Israelis Threaten Liv^S of 450 Arabs
Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Ended Cloudy, cool, periods of rain September 12,-1970 likely through Tuesday. Low to night In 50s. Wednesday cloudy, milder, ' continuing chance of 15,792 showers. Manchester— -A City of Village Charm VGL. L X X X IX , NO. 293 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONpAY, SEPTEMBER i4, 1970 (Clasoifled Advertlsiiig on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS Communists Four Towri^ Israelis Threaten F o r c e Back End Strikes Cambodians At Schools Liv^s of 450 Arabs By JOHN T. WHEELER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press.Writer Schools opened this morning By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rlllas convicted by Israeli courts The guerrilla leadership re- PHNOM PENH (AP) — Ene- in three tbwns that were strlke- and to confiscate their property, vised Its figure today on the my troops smashed the van- bound last week—New London, Israel has warned Pales- a known sympathizer of the number of remaining hostages guard of the Cambodian govern- Middletown and Milford—but tinian guerrillas it will im- popular Ftont for the Libera- to “ about 60” after airline offl- ment's first major offensive of there was one new walkout pose the death penalty on tlon of Palestine, which is hold- dais reported 55 persona still the war ^ a y , forcnlg Cambo- casualty—West Haven, 450 sympathizers rounded Ing the hostages, the Nablus' unaccounted for. The Popular dlan - soldiers back after an In Bristol, teachers voted 484- up in occupied Arab ten’i- doctor was one of three Arab Front had claimed Saturday It abortlve attempt to recapture 65 this morning to go back to tories if the remaining hi- emissaries dispatched to Jordan retained only 40 capUyes.
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