About connection of one matrix of composite numbers with Legendre’s

Garipov Ilshat Ilsurovich Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny e-mail: [email protected].


Scientific paper is devoted to establish connection of T -matrix – matrix of composite numbers 6h ± 1 in special view – with Legendre’s conjecture. Keywords: T -matrix, prime numbers, leading element, upper and lower defining elements of number, ¾active¿ set for numbers (m − 1)4 and m4, ¾critical¿ element for numbers (m − 1)4 and m4, Legendre’s conjecture, ¾Weak¿ and ¾Strong¿ .

List of symbols

N0 – set of all natural numbers with zero. N – set of all natural numbers. Z – set of all integers. P – set of all prime numbers. R – set of all real numbers. T – matrix comprising all defining and all not defining elements. Te – set of all elements of T-matrix. D(b) – T -matrix upper defining element of number b. d(b) – T -matrix lower defining element of number b.

Dk(b) – upper defining element of number b in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix.

dk(b) – lower defining element of number b in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix. W (b) – T -matrix upper element of number b. arXiv:2104.06261v1 [math.GM] 7 Apr 2021 w(b) – T -matrix lower element of number b.

Wk(b) – upper element of number b in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix.

wk(b) – lower element of number b in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix.

DT – set of all defining elements of T -matrix.

nDT – set of all not defining elements of T -matrix.

MT – set of all leading elements of T -matrix.

DTk – set of all defining elements in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix. π(x) – function counting the number of prime numbers less than or equal to x ∈ R.

1 πMT (x) – function counting the number of T -matrix leading elements less than or equal to x ∈ R.

#k(a) – number of element a in k-row of T -matrix. 4 4 H(m−1)4, m4 – ¾active¿ set for numbers (m − 1) , m . 4 4 C(m−1)4, m4 – ¾critical¿ element for numbers (m − 1) , m .

νk(x) – function counting the number of elements, less than or equal to x ∈ R, in k-row of T -matrix. ν(x) – function counting the number of naturals of the form 6h ± 1, less than or equal to x ∈ R. a%b – remainder after dividing a ∈ N by b ∈ N. 2 2 qm – number of prime numbers between m and (m + 1) .

Introduction 1. T -matrix

We construct a matrix T ≡ (a(k; n))∞×∞, where a(k; n) is a T -matrix element located in k-th row, n-th column and defined as follows:  jnk n − 1 a(k; n) ≡ p(k) · 5 + 2 · + 4 · , 2 2

∞ where p(k) is the k-th element of sequence (p(k))k=1 of prime numbers:

p(k) ≡ pk+2, (1) where pi is the i-th in sequence of all prime numbers (see [1]). ∞ Let (f(n))n=1 is a numerical sequence, where a common member f(n) is defined as follows: 3 − (−1)n f(n) ≡ 3n + . 2 THEOREM 1.1. (∀k,n ∈ N)(a(k; n) = p(k) · f(n)) . (2) DEFINITION 1.1. An element a(k; n) of matrix T is called defining if 1) a(k; n) is not divisible by 5; 2) a(k; n) can be expressed as a product of some two prime numbers, that is

5 6 |a(k; n) ∧ (∃p1,p2 ∈ P)(a(k; n) = p1 · p2). (3) DEFINITION 1.2. An element a(k; n) of matrix T is called not defining if he does not satisfy condition (3). DEFINITION 1.3. An element a(k; n) of matrix T is called leading if

a(k; n) = p2(k).

2 DEFINITION 1.4. A T -matrix is called matrix comprising all defining and not defining elements. ∞ LEMMA 1.2. (f(n))n=1 is a sequence of all numbers of the form 6h ± 1: 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 25; ... ; 6h − 1; 6h + 1; ....

2 ∞ PROPERTY 1.1. The sequence (p (k))k=1 of T -matrix leading elements is ascending. The simplest properties and basic theorems about elements of T -matrix are proved in [1].

2. About a T -matrix upper defining element of real number DEFINITION 2.1. A T -matrix defining element D(b) is called an upper defining element of number b ∈ R : b > 49, if

D(b) = min a(k1; n), a(k1;n)∈DT a(k1;n)>b n∈N where k1 is defined by condition 2 2 p (k1) = max p (k). 2 p (k)6b k>1 DEFINITION 2.2. A T -matrix defining element d(b) is called a lower defining element of number b ∈ R : b > 49, if

d(b) = max a(k2; n), a(k2;n)∈DT a(k2;n)1

DEFINITION 2.3. A T -matrix defining element Dk(b) is called an upper defining element 2 of number b ∈ R : p (k) 6 b, in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix if

Dk(b) = min a(k; n). a(k;n)∈DT a(k;n)>b n∈N

DEFINITION 2.4. A T -matrix defining element dk(b) is called a lower defining element of number b ∈ R : p2(k) < b, in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix if

dk(b) = max a(k; n). a(k;n)∈DT a(k;n) 49, if

3 W (b) = min a(k1; n), a(k1;n)∈Te a(k1;n)>b n∈N where k1 is defined by condition 2 2 p (k1) = max p (k). 2 p (k)6b k>1 DEFINITION 2.6. A T -matrix element w(b) is called a lower element of number b ∈ R : b > 49, if

w(b) = max a(k2; n), a(k2;n)∈Te a(k2;n)1

DEFINITION 2.7. A T -matrix element Wk(b) is called an upper element of number b ∈ R : 2 p (k) 6 b, in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix if

Wk(b) = min a(k; n). a(k;n)∈Te a(k;n)>b n∈N

DEFINITION 2.8. A T -matrix element wk(b) is called a lower element of number b ∈ R : p2(k) < b, in k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix if

wk(b) = max a(k; n). a(k;n)∈Te a(k;n)

(∀k > 1) (∀n > 1) (a(k; n) ∈ DT ⇔ f(n) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5}) . (4) PROOF. Choose any k-row (k > 1) and any n-column (n > 1) of T -matrix.

Necessity. Let a(k; n) ∈ DT . By Definition 1.1, that means that

5 6 |a(k; n) ∧ (∃ p1, p2 ∈ P)(a(k; n) = p1 · p2). Then by rule (1), Lemma 1.2 and Theorem 1.1,

p1 = p(k) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5} ∧ p2 = f(n) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5}.

It follows that f(n) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5}. The necessity is proved.

4 Sufficiency. Let f(n) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5}. It is clear that p(k) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5} for k > 1.

p(k), f(n) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5} ⇒

(2) ⇒ p(k) · f(n) = a(k; n) ∧ p(k), f(n) ∈ P ∧ 5 6 |a(k; n) ⇒

(3) ⇒ 5 6 |a(k; n) ∧ (∃ p1,p2 ∈ P)(a(k; n) = p1 · p2) ⇔ a(k; n) ∈ DT . The sufficiency is proved. Lemma 2.1 is proved. THEOREM 2.2 (about the ¾transition down¿ of T -matrix defining element).

2 (∀k; n ∈ N) p (k) < a(k; n) ∧ a(k; n) ∈ DT ⇒

2 2 2  ⇒ (∃! j ∈ N) k < j ∧ a(k; n) < p (j) ∧ a(j;#k(p (k))) = a(k; n) ∧ a(j; n) = p (j) . (5) PROOF. Existence. It is established in [1]. Uniqueness. Suppose,

2 (∀k; n ∈ N)(p (k) < a(k; n) ∧ a(k; n) ∈ DT ⇒

2 2 ⇒ (∃ j1, j2 ∈ N)(j1 6= j2 ∧ k < j1 ∧ k < j2 ∧ a(k; n) < p (j1) ∧ a(k; n) < p (j2) ∧

2 2 ∧ a(j1;#k(p (k))) = a(k; n) ∧ a(j2;#k(p (k))) = a(k; n) ∧

2 2 ∧ a(j1; n) = p (j1) ∧ a(j2; n) = p (j2))).

2 2 a(j1;#k(p (k))) = a(k; n) ∧ a(j2;#k(p (k))) = a(k; n) ∧ j1 6= j2 ⇒

2 2 (2) ⇒ a(j1;#k(p (k))) = a(j2;#k(p (k))) ∧ j1 6= j2 ⇔

2 2 ⇔ p(j1) · f(#k(p (k))) = p(j2) · f(#k(p (k))) ∧ j1 6= j2 ⇔

⇔ p(j1) = p(j2) ∧ j1 6= j2 ⇔ j1 = j2 ∧ j1 6= j2.

As a result, a contradiction. The uniqueness is established. Theorem 2.2 is proved. COROLLARY 2.3. Let a(k; n), a(j; n) are T -matrix elements from Theorem 2.2. Then,

a(k; n) a(k; n) − p(k) = p(j) − . p(k) p(j)

PROOF. From №1 in [1], we get

 a(k; n) (∃h ∈ ) p2(k) + 2h · p(k) = a(k; n) ⇔ (∃h ∈ ) p(k) + 2h = . N N p(k)

5 2 2 a(k; n) (5) a(j;# (p (k))) (2) p(j) · f(# (p (k))) 2h = − p(k) = k − p(k) = k − p(k) = p(k) p(k) p(k)

2 p(j) · p(k) (2) a(j;# (p (k))) (5) a(k; n) = − f(# (p2(k))) = p(j) − k = p(j) − . p(k) k p(j) p(j)

Corollary 2.3 is proved. CONCLUSION 2.1. Subject to the conditions of Theorem 2.2, there are the following equalities with some h ∈ N: 1) p2(k) + 2h · p(k) = a(k; n).

