Portland Daily Press: March 07,1884
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 21. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 7, 1884. S23?PRICE THREE CENTS. —————■■■■■—-I ——————————————————————i^————— and the DPBC1AI. NOTICED. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. went to Bangor. Baggage master Cole and STAR ROUTES poid amounts subsequently were paid. THE OLD WORLD. (or persons or railway companies to enter int o to the press who have shown ns many courte- Shortly after Brewster was made Attorney combinations to prevent the of sies we return oar 'banks. Published every day (Sundays excepted) bv the Engineer Kennedy are quite badly hurt,others carriage Attorney General iUncVeagb’e Story—Hia- Gen rail received a letter from him asking freights being continuous between point ef Respectfully submitted, PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, injured A train from Ban- about FIRE INSURANCE. slightly, wrecking Conoection with the Prosecution—With my opinion tbe compensation to be paid shipment and final destination for the purpose 8. F Pearson, i At 97 Exchange St., Portland, Me, has to Gibson and Cook. recollection was gor gone their assistance. »lrawal from the Cabinet. My that News by Cable Prom Different of avoiding the provisions of this act, also Jo kfh w entwobth, 'Com. those gentlemen had been Terms: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail pubscrib Fire in Ellsworth. employed assiduous- makes pooling combinations unlawful. The Ge kue W. Ham, ) a in advance. ly seven or months and I Countries. era. Seven Dollars Year, if paid Wa Mar. Gener- eight thought that -fifth section applies the provisions of the act Remarks were made of Lew- W. D. LITTLE & inch of March 6.—David hingtun, 5.—Ex-Attorney bv Messrs.
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