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Supplies Reception Room

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Victor and Va leria's Suite

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GATES OF ?TM By Roger E. Moore

Greetings. I am " the . I ask you now: What if there were no '·? For eons I've lived on the Moon, watching the rise of your Think for a moment. The of changes wrought in the Earthly race. I have many powers at my command to assist my world's history would be profound if had been robbed of examination of your world - among them being the ability to MR. FANTASTIC'· and his ingenious intellect, his dedication to gaze into other dimensions and realities. I confess to a particular good, and his battles against the evil and criminal elements that interest in divergent universes, in which changes in the so-called plague your world. "natural" course of history have produced worlds at times pro­ The question, however, is not entirely academic. For I have dis­ foundly different from your own, even though your world and the covered a divergent world in which Reed Richards, the corner­ alternate ones share identical histories up to the points of diver­ stone of the , no longer exists - his career cut gence. short by an accident in his graduate-school days. Even now, the I call these divergent realities "What If?" worlds, since their diver­ avalanche of changes is building, spreading, sweeping across gence revolves around the question, "What if so-and-so had hap­ his world - and, all too soon, across the universe with which you pened, instead of what actually happened?" Perhaps you've read and I are most familiar. aboutsome of these divergent universes in 's What If®?mag­ What if there were no Reed Richards?The Fantastic Four, SPI­ azines. Let us consider a "What If?" question about the founding DER-MANTII, and some of the East Coast '· are about member of that oldest of present-day hero groups, the FANTASTIC to learn the answer. Join them now as they enter one of the myr­ FOUR'" • and explore the consequences of the answer. iad and dangerous Gates of What If.


Designed by Ramblin' Roger E. Moore Illustrations By Jeff Butler and the Marvel Bullpen Edited by Kindly Karen S. Martin Typography by Kim N. Lindau Cover by Jeff Butler Cartography by Dennis Kauth

Dedicated to Jeff and Kate Grubb, the Truest of Believers.

TSR Inc. poe 756, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 �'- 0-8803&-228-7 TSR, Inc. 6867XXX1501 �.ODuCTS 0' YOU" ...AG'MAflO ..••

The nam� of characters used herein a.refictijious and do not refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental. All MarvelCharac­ ters and the distinctive likenesses thereof arelradamarks oltha Marvel ComicsGroup. MARVEL SUPER HEROES. THE AVENGERS. and SPIDER·MAN aretrademarks oftha Marval Comics Group. Copy· right01986M arvel Comics GrouP. adivision of Cadence Industries Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. The TSR logo and PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION are trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. Game Design copyright C 1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This book is protected underthe copyright laws of the of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artworK contained herein is prohibited without the express writlan consent of TSR Inc. and Group. Distributed to the booktrade in the United States by House Inc. and in Canada by Random House Canada Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. JUDGE'S the ways in which its heroes have devel­ the greatest geniuses of his time, dies. oped has a profound impact on the ways Victor von Doom, equally brilliant but more INTRODUCTION that the mainline MARVEL UNIVERSETlO lucky, lives. characters are treated and perceived. Victor is expelled from college, hated by This adventure was designed to be played The Judge should feel free to dissemi­ his classmates for his involvement in with eight players (possibly nine, if SHE­ nate this information on the "What If?" Reed's accidental . The young Lat­ '" comes along) and one Judge. universe to players, as their heroes ask verian, his slightly scarred in the More players may be involved, as long as questions and make checks of historical explosion, ponders his future. He decides there are enough heroes for them to play. records. IMPORTANT:Certain bits of infor­ to become a for good and dedicates It is suggested that members of the Aveng­ mation are not immediately available, par­ himself to three goals that shape his ers or S.H.I.E.L.D." be involved in this ticularly that concerning VICTOR"'s future. One: He returns to his people and adventure in particular, as previously planned invasion of Hell. VALERIA'" may becomes their king, since he learned from detailed in MARVEL SUPER HEROES'" reveal this in Chapter 5, and Victor reveals his mother's spirit that he is the rightful modules and in articles in ® it in Chapter 7. Let Victor's plans and moti­ ruler of . Tw o: He carries on the Magazine. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents should vations be a mystery for now. fight for goodness and , in memory have the use of MANDROID" armor (see of Reed Richards. And three: He secretly MHAC-8, Weapons Locker, or MHAC-2, The Fantastic Four (and most Marvel vows to one day free his mother's spirit Avengers'" Assembled!) to make up for readers) know that Reed Richards and from the clutches of . Reed's their lack of super-powers; such armor is VICTORVON DOOM"' first met as gradu­ death has taught Victor von Doom cau­ quite rare, and perhaps only five suits ate students at State University. tion; he avoids rash action that would exist. If the number of heroes increases, There, Reed discovered that Victor was bring Mephisto's wrath down upon him (as the number and power of villains should building a device that would allow him to happens in What If? 1122). Instead, he also increase. travel astrally, so that Victor could journey begins to lay his plans .... If fewer than eight players are involved, to the netherworld to find the spirit of his Minor events are affected at first. BEN they may play multiple characters, or else dead mother. Reed was in von Doom's GRIMM'" and SUE '" grow closer play fewer characters and take their room, studying his personal papers, when in the wake of the tragedy that robbed chances. They should take the most pow­ Victor entered in a . them of a friend (and, in the teenaged erful characters in this event, playing them "You'd better double-check some of Sue's case, a future love). No special with care. The Judge is not encouraged to these equations," Reed warned. "You're rocket program is developed in Central reduce the nature of the opposition, off a few decimals in some places, and City, . joins the Air except perhaps in Chapter 1. that could mean ...." Force and becomes a test pilot. This adventure works best when the "Give me that!" roared Victor, snatch­ Then comes the attack of '" players and Judge focus upon role-playing ing his papers from Reed's hand. "Now against the world's nuclear power plants. the characters involved as they believe get out! Did you hear me?? GET OUT!!" In the mainline "' , the such characters would really act. Because In the mainline MARVEL UNIVERSE"', Fantastic Four score their first victory the heroes are entering a divergent uni­ Victor's arrogance dominates his reac­ against evil by driving his forces back verse in which changes in the history of the tions. Victor proceeds with his experi­ underground. Now, however, it is the MARVEL UNIVERSE'" play a critical part, a ment, with disastrous results. Scarred by armored hero named Victor, champion of working familiarity with the course of the resulting explosion, expelled from col­ Latveria, who leads the fight against the events in the MARVEL UNIVERSE'" is of lege for his unnatural studies, and made SUBTERRANEANS"'. He triumphs, win­ help. Copies of the MARVEL SAGA'" and an outcast by his arrogance, , and ning great fame in subsequent battles with OFFICIAL HANDBOOKOF THE MARVEL thirst for vengeance on the world, Victor a wide assortment of super-powered vil­ UNIVERSE'"comics are of great use here, von Doom becomes "', lains - but then comes the '" as is the OFFICIAL MARVEL INDEX TO the greatest foe of the Fantastic Four and invasion, which Reed Richards managed THE FA NTASTIC FOUR"'. a threat to the world. to halt in the mainline universe. The inva- This MARVEL SUPER HEROES'" But in the "What If?" universe, Victor • sion proceeds unhindered, and Earth adventure is unique in that it presents a considers Reed's words. In a series of becomes a conquered planet, a subject wide assortment of new heroes and vil­ events known only to Victor von Doom and world in the intergalactic Skrull Empire. lains, many of them familiar yet different. his wife Valeria, Victor talks to Reed in a Heroes among humanity quickly Some of these new heroes may be used hesitant, less threatening manner, and the appear. ANT-MAN'" , WA SP'", I RON as player characters in this adventure. In two soon decide to pool their efforts. Reed MAN"' , "', and the HULK'" form the this event, it is strongly recommended that was correct; Victor's calculations were off, nucleus of a resistance force known as the the players and Judge study the personali­ but they are quickly corrected. With Reed ". The super-organization ties and histories ofthese "new" heroes to Richards as his assistant, Victor com­ S.H.I.E.L.D. is created to coordinate determine how best to role-play them. Do mands the experiment to begin - and his secret attacks against the Skrull masters. not give out these new characters before soul is cast into the astral universe. Sporadic fighting breaks out across the the adventure begins, however. Wait until A horrible discovery awaits him. Victor's world as more heroes fill the ranks of the the proper scenario comes up, then allow mother CYNTHIA" was a witch in his Defenders and S.H.I.E.L.D., and as Victor an intermission for the players to study home nation of LATVERIA"', and she was von Doom's robot armies spread and pre­ their new characters. slain before she could repent. Her spirit pare for the final battle with the . now suffers in torment in the hellish realm At last, a messenger comes to Earth of MEPHISTO"', Lord of Evil. Agonized by from space. The '"warns THE "WHAT IF?" UNIVERSE the discovery, Victor's spirit returns to the that the Eater of Worlds, "', is real world ... coming. The Defenders persuade the Sil­ . Because of the complexity of this adven­ Until this point, events have followed ver Surfer to join forces with them, and ture, the Judge should read over the cam­ the plot line detailed in Marvel What If?® SPIDER-MAN" (a determined youth paign background presented here to gain 1122 (August, 1980). But now another whose uncle was slain by a Skrull patrol) a familiarity with the "What If?" world and divergence takes place. The machinery manages to get aboard the flagship of the the course of events in this module. The propelling Victor'S astral form through Skrull fleet in the solar system. There, he unique history of the divergent Earth and space explodes. Reed Richards, one of gets the attention of Galactus by causing