2) a(k; n) + 2h · p(j) = p2(j).

− Further, let gk ≡ p(k + 1) − p(k). LEMMA 2.4. 2 − 2 (∀k > 1)(p (k) + gk · p(k) = Dk(p (k))). PROOF. Choose any k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix. Given Theorem 1.1, assume that

2 Dk(p (k)) = p(k) · f(n) with some n > 1.

D ⊂D 2 Tk T 2 (4) Dk(p (k)) ∈ DTk ⇒ Dk(p (k)) ∈ DT ⇔ f(n) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5}. It follows from Definition 2.3 that the defining elements of T -matrix don’t exist between the elements p2(k) and a(k; n). Therefore, f(n) = p(k + 1). Then,

2 − 2 − Dk(p (k)) = p(k) · p(k + 1) = p(k) · (p(k) + gk ) = p (k) + gk · p(k). Lemma 2.4 is proved. COROLLARY 2.5.

2 − 2 (∀k > 1)(Dk(p (k)) + gk · p(k + 1) = p (k + 1)). PROOF. Choose any k-row (k > 1) of T -matrix. Using Lemma 2.4, we get

2 − 2 − − Dk(p (k)) + gk · p(k + 1) = p (k) + gk · p(k) + gk · p(k + 1) =

2 − 2 = p (k) + gk · (p(k) + p(k + 1)) = p (k) + (p(k + 1) − p(k)) · (p(k + 1) + p(k)) = = p2(k) + p2(k + 1) − p2(k) = p2(k + 1).

Corollary 2.5 is proved. COMMENT. It follows from Definition 2.1 and Definition 2.3 that

2 2 (∀k > 1)(Dk(p (k)) = D(p (k))).

THEOREM 2.6 (about the ¾transition up¿ of T -matrix defining element).

6 2 (∀j; n ∈ N) a(j; n) < p (j) ∧ a(j; n) ∈ DT ⇒

2 2 2  ⇒ (∃! k ∈ N) k < j ∧ p (k) < a(j; n) ∧ a(k;#j(p (j))) = a(j; n) ∧ a(k; n) = p (k) . PROOF. Existence. Choose any defining element a(j; n) that is smaller than the leading element p2(j) in j-row of T -matrix. Then it follows from Theorem 1.1 and Definition 1.1 that

a(j; n) = p(j) · f(n) ∧ p(j), f(n) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5}.

∞ Therefore, the prime number f(n) > 5 is an element of sequence (p(k))k=1:

(∃ k ∈ N)(p(k) = f(n)) . (6) (2) (6) 1) a(j; n) < p2(j) ⇔ p(j) · f(n) < p2(j) ⇔ p(j) · p(k) < p2(j) ⇔

⇔ p(k) < p(j) ⇔ k < j.

(6) (2) 2) p(k) < p(j) ⇔ p2(k) < p(j) · p(k) ⇔ p2(k) < p(j) · f(n) ⇔ p2(k) < a(j; n).

2 (2) 2 (6) (2) 3) a(k;#j(p (j))) = p(k) · f(#j(p (j))) = p(k) · p(j) = p(j) · p(k) = p(j) · f(n) = a(j; n). (2) (6) 4) a(k; n) = p(k) · f(n) = p2(k). Uniqueness. Suppose,

2 (∀j; n ∈ N)(a(j; n) < p (j) ∧ a(j; n) ∈ DT ⇒

2 2 ⇒ (∃ k1, k2 ∈ N)(k1 6= k2 ∧ k1 < j ∧ k2 < j ∧ p (k1) < a(j; n) ∧ p (k2) < a(j; n) ∧

2 2 ∧ a(k1;#j(p (j))) = a(j; n) ∧ a(k2;#j(p (j))) = a(j; n) ∧

2 2 ∧ a(k1; n) = p (k1) ∧ a(k2; n) = p (k2))).

2 2 a(k1;#j(p (j))) = a(j; n) ∧ a(k2;#j(p (j))) = a(j; n) ∧ k1 6= k2 ⇒

2 2 (2) ⇒ a(k1;#j(p (j))) = a(k2;#j(p (j))) ∧ k1 6= k2 ⇔

2 2 ⇔ p(k1) · f(#j(p (j))) = p(k2) · f(#j(p (j))) ∧ k1 6= k2 ⇔

⇔ p(k1) = p(k2) ∧ k1 6= k2 ⇔ k1 = k2 ∧ k1 6= k2.

As a result, a contradiction. The uniqueness is established. Theorem 2.6 is proved. LEGENDRE’S CONJECTURE. 2 2 (∀m ∈ N)(∃p ∈ P) m < p < (m + 1) . PROPOSITION 2.7. Any real number x can be uniquely expressed as a sum of integer part (entire) and fractional part (mantissa) of number x:

7 x = bxc + {x}. PROPERTY 2.1 (property of number’s entire).

(∀x ∈ R)(x − 1 < bxc 6 x). (7) PROPERTY 2.2 (property of number’s mantissa).

(∀x ∈ R) (0 6 {x} < 1). PROPERTY 2.3.

(∀n ∈ N0)(∀x ∈ R)(n · bxc 6 bn · xc) (see [2]). (8) THEOREM 2.8 (fundamental theorem of arithmetic). Every positive integer except the number 1 can be represented in exactly one way apart from rearrangement as a product of one or more primes (see [3]). PROPERTY 2.4. (∀x ∈ R : x > 0) (ν(x) = ν (bxc)) . (9)

PROOF. Choose any real number x > 0. Then, using Proposition 2.7 and Property 2.2, we get

ν(x) = ν (bxc + {x}) = ν (bxc) .

Property 2.4 is proved. THEOREM 2.9.   x  (∀k ∈ )(∀x ∈ : x 0) ν (x) = ν . (10) N R > k p(k)

PROOF. Fix any k-row of T -matrix and any real number x > 0. Select the elements

a(k; n) ∈ Te : a(k; n) 6 x, n ∈ N. Using Theorem 1.1 for each of them, we get the numbers f(n): a(k; n) x f(n) = . (11) p(k) 6 p(k)

By Lemma 1.2, the numbers f(n) have the form 6h ± 1. Then, given (11), the number x ν( p(k) ) of such f(n) is equal to the number νk(x) of elements, less than or equal to x, in k-row of T -matrix. Theorem 2.9 is proved. COROLLARY 2.10.

(∀k ∈ N)(∀x ∈ R : x > 0) (νk(x) = νk (bxc)) .

PROOF. Fix any k-row of T -matrix and any real number x > 0. Then,

8 (10)  x  (9)  x  (10)   x  (8) ν (x) = ν = ν = ν p(k) · k p(k) p(k) k p(k) 6  x  ν p(k) · = ν (bxc) . 6 k p(k) k

(7) It is clear that νk(x) > νk (bxc). Thus,

νk(x) 6 νk (bxc) ∧ νk(x) > νk (bxc) ⇒ νk(x) = νk (bxc) . Corollary 2.10 is proved. PROPOSITION 2.11.  m + 2 m%6 m%6  (∀m ∈ ) ν(m) = − + − 1 . (12) N 3 4 5

PROOF. The exact formula of space complexity C(m) of T -matrix - based algorithm (algorithm №1) for finding all the prime numbers less than or equal to a given natural number m > 5 was obtained in [1]:  m + 2 m%6 m%6 (∀m ∈ : m 5) C(m) = − + . N > 3 4 5

This formula also takes into account the number 0 for correct numbering of natural numbers of the form 6h ± 1 less than or equal to m. Discarding the number 0, we get

(∀m ∈ N : m > 5)(ν(m) = C(m) − 1). (13) m + 2 m%6 m%6  (∀m ∈ {1; 2; 3; 4}) − + − 1 = 0 ∧ ν(m) = 0 . 3 4 5

Proposition 2.11 is proved. Further, we will present a method №1 which allows to find a T -matrix upper defining 4 4 2 2 element D(m ) of number m (m ∈ N : m > 3) by invoking that between (m − 1) and m there is the prime number. Also note that a prime number between m2 and (m + 1)2 is the intermediate result of method №1. The important comments within T -matrix are also given in method №1. Description of method №1. Input: m ∈ N : m > 3. Step 1. Using Proposition 2.11, compute a number n of numbers of the form 6h ± 1 less than or equal to m2: m2 + 2 m2%6 m2%6 n ≡ ν(m2) = − + − 1. 3 4 5

Step 2. Find a prime number p(k1):

9 p(k1) = max p(k). (14) (m−1)21 2 2 2 2 It follows that (m−1) < p(k1) < m . These inequalities are strict, since (m−1) , m ∈/ P. Within T -matrix,

2 2 4 2 4 2 (m − 1) < p(k1) < m ⇔ (m − 1) < p (k1) < m , where p (k1) ∈ MT .

