Copyright © 2015 by Shema’yah Bey THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, or locales, and/or persons - living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Grateful acknowledgment to GM (Hazel), Vonda, Jennifer, Sherm, Ms. Anita,Queen!, Wanda, the Nuriddin family, Thomas & Judy, Richard, and Dr. Farrell.


Written by Shema’yah Bey DISCLAIMER: Reader Discretion Advised

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Inquiries should be addressed to Permission Department and

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ISBN: 9781729211649

Printed in the United States of America

First Edition

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 You deserve what you tolerate… - Ida May Bouché BOUCHÉ (pronounced: Boo-Shay) THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL SHEMA’YAH BEY

1 FOO DOG New Orleans, Louisiana

The Metairie Louisiana cemetery served as the perfect backdrop for a midnight ritual. The Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan was the intended target of the ceremony. He knowingly or unknowingly had crossed Madame Montoyier (pronounced: Mon-Toy- Yea), who was a feared “Mystic,” living in New Orleans. A Mystic was someone who believed in realities beyond human comprehension. “One hooded baby doll, two strands of his reddish-blonde hair, and three puffs of hickory flavored cigar smoke will ruin his life forever,” said


Madame Montoyier in French. The splattering sound of white rum hitting the tomb of her beloved ancestor guaranteed the success of the family ritual. Madame Montoyier’s cinnamon stick complexion, smooth skin, and pearly white teeth gave her a youthful appearance. But, she was decades older than she looked. “You have to pay the spirits,” she told Paradise, who was Madame Montoyier’s only grandchild. The girl was an exorcist-in-training and a very obedient child. “I remember Mom-Mom, you trained me well. Our family has always fought from the graveyard. Mama said this magic is from the old world. Hey, Mom-Mom, I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but Mama said you’re going to Hell. When I disagreed, she got mad, sucked her teeth, and walked away. We’re not going to Hell, are we Mom-Mom?” said Paradise in French. “You’re mother abandoned the divine science of our people. She joined the religion of our enemy, and now she’s suffering. So, please be patient with her Is-ah-Bell-La because she’s not thinking clearly. To answer your question, we’re not going to Hell. But, Black folk will remain in Hell if they don’t return to the real practice of magic,” said Madame Montoyier in French.


“You forgot to say cooperative economics, worshiping God, and honoring our ancestors,” said Paradise in French. “I didn’t forget I’m hoping you’ll never forget,” said Madame Montoyier in German. The following afternoon, Madame Montoyier stood inside of her kitchen and placed thirteen candles on of her granddaughter’s birthday cake. Paradise was standing on the front porch, nervously one of her long Indian braids. Swaying on the spindly limbs of Madame Montoyier’s weeping willow tree were brightly colored bottles. Paradise always found the sound of clinking glass unsettling, but she continued to wait with patience for guests who would never arrive. Paradise was forced inside because the raindrops continued to pluck her caramel skin. Prior to opening the screen door, she paused and looked intently at their Chinese Foo Dog. That creepy stone statue was sitting at the foot of their porch. Paradise thought it moved, so she played detective by tiptoeing to the bottom of the step. After close examination, she realized the Guardian Spirit hadn’t moved at all. Paradise walked inside the house, shuffled past her grandmother’s antique furniture, and shouted, “I Want Real Friends!”


That Foo Dog from the porch was sitting in front of their family portrait. Paradise took a deep breath, side-stepped the mythical creature and walked quickly into the kitchen. “You okay honey?” said Nina, Paradise’s emotionally attractive mother. Nina’s mother was Madame Montoyier. Nina had abandoned her mother’s teachings, because her Caucasian Pastor had said, “Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live!” A few weeks earlier Madame Montoyier had told Nina that she wasn’t a witch. She said she was a Prophetess, who worshiped God. She also said, “Je ai été formé par le Prophéte.” In French she said, “I was trained by the Prophet.” The Prophet was Nina’s grandfather Cicero Montoyier. In a prior incarnation, Cicero was a member of a secret society. Their Mystical Order had been in existence for thousands of years. Their major responsibility was keeping demonic forces from culling the entire human species. Those brave men and women worked in secret, so, humanity could live from birth to death, without knowing those horrific creatures existed. Madame Montoyier asked Nina to help her with Paradise’s birthday cake. Nina helped her mother carry the weighty cake to the kitchen table.


“I know the oath says no one gets out of the 21st alive. So, you can kill me now Mama because I’m leaving the 21st,” whispered Nina in French to Madame Montoyier. “Personne ne vous tue. Laissez-nous parlons demain,” whispered Madame Montoyier. In French Madame Montoyier had whispered, “Nobody is killing you. Let us talk tomorrow.” The 21st was the code name for their Secret Order. The actual name was “Le vingt premier Juin.” That meant the “21st of June” in French. Madame Montoyier was a ranking member of the “Occult Sleeper Cell.” All of the members in the “21st of June” had to speak German. The word “Occult,” meant Hidden (knowledge of the paranormal.) A “Sleeper Cell,” was a secret group of individuals or agents. Those secret agents lived amongst the targeted population. They led normal lives until activated by the Sleeper Cells’ Leader. The “21st of June” worked off the books as counterinsurgents. Those “Militarized Mystics” was organized by the Paranormal Branch of the Military. In French, Madame Montoyier said, “Nina, this divine science can save your life.” Nina could care less; her life centered on Paradise and Alonzo C. Mingo. He was her Hollywood handsome husband of mixed heritage. He was black,

5 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL white, and Native American. Alonzo and Nina were decorating the kitchen with party favors and birthday balloons. Paradise shrugged her shoulders, pulled back the kitchen curtain, and looked at an empty driveway. Between sniffles, she heard the rickety sound of their screen door opening. In concert with a of lightning, Paradise ran out of the kitchen, into the hallway, and then froze. Standing in the doorway was her unwelcomed Aunt Ida May Bouchè. As Aunt Ida walked seductively toward the kitchen, she stared briefly at the Foo Dog, and quickly side-stepped it. Paradise hugged Aunt Ida. “Aunty,” she said happily. “Bon Jour Paradise how’s the birthday girl?” Paradise’s continence changed from happy to sad because the Spirit of Depression had just entered the room. “I know you’re lonely. But Great Leaders don’t have friends,” said Aunt Ida. Paradise breathed deeply as Aunt Ida wiped the friendless tears from her eye. Aunt Ida handed her a gift. “Merci,” said Paradise. “I didn’t have time to wrap it,” said Aunt Ida. She was Paradise’s godmother. With enthusiasm, Paradise snatched the unwrapped jewelry from Aunt Ida’s hand. An assortment of ancient Egyptian styled rings adorned Aunt Ida’s cocoa colored fingers. Paradise’s smile lit the room. She was stunned by her

6 SHEMA’YAH BEY unexpected gift. It was a large pair of 24 karat gold earrings with a nameplate in a cursive script that read, “PARADISE.” She happily attached those sparkling earrings to her earlobes. Without warning, a blood-curdling scream rang out. Aunt Ida, along with Paradise, ran into the kitchen. In a maddening twist of French and Creole words, Nina shouted, “She isn’t welcome here!” Alonzo softly said, “I didn’t invite her.” Paradise’s father had a reputation for being a womanizer. Nina didn’t believe the rumors until she had seen Ida having sex with her husband. Nina had discovered them spooning in Paradise’s bed a few days ago. Ida is or was Nina’s best friend. They had met on the banks of Lake Pontchartrain when they were seven years old. Nina kept Alonzo and Ida’s sexual secret to herself. But, Madame Montoyier could feel her daughter’s pain. The Spirit of Uneasiness crept into the kitchen and snatched the fun away. So, Alonzo attempted to de-escalate the tension by seductively saying, “Nina, ma douce.” “I am not your sweet,” shouted Nina. Alonzo felt violated because Nina had invaded his personal space. So, he stepped back, and she stepped forward. His nostrils flared, her nostrils flared, and he

7 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL stepped back again. Nina’s dissecting stare caused the Spirit of Confusion to attack Alonzo. That mystifying experience pushed him into the kitchen table. The rattling dishes on the jolted table appeared to cry, “We’re porcelain! So, please be careful.” Paradise ran to the side of Aunt Ida. “This doesn't feel right Mom-Mom. We need to do something,” said Paradise to Madame Montoyier in French. Paradise looked deep into her grandmother’s chestnut-colored eyes and telepathically heard, “You’re my beautiful little girl witnessing a terrible situation. But, you need to know, you were born to a rootless father, and a foolish mother.” Aunt Ida nervously whispered to Paradise, “I’m going to leave.” In French, Madame Montoyier shouted, “DON’T MOVE, IDA!” Aunt Ida knew she was in trouble. She had knowingly, or unknowingly, transmitted the Spirit of Fear to Paradise, Nina, and Alonzo. Madame Montoyier removed an unnamed root from her lavender turban. She wrapped the long herb, around her left pinky, and her ring finger. They heard a deep inhale, and then Madame Montoyier stepped back and disappeared. Alonzo,

8 SHEMA’YAH BEY along with Paradise and Aunt Ida, stood in shock. They were aware of Madame Montoyier’s magical abilities, but, seeing her teleport was overwhelming. Aunt Ida wasn't a stranger to magic. Her ancestors were the Spiritual Warriors that had fought alongside Jean-Jacques Dessalines. Her family's magic had helped the Haitian slaves defeat Napoleon on the French colony of Saint- Domingue (Haiti) around 1804.


2 THE PARTY’S OVER New Orleans, Louisiana

Paradise realized her 13th birthday party was over the moment Madame Montoyier vanished. Unaware of the impending danger, Paradise shouted, “Come Back Here!” “Hush what you say, child,” said Aunt Ida. In French, Nina roared, “Hush what you say homewrecker!” In Haitian Creole, Ida cavalierly said, “Homewrecker? Nina, please! As long as I can remember you’ve always been so dramatic, and for your information, he’s a lousy screw.”


Paradise looked at Aunt Ida in disbelief. Alonzo looked at Nina in disbelief. Nina flared her nostrils, grabbed a handful of birthday cake, and she smashed the cake in his face. Alonzo was shocked. He looked confused, his eyes turned bloodshot red, and he violently shoved Nina into the kitchen counter. Paradise was stunned because she had never seen her parents argue, let alone fight. Nina and Alonzo tussled on the kitchen floor. Paradise attempted to stop them, but they possessed a power that she had never experienced. “Do something,” Paradise shouted to Aunt Ida. “What’s the point? Your father doesn’t love her,” Aunt Ida said coldly. Madame Montoyier re-appeared inside of her Altar room. She removed her Wooden Shadow Box from her Altar. With her middle finger she traced the magical glyphs. The esoteric symbols etched on the lid of her sacred Shadow Box came from her father, Cicero. The lid opened slowly; midst shot out, and she remained stoic. Madame Montoyier held her Shadow Box tightly. She planted her feet firmly, and an unseen force pushed the mystical lid open. A shadowy figure jumped out of the box; she stepped back and stood her ground. The translucent entity was the height of an average sized dwarf. Madame Montoyier’s

11 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL otherworldly entity eagerly waited for her instructions. She pointed her finger like Malcolm in that movie X. Without making a sound, the transparent being ran through the wall. In the hallway leading to the kitchen was Madame Montoyier’s mystical Foo Dog Statue. That magical gift from the Chinese Ambassador stood in front of their family portrait. Madame Montoyier directed the disembodied spirit to possess the Foo Dog. Prior to possession, the Foo Dog appeared to brace itself. Without making a sound, the ferocious Foo Dog crept into the kitchen unnoticed. Alonzo had Nina penned on the kitchen floor. She struggled to get up. When she attempted to scream, he grabbed her by the throat and squeezed tightly. Alonzo was in the process of striking her with his opened left hand. But, the Foo Dog’s horrific growl caused him to stop moving. Paradise was terrified, Alonzo was petrified, Aunt Ida fainted, and Nina was relieved. “Mom-Mom where are you,” screamed Paradise. “Attack,” screamed Nina. The snarling Foo Dog perched itself on their kitchen counter. The entity possessing the Foo Dog heard Nina’s command. Without hesitation it leaped onto Alonzo, he screamed and Madame Montoyier re-appeared in the kitchen.


“Ne le tuez pas,” shouted Madame Montoyier. She told the Foo Dog and the entity possessing the Foo Dog not to kill Alonzo. The Foo Dog returned to motionless stone, after it lacerated his left pinky, and ring finger. The heat from the Foo Dog’s razor sharp talons cauterized Alonzo’s wounds. Therefore, Alonzo wasn’t forced to clean up his blood. If anyone had asked what happened to his fingers? He programmed himself to say, “I lost my fingers in a power saw accident.” Paradise realized that telling the truth, would have him, and her both committed to the Central Louisiana State Mental Institution. “Que voulez-vous à Nina?” said Madame Montoyier to Nina. Madame Montoyier asked Nina what she wanted to do. “She can have him,” said Nina, tearfully in French. Paradise ran out of the kitchen screaming, “This is madness!” “Je, garash ruwach,” commanded Madame Montoyier. In a strange mix of French, and ancient Hebrew words, Madame Montoyier commanded the disembodied spirit, to return to the pit from whence it came. She had no fear of it returning to her home because she sealed her command in the name of “Tout ce qui est Saint!”


Tout ce qui est Saint meant in the name of all that is Holy in French. Alonzo picked up his severed fingers, put them in his pocket, and he helped Ida to stand. Ida couldn’t look at Nina. So, she turned her attention to Madame Montoyier. In perfect French she said, “Godmother I love him too.” “Ne pas aller avec lui Ida,” said Madame Montoyier. She told Ida not to go with Alonzo. But, Ida was headstrong, and she always took what she wanted. Nina was devastated, but she refused to show it. “Au Revoir Mama,” said Ida to Madame Montoyier. Madame Montoyier sucked her teeth, shook her head, and dismissively waved Ida away. Alonzo and Ida left the house without saying another word. Paradise looked through her bedroom window in disbelief. With tears in her eyes, she watched her father get into Aunt Ida’s BMW, and they drove away. Paradise ran down the steps, into the kitchen and watched Nina sob in Madame Montoyier’s arms. “Magic can’t heal a broken heart,” said Paradise to Madame Montoyier in French. “Je Sais,” said Madame Montoyier. Je Sais meant “I know” in French.


Paradise removed a dry dishrag from the kitchen drawer, and she wiped Nina’s tears. Nina looked deep into Paradise’s eyes, and in French she said, “I love you, baby. I want you take care of yourself. Now, I know Mom-Mom is teaching you magic. But, I don’t want you using magic. Do you understand what I’m saying Paradise?” “Oui, je comprends,” said Paradise. Oui je comprends meant “I understand” in French. Nina was so distraught she appeared to age, before Paradise’s eyes. Her transformation caused Madame Montoyier to experience an unspeakable sadness. When Nina hugged Paradise, Madame Montoyier started to cry, and Nina caringly said, “Ne pleure pas, Mama.” Madame Montoyier stopped crying; she inhaled deeply, and Nina kissed her on the forehead. Without warning: Nina ran to the kitchen sink, she grabbed a steak knife and made a soul wrenching cry. Nina slit her wrist, and Paradise wrestled the knife out of her hand. Madame Montoyier quickly removed the styptic herbs from her yellow root jar. She combined those healing herbs, with cayenne pepper and said, “Ce nuira.” Ce Nuira meant “this will hurt” in French. Madame Montoyier placed the herbs over Nina’s life- threatening wound, and the bleeding stopped within

15 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL fifteen seconds. Paradise grabbed the kitchen telephone, dialed three numbers, and heard, “9-1-1 what is your emergency?” “Raccrocher le telephone!” yelled Madame Montoyier. Paradise quickly terminated the telephone call, shook her head, and in Creole she said, “Sorry Mom-Mom, I forgot.” Madame Montoyier didn’t trust the government. She believed they were tapping her telephone. That’s why she had chided Paradise. Madame Montoyier had a wide variety of clients. She did spiritual work for penniless grandmothers, as well as rich and famous politicians. Nina believed their family was on the government’s watch list. She based her theory on Madame Montoyier’s onetime association with a Senator. Her magic helped him get elected; he wanted additional services, and she refused. He threatened to harm Nina and baby Paradise. She returned the threat through her lawyer Mr. Avi Weinberg. The Senator withdrew his threat, and she withdrew hers. After that experience Nina believed her family was on the government’s watch list. The 911 Operator dispatched, two Police Officers to Madame Montoyier’s home. They saw Nina’s blood on Paradise’s blood-soaked birthday dress.


The Black Police Officer asked Madame Montoyier to explain what had happened? “A space alien took my husband,” said Nina, crazily. “We have a 5150,” the White Police Officer said to his partner. Paradise figured they called her mother crazy. The paramedics arrived, treated Nina, and raced her to the hospital. The Court ordered a psych evaluation. She willingly or unwillingly failed their insanity test. So, the Court had her remanded to the Central Louisiana State Mental Institution. Madame Montoyier had the spiritual knowledge, political connections, and financial resources to save Nina. But, she couldn’t save Nina because Nina didn’t want to be saved.


3 MR. KING CAKE New Orleans, Louisiana

Madame Montoyier discovered living with Paradise was extremely difficult. Paradise was angry because Madame Montoyier failed to save Nina. Madame Montoyier tolerated Paradise’s disrespect because she needed a successor. When Alonzo divorced Nina, he suffered a punishment worse than death. He wasn’t allowed to establish roots. That meant every fifteen days he had to move to another city. His curse wouldn’t be lifted until he died of exhaustion, or he contacted Paradise. Alonzo never contacted Paradise, and his whereabouts were unknown. Aunt Ida couldn’t live with the guilt of hurting her best friend. So, when she discovered Nina was in the

18 SHEMA’YAH BEY mental institution, she terminated her relationship with Alonzo. Aunt Ida’s punishment was a distorted voice and arthritic hands. She was powerless to reverse Madame Montoyier’s curse. Her arthritic hands symbolized, “Keep your hands to yourself.” Her distorted voice symbolized the end of her sultry enticements. When Paradise was fifteen years old, she petitioned the Court for emancipation. Her decision hurt Madame Montoyier. But, she had her Lawyer Avi Weinberg, prepare Paradise’s Emancipated Minors paperwork. Paradise had to prove she had a place to live. So, Madame Montoyier gave her the money to purchase a tiny apartment in the lower 9th Ward. Paradise was awarded her freedom on her sixteenth birthday. Madame Montoyier continued to teach Paradise the mystical arts. Paradise continued to take Madame Montoyier’s teachings for granted. Paradise’s bad attitude, along with Nina’s insanity caused Madame Montoyier to reach her breaking point. When Paradise turned eighteen, Madame Montoyier roared, “Qu'est-ce que vous voulez de la vie?!” “What do I want out of life?” Paradise said contemplatively. “Yes,” nodded Madame Montoyier.


“I want friends, and I don’t want to use magic to solve my problems,” she said. Madame Montoyier respected her wishes and suspended her lessons. Three days before Paradise’s 19th birthday, they met on the banks of Lake Pontchartrain. Madame Montoyier had two , six duck eggs, and several wishes. She knew Paradise had enjoyed the egg ritual as a little girl. So, she hoped their river bound eggs would bring back their joy. “I’m glad you called me here Mom-Mom. Out of all the rituals you’ve taught me, I love the egg ritual the most,” said Paradise. Madame Montoyier didn’t say a word. But, her body language endearingly said, “Is-a-Bell-La, you’re going to miss me when I’m gone.” Instinctively, Paradise understood her body language, and she playfully said, “You’re not going anywhere Mom-Mom. We both know you’re going to live forever.” Madame Montoyier smiled, inhaled deeply, turned her bowed legs slowly, and hobbled away with her unused eggs. “Hey, where are you going? What did I say?” yelled Paradise.


Paradise didn’t realize Madame Montoyier was dying. Madame Montoyier didn’t realize she couldn’t tell Paradise she was dying. On Paradise’s 19th birthday, Madame Montoyier entered Paradise’s tiny apartment, for the first and last time. The Coroner told Paradise, “It appears your grandmother died of a broken heart.” Paradise was speechless. She vaguely remembered the accompanying Police Officer saying, “She looks like she’s sleeping. Did you find her like that?” “Yes,” nodded Paradise. “She looks so sad,” whispered the Paramedics to themselves. Madame Montoyier died in a seated position on Paradise’s tan folding chair. They talked about the 21st, avoiding unsavory people and finding the Fixer. The Fixer was a group of mystical men, and women, who made magical talismans called, “Tools.” A “Talisman” was an object, stone or jewelry, infused with supernatural powers for good luck. After the Coroner had declared that there was no evidence of foul play with Madame Montoyier’s death, the undertaker’s team wheeled Madame Montoyier’s lifeless body from Paradise’s sparsely furnished apartment. Paradise was stoic. She didn’t shed a tear, but everyone knew she was traumatized

21 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL by her grandmother’s unexpected death. Paradise clearly heard Madame Montoyier’s raspy voice say, “You’re going to miss me when I’m gone.” Paradise told the undertaker to call Avi Weinberg, Madame Montoyier’s lawyer and trust fund manager. The Undertaker agreed to honor her wishes, and he caringly said, “In addition to handling the funeral arrangements, are there any family members we should call?” “I’m the last of our kind, there isn’t anyone else,” she said sadly. Her odd statement rendered him speechless. So, he bowed slowly, and everyone walked out. Paradise had told a half truth, as she figured Alonzo was dead, and Aunt Ida’s whereabouts were unknown. Her real reason for lying was she didn’t want anyone to know her mother was in a mental institution. Paradise realized she was all alone when the door slammed shut. Paradise was also sad by the lack of empathy from her nosy neighbors. So, she turned her attention to an unopened bottle of Remy Red Cognac. That hypnotizing fluid became her confidant and only friend. She drank a quarter of that liquid courage in one gulp. Paradise staggered into her bathroom, stood in front of her mirror, and applied cherry flavored lip- gloss to her shapely lips.


She inserted her ‘PARADISE’ earrings into her earlobes and; affectionately touched Madame Montoyier’s picture, taped onto her bathroom mirror. Paradise was undisturbed by the sound of ripping duct tape echoing through her lonely apartment. She ignored the acoustic intrusion by re-adjusting her Mardi Gras party mask. Paradise walked into her kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, and removed another bottle of Remy Red Cognac. She guzzled that bottle of “take me to another world” in less than one minute. With the precision of a sleep-deprived surgeon, she ripped the yellow Post- It note that was strategically duct-taped onto her refrigerator door. The mysterious message on the note said, “Where’s your God now?” Someone with poor wrote it, and the writer had used a red felt tip to scribble the odd communication. “She’s dead,” shouted Paradise. Paradise was three ‘AA’ meetings past drunk. So, the thought of inquiring about who had posted that note never crossed her mind. She crumbled the unwanted passage, tossed it into the trashcan, and watched it land on top of her uneaten Mardi Gras birthday cake. The inscription on her confectionery treat said,


“Happy Birthday to Me.” Paradise’s overflowing wastebasket also contained several packets of ketchup, countless Ramen Noodle wrappers, and empty liquor bottles. Paradise left her apartment, made her way to the French Quarter, and walked aimlessly through a crowd of fellow drunks. In addition to being intoxicated, Paradise had some difficulty walking. She would never admit it, but her form-fitting, gold colored jeans were too tight. Paradise had completed her birthday ensemble with a new pair of emerald alligator boots, and a purple form-fitting wife beater (tank top) with no bra. She tossed the remaining contents of her alcoholic beverage into a nearby trash can. The marble shaped rain drops joined forces with spilled beer and cigarette butts to create a muddy mess. The putrid smell came from a vomiting heroin addict. His misadventure didn’t discourage Paradise from engaging her adventure. Party-goers dressed like Choctaw Indians danced joyfully to the Carnival Funk Jam called, “Do What You Wanna.” The hairs on the back of Paradise’s neck stood at attention. A mysterious figure approached her from the eastern side of the street. It was a man, and he was holding an assortment of shiny colored beads. A full-face Mardi Gras mask

24 SHEMA’YAH BEY concealed his beauty. When Paradise reached for his metallic beads, the crackling sound of lightning shook the nearby windows of the Pontchartrain . Paradise stepped back, and the man stepped forward. She flinched when he extended his brown hand. That exercise started the dance between predator and prey. On the back of his right hand was a forest green ‘Dollar Sign’ tattoo. The diamonds around his Rolex watch grabbed Paradise’s attention. Two scantily clad women in the 9th-floor window of the Pontchartrain Hotel grabbed his attention. They were kissing, and the Spirit of Curiosity forced him to smile. The Spirit of Intrigue compelled Paradise to flash her beautiful breasts, and he rewarded her Spirit of Adventure by placing his magic beads around her neck. Paradise shivered, her eyes rolled back, and she stumbled. The stranger prevented her from falling, grabbed her hand, and escorted her inside the Pontchartrain Hotel. They made their way to the 9th floor, turned left after exiting the elevator, and gracefully staggered into the third room. Romantic music was playing in the background of his Vieux Carre (Old French Quarter) styled suite. A wild berry scented bees’ wax candle lit their spacious boudoir. The pathway leading up to his king sized bed had rose and orchid petals. He was in the

25 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL process of giving Paradise the “Big Easy,” but, she was drifting in and out of consciousness. The smell of soft Corinthian leather dipped in hot sauce permeated their passion-fueled room. Before blacking out, Paradise saw two naked women holding large sex toys exiting the bathroom. They appeared to be approaching her in slow motion. When Paradise woke, she was lying on a dirty mattress, butt ass naked, and facing the reality of being alone. Her precious ‘PARADISE’ earrings were the only items she had been allowed to keep. Those earrings were protected, by her bruised hands, and swollen knuckles. Without warning, a gnarled set of Andouille (spicy sausage) fingers opened Paradise’s hotel room door. The housekeeper’s arthritic fingers were decorated with Egyptian styled rings. Paradise delightfully heard the gut-wrenching shrill, “Room service.” She saw the housekeeper was her estranged Aunt Ida. Paradise quickly discovered there was something wrong with Aunt Ida’s voice. Whenever she spoke, it sounded like she needed an exorcism. Paradise slumped over the edge of the bed, with unkempt hair covering her swollen and blood-shot eyes. Upon first look, Paradise didn’t think Aunt Ida recognized her. But the look on Aunt Ida’s disgusted face said it all.


“Here, put this on,” said Aunt Ida. Without saying a single word, Paradise put on the beautifully embroidered guest robe. The words Aunt Ida mumbled to herself cut Paradise to the bone. “Sin can’t exist in Paradise,” said Aunt Ida, in French. Her tone was eerily unfamiliar, barely audible, and one decibel short of lip reading, “You’re Deaf.” “I heard Madame Montoyier died yesterday,” said Aunt Ida. Paradise was too choked up to speak. “So that explains your odd behavior,” said Aunt Ida. “Are you going to the funeral?” said Paradise. “We both know the answer to that,” said Aunt Ida, as her empathy quickly turned to anger. “Paradise, you done did a bad thing! That man wasn’t no King Cake! Why you done go and slept with the Devil?” Paradise dropped her head, closed her eyes, and instantly realized her devil’s nickname was “Mr. King Cake.


4 BIRTHDAYS New Orleans, Louisiana

On the day of Madame Montoyier’s funeral, Paradise walked into a redneck tattoo shop. She was wearing dark sunglasses, a large black hat, and a black funeral dress. Her opened umbrella overshadowed her black four-inch high heels. Everyone inside the tattoo shop figured Paradise had lost her mind. The heavily tattooed shop owner said to Paradise, “Who died?” “My grandmother, Madame Montoyier.” “The Voodoo Priestess,” he said inquisitively. “She was an Avatar,” said Paradise. “Oh, she was a god on Earth. So, what are you doing here?” he said.


“I’m getting a tattoo that reads MONEY ANSWERS EVERYTHING!” The patrons watched Paradise slap her left ass check as another tattoo artist said, “You need to be paying your respects.” Paradise fired back by saying, “You need to be minding your business!” “Young Lady you must have lost your Gre-Gre,” said the tattoo shop owner. The New Orleans Gre-Gre was a small velvet bag of magically filled amulets. Paradise ignored him. He continued to say, “Either you’ve been rooted or your grandmother’s death just gave birth to your rebellion.” As soon as Paradise sucked her teeth, she telepathically heard Madame Montoyier’s Jazz Funeral procession playing, “Nearer My God to Thee.” In her mind’s eye, she saw a large crowd of mourners marching behind a horse-drawn carriage. They were dancing through the open gates of the Metairie Louisiana cemetery, with shouts of joy and praise. Paradise returned her attention to the tattoo shop owner. She wiped the tear from her cheek, looked at the owner’s reflection in the window, and discovered a well-kept secret. For a split second, she saw the

29 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL tattoo shop owner shape-shift into a snake-faced creature. But, that unbelievable discovery wasn’t enough to stop Paradise from getting her tattoo. It took Paradise one full year to enter the tiny law office of Avi Weinberg. He became Paradise’s Trust Fund Manager one week after Madame Montoyier’s death. Mr. Weinberg’s summoned Paradise to approach her desk. “I have a 3 o’clock meeting with Mr. Weinberg,” said Paradise. “Please have a seat, I’ll call you when he’s ready,” said the receptionist. Paradise sat down, placed a pen on top of the Money magazine, and twirled her index finger. The woman who was sitting next to Paradise moved to another seat because she witnessed the pen spinning without it being touched. The receptionist summoned Paradise to her desk. When Paradise stood, the pen stopped spinning. “Ms. Montoyier, Mr. Weinberg will see you now,” said the receptionist. Paradise knocked lightly on Mr. Weinberg’s slightly opened door. “Isabella, have a seat,” he said dryly. Paradise sat in the leather chair stationed on the right of his antique desk. She picked up one of his family photographs and wiped her mouth.


Mr. Weinberg sternly said, “Don’t touch that!” “Sorry,” said Paradise. “How may I help you?” he said coldly. Paradise was in his office to collect her money. “Your grandmother helped a lot of people. She was a good woman,” he said. “I know Avi, I know,” said Paradise, using his first name. However, he told Paradise to keep their conversation formal. She nodded, “Okay.” Avi gave Paradise a certified check for $75,000 from the Crescent Bank & Trust in New Orleans. Her eyes grew wide, but when he looked troubled, she said, “You’re telling me I can expect to receive twice this amount on my next birthday?” “Yes. By your grandmother’s wishes that’s your first Trust Fund installment,” he told Paradise. Avi looked at her with contempt in his eighty- year-old eyes. She felt his cold and uncomfortable stare. He removed a document from his folder and said, “There’s a catch.” “What’s the catch? Oh yeah, I have to maintain the family business,” said Paradise. He leaned back in his large leather chair and said,


“Who’s talking about root work?” “Oh. That. I didn’t forget. Dial some number, let it ring three times and hang up.” Avi looked at his watch and coldly said, “The clock is ticking.” “Yes, I know. But, I’m being compelled to get another slice of that King Cake. After that, I will get my Tools.” Avi looked at Paradise as if she had three heads. He didn’t know the word “Tools” was code for Magical Talisman. Avi shouted, “You’re going to do what? Remember you gave your word. And at all cost.” “I know. I know. Don’t get caught doing dirt,” said Paradise. Avi was highly disgusted with Paradise. “Now, now Young Lady, your Grandmother’s instructions were very clear,” he said. “Yes, I know scandalous behavior will NOT be tolerated,” she fired back. “Failure to heed that warning means you will forfeit your inheritance,” he said. Paradise stood, turned slowly and walked out of his office unnoticed. Madame Montoyier’s Trust Fund paid Paradise handsomely. She received more than double the insurance money payout. Her Monetary Ritual was scheduled to end on her twenty-fifth

32 SHEMA’YAH BEY birthday. According to Mr. Weinberg, Paradise’s certified check was scheduled to say, “Damn that’s a lot of Money!” Paradise understood the money she inherited made her unbelievably wealthy. But, she had a serious problem, the idea of engaging the Great Spirit, her Ancestral-Spirits, Angels, or Amulets never crossed her mind. She would occasionally say Spiritual Work was Madame Montoyier’s thing. Paradise was into shopping, getting her nails done and her hair did.


5 TRIXIE DeLUCA French Quarter, New Orleans

Paradise was awarded Madame Montoyier’s cream-colored Camelback with the gorgeous Gallery in “Faubourg Treme.” A Camelback in that historic black section of New Orleans was considered a single row house, with a single front and a two-story back. The Gallery was on the second-floor balcony with an outside walkway. With the money from Madame Montoyier’s insurance policy, Paradise paid cash for her two-door, forest green Mercedes Benz. It came with mirror tinted windows and a cherry flavored air-freshener. Paradise partied a lot in Fat City, located in Metairie between Louis Armstrong International Airport and


New Orleans. Paradise had uneventful sex on the actual streetcar named, “Desire.” She attempted to have a steady relationship with a pharmacy student from Xavier University in New Orleans, but eventually dropped him for a more vibratory stimulant. She called her new sex toy “Mr. King Cake” because the seed of taboo told her to. One month before her twenty-second birthday she received a registered letter from Madame Montoyier’s trustee. That Official Legal Notice in no uncertain terms said, “You have thirty days to meet your obligation.” What Paradise had to do wasn’t very hard. To be honest, it was too easy. Her instructions were simple: Dial the telephone number that Madame Montoyier left behind, let the phone ring three times, and hang up. Needless to say, Paradise ignored Madame Montoyier’s instructions. One sunny day Paradise made a trip to the French Quarter with the intent to clear her head. She was standing in line, waiting to purchase a Beignet. That was a glorified French donut covered in powdered sugar. Paradise met a half-black and half-Italian runway model from South Philly. Her name was Trixie De Luca. She was a twenty-three-year-old freshman taking a marketing class at Southern University in New Orleans. Trixie told Paradise she

35 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL was going to a local bar. Since, Paradise was no stranger to drinking, she agreed to accompany Trixie. They walked to the second most popular Sports Bar & Grill in town. Trixie was just as pretty as Paradise. So, they didn’t have any trouble paying for food or drinks. They knowingly or unknowingly lured guys into the Sports Bar like moths were drawn to a flame. “Whatever you want is on the house pretty ladies,” said their happy bar owner. Paradise was ecstatic because that was her first time socializing with people around her age. Trixie and Paradise talked for hours. Their conversation started with college life, New Orleans cuisine, and well-endowed men. “It feels like we’ve known each other forever,” said Trixie. “Who knows, maybe we were sisters in a previous lifetime,” said Paradise. “Oh wow. Do you believe in reincarnation too?” said Trixie, gleefully. “I was just talking; I’m clueless when it comes to the spirit world.” Trixie excitedly said, “Oh wow! And you’re from New Orleans? I’ve got to take you to the Occult Shop on Bourbon Street, or better yet, Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo.”


“Oh wow! Now, I know you didn’t mean anything by it. But, I’ve got to tell you, I’m not into the occult. I’m more like a Sunday school type of girl,” said Paradise, convincingly. “No worries. For what it’s worth, the word Occult means hidden,” said Trixie. Paradise flared her nostrils, reflected on Madame Montoyier, and wiped a tear from her eye. “Are you okay,” said Trixie, caringly. “Yeah, I’m good. Hey, I know we just met and everything. But, I inherited a little bit of money, and I wanted to start a business,” said Paradise, hesitantly. Trixie sat back, raised her chin, and quickly said, “Sure, I’m in. You know I’m into marketing right?” Paradise nodded, “Yes.” “So, what did you have in mind?” said Trixie, enthusiastically. “Give me your number, and I’ll call you tomorrow with the details,” said Paradise. Paradise planned to open the first Italian Water Ice stand around Southern University’s campus. The name of her future franchise was called, “Welcome to Paradise.” Trixie gave Paradise her telephone number; they hugged each other and parted ways. When Paradise walked inside of her house, she was greeted by the pleasant sound, of her beeping answering

37 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL machine. She had a single message from an unexpected caller. Paradise was happy because this was her first telephone call in months. She joyfully pressed play, and the angry person shouted, “Isabella! It’s Trixie! Lose my number!” Paradise flinched when she heard Trixie bang the telephone receiver. Paradise was very upset. She looked at her answering machine and shouted, “How did you get my number?! And how do you know my birth name?” Paradise threw her hands into the air, walked into the kitchen, and got something to eat.


6 GOING POSTAL Metairie, Louisiana

The following morning Paradise returned to her kitchen. She was sitting at her Italian marble counter top, pouring Fruity Pebbles cereal into a large bowl, and adding milk. Paradise grabbed the black magic marker that was on the counter. She drew mustaches on Fred and Barney’s faces. Fred Flintstone had a French style mustache, and Barney Rubble had a Hitler-style mustache. Paradise capped her marker, returned the cereal box to the cabinet, and grabbed her bowl of Fruity Pebbles.


She walked into her beautifully furnished living room. Paradise sat in her forest green recliner and watching “The Flintstones,” while eating her Fruity Pebbles. Paradise was wearing a lavender head wrap, an oversized New Orleans Saints night-shirt, and her comfy Tweety Bird slippers. Without warning, her stereo turned itself on. She had not pre-set it, so someone or something wanted her to hear that old backwater bayou preacher speak. When Old Rev spoke, it sounded like he had a mouth full of Beaucoup Crasseux. That meant he had a mouth full of very dirty marbles. But, his message was like pure light penetrating Paradise’s blind third eye. He simply said, “There are-raaah season, time, and purpose for everything under Heaven.” As the word Heaven was being reabsorbed into the ether, Paradise heard five thunderous and very distinct knocks. Her fear quickly turned to anger. Paradise’s boiling mixture of African, Choctaw Indian, and Creole blood caused her to scream loudly, “Who is it?” She grabbed the baseball bat from her hall closet. With all the confidence of a pre-ear biting Mike Tyson, Paradise swung open her front door and peed herself. She was looking into the rugged face of an old Hit Man pretending to be a US Postal Worker.


“You should have made the call,” he said in a slow and unnerving whisper. Without blinking a single ice blue eyeball, his entire being calmly said, “If you’re not careful, you may turn up missing.” Paradise quickly signed the registered mail receipts. She took the packages and gingerly closed the door behind him. Paradise hid behind the separating space of her forest green vertical blinds as the Hit Man returned to his stolen postal truck. She watched as he put the vehicle in reverse and drove away. She grabbed her favorite crystal snifter from the top shelf of her forest green kitchen cabinet. Paradise opened a new bottle of Cognac and took her first big gulp of many swallows to follow. “Bad things come in threes,” she mumbled to herself. Paradise took a deep breath, and then cautiously opened the first shoebox-like package. “Who’s doing this?” she grumbled. A yellow Post-It Note was duct-taped to the outside of an opened Fruity Pebbles cereal box. Someone had drawn a Hitler mustache on Barney’s face and a French style mustache on Fred’s face. Inside the cereal box was a dead fish wrapped inside of the obituary section of the Philadelphia Tribune newspaper.


Now, Paradise got a little concerned when she read, “Stay away from Trixie.” An overdosed three-year-old on Ritalin wrote the Mafia death threat with a red felt-tip pen. What Paradise opened next was a lot more disturbing. The second package contained two newspaper clippings and one letter from the law office of Avi Weinberg. The first newspaper clipping was too painful for Paradise to address at that particular time. The second newspaper clipping came from last year’s Public Notice section of the New Orleans Times- Picayune newspaper. That Public Notice read as followed: Under the New Orleans Lead Abatement Act, Isabella R. Montoyier’s property is scheduled to be demolished on the 15th of February. “Damn. That’s three days from now,” screamed Paradise. Believe it or not, she didn’t panic. She had fifteen thousand dollars of just-in-case money hiding in a safe place. That safe place was under her upstairs bathroom sink. Paradise had a plan; she was going to stay at the New Orleans Omni Royal Crescent Hotel, near the French Quarter. She was going to stay there until she found a new place to live.


As a result of Madame Montoyier’s wild assortment of associates, Paradise was very familiar with the ‘PT’ lifestyle. A “PT” was a Perpetual Traveler. PTs moved from one country to another every couple of months. The only downside of being a “PT” was that she couldn’t afford to have any attachments. Needless to say, Paradise made the choice to go “PT.” That decision wasn’t very hard because, checking herself into the Central Louisiana State Mental Institution wasn’t an option. Paradise had enough money in her Trust Fund to pay cash for a small apartment building. So, she wasn’t worried about money. Like all rich people of her ilk their divine mantra was: Money Answers Everything, Money Answers Everything, and Money Answers Everything. Paradise was more concerned with making a friend than making money. Without a care in the world, she nonchalantly unfolded the watermarked, warm gray linen paper, with the gold embossed letterhead and seal. The words had been neatly typed by the Trustee’s secretary in royal blue on an old fashioned ribbon typewriter. The contents of the letter read as followed: Dear Ms. Isabella R. Montoyier, you've failed to meet your agreed-upon obligations. Your lack of action is

43 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL considered voluntary forfeiture, under the terms and conditions subscribed in the Isabella Rosemarie Montoyier Irrevocable Trust Fund. Therefore, your right and or claim to any and all benefits subscribed in the above mentioned Trust Fund is now terminated effective immediately. In plain English that official letter said, “Your Money is Gone.” Paradise attempted to grab her forest green kitchen telephone, accidently knocked over a full bottle Cognac. It shattered one of her newly laid, Italian floral ceramic floor tiles. When she finally picked up the receiver, she discovered the line was dead. She couldn’t use her cellphone because she had not taken the time to pay her bill. At that very moment, something told her to get up and get her rainy day fund. Paradise ran up the stairs like an American track star. She went into her bathroom, quickly opened the cabinet doors, and panicked. Paradise had every right to panic because her money was gone. She searched frantically for her missing money. She had hidden it inside of her sanitary napkins bag. “Ain’t nobody demolishing my house. I’ve got to call Avi to get this mess straightened out. And where’s my damn money?” shouted Paradise.


Without warning, Paradise was overwhelmed by the Spirit of Fear. Paradise found herself sitting in the corner of her bathroom, rocking back and forth. She was fondling her empty money wrappers that had added up to fifteen thousand dollars. Paradise looked petrified. She was mumbling to herself, and telepathically she faintly heard Madame Montoyier’s Jazz Funeral Procession playing, “Nearer My God to Thee.” Paradise also heard the voice of Madame Montoyier say, “Is-a-Bell-La what did I tell you? No matter what happens, never panic.” In her mind’s eye, Paradise was transported to the Metairie Louisiana cemetery. She was fifteen years old, Madame Montoyier was holding her hand, and they were standing in the middle of a salt circle. Paradise had a heavy metal chain tied around her waist. Madame Montoyier connected the chain to a large metal spike that was driven deep into the earth. The best quality of alcohol, countless flowers, and candles protected their divine encampment. Paradise was tied at the waist because Madame Montoyier didn’t want her to run out of that salt circle. That circle was made for their protection. Paradise could see and hear the spirits walking around the cemetery. But, the sound of a rickety gate caused her to look at her great-grandfather’s mausoleum.


Paradise saw Madame Montoyier’s father, Cicero Montoyier, walk out of his mausoleum. He was dressed in his late 1800s fancy clothing. When Cicero was alive, he was classified as Gens de Couleur Libre. That meant he was a free Creole of Color during the time of slavery. Madame Montoyier introduced Paradise to Cicero by saying, “Papa this Is-a-Bell-La. This is Nina’s daughter. I’m asking you to look out for Is-a-Bell-La when I’m gone.” Cicero didn’t say a word. He looked intently at Paradise, winked his right eye, and returned to the World of Spirits. Cicero fathered Madame Montoyier and her twin brother at the age of eighty. Her twin died at the age of five in 1939. According to the story, their mother was Miss Universe beautiful. She was a full blooded, dark-skinned Choctaw Indian from Amite, Louisiana. She was eighteen years old when she birthed Madame Montoyier, and her twin brother Charlie-Boy. Paradise’s great-grandmother died when her twins were two years old. According to Madame Montoyier, their mother was killed by the “Night Riders,” when Cicero wasn’t home. Paradise returned her attention to the bathroom when the soap dish slid into the sink. She stood, cleaned herself up, and took a power nap.


