumia. Week, nut vadn sad. Tim total rrom ' I;, of A. q. map than enisled, aven the poverty revenues transportation were Don't give youc baggase sny Ob Broaávray, Streets, New I the wmifo or the san streei, mi Oakland tniiitnit stricken si.ut8.953.jo: rrom rreight. checks io 32nd te 33rd York urant, 11.23 a even. l,7M.'.i), slieel gamin" whom lire lay only tjieo.oi rrom One' on the train. SaVa them for Lnmrwell'i i ctiualuliii eit for In his ability to "lick tho i.a3ru8cr iniDiiirss f,ii.,vn.ij rrom other quick nil. is. S77I nr. c. c. Voung, tliM clly, a Duck gang" or, hi bono than transporlatlon S373.3I. Tlio total auto delivery service. Phono l. CHARLES LEIGH TAYLOR VALTEX CHANDLER, JR. WALTER OMSOtl k" - - - ' C 2. TurbeMllo and It. A. 'Whltlock to nv"i- iuj i in- auio u. iihv uiioyiiucy oi revenues were ti7í.8ffl.wl. - inuriiiK- car. rMiaUaa Carnaval IJ-- ,. I. Jl. Meriimnien, nil of Kiirwy M un the youiti makes lire living and when youth The company spi'ni ror malnienanco Or nr. Anns neum, buckler Bldg., ovér Eiirc. Maata- v past way. line, I8.707.W); Island, cuntalnliiK 13.01 acre, ;',IW; April AFFCCTKI) IIV ALTiriTIE. is living v, existing; lie wholly in entire in New slexlco, lli lntelteciu.il Jirel In ihe amount or W7o,Sli,l5; maintenance .of equipment, Stolen Team Kecovered. ,M. lu Sow .Mexico, Siil.7i7.8S;. general AV. i:. Miller lo l McCrimnncn. .aur-)e- Thrre Pollrrnu-- Itrqiilred In Kntidiic llrallh material youth had stored in ihe mind on team or heavy horses altached to uva expen'CS. entire line, I2IJ31.(1 New or the Han Filiarlo vrahl, on tlio rroyi i;M lexai. which io in arier when youth Mexico, ni agon owned ''by the People's Fuel coni- - Affected b.V Uní Í5tl.lfifl.; lranspor(alloi expense, yestdt-dav- I Uland, Hepl. 31 w" allltudo ami nn.iiilir is lost lo the street itamln and tho irriml pany. which' was stolen aftér- - that he had . nr n, !!"; foW drinks uf i;i entire line. Il,3il,t38.3; In New, Mexico, been ,1.... announced tonight that, be Is to become 11. favorite brand, a for rood his' only aim, 1. W. Dale to Tom sinllh, lots 113, i'ai' without education. iiuvii mi iciim sireci, wan mirr rccuerii "uiu.iiiiuiiMiun.-i- reiurn 10 Juarez, assistant la the presldenl or the .Mew York 111, .and 11(1, com- without Intellectual riches ho has not left. The lotltl flKSetl irlven nt nüú a nt by. Iho police AVasliuig(9n park. Thol ; City lit Tornillo Tuuu.Hn Jicalth worker, alaried a row In th lobby irn tl r nor .National bank. He hopes to be able to pany. 2,noO; Oct. f.i even n dream or "licking the gang." he which u nn increase of IW,iÍ7-ové- last outfit Uta Lndamaged. For chapped hmids. use Wanttni llinn take up bis new duties next r...... An ciiiiccr week after the . V"" "mm. merely pxfsts, She emphasized that tho uouon. 600 north Stanton. reiurn 10 Washington or Secretary of ! ''"T1 ""- "ieiurbanco wa The total or tht lliilldliiu hurled to one aide, and the students beroro her, knowing tho preventat- number passengers .carried rhono ,6i7.. Treasury JlcAdoo. Penults. disturber wssv IW.8M:- - one mile. average the W I. Parr In build an addition to porch jiiiiv.i UK inarimj-i- i .en counter ive, of the cultivation or the 1.SS5; cleaners. Vhlte work a specially. itlght Way Laundry; good work Ph. 1119. , into the or iu.ii.1 distance per passepger .w miles, ne 1 ai 7iM Lebanon ptivatn offlii 11. ti mind and thought had an effectual weapon a T'hone ror auto baggage trucks. IM. pollremen linally revenue rom carrying passengers was I Xlnli Rn.l r í I. Ilewllt k Son to make repairs at. aucreeded lit ireilliig he ariilnít moro luck and mere cxlslenre. Dr. Jamleson dignases or kidney, blad lll . V,v wagon, and .Mrs. BAe.isociafci,rrM Alhamhra . - . Phillips dwell forcibly tlmin the K.' IV A K. Company. der, skin and rectum, .its Mills Dldg. TAKE NOTICE No more on wsti theater, luui.u iiiini i''!raiiy . ir. Alaska, Oct. 30. The steamship Vic- lots the necessity of unit tho will, The repon or F.i : Jarlnto M. I ranrHro o imilit an adobe, ir concentration as . the Paso. iSoiithweslern toria, tho last boat or. the, season, end or Fediral Street, In Manhattan Heights, tne or. CUIIMIUIIJ-- departed lot 13, block f too. I'i.ltliely Matter nasi, an vducatlon, am) of discipline un une .operated, east or l:l Paso Fined for .Speedbifl. for Seattle lonlaht Wlih 3M na.e'nirn; nml along the roua of the addition, Croup. Indican .expenso - proposed Foley's llonev and Tar rnm,iin,i .mil practice In the use of tnenlat niiilliten. that the ratio or to reve wiiilim II tirinii.- rn.nl.,. nr ,h. pi I trjnfoorlatlon rimnecilnn with ihn will bo sold st present prices or tlio thick choking mucous, Alio touched upon the (irrercnl in nue wai mi.19. Till company operates lines ",e wo ' and clears away motives Known as ihe. El Paso Pxso I'lanp comiUny. wa yesterday fined W.l.0' discontinued until next and 1500 per lot arter November. 15. the mechanism or learning! the visual, a k JVortlicaatrrn. h On anil piuriiix on K.u-,- , lh,at due an advance In price or 'M and alops the hoarse coukIi. The. acoustical 'and duclllnv noon ron. r. T iim. inn nawsoii railway, 'tijii. i,iuio Hie The ffold niilnut nr n.nin...t. -i EAST ELPASO FUEL ft GRAIN CO. japln( moloc iho Alatnogordo i. üacramonta MounUtn cuarge m exceetnnr ine.specu until, sir, Ing the season just per lot, will bo erfecllve In this location. inn. iipiii iui urcaiu gives way I' cftitratlon to, accomplish, qiiotlng railway endedwas C, qulel...i breatliinir and peaceful sleep, William and iho lliirrn Mniinnin rnm,n Srlmti told the. court be bad no Intention or a II. LeaveJl, Sole Agent. Fuel. Ki'fil nnd Hour, ICxcluslvo llarol James. SlHsatd a good iHirlng the - iiuii.r, nair minion dollars largor Mam. .Mich., vv. iw v.. internum not bsck past year the company4 leased of violating the- law and ventured the onln lhau during ihe season or 1913. iiKentH llert.ji writes: up Moe llent, I'oao del Nortu lej-- Honey and Tar to our ed by a sutrirlcnt will power lo carry Ion that he dipufy'paslbly Need dlatses? Ask Began, 103 Texas St., children for out Hut Intention denoted s or .... ""'r-- nn- The Success htBh crude, Hour. 'Otica lrldt nN degeneracy ui main une oi iiiota ne pajn tne. nne. inereeriv ih ciim.nt pear Oregon (Advertisement.) wnys wonder a man In Texas walkni i'. miie t will rather than s iolnt or inert.; A college, i. i. n. r ine enmuanv na .nieitf nrais S06 illlbj st, UDelaney. tiacd. IHIlvcrles all pnrtH of SWS0.la which is a gain In city. Ibo'slore to get ti bottle of Foley's Honey education as a mean or specialising was ascta.or771. get phone 1 for Longwell'g laxlcabs. CArloait lots (i upcclalty. om-- Ki.33 over last year' Try the new Bar. You the uf' and Tar Coinnniiiiit. Kverv in rrieii.i urged, the day or starting tho , DIrrrlnr lllnl n.vf.n. IMionp 3235. at comer revenues ror the past year were best. r. Keisn,-ryp- By i'iiiy murr (.uvt;riseuient,) grocery and coming nut on top. slid ..I"i,0,al t. the Atnoeiatnl 'mi ", said, 1,117,810.76 and the total operating expenses wasningion, 30. George Hens at (Adver was oter, It I necessary oci. E. noberli Ardoln's to climb lo reach were .5?;Si!i.6S leaving f 1,774.31 net Save your baglfáge checks, for- Longw-eJi's- director of the, who tisement.) place an revenues, lie'r mint resigned tódsy, of unrestricted view of musl. quick delivery service. Phone l; I ' blllllei beyond. YüU remember the. Chicago Expenditures In New Mexico were,. the son loimumg or way and'airtie-lure- met chant told hi there wa plenty or .tiainirnanro T.' Ys B, room 90l.tl8.lt, equipment S7li.7JI.oj A'otler. on top. but the elevator Svasn'i run. I nlng. To t Ideals low iraiiu fiupj.ssi iransportallon. ID01.88, Vou are rrouester to attend Ihe rnnerii one' o thai they (3. and general expenso. lll3.7W.ifl. or sihiuiii never arrive,, dui aiwaya be striving Sister Lillysn lleflin aaitirday ai Sp.tn. iu, tine very erneauy agvisca ine gills. to riinerai rrom reas.' unaeriasing parlors. Our Prices Are Lowest an economic bails.: Mou may nol hav KJ'K. "VA.-- mlTTAIt, Pre. Stewart M. AH Titlé.Guaranty Company an economic basis. "You way nol havo It. LEY, Trca. io earnyour living lojiay nor tomorrow, PAPE'S BIAPEPSIN in your twenties nor sour but Full Worih llooflrtg-- 11. II. and ll.iOl lhlnle7 per rou. uunon-ung- co. 10. 16 Pounds Granulated Sugar, . . . rn. GUARANTEES $1.00 Mrs- Phillip said It was a mitin direful t)r. Cuminjns.physlclsn surgeon, I 12 Lbs. Fancy California Potatoes', "V. . , . for a woman nut to Jiav S'.soecutlied line FOR INDIGESTION and tsn ,25c or above MUIS UlUg, i nOBO 1U8. 1 work the tncdlcaere, ir the ÁMite 6 Lba. Sweet . new frttectiM ti Potatoes...... , 25c ally ror earning a lufnr ptclj srom-- "Aqw InTteit Pink Salmon, in your youth and vigor'. the iiiue ror "you Dr. Pagel, Deatlit, Itob. k Ban. Bldg. F"?, tall cans , , 10c prepare to OR BAO This Company, rt Busi- to yourselves be. strong, elt STOMACH I order to handle properly all Guaranty. I.11Ü. Kintrd, or- Mot it 1mm hn.n. FiW.'Eggs (guaranteed), reiiint women, if you never; need to use first-cla- per xjoien 7I ,Magofrm-aveau- - ness, maintains a Abstract office and employe ,.f 30c what you bate learned, you"; will still,-l- Jersey milch row.- expe WiscsfHsin Cream Cheese, per lb. . . . the gainer in your leelluriiifi cumnoteiicf uenornro. orasui ivy len nip. Any one re ucntcu iana lawyers ana miernen. 20c Itelletr gas, turning Snowdrift, nd frrcdoni, íjh . soufRess HesrlMir.H-- iier.win receive reward, j. r.l better than lard, Í0 Tú. for.í $1,25 Mrs. Phillips did nol annroveior Ihe mere si io me raíanles. I.U1ÍS. With such facilttíea, the Company can close ud land trans., Fancy Peaberxy Coffee, $ lbs. forv. . boarding scImviJ In bch u cSnUnutl educa actions with HissMssch and at a cost: and , &0c lion. Ih said im bor or stflteter learned Ihe swellesi bar la town. Finest aood.l revsable at tk 1q UCBH. same time give absolute 'pratection the purchaser. 6 Large Rolls Toilet Paper. . . . , , bo ir iillint so lung si kheytreinslneii! hour, gsy, upsel stomach. jUMIreiiion si Jd to 25c a - 6 Pkgs, Wilt uf whole rather- thnkw3l Wn.K nraiiuum, iiytpepsia; wnen IBelood jvu V Uneeda Crackers for. , , , . . 2$c lit roliege life the boy sodirltM'P'W' friments Inlo gae KKVH.'8. X'jTIÜe GtsasMty is the sale way. .. ibeti snd women, miHvldaaHty your head ache Best, luncfces. . ssAawlebes. immriM 7 Lbs, Mexicaw.Beans jiir allu"in and yea r sick -- for. ,V,i , 25c fostered, their judgment cultlKe4iby use rnd lulserabl. Ihsf you. resille doipeillc cbeestf. sausage, rsmlly wurea sad , a. to 1m teie Hum aerrv." whn ti. s a'UW 4 2 Cans New" Pack Tomatoes for, , . , . , JoL, tbelr lives benefited by eorulng Ui lou hinlc in Tape's Dlsnepsln, all liquors- spssisiiy: .ios. sai i, staatoa. ... 15c ruur.wiuni mums uv in (T3j i i n misery vanun in v u!i riveiKHauie. 4 3 Cans Fancy Raicko Corn for , , , , , finally lh siipreriallon or lrstllinsift ill I If your s tomar b is In s cobUsumiui Wastes Kkaulder. ,25c Mf holi-if r. 1. T. TDOMias. surirrlor rmm iii.i.. 3 iy tbs trained mind of, the cotfe n s you can'l gel II reguiaeS, please, Mted Cans Fancy Strif Beans for, , . . vrei imnllonetl. TI buitvrly your. sake, iry Papo' shousr, Vs treated last nlalii all Stewart- .H. ,25c lo' T'for t4fwUi. lt' the crntrslf rnjrrMacV homii.1 h imii..I rlMirolat cresm weru ,ik!-- ( .so needless to lii-- i .,..1.. Large Site Disst,- - dv. i him .iuu.ii. , - Cold per package, , , , , zl v ÍAr"-- "f oisiocauoa u 20c rrrrji unr. urs, I'lurim a I rivur ncxi s lavOfHe tiMd ,KI. then w (r.uil vi y,- Fancy Creamery ButUr, UUI""'u n Vftlll All miu-- IMr. larr,,!., ... tale s littlemi'UUpepsin. per lb , 30c life There wl noi tw lhau In boarding scJumI lire. ThsjBollrg any aiirf4-- -i w.iihom ftsr.jrir rvu 1 Fsr raye, mi uajr iiivaiure wrre rr tuperlor ta Tape's Ulaixpsin Tally regú- doa" I boardliut school plcasuro as wersl' hlg'i lale weak, stotuaeti HaM ghes A lirg alocar rootiatr r b..i school plessure nur vvfr the kUidrtrlo. It II millions or sale aanuslly V W""J. 11 rwei m up, LUBS Lion Grocery In Hoiinr Mrs, rmiilps an aoeai (Jel a large, f(fly real cssifof pla twr Co. I'ltes- east: taait Company l itx jioulh or rri l'f lh TWrutleih rvHMiry tepm rrom say drug .tore. 11 U lh f wriiit-- by Hand rr Jordan, aitcmi o turret jKomstb rtlU-- cur v WUm KxsaeraltaV lOf.JU S: Stmbm iho gills, Uckt sad 124, uiricitt live that your"ssser kivQwn. i ari ttpoH jike Hutf rll U a 'Imf Mum lu TIbM was m,iuH Kite, llir nun. IIm.u'uuiui viiu - I A kH w.. . - . ' .. . I I'hcHia hwmu irieniinr. barmless- nnd p!cfM, i basacti 1, IH way In Ibcir tpue be hsIVI aewsl tuBtittul her fciueasHl. lUa i,ri. sti r.vm. calvisswasV. I ind lmratlutt whlrtt truly brluMf' láxsry Jo.i. iswrosr. n.uxui. HAN ANTONIO mr iui. In ilu liLailrf- - i...... - UooM, deaaVr arreiled dajr asru ami lUal to CilmtHu, badvrlwired Wr kj tttw I - effect - l - . 7. i"asassMin'

Ml 'IHlf-u- ai i'- Saturday. OcJobar SI, 1914. EL PASO MQftNlNC TIMES saaaaSiaal government will reitérete Hi reejueat for MskhIc , guar an Hisa .see, jaeateaea. svm tt-- aerved éurme the umiaiallaal be protected T AbsVa alus mm ; Bicycle Riding that jsjsMaaiaa eeasected by How M tates,aaMi n united weteat mmtms reina nmj nt Maeil. m'tm DECLARE OFFICERS Mr. Fakfte polnM cmt in Hi note that EYSTER'S nvaerai uanetioa Aeww. uiiimuiiiunaim Imjproves Yoiir Figure commander of the ataee of vara. rw, al- Himm k pt, WW Dm k ready lias Issued a prockettni giving tfca Mas From! BM.fcHN. FIWC.VCH ANWiTr!H CM.UM.V8 inrse gueraniees. ine American iotbtb-ment- 'i C. O. D. ftert note mamreato Co. HAVK MSRN LEONARD asking for from Grocery ARLE Ttt MtMST FLUKH'S By Dr. KEENE HIRSHIERG ONSLAUGHTS Garrama left Washington before He Jfoc Of GERMANS. A. B., M. M. D, (John HopW). that officials will insist upon guarantees ' Groctry . . g as pre- fVAMMr JtHtrimení 434 Ope aleg at Mies by Relatan Near Moulh la a circle. Kren Inert, bedtea move! rom ine Mexico cuy gwernmeni a requisita 10 evacuation. I MftCS jféat IhpmrímtM 434$ Wver Yntr Placed FormMaMr. Obstacle LIFE circular, curving, spheres, N'a ArllsH aa RralMátloa. In Path of Prnmlafl. As vet the convention has not taken ac I a c( curia up dtiwh tiiv uicfmn in m urviv. tlon on the resignation of General carraasa, planeta revolve round Ihe sun in spending much of Ha lime thm.far In the (Th Fucy Fra't ami AU KímLs i'eris 0?U returning neft worlds spin In aace la clrclas. Drops ot fluid, dew, raid of the plan of Guadalupe and the plan of Vcetabiec if from the battle from' My that success for 'and" water all form ct relea or globules. Tha human race Ayala. Ma up Ilka Round The article referring to the establishment Fancy Florida Qrapt - A the allies his grown out of he curies of doubling; a JacUknlf into a clrcta. of a provisional president has not yet been 91- Cranberrlea. furious conflicts on the extreme left wing huldars, tha ehufiU walk, the bow lega nnd knock discussed, but the names of General Zaf ata Fruí. tor DC pernuart lUC curv-Vtu- and Pascual Oroiro, were contained lying near the coast, as well as in the .kneea. thaaa and various other deformities, nuc.h &u which Fancy Celery, in tne original pian or Ayaia. 11 is sens, i Sweet Potatoeg eafea mmvmMtm by PftjliHC their Mood vicinity or Ynres and Arras. Everywhere, of tha spina, humpback, paralysed arma and lega, have been omitted. Tho articles which nifl - I bunchegfor...... for .CiDC wKk 84 K- ñ. Catarrh otttm lavadee the frey say, the Belgian. French and Brillan 'all tend to curves. have been accented nrovlde ror the lmme ...IOC apHen Vefwe have 10 big nitre ,lt fe sisal forcea been able resist the Ktectrons, molecules all move in circles, as utate conrisrallon ot the holdings of Fancy Comb Honey, I.bs. onslaughts or the German and atoms and land owners, owners wno ran snow la Colorado columns uf. ig IMMtTt thát the (tMMMh, Mvr, kMae, reply wim eounter-atUck- a so full or. vigor ale tha wireless waves of tha atmosphere. Alt these inn and miiliahle ml will he nroteeted, ...10C Potnloea BTMeaJat totea and BMt a the Iltxt mat they the always etraBge tendencia of mineral living things teach nther artirlea nrovlde for tho Indemnlfl carried allies still for and DR. HIMHHaU cation to land wlio rightfully bold ara Involved without ene cet-tlo- ther forward In the movement lu recapture physical muaeu- - holders being Miwmay he tha Bhvalolorlcal fact that culture and large raíales, so mat tney can do nil realised. Catarrh weigtum. - Dut or 16 Lbs. Sugar troaWe xerclsee, vfljleh Involve circular curve movement a, aid tha human drift trilmtoil mnni- mattes Meilro. Granulated for the result of soase eerloue blood The unhesitating manner In .which lar or Zapata delégales yurs, and tola la enlj oaa the The credentials the if Joraur ot Germans threw their muses or men at the aAd proclivity toward atable hatth. have been accepted, and they have pledged ,tb assay peculiar arrets of leapure blood. riding, dancing, rowing, aitlm- - themselves to abide by the decision ot the New Ita upon allied positions, time after time, these BiorcU JCST HKCEIVED A NKW SHIPMENT OF HKINZK S. S. B la, iaSoesce tba omrera av. ajUnnUhment. Mm PICKLES, KTC. thoaa rmiert in aalnar, boxing, tennis playing and base, te Htikk Qtwttiwii convention. uceas aarfacea. catarrhal of Aiwr secreHlBa to ba cichaacii or converted lines the allies 'the Impression prevails ball flaring. are all superior, therefore, Helnxe Mince Meat, nn Helnxe Chow Chow, tnai 11 was tne determination or the' Ger from TROtftLK FAPECTKD tato aubaUBCC easily, quick!, aad to waBclmr. maaaaga, golf playing, horse- It. D, What will remove freckles per lb , UC per pint 20c espelled from the body, mans to break through at any cost Their IN EHA CHl'Z. It heroic were in back riding and Indoor gymaaatlca. ; cbaBfte thla nseua that It la act the sacrifices vain, however, for ...... im M , t r whn liaVA Helnxe Sour Krflut, r after they had Used themselves1 as human la, Helnxe Sour Mixed ropy, cIorIbx atnC that piuca the nose, Bicycle riding par excellence, ona ef Tiiare la no permanent cure, bat yeu been Inside 'Aguliars' lines, and to whom per , raokee battering rams, they were coanpeHed lo fall lb. OC Pickles, per pint IOC the throat, canees severe bowel the Ideal forma of outdoor action. The might try' thla t HIS men navn laiara wiuiuu innu, upeets, coatam-laate- a back without having, their trouble, the atoanch aad acrowtHaked moñ circle,' and kydraeyaale acid.,. e gralaa adatase responsible ror inn, sairmeni inai inn ui Helnxe Dill Pickles, the food Juat entering the blood. tssk . cycle meaaa Dilata Helnxo Sweet. Mixed IU la often aw cult to convince catarrh Ihe ooenWir oMhedlkes fay the Belt ana a double circle. catata atU last IS gralaa ders wn to attack tho Americans unless per doxen ...... 