Test the primality of numbers f(n − i) that lie between (m − 1)2 and m2 starting at i = 0 with a step 1 until a number ∆n ∈ N0 is found:

f(n − ∆n) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5}. For numbers f(n − i)(i = 0; ∆n) we use the Lenstra-Pomerance (modifica- tion of polynomial-time Agrawal–Kayal–Saxena (AKS) primality test, see [4], [5]). Note that by Lemma 1.2, the numbers f(n − i) have the form 6h ± 1. Thus,

p(k1) = f(n − ∆n).

4 4 Step 3. Compute a number n0 of T -matrix upper element W (m ) of m (in k1-row of T -matrix). 4 Let’s say that a(k1; n0) ≡ W (m ). Then by Definition 2.5,

a(k1; n0) = min a(k1; n). a(k1;n)∈Te 4 a(k1;n)>m n∈N It follows that 4 νk1 (m ) + 1 = νk1 (a(k1; n0)) ∧ n0 = νk1 (a(k1; n0)).

Then, 4 n0 = νk1 (m ) + 1.

 4   4   4  4 (10) m (9) m m νk1 (m ) = ν = ν ⇒ ν = n0 − 1. p(k1) p(k1) p(k1)

 4  (7) 4 (14) 4 m m m 2 2 (13) > − 1 > 2 − 1 = m − 1 > 3 − 1 = 8 > 5 ⇒ p(k1) p(k1) m

 m4   m4   m4  ⇒ ν = C − 1 ⇔ n0 − 1 = C − 1 ⇔ p(k1) p(k1) p(k1)

 m4  ⇔ n0 = C . p(k1) Step 4. Compute a T -matrix element D(m4), and D(m4) < (m + 1)4.

10 Test way to calculate the element D(m4). Given Definition 1.1, finding the element 4 a(k1,n0+i) D(m ) is reduced to test the primality of numbers f(n0 + i) = starting at i = 0 p(k1) with a step 1 until a number ∆n0 ∈ N0 is found:

f(n0 + ∆n0) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5}. In turn, by Lemma 2.1,

f(n0 + ∆n0) ∈ P\{2; 3; 5} ⇔ a(k1,n0 + ∆n0) ∈ DT .

For numbers f(n0 + i)(i = 0; ∆n0) use the Lenstra-Pomerance primality test. Using Theorem 1.1, compute the element D(m4):

4 D(m ) ≡ a(k1,n0 + ∆n0) = p(k1) · f(n0 + ∆n0).

2 We expect that the received prime number p(j) ≡ f(n0 + ∆n0) lies between m and (m + 1)2. Output: T -matrix upper defining element D(m4) of number m4. Next, we will use the Lagarias-Odlyzko analytical method (about the method see [5], [6]) 4 to know which k1, j-rows of T -matrix contain the element D(m ).

The calculation of numbers k1, j-rows of T -matrix is reduced to calculation of numbers k1 of p(k1), j of p(j) in sequence of all prime numbers respectively. Clear that

k1 = π(p(k1)) ∧ j = π(p(j)).

Using rule (1),

k1 = k1 − 2 ∧ j = j − 2.

Consider now the inverse problem. Suppose that Step 1 and Step 2 of method №1 are done, but we already know which elements are defining, and which elements are not defining in T -matrix. In this case, a prime number p(j) that lies between m2 and (m + 1)2 can be found in two ways.

Way №1 (hard). D(m4) − p2(k ) p(j) = h + ph2 + D(m4), where h = 1 . (15) 2 · p(k1) PROOF. Compute a number h ∈ N on the basis of Conclusion 2.1, 1):

4 2 2 4 4 2 D(m ) − p (k1) p (k1) + 2h · p(k1) = D(m ) ⇔ 2h · p(k1) = D(m ) − p (k1) ⇔ h = . 2 · p(k1)

On the basis of Conclusion 2.1, 2),

11 D(m4) + 2h · p(j) = p2(j) ⇔ p2(j) − 2h · p(j) − D(m4) = 0. (16)

Solve the reduced quadratic equation (16) in the unknown p(j).

2h ± p(−2h)2 − 4 · (−D(m4)) 2h ± p4h2 + 4 · D(m4) p (j) = = = 1,2 2 2

2h ± 2 · ph2 + D(m4) = = h ± ph2 + D(m4), h2 + D(m4) > 0. 2 In turn, h − ph2 + D(m4) < 0. Really, √ D(m4) > 0 ⇔ D(m4) + h2 > h2 ⇔ pD(m4) + h2 > h2 ⇔

⇔ pD(m4) + h2 > |h| .

h > 0 ⇒ pD(m4) + h2 > h ⇔ h − ph2 + D(m4) < 0. p Thus, given p(j) > 5, the root p(j) = h− h2 + D(m4) of equation (16) is not considered. Show that h + ph2 + D(m4) > 5. It follows from Definition 2.1 that m4 < D(m4).

p √ √ √ h + h2 + D(m4) > h + h2 + m4 > h + h2 + 34 > h + 34 = h + 9 > 5.

In result, p(j) = h + ph2 + D(m4) is an appropriate root of equation (16). The correctness of formula (15) is proved. Way №2 (easy). D(m4) p(j) = . (17) p(k1) Formula (17) can be obtained from the proof of Theorem 2.2 (see [1]). Verify an equation of the prime numbers p(j) found in 2 ways.

2 4 2 4 2 4 Verification. p (k1) + 2h · p(k1) = D(m ) ⇔ (p (k1) + 2h · p(k1)) · D(m ) = D (m ) ⇔

4 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 D(m ) D (m ) ⇔ p (k1) · D(m ) + 2h · p(k1) · D(m ) = D (m ) ⇔ D(m ) + 2h · = 2 ⇔ p(k1) p (k1)

2 4 4 2 4 4 4 D (m ) D(m ) 4 2 D (m ) D(m ) 2 ⇔ D(m ) = 2 − 2h · ⇔ D(m ) + h = 2 − 2h · + h ⇔ p (k1) p(k1) p (k1) p(k1)

s D(m4) 2 D(m4) 2 ⇔ D(m4) + h2 = − h ⇔ pD(m4) + h2 = − h ⇔ p(k1) p(k1)

12 4 p D(m ) ⇔ D(m4) + h2 = − h . p(k1)

4 4 2 4 D(m ) D(m ) p (k1) + 2h · p(k1) = D(m ) ⇔ p(k1) + 2h = ⇔ p(k1) + h = − h. p(k1) p(k1)

D(m4) p(k1) + h > 0 ⇒ − h > 0 ⇒ p(k1)

D(m4) D(m4) ⇒ pD(m4) + h2 = − h ⇔ h + ph2 + D(m4) = . p(k1) p(k1) We will put forward a following conjecture. CONJECTURE 2.1.

 4  2 D(m ) 2 (∀m ∈ N : m > 3) m < < (m + 1) , p(k1) where k1 is defined by condition (14). If Conjecture 2.1 is true, then for both ways:

m4 < D(m4) < p2(j) < (m + 1)4.

Therefore, m2 < p(j) < (m + 1)2. THEOREM 2.12. 4 (∀m ∈ N : m > 3) (p(k1) 6 | m ), where k1 is defined by condition (14). 4 PROOF. Suppose otherwise: (∃m ∈ N : m > 3) (p(k1) |m ). Given Theorem 2.8, we present a number m as

w Y m = pβi , where w, α , β ∈ ; i = 1; w. αi i i N i=1

4 4 w ! w βi ! w βi 4 Y Y Y Y Y p(k1) | m m4 = pβi = p = p4 ⇒ αi αi αi i=1 i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1

⇒ (∃i ∈ N : 1 6 i 6 w)(pαi = p(k1)) ⇔ p(k1) | m.

Without loss of generality, assume that m = p(k1) · m1, m1 ∈ N. It is known that (∀i ∈ N)(pi+1 < 2 · pi) (see [7]). Therefore, using (1), we get

2 2 2 p(k1 + 1) < 2 · p(k1) < p (k1) · m1 = m .

As a result, a contradiction to the maximality of the prime number p(k1) from (14).

13 Theorem 2.12 is proved. PROPOSITION 2.13. 4 4 νk1 (D(m )) − νk1 (m ) = O(m), (18) where k1 is defined by condition (14). PROOF.Given Conjecture 2.1, let’s say that

D(m4) < p2(j) < (m + 1)4.