7 THE MOSSAD St. Martin, French Caribbean

Paradise knew she was in trouble because she had failed to honor the first rule of Spiritualism. The number one rule was “Do what you’re told.” Paradise was instructed to call a telephone number, let the phone ring three times, and hang-up. She realized she had failed to follow orders when Mr. Daylight Assassin softly had said, “You should have made the call.” On various occasions, Madame Montoyier appeared in Paradise’s dreams. But, she ignored her

47 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL communication because always involved the Mossad. That organization was the State of Israel’s Secret Police and counter-terrorism unit. Paradise had finally reached the REM stage of sleep. She had seen the same seven-year-old girl sitting with Madame Montoyier on the tiny Island of St. Martin in the French Caribbean. They were eating in the Marigot Market, which was next to the Marina Port la Royale. The cute little girl’s name was Whisper. She placed her brown skin hands on her hips, and sarcastically says, “I know. I know. You’ve told me a thousand times. You’re Powerless without your tools.” Madame Montoyier shook her head in disgusted pity. With the foreknowledge of a good Genii living inside of a Shadow Box, Madame Montoyier calmly said, “Obtenez vos outils.” Obtenez vos outils meant get your tools in French. Whisper nodded in agreement. “Remember your magical talismans will keep you safe,” said Madame Montoyier in French. “I remember. My magical Tools will keep me safe, and bad people won’t notice me either. If, I don’t have my Tools, bad people will see me, and come to hurt me,” said Whisper.


“Très bon mon petit,” said Madame Montoyier, happily. “I’m not a little one Mom-Mom. I’m a big girl now.” Madame Montoyier looked intently at Whisper and said in French, “Okay my little big girl, do you remember the three rules of Spiritualism?” “I do. The three rules for being a great Exorcist and an even better Spiritualist is number one, do what you’re told. Number two, never let anyone touch your Tools, and number three, never have sex with your clients.” “Très bon mon petit.” Madame Montoyier held the tangerine handkerchief to her mouth, and yelled in French, “Run Child. Run. You’re Powerless without Your Tools. Make the Call!” At that very moment, a handsome Dominican man escorted Madame Montoyier away. Whisper had seen the Mossad approaching her from every side. “Kidon! Somebody help me! It’s Kidon,” she screamed. The Kidon was the rumored execution squad within the Mossad. The female Mossad agent yelled into her walkie-talkie, “Hinnêh Mâttânâh!”


Whisper didn’t speak Hebrew but, she assumed those words meant she was the sacrificial lamb. Two Mossad agents grabbed Whisper, and they forcefully shoved a black hood over her head. They signaled the fast approaching mini-van to their position. The side door opened, Whisper jumped into the belly of the iron beast, and Paradise woke in a cold sweat. An unseen force bumped into Paradise’s mini refrigerator. The vibration caused her jar of lightly salted Turkish almonds to land softly on the floor. Paradise removed the tiny crust from her eye and dismissed her mystical experience. But, she couldn’t dismiss the dead fish in the cereal box, the emotionally disturbing newspaper clippings, and a house scheduled for demolition. She also had to face a forfeited trust fund, two dead telephones, fifteen thousand dollars gone by way of five-finger-discount, and one remaining unopened package. Paradise was forced to deal with her life threatening problems. So, she planned to liquidate her bank account, and plead her case to Avi Weinberg. He had the authority to revoke and restore Paradise’s trust fund. Prior to executing her plan she needed to call the Republic of Djibouti. Madame Montoyier’s contacts were waiting in that East African country for Paradise’s call. Paradise

50 SHEMA’YAH BEY wanted to reserve a room at the Omni Royal Crescent Hotel after she completed her things-to-do-list. She figured the hotel’s Jacuzzi would help relax her nerves. It took Paradise a little over one hour to find $25.00. The money hid in the pocket of an old pair of dirty jeans. Paradise got dressed, stuffed her black nylon duffle bag, with her expensive jewelry, and other personal items. She inserted her PARADISE earrings, ignored her Mercedes Benz, and walked to the local Pawn shop. Paradise didn’t take her car because she had the premonition it was rigged to explode.


8 LOLA BUNNY Republic of Djibouti, East Africa

Paradise walked inside of the pawn shop with a sense of urgency. There were a few patrons standing near the stolen goods and other sentimental items. An emotionally disturbed homeless man was exiting the pawn shop. He accidently bumped into Paradise, and she politely said, “Pardon me.” “They coming for you,” said the agitated homeless man. “What? Move,” she said forcefully. “Paradise, don’t marry Sin,” he shouted. He walked out backward, she sucked her teeth, and he displayed his middle finger. Paradise didn’t respond, she walked past the display case and

52 SHEMA’YAH BEY slammed her duffle bag onto the counter. The pawn shop owner barked, “You better ease up!” He had a powerful jawline, and a gruff voice. He wasn’t the stereotypical finger licking chicken eating Negro. His body language commanded obedience. So, she assumed he was a Navy Seal. But, the insignia on his key ring indicated Delta Force. Delta Force was the United States Army’s elite group of highly trained killers and terrorist destroyers. Paradise attempted to defuse his unnerving American Sniper gaze by sweetly saying, “Thank you for serving our country.” “What do you want?” he said coldly. “Delta or Navy Seals?” said Paradise, inquisitively. He ignored Paradise’s question. But, his body language quietly said, “I don’t have any problem putting a bullet between your eyes.” Paradise believed the Quiet Professional’s vibe. So, she softly said, “I have a little over four thousand dollars worth of jewelry in my bag.” “Hand it here,” he said, commandingly. His talons pounced on her jewelry like an angry hawk assaulting Lola Bunny on Easter Sunday. He smiled for no apparent reason. So, Paradise figured his Meds had just kicked-in. With the tonality and

53 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL speed of a well seasoned Sotheby’s auctioneer he bellowed, “We have a 14 karat yellow gold jade bangle bracelet ‘bout, two seventy-five. We have an elegant 14 karat gold link bracelet, with a pyramid Amethyst, and a toggled clasp, that’s one seventy-five. We have earrings, Sterling silver a triple row cable link, combined with 14 karat gold, that’s about two twenty-five. We have another elegant piece of jewelry; it’s a sapphire and diamond encrusted 14 karat white gold Swiss movement watch. All together that’s about thirty-four hundred. If, you add those ‘PARADISE’ earrings into the mix, that’ll make it an even four thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars.” The pawn shop’s patrons were excited for Paradise. She didn’t share their enthusiasm because Mr. Quiet Professional was cheating her. Paradise was a math whiz, and she knew her jewelry was worth three times the quoted amount. Nevertheless, she sucked her teeth, flared her nostrils, and inhaled deeply. Paradise removed her earrings, and he impatiently said, “Come on. I don’t have all day.” When he grabbed her earrings, she felt part of her life- force being sucked away. “Do we have a deal?” he said. “Yeah, we have a deal,” she said weakly.


He smiled, she grimaced, and some patrons clapped. Paradise had wiped her mouth, with her left hand before she said, “Excuse me, sir. Can you give me one of those five dollar international phone cards?” He rolled his eyes; she sucked her teeth, and he took his time filling out her pawn ticket. “What’s taking you so long,” she said. “I’m subtracting five dollars from the total is that a problem,” he said. “No! It’s not a problem. But, would you please hurry up!” said Paradise. The Quiet Professional ignored her sense of urgency. He took his sweet time handing over the money, the pawn ticket, and the five dollars international phone card. “You got 30 days,” he said with an attitude. Paradise happily counted her money, sucked her teeth, and roared, “What the Hell! Why are you playing with my emotions?” He gritted his teeth, shrugged his shoulders, and calmly said, “Do you want it or not?” “I’ll take it,” she said begrudgingly.


He gave her a total of $382.50 minus the five dollars for the prepaid phone card. Paradise failed to contain her anger; she inhaled deeply, and shouted, “This shit ain’t right!” “You got thirty days! If, that’s a problem hand back the money, take your shit, and get the Hell out,” he yelled back. Paradise held her money even tighter. She flared her nostrils, inhaled a few shallow breaths, and franticly said, “You know that ain’t right, it ain’t fair, and it ain’t just!” “If, there was any justice in the world they wouldn’t killed Jesus,” he said sarcastically. His callous comments caused Paradise to discover a new place called, “A loss for words.” “You still here,” he said rudely. Paradise ignored his sarcasm, swallowed her pride, and softly said, “May I use your phone, please?” “Do I look like Bell South? Use the broken pay phone at the end of the block.” Paradise sucked her teeth, grabbed her black nylon duffle bag, and stormed out of the Pawn Shop. Paradise made her way to the pay phone. She

56 SHEMA’YAH BEY removed a quarter and the phone card from her tight jeans pocket. Paradise scratched the gray film away and dropped the coin into the designated slot. The reported time on her Tweety Bird wrist watch was 1:30 PM. The bank closed at 2:00 PM, she had a three- minute taxi ride away, or a twenty-minute walk. Paradise called the local Cab Company, and someone answered, and she politely said, “Good Afternoon, I need a ride to Poydras Street. Who am I? My name is Paradise. Where am I? I’m standing in front of the Pawn Shop, over on South Rampart, and you said five minutes? Okay. Thank you, and please hurry.” The next call she made was to the Republic of Djibouti. Paradise pushed Madame Montoyier’s magical numbers on the telephone’s keypad. Her hand was shaking like a nervous outpatient, who had anxiously waited three weeks, to hear the doctor say, “Get your affairs in order because you have three months to live.” Paradise’s instructions were clear. Dial 011-253-35, and the last four digits of Madame Montoyier’s social security number. Paradise was supposed to let the phone ring three times, and immediately hang up. But, there was a problem. She used the last four digits

57 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL of her social security number. On the second ring she heard, “Hello, you have reached the American Embassy at Plateau de Serpent, Djibouti.” Three loud honks from a blue pick-up truck followed the unexpected greeting. Paradise dropped the telephone receiver, chased her fleeing taxi, and grabbed the door handle. As she made her escape the swaying voice curiously said, “Hello, Bon Jour. Are you there?” Paradise ran alongside her yellow and shouted, “Wait!” The Jordanian cab driver stopped immediately. Paradise got inside of his cab; she was breathing heavy, and he playfully said, “Nice day for a run.” Paradise’s was unable to snap back because she didn’t have the energy. The tremors in her voice indicated a suffocating asthmatic working with a collapsed lung. “The Crescent Bank & Trust on Poydras Street,” gasped Paradise. In a slightly detectable Arabic accent he said, “Sure can I ask you something?” “Sure,” wheezed Paradise. “Are you that entertainer Nona Gaye?” “What?” Paradise said curiously.


It appeared his unusual inquiry helped Paradise regulate her abnormal breathing. “Love for the Future ,” said the cab driver. He was an engineering student, with an expiring VISA, and a wild imagination. “No I’m not Marvin Gaye’s daughter,” said Paradise, dryly. “You’re secret’s safe with me, Nona.” Paradise got her second wind, and calmly said, “Keep your eyes on the road, and I’m not her.” For some strange reason, the cab driver had diarrhea of the mouth. “Did you know they’ve been making huge underground cities in Russia, China, Israel, and even here in America? What do you think about that?” he said inquiringly. “Who cares,” said Paradise. “Hey Nona, the world as we know it will soon be over. You'll know it's coming to an end when the Elders of Zion, or some other extremist group destroys the third Holiest Shrine in all of Islam. I think they call it the sixth extinction, but who knows I could be a crazy cab driver” he said jokingly. “What!” “The Shrine of Omar Al-Aqsa Mosque in Israel,” he said sternly.


Even though his name was Mustapha, she sarcastically said, “For what Mohammad.” With equal sarcasm he said, “My name is Hamete. They need to rebuild King Solomon’s Temple, ‘cause Armageddon and force the second coming of Jesus Christ.” When they arrived at the Crescent Bank, Paradise gave him ten dollars, and said, “Who cares? Here’s ten keep the change.” Paradise slammed the door with a force that caused the cab to shake. She ran to bank’s entrance; Hamete honked his horn, and she quickly ran back. “What do you want, Abdullah?” hollered Paradise, playfully. “You forgot your bag,” he said kindly. He gave Paradise her black nylon duffle bag. She nodded thank you and gave him a friendly smile. He smiled back and playfully said, “Hey Nona, see you next year in Jerusalem.” “Not if Delta Force gets you first,” said Paradise, jokingly.



When Paradise walked inside the Crescent Bank & Trust, the Security Guard opened the door, and said, “Wow you just made it.” “I know. Is the bank manager in?” said Paradise, happily. “Wait over there,” said the Teller with the bad attitude. She directed Paradise to stand next to the partition. Paradise complied with her wishes. But, the Teller made her wait longer than normal. So, Paradise fiddled with her hair, she picked her fingernails, and

61 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL eventually coughed to get the bank manger’s attention. “Follow me please,” said the bank manager. Paradise followed her into the office. The bank manager curtly said, “How may I help you?” “I want to liquidate my checking, and savings account.” “You want to do what?” said the bank manager. “I want to withdraw all of my money please,” said Paradise. “What’s your account number? What’s your name again?” she said impatiently. The bank manager’s curtness made Paradise very upset. “What do you mean? What is your name again,” shouted Paradise. The lenses in her glasses were very thick. So, Paradise thought the bank manager had trouble seeing her. Paradise gave the bank manager her account number. The bank manager entered a few numbers into her computer, and said, “I don’t see anything.” Paradise resorted to using Fake Sign Language to communicate with the bank manager. She figured her date with blindness had affected her hearing. So, Paradise aggressively twisted her fingers, waved her arms, and slowly shouted,


“I WANT TO WITHDRAW MY MONEY PLEASE.” “I’m not deaf, and I’m not blind. Are you sure you have an account with our bank?” “Yes, I’m sure. My name is Isabella Rosemarie Montoyier. And yes, I do have an account with this branch. Don’t you remember? You’re the one who helped me open the account?” The bank manager looked at Paradise like she was Queen of the Damned. “I’m sorry Ms. Monte Carlo but you must be mistaken,” said the bank manager. “It’s Mon-Toy-Yea! And where’s MY DAMN MONEY,” roared Paradise. Paradise stood, and the bank manager stood, and she stuck her finger in Paradise’s face. “You DON’T have an account with our bank, Ms. Montero,” she said calmly. Paradise snapped. If, they were in Court her Public Defender would have said, “Your Honor my client had a momentary lapse in sound judgment.” Paradise had a mental breakdown; she punted the trashcan and knocked the items off the desk. The

63 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL bank manager clapped her hands slowly, and said, “Bravo.” Paradise regained her composure; she took a deep breath, and calmly said, “Give me my money…” The bank manager stopped her in mid-sentence and calmly said, “Ms. Montgomery, you’re three seconds away from doing 25-to-life in the Federal penitentiary. So, I suggest, you and that long tongue of yours, leave my office immediately. If, giving oral to AIDS infected cellmates is your thing? You’re more than welcome to stay; I’ll have you booked and prosecuted in less than a minute.” What happened next caused Paradise to lose some cool points. She vomited her Cognac and Fruity Pebbles breakfast in the bank’s lobby. Paradise refused to accept the customary police escort. So, she wiped her mouth, staggered out of the bank, and walked to the luxurious Omni Royal Crescent Hotel. Paradise stood at the reservation counter in disbelief. She waited patiently waited for the hotel’s hostess to say, “Welcome to the Omni Royal Crescent Hotel, how May I help you?” “I would like to reserve a room,” stammered Paradise.


The hostess covered her nose and mouth with her left hand. That’s when Paradise discovered her breath smelled like ass and mints. “Will that be single or double occupancy,” said the Hostess. Paradise covered her mouth, and said, “Single.” The hostess uncaringly squirted her floral scented air freshener, and caringly said, “Will that be cash or credit?” Paradise was unwilling to suffer anymore embarrassment. So, she wrote the word CASH in bold letters on a nearby piece of paper. “Wow. You’re extremely lucky,” said the Hostess. Paradise furrowed her brow, and wrote, “How’s that?” on the same piece of paper. “As you well know it's Mardi Gras season here in N‘awlins? And I’m glad to inform you that we only have one single room left. Would you like me to reserve that room?” “Yes,” nodded Paradise. “Altogether that will be $145.00,” said the courtesy Hostess. Paradise gave the hostess her driver’s license along with her dwindling money. The hostess smiled, entered Paradise’s information into the computer, and returned her ID with the hotel receipt. The kind

65 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL hostess gave Paradise a complimentary bottle of Listerine, and she looked toward the Ladies Restroom. “Check in time isn’t for another twenty minutes. Please feel free to wait in our luxurious lobby and thank you for choosing the Omni Royal Crescent Hotel of N’awlins.” Paradise walked into the Ladies room, opened the mouthwash, and gurgled the amber acid. After cleaning herself, she walked through the lobby and made her way to a Royal Crescent bar stool. “Bartender can you give me get a Remy on the rocks,” said Paradise dejectedly. “That’ll be seven bucks,” said the Bartender. Paradise nursed her drink, took a deep breath, and bravely opened her third package. She laid the contents on the cherry stained bar counter. What she picked up first was a reservation for two at Antoine’s. That was the oldest French-Creole in New Orleans. Someone with an award winning penmanship used gold ink on Paradise's reservation notice. The note simply said, “Let’s meet tonight at 6:00 PM. I’ll explain everything, Mr. King Cake.” Paradise’s first and last encounter with Mr. King Cake was three years ago. She intended to discover what had happened to her memory. Her memory from that ill-fated night had been erased. The only

66 SHEMA’YAH BEY memory she retained from that night was the name Mr. King Cake. Paradise stood, and she drunk her drink, and quickly returned the contents to her duffle bag. When Paradise walked away, she tripped over the bar stool, and the bartender said, “Are you, okay, pretty lady?” “I’m fine, I don’t know what happened? But, thank you for asking,” said Paradise. Paradise had felt an unseen force push her to the ground. But, she didn’t share that knowledge with the barkeeper. Paradise returned the bar stool to its upright position. She grabbed her duffle bag, dusted herself off, and walked out of the hotel. The Spirit of Confusion accompanied Paradise as she shuffled to the nearby clothing store. Thoughts of marrying Mr. King Cake started to play inside of her head. Paradise figured she had lost her mind because she clearly heard the devil say, “You spoke to your God on the day he can't deny prayers. I heard your prayer too. So, I’m sending my son Mr. King Cake to fulfill your wish.” Madame Montoyier had taught Paradise how to rebuke demonic thoughts. But, she failed to apply her grandmother’s easy to follow instructions. Paradise jumped onto the St. Charles trolley, traveled to the

67 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL second stop, and exited in front of the Trashy Diva. The Trashy Diva was a vintage clothing outlet. They had some extremely appealing outfits. Paradise spent over an hour looking around before she grabbed her first item. She selected a sheer black blouse handcrafted with genuine silk. The beautiful blouse had braided scroll-work, and a hand tied fringe. Paradise went into the dressing room, and she donned a glamorous form-fitted dinner dress. The crimson silk Charmeuse came to the middle of her calf. Paradise had an hour glass figure (size 7-8) and the signs of drinking were undetectable. What she selected next was a Nefertiti styled netted necklace. The necklace was made with gold inlay Matsuno, and fire polished Marea beads. She found the last pair of vintage mules (size 9.) Those rare mules were the pointed champagne marquisette with a honey brown four-inch heel. Paradise enjoyed shopping, and she appeared to glow at the checkout counter. Paradise gave the grungy looking white chick her selected items. “Will you be paying by cash or credit,” said the grungy cashier. Paradise didn’t like her vibe. So, she decided not to speak. The cashier read Paradise’s vibe, and uncaringly said, “Your total is $567.84,”


She handed the cashier her VISA. The cashier swiped her card, through the store’s credit deduction machine, and politely said, “I’m sorry Ms. Montoyier, but I have to confiscate your credit card.” Paradise was embarrassed. She raised her chin, inhaled deeply, and humbly said, “I’ll pay cash for the blouse.” The cashier took Paradise’s last Big Face Benjamin. That means she deposited $100 into the cash register’s welcoming mouth. “Your change comes to $27.52, and I’m sorry about your credit card Ms. Montoyier. But, thank you for shopping with the Trashy Diva,” said the cashier. She grabbed her things, walked out of the store, and sucked her teeth. Paradise discovered a low budget shoe store and spent $24.95 for a cheap pair of black boots. She begged the store’s manager for permission to use their not-for-public restroom. Paradise didn’t have to beg too hard because her beauty enamored him. She changed her shirt, removed her sneakers, and replaced them with her new boots. Paradise emerged from the not-for-public restroom to one gauging husband, and three jealous wives. The not-so-cute store manager maintained his

69 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL composure. But, the Spirit of Amorous caused him to drool before he blurted, “Wow. You look amazing.” “Thank you,” said Paradise, blushingly. With a smile on her face, Paradise exited the low budget shoe store with $13.06 to her name.



Paradise stood in front of the low budget shoe store waiting for a taxi. She had been mournfully thinking about her expulsion from the wealthy society of Oprah-ism. An older African-American taxi driver with the Spirit of Righteousness approached Paradise. She got inside of his taxicab. But, she never looked at his face. He concernedly said, “Where to young lady?” “Can you take me to Antoine’s over on Rue Saint Louis?” she said wearily. “Some things we have to go through, and some things we’re not supposed to go through,” he said somberly.


“I understand. But, you don’t understand. I don’t have any friends, I’m losing my home, and I think I’ve been rooted,” she said sadly. “Rooted as in being under the influence of a magical spell, rooted?” he said inquisitively. “You ain’t from New Orleans are you?” said Paradise inquiringly. “I could say the same for you. May I ask you a question?” he said curiously. “What’s that,” said Paradise cautiously. “Where’s your Gree-Gree?” he said caringly. “I needed the money. So, I pawned my lucky charms,” Paradise said somberly. The taxi driver grimaced, after he heard the words, pawned, and lucky charms together. Paradise’s mystical Gree-Gree or lucky charms were her magical PARADISE earrings. “I see trouble in your way. May I please drive you somewhere else?” he said. Paradise unhooked her bra, shoved it into her black nylon duffle bag, and he adjusted his rear view mirror. He adjusted his mirror to avoid looking at Paradise’s indiscretion. They shivered because the Spirit of Taboo had interrupted his divine intervention. She felt what he felt, and he boldly said,


“You’ve got a call on your life, and I can see it! So, for my peace-of-mind will you please allow me to drive you somewhere else?” Paradise tilted her head, flared her nostrils and calmly said, “Why do you keep asking me that? What do you see that I can’t see?” He had a strong and powerful presence, but his prophetic tongue remained silent. “I asked you a question, why do you keep asking me that?” “God has set before you, both blessings and cursings. I suggest you choose life. Now, I see the trouble on your path, and its bad Ju-Ju, very bad magic. Just give me the word, and I’ll drive you away from this cursed place,” he said caringly. The cab driver parked in front of the restaurant, Paradise closed her eyes and contemplated her fate. They shared the same premonition, but he was powerless to alter her fate. Paradise was a lost lamb, headed for the slaughter, and they both knew it. “You’ll be better off any place but here,” he said sadly. “No worries. I’ll be fine,” Paradise said unconvincingly. Paradise smiled, he frowned, and the cab door opened. The first thing she noticed was a glistening

73 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL sapphire pinky ring. A diamond encrusted Rolex watch followed his sparkling display. His Chipmunk brown hand had a forest green dollar sign tattoo. In nervous excitement Paradise bellowed, “Here’s ten; keep the change.” The cab driver took the money, rolled it into a ball, and tossed it out the window. Paradise stepped out of the cab, and Mr. King Cake closed the cab door, and the cab driver drove away. Paradise was compelled to take hold of Mr. King Cake’s outstretched hand. His telepathic touch imparted a soul shattering vision. In her mind’s eye, she was transported to the federal prison in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. There was a one-eyed inmate who held the secret to accessing the Axis Mundi. He was doing an undisclosed amount of time in solitary confinement. The legend of the Axis Mundi included a mystical doorway that connected Heaven, and Earth. The Naga fairytales stated the Axis Mundi was accessible during the second Blood Moon (Eclipse.) The alleged location of the Axis Mundi was the Temple Mount, also known as the Shrine of Omar (Al-Aqsa Mosque) in Old City Jerusalem, Israel. Paradise attempted to snatch her hand out of Mr. King Cake’s hand. He felt her intention and squeezed even tighter. He wasn’t trying to hurt Paradise. His intention was letting her experience his

74 SHEMA’YAH BEY god-like power. But, he never intended to share his Fort Leavenworth experience. Nevertheless, Paradise saw an ambulance exiting the Fort Leavenworth prison. In the back of the ambulance was the one- eyed inmate. He was extremely sick. He had a temperature of 108 degrees. The two paramedics failed to lower his temperature with ice. But, they didn’t fail to strap him to the gurney. They bound him for their safety Paradise thought to herself. The paramedics wore Army fatigues. Their shoulder patch had a Skull logo, with the numbers 666 written across the forehead. They worked as Special Operatives for the United States Department of Occult Acquisition. Their unit was focused on sorcery, stealing ancient relics, and rituals. Paradise witnessed the prisoner’s fate from his one-eyed perspective. She saw a blurry image of a muscular black man. The name embossed on his Dog- Tag was Lex Shakur. Lex had a tattoo on the right side of his neck. In a cursive script the name “SAMA’EL,” was inked in forest green. According to Jewish lore, Samael was the Archangel of Death. Lex’s graveled whisper placed Paradise in a hypnotic trance. “I'm revoking your CRYPTO clearance,” said Lex to the one-eyed captive. Odin’s one eye rolled back, a tear evaporated on his feverish cheek, and he faintly whispered,


“Hey Sin, I’ll see you two Naga’s in Hell.” “Your sacrifice pays for our passage through the Axis Mundi,” whispered Lex. Odin appeared to mumble an Old Norse prayer as his body convulsed. Lex ripped Odin’s orange jumpsuit from the neck to his belly button. The accompanying Paramedic or Special Operative handed Lex a neon yellow . Lex removed the cap from the marker and drew satanic glyphs on Odin’s hairy chest. Odin’s soundless scream caused Paradise’s bowels to lock. Her bowels loosened when she saw the ambulance driver’s face. His cold blue eyes sparkled in the ambulance’s rear view mirror. The ambulance driver was the Daylight Assassin, who appeared at Paradise’s home, and softly whispered, “You should have made the call.” Odin made an audible scream, Mr. King Cake covered his mouth, and Paradise snatched her hand away. Odin was a No-Such-Agency (NSA) cryptographer. He deciphered the ancient Naga language for the Intelligence Community. The fabled Nagas’ were a supernatural race of hooded serpents. When Paradise was a little girl, she overheard her mother and grandmother talking about the ancient serpent races.


Madame Montoyier mentioned the Nagas from the East Indian epic called the Mahabharata. In French she said, “God’s fiery bodyguards were Serpent-beings. They had six wings, two hands, and feet like men.” In a mixture of French and Creole, Nina said, “And God called them Seraphim. But, what about the intelligent Serpent-being who walked on two legs? His name was Nachash, and he tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden.” Their unbelievable stories hypnotized Paradise. So, Mr. King Cake snapped his fingers and released her from the trance. Paradise figured she had blacked out for several minutes. From Mr. King Cake’s perspective, she blanked out for two or three seconds. “Are you okay?” said Mr. King Cake tenderly. “I’m okay,” said Paradise nervously. In a thick West Indian accent he romantically said, “Are you sure you’re okay?” “Damn you’re fine!” blurted Paradise. “What can I say, we’re both beautiful people,” he said proudly. Mr. King Cake thought Paradise was flirting with him. Her deliberate tease helped disguise her fear. He didn’t know she saw his psychopathic past. She didn’t know he saw her spooked face. They both knew they had to be on their best behavior. So, they

77 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL conducted a complimentary campaign for totally different reasons. Paradise wanted to avoid having her throat cut. Mr. King Cake wanted to avoid cutting her throat. She didn’t know he needed her magical services. He didn’t know she wouldn’t use magic to save her life. Paradise figured she needed to remove her hand slowly from the trap. Mr. King Cake figured he needed to lure her slowly into the trap. She felt uneasy, he felt uneasy, and the Maitre d’ unknowingly eased their tension. “Are you hungry,” said Mr. King Cake. “I can eat,” said Paradise. “Follow me please,” said Antoine’s Maitre d’.



Paradise walked with Mr. King Cake to the front of the line. The people in line looked at them in disgusted disbelief. Those twenty or more patrons had waited twenty minutes to entering the restaurant. Paradise was impressed by her psychopathic escort’s taste in clothing. He wore an eight hundred dollar pair of black square-toed ostrich skin shoes. His dark gray single-breasted suit was the classic Neapolitan. It was handmade along with his army green silk bowtie and white linen shirt. He spent a little over five thousand dollars on his fashion statement. Mr. King Cake’s display of power was accentuated by an army green Cuban fedora (hat). He also 24 karat gold

79 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL cufflinks in the shape of a dollar sign with a sprinkling of pink sapphire gemstones. Antoine’s Maitre d’ looked at Paradise in disbelief. He turned to Mr. King Cake and said, “I’m sorry sir but I can’t let her in.” He barred their entrance because Paradise failed to conceal her sexuality. She wasn’t wearing a bra under her sheer black blouse. Without making a scene Mr. King Cake slipped him a hundred dollar bill, gave Paradise his suit jacket, and she put it on. Mr. King Cake’s momentary act of chivalry blinded Paradise to the impending danger. She didn’t see the Daylight Assassin stationed at the end of the restaurant’s line. “Follow me please,” said the happy Maitre d’ turned voyeur. Mr. King Cake was no ordinary “Baller,” he was the franchise. Paradise was the metaphoric stadium sign that openly flashed, “Welcome to Paradise.” To preserve their privacy, Mr. King Cake reserved the entire “Mystery Room.” The dining area he selected symbolized their unforgettable date with destiny. He considered bending Paradise over the table, ripping her panties off with his teeth, and force feeding her the Big Easy. A 1940s photograph of old New Orleans caused Mr. King Cake to divert his

80 SHEMA’YAH BEY bestial intention. Paradise took advantage of the opportunity by shouting, “Hey waiter, your picture fell off the wall!” There was a huge golden framed mirror hanging over the black marble fireplace. A well-attended flame crackled as they dined by candle light. Above their heads were dormant wooden fans. They dangled from long metallic necks, held firmly in place by the restaurant’s high ceilings. When the waiter asked if they were ready to order, Paradise felt like saying, “I’ll just have a salad.” But, she didn’t have the heart to use that classic Eddie Murphy line. So, she asked the waiter for a tall glass of ice water with a twist of lemon. That cold cylinder of liquid freshness was a distant second to her first aquatic Love, “Remy Red Cognac.” Mr. King Cake ordered a shot of Courvoisier. For an appetizer Paradise ordered Crevettes a la marinara, shrimps smothered in white wine sauce. He ordered Huitres Thermidor, fresh Louisiana oysters baked on the half shell with bacon and tomato sauce. They shared an entrè called, “Ecrevisses a etouffee de saison,” Crawfish tails smothered with onions and peppers served on a bed of steamed white rice. For dinner she ordered, “Filet de truite amandine,” filet of trout fried in a light lemon butter sauce with toasted slivers of almonds. Paradise had

81 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL the nerve to ask the waiter if they had lightly salted Turkish almonds. They didn’t, so she agreed to eat domestically grown almonds. Mr. King Cake ordered Bouillabaisse a la Louisiane commander d‘avance, a classic Mediterranean seafood dish served Louisiana style. They gleefully ordered a large bowl of Haricots verts au beurre, French cut green beans in a special butter sauce. He ordered two bowls of Fonds d’artichauts Bayard, fresh steamed artichoke bottoms stuffed with a light combination of greens on Romaine lettuce with vinaigrette dressing. For dessert Mr. King Cake ordered Crème renversee au caramel, Caramel custard. Paradise ordered Cerise Jubilee. That’s vanilla ice cream covered with dark sweet cherries flamed in brandy at the table. They ordered so much food; Paradise ate one dinner roll, and a spoonful of Caramel custard. The waiter gave Paradise another snifter of Remy Red Cognac, he winked and walked away. The flame on the green candle flickered violently when Mr. King Cake caringly said, “So how are you?” “How am I? It’s been three years to the day! And you ask how I am? Who are you? What are you? Why can’t I remember anything from that night? What DID you do to me? They said you left me in a bad way. Why would you do that?!” said Paradise concernedly.


“You were dough-dough,” he said softly. “You were dough-dough. Dough-Dough my ass! I’m NOT sleep now. The crazy thing about it, I know you ROOTED me!” shouted Paradise. Mr. King Cake waved his hands to diffuse her justified reaction. “All come on now. Hush, what you say and what is this rooted?” he said softly. Paradise failed to respond because she was distracted by his hazel eyes. For a split second his pupils were vertical like snake’s pupils. Paradise figured the lighting inside of Antoine’s mystery room created her optical illusion. “You asked your God to marry me,” said Mr. King Cake. Paradise’s right pupil dilated, her jaw dropped, and she boldly said, “You must be confused. Why would I ask God to marry you? I don’t know you, I don’t want to know you, and you’re not very likeable. Now, don’t get me wrong, you’re cute, and everything. But, something ain’t right about you, and I shouldn’t be here. But, I need you to un-root me, reverse my curse and you can be on your way.” Paradise’s Jedi mind trick was an absolute failure. Mr. King Cake was a being of superior intelligence, and not easily persuaded by powerless demands. If, Paradise used the divine sciences (magic), along with her Tools (supernatural objects), he’d be powerless.


Mr. King Cake furrowed his brow, crinkled his lips, and softly said, “Are you finished? I don’t know anything about a curse, and I heard you made a special prayer. You prayed for a husband on the day that no prayer can be denied. I’ve been searching a long time for someone like you, and I’m...” “And I’m not interested. So, save the drama for your Mama, and be on your way,” said Paradise rudely. Mr. King Cake received an unexpected image in his mind. He saw Paradise holding her forfeited Trust Fund letter. He grimaced, sat back in his chair, and softly said, “Look, here’s my situation I’m facing deportation.” “Who cares, I don’t know you, good riddance, and…” “And in three days My VISA issued by the US Consulate in Barbados is scheduled to expire. Along with my Petition for marriage under the Alien Fiancè Act,” he said. “So what does that have to do with me,” said Paradise uncaringly. “It has everything to do with you. Plus, I would hate to forfeit my last chance at becoming an American Citizen,” said Mr. King Cake soberly.


Paradise’s eyes twitched, she squirmed in her seat, and reluctantly said, “Okay I’ll do it. Let me see your phone.” “Thank you,” he said tenderly. Paradise was victimized by his trigger word. The post-hypnotic suggestion or trigger word was "Forfeit." She lost her entire family fortune to the word "Forfeit." So, he used the word Forfeit in his unbelievable story and took advantage of her momentary weakness. Paradise’s refusal to use magic made it nearly impossible to repel his desires. She grabbed his mobile phone like it was a royal scepter. Paradise slumped in her chair, dialed an unlisted telephone number, and waited for the beep. The waiter approached Paradise with more Cognac. He jumped back because the flame had extinguished itself. That was her sign to extinguish her meeting with Mr. King Cake. Paradise ignored the warning, inhaled deeply and turned her back to the waiter. She covered the mouthpiece of the phone, with her left hand, and shielded her conversation. “Hello Avi, it’s me Paradise. I mean Isabella. I made the call. So, re-instate my account because you got me out here with no money,” she whispered. Paradise gulped when she heard Avi’s answering machine beep.


“Is everything okay,” said Mr. King Cake. She gave him an unnerving look and sincerely said, “I know it’s late. And you’re home for your Sabbath. But, I need to see you first thing Monday Morning.” Paradise terminated the call, and Mr. King Cake took the mobile phone, and he made a call. “Yeah, Man. We’re leaving tonight. Meet us at Hodges Airfield. Fuel the Jet. No Problem Man. She’ll be flying under the name of Angelina Bridgewater.” “I have to be back in N’awlins no later than Monday Morning,” said Paradise. “No worries,” he said to Paradise. “Who’s Angelina?” she said curiously. He remained silent, she stood up, and he stood. Mr. King Cake swallowed his Courvoisier, placed $500 on the table, and they walked out.


12 ST. MAARTEN St. Maarten, Dutch Caribbean

A shadowy figure helped Paradise climb into the private jet. As soon as she stepped inside, the door slammed shut, and within seconds they were airborne. Moments later the private airfield became a tiny dot on a watery map. Paradise’s Dutch Caribbean trip included three couples, Mr. King Cake, and the pilot. On the Limousine ride to the airport, Mr. King Cake had given Paradise a gift. His token of appreciation was a small designer handbag. Paradise opened it over the Atlantic Ocean and nervously waited for the explosion. The Spirit of Fear victimized Paradise. She realized it wasn’t a bomb when Mr. King Cake softly said,


“You look as if I gave you a bomb? Why would I give you a bomb and sit next to you?” Her mind exploded by his wanted and unwanted gift. His brazened gesture nauseated Paradise. So, she searched the jet for the restroom. In her visual quest she noticed the passengers were very attractive. Paradise thought they were Swingers, and she had no interest in the Mile High Club. The Spirit of Terror told Paradise prepare to be gang raped. The passengers' shoes abated her unsupported fear of being sexually abused. Everyone on the jet wore black boots except Paradise, Mr. King Cake, and the pretty Chinese woman. The Spirit of Horror told Paradise we’re headed to a black site. The infamous black site was an aggressive interrogation center. Those rumored torture chambers helped the Government to disappear unwanted people. The idea of being tortured didn’t make Paradise sick. She was sickened by the sight of her precious ‘PARADISE’ earrings. Her treasured items were inside the small designer handbag. Mr. King Cake had redeemed her earrings from the Pawn Shop owner. He had paid an undisclosed amount of money for Paradise’s priceless reaction. “Where’s the bathroom,” said Paradise queasily. “It’s behind us,” said Mr. King Cake caringly.


The jet’s cabin was a cesspool of negative influences. An unseen force attacked Paradise. The disembodied spirit grabbed a piece of her soul. In her mind, she fought to keep her body and soul together. Mr. King Cake witnessed Paradise’s eyes roll back, and he concernedly said, “Are you okay?” Paradise excused herself, grabbed her black nylon duffle bag and hid in the bathroom. She sat on the Queen’s throne, moved her bowels, and got extremely sick. She had a high fever, night sweats, and borderline vertigo. Before she blacked out, she threw- up a spoonful of Caramel Custard, and one Remy soaked dinner roll. The following afternoon Paradise woke to an unfamiliar place. She slept undisturbed in the corner of a tiny room. Paradise rubbed her eyes, looked around, and saw the digital clock on the wall. The time said 3:00 PM on Saturday. Paradise cleared her throat and nervously whispered, “Where am I?” The flat-nosed woman in charge was traveling circus short. She witnessed Paradise’s resurrection from the metaphoric dead with a smile. “Thank God she’s alive,” the tiny woman thought to herself.


Paradise’s caretaker had a visible scar on her throat. During emergency throat surgery, her vocal chords were accidently cut. Paradise stretched her limbs, wiped her mouth, and softly said, “What’s your name?” “My name is Reyna Von der Pool.” Paradise’s eyes grew wide because she heard Reyna’s voice inside her head. Reyna looked at Paradise in disbelief, shook her head, and telepathically said, “You’re not the only telepath in the world.” Reyna’s Mind-to-Mind communication shook Paradise. Reyna had full lips, cardboard colored skin, and wavy black hair. Her almond shaped eyes resembled Paradise’s light brown eyes. Paradise had a badly bruised forehead and scratch marks on her neck. Reyna treated her wounds with hydrogen peroxide. Paradise was disorientated, confused and scared. Reyna read her body language, inhaled deeply, and tossed Paradise a lifeline. “As you can see this isn’t a black site. So, you can stop your worry. You’re a guest in my home. This is my Orient Bay Park villa on the Dutch side of Sint Maarten,” said Reyna. “Where’s?” said Paradise nervously. Reyna watched Paradise struggle for Mr. King Cake’s name. Paradise’s body language revealed she didn’t know his real name. So, Reyna rolled her eyes, shook

90 SHEMA’YAH BEY her head, and softly said, “He said he’ll meet you on Tuesday. He also said you're getting married in Philipsburg on Tuesday. The van will pick you up, on this coming Tuesday at 9:00 am.” “Philip’s who? Tuesday what,” thought Paradise. Reyna was expressionless which made her mind even harder to read. But, she read Paradise’s perplexed expression with ease. Reyna scratched her head, walked into the living room, and opened the desk drawer. She removed the yellow legal pad, Montblanc Midnight black pen, and she sat in her tiny chair. Paradise followed Reyna into the living room. With perfect penmanship she wrote the following message: You’re getting married on Tuesday at the wedding hall in Philipsburg, Saint Maarten at 11:00 am. Paradise read the communication in disbelief, flared her nostrils, and slapped her bruised forehead. They grimaced in unison and Reyna thought to herself, “I know that hurt.” Paradise’s eyes filled with water, she wiped her mouth, whimpered, and mumbled, “Damn that hurt.” Reyna shook her head again, inhaled deeply, and stared at Paradise in disbelief. “Can you please tell him I changed my mind? Plus, I can’t get married on Tuesday. I have to be back in New Orleans on Monday. I have a very important

91 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL meeting scheduled for 11:00 o’clock in the morning, and I can’t be late,” said Paradise sincerely. Reyna thought Paradise had a learning disability. So, she grabbed Paradise’s hand, and she looked deep into her brown eyes, and telepathically said, “What’s wrong with you? Weddings in St. Maarten are on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.” An unexpected guest paid Reyna an unnerving visit. The wayward visitor was a St. Marten songbird named Sniffles. Sniffles had flown into Reyna’s sliding glass door, and Paradise flinched. The blue bird with the yellow chest had died instantly. Paradise stared in disbelief and said to herself, “A dead bird in front of your door is a bad omen.” “You killed Sniffles,” said Reyna in Paradise’s mind. Paradise looked at Reyna, furrowed her brow, and thought to herself, “I didn’t kill Sniffles. You can stay out of my head, and what’s your story?” “My story is not important you’re the important one,” wrote Reyna on her legal pad. Paradise felt the metaphoric noose tighten around her neck. She was nearly three feet taller than Reyna. But, she didn’t have the heart to attack her. Paradise’s bad decision placed her in a foreign country, with no

92 SHEMA’YAH BEY , and rancid clothing. As Reyna spoke, Paradise fondled her life savings. She had a total of three dollars and six cents to her name. “Come follow,” said Reyna telepathically. Paradise followed Reyna to the bathroom. Reyna gave Paradise a washcloth, towel, and soap. After Paradise had showered, Reyna gave her a red T-shirt, black sweat pants, and no panties. Those items belonged to Reyna’s normal sized daughter named TeTe. Reyna motioned Paradise to pose in front of TeTe’s bedroom door. She applied caramel colored blush onto Paradise’s burgundy wound. Reyna turned the hallway lights on, retrieved her digital camera, and took Paradise’s picture. “You do look like her,” thought Reyna softly. “I look like who?” said Paradise audibly. Paradise had seen a picture of TeTe in Reyna’s living room. She thought to herself, “We look nothing alike.” Reyna never responded she walked away, and Paradise was forced to contemplate her fate. Within an hour, Paradise held an authentic U.S. Birth Certificate, an expiring Driver’s License, a marriage approval letter issued by the Lieutenant Governor of St. Maarten, and a valid U.S. passport. The image on the forged Washington, DC driver’s license

93 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL belonged to Paradise. The name attached to those official documents was Angelina “Ferrari” Bridgewater. Angelina’s tattered passport had entry VISA stamps from exotic places like Isle of Crete (Greece), Vatican City (Italy), and Tokyo (Japan). She also visited Somalia (East Africa), Bogotá (Columbia), Honduras (Central America) and St. Maarten (Dutch side.) “If you don’t play the game, you’re going to end up dead, like the real Angelina Ferrari Bridgewater,” said the knot in Paradise’s stomach. To stay alive, Paradise agreed to assume the identity of Angelina. She held Angelina’s temporary tourist permit a/k/a the marriage approval letter, tightly. The marriage approval letter had English and Dutch translations. The St. Maarten Notary Public had affixed his official seal and signature. According to the date on the letter, Angelina was in the Lieutenant Governor’s Office, located in Cam Labega Square, Philipsburg St. Maarten fifteen days ago. Five days before her arrival in St. Maarten she was in Bogotà, Columbia. According to the Columbian passport stamp she had registered with the U.S. Consular around 3:00 PM. Paradise searched the passport’s Entry and Exit stamps again. She discovered Angelina returned to Columbia ten days ago. According to the latest Entry Stamp, Angelina

94 SHEMA’YAH BEY had returned to St. Maarten twelve hours ago. Paradise knew she was handpicked to play Angelina’s body double. So, she figured they had murdered Angelina somewhere between Bogotà and Cam Labega Square. Paradise re-read the marriage approval letter and got sick. But, it wasn’t the throw-up sick. She had unknowingly moved one step closer to the mental illness sick. Paradise knew she had to marry Mr. King Cake to stay alive. Plus, she needed to go back to New Orleans, get her trust fund reinstated, and pay someone to kill Mr. King Cake.