2 the flagship's guns to fire on him, signal­ mad? Before anyone can prepare a undone by Victor, who invented a special ing the start of the revolution. counter-plan, a new invasion comes by device that would detect by the As world rages between the Skrulls complete surprise. brain waves they emitted. However, it is and their subjects, Galactus attacks and almost a knee-jerk reflex for this world's consumes the entire Skrull fleet. Earth's In the mainline MARVEL UNIVERSE"', heroes to assume that anyone who arlnies, the Defenders, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the evil criminal organization known as appears to be a duplicate of an existing Victor's robots destroy the hated Skrull A.I..'" has stolen equipment and plans hero is, in fact, a Skrull. masters in a ferocious ten-day war. Sated, from the ROXXON CORPORATION'" for "' , INVISIBLE Galactus leaves with his herald in search creating interdimensional transportation WOMAN"' , the HUMAN TO RCH"', the of other worlds to eat. With the death of the devices, previously used by Roxxon's SUB-MARINER"', and may be mis­ Skrull fleet came Spider-Man's death as NTH COMMAND"". Seeing the advan­ taken for Skrulls, especially if their coun­ well, and he and PROFESSOR XAVIER'" tages in using other worlds to form a trans­ terparts are present. This reaction is (slain by the SUPER-SKRULL"') become dimensional empire, A.I.M. opens a gate strongest toward Captain America and heroes for all time, immortal in memory. to Victor's world and invades it with a large Wasp, and weakest toward the Sub­ Assessments are made of the toll taken part of their available forces. Mariner (who is believed to be his criminal on humanity and its allies. S.H.I.E.L.D. Striking swiftly, A.I.M. captures a large alternate). now wields greater power than any world number of heroes in this universe and In addition, the personal histories of many government, dominating life in the West­ locks them in non-space prisons. A.I.M.'s heroes have changed. Some who are vil­ ern countries and reaching into every gov­ ravages are only barely contained now by lains on world are heroes on the other, and ernment. The "' of AT TILAN"' the surviving forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. and vice versa. Some heroes have led success­ and the AT LANTEANS"' are nearly wiped the Defenders. Victor's robot forces, how­ ful lives in one world, but have failed misera­ out, save for a few. The Defenders' ranks ever, are nowhere to be found - they are bly in ot hers. Powers and identities have are swollen with dozens and dozens of being prepared for the invasion of Mephis­ shifted, and sometimes heroes have died heroes, as are the forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. to's realm. while they live on elsewhere. Victor is the hero of Europe. New hero The Mephisto of Victor's world is aware In short, a hero from the mainline uni­ groups splinter off from the Defenders, of Victor's hatred for him, and knows that verse may be treated as his or her counter­ and in the mid-1970s, the Defenders split Victor is planning to make a major move part, if one exists. Even when it becomes into the DEFENDERS EAST"', based in against him soon - but he isn't sure what obvious that the new hero is not like the New Yo rk City, and the DEFENDERS Victor's plans are. Gaining the aid of the other one, prejudicial treatment, both WEST"', in . "', Mephisto uses A.I.M. to good and bad, may still exist. This is felt Mutants, once regarded with suspicion, harass his enemy and eventually destroy most keenly by Wasp and Sub-Mariner. are welcomed into the ranks of humanity, Victor once and for all. Subtly gaining con­ Reed Richards is known only to Ben and since heroes played such an trol of the A.I.M. forces in Victor's uni­ Sue Grimm, who remember the Reed from important part in the conquest. The verse, the Lord of Lies is pressing Victor the past, and to Victor von Doom (see Skrulls' capture and killing of the crippled with all of his might. Knowing this, Victor Chapter 7). She-Hulk, if the relationship Professor Xavier, revealed after the rebel­ has sought help from one last quarter - between her and the Hulk is made known, lion to have been a major force within the the very universe from which A.I.M. origi­ is seen as a potential threat. The THING"" Defenders and a powerful mutant himself, nated. Correctly guessing that A.I.M. is (if present) may also be seen as a threat garners enormous sympathy for mutants from an alternate Earth, Victor uses his like the Hulk, but his behavior may quickly everywhere. Government-sponsored pro­ advanced equipment to track down dispel that belief (or reinforce it, if not han­ grams (called "X Schools," in memory of A.I.M.'s home and send his own forces to dled well). Professor Xavier) are established for edu­ summon aid from those who would know Spider-Man, who now wears a costume cating and training mutants. Being a A.I.M. best. Thus comes the "invasion" in different from the one used by this world's mutant becomes a symbol of being spe­ the second chapter, and the attempt by late Spider-Man (who used to wear the old cial and different. Evil mutants exist, of Mephisto to destroy Victor's chances for red-and-blue suit) may meet with reac- course, but they do little to tarnish the gaining the aid he needs. • tions ranging from adoration (if recog­ shining reputation earned during the The stage is set for a transdimensional nized as the double for the heroic PETER Skrull overthrow. battle for the fate of another Earth. Only PA RKER'" of this world) to hatred and fear One final, seemingly minor event the player characters can decide the (from Skrulls). occurs. The Acme Atomic Corporation issue. The most favorable reactions are lays off many of its human workers - toward Captain America (once it is proven among them a technician named OWEN that he is not a Skrull). This world's original REESE"', who fades into obscurity. there­ REACTIONS TO HEROES Cap is still frozen in ice in Eskimo territory, after. No '" appears, no undiscovered. He is believed to have died Few of the divergent Earth's heroes and '" appears later, and the when a booby-trapped plane exploded events of the so-called '" villains are prepared to deal with intruders after take-off from . "' , never occur. from another Earth.All of the player char­ Cap's young partner, died in the blast, but The world, as it is, is now at peace. But acter heroes presented with this adven­ Cap was hurled into suspended animation unknown to the world at large, Victor von ture have a special impact on the (see description of the JEFFREY MACE'" inhabitants ofthis other Earth,and receive Doom still plans for his mother's release. "Cap"). He builds up his robot armies without limit widely varying treatment accordingly. The administration of such reactions is or restraint, in preparation for the day The Skrull invasion in the early 1960s is noted in some cases in the text of the an important consideration. On Victor's when he conducts the rituals to free his adventure. However, the Judge should Earth, the Skrulls frequently adopted the mother's spirit, then leads his armies on a feel free to play out other encounters appearances and identities of super­ tremendous of the infernal . using the above guidelines, as well as realm - to slay the Lord of Evil! Sensing powered heroes in order to infiltrate their implied circumstances given in character ranks and destroy the heroic resistance that something is afoot with Victor, descriptions for the "What If?" world's S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Defenders grow wor­ movements, as well as discrediting them heroes and villains consistent with infor­ by performingcri minal actions in the guise ried. What are all his war robots for? Did mation given in this module. the strains of the Skrull War drive him of heroes. This ploy was eventually

3 business acquaintances all day in his nor­ of the roof, where it crash-landed. The two Chapter mal identity as Peter Parker, begins the A.I.M. men are desperate to get off the 1: scenario swinging from building to build­ building, as they fear it is near collapse Night Moves ing, going north on North ArthurStreet. At and the fire on the northern half of the this point, he can hear gunfire from the building is clOSing in on them. Their statis­ NPC ROSTER: A.LM. soldiers, N.Y.P.D. northwest and can make out flashing tics are: officers (including a S.wAT. team), the police lights in that area. He may proceed F A S E R I P SUPER-ADAPTOID"' , Roxxon guards, TV directly on to the melee. GD TV TV GD TV PR FE newsmen, and regular citizens The East Coast Avengers and the Fantastic Four have already put in a busy Health: 32 : 12 SUMMARY: This event sets the stage for day on other jobs, but they receive a call Each man gets a one-column shift to the things to come, making the heroes aware from the N.Y.P.D. at 2:14 AM about an right when using the weapons he carries. of A.LM.'s interest in interdimensional tra­ explosion and gunfire only two blocks A Roxxon guard, armed with a shotgun from St. Arbogast Hospital. Police forces vel and equipment. At this time, A.LM. has (3-area range, Excellent S&T damage, 1 dispatched to the scene report a firefight been scanning one particular divergent shot per turn, 8 shells left), is hiding universe from one of its secret bases for with a heavily armed force in progress. around the southern side of Josie's Cafe, Avengers' assistance is requested. many months, and has made profitable just west of the Overton building. He has The three Avengers and the FF team contacts with many of the criminal ele­ been exchanging gunfire with the A.I.M. now may enter the map from its western edge, ments on that world. A. I.M. has men on the roof. A used, one-shot LAW anywhere along North Hayes Street, decided to obtain the equipment neces­ lies on the ground beside him. The Rox­ heading east. They and Spider-Man dis­ sary to send additional conquering troops xon guard is consumed with the desire to cover an intense gun battle raging for sev­ and vehicles into that world. From bases kill as many A.I.M. soldiers as possible; he eral blocks, as A.LM. troopers await already established there, A.I.M. is pre­ is not really aware that they are from paring to launch a major offensive against pick-up by reinforcements to save them - A.I.M., but he immediately recognizes an which, unknown to them, cannot be the armed forces of that alternate world - A.I.M. uniform and fires upon it. He wants spared by A.I.M. They are on their own. within the heartland of America itself! no help from heroes. The guard's statistics To night, in the mainline MARVEL are all Typical (Health: 24, Karma: 18). Corporation facil­ ADVENTURE UNIVERSE"', a Roxxon The Roxxon guard is ignoring shouted reach of ity in New Yo rk will be hit, within warnings by two police officers hiding Much is happening around the city map the Fantastic Four, Ave ngers, and the behind their car, parked by the sidewalk tonight. Judges should read the following Amazing Spider-Man. Though the heroes west of Angeleno's Restaurant. The offi­ sections carefully. Heroes may divide their are too late to stop the theft, they can mop cers have also been exchanging gunfire up the criminals still at the scene. forces in order to deal with each problem with the A.I.M. soldiers, as have two other as they become aware of it. A list of poten­ officers who parked their car on the street SETTING: The city map from the original tially dangerous situations follows: south of the Roxxon Corporation head­ boxed set of the MARVEL SUPER 1. OvertonStorage warehouse fire, with quarters building and are trying to get two A.I.M. soldiers, police, and an injured HEROES game is used in this partof the across Garfield Street to aid the cops at guard present; adventure. Angeleno's. The bodies of two Roxxon 2. Anti- vehicle crash on Centen­ Overton Storage (on North Garfield guards can be seen on the street beside nial building, with four A.I.M. soldiers Street and West 8th Avenue) is one of the Overton building, but nothing can be present; many subsidiary firms controlled by the told of their condition from a distance. 3. Hostage-taking A.I.M. gunman in Roxxon Corporation. In this case, Roxxon (They are dead.) has used the building to store outdated apartment building; electronic equipment used by the interdi­ 4. Tw o barricaded A.I.M. gunmen at The Survivor: Anyone who investigates mensional Nth Command research force. Olson's Five & Dime, with S.wAT. team the burning Overton Building has a The Nth Command once transported peo­ present; • chance of discovering a lone su rvivor in ple and equipment across alternate 5. Damaged and malfunctioning Super­ the southern end of the building, trapped planes and realities, with the goal of build­ Adaptoid wandering the streets; and under a pile of fallen and burning crates. ing a Roxxon empire. The status of the Nth 6. Annoying TV reporter crew arriving The man is a Roxxon guard, badly injured Command is not known at present. on the scene. by the collapse of crates and suffering At 2 AM early Thursday morning, the from smoke inhalation. Rescuing him is warehouse is assaulted by A.I.M. antigrav­ The Forgotten Ones: The northern half difficult, as the smoke blinds anyone ity vehicles and armed troops. The interdi­ of the Overton Storagebuilding is aflame, entering the building while it is still ablaze mensional equipment has been quickly and a column of smoke towers over the (a yellow Intuition FEAT is required to find taken out by antigravity lifts by crashing area. (Fire department units have been the man). Only a hero with a strength of the liftsdir ectly through the building's sky­ ordered away from the scene until the fire­ Good or better can free the trapped man. lights. Though three of the four Roxxon fight is resolved.) Two A.LM. soldiers are Anyone in the building without a respira­ guards present were injured or slain by on the southern edge of the building's tor or the ability to control (like A.I.M. soldiers and the Super-Adaptoid, roof, each armed with a concussion pistol JOHNNY STORM"') must make an Endur­ one escaped and sounded an alarm that (4-area range, Good Slugfest damage, 3 ance FEAT roll each turn to stay con­ quickly brought the N.Y.P.D. and S.wAT. shots each) and two high-explosive hand scious. Holding one's breath delays the teams. The lone Roxxon guard and the grenades. One soldier also has a standard onset of the first Endurance roll until the police have managed to disable two A.I.M. sub-machine gun (7-area range, 25 points third turn that person is in the building. vehicles and keep several A.I.M. soldiers �&T damage, 5 bursts left, may hit up to 3 Though the building has been weakened, pinned down around the area. The Super­ adjacent targets for full damage with sepa­ it won't collapse - but the Judge can Adaptoid, having adopted the guise of an rate to-hit rolls). make it appear that it may do so. The fire is A.I.M. soldier, was not recognized by any­ The two were left behind when their concentrated in the northern end of the one outside of A.I.M. antigravity vehicle developed engine trou­ building (Excellent damage each turn to Spider-Man, having had an assortment ble aftertaking ground fire from the police; anyone there). of personal problems with friends and the vehicle is burning on the northern half If the guard is not found before the elev-