 4   4   4  4 4 (10) D(m ) m (17),(9) m νk1 (D(m )) − νk1 (m ) = ν − ν = ν(p(j)) − ν . p(k1) p(k1) p(k1)

 n%6 n%6  (∀n ∈ ) − + ∈ {−1; 0} . N 4 5


4  m  (12) p(j) + 2 p(j)%6 p(j)%6 ν(p(j)) − ν = − + − 1− p(k1) 3 4 5

 bm4/p(k )c + 2 bm4/p(k )c %6 bm4/p(k )c %6  − 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 3 4 5 6

p(j) + 2 bm4/p(k )c + 2 bm4/p(k )c %6 bm4/p(k )c %6 − 1 − 1 − 1 − 1 + 1 = 6 3 3 5 4

p(j) + 2 bm4/p(k )c + 2 bm4/p(k )c %6 bm4/p(k )c %6 = − 1 − 1 − 1 3 3 5 4 6

p(j) + 2 bm4/p(k )c + 2 (7) p(j) + 2 bm4/p(k )c + 2 − 1 + 1 − 1 + 1. 6 3 3 6 3 3

bm4/p(k )c + 2 (7) 1  m4  2 1  m4  1 1 > · + − 1 = · − ⇒ 3 3 p(k1) 3 3 p(k1) 3

bm4/p(k )c + 2 1 1  m4  ⇒ − 1 < − · ⇒ 3 3 3 p(k1)

 m4  p(j) 2 1 1  m4  ⇒ ν(p(j)) − ν < + + − · + 1 ⇔ p(k1) 3 3 3 3 p(k1)

 m4  p(j) 1  m4  ⇔ ν(p(j)) − ν < − · + 2. (19) p(k1) 3 3 p(k1)

14  m4  (7) m4  m4  m4  m4  > − 1 ⇔ − < 1 − ⇒ ν(p(j)) − ν < p(k1) p(k1) p(k1) p(k1) p(k1)

p(j) 1  m4  p(j) 1 1 m4 1 1 m4 7 < + · 1 − + 2 = + − · + 2 < · (m + 1)2 − · + . 3 3 p(k1) 3 3 3 p(k1) 3 3 p(k1) 3

4 (14) 4 4  4  m m 2 m 2 m > 2 = m ⇔ − < − m ⇒ ν(p(j)) − ν < p(k1) m p(k1) p(k1)

1 1 7 1 7 < · (m + 1)2 − · m2 + = · ((m + 1)2 − m2) + = 3 3 3 3 3

1 7 1 7 2m 8 = · (m + 1 + m) · (m + 1 − m) + = · (2m + 1) + = + < 3 3 3 3 3 3

2m 3m 5 5 < + = · m (m 3) ⇒ ν (D(m4)) − ν (m4) < · m (m 3). (20) 3 3 3 > k1 k1 3 >

4 4 It follows from (20) that νk1 (D(m )) − νk1 (m ) = O(m). Proposition 2.13 is proved. PROPOSITION 2.14. The asymptotic of method №1 is

 6 O(1)  O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) . PROOF. Given Conjecture 2.1, let’s say that

D(m4) < p2(j) < (m + 1)4.

Let tr(m) – number of actions in Step r of method №1, r = 1; 4; t(m) – time complexity of method №1 at input m ∈ N : m > 3. Step 1. The number of digits (length) of m equals blg mc + 1. (7) m>3 3 blg mc + 1 6 lg m + 1 < lg m + lg(m ) = lg m + 3 · lg m = 4 · lg m. (21) Given (21), the multiplying of m by itself requires not more than O(lg2 m) steps. All other arithmetic operations over intermediate results equire not more than O(lg m) steps. Therefore, the computing a number n of numbers of the form 6h ± 1 less than or equal to m2 is going to take not more than O(lg2 m) steps. Thus, there may be

2 t1(m) = O(lg m).

6 Step 2. The asymptotic time complexity of Lenstra-Pomerance primality test is Oe(log2 x) at input x (see [4]), where

O(1) Oe(y) = O y · (log2 y) . The largest possible number ∆(m) of numbers 6h±1, which lie between (m−1)2 and m2,

15 pass the primality test, equals ν(m2) − ν((m − 1)2). Then similar to (19), we find an upper estimate for ∆(m): m2 − (m − 1)2 (m + m − 1) · (m − m + 1) ∆(m) = ν(m2) − ν((m − 1)2) < + 2 = + 2 = 3 3 2m − 1 2m 5 2m 2m 4 4 = + 2 = + < + = · m (m 3) ⇒ ∆(m) < · m (m 3). (22) 3 3 3 3 3 3 > 3 >

Let f(¯n) = max f(n). 2 2 (m−1) 6f(n)6m n∈N

Introduce t2, i+1(m) – number of actions in Step 2 of method №1, when the number f(¯n − i), 0 6 i 6 ∆(m) − 1, passes the primality test. Then, for t2, i+1(m), i = 0; ∆(m) − 1, there are estimates:

6  6 O(1) 6  t2, i+1(m) = Oe(log2 f(¯n − i)) = O (log2 f(¯n − i)) · log2 (log2 f(¯n − i)) .

So, there exist constants C1 > 0,C2 > 0 and m0 ∈ N : m0 > 3, such that for all m > m0:

6 C2 6 t2, i+1(m) 6 C1 · (log2 f(¯n − i)) · log2 (log2 f(¯n − i)), i = 0; ∆(m) − 1.

6 C2 6 6 2 C2 6 2 C1 · (log2 f(¯n − i)) · log2 (log2 f(¯n − i)) 6 C1 · (log2(m )) · log2 (log2(m )) = m 3 6 C2 > 6 6 3 C2 = C1 · (2 · log2 m) · (6 · log2(2 · log2 m)) < C1 · 2 · (log2 m) · (6 · log2(log2 m)) =

6 6 6 C2 6 C2 6 C2 6 = C1 · 2 · (log2 m) · (3 · log2(log2 m)) = C1 · 2 · 3 · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m).

6 C2 Introduce a constant C3 ≡ C1 · 2 · 3 . Then,

6 C2 6  (∀m > m0) t2, i+1(m) < C3 · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) , i = 0; ∆(m) − 1. It follows that

 6 O(1) 6  6 t2, i+1(m) = O (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) = Oe(log2 m), i = 0; ∆(m) − 1.

Estimate the number of actions t2(m) in Step 2 of method №1 for all m > m0. ∆(m)−1 ∆(m)−1 ∆(m)−1 X X 6 6 X t2(m) = t2,i+1(m) = Oe(log2 m) = Oe(log2 m) · 1 = i=0 i=0 i=0

6 (22) 6  6 O(1) 6  = Oe(log2 m) · ∆(m) = Oe(log2 m) · O(m) = O (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) · O(m) =

 6 O(1) 6    6 O(1)  = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) = O O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) =

 6 O(1)   6 O(1)  = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) ⇒ t2(m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) .

16 Step 3. The multiplying of m by itself requires not more than O(lg2 m) steps. Then the multiplying of m2 by itself also requires not more than O(lg2 m) steps, since

O(lg2(m2)) = O(4 · lg2 m) = O(lg2 m).


(7) (14) 4 4 (blg(m )c + 1) · (blg p(k1)c + 1) 6 (lg(m ) + 1) · (lg p(k1) + 1) <

m 3 < (lg(m4) + 1) · (lg(m2) + 1) <> (lg(m4) + lg(m3)) · (lg(m2) + lg(m3)) =

= (lg(m7)) · lg(m5) = 7 · (lg m) · 5 · lg m = 35 · lg2 m.

4 It follows that the division m by p(k1) with remainder is going to take not more than O(lg2 m) steps. On the basis of (21), the asymptotic time complexity of computing the value of C(m) is O(lg m).

 4  (7)  4   4  m m (14) m m>3 lg 6 lg < lg 2 < p(k1) p(k1) (m − 1)

    m4 m4 < lg   = lg   = lg(3 · m2) lg(m3) = 3 · lg m.    2   2  6 m − 1 − √1 · m √m 3 3

4 4 Therefore, the computing a number n0 of T -matrix upper element W (m ) of number m 4 j m4 k 2 (in k1-row) with the computing m and is going to take not more than O(lg m) steps. p(k1) Thus, there may be

2 t3(m) = O(lg m).

Step 4. Let t4, i+1(m) – number of actions in Step 4 of method №1, when f(n0 + i), where 0 6 i 6 ∆n0, passes the primality test. Then, given the asymptotic time complexity of Lenstra-Pomerance primality test, for t4, i+1(m), i = 0; ∆n0, there are estimates:

6  6 O(1) 6  t4, i+1(m) = Oe(log2 f(n0 + i)) = O (log2 f(n0 + i)) · log2 (log2 f(n0 + i)) .

So, there exist constants C4 > 0,C5 > 0 and m0 ∈ N : m0 > 3, such that for all m > m0:

6 C5 6 t4, i+1(m) 6 C4 · (log2 f(n0 + i)) · log2 (log2 f(n0 + i)), i = 0; ∆n0. There are the following inequalities:

2 2 m < f(n0 + i) 6 p(j) < (m + 1) , i = 0; ∆n0. (23)

17 (14) 2 m4 m4 4 m4 Really, m = 2 < , where by Theorem 2.12, p(k1) 6 | m . So, ∈/ . m p(k1) p(k1) N

4 m a(k1,n0 + i) (2) < = f(n0 + i) , i = 0; ∆n0. p(k1) p(k1)

2 Therefore, m < f(n0 + i), i = 0; ∆n0. Clear that f(n0 + i) 6 p(j), i = 0; ∆n0, and

f(n0 + i) = p(j) ⇔ i = ∆n0.