13 WEDDING DAY Philipsburg, St. Maarten

Paradise walked into Reyna’s gourmet styled kitchen slowly. She took a deep whiff of the aromatic Caribbean quiescence. The expression on Paradise’s face told Reyna she was pleased. “Wow! It smells really good in here,” said Paradise audibly. Reyna nodded. In addition to being a Master Forger, Reyna was a Master Chef, and she prepared a gourmet feast. Paradise thought it was the Last Supper because Reyna made a lot of food. After Reyna had blessed their meal, they gorged themselves on creamy


Caribbean Curried Conch Chowder, and fresh vegetables. A conch is a large snail taken from an abandoned seashell. Paradise enjoyed Reyna’s Guadeloupian Mozzarella and Tomato Salad. She had used ripe tomatoes and fresh mozzarella drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. Reyna added basil, roasted garlic, cracked pepper, and aged balsamic vinegar. Reyna’s specialty was Bonzai Chicken, St. Maarten style. Those fried in butter chicken breasts were flame grilled to perfection. She had marinated her chicken breast in kejap Manis, ginger, onions, garlic, and fresh lime juice. “I could go for a drink,” Paradise thought to herself. Reyna heard Paradise’s thoughts and handed her a cold bottle of water. “You don’t need to drink,” wrote Reyna on the yellow legal pad of paper. Paradise looked at Reyna with a detectable attitude. “Plus it’s impolite to stare,” said Reyna telepathically. Paradise stopped staring, continued to eat, and Reyna wrote, “I don’t understand you?” “What do you mean,” said Paradise in her mind. “You must have lost your magical amulet or something?


Because, I shouldn’t be able to read your mind this easy,” said Reyna telepathically. “You don’t know me!” said Paradise defensively. “I know my cousin, he’s bad news, and I know you’re the little mouse caught in his trap. So, where’s your Tool little mouse?” Reyna touched Paradise's third eye, looked into her soul, and Paradise's two eyes filled with water. “I can see your past, present and future. The Science of High Magic is your skill set. But, you won’t use it? Why? Is there something wrong with you?” said Reyna telepathically. Reyna removed her stubby index finger from Paradise’s forehead. Paradise wiped the snot from her nose with her right hand. Reyna gave Paradise some napkins to clean her hand and nose. “Use the Divine Sciences little mouse. If you don’t fight back, you deserve whatever he does to you. So, I suggest you fight back.Conjure the spirit of your ancestors or use one of those magical rituals to help change your situation,” implored Reyna. Paradise swallowed the frog in her throat, sucked her teeth, and cried. Reyna’s admonishment forced Paradise to rethink her prohibition on magic. For the next two days, Paradise sat in unbearable silence because Reyna refused to communicate.


It was time for Paradise to face the man at the sliding glass door. Reyna stuffed a small wedding gift into Paradise’s black nylon duffle bag. Paradise had no knowledge of Reyna’s antics because she was in the bathroom. “Paradise your ride is here. I enjoyed your company and no matter what happens, never panic,” said Reyna telepathically. Paradise flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and grabbed her things. Reyna escorted Paradise to the sliding glass door. Paradise bowed to Reyna, and they hugged, and parted ways. Mr. King Cake’s driver helped Paradise into the black mini-van. They drove to the Philipsburg’s Wedding Hall in absolute silence. Paradise exited the mini-van unescorted, walked to the entrance, and sighed. Paradise shivered the entire journey because the minivan’s air conditioner was set on, “Damn its cold!” Reyna gave some of TeTe’s clothes to Paradise. TeTe was an eighteen-year-old track star going to college in Los Angeles, California. So, Paradise and TeTe never met each other in person. Paradise entered the wedding hall wearing a white T-shirt, blue sweatpants, pink hiking boots, and no panties. Mr. King Cake had Reyna get rid of Paradise’s ruined

99 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL sheer black blouse, blue jeans, and soiled forest green Vickies (panties). Mr. King Cake took Paradise’s Louisiana drivers license and had it shredded with her other identification. Paradise took TeTe’s Tweety Bird watch with Reyna’s permission. The distance from Orient Bay to Philipsburg was approximately 5 miles apart. So, Paradise arrived at the wedding hall around 9:20 AM. She was greeted by a tall Roman Catholic Priest in the vestibule. He spoke broken English with a heavy Dutch accent. “Ms. Bridgewater it’s nice to see you again,” said the friendly Priest. Paradise nodded, “Yes.” He smiled, she failed to smile, and he stared in wonderment. Paradise hoped he wasn’t the Wedding Officiant because he had a wandering eye. From her perspective, the wedding was a sham. So, it didn’t matter who conducted the ceremony. Paradise understood she was the star actress in Mr. King Cake’s melodrama. The potbellied priest with the pockmarked face said, “You’re not getting cold feet are you?” “Huh,” said Paradise. “It’s your big day, and you’re not dressed,” he said. “It’s a long story,” said Paradise.


“Are you still planning to get married?” “Yes,” said Paradise reluctantly. “The law requires me to ask…” “Ask what?” said Paradise nervously. “Do you have your birth certificate, your temporary tourist permit, and your return ticket home?” he said inquiringly. That’s when Mr. King Cake appeared out of nowhere. He handed the Priest their return airline tickets. Mr. King Cake wore a black tuxedo with an Army green colored Bow Tie. “Goedemorgen Preston,” said the Priest in Dutch to Mr. King Cake. He nodded. The Priest glanced over the documents, looked at Paradise, and unconsciously returned the paperwork to Mr. King Cake. “Ik ben tevreden met wat ik heb gezien,” said the Priest to Paradise. She didn’t understand a single a word of Dutch. But, Paradise figured the look on his face said, “I’m satisfied with what I’ve seen.” “Dank u Vader Rotmensen,” said Mr. King Cake. “Hoe gaat het met je, Preston,” said Priest Rotmensen. Paradise watched Mr. King Cake nod his head again. By, their body language Paradise surmised Mr. King


Cake said, “Thank you,” and Priest Rotmensen said, “How you doing, Preston?” Paradise was dumbfounded because she never knew Mr. King Cake’s real name. Priest Rotmensen turned his attention to Paradise and said, “Vergeef me Angelina, I’ll speak English. Are your witnesses here?” Paradise looked around the wedding hall in disbelief. She wondered if the Priest was a standup, comedian. There were numerous Federal Agents in attendance. So, she thought baby Bush was Preston’s Best Man. But, the former United States President wasn’t his Best Man. “Yes, I have Mr. Lawrence Handy, from the U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados. He’s standing in as my Best Man,” said Mr. King Cake. Priest Rotmensen attempted to be funny and said, “I thought I recognized you, Wat Is Je Naam?” “Ik heet Mr. Handy,” said Enchantment. She was the beautiful black woman who appeared behind Paradise unannounced. That’s when the Priest turned serious he looked at Paradise and romantically said, “I see your lovely bridesmaid is here too. Shall we proceed?” Enchantment and Mr. King Cake nodded in unison. They parted ways, and Paradise got dressed, and


Mr. King Cake got drunk at the bar. Thirty minutes later Paradise stood under the wedding arch in her bare feet. She wore a white sun dress and white flower garnish in her hair. Her stunning bridesmaid caused Paradise to think, “Where do I know this chick from?” Paradise’s body was at the wedding, but her mind was in New Orleans. She envisioned her trustee Avi Weinberg handing her a pile of money. Paradise returned her attention to the wedding ceremony when the Priest said, “Preston Melchiresha Sinclair, do you take Angelina Ferrari Bridgewater, to be your lawfully wedded wife... To death do you part?” “I do,” said Mr. King Cake. Paradise never heard the words love, cherish, or obey. But, everyone in attendance clearly heard the loud thump. Where do I know her from (Enchantment) slapped Paradise on the ribs. Enchantment’s hard whack caused Paradise to shout inexcusably, “I DO!” Paradise ignored the fake claps, the teeth sucking haters, and the broken flashbulb. An elderly white woman named Dixie May Johnson dropped her 1972 Instamatic pocket camera. The ice cube shaped light bulb bounced across the wedding room floor. Priest


Rotmensen waited for Dixie May to retrieve her flashbulb. Before he quickly said, “By the power invested in me, by the laws of St. Maarten Netherlands Antilles, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” What happened next caused Paradise to lose some serious cool points. She was beyond embarrassed; Mr. King Cake patted her on the head and kissed her on the cheek. Paradise could care less about the phony wedding. But, he had patted her on the head, and she felt disrespected. Paradise was also troubled by the ring exchange. But, the name Melchiresha disturbed her even more. Mister what kind of name is Melchiresha, had bought himself a monogrammed wedding ring. His circular contract was a platinum six-millimeter comfort fit wedding band. He gave Paradise an extremely thin silver plated promise ring. When she looked at her finger, she flared her nostrils, and quickly grumbled, “Damn is that the white meat!” Paradise looked at her wedding ring again, and thought, “I know he struggled to put it on. But damn is that the white meat?” After that painful experience, she whispered to herself, “I’ll be in New Orleans before daybreak, and then I’ll make my escape.”



Paradise stood by herself in the vestibule of the wedding hall. Mr. Give me the Creeps a/k/a Mr. Handy, from the U.S. Embassy in Barbados watched at Paradise from a distance. He twisted his mustache lined lips, walked with the grace of a gazelle, and stood uncomfortably close to her. “¿Qué hora es? Señora Sinclair,” he said impressively. “Huh,” said Paradise confusedly. Mr. Give me the Creeps, pointed his pinky finger at her watch and curiously said, “What time is it, Mrs. Sinclair?” “Oh. It’s exactly 11:11 o‘clock,” said Paradise skeptically.


“Son las once y once en punto?” he repeated in Spanish. “Huh,” said Paradise again. “It’s 11:11 o’clock exactly,” he said interrogatively. Paradise’s gut told her to smile, look cute, and softly say, “Yes.” But, in her my mind she thought, “Uhl. Just get away from me.” Paradise fanned him away in her mind as he said, “Me has ayudado mucho.” Me has ayudado mucho meant you’ve helped me a lot in Spanish. But, his statement wasn’t truthful because he was just as confused as Paradise. So, he bowed to Paradise, looked at his bodyguards, and they walked away. Enchantment approached Paradise and said, “Hey Girl, I didn’t mean to hit you that hard. By the way, my name is Enchantment, and congratulations. I must say, you look like her.” “I heard that before,” said Paradise. “You have no clue what you’re into,” said Enchantment warningly. Paradise looked at Enchantment angrily. Enchantment used her eyes to direct Paradise’s attention toward the mini-van. Paradise walked to the mini-van unescorted, and Enchantment appeared at the mini-van two minutes later. Paradise snatched her pink boots from Enchantment’s hands.


“Don’t touch my stuff,” said Paradise angrily. “I’m not the one you should be angry with,” said Enchantment admonishingly. “If you don’t know anything about Angelina, I suggest you keep it moving,” said Paradise boldly. “Fair enough. I’ll tell you what I know. And for your information, I am a good person. But, before I spill my guts on Angelina, I need to ask you something,” said Enchantment curiously. “What’s that?” said Paradise curiously. “Why do you keep looking at me like that? Have we met before?” said Enchantment inquiringly. “I don’t know you from a can of paint. But, I know I’ve seen you before. Nevertheless, what happened to Angelina?” said Paradise inquiringly. “Oh I see, you get right to the point. Well you need to know, we’ve never had this conversation, do you know what I’m saying?”said Enchantment concernedly. “Yes,” nodded Paradise. “First and foremost, Sin asked me to do him a favor. That’s how I became your bridesmaid. Our parents knew each another, and I owed him a big favor. Like I said before, I’m a good person, and the real Angelina was a good person too. And she didn’t deserve what they did to her,” said Enchantment sadly.


Enchantment wiped the tear from her eye, and Paradise inhaled slowly, and Enchantment spoke for several minutes. Dixie May, along with a few other guests, interrupted Enchantments true confession. Dixie May handed Enchantment her Instamatic pocket camera and said, “Darl’n would you be a peach and take our picture?” Paradise looked at Enchantment, and they shrugged their shoulders, and everyone smiled for the camera. Dixie May’s Southern accent told Paradise she was from the State of Georgia. “Congratulations Darl’n,” said Dixie May to Paradise. “Thank you,” said Paradise hesitantly. The wedding guests shook Paradise’s hand, and Enchantment walked away with the group. Paradise watched them enter the wedding hall. She wiped the sweat from her brow, inhaled the hot Caribbean air, and sighed loudly. Paradise replayed Enchantment’s true confession in her mind. Enchantment told Paradise, the real Angelina Ferrari Bridgewater, now Sinclair was twenty-five years old. She worked as a Spanish Translator for the U.S. Embassy in Bogotà Columbia. She was reported missing about three weeks ago. But, she resurfaced in Orient Bay (St. Maarten) early Sunday morning.


Paradise realized the real Angelina was dead. But, everyone at the wedding hall had witnessed her very much alive. According to Enchantment, after the wedding ceremony Angelina had a nervous breakdown. She was moved to an undisclosed convalescent home by her loving husband. Mrs. Bridgewater, now Sinclair was placed on indefinite medical leave. That was the official story issued by the U.S. Embassy on Angelina's behalf. For privacy reasons no forwarding address was provided. The unseen manipulators weren’t worried about Angelina’s family members. Nor, were they worried about Paradise’s family members. Angelina and Paradise shared the same fate. Their fate was failing to have any family members who cared enough to look for them. The Spirit of Terror had forced Paradise to contemplate the severity of her actions. She tried to convince herself that everything was going to be okay. But, deep down inside she knew everything wasn’t okay. She even tried the Jedi mind trick along with a few positive affirmations. But, that didn’t work. So, she swung her arms, and sincerely chanted, “I feel good, I feel good, I feel good.” Paradise must have used the wrong technique because she felt all alone. Her emotional duffle bag attracted more burdens and heavier sorrows. When

109 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL the Spirit of Panic showed up, Paradise made the conscious decision to return to her roots. Paradise walked into the wedding hall and borrowed someone’s pen. She found a small piece of paper, wrote an invocation for divine protection, and folded it. Paradise asked the wedding decorator to give her a red balloon. She put her folded petition inside that balloon. The wedding decorator filled the balloon with helium, and Paradise walked outside. Paradise hid behind the mini-van and said, “Great Spirit, please forgive me for being disobedient, and Mom-Mom don’t let this man kill me." She took a deep breath, released her red balloon, and watched it float away. At that very moment, Paradise’s flashback had transported her in time. Paradise saw herself at the age of eight. She was standing next to Madame Montoyier in a field of wildflowers. Paradise was a cute little girl, with two long Indian braids, chubby cheeks, and almond shaped eyes. Paradise released her red balloon into the spirit of the air. With a slight smile on her face, Madame Montoyier looked up and said in French, “Never forget Is-a-Bell-La, the ritual says put your prayer inside the balloon. Do you remember why?”


“So, the jinn can’t hear it,” said the eight-year-old Paradise. “You do look like her,” said Mr. Handy. Mr. Handy appeared out of nowhere, and once again he stood uncomfortably close to Paradise. When she heard the words “look like,” her consciousness returned to Mr. Handy, and his two bodyguards. “I look like who?” said Paradise. “You look like Angelina,” he said. Paradise grimaced because she felt someone pinch her arm. She turned quickly to see her assailant. The attacker followed his pinch with a violent strike to her face. Mr. King Cake’s weapon of choice was an unaffectionate slice of wedding cake. Broken chunks of spongy cake, topped with strawberries, and butterscotch whipped cream covered Paradise. She wiped her face, slapped him back, and shoved him into Mr. Handy’s bodyguards. They stood him up, and he wiped his face, and she assumed a boxer’s stance. Paradise had a murderous look in her eyes. He received her message loud and clear. Without fighting back, he inhaled deeply, and coldly said, “I’m going back to foreign; you can come if you want?” Paradise sat inside of the mini-van, before the word “foreign,” squeezed through the gap in his two front teeth. Enchantment retrieved Paradise’s items

111 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL from the wedding hall. Paradise snatched her items from Enchantments hands and stared out of the mini- vans tinted window. Enchantment accompanied Preston Sinclair, formerly known as Mr. King Cake, to the Princess Julianna Airport. Paradise, Preston, and Enchantment exited the mini-van, in total silence. Paradise marched through the security checkpoint unmolested. Preston paid the St. Maarten’s “Exit ” to the corrupt Customs Agent. The Customs Agent winked at Paradise, and he stamped Angelina’s passport quickly. Preston gave the airline stewardess their boarding passes. She ripped the tickets, pointed toward the open door, and they boarded the airplane. Paradise sat next to the window, hugged her duffle bag tightly, and made a sigh of relief.



Paradise was so excited about going back to foreign (America). She didn’t know their return tickets said Las Vegas, Nevada and not New Orleans. “Ginger Ale or Fruit Punch,” said the American Airline’s stewardess to Paradise. “I’ll have the Fruit Punch,” said Enchantment. The stewardess was displeased with Enchantment’s rudeness. So she handed Paradise the can of Fruit Punch and gave Enchantment the Ginger Ale. Enchantment didn’t protest because the pretty

113 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL stewardess had prepared for a fight. Plus, her boyfriend was prepared for a gun fight. He was the undercover Federal Air Marshal, who sat behind Preston. “And what would the gentleman-like,” said the uglier stewardess. “Your phone number,” said Preston seductively. The blushing stewardess wrote her telephone number on a cocktail napkin. Paradise uncaringly watched Enchantment give Preston the telephone number. Paradise didn't care what he did her mind was in New Orleans. She thought about her trustee, her reinstated trust fund, and her new home. Preston stared angrily at Paradise’s cocktail napkin. The wannabe Band-Aid covered her bloodied ring finger. “Where’s my ring,” said Preston commandingly. “I gave it to Enchantment,” said Paradise fearlessly. “Good, because I want it back,” said Preston childishly. “Whatever, I didn’t want your stupid ring,” said Paradise childishly. Preston stared at her briefly, closed his eyes and went to sleep. Paradise refused to go metaphoric or literal dough-dough (sleep) on Preston. So, she spent her seven hours, with her head placed on the window. In her mind, she devised three escape plans, two

114 SHEMA’YAH BEY murders, and one insanity plea. The airplane landed at the McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada on Wednesday around 12:15 AM. Preston’s mobile phone rung, he flipped it open, and said, “Yeah mahn. We’re in the baggage claim. Okay.” Enchantment retrieved her luggage from the airport’s carousel. Preston snatched Paradise’s duffle bag, and unknowingly thwarted her escape plan. Paradise had planned to find a woman’s shelter, but she couldn’t afford to leave her duffle bag. She realized the duffle bag had no monetary value, but she refused to allow another item to go missing on her watch. Preston had her Isabella Rosemarie Montoyier identification, clothes, Tweety bird watch, and black boots destroyed. She was unconscious, when he had her house, and car keys tossed into the Ocean. So, Paradise followed Preston and Enchantment into the chartered limousine. The limousine driver locked the doors, drove away quickly, and Paradise shouted, “Stop taking my stuff!” Preston released Paradise’s duffle bag without a fight. He turned to Enchantment, and she whispered in his ear. “Where are you taking me?” said Paradise to Preston.


“Vegas Baby, and thanks for inviting me,” said Enchantment to Preston. “No worries,” said Preston to Enchantment. Preston and Enchantment ignored Paradise, and she sucked her teeth, and the limo driver said, “We’re here sir.” The limo driver unlocked the doors, and they got out, and Preston tipped him fifty dollars. “Thank you, sir,” said the happy limo driver. “No worries,” said Preston. “Welcome back Mr. Sinclair. And your room is just like you left it. Oh yeah, I found a VCR, and I hooked it up too,” said the Bellhop. “Thank you, Charlie, you’ve been very helpful, and here’s fifty dollars for troubles,” said Preston to the Bellhop. Paradise looked unimpressed by Preston’s overly generous tip. Enchantment looked extremely impressed by their hotel accommodation. Preston had a suite in the impressive Golden Nugget Casino Hotel. He rented the suite three days before he met Paradise at Antoine’s restaurant. The Bellhop put Enchantment’s luggage on the hotel’s cart and said, “Thank you, Charlie. That’s your name, right?” “Yeah, but everybody calls me Charlie-Boy. And it’s no problem, Pretty Lady. ‘Cus this is what I do.


Plus, Mr. Sinclair looks out for me! And I look out for him!” “You’re a good man Charlie,” said Preston. Paradise looked at the Bellhop in disbelief. He ignored Paradise, and they walked to the elevator, and Enchantment pressed the elevator button. Charlie-Boy escorted them to the 3rd floor. Preston gave Charlie-Boy another fifty dollars, and Charlie- Boy happily said, “Wow. Thank you again, sir. If, you need anything else, don’t hesitate to call the front desk, and tell them you want Charlie-Boy!” Preston nodded, Charlie-Boy walked away, and Enchantment opened the door with her key. Enchantment walked in first; Paradise walked in second, and Preston followed behind them. Paradise walked to the large window and opened the curtains wide. Their view was the indoor palm tree, Golden Nugget pool, and water-slide. Paradise stared out the window and discovered Preston’s reflection on the glass. He playfully grabbed her duffle bag, and she turned quickly to confront him. Enchantment sat on the nearby chair with her hands clasped behind her head. “Look man! I told you to stop touching my shit! You got what you wanted! And I don’t want to play

117 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL anymore! Book me a flight back to N’awlins! So, I can go my way, and you can go yours,” shouted Paradise. “If you thought this was a game, it’s not,” said Preston calmly. Preston released the duffle bag with an uncomfortable push. Paradise walked toward the door and screamed, “Don’t you ever touch me or my stuff again, do you hear me?!” For sentimental reasons, Paradise reached inside of the duffle bag. She removed Reyna’s wedding present and shouted, “Where’s my earrings?!” “They’re in the ocean with your house keys,” said Enchantment sarcastically. “What’d you say,” Paradise barked at Enchantment. “Leave her out of this!” Preston barked at Paradise. Paradise ripped Reyna’s colorful wrapping paper in disgust. She removed a blue coffee mug, from the small cardboard box, and shouted, “What’s this? I ain't drinking no damn coffee!” “Don't look at me! I didn’t give that to you,” said Preston curiously. “Why don’t you look again,” said Enchantment instructively. “For what, just book my flight back to N’walins!” roared Paradise to Preston.


“Okay, I’ll send you back to New Orleans. If, you look at my gift first,” said Preston. Paradise's gut yelled, “Don’t trust him.” She didn’t trust him. But, she needed to believe, he would keep his word. Paradise’s desire to return home had clouded her better judgment. Without thinking she placed the blue coffee mug on the desk next to the couch. Then she reached inside of her duffle bag, removed his gift, and sucked her teeth. Paradise held a VHS tape along with a handful of TeTe’s borrowed clothes. “How’d that get in there?” said Paradise to Preston. “I put it in your bag when we were leaving St. Maarten,” said Enchantment. “Who’s talking to you? And who are you?” said Paradise to Enchantment. “I’m your worst nightmare,” said Enchantment. “I’m your worst nightmare!” said Paradise. “And for your information, I don’t want to watch no movie,”said Paradise to Preston. “It’s my wedding present to you,” said Preston to Paradise. Paradise dropped the clothes on the couch, picked up the blue coffee cup, and said, “Didn’t you hear me say, I am not watching any DAMN movie?! And I don’t want to watch that phony ass wedding either!”


Preston looked at Enchantment, and she shrugged her shoulders, and he curiously said, “Where did that cup come from?” “I don’t know, and I don’t care! Keep your word, and book me a flight back to N’awlins,” said Paradise boldly. Paradise squeezed the blue coffee mug, and Reyna’s face flashed inside her head. Paradise inhaled deeply, and she faintly heard Reyna say, “If you are who they say you are? You’ll know what to do with this enchanted cup.” Preston snapped his fingers to get Paradise’s attention. Her eyes opened wide, her spine tingled, and she started to sweat. “Give me that,” shouted Enchantment. She snatched the video tape out of Paradise’s hand and pushed her to the side. “Move out the way,” commanded Enchantment. “You can take it! What are Y'all deaf or something? I could care less about THAT PHONY ASS WEDDING!” yelled Paradise. “You don’t care about my wedding,” said Preston. “I COULD CARE LESS!” shouted Paradise.



Preston removed the mobile phone from his pants pocket. Enchantment slid the videotape into the VCR, and Paradise paced. Preston opened and closed his flip phone rapidly. Enchantment sneakered, Paradise sucked her teeth, and Preston sucked his teeth too. “Paradise, you need to watch this,” said Preston instructively. “I ain’t watch’n shit! Now, can I use your phone,” said Paradise fearlessly. “No worries,” said Preston cavalierly. Enchantment set the television’s volume to extra loud. Paradise cringed when she heard those unexpected sexual moans and groans. The performers were three raunchy women engaged in real pornographic sex. Paradise stood in disbelief, her jaw dropped, and she

121 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL stopped breathing. Preston gleefully watched Paradise in bed with Enchantment and Trixie De Luca. The dark spell that had caused Paradise to forget Enchantment had disappeared. With crystal clear clarity, she remembered every filthy act from that night. “MOVE!” screamed Paradise. In disbelief Paradise watched Trixie enjoy Enchantment’s golden . Paradise shoved Enchantment away from the VCR. She had the strength of a She-bear protecting her only cub. Paradise ejected the videotape, threw it against the wall, and it shattered. Then she pushed Preston and smacked the mobile phone out of his hand. With the foot speed of an Italian winemaker, she crushed his phone like a grape. Enchantment stood quickly, dusted herself off and smiled like the Joker in the Batman movie. “Granddaughter of World Famous Spiritualist lost her family Fortune to stupidity,” said Enchantment sarcastically. “What did you say,” shouted Paradise. “Girl, your ass been rooted! And you’re under my spell now. Did your dumb ass think your family was the only family who practiced magic? Those Mardi Gras beads were cursed! So, how you like me now?” said Enchantment smugly.


Paradise lost her breath, and she turned pale, and Preston sarcastically said, “What did you tell your trustee? Oh yeah, I remember now. I can’t get caught doing dirt. PARADISE! You need to know I’ve got more copies. And all I need to do is send one of your porn tapes to Avi Weinberg. And I guarantee you can kiss your family’s fortune !” Paradise was unable to speak because the blood in her head had dropped to her feet. Preston sat in the chair, spread his legs wide, and clasped his hands behind his head. He assumed that body posture as a demonstration of dominance. Paradise was distraught, her lips quivered, and she nervously mumbled, “What do you want from me?” Enchantment stood behind Preston and made the oral sex gesture with her hand. “Besides turning a few tricks,” said Enchantment joyously. “Oh I won’t be doing that!” said Paradise courageously. “You’re going to do whatever I tell you to do. First on my agenda is raising Angelina’s spirit from the dead,” Preston said commandingly. “What! Homme vous doit être fou,” shouted Paradise. Preston responded in French and boldly said,


“I am many things, but crazy I am not.” “Do I look like the witch of Endor to you,” said Paradise. “Something like that,” said Preston sarcastically. Paradise stepped back when Preston stood. He walked to the telephone, picked up the receiver and dialed the hotel’s operator. “Yes operator, can you please connect me to a Mr. Avi Weinberg in New Orleans. Yes, I’ll hold,” he said politely. “Wait! Just wait! Hang up the damn phone,” said Paradise. “Never mind operator,” said Preston. He terminated the call, and Paradise diplomatically said, “Wow. And you’re blackmailing me too? Unbelievable! Now, we both know you can’t send that tape. Lord knows you can’t send that tape. ‘Cus that’ll ruin my life forever, and I don’t know who’s doing your Intel? ‘Cus my grandmother raised spirits from the dead, not me. So, you’re better off extorting me for money…” “You don’t tell me what to do! I tell you,” roared Preston. In a fit of rage, Preston yanked the telephone cord out of the wall. He grabbed the telephone and threw it at her head. Paradise evaded the projectile like a

124 SHEMA’YAH BEY dodgeball champion. The telephone broke into two pieces when it hit the wall. “You MISSED!” shouted Paradise defiantly. Paradise had seen the crazed look in his eyes. So, she grabbed the blue coffee mug and ran into the bathroom. She locked the door, turned the faucet handle, and watched the water flow. Paradise filled the magic mug with hot water. Preston banged on the door and hatefully shouted, “You’re paying for this room, my broken Mo-bile phone, and our trip to and from Saint Maarten. Do you hear me, whore?!” When he said “do you hear me whore,” Paradise’s mother Nina started to rock violently. She huddled in the corner of a padded cell. Nina had been a resident of the Central Louisiana State Mental Institution for years. Nina had suffered terrible hallucinations. So, she pretended not to see Paradise locked behind the bathroom door. The Spirit of Curiosity forced Nina to investigate her unusual vision. Nina stood, wiped her mouth, and walked toward the vision. Paradise whispered some inaudible words over the magic mug. Nina looked in disbelief, and mumbled in French, “Paradise is that you? My have you grown, is everything okay?” Nina smoothed the wrinkles from the hospital gown with her left hand. Paradise turned when she

125 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL felt Nina’s presence inside the bathroom.From Nina’s perspective Paradise turned slowly to look at her. Nina’s eyes filled with water after she heard Paradise say, “Most High God, I need help… is that you Mama?” “It’s me baby,” said Nina in Creole. Paradise saw Nina’s face in the magic mug’s water. Nina smiled and attempted to hug Paradise. “I have to break my promise, Mama,” said Paradise cautiously. “Oui je comprends,” said Nina reluctantly. Oui je comprends meant “I understand” in French. Paradise promised Nina she wouldn’t use magic to solve her problems. Nina understood Paradise had to use magic to save her life. “Thank you Mama,” said Paradise tearfully. “Paradise regarder dehors,” screamed Nina in French. “Look out for what?” said Paradise curiously. Preston kicked the door open, and Paradise dropped the magic mug, and Nina’s mystical communication ended. The marble floor broke the magic mug in three pieces. Paradise screamed, Nina screamed for help, and Enchantment screamed, “Beat her ass!”


Preston swung on Paradise; she slipped his jab and punched him in the kidney. He grimaced, turned quickly, and shoved her into the sink. Paradise grimaced, recovered quickly and slipped on the broken coffee mug. When she fell her head smacked the marble floor. Enchantment gasped, Paradise blacked out, and Preston stomped her badly. Enchantment stood over Paradise’s lifeless body and sarcastically whispered, “Where’s your God now?”



Paradise was transferred from the Mountain View Hospital’s Emergency Room to the Intensive Care Unit immediately. She spent two weeks in a medically induced coma to help reduce the swelling on her brain. The medical staff woke Paradise from her coma and admitted her to a private room. Clara Davis was the 62-year-old African-American Registered Nurse, who ensured Paradise got the best treatment. Nurse Davis was a single grandmother, who had sole custody of her two grandchildren. They were seventeen-year-old twin boys, who enjoyed girls, race cars, and computer science. Nurse Davis had broad features, freckles and wrinkled free skin. When she entered Paradise’s room, she caringly said, “You’re looking better, baby.” “Thank you,” nodded Paradise.


Nurse Davis inhaled deeply, rubbed her brown cheek, and gingerly said, “I have something to tell you, it’s both good, and bad news. Here’s the bad news, I’m retiring in three days, and the good news, we have three more days together.” Paradise twisted her lips, flared her nostrils, and nodded, “I’m happy for you.” Nurse Davis smiled, looked around, and gave Paradise a note. The pink Post-It note had her telephone number written on it. Paradise smiled, took the telephone number, and sipped her apple juice slowly. After she had belched, she folded the note and hid it under the pillow. “Code Blue, Room 13, Code Blue, Room 13,” roared the announcer through the hospital’s speakers. When Paradise heard the words, “Room 13,” she shook like a nervous Teacup Yorkie (dog). Nurse Davis understood Paradise suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. So, she grabbed Paradise’s hand and whispered a special prayer. She said another prayer for her grandsons, Charlie-Boy, and the patient in Room 13. Code Blue meant the patient in Room 13, needed immediate resuscitation. Nurse Davis prayed for Charlie-boy because her gut said,


“He didn’t do what he said he did to Paradise.” Charlie-Boy drove Paradise to the Emergency Room. The arresting Police Officer accepted his unsolicited confession. Preston paid Charlie-Boy a lot of money to surrender. He helped Enchantment clean the hotel suite. Preston wrapped Paradise’s lifeless body in a blanket. Charlie-Boy had stolen a wheelchair from the hotel lobby. He put Paradise’s unresponsive body in the wheelchair. He rolled her into the elevator, and Enchantment calmly pushed the button. After the elevator doors had opened, he wheeled Paradise toward the employees’ exit. The Concierge had seen Charlie-Boy with Enchantment and noisily said, “Hey Charlie-Boy is everything okay?” “My girlfriend got extremely drunk, and she slipped into the bathroom, and…” “And say no more Pretty Lady. I’ll call the ambulance,” said the Concierge. “You don’t have to, Charlie’s off duty, so he’s taking us to the hospital. But, thank you for offering,” said Enchantment. “You’re welcome, and I should be thanking you. Because, my shift ends in fifteen minutes, I’m tired, and I’m ready to go home. If, we call the ambulance that means I’ll have to stay longer. And to be honest

130 SHEMA’YAH BEY with you, I was prepared to leave an hour ago,” said the Concierge. “Get home safe and have a good night,” said Enchantment caringly. “Thank you, Pretty Lady. I hope your friend feels better. Hey Charlie-Boy, I’ll see you tomorrow night?” said the bedazzled Concierge. Charlie-Boy nodded, retrieved his pick-up truck, and wheeled Paradise outside. He tossed Paradise’s battered body onto the truck’s flatbed. Enchantment closed the flatbed’s door, waved goodbye, and watched them race away. Charlie-Boy raced through several red traffic lights at maximum speed. He stopped abruptly in the ambulance section of the Mountain View Hospital. The pick-up truck’s missing brake pads screeched, “Please Hurry! Paradise is in terrible shape!” The horrified medical team put Paradise on a gurney and raced her into emergency surgery. They had stopped her internal bleeding before she bled out. While Paradise was in surgery, Charlie-Boy stood at the Nurses Station and played true confessions. “What happened?” roared Nurse Davis to Charlie- Boy. “I don’t know? We argued and I blacked-out,” said Charlie-Boy.


“What do you mean, you blacked-out?” said Nurse Davis. “I don’t know? I think the devil made me do it,” he said sorrowfully. “The devil made you do, what?!” shouted Nurse Davis. There was an undercover cop near the nurses’ station, and he overheard their conversation. The cop pretended to call his wife, and he happily said, “Hey Babe it’s me, they said Uncle Bob’s got the gout. I’ll be home in an hour.” The person on the other end of the telephone was his Desk Sergeant. He understood his inconspicuous message and dispatched three squad cars to the Mountain View Hospital. Charlie-Boy had Paradise’s blood on his clothes, and the undercover cop failed to wait for backup. “Las Vegas Police, put your hands up,” commanded the aggressive cop. The undercover cop startled Charlie-Boy, Nurse Davis stepped back, and the medical staff scrambled. Charlie-Boy honored his command and softly said, “I’m not resisting arrest.” The undercover cop was a bald Mexican, with pimples, and a bad temper. Charlie-Boy had seen the fire in his eyes, noticed his unholstered gun, and shouted,


“I surrender, I surrender!” “Turn around slowly and get on your knees,” commanded the Mexican cop. Charlie-Boy turned around slowly, got on his knees, and discovered more cops. They had their guns pointed at Charlie-Boy’s head and chest. “Put your hands on your head, and inner-lock your fingers,” yelled the Mexican cop. “I picked her up on the strip, we had an argument, and I lost it,” said Charlie-Boy. “And you beat her like that?!” said the furious Mexican cop. “I don’t know what happened? I just lost it,” said Charlie-Boy remorsefully. Two of the three Police Officers holstered their guns, and they yelled, “Oh, you like to beat-up women?!” “He’s moving,” shouted the Mexican cop. Charlie-Boy didn’t move, but they needed an excuse to beat him down. Somebody in the Emergency Room shouted, “Beat His Ass!” That unsolicited command forced the Mexican cop to read Charlie-Boy his Miranda rights. The cops stopped their legalized assault when Nurse Davis screamed, “Don’t kill him! Let him rot in jail!”


Charlie-Boy was handcuffed, dragged out of the hospital, and tossed into the squad car. After Paradise’s emergency surgery, the lead doctor ordered a sexual assault exam. When Nurse Davis discovered, the lab report mentioned, “No signs of sexual trauma.” She reflected on Charlie-Boy’s hands and wondered why they had no bruises. The Domestic Violence Counselor assigned to Paradise’s case realized Charlie-Boy and Paradise weren’t in a relationship. But, in private she told Nurse Davis, “He confessed. So, in my book he’s guilty.” The Clark County Prosecutor and the arresting Police Officers agreed with the Domestic Violence Counselor. The Criminal Court Judge agreed with her colleagues and Charlie-Boy was found guilty. Charlie- Boy received an Assault and Battery charge, no jail time, and a $1,000 fine. He also received $10,000 in cash from Preston for pleading guilty. Paradise’s unusual situation forced Nurse Davis to renew her gun license. Paradise didn’t have any identification when admitted to the hospital. So, the medical staff had her listed as Jane Doe. After Paradise regained consciousness, the doctor caringly said, “What’s your name? Do you know who you are?”


Paradise squinted because she didn’t know what name to use. So, the doctor wrongfully assumed, she had amnesia, and her status remained Jane Doe. The scab around her ring finger told the medical staff she was married. Nurse Davis checked the Missing Persons Database on the computer, and no one reported Paradise missing. So, the search for her missing husband was impossible. The nursing staff wondered if Paradise could talk because she never spoke.



Nurse Davis looked after Paradise as if she was her daughter. She braided Paradise’s two long Indian braids and watched her fall asleep. Nurse Davis removed Paradise’s food tray and walked toward the door. Suddenly and without warning, a young male nurse ran into Paradise’s room, and shouted, “Nurse Davis, I’ve got good news! Our Jane Doe is no longer Jane Doe. Her name is Angelina Ferrari Bridgewater now Sinclair. Ferrari, how ‘bout that? You go girl. Well. They say she’s a runaway bride, and her husband wants her back. So, he hired a private detective, and she turned up missing in Vegas Baby. Child, call me to glory! ‘Cus if this ain’t a real Lifetime movie, I don’t know what is? Did you hear me, Clara? Nurse Davis! Our Jane Doe is from the Capital City, and she’s from Washington, DC. Uhl, Honey, this is juicy…”


“Take your Juicy Ass out of here,” roared Nurse Davis. “Well, I figured you should know? Since, you-be- treating her like your dead daughter,” said the young effeminate male nurse called Juicy. Nurse Davis placed the food tray on the floor, looked at Juicy, and reached inside of her bra. She removed a straight razor, flared her nostrils, and calmly said, “Don’t make me cut you Juicy.” “Don’t kill the messenger,” he said jokingly. “I’m not playing with you,” said Nurse Davis angrily. “I didn’t mean to say that Ms. Clara, so I apologize. Oh yeah, he’ll be here in twenty minutes. I figured you should know,” said Juicy remorsefully. Nurse Davis returned her unopened straight razor to her bosom and looked at Paradise. “Ms. Clara, may I use your phone, please?” Paradise said softly. Nurse Davis looked surprised because Paradise hadn’t spoken since she arrived. Nurse Davis reached in her pocket, gave Paradise the mobile phone, and endearingly said, “Whoever you’ve got to call? I suggest you make it quick because your Ex is on his way.”


Paradise nodded, Nurse Davis stood by the door, and the elevator bell rang. The bell’s ping announced Preston’s unwanted presence on the hospital floor. Paradise called information, spoke to the Operator, and reached the Pontchartrain Hotel in New Orleans. “Hello,” said Paradise nervously. The receptionist on the other end of the telephone politely said, “Pontchartrain Hotel, how may I help you?” “Hello is Ms. Ida there?” whispered Paradise. “She’ll be in tomorrow. Can I help you?” “No. I mean yes. They destroyed my ID,” said Paradise sadly. “Who destroyed your ID,” said the receptionist curiously. “Tell her I’m reliving my thirteenth birthday,” said Paradise reluctantly. “Who is this?” said the agitated receptionist. “He’s coming…” “Who’s coming?!” said the frustrated receptionist. Paradise terminated the telephone call, and Preston entered the room, and Nurse Davis screamed, “HEY! WHO ARE YOU! AND HOW DID YOU GET PAST ME?!” “My name is Preston M. Sinclair, and Angelina is my wife.


Here's my ID and Angelina’s Passport,” he said coldly. Nurse Davis looked at Paradise, analyzed Angelina’s passport photo, and sorrowfully said, “Damn. This picture is you.” Preston snatched the passport out of Nurse Davis’ hand, and she boldly said, “I don’t care who you are, let me see your visitor’s pass.” Preston flashed his visitor’s pass and Paradise’s discharge papers. He stepped into Paradise’s personal space, and softly said, “It’s time to go.” Nurse Davis moved quickly, stepped in between them, and roared, “SIR, WILL YOU PLEASE STEP BACK!” Preston ignored her, and Paradise flinched, and Juicy screamed, “Don’t do it, honey!” Juicy stood in the doorway, with his hands on his hips, and Nurse Davis courageously said, “I’m not going to tell you again! BACK UP!” “Security, Security, Se-Cure-Rit-Tee,” yelled Juicy. Preston ignored her, stepped closer to Paradise, and whispered in her ear, “If, you don’t come with me now, I’m sending that tape to your trustee.” “Oh, you don’t want to listen,” said Nurse Davis angrily.


She reached inside of her bra, removed the straight razor, and flicked it open. Paradise’s eyes grew wide, Preston stepped back, and they heard, “Code Green Room 7, Code Green!” Code Green meant there was a combative person with a weapon in Room 7. Preston had seen Nurse Davis’ look before. She was prepared to do twenty-five to life for murder. So, he remained calm and waited for the hospital’s security to arrive. “Don’t do it, Clara, security is on the way,” said Juicy frantically. “BACK UP!” shouted Nurse Davis to Preston. Preston ignored Nurse Davis, and Officer Ford entered the room, and he calmly said, “Sir, will you please step back.” “Arrest this wife beater,” yelled Nurse Davis. “Calm down Clara,” said Officer Ford softly. The Security Guards surrounded Preston, he stepped back and turned slowly. Three muscular Security Guards with guns, pepper spray, and batons accompanied Officer Ford. “Angelina, grab your tings,” said Preston with a heavy West Indian accent. “What things? I don’t have any clothes,” said Paradise weakly. “I’ll get you some scrubs and flip-flops honey,” said Juicy.


