Towards Proving the Twin Prime Conjecture using a Novel Method For Finding the Next Prime Number PN+1 after a Given Prime Number PN and a Refinement on the Maximal Bounded Prime Gap Gi Reema Joshi Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tezpur University Tezpur, Assam 784028, India
[email protected] Abstract This paper introduces a new method to find the next prime number after a given prime P . The proposed method is used to derive a system of inequali- ties, that serve as constraints which should be satisfied by all primes whose successor is a twin prime. Twin primes are primes having a prime gap of 2. The pairs (5, 7), (11, 13), (41, 43), etcetera are all twin primes. This paper envisions that if the proposed system of inequalities can be proven to have infinite solutions, the Twin Prime Conjecture will evidently be proven true. The paper also derives a novel upper bound on the prime gap, Gi between Pi and Pi+1, as a function of Pi. Keywords: Prime, Twin Prime Conjecture, Slack, Sieve, Prime Gap 2010 MSC: 11A41, 11N05 arXiv:2004.14819v2 [math.GM] 6 May 2020 1. Introduction A positive integer P > 1 is called a prime number if its only positive divisors are 1 and P itself. For example, 2,3,7,11,19 and so on. There are in- finitely many primes. A simple yet elegant proof of this proposition was given by Euclid around 300 B.C. One interesting question would be, "does there exist a method for generating successive prime numbers along the infinite pool of primes?".