Since (m + 1)2 ∈/ P, there is a strict inequality p(j) < (m + 1)2.

(23) (23) 6 C5 6 6 C5 6 C4 · (log2 f(n0 + i)) · log2 (log2 f(n0 + i)) 6 C4 · (log2 p(j)) · log2 (log2 p(j)) <

6 2 C5 6 2 < C4 · (log2((m + 1) )) · log2 (log2((m + 1) )) = m 3 6 C5 > = C4 · (2 · log2(m + 1)) · (6 · log2(2 · log2(m + 1))) <

2 6 2 C5 < C4 · (2 · log2(m )) · (6 · log2(2 · log2(m ))) = m 3 6 6 C5 > 6 6 5 C5 = C4 · 4 · (log2 m) · (6 · log2(4 · log2 m)) < C4 · 4 · (log2 m) · (6 · log2(log2 m)) =

6 6 6 C5 6 C5 6 C5 6 = C4 · 4 · (log2 m) · (5 · log2(log2 m)) = C4 · 4 · 5 · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m).

6 C5 Introduce a constant C6 ≡ C4 · 4 · 5 . Then,

6 C5 6  (∀m > m0) t4, i+1(m) < C6 · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) , i = 0; ∆n0. It follows that  6 O(1) 6  6 t4, i+1(m) = O (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) = Oe(log2 m), i = 0; ∆n0.

∆n0 ∆n0 ∆n0 X X 6 6 X 6 t4,i+1(m) = Oe(log2 m) = Oe(log2 m) · 1 = Oe(log2 m) · (∆n0 + 1). i=0 i=0 i=0 Note that on the basis of Lemma 2.1,

f(n0 + i) ∈/ P\{2; 3; 5} ⇔ a(k1; n0 + i) ∈/ DT ⇔ a(k1; n0 + i) ∈ nDT , i = 0; ∆n0 − 1. Therefore,

4 4 ∆n0 + 1 = νk1 (D(m )) − νk1 (m ).

∆n0 X 6 4 4 (18) 6 t4,i+1(m) = Oe(log2 m) · (νk1 (D(m )) − νk1 (m )) = Oe(log2 m) · O(m) = i=0

 6 O(1) 6   6 O(1) 6  = O (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) · O(m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) =

  6 O(1)   6 O(1)  = O O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) ⇒

18 ∆n0 X  6 O(1)  ⇒ t4,i+1(m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) . i=0

(7) (blg p(k1)c + 1) · (blg p(j)c + 1) 6 (lg p(k1) + 1) · (lg p(j) + 1) <

m 3 (23) < (lg p(j) + 1)2 <> (2 · lg p(j))2 = 4 · lg2 p(j) < 4 · lg2((m + 1)2) =

m 3 = 16 · lg2(m + 1) <> 16 · lg2(m2) = 64 · lg2 m.

4 Therefore, the computing an element D(m ) by multiplying of p(k1)(p(k1) < p(j)) by p(j) is going to take not more than O(lg2 m) steps. Estimate the possible number of actions t4(m) in Step 4 of method №1 for all m > m0.

∆n0 X 2 t4(m) = t4,i+1(m) + O(lg m) = i=0

 6 O(1)  2  6 O(1)  = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) + O(lg m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) ⇒

 6 O(1)  ⇒ t4(m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) .

4 X 2  6 O(1)  t(m) = ti(m) = O(lg m) + O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) + i=1

2  6 O(1)   6 O(1)  +O(lg m) + O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) ⇒

 6 O(1)  ⇒ t(m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) . Proposition 2.14 is proved.

PROPOSITION 2.15. The asymptotic time complexity of finding numbers k1, j after all the steps of method №1 is O(m1+o(1)) at input m. PROOF. Initially, all steps of method №1 are completed. 0 Let t1(m) – number of actions for finding a number k1; 0 t2(m) – number of actions for finding a number j; 0 t3(m) – number of actions over numbers k1, j; 0 t (m) – time complexity of finding numbers k1, j at input m.

 1 +o(1) The asymptotic time complexity of the Lagarias-Odlyzko analytical method is O x 2

(see [5], [6]). Then,

 1   1  0 2 +o(1) 0 2 +o(1) t1(m) = O p(k1) ∧ t2(m) = O p(j) .

19 0  1 +o(1) 0 1) t1(m) = O p(k1) 2 means that there exist constants C1 > 0 and m0 ∈ N : m0 > 3, such that for all m > m0:

1 0 0 2 +o(1) t1(m) 6 C1 · p(k1) .

1 (14) 1 0 2 +o(1) 0 2 2 +o(1) 0 1+2·o(1) 0 1+o(1) C1 · p(k1) < C1 · (m ) = C1 · m = C1 · m , m > m0 ⇒

0 0 1+o(1) 0 1+o(1) ⇒ t1(m) < C1 · m , m > m0 ⇒ t1(m) = O m .

0  1 +o(1) 0 2) t2(m) = O p(j) 2 means that there exist constants C2 > 0 and m0 ∈ N : m0 > 3, such that for all m > m0:

1 0 0 2 +o(1) t2(m) 6 C2 · p(j) .

1 (23) 1 0 2 +o(1) 0 2 2 +o(1) 0 1+2·o(1) 0 1+o(1) C2 · p(j) < C2 · ((m + 1) ) = C2 · (m + 1) = C2 · (m + 1) <

0 1+o(1) 0 1+o(1) 1+o(1) < C2 · (1.34 · m) = C2 · 1.34 · m , m > m0 ⇒

0 0 1+o(1) 1+o(1) 0 1+o(1) 1+o(1) ⇒ t2(m) < C2 · 1.34 · m , m > m0 ⇒ t2(m) = O 1.34 · m ⇒

0 1+O(1) 1+o(1) ⇒ t2(m) = O 1.34 · m .

0 0 The latter means that there exist constants C2 > 0,C3 > 0 and m0 ∈ N : m0 > 3, such that for all m > m0: 0 0 0 1+C3 1+o(1) t2(m) < C2 · 1.34 · m .

0 0 0 1+C3 Introduce a constant C4 ≡ C2 · 1.34 . Then,

0 0 1+o(1) (∀m > m0)(t2(m) < C4 · m ). It follows that 0 1+o(1) t2(m) = O m .

0 3) k1 < j ∧ lg j = lg π(p(j)) < lg p(j) < 4 · lg m ⇒ t3(m) = O(lg m).

3 0 X 0 1+o(1) 1+o(1) 1+o(1) t (m) = ti(m) = O m + O m + O(lg m) = O m ⇒ i=1

⇒ t0(m) = O m1+o(1) .

Proposition 2.15 is proved. COROLLARY 2.16. The asymptotic time complexity of method №1 with the finding

 6 O(1)  numbers k1, j is O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) .

20 PROOF. With the same notations in proof of Proposition 2.14 and proof of Proposition 2.15,

0 1+o(1) o(1)   6 O(1)  t (m) = O m = O m · m = O m · O (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) =

  6 O(1)   6 O(1)  = O O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) ⇒

0  6 O(1)  ⇒ t(m) + t (m) = O m · (log2 m) · log2 (log2 m) .

Corollary 2.16 is proved.

CONCLUSION 2.2. Method №1 with the finding numbers k1, j is a polynomial-time method. EXAMPLE 2.1. Find a T -matrix upper defining element D(104) of number 104.

Find numbers k1, j. SOLUTION. Input: m = 10. Step 1. Compute a number n of numbers of the form 6h±1 less than or equal to m2 = 100.

102 + 2 102 %6 102 %6 n ≡ ν(m2) = − + − 1 = 34 − 1 + 0 − 1 = 32. 3 4 5

Step 2. Using the Lenstra-Pomerance primality test,

3 − (−1)32 f(n) = 3 · 32 + = 97 ∈ when i = 0. 2 P

In that case, ∆n = 0. Therefore, p(k1) = f(n − ∆n) = 97. Within T -matrix,

4 2 4 9 < p (k1) = 9409 < 10 .

4 4 Step 3. Compute a number n0 of T -matrix upper element W (m ) of m (in k1-row).

 m4  105 103 % 6 103 % 6 n0 = C = C(103) = − + = 35. p(k1) 3 4 5 Step 4. Using the Lenstra-Pomerance primality test, we find an element D(m4) of T - matrix.

3 − (−1)35 i = 0 : f(n ) = 3 · 35 + = 105 + 2 = 107 ∈ ⇒ ∆n = 0. 0 2 P 0

4 4 4 D(m ) = p(k1) · f(n0 + ∆n0) = 97 · 107 = 10379 < (m + 1) = 11 = 14641.

The obtained prime number p(j) = 107 lies between 102 and 112. Within T -matrix,

104 < p2(j) = 11449 < 114.