Everyone in the room looked at Juicy in disbelief except Preston. The female Security Guard released the safety trigger on her gun, and empathically said, “Is this the person that put you in here?” Paradise dropped her head, and Preston raised his chin, and Nurse Davis shouted, “I know a damn wife beater when I see one!” Paradise’s eyes filled with water, the female Officer sucked her teeth, and Nurse Davis said, “I don’t know what kind of spell he got on you?” Preston stood like a soldier, Paradise trembled, and Officer Ford said, “Now, calm yourself, Clara.” “I am calm!” shouted Nurse Davis. “Aren’t you coming up on retirement?” said Officer Ford. “I retire in three days,” she said sternly. “Okay that’s good, that’s real good,” said Officer Ford soothingly. “I watched my dead daughter go thru this same shit!” said Nurse Davis angrily. “You don’t want to jeopardize your . Now, just think about them grandchildren of yours,” said Officer Ford diplomatically. “I am!” she said forcefully.


“Now, Clara! Everybody knows you can't save anybody, that ain’t trying to be saved,” said Officer Ford aggressively. Nurse Davis inhaled deeply, closed her straight razor, and Paradise tenderly whispered, “It’s okay. You can let me go.” Officer Ford looked at Preston and removed the straight razor from Clara’s hand. Juicy handed Paradise the scrubs and flip-flops. She closed the curtain, removed the hospital gown, and changed outfits. Paradise retrieved Ms. Clara’s telephone number from under the pillow. She opened the curtain, sat in the wheelchair, and Officer Ford yelled, “Timmons and Young, escort these two out of here!” Security Guards Timmons and Young walked behind Preston. The female Security Guard wheeled Paradise out of the room. “I’ll be praying for you,” said Nurse Davis tearfully. Paradise looked at Nurse Davis for the last time and softly said, “Thank you.”


19 FRENEMIES Uruk, Iraq

The Mardi Gras on Paradise Road in Sin City (Las Vegas, NV) housed Paradise. She needed an additional 2 ½ weeks to make a full recovery. In true psychotic fashion, Enchantment nursed Paradise back to health. Paradise discovered Preston went by the name of Sin. Enchantment had become Paradise’s new Frenemy. A ‘Frenemy’ was a fake friend, part time acquaintance, and a full-time enemy. Enchantment unknowingly answered Paradise’s unspoken question. She wanted to know how Sin collected his money. Paradise hated Preston the abusive blackmailer, also known as Sin. But, she

143 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL appreciated Enchantment’s unsolicited insight. Enchantment claimed Sin had mastered the science of Offshore Banking. His clients were instructed to wire transfer money to a dummy account. The Anglo Irish Bank in the United Kingdom held the dummy account. From that Banberry Branch in the United Kingdom, the money was wired to the Banca Commerciale Italiana (bank in France). From France, it was wired to the Bank of Antigua in the Caribbean. From Antigua, it reached its final destination. The East Caribbean Central Bank on the tiny Island of Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla. Paradise was confined to her room because she needed more time to heal. Sin placed Enchantment on guard duty. Her responsibility included feeding, clothing, and providing shelter for Paradise. Paradise touched every object Enchantment gave her. She hoped those psychometric objects contained the location of her sex tape. Paradise never had the gift of psychometry. So, her misguided search was a total waste of time. She understood her number one mission was survival. But, she hoped one of those objects held the key to her freedom. Psychometry was the ability to touch an inanimate object, and discover the facts about an event, or person.


Sin traveled to the ancient City of Uruk in Iraq with his, Sorcery and Occult Acquisitions Unit. The local rumor declared the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) discovered another secret chamber. The lost tomb of Gilgamesh concealed the secret chamber's location. Gilgamesh was two-thirds god, one-third human, and hero King of the ancient Babylonians (Iraqis). Hittite legend stated Gilgamesh the god- King was eleven cubits tall (16 to 18 feet). Sin’s Unit needed to liberate Gilgamesh’s magical scrolls. The Germans stole those magic scrolls first, and the French stole the scrolls from them. Sin hoped those magic scrolls held Gilgamesh’s rumored secret. His alleged secret was an easy way to resurrect the dead. If, those findings were true Sin planned to kill Paradise. Then he intended to give Enchantment the resurrection scrolls. She was scheduled to use that ancient knowledge to resurrect Angelina. The Sorcery and Occult Acquisitions Unit had never found those non-existent scrolls. So, Paradise knowingly or unknowingly got to live another day. Sin along with his “Unit” was forced to stay in Uruk, Iraq for another two weeks. While Enchantment waited for her brother Sin to return home. She had become the World’s Greatest Frenemy. Enchantment supported Paradise’s alcohol addiction with a smile. Her drink of choice was Remy Red


Cognac, combined with pain meds, and ice cubes. Enchantment credited Paradise’s apprehension to using magic to her magic spell. When Paradise wore those cursed Mardi Gras beads, she had sprung Sin’s diabolical trap. But, Enchantment failed to acknowledge Mr. Avi Weinberg’s contribution. Paradise’s magical incarceration worked because of Avi Weinberg. He had the power to give Paradise’s money away. That’s why she never attempted to run away. Blackmail was a powerful tool, and it worked like magic. Avi Weinberg was more than Paradise’s trustee. He was the vindictive man who controlled her financial fate. If, he discovered her sex tape, he had the power to liberate her money through litigation. By law, the Probate Court was authorized to take, litigate, and distribute Paradise’s money. The total value of Paradise’s personal Trust Fund was 1.2 million dollars. The total value of her family's fortune was 10.5 million dollars. Madame Montoyier made their family fortune from investments. The money she earned from spiritual work paid for real estate, stocks & bonds, and silent partnership in a Black hair care company. She was unable to buy those assets directly. So, she had hired Avi Weinberg to broker the deals. They had met in New Orleans on February 21, 1965. The assassination of Malcolm X in Harlem, New York took place on that same day.


Avi Weinberg understood Southern racism, prejudice white folks, and the Louisiana injustice system. So, he agreed to be Madame Montoyier’s proxy. She had paid him a lot of money to serve as her front man. But, that was the price she had to pay to be rich. Madame Montoyier had told Paradise how she met Avi Weinberg. But, she failed to mention Cicero Montoyier’s admonishment. The night before Madame Montoyier died, Cicero appeared in her dreams. In the Choctaw (Indian) language he forcefully said, “Talk to Paradise! And tell her, Avi Weinberg works for the secret police!” Cicero’s cryptic message meant Avi worked for the Mossad. That was the counterterrorism unit for the State of Israel. Madame Montoyier never told Paradise what her Great Grandfather said. Paradise had no knowledge of Avi Weinberg’s Israeli connection. From her point of view, Avi Weinberg was just a mean and hateful man. Paradise needed to destroy her sex tape before Avi Weinberg discovered it. So, she instituted the policy of Malcolm X. His policy demanded Paradise take her freedom, “By any means necessary.” Paradise consulted her opened bottle of Remy Red Cognac. The alcoholic beverage said,


“Your best course of action is buying your freedom from Enchantment.” Paradise questioned Remy Red’s plan, and sincerely said, “We need to find that sex tape first.” “I agree,” said Paradise, who spoke as Remy Red’s ventriloquist. The lethal combination of pain meds and Cognac caused Paradise to hallucinate. She looked inside of the empty bottle and gleefully said, “After you find the sex tape we’ll have to destroy it. Then I’ll need to meet Mr. Mean-Ass Weinberg. He’ll pretend to be nice, and I’ll talk sweet. He’ll reinstate my Trust Fund. I’ll look into his beady eyes, and softly whisper, thank you. Then I’ll pay Enchantment $100,000 for my freedom, and they’ll let me go.” The Spirit of Sobriety appeared out of nowhere and ruined Paradise’s hallucinated high. Her foolish conversation ended abruptly, and serious thoughts invaded her mind. Paradise understood she was handpicked to play the role of a murder victim. But, she wasn’t prepared to play the role of a murder victim. Paradise was forced to deal with her unpleasant emotions. She knew Enchantment wanted her dead. But, she knew Sin needed her alive. Paradise’s assignment was to raise Angelina from the

148 SHEMA’YAH BEY dead. When Enchantment came over for breakfast she boldly said, “I don’t like you,” said Enchantment. “The feeling is mutual,” thought Paradise. “After the full moon who knows what I’ll do to you?” said Enchantment. Paradise inhaled deeply because the full moon was three days away. Enchantment examined Paradise’s reaction, sucked her teeth and coldly said, “You’re a day away from turning your first trick.” The Spirit of Fear entered Paradise’s body but, she refused to show it. “I’m not a prostitute. So, I won’t be turning any tricks,” said Paradise fearlessly. “I have the key to Sin’s safety deposit box. If, you don’t comply, I’m going to mail Paradise Does Porn to your trustee,” said Enchantment gleefully. Paradise flared her nostrils, and Enchantment sarcastically said, “Yeah that’s what I thought!” Paradise wasn’t scared of Enchantment, but she feared Avi Weinberg. Enchantment toyed with Paradise like a puppet on a string. But, she received the greatest pleasure from stories about Sin. “Sin is known all over the world as the man from the Flower Shop,” said Enchantment. “Who cares?” thought Paradise.


20 DAY WALKERS Laos, Vietnam

Whenever Enchantment spoke about Sin, she received the greatest pleasure. So, Paradise’s disgusted look caused Enchantment to be enraged. She perceived her unhappy demeanor as blatant disrespect. Paradise perceived Enchantment’s unhappiness with a “Who Cares Attitude.” Enchantment took her “Who Cares Attitude,” very personal, and authoritatively said, “Do you remember saying, you’re better off extorting me for money? Well, your wish is my command, DUMMY! Now, you’re being extorted,

150 SHEMA’YAH BEY blackmailed, and pimped. Congratulations on being the dumbest Witch in America.” “I’m not a witch,” said Paradise courageously. “I know what you are! You’re my pretty bitch, and my street walking conjurer. This motel room plus your medical expenses aren’t free. What about those clothes, your food, and your favorite alcoholic drink? Those things cost money, and you ain’t paid a dime! So, you’ll be walking the track because you’re no longer an asset. You’re a liability! You can untwist your face! Because, I’m not the one who said, you can extort me for money! I’m not the one who said, do I look like the witch of Endor? I swear you’ve got to be the stupidest person in America! If, I knew how to raise Angelina from the dead, I swear, you’d be dead! You dumbass trick,” said Enchantment harshly. “I’m not a conjurer,” said Paradise emphatically. “Girl please,” said Enchantment emphatically. Enchantment’s definition of conjurer was a person who used magic to raise the dead. Paradise lacked the spiritual muscles to fight back. She needed her Tools to break their powerful spell. Since, she failed to get her magical weapons she had to hear Enchantment’s rant. “Like I said before, they called Sin the Flower Shop.


He solicited his clients through an FTD Advertisement. Rare and exotic flowers was the headline,” said Enchantment proudly. Paradise sat on the motel bed, covered her mouth, and listened intently. Enchantment took a deep breath, and voluntarily said, “He would place quarter page Ads in the New York Times, the South China Morning Post, and the San Pedro Sun newspapers. In case you were wondering those rare and exotic flowers were men, women and children.” Paradise acted as if that sick statement didn’t faze her. She figured those letters F.T.D. had nothing to do with flowers. Unlike the rest of the world, Sin’s wealthy clients understood F.T.D. stood for Fags, Tricks, and Drugs. Enchantment looked at Paradise with hatred in her eyes. Paradise discharged the tension with her dramatic performance and undeniable charm. “Does he have any family?” she said caringly. In true bi-polar fashion, Enchantment accepted her inquiry and happily said, “Sin’s mother was just like you.” “What do you mean?” said Paradise cautiously. “She was a prostitute just like you. His mother gave birth to him on the tiny Island of Saint Martin. His father was an honorably discharged African-


American merchant marine. He worked as a dishwasher on a tiny fishing boat in the French Caribbean.” “What year was he born? And I’m not a prostitute,” said Paradise. “Well after tomorrow you will be. His parents met in a bar around 1956. They had sex, she got pregnant, and they named him Preston. Around the end of 1962, his father returned to St. Martin. His parents had a repeat performance, she got pregnant, and they had a girl. She was born in the summer of 1963. Sin called his baby sister, Enchantment. But, my full name is Tina Enchantment Sinclair,” she said proudly. Paradise pretended she was a scribe in the Pharaoh’s court. She memorized every scandalous word that came out of Enchantment’s mouth. “Now, how they came to America was an interesting story. Our grandmother was a numbers runner in the District of Columbia. But she did Days Work in the home of a prominent Attorney. He worked in one of Washington, DC’s oldest Law Firms.One night our grandmother made a deal with the devil. That Attorney called in a favor. In 1965 under the Immigration and Nationality Act, we became Nationalized U.S. Citizens. Around 1972 or ‘73 my brother Sin was sent to the Vietnam War. They

153 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL stationed him in Laos,” said Enchantment informatively. Paradise did the math in her head, flared her nostrils, and shouted, “Damn! How old are you? And you’re Tina?!” “No shit Sherlock. You’re a Conjurer and a mathematician,” said Enchantment sarcastically. Paradise paused, her jaw dropped, and she stared in disbelief. She was visibly disturbed by Enchantment’s youthful appearance. She looked no older than 25, and Sin appeared to be in his mid-30s. Enchantment read Paradise’s body language, and quickly said, “We’re not Vampires if that’s what you’re thinking?” “I wasn’t,” said Paradise with a straight face. “Where was I? Oh yeah. That Attorney had our father murdered. My grandmother reneged on their deal, and they murdered my father,” Enchantment said angrily. Paradise failed to respond because Enchantment’s youthful appearance was unsettling. Enchantment was disturbed by Paradise’s lack of empathy. So, she sucked her teeth, opened the door, and abruptly walked out. Paradise slammed the door, pulled back the curtain, and mumbled, “I hope you burn in the Sunlight.”


Enchantment never heard Paradise’s Day-Walker accusation. Their youthful appearance made Paradise think Sin and Enchantment were Vampires. Paradise’s Vampire theory ended when Enchantment looked at the Sun. Paradise sucked her teeth when Enchantment failed to burst into flames. If, she was a Vampire the sunlight would have killed her. A Day-Walker was a Vampire, who walked in sunlight. When Paradise was a little girl, Madame Montoyier mentioned the Day-Walkers. In French she said, “Oral tradition says Day-Walkers are a myth because sunlight kills Vampires. Are you listening to me Is-ah-Bell- La?” So, Enchantment’s youthful appearance had Paradise extremely perplexed. Enchantment waited by the Motel’s Entrance for a taxi. Najma Patel, who was the Motel Manager, stood next to Enchantment. Paradise stepped out of her room and watched Enchantment ignore Najma. She appeared undisturbed by Enchantment’s rudeness. A yellow taxi approached Enchantment and Najma opened her door. “Thank you,” nodded Enchantment. “You’re Welcome,” nodded Najma. Enchantment got inside, and Najma closed the door, and the taxi driver smiled. Enchantment handed him a note; he grimaced, and they drove

155 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL away. Paradise watched their unusual exchange from her doorway. Najma waved at Paradise, she waved back and closed the door.


21 THE ANCESTORS Keor City, Atlantis

Paradise refused to lose her family’s fortune. Paradise had to make a choice between Spiritualism and prostitution. So, she decided to enter the world’s oldest profession because she needed spiritual supplies. She also had to reimburse Sin for his food, clothing, and shelter. Enchantment took Paradise’s or Angelina’s identification per Sin’s instructions. Angelina’s confiscated items served as their insurance policy. That insurance policy guaranteed Paradise wouldn’t run away. Paradise stayed because she needed more time to recover. Plus, she had no money, no identification,

157 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL and no sex tape. Paradise planned to use part of her “Trick’n” money at the local Botanica. A Botanica was a spiritual supply store. Paradise needed twelve black candles to destroy Sin. Paradise also needed resurrection oil, incenses, and a quartz crystal. Pimps and prostitutes used the term Trick'n. That magical word also stood for a variety of specialized sex acts. Paradise sat on the edge of her motel bed and desired another fate. She absorbed the melancholy moans transmitted through the tiny transistor radio. The local gospel station played a song by James Cleveland called, “What Shall I do?” When the choir sang, “What steps shall I take,” she thought of her father. Paradise hadn’t thought of Alonzo C. Mingo, in years. But, she reflected on what he’d said: “Ou merite sa ou tolere, ma douce,” whispered Alonzo to Nina. Paradise didn’t know Alonzo had repeated Aunt Ida’s quote to him. He combined Haitian Creole with French words of affection and caringly said, “You deserve what you tolerate, my sweet.” Paradise replayed Aunt Ida’s quote in her head, looked in the mirror, and softly said, “Ou merite sa ou tolere, ma douce.” Paradise understood that the Sinclair’s used ritual black magic to trap her. She understood that her family’s magical secrets could reverse their trap. Paradise asked God for angelic

158 SHEMA’YAH BEY protection and divine intervention. She was told to consult the World of Spirits. The voice inside of her head softly said, “Consult your Ancestors for the location of your sex tape.” Paradise shook her head in agreement and quieted her mind. She focused her attention on freedom and the Divine March. Paradise opened the dresser drawer, grabbed the Bible, and the telephone rang. She planned to ignore it, but something said, “You need to pick it up.” Paradise picked up the receiver of the antique, red, rotary telephone. “Hello,” said Paradise slowly. “It’s me. I’ll be there in an hour,” said Enchantment aggressively. Enchantment terminated the telephone call, and Paradise froze. She stood in momentary silence because Enchantment had never called before. Paradise snapped out of the daze, exhaled, and put the Bible on the nightstand. She grabbed a Styrofoam cup from the motel’s coffee maker. She filled the cup with sink water from the bathroom. Paradise placed the cup of water on the motel room floor. She removed the motel’s Bible from the nightstand. Paradise walked in a clockwise circle around the cup of water. She started to read the 23rd Psalm from the Gideon Bible. In the background, the gospel singer Mahalia Jackson sang. Mahalia soulfully

159 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL serenaded Paradise on her divine march. On low volume Mahalia sang, “Nearer My God to Thee.” Her powerful voice bellowed through the tiny transistor radio on the nightstand. “Yea, though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,” whispered Paradise. Mahalia stopped singing when Paradise said, “I will fear no evil.” Paradise followed Mahalia’s cue and stopped talking. She placed the open Bible under the lamp, pushed the nightstand away from the wall, and breathed deeply. Paradise connected her thumbs and forefingers together and made the shape of a triangle. She placed her triangle shaped fingers in front of her mouth. Then she took a deep breath and intently yelled, “Cicero Bo Pathach Sha'ar!” Paradise’s Hebrew command was, “Cicero, come through the gate.” “I’ve tolerated Enchantment, and Sin’s mistreatment, for far too long,” she told the force behind the invisible doorway. The voice inside of her head said, “The time has come for you to engage the Real Practice of Magic.” Paradise understood the command, bowed her head, and stepped back. Then she envisioned Madame Montoyier in her mind’s eye, and she clearly heard, “Quelle est la première règle de Spiritisme?”


“Do what you’re told,” mumbled Paradise. Madame Montoyier asked Paradise, “What’s the first rule of Spiritualism?” Paradise followed Madame Montoyier’s magical instructions like a soldier. Without hesitation or mental reservation, she invoked her Guardian Spirit. Paradise opened the inter-dimensional doorway between our world and the World of Spirits. The lights inside of Paradise’s motel room flickered. An Orb of white light magically appeared in front of her eyes. She stepped back, and the Orb spun quickly. Its yellowish light sparkled like a Fourth of July sparkler. The Orb’s golden sparks were extremely bright. They were so bright she had to shield her eyes. Paradise lowered her hands when the room vibrated. An indescribable illumination replaced the sparkly Orb. Paradise recalled her teenaged statement to Madame Montoyier: “The illumination looks like heat waves or shimmery water Mom-Mom.” “Ce est une porte d'entrée vers un autre monde, Is-ah-Bell-La,” said Madame Montoyier. Madame Montoyier told Paradise it was the gateway to another world. Those heat waves swirled around the atmospheric distortion in the room. Paradise stepped back when her Great Grandfather

161 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL stepped out of the circular doorway. Cicero Montoyier appeared to be in his mid-eighties. He wore his late 1880s fancy blue business suit. Cicero had the unbelievable ability to recall his prior incarnations. When Madame Montoyier was sixteen years old, Cicero said, “Is-ah-Bell-La, I was one of the original members of the Shemsu Hor.” Madame Montoyier’s full name was Isabella Rosemarie Montoyier. Paradise and Madame Montoyier shared the same name. The Shemsu Hor was the Disciples of Horus and the Keepers of the magical secrets. Thoth the Atlantean recorded those magical secrets. Thoth was the father of Auset (Isis). Auset married Ausar (Osiris). Their son was Heru (Horus), the last real god of ancient Egypt. Horus’s grandfather was Thoth, the arbitrator of godly disputes. Thoth was also known as Tehuti the Navigator of the Celestial Boat. Madame Montoyier told Paradise the Celestial Boat was an ancient Spaceship. Tehuti lived in the ancient City of Keor. He walked the Great Halls of Amenti with the ancient Lords of Light. The City of Keor was on the Island of Undal in the circular ring of Atlantis. When Madame Montoyier was a little girl, Cicero casually had said,


“Thousands of years ago, Atlantis was destroyed by the Rama Empire. The Nagas started the Rama Empire. According to the tablets, the Nagas came from the land of Burma to rule India. Thoth the Magician fled Atlantis before the City of Keor was destroyed.” Cicero spoke the Native American language called, “Choctaw.” He also spoke English and French, but he preferred Choctaw. He spoke the indigenous tongue to memorialize Madame Montoyier’s murdered mother. When Madame Montoyier turned nineteen, Cicero said, “Serpent-headed beings disguised as men, corrupted the Atlantean Empire.” “Only by sound could their serpent faces be seen,” said Madame Montoyier to Paradise in French. Paradise had received that information when she was sixteen years old.



As a member of the Shemsu-Hor, Cicero had received the magical Sound or Voice of Light. The Voice of Light's synonym was the Divine Word. Three days before his death, Cicero gave the Divine Word to Madame Montoyier. He died at the age of 101 years old, in Faubourg Treme, Louisiana. Madame Montoyier gave Nina the Voice of Light. But, she never gave the magical sound to Paradise because of her age, and bad attitude. Paradise attempted to find the lost “Word,” when she was seventeen years old. She focused her attention on Thoth’s Emerald Tablet number 8. Paradise understood ancient Mystics never wrote their real magical secrets in books. In private

164 SHEMA’YAH BEY they were whispered, from teacher to student, and from mouth to ear. Paradise wasn’t worried about the lost Word because she found another treasure, and his name was Cicero Montoyier. Cicero stepped through the atmospheric gateway. He looked around, dusted himself off, and frowned. He surveyed the room, discovered Paradise, and smiled. Cicero focused his attention on the tiny transistor radio. He flared his nostrils and wondered what century he was visiting. Paradise clapped her hands lightly to get his attention. He looked at Paradise, rubbed his neck, and appeared to inhale. Cicero looked at Paradise in disbelief. She stared back with equal intensity. Paradise raised her left hand and placed her right hand over her heart. Cicero nodded his head slightly and winked his light brown eye, and Paradise smiled. He appeared to accept her allegiance into the “Ancient Order of Mystical Arts.” They never spoke, but they stared at each other in eerie silence. Paradise was startled by the unexpected knock on her door. Cicero stepped backward into the inter-dimensional doorway. Paradise clapped her hands three times, and the gateway closed. “Sä-thar' ha Sha'ar!” shouted Paradise. She told Cicero to close the gate, and he closed the gate. He understood her Hebrew command because

165 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL he gave that command to Madame Montoyier. She had taught that ancient science to Nina and Paradise in the backwoods of Amite, Louisiana. Enchantment approached Paradise’s motel room slowly. She had in her possession, a large liquor bottle, a small garment bag, Angelina’s Passport, and her Marriage Certificate. The garment bag contained a neatly folded red cocktail dress and a new pair of red high-heeled shoes. Enchantment happily sang, “I Put a Spell on You,” by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins. Two mischievous white children approached Enchantment. She had seen they were very upset. Paradise's neighbors caused their uncontrolled anger. Her neighbors refused to open their door to those two creepy kids. The pale-skinned, blonde-haired boy appeared to be seven or eight years old. The freckled face red-headed girl appeared to be twelve years old. They weren’t normal children as their eyeballs were completely black. Enchantment stood strong, blinked her snaky eyes, and hissed like a cat. Those devilish children turned quickly, stomped their feet, and ran away. Enchantment slapped her hand next to the number thirteen, on Paradise’s burgundy door. “Who is it?” said Paradise. “Girl, it’s me. Open up,” said Enchantment aggressively.


Paradise opened her motel room door slowly. Enchantment attempted to walk inside, but Paradise blocked the entrance. “You’re not welcome here,” said Paradise. “Girl Please! Let me in,” said Enchantment demandingly. “What do you want?” said Paradise fearlessly. “Look at you! You’ve finally grown some balls,” said Enchantment sarcastically. Paradise continued to block the entrance into her motel room. Enchantment looked at Paradise through her human-shaped eyes. Paradise rolled her eyes, and Enchantment tenderly touched Paradise’s face. Paradise recoiled in relatable disgust, and shouted, “DON’T TOUCH ME!” “Uhl! Girl, look at you. You’ve healed so nicely,” said Enchantment creepily. “Give me that,” yelled Paradise. Paradise snatched the liquor bottle out of Enchantment’s manicured hands. Then she attempted to slam the door into Enchantment’s face. Enchantment used her foot, stopped the door, and saved her pretty face. Enchantment adjusted her emerald-studded nose ring, sucked her teeth, and said, “Girl Please! Invite me in. So, I can tell you about Angelina.”


Paradise stood aside. Enchantment walked in slowly, and Paradise closed the door. She tossed the high-heels, the garment bag, Marriage Certificate, and Angelina’s Passport on the bed. Enchantment surveyed the room, discovered the open Bible, and heard Mahalia’s voice. Enchantment squinted, and Paradise squinted because the radio blared. Paradise scratched her head, turned the radio off, and boldly said, “Whatever you’ve got to say, make it quick.” “Oh, I see you must be in a hurry to turn this trick,” said Enchantment derisively. Paradise remained silent. She removed the Bible from the nightstand, flipped through the pages, and ripped out the 109th Psalm. “Oh, you don’t want to go to war with me,” said Enchantment harshly. “Trust and believe you’re going to be my bitch in the afterlife,” said Paradise. “We’ll see who gets there first. In two days, there’s a full moon, and you’ll conjure Angelina’s spirit from the dead,” said Enchantment. “Do I look like Jesus? How many times do I have to tell Y'all? I don’t know a damn thing about conjuring spirits,” said Paradise angrily.


Enchantment looked at Paradise like she had three heads. “Girl Please! We know you inherited more than your grandmother’s fortune. After you turn this trick, you’re going to raise Angelina’s spirit from the dead,” said Enchantment. “AND IF I DON’T!” said Paradise boldly. “I’LL KILL YOU!” shouted Enchantment. Paradise held the Absolut Vodka bottle by the neck and tightened her grip. Then she raised the bottle over her head like it was an Axe. Paradise was prepared to crush Enchantment’s skull. Enchantment anticipated her move, stepped aside and opened the curtain. Paradise dropped the liquor bottle because they had witnesses. The motel’s patrons stared at the taxi driver in disbelief. He parked in front of Paradise’s ground floor window. He discontinued the honks when he saw Enchantment through the window. Enchantment chuckled, and sarcastically said, “That taxi’s for you, Dummy. Now, Go on and Get! You’re flying to Jersey, and you’re going to turn this high priced trick.” Paradise looked disgusted, grabbed the items, and snatched Angelina’s Passport. She picked up the liquor bottle. Enchantment opened the door, and


Paradise walked out. Enchantment poked her head out of the door, and insultingly yelled, “And don’t you worry, I’ll lock up. Oh yeah! If, you forget to come back, I won’t forget to mail your package.” Paradise looked gruff, flicked her middle finger, and Enchantment returned the gesture. The irritated driver opened the back door of the taxi. Paradise got inside, closed the door, and exhaled violently. He got behind the wheel, slammed the door, and never spoke. He removed Paradise’s round-trip ticket from his tattered jacket. She snatched the airline ticket from his hairy hand. He belched, rolled down the window, and spat. Paradise flared her nostrils, kicked his seat, and he belched again. He adjusted the mirror, put the taxi in reverse, and slammed on the brakes. Paradise fell forward, sucked her teeth, and slumped back. She wasn’t hurt, but her ego had a bad bruise. He smiled, she frowned, and they sped away.


23 ROOKIE AGENTS Absecon, New Jersey

Paradise was fifteen minutes outside of Atlantic City, New Jersey. She sat quietly in the back seat of a chauffeured Lincoln Town Car. Her chauffeur abruptly slammed the brakes to avoid an accident. Paradise opened her eyes and saw the adorable Caucasian couple. Those love-struck newlyweds were crisis management actors. They were sent by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) to protect Paradise’s escort. The chauffeur honked his horn harshly. The wife pretended to be upset. Her husband returned to the curb, and she smiled, and they waved apologetically. “Apology accepted,” nodded the chauffeur.


Paradise tapped the Plexiglas, and the chauffeur opened the partition. He removed his tweed driver’s cap, wiped the sweat from his brow, and apologetically said, “I’m a better driver than this.” “It’s okay. They weren’t paying attention. Is this the Pitney House?” said Paradise. “Yes, we’re in Absecon, New Jersey. And I want to apologize again, for my tardiness. I underestimated the traffic coming out of Philadelphia,” he said remorsefully. “It’s okay,” nodded Paradise. “What time is it?” said Paradise curiously. “Its 9:30, in the morning. It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it?” Paradise, who failed to respond, looked out the window and discovered a few more couples. The chauffeur recognized her genuine intrigue and informatively said, “The Pitney House is a ten-room, Victorian-style Bed & Breakfast. In my opinion, it’s the best private get-a- way outside of Atlantic City.” Paradise smiled, unfolded the 109th Psalm, and slowly read the sixth verse. “Set thou a wicked man over them: and let Satan stand at their right hand.”


The chauffeur heard Paradise’s whisper, coughed nervously, and said, “We’re here.” Paradise continued to read, which frightened him even more. He took a deep breath, handed Paradise a yellow Post-It Note, and timidly said, “They told me to give this to you.” Paradise refused to look up. She grabbed the note and nodded, “Thank you.” “Help me, O Lord my God: and save me according to thy mercy,” whispered Paradise. The note’s message disturbed Paradise, but she never flinched. The creator of the scribbled note used a red felt-tip pen. Paradise re-read the cryptic communication, over, and over again. “Pick a side,” wrote the unseen stalker. She looked confused, folded the note, and the Bible passage. Paradise stored those priceless pieces of paper in the garment bag. She had no clue that Dixie May Johnson had written the mysterious message. Dixie May had attended Paradise’s arranged marriage in St. Maarten. Paradise tossed a complimentary airplane mint into her mouth. She sucked the candy, smacked her lips, and swallowed the juice. The chauffeur stepped out of the car, ran to Paradise’s side, and opened the door. She stepped out slowly, looked around slowly, and walked away slowly.


“BE WELL!” he shouted nervously. Paradise walked inside the Pitney House, looked around, and saw three Caucasian couples. They were ONI Agents, disguised as vacationers. Those well- staged actors shared casual conversation. They also enjoyed gourmet coffee, savory pastries, and fresh fruit. Upon further investigation, Paradise discovered Victorian paintings, English relics, and Earl Gray tea. The ONI took over the Pitney House to protect General Andrew J. Hardwick. He was the handsome man whom Paradise was scheduled to meet. General Hardwick approached Paradise from the interior stairwell. He was Caucasian, in his late sixties, and extremely fit. Paradise looked at his casual dress and realized she was overdressed. She was wearing the form-fitted, red, cocktail dress, with no undergarments, and red high-heeled shoes. He wore the traditional white shirt, navy blue pants, and military black shoes. General Hardwick was pleasantly pleased with Paradise’s physical appearance. She’d replaced her two Indian braids with a pulled back ponytail. He touched her elbow lightly, smiled, and flirtatiously said, “That’s a new look for you Angelina, and I like it. It’s so Sade. Your lateness made me very upset. But,

174 SHEMA’YAH BEY all is forgiven, because your beauty made the wait even sweeter.” Sade was the beautiful British Nigerian soul singer from London, England. General Hardwick’s “Even Sweeter,” statement made Paradise cringe. She kept a straight face, pretended to blush, and he smiled. His magnetism caused her to lean forward. He grabbed her hands gently, and she smiled, and he kissed her cheek. He released her hands before she could read his mind. General Hardwick licked his lips and lustfully said, “Forgive me, Angelina. I keep forgetting you’re married. So, I guess I’ll have to call you Mrs. Sinclair, from now on. I must say, it’s nice to see you again. And, I do realize this is a business meeting and NOT a social visit.” “Okay,” nodded Paradise. Paradise figured he stressed “NOT a social visit,” on purpose. She believed his purpose proclaimed she wasn’t a prostitute. He wanted the Rookie Agents to know the Office of Naval Intelligence didn't sanction prostitution. Those Senior Agents were professional actors. They pretended that Paradise wasn’t a prostitute, and General Hardwick was on official business.


“Are you hungry? I’m hungry. How was your flight? I reserved the Jonathan room so we can talk in private,” said General Hardwick tenderly. Paradise followed General Hardwick up the twisted stairs. He entered the room on the right side of the pale blue wall. Paradise moved cautiously, surveyed the room, and anxiously said, “Let’s get this over with.” He looked at Paradise in disbelief, closed the door, and nonchalantly said, “You can relax. I know you’re not her. A ruthless Columbian drug cult killed the real Angelina. She was a human sacrifice to their beloved Santa Muerta.” Paradise didn’t know how to play it, so she remained silent. But, she wondered, “Why was Angelina involved with Drug Traffickers, and Santa Muerta the Holy Saint of Death?” “Do you have something for me?” he said inquiringly. Paradise opened the garment bag, inhaled deeply, and gave him the bottle of Absolut Vodka. “Thank you,” he said sincerely. “You’re welcome,” she nodded. He stored the liquor bottle in a foam-lined metal briefcase. He placed the metal briefcase next to his black satchel. The newly painted wooden door served as the strategic location of the black satchel. Paradise

176 SHEMA’YAH BEY gulped, sat on the bed, and swiped her hand across the comforter. “Can we get this over with?” she said morbidly. “Personally, I’m into asphyxiation,” he said candidly. Paradise’s jaw dropped, and her eyes filled with water. She needed the money, but she had no intentions on being choked. General Hardwick read her body language and smiled. He realized she wasn’t into asphyxiation. Paradise had a no chokehold policy. She breathed a sigh of relief when he nonchalantly said, “I have no intentions of choking or screwing you. Your purpose for being here is far greater than that. And by the way, Sin was right...” “Right about what?” said Paradise apprehensively. “In addition to being beautiful, I must say, you do look like her. Personally, I liked Angelina. She was a good woman, but a poor decision maker. Well, never mind all of that. It’s all about you now. Now come to the table and let’s eat,” he said kindly. Paradise stood quickly, walked to the table and sat down. She had no intention of eating because she wasn’t hungry. The decorated table had a colorful collection of fresh fruits, pastries, and gourmet coffee. “How do you know Sin?” said Paradise nervously.


“First and foremost, my name is General Andrew J. Hardwick. We were running drugs through Laos back in ‘73. Sin was an odd fellow, but he was deceptively smart. He had just arrived in Vietnam, and I was shipping out in six months. He spoke fluent Vietnamese in less than two months. And don’t get me started on his Thai accent. It's worth noting I got his cherry popped,” he said proudly. “What do you mean?” said Paradise curiously. He sipped his coffee, adjusted his posture, and seriously said, “We just left a Vietnamese brothel, it was nighttime, and we went off the reservation. We followed the Mekong River…” “Why are you telling me this?” said Paradise. “Are you in a hurry to go back?” he said inquiringly. “No. But, why am I here?” said Paradise curiously. “You’ll know soon enough,” he said reassuringly. “Are you going to kill me?” said Paradise sadly. “Heavens no, you’re more valuable alive than dead,” he said sincerely.


24 THE DEVIL’S BREATH Mekong River, Thailand

Paradise looked into General Hardwick’s green eyes. He never blinked, Paradise squinted, and he grabbed an apple. General Hardwick wiped his McIntosh apple on the green linen napkin. He took a large bite, chewed royally, and wiped the juice from his thin lips. Paradise studied his movements, craved French vanilla coffee, and respectfully said, “Was there a point to your Vietnamese River story?” He squinted, studied Paradise’s movement, and candidly said, “We followed the Mekong River. The Mekong River separated Laos from Thailand’s Nongkhai

179 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL province. We were deep in the jungle, Sin walked point, and I carried the drugs.” “I thought drug running was illegal?” said Paradise curiously. General Hardwick furrowed his brow and placed the half eaten apple on the table. His body language said, “That was a long time ago. And where’s your proof and who’d believe you?” “So what happened next?” said Paradise curiously. “That night was uncomfortably quiet. Sin signaled us to stop. We heard a disturbance in the water. I thought it was a Naga fireball. But it wasn’t. What we saw wasn’t from this world. Viet Cong were everywhere, but they didn’t engage us. There were two other men with us, Lex Shakur, and JC the Daylight Assassin. Sin and Lex called him the blue- eyed devil. Dem’ boys couldn’t-been no older than sixteen or seventeen. Well, Sin raised his right fist, we squatted, and his ‘Dollar Sign’ tattoo appeared to glow. We turned our attention toward the Mekong River. The river boiled and large water rings appeared. Lavender mist the size of a semi-truck rose above the water. In disbelief, we watched that mystical mist morph into a triangle shaped UFO. The alien spacecraft had the appearance of translucent glass. A bluish-white glow surrounded the extraterrestrial vehicle. On the belly of the foreign

180 SHEMA’YAH BEY spaceship were four lights. The center light was the largest, it pulsated and glowed red. The corner lights were plasma yellow. I heard Lex scream; Oh shit! Let’s get the Hell out of here! So, we ran deeper into the jungle. The Viet Cong had us surrounded but, they refused to engage us. I figured they were just as afraid as we were. What happened next was light- years beyond believable. That alien spaceship used an electromagnetic weapon against us. The Viet Cong ran in every direction, tree tops exploded, and debris fell everywhere. At that moment in time, I was scared shitless. But something told me to turn around, and against my will I turned around. What I saw turned my life around. The triangle shaped UFO hovered over the Mekong River. It sucked a tremendous amount of water into the center light. The night sky opened, and the UFO flew inside the inter-dimensional doorway. The sky closed, and the alien spaceship disappeared without making a sound,” said General Hardwick. Paradise remained motionless and stared in disbelief. General Hardwick was undisturbed by her disbelief. He poured himself another cup of coffee, took a sip, and said, “After that experience, I joined Naval Intelligence, and Sin went into Special Forces. Alien retrieval, real Men in Black type shit. But, his team specialized in

181 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL black magic, and the acquisition of magical manuscripts, primitive relics, and ancient rituals.” Paradise’s eyes grew wide, and she leaned forward, and confusedly whispered, “What does that have to do with me?” “What do you think? For someone to be so smart, you’re not too bright,” he said sarcastically. Paradise flinched, gulped, and dejectedly said, “Wow. That hurt.” “Eat something,” he said commandingly. “I’m not hungry,” she said sadly. “How about some coffee,” he said encouragingly. “Not thirsty,” she said gloomily. “All come on, don’t be so sensitive, and I didn’t mean anything by it. I’ve got plenty of food, and I hate eating alone,” he said sincerely. “I’m not hungry. Plus, I don’t know you, so, I’ll pass on the food. On second thought, IF you answer my question, I’ll have an apple,” she said probingly. “Okay fine. I’ll entertain it. What’s your question,” he said curiously. “If, you and Sin were in the Vietnam War, why does he look so young, and you look so old?” said Paradise sincerely. “That’s a fair enough question. He claimed he had good genes, but that was a half truth. Over the years the Defense Intelligence Agency suspected something

182 SHEMA’YAH BEY was wrong. I aged, and he maintained his youthful appearance. To help avoid scrutiny and congressional inquiries his medical records were sealed. All of the scientists, who’ve worked on his case, have been suicided. His true identity had remained a mystery. The Government classified his status above top secret. Now, don’t get me wrong, Sin’s an evil man, but he’s a necessary evil. Do you know what I mean? Are you okay? You haven’t blinked since I’ve started talking, are you following me?” he said. “Kind of, well not really,” said Paradise confusedly. “Okay, let me explain it another way. Number one, I hate Sin just as much as you do. Number two, he only cared about two people, and one of them is dead,” he said plainly. “Let me guess? Angelina and Enchantment,” said Paradise dryly. “That’s right, so you’ve met his baby sister Tina? Pretty Gal, but she’s crazy as all Hell. Well, I paid Sin a lot of money to meet you. He thought I wanted you for sex, but nothing could be further from the truth. We need your help…” “Help doing what? I can’t help myself,” said Paradise coyly. “Please forgive me. I’ve gotten ahead of myself. Point number three, every object has a time lock, and

183 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL his kind has a third strand of DNA. After the second scientist had got suicided, we discovered his third strand wasn’t DNA. The third strand was a god- damn serpentine shaped parasite! He had the genetic blueprint of a damn parasitic serpent. It was see thru silver with a protein coat and tiny dragon feet. It’s my opinion; Sin inherited his superior intelligence from a goddamn serpent-being. Sin’s a god-damn Naga, or at the very least a descendant. Un-freak’n believable, he’s a goddamn snake. Are you satisfied? Now, eat up,” he said. “Yes,” nodded Paradise. She inhaled deeply, grabbed an apple, and curiously said, “What’s a time lock?” “Wow. You’re just full of questions aren’t you?” he said engagingly. “Yes,” said Paradise softly. She cautiously bit the Red Winesap apple, and it crunched loudly, and he intriguingly said, “You have a cotton candy covered voice…” “Yes, I know. It’s light and sweet just like this Apple. My mother’s voice was lighter than mine. My grandmother’s voice was just the opposite. Well never mind all of that, what’s a time lock?


And why does this apple taste so sweet?” said Paradise concernedly. General Hardwick snapped his fingers, furrowed his brow, and softly said, “You’re not the brightest star in the sky.” All of the food items on the table he laced with a powerful drug. His coffee and sliced apple were the only safe items to eat and drink. “You’re not the brightest star in the sky,” was used as a hypnotic command. Paradise bit the apple again, breathed normally and inquiringly said, “What’s in this? Why does it taste so sweet?” “It’s a poison apple,” said General Hardwick nonchalantly. “You poisoned me?” said Paradise skeptically. “I had to,” he said remorsefully. “Why? Why would you do that?!” she said nervously. “It’ll wear off soon,” he said calmly. “Okay does this poison apple have a name?” she said indifferently. “Scopolamine,” he said casually. “You gave me the Devil’s Breath?” she said shockingly. “Yes, it’s the real thing! Columbia’s very own Borondongo a/k/a the Devil Breath,” he said proudly.