20c Pickles, per pint.,, 20c Alcaktt U raes are .sosercra that chronic couch, chest palee, near iue tnottior the, river Yser placed Useless, .Indeed, la the motorcycle and the Utter wilhdrawn. ng gaaKlax, breath aad other lorroipanie "..''in tne or Ger Cara tío waUr...... a'warM Tho discovery that active recruit for Helnxe Pickled Helnxe Sweet trtld onuacie war tho aa muacular davalep - only the local erldesca deepr mans, who compelled automobile as far me sieiican armj- is n, per arc at' were to recrosr iho . - -- ...... r... ti .a"a. mi ti1 anum,.In Mll pint r.....25c per pint ,25c seated trouble. Set a bottle of B. B, 8, river, during ment and a reduction of weight la con V. and this operation suffered P. L My nwtee are very fn American army circles to ascertain tho today aad try It. Toa will get rood re- severely rrom tne antes' artillery, cerned. Wheeling,' neverthalesa, with 0. Freeh soon aware; Tha least thing makes me sx exact extern oí iim. üii:ivii uvy'""""" Oyrter Home Dreued Poultry and salte, real beard t and be ef The attacks of the Germans todiv are re tha circular motion ot your pedal tno unes, a gradual cleaning up and a check to the ilted and I hrva a quick temptr. Cau within American Karwa City ported to have 'not been accompanied wllh aurpaaaes walking and riding, you me what to dot Tho Interoccanlc train from the capital Meat. progresa and dangers ot catarrh. Avod tho violence adlae was on night, tho engineer ray. Of their previous assaults. The dancing' and'awlmmlng aa 1. hav-- a spot on my face whloh haa rtred last substitute. 8. S, & Is prepared only by opposing were In and equala aa I Mt train Ihroillrh a riln Of bullets. Mo Specific forces constantly contact. a 'yellow head. What la good tor It?. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED. The flwltt Co.. 61 Swift Bid., Tne or ail allied troops outdoor sport. one was injured. Ga. They a medical de- Denavior tne under Atlanta. conduct the wonrti-crnl-.. usually meana partment la terrific strain has been Muscular growth, dar for free adrice that worth Battalions your Do not. drink 1 while consulting. of French matines, formed ot 'crease In redundant fat. la a thins; L Chance habita. i unen It tea, coffee, beer or ItquArs. Obtain tan MOHK supernumeraries from the fleet, covered compact solfoTty and wholeness. There TALKING. themselves with exceptional glory In the of houra'aleep-atjilght- Raw, awlm.- danca iiy letsoclfcd Prrss strength, but great gain Keep In opao FORMER FEDERAL ARRESTED. great bayonet charge aicng tho coast line la no loss in a la nnd ride a bicycle. tha Mexico liny, uci. ""i. vT. mucu ner efficiency arid power. sunlight sary for General Carrania Jo dissolve uiu inucu lowaras forcing tne force, couvmuuii, -- mann to 2. Aguascanrnirs "" t Mexican Captain Charged. Wllh - Enlisting retire. Woman should. If, sound In- body, take Try white praclplUteolntmenL mlnlster or foreign artairs. said in a r." Men lór Ser Ice Abroad. Around La" Bassee both, the 'allies and the up bicycle riding In preference te all tonight regarding condition In Nov Captain Augustlno Germans have displayed Indomitable brav Pontojo, former officer ery preaent fashions In phyelcal exertion; will o or the rederal brigade, commanded by ucn In' the hand to hand flirhtlna- which h Dr. Birthttrg ancer "if Villa and Zapata mt his conditions Dealer Deserves Mercada, been going on day and night for two weekt Indeed, eyery automobile' should be or readtrt ef tMt par en madlcal, eral Salvador was arrested ves tubfOfa t&ot are terday by on á charge, nrsi one siae and men tne other has taken. equipped with blcyclee Just as 'large Ajplnie and aontletlon federal officials of will not undr-tak- ti Your mo ana tne nas swayed some water Craft arid atearaera are fitted with e finaral'lntertsf. if violation of the neutrality law. lie Is oucnsive, line aggrnrtitcment at the expense ot ,mcn times- this and sometimes that way. The amall'bo'ata and life preeenrers. to fnriKTibt or offer odvlc Jor personal Patronage if He charged with enlisting ror' service Jtt ones casa. TP Ver tAe attbact fa net Mexico. Bond sot at 11,000 by United country is interspersed with thick hedges These .Would enable the ambltloua "",.r".'. flihl them, wltn was' ' 'occasionally to- motor car and ot aenorai Merttt litttn iolll be en- - ,ill attics Commissioner Oliver, and ditches, which make operations diffi- leave the the probabilities of u0 these" hitist take little physical Jaunt beside the paraonally, if a stamped and ad all Captain bernardo BcrnsJ, formerly oi'the cult and often obstacles be lard an Itojas overcome by the .troons In the face or modern Juggernauts. Thus all danger ot orttita snveiope u anciotca. jkaarou of munitions and arms." Gives You Antonio brigade' of the federal army, being In road would, also be InaúiHit Sr. "Ja K. Birthbtrg, estr quaniltlos who was arrested last week charged with withering ftre. t stalled the ti on the entrenched line of the Sbmme. olsn obviated. - tMs eJTioe. enlisting men for a filibustering expedition Pone Urges Hex'lcan Price. ror Itio Carranza government In Mexico, and Atsne, frequent isolated, actions oc was bound over to tho ,rederalgrand Jury curred today, especially near nhelms. Both "What You Ask so Russian cruiser Jemtchur. was sent lo the Rome, Oct. ,), ine .lura naiun.c For" by Commissioner. Oliver yesterday follow- armies were wen buried in.rine pits, and respondent, of .the neuter's Telegram cora tum .,,ni.i that a nanal fineil.. trenches, however, In bottom yesterday Penan g; Strait Settle- pany. ing preliminary hearing. He was unablo that no change the tt n.m k, nnhli.iirvi hnriiv exhorting to 1 1,000 positions was Drought about. ments, by tho German crüisér Emden. rumisn bond. u use. every m light Tne net mar ino bailie is ororressinir is Another version of the affair is In Your' name, business and address in the the Jdexicans ,cuui CLAIM of "Juat a jireat some day, when-i- t 111011? repunur. name, more easily dlseemkble it nlrht iKdn in the Matin- This says that the Emdcn enter- 'Who. na What Are Jfou Looklnr For?" llihlng peace In is .Your business and address In the or, Times, A Good" is in reality a brought home forcibly to "Who and What Ara You Looking the daytime .when - tjte. smokeless powder ed Penan disguised- as 'a .nusstao warship, column The will help you to Fort" secure more Phone so&o It. them column of The, Times will help you to iTwiera jao uriuiery ana rtrio iiying tno Jtussian colors, ana skiiruuy business. 'about confession of weakness. that the "Fooler has secure more business.- Phone sou about Invisible. In concealing her identity until she got well It the darkness, however, the Ceneral John 6irapson Dies. 'been Fooled at latt." flashes shoot out; brightly and the roar and into port. Then, according-t- the Matin's. TEXAS IfJitOS SOLD. correspondent, the Emdcn suddenly hoisted Bathe A$iociated Prtu' rattle or the rannonandma'chlrte. guns Cfalyeslon. Oct. Gen- Halloween people scems touder, .lhoj scene the Oermani flag and ooened fire on the le.x., wonder William while ls Simpson, U. S. A... THINKING J. Moriin of Fort Worth Buys. Local by "the burning ' Jemtcbug, wh(cli, taken by surprise and eral John retired, died of 'blaze ftpm "villages and late tonight. Ho was 71 years manufacturer VILLbe"too late to Labor Publication. - ' to a old. faca William J. Moran, a- farms. s unapie aerend herself was" sunk In. IT labor rew minutes. an imitation eyer puta it on around when the reputa- man from Fort worth, yesterday purchased A aronlnn was .eomnelled to Your name, büslneis aad 'address In toe Special the Tejas Union, the weekly publication qescena .yesicrpay jetwcen ,tne French and The' Emden then dashed out to sea with "Who and What Are Tfou Looking For?" Candy the market at all, if he con- ron for reliability is "gone devoted to tho cause organized the tho Mousquet courageously following and of labor In German trenches; but the oceunañts her. column of The Times '.will help you to siders his product only juit the dealer on the this city. The new proprietor is one' or sopea, iaji nigni captain Benengir, with rne torpeao boat destroyer tried to lornedo ccure inure uusineas. I'aoue. bow aooui- lu Novelty Boxen oí ftfárídimallow next corner the best known labor men 'in Texas. He Is thtf cruiser., but the fight was too, aa good something that m,mh,P nr IhA Irwf, (atrial hn.Mi sevrral mechanicians and Infantrymen, unequal OATS AND PUMPKINS at has gotten the cream pf the .tlrta... nú no to- .The. Huron, 'on- Is- made a daring reronnatsanée d the .nouiquei was sent' tne bottom. city of Lake Erie, tho Dc BOX., elee has do- created by tne workmen's compensation correspondent flV.f rilln Inum ffn Inalaft Ih. Wm m . w . THE tome oia been trade. act, and ror a number or years represented marnme only slightly damatred. Thev.er. too adds1 that all tha fected, repairs cruisers of the allied fleet In the vlclplly of uncu, mgn pjijcjcucy ror Gooil'toEat. ing fpr a long time. organized, labor during sessions of the leg' and brought ihe aerpplans - nuua lamps islsture In Austin. Mr. Moran not with- ny n ,ne raco or a neavy nre rre-- the imsug, nuiaoiy, mose 01- japan, arc now atlirvi. lllllins purposes- - SATUUDAY ONLV. out experience in the labor newspaper enemy. pursuing tne unaem having- field, been editor of the South- yn too tno Germans Have been can always western Bricklayer organ or Jieuso PRINCK "Who and What Are Vou Looking The Elite Cmfectionery Co. IMPROVEMENT and DEALERS, the official unablo 10 bring their great howitzers into MAURICK DIEII For?" own by stick the bricklayers' union. LEADING HIS COUPANY. uiufuu ui 1110 mués wiii ceil) you to progreta there is merit. effective action owing to the hilly, wooded F ing to the roumry, wnue we- rrencn troops,- Bv Ihe 4nodo fed Pre (AdtrertisemeaL) tried and true Your name, Business and 'address In the with their London. Oct. 30 Prlneem llvnrv nt . In copying worksof others Wbo and What Are You Looking Fort" icorougn anawieogo or tne ground, bav ni the established and well Dccn apio to very tenbera has rieen InfarmMl tiv thn hn,(i W, H,-- was a there is no virtue. column or Tho Times will help you to execut annoying quarters llarkncss recent visitor. known advertised merchan- secure more business, phone toso about It. maneuvers. Tonar jnrantry engagements at tho front that her. son'; Prince The Ladles' Aid of Cloudcroft. will alvo s in that region were very hot. táurico 01 uaiienoerg, wuose name ap- Halloween party at. the pavilion- - dise. Chicago Reserve Bank'. upper Alsace tho Germans peared in the list of killed made public governor McDonald w III C UNIQUE TMITAT10NS and substt--X in and vtslt oudcrort By the French a .ago, AuocUttd Prtu were .opposite each other ion the slopes of iow uj mei. ocaui leading nis today and speak it the oavlllon. Local tutes Chicago, Oct. 30. The federal reserve a yalley, ramnmv In an allirlr Thn nrinn .. .. are an economic in Chicago able but despite the, difficulties or their Democrats win, entertain-th- gpvernor while T0DAY bank the district will be tasK, tne struck by a shrapnel bullet rrom a burst- he. and should the reputation in to open November It was decided to- French advanced under a heavy Is here. The following, committees have watte, have no I, ing Micll and died almost Immediately pf-- MAUY FULLER. GET day by the executive committee. Head- me aim tjpiurcu mo jrencnes or tne been selected; Reception, J. K. Tatum. II. place in; the store of a pro city of handing out quarters on La Baile street also were se- enemy,, which t.ler had 'nrevlouslv aweni tcmaru. M. Jlenney, Tom Chsrles; Sam Mmmo; Mai IN dlanatmi li tlm iVntcnl .Vniva grestive without lected.. wnu ervcu ariuiery in;. Tne opera uvi Walters: entertalnmcntj C r. knlaht. A. 1. dealer, argument articles Prints SlaUrlce.has ion was cosiiy nut ,tne rrencr; secured been burled, near Ypres. sewell, II. K. nrubakrr, C. 8. Wood, A. J. asked for. You will find that Your name, business and address in the commanding position. Swopc. Tho committees will bo assisted by The Witch Girl" "Who and What Are You Looking OFFICIAL 8TATEMU.NT it is an asset that will build Fori" Precinct Chairman 0. A. liedle and Scott u. Stirling; Comedy imitations column ot The Times will help you to FRENCH TORPEDO BOAT ISSUED FROM LONDON. Wllllamj.member Two Rods, and a MOREOVER, secure more business. 050 It. of the state central rom. and promote business. rtjone about SUNK BY EMI) EN. Bv the Aoioctattd Prtu mlttce. "Just as London. Oct. DO Southwestern Weather Farreasl. liu "Severn rirhtlnr run. Good." Dealers know it. Washington. Oct. 30. west Texas, New Paris.llitIlMOct. 30 Advicesr.. rerelverl brrx' in tlnucs wllh Utile intermission along the "A Race For day aMtM' tine, eaiwriallv tha Mexico and. Arizona. Local rains Saturday: Show that It wai the rrenrh tnpruiili Inuinli nnnl. ,.v wuu .,, n,a ivu iAxjKina rorr CULTIVATE patronage Sunday fair. boat destroyer Mousquet which; with tha The German resJsanco Is stubborn anil column or The Times win help you to a who persist in customers a Bride" fierce counler-anack- are made by them wvur iiKiro uusiness. I'noue Mam about It. DEALERS frequently. and what they ask for. You '.Vevcrtheless, the Brlilsh are steadily Tomorrow nnd Monday "Just las'. Good," or know, satisfied is aalnlnar around. In a counter.attark. nn a customer hrlraclH rtetlterpft TItEY O' ÍIBABT8" N "Orphan" Brands, will see a best hrllllanl li.winol v your business builder. Charge, accounting for many of the enemy, COMMITTEE SUGGESTS nnd nn Comedy wnosu losses tnrougnoui 111c rignttng aro "1'AIlTNRItB IN CRIME" jíów to Buy City Real Estate, hesvy," ' (Continued from page 1.) Animated Weekly Monday. The forcrolnr ut liaitnl at Stiia 1. "Get You by the official press bureau. llrhl r Ilia nltannM ..I.. .L- - What Ask For" or How to Find Purchasers third, they aro to lose their eullre lold ANOTHER lOUVG PRINCE ing. IN LIST OF llCAU. Tim nrrtrariiira, tnr II,. ,.t,l .... National League, Philadelphia By tho Áfurialrd Prtit lands Is that cnicted during Ihe reglrie of ueriin, Oct. 31, (Via London. 3:2i - m.i President Juarei when the eccleslaaiini m. In a casualty list made' public lonay anotner prince or a ruling nouse. Prince- Oroiro Elevated and Deposed. OEOROK ADE COMEDY Henry BIJOU or Hem, son and heir or Prince The plan of Ayala was adopted at a "The Fable of the Author and the Henry VIl or Hems, la among the dead. meeting of Zapatista leaders held In Hie The young pilnre, who was only II years town of Ayala, slate or Morelos, riuvember. Dear Public nnd the Plate of oiu. was a lieutenant in ine sevenin Thur IVU. shortly after Madera assumed office Mush." Ing i iiroiuciu. wauera ia uenouueed aa a "SEED AND HARVKST" Murphy's Comedians an Ufanlry regiment. traitor for his allered fallura r,,,. no uave in Aiuong oiuers una at ine from itio reforms promised in the platform of Two part Kaem dramatic pro- - ALHAMBRA are Major General Erne! Von llelchcnau ' ductlon. of the mili infantry brigade and Major or san Lula Potosí. Paicual Oro'ico "is CRAWFORD varón von homed chler or tho revolution Monday ucoerai iraní wasicnoacu. wllh, Emiliano Matinee Today. 2:36 p. m. - MAN" TURKISH FLIXT KNTCIIEU Fotlowlna- the usurnilon' nt iinn. .n. "THE FIFTH Continuous) Performance other was added Jungle-Zo- o BLACK MA OtrrOBEK 3D. clause denouncing Huerta A three part apacial Sunday Matinee, alamo Hour. Complete change of playa Moa-da- y and prumtslnr Ororco the death or drama, Ml the Atioclattd Prcji ' , In the event be fell Into the hands of ,tbe and Tavursday, Amsterdam, via London. Oct. JO- .-, The fci.,,Nv, iiivM wcrsiim coHifHenocr UKAX, MUBICAIi four-ac- llandelsblad says II has learned from Ber- In chirr. The clause denouncing Huerta A t comedy-dram- a that lin that the Turkish fleet entered Ihe (Hack and deposing Ufoxco wis adopted arca noiu: 0HIKIiIY8 is there Sea on October ta that i. with the punch, and minor enraice. a om. mual-cla- menta folio ed. rHn gtnc Three Rtgwlar SonwiWy Waste to Locate m Erery Part of Thk City with CtHHV.V GOVERNMENT HA.VIM who Prw. Turkish .scouls wireless outfits are PASSPORTS WtauiAN talking nnd aaid to have appeared at to T0 piNMTHL Chy KaJty k Üe Ud-- k of fin wortk It ta Uta the entrance Good dancing (rio stage a and! as avemeM Ihe Quit of Sue i. If the Auocialtd Prtu México City, Oct. aul slay. with a rare beautiful pre awls liWaJ ranu iuú k4r JappreciaUaa w value CHvwg to sNtatWeM According to the saint) advices' Turks Reiia minister lo le)co, was handed naaa. Una of acenlo nov. dwsaiis, ressMvab, deatl, seMlewBÍs of estates ami mgay otber causes, living In neutral countries have beeu or- his Program to pons today by Minuter, of 'Foreign comedy elty act. (Wc always bargaka to Be pkked up cash dered present themselves lu their Affairs Jtre rae for of e t bw. Muy t aiHla. henor rabela said be was com, Dm wfte waeataWaierwa; alters at amtMtf new wm11 Utte to eur propawtioH if o belled to lake this course because pf tea-- TODAY'S-- , PICTUIIE8! ALLKS ARK HMKLLIVU lain aggressive and, disrespectful e 0TQRM4 WFB-- nctiMArK notes OF W1V aJt rkoec rwtTRts. rectet) 10 the Mestcan government or mora ordinary rseJt vrio have ím m tke umt day? Our By by it GRECIAN drama than tht Auockttd Prtu Wig) an represenlstlve, Intareat, Little Want Aek wifl reaah tJie Tokio. Oft. (11 a. 11 la officially and pf4e vw wat ta reck. II m.1 BUOB" At iL iiliiiMi - - V. announced thai a atiieral allark vu The minister of fortín affairs wauu "PltOKBémm : r ' w "ana, 11 opened at dawn today on the German po. say notlilng regarding the nature or tea A two-re- comedy photoplay, sv aSfsnam vvfcat cUaa of paefmty ymt to Uy or VimtPH sillón at Tsing Tau. The sbalimg or the correspondence, but l is believed thai Mae TODAY COMINO: Victor Huso's mas- k. fortress continues ai Ibis hour. The spirit notes referred lo fhe operation by Ike Met' of the silted treopa la said lo be high. ran govrrnuiriii 01 11.0 property or tee terpiece, "Lea MlaerahlM." tne Uisiwaas to you. It wUj coat ym W The etwee rors birtbttay la being Cel- Meaican Tramway company. picture which broke all attend, ebrated Jodsy. The iritnwav roninanv It ranliiliirf f aveveral mm! vrM wiiMe gold, ance record here months (wfpmm ysm to Ujmwo in and a Urge ago. AN IMMAV CtWfnNUCNT of iUt slock la held by Belgian lrcenlaeapUeMete, Contluuoue- - 11 a. m. to 11 p( m. n wiiiau suiBruiiKui luua (IVBr MS Bt AuociMtd Prtu proeerty un Octúbrr Is afltr the emnlbve of tfce road had atruck, for an increao M WIGWAM THEATER """i, ucu jo.T-u-if oiiiriai press bu- reau awiotmces Met an teeian cvntingeat cipilal to has Joinid tb anil IsmMh fi.rrxa .IKeiclaa the eitfut of txjm.tm aleo i interest Ix- 01 ine railway. WILLIAM rHJN.Mf Tauft!ntjiiil"l 0ír,,'', Tla cetKcsaioas itfflj JtuefM rfvaeie. !, "MAREEA, THE FOÉTER M.HMA.N rCifX tHaMTLHi: N ACTWN Ml EXf.liANW. W ; MOTHER" Xaaaraajv Cheat Uta. Ma ta M urna ata, Use H Sac ItM, ÉsrtijifsV tMNA.Vr,Y Mrati. N4VfEi AWKfT VERA CHA. A Vltagraph Feature l Two KfeU. I8sslallv Blf the .iuotloltd Prtu riir4iKii rrtu laudos, mi. x.r "tut report dmi uer- - Wailileatou. Oct. Secretary "HIS MOTHER'S HOWE," 99 Laiiaiog Uit made no reply as yeL in the Thm ipauy hes ntade prujiols lo France, Foreigu lllograph Drasaa. Want Jjd Way ueruig cvtHtUiOHt,(ef wea rtpuuiaien note frtm WkaUter Talóla it Hot uieuai cuy puma coaaul-geaer- iro mquirmg in peaMi wkea unlay fcy taw uennao as Tomorrow "WagM pf IHnf a I tti evaeuaiton of Vera Crui by Anwricaw Itead tits, fhwatThtfrnt' Bal li aja at) HWtiénimi. as condeftJ Uniennded.' 1 forree wouU bete. Klaw k, Krlenajer proaluctUa, Maatat ltaaajay - el Mm Wofilínf TinaM, ' tUauelcti .abe IIm DI frcM. Aiaiiifraii tm The HvaMM sMMMf U wa( ta AJSKflcaa HjfMJif im WANT AXU testaos ittsiiv 'í