21 Output: D(m4) = 10379.

Using the Lagarias-Odlyzko analytical method for prime numbers p(k1) = 97, p(j) = 107,

k1 = π(p(k1)) = 25 ⇒ k1 = 23.

j = π(p(j)) = 28 ⇒ j = 26.

Table 1. Fragment of T -matrix for Example 2.1

Example 2.1 is considered. 2 Now we’ll deal with the question of choice of T -matrix leading element p (k1) on the basis of Step 2 of method №1. Let any number m ∈ N, m > 3 is chosen. From some number k > 1 select all d ∈ N leading elements p2(k + i), i = 0; d − 1 that lie between (m − 1)4 and m4. 4 4 Using Definition 2.3, we find the upper defining elements Dk+i(m ) of number m , and

4 4 Dk+i(m ) < (m + 1) , i = 0; d − 1.

4 4 Since (m − 1) , m ∈/ MT , there are strict inequalities: 4 2 4 4 (m − 1) < p (k + i) < m < Dk+i(m ), i = 0; d − 1.

4 Use Theorem 2.2 for elements Dk+i(m ). As a result, there is a ¾transition down¿ of 4 element Dk+i(m ) from (k + i)-row (i = 0; d − 1) to the appropriate ji-row (some of them may coincide) of T -matrix:

4 2 2 4 k + i < ji ∧ Dk+i(m ) < p (ji) ∧ a(ji;#k+i(p (k + i))) = Dk+i(m ) ∧

4 2 ∧ a(ji;#k+i(Dk+i(m ))) = p (ji), i = 0; d − 1.

In turn, given Conjecture 2.1, there may be the following 3 situations. Situation №1. d = 1. Then there exists only 1 leading element p2(k) between (m − 1)4 4 and m . When the ¾transition down¿ happens from k-row to j0-row, there are inequalities:

4 4 2 4 m < Dk(m ) < p (j0) < (m + 1) .

4 4 4 2 Situation №2. d 6= 1 ∧ m < Dk+i(m ) < (m + 1) < p (ji), i = 0; h, h < d − 1 ∧

4 4 2 4 ∧ m < Dk+i(m ) < p (ji) < (m + 1) , i = h + 1; d − 1.

4 4 4 2 Situation №3. d 6= 1 ∧ m < Dk+i(m ) < (m + 1) < p (ji), i = 0; d − 2 ∧

22 4 4 2 4 ∧ m < Dk+d−1(m ) < p (jd−1) < (m + 1) .

Really, if there is a chain of inequalities

4 4 4 2 m < Dk+i(m ) < (m + 1) < p (ji), i = 0; d − 1, then the result may be that the prime numbers don’t exist between m2 and (m + 1)2. This would mean that the Legendre’s conjecture is false. That’s why Definition 2.1 of T -matrix upper defining element of number was introduced. Hence question of choice of T -matrix 2 leading element p (k1) is solved.

The benefit of choosing this leading element is that k1-row of T -matrix contains all defining 2 elements a(k1; ni) > p (k1), i = 1; qm, n1 < n2 < ... < nqm ; for each of them with appropriate

¾transition¿ to other ji-row of T -matrix one of the chains of inequalities is done: " a(k ; n ) < m4 < p2(j ) < (m + 1)4 1 i i . (24) 4 2 4 m < a(k1; ni) < p (ji) < (m + 1)

Consequently, we will consider the next paragraph.

3. ¾Active¿ set and ¾critical¿ element for numbers (m − 1)4, m4 (m > 3) 2 Let any natural number m > 3 is chosen, and the leading element p (k1) is found on the basis of (14). Assume that Conjecture 2.1 is true. Let us consider an ordered set (D ; ), where Tk1 6 D ≡ {p(k) · p(k ), k 2}. Tk1 1 > Since all elements of (D ; ) are pairwise comparable, (D ; ) is a linearly ordered Tk1 6 Tk1 6 set, and an appropriate relation 6 is a relation of linear order. The following principles are known. THEOREM 3.1 (greatest element principle). Every nonempty finite set of natural numbers has a greatest element. THEOREM 3.2 (least element principle). Every nonempty set of natural numbers has a least element. PROPERTY 3.1. 1) 7 · p(k ) is the least element of set D . 1 Tk1 2) The set D has not the greatest element. Tk1 3) (D ; ) is well-ordered set. Tk1 6 PROOF. 1) D ⊂ ∧ D 6= . By Theorem 3.2, the set D has the least element. Tk1 N Tk1 ∅ Tk1 In turn, (∀x ∈ D )(p(2) · p(k ) x), where p(2) = 7. Tk1 1 6

23 As such, Property 3.1, 1) is true. 2) Introduce a linearly ordered set (P\{2; 3; 5}; 6). By Euclid’s theorem (see [3]), the set P is infinite. So, the set P has not the greatest element. Then the set P\{2; 3; 5} has not the greatest element. It follows that the set D has not the greatest element. Tk1 3) D ⊂ ∧ D 6= . Then every subset of set D is also a subset of set . Then, Tk1 N Tk1 ∅ Tk1 N by Theorem 3.2, every nonempty subset of set D has the least element. That means that Tk1 (D ; ) is well-ordered set. Tk1 6 Property 3.1 is proved. 2 DEFINITION 3.1. A set H 4 4 ⊂ D of all defining elements a(k ; n ) > p (k ) (m−1) , m Tk1 1 i 1 (from k1-row of T -matrix), i = 1; qm , which satisfy (24), is called an ¾active¿ set for numbers 4 4 (m − 1) , m (m > 3). Let

4 4 H(m−1) , m ≡ {a(k1; n1),..., a(k1; nqm )}, where a(k1; n1) < ... < a(k1; nqm ). (25)

4 4 GCD(H(m−1) , m ) ≡ GCD(a(k1; n1),...,a(k1; nqm )). (26)

4 4 4 4 DEFINITION 3.2. A defining element C(m−1) , m ≡ a(k1; nqm+1) ∈/ H(m−1) , m , next

4 4 to a defining element a(k1; nqm ) ∈ H(m−1) , m , is called a ¾critical¿ element for numbers 4 4 (m − 1) , m (m > 3). 2 DEFINITION 3.3. A ¾transition¿ of the defining element a(k1; ni) > p (k1) from k1-row to ji-row (ji > k1) of T -matrix with some i ∈ N is called successful if a(k1; ni) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 .

Otherwise, that is if a(k1; ni) ∈/ H(m−1)4, m4 , this ¾transition¿ is called unsuccessful.

PROPERTY 3.2. The ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 is finite. 2 2 PROOF. The number qm of prime numbers between m and (m + 1) is finite. Then 2 number of defining elements which satisfy (24) and greater than the leading element p (k1) is also finite. So, the set H(m−1)4, m4 is finite. Property 3.2 is proved.

Note that by Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2, the set H(m−1)4, m4 has the greatest and least elements. It follows from (25) that

4 4 4 4 min H(m−1) , m = a(k1; n1) ∧ max H(m−1) , m = a(k1; nqm ).

PROPERTY 3.3. 2 min H(m−1)4, m4 = D(p (k1)).

This equality follows from Definition 3.1 and Definition 2.1. PROPOSITION 3.3.

GCD(H(m−1)4, m4 ) = p(k1). (27)

PROOF. Definition 3.1 makes it clear that all elements of set H(m−1)4, m4 are defining and

2 a(k1; ni) > p (k1), i = 1; qm.

24 Then we can use Theorem 2.2 for them. As a result,

(5) 2 (2) 2 a(k1; ni) = a(ji;#k1 (p (k1))) = p(ji) · f(#k1 (p (k1))) =

= p(ji) · p(k1) = p(k1) · p(ji) ⇒ a(k1; ni) = p(k1) · p(ji), i = 1; qm. (28)

(28) p(k1)>0 a(k1; n1) < ... < a(k1; nqm ) ⇔ p(k1) · p(j1) < ... < p(k1) · p(jqm ) ⇔

⇔ p(j1) < ... < p(jqm ) ⇒ GCD(p(j1),...,p(jqm )) = 1 ⇔

⇔ p(k1) · GCD(p(j1),...,p(jqm )) = p(k1).

(28) p(k1) · GCD(p(j1),...,p(jqm )) = GCD(p(k1) · p(j1),...,p(k1) · p(jqm )) =

(26) 4 4 4 4 = GCD(a(k1; n1),...,a(k1; nqm )) = GCD(H(m−1) , m ) ⇒ GCD(H(m−1) , m ) = p(k1). Proposition 3.3 is proved.

PROPOSITION 3.4. If divide all elements of ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 by GCD(H(m−1)4, m4 ), 2 2 then get all the different prime numbers that lie between m and (m + 1) (m > 3).

PROOF. By Definition 3.1, every element of ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 satisfies (24). There- fore, for each of them with appropriate ¾transition¿ from k1-row to other ji-row of T -matrix:

4 2 4 2 2 m < p (ji) < (m + 1) , i = 1; qm ⇔ m < p(ji) < (m + 1) , i = 1; qm.