“Why’d you give me the Devil’s Breath?” she said disgustedly. “I gave you a low dosage. Plus, I studied your file. If, you were sober-minded, you’d never do, what I need you to do,” he said apologetically. “I understand. What’s my assignment?” she said compliantly. “You’ll know soon enough,” he said instructively. “Okay,” said Paradise unceremoniously. The Devil’s Breath eliminated Paradise’s free will. She was drugged to serve General Hardwick’s will and pleasure. Paradise was like a stalked college student under the influence of Ruthie. Ruthie was the code word for “Rohypnol.” Rohypnol was the academics date rape drug. General Hardwick remained stoic, sipped his coffee, and waited for Paradise’s reaction. “Who are you? What’s a time lock? And why are you helping me?” she said consciously. “What’s a time lock? Wow? Okay. I’ll entertain your curious question. Every object in existence has a time lock. That means the moment something was created it was assigned a base time. In other words, all physical objects have or had a life cycle. Those life cycles were determined or marked by birth, and death,” he said informatively.


“So, a time lock is a geometric configuration or shape? Aren’t shapes entangled systems of rotation? So, we’re talking harmonics and the engineering of local space-time?” “Woe. I have no idea how you got there? But, you’re truly smarter than your file reports you to be. Now, don’t get me wrong, your book learning was off the charts. As far as your common sense goes? Let’s just say you need more work in that area. Well, you asked who I am. I’m a Good Ol’ Boy from Alabama, raised by Yankees. Like I said before, my name is Andrew J. Hardwick. I’m a two star General, employed by Naval Intelligence. I was assigned to your case a year after your grandmother’s death. They wanted your mother Nina, but she abandoned the science of your people. I guess she found it more Fit’n to worship our white Jesus. Shortly after that, well, I guess you know the rest of that story,” he said sarcastically.



General Hardwick’s sarcastic comment about Nina angered Paradise. She quickly discovered her mother’s mental illness was a magnet. Nina had knowingly drawn the attention of the Intelligence Community. Paradise had unknowingly drawn the attention of General Hardwick. The World’s Scariest Drug (scopolamine) had knowingly attracted the Spirit of Rage. That powerful force caused Paradise to defend Nina vehemently. She stood, grabbed the coffee pot, and prepared to give him a third-degree burn. He stayed calm, motioned with his green eyes, and she followed his gaze. Paradise returned the coffee pot, sat back down, and angrily said, “Look here Devil! You don’t talk about my mother, mention my mother or think about my mother. Matter of fact, you can just shut the Hell Up!”


“You SHUT UP! And listen! I’m in the goddamn pilot seat! Matter of fact I was the pilot of the Starship Eisenhower. Believe it or not US Naval Space Command had assigned me to your case. So, you better show me some goddamn respect!” he shouted angrily. Paradise had surrendered her will to the Devil’s Breath. She stared at General Hardwick in disbelief. He was disturbed by her disbelief. So, he pointed his middle finger at the framed picture. The portrait sized picture sat on top of the fireplace. Paradise looked hazily at the fireplace, sucked her teeth, and laughed. She rubbed her eyes, wiped her mouth, and stared at the picture again. The wooden framed photograph was General Hardwick in his military uniform. He stood next to a tiny Grey alien. They shook hands, and he scowled, and the Grey appeared to smirk. A plastic statue of a praying mantis sat next to the photograph. He placed the toy insect behind his large silver disk shaped UFO (toy). Paradise mockingly said, “Insectoids, UFOs, and a Secret Space Program, yeah right! You could have saved that Unbelievable Story! And you expect me to believe the Breakaway Civilization is real? Seriously?! Even if your story was true, your story didn’t sound believable.”


“We’ll blame your disbelief on the Scopolamine. If, my story was so unbelievable, why was the black budget created to deal with the UFO phenomena? Now, I’m not easily rattled, but you done hit a raw nerve. So, you’re going to play the role of my Priest, and this is my confessional. We corrected the equation, adjusted our calculations and achieved Star Trek flight years ago. Counterfeit Bearer Bonds financed our off world adventures. I’m talking an astronomical amount of unbelievable money. Un- freak’n believable! And one more thing! My story is no more unbelievable than your story,” he said irritably. “What’s my story?” said Paradise hazily. “You know the secret to capturing the human soul,” he said seriously. “Homme, vous devez être fou,” mumbled Paradise. “Young lady, I’m far from Crazy! It’s rumored you know the secret to weaponizing the dead. Catching spirits, enslaving souls, and killing enemies with ghosts? Now, that’s an unbelievable story, but I believe it,” he said bluntly. Paradise looked stunned, her eyes closed, and the Devil’s Breath induced her trance. The words “Enslaving Souls,” combined with the Scopolamine, sent her back in time. She saw herself in the humid

190 SHEMA’YAH BEY swamps of New Orleans. She was twelve years old, with two long Indian braids, and tangerine barrettes. Paradise stood next to Madame Montoyier, and it was a very sunny day. They wore purple robes, with long sleeves, and oversized hoods. “What are we doing out here Mom-Mom,” said the young Paradise. In French Madame Montoyier instructively said, “Hush child and pay attention.” “There’s, Gators out her Mom-Mom,” she said nervously in French. “Ces alligators ne seront pas nous nuire,” said Madame Montoyier confidently. She told young Paradise those alligators wouldn’t harm them. Young Paradise watched the alligators and realized they served as protection. Madame Montoyier held a funeral Urn wrapped in a thick black cloth. The Urn had an anointed white chord tied around the top. Young Paradise watched Madame Montoyier stabilize her bowed legs. Paradise planted her feet firmly on the banks of the New Orleans swamp. “Restez derrière moi,” commanded Madame Montoyier. “I am Mom-Mom. I’m standing behind you,” she said obediently in French.


The Urn shook violently in Madame Montoyier’s powerful hands. Young Paradise understood the unseen force was extremely aggressive, and very upset. “Your Aunt-tee Ida fed it blood,” said Madame Montoyier, in French. Young Paradise remained silent, looked at the Urn, and in French Madame Montoyier said, “Is-a-Bell-La, never Give it blood! Remember, this Urn contains the captured soul of our enemy. And if your man in the bottle ever becomes unruly…” “The Urn is shaking,” yelled young Paradise in French. Young Paradise broke her vow of silence, stepped back, and heard repetitive thumps. She looked at Madame Montoyier, and the alligators growled, and the birds flew away. All of God’s creatures in the immediate area were agitated. They heard the disembodied Spirit’s moans and groans. The horrific voice of a demonically possessed man echoed through the trees. Madame Montoyier along with Paradise ignored the disembodied spirit’s Southern hatred and Irish accent. “You black witch! Is é an ceann beag mianach!” screamed the hateful Spirit. “The little one is mine!” said the disembodied Spirit in Irish.


Madame Montoyier looked at young Paradise, and in French she commandingly said, “If, your man in the bottle becomes unruly, expose him to the Sun! Do you hear me Is-a-Bell-La?! Expose him to the Sun, and you'll destroy his soul forever!” Madame Montoyier opened the Urn, and Paradise jumped back, and a shadowy man leaped out. They heard a loud screech, sizzled flesh, and a single pop. In less than a second the Sunlight destroyed the captive’s soul. Madame Montoyier’s former prisoner was a hated Creole. In addition to being an evil white man, he was Alonzo’s father and Paradise’s grandfather. Alonzo’s father had brutally raped his mother. The State of Louisiana’s injustice system refused to prosecute the brutal rapist. A few hours after Alonzo was born his mother committed suicide. She slit her throat with the straight razor used to cut Alonzo’s umbilical cord. He grew up in the Monroe Parish Foster Care System. The New Orleans Negro newspaper had reported his mother’s gut retching story. Madame Montoyier discovered the story, cried, and vowed to avenge her death. Madame Montoyier’s mother was brutally raped and murdered by the Night Riders. Those specific “Night Riders,” were racist white cops from Amite, Louisiana.


Madame Montoyier's mother got murdered when she was two years old. Madame Montoyier was four months pregnant with Nina when Alonzo’s mother committed suicide. She didn’t know Alonzo’s mother. But, after the funeral, she went to the cemetery and spoke to Charlie-Boy. He was her deceased twin, who died at the age of five. She gave him instructions along with toys and gingerbread cookies as payment. The next night Charlie-Boy visited Alonzo’s father. He was in the bed with his terrorized dog and underage wife. The Haunted Hound howled when Charlie-Boy appeared in the room. Alonzo’s father kicked the dotage dog out of the bed. The dog whimpered, Charlie-Boy pointed, and the malnourished dog hobbled away. Charlie-Boy floated over Alonzo’s father. He looked into his eyes and the hated man stared back. His underage wife pretended to be sleep. Charlie-Boy shoved his translucent brown hand through the man’s hairy chest. The brutal rapist opened his mouth, gasped for air, and Charlie-Boy squeezed his heart. “Nous vous verrons sur l'autre côté” whispered Charlie-Boy the ghost. In French he told the evil man, “We’ll see you on the other side.” The Parish Coroner discovered the hated man in bed. He arrived at dawn, puffed his cigarette, and

194 SHEMA’YAH BEY blew a smoke ring. He flicked the half inch cigarette ash onto the dirt floor. He looked into the bully’s bulged blue eyes, took another puff, and dropped the unfiltered cigarette. The callus Coroner crushed the cigarette butt under his muddied boot. The happy Hound dog wagged his tail, barked, “Hallelujah,” and the Coroner smiled. The underage widow smiled at the Coroner and cheerfully said, “It looks like the evil bastard had a heart attack in his sleep.” After the Coroner had announced her husband’s death, the town folk celebrated. Madame Montoyier purchased a Funeral Urn from a Negro mortician. She treated the Urn with anointed oils, and mystic herbs. She followed the unwritten instructions, used “The Ritual,” and captured the hated man’s soul. Over the years, Madame Montoyier used Alonzo’s father. For a few drops of Mississippi Moonshine (liquor) he happily attacked her enemies. She had to destroy the hated man after Aunt Ida fed it blood. The Family Ritual said, “Never feed the Spirits human blood or animal blood because they’ll become unruly, and uncontrollable.” Young Paradise looked inside the Urn, scratched her head, and stepped back. She saw the tiny mummified body of her despised grandfather. Young


Paradise screamed when the miniaturized mummy exploded into a pile of ashes. General Hardwick flinched when he heard Paradise scream. He snapped his fingers, her attention was momentarily restored, and they heard an unexpected knock. The big Black bodyguard warned General Hardwick of the impending danger. “What?!” shouted General Hardwick. “They’re coming sir,” said his German-American bodyguard. Paradise and General Hardwick stood in unison. He grabbed the leather satchel that sat by the door. He gave it to Paradise, along with an envelope of money, and an airline ticket. “Don’t open the satchel, exit the building from the back, and my driver will take you to the airport,” said General Hardwick. “Okay, I won’t open the satchel. What’s in it? Is it a bomb? Do you want me to blow up the plane? And one more thing, who's helping who?” said Paradise. “It’s not a bomb. We’re helping each other, and you have to go now,” he said urgently. Paradise opened the door, walked out, and looked back. General Hardwick shook his head, rubbed his chin, and remorsefully said, “Mrs. Sinclair, trust no one.”


26 THE OTHERS Valley of Jehoshaphat

Paradise arrived in Washington, DC in a very deep sleep. She was in Dixie May Johnson’s, luxurious suite at the Four Seasons Hotel. 24 hours earlier she was in General Hardwick’s private room. Paradise slept on top of the King size bed, unmolested by Dixie May, and JC the Daylight Assassin. He escorted Paradise from the airport. JC was Dixie May’s personal bodyguard. Paradise was under the influence of a powerful drug. Therefore, she had no knowledge of Dixie May and JC’s arrangement. Dixie May thought Paradise was in a

197 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL drug-induced coma. So, she shook Paradise, but she never woke. Dixie May started to panic, JC scowled, and Paradise heard, “She doesn’t realize,” said Dixie May to JC. “Realize what?” said Paradise to Dixie May. To JC’s surprise, Paradise opened her beautiful brown eyes. To Dixie’s surprise, Paradise had talked in her sleep. She looked wildeyed, gasped for air, and fell back. Her head slammed into the goose feathered pillow. JC and Dixie May were unable to defeat the power of “Deep Sleep.” Paradise was forced into Dream Land once again. Before she boarded the airplane sleeping powder was blown into her face. Dixie May guarded Paradise’s physical body while she slept. But, she couldn’t protect her Spirit-body, from being transported to another time, and place. Paradise dreamt she was in St. Maarten on her wedding day. She heard an unfamiliar language spoken by unfamiliar people. Their voices sounded like bird chirps combined with African Bushman tongue clicks. Belial, the overly aggressive tongue clicker said, “She married into the bloodline of Melchiresha.” “Who’s there?” questioned Paradise. The mysterious wedding guest never revealed his face. Paradise felt Sin’s gentle tug, and he smiled, and she frowned. They held each other’s repulsive hand

198 SHEMA’YAH BEY and never blinked. They impatiently waited for Priest Rotmensen to complete the wedding ceremony. Paradise stood barefoot under the wedding arch with flower garnish in her hair. She looked beyond the Priest, scanned the audience, and heard, “Preston Melchiresha Sinclair do you take Angelina Ferrari Bridgewater to be your, lawfully wedded wife?” Paradise woke violently from her nightmarish dream. She saw a blurred image of Dixie May, coughed, and fell back to sleep. Paradise dreamt she was in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Israel, circa 1209 BCE. She saw a large stone altar with a line through it. The line glowed neon red, and it stretched for miles. The gemstone altar sat in the center of the valley. Paradise looked for shelter when she heard those unfamiliar chirps and clicks. She ran toward the east, grabbed a rock, and hid behind the nearby cliff. Paradise had seen four rainbow-colored fireballs. Those mysterious objects hurled through the night sky. They landed in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, accompanied by four extra loud thumps. Paradise shook, along with the grazing goats, and sheep. Her dream also included the father of a major Bible character named, “Moses.” Amram, the father of Moses, was featured in Paradise’s mystical dream. He

199 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL burned his sacred incense on top of the large gemstone Altar. Paradise placed her index finger over her lips. She made the gesture to quiet the little-lost lamb. The blemished baby sheep, sat quietly, and never made a peep. Paradise knelt, grabbed another rock, and stood on guard. Together they silently watched Amram on his divine march. He walked clockwise around the green gemstone Altar. He had Hershey chocolate skin, a full set of tan teeth, and a long gray beard. He wore a red turban with a white linen ceremonial robe. Amram appeared to be in his early 90s, and he was slender and barefoot. Amram also heard what Paradise heard, those four terrifying thumps. He felt the vibration, witnessed the smoke, and shielded his eyes. After the glow had faded he saw four giant men. They walked through an inter- dimensional doorway. The ancient Hebrews called the shimmery doorway a “Stargate.” The Stargate closed, Amram gasped, and those giants disappeared. Amram looked in Paradise’s direction. But, he never saw her face. He turned back around to see or feel the four invisible beings. They stood behind him, argued, and he trembled. Amram heard a combination of Aramaic mixed with Hebrew and rapid tongue clicks. Amram raised his hands, looked up, and prayed to his God

200 SHEMA’YAH BEY for help. At that very moment, a thick cloud of Frankincense & Myrrh incense smoke ascended. The aromatic spiritual defense system had reached the nostrils of God. The incense smoke repulsed two of those giants. Amram heard a crackle, stepped back, and watched them de-cloak. He trembled, Paradise trembled, and the lamb trembled. Those four giants wore hooded robes with extra long sleeves. Amram’s knees buckled when those giants surrounded him. He had two on his right side, and two on his left side. He refused to look up, but he fearlessly said, “Ha er ya-kahh mish-mar?” In Hebrew he said, “The Watchers arguing over me?” The Archangel Michael and Melchizedek the King of Salem stood behind Amram. They looked like ebony supermen, with powerful arms, and strong jaw lines. They were approximately twelve feet tall. The Archangel Michael wore a red robe that glowed. Melchizedek, the King of Salem, wore a purple robe that glowed. His jewelry was a gold breastplate, inlayed with twelve precious gemstones. The gold insignia on Michael the Archangel’s robe was the Astral-Police cross. The astral-police cross was an ancient symbol used by good angels. It represented the crossing or gateway between Heaven and Earth.


Their sacred symbol looked like a “Plus,” sign used in math class. “Hayah Melchizedek Melek Shalam Kohan Elyown El,” said Melchizedek in a thunderous voice. In Hebrew he said, “I am Melchizedek King of Peace, Priest of the Most High God EL.” Those four supernatural beings looked down on Amram. He looked up, squinted, and shook like a leaf. In an equally commanding voice the Archangel Michael said, “Amram ab Mosheh?” “Amram father of Moses,” he said in Aramaic. “Yes,” nodded Amram. Amram closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, and turned his attention toward Belial. Amram was terrified, he shook violently, and his teeth chattered. In a combination of chirps, Hebrew, and aggressive tongue clicks Belial said, “Sar mal’ak Micha’el.” Belial chirped and clicked loudly. Amram found his guttural tones unnerving. Amram never spoke chirps and clicks, but he understood Belial’s aggressive complaint. Belial angrily said, “Commander Micha’el the Archangel of EL’s Defense. You know we are the invisible masters, and the human rulers of this realm!” Amram opened his left eye slightly, failed to inhale, and dropped his jaw. He was allowed to see

202 SHEMA’YAH BEY countless disembodied spirits morph into flesh. Those inter-dimensional beings watched Amram’s historic event. They stood on the mountains and in the valley. The forces of good Angels were in the valley. They stood behind the Archangel Michael and Melchizedek the King of Salem. The forces of evil Angels were in the mountain range. They stood behind the ancient Archons, Melchiresha the Watcher, and Belial the Prince of Darkness. Amram opened his other eye, blinked, and looked at the sky. He rubbed his eyes, stood weakly, and stared in wonderment. He was allowed to see multiple starships de-cloak. Michael the Archangel overshadowed those saucer shaped vehicles. “Belial nasiy choshek ha miv-khar Amram ab Mosheh!” shouted Michael forcefully. He said, “Belial, Prince of Darkness, it’s the choice of Amram, father of Moses.” When Amram heard his name, he froze. But, he was forced to move when Melchiresha stepped forward. He was a frightful being clothed in a long raven feathered robe. Melchiresha was an ancient Archon with the scaly white skin. Belial had the skin color of battleship gray. Those disturbingly muscular creatures looked identical. With one exception, Belial had a long, and thinning blonde beard.


The word “Archon” came from the Greeks. It meant ruler, Lord, or chief magistrate. Those unseen Magistrates ruled over earthly villages, cities, and states. Rumor said those Archons came from a region in the sky called, “Alpha Draconis.” Melchiresha spoke to Amram in guttural chirps and multi-layered clicks. Melchiresha refused to speak Hebrew, but Amram understood what he said. “Paradise, I am Melchiresha the King of Evil. What side do you choose to follow?” Paradise replaced Amram and stood in between the forces of good and evil. She screamed after Belial and Melchiresha, revealed their features. They had serpent-faces, human bodies, and superior intelligence. Dixie May heard Paradise’s nightmarish screams. She fanned ammonia-laced smelling salts under Paradise’s nose. She woke immediately, coughed, and faintly heard, “Oc Melchiresha roghnaigh ceann taobh beag.” “I’m Melchiresha. Pick a side Little One,” he said in perfect Irish. Paradise sat straight up, breathed heavily, and sweated profusely. She scanned the room, discovered a letter opener, and focused. Paradise stretched her hand toward the nearby nightstand. But, the letter opener was several inches away from her grasp. She

204 SHEMA’YAH BEY concentrated, inhaled deeply, and the letter opener flew into her hand. “Get away from me,” screamed Paradise to Dixie May and JC. “My name is Dixie May Johnson. You can put the letter opener down Darl’n. You’re safe for now,” said Dixie May, caringly.


27 BOUNTY HUNTER Denver, Colorado

Paradise refused to obey Dixie May’s request. She held a letter-opener like a Navy Seal in a knife fight. Dixie May smiled slightly, and JC snapped to attention. He stood in front of Dixie May like an overprotective guard dog. Dixie May pushed him aside, and he sat back down, and Paradise yelled, “Where am I?” “I knew your mother, and your grandmother,” said Dixie May calmly. “What’s my grandmother’s middle name?” said Paradise, demandingly.


“Rosemarie. Her first name is Isabella. Y’all share the same name,” said Dixie May. Paradise scanned the room again, flared her nostrils, and lowered the letter opener slowly. “Where am I?” said Paradise, commandingly. “The Capital Suites,” said Dixie May. “Where,” said Paradise confusedly? “Washington DC,” said Dixie May calmly. “For what,” said Paradise concernedly? “Some time ago you made a call to the American Embassy in Djibouti. Our Agency intercepted the call, you never spoke, but I knew it was you. We traced the call to a pay phone near the Tremè section of New Orleans,” said Dixie May. Paradise appeared confused, looked drained, and Dixie May irritably said, “Shake that shit off Darl’n, you’ve slept long enough, and entertaining perverted Peterson is the least of your worries.” Paradise’s memory returned when she heard the name, Peterson. Hours earlier Paradise was in Peterson’s hotel room. She had unknowingly flown to Denver, Colorado. General Hardwick’s Driver drove Paradise to the Philadelphia International Airport. The Driver sat next to Paradise on their flight to Denver International Airport.


He pretended Paradise was his drugged out fugitive. When they landed in Colorado, he handcuffed Paradise and flashed his ID. He was a licensed Bounty Hunter hired by General Hardwick. He had shown his ID to the Denver Airport’s Head of Security. Three Security Guards accompanied the Bounty Hunter and Paradise to a black Sedan. Those Security Guards watched the handsome Dominican Bounty Hunter exchange Paradise. He exchanged her for a signature on a pink piece of paper. Paradise sat quietly in the back seat of the black Sedan. The “Devil’s Breath,” made her oblivious to everything. Her two escorts wore blue business suits, sunglasses, and Old Spice cologne. The local Executive Protection Agency employed them. Judge Peterson hired those Hollywood Handsome Bodyguards. They exchanged Paradise at the Ritz- Carlton Hotel in Denver, Colorado. Their “Off-the- Books,” tip included an envelope of money, two handshakes, and a head nod. Paradise clearly remembered the black eyeliner she put on Peterson. He was the cross-dressing Federal Judge named Matthew T. Peterson. Two well- dressed Bodyguards accompanied Judge Peterson. They were inside of his luxurious hotel suite. But, they stood like soldiers on the outside of his bedroom door. The Judge never suspected they called him


“Perverted Peterson.” Paradise was in the bedroom with perverted Peterson. She uncapped his black colored nail polish. He removed his powdered makeup from the nightstand. She smiled, and he grimaced, and said, “You were never here Mrs. Sinclair.” “I was never where? I don’t understand,” said Paradise curiously. “You’re not the brightest star in the sky,” said perverted Peterson. Those words, “You’re not the brightest star,” induced Paradise’s hypnotic trance. He looked into Paradise’s right eye, licked her cheek, and softly said, “Do you have something for me, Mrs. Sinclair?” Paradise handed him the Satchel, he licked her forehead, and mumbled, “Poor thing you have no idea what we are doing to you.” Paradise remained motionless, smiled with her eyes and waited for further instructions. Perverted Peterson believed Paradise was the real Angelina. He had met her a year earlier at a State sanctioned dinner in Washington, DC. He had no idea the real Angelina was dead. Therefore, he never knew Paradise was Angelina’s body double. Dixie May and General Hardwick attended the same dinner with


Judge Peterson. Angelina had met Judge Peterson through Dixie May. General Hardwick had never heard of Dixie May, and she had never heard of him. They had attended the same party and had never met. But, they were strangely connected through Angelina and Paradise. Dixie May was Angelina’s case officer. Dixie May worked for the Intelligence Community in Langley, Virginia. Dixie May got Angelina a job at the American Embassy in Bogotà, Columbia. Angelina was a Spanish translator by day, and spy by night. She brokered the drugs for weapons deal with the craziest Columbian cartel. Angelina had never trusted Dixie May. So, she contacted her boyfriend Sin. He told her to contact Santa Muerta, for protection. Santa Muerta was the Holy Saint of Death. Angelina had followed his instructions and waited for his arrival in Bogotà, Columbia. Dixie May plugged into the rumored system of hidden finance. The Agency’s secret source of unlimited funds was Illegal drugs and counterfeit Bearer Bonds. In the World of black-Ops those “Off-the-Book,” monies were called, “Unvouchered Funds.” Dixie May had planned to use part of those Unvouchered Funds to resurrect a ghost army. But, she needed Paradise’s help because Madame


Montoyier was dead. The Satchel perverted Peterson took from Paradise was extremely explosive. It contained the scandalous photographs of prominent Politicians. Those corrupt Officials affiliated with the rumored, “American Cafè” The American Cafè was an underground club. Associates of the rumored club used kidnaped children for sexual objects. General Hardwick traded those despicable photographs for Odin. Odin was the one-eyed man Judge Peterson had released from the Fort Leavenworth, prison. Judge Peterson needed those pedophilic photographs for insurance. He was scheduled to be fired because he had taken a few bribes. But, he wouldn’t be fired because he had those pedophilic photographs. Judge Peterson snapped his fingers twice, inhaled deeply, and softly said, “Fruity Pebbles.” Those two words released Paradise from the powerful trance. He understood the Devil’s Breath was scheduled to fade away. So, he was prepared for her unknown reaction. Paradise wiped her forehead, flung the saliva on the floor, and aggressively said, “Why’s my forehead wet?! And who are you?” Judge Peterson was pleasantly surprised by her mild response. He took a deep breath, opened the makeup case, and blew. Paradise had powder covering her face, and she coughed, and he sighed.


“What the Hell! Poudre de Sommeil?” yelled Paradise, angrily. “I’m sorry I didn’t know what else to do,” said Judge Peterson, remorsefully. He blew sleeping powder into her face. Her eyes closed tightly, she mumbled and slept. His odd statement meant he had double-crossed General Hardwick. Judge Peterson was supposed to send Paradise back to Las Vegas, unmolested. When she landed in Las Vegas, she had to make a telephone call. The General’s extraction team was scheduled to take her to a place of safety. But, perverted Person changed the General’s plan. He remembered Angelina from the DC dinner dance. So, he called his gossip partner, and longtime friend and frantically said, “Dixie May, it’s me, Matthew T. do you remember when you introduced me to that pretty Black Gal? Well, she’s in my hotel suite. No, I didn’t kill her?! But, she’s sound asleep. How’d she get here? Let’s not talk about that on the phone. Why am I calling you? I don’t know? What do you expect me to do with her? That’s why I called you. No. I can’t wake her! Why? She just inhaled a strong narcotic. How the Hell do I know what she took? By the way things look, she’s going to be out for hours.”


“Is she wearing clothes?” said Dixie May inquiringly. “Yes. She’s wearing a red dress, high heels, and no underwear,” he said nervously. “Did she bring a traveling bag?” said Dixie May commandingly. “Yes, she came in with a garment bag,” he said frantically. “Okay. Change her clothes. After that, put her on your private jet, and fly her non-stop to Washington, DC. I’ll notify my contact at the airport. He’ll have a wheelchair brought to her on the tarmac,” said Dixie May instructively. “Didn’t you hear me say, she was sleeping? She inhaled a strong narcotic Dixie May! And from my experience she’s going to be out for hours,” he said aggressively. “I don’t like your tone, Matthew T! So, you better settle down! You called me! Remember? I didn’t call you! I’ll tell my contact she had a severe narcoleptic attack. And one more thing, I want you to know, you owe me BIG TIME!” said Dixie May angrily. Dixie May terminated the telephone call. Judge Peterson changed Paradise’s clothes. She wore undergarments, sandals, jeans, and a white T-Shirt. Paradise was under the influence of a powerful neurotoxin. Judge Peterson’s sleeping powder had traces of Pufferfish

213 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL poison, white tree frog venom, and Blue Agama lizard puss. He had obtained the zombie sleeping powder from a Voodoo Priest. He met the mysterious man on a humanitarian mission in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Narcolepsy was a chronic brain disorder that involved poor control of the wake cycle. Paradise wasn’t a narcoleptic, but she struggled to stay awake. “Stay with me Darl’n,” said Dixie May loudly. “I’m trying,” said Paradise courageously. “Try harder because I need you sober-minded. Your husband is shopping you to the highest bidder,” said Dixie May sternly. Judge Peterson flashed in Paradise’s mind, and she started to drift. Dixie May shoved another smelling salt under Paradise’s nose. She returned her attention to Dixie May, yawned and said, “He’s shopping me for what?” Dixie May moved uncomfortably close to Paradise, squinted, and sincerely said, “You’re a lethal weapon honey, and Sin has you attached to a very short leash. So, you need to pick a side quickly because your time is almost up. Now my husband, may the gods rest his soul. He was a good man and a powerful Senator. He was the same Senator that sponsored a Secret-Op called, Project Crystal Ball. Have you heard of it? Of course, you

214 SHEMA’YAH BEY haven’t. That Secret-Op was run by your grandmother, decades ago.” Dixie May told a half truth. Her husband had sponsored, “Project Crystal Ball.” But, Madame Montoyier had refused to join. Project Crystal Ball was a group of psychic spies. They worked for the Defense Intelligence Community. Those psychic spies “saw” events from a great distance. Madame Montoyier’s magic had helped the Senator get elected. He had the money, she needed the money, and they were happy. The Senator told Madame Montoyier to join his Secret Order. She refused to join, and he got upset. He threatened to harm Nina and baby Paradise. She returned the threat. In French she said, “I’ll send an Army of Ghosts to kill you and the entire Senate.” Avi Weinberg delivered the message in English. The Senator didn't care about his Senatorial colleagues being killed. But, he was afraid of death, so he withdrew his threat. After he had withdrawn his threat Madame Montoyier withdrew her threat. The very thought of killing people with an unseen force fascinated the Senator. He was so fascinated he told his wife Dixie May he wanted to resurrect a Ghost Army.


28 CLASSIFIED Faubourg Treme, New Orleans

Dixie May claimed Madame Montoyier was an American spy. Paradise looked unconvinced; she exhaled forcefully, and some spittle landed on Dixie May. She wiped her face, inhaled slowly, and exhaled forcefully. Paradise’s accidental spittle irritated Dixie May. But, she was angered by Paradise’s puckered lips, rolled eyes, and sincere disbelief. “Femme Vous Parle Fou,” mumbled Paradise to Dixie May. “I don’t speak French. So, whatever you have to say to me, you better say it in English,” roared Dixie May. “I said you’re talking crazy! My grandmother didn’t trust this government! So, I know your story

216 SHEMA’YAH BEY isn’t true. So, that makes you a liar, and liars, can’t be trusted,” said Paradise fearlessly. Paradise’s comments disgusted Dixie May, but she remained calm, and sternly said, “Nevertheless here we are. Now, don’t just stand there James, hand me a towel.” JC handed Dixie May, a small hand towel, and she wiped her hands and face. Paradise looked at JC with hatred in her eyes. She sucked her teeth, attempted to stand, and sat back down. “What are you doing here?!” shouted Paradise to JC. “Who? James, he’s harmless honey. I asked him to pay you a visit,” said Dixie May. “Pay me a visit? Pay me a visit for what?” said Paradise groggily. “We figured you needed some motivation,” said Dixie May authoritatively. “Motivation for what?!” said Paradise passionately. “You never made the call,” said Dixie May inquisitively. When Paradise heard, “You never made the call,” she had a flashback. In her mind, she had seen JC’s symbolic gun. He stood in her doorway, pointed his finger, and triggered his thumb.


“You should have made the call,” he whispered. The Spirit of Anger caused Paradise’s body to flood with the “Fight or Flight,” hormone. At that particular moment in time, she was unable to run. So, Paradise was prepared to fight from the seated position. Dixie May was visibly upset, she paced, and apologetically said, “I know you’re upset, and you’ve been through a lot. But, we need your help Darl’n, and I’m not a liar.” Paradise grabbed the Letter Opener and dropped it quickly. For some strange reason, she envisioned Nina’s slit wrist. Paradise reassessed her situation, rubbed her neck, and mockingly said, “Sure, I’ll help you.” Dixie May failed to detect her sarcasm, and JC poured himself a drink and Paradise yawned. “Excellent. Now, you’re mother was our first choice. But, she abandoned the sciences of your people. Then she joined a religion designed to enslave your people. Unbelievable! Your people never cease to amaze me,” said Dixie May sarcastically. Dixie May tossed a tan folder marked “CLASSIFIED,” onto the bed. Paradise pushed it aside, yawned again, and Dixie May softly said, “Open it.” The tan folder contained Official papers, government documents, and familiar photographs.


Paradise opened the folder reluctantly, flared her nostrils, and sucked her teeth. She grabbed one of the many photos, sulked, and squirmed. Paradise held the colorful picture tightly. That particular photograph featured Nina hugging Paradise. The backdrop was the historic Uptown New Orleans Audubon Zoo. Lion's Cage served as their perfect backdrop. Paradise appeared to be ten or eleven years old. She wore her signature Indian braids and a Wonder Woman costume. “Why do you have this?” said Paradise curiously. Dixie May remained silent, JC sat in the corner, and Paradise grabbed an unfamiliar photograph. She looked perplexed, Dixie May sat back, and Paradise inquisitively said, “Who’s the man standing next to my grandmother?” “Oh my, so you don’t know everything? That handsome Negro, I mean African-American, is your grandfather. He was an Army Sergeant in our Great Nation’s Colored Division. As you can see, they met in a Jook Joint, I mean Night Club,” said Dixie May informatively. “I know what a Jook Joint is,” said Paradise sarcastically. “Well, your grandfather met your grandmother, under the pretenses of being a Mississippi Blues

219 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL singer. He was mediocre at best, but I digress. Well. Your grandmother was lonely and enamored by that big black Buck. But, I think she just wanted a family of her own. As you can tell from the photograph, he was a good looking man. They had an affair, she got pregnant, and he returned to New York City,” said Dixie May with a salacious look. “Why didn’t she go with him?” said Paradise pryingly. “Your grandmother knew, he was married with three young children. But, who am I to judge,” said Dixie May judgmentally. “I knew that,” said Paradise unconvincingly. “Did you really?” said Dixie May skeptically. “What do you want, lady?” said Paradise coldly. “I want you on my team. Our country needs you. When your grandmother was alive, you, and Nina were untouchable. We sent countless Agents to recruit you. But, they were always side tracked, confused or lost. You and Nina were invisible. It was like God himself ordained your hedge of protection. But my, have things changed,” said Dixie May. “Unbelievable,” said Paradise dejectedly. “Unbelievable is right. Well. What I know about you, you’re a loner, and you don’t have any friends. You had one childhood boyfriend, and he was white. If, I’m not mistaken his name was Rupert. No, no,

220 SHEMA’YAH BEY that’s not right. His name was Robert. Robert Bouvier was his name. He came from a prominent New Orleans family,” said Dixie May informatively. “Robert Bouvier? Are you serious? Check your notes because I think, I was five, or six years old at the time? So, come on Lady! Can’t you do better than that?!” said Paradise cockily. “Oh, I see you’re not impressed. At the age of 15, you graduated top of your class from Cabrini High School in New Orleans. At the age of 16, you became an Emancipated Minor,” said Dixie May impressively. When Paradise heard the words “Cabrini High School,” she had a flashback. She remembered her unwanted experience in her living room. She stood nervously in her abandoned Faubourg Treme home. Paradise opened the unmarked grayish envelope. She nervously removed two newspaper clippings. Those obituary notices came from the New Orleans Times- Picayune Newspaper. Paradise scanned the clippings, trembled, and shoved them into her black duffle bag. Dixie May watched Paradise’s continence change for the worse, and she shockingly said, “I bet you still carry those newspaper clippings? If, I’m not mistaken the article said granddaughter of local Spiritualist found dead in a house fire.” When Paradise heard the words “Found Dead,” she invoked a nervous breakdown. But, her Spirit-

221 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL body refused to accept her physical body’s command. Her Spirit-body forced her to inhale deeply. Paradise wiped her mouth, avoided the insane asylum, and coyly said, “Okay. You got me, now what?” “Excellent. Like I said before my name is Dixie May Johnson. I’m Special Agent-in-Charge. I was your grandmother’s Section Chief a long time ago. Your grandmother’s code name was Remy, just like the drink. Does any of this sound familiar?” said Dixie May curiously. “No. But, I’m listening,” said Paradise skeptically. “Well. Your grandmother ran a Secret-Op for our glorious Nation. And we need you to do the same thing. I need you to raise a ghost army,” said Dixie May boldly. “I’ve been drugged, poisoned and beaten. So, you have to excuse me for not hearing you correctly. But I swear I heard you say…” “We need you to resurrect a GHOST army! Now, did you hear that?! I also said your grandmother was Project Crystal Ball,” said Dixie May impatiently. “You need me to raise a ghost army? For What?! Why don’t you get one of your Rabbi’s or Sorcerers to do it?” said Paradise courageously. “Sending Spirits to attack poor black people is one thing.


But, what we need, our Sorcerers, and Rabbis can’t do. According my contacts at the Pentagon and Vatican Observatory, those Sumerian Gods are returning to Earth,” said Dixie May fearlessly. “And what does that have to do with me?” said Paradise uncaringly. “Are you trying to upset me?!” said Dixie May angrily. Dixie May, tightened her wrinkled nose, and age- spotted lips. JC stood quickly, approached Dixie May and placed his hand on her shoulder. Dixie May calmed down, and he stared coldly at Paradise, and she stared back. Paradise reflected on those serpent- faced Sumerian gods, Belial, and Melchiresha. Dixie May appeared to know what Paradise was thinking. “What?!” said Paradise to JC defiantly. “With her gift and our technology, we can destroy those devils,” said Dixie May to JC foolishly.


29 BLACK OPS Ohio Valley, USA

Dixie May had detained Paradise longer than JC expected. JC had no control over Dixie May’s agenda. So, he remained silent, poured himself a drink, and watched Paradise closely. Paradise attempted to stand, wobbled, and sat back down. Those strong narcotics had dissipated from her body. But, it took her swimsuit legs a little longer to recover. Dixie May was unaware of Paradise’s sex tape deadline. She had less than 12 hours to return to Las Vegas. Her failure to return guaranteed Avi Weinberg would receive her sex tape. Avi’s evidence was the justification the Court needed to steal Paradise’s money. So, Paradise used her will-power, to overcome the Sleeping


Powder’s side effects. She stood, grabbed her garment bag and walked toward the door. “Hey, I know those markings they’re the devil’s mark. I’m surprised I didn’t notice them before,” shouted Dixie May surprisingly. “What did you say?” said Paradise shockingly. Dixie May attempted to touch Paradise’s neck, and she blocked her hand. Paradise used Pak Sau the Wing Chun Martial Arts Block. Dixie May looked surprised, and JC took the safety off his gun, and Paradise fearlessly said, “What?! You’re not going to kill me. If, she wanted me dead, I’d be dead already.” “Stand down James,” said Dixie May to JC. JC holstered the gun, and Paradise looked at Dixie May, and said, “I have to go now.” “Before you do, tell me about the Jinn,” said Dixie May inquiringly. On the right side of Paradise’s neck were three marks or scars. Dixie May looked intently, slapped her forehead, and Paradise said, “I saw the little ones. They attacked me on the flight to Saint Maarten.” “I must say you’ve had your share of troubles,” said Dixie May caringly.


Paradise took a deep breath, flared her nostrils, and reflected on her flight to St. Maarten. She was inside the private Jet seated next to the bathroom. She felt uneasy, looked out of the window, and discovered a shadowy figure. The dark shadow appeared in the distant cloud. Paradise scanned the cabin, rubbed her eyes, and gulped. She wondered had anyone else seen what she saw. There were six unknown people on Paradise’s flight to Hell. The Spirit of Nausea told Paradise to look at the pretty Chinese woman. She sat in the plush ivory seat, across from Paradise, and Sin. The beautiful Chinese woman blew Paradise a kiss. Paradise flinched, stuck two fingers in her mouth, and pretended to vomit. The mysterious woman smiled, and her eyes rolled back. Paradise removed her fingers, grimaced, and flinched again. The Chinese woman had a surprise that Paradise wasn't expecting. Sin along with the other passengers appeared to be in a daze. A shadowy figure leaped from her lap and split into three creatures. Those living beings jumped onto Paradise, and she screamed. Sin along with the other passengers woke from their temporary slumber. From their perspective, they witnessed Paradise fighting the air. Dixie May, snapped her fingers, and gently said, “Stay with me Darl’n.”


Paradise woke from her nightmarish daydream, and said, “Those tiny demons tried to rip the soul out of my body. I used the Divine Water that my grandmother gave me and that held them back.” “Well that story doesn’t explain the markings on your neck,” said Dixie May. “I heard their blood-curdling screams. I struggled to get up, and I staggered into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. But, I didn’t realize one of the Jinns came inside too. He revealed his ugly face, and I screamed, and he screamed. And that’s when he scratched my neck. I fell forward, banged my head on the edge of the sink, and blacked out,” said Paradise. “Oh my,” said Dixie May empathically. In Muslim mythology, the Jinn was an intelligent race of beings. They were ranked lower than angels and higher than mankind. Those spirit-beings appeared as humans and animals. Paradise talked about the Jinn with her eyes closed. So, she hadn’t seen Dixie May’s untimely levitation. Dixie May had levitated five or six inches above her chair. She was in a seated position, JC coughed, and moved quickly. He touched her left shoulder gently, and she plopped, and JC said, “I’ll get you some water.” Paradise opened her eyes, looked into Dixie May’s eyes, and curiously said,


“For all I know, you could be the Jinn,” said Paradise. “Well, I’m not a demon. I’m a different kind of creature. With your knowledge of necromancy and my connections, we can do wonders. I’ve anticipated our historic encounter for years. If, you think this is a chance meeting, you’d be sadly mistaken. The Universe arranged this event a million of years ago. Well never mind all of that, I digress. Now, what was I saying? Oh yes, I remember now. I was able to get the Defense Intelligence Department to fund our Secret-Op. They’re funding our Secret-Op, under another Secret-Op, called the Nephilim Resurrection Project,” said Dixie May sincerely. “I’m not interested. But, what is it,” said Paradise nosily. Dixie May, motioned with her eyes, JC retrieved a chair, and Paradise sat. Dixie May looked into Paradise’s eyes, but Paradise was unable to read her thoughts. Dixie May sipped her water, and Paradise waved JC away. He offered her a bottle of water, and she refused it, and he stepped back. Dixie May looked at Paradise, and JC liked two embittered siblings. She shook her head, sat back, and truthfully said, “Several years ago we dispatched a Seal Team to an archaeological site. That ancient burial ground was somewhere in the Ohio Valley. One of those Navy


Seal’s videotaped the entire event. His Classified videotape featured a quarantine cave with a Hive of well-preserved giants. Those giants had cone-shaped heads, unnervingly muscular bodies, and six fingers on each hand. That particular group of Giants had the whitest skin. They had red hair, dirty fingernails, and a double row of creme colored teeth. Those Giants sat on large stone chairs, and they appeared to be sleeping. They wore headbands, wristbands, and ankle bracelets. Their copper restraints had magical markings. Those mystical glyphs were ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. It took some time for our Linguist to translate those supernatural scribbles. We’ve discovered those ancient words kept those cannibals in suspended animation.” “Giant cannibals? Wow,” said Paradise mockingly. “Our Special Acquisitions Unit removed the Giants’ magical swords, copper scrolls, and partially eaten human bones. In that particular cave, there were seven giant men and three giant women. They ranged in height from eight feet to twelve feet tall. Now, the Agency had looked all over the earth for the All Spark. Do you know what that is?” said Dixie May to Paradise. “No,” nodded Paradise skeptically. “The All Spark was the mythical mantra used to re-animate those demigods. On a personal note, I

229 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL never agreed with the Agency’s re-animation policy. But, I do agree the human species needs to weaponize the weather. If, humanity plans to survive it most win the war…” said Dixie May soberly. “What war? What are you talking about?” said Paradise confusedly. “I’m referring to the prophecy of the three major Earth religions. Mankind must fight an inter- dimensional war in the ancient Valley of Jehoshaphat,” said Dixie May unabashedly. “All Hell, just think, I almost believed you,” said Paradise disappointedly. JC sulked, Paradise rolled her eyes, and Dixie angrily said, “That same attitude got Angelina killed! Even if you succeed in resurrecting her Spirit, she’ll never reveal the location of that gold. That buried shipment of gold was a dedication to her beloved Skinny Lady.” The Skinny Lady was the goddess Santa Muerta. When Paradise heard the word “Resurrecting,” her eyes bulged. Her breathing was labored she sucked the air slowly and softly whispered, “What’d you say?” “I said our mission is to make sure their mission never happens,” said Dixie May.


