New-Church Messenger
7L NEW-CHURCH MESSENGER March 3, 1956 rThe Best is Yet to Be THE PARTIAL LIST PUBLISHERS & NEW-CHURCH OF CHURCHES DIRECTORY OF MESSENGER BOOK ROOMS BALTIMORE, MD. Official organ of The General Convention THE NEW-CHURCH PRESS Calvert Street, near Chase of the New Jerusalem In the United States (Hoard of Publication) of America. Convention founded in 1817. BATH, ME. 108 Clark Street. Brooklyn 1, N. Y. (Swedenborslon) Middle and Winter Streets American and foreign publications of • BOSTON, MASS. all New-Church Publishing Houses. Re Bowdoin Street, opp. State House ligious and Children's books of other Member of the Associated Church Press BIIIDGEWATER, MASS. publishers. • Central Square Convention service books & The Mes Published bi-weekly at 153 South Jeffer senger. BROCKTON, MASS. son Street, Berne, Indiana, by The New 34 Crescent Street, near Main NEW-CHURCH BOOK CENTER Church Press, 108 Clark St., Brooklyn, American New-Church Tract & Pub. New York. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Quincy Street, corner Klrkland Society, 2129 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Entered as second-class matter at the Pa. CHICAGO. ILL. Post Office, Berne, Ind., under Act of New-Church collateral. Our Daily Bread. Kenwood, 3710 So. Woodlawn Ave. Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance Book Room. for mailing at special rate of postage Northslde Parish. 912 W. Sheridan provided for in Section 1103. Act of Oc CINCINNATI. OHIO MASSACHUSETTS NEW-CHURCH tober 3, 1917, authorized on July 30, 1918. Oak Street and Winslow Avenue UNION 134 Bowdoin St., Boston, Mass. • CLEVELAND, OHIO 12600 Euclid Avenue, E. Cleveland New-Church Publications. Convention Subscription $3.00 a year; foreign pos Journal.
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