' . 11 .,. ilifr liilaAi if ÍÉttfM in ttnttt y é hi í&"'Mt m Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait eaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaai : : jGtsiaKsaiasBBBBBMBBSBBBBBBBBBeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS fart 1 EL PASO MORNING T1ME3 MimUy, 04W 31, 1114. Work of the Late Gonjrréwi r - What Constitute A Goel Wif, The session of congress that has just adjourned la In a lecture recently delivered before the vtltdMU I had my dream, .and so I É. )iv4 one of sessions of g of University Pennsylvania by Dr. WlntWU 'o-- (rr na the most remarkable the the of A dream beneath the wjtle, itn4 BfcJteT éf body on record. It waa the longest session ever held Halt, professor of physiology at Northwestern ,Ünl was. 1. iri ai' rfii iinfniJ.iini'i. Out in the Orchard where the soft win Vet , Oen. Vincent, JU Thompson tailing; ntertd la ib roatorriee i ti paw, Teiaa, aa aeeond-eia- a and more vital and. Important subjects Were considered veralty, on the choice of a wife, Dr. Hall pictured mail rnaiter, the The swayinir branches, and trance norteé told wauke about the war. ever within like period of time. Ideal girl to marry from physical standpoint, And far-o- . PUBLICATION OrnCESr than before a a Of life wltnlh the town of man--Mad "The Octmans. In the first place." he said, , TIMES OOILDINO, onEOON BTHEET. T8 Wl'ta SQUTII Our old friend, the Congressional Hecord, wll have also declared that some of tho best marriages) were muso on the highway and the gleam the temper of the Belgian. They mleunder-étoo- Addre til communication lo 20,000 pages when all "leaves to print" are am made between persons of different nationalities. Mrs, TUR HOHNINO TIME, El, PASO. TEXAg. the Of glory on life's firing line and then, In the second lace, the temper the RWta, bodied within Its Innards, while the greatest number J. D. Klppln, of (he domestic relations dtviaioh of the I lived content because of such a dream. of the English and of the French. Actually) from II heretofore wan 13,000, The most Important transac Philadelphia municipal court, was asked by a Phlla those nations they eapscted a feeble rttietaftee, or tlons of the second session were: delphla newspaper to comment on Dr. Hall's lecture, I havo my dream, and so I live none at all. ronEtoN ADVEnniiiNa representatives. Passed revising aa experience content' Níw York, 8.. a Beckwitb special Arency, Tribuna Bullriln, tho federal reserve Act, the bank her has brought her In contact w)th A dream wjthln the gray walls of the town "The Germans, In a word, tnlsjrdged the allies aa. Chkato. 6. c. Deexwim Special Aseney, Tribune tniildin. Ing and currency laws, many unhappy marriages, the gives Ideas BL Loun, s. Dtckwiin special Atency, fblrd ruri Btnk nidr, and her of Of old time orchard lanes the fragrant scent Cornelius Husk misjudged the metropolitan restaurant. TTlvellntr a a good Arent limite Bimird. iilllt Melton. Jtepetled the exemption clause of the Panama wife as follows: Of mignonette roses fields 'Cornelius Husk, on ,hl first visit to New York, Authorized city Collectpr-- a. Morgan Miller, td Leían, and of brown canal act, thereby Imposing tolls upon American coast She should háve good health. And golden harvest the remembered glow entered a restaurant with timid altering steps. A. wise ships. fine should keep 8UD8CntPTION RATK8. know how to house. Of Ood's lost sunshine waning to the gleam waiter brought him a rrienu.j .Very red In the face, (Dy nntl-tru- should he religious. ; ilill In Adrinci.) Passed the Clayton act, supplementing She star-li- he a long Unie Finally,, to help him piny ana Sunday. on year Of t dusk back home again and so studied it for $.oo the-- anti-tru- law, personal. She should he real woman Dl y and Sunday, tlx monib ., , 4.0 Sherman making guilt a a woman to bear I live content because of such a dream. out, the waiter said! Dally and Sunday, three monlti f.W Passed the bill creating the federal trade comml children. Pally and Sunday, on monta ti Judge, "Table d'hote, sir?' Tbe Sunday Time, ono year 1.00 slon. She should be economically Independent. " What mought tabble dote be? Id C6"rn Husit . toy Carrier.) Provided $36,000,000 for a government railroad In She should have equal education and position In asked, feebly, nú ounaay, one Victor Hugo Liege. Spanltn edil ms ratei"a"t'n''ítYti." Alaska. life with the man, at " 'Course dinner, sir, Bubjcriber wiio rail lo receive Iheir paper, regularly r Provided for the American registry of foreign ii wouia naraiy do wise to iaik of beauty aa a Shortly after the Franco-Prussia- n war Victor Hugo " Don't want her, then,' said Corn Husk. 'Ye aee, 10 "OI"7 "e nusineaa ature io tnai erren. built ships. qualification for a bride, for after all beauty Is only visited Liege, Belgium, a city suggesting In every wáy young - uosiQiiice aaarcis in lull, inciuuinr coumy ana iiaie. feller, I'm from the kentry, I am,- and I glte rieinl uj money order, draft or registered teller, In session almost continuously 325 days, break comparativo, and u man's sweetheart Is beautiful as peace and industry, But the Frenchman's visit' waa enough coarse grub at hum.' " I'none how. private branch eiciitnics wild four Irunk linea Ing tho record of the first session of the fiftieth con can be to him. And all girls cannot be born beautiful. introduced by curious optical illusion, which he do connecting all depanmenla. Tell operator which employe or grens by 2S days, ono can look In a. way "u uciuriracni you wun and connection will no man "But at beauty sane anil scribed As follows: Tlio Ttcbuko Courtcousi Arier to p. m. and on Sunday ariernoons and holiday tho fo. TlecelVfd moro than 5,000 nominations from consider that It means aboVe all health abounding f shades evening the wind A man hurried up to ono of stamp windows In' lowing department will anawer direct) the and 'Tho of drew near the president eye hI Manarvr MM.... Editorial and Reportera vitality. The girl, bright of and radiant of face ceased blowing, the trees rustling nothing waa heard tho. postoffice. ton. Society Ed. and liut. Mgr. ua Adv. and Clrc. Deuli. Ilatlfled 2t arbitration treaties. that Dr. Hall describes aa the ideal bride must be except the rippling of the water; lights burned dimly "I'm sorry to bother ypu," he explained. "I only If tbe carrier rail to deliver the paper promptly, notify u Appropriated healthy. digestion, "j ui iuo wn leicpponc. $1,118,0I,?77.IS for the fiscal year If she has bad for Instance, sho In neighboring houses) everything became half lost In want a stamp and the smallest I've got is a 1016. $8 Any erroneou reflection upon the atandinr, character or would be neither bright of eye nor radiant of face. the dusk. The passengers yawned and said, 'Wc shall bill. Sorry," reputation of any peraon. firm ,or corporation, which may Adopted a resolution Justifying the president In "It Is very much of a duty to posterity1 for a man be in Liege- In an hour, The clerk shot a glance of mixed contempt and appear in the column of The Tínica, will be (ladly corrected sending troops to Mexico. or woman ohuoae In utuii ii ii it uruuicui io me aueniion or ins management. to a mate who healthy and nor "At that moment at the foot of the hills, whlcfl Irritation through the window, slowly detached a Appropriated $600,000 to bring Americans out of mat, for this Is necessary If the succeeding genera loomed dark and scarcely visible, two round baila of stamp, tossed it across the shelf; then with eloquent Southwestern Progress. tho war zone In Mexico and $2,760,000 to bring them tlons are to be healthy ones. fire suddenly glared like the eyes of tigers. By the deliberation passed out eight pennies, eight nickels, out of tho war none In Europe. "Anil woman man five dimes, Cattle trades nro pretty lively throughout tho range the that a should choose for hla roadside roso a frightful, dark, slender, tower, sur three sliver dollars, and a single dollar Broke up the lobby. wife ehould bo a woman bill. country and every cliuui of cuttle are selling (or a good real a woman to bear chil- mounted by a hug eflame, that cast a sinister reflec' Passed tho alley bill, which Mrs. Woodrow dren. Marriage la mockery upon In The purchaser coppers, round price. Calven uro bringing from $25 to $30 Wilson but a if one chooses a tlon forest, rock and ravine. Beyond, hidden gathered up the the nickels had urged to clean up the alley sections dolllike person who Is the sliver. bill around, and the men who own bunches of good mothor of Washing abnormal enough to dislike the shadows, was a mouth a mouth of live coal which and The dollar he shoved back. ton, ana 'Sorry you cows, are finding them a very profitable Investment nt cniidren who wants none. suddenly opened, and shut, .and with hideous spouted to bother eo much," he said softly, Much of what congress accomplished the sake of home may you this time, Thcro Is considerable Inquiry for cows, has during Tor the the woman should know forth a tongue of fire. It was the lighting of the fur "but I ask for another Bllver' dollar!" tho long tlm,c it was in session was how to keep house (What?" which Indicates a resumption of breeding operation. duo to the wise and should know how to manage naces. and thoughtful action of Woodrow Wilson, president the home that her husband makes for her. It does "After passing the spot called Flemalle, the sight "May I ask you for another silver dollar?" The enterprising little city of Midland, Texas, has of the United States, who has patiently and wisely as- not matter how rich she Is, she should have this know! won Inexpressibly magnificent. All the valley seemed "Sure," said the potentate of the stamp window, sisted In already taken time by tho forelock und provided a that body every way possible without usurp- edge if she Is to be a successful wife. Our girls In to be in a state of conflagration, smoke Issuing from with a sickly smile. He realized that the worm outside ing any warehouse suitable for the storage oí the furmcrs' cot of ll functions. President Wilson has not the public schools should be taught housekeeping this place, and flames arising from that: In fact, we had put one across. looked upon congress ton. The building provided for the purpose Is 80x180 as something undesirable upon thoroughly. could imagine that a hostile army had ravaged the a ' his feet, Is located' near the depot, and will huvo a storage hands, but has viewed It as the one Instrument "That the girl should be religious almost goes with- country and that twenty districts presented,' In, the Tho Boy'a Sacrifice. through which out saying, will He was a good boy, very capacity of 1,000 bales. Midland once enjoyed the the great reforms demanded by the for It help her to set an Ideal for the night anj darkness, all the aspect and phases of de little and thoughtful. It American people possible home waa during long spell dlxtlnctlon of being an exclusive cowman's town, but was of accomplishment, and that will anohOr It firmly and be Insuranca vastatlng conflagration some Just catching fire, some a of dry weather and he had ho steadily against heard the great tho fact that n. cotton warehouse has thus been pro- has.iaborod with the Idea uppermost until unhapplncss. shrouded' in smoke, others swept or .encircled by of scarcity of water throughout the he brought country. vided Is pretty conclusive evidence that the mnn with has about such a record of achievement "With this Idea of happiness In mind, the advis flames. as was ability He came the hoe Is ulso sojourning In that country. never before witnessed In an American con of choosing a brido of equal position and edu This aspect of war is caused by peace this terri to his mother and slipped his hand Into gress. cation should be regarded as Important. A union be fylng similitude of destruction is the effect of In hers. tween ' T. J. Watson, a n South Arizona mining persons of different or unequal education and dustry," "Mamma," he said, "Is it true that in some places man, has gone In for stock raising on an extensive Senator A. B. Fall In making same camnaiitn position can hardly be successful and seldom is so, the little boys and girls have scarcely enough water scale and is now fencing 1,000 acres in tho famous speeches in tho state of New Mexico, but Senator Fall lor more is no real mental bond. to drink?" Cleveland-Wilso- n. Sulphur Springs valley, on which he will raise thor- with all of his eloquence cannot prevent what la golnii "That tho bride should be economically Independ, That the papers say, my dear." to happen In New ont Is New York Times. oughbred stock. Mr. Watson will purchase 100 ilno Mexico on November 3 The tri ipost Important, particularly to her own happl-nea- s ' "Mamma," he said in his earnest way, 'as long as "By Mr, Hereford as the nucleus of tho herd he expects to umphant election of the entire Democratic ticket, no and equality In the marriage bargain. She should comparison Cleveland looks like a be the water is so very, very scarce, I think I ought to give publlcanlsm build jip, and alno expects to invest somo money !n has become the minority political Interest havo the ability of supporting herself If need be and fogged and hopeless amateur," The Washington. Star UP beln' washed." in New Mexico, to thoroughbred Berkshire hogs. Tho ranch Is located should thoroughly understand some kind tit work tosses this remark off airly, as a sort of' Incident- . Wilson's .Equality; Sex. .bout nine miles from Blsbee, and it Is a proposition Then she will never be the slave and dependent of a discussion of Mr. command of of ' Hal till IT. -- There is a little girl In Springfield. the peoplo of that live little city feel a great deal, of If . ... fsm.rnn thlnlr.n v,,m.. aihubu ucmo- - ner mate, and In case of trouble she can pitch in and situation, and as it it were a matter 0 universally Mass., who, Interest In. eracy can be induced to betray the state government ncip him." conceded an not to be worth elaborating. But- it is like many of her sex, resents the imputation, that tha'" into his hands he must have a very small opinion of not only arresting, It l disconcerting, and t at first feminine mind Is not so strong as the, masculine. T. I. Park, of the Portales, N, M., section, Is an Arizona Democracy. And Ilalph Cameron Is in Congressman Henry 6f Texas ears lhr. wilt t, arouses dissent and protest. Mr. Cleveland's Image One day her mother remarked on the apparent5?! Individual who is making a decided success out of oe nttingiy and proporly rebuked by Arlxona Demo- an extra session of congress called to consider cotton is so" firmly fixed as the great dominant figuré of his lack in a..hen. - legislation. stock farming. Flvo cows milked during the past 13 crats at tho state election that will bo held on No- relief President Wilson declares there will time; a great rock among waves; and Mr. Wilson'; "You .can't teaéh a hen anything." sho said. 'They months netted utter furnishing plenty of milk and, vember 3. be no extra session of congress called for this nr n methods aro sp different from his. Mr. Wilson seems have dono more harm to the garden than a drove of purpose. butter for the family, the sum of $12B. Mr. Park other With tho Issue dearly defined In to be always appealing, persuading, where Mr, Cleve cattle 'would. You teach a cat, a dog or a pig some- -' this x expects to soon have, u bunch of 31 Jersey cows, which Dr. Osier Is doubtless surprised at tho numhnr nf paipaoie manner wo will soon be able to who 1. land simply laid down the law and. then stood on It, thing, but a hen never) I" he figures will net htm at least $100 per month, and old men In the European armies, but thero may bo a running things at Washington, Woodrow Wilson, or But It is not the method but the result that is in 'ques- "H'ml" exclaimed the child, Indignantly. "I think t he expects to carry one hpg on the side for each cow, Pleasing consolation for him In tho reflection that the our own immortal Bob Henry. tion; it Is the mastery of the situation that Is under they know as much aa the roosters!" feeding the animal on tho skimmed milk. His grain execution he onco wished for them Is beinir discussion- - And Mr. Cleveland never, even In his first nmiv John E. crops this year were a complete success, and he Is in generally administered. nedmond, the noted Nationalist - nt administration, had the grasp of It that Mr, Wilson Tho Illb. Ireland, Is i.