Who's Who in America
1779 — 192.9 Who's Who in America TNDICATIVE of the place Finger Lakes residents naturalist. -*- hold in the life of the nation is the large list of Seneca Falls—N. J. Gould, ex-congressman. persons in the lake country whose biographies appear Skaneateles—H. L. Roosevelt, radio mgr.; Eliza- in Who's Who in America. Scores of other native beth G. Thorne, librarian. sons of the region, now resident in other sections, are Trumansburg—E. H. Dickinson, clergyman. also so listed. The towns which are members of the Watkins Glen—A. W. Ferris, M. D.; Wm. E. Finger Lakes Association have the following repre- Leffingwell (deceased.) sentation in Who's Who in America: Seneca Falls—Ross W. Kellogg. Auburn—Samuel H. Adams, author; G. G. Atkins, Ithaca—Bnstow Adams, prof.; J. Q. Adams, clergyman; Wm. M. Collier, diplomat; Harlen Creel- prof.; C. D. Albert, mech. eng.; E. P. Andrews, archae- man, Allen M. Dulles, Wm. J. Hinke, George B. ology; Willard Austin, librarian; L. H. Bailey, author; Stewart, Harry L. Reed, theologians; Robert H. W. D. Bancroft, chemist; F. A. Barnes, educator; J. H. Nichols, Edward P. St. John, educators; A. P. Rich, Barr, mech. eng.; M. F. Barrus, plant pathology;A. C. judge; John Taber, Congressman; James A. Seymour, Beal, floriculture; C. L. Becker, prof.; Fdk. 'Bedell, manufacturer; A. H. Hamilton, micro-chemist. prof.;R. R. Birch, veterinarian; J. A. Bizzell, soil tech- Aurora—R. P. T. Coffin, Paul F. Gaehr, physics; nology; C. H. Blood, lawyer; S. L. Boothroyd, astron- Ralph K. Hickok, clergyman; Louise R. Loomis, his- omer; C.
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