Kessedhek rag Henwyn Tyller ha Arwodhyow Place-name and Signage Panel

Dydh / Date: 18 mis Meurth, 2016 / 18 March 2016, 10am. Le / Venue: Stevel/Room 2N:02, Lys Kernow / County Hall, Truru / .


1. Diharasow / Apologies

2. Kovnotyansow / Minutes

3. Materow ow sordya / Matters arising

4. Materow Ughella / Strategic Issues

5. Arwodhow yn stret / Street signs  Outstanding translations

6. Geryow rag Gerlyver / Words for Dictionary

7. Henwyn leow / Place names a) Misc Names b) Names c) Intermediate Names

8. Negys aral / Any Other Business

9. Dydh an kuntelles nessa / Date of Next Meeting – 15/04/2016

Paperow a vern / Background papers  Kovnotyansow kuntelles a veu synsys 19/02/2016 Minutes of the meeting held 19/02/2016 – Previously circulated  Rol Henwyn Stret Gesys – Update to be circulated.

Ober A-dheu / Future Work  Finish Parishes  St Keverne



Kovnotyansow an kuntelles synsys: dy’Gwener 18ves mis Meurth 2016 Draft Minutes of the meeting held: Friday 18th March 2016

Present: N Meek (Chair), K George, J Edmondson

In attendance: P Hodge, S Rogerson

# Item Action

1. Diharesow / Apologies

J Holmes, R Lyon, L Jenkin

2. Kovnotyansow / Minutes

The minutes of the meeting on Friday 19th February 2016 were read and agreed.

3. Materow ow sordya / Matters arising

Chirgwin Bussela (St Buryan) = DEFERED

After identifying the field on the tithe map, it was certainly not on high ground, but was by a stream. Unknown if it could be considered ‘higher’ or ‘lower’.

Trekenning Roundabout = Kylghfordh Trehepkenyn

The panel had decided to utilise the 1294 form (Trehepkenyn), but couldn’t decide what it meant. There was a suggestion that it may have contained (from mab (son) as found in anglicised surnames) and the personal name Konan*. Although this was likely, considering the consistent –yn ending meant that there wasn’t enough evidence to support this conclusion.

4. Materow Ughella / Strategic Issues

After comments that there was too much work going through the main panel, members were consulted on how to improve the way that the signage panel works.

The panel had started to bring more people in to work on specific projects, such as the Redruth booklet, but there was still more work to be done. Future plans included inviting individual main panel members to specific projects where able.

There would still be times where particularly difficult names would need to be considered by the main panel. Specific thanks were made to Pol Hodge and Jan Edmondson for agreeing to go onto the project boards. Ruth Webb, Stephen Gainey and Sarah Cooke had all agreed to be consulted. Jaqi Heard was also involved with the St Keverne research project.

The workload had noticeably decreased for the main signage panel members.

5. Arwodhow yn stret / Street signs

Beach Walk = Kerdhva an Treth

It was assumed that the walk leads to the beach.

Pencair Avenue () = Rosva Las Pennker

PN masterlist - Pencair Tenement = Pennker

Clays Walk (Stennalees) = DEFERRED

Needed to try and define the intended meaning of SR ‘Clays’, SR to check if it’s a new development.

6. Geryow rag Gerlyver / Words for Dictionary

Bing = word of Saxon origin

Looks to come from the mining term – ‘bing ore’: the best lead ore. It could also be the kiln for melting metals. It may

2 be of Germanic origin after Elizabeth I brought German miners in. Found in Withiel field names, but there are no mining works in this area. They also lie on a hill slope, so it is not a marshy place which is an alternative meaning for ‘bing’. The derivation of English ‘Bingham’ is also uncertain.

Dictionary Additions

bara gwaneth1 n.m. (no plural) ‘wheaten bred’ = AGREED

bara gwaneth2 n.m. (no plural) ‘baker’ = DEFERRED

Bara-gwaneth is a surname found in . It was considered a noun phrase, not a loose compound; these were defined as something more than the sum of their parts.

berres n.m.; pl. berresyow ‘short-ford’ = AGREED

The agreed translation for Buryas (Nansberres) was taken from an attested form.

chi-gorgwynn n.m.; pl. chiow-gorgwynn ‘vicarage, house of holy man’ = REJECTED

chiwolow n.m.; pl. ?chiwolowyow ‘house-lamp’ = REJECTED

The panel were not certain of the meaning to put a suggestion forward.