4 enth turn after the start of the scenario, he (fully loaded) concussion pistols (5 shots The two AI.M. gunmen have the same di�s from smoke inhalation. If found, taken each). They also have eight concussion statistics as the others mentioned previ­ out into the open air, and given first aid, he grenades (Incredible Slugfest damage in ously, and each also has a concussion pis­ gasps out the tale of the assault. The one area), two Gatling -lasers (10-area tol (3 shots left each) and a Gatling laser (3 warehouse was attacked by a number of range, Excellent S&T damage, 1 burst per shots left each). They have created a men in yellow suits (the usual A.I.M. color­ turn, 20 bursts total each, all in target area crude fortress behind overturned furniture ation) who hauled all of the equipment out struck by fire), and a Single-shot LAW (4- (Poor armor). These gunmen feel they of the building and shot two Roxxon area range, Incredible damage, 1 shot, may as well go out in a blaze of glory, so to guards who tried to escape. He was takes two hands to use) between them. If a speak, and cannot be talked to or per­ spared from death when the police hero approaches them, they open fire at suaded to surrender using normal (non­ arrived, but in trying to escape, he was once, caring for nothing but their own super-powered) means. shot at with a LAW, which caused the pile safety. The Wanderer: In the center of of empty crates to fall on him and pin him If the AI.M. soldiers repair their vehicle Rathbone Park (in the area above the to the ground. The guard has no idea of and pick up any other stragglers, they "Rathbone Park" label on the map) is a what was stored at the warehouse, except then head for the nearest map edge. If crashed and burning antigravity vehicle they leave the playing surface, then they that he'd heard that it was just "old with no crewmen aboard. There is evi­ machinery," and he has no idea why any­ have escaped. (The Judge, if he has some dence that the vehicle had one pilot, and one would want it. of the other city maps that attach to the that the pilot must have received serious The guard has all Typical statistics, but Original Set map, may continue a pro­ injuries when his vehicle crashed (it devel­ has a Health of only 3 if rescued. He is longed chase across them.) oped engine trouble when leaving the unarmed. Hostage: Several AI.M. soldiers are warehouse), but no blood is visible about No Help: Tw o security guards (with the scattered throughout the area, unable to the area. The pilot's body cannot be same statistics as the healthy one above), link up with each other. A lone A.I.M. gun­ found, though he must have been thrown each armed with a handgun (3-area range, man has forced his way into one of the clear of the wreck. Typical S&T damage, 1 shot per turn, 6 first-floor apartments that lies Just north of The pilot was the Super-Adaptoid, shots each), are guarding the entrance to 8th Avenue (Judge's selection as to which which received injuries (current Health: the Roxxon Corporation headquarters apartment). There, he is holding a young 110) and the equivalent of a concussion to building on North Garfield Street. They mother and two children hostage while he its android memory and circuitry. All of the have orders not to leave the building and waits for the heat to blow off outside. A templates it carried of hero-types have offer no help to heroes. In fact, they resist neighbor has seen the submachine-gun­ been erased, and it has unconsciously any attempts to enter the building by any­ wielding intruder enter the apartment, and adopted the appearance of a wandering one other than those with search war­ the neighbor alerts any nearby hero to this vagrant who fled after seeing the Super­ rants. They won't go to anyone's aid, event. The neighbor is wandering the Adaptoid in its natural, featureless state. regardless of the circumstances. They are streets within a two-block of the The android now wanders aimlessly inside the building; the front doors are apartments at the start of the scenario. about (pun intended) and may be drawn to locked (Excellent-strength doors and The A.I. M. soldier's statistics are the same flashy hero-types it sees. A.I.M. gunmen locks). as those of the soldiers on the Overton ignore the "bum," and cops try to move High and Dry: A second AI.M. antigrav­ Storage warehouse. The neighbor's sta­ him out of the way. Any heroes who get in ity vehicle took a surprise hit from the tistics are all Typical, as are the mother's; the same area as the android are quietly healthy Roxxon guard's LAW (a highly ille­ the children's statistics are all Poor. scanned, as the android automatically gal weapon, but Roxxon has a casual The hostage-taking gunman is very ner­ makes a template of that hero. Because regard for law where its own best interests vous, but is willing to listen to any hero the android has temporarily "forgotten" are concerned). The vehicle has crash­ with a popularity of 50 or better. He surren­ why it is here, it won't drop the "bum" dis­ landed atop the Centennial Building on ders if a hero makes a yellow (or better) guise, instead acting in all ways as an old the southern edge of the map. The vehicle Popularity FEAT roll while talking to him wino. The Judge should keep careful note is not smoking or aflame, but requires (one attempt per two turns). He might • of which heroes the android copies; it is repair before it can again. harm his prisoners if assaulted, and he perfectly fine for the Judge to play the Four A.I.M. soldiers are stranded on the may use them as shields from hero-types. android as a comic figure, wandering in rooftop until they can jury-rig the vehicle, Trouble at Olson's: Two A.I.M. troops and out of trouble as the firefights prog­ for which they require nine uninterrupted escaped on foot when police units began ress. It is possible that an A.I.M. soldier turns from the moment the scenario to arrive, and they broke into Olson's Five may shoot at the "bum" or that he is begins. If they succeed, they then lift off & Dime to set up a barricade. A S,WAT. injured in another wreck, so the android and begin hunting (for only 5 turns) for any team van that pulled up outside the store needs constant "rescuing." of their compatriots in the area. Pick-up on Arthur Street was ambushed, and two If anyone attacks the "wino" and will be attempted, and once the time limit policemen are down with serious wounds. causes damage, the Super-Adaptoid has expires, the AI.M. soldiers leave. Five other S.WAT. team members have a chance of regaining its memories and For the time being, the four are avoiding taken up positions around the store; two sense of purpose (make a green Psyche attention unless they know they've been have rifles, two have sub-machine guns, FEAT roll). The android avoids attacking if spotted - which, in fact, they have been, and one has a handgun (3-area range, 8 this happens, unless it is greatly provoked by helipad workers on the Krupp Building. pOints S& T damage, 12 shells left, 6 shells or feels it can handle a lone hero or officer Three turns after the heroes enter the in gun at present). The S,WAT. team men (Judge's discretion). Otherwise, it map, police cars and walkie-talkie units have Good statistics (save for Excellent attempts to get close to a few other heroes are warned by their base of the presence Fighting and Typical Reason and Psyche; in a more direct and non-threatening man­ ner. It then leaves the area, still acting like of the stranded A.I.M. group. The police .Health: 50, Karma: 22). These men also happily pass this along to any heroes have Good Body Armor, light-intensifying a bum - with all of its new templates. nearby. sights on their rifles, binoculars, and rap­ The 11 O' News: To add to the Each A.I.M. soldier has the same statis­ pelling equipment (the last still in the van). confusion, a television news team has tics as the two on the roof of the Overton The wounded officers each have 30 appeared in the area. At the same time the Building, and they, too, are armed with Health points left and are behind the van. heroes enter the game map, a news van

5 entElrsthe eastern edge of the map, travel­ ough, and what little remained in the build­ tion slip. ing-weston 7th Avenue at 4 areas per turn, ing when most of the force departed was If any heroes were captured by A.I.M. searching for the gun battle. The driver torched. A police investigation, possibly personnel or by the Super-Adaptoid, they has all Typical stats and won't leave the assisted by the Avengers and the FF, will drop out of the game for the time being. van; he is unarmed. However, the reporter begin at once, checking out the ware­ The players should choose other charac­ is an excitable and persistent young man house's possible contents. ters, favoring those in the Avengers if pos­ who is aided by an equally persistent The Roxxon Corporation remains sible, and continue with the next chapter's young woman as his cameraman. Both strangely silent about the entire affair. At action. The lost heroes vanish from sight are new at the reporting business, but are first, the company won't even acknowl­ - to reappear in Chapter 8, as captives of determined to get the best shots possible edge that Overton Storage was one of A.I.M. on a divergent Earth. of the action. These two have Typical sta­ their subsidiaries, though a simple check tistics; their names are Kenneth Clarke of the Avengers' computer network or a KARMA: and Elaine Louise. trip to a library or city records office Super-Adaptoid captured +75 The Judge should manipulate the van reveals this to be true. If confronted with Roxxon guard rescued +30 and its inhabitants as seen fit throughout this, Roxxon admits that that is true, but it Ta lk hostage-taking gunman out +30 the scenario, having the reporters perform refuses to discuss the contents of the Help put out fire +20 extremely risky actions (running across warehouse. If pressed, Roxxon states that Each A.I.M. soldier captured +10 open areas through gunfire, interfering used machine parts were kept there, and Keep TV reporters from harm +10 with police and hero activities to ask ques­ that it has no idea why A.I.M. would be Aiding wounded allies +10 tions, etc.). Because of this provocation, interested in that material. Confiscate LAWfrom Roxxon Karma losses in case the reporters are Captured A.I.M. personnel won't dis­ guard +10 injured are reduced, (Don't let the players cuss their mission and won't even offer A.I.M. soldier successfully know this, however.) Even super heroes their names at first. They are discouraged questioned +5 cannot do everything, though they should and tired from the long fight, but each of Property damage caused* -5 to -25 make the attempt to save the newsmen them anticipates that A. I.M. may some­ Each A.I.M. soldier escaping -10 from themselves. how come to the rescue before long, so TV reporters injured -10 No other citizens are out and about, they plan to be on their best behavior if Each hero defeated -20 given the late hour. The few who were they return to their A.I.M. work. Each hero Bystander, hostage, or officer have fled the area or are in hiding, and may attempt to make the villains talk; this allowed to be injured -30 have no part in this scenario (unless the occurs if he makes a white FEAT roll (only) Each hero captured -35 Judge wishes to add to the already frantic based on the hero's Popularity (one Super-Adaptoid escapes -40 pace of events). attempt only per villain). If this works, an Any NPC is slain due to hero's A.I.M. soldier lets slip that the raid was actions or inaction -All AFTERMATH hunting for crates belonging to the "Enth * - Excluding damage to Overton Stor­ Commanders" (as he recalls it). The villain age. Regardless of what is done to save the then demands his release for this bit of Overton Storage building, it is a complete information, but he won't have asked for a loss. The attack by A.I.M. was quite thor- promise on this before letting this informa-

6 Roxxon Corporation facility, can be attrib­ ures are similar in appearance to the Chapter 2: uted to this organization. Anyone who con­ infamous Doctor Doom! tacts S.H.I.E.L.D. for information on A.I.M. On the turn after they appear, the larger The Visitors discovers the same thing. NICK '" of the two golden-armored figures and his top-echelon men believe that announces in a loud (and obviously ampli­ NPC ROSTER: Tw o "Doom robots," six A.I.M. is preparing for a major strike, and fied) voice: "Attention, all citizens! Do not demons, newsmen, and regular citizens they are understandably concerned and be alarmed by our presence! We are on a nervous. If contacted, confides peaceful mission, seeking help from your SUMMARY: The heroes encounter two in the Avengers that he fears the worst. crimefighting forces!" Everyone within a visitors to , one of whom sounds A.I.M. has been growing lately and could range of 6 areas can hear and understand an awful lot like Doctor Doom. In fact, it IS eventually become as evil and powerful as the speech. Any heroes who hear the Doctor Doom, in a way.. . its now-crippled parent organization, speech immediately identify the accented The visitors are from another reality, and "'. voice as that of their old foe, Doctor Doom! they need assistance. Specifically, they'll The armored figures won't stop their flight take anyone they can get, whether those As this scenario starts, it is a pleasant or respond to any commands given them, heroes who appear (the player characters) Saturday morning, approaching noon. unless the commands come from a cos­ want to join the visitors or not. Shoppers and sightseers crowd the side­ tumed figure or someone identifying him­ walks and streets of , and self as a crimefighter. If attacked, they SETTING: Once again, the city map pro­ even some super heroes, having nothing fight back from the air, stopping their flight. vided with the original MARVEL SUPER else to occupy their time, are taking a Tw o turns after the armored figures HEROES boxed game is required. The break. Set up the city map from the origi­ appear, another loud bang and of setting is in full daylight, about one month nal boxed set and have the players place light occurs at the same , right over after the events in Chapter 1. markers for their characters on the map, the intersection. Six demonic, winged going about minor duties or personal busi­ beasts of large size now appear, flying at 5 ADVENTURE ness. For example, Spider-Man might be areas per turn in direct pursuit of the two swinging from building to building, looking golden-armored figures. The demon­ This chapter takes place one month after for something interesting to photograph beasts murderous cries when they the Overton Warehouse raid. The Judge for the ; Captain America spy their prey. The beasts are each may set up several side adventures of a might be in his alter-ego of STEVE winged, long-tailed humanoids that limited nature that take place in the mean­ ROGERS"', sketching some of the local resemble horrible gargoyles. They appear time, to emphasize the passage of time. scenery in Rathbone Park; Reed and Sue to be the size of large bears, though they Some other information has become Richards may be shopping for presents for are blue-scaled and not furred. available concerning the A.I.M.lRoxxon their son FRANKLIN RICHARDS"',and so Crowd reaction is instantaneous when Corporation conflict a month ago. Heroes forth. Encourage the players to role-play the demonic figures appear. Most New may attempt to learn new information from their characters in a relaxed state, inter­ Yorkers, long accustomed to being underworld sources by making a white acting with regular citizens for two or three attacked by super-powered forces of evil, FEAT roll based on their Popularity (see turns. flee madly in all directions, running for pages 9 and 28 in the Campaign Book). If Just before play begins in the second nearby buildings and cars to escape the this roll is successful, the hero learns the scenario, the Judge should place ten coming baUle. Some people (news following: crowd markers on the playing surface, reporters, cameramen, and the curious) The building that was raided contained representing groups of people traveling stay behind to watch and record the highly sophisticated equipment that the together. These markers should remain events; these brave souls are represented Roxxon Corporation was keeping in stor­ stationary throughout the scenario, as the by the 10 crowd markers. age. The nature of the equipment is not people have become fascinated with Though no one should know it at first, known to most underworld sources. How­ watching heroes in combat against evil since they appear to be (and should be ever, one hero (selected at random) who forces. Each "crowd" contains 3-12 (1d10 • played as) armored humans in every way succeeds in discovering this information + 2) people, all with Typical statistics and imaginable, the two golden-armored fig­ also learns that some of the equipment without weapons or armor. One "crowd" is ures are robots with the following statis­ was stored in huge crates labelled NTH actually the television newsman and his tics: COMMAND. camerawoman from Chapter 1, interview­ F A S E RI P The Fantastic Four (and anyone else ing various people on the street about EX EX IN MN EX IN TY who makes a green Reason FEAT roll) urban renewal. recall that the Nth Command was a divi­ Abruptly, a loud bang and flash of light Health: 155 Karma: None sion of the Roxxon Corporation devoted to occur near Rathbone Park, in the area Each robot has Excellent Body Armor interdimensional research. The heroine marking the intersection of West 7th Ave­ against all physical, energy, acid, and '" briefly worked for the Nth nue and North Harrison Street. Tw o flying, temperature-based attacks. Each is capa­ Command, as did the villainous HYPE­ golden-armored figures appear in the ble of flight from small rockets in its feet, RION"'.The Nth Command's final fate is flash of light, each wearing green tunics with a 4-area per turn . Each robot unknown, though it's believed to have and capes. The figures are two stories also has a particle accelerator built into its been shut down. The heroes might above the ground and flying at 4 areas per right (7-area range, Remarkable deduce that the stored equipment was turn due east, following the course of West damage). These weapons may be fired from the old Nth Command project, and 7th Avenue. At of their appear­ once per turn, for an unlimited number of that A.I.M. may have plans to use it in the ance turn, the figures have passed North times. future. Cleveland Street. The demonic beingsARE demons, none Indeed, A.I.M does seem to be up to Any hero who spies the figures may of whom make any effort to do anything something. Anyone who spends time make a green Reason FEAT roll to identify other than attack. They want to destroy the investigating the recent activities of A.I.M them. Except for some changes in their two flying, gold-armored figures first, but discovers that for the last few months, the facial armor, their armor's gold color, and they'll take out their destructive impulses on organization has virtually dropped out of (surprisingly!) the smaller size and femi­ any heroes who get in the way. sight. No crimes, other than the raid on the nine form of one of the beings, the two fig-