“I keep telling you! I’m not interested,” said Paradise sincerely. “I can help you get your Tools,” said Dixie May confidently. “Besides resurrecting Angelina what do I have to do,” said Paradise enthusiastically. “First, we have to neutralize Preston. Because he’s been a thorn in my side, for far too long!” said Dixie May demandingly. Paradise stuck out her index finger and took a deep breath. JC held a silver tray, Dixie May removed the white handkerchief and sewing needle. Dixie May, pricked Paradise’s index finger, and dabbed her blood on the handkerchief. “Unbelievable,” said Paradise. “What’s unbelievable,” said Dixie May. “I’m being blackmailed to work in their family business. And I’m being forced to work in my family business,” said Paradise ironically. “Well, Darl’n. Whatever, they got on you? You’ve got 48 hours to clear it up,” said Dixie May patiently. Paradise looked at JC, and he didn’t smile, and Dixie May caringly said, “Now, James honey. Don’t just stand there, be a Peach, and hand me that pen.”


JC gave Dixie May the gold colored pen. Paradise grabbed the pen, and Dixie May held it tightly before letting go. “I know what to do with it,” said Paradise. She grabbed the linen handkerchief and wrote her birth name, “Isabella Rosemarie Montoyier.” She printed her name under the droplet of blood, JC smiled, and Dixie May said, “I’ll get this to the Fixer.” The Fixer was the mystical amulets and talisman maker. Dixie May took Paradise’s autographed handkerchief and stuffed into a plastic zip lock bag. Paradise looked surprised when Dixie May extended her hand for payment. “These things don’t pay for themselves Darl’n,” said Dixie May caringly. Paradise understood the drill, sucked her teeth, and gave Dixie May her envelope of money. “This is all that I have,” said Paradise. “If, you’re short a few thousand dollars I’ll make up the difference,” said Dixie May. Paradise nodded, “That’s very kind of you.” Dixie May and Paradise stood at the same time. Dixie May, walked to the closet, and retrieved an emerald colored handbag. She wrote instructions on the hotel’s complimentary stationary. Dixie May, folded the message, and placed it inside the designer

232 SHEMA’YAH BEY handbag. She gave Paradise the fancy Italian leather handbag. Paradise smiled, crossed the threshold, and turned back around. “Hey?” said Paradise inquiringly. “What is it Darl’n?” said Dixie May curiously. “I’m not thinking clearly. Because that didn’t go right,” said Paradise nervously. “What didn’t go right,” said Dixie May. “Our exchange should have been more formal. Oh God! This is bad and what are you?” said Paradise anxiously. “We don’t have time for any formalities. Plus, your flight to Vegas leaves in an hour,” says Dixie May convincingly. Paradise looked confused, rubbed her head, and softly said, “Okay. I guess you’re right. How do you know about Vegas?” “James checked your bag for weapons when you first arrived. He discovered your envelope of money and return ticket to Las Vegas.” “Okay,” nodded Paradise. “I’ll have James call you a cab, have a safe flight, and we’ll talk in the morning. My contact information is inside the bag, Darl’n,” said Dixie May instructively. Paradise walked out with a confused look on her face. JC closed the door, and Paradise rubbed her neck. Dixie May exhaled violently, blinked rapidly,

233 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL and returned to her original state. She removed her long gray wig, gray eye contacts, and facial cream. Dixie May, had chalk white skin, a bald head, and large sparkly turquoise colored eyes.


30 JUDGEMENT DAY Las Vegas, Nevada

It was dusk when Paradise arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada. She walked under the Mardi Gras Inn’s carport. Najma Patel, the East Indian Motel Manager, approached Paradise. She nodded, “Hello,” and Paradise nodded, “Hello.” Namja followed Paradise toward her motel room door. But, she never spoke. Paradise felt Najma was a little stalkerish, but she meant no harm. When Paradise stuck her motel key into the door, Najma said, “Angelina, a letter from the Pontchartrain Hotel came for you.” “Thank you,” said Paradise softly. Najma had bad nerves, so, Paradise spoke softly to her. Paradise took the letter from Najma’s Henna-

235 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL tattooed hands. She opened the door, and Najma started to walk away. As soon as Paradise closed the door, Najma turned back, and said, “Angelina.” “Yes, Najma,” said Paradise behind the closed door. “Please open, I have something to tell you,” said Najma nervously. Paradise opened the door cautiously, yawned, and said, “Did you forget something Najma?” “Oh yes. That mean man and the pretty girl said they’ll be back,” said Najma sadly. “At what time?” said Paradise attentively. “Around 9 o’clock,” said Najma observantly. “I’ll be ready,” said Paradise. “Okay,” nodded Najma. She turned quickly, walked away slowly, and Paradise said, “Hey Najma, thanks.” Najma turned slowly, smiled quickly and kindly said, “No worries. Be Well Angelina.” Paradise returned inside, closed the door, and sat on the bed. She dumped the designer handbag's contents onto the bed. Paradise reexamined: Dixie May’s note, latex gloves, a vial of clear liquid, and a book of matches.


“Meet me in New York to retrieve your Tools. Go to the American airline’s counter, retrieve your ticket, and be careful. Meet me at the Waldorf Astoria at 9 PM sharp. If, you fail to appear I’ll assume you’re dead. You have 48 hours to get your affairs in order. Inside the vial is Öl der Toten, so handle with care. Put one drop in each shoe and that will slow him down. I look forward to working with you. Burn this note. DMJ,” read the note. Öl der Toten meant Oil of the Dead in German. Paradise grabbed the matches, walked in the bathroom, and struck the match. She lit the note, watched the fire, and dropped the ashes. Paradise flushed the ashes down the toilet, smiled and walked out. Then she squeezed her hands into those tiny latex gloves. She reached under the bed and grabbed Sin’s alligator shoes. Enchantment left Sin’s shoes in the motel room. His shoes symbolized their permanence in her life. Paradise uncapped the vial, held her breath, and dripped several drops. Those clear liquid drops sizzled inside of his shoes. Black vapor ascended from each smelly shoe. The supernatural mist had the shape of a hooded ghost. Paradise stepped back, tapped her foot three times, and the vapor vanished.


“Preston Melchiresha, meet the Oil of the Dead. It won’t kill you. But, I guarantee it will weaken you beyond the point of exhaustion,” whispered Paradise gleefully. Paradise heard two car doors slam shut. The mysterious vehicle was parked outside of her motel room. She put the cap onto the vial haphazardly. Then she placed the vial on the night stand, crumbled the note, and removed her gloves. Paradise tossed those contents into the nearby trashcan. “Is it 9 o’clock already?” grumbled Paradise. She pulled back the curtain slightly, scanned the parking lot, and discovered two Mexicans. They appeared to be an unhappy couple with a colicky baby. Paradise watched them back out of the parking spot slowly. She had seen the tiny statue on their dashboard. The plastic figurine was a hooded skeleton with a Grim Reaper’s sickle. The coincidental appearance of the Skinny Lady mystified Paradise. But, she failed to see the homeless white man. The green pick-up truck served as his hiding place. He held a beer bottle and a half eaten sandwich. He looked at Paradise’s motel room, bit the sandwich, and walked away. Paradise returned her attention to the heavy duty rotary telephone. She picked up the receiver, dialed the memorized telephone number, and said,


“Hello. Nurse Davis this is Angelina, you helped me in the Intensive Care Unit. Do you remember me? Is that offer still good? Is It? Thank you. I’ll see you tonight.” Paradise terminated the call, smiled and opened the letter from the Pontchartrain Hotel. She turned the chair toward the door, removed the letter, and sat quickly. Paradise scanned the handwritten letter, sucked her bottom lip, and sighed. Someone with poor penmanship scribbled the message in red ink. Aunt Ida wrote the long awaited correspondence. Paradise took a deep breath, cracked her knuckles, and read the letter quietly, “Dear Paradise, I’ve enclosed a blank money order for $75.00. That’s half my pay, I called you back, and the nice lady answered. She explained your situation and sent her grandsons to find you. They didn’t know if you were dead or alive. So, I consulted the Spirits, and they revealed your location, and that’s how I found you.” Paradise stopped reading, removed the blank money order, and shoved it into her front pocket. She returned her attention to the letter, sat back, and continued to read. “I’m so glad you wore your magical earrings,” wrote Aunt Ida. Paradise knew Aunt Ida meant her first encounter with Sin and Enchantment. They

239 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL intended to murder Trixie and Paradise brutally. But, Paradise’s earrings had a dual purpose, fashion, and talisman. The talisman contained supernatural power. The talisman's mystical maker was a group of virgin children, who lived in a foreign country. Paradise’s powerful talisman’s prevented her premature death. Paradise’s lucked had changed when she pawned her magical earrings. She violated Spiritualist Rule Number 2: Never let anyone touch, your tools (i.e. talisman). Paradise re-read Aunt Ida’s perplexing, and encouraging statement, over and over again. “We had to pay a lot of Souls for you. Help is on the way, and yes your thirteenth birthday was traumatic for all of us.” When Paradise read the words ‘thirteenth birthday’ she envisioned her thirteenth birthday. “I never meant to break up the family,” wrote Aunt Ida. Through her mind’s eye, Paradise saw her father Alonzo C. Mingo. He stared intently at her Aunt Ida. Paradise’s mother Nina was very upset because sexy Aunt Ida was an unwelcomed guest. Nina started to argue with Alonzo, he looked confused and stepped back. His nostrils flared because he bumped into the kitchen table. The dishes rattled, and 13-year-old Paradise ran next to Madame Montoyier. Aunt Ida looked terrified because Madame Montoyier vanished.


His Mother-in-Law’s deliberate disappearance shook him to the core. He looked to Nina for comfort and answers. But, she failed to respond in a comforting manner. She was visibly upset over Aunt Ida’s unwelcomed presence. Out of anger, Nina grabbed a handful of birthday cake and smashed it into Alonzo’s face. He looked confused, flared his nostrils again, and shoved Nina into the kitchen counter. Paradise was stunned, shaken, and visibly upset. She had never heard or seen her parents argue before. So, the sight of them physically fighting was extremely traumatic. Madame Montoyier re-appeared in her Altar room, as Nina, and Alonzo tussled on the kitchen floor. She removed the Shadow-Box from her Altar. Then she traced the magical glyphs on the lid. The lid opened, the Guardian-Spirit jumped out, and she pointed. It ran through the wall, ran downstairs, and entered the motionless Foo Dog Statue. The Foo Dog was in the hallway next to Paradise’s family portrait. Inside the kitchen, Alonzo sat on top of Nina. She struggled to get up, and he grabbed her throat. Alonzo raised his open left hand to strike Nina. But, he paused when he heard an unexpected growl. Nina looked terrified, so, Alonzo turned quickly. He looked up, and the Foo Dog looked down. It perched itself on the edge of their kitchen counter. Alonzo

241 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL grimaced, the Foo Dog snarled, and Nina yelled, “Attack!” The Foo Dog attacked her husband, and he screamed, and a car alarm blared. The car alarm rang from the Motel’s parking lot. Paradise was forced to return her attention to the motel room. The homeless white man stood in front of Paradise’s door. He looked at the full moon, howled like a wolf, and belched. He swirled the infused beer, wiped his mouth, and stomped his feet. He held the capped beer bottle by the neck, knelt, and broke it. He left the broken shards of glass on the curb. The shattered glass sent a cold chill through Paradise’s body. Paradise had no knowledge of the homeless man or his nefarious activities. But, she felt the need to talk to Madame Montoyier’s unseen presence. “And Mom-Mom, you wondered why, I never had any friends? It was ‘Cuz of that damn Foo Dog!” shouted Paradise. Paradise stood quickly, folded the letter, and stuffed it into her back pocket. “Hinnêh Mâttânâh!” whispered the homeless man. The homeless man was a Mossad agent named, “Avi Weinberg.” The words “Hinnêh Mâttânâh,” was “Behold the sacrificial offering,” in Hebrew. “Avi come on,” mouthed the female Mossad agent. Paradise never heard their Jewish commands. But, she clearly heard

242 SHEMA’YAH BEY the green pick-up truck’s powerful engine. Avi got in the truck, slammed the door, and they sped away. Paradise never looked out of the window. But, she walked clockwise around a cup of water with outstretched hands.



Paradise understood she needed prayer, protection, and freedom. So, she returned to the ancient sciences of her people. She made the journey around the metaphoric Sun. The cup of water was her spiritual Smartphone. She walked clockwise around the cup to rotary dial God. Madame Montoyier told Paradise never to walk counter-clockwise, because that’s called, “The Witches Dance.” The Witches Dance was for witches, warlocks, and sorcerers. Nina told Paradise, “Highly Spiritual People, Prophets, and Prophetess walked the circle.” Paradise understood from an early age, “Walking the Circle,” meant a clockwise march. So, Paradise embraced her roots, and sincerely prayed,


“Most High God, give me the strength of Sampson, and the courage of Harriet Tubman!” When Paradise said “Courage,” she heard the door handle jiggle. She maintained her composure, and commandingly shouted, “Archangel Michael, Cicero, and Mom-Mom, I summon you now!” “Don’t forget to close the gate,” whispered Cicero to Paradise in her mind. Cicero told Paradise to terminate the spiritual telephone call. So, she walked counter-clockwise “One-Time.” She clapped her hands onetime, and the telephone rang. She walked counter-clockwise to close the supernatural gate. Her obedience prevented unseen forces, from entering our world, through her opened gate. The telephone rang again, and Paradise refused to answer it, and Sin kicked the door open. Paradise stepped back, and Sin lunged forward, and Enchantment screamed, “Beat her ass!” Sin had returned from Iraq earlier than scheduled. He wanted to be present when Paradise resurrected Angelina. His plans changed when he encountered the Angel of Pandemonium. That evil angel told Sin to Kill Paradise, but she refused to be killed, and Enchantment screamed, “Die, Bitch!”


Paradise hit Sin in the throat with the strength of Hercules. Sin grabbed his throat, staggered, and Paradise screamed, “Fire! Fire! The motel’s on fire!” Paradise yelled “Fire,” because she knew her nosy neighbors would call the police. Enchantment jumped on Paradise’s back, and Paradise tossed her, and Sin gasped for air. The Angel of Pandemonium followed Enchantment into Paradise’s room. Sin, Enchantment, and Paradise looked crazed. The Angel of Death joined the Angel of Pandemonium. Those unseen forces emerged from the magical herbs in the spilled beer. The mystical mixture was used to kill Sin and Enchantment. Avi Weinberg was the powerful Kabbalist, who ordered the supernatural assassination. He performed the beer bottle ritual with esoteric perfection. A Kabbalist was a Jewish Mystic, who received the divine word. The night air combined with the Full Moon animated the mystical mixture. The animated beer took the shape of yellowish-green ooze. The ooze or jelly-like substance pulsated like a homing beacon. The mystical homing beacon slithered around the shards of broken glass. The motel’s guests started to gather in the parking lot. But, they refused to get involved in another domestic dispute. In horror, they watched Paradise’s fight to the death.


Enchantment landed on the floor hard. Paradise flipped her like a rag doll. Police sirens rang in the background. Enchantment rolled away from Paradise. But, she wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Paradise anticipated her move, kicked her in the ribs, and stomped her badly. Blood spewed from her nose and mouth. “And this is for that night,” screamed Paradise. Paradise kicked her in the face, and she blacked out. Sin, the trained killer, stood in horror. “That night,” meant the sex tape night inside the Pontchartrain Hotel. Sin’s killer instincts kicked in. He moved quickly, yanked Paradise by her ponytail, and roared, “Get off of her!” Paradise grabbed his hand, squatted, and pivoted twice. The second pivot broke his wrist. He screamed, she kicked him in the groin, and Enchantment remained unconscious. Sin grabbed his nuts, dropped to his knees, and gasped for air. Paradise followed her assault with a deadly palm strike to his eardrum. Sin’s brain smacked the inside of his skull extremely hard. He suffered an instant concussion, ruptured ear drum, and bruised forehead. Sin landed on the floor face first. Blood trickled from his right ear, and Paradise rolled him over. She snatched the rotary telephone from the wall. Thunder roared in the

247 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL background, lightning crackled, and the motel guests screamed. Najma, the motel manager, stood in Paradise’s doorway. The flash of lightning highlighted Najma’s shapely body. “Dooooon’t!!!” screamed Najma horrifically. Paradise was in the process of crushing Sin’s skull with the heavy telephone. “You can send the Damn Tape!” yelled Paradise. Paradise screamed, Najma screamed, and Sin screamed in horrific pain. He screamed because Paradise crushed his testicles with the heavy telephone. Paradise heard the police sirens in the motel’s parking lot. “Hurry Angelina, the police are coming!” yelled Najma. Sin groaned, Enchantment drooled blood on her blouse and attempted to stand. She grunted, toppled, and Paradise yelled, “And you can tell your snake face cousins! I Pick the Forces of Good, and I choose to honor My Ancestors!” Najma looked perplexed, Sin blacked out from the severe pain, and Enchantment crawled. Paradise grabbed the Marriage Certificate and Angelina’s passport. She punched Enchantment in the forehead. Najma stepped aside slowly and Paradise staggered out of the room.


“Najma Come On!” yelled Paradise. Najma failed to move because she was petrified. Paradise failed to take Dixie May’s designer handbag. Dixie May had a tracking device placed in the handbag. The police, along with the motel’s patron, never saw Paradise exist. She walked, stopped, and gasped. Paradise had seen the mystical ooze change colors. The ooze turned black and stretched itself into a long tube. The supernatural creature morphed into a 12-feet long King Cobra. Paradise covered her mouth, stepped aside and shockingly said, “L'assassin du diable.” Paradise said the Devil’s Assassin in French. The Devil’s Assassin slithered out of the shards of broken glass. It hissed at Paradise, and she sidestepped it, and it slithered into the room. If, Paradise had stepped over the “Devil’s Assassin,” she would’ve been killed. The Devil’s Assassin brushed its body against Najma’s tan colored shoe. From the parking lot Paradise screamed, “Run Najma Run!” Enchantment attempted to help Sin stand, and Najma failed to run. Najma didn’t move because she was deathly afraid of snakes. The motel room vibrated, and the King Cobra exploded. The supernatural entity had become a powerful ring of

249 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL energy. The paranormal explosion opened a gateway inside the motel room. The corners of the wall appeared to split slightly. Demonic forces, growled, and squeezed through the cracked corners. Some of those demons had faces like frogs, alien Greys, and shape-shifting Jinn. Those underworld assassins attacked Sin and Enchantment. They screamed, Najma screamed, and the motel’s patrons screamed. Those frightened parking lot patrons screamed because the night sky quaked. The police turned their attention to the strange sky sounds. They heard metallic clanks, scrapping steel, and iron swords banged on shields. The celestial orchestra ended abruptly. The police along with the motel’s patrons were scared. But, they feared the eerie silence over the heavenly warfare. The Officer in Charge regained his composure, signaled the team, and yelled, “It’s a Go, Blue team move in!” The motel’s patrons stood behind the police barricade. The police squad wasn’t prepared to encounter the esoteric circus. Those overzealous police officers entered the room with pump-action shotguns. They had no clue evil spirits entered the room behind them. The sound of gunshots rang out, motel patrons scattered, and Paradise escaped undetected. Sin had no clue an assassin marked him for death.


Avi Weinberg had orchestrated the supernatural hit because they pimped Paradise. He didn’t care about Paradise, but he didn’t want his cover blown. Avi was a deep cover Mossad agent. He was employed by the Israeli government to spy on Paradise. Avi had hired Sin to seduce Paradise in New Orleans. Sin got Enchantment involved, and things got messy. Avi needed an excuse to steal Paradise’s money. So, he devised the plan to capture Paradise on film. When Avi discovered Sin tried to kill Paradise, he was forced to kill Sin and Enchantment. Avi didn’t care about Paradise, but the Israeli Government did. Avi planned to recruit Paradise with her forfeited money. But, his plan was thwarted when Sin got Enchantment, General Hardwick, and Dixie May Johnson involved. Avi had met Sin through an FTD Ad in the South China Morning Post. The Mossad around 1955 recruited Avi. He was an Ashkenazi (Jew) born in Palestine in 1937. His parents fled the Nazis, Hitler, and Germany in 1933. The Mossad discovered Avi was a polyglot interested in Jewish mysticism. A “Polyglot,” was a person who spoke multiple languages. Avi spoke fluent German, French, English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Czech, Arabic, and Chinese (Mandarin).


In the summer of 1957 he was sent to Prague in the Czech Republic. He had to investigate the legend of the Golem. The Golem was a supernatural giant made from clay. Avi stood at the tomb of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel. History credits the Maharal of Prague (Rabbi Judah Loew) with bringing the Golem to Life. The Rabbi’s Golem protected a ghetto of 16th Century Jews from persecution. Avi had seen an old Romani woman at the cemetery. She was a Gypsy, who survived Nazi Germany’s extermination camp. Avi asked the elderly woman if she was a Mulò. A Mulò was a “Living Dead,” who sought revenge. The Living Dead harmed people who had harmed them. The woman told Avi she wasn’t a Mulò. But, she was a Drabardi, not far from death. A “Drabardi,” was a fortune teller, who read the fortune of non-Roma people. “Nalézt magickou Negro ženu v New Orleans,” she said prophetically. “Marie Laveau? Ona je mrtvá,” he said confusedly. “Spirit say, not Voodoo woman. Help Man Toy the ghost weapon,” she said in Czech. The fortune teller told him to find the magical Negro woman in New Orleans. He responded in Czech with, “Marie Laveau? She’s dead.” Marie Laveau was a renowned Voodoo Priestess in New Orleans. She died on June 15, 1881. The pale skinned,

252 SHEMA’YAH BEY bushy eyebrows Gypsy, looked wild-eyed, and walked away. Avi met the Gypsy’s “Man Toy” in New Orleans on February 21, 1965. Her name was Isabella Montoyier (i.e. Mon-Toy-yea). He helped her secure sole custody of baby Nina. Avi arrived in New Orleans on Nov. 17, 1963. He was sent there to observe President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. JFK got killed in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963.



Two days later Paradise walked into the McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. She arrived in the evening along with a carry-on bag, skepticism, and hesitancy. Paradise stood nervously at the check-in counter with knots in her stomach. The ticket teller took Angelina’s Passport and Marriage Certificate. She smiled, typed, and waited for the computer’s response. Paradise anxiously waited for the reservation to be affirmed. The tall ticket teller Tammy Thompson timidly tapped the teleprompter. Paradise started to question the airline ticket’s legitimacy. So, she rubbed her neck, tapped her foot, and hesitantly said, “Is everything okay?”


Tammy raised her eyebrow, looked at Angelina’s passport, and stared at Paradise. Tammy tapped her screen again, returned Angelina’s passport, and Marriage Certificate. Paradise felt dejected, her heart sank, and Tammy said, “You’re all checked in Mrs. Sinclair. Your flight to New York doesn’t board for a least another three hours. I’m printing your Boarding Pass now.” Paradise made a sigh of relief, took the printed ticket, and walked away. Paradise snorted, turned back around, and spoke to timid Tammy. The people who stood in the long registration line looked upset. Paradise waved her hand apologetically, smiled at Tammy, and repentantly said, “Thank you Tammy and I apologize for appearing rude.” “You’re welcome. Apology accepted and I’m glad you came back,” said Tammy. “Why?” said Paradise nervously. “Because the items you reported missing are in the Lost and Found Office,” said Tammy happily. Paradise looked around the airport confusedly, scratched her head, and softly said, “I didn’t report anything missing. Well okay. Where’s the Lost and Found?”


Tammy pointed in the direction of the Lost and Found. Paradise gulped, rubbed her neck and politely said, “Thank you.” “You’re welcome Mrs. Sinclair, have a great day,” said Tammy sincerely. Moments later Paradise walked into the Lost and Found Office. A young African-American couple, with a cute three-year-old son has exited the office. Jerry was the husband, and Karita was his 23-yearold pregnant wife. “What up Ma?” said Jerry to Paradise. Paradise held the door for the young couple. Karita looked at Paradise skeptically, grabbed Jerry by the arm, and authoritatively said, “Jerry, would you come on!” Paradise ignored Jerry’s comment, smiled at Karita, and watched their son waddle away. “I’m just say’n Karita,” said Jerry, the enamored husband. “You ain’t say’n shit Jerry. Now, bring your ass on,” said Karita, the frustrated wife. Paradise approached the Lost and Found, customer service counter. She waited for Latisha Jenkins, the heavy-set African-American customer service worker. Latisha refused to acknowledge Paradise’s presence. So, Paradise scanned the empty

256 SHEMA’YAH BEY office for other customers. Latisha joined Paradise’s fruitless search for other customers too. “I said next,” says Latisha rudely. Paradise flinched, bit her bottom lip, and squinted. Latisha squinted, licked her full lips, and rudely said, “What are you, deaf?” Paradise approached Latisha, placed the Passport, and Marriage Certificate on the counter. “Do you have a lost package for Mrs. Angelina Sinclair?” said Paradise politely. “Do you have a lost package for Mrs. Angelina Sinclair?” said Latisha mockingly. Latisha studied Angelina’s Passport thoroughly. Paradise anticipated her confusion, pointed to the Marriage Certificate, and Latisha said, “I can read! I see your last name was Bridgewater, and now it’s Sinclair. But, that’s not my concern. I’m trying to figure out, who would marry you?” Paradise looked disturbed, took a deep breath, and aggressively said, “Can you get the package, please?” “Uhl… you’re working my nerves,” said Latisha angrily. Latisha tossed the Passport onto the counter. Paradise sucked her teeth, and Latisha retrieved the package. She handed Paradise the odd package and Paradise said,


“Is this a joke?” “You reported it missing! So, you tell me!” said Latisha mockingly. “What’d you say?” said Paradise shockingly. “Did I stutter, Dino?” said Latisha rudely. “Did you just call me a dog?” said Paradise angrily. Latisha responded in kind, by using fake American Sign Language, and mockingly mouthed, “You heard me!” Paradise held a metallic lunch box featuring the Flintstones and Dino the small Snorkasaurus-dinosaur (dog). Latisha looked at Paradise in disbelief, smirked, and sarcastically said, “Ruff, ruff…” Paradise flared her nostrils and considered splitting Latisha’s head with the metal lunch box. She couldn’t afford the unwanted attention, so she softly said, “Difficulté suite à l'ego blessé.” “This is A-Mare-Re-Ka, so speak English,” said Latisha confusedly. “I said trouble follows the wounded ego,” said Paradise prophetically. Latisha had unknowingly discovered Paradise’s mythical place called, “A Loss for Words.”


Paradise took a deep breath and snatched the Marriage Certificate from Latisha’s hand. Latisha failed to react because Paradise’s parable perplexed her. Paradise walked out of the Lost and Found with confidence. She raised her right hand, spread her two fingers, and made the peace symbol. Paradise ran outside, dodged a minivan, and sashayed into the parking lot. She looked around, exhaled slowly, and squatted behind a trash dumpster. Paradise nervously opened the lid on the “Flintstones,” Lunch Box. She looked at the contents in disbelief. Paradise slowly removed two VHS mini-cassette tapes. She removed the lighter fluid, certificate of divorce, and a book of matches. Paradise grabbed the typed letter, paused and stared. Her sparkly "PARADISE," earrings caused her momentary paralysis. Someone sealed her earrings inside a sandwich bag. There was a yellow Post-It note stuck to the plastic bag. The poorly penned message in red marker ink read, “Clean Before Wearing.” Enchantment lied to Paradise. She mailed her earrings along with a wedding picture of Paradise and Sin to Avi Weinberg as proof of life. Paradise understood those earrings needed an exorcism. An exorcism was a ceremony conducted by Highly


Spiritual People, Priest, and Priestess. Those brave individuals exorcised people, places, and objects. The exorcism released the possessed, from all manner of evil and evil influences. Paradise left the infected earrings inside of the “Flintstones,” lunch box. She returned her attention to the watermarked ivory resume paper. The typed message read as followed, “These are the original tapes from Porn night. Our Remote Viewers located them in New Orleans. We found them inside of a Jewish Lawyer’s Safe. We destroyed all of the copies. Use the matches. 621.” Remote Viewers were people, who located targets through psychic images. Those psychic spies were often separated from the actual event by hundreds of miles. Paradise separated the mini VHS tapes away from the other items. She squirted the lighter fluid onto the tapes, struck a match, and watched them melt. The bubbled black goo created a mini-camp fire. She tossed the Post-It note and letter onto the fire. A tiny Japanese man parked his car next to the trash dumpster. He watched Paradise’s mini-camp fire, honked the horn, and shouted, “Hey, what are you doing?!” Paradise tossed the tiny can of lighter fluid into the trash dumpster. She put the book of matches into her front pocket. She locked her “Certificate of Divorce,” inside the Flintstones lunch box. Her new

260 SHEMA’YAH BEY pair of leather riding boots extinguished the fiery black goo. The tiny Japanese man stepped out of his blue minivan, pointed his fingered, and yelled, “I’m calling the police.” Paradise flicked her two fingers, he recognized the Peace symbol, and said, “Kyōki no on'na.” In Japanese he said, “Woman of Madness.” But, in the street language he said, “Crazy Lady.” He shook his head, returned to his minivan, and drove away. Paradise grabbed her carry-on bag, and the Flintstones lunch box, and ran away. She laughed, dodged a taxi, and happily shouted, “Vive le vingt premier Juin!”


33 TUBBEE JONES Shreveport, Louisiana

Paradise returned inside the airport with the numbers “621” on her mind. Those numbers were on her mystical letter. 6-21 represented the Secret Order known as “Le vingt premier Juin.” When Paradise ran through the parking lot, she happily shouted, “Vive le vingt premier Juin.” In French she said, “Long live the 21st of June.” The 21st of June was an Occult Sleeper Cell. Three Brothers in the United States Army organized those militarized mystics. Paradise was a member of the


21st of June. Madame Montoyier recruited her. A few hours before her death, she gave Paradise, the secret handshake, and passwords. Madame Montoyier joined the 21st of June in 1963. Nina's estranged father recruited her. The concept of Le vingt premier Juin started in France by three wise men. Their segregated Unit helped liberate Dachau, Germany. Dachau was the first concentration camp the Nazis built. Those three black soldiers grew up Christian, but they practiced Hoodoo magic. After World War II, they returned to Shreveport, Louisiana, and devised a plan. Those low-level Root-Workers anticipated the King Alfred Plan. But, they needed another way to defeat bombs, bullets, and the hangman’s noose. So, they decided to raise a “Ghost Army.” But, their Army had to be supernatural, and not physical. Around 1944, the 23rd Infantry Division had 1,100 men called the “Ghost Army.” Those Americans made the Nazis believe they were 30,000 men strong. Their magic spell was a combination of recorded battalion sounds and inflatable Army tanks. One Sunday after church the three wise men ingested some magic mushrooms. They envisioned a beautiful black woman, with bowed legs, and pretty white teeth. She worked in a New Orleans Jook Joint as a part-time barmaid. Those

263 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL magic mushrooms were ancient spirits who spoke as one being. “Your spirit is your God-essence, that’s a piece of God inside of you, and the divine feminine is the key to transformation. The indigenous woman you seek possesses magical knowledge from the Old World. She doesn’t speak English, but she’s the key to weaponizing the dead,” said the spirit(s) of the magic mushroom. The three wise men had their prophetic vision in 1946. But, their secret order had to wait until Nina’s father met Madame Montoyier. On the 21st of June, Paradise’s estranged Grandfather walked inside a New Orleans Jook Joint. He scanned the crowded dance floor and discovered Madame Montoyier cleaning the bar. It was lust at first sight for both of them. He introduced himself as a Mississippi Blues singer. He sang, and she frowned, and politely said, “Vous n'êtes pas un bon chanteur.” He looked confused, turned to his buddy, who spoke a little French. His buddy laughed, swallowed his Moonshine and said, “She said you’re not a good singer, Tubbee.” The extremely handsome non-singer laughed too. He was a 32-yearold, Korean War veteran named Cornelius “Tubbee” Jones. Madame Montoyier laughed when she heard the name, “Tubbee.” Tubbee

264 SHEMA’YAH BEY was the English version of Ubi. Ubi meant to kill in Choctaw. Madame Montoyier took a chance and flirtatiously said, “Chim-achukma?” “Acheba,” said Tubbee to Madame Montoyier in a soothing baritone voice. She blushed, he smiled, and his buddy looked confused. In Choctaw, Madame Montoyier had said, “How are you?” He responded in Choctaw, with a flirtatious smile, and playfully said, “Mischievous.” They giggled, she touched his hand, and his buddy walked away. Tubbee's paternal grandmother raised him. His parents were Mississippi sharecroppers. Tubbee’s father was mixed blood, half Negro, and half Indian. Tubbee’s grandmother was a full blooded, cocoa brown Choctaw (Indian). She taught Tubbee how to speak Choctaw. But, they never spoke it in front of white folks. Madame Montoyier was lonely. She wanted Tubbee and a family. Tubbee was horny, he wanted Madame Montoyier, but he had a family. Over the course of time, they had sex, and she got pregnant. Tubbee had a wife and three children, but he was in love with Madame Montoyier. His family lived above the Lenox Lounge, in Harlem, New York. Tubbee took Madame Montoyier to Shreveport, Louisiana. She was four weeks pregnant with Nina. Tubbee

265 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL introduced Madame Montoyier, to his favorite Uncle. He was one of the three wise men. Tubbee’s nameless Uncle recognized Madame Montoyier, immediately. The magical mushrooms told the three wise men, Madame Montoyier didn’t speak English. So, Tubbee was forced to translate his Uncle’s message. The wise man told Madame Montoyier, his nephew Tubbee was a womanizer. In Choctaw, Tubbee translated the message accurately. He stood, kissed Madame Montoyier on the forehead, and walked out. She remained stoic, didn’t shed a tear, and calmly said, “Il était mon à la maison.” The wise man looked confused, summoned his wife, and she interpreted. Madame Montoyier had said, “He was my ride home.” In French, the wise man’s wife acknowledged her concern. She told Madame Montoyier, they would drive her back to New Orleans, in the morning. “Okay,” nodded Madame Montoyier. The wise man’s wife revealed her husband’s vision. Madame Montoyier wasn’t naïve. She figured her purpose for being in Shreveport, was bigger than Tubbee. The wise man summoned the founders of the “Le vingt premier Juin.” They entered his home with their wives, food, and gifts. Madame Montoyier received gold coins, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Over

266 SHEMA’YAH BEY dinner, they discussed the future of black America, magic, and mysticism. Madame Montoyier spent a total of three days, and three nights, in their home. She returned to New Orleans with no father for her daughter. But, she received money to purchase spiritual supplies, and money to support baby Nina, and herself. She rarely talked about Tubbee to Nina. Nina met Tubbee when she was seven months pregnant with Paradise. Nina received a mysterious letter from Harlem, NY. Tubbee wrote the magical message in invisible ink (i.e. lemon juice). He removed the lemon from his ice water. Then he squirted the lemon juice on his index finger. He wore his bifocal glasses, twisted his lips, and consciously wrote, “Nina, I’m your father.” Tubbee begged his middle child “Michael,” to locate his half-sister Nina in New Orleans. Michael told Donna, his oldest sister, what Tubbee wanted. Donna told Karen, their baby sister, and she uncaringly said, “Let that half-breed be.” Michael ignored his sisters, located Nina and wrote Tubbee’s address on the envelope. Alonzo accompanied Nina to a dilapidated nursing home in the Bronx, NY. She introduced herself; he ignored her, and she walked out. Nina returned to New Orleans, binged on Gumbo and had Paradise one week later.


Paradise sat on the airport bench with her chin on her chest. Her head bobbed, the lunch box dropped, and she woke. She retrieved the lunch box, grabbed her carry-on bag, and stood. Paradise walked through the security checkpoint groggily. She received the customary frisk, perverted smile, and unwanted touch between the legs. She snatched her items from the security bucket, ran quickly, and breathed heavily. Paradise arrived at the airlines Departure Gate exhausted. JFK Airport in New York was her flight's destination. She unconsciously handed the airline’s ticket taker the ticket. He snapped his fingers to get her attention. Paradise woke from her daze, blinked rapidly, and curiously said, “Did I make it?” “You just made it,” said the ticket taker. “Okay,” nodded Paradise. “Is everything okay? Your body is next to me, but your mind is somewhere else honey,” said the ticket taker. “I’m okay. But, thanks for asking,” said Paradise. Paradise focused on her eleven-year-old memory of Avi Weinberg. He told her grandmother the CIA was a product of the Nazi party. Avi alleged General Gehlen from Nazi Germany was their puppet master. The three wise men told Madame Montoyier about the Nazis. They exterminated millions of Jews in

268 SHEMA’YAH BEY death camps. The three wise men prepared for a future where white folks put black folks in death camps too. The CIA was the rumored American death camp executioners under the “King Alfred Plan.” Paradise never believed that 1960s fictional story. But, she reconsidered her position when Dixie May, summoned her to New York. Angelina’s Case Officer a/k/a CIA coordinator was Dixie May Johnson. Dixie May had plans for Paradise’s participation too. Bobby Carol the Airline’s ticket taker snapped his fingers. Paradise handed him the Boarding Pass, he checked her in, and kindly said, “Do you need an escort?” “No. I’ll be alright, but thanks for asking,” said Paradise soberly. “Sure thing honey and watch your step. Uhl! That’s a cute little box,” he said. Paradise looked at the Hollywood handsome homosexual, and jokingly said, “Do you like it, Mr. Pitt?” He blushed, twirled, and giddily said, “Everyone says I look like Brad, but I don’t see it. And, yes I’m Love’n It.” “You don’t think it’s too young, do you?” said Paradise playfully. He smiled, bowed playfully, and truthfully said,


“Oh no honey, Dino matches your blouse. In case you’ve wondered, my name is Bobby Carol. If, you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” “Thank you,” nodded Paradise. “You’re welcome honey, now watch your step,” he said caringly. Paradise tossed her carry-on bag over her shoulder. She held the Flintstones lunch box in her right hand. Bobby Carol watched Paradise walk inside the airplane like a runway model. Paradise located her seat, fastened her seatbelt, and enjoyed the ascension.



After the airplane had stabilized, Paradise removed the “Certificate of Divorce,” from the lunch box. She wondered if Aunt Ida played a partin her freedom from Sin. Aunt Ida wrote in her letter, “We paid a lot of Souls for you.” Paradise was perplexed because Aunt Ida’s statement was a non-human statement. She knew the “Spirit World,” intervened. But, she had no clue Human Souls were involved. Paradise was trained to be on the side of righteousness. So, Souls being traded by good Spirits was beyond her comprehension. Paradise returned her attention to earthly matters and whispered, “I never filed for a divorce, but I’ll take it.”


A passenger named Pamela Edwards sat directly in front of Paradise. She was a fifty-year-old Caucasian woman from Hackensack, New Jersey. Pamela turned quickly, stared at Paradise, and sarcastically mumbled, “Where’s your escort?” Paradise read Pamela’s disgusted expression, flared her nostrils, and softly said, “What?” Pamela turned back around, looked at her neighbor, and shockingly said, “Did you hear about those poor people in that sleazy motel? It’s just like Jersey, there was another mob hit, and everyone was killed. But, the thing I can’t figure out? Why is there a media blackout? I suspect something else is going on. What do you think?” “I haven’t heard a word,” said the skeptical passenger. “This happened a few days ago,” said Pamela aggressively. The eight-year-old passenger shrugged his shoulders, looked at his father, and frowned. “Don’t talk to my kid,” said the father to Pamela. The blonde headed boy switched seats with his father. Pamela huffed, grabbed a magazine, and Paradise looked confused. She heard Pamela’s conversation,

272 SHEMA’YAH BEY but she questioned her trip. Paradise scanned the airplane, scratched her head, and flinched. She discovered she was the only African-American on the airplane. “Ladies and Gentlemen this is the 1:35 AM flight, bound for Devils Lake, North Dakota,” said the Airplane’s Captain over the intercom. Paradise looked like she had lost her best friend. So, the “Spirit of Panic,” returned to keep her company. Paradise pressed the flight attendants’ button. She timed the pushes with every short breath. Bobby Carol waved the other attendant away, and he anxiously said, “What’s wrong honey?” Paradise handed Bobby Carol her Boarding pass. It clearly stated from Las Vegas to JFK Airport in New York. “Bobby Carol, I’m supposed to be flying to New York,” said Paradise worriedly. “Oh my, this is embarrassing. I do apologize, Mrs. Sinclair, that's my bad. We had a gate change. And I got so caught up in your cute little box. I failed to notice the ticket said JFK Airport in New York,” he said remorsefully. Paradise was visibly upset, he sighed, and she mournfully whispered, “Now what?”


Bobby Carol smiled, she moaned, and he caringly said, “You can board the next flight to New York in Devils Lake. Would you like a beverage?” Paradise shrugged her shoulders, sucked her teeth and dejectedly said, “I’ll take a fruit punch.” Bobby Carol handed Paradise a cold can from his cart. “Thank you,” she said softly. “You’re welcome sweetie,” he said encouragingly. Paradise looked out of the passenger’s window on her left-hand side. Her eyes widen, the little boy's eyes widen, and Pamela fainted. They had seen a flying humanoid (creature) in the clouds. The airplane rattled, Paradise fastened her seatbelt, and the Captain said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking, will you please fasten your seatbelts. We’re experiencing some unexpected rain and unusual turbulence.” The airline Captain understated the severity of the thunder and lightning storm. The frightened passengers felt the airplane was doomed. So, Paradise reflected on her youth, placed her hand on the glass, and prayed. She told God to send a supernatural force to protect the airplane. Paradise sealed her invocation in the name of


“Tout ce qui est Saint.” The good angel rebuked the Angel in the Whirlwind, who directed the storm. The evil angel who rode the storm was forced to turn away. The airline Captain surprisingly said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. It appears the storm has turned away; you’re free to move around the cabin.” Paradise thanked God under her breath, scanned the cabin, and smiled. A few people unhooked their seatbelts and Pamela walked to the bathroom. Tout ce qui est Saint meant in the name of All That is Holy in French. Nina taught Paradise that “Pray-Away- Prayer,” when she was ten years old. A storm headed for their home, Nina pointed at the storm and prayed. The storm changed its course; God spared their home from destruction, and Nina said, “Lucifer est monté dans la tempête.” Nina told Paradise, “Lucifer mounted the storm.” Paradise understood demonic forces rode the waves of turbulent winds. Paradise never suspected Avi Weinberg was the devil, who orchestrated her storm. His betrayal felt worse than Sin’s beating. Thoughts of Avi caused Paradise’s blood pressure to rise. So, she inhaled deeply, exhaled slowly, and devised a plan. Paradise placed the cold can of fruit punch on her temple. The icy effect calmed her nerves, lowered her temperature, and provided needed relief. She closed

275 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL her eyes, reflected on Nurse Davis, and attempted to rest. But, the thoughts of harming Avi Weinberg prevented a peaceful state of being. When Paradise came to Nurse Davis’ home, she was covered in blood. She told Nurse Davis about her fight to the death, with Sin, and Enchantment. She also said she was a victim of theft, witchcraft, and awful humiliation. Nurse Davis believed Paradise’s fight to the death story. But, she refused to accept paranormal forces were involved. Nurse Davis had experienced Sin’s evil behavior. But, Paradise refused to reveal he had serpent DNA. Paradise realized Nurse Davis couldn't handle her wild stories. So, she never exposed her true identity. She allowed Nurse Davis to believe her name was Angelina Bridgewater. Her grandsons thought Paradise wanted her money. But, they changed their minds quickly when two detectives came to their home. Those creepy white men had unnaturally bald heads. They wore black suits, black ties, and crisp white shirts. The “Men in Black” knocked on Nurse Davis’ screen door. Her twin grandsons walked to the door, stopped and flinched. The taller twin said, “Yo, what’s up with your eyebrows?” “They ain’t got none,” said the shorter twin. “Can we help you?” said the twins in unison to the detectives.