Using the beginning of the proof of Proposition 3.3, we come to presentations (28) of the defining elements a(k1; ni), i = 1; qm. Express the prime numbers p(ji):

a(k1; ni) (27) a(k1; ni) p(ji) = , i = 1; qm ⇔ p(ji) = , i = 1; qm. (29) p(k1) GCD(H(m−1)4, m4 ) (28), p(k1)>0 a(k1; n1) < ... < a(k1; nqm ) ⇔ p(j1) < ... < p(jqm ). (30)

Thus, given (29) and (30), we make sure that Proposition 3.4 is true. Proposition 3.4 is proved. PROPOSITION 3.5. The T -matrix upper defining element D(m4) < (m + 1)4 of number 4 4 4 m (m > 3) belongs to the ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 for numbers (m − 1) , m . This proposition is true, if Conjecture 2.1 is true. We’ll show it.

 4  2 D(m ) 2 (∀m ∈ N : m > 3) m < < (m + 1) ⇔ p(k1)

 2 4  4 D (m ) 4 ⇔ (∀m ∈ N : m > 3) m < 2 < (m + 1) . p (k1) It follows from Definition 2.1 and Definition 1.1 that

2 4 D (m ) 2 2 = p (j). p (k1)

25 2 4 (14) 2 4 2 4 D (m ) D (m ) D (m ) 4 4 2 2 > 4 > 4 = D(m ) ⇒ D(m ) < p (j). p (k1) m D(m ) Using Theorem 2.6 for defining element D(m4) < p2(j), we make sure that all elements of ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 will be located in k1-row (k1 < j) of T -matrix. One such element 4 4 is D(m ). Really, when the element D(m ) ¾moves down¿ from k1-row to j-row (j > k1) of T -matrix, there is a chain of inequalities: m4 < D(m4) < p2(j) < (m + 1)4. (31)

4 2 Therefore, condition (24) holds in relation to the element D(m ) > p (k1). By Definition 4 3.1, that means that D(m ) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 . 4 Thus, by Definition 3.3, the ¾transition down¿ of element D(m ) from k1-row to j-row

(j > k1) of T -matrix will be successful. COROLLARY 3.6. The T -matrix upper defining element D(m4) < (m + 1)4 of number 4 4 4 m (m > 3) is not ¾critical¿ for numbers (m − 1) , m .

PROPOSITION 3.7. The ¾transition¿ of ¾critical¿ element C(m−1)4, m4 for numbers 4 4 (m − 1) , m (m > 3) from k1-row to jqm+1-row (jqm+1 > k1) of T -matrix is unsuccessful. This proposition follows from Definition 3.2 and Definition 3.3.

PROPOSITION 3.8. The defining elements a(k1; ni), i = 1; sm, sm < qm, lying between 2 4 the leading element p (k1) and the T -matrix upper defining element D(m ) ≡ a(k1; nsm+1) 4 4 4 4 (a(k1; nsm+1) < (m + 1) ) of number m (m > 3), are elements of ¾active¿ set H(m−1) , m . 0 PROOF. Let H(m−1)4, m4 is a set of all defining elements a(k1; ni) such that

2 4 p (k1) < a(k1; ni) < D(m ), i = 1; sm, sm < qm.

0 Using Theorem 2.2 for each element of set H(m−1)4, m4 , we get

2 2 k1 < ji ∧ a(k1; ni) < p (ji) ∧ a(ji;#k1 (p (k1))) = a(k1; ni) ∧

2 ∧ a(ji; ni) = p (ji), i = 1; sm.

As opposed to the element D(m4) for each of them:

4 a(k1; ni) < m , i = 1; sm.

4 2 4 Now we need to show that inequalities m < p (ji) < (m + 1) , i = 1; sm; are true. Assume the converse. Then consider 2 cases. 2 4 Case 1. p (jr) < m with some r ∈ N : 1 6 r 6 sm. Within T -matrix,

2 2 p(k1) = max p(k) ⇔ p (k1) = max p (k). (32) (m−1)21 k>1

2 2 It follows from Property 1.1 and inequality k1 < jr that p (k1) < p (jr). Then,

26 4 2 2 4 (m − 1) < p (k1) < p (jr) < m .

2 As a result, a contradiction to the maximality of the leading element p (k1) from (32). 4 2 Case 2. (m + 1) < p (jr) with some r ∈ N : 1 6 r 6 sm. The T -matrix upper defining element D(m4) of number m4 satisfies inequalities (31). Then, 4 4 2 4 2 2 2 m < D(m ) < p (j) < (m + 1) < p (jr) ⇒ p (j) < p (jr).

From condition of Proposition 3.8,

2 4 p (k1) < a(k1; nr) < D(m ).

4 Then it follows from Theorem 2.2 for defining elements a(k1; nr) and D(m ) that jr < j. 2 2 So, by Property 1.1, p (jr) < p (j). As a result, a contradiction. Thus, 4 2 4 a(k1; ni) < m < p (ji) < (m + 1) , i = 1; sm.

Therefore, condition (24) holds in relation to every element a(k1; ni)(i = 1; sm). By Definition 3.1, that means that

a(k1; ni) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 , i = 1; sm.

Eventually, 0 H(m−1)4, m4 ⊂ H(m−1)4, m4 . Proposition 3.8 is proved.

EXAMPLE 3.1. Construct an ¾active¿ set H54, 64 , find a ¾critical¿ element C54, 64 for numbers 54, 64. SOLUTION. It follows from condition of Example 3.1 that m = 6. Then,

(m − 1)4 = 54 = 625, m4 = 64 = 1296, (m + 1)4 = 74 = 2401.

Using method №1 with the finding a number k1 or the presentation of T -matrix, we compute: 2 1) T -matrix leading element p (k1) satisfying (32):

2 p(k1) = 31 ⇔ p (k1) = 961.

2) number of k1-row of T -matrix:

k1 = 9. 3) T -matrix upper defining element D(m4) < (m + 1)4 of number m4: D(m4) = 1333.

27 4 4 First, we construct an ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 for numbers (m − 1) , m . 1) By Proposition 3.5, 4 D(m ) = 1333 ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 .

2) By Proposition 3.8, the defining elements a(k1; n1) = 1147, a(k1; n2) = 1271, lying 2 4 between the leading element p (k1) and the element D(m ), are elements of set H(m−1)4, m4 . In this case, let

4 a(k1; n3) ≡ D(m ).

3) The defining element a(k1; n4) = 1457 immediately follows after the defining element a(k1; n3) = 1333 in k1-row of T -matrix. It follows from Definition 1.1 and Theorem 2.2 that

a(k1; ni) p(ji) = , i = 1; qm + 1. (33) p(k1)

(33) 1457 p(j ) = = 47 < (m + 1)2 = 72 = 49. 4 31

As a result, condition (24) holds for element a(k1; n4). So, by Definition 3.1,

a(k1; n4) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 .

4) The not defining element 1519 immediately follows after the defining element a(k1; n4) in k1-row of T -matrix.

5) The defining element a(k1; n5) = 1643 immediately follows after the not defining ele- ment 1519 in k1-row of T -matrix.

(33) a(k1; n5) 1643 2 p(j5) = = = 53 > (m + 1) . p(k1) 31

As a result, condition (24) does not hold for element a(k1; n5). So, by Definition 3.1,

a(k1; n5) ∈/ H(m−1)4, m4 .

a(k1; n5) is the next defining element after the defining element a(k1; n4) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 . Then, by Definition 3.2,

C(m−1)4, m4 = a(k1; n5).


H(m−1)4, m4 = {1147; 1271; 1333; 1457} (sm = 2, qm = 4),

C(m−1)4, m4 = 1643.

Example 3.1 is considered. Next, we’ll show the illustration of Example 3.1.

28 Table 2. Illustration of Example 3.1. 4 4 4 4 ¾Active¿ set H54, 64 for numbers 5 , 6 ; ¾critical¿ element C54, 64 for numbers 5 , 6 .

Now, let’s look at an important example, when the T -matrix lower defining element d(m4) 4 2 of number m coincides with the leading element p (k1).

EXAMPLE 3.2. Construct an ¾active¿ set H44, 54 , find a ¾critical¿ element C44, 54 for numbers 44, 54. SOLUTION. It follows from condition of Example 3.2 that m = 5. Then,

(m − 1)4 = 44 = 256, m4 = 54 = 625, (m + 1)4 = 64 = 1296.

Using method №1 with the finding a number k1 or the presentation of T -matrix, we compute: 2 1) T -matrix leading element p (k1) satisfying (32):

2 p(k1) = 23 ⇔ p (k1) = 529.

2) number of k1-row of T -matrix:

k1 = 7. 3) T -matrix upper defining element D(m4) < (m + 1)4 of number m4:

D(m4) = 667.

4 4 First, we construct an ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 for numbers (m − 1) , m . 1) By Proposition 3.5, 4 D(m ) = 667 ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 .