7 Each demon has the following statistics: the need for haste, but the fate of our dimension-shift them away without expla­ world is at stake." nation. In this latter case, the robots won't FA S E RI P The voice of the feminine being is unfa­ harm anyone unless attacked first. IN EX IN RM TY TY RM miliar to the heroes, but the larger being's H,ealth: 130 Karma: 42 voice is still a dead for that of Doctor KARMA : Doom. "If you agree to help our world, Each demon destroyed +45 A demon can use its claws and bite for then half of you must stand next to me and Each hero agreeing to go with three separate attacks each round, doing the rest next to my partner. Yo u must act the robots +20 Amazing Hack-&-Slash damage with now!" says the larger figure. Render first aid if needed by ally claws and Remarkable Hack-&-Slash If any heroes refuse to go on this mis­ or bystander +15 damage with a bite. The demons have sion the two golden-armored beings nod , Each crowd moved to safety +10 Excellent Body Armor, with Amazing as i saddened - and then immediately Keep TV crew from harm +10 resistance to fire and poisonous attacks, f move in as close to the heroes in one turn Each hero refusing to go with as well as being able to cast magical force­ as they can get. Each being then stands the robots +0 bolts from their hands (once per round, 3- perfectly still, and a sudden burst of Property damaged inflicted -5 to -25 area range) for Remarkable Slugfest golden radiance shines from each figure. TV reporters injured -10 damage. They have no need to breathe. The radiance envelops the heroes around Attack Doom robots without If a demon is reduced to 0 (zero) Health, them, as well as any other identifiable talking to them first -15 it immediately disintegrates into a stinky, hero within line of sight in an a-area range Each hero defeated -20 molten mass of goo. These demons - and everyone vanishes. Bystanders injured -30 (though heroes won't know it for now) Each robot contained a dimension­ Each Doom robot destroyed were sent after the robots by the Mephisto shifting device within it, a technological by demons -35 of another dimension; the demons are item that sends the robot and any selected Each Doom robot destroyed completely destroyed due to their removal beings within an 8-area range back to the by hero -45 from their "" dimensions. If some­ robot's home universe, on an alternate, Bystanders or reporters slain as how captured alive, a demon self­ divergent Earth. Each robot automatic lIy result of hero's action (or destructs in three turns, turning into goo. � selects four or five heroes (not choosmg lack thereof) -All Crowd Controt. Each crowd on the play­ the same ones as the other robot selects, ing surface only responds to a hero's and possibly taking more if more heroes request to move to safety if the hero can are available), and these are transferred make a green Popularity FEAT roll in the across the dimensions with the robot. turn he addresses the crowd. Otherwise, Each robot is going to a different place on the people remain in the open, pos ibly � their home Earth, too: One group of suffering injuries in the subsequent fight­ heroes, with robot, is going to enter Chap­ ing. Once made to move, a crowd dis­ ter 3; the other group enters Chapter 4. perses and the counter is removed from The events in both chapters occur simulta­ the playing map. neously, so the heroes cannot meet again However, the television crew refuses to until Chapter 5. move away peacefully, regardless of what The two golden-armored figures use any hero says. The TV reporter and the any other subterfuge they can to get camerawoman then display all of the less heroes within an a-area range of them engaging traits of getting in the ay and � before this "disappearing act" is pulled, causing trouble that they showed m Chap­ but any hero who is out of range is left ter 1. Heroes must forcibly remove these behind and cannot participate in this people from the area to prevent them from adventure. It is suggested that the Judge exposing themselves to danger. The . have players who have their heroes "left, reporter and camerawoman move m as behind" simply create original heroes who close as one area away from any combat, are native to the divergent Earth to which and may be attacked by demons in this the other heroes are going. These original case at the Judge's discretion. The heroes would then join the action with the "Doom beings" do nothing to harm or hin­ divergent heroes given in this adventure. der the TV crew. If one of the two robots is destroyed in the battle, the other removes a devic AFTERMATH � from the ruined robot's wreckage and acti­ vates the dimension-shifting device (as The battle against the demons (and well as its own device, buried within its against the "Doom beings," if they were own robotic body). This casts all heroes attacked) progresses until the demons are present into the adventures in the next two slain. At this time, the two Doomlike chapters, but the group is randomly split beings attempt to get the heroes to cease into two groups ofequal size. One random any attacks made upon them (if any are in group enters Chapter 3 and the other progress). . . enters Chapter 4. One group, of course, is At this time, the smaller, femmme­ without a robot, and the scenario should looking figure approaches the grou p be adjusted to account for this change. (assuming that the two robot made It WINGED DEMON'" � If both robots are destroyed, then noth­ through the fight in good condition). and ing else happens for two days. On the speaks. "You are the heroes we have morning of the second day, two more been seeking. We are in desperate need robots identical to the first two appear, of assistance.Yo u must come with us now; make their ways around New Yo rk to find there is no time to explain. I apologize for as many heroes as possible, and then

8 should then be given the four alternate hero who is in reality VA LERIA VON Chapter 3: The player characters for this mission, as well DOOM'" , the wife of the ruler of Latveria in as a verbal rundown on this world's situa­ this divergent world. As noted in the char­ Victor's Circle tion at the present time. The only informa­ acter sheets and in the introduction to this tion that should be denied the players is adventure, Victor von Doom is a super­ NPC ROSTER: Victor robot, VA LOR"', that which concerns Victor's present plans powered hero on this Earth. The player embassy robot guards, the SWORDS­ and goals against Mephisto; people think characters are in the Latverian embassy MAN"' , the NPC Sub-Mariner, AT TUMA'" , he's up to something, but they don't know building in this world's New Yo rk City, "' , and the NPC Wasp (JANET what. The fight against A.I.M. is of which is much like the "regular" New Yo rk PYM"') importancefor now. City in appearance and offerings. The Judge should use his own best The heroes are expected to remain NEW PC ROSTER: "' , QUICK­ judgement in answering any questions the calm and not attack this costumed, SiLVER"', FLARE'M , and the android players may have about the status of their armored figure. However, if they do, Va lor '" new characters and that of the world on has her (see below) to back which they now find themselves. It is her up (and the larger Doom-bot, if it is SUMMARY : Four of the player characters worthwhile to have informed, excited play­ present). She attacks only to incapacitate (those who were traveling with the larger ers who are eager to play their new roles, or capture her attackers. "Victor von Doom" robot) arrive at the Lat­ rather than confused and uncertain play­ Valor was instructed to wait at this spot verian embassy in an alternate universe. ers who can't get into this change in for the return of one of the Doom robots There they meet a new super-powered affairs. Encourage the players to read from the (mainline) Earth to which it had hero, four familiar (but different) heroes, over their new characters, develop their been sent on its hero-finding mission. an assortment of familiar (but different) vil­ strategies for role-playing their characters Valor won't expect to see a being that she lains, and a surprising ex-hero. In this as a team, and develop, too, ideas on how recognizes as one of the worst super­ chapter and the next, the Fantastic Four, to present the personalities of their char­ powered villains ever to plague her world Avengers, and Spider-Man learn the acters and how they might interact with - "', the Sub-Mariner. If he is depths of A.I.M-'s plans for interdimen­ the other mainline heroes. present, she fears that A.I.M. has uncov­ sional conquest, and the dire straits in Because this change-over in heroes ered Victor's plans to recruit heroes from which this new Earth finds itself. should come as a surprise to the other A.I.M-'s home Earth in the fight against Note that the new PC Flare is ALISON players, and because of the time it that organization. It takes a lot of talk to BLAIRE"',who became '" in the requires to grow accustomed to the new convince Va lor that this Namor is a good mainline universe. The android Human heroes, the Judge should allow a break in one (Judge should have the group To rch is the being who became the hero the game of at least an hour or two, if at all make a yellow Popularity FEAT roll in '" in the mainline universe. See possible, between Chapters 2 and 3, and order to to convince Va lor of Namor's their separate histories for more informa­ again between Chapters 3 and 4 (when a heroic nature). One roll may be made per tion. similar change-over is made, with new turn of convincing; the Judge should heroes coming in to meet the other four ensure that only sound, logical arguments SETTING: The four heroes and the larger "original" heroes). Order out for pizza, get a roll. If anyone attacks Va lor, all Doom robot appear in the Latverian turn on the television, and give the four chances of convincing her that the heroes embassy of the divergent Earth. The map players who are temporarily left out of are in fact heroes are lost for the time is on the inside of the module cover, and things some free soft drinks. They'll get being. If Va lor believes that the new fills two pages. Small x marks show the their chance to do sneaky things later on. heroes may be evil, she continues to par­ normal location of a number of apparently ley with them (having her Doom robot and human guards in and around the embassy ADVENTURE the Latverian guardsmen, who are also building. If desired, the Judge may locate robots, watch them as well, ready to open the building itself on one of the city maps Those super-powered heroes taken by the fire at her order) until the A.I.M. attack available to him (see setting notes for larger "Doctor Doom" notice the familiar • described below begins. The heroes Chapter 2), or he may draw out his own city skyline wink out into darkness for a might redeem themselves to Va lor then, maps and place the embassy building moment - and then a new environment even if they attacked her earlier. where he wishes on them. This encounter appears arou nd them. They now appear to The Judge should role-play Va lor freely, takes place during the daytime, in New be indoors, in a pillared central hall inside with the following restrictions. She won't Yo rk City, though it is the New Yo rk City of a beautifully decorated, modern building remove her armor, show her face, or an alternate universe. Still, the city is still with a European flavor to it. "Doctor reveal her identity to these heroes at first quite familiar in appearance. The heroes Doom" is still with them, but the other (though her identity is common knowledge and the larger Doom figure start the sce­ heroes who were with them before are to everyone on her home Earth). She was nario in the area marked with the asterisk now missing! instructed to talk with the heroes, explain (*). (Note: If the larger Doom-bot is not the nature of the current crisis on her present - in the event that it was world, and get their willing support (which SPECIAL NOTE: Before the start of the destroyed earlier - the party simply might be difficult after the nature of their scenario, the Judge should take the play­ appears without it.) travel here, if they hadn't initially wanted ers aside who had characters transported Standing off to the side of the group (in to come along). At the same time, she is to by the smaller of the two Doom robots. the same area) is another figure - one get a feel for these heroes as heroes. Are The players should be told that their char­ just like the smaller Doomlike being they they trustworthy? Do any of them appear acters are involved in another adventure saw earlier. The figure regards the group to be duplicates or analogs of heroes who to be played out after this adventure is solemnly and without immediate action - exist in her own world? Are the heroes will­ resolved. . unless the Sub-Mariner is present. If this is ing to help out of goodness, or because For now, these players have the chance so, then the feminine figure raises her they feel forced to do so? All of the above to take the roles of some heroes from a gauntlet and points at the group, says, information is to be related to Victor at a divergent Earth, one on which history has "Do not move, or you'll feel the wrath of later time, when the newly arrived heroes changed greatly from that of the mainline Valor!" are not present. MARVEL UNIVERSE'" . The four players The figure is Valor, a super-powered Va lor does not object if the heroes wan-