- At lunoheoh fine shape to carry out his Ideas of dairy farming. authority for the statement that Iroland has. His will waa Iron, but ho could not always' bend a Dr. Lyman Abbott sat beside a suf nas 36,000 fragist, who ha'rrahgued The fact that the British government has tnt furnished fighting men to tho nritl.h rni the wilts of other men. Ills second administration him from the hors d'oeuvre O.OQO since began. ,. to coupe Jacques Estimates of cattle shipments out of New Mexico ordered packagos of medicino, in the war And if this statement i. was a ceaseless battje with á faction In hla own party the on tho importance of woman. It Is clearly during the present month and the early part of No- the first evidence of tho breaking up of the prevailing evident thero will soon be quite a, lot of which, toward the end, became the majority faction With his urbane smile Dr. Abbott endured the prcnH oroKen aernrnn mugs In young eloquence vember Indicate a total movement nf not less thun censorship, evidence on tho fighting lino. Mr. Wilson has curious resemblances to him, made lady's till the coming of the coffee. 100,000 head. been a steady movement Then he ventured to say, very mildly; There has from , tlectlngly apparent through tho more obvious differ A There annears. . In tmm j, r,. .... importance the Pecos valley, and that section will not ship lens New York jnan asks divorce from his snnimn nn n.,v.t, nautili m nuuin enccs. The resemblances come down to tho fact that The of woman? The importance of the Africa Just' now who aro rlhlni-- tnr - r than 30,000 head. Prom Huton and Cimarron1 some- grounds that she threatens to burn 'him up In bed. his will la as iron as Cleveland's, though the Iron hand woman? have heard nothing but the 'irñDortánp British power Is something they cannot successfully thing more than 20,000 head will be moved, while the " ",H pruuuuinucs are ne is utterly too groen to is hidden In a Velvet glove that Cleveland never wore of woman' for the last hour. Yet surely Scripture burn. cope with, even if the British nation la engaged us. Is Grant and Luna county shipments wilt be fully as right The fundamental difference Is In the measure of suc teaches that woman but a aide issue!" great. The additional scattered shipments from mo ucrman emperor on til other back. i'io cess. portions of the state will easily bring tho total to Tho American who reads the bulletin boards anil Feelingly Spoken, ( lioops. It" may bo said that Wilson has the support of his days 100,000 head, und at the very conservative estimate posted as to the developments of the European In these of the high cost of jiving the follow Is party, which Cleveland had not. But how did he $30 war, certainly has reason to be proud of It hardly probablo that Oen. Venustlano Carmn. ing story Is not without a decided point: of around It means several million dollars turned his American , citizenship, xa will be come-to- have It? The Democratic party1 has never loimo to add to the prosperity of New Mexico this full, permitted to do the Samson act when ho The teacher of a primary class was trying to show- - comes to leave been easy tq, handle; It has always been a proverb take of the Mexican natlnnut mnitm the children the dlfferenoe between natural and man-ma- may for Independence and mutiny, on Its oppon The sale of ore containing molybdenum, one or the Brlttanla rule the waves, but u I. .ie. The pillara of, the constitutional temple are toó strong and this wonders, and was finding It Jiard, flurmiinv -- ents, the Whigs to the Republicans, have always rare metals, will be commenced within front 30 to 60 evident uronosltlon that hi. n.,v.i.. 10 do puuea nown by one man's puny hands. from "What 7" she asked, "do you think is the most won slips founded hopes when It was in power. days from the old Yuma mine, X4 miles northwest of Under tho waves that Is mighty disagreeable their Under derful thing a man ever made." Governor Col mitt Is to Just two presidents has this Donnybrqok Pair of a Tucson, Arlx., on which an option has Just been taken meuicinc. take the stumo and exnlnln A little girl, whose parents were obviously harassed to the people of Texas some party become a disciplined army, moving as one man by W. J. kaffeyiffSiThe ore will be concentrated and of the legislation he had by the question of ways and means, replied as solemnly The Bock Island railway obtained killed nt the, spiral sejston Jackson and Wilson. The does He in shipped for smelting? The mine la located In tho has for luif of the state legislature. rson not the the proverbial Judge: something of n reputation Out tho governor oun t party, in the men. Cleveland was like Tucson mountains, close to the famous Painted Itocks, for Irrigation; tho Ncty never make it Main n but more Jack "A Hying for his family." Haven still stands at tho very top Pie of this stale Wilson Is; yet waa of and has been a good prpducer. The ore. contains gold, of the Irrigated list. ibat any of the legislation that wa son than there a hint Jackson mus killed was of in Wilson's d silver, lead and molybdenum, but íorirteríy much w a really desirable nature.. almost resistance to the Signal for Meals. 'not Offlcol reports 1111 from Vienna and Petrnirrnri popular feeling at tho crisis of Vera Cruz. It may be Standing by the attention wasjjaid to (ho latter, but 'Slnc'e It has evidence) entrance of a large estate In the the fact that the European war Is producing We are gravely Informed In the ñau nninmn. will conclude Wilson was presi- become a valuable commercial the" new oper- the historian that a suburbs of Dublin aro wo.,huge dogs, carved out of elomcrjt some very liars, , the-- Ans'tin uheorful American that the IUo Orande; river re. dent who reaches his victories by a of granite, An Englishman 'by ators expect to'make the bulk of their profit from It combination going in a motor car cently rose 16 feet at Brownsville, greatly delaying Jackson's masterfulness with McKlnley' capacity to thought he would have The price paid was $60,000, and the operator will The landslide at some fun with tho Irish driver. latest Panama has been removed, railway Service. The tli.t rf.Tm n IK. nil avoid giving offense. Cleveland had one quality, also pay a royalty on the ore Ih nwinnr not "How ortan, Jack, do they feed those big dogs?" extracted. und Colonel Ooethals not anxious for tho next tone. nrátida "river" evidently somo has spacelo spare. the other. "Whenever they bark, sir," waa Jack's reply. POLLY AND - HER PALS- AsHuf; Always Had the Hardest Kind of Luck. By STERRETT

" ' " al6WSt! R. 60 OUT OH BRCHDwMl) Alllí 1. . , v tttp m. muMhI m v. ,mu a . m n Mr wr.;i . . Zfímsa MJ itt.cut , Saturday,' OrtoW 31, I9M. EL PA9Q MORNING

decorated t Halloween tretcMs. Miss Be eh was Jn charge. atU slta a crowd TO sF siteadeel, the encMlade seiac irtvery maca GREAT HELP enjojrtd. , Frisar fies Club. A WOMAN TUplim Mrs. W, D. Wise was the hostess ror the SICK ANNOUNCEMENT! Friday Brldgs club at her homo In the SCXIETY Brato Malt, Only the yesterday afternoon. member were present nd Mrs. W. L. Ostnes, the Invited guest. After the gsme delicious rcrresnmcnts wero enjoyed. This Lady Says, "I Cannot Fmcl o Express How ThankftsI Couatry Club Dsnee. Words to Opening DAY. Yslets. The pwty made the trip la Grand mi which was Immensely enjoyed The Country club dsnce will be In the I Am To Cardni. Gray skies sad rala and far Tho ladle or El Paso of ttie order, who form of a mtscruersde ball this From sound or Shop and street, were on tho entertalnlnc comffiltteo and eveninr and sll are requested to come THIS MORNING A tranquil hill and través accompanied the Drty wefet Mesdsmes accordingly, as a, jolly good time is Ashley. Laura Able, Where town and country meet, F. B. Scotten, itosalle anticipated. Joncavlllc, Va. "I certainly appre And silent throngs with riower-nile- arms Dor Ifakorsky, Lula Maltlce, Malla Umber, Q. tonic, And mcm'rles Geo. w. O'near, cora u uroijca. E. D. Ctrl. elate what Cardul, the woman's The New Toys, Miss Beatrice rateman will entertain tho has done for me," wrltea Mrs. Owen F. Violets and tear ror them who sletp, Van Yam a nance. 0-- F D. girls at her horns on Montana akPn ' Wells, of this town. "Before I began costume, given by street, on Ttrbrsdsy afternoon Instead of Faith that soma fairer day The Y ama Yama dance, Cardul,. could hardly no Will giro them back, but our beloved ihe bachelor orricer at Fort Bits last night Tuesday. to take I Games, Stationery and Whom life hat swept away ' was one lot or run from start to nnisn About. I had several womanly troubles, For these a bitter, hopeless grief To begin with every one earns In Yama Mrs, Kades' Dinner Party. which caused me muoh Buffering, and And Hps that cannot pray. Yama costume, and the officers, men and Mrs. D. r. F.ades will give a dinner parly were very troublesome. Ditt now I Silverware Department POWDER Adela K. Shiw, In Southern Woman's ladies all looked alike. Wednesday evening at the West Yslcta feel like a different person. JUgulne. The hall was very rrecttvely decorated Country club. (On Third Eleüaior) In black and yellow and pumklns, lighted I had often read of Cardul, but had FloorTake Absolutely Pure ' and Forum Meeting- - lanterns, and "funny facts' hung here Miss Goodman to Entertain. little faith In It. My husband urged Mads from The Forum evening at the high there, while smllax Was strung across the Ooodman met tut see Mis Estalle will entertain with me to try It, and now I cannot find school, John Savage, vice president, room. At a gtsnce, one could feel and bridge on Wednesday at homo Halloween afternoon her expresa am, Bring the Children! GrapiC nam ifTartar In the absence or the president tho "true spirit of bewitching on north Oregon street. words to' how thankful I Alter the minutes or the Isst meeting were galnty." Everyone was "ran or ii." Cardul la a wonderful medicine and I read by the secretary, Mr. Amstater, an Im- The music rurnlshed by the 8lxth Infan HO ALUM promptu program was given, Sunshine Helpers. feel that It wna a greater help than trv. added to the dcllrht of the dancers. The minsnine Helpers will meet with Miss Absentees prevented- the debate which olives, spptes, anything; could, have taken. had been arranged ror. A. Goodman spoke Delicious sandwiches, elder, Msry Lelghton on Tuesday afternoon, and I on i Kppsiein on grapes, punch and pumklns plo was enjoyed sew. ror tno Dames or tne sunsntno usy I scarcely no pain suffering HECHANICUtf SUFFERS BROKEN LEG. "suomsnnes," was con win had 'or s. Amstster on ''The Attendance or during tne evening and dancing Nursery at childbirth, and I feel I owe It all to the Society' uid Don Piatt on "What Will tinued until a very lsto . hour. Those AV. It. Westhers Hurled From Bulek Rteer l o Cardul. know no woman would Announce Next Week." present were: Colonel snd Mrs. Morgan Mrs. at Home. I that on Trill Spin to Phoenix, Smith. Bush. M. Btolaroff and Slltermsn Bobrrt J. Csptaln and Mrs. Illckok, Lleutensnt and Mrs. Sam Silverman, of 1311 Montana make a mlstnko In uslnc Cardul at Special Wire toThe Times rtustell Mills told why they Joined the fo Mrs. McCain, Captain and Mrs. Ben Lear, rum Ted Wtl street, will be at home to her friends on that most critical time. It will save Denting. K. M., Oci. id-- W, II. Weathers, anrletv. Plait told of "Little Mesdames Josephine Morflt and Lewis, He." Mstt ftawllngs spoke on "The Absence Tuesday of esch week, them so much Buffering. mechanician In the Dulck racer entered or our Members,'1 Scttys Msbee on "Aero Misses ircno Laugmtn, uraco wtngo, Vir- fay O. or W, Dunn El Paso In the El planes," u. viiicgos spoao or me man ginia Stewart. Olive Davis, Virginia Sample, Bandaoes for Europe. It is my sincero desire that this :0 road race, was thrown rrbra the school, and Arthur Hathaway or "Tne uia Margaret Davis. Hilda Lauer. Marlon Young, organisations wmcn are roiling nsnasges statement may be seen and read by car thirty mile west of Phoenix this morni- swimmln' Hole." Mr. ftawllngs and Mr. Camilla Klbler, Alice Wulfe, Atktn, Martha ng- for the European war stifforers are re all sufferers who suffer as I did. I nm FILIBL'STEIt CHIEF IN EL Ladles' special lunch, Ardoln's and sufrercd broken lev. The .luck- Hatlmivav then irned In debate With each Thurmond. Edith Morgan, nuby stone. Lutu quested to kindly lend the bandages In I'AfO. less man was picked up by George Leo- other on tho question which they will Islcr Brown, Lcmtre Nebeker. Valeria Parrard, telling; all my friends and acquaint' (Advertisement.) or tho st once to eso north Oregon street, so tnst General Itoquo domes, leader of the hand nard, driver or the car, and brought to the debato with representatives Dorothy Morgan, Beulah Brown, Messrs. Jim of tho great curo I havo re and Sam Houston societies. No a largo shipment can be made by the first anees or filibustering Mexicans, who have been SOLI) IS EL tUSO. hospital In Demlng. He will be sent to crit-- curtís, u. c. senumsxer, usrry wuue, decision was rendered. Mr. Amstater l of tho week. celved," actlvn In northwestern Mexico for soversl . Ll Paso tonight. Leonard proceeded to Htm tho armment nf the debaters, after Ernest 8suer, Captain Crimmens, Major for the past' ISV yesrs. Tim ."Everett-Pisno- Phoenix. The car was making a spin or Sample sands, Iiartz, you suffer from any of tho ali months and who hsvo menaced tho Ameri- trial whteii Mr. Hathaway criticised the tslks Lieutenant Lieutenant Miss Johnson's Parly. If can owned in Is In "One of. Iho ihree great pianos or over tho and was traveli- mo uuu Anntn. ranches that district. Borderland route r.vcry one curing evening, Lieutenant Lieutenant coiiin, 'Lieu U.tmI JnTintnn nf ?00 Pftat nnulvaift la menta so common to women, give s the Is not the only good in ng- St 'high speed It a Mr. llsthaway, arter whichrii tenant nees, Jr., Lieutenant Maul, Lieutenant El I'sso in ronrerenro with various world,' plsno when struck culvert then ertttctsed entertaining tonight with a Halloween a trial. Thousands of women who now located here, llo was and Weathers was thrown from his seat adjournment was t Donaldson, Lieutenant Samuels, Lleutensnt Cardul are the world, but rsn you afrord ta experi- dancing party at ner nomo. have voluntarily written; to tell of the seen on tho streets yesterday In company Anderson. Lieutenant Theodore Barnes. Jr., no ment to find otii whether some other piano Miss Votlertson's Halloween Dance. Mathews, been to with former Orotro revolutionists, but Lieutenant Branden, Lieutenant Mrs. Party. great benefit that Cardul has to him. Gomes will stand this very "dry" climate here"! A NOTRE DAME LADY'S nnivMii waa the mann Dr. n. Hughes. Wetterork's attempt has been made arrest APPEAL ui.. vntwimn W. Mrs. Allle o. weiterock, or them. Why shouldn't it help you, too? held responsible for the burning r the You don't btly an experiment whan you at her home last night ror 3k Tuisrota Is To all knowing or ing llttlo hostess street, I entertaining this evening with a American Mormon colony in buy tho "Everett." El l'aso l'lano company, sufferers rheumatism, a very delightful llsllowccn dsnce. The U. D. C Reception Dsnee. Try Carduf. northwostrrn whelher muscular or or the Joints, sciatica, and Halloween party. Mexico over a year ago. i)OS south sido or Trxss street, sole sgents. Halloween or yellow and black wer lumbago', backache, pain's In tho kidneys or colors Tbe El Paso Morning Times complimented ma troops are sun in the neta soutn or Oldest piano hottso in El. Paso. Advertise- neuralgia pains, to to a homo throughout, while pumklns and the write her for curled locsl chapter of tho United Daughter SOCIETY PERSONALS. Improved. Columbus, N. M. ment. treatment which has repeatedly cured. all or lighted lanterns hung here and there. of the Confederacy and their visiting dele Ill Is reported very much these tortures. 8hc feels It her duty to send nt Ira rroim and k WSS n.M,!.....!. gates snd Mends or the state division 1 It to alt sufferers FftEE. You cure yourseir cream being in tlio Halloween M..n t. n MI11r ntvvr anrt llnttf II. Miss Clara Fink has gone to Canutillo, as served, ihe wnn a very inrormai, mti aeugntnii asnea Altirt,A1 rmm hunllno- tHtl IhA at home, thousands will testify no colors ot yellow and black. Tboso assist- lin if. M., for the week-en- the guest of Miss rhsnsro or climate' being necessary. This and reception last night at tho Paso del Msgollon mountains, they have been simple ing Miss Dorothy In entertaining her friends where Margaret nryan. dtseovery banishes uric acid from - riorte. tho month. the blood, were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas.- Vollertson. JWrs. Desplto at- for past o loosens tho stirrened joints, puri- the rain a very large crowd a nes the blood and brightens the eyes, giving L. J. Gilchrist, Miss Pearl Stlayer. Among and Is given Mrs, John Durch Is homo for vlsjt from tended special praise tlirMim Vi.hrtMll. IAII nf IIUV. attft or clactlelty and tone to the whole system. If the Invited were; Helen neddlng, Helen C. E. Kelly, who so delightfully planned rh. tho Stste University Austin. the above Interests you, fornroor address Mrs. C. W, Webdell, who has been qulio Todag ana arranged tne ana ncr atten- Candy Special Mrs. M. Box U, Dame, Frances' axrair Kind Mr. v M. r'nnatnn. ha hcen in Ihn Summers, flotre ind. Julia 'Morris, OppenhVim, nuth tion was given to all. Even Mayor C. E. - a Mexico, senwaru, uyruiuj- vvuuaiua, na Ktlly felt young again and took active part cltv for about week from left How about getting that no gold offered thor, Messrs- - Jack Thompson, ntchard in the opening dsnce, which waa a lively yesterday ror uoston, mass. on tbo Made In America Pago in last Warren, Carroll Stevens, Edward Wlddas, Breck, CHOCOLATES Times .for the best rewritten ad; Fred Aksrd, Jack zowell, Merrick Miss Bina M. West and her mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Shea and Mrs. Drown, of Many answers have already been sent in. Dawson Brysn, Irving Schwartz. John Elizabeth West, and Mrs. Laura B. Hart FARMER'S WIFE St. Louis, have arrived In El Paso and ci but you have an equal chance yet, and Crockett, WUford' Krantthor. This Is the were guests pect to spend several months here. BELGIUM DAINTIES...... MLa at tha dance and reception after until. 