2 2) As Table 3 shows, the defining elements don’t exist between the leading element p (k1) 4 and the element D(m ) in k1-row of T -matrix, there exists only the not defining element 575. 4 2 Therefore, by Definition 2.2, d(m ) = p (k1). As such, let

4 a(k1; n1) ≡ D(m ).

29 3) The defining element a(k1; n2) = 713 immediately follows after the defining element a(k1; n1) = 667 in k1-row of T -matrix.

(33) a(k1; n2) 713 2 2 p(j2) = = = 31 < (m + 1) = 6 = 36. p(k1) 23

As a result, condition (24) holds for element a(k1; n2). So, by Definition 3.1,

a(k1; n2) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 .

4) The not defining element 805 immediately follows after the defining element a(k1; n2) in k1-row of T -matrix.

5) The defining element a(k1; n3) = 851 immediately follows after the not defining element

805 in k1-row of T -matrix.

(33) a(k1; n3) 851 2 p(j3) = = = 37 > (m + 1) . p(k1) 23

As a result, condition (24) does not hold for element a(k1; n3). So, by Definition 3.1,

a(k1; n3) ∈/ H(m−1)4, m4 .

a(k1; n3) is the next defining element after the defining element a(k1; n2) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 . Then, by Definition 3.2,

C(m−1)4, m4 = a(k1; n3).


H(m−1)4, m4 = {667; 713} (sm = 0, qm = 2),C(m−1)4, m4 = 851.

Example 3.2 is considered. Next, we’ll show the illustration of Example 3.2.

Table 3. Illustration of Example 3.2. 4 4 4 4 ¾Active¿ set H44, 54 for numbers 4 , 5 ; ¾critical¿ element C44, 54 for numbers 4 , 5 .

30 4 2 Note that the equality d(m ) = p (k1) does not affect the existence of prime number 2 2 2 4 between m and (m + 1) , since in this case D(p (k1)) = D(m ) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 . THEOREM 3.9. √  2 2 4 4  (∀x ∈ R) x > 3 ⇒ π((x + 1) ) − π(x ) = πMT ((x + 1) ) − πMT (x ) (see [1]).

THEOREM 3.10 (about cardinality of ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 ).

4 4  4 4 (∀m > 3) H(m−1) , m = πMT ((m + 1) ) − πMT (m ) . PROOF. The cases m = 1 and m = 2 are not considered, since

m ∈ {1; 2} ⇒ (m − 1)4 < m4 < p2(1) = 25.

It follows from Proposition 3.4 that

2 2 H(m−1)4, m4 = qm = π((m + 1) ) − π(m ).

It follows from Theorem 3.9 that

2 2 4 4  (∀m ∈ N) m > 3 ⇒ π((m + 1) ) − π(m ) = πMT ((m + 1) ) − πMT (m ) . Theorem 3.10 is proved. 4 4 2 4 PROPOSITION 3.11. 1) D(m ) < (m + 1) ⇒ D(p (k1)) 6 D(m ). 2 4 4 2) The element D(p (k1)) is not ¾critical¿ for numbers (m − 1) , m (m > 3). PROOF. It follows from Definition 2.1 and (32) that

2 2 2 4 4 p (k1) < D(p (k1)) ∧ p (k1) < m < D(m ).

2 Case 1. There exists the defining element, lying between the leading element p (k1) and 4 the number m in k1-row of T -matrix. In this case, 2 2 4 4 2 4 p (k1) < D(p (k1)) < m < D(m ) ⇒ D(p (k1)) < D(m ). By Proposition 3.8, 2 2 4 4 2 p (k1) < D(p (k1)) < D(m ) < (m + 1) ⇒ D(p (k1)) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 .

2 4 4 By Definition 3.2, that means that the element D(p (k1)) is not ¾critical¿ for (m−1) , m . Case 2. There doesn’t exist the defining elements, lying between the leading element 2 4 2 4 p (k1) and m in k1-row of T -matrix. In this case, D(p (k1)) = D(m ). From Corollary 3.6 2 2 4 we get that the element D(p (k1)) (D(p (k1)) < (m + 1) ) is not ¾critical¿ for numbers (m − 1)4, m4. Proposition 3.11 is proved. PROPOSITION 3.12. For m > 3, if Legendre’s conjecture is true, then D(p2(k )) min p = 1 . m2

31 PROOF. Use Property 3.3.

2 2 D(p (k1)) min H(m−1)4, m4 D(p (k1)) = min H(m−1)4, m4 ⇔ = . p(k1) p(k1)

min H(m−1)4, m4 (25) a(k1; n1) (28) (30) = = p(j1) = min p. p(k1) p(k1) m2 3, if Legendre’s conjecture is true, then

min H 4 4 min p = (m−1) , m . m2 2, Legendre’s conjecture is true ⇔

4 4 (∃q ∈ MT )(q ∈ (m ;(m + 1) )) .

CONCLUSION 4.2. For m > 3, Legendre’s conjecture is true ⇔ H(m−1)4, m4 6= ∅. 2 ¾WEAK¿ CONJECTURE 4.1. D(p (k1)) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 . 4 ¾STRONG¿ CONJECTURE 4.2. D(m ) ∈ H(m−1)4, m4 . CONCLUSION 4.3. 1) Conjecture 2.1 is true ⇔ ¾Strong¿ Conjecture 4.2 is true. 2) For m > 3, Legendre’s conjecture is true ⇔ ¾Weak¿ Conjecture 4.1 is true. 2 3) For m 3, ¾Weak¿ Conjecture 4.1 is true ⇔ m2 < D(p (k1)) < (m + 1)2. > p(k1) 4) For m > 3, ¾Strong¿ Conjecture 4.2 is true ⇒ Legendre’s conjecture is true. 5) ¾Strong¿ Conjecture 4.2 is true ⇒ ¾Weak¿ Conjecture 4.1 is true (this follows from Conclusion 4.3, 2) and Conclusion 4.3, 4)). CONCLUSION 4.4. Only one of three outcomes of conjectures is true.

Outcome №1. Legendre’s conjecture is true. H(m−1)4, m4 6= ∅.There exists the defining 2 4 element, lying between the leading element p (k1) and the number m in k1-row of T -matrix. 4 The ¾transition¿ of element D(m ) from k1-row to j-row (j > k1) of T -matrix is unsuccessful, 2 the ¾transition¿ of element D(p (k1)) from k1-row to j1-row (j > j1 > k1) of T -matrix is successful (¾Strong¿ Conjecture 4.2 is false).

Outcome №2. Legendre’s conjecture is false. H(m−1)4, m4 = ∅. There doesn’t exist the 2 4 defining elements, lying between the leading element p (k1) and m in k1-row of T -matrix. 4 4 2 The ¾transition¿ of element D(m ), where D(m ) = D(p (k1)), from k1-row to j-row (j > k1) of T -matrix is unsuccessful (¾Strong¿ Conjecture 4.2 is false).

Outcome №3. Legendre’s conjecture is true. H(m−1)4, m4 6= ∅.The ¾transition¿ of element 4 D(m ) from k1-row to j-row (j > k1) of T -matrix is successful, the ¾transition¿ of element 2 D(p (k1)) from k1-row to j1-row (j > j1 > k1) of T -matrix is successful (¾Strong¿ Conjecture 4.2 is true).

32 5. Conclusion Theorem of presentation and basic definitions for T -matrix elements are formulated. New types of T -matrix elements, the most important of which is T -matrix upper defining element D(b) of some real number b > 49, are introduced. Theorems and consequences from them related to the ¾transition¿ of defining elements, in particular, of element D(b), from one row of T -matrix to another are proved. Way to go from the leading elements p2(k) and p2(k+1) to 2 element Dk(p (k)) (k > 1) is shown. Relation between the functions νk and ν is established. Formula for calculating the values of ν(m) for all m ∈ N is got. 4 4 Method to compute the T -matrix upper defining element D(m ) of number m (m > 3) with the finding numbers k1, j is developed. Asymptotic time complexity of this method is found. It has been shown that this method has polynomial running time. The problem of finding a prime number p(j) between m2 and (m + 1)2 is considered. 4 2 Conjectures about the ratios D(m ) and D(p (k1)) , lying between m2 and (m + 1)2 (m 3), p(k1) p(k1) > 4 are proposed. The indivisibility of number m (m > 3) by prime number p(k1) is proved. Properties of sets D , H 4 4 are explored. Propositions about ¾active¿ set and Tk1 (m−1) , m ¾critical¿ element for numbers (m − 1)4 and m4 are proved, assuming that Conjecture 2.1 is true. The theorem about cardinality of ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 is proved. Important in

finding elements of ¾active¿ set H(m−1)4, m4 is the inequality

2 4 4 4 D(p (k1)) 6 D(m ), where D(m ) < (m + 1) .

2 2 Two formulas for calculating the minimal prime number between m and (m+1) (m > 3) are found, assuming that Legendre’s conjecture is true. ¾Weak¿ conjecture, ¾Strong¿ conjecture and their equivalent forms are got. Outcomes of these conjectures are described in connection with Legendre’s conjecture.


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