9 der around the hall of the building, though cuts off her words. The embassy build­ FAS E RI P she warns them not to go outdoors yet. The ing's windows flash as a brilliant burst of EX GD GD EX TV PR FE heroes areallowed to wander through the light appears outside. Characters who had Health: 60 Karma: 12 central hall, conference rooms, ballroom, wandered outside against Valor's advice auditorium, restrooms, and art gallery of are exposed to Amazing levels of light The gunmen are each armed with a Gatl­ the building's eastern half, but are asked (blind for 2-20 turns unless an Endurance ing laser (10-area range, Excellent S&T not to pass the apparently human (actually FEAT is made). Characters outside the damage, 1 burst per turn, 20-burst power robotic) guards at the central hall door lead­ building take no damage, unless they are pack, takes two hands to fire, affects all ing to the western half of the building. If the robotic in nature or use electronics (such target in target area), four high-explosive heroes trythis, they will be attacked. as '" or a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in grenades (Remarkable damage to all in Heroes who examine their surroundings Mandroid armor). target area), and a concussion pistol (4- learn the following: At the same moment that the flash area range, Good Slugfest damage, 5- 1. Plaques inside the building and on occurs, al/ of the Latverian embassy shot ). Except for picking up the doors proclaim that this is the Latver­ guards stiffen, then fall over as if dead. Valor and any costumed heroes they find, ian embassy building in New Yo rk city. A. I.M. has exploded a small nuclear they are not planning to take prisoners. Framed pictures around the halls show device far above the city - too high to The soldiers are wearing Good Body full-faced pictures of Victor von Doom cause ground casualties, but the ­ Armor. (with a scar on one cheek), a woman said magnetic pulse from the bomb has The attackers from the northern craft to be his wife Valeria, and Castle Doom, destroyed the advanced circuitry of the are this world's Klaw (who was not con­ the seat of government in Latveria. Also robot guards (as well as much of the verted into sound energy, and is stiH scattered around are pictures showing exposed electronic circuitry and computer human) and the Swordsman, who is alive healthy, happy, well-fed, and well-dressed equipment in this part of New Yo rk City). on this continuum. They have four A.I.M. Latverians. The large Doom robot stiffens and falls as soldiers with them as well. 2. The streets outside the embassy are well, destroyed by the EMP burst. Valor Tw o turns after the A.I.M. assault forces deserted. The distant wails of air raid herself, having not reached her force-field arrive, four new heroes arrive (the four sirens can be heard over the city. Any hero button in time, has lost the use of her pow­ played by the players whose characters making a yellow Reason FEAT roll recog­ ered armor and is almost helpless within it could not take part in this scenariO). The nizes this area of New York as south Man­ (the armor plating is still useful, but no four Defenders (Quicksilver, Flare, Hawk­ hattan. The building, in the mainline other powers work for this scenario). eye, and the android Human To rch) have Marvel Universe, is in use as a private art The EMP burst was of Monstrous inten­ left their own antigravity vehicle (same sta­ gallery. The building has but one story and sity. Any robotic or battle-suited beings tistics as the A.I.M. vehicle above) nearby, has no basement. present take Monstrous damage to their and may enter the map around the 3. The apparently human guards at the circuitry outdoors and Amazing damage embassy from any direction, on any outer x-marked positions do not breathe nor inside the embassy. The Judge should use area. The four Defenders have the assign­ move, yet their eyes follow everything that his own discretion in deciding which ment of protecting Va lor and the Latverian the heroes do. The guards wear traditional devices and beings are affected by the embassy, and capturing all A.I.M. person­ Latverian dress from the 16th century burst; Iron Man would be a good candi­ nel and super-powered villains they can (very similar to that of Elizabethan palace date for EMP trouble. find. guards) and are armed with halberds (pole This EMP attack signals the beginning Finally, two turns after the Defenders axes). of a massive air battle between invading arrive, a new character (an NPC) arrives. The guardsmen robots have the follow­ A.I.M. aircraft and this Earth's Janet Pym (further described in the NPC ing statistics: S.H.I.E.L.D. forces, in the skies over New section later in this module), once known Yo rk City. This battle should not affect the as this world's Wasp, was driving through FAS E RI P fight on the ground; they'll have enough to despite the air-raid alertwhen RE RE RE RE TV EX TV worry about on their own. Though the nuclear EMP destroyed her car's igni­ Health: 120 Karma: None S.H.I.E.L.D. wins this fight, the victory is a tion and electrical system. Seeing the slim one. The battle was anticipated by a attack on the Latverian embassy, she Their halberds are charged with electri­ few hours and warnings to evacuate or overcame a crisis of confidence in her own cal energy, doing Remarkable Hack-&­ take shelter were given out ahead of time, abilities and decided to join the fight Slash damage in close melee combat. explaining the empty streets outside. against A.I.M. If she sees any Defenders The conversation between Va lor and At the same moment, two antigravity in the area, Janet won't speak with them, the four heroes may continue for only a vehicles (Excellent Control, Remarkable but she throws herself into combat, fight­ few minutes. Once Valor has explained Speed, Good Body) land outside the build­ ing wildly and without care for her own the majority of her world's problems and is ing, one each in the northern and southern safety. If she sees the mainline universe's learning whether or not the heroes intend courtyards of the embassy building. Wasp, however, she then screams "Skrull to help her out, things suddenly change. These vehicles have Monstrous shielding impostor!" and attacks JANET VAN Th e Attack: Valeria says nothing about against radiation weapons. The vehicles DYNE'" to the exclusion of all other the air raid sirens or the deserted condi­ open on the following turn, and six beings beings. tion of the streets outside at first, but at a leap out of each and charge up the steps Reasoning with the NPC Wasp is very point in the conversation selected by the into the embassy. difficult due to her single-minded fury. She Judge, she breaks off speaking and The attackers from the southern craft no longer cares about herself and wishes stands still, waving off the heroes for a are this world's evil Sub-Mariner and his only to trade her depressing life for one moment. She appears to be listening to ally , followed by four heavily last grand shot at heroism - with the something being broadcast through her armed A.I.M. soldiers. Their mission is to unspoken thought that she might get her­ helmet. capture or slay Va lor, loot the Latverian self killed, which would solve all of her per­ "Take cover immediately!" she shouts, embassy, destroy all guards and police sonal problems right now. If subdued or reaching for a button on her belt (to acti­ officers present, and find all valuable doc­ persuaded (at the Judge's discretion) to vate her force-field.) "We're about to be hit uments that might be of interest to A.I.M. cease her berserker fury, the NPC Wasp is with - " The four A.I.M. gunmen have the following prone to attach herself to a player charac­ An enormous, heavy aerial explosion statistics: ter, preferably a female one or a male one

10 who won't take advantage of her, in order verse). It also appears that the Skrulls may NPC Wasp befriended +15 to to .startsorting out her life. She-Hulk, Cap­ have bombarded Atlantis during their her friend tain America, the , and invasion, believing it to be a threat to Render first aid to ally the PC Wasp would be the best candi­ them. Only a few Atlanteans now survive if needed +15 dates for being Janet Pym's friend and ally as homeless wanderers. Good role-playi ng' +5 to +10 - if the players are willing to pick up the If confronted with the latter evidence, New PC hero attacks burden for their characters. the evil Namor shares this information heroic Namor +0 with Attuma. It serves to enrage them and Any other PC hero attacks The slugfest and firefight between cause them to attack A.I.M. if they get the another PC hero -1 0 heroes and villains should keep the play­ chance to escape, since they are aware Each hero defeated -20 ers busy for many turns, if the Judge plays that A.I.M. employs Skrulls. Namor and Heroes injure NPC Wasp -1 0 his NPCs carefully. The A.I.M. forces and Attuma may not trust each other, but they Valor injured -25 villains try to break into the closed-off see themselves as united against all the The Swordsman (or other western end of the embassy, particularly rest of the world, and they shall be all the villain) is mistreated into the Command Center and the Royal more dangerous. by heroes -30 Latverian suite. Any villain who spends If Namor hears Steve Rogers speak at Each major villain two turns undisturbed in either location any time, he may make a Reason FEAT (Swordsman, Attuma, gains important papers relating to Victor's roll to recognize his voice (the two fought Sub-Mariner, and Klaw) operations and plans for the future. If this side by side in World War II). Namor is that escapes -45 villain escapes from the embassy fight stunned to see his old comrade alive, Heroes attack Valor -50 after gaining this information, future though he won't change his mind about Villains kidnap Va lor -50 events are altered in Chapter 7. The villain fighting humans at first. However, if Cap­ Valor, NPC Wasp, or foe must leave the embassy and get to one of tain America is present and tries to con­ slain -All the two antigravity vehicles; take-off then vince Namor to cease fighting, recalling * - Bonuses for good, consistent, inter­ means the villain has escaped and accom­ their days together against the Axis esting role-playing should be considered plished his mission, even if no other A.I.M. powers, Namor should make a Psyche throughout this module, but is particularly forces escape the good guys. FEAT roll to continue fighting. On a white important once the heroes of the mainline Valor, for her part, can do little to aid the (only) roll, Namor ceases fighting and sur­ universe meet their "What If?" counter­ heroes in this fight, as her armor is out of renders, while his comrades continue to parts. commission. She can move only one area fight. per turn, but still tries to fight off attackers Klaw cares for nothing and no one but trying to capture her. himself, and makes any deal or betrays any comrade to get his freedom (or at least AFTERMATH a reduced sentence). The Swordsman, if defeated, undergoes a change of heart. If all goes well, Va lor is convinced that the He wants to be free of Mephisto's influ­ heroes are of good character afld have ence, but dares not tell the heroes of his more than adequate fighting power, and pact with the demon yet. He makes a full she directs them to wait at the embassy confession of his involvement with A.I.M. until the other heroes can be found and and Mephisto while in a holding cell in brought to the embassy as well. Valor prison (see Chapter 5). explains that the use of two interdimen­ However, if mistreated or badly injured sional robots was to ensure that at least by anyone other than Hawkeye (from one group made it to this universe safely whom the Swordsman expects such treat­ (dimensional travel is still rather risky). ment, given the circumstances; see char­ The other group should be safely aboard acter background for Swordsman and . the East Coast '" (yes, she Hawkeye), the Swordsman makes a confirms, there are two in this Psyche FEAT roll. If he gets a yellow or world; the other guards the West Coast better result, he refuses to reveal his infor­ and the Pacific Basin). mation. K�� SWORDSMAN� Otherwise, the heroes may attempt to If Valor is captured by the Swordsman, question any villains that were taken pris­ she reappears in Chapter 6 as a brain­ oner. The evil Namor and Attuma freely washed hero defending the A.I.M. base admit, while uttering strings of curses, that there. The Hulk may be removed from use they joined A.I.M. in order to drive down in this event, with Valor substituting for the governments of the surface people. him. The evil Namor, once he adjusts to seeing Little else can be done until the heroes his duplicate from the mainline Earth, tries link up with their friends aboard the Heli­ to persuade him to join A.I.M.'s cause and carrier... but what is going on aboard the destroy the surface world in revenge for East Coast Helicarrier? the destruction of Atlantis on this world. How the heroic Namor resolves this is up KARMA: to his player, though any check of Each major villain captured +50 S.H.I.E.L.D. or Defenders files (or Latver­ Hawkeye defeats +20 to ian files kept by Valor and Victor at the Swordsman Hawkeye emb(!ssy) reveals that this world's Atlantis Captain America talks +20 to was first destroyed by a human named Namor out of fighting Captain '" , using a mystical device called America the CROWN'" (as happened Heroic Namor defeats evil +20 each after Wo rld War II in the mainline uni- Namor or Attuma to Namor SUB-MARINER'" ATT UMA"