“We’re looking for a woman named Angelina,” said the shorter detective. “She’s a material witness in a multiple homicide,” said the taller detective. “Never heard of her,” said Marcus the shorter twin. “Wow. That’s strange? Motel phone records report something different. A single phone call came from the motel room in question. The call lasted a total of six seconds,” said the shorter detective. “It was the only call made in weeks from that motel room,” said the taller detective. “So what does that have to do with us? And why you sound like a robot?” said Malachi the taller twin. “We traced that outbound number to this address,” said the normal toned detective. “Are we under arrest?” said the twins in unison. “No. But, can we come in?” said the detectives in unison. “No,” said Malachi guardedly. The “Men in Black” stepped back when Marcus slammed the front door. The taller detective placed his business card on the screen door. The shorter detective knocked aggressively on their side window. “Tell your grandmother we’ll be back,” he yelled angrily. Malachi looked at Marcus and said,


“That’s strange? Doesn’t Nana have a burner phone?” “Yeah, we insisted she get one. Don’t you remember,” said Malachi. “Yeah, I remember. House address not required,” said Marcus. “After you use the phone, you toss it,” said Malachi. “Tell Nana to toss that phone and dump that lady,” said Marcus. Malachi had texted their grandmother like Marcus instructed. Paradise reflected on Nurse Davis’ comment as the airplane descended. She told Paradise on the way to the McCarran airport that she had received a text message from one of her grandson’s and Malachi said, “Ditch the Chick and toss the phone.” “I don’t want to know what you’re into or where you're going. But, you need to know I'll be praying for you. If anybody asked I haven’t heard from you, and I’ve never seen you,” said Nurse Davis caringly. “Thank you,” nodded Paradise. Nurse Davis parked in the airport’s temporary parking lot. She turned off the ignition, popped the trunk, and dissembled her burner phone. She removed the battery and SIM card. She wiped the

278 SHEMA’YAH BEY phone with a handy wipe. Paradise retrieved several napkins from the glove compartment. Nurse Davis wrapped the three burner phone components in separate fast food napkins. Paradise removed her carry-on bag from the trunk. She thanked Nurse Davis for her new clothes. Paradise hugged Nurse Davis, closed the trunk, and walked away. Paradise never looked back, wiped her tears, and prayed. Nurse Davis prayed, wiped her tears, and walked the opposite direction. She walked to three separate trash cans. She tossed one folded napkin into each bin. Nurse Davis returned to her car, paid the airport’s exit toll, and never looked back.


35 LULU FORTUNE Devils Lake, North Dakota

Paradise walked through the Devils Lake Regional Airport in North Dakota. The airplane landed safely, and the passengers were happy, and Paradise was concerned. She located the airport’s arrival and flight departures screen. The next flight to JFK airport was scheduled to depart at 3:30 AM. It was 2:10 AM. Paradise yawned, found a chair, and sat. She stood quickly, scanned the baggage claim and walked cautiously. Paradise stood skeptically in front of three Limousine drivers. Those men held small signs with handwritten last names. The tall, dark and handsome Dominican driver’s sign read, “JUNE SPADE.”


When Paradise read the name, she turned pale. The Dominican driver turned pale too. His continence changed because he thought Paradise was Angelina. The name “June Spade,” was code for the 21st of June. The 21st of June was the Mystical Order, “Le Vingt Premier Juin.” The German last name “Spade,” had a dual meaning. Spade meant late or tardy in German. The playing card game known as “21” was also called, “Spades.” The Dominican driver, along with Paradise, was nervously intrigued. Their unexpected encounter caused them to step forward. Paradise made the first move, he squinted, and she scowled. He placed his right hand on his forehead. She pretended to check her non-existent wrist watch. He concealed his smile, and so did she. The two Limo drivers were oblivious to their secret exchange. But, they felt their colleague’s connection to Paradise. The Dominican driver smiled openly, Paradise remained stoic and frowned. She downplayed their spiritual connection he looked confused and scowled. Their combined scent created sexual chemistry, intrigue, and excitement. “Good morning,” said the Dominican to Paradise with a Spanish Harlem accent. “Who sent you?” said Paradise cautiously. “Is your name June Spade?” he said cautiously.


“No,” said Paradise coldly. “Oh okay, well you have a good morning,” he said dejectedly. “You too,” nodded Paradise. She stepped back, smiled, and he looked around the luggage carousel for June Spade. Paradise scanned the carousel, stepped to Lulu, and softly said, “What’s today’s date?” “It’s the 13th,” he said soberly. “Oh well. Thank you. I was hoping it was the 21st,” she said soberly. He smiled, she smiled, and he happily said, “Every day is the 21st. Will you please follow me?” “Nope, I won’t be doing that,” she said defensively. He placed the tips of his index and middle fingers, under his left eye socket and caringly said, “I see you.” “I see you too,” she said protectively. Paradise placed her index and middle fingers under her right eye socket. The Dominican driver leaned forward, and she squinted, and he whispered, “Vive le vingt premier Juin.” When Paradise heard “Long live the 21st of June,” she nodded, “So far so good.” He extended his right hand in fellowship.


Paradise put her lunch box and carry-on bag on the floor. She grabbed his hand, and they smiled with their eyes. He covered her extended right hand with his left hand. Their concealed handshake looked like they were flirting. So, the two Limo drivers stepped aside. The Dominican, along with Paradise, stepped forward. He leaned toward her cheek, and she smiled, and he flinched. He flinched because she flinched. Paradise flinched because his right ear was deformed. The scar tissue indicated a total hearing loss. Paradise recovered quickly from the initial shock. She squeezed his hand tenderly. He blushed, and she whispered in his other ear, “The Fixer.” “Djoubti,” he said affectionately in her right ear. Paradise held his hand longer than expected. Without warning she was transported to the South Bronx in New York. In her mind’s eye, she had seen the Dominican. He was an eight-year-old boy, who slept on a box spring. Paradise looked around his sparsely furnished bedroom. She recognized his evil half-brother instantly. His forty-year-old half-brother was Lex Shakur. They shared the same African- American father and different mothers. The little boy also had two siblings they were twins. The twins were nine months older than him. The twins’ father lived in Santo Domingo, Dominican


Republic. His twin siblings were named Troy and Sabrina Tapia. The little boy’s mother was from Dajabón in the Dominican Republic. Her name was Josefina Tapia, the “Math Genius” of Dajabón. After High School, she came to America, discovered welfare, and heroin. The little boy’s half-brother (Lex) entered the room from the fire escape. Paradise watched Lex remove a screwdriver from his camouflage pants. He stood over the little boy, smiled, and Paradise grimaced. She snatched her hand out of the Dominican driver’s hand. He looked surprised, shocked and insulted. She had removed her hand before Lex assaulted the little boy. Lex plunged the screwdriver into the little boy’s ear. The boy screamed, blacked out, and Lex was shot. God saved the little boy’s life. Lex was shot several times in the chest. His bulletproof vest saved his life. But, it failed to stop one of those hollow points (bullets). Lex fled the scene with a ruptured spleen. His “Unit” had him extracted, repaired, and shipped to Hawaii. The man who shot Lex was a Five-Percenter called, “God-Body 3X.” He and the little boy's mother were having sex. But, the little boy’s horrific scream stopped their ABR (sex act.) In the fetish world, ABR meant “Adult Breastfeeding Relationship.”


In 1964, the Five-Percent Nation or Nation of Gods and Earths, was founded by Clarence 13X. He was a former member of the Nation of Islam. The Dominican driver wasn’t a Five-Percenter. But, he honored God-Body 3X for saving his life. Paradise inhaled the Dominican driver’s gloomy exhale. The “Spirit of Rejection,” followed their respiratory exchange. As expected the “Spirit of Rejection” appeared on the Dominican driver’s face. He inhaled deeply, stood firmly, and stoically said, “You’re in danger. Let’s go.” “Go where?” said Paradise inquiringly. “We go now. Now, let’s go,” he said commandingly. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I just saw something that I didn’t want to see,” she said tenderly. The Dominican raised his chin and inflated his chest. They exited the airport in uncomfortable silence. Moments later, they stood in the parking lot. The Dominican opened the trunk on his rented Chrysler 300. He handed Paradise a tan 1980s “Members Only” jacket. She looked at him funny, put the jacket on slowly, and he closed the trunk. He opened her car door, sucked his bottom lip, and she softly said, “I appreciate the jacket because it’s cold out here. But, I’m not going anywhere with you. If, you don’t

285 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL know the battery, this is where we part ways. Do you know the battery?” He looked disgusted, frustrated, and agitated. Paradise raised her left eyebrow as if to say, “Do you know the battery or not?” “000000-00-0,” he tapped agitatedly on the car’s roof. Paradise recognized the secret battery, opened the car door, and sat. He closed her door, and she unlocked his door, and he opened it. He sat, closed the door, and put the key in the ignition. They proceeded to exit the airport. He paid the fee, and Paradise curiously said, “What’s your problem?” He read her lips, rubbed his head, and curiously said, “You don’t remember me, do you?” “Where do I know you from?” she said inquiringly. “My name is Lulu,” he said proudly. “Lulu sounds like a girl’s name,” she said non- confrontationally. “A woman I’m not. My government name is Louis Taylor Fortune,” he said combatively. “You can calm down because I wasn’t insulting your manhood. I was attempting to break the ice. Well. Why would I remember you?” she said unconvincingly.


36 THE BANDLET Minneapolis, Minnesota

Lulu Fortune was confused by Paradise’s forgetfulness. He was the International Bounty Hunter assigned to her case. The name of his business was called, “Fortune Hunters.” General Hardwick hired “Fortune Hunters” to escort Paradise from Absecon, New Jersey to Denver, Colorado. The Devil’s Breath (drug) erased Lulu’s Colorado trip from her mind. But, she clearly remembered him from her dreams in St. Martin. Lulu was the handsome Bodyguard, who had escorted Madame Montoyier away. In those dreams, Madame Montoyier told “Whisper,” to run from the Mossad.


Lulu realized Paradise had been daydreaming. So, he snapped his fingers, wiped his mouth, and calmly said, “Are you serious? You seriously don’t remember me? Wow. That’s deep.” “I’ve never met you before. Seriously, I don’t know you,” she said irritably. “Wow. That’s real deep. If, you’re not a body double, you must be a twin. Because I swear on my Abuela, I, transported you from Jersey to Denver,” he said seriously. “Well, it wasn’t me. And what’s an Abuela?” she said agitatedly. “Abuela is Grandmother in Spanish. Yeah, it was you,” he said conceitedly. “What makes you so sure,” she said curiously. “I, remember those scratch marks on your neck. You were beyond high,” he said concernedly. “I don’t do drugs!” she said angrily. “Well, you were high that day! And that wasn’t- no weed high,” he said angrily. “Well, my name is Paradise,” she said. “Not according to your paperwork,” he said confidently. “What paperwork?” she said curiously. “The name on my Fugitive Transfer papers said Angelina Ferrari Bridgewater-Sinclair. I remember

288 SHEMA’YAH BEY every name. So, I know your name isn’t Paradise,” he said authoritatively. “It’s a long story. But, my real name is Isabella Rosemarie Montoyier,” she said proudly. “You’re the legendary Madame Montoyier?” said Lulu surprisingly. “She’s my grandmother,” said Paradise. Lulu rubbed his neck, turned the windshield wipers on, and curiously said, “I thought she was dead? And the 21st had her body wrapped in the Bandlet of Righteousness?” “She’s dead, and she got wrapped in the Bandlet,” said Paradise remorsefully. Paradise was remorseful because she had failed to attend Madame Montoyier’s funeral. The Bandlet of Righteousness came from the Ethiopian book of Ge’ze. The Bandlet of Righteousness was the Lefâfa Şedek. The Lefâfa Şedek was long strips of anointed linen. Those sacred linens had the magical Ethiopian names of God written on it. Madame Montoyier’s body got wrapped in the creative power of God (i.e. Lefâfa Şedek). Cicero had taught Madame Montoyier that Coptic Christian magical rite. That ancient secret helped ensure her acquittal from judgment. It’s alleged those magical names of God summoned the Archangel Michael. His Angelic Army helped her escape the River of Fire. The angelic forces

289 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL protected Madame Montoyier’s Spirit-body from attacking devils. She was escorted to the Realm of Righteousness unmolested. On that plain of existence she received her assignments. Lulu, along with Paradise, understood the basic tenants of Le Vingt Premier Juin. Their mystical order said, “When the physical body died, the spirit-body needed an escort.” Those escorts were usually deceased relatives, family pets or good friends. The dead person’s Spirit- body was encouraged to journey to the “Light.” Those unescorted souls faced darkness, demons, or torment. The ancient Kings wanted to avoid that experience. So, they paid for safe passage through the World of Spirits. Most ancient cultures believed God created a Fearless-Judge. That mythical Judge guarded the gate, between the Earth Realm, and other Realms of Existence. According to the culture, He or She weighed the dead person’s spiritual heart on a scale. If, their metaphoric heart was heavier than a feather, they faced torment or permanent death. If, their metaphoric heart was lighter than a feather they went to Paradise, or they returned to the “Realm of Human-Souls.” “How long have you been traveling this way,” said Paradise inquiringly. “This is my first solo mission with the 21st,” said Lulu humbly.


“I guess we’ll be alright? You look strong enough, so, where’s the safe house?” said Paradise concernedly. “Not in New York. The 21st paid this gay guy to switch your flight,” he said truthfully. “Why?!” said Paradise disturbingly. “There’s kill squad waiting for you in New York,” he said protectively. “Damn! Is it that serious?” she said angrily. “Serious enough. Virginia Gregory got installed as the National Director of Intelligence,” said Lulu concernedly. “Is she white or black?” said Paradise inquisitively. “Are you serious? She’s white. Rumor has it she’s a ranking Druid in the Order of Bandrui,” he said worriedly. “So, that doesn’t do us any good,” said Paradise disappointingly. “She was handpicked to deal with this Post War Nazi International. On top of that, our inside connect says she has an even harder task,” he said agitatedly. “Nazis?” said Paradise worriedly. “The Israeli Secret Police allegedly infiltrated Homeland Security,” he said. “All come on man. The Mossad? Really? Are we there yet?” she said overwhelmingly.


The ancient Druids were magicians or soothsayers. Those educated Celtics (Irish) lived in Gaul, Britain, and Ireland. Gaul was also France, Belgium, Luxemburg and parts of the Netherlands. According to the rumor Virginia Gregory used Druid magic to become the Director of National Intelligence. The National Director served as the principal advisor to the President. Director Gregory reported national security matters to the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council. Director Gregory was a good witch initiated in the Order of Bandrui. Her specific branch preferred dark magic over White magic. The metaphoric heart of the Magician made the magic white or dark (i.e. black). White magic traditionally referred to supernatural powers used for good or selfless acts. Director Gregory got initiated by the Hollywood Branch of Witches. Their secret Order of Bandrui was also called the Ban-Draoithe. The ancient Ban-Draoithe's were the female Druids. Those Druidic women served the Goddess. In secret, Director Gregory worshiped “Babd Catha.” She was the raven or Celtic Goddess of War. The ways of the Ban-Draoithe came from Nature and the Otherworld. Director Gregory's Order engaged their rituals during the 13 Full Moons. She also used a

292 SHEMA’YAH BEY magic wand against her enemies. Her powerful wand came from the mystical Holly-Wood tree. On the Dark Moon, evil spirits were infused with the branch of Hollywood. Director Gregory flicked her magic wand at the photographs of her enemies. Those evil spirits exited the tip, merged with the photographs, and toppled her opponents. The Hollywood Branch of Ban-Draoithe used “Og- ham,” as their guide. The Ogham was an ancient Celtic alphabet. It had twenty characters used for communion with nature through trees. King Og of Bashan was two inches shy of 12 feet tall. He ruled over the ancient Amorites in the land of Canaan (modern-day Israel). Og was the last giant of his kind. His kind was called, “Rephaim.” The Rephaim were the Spirits of the Dead. Those Shades or dark disembodied spirits were the inhabitants of the Netherworld. Celtic or Irish folklore said, “Fénius Farsaid the King of Scythia invented the Ogham divination alphabet and the Gaelic language.” King Fénius was the son of Boath and grandson of Magog. King James of England had Magog's name recorded in the Bible. The Irish legend also stated King Fénius traveled with his son Nél to Babylon. While in Babylon (modern day Iraq), Nél became one of the 72 chieftains. Those chieftains helped Nimrod

293 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL build the Tower of Babel. The Gateway of the gods was the Tower of Babel. Paradise tapped Lulu on the shoulder because he failed to answer her question. He turned in her direction, looked attentively, and said, “Did you say something?” “Are we there yet?” she said curiously. “We’re two hours away. If, I’m not looking at you, I can’t hear you very well. I’m deaf in my right ear because of my stupid ass brother. And the hearing in my left ear was already compromised at birth. I was born three months premature. If, I’m focused I can follow a conversation fairly well. But, the rain is making it harder to focus on you, and the road at the same time,” he said informatively. “Well focus on the road, listen to me, and we need to stop,” said Paradise selfishly. “We can’t afford to stop,” he said protectively. “Keep your eyes on the road,” shouted Paradise. Lulu swerved the vehicle, exhaled violently, and avoided an accident. A family of Whitetail Deer ran across the lonely highway. Lulu was speeding on Interstate 29 South, between Grand Forks, and Fargo, North Dakota. His final destination was the safe house in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was edgy because he hadn’t approached I-94 East. The trip between Devils


Lake and Minneapolis was approximately six hours. Lulu’s goal was to arrive alive in less than four hours. So, he gripped the steering wheel, adjusted his seatbelt, and rearview mirror. Paradise grabbed her seatbelt, strapped herself in, and excitedly said, “Pull over!” “What?” he said perplexedly. “I said pull over,” she said demandingly? “Why?” he said curiously. “I’ve got to pee,” said Paradise insistently. “Pull over where? There’s nothing around here. Just hold it until we get there,” he said. “I can’t! Just pull over or I’ll grabbed the wheel,” she said seriously.


37 GRANOLA Minneapolis, Minnesota

Paradise demanded the temporary suspension of her rescue mission. Lulu felt a degree of irritation, but he complied with her wishes. So, he slowed down, pulled over, and parked. Paradise unlocked her seatbelt, opened the door, and got out. She ran to the back side of the vehicle, unfastened her jeans, and squatted. Paradise honored her biological function and Lulu shouted, “Will you please hurry up?!” Paradise fixed her clothes. Lulu adjusted his “Miracle Ear,” and she returned inside. Lulu had put the car in drive before Paradise closed the door. Paradise closed the door, reached for the seatbelt, and Lulu shouted,


“Hold up! Wipe your hands first.” “Why are you shouting? Turn your hearing aid down,” said Paradise. Lulu looked surprised, adjusted the volume, and reached for his backpack. He placed it between them, and she looked inside. Paradise burped removed the handy wipes and plastic bag. She wiped her hands; he nodded, and she nodded, “Are you satisfied?” Paradise placed her used wipes inside the plastic bag. She twisted the plastic bags tattered handles into a knot. She tossed the trash bag on the floor, and Lulu caringly said, “If, you’re hungry I got some granola and water.” “Can you spare it?” she said playfully. Lulu played deaf, he flared his nostrils, and dejectedly said, “If you don’t want it, you don’t have to eat it.” “Aw, loosen up. I was just joking,” she said good- humouredly. “I like granola,” he said seriously. Paradise smiled teasingly, licked her lips, and desired a bottle of water. She was extremely thirsty, but she refused to drink or eat. Her encounter with General Hardwick’s “Borondongo,” made her extremely paranoid. Lulu had no knowledge of her poisoning.


He looked at Paradise, offered her a bottle of water, and she refused it. Lulu kept the bottle of water, cracked the seal, and drank. He swallowed nearly half of the water in one gulp. Paradise watched him intensely, and he appeared to be fine. Paradise snatched the bottle out of his hand, guzzled the water, and he shouted, “What the Hell! What are you high?!” “I told you I don’t do drugs. But, I was poisoned before. And I wasn’t sure if the water was safe to drink,” she said truthfully. “So, I guess you want me to taste test the granola bars too?” he said teasingly. “Would you please because I’m really hungry,” she said sincerely. Lulu grabbed a granola bar, tore the wrapper with his teeth, and took a bite. Paradise watched him chew half of the granola bar. He had chewed more than thirty times before he swallowed. He belched, grabbed his throat, and pretended to be poisoned. “That ain’t funny!” shouted Paradise angrily. Lulu discovered Paradise was visibly traumatized by his prank. He stopped laughing, sobered quickly, and gave her his uneaten half. “I apologize, I was just joking, and I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said remorsefully.


“Okay,” nodded Paradise. She bit into the granola bar slowly, chewed it quickly, and swallowed. Lulu opened another bottle of water and drank part of it first. He handed her the water, she drank and ate the rest of the granola. Lulu looked concerned, adjusted the rearview mirror, and apologetically said, “On our oath I swear I’ll never tease you again.” “Okay,” nodded Paradise. “The food is safe. You can eat what you want,” he said trustfully. Lulu grabbed another granola bar, tore the wrapper, and ate half. He handed Paradise the other half of the granola bar. She bit it cautiously, chewed and swallowed. Paradise wiped her mouth, and he smiled, and she said, “Thank you.” “You’re welcome,” he said compassionately. “Who recruited you?” said Paradise curiously. “Me abeula Lola Tapia is in the 21st,” he said proudly. “Okay,” nodded Paradise. “She recruited me when I was 21. The twins and I lived with her in Washington Heights. That’s in the borough of Manhattan in New York. Her husband, my Abuelo or Grandfather raised me from the age of eight. His name was Jose Rafael Correa Tapia. I saw

299 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL my biological Pop maybe once or twice. His last name was Fortune. I kept his name just to piss him off. The twins are nine months older than me. Their names are Troy and Sabrina. Sabrina got married but she doesn't have any kids, and Troy’s doing a bid on Riker’s Island,” said Lulu forthrightly. “That’s the prison in New York right?” said Paradise inquisitively. “Yeah, he’s doing 25 to life for armed robbery and assault,” he said. “So, what happened to your ear?” said Paradise cautiously. Lulu flared his nostrils, scowled and agitatedly said, “My evil ass brother tried to snuff me when I was eight. It’s by the grace of God; I’m still here. After emergency surgery, we were separated from my mother. And that took her drug use to a whole other level. Over the years, I’ve searched the world for my half-brother Lex,” he said angrily. “Lex?” said Paradise surprisingly. “Do you know him?” said Lulu curiously. “No.” nodded Paradise. “Lola, me Abuela, Talked to the Trees and discovered Lex was in Hawaii. But, that was a long time ago. Can we change the subject? Because, I’m catch’n feelings, and I’m ready to catch a body,” he said heatedly.


Paradise figured his odd statement meant he wanted to kill someone. Lulu’s “Talk to the Trees,” comment had an esoteric history. Lola had the gift of second sight. But, her Catholic upbringing discouraged the power of extrasensory perception (ESP). Lola and Jose Rafael Correa were extremely poor. They raised three children in the bush with no electricity. One day Jose Rafael Correa visited their nation’s Capital City. While in Santo, Domingo he bought several National Lottery tickets. Prior to the purchase, he placed his hand on a nearby palm tree. He thought about Lola, she felt his presence and walked outside. Lola and the children were in Dajabón, which was 4 hours away from Santo Domingo. Lola went to her favorite palm tree and placed her hand on it. She “Talked to the Tree,” through her mind. She asked the tree to transmit her message to her husband. Lola told Jose Rafael Correa to bring something home for the children. She also gave him the winning lottery numbers. They used their lottery winnings for entry Visas, Green Cards, and permanent residence in New York. Lola “Talked to another Tree,” after Lulu’s horrific assault. She placed her hand on a black-tupelo tree in Central Park (NYC). She perceived a brief image of Lex on a Hawaiian Island.


Lex accompanied his Occult Acquisitions Unit to Kealakekua (pronounced: Key-Ah Lah-Key Koo-Ah). The Hawaiian Huna's called that place the “Gateway to the Gods.” The Huna was a Hawaiian Holy Man. The Occult Acquisitions Unit (OAU) found the ancient gateway. It was stationed by “Tāne the Tiki” in Kealakekua’s forbidden jungle. The OAU arrived in Kealakekua when the fallen gods controlled the gate. A “Tiki” was a large humanoid shaped wooden statue. That particular Tiki had DNA glyphs carved on its back. Tāne was the Māori (New Zealand) forest and bird god. Tāne created the first human woman named Hine-ahu-one. She married the first human man named Tiki. Lex had failed to provide his human sacrifice. So, he was barred from venturing beyond Tāne the Tiki’s statue. Lex’s goal was to commune with those fallen gods. The OAU needed Lex’s human sacrifice to open the mythical gate. The OAU was in the business of trading souls for otherworldly knowledge. Since, Lex failed to sacrifice Lulu. Sin was forced to help Lex find another sacrifice. So, they searched the Hawaiian Islands for a virgin. They found one, who had no family, and no friends. They murdered her, buried in the bush, and the mystical gate opened.


Those disembodied spirits transmitted their thoughts through Tāne the Tiki. The Leader of the OAU removed two crystals from his satchel. The OAU stole those large crystals from the Mayan archaeological dig in South America. Lex inserted those crystals into Tāne the Tiki’s eye sockets. The crystal eyes glowed red, Lex smiled, and the DNA spirals glimmered. The OAU Leader videotaped Tāne the Tiki’s highlighted genes. The other OAU members secured the site. That particular DNA arrangement revealed the secret to blending species. The OAUs otherworldly event ended abruptly. A tropical storm forced them to abandon Kealakekua. Lex returned to the United States with the OAU. They gave their otherworldly formula to a private group of geneticists. Those genetic biologists’ happily blended man with beast. For example, Lex’s genes were spliced or combined with the genes of a sea turtle. Lex’s forbidden gene splice had given him an additional 150 years to live.


38 FORTUNE HUNTERS New Orleans, Louisiana

Lulu drove down the highway thinking about Lex. Paradise remained silent because he was deep in thought. Lulu’s military contact discovered Lex was a Super Soldier. A Super Soldier was someone who operated beyond normal human limits or abilities. A private group of geneticists altered Lex's genes. Lex received an addition 150 years of life. After the alteration, Lex became a member of the Transhumanism community. The Transhumanism community called themselves H+. The H+ community had intellectuals who desired global transformation. The geneticist who worked for H+ discovered the secret to blending mankind with a beast.


Those Transhumanist also blended Human beings or Animal-Man with robots, and plants. Lex along with the H+ community desired the “Three Stages.” Those stages were Plant-Man, Mineral-Man, and Androgynous-Man. The stage of “Androgyny,” was the ultimate godlike status. Lex wasn’t personally interested in Androgyny. But, the OAU was extremely interested. They believed many of the fallen gods were Androgynous. Their combined masculine and feminine qualities were considered a sign of perfection. On the Hawaiian Island of Kealakekua, those fallen gods revealed their plan. They wanted physical bodies engineered to their specification. So, the OAU engineered the Transgendered movement. On the Realm of Androgyny, those fallen spirits waited for Transgendered bodies. Lulu’s psychotic brother Lex was born Alexander Fortune. Their father was Rygiel Fortune an African- American College Professor. Lex’s mother, Alberta was married to Rygial for over thirty years. Rygiel impregnated Lulu’s mother “Josefina Tapia.” Rygiel met Josefina during her sophomore year at New York University (NYU). She gave him sex for a passing grade. He received an unwanted baby, forced retirement from NYU, and a bitter divorce. Josefina along with her parents

305 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL believed Lex wanted revenge. God-Body 3X shot Lex for attempting to murder Lulu. Josefina sought the protection of Heroin and Crack (Cocaine). Her parents sought the protection of the Babalaô. They weren’t members of the Yoruba religion, but they needed advice. The word Babalaô meant the “Father of Mysteries.” The Father of Mysteries communicated with the “Opon Ifá.” That was a wooden divination tray. The Opon Ifá communicated with the “Ikin” or sacred palm nuts. The Ikin along with the Opon Ifá revealed Lulu’s future. Lola, who was Lulu’s grandmother, hated the Babalaô’s reading. So, she prayed the Catholic Rosary for divine intervention. Lulu’s grandfather Jose Rafael Correa joined his wife’s petition. When Lulu turned nine, the Lord answered their prayer. Lola won the local Dominican Church’s 50-50 raffle. The prize was a four days and three nights in New Orleans. Lulu’s grandparents stayed at the Pontchartrain Hotel. They had a chance encounter with Ida May Bouché. Ida May was Paradise’s estranged godmother “Aunt Ida.” Aunt Ida was Lola and Jose Rafael Correa’s housekeeper for the weekend. Aunt Ida discovered Lola lamenting over Lulu’s picture. The gruesome picture was Lulu’s eardrum removal

306 SHEMA’YAH BEY surgery. In broken English, Jose Rafael Correa told Aunt Ida about Lex. Aunt Ida got one of her Spanish-speaking co- workers to translate. After she had heard their story, she mentioned Madame Montoyier, and they wanted to meet her. Aunt Ida took Lola and Jose Rafael Correa to Madame Montoyier’s home. At that particular time, Nina was her mother’s translator and assistant. Lola explained the situation to Madame Montoyier. Madame Montoyier looked to Nina for a better translation. Nina translated Lola’s broken English into French. Lola desired to keep Lulu and her family safe. Nina told Lola and Jose Rafael Correa, her mother’s fee. But, Madame Montoyier’s price was more than they could afford. Lola looked deep into Madame Montoyier mystical brown eyes. Madame Montoyier and Lola had an ESP or psychic connection. Lola looked at her husband, grabbed his hand, and he sincerely said, “We don’t have that kind of money.” “What do you have?” said Nina shrewdly. “I have an insurance policy that I can cash in,” he said. Nina translated, and Madame Montoyier waved, “No need.”


She stood, walked to her altar room and returned with an Amulet. In French she said, “I knew you were coming.” “Gracias, the little boy, told me you would help,” said Lola in Spanish. Nina looked to Jose Rafael Correa to translate. Lola had seen Charlie-Boy, Madame Montoyier’s deceased twin. He told Lola his sister would help her. With true Mafia motives, Madame Montoyier made Lola an offer, she couldn’t refuse. Lola agreed to accept the magic amulet in exchange for a favor. The favor was that one day she’d asked Lola for help. Lola and Jose Rafael Correa agreed to the terms, and Lulu was protected. Divine forces posted around Lulu. Lex and the OAU never approached Lulu or his family again. Lola and Jose Rafael Correa visited Madame Montoyier up until her death. Paradise never knew Lulu’s grandparents were in her home. She never knew her grandmother recruited his grandparents. If, she had attended Madame Montoyier’s funeral, she would have met them. Lola and Jose Rafael Correa joined the Secret Order of “Le Vingt Premier Juin.” When Lulu was 16 years old, he was initiated. When he turned 21, he joined the “21st of June,” on the 21st of June.


The Secret Order gave him the “Atlantis Ring,” for empowerment, and protection. Lulu valued his mystical gift along with Madame Montoyier’s magical amulet. In actuality, Lulu’s supernatural amulet was two dimes. He was told to place them under the insole of each shoe. Since, the age of nine, Lulu had walked with those dimes under his feet. Those infused silver objects attracted divine protection. The energy or divine force caused Lex to forget Lulu ever existed. Twelve hours before Lulu rescued Paradise, Madame Montoyier asked Lola to return the favor. She appeared in Lola’s dream, told her to rescue her granddaughter. Madame Montoyier also told Lola not reveal Paradise’s true identity to Lulu. Lola called Lulu on his Smartphone. She told him to leave Minneapolis, rent a car, drive to Devils Lake, and retrieved a distressed member from the 21st. As Lulu and Paradise sped down, the Interstate Lulu said, “At the age of 22, I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. I graduated from Hunter College in New York City with a 4.0 GPA.” Paradise nodded, “Very impressive. You’re handsome and smart too.” Lulu smiled and stopped talking. Paradise wasn’t offended. She realized they shouldn’t be flirting. But, she wondered how he got into the Bounty Hunting

309 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL business. Lulu worked as a Forensic Accountant for a major Insurance Company. But, he abandoned his successful career for a Private Investigator’s job. A New York City Private Investigator named Bernard Jackson hired Lulu. Bernard was Lulu’s best friend and the Best Man at his wedding. Lulu called his childhood friend “Blurry.” Blurry wore contact lenses to correct his terrible eyesight. Blurry was three years older than Lulu. They had met in Kung Fu class on Lulu’s ninth birthday. Blurry was raised by his foster mother Wanda Jackson in Harlem, New York. When Lulu turned 23, he joined Blurry’s Private Investigation Firm. Three years later Blurry partnered with Lulu. They opened the International Bounty Hunter’s Company called, “Fortune Hunters.” Blurry was a trained Librarian and United States Army Ranger. Blurry had no affiliation with “Le Vingt Premier Juin.” But, he was affiliated with “The Brotherhood of Light.” Their headquarters’ was in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta. Blurry’s esoteric society followed the teachings of “Sanat Kumara.” Legend stated Sanat Kumara lived millions of lifetimes (throughout the Universe). Sanat Kumara the "Ever Young" had three brothers. The Kumara brothers appeared on Earth as little boys, endowed with supernatural powers. Their father was

310 SHEMA’YAH BEY the creator-god Brahma. When Sanat Kumara lived in Atlantis as an adult, he established the “Path of Initiation.” Cicero, who was Paradise’s great grandfather, was also affiliated with Atlantis. In Cicero’s ancient incarnation, he was a member of the Shemsu Hor. They were the disciples of Horus in the magical land of Khem (i.e. Egypt). The Shemsu Hor preserved “Thoth the Atlantean’s” magical secrets. According to the legend, Horus created the ancient Egyptian Mystery System to preserve his grandfather's knowledge. Ancient lore claimed Sanat Kumara met Thoth in Atlantis. They attended the banquet of the gods in the Great Hall of Amenti. Thoth, the Priest-King of Atlantis, was accompanied by his wife. Her name was Seshat the High-Priestess of Magic and Astrology. Together they joined the other “Lords of Light.” At the table of the gods, Sanat Kumara stood, and looked at Thoth. Sanat Kumara was approximately 12 feet tall. He had bronze skin, long white hair, and dazzling blue eyes. He looked toward the heavens, returned his gaze to the Lords of Light, and spoke in Atlantean, “Atlantis is headed for self-destruction. Our culture of war has threatened another peaceful nation. As I speak, the military has infiltrated one of the Seven Rishi Cities in Rama. High-Priestess Seshat

311 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL and High-Priest Tehuti, can you explain the corruption? Can you also explain why the Priesthood turned its back on the Light?” Tehuti (i.e. Thoth) stood, quieted the Lords of Light, and he responded in Atlantean. Before he spoke Seshat gently tugged his majestic robe. He turned, she nodded, and he smiled. Thoth’s stature was equal to Sanat Kumara. He had pearly white teeth and bluish-black skin. His curly hair was the color of lapis lazuli (i.e. blue gemstone). Thoth held his composure, looked toward the heavens, and bowed. He returned his attention to the Lord’s of Light. Thoth wiped the sweat from his brow, inhaled deeply, and commandingly said, “Be-in-inso, Dao, Dao-die, Da-ol Sanat Kumara. Tha-ol thad daimien Dao-natex. Asvin Sai-na-tea de- hi-en. Ainnon Dao Da-ol!” Thoth said, “Blessings to the gods, goddesses, and divine Sanat Kumara. The sacred crystals have corrupted many priests. Return to the Light or the Atlantean Republic will be destroyed!” The Lords of Light heard Thoth’s warning, frowned, and continued to eat. After the banquet, Sanat Kumara talked to Thoth. He told him to reduce the power on the Atlantean crystals. Thoth complied because the inhabitants of Atlantis were unruly.


Those powerful crystals made the Atlantean Priesthood feel invincible. Their arrogance caused them to abandon the ancient teachings of the Light (i.e. Supreme God). The Atlanteans’ valued their power crystals, high technology, and conquests. Thoth and Seshat abandoned Atlantis because the army attacked one of the Rishi Cities. Rama’s Priest- King raised his hands toward the heavens. He sang a yoga mantra (song) and the Atlantean army dropped dead. Sanat Kumara disconnected the power to the Atlantean crystals. Those energy crystals powered the entire Atlantean Empire. When the power ceased the Empire’s Etheric grid, or protective force-field stopped working. The Atlanteans’ were humiliated by their military defeat. So, “Gurkha” was commissioned to fly his Vimana (spaceship) over a Rishi City. He dropped the iron thunderbolt (i.e. nuclear bomb) and, destroyed the entire Vrishnis, and Andhakas races. The Rama Empire retaliated with an earthquake weapon. The entire Continent of Atlantis was flooded and sunk under the sea. The “Lords of Light” fled Atlantis in their cloaked spaceships. From the stars, they watched the destruction and wept. Those forgotten Lords of Light abandoned the earth. But, they continued to seed (i.e. create) humans on other planets in faraway galaxies.


39 DIVINE BATH Berlin, Germany

Paradise wondered what was on Lulu’s mind. He sped down the highway in a hypnotic trance. The rainfall increased, but the wiper speed remained the same. Paradise cleared her throat, but he never heard her alarm. Lulu ignored Mother Nature’s warning sign too. He sped through the heavy downpour on a mission. His car skipped on the puddles like a speed boat. Paradise understood she was in danger. But, death by automobile was an avoidable event. So, she gently caressed his shoulder, smiled, and he slowed down. Lulu was surprisingly amenable, he smiled, and she sweetly said,


“So, are you married?” “My wife’s name was Benita Bennett. She died about a year ago. She had sickle cell anemia,” he said sorrowfully. “I’m glad. I mean I’m not glad that she died. I’m glad you’re the one they sent,” she said. “I’m glad they sent me too. So, what about you?” he said curiously. “Recently divorced,” said Paradise enthusiastically. “She was a beautiful Sister just like you. We were High School sweethearts. But, she left me with a beautiful seven-year-old. Her name is Belize Whisper Fortune,” he said thoughtfully. “I need to take a Divine Bath,” said Paradise abruptly. Lulu felt Paradise’s energy, returned to business mode, and dryly said, “Sounds good, you need to wash that negative energy away. The 21st left three jars of the Divine Bath at the safe house.” Paradise felt his metaphoric punch in the gut. But, she wasn’t offended by his honest observation. A “Divine Bath,” was Spiritual Soap for the Soul. It helped people who suffered from sleep paralysis, the Witch-is-Riding, and bad luck. The Witch-is- Riding caused its victims to experience sleep paralysis, weighted pressure, and shadowy intruders. The

315 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL anointed ingredients inside of the "Divine Bath" repelled negative forces. The ancient formula combined healing waters, and special prayers, with sea salts, and aromatic oils. The rain was very heavy, so, Lulu was forced to slow down. He looked at her caringly, and she smiled, and he winked. Paradise’s rescue had turned into a speed date. She couldn’t afford to violate Rule Number 3. So, she stopped flirting with Lulu immediately. Spiritualist Rule No. 3 was never sleep with your clients. Violators of that rule forced God to punish them. Paradise had suffered enough punishment for two lifetimes. So, she created an atmosphere of uncomfortable silence. Lulu’s “Spirit of Discomfort,” was agitated by Paradise’s meditative state. She closed her eyes, focused on her third eye, and Lulu inquiringly said, “What’s your opinion on this Nazi International situation?” “Who cares? I’m attracted to you. So, I have to ignore you,” she said boldly. “I’m attracted to you too. But, what about those Nazis?” he said boldly. “Okay, I’ll bite what about them?” said Paradise calmly.


“You’re a little to calm don’t you think? The 21st was created to help us survive the Fourth Reich,” he said gravely. “We’re supposed to do more than survive! Our edict is to defend, deploy, and win! But, I haven’t seen any goose-stepping Nazis. Have you?” said Paradise sarcastically. “Didn’t you read Paul Manning’s book?” he said curiously. “Yeah, I read it. Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile. My grandmother made me read it! I was fifteen! That book, among a few other things, is why I moved out,” said Paradise agitatedly. “So, you know he orchestrated the banking bailout?” he said warily. “That wasn’t in the book. But, I’m aware of the subprime mortgage scandal. That banking crises lead to the bank bailout. A bank bailout with no Congressional oversight, wow, now I will admit that’s a blackmailing Nazi move. If, I remember correctly around 1966 or 1967, Bormann cashed a check at the Manufacturers Hanover and Chase Manhattan Bank. The Deutsche Bank in Buenos Aires, Argentina cleared the check over his signature. Are you satisfied? Now, can we talk about something else?”


Lulu looked dumbfounded, Paradise rolled her eyes, and they exited the highway. Martin Bormann was the Nazi Party’s financial genius. His 1944 “Strategic Evacuation Plan,” moved billions into Anglo-American banks. In 2008, the President signed the $700 billion dollars banking bailout bill. The banking bailout bill included no oversight on the closed-door operations. At the close of World War II, Hitler’s deputy (Martin Bormann) fled Germany. His highly organized compatriots fled Germany as well. Those elite Nazis established communities, controlled banks, and industries. They operated their nefarious activities from Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina, South America. Bormann’s Nazis were well-funded, highly trained, and ruthless. His plan called for German rule behind enemy lines. The Nazi Party was scheduled to rule the world with political elasticity. Their political stretchiness appeared through Islamic terrorism, suicided bankers, and European Unions. Bormann’s plan sent Nazi Space Scientist to America and Russia. The Nazi financiers went to Bilderberg, Netherlands. From Bilderberg, the Group’s Security and Intelligence apparatus controlled European economies. According to the rumor, those financiers took receipt of the US bailout money. The Germans and several US politicians orchestrated the banking bailout exchange.