6 p, m., Saturday, Oct. 31. r m.i.i of Hikmi that Vnllart. the special review meeting of tho Lady during th winter Half pound box. 15 son win be the hostess staccanees order at tne k. or P, nail. Miss Zenobia Levler. ot Ouaymas, Méx., isson. - Mrs. Josephine Forbes and Mrs. Dr. TOO ILLTO WORK El rasa expects o who hss been visiting in deceived about the chocolates as advertised else- Bishop accompanied the guests 'or thó Ládv to leave for her home on stonnay. Don't be At the Valley Inn. Maccabees, refreshments or frozen punch o where, 50c per pound, especially packed every day in the At tiro Valley inn last ntgnt a merry ana csxe was served. crowd motored, out and enjoyed dinner. V. S. Chance, of Philadelphia, Is stopping week. Phone us your orders and compare it with others. Candy Special o A Weak, Nervous Sufferer .Norto ror a few usyi. The tables was prettily- decorated with Farewell Dinner for Miss at the i'aso del See windows for American goods, and nove Letter. Q our made home made American beauties, and Halloween's Ly-di- a Today- Only arranged. Mr. and Miss Elizabeth Simmons entertained with Restored to Health by Mr. J. It. Vitigcrsld has ss her guests goods. Our Dainty Luncheonette, French Pastries, Pies a la. a farewell dinner last nlirht in honor of McCsughn, ner Mrs. ,L. L. Hsll chsperoned tho party, who her mother, Mrs. John mode, Hot Bouillons, Chocolates Sandwiches are Miss Zenobia Levler, who leaves soon for E. Pinkham's Veg- sister. Miss Msry McCaugtin: ncr irrsna- - and most were nose Mary auhis i,uukv, ner ouaymas, CH.ocola.te Fuller, Ruby Sheffield. Magglo home in Mex. Yellow chryssn mother. Mrs. L. J. Vltier. and her niece, popular with the shopping public. Take home a box of our and Olancbo themums were to Cal. Cotter, Evelyn E. Payne. Louise Kctchum. the flower used decorate etable Compound. Miss Mary McCaughn, ot Ittversldc, home made candy; mn. Bar- E. Deane. the table, tbe dining room being decorated They will remain nero ror some iime aim Vanilla Fudge.. itvi Tftnnlf Measr. in Halloween symbols. Houghton, Bateman, Ouy the The place cards then go to corpus ennsu, wncrc im-- ex Wright W. F. were painted A Fer pound 15c y ... hand with black witches. KasoU, Minn. am glad to say pect to msko their home. Livingston, van yvvr, duuiiciu, eight course was served. "I Crows, Dancing was en- delicious dinner Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable o Jones, Willis Mis Simmons' guests wcro: Mr. and Mrs. that Mesilla Park, spent Regular price 25c joyed until, a late hour. Compound has done Mrs. J. Stusrl. ot . A. o. ntntieman, Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. Bsgglo. city shopping snd vlslllng Mr anil XI r. f A. flnMfll-- Paul Stein. me Thursday In the Ardoins Confectionery Mr., and Mrs. if. Simmons, Misses Ann more for than Jiattio and E. Dell formed i. friends. Heintx Ernest 0. Weeks, and Zenobia Levler,' the and party mgnt at tne val- honored anything else, I another dinner last guests, and Messrs. Leo Schuster. Monroe v ram in Thiiriilav eveninr from Phone 802. ley Inn. bad the boat physi- r l Proctor and John Oalllard. Tho evening cian here. I was so Mexico, where ho hss been the past month, was spent in piaytng bunco. ho expects lo remain In tho city now. Marcabee Luncheon. weak and nervous some v.mntlmintartf tn mi Rtna M We tt and Mrs. Zahn has been lu the city for Bachelor's Dinner. I could not do taken a at East her mother, Mrs. Elisabeth West, or Port that limo, they hsvo house t7 Previous to the Yams Yama costume dsnce my work and suf- .fcvtda street. Huron, Mien., ana sirs, uurs o. nan, oi st tho post lsst night,' the bachelor Texas, Lady Maccabees officers fered with pains low Phone 4039. San .Antonio, the gsvo a most enjoyable a num- xi with n vrrv rharmtne- - luncheon dinner for ii uri rtrnrit Plrkrell returned nntrfaint ber or their lady friends st their qusrtera. down in my right rrlrfiu iiinrnlnir frntn Trrrrll. TeilS. ullCre yesterday at II ; a. m., at the Valley inn. Mrs. Ben Lear was the hostess, and the side for a year or they hsvo been visiting relatives for some sketches of Halloween dominated the dlnlnr more. I took Lydla lime. room in a most picasing way. Those enjoy E. Pinkham's Vege Near Side Stop ing tno nospitaitty or "and the bachelor officers table Compound, and now feel like a Mra. J. L. Vsn little dsuthter ot who are, Lieut. Theodore Barnes, Jr., Lieut. I sro visiting- Mrs. J. o. Wiley. different person. believe la Temple, Texss, it. u. Annin. Lieut. T. II. itees, Jr., and I there They eipcct to spenu tno winier ncrc. Beginning November 1st, street cars will Lieut-- n, F. B. Cap), Mrs. Vege- Sunday, stop for Iiartz, were. and nothing like Lydla E. Pinkham's o passengers .the NEAR instead Ben .Lear, tho Misses Marlon Younr. Irene table Compound for weak women and f. .r,H Mr. nntuart nxtvtn. nt Anllln. on of the FAR side of the street Laughlin, Margaret Davis, Grace Wlngo, young girls, and I would be glad if I Toxs, are recent arrivals In tho city snd TO AUTOMOniMSTS and DRIVERS! It has been the experience of ELINOR ana nr. w. it. uuiuman. expect to mase t.i raau ineir noinu. GLYN'S most o could Influence anyone to try tbe medi- cities that the change from the far to tho near side stop results o In a large Increase In of collisions with Mrs. Orndorffs Halloween Parly. cine, for I know it will do ell and much i,., i n N.ih mtitmnfl I'rlilitf flventnar the number automobile and Mrs. Lee Orndorff gave a very delightful more than It is claimed to da " Mrs. r.'nm n.ll.. tciii. Ilia mnlher who Is óthar vehicles. This la directly contrary to the usual opinion, and is Halloween party at home explained as follows: Autolata her yesterday Franks, R. F. D. No 1, Maple-cre- visiting tjiere will not return for some and drivers approaching a car track LATEST NOVEL sfternoon on Upson avenue Clara to slow down to Is for her two Kasota, Minn. fall or look out, assuming that if a car oomlng IT gtrls. Lee and Virginia. Quite a largo Farm, WILL) STOP before orosstng the street. This Is true. PROVIDINO THE or tno - "The Man and the Moment" , number cniidren in ihe neighborhood Women who suffer from those dis- m e Cmt nr (!!.. Il vliltlrfs- CAR 18 aOtNO TO STOP AT ATXr but It must be remembered that most gripping story ot season. were the invited guests, and the afternoon honie folks at hla home, 401 niver street. cars stop only to passengers" get on off, The the was spent playing Halloween game, tressing Ills peculiar to their sex should let or and If there is no one in to do either. THE CAR DOES NOT STOP. For your own safety Mrs. Omdorrr was assisted tn entertaining bo convinced of the ability of Lydla E. Edith Long Desdi. Cal., and "The Palace of Darkened Windows" siis llud.un of the safety ot those who may-b- with you, slow down and look out for the llttlo on;s by Mrs. 0.. Tuich, Mrs. Dsn Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re- is In the city tho guest uf her brother, Mary Hastings Bradley An adventure ctory with a thousand thrills. Muchlson, tho Olivo approaching car before crossing the tracks. No automobile crossing and Misses snd Haze! store their health by the many genuine A. P. Hudson. Davis. DcIIcIouk cakes and cream were the tracks at a careful rate of speed was ever struck. and truthful testimonials we are con- o ' "Maria" enjoyed by all at the closo of tho afternoon, CoL E, st. John Oreblo snd his entire TO PASSENQEns; Remember, that beginning Sunday, November o stantly publishing in the newspapers. the .Von Ilutton Tho love story ot a Balkan King. Hallan arlll cry embarked wunin ins first you will taWe your car on the NEAR BIDE of the street. Vernon Lyman Host. you have the slightest doubt grounda of the West Ysleta country club "Kent Knowles: 'quabraug' " Vernon Lyman was the bosl at a very If yesterdsy afternoon and enjoyed their Jolly evening, that Lydla E. Vegeta- Joseph C. Lincoln. dinner party Thursday at tbe Pinkham's lunch and a visit of soversl hours. west Ysi'U country ciud. Thy motored ble Compoundwill help you,write "His Royal Happiness" down In Mr. Lyman's Hudson Six, and later to Lydla E.PlnkhamM edlclaeCo. CHOCOLATIN fie the pound every dsy in El Paso Electric Railway Co. in tne evening enjoyed tne ban ror the (confidential) Lynn,Mafl for ad- Ardoln' Contectionery.-(Adv- e.r' ; tint week. . Bara J. Duncan. United Daughters or tho confederacy at vice. Your letter will be epened, tlaemcnt.) X. 8. rOTTKIt, aianagnr. Hotel Paso del forte. Mr. Lyman's guest . í read and answered by a woman, r "Achievement" weret Misses Beatrice rateman, Blanch and held In strict confidence. Yoti re ssfe st the 1 E. Templa Thurston. Davis, Clara Fink. Donald Hart, ot Las Vegss, N. M.i and Waller Hoke. "Selina" George Martin, of "Among etc, Mrs. Krupp Entertained. Madden author Tou," Mrs. Hyman Krupp entertained very In formally on Daughter"-Josephin- e at her home Putnam and Pros r "Today's pect avenue, with bridge. Mrs. J. Linde Doscam Bacon. won the prise. A two course luncheon wa served, and Mr. Krupp' guests werei ano others. Mesdsnres J. Linde. N. LSDOwakl. Zetsler. Psul Llsso, Leon, Msrlln Zlelonks. Hellperln. victor carusso. This is the first or a Don't Fail To Hear These New Records series or informal bridge parties that Mrs. Krupp will give during the winter. o Clralet Club Basce. (Kaowe (Roaring Sea) . . .Toots Paka Hawaiian Troupe Tne Olmlet club enjoyed ons of their 5Í5Q71 ake Ki monthly dances Jai night it the K. or C. OU47 ltLei ReM o KavyUta (The Wreath of David, Toots Paka Hawaiian Troupe bill, which was given In Ihe form or a Jt. "Mtlloween Affair." Halloween dtcorailc.u Love) Toot Paka Hawaiian Troupe dominated tho hall, and about forty couples jNmipo (To Jt were present. Punch wss served during OOaílOOaC5Karaawe (Shake Your Feet) , .$. . . t .'...Toots Paka Hawaiian Troupe tho evening, and the music by Koch s or- Milk BWg. chestra was muchly enjoyed. The above Victor Recersk are by Toots Paka and Her Famous Hawaiian Tfsrope of Singers and Musicians. & A 8. Brltffe Club. Mrs. Emmitt Mine cntertsined the S. k S. Bridge club yesterdsy afternoon. Misses Marlon Younr and AIK4 Wulfe were tho OF" THÍ:yEAR OUtlsuremeat e U Tu Mal, ill vVe (Ms Invited guvsts. A dainty saUd course was HIT v,ur Jtu LoskJ. DANCE Cewei IriUfM. served at the close of b same. Mis . McKee's Society Orch Wrtnklel. hollow cheat, bwy irUát tusl remtad om of Msrtba Thurmond won the prize. QCSQ eiMiliiesmt (Waltz Hesitatism) lllnesa or dUalpaUoa, superfluous sad mole tfcal ceama O r' text, a Rose (Wakz Hesitation) ,...... McKee's Society Orch tbe West Yskia Water Party. OUO7UMigky LaV MUtes Hedwlr sad Eleanor Mátala and Mrs. I3nson Meairs, Maurice Schwaru sod Charlt FACE WFXIAUST OF CWCAOO, Keeaa MS, HeraW BullStac, Debuts tormtd a party at Writ forreéis. ai defects. He ym w kMuartalcuc. MeayD diaaer the rerrtnce eaa x vtvea. Ylt Country club on Tussday evening, hH arttr wuck a aw rift u cajoysd in COINÍP Mr, Schwartz' Ckaljimr ." W. WALZ o . G At t Wtt Válela Cotustry Clu. 102 South El Paso Street AND Mrs, Liumt Davi awe a rbrtU3g dinner At SCHOOLS COLLEGES, for a number or her fries at Mm west Opei Uitil 8 Clack Yslcta couatry flu, last aiW. Evenfc o I impdi h irmiw i ii SM. IMfl St Hfjat. Mal SaMSMd. tt PMIethea Hsis, hum The PbibMaea class ot yrltxiy HMbodlal BF UUMUAKS fpnU se'sak caHirca, aa earHMiat tiiasisr tost stasM aaass . L '" laWST. .? .' 1 EL.PASO MQRNlMQ r. a '. ' " tf ji, , y WHAT ARE YOU GONNA mITH ÍT?Oá , , &y Jlj k ' 1 - N ' ,. v 7,..-- ;-- . r , I

- j v! jl I I

( ' 1 1 s&e!íiNie i ' i li

' ''

- i . - I ; I , Advertising Rate Card Male Help Wanted. Situation Wanted, Furruthcd Room. For Rent Apartment For went EL PASO CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 I HOTEL BEAUMONT, block east or P. O, FOR RENT Beautiful S and 3 room apart- CLASSIFIED LINERS. Clean rooms by week or dar. ments; large, airy, outside rooms, sleep-ln- g 1 cent per word each dully Insertion. porches, dressing rooms, kitchenette,' tVi cent per word on Sunday. CAMP cook. New Mexico, white man, M a CHAUFFEUR MECHANICIAN wants position: DELMAh ROOMS, 417 N. Stanton, run. wtr., THURSTON AUDIT CO. Phone 3300, Rooms HAVE your old Jewelry made Into new and stesm heat, Janitor service, unfurnished, a guaran, IYj centi per word each 7 insertions. mnntn. umcn counter man, new Mexico, speaks English and Spanish. Hotel Lau- ireo cum, aoc-f- i aay; up weeny. Apply uiy national nans: uiag. artistic pieces; mod. prices; work walking distance. to H. B. Stevens teed. A. N. Co., 107 S. El Paso SL tt.30 per line per month. month, board and room. Woman, rence, Room M. or phone 6216. Lombardl No taken lesa than 25 New Mexico, FOR RENT Nice, clean furnished rooms, id for cent. white, rook and liousowork. CHAUFFEUR. American, No ad to run for an Irderidie period (ti.) a a wishes position. S3.S0 and up. Phone 434. 80S N. Oregon. monin. State wages. Address Box 135. care Times. RUFUS B. DANIEL, LAWYER, taken over the telephone. Order to discon- FALL & MITCHELL, 6S5 Mills Phone 513-- MOVING! Moving! made in writing. NICE front room; best location in city. S07 Building. Call Odom'a Transfer Co. tinuo "tf." ads must be 903 Hag Francisco Street. WASHING AND IRONING. Phono I0&9. MOST . Ml clairvoyant ads double- rate. rruspeci avo. desirable furnished apart-- ADDING MACHINES. paga ment In tbe city; steam, heat.' Hotel Display advertising; on classified NICELY ' No furnished front .room for rent to Lockte. Phone 408. Burroughs Adding Machine. 203 Mills BIdg. double price. cuts permitted. Wanted to Rent coupie cr gentleman, os E. Rio arande, NEED CLASSES J See Wood, 411 Overland. Phono 1104. THREE rooms, private bath, stesm beat, DALTON Adding Machines. SIS Mills St. LEGAL ADVERTISING. PIANIST wishes room snd sleeping porch bullt-t- family pre- features, close in. Carolina Apart- Legal advertising at legal rates. EMPLOYERS' CLEARING HOUSE. In outskirts of city; private NICE front room, not water, light, bath. ments. Phone 3757 or 832. ferred, E. C. F care Times. Manufacturers or ornamentU Iron and DISPLAY AD SPACE. Mechanical Mexico,, 1200. gold or draftsman, WANT to Alta rurnished apartment, close In; also ALL kinds of bottles bought, from wire work all kinds. Southwestern Iron week days; per Inch, .Man rent house, Vista SO70-- and 704 Texas. SOU. Open Hat rate, per monin. ror janitor work ana tru- C. care STOVES Any kind yod wish, new or bedrooms: rossonablo. phone medicine to bottles. Illinois Bottle Wire Works, Phono column wide, each Insertion, 75 cents. ant tso per must district preferred. A., Times. work. Ariiuna. month: Foutz k ztnkler. DINING ROOM any Co., 1003 E. Overland. Phone 1641. Same, Sundays, each Insertion. 85 cents. sneak Spanish fluently, waitress, city, 15 FOUR or room apartment or FURNlTUns in finish to Standing ads, per Inch per month, room anu i ELEGANT rooms, steam heat, over new suit. Come and look us over. Fouts ft HIGHEST prices paid for any kind or bottles, display per wceK, ooara. bungalow, rumaco heat. Must be close in Zlnkler. IIS.0O. 213 MILLS 1II.D0. PHONE 1W( and finely and completely furnished. No Union Dank it Trust Co., iOSH San Antonio. iu neison, itut myrtle, i'none oso. YELTON PAINT CO., 309 N. Stanton. Ph. 47. large, or Contracts for amounts display ad children. Will lease till April. Give loca- NICELY apartments, CARPENTERS. space or readers subject to discount, phone TWO partly furnished 'rooms, with sleeping furnished PACKLMO. tion In detail, number and price. porch, light! and water, furnished; sis. within walking distance. 700 Mundy. Address F, A. M,, care Times. Phone 6115. LONG It McCULLOUGH, carpenters; Jobbing READING NOTICES. young man, English a specialty; OOODS packed by Gelger belt .tbe globs. Pure reading matter, each Insertion, per graduate, speaks and writes both Spanish GET YOUR NAME In the "What Are YOU REASONABLE lunuiure jepairmg ra. ei. Transfer, storage, repairing. Ph. Looking ONE furnished bedroom, with sleeping furnished line, Si cents. and English, would like to secure a posi- Fort" column of the Times. It yurcii. vas. room, wllh bath. 110 Lockle Apts. CARPE rS CLEANED. Locals, per lne, each Insertion, IS cents. tion corresponding to same, anything In the will help you get moro business. Call rumio phone soso COMPLETELY, elegantly furnlshEd DU EL PASO TIMES CO., clerical line or office; a good translator and about It. FURNISHED room, reason-abl- SANll WELLBORN. EI Times, with breakfast, apartment large sleeping porch, Í Electric plating of every metal In any Publishers Paso Morning interpreter, mono wis. for 1 or 3 salesladies. 