11 The original plan being followed by the Chapter 4: Heli· SPECIAL NOTES: This scenario, like the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel (before the Skrulls one for Chapter 3, involves the introduc­ interrupted everything) was to await the carrier Hurricane tion of four new super-powered heroes, arrival of the Doom robot (Victor had ones native to this divergent universe. The warned everyone ahead of time about it) NPC ROSTER: The Super-Skrull, Skrull players whose characters were trans­ and escort the arriving heroes and the warriors, and the divergent Earth's former ported across the dimensions by the robot to a conference room aboard the Captain America (Jeffrey Mace) larger Doom robot and took part in the Helicarrier, where Nick Fury would join NOTE: The Judge should read the NPC events of Chapter 3 must now adopt the them later. Colonel Fury hasn't arrived at character entries on the two different men roles of entirely new characters. the Helicarrier yet. Victor had split the who have served as Captain America on The Judge should read over the "Spe­ original party into two groups to ensure this Earth - Jeffrey Mace and JACK cial Note" for Chapter 3 and apply the that at least one group made it to his uni­ MONROE'" - and should not confuse principles to the introduction of verse safely; he was aware that Mephisto them with the mainline Earth'sCap (Steve S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Ben Grimm, was sending demons after his robots to Rogers) or with each other. Storm, and Matt Murdock, and their asso­ stop them, and he wanted to avoid putting appears in a later chapter. ciate (). The players all of his eggs in one basket, so to speak. should have time to read over and familiar­ The plans have now gone awry. NEW PC ROSTER: Ben Grimm, CRY­ ize themselves with these new roles, and The moment the heroes appear with the STAL"', MATT MURDOCK'" (DARE­ to decide on possible strategies in solving smaller "Valor" robot, the "S.H.I.E.L.D." DEVIL"'),and RICK JONES'" (who is this the scenario. Because all of these new agents notice their appearance and shout, world's NOMAD"') characters are familiar with the Combat "VALOR!" Immediately, all of the Operations Center of the East Coast Heli­ "agents" open fire on the Doom robot, SUMMARY: The other four heroes who carrier, they should be allowed to look it attacking it alone. The Judge should have appeared in Chapter 2 (those who were over for a few minutes (before the Judge the robot be immediately destroyed by the transported away by the smaller Doom fig­ sets up the scenario for the evening) to gunfire, making all hits against it auto­ ure) now reappear aboard the Helicarrier decide how to go about their attack. matic. The incoming heroes immediately - the East Coast Helicarrier that exists in realize that their companion was not the same divergent universe in which the ADVENTURE human after all - and they have that one group in Chapter 3 found themselves. The turn in which to take cover or performany Helicarrier is hovering over New Yo rk City, The ten "humans" in the Combat Opera­ other action they wish. engaged in a titanic air battle with A.I.M . tions Center are actually Skrulls, working If the heroes elect to talk and not attack forces. Those heroes who are coming for A.i.M. Since their defeat on Earthmany the "S.H.I.E.L.D." agents, "Nick Fury" aboard unexpectedly are about to make years ago, the few Skrulls left on Earth orders a cease fire and demand to know two sets of new "friends" - each of which have taken up an "underground" exist­ what the heroes are dOing aboard the Heli­ desires nothing more than to kill the other ence, fleeing from vengeful, Skrull­ carrier, how they got here, why were they set. hunting heroes and robots. At the present with Va lor, etc. He won't answer any ques­ time, only these few Skrulls are left. A.i.M. tions himself, angrily shouting that SETTING: The Helicarrier Combat Opera­ stumbled across their lair in northern "there's a war on here, if ya haven't tions Center map, on the large map sheet Indiana several months ago during its guessed!" If asked why he shot the Va lor that comes with this adventure, is used for investigation of this universe, and man­ robot, "Nick" calls Va lor a traitor and adds this scenario. The smaller Doom figure aged to hire them over to serve as com­ any other slanders the Judge can think of. and the four heroes who went with it reap­ mando soldiers and spies. The Skrulls, led "Nick Fury" is a regular Skrull who is pear on the space marked with the aster­ by this Earth'sversion of the Super Skrull, simply dOing the best he can to stall things isk (*). The Judge should place ten new have done their jobs well - but not out of until the Super Skrull ("") figures on the Combat Operations Center love for A.i.M. comes up with another plan or renews the as well - figures who appear to be So far, the Skrulls have accomplished­ attack. The Skrulls want to avoid revealing S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in work uniforms. their current mission to take over the Heli­ themselves if at all possible. These figures should be standing near the carrier and disrupt its command program­ One thing should be taken into account. various computer consoles, working the ming. They are now trying to set the If Spider-Man (wearing his new all-black controls; two figures, however, are placed atomic reactors powering the Helicarrier costume) is one of the heroes who pops by the elevators as guards, and one to melt down and explode, causing the into this scenariO, he draws immediate stands at the top of the stairs. Helicarrier to crash into the city below. attention from the Super Skrull if he The figures (all actually Skrulls) appear manning the bridge has been speaks. The alien will recognize his voice to be the following personalities from knocked unconscious with special gre­ (as the Super Skrull heard the last broad­ S.H.I.E.L.D.: Col. Nick Fury"' , the agen­ nades the Skrulls were given by A.I.M.; all cast the divergent Earth's Spider-Man cy's Director; agents GABRIEL JONES'" were dragged into the secure conference made from the Skrull flagship, two dec­ and SHARON CARTER'" (the latter is room in the corner of the Combat Opera­ ades ago). The Super Skrull roars dead in the mainline MARVEL UNI­ tions Center deck and locked in (14 men "SPIDER-MAN!" and attacks that charac­ VERSE); and, Special Director TIMOTHY and women, variable statistics, all normal ter in a berserk frenzy. All other Skrulls "DUM DUM" DUGAN"' . The other agents humans). also fire their weapons at Spider-Man to appear to be typical personnel not familiar As soon as the reactor is set to explode, the exclusion of all other actions. Much of to anyone else. All of the figures appear to the Skrulls plan to flee the Helicarrier by this ferocity is motivated by a mortalterror be armed with sidearms (and a few with taking off in one of the space-capable that Spider-Man has returned from the rifles). The four "personality" figures are fighter planes carried by the craft. The dead to haunt the last of the Skrulls on not acting as guards. When the scenario Skrulls are enjoying their job, even though Earth. starts and the heroes from the mainline they hate A.I.M. as much as they hate all After three turns of either talking or com­ Earth look around the room, the Judge humanity. They plan to eventually take bat, following the appearance of the PC should describe the S.H.i.E.L.D. person­ over A.I.M. from the inside and cause tre­ heroes, two more "S.H.I.E.L.D." agents nel they see as if they were who they mendous havoc on this world that has appear, dragging a semi-conscious form appear to be. given them so much grief. (Captain America!) between them. This

12 Cap is emaciated and exhausted, as if with a plasma-beam handgun (7-area nizes the voice of the man he fought side­ he's been tortured or is gravely ill. The range, Excellent Slugfest damage, 10- by-side with during the Second World War Skrulls come out of one of the two small shot power pack), and five of the Skrulls if he makes a Reason FEAT. This FEAT passenger elevators; 'one of them shouts have sub-machine guns (7-area range, 25 may be made once per turn of conversa­ (before he realizes what's going on): points S&T damage, 7 bursts per clip, 2 tion. If he makes this FEAT roll, Mace is "Commander! This one caught us while extra clips carried, may hit up to three stunned and overcome with emotion. He changing belowdecks! There are more adjacent targets within 1 area). Tw o of the has modeled his entire life afterthe origi­ coming ...." Then the "agent" stops, see­ other Skrulls are carrying machine pistols nal Captain America, who was believed to ing the newly arrived heroes. (3-area range, Excellent damage, 6 bursts have been slain at the war's end. Though If the heroes ask about the Captain per clip, 1 clip only). None of the Skrulls Mace won't know Steve Rogers by name, America held by the "agents," "Nick are using S.H.I.E.L.D. Body Armor. he knows this is the one-and-only original Fu ry" says that this Captain America is a The Skrulls are desperate and fight to Captain America. traitor (and an impostor, if the Captain the death or until subdued. They may try to This sudden discovery of the mainline America from the mainline Earth is among hold "Cap" (Jeffrey Mace) hostage in Cap's "authenticity" also applies to the the heroes with this group). The Captain order to get their freedom, but only if the android Human To rc h, who also fought America held prisoner (actually Jeffrey Super Skrull is defeated. The Skrulls fully alongside Cap in the Second World War. Mace, who came aboard the Helicarrier to intend to kill Mace as soon as he is of no How the player of the android To rch ask to be allowed to help in the fight use to them, since he was one of their wishes to handle this is up to him. A similar against A.I.M., and ran into the two Skrulls most hated foes in the past. If all goes Reason FEAT applies in order to make this instead) gasps when he sees Sharon against the Skrulls, at least one may tryto discovery. Carter, calling out, "How did yo u get kill Mace in the last few seconds of the The heroes, after the conclusion of this here?" (The real Sharon Carter, Mace's fight. scenario, are invited to attend a special wife, is still back at their home in New Yo rk conference at the Latverian embassy City.) AFTERMATH building. There, they are reunited with Tw o turns after the new "agents" arrive, their fellow heroes, from the mainline uni­ the new player-character heroes attack. If captured, the Skrulls simply give up, verse and from the divergent one, and Nomad, Ben Grimm (in armor), Crystal, expecting that they will be slain (they they may rest for two days, recovering and Matt Murdock () enter the won't, as some heroes have been running appropriate amounts of Health during this Combat Operations Center by the stair­ a special service to deport captured time. The adventure proceeds directly into way in the corner. The (Skrull) guard at the Skrulls to an unnamed planet, where they Chapter 5. top of the stairs hears them coming and can live in obscurity and peace away from can get off one shot as the heroes come Earth). The Skrulls tell all they know about KARMA: up the stairs. The three members of A.I.M., revealing little that the heroes don't Super-Skrull is captured +75 S.H.I.E.L.D.'s "Fantastic Four" and already know. Captain America befriends +20 to Nomad are aware that the entire bridge Though Jeffrey Mace (once he recovers Jeffrey Mace Captain crew has been knocked out, and that from exhaustion) wants to be taken along America Skrulls are holding it (television cameras on any future raids against A.I.M., his situ­ Free 14 crewmen from and Skrull detectors on the bridge have ation is complicated . The mainline uni­ conference room +25 been monitored from elsewhere aboard verse heroes won't know that he is not the Render first aid if needed + 15 the Helicarrier). The four new heroes have "current" Captain America of this world, Each Skrull captured +10 not monitored the appearance of the four though the four newly arrived heroes know Attack "S.H.I.E.L.D." agents heroes from the mainline Earth, and may he can't be (Mace is too thin and weak, for (Skrulls) before becoming initially believe that these new figures are one thing). aware that they are enemies - 1 0 Skrulls, too. Subsequent events may Note that a change-over in the identity Any PC heroes fight any cause them to change their minds. of this Earth's Cap was made because of other PC heroes -1 0 Once an attack by the four new heroes Mace's cancer (see character sheets for ' Damage to room and computers -10 to begins, the Super Skrull drops his guise Jeffrey Mace and Jack Monroe). Though -25 as Sharon Carter and attacks with all of his unaware of their Cap's true identity, most Each hero defeated -20 powers. The other Skrulls do likewise in heroes from this world suspect a change­ Cap (Mace) is injured -40 the next turn, but they retain their weap­ over was made, but have said little about it Attack Cap (Mace) -40 ons. (questioning a hero's identity is in very bad Cap (Mace) dies -All One of the Skrulls then moves to the taste). Mace won't give up his uniform or controls in the corner of the bridge·, next to reveal his identity to anyone at first; only the conference room, and crouches out of Nick Fury and Jack Monroe know about the line of fire while fiddling with the con­ his past service as Cap. The NPC Cap is trols. If allowed to do this without interrup­ allowed to rest aboard the Helicarrier until tion for five turns, loud alarms sound on Chapter 5's meeting. the bridge, and a recorded voice Jeffrey Mace (like the other divergent announces, "Warningl Reactor Earth heroes) at first believes that the new experiencing shutdown of coolant system! Captain America is Jack Monroe (this Meltdown possible within next hour!" This Earth's current Cap) , and he is greatly recording plays continuously until the cheered by his appearance. If allowed, reactor's coolant system is restored. Any­ Mace talks with Steve Rogers in the belief one making a yellow Reason FEAT while that Rogers is Monroe, unless Rogers cor- . examining the controls may set things rects this assumption and reveals some of straight again in just one turn. However, the true situation to Mace. the Skrull who set the controls in this man­ However, in conversation with Steve ner does all he can to keep heroes from Rogers, Jeffrey Mace will suddenly realize getting close to the control panel. that Rogers is not Jack Monroe. At first he The non-super Skrulls are each armed will be suspicious, but Jeff Mace recog-

