New Method to Find Primes GOLDEN OAKS SOFTWARE Description of a New Method to Find Primes Golden Oaks Software 7524 Soquel Way Citrus Heights, CA 95610 Dr. Joe Butler
[email protected] (916) 220 1654 30 September 2008 Copyright Date: Oct 06, 2008 Patent Date: Oct 08, 2008 Number: 61195490 PROPRIETARY STATEMENT This document contains commercial or financial information, or trade secrets, of Golden Oaks Software, which are proprietary and exempt from disclosure to the public under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4), and unlawful disclosure thereof is a violation of the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. 1905. Public disclosure of any such information or trade secrets shall not be made without the written permission of Golden Oaks Software. This document includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not be duplicated, used or disclosed, in whole or in part, for any purposes other than to evaluate the information. If however, a contract is awarded to this offeror as a result of, or in conjunction with, the submission of this data, the Government shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose, the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract. The restriction does not limit the Government’s right to use information contained in this data if it is obtained from other sources without restriction. The data subject to this restriction is contained in all sheets. primefnd.doc 1 11/22/2008 COPYRIGHT & PATENTED New Method to Find Primes ABSTRACT The following are documents and word description flowcharts of a new method to find prime numbers.