319 8. Ochoa. and with Steam and vacuum carpet cleaning. Ph.39W. .EI Taso, Texas. front and back porches, close In on W. Mis finish. Southwestern Iron and Wire Works, Wanted to Buy. M()DEll. heated room, reasonable. Phone souri ai.; no sick or cntiaren. rnone uovj, CHULViSY 8 WEKI'S- - 701 Texas SL Phone 5065. omv-- no sicsu oarage, WANTED To buy second-han- tools and if desired. FURNISHED apartment, wltb private bath, CHIMNEY SWEEP a toves set tip and re guns, it, nionr. suv o. ci raso ou ROOM, very close In and desirable, private eos Upson, Phone S3V7-- paired; all work guaranteed. Joe. at Le BRANCH WANTED Nice appearing young man with PASS CITY PLUMBERS, guixao-tee- TIMES gal Fur. Co., toa S. Stanton. Phone 3794. all work experience as noor waucr in modern WANTED To buy any mako typewriters. NICELY rurnished apartment, with private col San Antonio SL Pbone 1534. OFFICES r establishment, per 3 new. ; women's United Typewriter Co.. 4i0 San Antonio. "II a week. Foutz & oain; everytnmg xwb STOVES repaired and set op. phone 7 of Ita patrons manent position and opportunity for ad TRY tbe City Plumbing Co. Better plumbing For the convenience ror S104. CIS Ttio Times matntalna branch offlcee at vanrement to right man. Call or address list your bargains in real estate with us. TWO rooms, kitchen and bath, stesm beat. CIVIL ENGINEERS. less. Phone N. Campbell SL the following places: THE WHITE HOUSE, El raso. Texas. We make a specialty of It. Anderson JOHNSON HOUSE llonv ueorgeue ., 7it n. aianion. PRONTO 506 318 6803. cooling. Bell PLUMBERS. Texas. Phono low. IPs Texaa si-- : Elite Cigar Stand, corner Realty Co., Herald Hldg. Phone uregon. DAVID M. WHITE vn. an n. no sicx. HEATERS, ui all sizes. and styles, Engineer Work guaranteed. i ens and Moss Ave.t Highland Drug 4c' (Formerly Territorial and Engr U. STEEL RANOES on easy payments. Fouts , .... , unMjn. week. Foutz Zlnkler. S. Land Store. Highland i'sikj East KI l'aso Drug a: v uiiuor uaw iuauffciucui: Com. of N. Méx.), civil engineer and PAY CASH snd save money on your, plumb- ammert rnmnlAllv rrnnvatil, mnH.p.ln snc-- Store, II Alameda SL; Uoulevard Drug nH... THREE furnished, surveyor, i uo wilt Apia, fnone ing work. All work guaranteed. Pboaa Sis, PAYER ÍL TWYNIIAM EMPLOYMENT PhnnA SKM rooms snd bath, well Store, Uoulevard and Florence 700 Muncty Ave. CLEANING. 2087. El Paso Plumbing Co., 918 South A0ENCY, 1 or small psyment In block car line: CLEAN, convenient bedrooms., on N. lAYÁlVkatt Virginia. Want Ads and Btibrrlntlnn taken Licensed and Bonded. down, balance monthly. Address care furnished anartment, iLKÁNlftu Wm-- VXNúl All Classes Railroad, Smelter and Paso. beautiful LAUNDRY. Phone 711. s work; Mining Men, Clerical Help, Cooks, very Urge rooms, large closets, large guaranteed or money FOR RENT All newly rurnlshedf outside nantrv. nica bath. S aleenmg porches: satisfaction back. Waitresses, Etc., Furnished. CAR good Bring this ad and exchange It ror SSc on tho ItUOS made rrom old carpels. I bone 3999. Any make; must be bargain for rooms, near car barn, it7'Mgrrin Ave. everything In apartment absolutely new and dollar, Personal. Write, wiro or Phono Us Your Wants. casn. ata reías bu ruone wa. wauung wsu work called for and delivered, sis Telephone 1441. nanósoma; uiaiauce, car n. aianion sb . soo Vf. San FURNISHED ROOM; line, special price io permanent propio, mint Many new patients at Foutx It Antonio Street sleeping porch j close SMI. 7S0 Mundy, One niock Vet of Hotel Paso pel Norte. Special Notices. in. viw. No children or sick. Phone SEWINQ MACHINES Tor rent. The easy running standard. Pbone 1104. Fouts MEN tor monthly. common sutlng HUNNINU water, lights, bath, laundry, S isteara-beatc- d furnished BRINO US YOUR CLOTHED TO pnKS.q k MONEY TO LOAN. 315 Trust Building. firemen, brakemen, IIS0 IN accord and our interest, Zlnkler, 113 N. Stanton. .Send age, postage' Hallway, care Times. with this date we have dissolved the office Boise Apartments, COS Texas. apartments. Phone 30. Only so cents a Suit. Morehead, the Tailor, YOUR the Are You tho name of THE AZTEC RENT the easy running Stand-ar- ukt NAME in "What HOY that went under FOR re;. T MACHINES S3 a Fouts It White and Looking column of the Times. It To work In garage. 315 Texas St. INVESTMENT COMPANY. II Modern rurnished room, close SEWING week. best machines In the ror ram. For?" BROKERAGE t in on W. Missouri St., with heat and ztnkler. EXPERT cleaning and pressing; prices world will help you get more business. Call WANTED Hoy wheel, 007 Ssn Antonio. thlrtv (lav reckoned from today, all Der Ily use. Repairs guaranteed. with sleeping porch, ror gentlemen only. Phone reasonable. Capitol Tailoring Parlors. WHITE SEWINQ Phone "WO about It. cons that h&vo any bualness pending should M. MACHINE OFFICE, TUL llicnior or wai liu been transferred to please call for definite arrangements. A. a, S3S S. Stanton. H. L. Stewart. NEED glassear American Optical Co.'s tho AtL theater ol picture at the Alhambra. Moyse; Alberto Gutierrez, Palacios; M. H. NICE outside rooms, running hot cold RENT- APARTMENTS guods handled by Wood. 411 E. overland. and FOR STOVES SET UP AND REPAIRED, WANTED An good LUceto; - u. now. water, gaa heat. Vendóme Hotel, 3I1H E. extra reflnishcr for old LKSSUia. 1494. PHlNO cuts and polishes nattia gems: fine new Zink-le- UTcnana Di. ruone VU9. véry close toe; rirlnjr. Mrs. Nafe. Ph. and furniture. Apply Fouti On Missouri St. near Kansas: Stoves up. Phone 560. Jewelry 10 order, San St. 113 N set ill Francisco Stanton St. t FOR RENT Newly In furnished bedroom building Mm WIFE never a vaudeville private home; ateam no 1IM equipped in city; has all the FRIEND misses WANTED To hear rrom any one that knew . beat; sick. new bullt.in features. Including handsome sliuw, Saturday matinee at lbs Alhambra. or worurd in bridge gang wllh , U. Hum- Ariiuna. i'iione uiu-w- THE BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AGENCY. phreys former location of the American invesugauon mane EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY New ware. Ir.í I 01 KKN MAY, cUlrvuyant210H S. El l'aso. nar Pearson, Mexico, In Feb., IVli. r.s.i itltcnen, tul Ban Antonio 8b UEDROO.M, furnished: can be used ror S; mrnt has rooms, bath and entrance ball; in civil and criminal Any information will be Ad- tNewly t casus. isi nab uaas: ping, t'none 4 tec. I'lwme 4C7Í-- err' irtú. furnished, handsomely decorated. has 3 beds; no sick taken. Could furnish sieam neei, uo mtbibt. ciths.owij rates. Phone 1054. dress W II. Minn, Lubbock, .us. spotlessly clean private booms for ladles. board or ror llghthousekeeplng. SW San ' SHEET Fóutx le Zink- - oa w.vi. rruprtawr. joso t'none aoos. Phone 4350. 304 San Antonio St METAL WORKS. Female sl Help Wanted. NOTICE. CREDITORS All parlies having ac hauo.va Hona. ACME SHEET METAL WORKS-Oen- MADAME JOHNSON. 417 Texas. Phono 3774. counia against the Pullman Cafalerla (Woo When visiting or shopping in El Paso stop aneet metal contractors or all kinds, su HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. han,inmflltf apartment 5450. My ranch Moo Sing, deceased) are hereby notified at the Ramona Hotel, centrally located at i.nnnu rurnished Texas Sb Fhone is it miles east or EI Paso, at 010 N. Stanton. Rooms or Station Helen. Am alnglo, and need house- to present same ai mo oiuce ui Ausim a. with without Wltn oain, fw, ruouo mat. itv niuiujr, Marr, 304 San Antonio St., by November S, oatn. ñatea soc to ttJO. special rates by sigm PAivrnvn. keeper who will rook for two to three peo- 3 cattle, mn! easy ple. IVI4. Aisr nee. week or monto. FURNISHED apartment. rooms and bath; dead horses. ACME adjustable dress forms sold on Am orten absent ror months, when win; everything new: steam beat. ' Call Apt. K, hauled away free. Phone 74 immediately. Phone 4784. there Is noihlng to do, Applicant SPRINGS! 8PR1NOSI IT you Want good EL PASO SION CO., 411 Mesa. Phone ltlli terms. must have UET YOUR NAME In the "Vvoat Are You 520 W. ISSOUTl. references. Don't object to man. Dr. C. C. Looking Fori'"- column of tho Times, it spring let us send you one on uiaL Foutz CITY SION CO., 309 N. Stanton. Phone I Young. Apply at Mr, Merchant's, 01 N. will belp you get more business. Call k. Ztnkler. . unit Lost and Found. Oregon, opposite Y. M. C. A, phone toso about 1L Hoytlceoping Rooaa Ftr Rent, TuUocb, 1 bested rooms, Scotch Hotel A. a An to An- rooms for gentle DRAUGHTSMAN, TYPEWRITERS HO IIUWAUD and I month's time to an WANTED experienced white rook; only THE printing plant rormcrly belonging (under new management), sit San HOUSEKEEI'INO suite; AU Neatlv and orrlce Supply Co. Alii 8 In family, wagea the paper, at tonio, Phone IS83. V. II. Davis. men. 814 E. Rio orsnoe. Clsisei of Work Desa. ,j man who can locate thief who liberal and fine room. defunct "Rerorma Social" Prop. Phone 5147. Hotel Nearer, El l'aso. 5! S.u' "niea ana Tepairea. sit i stule blankets from eih Inrantry camp Apply at Let y Oroccry Co. Apply Sunday No. 310 S. Stanton St., owned by Mr. Lauro Ttxax Mills 8L Phone tat. A gU Corona typewriter. ' Oct. 18. Answer Sixth inrantry camp Head- at 101 Montana St. Agulrre. has been bought by "El Correo del MODERN housekeeping apartments. Phone CAÜOLINE. or Serrano del Vando, ISO. TAXtWRMMTS. quarters. Norte," Messrs. and - - VraVYVYsfWuTfuaju WANTED En Mexican worn. wno wilt use coarse ui mo on tuo M80 5 UAL3. D. OAS., 7Sc; oil. Sc Phone. 3M5. an kitchen ini GENTLEMAN'S room, private HOUSEKEEPING rooms. E. MIssourL McLELLAN BROS. PhOM 79. 399 Frisco. uet sYOUH Name in the "WhaJ Aro You for and general housework. tat or nvui tier nub ramily, l.najiflng column It 90S Magorrtn Ave sil W. Franklin. ROOM SUREAU JUNK UtALKRS. . For?" of the Times. SEWINQ t FURNISHED VETERINARY BURGEONS. wiitiM4 you get mora business. Call MACHINES repaired by TWO ROOMS ALL KINDS ROOMS rnouo pleasant front rooms, wlUt .sleeping EL PASO METAL phosto .9440 about 11 zmsier. im. porcu, 105 ft. Weatoa. Pbose W77. IRON AND CO.. UM San DR. R. A. HIOOINS-Pb- 935. Salesmen wim or wunoui meats, roseo ins. Antonio, In 395 South Wanted. THE El 1'oatry Association will bold dealers scrap iron, rubber, nuspiiai norsea ana i'0Ul The best typewrtter on tb market, l'aso copper, brus. bones, etc. Phone 4M0. wiami. lor dogs. 10. WANTKD Town lots ror every ezuujiuutt nur. hi v, ST. Jpya4 No. salesman lis annual Mrs. I. W. Bisa. Large. wM 113 N. Staauin Touts U Zlnkler. M. MASE11. Ph. H57. Octavia and San Antéalo. (J Typawiiler Co.. 40 San' Antonio. county Mi Teias, New Mexico and Arizona: elusive. For catalogue and premium list cool roscas at raasndaJMs wiiasW rsUa. ,m4 Utteral proposition. Address address J, a. Kunnto, Sec;y. 1'. O. Hoi 3tu fcKrssw HSKPO. rooms. 013 K. M4sourt Phone 5418. loes E. Overland. Pemsm ÜM. W1N444W WASHING. luy Ample baittuy faeltHtes. LOST, .vtraved or stole,' from 'borne, Western gubdiritiou Co.. sol Herald Vldg., fct. a. H Paso M. ld liiawwui Ave., Jrroe ,rni cuw, nar two nlcelv furnlalied connectuir bouse JEWELERdT WANTED to - El l'aso, keeping roosos; HtHrt. gas and bath; 18; Windows clean. Phone Slit. "W" left, tup. Anyet n- Ttt. Aucimh Sale. SIKUE begun at ism box office or AlMobra - mrstMf mr ww receive rewaru.--- i i. tam. Theater. Our pstreas su IM good. private tamiiy. iivi vvyuinuig. WATCHES cleaned Soe. mala sartags SAc. t'ELDlNG. Re puir Sbep. W. A. W11XUMÜ. warranted crystals lie. Cab for old gold. fcrlndlo AticUoa Sale awl Cnmmlsilon ttrekar. ll'PORrUNITIsW tsiaiM Ma to .r FOR RENT. IM San Anjonlo. Denver Hweky Co. POTTEH WELDING CO.. 314 Texas, SL, I1M .üm sota k. abe Alkimhra. Woo wlU uraia rotimna m arovt; repwrlngi uew parta made and car. Otile pnona !. HssKstm phoae stso. reU vsudevMo M furnished afartment weld your broken castings good as new W, CODtey, Office Entrase to hldg. paaw. furnished house ,,,, , SI00 MATTRKC4HS4Í HSNaVATRtJ. and aave 85 to 75 .per on mu ui iiores. u. i. iveMr, C)m MiUODY home 1st El beaauw Hwy are house w cent new catttswt. D, IcMK. Uron Works, corner E. I Sell Everything at Auction, or PrlvaH Salt, an at rv mm awgs S.Hoom rurnished Experts on all kinds, or metal weldtagl ritm th Athainms. u rurnlstted lower floor... DU SANG tt WELLBORN. PHONE 3W8. 6940. TSWfafiMimct) ail Jbr is. mono 314. all set. iu Pbone U rumltbed house tTO tiM ajtamr toi What Ara You Dr. PLEASANT, rooasai Don't peoMS ran at omeet column of tb Times. It wt. HEATED rooms, Closo, IB. (HI A. Fe. mora "Business, can HMESSMAKiNa at home or kar day. Mrs. Ifdta tll'Matd BL. Crawford Theater Bldg Howtttaping RetHiu Fer Rttttt. HottatM Fr Kant. Croas. Phone M4. SfLENDID rms. Court House mat, ptb tat-- TWO nicely furnutwd rooms, prirata bath OET YOUR NAME Id Uta "Wfcat Ara YM MM. AL'EK ti MMWIaT ANU tA.M rAHHlC rnlture' walr I nr. up- - FRENCH dretsKMlwr. lysajstg jewtii i UEimoOMS cheap; doss la. 1T39. ana Sleeping porcn. APPy sunaar ar orM uraa of Z3tt SAN nrst dust mtm ret specially. 1'nofM Mil - T&fumaw. atter a p. m. wees: days, see n, utaaiaa. írfíbelp you gel mora buaiaiis. Call FURNISHED ROOMS.- M N. TMSssiK eleaM tsouaekeeplng rooms) Frí- phone 50M about K. (PAT PA8II10NAULE dri ladles tale fawny; dose In. Phone SOT. 4:bmictui i; . ' tailoring: guaranteed. Court FURNISHED room for genlley. mtludlag HTANUAK4. uymKI V TWO funalifced bousekeepUir rooms, 4.fo KAL House eMfr-J- . pain; io per monin. sb iw curb ANU block. Hnne 7h per ' eeat. 7ei. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, CtSttt'LKTEn kShK wrtatu is smsM adJoming, rnomi and furnished HJ0 Wag .HOIS. NEWLY furnished room. up. 17V4 lu.Vl1tflLlllla. iu aui DRESSMAKING' neatly done." 8M Mon- sleeping pordb too ween E. uvwiwia, V asv rjiwuskic aMbEAi ms; 'k--. best stock tbey'BWtrver had iuDruuagated prívala feoate, close In; no. eteat, HSKPO.U'ooiiM. Stewart. MVKUAA. MWAIIIHt: from varieties that bM been tested and do DHESiMAKINO Neatly doM. Mb Wtl. tana. IT Housekeeping rooms; single HOUSEKEEt'INO sad lurnishad FURNISH YOUH HOME On n any- steam nesu i'hssm the best, perfectly fro fruui disease. CAYWOOO, dnssmaking, a. aan Aniomo. mi. " Vf0, Vítu Wa make a propagallng MISS alieratlosM, IUCINQ MEN, TAKF. rWTtCKI ihi Pnkí?r. av specialty vrt. aH. " ui uea that seldom get Mtsed by rroiu PrU nAMK la. the "What Ara You HOUSEKEEPING raams. lit N. Waia n Apply iot E. Rio Oraade. mm FOR RENT new 41. aOUrattai rwR .WW CAKE wtanug malz and j grasa seed ror PLAirt MwlHg, good work guarasaased. at rt" aaiiitnn or Timas. It THREE I bousekeenlsag llaiaraltbrd aaaüT sales prices on Agenta waA44 suodervte prkes. Mrs. WKrsak'stCu) E. mora buswess. caH piHcs;' DESIRAtVLE roam, plwdd Ustt w. Sjt W steeasasL aarolb hot aM ew to sell on commUslw. psinvlew Nursery, Missouri, Room t. u4Ulrs 594 Texaa sM. TÍSMM J84 J. Jta I'lstsvvlfw. Texts. rOH RENT-Lar-ge. front HovsEKtxriia Hooms. m n. oregoa. auMaM for I fmlsil HOU4iKKEPW raatfrs. til H. atadtaa SH. Te , also hkUI sMdroom; aaT pa Sim m rttHlftEKI taa raama. csom la. Pbob Mat. Uv. astees, MN.II Pasa . Rmim EL PASO AUTO FILL! NO 8TV s. OUHfLETt rarnlsatd bousajsaeplag for Rwat. 111 UET YOUll NAME la Ik "WJul Are You Stoft lóult jTCT wiu n. oiaurais mm, 1flLuv LA ROE, fdratasssd rnuai roaaa for 6L - coiuiMi m tusms, Hlgh-fr- aawlr ixxumg rot h Bunvwn gasoline, coups; nasa, as Aa Ad ttata Will heat usat tSajjaa. if wasat M all will besp you g4 wore CsU itsnw, jtsssjiw. ODD ROCKt MS rsas IM twas'ad t;W a, sn. o 10 p. . a tlx- sbBM us tltaas waaif ad.' puooi soso muí iu HTEAM i MEATEO rOMaa.k asm said wa ya? OWaw ssyrme. inana. rwm n i inaiaat Ff Real NICE dlalng room and kiiitn for rettti tert ' hBusykeeplsta; room. 41 X, -- .?SaiUr Rasatax YOUH 1UME Ms AM Vad Ta Watraar." á'"sV" lJwtoda Fr resscsHble; M Ua Antoatfl. Funsiah i it Rooms Fstr rita mkmt- -J rumlaswáTi UKT lata 'wtütaMajfdjft ur, stasvM swat; s asak: esoaa ,1st, 'UHNIauUlt KM4US sjk. S. laiatiieav. rtmsts BL sad Arasuaj. - J - te attwr k ajó wytwto rims .'H,i

ROOMIRO EUROPEAN DEMAND THE GRAIN MARKET prowiyi atteiaee. ew-- r TMC R ANK mm Mv mmhmcemmiMtenl CM MMr wilt klsdlv ear yea t aer eeat oa, mm while' I nooru. TmVk- - Over St., VHaami lM tit Trw mW. mww your savings' arraunt It. it Tl'RKIMI WAR CRMPLICATHrN'S psya e per hi. rea. M tlw "WlnH FOR RNT. BrHrttT us sioraeo leers rem mM 0íT.IÍÍt,K"S Art tM IS GROWING HEAVY PRICK OF WHEAT, TH CLtMSK IHilNfF on their stork. Why not put your rouw n eeiiNsw er um isshi. ii MATQMflS mtHH lo ap tntent, tartly Nrnlsaed, Me. rt V A HALr CENTS HHHIEH. money tn ttxt hank's stock at I ri Mere Buemttt. CM RmI Etta Detkrt, per rent, .(natetd of in the bank R. C. BAILEY LAND CO., AtKRtCAX at 4 per eentt Gflt EeleM WUEY TO LQAH. trust HiltejUf. RKALTT OOttWANY, CRAtNSRKS, MfLLR AND PACK Cijrn (kored Net Adraare ef Thrre.antr Wa deal in all bank stocks. Rmuím tit U .flieae M INQ PLANTS ARK M tKI.N'tl RKCORtt. No jarettmeat El rTEAL rsene Met, Me Meat Avt. CURTISS-MAHMIH- better ta etrthfhsa T MissiiMSM the drtttk esS Bnf&AKINv Btltl MGNTB, otta Advanced Naif a cent. B CO. raMnr hauee frow Pit oro. arur heOlL,, tow Mmm m 6 R.--N. Orecea; rent lht pfMne m. P. d. Bm tM. We ruarantee the tell tad title It rtpre Stock awf Nfví DMtirs R.-- S.. Ksw.i reel IH.. ..,....( K Vetee ef reodatiitla Mi Abroad Murine Ry ihé JinnrinlrA rn a a.... Mends tuition i ntktá..,, J TIM MARA, teatrd. . Melh of Metemerr Ww Chicago, National BUY. 1 Xve,-p- r ....V H,e,Mt, Oct. to. considerable excitement First lank I R. Mr roe jno t woo diwn..,. mo from, fiMImi larr yar) Ten Beuetlaf List Wasmbr. ihteJNMjícsrheip for roem reo re then M years' practical ferrata r la tM vailey in tne wneat msrket today resulted from Pheae 371. F.l rM, Tesa. pay .éapensea. tees,- - billam, k Atuffl a. chai ! Hanrrmi i eH Pheswri um. Ik the addition or Turkey to the nations at war. 19 Tria. lira, Sea Aaten. reiyo..Speclti l.lWor setoon atáe that's why ire valley land tipetti. Prlret were the leer hwk..:. momaLliAm Oct. to. itridy it close, but He II Transient fc NHr lt.WO.oto iftel...si1wo piMM Biore-B- ett lecattoa,,,. teo teta. WMWarlon. War's demsnd to JaTVv-U- lre citar American iKWHc Writer than last! nirhL Corn t Klegsat iHtulf. birr. i,a fteeteuraat-ca- tn receleHe fro I Jeo rrsineriei, mint tnd ptrkinr bttba; All Jnoaern.. J.wo dsr Áüi fiesM ism. an made a net sdvsnCe of 44c to and ia r. rriH nw arocery-C- Ah reeeieu w day...,,,.,, 4M Shár iUlA ,u"n iwr in analysis oy H?e this week In comparison with the preceding MO H. Mtaeten-fi- etl City HJ... .,.,,. ros., ese. uaia 01 7,q io ,e. in provisions the out extraordinary- movement. Already, 1 rwnN or Coma WSS Unchanged to week's M beautiful reomii revest rifw farn; I i Mata .Crawfordrr Theater, P. o record eworiallpn breadsturrV meata and llUr arlvanrc. however, they are large enough to dtmin , block! from Ltbrtry; rtTniee. cos it, Of. Other food aiftiee durlfl September. Many It wit apparent at once that the action A I". COUii BAMAttt. eUrrtnfS. or Islt our debts. In London tnd Paris. The $ rrsiory; terms . OWINO recent WJury. I am eessyaUed k m...M !JH tad 4 trade broken h Ihe Turky had dispelled all hope or tito principal article or shipment rrom this n, m Hi turtace, T. have to thé Derdanellee beinr ,io lexaii rent to sell tee furniture tali-yea- r fiwoof Meriaaaee Pimm tM. ajlltf tí rMtfOflrl TBVB-- ureivsl, shitted United States reopened for ehlpmenti port recently haa been flour, and the only )k moi .... 