13 has removed her helmet but continues to sional gateways. When A.I.M. struck, it 'Chapter 5: Other­ wear her repaired suit of armor. She has captured a great many heroes from this seen or heard nothing from Victor, but this world's Defenders and now holds them in world Allies is not unusual; Victor von Doom is at his an undisclosed location - if, indeed, the castle in Latveria, "considering the prob­ heroes are alive at all. They have simply NPC ROSTER: Valor, Nick Fury, and pos­ lem before us." Va leria says nothing more vanished from the world, leaving only a sibly the NPCs Wasp (Janet Pym), Captain about him. few behind (of which those heroes who are America (Jeffrey Mace), and Henry Pym The following episodes occur during the present are the majority). time that the heroes are at the embassy. To complicate things, there is the ques­ SUMMARY: This scenario requires no The Judge should set up these encount­ tion of Victor. Victor von Doom is perhaps combat, though it demands role-playing ers and events as desired, coming either this world's most brilliant super hero, but and careful decision making. The eight before or afterthe main planning meeting he has not joined the fight at all, leaving a original heroes from this adventure, as (to be held in the afternoon of the first full battered S. H.I.E.l.D. and local Armed well as the eight new heroes from this day the heroes are at the embassy). Forces to cope with the problem. Where is divergent universe and several non-player Te nse Moments: Nick Fury, the Victor? What is he doing? Why won't character heroes and onlookers, must supreme commander of S.H.I.E.l.D., has Va lorNaleria discuss his work? Unless make quick plans to head off an A.I.M. vic­ some immediate reactions to seeing the Victor can be persuaded to join the war tory in this new world. group of newly arrived heroes. He keeps against A.I.M., bringing his almost legend­ Tw o things must be resolved: What is one hand on his sidearm when he sees or ary army of robot warriors to bear, this Victor dOing about the A.I.M. invasion? comes near Namor, the Sub-Mariner; this world may be doomed to tyranny. And, where are this world's super­ is done out of distrust and dislike for the Thus, two problems are to be resolved: powered heroes being held? Vital informa­ hero, since Namor's analog has caused finding the lost heroes and getting Victor's tion is required to decide what must be S.H.I.E.L.D. lots of trouble in the past . aid. Either of these two missions might done about these events. Nick makes it clear that he doesn't care for turn the tide in favor of the forces of good . having Namor around, "even if he's Both together would certainly do it. Nick SETTING: This scenario, based as it is 'sposed to be with us an' not against us." Fury establishes that some of the heroes around verbal role-playing without actual The "Other" Cap: Nick Fury is also must finalize plans to search the country­ combat (though such may occur in an suspicious of the new Captain America side for traces of the lost heroes, and extreme circumstance), doesn't strictly (Steve Rogers), and stares at him con­ some must go at once to Victor, at his cas­ require a map. The characters are called stantly. In private, he makes references to tle in Latveria, and get his aid. together for a meeting at the Latverian the past, particularly to events that (At this point, the players should be embassy bu ilding, which has pulled occurred in World War II, about which only allowed to discuss the matter and decide through the battle in good condition Steve Rogers would have knowledge. He how to proceed. Other events, as given (though the robots took a beating). Player does this in a subtle manner. If Steve rises below, may occur at any time, to keep characters may talk, eat, and rest for two to the bait, knowingly or unknowingly, then things rolling.) full days at the embassy. If the player char­ Nick brings up the topic of how Steve sur­ Va leria Ta lks: If one or more heroes acters leave the embassy to wander New vived the war. pressure Valeria von Doom to tell them Yo rk City, the Judge may ad lib the sur­ If Steve Rogers tells the truth about his about Victor and his plans, have each hero roundings, keeping a sketch on paper for being frozen in ice and washing up in make a FEAT roll on his or her Popularity. himself of the area in which this chapter Eskimo territory, Nick orders S.H.I.E.l.D. A red result indicates that Valeria gives in takes place. agents to starta search for the Steve Rog­ and reveals some information. (One roll ers of his own world, hoping to recover per hero per game day is allowed.) Victor, ADVENTURE their hero. The results of this search won't she says , has been planning vengeance be known to anyone by the time the mod­ against an otherworldly power for many The original heroes from the mainline ule concludes, though the Judge may play years, all as a result of the death of Reed • MarvelUni verse, and the eight new player out this adventure if he so desires. Richards. She doesn't know all the character heroes from the divergent uni­ The Main Meeting: At the main meet­ details, but she believes it has something verse, are invited to the Latverian ing, taking place on the first day of the to do with Victor'S mother, Cynthia, who embassy building for a high-level confer­ gathering, Nick Fury lays out the situation. was slain as a witch when Victor was a ence with Nick Fury, the director of A.I.M., judging from the reports of cap­ boy. Valeria fears that the power Victor is S.H.I.E.L.D., and Henry Pym, the head tured soldiers, opened several gateways preparing to fight may prove too great a scientist for the Defenders. The meeting is across the dimensions into this divergent foe and thus destroy him - and perhaps to take place two days after the heroes Earth several months ago. At that time, the Earth as well. Victor's robots are going arrive in the divergent universe; time is of A.I.M. sent over "advisors," terrorists, to aid him in his fight. the essence, but rest may be essential as saboteurs, spies, and other members of a "' Discovered: While the well. Players may play two characters subversive network designed to gain con­ heroes are present at the embassy, word each, or a limited number of representa­ trol of this Earth. A.I.M. believed that by arrives from a courier that the Scarlet tives from the two groups may come to the striking all at once and from surprise, it Witch has been sighted in Plucien, meeting. could rule this world and use it as a stag­ Indiana, a suburb of Gary. It is believed The meeting actually consists of one ing base against other alternate uni­ that the other missing heroes may be at major meeting and a series of smaller verses. In a few months more, AI. M. had this place. No one knows why Scarlet ones, as required by the Judge and as cre­ planned to transfer its headquarters to this Witch hasn't attempted to come back to ated by the player characters. Once the world (if conquered), and then treat the the Defenders for help, and the reported heroes arrive at the embassy building, . mainline Marvel Earth to the same thing sighting is doubtful - but it is all they have they are greeted by one of the Latverian that the captured Earth had gotten. After to go on. Nick Fury points to Plucien as an guard robots (repaired from the battle with that, the universe was their only limit. excellent place to start searching for the AI.M.) and escorted inside. Outside the The AI.M. build-up had gone virtually missing Defenders. building, New Yo rkers are cleaning up the unnoticed by this world's super agencies, The Swordsman Ta lks: Shortly after debris from the air battle. as much of A.I.M.'s work was done in the word is received about the Scarlet The heroes are greeted by Valor, who secret and with the use of interdimen- Witch sighting, word comes that the

14 Swordsman has broken down and talked big fight, and it is obvious that it means ered, then all may be lost. A.I.M. may be at length about A. I.M .'s set-up. much to him. He could prove to be a very able to the forces of this Earth, S.'H.I.E.L.D. is preparing a surprise strike weak link in the heroes' plans, however, as and they will have established a base from on all alleged A.I.M. b.ases - but one base he is not even close to their combat stand­ which to raid other and universes. cited is the very same home in Plucien, ards. Te amwork and careful planning are tndiana, that was mentioned above. The The decisions on Mace and the Wasp required, and the teams must be prepared Swordsman has stated that the missing are left up to the heroes to resolve. Fury to use diplomacy (in the confrontation with heroes are being held there somehow, advises against taking either hero, as he Victor) as well as physical force. If Victor and a exists there to the universe also feels that the NPC Wasp is entirely has indeed been planning to assault where A.I.M. originated. The gateways unreliable and worthless as an adventurer Mephisto, then the greatest care must be across the dimensions can only be (this feeling tends to spill over into Nick's used on this mission. opened once per month, due to power assessment of the PC Wasp as well, which The investigation of the Plucien, requirements. The next "open gate" day could cause problems. Indiana, home where the Swordsman is in one week. Other Troubles: The Judge may create says the heroes are being kept prisoner The Swordsman also wishes to see any other disturbances he wishes for this must also go off without a hitch. A.I.M. Captain America (though he believes it is scenario. How would Va lor react if told that might slay the heroes outright if they are the Captain America of his world). He tells the Victor von Doom of the mainline Earth aware that an assault is underway. The Cap that he, the Swordsman, has been was a vicious criminal and tyrant? How strike must be quick and decisive. serving Mephisto against Victor von Doom would Quicksilver react if told that Mag­ for several months. The Swordsman neto was really his father? How would KARMA: wishes to be free of the demon lord's influ­ Quicksilver and the android To rch get Reveal location of real Captain ence, and asks Cap to talk with Doctor along on a mission? All of the problems America to Nick Fury and StrangefM and get the Sorceror Supreme's can be decided by the players and Judge Jeffrey Mace +20 aid in recovering his soul. during this discussion scenario. Allow Cap (Mace) to accompany There isn't time for Captain America to In addition, the statistics for Henry Pym, group +20 see , but Nick Fury prom­ the resident scientist of the Defenders"' , Convince Va lor to talk about ises to intercede for the recalcitrant villain, are given in this module. The Judge may Victor +20 who remains in prison. It takes only a few create any other mini-scenarios involving Creating plans for attacking + 10 to minutes to conduct the interview with the the players and this man as desired, at the A.I.M. and talking to Victor each Swordsman, who is too upset to reveal players' request or the OM's own whim. hero directly much more information than was given One interesting result of the meeting involved in planning above. might be the discovery (from talks with Allow NPC Wasp to accompany Ta g·Alongs: Both the NPC Wasp and Ben Grimm of S.H.I.E.L.D.) of the actual group +10 NPC Captain America (Jeffrey Mace) will divergence point of the two Earths. All of Ally with Defenders and +5 per ask to be allowed to accompany the this came to pass because there was no S.H.I.E.l.D. to pool Karma PC hero heroes on any missions. The Wasp wants Reed Richards to stop it - yet the exist­ to pool to regain her self-respect, and Jeffrey ence of Reed Richards leads directly to Create arguments with other Mace wants to free the other Captain the existence of Doctor Doom, the mega­ heroes -5 to -15 America (though he won't speak of this to lomaniac and international criminal. How Refuse to allow Wasp to anyone but Nick Fury and the PC Cap the players have their heroes handle THAT accompany group -10 (Steve Rogers). should prove to be interesting as well. Refuse to allow Cap (Mace) to Wasp's case is fairly straightforward, accompany group -15 but Mace's is not. Nick Fury knows (and AFTERMATH Become involved in quarrel will tell Steve Rogers) that Mace has can­ between Henry and cer and is dying of it. He might not even As the meeting breaks up, the heroes are Janet Pym -15

last out the next week or so, but Mace has warned that the two operations must go off • Any hero attacks another hero -30 been fortifying himself with substances without a hitch. If Victor cannot be per­ Publicly reveal information illegally obtained from Henry Pym, ena­ suaded to change his plans and join the on another hero's identity -50 bling him to stave off collapse for a short alliance against A.I.M., and if the captured time longer. Mace wants to go on his last, super-powered heroes cannot be recov-