Those US politicians were forced to return the billions. Failure to return the deposited money invited another “World Trade Center,” catastrophe. The Classified Reports read by National Director Gregory declared the Nazi threat was real. According to the Intelligence community exotic weapons along with occult magic made world domination a reality. Director Gregory desired Anglo-American domination without the Nazi influence. So, she paralleled the Nazis’ course of action with General Hardwick’s help. Before, during, and After World War II, the Nazis’ paid for Occult expeditions. Without the President’s knowledge Director Gregory paid for the American Occult expeditions. She plugged into a hidden system of finance. Her unlimited funds weren’t a part of the normal Black Budget. Therefore, she wasn’t beholden to the President, Congress, or the American people. Since, 1935, the Nazi Party’s “Ahnenerbe,” or Occult Acquisitions Team, retrieved mystical manuscripts. They stole ancient relics, magical items, and esoteric knowledge. The Ahnenerbe (pronounced: Ahn-en-Er- bah) had hit the metaphoric jackpot in Tibet. In 1939, they returned to Berlin, with the only copy of the Kang Schuur. That ancient Tibetan epic mentioned the highly advanced civilization. Those forgotten people used crystal power for light and

319 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL electricity. They had humongous flying vessels, exotic weapons, and superior knowledge. In the summer of 1942, the Germans returned to Tibet. They captured numerous Tibetan Monks, flew to Berlin, and clothed them. Under the penalty of death, those Monks translated the Kang Schuur. At the end of World War II, the Russian Army discovered those dead Monks in Berlin. According to the allegations, they committed ritual suicide in their Nazi SS uniforms. The Alchemical knowledge acquired from the Kang Schuur was combined with German ingenuity. Over a short period, those Nazis’ cracked the ancient Atlantean code. They discovered the secret to manipulating the fabric of space-time. Director Gregory, along with the 21st of June, understood the global threat. The Nazi scientists who folded or twisted space (i.e. time) were called, “Wizards.” Those dark magicians counterrotated the electromagnetic space around them. The electrified plasma or twisted waves of energy allowed the Nazis’ to breakaway. Their so-called “Breakaway Civilization,” achieved Energy Independence, Field Propulsion, and Space-Time Weapons. General Hardwick understood Paradise’s importance to Anglo-American survival. But, he withheld that knowledge from National


Director Gregory. Lulu understood Paradise’s importance to the 21st of June. But, they withheld her priceless value from him. Lulu drove to the gas station, but it was closed. So, he returned to I-94 East with a half tank of gas. Paradise grabbed another granola bar, tore the wrapper, and gave Lulu half. They happily chewed the honey coated oats, Paradise smiled, and Lulu nodded, “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Like I was saying, maybe those suicided Wall Street bankers, discovered a hidden system of finance? Who knows? Just a thought, what do you think? And are we there yet?” said Paradise curiously. Lulu looked disturbed, and Paradise looked perplexed, and he said, “We’re one hour and forty-five minutes away. Maybe, I don’t know? Who knows? Speaking of suicided, we had to suicide some guy two days ago.” Paradise appeared mortified, and he was equally disturbed, and she cautiously said, “For what, what did he do? Who was he? Was magic involved? Who’d he cross?” “One of our field Ops didn’t follow protocol,” he said irritably. “How’s that,” said Paradise confusedly.


“I was thinking the same think. How is that? Must have been a psychotic break or something?” said Lulu curiously. “What did he do?” said Paradise edgily. “Your he was a she, and that she was you,” he said critically.


40 THE FIXER Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Paradise was visibly disturbed by Lulu’s breach of protocol comment. He was visibly disturbed by Paradise’s breach of protocol. The 21st of June’s “Council of Elders,” was disturbed as well. They were able to excuse Paradise’s drugged out experience. But, she breached protocol when she trusted the Albion. The 21st of June barred the Albions from joining their organization. Albion was the oldest name for Great Britain. In the ancient Celtic (Irish) language “Scotland” was Albion too. Albion was the 21st of June’s code word for white folks.


America’s historic mistreatment of black folks barred Albion membership. The 21st of June had knowledge of other Spiritual Associations. Those particular Associations represented their people, culture, and God. If, non-humans attacked the human species those Spiritual Associations joined forces. Paradise reflected on Lulu’s comment, shook her head, and he informatively said, “The 21st activated a three-man team in Washington, DC. They got the drop on the blue eyed man. But, the funny looking woman got away. The DC cops classified his death as a suicide. I removed your blood-stained napkin from his suit jacket. The Ziploc bag containing your sensitive material appeared undisturbed. I removed an envelope of money from his front pants pocket. I wrapped your linen napkin, along with the money, in several layers of aluminum foil. I used $375 to overnight your package to the real Fixer.” He handed Paradise the International Priority mail receipt. She was overwhelmed, took the receipt, and remained silent. Paradise’s ten-pound box got shipped to Addis Ababa. The box contained Bibles destined for St. George’s rock-hewn church in Ethiopia. That amazing church was in a deep pit. The Priest had carved the church out of a solid volcanic rock. The 82 foot by the 82-foot church had the shape

324 SHEMA’YAH BEY of a giant Astral-Police cross. That particular cross was also called the "Equilibrium Cross." The Equilibrium Cross was used by the Priest to summon Angels. Lulu hollowed out the center of a Bible. He removed the rectangular shaped pages. He placed the foiled aluminum contents inside the hole. That particular Bible was packaged third from the bottom. Lulu signed the shipping label June Spade. He used the Missionary Baptist Church’s address in Alexandria, Virginia. Neither Lulu nor the 21st of June had any affiliation with that church. The “Fixer,” wasn’t concerned with the church’s address, because, they planned to use supernatural forces to locate Paradise anywhere in the world. The Fixer was paid to make Paradise’s Talisman. Her Talisman or “Tool” was fashioned for supernatural protection in the graveyard. The Tool included another feature that feature allowed Paradise to hide in plain sight. That meant her enemies were encouraged to forget she existed. The “Fixer” was a group of Highly Spiritual men and women. They were the caretakers of virgin children. Those innocent souls incarnated to make magical Tools on earth. Paradise regained her composer, wiped her mouth, and boldly said, “How was he suicided?”


Lulu didn’t hear her because his attention was on the road. The rain was extremely heavy, and the wipers scraped the windshield. He adjusted the rear- view mirror, slowed down, and flinched. He flinched because Paradise touched his shoulder softly. “Que Pasa?” he said jumpily. “How was he suicided?” she said commandingly. “You don’t want to know,” he said authoritatively. “I’ve been through more shit that you can image. So, tell me,” she said authoritatively. Lulu grimaced, sucked his teeth, and said, “My company received a fax from one of our Bail Agents. It was an unusual case because the client paid twice. We received an upfront payment to transport the fugitive. The drugs clouded her mind. The client paid for my transportation as well. I exchanged the woman in Colorado for an envelope of money. I refused the money, but the two bail bondsmen insisted. Those monies were on top of our 20% fugitive recovery charge.” “Stay on point, what happened to the man?” said Paradise impatiently. “I’m getting there! I knew that case was too good to be true. But, nevertheless I delivered the fugitive. Who knew you were the drugged out fugitive? If, I had known you were in the 21st, I would have helped you,” he said empathetically.


“I know,” she said sympathetically. “The 21st has watched you for years. But, they’ve never intervened with your personal choices. When they discovered I had transported you to Colorado, the 21st sent me to Washington. My job was to recover your blood-stained napkin. The blue eyed devil never saw it coming. We met him on the elevator. He was with a strange looking woman,” he said informatively. “She said I’ll get this to the Fixer,” said Paradise naively. “Really?!” said Lulu sarcastically. “She had pictures of my family, documents, and records,” said Paradise stressfully. “You appear to be a nice person. But, you’re a lousy decision, maker. If, you’re going to be the leader of the 21st, you need to step your game up,” he said constructively. Paradise grimaced, flared her nostrils, and nodded in agreement. Lulu opened another bottle of water, gulped it, and informatively said, “The 21st sent me along with an elderly black couple. I didn’t know them, and they didn’t know me. The old man tasered the unsuspecting devil, and the elevator doors opened, and she abandoned him. I pretended my blue eyed buddy was drunk. The elderly couple met me in the parking garage.


We exited the Four Seasons Hotel in his vehicle. The old woman shot the blue-eyed Hit Man in the back of the head. She used a portable nail gun, a jogger discovered his lifeless body and called the police.” JC got discovered on the bike trail in Georgetown Waterfront Park. His hands and feet got tied behind his back. The elderly black man used plastic cable ties. The local police along with the Feds declared JC’s murder as a suicide. Dixie May never mourned the loss of JC. But, she mourned the loss of Paradise’s blood-stained napkin. Paradise was more valuable than JC. So, Dixie May had JC’s murder classified as a suicide. She continued with the mission, reserved Paradise’s airline ticket and waited. Dixie May was at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. Her new team was prepared to take Paradise “By Any Means Necessary.” Lulu grimaced because he had missed the exit to the safe house. They were outside of Minneapolis in the Minnesota River Valley. Paradise figured they were lost. Lulu refused to acknowledge he was lost. They drove slowly through the tiny town of New Ulm, Minnesota. That particular community was an old German settlement.


The buildings looked like the Glockenspiel in Munich, Germany. Lulu looked nervous, Paradise looked nervous, and their car needed gas. Lulu surveyed the lonely streets in search of a pay phone. He refused to use his Smartphone out fear of being tracked. Lulu rolled down the window, adjusted his side view mirror, and said, “We’re lost.” “You think?” said Paradise sarcastically. “And we need gas too,” he said protectively. “Can we make it to another town?” she said curiously. “Yeah, I think we can make it,” he said confidently. “Good, because I’ve got a bad feeling,” she said concernedly. “Me too,” he said. “There’s a highway sign up ahead,” she said informatively. “Where,” he said curiously. “On the right,” she said. “I see it,” he said gratefully. “Did you see that black Suburban with tinted windows?” said Paradise curiously. “You just noticed them? He’s been tailing us for a while?” he said concernedly. “Feds or local police?” said Paradise stressfully. “I’m not trying to find out,” he said worriedly.


Lulu turned right, failed to signal his move, and drove the speed limit. The black Suburban (SUV) followed behind them at the same pace. Paradise scanned the meadowland and bean fields. Lulu followed the sign toward Mueller and German Park. The SUV’s red and blue lights flashed brightly. The siren blared, Lulu exhaled violently, and they heard, “DRIVER, PULL OVER!” “What the Hell, Lulu,” said Paradise panicky. “Stay calm Paradise. I’ll flash my badge, and we’ll be on our way,” he said protectively. Lulu used his turn signal, pulled over and parked the Chrysler 300. He removed his “Fugitive Recovery Badge,” from around his neck. Lulu’s silvery shield glistened in the early morning moonlight. The irritated Police Officer on the megaphone shouted, “DRIVER, TURN YOUR VEHICLE OFF!” Lulu complied with his command Paradise took a deep breath, and said, “Now what…” In the background the siren blared, red, and blue lights flickered. Another unmarked cop car appeared in front of Lulu’s car. The driver had his flood lights pointed at Lulu and Paradise. She shielded her eyes, and Lulu reached for his gun, and Paradise pleadingly said, “Don’t do it.”


“DRIVER, ROLL DOWN YOUR WINDOW SLOWLY!” commanded the cop. Lulu placed the gun under his car seat, rolled down the window, and tearfully said, “They’re going to take you.”


41 NO HEXE New Ulm, Minnesota

Paradise and Lulu had serious problems. The police arrested their movement. They drove an unmarked vehicle with tinted windows. Lulu had a feeling they weren’t real cops. So, he was prepared to clap (i.e. kill) the driver. Lulu took his oath to the “21st of June,” very serious. He was prepared to die for Paradise. But, she wasn’t prepared to witness his death. Lulu sucked his teeth because he was upset with himself. He felt remorse because his comment sounded slimy (i.e. treasonous). Paradise considered Lulu’s treasonous statement slimy. He realized his comment sounded like a setup. Paradise’s initial

332 SHEMA’YAH BEY reaction was “Lulu set me up.” But, deep down inside she knew he didn’t set her up. The belligerent Police Officer was out of control. His hyper aggressive behavior invited unnecessary trouble. Lulu wasn’t afraid of death. But, he feared Paradise’s disappointment. Lulu continued to stress because he thought, she thought, he set her up. So, he twisted his lips, stroked his good ear, and sincerely said, “I didn’t set you up.” “I know you didn’t set me up,” she said sincerely. Lulu wiped the tear from his eye, Paradise inhaled deeply, and they heard, “DRIVER, TAKE THE KEYS OUT OF THE IGNITION!” Lulu turned beet red, flared his nostrils, and complied with the order. Lulu and Paradise parked at Mueller Park. The rain had stopped, Paradise prayed, and the belligerent Police Officer screamed, “DRIVER, WITH YOUR RIGHT HAND TOSS THE KEYS OUT OF THE WINDOW!” Lulu tossed the keys out of the window. Two cops emerged from the back seat of the SUV. Those cops placed black ski masks over their faces. One of the masked men slowly approached Paradise’s side of the car. He had his shotgun pointed at her head. The agitated Officer on the mega-phone commandingly shouted,


“Passenger, slowly roll down your window! Stick both hands outside of the window!” Paradise complied with the hostile command. Lulu reached for his gun, Paradise shook her head, and pleadingly whispered, “No, don’t do it.” “DRIVER, WITH YOUR RIGHT HAND, OPEN THE CAR DOOR AND STEP OUT SLOWLY!” yelled the Officer on the megaphone. Lulu begrudgingly complied with Paradise and the arrogant Officer’s command. He stepped out slowly, took a deep breath, and instinctively turned around. The overly aggressive Police Officer on the megaphone screamed, “TURN AROUND AND FACE FORWARD!” Before he turned around, Lulu saw the red faced German. He stood behind his opened truck door. The megaphone was in his left hand. The nine millimeter (gun) was in right hand. Those lethal weapons pointed at Lulu’s head. Lulu turned around slowly, looked at Paradise, and the infuriated Officer screamed, “DRIVER, GET ON YOUR KNEES! DRIVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD! DRIVER, INTERLOCK YOUR FINGERS AND CROSS YOUR FEET!”


Lulu followed the enraged Officer’s command. Paradise looked tearfully and Lulu meaningfully whispered, “I’ll find you. Parler aux arbres.” “Talk to the trees? What?” mouthed Paradise confusedly. “I’ll find you,” whispered Lulu tenderly. “Luluuuuu!” screamed Paradise. A masked cop tasered Lulu, he landed face first, and the Officer roared, “GO! GO!” Another masked cop yanked Paradise’s car door opened. They violently snatched her from the vehicle. She attempted to scream, but they taped her mouth. The duct tape was immediately followed by a black hood. An overly aggressive cop shoved it over her head. The Police Officer who was on the megaphone approached Paradise. He holstered his gun, brandished a Taser C2, and set it to low. He shoved the electroshock weapon into her neck. Paradise felt the violent man’s hot breath in her ear. She squirmed, was forced to her knees, and he smugly whispered, “Where’s your God now?” “What?” Paradise muffled. “Sektor Sieben Hexe,” said the masked man in German.


“Je ne suis pas une Sorcière!” Paradise muffled angrily. A thick German accent replaced the masked man's convincing Minnesota accent. Paradise angrily protested in French, “I’m not a Witch!” In German he mockingly said, “Sector Seven Witch!” The sadistic masked man (Officer) squeezed the Taser’s trigger. Darkness and an eerie silence followed Paradise's grunt. The masked men tossed Paradise’s body in the trunk. They returned to their unmarked vehicles, removed their masks, and sped away. Lulu woke groggily from his electromagnetic attack. He opened his bloodshot eyes slowly, seen their escape route, and grunted. On his belly he crawled, groaned, and chanted the Self Defense Prayer. He reached for his tossed car keys, heard a growl, and stopped moving. The early morning jogger yanked her bulldog’s chain. She watched Lulu struggle, the dog yelped, and she said, “Luka, it’s me, Hanna, call the police.” “What’s wrong Hanna?” said her boyfriend on the other end of the Smartphone. “There’s a black man in Mueller Park,” said Hanna. “Leave him be, I’m coming now, and call the police,” said Luka.


Luka terminated the call, the dog barked, and Lulu said, “Help me.” Hanna looked at Lulu’s opened car doors. She felt sorry for him, discovered his car keys, and stepped back. Lulu followed her gaze, crawled to his keys, and dejectedly said, “Coñaso! Tres ruedas pinchadas!” In Spanish he said, “Damn! Three flat tires!” One of the masked men had slashed the tires with a utility knife. Hanna shook her head. Lulu shook his and smiled. They saw a Cadillac Escalade with New York license plates. The plate’s number was VPJ-621, which stood for “Le Vingt Premier Juin.” Hanna watched the muscular black man step out of the truck. She retreated further into the park with her pregnant bulldog. “Lass uns gehen, Athena! Beeil dich! Schnell! Schnell!” said Hanna nervously. In German she said, “Let’s go, Athena. Hurry Up! Quickly! Quickly!” Lulu grabbed the man’s hand, and the man jokingly said, “You alright?” “Help me up,” said Lulu to Blurry disgustedly. “What are you doing here, Blurry?” said Lulu groggily.


“It looks like I’m saving your ass,” he said playfully. “Help me into the truck,” said Lulu seriously. Blurry helped Lulu to his feet, put him in the Escalade, and mockingly said, “Anything else your Highness?” “Yeah get my gun from under the set, grab those bags, and make it quick,” he said. Blurry and Lulu had been in many gun fights together. So, he didn't take Lulu's sarcasm seriously. Blurry retrieved the items, and Lulu holstered his gun, and Blurry said, “What’s up with the lunch box?” “Just drive, and follow those skid marks,” said Lulu commandingly. Lulu was an excellent tracker, so, Blurry followed his instructions. Blurry was concerned because he thought Whisper had been kidnapped. Lulu was concerned because Paradise had been kidnapped by Sector Seven. “How long has Whisper been missing?” said Blurry worriedly. “What do you mean Whisper’s missing?!” said Lulu aggressively. “I find you in the street with slashed tires, opened car doors, and a Flintstones lunch box. So, I figured she was taken,” said Blurry aggressively.


“Whisper’s in New York with my Abuela Lola. Fred and Barney belong to my client. She was snatched by five men masked men,” said Lulu seriously. “And you didn’t clap them?” said Blurry confusedly. “Got tased, but the voltage was stronger than usual. How’d you find me?” said Lulu. “You were supposed to meet me in Minneapolis five hours ago. I called your cell and you never answered. So, I went to the car rental place had them activate the low jack. Your car was traced to this German-American outpost. So, how many was it?” said Blurry concernedly.


42 TAKA EL-KADIR Kandahar, Afghanistan

Lulu’s best friend and business partner searched for answers. Lulu searched the roadway for Paradise’s mobile prison. Lulu noticed the beautiful sunrise, rubbed his forehead, and said, “It was five men. They wore masks. By the way they moved they were mercenaries or paramilitary. And who’s that?” “Her name is Taka El-Kadir Jackson, no relation. We just met at the Bounty Hunters’ in Minneapolis. The same Convention we expected to hear your keynote speech. So, where are we going?” said Blurry curiously. “Follow the smoke,” said Lulu confidently. Blurry had a passenger in the backseat of his Escalade. Her name was Taka El-Kadir (pronounced: Tah-Kah


El-Kah-Deer). She was a big-boned sister with a cute face. Taka stood around six feet tall. Blurry was six feet and three inches tall. Taka migrated from West Philly to Las Vegas, Nevada. She just graduated from Private Investigator’s School in the Sin City (i.e. Las Vegas). She attended the Bounty Hunter’s Convention in Minneapolis to find a job. Taka was raised as a Moorish-American in a middle-class home. She grew up with her two parents and drugged out younger sister. Taka’s turban was bright red. Lulu had seen the “Star & Crescent” pendant on her lapel. He looked at Blurry shook his head and curiously said, “You got another woman? Slow down Blurry.” “What can I say, Lulu? She’s a Sagittarius. And you know what they say about them Sags? They’re always down for adventure,” said Blurry happily. “Islam Moor,” said Taka to Lulu. “Follow those State Troopers,” said Lulu to Blurry authoritatively. Lulu's concern for Paradise caused him to ignore Taka. State Troopers raced to Paradise’s deadly car accident. Her get-away-car flipped several times. They landed in the woods of Flandrau State Park. That particular park was seven minutes away from Mueller Park. When the car stopped moving, Paradise, and the passenger screamed,


“Help!” The duct tape muted her cries for help. She removed the hood, pulled the safety latch, and the trunk opened. The horribly mangled car got wrapped around a tree. Paradise crawled out, looked around, and staggered into the woods. She didn't have any bruises, but she trembled uncontrollably. The blue eyed driver died instantly. His blonde haired partner suffered badly. He had a concussion, broken collar bone, and a punctured lung. The other three blondes were burnt to a crisp. Their SUV had caught fire near the Cottonwood River in Flandrau State Park. Lulu and Paradise’s combined prayers had caused the deadly accident. Minutes before the accident Paradise had regained consciousness. Her kidnappers had no clue she had heard their conversation. “Nehmen Sie die Frau, die durch das Tor,” said the German driver. “Ja, Gruppenführer,” said the German passenger. Paradise understood German, but she had never used it. She learned German from Madame Montoyier. Madame Montoyier learned German from Avi Weinberg. Avi Weinberg was a German Jew employed by the Israeli Secret Police. In German the driver said, “Take the woman through the gate.” His co-pilot responded with “Yes, Group Leader.” Paradise

342 SHEMA’YAH BEY ignored their gate speech, invoked her ancestral spirits, and chanted the Self Defense Prayer. She heard birds, squealed tires, and unexpected screams. The German Operative from Sector Seven screamed, “Schnell, Drehen!” In German the Co-Pilot said, “Turn quickly!” But, his command was ignored or heard too late. Hundreds of blackbirds appeared out of nowhere. They flew over the fast moving vehicles, chirped angrily, and dropped dead. For no visible reason, those birds fell from the sky. The road along with those vehicles got covered with blackbirds. Both drivers screamed, slammed the breaks, and their vehicles flipped. The SUV crashed into a tree and exploded upon impact. Paradise’s mangled vehicle wrapped around a tree near the Cottonwood River. Paradise escaped through the opened trunk. She removed the duct tape, held back her scream, and fled. She balled the duct tape, stuffed it into her pocket, and hid. Paradise discovered a large tree, squatted, and breathed heavily. From a distance, Paradise had seen a State Trooper. He sloshed through the sea of dead birds and radioed for backup. Paradise placed her hand on the tree and sincerely whispered,


“God thank you for saving me. Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop Cicero, I thank you too. Now, Mr. Tree I need your help. In the name of the Great Spirit, the Creator of you and me, help me find Lulu, and help Lulu find me. Thank you, Mr. Tree.” “Don’t move sir. Help is on the way,” said the State Trooper to the German Operative. “Sie werden nie mich am Leben zu nehmen,” coughed the injured German. He reached for his gun, the State Trooper flinched, and un-holstered his gun. The German Operative said, “You’ll never take me alive.” “Oh, shit!” yelled the State Trooper. The Minnesota State Trooper received hostile fire at point blank range. A total of seven deadly bullets whizzed through the air. The State Trooper got struck in the thigh; he returned fire and fell to the ground. Paradise flinched, ran deeper into the woods, and cried out. The German Operative reached for the grenade on his belt clip. The State Trooper heard him pull the grenade’s pin. On his good leg, he hopped into the woods. In the fetal position, he hid behind a large tree. He heard movement, saw Paradise, and braced for the explosion. After the car had exploded, he checked his chest for bullet holes.


He quickly discovered his life got spared. He sniffled, looked toward Heaven, and wiped his tears. Then he removed his lucky dog tags from around his neck. He kissed them, held back another tear, and sincerely said, “It’s a miracle. Thank you, Lord.” The State Trooper returned his attention to Paradise’s position. But, she was nowhere to be found. He knew Paradise wasn’t a Sasquatch (i.e. Bigfoot). So, he figured she was an apparition or an “Angel of Mercy.” He heard the sirens in the background, removed his flip phone, and called his ex-wife. He told her he loved her, and he tearfully said, “I want to thank you for all of your prayers…” “Is that you Joe? Is everything okay,” she said nervously. “Everything is okay. I’ll call you tonight,” said Joe. Joe terminated the call and waited for help. Inside the Escalade, Blurry turned to Lulu, and said, “It sounds like the Dakota Wars out here.” “Yes, it does,” nodded Taka. The U.S. Dakota War of 1862 was a disastrous period in Minnesota history. Broken treaties, broken promises, and exiled Dakota people. Hundreds murdered in the U.S. Dakota War. As Blurry revealed his historical knowledge, Taka smiled, and curiously said,


“Damn. This a big ass park.” “What’s your gut telling you?” said Blurry to Lulu. “Turn around Blurry,” he said informatively. Blurry was forced to turn around because the road was blocked. The local police along with the FBI stationed a Command Center. Their roadside headquarters had secured the crime scene. Lulu removed the Smartphone from his back pocket. He retrieved the battery and SIM card from his sock. Lulu re-assembled his Smartphone, turned it on, and waited for the beep. He called the car rental place, reported the car stolen and activated his App. Lulu placed a tracking device inside of Paradise’s jacket. The “Tracking App” or mobile application revealed Paradise’s position. She was in the woods near the sand-bottomed pool. Paradise’s survival instincts kicked in, she stopped running and hunkered down. Blurry evaded police detection, and he stopped joking, and protectively said, “This is just like Kandahar.” Blurry was a US Army Ranger, who fought the Taliban in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Lulu pointed toward the sand-bottomed pool at Flandrau State Park. Taka turned, looked through the back window, and protectively shouted, “Five-Oh!”


Blurry pulled over, and the Park Rangers raced by, and they heard, “By order of the Minnesota State Police! All campground residents are required to hunker in place until further notice!”



The Park Ranger’s Megaphone squealed , and he pointed toward Blurry, Lulu, and Taka. Blurry and Lulu removed their law enforcement shields. They placed the chained badges around their necks. Blurry stepped out of the Escalade with hands up. The Park Ranger flinched, noticed the big black man, and shield. “Sir, will you please escort your party inside the building,” he said protectively. “Do you need assistance, Ranger?” said Blurry helpfully. “We need all campground visitors to take shelter,” he said authoritatively. “Okay,” said Blurry to the Park Ranger. “Taka, Lulu!” yelled Blurry.


Blurry twirled his right index finger in the air. Lulu and Taka stepped out of the Escalade. They followed Blurry along with a few other campers. Those nervous individuals walked inside the historic stone building. The Park Ranger followed behind them and commandingly said, “Stay away from the windows and lie on the ground.” Everyone complied with the Park Ranger’s command. Paradise made a mini-shelter from the branches of a fallen pine tree. She was approximately 100 yards from the large Beach-house Shelter (i.e. historic stone building). Paradise heard Lulu’s name along with the Park Ranger’s instructions. She also heard the New Ulm Police exit their squad cars. They were dispatched to protect the sand-bottomed pool area. Paradise smiled because she knew Lulu was nearby. Lulu smiled because the App said, “Paradise was nearby.” But, their reunion was delayed for forty-five minutes. After the “All Clear” air raid siren rang out. The local police along with the Park Rangers opened the Beach-house Shelter’s doors. Lulu sprung to his feet, walked outside, and ran into the woods. He clapped the battery of the 21st of June, “000000-00-0.” Paradise heard his battery, responded with a smile, and clapped the battery too. Lulu continued to clap

349 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL because he had never heard her clap back. Paradise stood, waved her Members Only (jacket) and froze. Blurry and Taka flanked Lulu. Lulu had seen the fear on Paradise’s face. He removed his gun, turned quickly, and froze. Taka raised her hands Blurry smiled and used American Sign Language. Lulu recognized Blurry’s middle finger, smiled, and Blurry said, “Man, put that thing away.” “So, all this fuss is about you?” said Blurry to Paradise curiously. Paradise looked confused, Lulu holstered his gun, and the local police hollered, “You folks okay?” “Everything is okay, Officer,” said Lulu to the Police Officer. “Okay. You folks be careful. Because everyone’s on edge,” said the Police Officer. “We will, Officer,” said Lulu and Blurry in unison. The Police returned to their squad cars, drove away, and Paradise inquiringly said, “What’s the today’s date?” Lulu shook his head, “No.” Paradise read the fear on his face. His look said, “Taka and Blurry weren’t members of our secret order.”


Taka looked at Blurry, and they looked at Lulu. He shrugged his shoulders, looked at Paradise, and concernedly said, “She must be in shock.” Paradise played along with Lulu, frowned, and award winningly said, “I’m a little disorientated.” “She’s cute, Bro,” said Blurry to Lulu. Lulu and Taka looked at Blurry with contempt in their eyes. “I’m just say’n. Pull back your daggers,” said Blurry to Taka and Lulu. “Islam Sister. My name is Taka,” she said cordially. “I’m Paradise. It’s nice to meet you,” she said cautiously. “Let’s save this meet and greet for a later date,” said Lulu protectively. “Yo, Lu, we need to be out,” said Blurry to Lulu. “I agree,” nodded Lulu to Blurry. Paradise playfully punched Lulu in the arm and said, “What took you so long?” Lulu smiled, Taka felt relieved, and Blurry authoritatively said, “Let’s go lovebirds.” Lulu helped Paradise into the Escalade, and Blurry helped Taka. Blurry turned on his police scanner. Paradise along with Taka buckled their seat belts. Lulu looked at Blurry, and nodded, “Thank you.” “All don’t be getting all sentimental,” said Blurry to Lulu.


“Shut up. And just drive,” said Lulu to Blurry jokingly. “Where too?” said Blurry seriously. “Minneapolis,” said Lulu seriously. “For sure,” nodded Blurry. Minneapolis was approximately two hours away from New Ulm. Blurry exited the sand-bottomed pool and campground slowly. He programmed the GPS for Minnesota Highway 15-North. They passed through the State Troopers checkpoint without any problem. Over the police scanner they heard, “Repeat, Dispatch.” “Code 6, Sergeant. Dispatch over,” said the female Dispatcher. “That’s what I thought you said. What the Hell is going on?” said the irritated Sergeant. “Possible 37, Mueller and German Park,” said the Dispatcher. “Switch channels. Over,” said the angered Sergeant. Paradise looked to Taka for answers, and Taka looked at Lulu, and he informatively said, “Code 6 means stay out of the area.” “Possible 37 means property or subject wanted,” said Taka to Paradise. Paradise looked concerned. Blurry searched the Police scanner, located the Sergeant and smiled. Lulu

352 SHEMA’YAH BEY turned the volume on the scanner up, and Taka sat back, and the Sergeant said, “What the Hell is going on, Betty?” “Domestic terrorism, the FBI has jurisdiction, and Homeland Security is in route,” said Betty the Dispatcher. “al-Qaeda or Black Muslims?” said the concerned Sergeant. Instinctively Lulu, Blurry, and Paradise looked at Taka. She understandably took offensive to their unwarranted stares. Taka inhaled deeply, furrowed her brow, and roared, “I don’t know what the HELL Y’ALL looking at?! ‘Cus, I ain’t No Damn Terrorist! According to the teachings of our Prophet Nobel Drew Ali, my people are Part, and parcel with this said government. So, Y’all can turn back around and focus on something else!” They quickly turned their attention to the radio scanner and Betty concernedly said, “They were German Nationals. Hey, Sergeant? Homeland Security just issued an APB for an African-American female. She’s wearing a tan jacket and two long Indian braids. She’s a possible eyewitness to the German National’s attempted murder, and suicide.” “I’ll be on the lookout,” said the Sergeant.


“Hey Sergeant,” said Betty inquiringly. “I’m here Betty,” he said helpfully. “Have you heard of Sector Seven?” she said curiously. Paradise’s metaphoric heart dropped into her stomach. She turned pale, the scanner went silent, and Taka concernedly said, “Yo, you better check on your girl!” “Paradise, are you alright?” said Lulu concernedly. “The German said he was from Sector Seven,” said Paradise nervously. “Take your jacket off and change your hair style,” said Blurry to Paradise. She removed her jacket, and Taka took it, and Blurry changed lanes. Lulu handed Paradise her carry-on bag. She retrieved her jeans jacket, balled the tan jacket, and stuffed it into the bag. She unbraided her hair, styled it into a large bun, and hesitantly said, “I heard them say take her through the gate.” “What’s Sector Seven?” said Taka. “I don’t know anything about a gate. But, I heard of Sector Seven,” said Blurry. “Who are they and who are you?” said Paradise to Blurry curiously. “I’m Bernard Jackson, US Army Ranger, and Bounty Hunter,” said Blurry proudly.


“He was the Librarian’s assistant for the Department of Defense,” said Lulu jokingly. “I did that too, occult studies, and military Grimoires,” said Blurry seriously. “Grim what? And what’s Sector Seven?” said Taka inquisitively. “A grim-war is a book of magic spells and invocations,” said Paradise informatively. “She’s a keeper, Lu. Well. Sector Seven has a dual purpose, part-time mercenary, and full-time Grimoire hunter,” said Blurry. “What’s up with Sector Seven,” said Lulu to Blurry soberly. “Sector Seven was an elite group of exiled Nazis. They built their headquarters in the jungles of Argentina. Some of those founding members had ties to the mid-1850s Airship Mystery. Those German Nationals lived near Sonora, California. They flew in cigar-shaped Airships powered by a fuel called Suppa. German bankers backed their secret organization. The name of their secret order was called the Sonora Aero Club. Those same German bankers financed the American railroad. But, I digress. Sector Seven was a part of some Breakaway Civilization. Some real science fiction type shit,” said Blurry with a straight face. “Nazis? Aw, come on man,” said Taka skeptically.


“Sector Seven protected the Nazi scientists who built those spaceships,” he said sincerely. “What spaceships?!” said Taka confusedly. Paradise, along with Lulu, looked disapprovingly at Taka. She felt their vibe, closed her mouth, and Blurry said, “We need gas.” “Is that it?” said Paradise curiously. “Sector Seven had a nasty reputation for kidnapping civilians. They would take them off planet. They had some real godlike complex. Snatching jokers off the street like they were the Lord Jehovah,” said Blurry “What? I don’t get your reference,” said Taka confusedly. “The Prophet Elijah got snatched. He was taken to Heaven in the whirlwind. The Lord’s Starship opened the sky, and Elijah was seen no more,” said Blurry truthfully. “Shut the FRONT door! You’re telling me Nazis are on the moon?” said Taka. “What?!” said Lulu to Taka confusedly. “I never said that, so, don’t put words in my mouth,” said Blurry to Taka agitatedly.



Taka had a hard time processing Blurry’s Sector Seven explanation. So, she remained silent and waited for the appropriate response. Blurry understood Paradise was no ordinary recovery. He realized her importance stretched beyond Lulu’s personal crush. As they journeyed toward Minneapolis, he wanted to help. Taka tapped her fingers on her forehead, Paradise covered her mouth, and Lulu said, “Are there Nazis on the moon Bernard?” said Lulu teasingly. “So, you’re using my government too?” said Blurry humorously.


“Yeah, I used your government name,” said Lulu jokingly. “How old are you two?” said serious minded Taka. “So, what’s up with you and her?” said Blurry to Lulu inquiringly. “Right now Paradise is my client,” said Lulu seriously. “But, who knows what the future holds for us?” said Paradise and Lulu in unison. Paradise blushed, Lulu smiled, Blurry and Taka playfully said, “Get a room.” “Ha, ha, very funny,” said Paradise soberly. Paradise felt the metaphoric pinch from Spiritualist Rule Number 3. Lulu felt the same “Don’t Sleep With Your Client,” pinch. Taka and Blurry felt their emotional letdown too. “So, Mr. Blurry what’s going on with that Sector Seven?” said Taka seriously. “Mr. Blurry, wow?!” he said dejectedly. “You didn’t think that was funny?” said Taka to Blurry playfully. “Ha, ha, very funny,” said Blurry soberly. Lulu remained quiet, Paradise sat back, and Taka sincerely said, “Your Sector Seven story wasn’t

358 SHEMA’YAH BEY believable, Bernard. Just think? If, you spoke the truth you’d be facing the firing squad or something else.” “Facing the firing squad for what?” said Blurry curiously. “For violating Title 18, Chapter 115 of the United States Code,” said Taka gravely. “What’s Chapter 115,” said Paradise to Taka nosily. “That’s the law regarding Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities,” said Taka. “Sedition?” said Blurry mockingly. “I didn’t stutter. If, you spoke the truth, I’m sure you’ve violated all kind of oaths, and non-disclosure agreements,” said Taka critically. Blurry watched Taka’s body language in the rearview mirror. Her facial expression revealed anger, disappointment, and mistrust. Taka was half joking and completely serious. Paradise squinted, reflected on General Hardwick, and his toy spaceship. So, she knew Blurry wasn’t lying. But, she wondered why he had violated his military oath so easily. Blurry realized he was the focus of extremely harsh stares. Lulu, along with Taka, was disturbed by Blurry’s alleged treason. Blurry shook his head, turned into the gas station, and laughed. “Are you serious Lu?” said Blurry angrily.


“I know we just met, but, I’m not a traitor, and I’m not a snitch. Plus, you can read what I said on the Internet. So, as far as me violating any secret oaths, I’m NOT that Guy! Truth be told! You couldn’t handle what I’m keeping secret. So, as you and the rest of America sleeps. We’re keeping you safe from what lurks behind the veil,” said Blurry irritably to Taka. “Who’s these we,” said Taka inquiringly. “He means the US Rangers,” said Paradise to Taka. “Yeah, them too, but, I was talking about the Brotherhood of Light,” said Blurry. “Wasn’t Sanat Kumara a Rep?” said Paradise inquiringly. “Sa-Not Ku who? Rep what? What are Y'all talking about?” said Taka curiously. “I heard that too. His Pop was supposed to be a Reptilian from the Orion Star System. Is it true? Who knows?” said Blurry. “And you’re cool with that?” said Taka and Paradise in unison. “Are you cool with the Lord Jehovah having snake-face bodyguards called Seraphim?” said Blurry inquiringly. “You didn’t answer the question,” said Taka the self-appointed Prosecutor.


“I thought I did? What’s your opinion on the Basal Ganglia?” said Blurry to Paradise. “I know what it is? But, you didn’t answer my question,” said Paradise to Blurry. “Oh wow, I see what you just did! The Basal Ganglia is part of the Amygdala. The Amygdala is the Reptilian part of the brain,” said Taka to Paradise. “Yeah, I know. It’s the oldest part of the human brain. But, he didn’t…” “Y’all can play Trivial Pursuit later. Get the gas Blurry,” said Lulu impatiently. Blurry stepped out of his vehicle, cleared his throat, and opened the gas tank. He removed the Fortune Hunters credit card from his wallet. He stuck the card into the gas slot, entered $100, and filled the tank. Lulu fiddled with the police scanner, and it started to work, and Taka curiously said, “What’s up with that Gate?” “What Gate? Oh, that Gate. I’m not sure. It can’t be the Soul-gate. So, it must be the Silver Gate or Golden Gate?” said Paradise perplexedly. “Damn. I have no idea what you’re talking about. But, this is one fascinating trip. So, girl what’s this Soul-gate, and what’s that Silver Gate?” said Taka enthusiastically. “In the Treasury or Hall of Souls, human spirits waited to incarnate into flesh. Those human spirits

361 THE RITUAL - HOW TO CAPTURE A SOUL traveled to Earth through the Gate of Man,” said Paradise nonchalantly. “Jewish Mystics called the Soul-gate, the Chamber of Guf. Gabriel the Archangel protected the Treasury of Souls. After, the human seed joined forces with the human egg. Laylah, the Angel of Conception, watched over the embryo until it was born. Moments before birth, Gabriel touches the cleft between the upper lip and nose. And we forget our pre-existence in the Hall of Souls,” said Lulu. Taka, along with Paradise, looked pleasantly surprised. Lulu returned the surprised look, smiled and coolly said, “Couldn’t that Gate be the Black Cube of Saturn?” “Also known as the Tesseract or the Infinity Stone, whoa,” said Paradise shockingly. “I don’t have a clue on what Y'all talking about? But, I’m getting turned on, where’s Bernard? That black cube, is it a portal between Heaven and Earth?” said Taka to Lulu. “Yeah, but this ain’t the season. Plus, they need a flute, and the constellation tones between Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Once they open the Golden Gate, also known as God’s Gateway, can they get back? Is that what they want me for Lulu?” said Paradise perplexedly.


“That sounds like the Navajo Indians’ Sipapu. In the floor of their Kiva or ritual room was the Sipapu. The Sipapu was the gateway to other realms of existence," said Taka casually. “And you just happen to know that,” said Lulu skeptically. “Besides law and private investigation, aboriginal studies is my thing,” said Taka. “Yo, Blurry! Hurry Up!” hollered Lulu. Blurry discontinued the fill up at $93.50, and he removed his credit card and receipt. He tightened the gas cap, closed the tank’s door, and returned inside. Blurry looked at Taka, and she winked, and he curiously said, “What’s up, Lu?” “Bernard. All I have to say is… thanks for this stimulating ,” said Taka. “Yo, Blurry, did you hear that?” said Lulu shockingly. “Hear what?” said Blurry blushingly. Lulu removed the USB cord from the glove compartment. He stuck one end of the cord into his Smartphone, and the other into the police scanner. Lulu opened the Bounty Hunter’s App, tapped into the police transmission, and Taka shockingly said, “Look Bernard look!”


Blurry focused his attention on the tiny Smartphone screen. Taka grimaced, Paradise flinched, and Lulu said, “We can’t stay here.” “I’m three steps ahead of you,” said Blurry militarily. He put the Escalade's gear shift into drive, preceded to the Interstate, and Paradise yelled, “STOP!” “Yo, Lu! Did your girl not see what I just saw?” said Blurry inquiringly. “I saw it, now pull over, and Lulu hand me a bottle of water,” said Paradise commandingly. Lulu looked at Blurry, and head motioned to pull over. Both, Lulu and Blurry complied with Paradise’s demand. Taka sat back, smiled, and thought, “What kind of shit is this?” “Keep the truck running and leave the flashers off,” said Paradise to Blurry. “Come with me Lulu,” said Paradise authoritatively. Lulu and Blurry complied with Paradise’s command. Lulu stepped out of the truck, and he opened Paradise’s door, and she uncapped the bottle of water. Taka rolled down her window, and Blurry stared at the Smartphone, and Taka said, “What the Hell?”


“Make us invisible Great Spirit,” whispered Paradise over the water. Taka was unable to hear the rest of Paradise’s short Grimoire. Paradise walked to the back of the Escalade. Lulu looked around the area for cops. There were no State Troopers in sight. When the traffic subsided, Paradise, and Lulu walked clockwise around the truck. Paradise splashed the entire bottle of water on the Escalade. “Hey, you wet me!” said Taka concernedly. Taka sucked her teeth, Lulu, and Paradise returned inside the vehicle. Blurry looked at Lulu, and trustingly said, “Are we good?” “We’re good,” said Lulu confidently. “The Hell we are,” said Taka nervously. When Blurry entered the highway, they heard the police siren. On the Minnesota State Police’s computer screen was Blurry’s face. Blurry saw what they saw on Lulu’s Smartphone. The video was Taka helping Blurry pull Lulu into the Escalade. Hanna, the New Ulm jogger, reported a carjacking in Mueller Park. From her Smartphone, she videotaped Blurry, Taka, and Lulu’s vandalized rental car. Those State Troopers’ approached Blurry’s Escalade slowly. “The suspects are considered armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution,” said the Dispatcher on the Troopers walkie-talkies.


“So, much for us being invisible,” said Taka sarcastically. Paradise closed her eyes and twirled her thumb around the tip of her index finger. Taka placed her hands on the back of Blurry’s headrest. Blurry and Lulu placed their hands on top of the dashboard. Those State Troopers holstered their guns, turned back around, and one yelled, “WATCH OUT!” Blurry’s vehicle shook when the white cargo van raced by the Escalade. Two Minnesota squad cars pursued the white cargo van. The Troopers that stopped Blurry joined the pursuit. The cargo van’s passengers were three bank robbers and one hostage. On the opposite side of the highway, three black Suburban’s sped toward New Ulm. Lulu recognized National Director Virginia Gregory in the second Suburban. Blurry inhaled slowly, and Taka exhaled forcefully, and Paradise eerily said, “Spirit said skip the safe house, take me home...”



Shema’yah Bey is an author, astrologer and screenwriter. He’s also a BioAcoustic Researcher.

Born under the planetary influence of Uranus in

Aquarius, he has always had a natural attraction to ancient technologies, esoteric science, and other mystical arts.

After a life altering encounter with a triangular

UFO, Shema'yah jumped down the metaphoric 'rabbit hole' ... a conscious decision that introduced him to the world of paranormal activity, exorcisms, and the teleporting man.

Shema'yah wrote ‘THE RITUAL’ book series to keep the esoteric stories of his mentor, Dr. Clifford E.

Hazel, alive. As a result of Dr. Hazel taking the method of bending-a-twig* back to the ‘World of

Spirits’ - Shema’yah created the Montoyier family, to help preserve his magical memories and otherworldly secrets.

*A rumored preternatural technique - that involves unseen forces killing ones enemy at daybreak (dawn).


Book 2 of ‘THE RITUAL’ series by

Shema’yah Bey is