1.T50 y Bo. rrance u. v,iia iiiisjian sea bur in nomt m bone mien, uai., mv DOÜéLAá C. rtoV'fc... MitM raet, Sixth Hi aemanninr itnineuiste qusntittes of iruni viarx points. apparent reason for tha reduced outflow or .M swelleitrrm roomi in of te (he Best city. tetien betweea aad Strati fresh beer. South Amanea and Cumm, miv! Dullish speculators were also inclined to tnir which la the Wrue for Real Estate, fttaftBoe. eta Milla Rl4r. ., sis per (eel. or act on the opinion all merchandise Is the lark or vessels. f TOWLK. uniia w. rnm, iMUf oeeeei, bet. Inr larre amounta flour, while nearly ail that several other coun foreign exrhsngc. wss a negligible rtetor I Main at, I Tticitcr. Phone Ms. Mmw "wiaria lurinorir lupn en (rom tries or southern Europe pruusbly would fit JAI. h WATT, oilier invoiveq todsy. Despite hetvy payment for syndi- lourroi ara imnoriinv tnininna nr tmtinit do in tne struggle, instead or will A FEW no HOUSES. SWBCL RT CtejAR KTAVl) FIXTVIHH rt)ft, ahowtnr a drop, however, prices Jumped cate operations, torsi banks probably A Bete Aredt. rash gain tomorrow, ti robmi St.i real tM... HORACI right from the start. show another with 8 Are., rent MO.,,.. B. 8TEVXNS1 phone 4. 10a Ban raactsco Bt. TfM value or foodstuffs enlit ahrnail 1al continued rehabilitation of their reserves. roomi rortin Retí UtttM t waa Export salea continued tt hither nrlces roomer! 730 tad lataraaee. month . netrly double that it 01 t,jw,a ayo. and acted as mora than an orrset for prorit ftMemht; ctMn tt whittle clow Ibi ?jPmu'r year wnen the total In WOOL MARKET. i ISO avo,iao,gwi, tskinr. which some or the holders of nut teti.ten lease (terms). Board ml 10 Stfi prtatitM n. Pneae aleeataa- - rjiaati a Magoffin Ave.; .,5. KO tu. tcreeaed norch. haatlne The war demand frir wheat htnnaiu m wuw inauigeo. iTospects or liberal in Rostan Ivool Review. rooms; rent MO.. crease of ' 0 BWIWIII. U. 0M VIV. porta ror the United mates, visible supply Jtp rooms i ill L n. k. rest HO (le it), STKAM HEATED TOOWS asd Board, Ml Pros the three months rnoinr with total, thourh, an rAa Attoclatrit freaa 110 to, pect. 10 tne nigiieji point ever formed evident check Boston, Oct, 30. Bulla-ti- rooms i d'ntownj transient; rent pepivmoer reached aralntt such wild upturns aa took place The Commercial rooms i Myrtl Ave.; clow In For Sale Km Ktate. wilt sty tomorrow;, room AND' BOARD; '100 InrliiAln ríniír In I..!,,. ., ,.. I '.k...' Uttrlnr the early stares or the wsr, roomai rood loeltkmt losr MlH.... sleeping rch. European 'ThA wont market nrenntea a atfonr 1.900 DININO CHAIRS II up It Foutt It Ztnkler. BUN0AL0W3 FOR SALE. demand widened out for corn rvi. ll rooms: downtown i transient i r. 173. Two very desirable bunralewt, iiiuiiiiia arirersiea w.vou.wiu uusncis, coin, and had much to iin with atrennli nt thai sillón todsy. .although the situation on (S3 swan locstlon... ifiW OKT YOUR NAM psred with WMOfiOO builiels tn that period roomit sttmi lKti HAVINO ierre, home, on Hon IM ''WMI Are YOU well located roo me and rlaied a yoar cereal. Dullish sentiment waa Increased by rooda throughout thn 'country 11 reported oeo us wve wgrrjr.wa r rsVf" a ato. For septunbrr tho eiporta or nrst ho nine, Uokinr eetaM f the Ttaw. It sleepinr porehi built-t- fsatursst flour were tho mesgerness or country shipments to as very low. .Medium to coarse woofs are trtts. We Mliroomlnr botlKi excluilrelr. Ilka to board aad room teYCfsl adults. win help vetii tet taart Biiatptst. Ctíi every convenience. Extremely cheap, about normal, but the wheat wurago, especially s irons' and active, while good consequently cm glvo you tttt wM you phone aoSo áaVut soia soroaa wat more man iwico mat ex U .HMO, on very easy term. month, Osts went hither wtlh Wheal and mm. rine Wools are atetily and Inferior Jots art, usy irms. ii you wiso TTHE SUTTON REALTY CO.. ported durinr tne . Irregular, Tha has been in. 13." mn nniiih TRfl waa qrrerings were llrht at tho start, but on rather market Mi Troutto'to 8B0W You. TRY our borne cookinr. tot Missouri, t rooM heisse. Room Two Republics Bulidjar. wneai iniai mimim ntiaheia ni than a ago. MCMAHON, Drier, aotst L paved 3to France buujh bushels, um uuige aeiunr waa mora rrea. somewhat less active week ÍAS. A, irreei. relaminr Phone itot, allí 7,rtAW the Desnlie lintnallnr hv lh nrn "Advlcr from England and the primary . m N. Stantoil St Phone 7M, SELECT board; desirable room for wall, beautli i worm' tiii,eeo. For narltera. men: reasonable, tots N. stswon. Phoae quick sale, prlee Phone vision market responded to the advanco ot markets Indicate very excited markets, and H iMo. ..ioiiaiiua tjcviwui niiur oilier r.iiropein especially medium no wools, whilo nOOHIltO EY MAXKUS. ÍIM-- nations bouiht l.soo.oftu biliheis. More than uincr Rispies, mosi or mo trsutng was in for low "EW BiOALOW-nmpna- Blv close mi rine wools aro alio Strong and scarce. Eng- rooms, iawjwi Diisneis were exported to ctnatta Let us show you what wo bsve. Foil rcntlemen, select board end , south friol, oa I rtill lots, close to car whltA anrtthp mftmft i.iosinr prices were as roiiowst lish buyert ara Operating everywhere with wrs. uepew, 70V nyrne. kud-j- . nt tu.. .1.1. sornn rood rjroDOsltlons-clra- r store, res heattnr pltatt baseaWnt, men iiuorj ment or So.Oón bushels to Riaitl. ft.ti; May, ll.Sltt. kcennest," CONVALESCENT HOME FOR TtlUKflCII double . screened juril I. Corn December, MUc; May, TlJiC. Scoured imiviica;t pour-roo- Exnorls of flour to stln. America nnarlv basis: LANDS a wood floors larté hsini mvM .n modern bunralow; Oats December, May, míe, 11 S VALLEY Loa accommodstionsi rates 111DB0 ui a agu, Texss Fine months. MitTlSci rine JÍ.WJUp is psytnr paid fori cement sfda walks make your own termt; Alta vista uuuuinu orpicmuvr yuir 118.03; May. 119,1$. and loTl the valley. reasonsble. Parte and Frankfort Bts. Fort fences; aaporis ui ueei in aepiemoer lci months, tsttMej fine rail, 15017c. H0MK3 CITY PROPERTY buiu.ln bookcastt and china dosetsi y ttctton, iresii Lard Novcmbor, 110.7; January. I0.W. California mlddlo m miss csr to toor. rnone oi. all built-i- H.00O. amounted to TfiOOfioti pounds, leven times Northern, SitfMr; JSJE to show you. kitchen, with featurett tla.so January, io troifie pantry; Five. room bunralow; tome thst sent abroad in santthibcr. tots. The f9.7. counties. 6lfl5ío southern, 4830r. ;tt Six salesmen tad. two (utos Neal's. sit Mesa av. . Room strictly up butieri "lirre eiotltij cuh 3,000,000 pounda oecr Oregon Eastern No. I staple, peí east- your perro! on tid? mli' lalance im per month. of canned exported Dun's Weekly Review. (sVt service. í run; 111110 tne aom in ern ciothlnr. ITOUr valley No. t. 4I1Í50C. ston finish hoi water connection in MJKO.' wii amount aojnem Hit me- 44M, Four-roo- ber year. Iht Anoctattd frets Territory Fine atapla, coofcje; rin and board, dose in. Phone Mil bunralow; fumlshed; last SO. toj Stanlon St. rhones oot.en7. U2ÜL mentí atorare roomi beautiful mantel; In' New York. Oct. Dun's Itevtnw Inmnr dium staple, lAofiOr; fina clothing, (7r(8c.: i. map. The Inrreaso refined surer exports waa row will say; In tremendous. In Semember M.iíon.irn nouniia rine medium rtnthltir, Sttf37c: IIUOMINQ IIOUrtKS. will , rind bargains ern ana contristé home. Worth ts.ooo. For li.stxv. "Imrnirtant nrorreaa haa heen inniln In D9(f60ct blood cneap Four-roo- on were snippea serosa, rouvareu a,VW, rotnhtnrs, roods at its n. sianton. routs k éK" vm efww; ierras wtjo cash, Dtl house two lottf East mo year ' wiin the work of adjustinr the machinery of tho romblng, 4903IC ; . a ato. Zinkler w iiiuiiwi. i iiirna l Pato. money and Pulled-Kxt- ra. AA. B6aS7C! am. 11,300. Other rains tor September showed by the rirnango markats to the new MétDei fino . $100 it world conditions created by the Kuronean A, Mtf55ci A supera., WS52C. 8 rogms; rent sio, with piano..., Nice, little trama i well ucyarillicin fiiuica werei t rooms; rent 4 ...... i r TOO ROOM and board, reasonable. t Montana, yon war, ana inq oilllllCM OUIIOOK IS Driruter. sale. located pn two car Unci; too down; Outside or certain In b rooms; close int rood place ... t 675 btlance ti5 per month. Corn (bushels) 170,484 1,113,043 industries, which Cotton Market Improving. place . MO Ir von want tn reach all tha tiAnnla all a M io.78d.tBS there Is a demand for war aunnllea. itn. io rooms; new ...... ,,, WiOMj 11,400. , Otta (bushels) ...... It. J Bit the Aitoctalcit Prtu 16 roomsi all llrht bousekeeplnr. . IflOO inn use aas. terms'00'1 '""P." PwPilMr Oatmeal (pounds) mesne trtdo still awalta tho quickening lm- - a - unu wai , Two lots on Hill ttreetf rood, ten. tn,m t,w.m iiuiaq na now Yorr. oct. 30. According to átate- 7 roomsi tndudlnr puno ...... , 0 IIICB tl'UUllUl) 4,1 ,, I.I00.W3 1U,4IJ,7 ui cuminrrciai enternriae. rnti 16 rlORA FOR convalescents, room, board and sleep- ement suite. clinlnr husinesa and revenues or tha Amer, ment made, hero today by the chairman of mnmn In ..1 inr porches, tail Arizona. A cotltftl teiooi cathi M00. canned saimón (ids.),, t.sis.wa 4x00 Jtt rooms: i.ion Pbose im. balance-o- n time, . MO.0O0 Iran railway, even more than tho menace I ho cotton exchange liquidating rommltten rent lea i till IB wett or Cotton Oood jdobe. Bsriey (bushels) i.750,000 or rooms; rent sua . 1,700 con VALE3CENTS Rooms tteeplay CO., Exportatlons of eattle and sheep tne European war, is now mainly tn an nrriclal announcement or the syndi- and AV' WHITEPAD&N REALTY . d. ror In some Impor- 33 rooms; rent MO 1,500 porches;' home cookinr; rate reasonsble. . creased, comnsred with September last restrictions. cate nlan for taking over old cron cotton: o ' Roomtll, it. Morrtn Bldr, tant industries. 4 Want to rent a rood hotel t rooms, ivwi Anions, uirmasa fare car. rnone i 11 aerea valley land. Will irada rnr phoat tiW. year. More than 1,100 calilo were sold a court order has been handed down per- stoim heat, water In all rooms, aurora "Failures this week In the Untied Slates mitting tho sale or contracts or a runnlnr WHY acuco or leneimat proposition ana psy a r in sepiemoer, igu, compared with wero 434, 390 larre tvw per month. not put your Waal am m the Times, reranen In pith. 060 last month, The tn compared with last year; In wh(r,h failed, iho summer, at 1011 01 jam about decrease w. 30 firm during; CREKL, with . wiibtc ara iur oaii reiiiiiiT sheep ahiementi showed tbout the asmé Ceñida, against last year. v ueennuer, ir your amouots to you clearings do- - cenia ior ir.'s jeaa'mw, phone Austin .& MarrWTS. ad A eesiu cash A rood corner 1b south nirt iir percenttre. "Pan were í,oi,Mt,ooo, t seemed to Increase tho confidence will ret a rood fountain ceo free. Call mmi INVESTMENT CO, crease or aro.v per cent rrom last year, - van tiiuu. 1111 mi two 11 11 NKWNAli tradera in art early resumption ofj'husi- NEAR LIBRARY. rnone for th want. Ad Hoy. icc .insf ina METAL MARKETS, '2 Wheat exhorts were 5.689.033 bushels. ness. Do let us sliow you s delightful rooms, iwu iirouvaiiioa, terms,1 nttl Estila, inturanet, Bohdi. coanpirra wiui x,sipu year ago," & library. Heat, furnlture- OOOD HOME COOKING. Ill MESA. 100 san Antéalo St. Southern advices Ind cated aMt ntted 3 blocks from -i 'A dwelllns) on aft Will Mstsl kxfbsnáes. everything WO; bsir down, fine N. Orerorl Bt.i Ato home on River St. RSootn firmness In tha southern market, which the best. Price 104 Ji. Stanton., Phona 1400 k.roorn httr Bu iSeAtioclatrd Prttt wero rcnerally higher, and it wsreponett imement. sleepinr porches. Just what Varna, will exchtnre, tskinr lots or Oct. 30. Tha man was oc- YUU wsnt, New York. board of FINANCIAL SITUATION that considerable business dene in S Meta ror smaller house in pan pay, ot tho New York metal re 011 the at tbe TOWLK. WITH PARK BROS., BOARD lots and River: HJefi.- Fine buna-alo- 41 arers exchanre mber contraria curb here and room, reasoBable. tot lfeyada, pariiiiciu or sa.tooa.room on Noble St. voted today to reopen the exchange ror 7Mr. level. Detailed weatlier reporta Main Bt. Crawford Theater. Phone m. re'iaence. front; ,000 cash, balance easy. - lit room end board, reasonable; close la. ft. It mains in tin novemner . ino nsie or me anoweu turincr rrosia in ina oeti, out tem- rooms, In, flrrhird ai favif ftjow nousi, 1 oiocs car uno, oy or tne Mmaon, Investment situation Has Lost None ot Its peratures seemed to he somewhat higher NINE larre, newly furnished with house Parti ouy; sew cam, reopenmr meisi excosnre. ; 'niceptnr and rarares j mummy, rt. rrontt spienaia uiianco improved uemand lor .the Ilion. and generally clear wcatlier conditions porch rood hesiinr raw uuwii, uamic-- Grade Securities. 1 piini; lino iocaiion; terms, íur suo u 'MjSoo buñratow, new; moo New York Silver. prevailed tn the south. For Sale MiiflnHaneowi. brick In cath. B cecial Wire to TAe New reported soot cotton steady owner. j"none ohm. Hlrhland Park! aewi paiance rime. Orleans essy, new York. oct. 30. psper, ts at wit)) sales of y,S4 Mies. idONKY TO LOAN, tS.Jmit Buiuunr, NEW CONCORD PIANO-Ch- etp It taken tt u Press 0c, J corner lots In Grind Vlewi ttnaí ar New York. Oct. 30. Toitav marked tha MAmarra hitr ilaTO,8.600 houae tn San AntonlevTex.. silver, 4V4c Close or the third month or involuntary title. livestock FOR SALE One show case, two e VaU, V4ailV9 UU I1IIH3, M&W' Hewn For Sale. exenanre for property here. Ri. Louis Metal. nrss In the stock msrket and the termina- Chleaoo LIveMoek, chairs la rood condition; reasonsble MOO per Acre to aerea hair milo Yslots) tion or any financial contracta entered Into Fire Insurance. Notary Work. tmall-rai- lv thi Ái$ochled A map. Dandy home prices. Aaurew t a. ti vv. payment, balance per month, lrtt Just before tho openinr of the European Bv the Anoclatti Press on Ariioaa . H. SMITH ; St. Louis, Oct. So. Lead, sollor-Receipt- s, sale 80NÍ 1130 Acre acres ,Yslata, between 1 I3.I7. war. Chicago, Oct. Si,ono. ONE Remtnrton typewriter, tn rood coadl Phone 411, soo Texas. Per spelter, i4.wP4.03; Msrknt stesdy a shide higher. Bulk. lis Reberis-Bsnn- 1 paved roads; splendid small cash pay. Most or the loans then negotiated, wli eh to Uldr. tlon bed, mattress and sprints; 3 new buff t7.30ii7.J5i heavy. r.osia.M; pirs. rucauir-cimr- i. mnt, oaisnre essy, Copper. aro payable between thla date and next UMa FURNITURE price, in ruouo mi, J? seres, county So- Eleclrolytlo Monday, 7,IS. iroUR old at a bir Ma Perderé too rosd, no Ihé were made at 7 to 8 uer cent, tha exenanre ror new, r quiz roll-to- ror oto. a corro; 10 per cent cash, suit. Junrfafrti Vrctt came neeeipti, yjw. Marxnt nrm, tinnier. desit stle. First the Mesa. balance York, Oct, copper. higher tlrure nrevallinr. Renewals report. tional BaRk Bldy. The best buy In El Paso. lito Por 'VAcre 8.8 seres I. mile Yaleta. .New ert today were mostly on the bssls or oVi to heaves. M.sooil; steeri. l5.7Mrt.0t calves, FOR SALE Modern residence la 4 11.."5C ror au nays ana RAMEY PROS., , paved roadi'MOO cash, 1, S, 3 and yean. ti.iac tor rtsn. 7 per cent, and in some instances where 17.33011. Sunset Helrhts; I4.TS0, terms. HeUberr k FOR ladies and lady cost. or Shceo Rere nit.- mw. Market firm. sale i tultt First National Bank Bldr. Kl reduction. Interest wat not granted loana Oil IIU11VU. NEWMAN CO. Paso Heist. . were liquidated. Sheep, I3.10OG.Ui Iambi, I4.50fii.l0. Phone si3. Mexican currency, 0. ARPETS Any you Essy termt u. s. 40. The investment situation lost nono or Its site wish. sprinrfieid, rifles. rold, Improved ror Ksbssi City Llicttoek. , or discount ror cssn. ou ioxier. Ílexiean pesos (El Paso buylnr price), 40. demand the hlgh.rrade bonds currency. 19:, currency. and notes coming rrom Isrro financial cor. It the Aitoolattd Prttt B AU Y csps children's, VALLEY LAND WILL NEVER DC vilis Carranca to. uors 'a and hstt at half Chihuahua currency, tv. porailos. Kansas city, oct ueceipis. puce, tto n, campeen. CHEAPERTHAN NOW. t9Hi in connection wiui tne 110.000,000 rrcnen 7,000. Market ttendy Dulk, 17.1007.40; Pet Stock For Sale. DECIDE TODAY. losn yesterdsv at 0 tier rent dis heavy. t7.30t7.W): pig.S.5otp7. FOR SALE 1913 Twin Indian, speedometer. Buy coming El Pass Smelter Quotations. strong. POR SALE Anror lots on tbe mesa. This Ip fáct eastern buyert tre Dally.) count other countries wero making over, Cattle Hecelnta. s.fC. Market Perslsn and kittens. , Prestóme tank, extra set of tires. Also In (Corrected to Beauties. 80ft N. El paso St. 31 11 close. addition offers the in bow, The rovernment will be Plfr 3.K0. tures our bsnkert for the plsclnr or Prima fed steers, w.iaio.7Si western Phone I0H town Yale. IIM each. Friday Investor and dirt, on two of the upper lead. In caJves.jo.wtfto.H). ma !.ogu homeseeker the tbrewlar Bar sliver (llsndy U Harmon quotation), credit this msrket. Steers, IS.75f9! aim oaiuruajr. si. same advantages as sunset t valley ransls.wltWn thirty days. Wo Exports or American grains and other Sheep Receipts,' KX- - Market strong. PIANO for sale. Phone 1810-- Heirhta st the price. are only allowed' wateifor too acres. foodstuffs are likely tnow a deccrase L.ambs, Í7.S5Ü8; jreirimgt, I5.M36.50. Furniture for Sale. 1,000, li' RAMEY BROS., We own over tn variousy sized for Enriish bull dor First National Bank Bldr, tracts, thst wt must dispose or how about setting that lio rold offered ILL sacrifice. house of furniture; IIM any on the Made tn America pare in jast aun wos. are in roonin: rooa aisposuion. Phone 613. shortly, tit It or tha. foUowlnr use ror 3 monins. Arizona. luterea you we will be pleased to day's Times for ino uest rewniicn aar rive full description or take you up Many answers pavo aireaay ueen scoi m, STRAWBERRY plants. M per 1,000; list free. autf abow Uiami tnd SecoBd-btn- 4. 