gor-gwynn n.m.; pl. gwer-wynn ‘holy man’ = REJECTED

gwinval n.m.? pl. gwinvalys ‘wine val’ = AGREED

Middle English were disyllabic, but became monosyllabic. Endings for borrowings found in the Middle Cornish texts were generally –ys.

henfordh n.f. pl. henfordhow ‘ancient way’ = AGREED

kleys n.f. pl. kleysyow ‘ditch’ = AGREED

shuta n.m. pl. shutys ‘water shoot’ = AGREED

talgos n.m.; talgosow ‘brow-wood’ = AGREED

trenyer n.f. pl. trevow an yer ‘chicken farm’ = AGREED

7. Henwyn leow / Place-names

3 b. Redruth Names

Cardrew (Redruth) = Kardreu

Original suggestion was fort of the turning, but ‘turn’ was only found in the first form, in 1311.

Padel ’85 suggests Tredre, St Erth contains ‘yonder’, supported here by the –u/-ue endings.

-o could be the same sound as the –eu endings. The first considered to be an archaic form. When the –u turned into a -w this was considered a diphthong.

Treu ‘yonder’ was suggested to be another word put forward to the dictionary group for consideration.

Cardrew Common = Kemmyndir Kardreu Cardrew House = Chi Kardreu Higher Cardrew = Kardreu Wartha Lower Cardrew = Kardreu Woles Middle Cardrew Tenement = Bargen-tir Kardreu Gres

College (Redruth) = Kollesi

Appears in field name elements and as a place- name entry in its own right. Believed to be related to ‘hazel trees’.

Suggestions included ‘abounding in hazel trees’ and found in Padel ’85; if it came from a –d ending, it may have be palatalised. References collet in Breton e.g. nancollet as a possible origin.

The suffix -es would change to –as in Late Cornish.

Kolles (supposed pl. kollesi/kolleji): palatalization is found prevalently on the north coast.

College Lane = Bownder Kollesi

4 Identifying the gender of the Breton form would help identify the word, unmutated in any case as it is a PN.

Creeg Beglar Burrow (Redruth) = Krug Begel

Similar word to ‘beglar’ found in Gloucestershire – Hetty Pegler’s Tump*.

Begel - Navel, hump, hillock common meaning. Suffix –er/-ar unknown.

Goads River (Redruth) = Godhow

Goodh* watercourse possible with the English –s considered a suffix. Alternatively it may have been a ‘Goad’ family although that name wasn’t known.

Gundoy’s Tenement = Bargen-tir Gundoy

Gundoy taken as a family name due to the ‘s found in the 1841 form; unknown meaning. It may have been goon ‘downs’.

Gweelzemeer (Redruth) = DEFERRED

Believed to come from gwels ‘grass’ + meur ‘big/great’.

Alternatively the middle ‘-ze-’ could be Old Cornish ‘house’; such as House on a large open field/Large thatched house.

Hyngy Espayne (Redruth) = Henji Spayn

Believed to contain henji ‘old house’ + spayn ‘Spain’

Espayne is the Anglo-Norman spelling for Spain. Pryce had the words aspayn ‘running’, paynia ‘to run’, but couldn’t be linked here.

Lanksbury = DEFERRED

May also be linked to Treskerby. If it is the same element, it could be Nansiskribik*. Further research would be required to determine the distance from Treskerby.

5 Lost Kewthyry (Redruth) = Lost Kewdheri

Deri cited from PN Eglosderry, Wendron. Dar (pl.). Hollow or enclosure with oaks or possible link to Breton diri ‘stairs [made from oaks]’.

Parc Erissey (Redruth) = Park Erysi

erys ‘ploughland’ + –i plural endings. May indicate a stream name as it can be found on a moor; stream was identified on the site, flowing out at Portreath. Erissey* also found in Ruan Major and Erisshe in Cardinham.

Paletelised form for erysi as eryji* may be found. Parkessey Moor (Redruth) = Hal Park Erysi Parkrissey Common (Redruth) = Kemmyndir Park Erysi

Erisey (Ruan Major) = Erysi

Treskerby = Treviskribik

Trev (farmstead)+ is (lower)+ krib (ridge) + ik (little)

Manor of Treskerby (Redruth) = Maner Treviskribik Treskerby Mine = Hwel Treviskribik North Treskerby Mine = Hwel Treviskribik North

8. Negys aral / Any Other Business


9. Dydh an kuntelles nessa / Date of next meeting

Friday 15th April 2016, 10am, 2N:06, NCH