11. Oil SAI.K but you have an equal chance yet, lÁutomobilea aierimr, uuiuuu. aiz, or I.eaae T.rnnm hnnu ir 07 acres close to Canutillo, rood j. Golden Him bunt for a homes unUI s p. m., Saturday, Oct, 31. - itnoil convenientA. bouse, nice and level, partly YOUR NAME m tbe "What Are You fine- locáUdh. In míale, will ii lo IIM an acre kive yeer'i alfalfa. Price A osJur For?" column o( the Timet. It Ooteopatky. lease to rirht party. Phone saw . 07 arres, (0 In fine or alfalfa, you upx stand lEveiiings help ret more business. Call urMuB.'or asarese r, 0. viv. Is corn; a Thoughtful FAltit, pnyslcti baltme .In not better at one to&O about Dio. WMlUtl f ii reruisr STAGE LINES It and osteocalha. BDeclsltT.-- osleoosthy. piece or sou to tne v si ley, price sua AUTO r an acre., :af U SALE-O--H. ornee 7 years, sag Herald Company, ULuuk, IR P.. tourinr established Bldr. 11 acres, faja n avert road, all ,a to Piiutnix ,r, in nrst'Ciata conuiuon, Office hours to a. m. to tt m. to r, p, m. Real end investments, Via Auto, car leavea oiooe pumps, Moved alfalfa. In tbe Heart of tbe La Union Make at extra casinr and tubes; would írST sws au acre, daily. Time hours. reservations ske small roadster tn part payment. Ad from saeWIUi SL to Lobby Hotel Orndorff, district, rrice Dominion liuiei, una auiu , Home .; Chamboreno. uiuua. Make Hifppy tt acres at I Iresa p. 0. box lira or phone, tit, week you , , vnono 7, stage Lme. ays. where art, sure of the best resi room house, about half In fine bear' If your ad amounts to 7 cents easts you a. raeea naref vl 1111111.I ,'lllll'l.'ll alITII I INIÍ. " will ret rood fountain pen free, call Price neo ta FOlt ALL MESILLA VALLEY POINTS. v'hy not nut four Wat Aas in the Timas. phon where you are sure of tbe best results t Kta for the Weal Ad Boy, 5. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, tere. Leava Auto cafe. a. El Paso SL. dally. In If your ad amounts to 3 cents cub you r uitniaiiEP. II acras tt Chamboreno, fio, level cluding Sunday, at 4:41 a. in. Returnlnr, Evenings This bunrt-low- , on main dally, till r rooa luvniSHi vea ire. iau new modem piece of land, ditch, faces leava, Las crucea postoffice includ- sow 100 blocki from the Alia Vlata paved road. Price an acre. ing ttuiway, lor El pasq at to a. m. 0t none na soy. tin lor wiui school; city sewrrsre, mall A or tracts, all . deny. number LINK. woNEY loan, 31 Trust Bujldtnr. MONEY 10 LOAN.. 315 Trust Bullóla-- errd at door, no tuition for children pleated 10 fruit, on easy terms to MAIL to 4 you We own Passeaker sarvlce leaving both Roawetl to and don'l have to pay city taxes.' suit purchaser. all of the second-han- WOULD Ilka communicate with those ana csxrkoso dsllv and duuday at a. m. Mott people who have good time; k.' There .is a great deal ANTED To bur Ford auto; who have money to Xiwner, leavlar city, will sacrifice above and would accept tome. reed t pll In Rob- - invest, either lanre or M as paymeauoa ror PKicflw. Tinme, Rondo, Lincoln, Fort must be rood condition. Address small amounts, in Mfleti' Furniture jjew and city pioperty pari Nogal. care proposition thst will classyi IpUJOxtea feet; ffood sania and mtke termt oa Um Btltaet dienion, csfiltia and Through ran of talk about spontaneous pleasure, But art evening of fun which limes. nrlnr larre returns. For Dersoaal Interview one way H,au. Iniermediste poinu e par - hair eXocV from car line; oq to tult. SALE Ford touriat- car. 1914 model. address P. O. Bpx m. El Paso. Texas. will handle lu No trouble to show, - mile, narran carried up to tit pound comes out an ngnt wttMtit planning is a rare thing. 1175. W. pounda excess at tc per V U'hone OET YOUR NAME la the "What Are You HOT'WATER HEAT. treei pound. .9" Looklnsr the Times. Enjoy heme In LA UrflON FARMS CO. ItOsWELL AUTO COMPANY, Write or call Fori" colusaa of It comforts this owners and Operators. Phone ire.' ELLIOTT'OAHRETT CO will help you ret more business. CtÜ buacaiow, hardwood floors, (Witt) HtwklBt Bros.). Winter la the time for evenlnc entertalnmentr, for theatr, card partía pnone 3 tots, , studebaker Dealers, sow aooui 11. on full at tlaO; half casta. dances, away home, aa coxy tlmee home. rOR CAR. West, or Pleurae St. and from' ja well tor at Pbone 3. 4M 8sa Antoalo SL, mtiRicic RAILROAD TIME TABLES new E. itAHt, BAUUAIN Carter, Matte. a aad L PASO, TEXAU. Moway to Loaa. bt this hMralow. on avnee; pruaur-- 1 Table a. Now a woman usually plan for thete eventa far henil. butfj I Rto Or anda BU; 4 room boh mi awa reata Time No. .Tlfeellte 131 at. herdwood floors Lnviitmefli, R. H. fherae. aeie attw, Ml nay arv 111s, JR SALE I Maxwell runabout, in rood uuNEY You caa uay txtk throurhout. esceptlar Mtcheat (MouatalQ Only.) you uav porch; an rrannaro hi., r.i TRne runntna; order, Phone 3. etallmcate. ir bousetiold funst. alined heetiar pleat south ri K. P. A . WXyatsm. evcninK or tomorrow evemnsr. ma tura, piaao, mamesos, estate. front; tt sl.íoei Mes will haaate It, money TO LOAN, Trust BWWayT netier inina siivui noy retí lit From North and East Arrive. uea notes or rooa seeurity MONTANA STHKKT. t Callforniau , , aa yonr own. ' ur wi tai w you nava ii. ' Somethlnsr nice la 1 mod- Fortified with real romanaa we ear f Htutsl Goods for Sale. 1 ooldsn State Limitad.,.,,.,,,,, Jill p.m. .Second F.L I'AIVI LOAN AND REALTY! CO. ern bunratow, hestlnr pleat, herd, patrona, Aineatara asstar. I - From the West How reyo.ur butraaBd' tlee, hi shlrtf wood floors,- is ft. froat and oa a ON PAVED STREET V level lots M Mkn it MONEY TO LOAN. 31 J room I Copper City bpclsl.,.,,,.V..-7i- t s.bv Trust BUlior, corner. Jlvlnr about ttM fL each) psvlnr paid for; per raenUi wtH 4 Ooldea State Limited t.aup.m. to wear tonight, or la .he go)n)r tp be vt A dandy at W.iioi Mw will Ú. Hi ....;,. handle buy tiiem, P. t Ma. For North and v. MONTANA STREET il tut Depart. in the cíate T FaeTBiihed 4 Golden State Limited , . liUp.ni, fhcne Um. M 9. Paee. Hewea For leak west of Fiedrss, bungalow, 4 Ya-t- $ Csiltoraian , ,..,AlU.top.in, you 14 modern, aad dirt cheap at ta ,7 Mi "Wbo What Are f How efaibmt'Tj, WAiiTjfP fo buy aeceaut-ban- tools FINE FURNITURE If Wast aJ For the Wes-t- ahout hU ad & atee will beadle this. tí Limited run. H. moot, see s. I'aee svl in stock, route zuuiier. CASSIDY NEEL. LeUg Tor? I Oolden wis Will ka look aa lnV , iatal si 4 7 copper city spectst 7 Hi p.m. FOR HKNT All or perl of hOUM til Mills at. ; Phone - hand, clelhee. i, M. lurniiBca. en. rwycmwcit wt. Me Crsacle A El Paae Rallread. t He.'ca'a WANTED AM snettu ROOM BOULKVAltD CONFECTIONERY, 4IJ ttoul' (saute re nystcm,; ef lymwi. w pay 3, nicely fumUhed house, .lose tn, frulla aad Mat From the horin ArKir, re wrwr ewas saw mn M SM sis tt, csmptiett. NOW,, look herel This house on cesdlt. ., tee-- VHZ im FMHtme Montana St. for M tm cult, M Crrtnaa. Phone tor. we Mtsico upress ri Wtet busAtow month, tntsrtst. El Paso Pssernrer ,, iWp.Vf' PHoue set. FOR KtMTi.rooro furnished on lacludlnv Ervln Furniture Co, T"Ml MfKlnley Ave., nesr country cum for to One house, oae liouacnn For the notth ueps deyst rive possession Nov. tM prefer n. vafiifwcii, wimiw niiaaicr, ime) rT asa llantas city and ChlcMo Paaa. a:sw a. eauaie; Mexieen or people with niUKee sa HMRin. soura rev esaa; n, esa. xutiafci-stcvr- MO ChkHU P'l MaH ...,,,.., 1.00 p. 37M-I- . Moatsae 81. SLY tseea am apply. Phone house near af tfMt attiiral method. U Bochler Wtir. taoo run. Bettsr hurry. fretMstea, Marrlsburr ft fea AeteaMO t l4ia. i"Aaa majnvuj.'i Pacific C4- - ' oraad View This taoaetei buara (Souiusrn SyttemTi Pwe EdeKatienrJ. low, on full lots, for MJo; Me HO Look at ch, Hunsst Express ,,..,. l'ANfM is loe nortea t tliM Kal.' and toleres!. .,., HMATIORAL leweat t N80 and tM, mrluiUac iaterett, buys tot bunaai Ltmlied .....-'At- ti iMUtuU. MM tiwfe CuHmm. cash From the tuts enes 11 ca .1 Welt i aLJ' aaana M.lea. ra, liw; sot Sunset LUalnu ai'AWMF TW. raeo, tl Buckler alr. asa. terms. wtelsaY'are of your 1 ()jR'laUr wxtty " AH woeera new nunMo MIMI ihm . tM, srsmcuoo. AitcranuHf aaus rvvmumft select, heos "aaal w4hH. IhofSaah- - te, laciuesw tetereiti KAHI3 TA1LOM SMOP. PHONE M. lee sunsvti, Llwiwairi 9 asksri ssewpy, K. ta--. it M suaeti a WlUi AueHa Marr. ror I tsiuoi AMeratloM. for mea aMl wotaea. OWNER LEAVINO CITY, Parle 71 Um-- ftbofi, M N, Oeeson, PtMoa M. oM t4-tsrt- r ase orerttoeasee) ta ftae We deal bs aB aal and will sell established. an extra reiMuraaxi foo4 MCMa. le Oinniail' k rrteo ttee. touts 4 Uokler. Os.. M Sea FRiiMC i. ETIE. ' Real Esteae and Ream Afeacy, H. MOHR tat mm at. Cwi lUt) JUrtii .Mills. rtlOM StMPeeyiatL FstMt mmi Ok ta reaaa aal .vhe Baatuae sae taM Mtk ' ' É ' " MORNING TIMES f t 12 . :4 a:ASO




l MMj


ARMIJO &VCO., Distributors. KANSAS AND aiK.t.ia. itLtrnunE Wo do not solicit orders or uhlp liquors in violation of Texas laws.'

ipnnlp. Kratr tuve rev measure' which lias approved by 'tL HASiKKIIN 1IAVK CLOSE CALL. nronoslllons Ixen .Ott.tbé roÜ$lK. renueats Uní he close down Ihe .mines tilt- ferred to me people, ujidn ielltlon rollow. thirty-si-x stale and eflithiy office, Thr accept Lib; hc law legislature. Thesa In order aro!, every' precinct his. Its own atullilalas In 0 less the operators Ib settlement tlm BLANKET TICKET at the f to The comlr oiilriuplatd to by tnp turners,. WAR VIGTIMAY iÍA.lsooaícd'rr f Those econj of the penal rode relating dlllon. task of thftjfdler agreed Banla rV, ."V, M., Oct. 30. A. Mutck of Arizona a aunen uin, wiuwi w - 7 íi,,VJü navo ciaimcq u urn iru- - laruons anu rrpneyes. uic aii uiik ciecitours ii Illa The jnmi rs mat Dallas, í M. aan Antonio.: county .bill and the county seat questioiu Jli order itt prepare ior au ero rioting Is Tex J. Wosea.or he division or legl' 'M eral troup, withdrawn almost Titt.. (Milli haiikprs. nuil 0. I'. 'UiOtt.or removal bill. consideration iliu, bWlot the - Itvsl rrrlain t Miow, while th operators nuvo Escape USED ARIZONA are by Initiative tature naiijeii a regulation Jkw makii Waltoii,Ju:iíi.- litffl.not true FIND K: ! HERE Hósvfíir, .". f., had a narrow from M Trn new laws proposed Ule Judtres any tolct: Hie Ihat they am employlns lidl m These. In onto are The abolition th mláirallnn officers sola tt)plwlirntMlfl)rpii:iiufpilun P iriílitit frlifliifin Micatli vi hep tno a.utwnouiio rol-- or voje a nijtiy riini aa possible, and that they am or lh? death penalty to provide- - for tho ; the educational qiialiflcaiion the foií lW rJqIHr.'rll colorado." YtilcJi i hey were trarellny 'turned 0T?r at every the. and 11 is a'sumen nía "w " jn o laying 110 irouom wnij inmr presiiu - lection of taxes alt nwnhs, i:of Bfpfl4t efwnJihat Vtiiit decide - ." tiisrht at Aroyi? Hondo, sli tnil Jroul KSTiMm:. FotiH Ways on; a qualnted with tho English language and it ployea. LOCAL l'LllLUUn- S will biacklistinK promoiuon uni. aim eltVe thn mme riust-- ti. (MUJiicr f the - - iiiifDL.t.rn' rlit" ulll nr win.itiiiiinn nf the united Stales have bet Ul'IIIIKN I'BOM I'llOMIiOTIVK iKT- "erP- í'.iii. mothers' pensions, narucipauon ui ' operation ;ori'$otf (tMwnt at ini'MMiiie llouw Alun and Xosej. wer . ". A1TKH POLLS CLOSE. slate, in the' two expositions In California In called out beforehand under the WÁHNIN All persons expcciinir to Wilton, Juat In iai iv annmnrlailrtir muKt Ihiirefor. Ibn of the i;ric,ure. of car and were relwued by barii .ftríji lou on the wet end federal io SO per rent employment bill, the personal xu'datef.h s' inetiltdraul along- - tunc to hko tlwui from Minr ournca I'npiiQsllloD for jMtolIlldu of the Ssloen and flooring and 11 froul llu slíate In Manhattan Heights, tlio H tmn lllh TiiinlV ThaUUIIll IIuIUTS (IMCSainnm I'rui'rujr u iif'fetieral tronD district, lr(. death. The eoiiipleteiywioHsuweil. lOHN H1IU0HB,U inunraj prop- . u. n ,i .tr, n inn. rf tin. rJl sttKnifchl Made al he rputoof mo iiropotod ícenle ilthway, aro Airrauy rir y or slain reserves the rlirht to take over rer IV!'... - rrfi(TCt' May to iniesiiHas iieriaca. wiium. ihu least serious liuurea 10. Be llfildfd that present prices or v THI etllOfH1-HOBIC- , erly at the assessment made by (he owner verllsemenl. tvtr department. Oowrndr AiMpnt Mid lierehy nonrmi tin i uii. the three, warned, to Banta 'p, aírlylns reccjved intHiisltui to two per wt rnr tills loeatlon will !) inerepii, 4ite uni auuusniui, ui" anuran ieeriUVjie Md. Huí Mrp this morplnp at daybreak. coMMtciy- systrm, estsbllibimr I stale priming plant TAKE IH1MC AS OYSTER LO.l 3fe. Mu .iMuüiiiWould be Withdrawn chanted on IS. On that rtii - UU Jloies SirclaJi (?tn;4n(frjf Wvmbur .putllclty 'lu-- uusicil. A rel et nar y in an wo.- and a stale banking YVsiem and the' Ulla dv m of W per lot V'lll lie Wlihm'Mlk'twst ertha ii Oct. 30 Tfi Vallrit that Wealon's, 3ío ijan Antonio íw it' fiCAiia 4y 'otnnu imh thst an "advnco prlto - W)e met lite two- riwenlt, sArli... county illvlflon. tillL. ti. II. Sole Agent reau uio wi other vlcllmrlMw useü in In inta state tltement.) vJ HíiiiiíiirriuHMiPliH'íicrfbai turn dÉivuited, rfecif. i LcaveV. iiurf wrawfn" town on a Mexican's wood will .be lw election tin ipe. licae iiivjtj, u rwuiuiiw ui tAdvehlsrhicut.i ceivea Nvsit Tuesday neüt J,tvo wld and three ereramnauinei ranw - Moíts nas tnrcii r.wl I.iiib' 'arldar rhaurementfit and run-- ' war tone ipersona 'wlw hr . from tonti- II wa 4uviiiii,iii.-9.ui- v - rerlnc trom Internal Injurie.; laiia aiaiuca nig vi.ivva pUtln- maltlnt Ulr lidnifi In the vyir laiw'n to 61, liaspllaf, wliero lie vniMi ror. 'winrn ara marra in rtiiuiiui Vlnrent'a mo or under Ihe Eleplitnt PlJl 1s said to lie in a serioi). cummiun. down twe the bailor. Murck. shoulder It dislocated square viltlch Ihu 'to to ! eaclr tolumn'a in rersoni wth irtun' .115.000 .iyp lover or toe iraignr ncJiei ran recora iqo ninprstrhrd llcket. The roliimns arii calleil JwoiocraiicVU I'roKrwsiv. atpublican. ao- - teetlon- - umTmnn. JUo WIaUi W iad I laitit. inoenraueni. uiarwminu iruuiui. .Pies Loaf fik a alrarty anttounrot. BLOOD DISEASE JVouilartlsan. The lit for invtsinftnL' arid ballot Cakes Sc o hinin to smiioji illffpr,'!,! and Inlenliun, of onfli?. jms. wt r c bur ..... nmrlnrl l frillll Ilial In FOR 3 CENTS side. il..,nlAj iil k nn I hi, akln.'asM thrOSt .vv iil(i-- r on arcuunt T the niTCInct Of' swollen tpnslls. bone pala, itatle.i rirerA wnjrn naB 10,1 imani am. PtfouU- - wIkum! nvir.from,Kuipe eyes and Wtrartl look. Hotcal,ttot eatlroaied'ibat fouwiwr ballots at tins eiet Specials imt i lt iii.n nn.ifp ink Inraieni cumbersoma sis- - Saturday MEAT BARGAINS to eltle It) Wis McUa.. of l,y!a victim or biiKKi aisaso valley lu ííefq.jjivlad. ap tlw ieakenlnr and menial Vi Sat Klin, win- nu-jou- mu irr iut r.uw i Jf.o dprese, tn roUtUi ulaees m i heavier preelnels, I - 2Wc Rb lb ...... lGc uie toninimr buioiiiaHo'0J'w tiiuiihjManv Ivive lwen luadd of ;llt iUt lite liuiuiiy u iET:-!?.- nVn divisions o. IAIO)d rannoi - iAII rlndle Stew, 3 . . . . ,25c ...... r Hliwut-winaiiklaaas'aMVd many uuuuu rsiauusim yeaMi avy brasaj Ibi lia nn'i;oi cjitiu J33i,r.. rH.n.t. aud inorr.rifCMun 10c Tu ptOillelli'. Uurfau ,U iHseasel suOuM hav jrlaisfiata aaopvni In order to facilitate panera, rewaral'tu ftSZL? VehSte:w.21bt.,. ..2Sc wlili Ale. fv on Co. ponrtne JtVfa, Iwtfvn anyV lis mptow ásrlréVa county a lieaiy sufferer mavde from th s pura? uinx 4 Bfief SWoulder. 2 lbs Uuronfju for awk t"SSlJikí? thlsiacrouni. ovrpjtos the tact that there avybcrry and RMpberry Pi, ..25c itl MurUnd.' tlyin rmi in U WWIM toraud in i.ondoa, iwt ror a ui are ui .Tju.il 1 it, ui or jand ixmio iiwtoiir.iiu-iiiii- j, t" he Imatt yv ver wag. he UmM ww.i ttVSil n,.Y"ul'"l te. nicftt in an J utner leatia, lorspiiinr """1 or Which only- tlfiren ui the cty of ..liX" WUH ine peerte tfn,,!r,? rSug amoñu. taaxrM.'aW twin. ptwSisl. tl'proilmalelyit JM EX. . hor "A last . tfcertait! cci'uiry "i ror aas? of-s- ny" Voii.'inaatwpaf-wniy- i ii - iinprynL is unlikely . ? r id, . , . . uc w'far..iMTih!fVn i A- tH.. so toie tvirB'ls4iiiiwthtn tbtt "'i Othavr Pwai, i íriíiini. ti Some or frtctneta a very la. n . . . , , i.nw itt'. Vur iswlaurtt, at theriroceiil prl yewclik ...... t ML AUEH'ti Ml ten acre Mtr Las i'ntw. wí tlti. already Mary 30 per etui of IU SAN a éiiW?vifen ott' pre-- , Uaf of oar Famew ZMU taken iKjniioii and i ummr ,ww- vm Kayi. rul. several Of Uw I'hoenlr Qph't ftK8t MfaKWai trA i rastiva f i iJimiojm awn nan netirav man .aw UK. mrrrj.-- toifs mvniru. H k.mmk tfam in omt CONtHICTUt M'ajÜMtai A tbe scyen rolumns of par- Fkd. lutMtiiHi trer 1 ly. anMMIiitl in' the. ballol there are I Vf vtm vi " Vi" laeMl m m wV "f ihv ballot, under non Hi Tilt: WMJTMHthT 'has the largest' "5"" names qf the1 ran . tMM ,dsjKalodhe V Wf (JMMMK IMbKA! Trer uau Dropscatea dWate rur-- e surrrme court. In alpha II ' MHUJ.4L IMLTAIIlk in varletlea that haw been tested and do LaurA ulll) a 'mi tul r jif tlKS litlíral OKlei'sijrtMM nams 4if Ihe eandh Pataaf I Derfectly ÍTM frvui any reaetie,! JL altfia Tsfw best. dlseasa. l.f .tauatiaif J0W dalei for 44 rowwlaosier uol la alpla Waat. fai'll a inska a SDCClalty f DroDasalln varia. Mltal ordí, thrMil.-lariF- with I and es itut seldom Kt Wstad by frost, frlaa i.vany.iMtv. call with f, thcirtrst ttatera placed Hitar iTAL VAdUiiaUt ,ti ilantnf malt and B wan arasa aecd for r ... tu .ibe ceowr of Mat li4: Tka awnri 01 in rN on Ui our IjlJ1 " ÜU-'-j satoi prices ap(Wcaasa. Atienta wasted iwia iMn tft J m.laS candidate fgr s . of t)i "county to sell on commtaaMs. - Jlalmitw Nuraary, klssourl. 1, rutin are ism M vwaarr Jam m mehii- je-- Root99f4MtJW wn ltrrWaWI!y IHEATSí I'lawTifw. si. Aai AKU At silwJ kalwl C tlte propo. JtK-- tbf ifW vSm in jtvlavr 4Ljuu rAv ra m ur ino ixopie. WawUd mluwii. th first. AT" HjrriMijiJicMM.U Mflpiu EL l'ASO AUTO FILLINO ST Mriym YUUH NAMK In iiriiktAaMt 'aatasdwe Ills ta The nmilHu UtT UM'fWUl An You Montan and ti, Stsatoa Hts. irri eVy Looktiv fort" coIuhm a tb Tlaaaa, It thcKC are Ttm' JQyb i Hitertd tasoiine. atfteadiuaavl. Um ' at asm Mf w mdl u Uw Will bete you set Mtor'vlkiiUicM. CU m, ta p. it&rjl& 2.111 JO a, ta m. Nm laW rrclMuaMuai in us pboaa um IU um im at) tUM ad. ttu aod laMtpt (Ml rtw aaaarPaiMJ rorbllW thai , MCE dlalnc room and kMeu i. atCror raiakut rtú uvr fllii lrlUlwr .11161.z liyOock Far t'SssU. reasonable. Mi Haa Antoasl. a,Kid w raiaaal au luilisK w referred ni(oftgl .',;, t'UHNiisiUü moma wtüi, atw Artauaa.