15 capture the heroes and send them down home only 100' above them. The cap­ Chapter 6: A Nice into non-space forever. tured heroes (whose identities are decided by the Judge, keeping in mind Place, But ... SETTING: The A. I.M. Plucien, Indiana that nearly all mainline Avengers and X­ map on the map sheet for this module is Men belong to the Defenders in this world) needed for this scenario, along with the are little the worse for wear and wish to NPC Roster: The divergent Earth's cur­ map of the complex. The latter can only be return to their home bases to find out what rent Captain America (Jack Monroe"'), reached through the former, except by has happened. Scarlet Witch, "', the Hulk, the teleportation. If a Matrix is incorrectly manipulated or "' , androids, A.I.M. (Ocientists, is operated by someone without the and possibly the divergent Earth's pre­ ADVEN TURE required Reason score, all heroes held vious Captain America (Jeffrey Mace) captive by that particularMatrix (about 10- NOTE: The Judge should read the The plan for the assau It on the house is cut 20 of them) are dropped into their home entries on Jack Monroe (currently held in and dried. The heroes must break in, find universe at random spots around the Plucien as a brainwashed guard), and Jef­ the missing heroes, and shut down all Earth. Side adventures may be con­ frey Mace, who might accompany the PC A.I.M. operations. The Judge plays to structed to rescue some of these heroes, heroes to Plucien. Do not confuse these keep the heroes out of the house or defeat who may find themselves in serious trou­ two men with Steve Rogers. them, taking them prisoner. ble abroadl The Hulk may provide for a new adven­ SUMMARY: The hero force which is to ture, should he escape and go on a ram­ AFTERMATH free the hostages in Plucien arrives with­ page. He is incredibly dangerous Oust look out difficulty. S.H.I.E.l.D. has found that a at his statistics), and a mission to subdue Freeing the heroes from the Plucien home small delivery van (probably bringing sup­ him, should he escape, could be arranged is a major event, significantly turning the plies) stops at the house daily. Neighbors as a sideline adventure. tide in favor of the forces of good. The report that on some nights whole fleets of The Judge should set up the following Judge may invent tales of battles and so vehicles have converged on the house. beings in the underground laboratory: forth to show the PC heroes that their work The heroes assigned this mission Six androids, of the standard sort used had a measurable effect on the war. receive a van similar to the one that regu­ by the Mad Thinker (located in the lobby The heroes at Plucien are free to return larly stops at the house. The plan is to as the first line of defense). to New Yo rk or to join the local heroes in drive up to the house and raid it as quickly Tw elve A.I.M. soldiers, armed with Gatl­ their battles with A.I.M. If desired, these as possible, doing their best to release the ing lasers and concussion pistols (as per other battles may be played out, or cov­ hostages. S.H.I.E.l.D. is concerned by the A.I.M. soldiers from Chapter 3, statis­ ered in a quick summary of events of the the lack of guards; perhaps that means tics and all). next few days, given by the Judge. It the inside is so well-defended , more Three A.I. M. scientists (all Typical stats, would be wise, however, to wait until guards are unneces&ary. save for Remarkable Reason) without they've finished Chapter 7 before sum­ The delivery van (Typical Control, Good armor or weapons, who surrender rather ming up the war. A major confrontation Speed, Excellent Body) is fairly large, than fight: and remains to be resolved, between the two roomy enough for up to twelve heroes (not The Mad Thinker, who would rather fight terrible opponents whose conflict has counting two in the front cab). The truck (with his androids, below) than surrender. helped bring the world to its knees - Vic­ begins the scenario by pulling into the The Mad Thinker is accompanied by a reti­ tor and Mephisto. driveway of the Plucien home. nue of six more androids, of standard abili­ The home is defended by the following ties (see the Mad Thinker's stats listing). KARMA: brainwashed heroes: this universe's Cap­ All of these characters fight until over­ Hulk defeated +150 tain America (J ack Monroe) , Scarlet whelmed, unless stated otherwise. Hercules defeated +75 Witch, and Hercules. A fourth being must The underground complex holds moni­ A.I.M. complex captured be added. This is either Valor (if captured toring equipment used to maintain the, without damage to Matrices +50 in Chapter 3) or the Hulk, who is nearly non-space prisons of each captured hero. Cap (Monroe) or Scarlet mindless. A band around his head (see his Each Matrix (labeled on the map), aside Witch defeated +40 each character description) transmits com­ from its complex controls (operator needs Mad Thinker defeated +35 mands from the brainwashed heroes, Reason of Remarkable or better, and a yel­ Android defeated +35 each which he executes calmly and deliberately low Reason FEAT to use it correctly), Scientists captured +20 each - unless the band is destroyed. shows live pictures of each hero (as impro­ Give first aid if needed + 15 The home's garage contains a currently vised by the Judge) trying vainly to break Android slain +0 each inoperative interdimensional 'gateway out of the foggy non-space cell. Hulk slain +0 (due to activate in one week, per the Neither the Mad Thinker nor the A. I.M. Propertydamage to house +0 Swordsman). An elevator in the back of scientists will operate the controls for the Unarmed A.I.M. scientist the house descends a 100' shaft to an heroes. All claim that destroying the con­ attacked -10 underground lab, where this world's Mad trols means killing the captured heroes, Each hero defeated -20 Thinker and some A.I.M. scientists moni­ who would waste away in the cells over Cap (Mace) injured -20 tor their captives held in a special non­ eons. This isn't quite true. If the controls Brainwashed hero attacked space from which they cannot escape. are destroyed, the prisoners are projected after recovery -20 (The elevator has been turned off by the from their cells into their home universe ­ Quicksilver or android Torch -50 people in the basement, as a defense. The but at a remote distance from Earth, such injures Scarlet Witch to Quicksilver heroes find this out if they get that far... ) that they might need weeks, months, or or Torch The NPC villains expect an attack - but even years to get home with help from a Cap (Mace) slain -50 not necessarily right now. ­ friendly interstellar race. Brainwashed hero or A.I. M. washed heroes are trained to guard Any hero who correctly understands worker slain -All against other heroes. Although at first they and manipulates the controls on a Matrix seem glad to be freed, when the time is may free a large number of heroes, who right they (and the Hulk) attack, trying to then appear in the front yard of the Plucien

16 for this very day for decades. He is aware pushed, or four turns afterthe heroes per­ Chapter Highway that there is a war with invaders from an­ suade him to give up his attack, Mephisto 7: other Earth - after all. he sent two of his himself appears on the map, in the same to Hell Doom robots to get help. But. he tells the area with Victor. Clutched in the demon group, the heroes have been used to lord's hand is the limp figure of Valor! NPC ROSTER: Victor and possibly serve a greater good: that of the assault on "Insolent mongrel! " roars Mephisto. Mephisto, his demons, Valor, and Wasp Hell. They may as well know the full truth "Most arrogant of all men! You tried to de­ now that the moment of the attack is at stroy me - ME, Mephisto the Unkillable! SUMMARY: The task force of heroes who hand. You count yourself my equal, but you are a must locate Victor find him standing out­ Victor brought the heroes to this world crawling worm with the ego of a ! side Castle Doom, in a grassy field in Lat­ to essentially "fill in" for him while he pre­ You stole the soul of your mother from my veria. He is about to begin his assault on pared his armies for the attack on Hell. He realm, and your mechanical servants are Mephisto's realm, and is preparing him­ could not be bothered with fighting a mere killing my demons, but you could not de­ self mentally and physically for the attack. force of humans, when he was preparing fend your own loved one from me! At this point, Victor is very determined to to take on the whole of Mephisto's Abyss! HERE!" Mephisto tosses Valor at Victor's go on with the assault, but it is still possi­ The heroes are congratulated for their feet (who automatically catches her before ble to convince him otherwise - espe­ successes ... but they are warned that they she hits the ground). "Here is your wench. cially if Reed Richards were to suddenly are not to interfere with Victor's plans now. captured by my servants only hours ago! appear before him, a from the past. .. Victor announces that he has already An eye for an eye, a soul for a soul! Her finished the mystical rituals to free his spirit is MINE, for all time! If your soul SETTING: The map required for this sce­ mother's spirit, and Cynthia von Doom's burns for vengeance, then, FIGHT ME. nario is the Doomstadt/Castle Doom map soul has now left Mephisto's grasp. The WRETCH!!!" from the map sheet that came with this Lord of Lies will be enraged at this "theft." At this point, Mephisto and Victor begin module. Victor stands alone on the space and he may even now be preparing to as­ their final battle. The Judge should work

marked with an asterisk ( * ) . Low grassy sault Victor within the next few moments. out the details of this combat in advance fields surround him. No civilians are any­ The robot invasion of his realm may make and play it out, making adjustments as where around except in the town of Doom­ the Lord of Lies even angrier. necessary for the actions of the other he­ stadt, below the castle. Victor appears to Unless Mister Fantastic is present in the roes. All the stops are pulled out for this be alone at present. The heroes may enter group and talks, or unless someone else fight - make it a memorable one! the map from any direction. tries to stop him, Victor goes ahead and Any heroes who wish to fight Mephisto presses the button he holds. No one may do so. Show them no mercy. ADVENTURE notices anything next unless they make a Mephisto. if he conquers a hero, automati­ red Psyche FEAT roll. Those making this cally snatches that hero's body to his own The second group of heroes, those who roll feel an odd sensation. as if invisible infernal realm for eternal torture (if had volunteered to locate and talk with things were stirring about them; then the Mephisto wins the battle). Recovery of lost Victor von Doom, are flown to Latveria by feeling passes. The have been heroes is possible, if the PCs gain an ally S.H.I.E.L.D. high-speed jet. They arrive launched. Hell is about to be attacked, on the level of DOCTOR STRANGE.... but only two hours after leaving New York. and no one can prevent it now. this is not a requirement. Valor flies to Latveria on her own jet, hop­ Only Reed Richards has a chance of Mephisto concentrates all of his initial ing to arrive even earlier than the heroes. talking Victor out of this plan. It might be attacks against Victor and those who join Landing in Latveria, the heroes first dis­ that Reed will want to join Victor, of course him. Any heroes not joining the battle are cover that Valor is not here - though her - it all depends on the player. though this attacked by Mephisto personally after the jet should have arrived before they did. was NOT the mission of the group. The fight ends, unless they have fled. She appears to have vanished in the Mid­ Judge should remind the players that time If, somehow, the PCs and Victor actu­ Atlantic. No other information on her is is slipping by, and they need to get Vic­ ally manage to DEFEAT Mephisto - then available. tor's help as soon as possible. Victor's ro- • the demon lord vanishes in a fiery blaze - The heroes may quickly make their way bots are needed to defeat A.I.M., and and all damage taken by the heroes from to Doomstadt, only a few minutes from the attacking Hell may bring even greater de­ Mephisto vanishes! "Slain" heroes, as airport. The section of Doomstadt shown struction upon the world than A.I.M. could well as Valor. are automatically declared on the map is only a small portion of the hope to create. to be alive and unconscious, at death's full city, which has grown since the guid­ Victor's reaction upon seeing Reed, the door (Health: 0). ing hand of Victor von Doom has lifted it person Victor once believed dead, should How is this possible? As demonstrated into the modern world. The heroes· may fly, be carefully considered by the Judge. Vic­ in his final conflict with the Beyonder (see drive, or run to Castle Doom as they tor can tell that Reed is not a Skrull (from SECRET WARS II, issue #9), Mephisto's please. his Skrull detector). and seeing Mister powers on the Material Plane are wholly il­ When encountered, Victor is fully ar­ Fantastic is quite traumatic for him. lusionary. All damage taken by the heroes mored and alone, holding a small control The players may also use their own directly from Mephisto is simply not real. box in one hand. The box has a single but­ super powers to stop Victor from launch­ Any player who recalls this bit of knowl­ ton on it - the button that will cause the ing the assault, though they automatically edge may say that it is a tidbit of arcane majority of his robot army to dimensionally face an enraged Victor immediately after­ lore his hero remembered from some­ shiftto Mephisto's hellish realm and begin wards. Victor. if frustrated from his plans where; that hero (and any others who also attacking every demon in sight, particu­ by a direct attack. attacks the heroes with remember it) are allowed to make a red larly their leader, Mephisto. all of his powers. Of course, the heroes are Psyche FEAT roll at the end of each turn When he sees the party, Victor appears not required to attack Victor at all; they they are in direct battle with Mephisto. in startled. but seems unconcerned. If may even wish to assist him in some man­ order to disbelieve the damage and see asked, he tells them everything: how he ner in the assault. through the illusion. However. this roll got started in his life. how the death of Whether Victor pushes the button or must be made every turn in combat. Just Reed Richards affected him. how he not, Mephisto is still coming to call on him because one hero disbelieved an eldritch yearned to free his mother's soul from (unless the Judge decides differently). bolt doesn't mean he disbelieves the fire­ Mephisto's clutches. how he has waited About four turns aUer the button is ball on the following turn.

17 AFTERMATH forces), and ending all worship of any be­ KARMA: ing but himself. Mephisto defeated or slain +500 If the robots were launched on their way If Mephisto is slain, he eventually re­ Reed Richards convinces +75 into Hell, they won't return until a full day forms in his own hellish realm, but it takes Victor to give up attack to Reed has passed. Afterthat, a large number of many years before he can again challenge on Mephisto Richards robots return, many in gravely damaged the universe in which Victor lives. Nearly Other heroes stop Victor's condition, but they then move on to the all of Mephisto's demons are slain. Victor attack on Mephisto's fight against A.i.M. -that is, if either Valor will have fulfilled his lifelong dream of realm +60 or Victor has survived the fight with vengeance and freedom, and will be in a Attacking Mephisto directly +50 to each Mephisto. better position to deal fairly with everyone. hero involved If Mephisto wins this fight, then Victor, Mister Fantastic, however, can instill Recall that Mephisto's +40 to Valor, and all unconscious and "dead" some responsibility in Victor by pointing powers are illusionary hero who heroes are spirited away for eternal tor­ out how Victor'S selfishness and arro­ remembers ment in the Lord of Lies' . The fight gance has cost the world dearly, in terms Reed Richards convinces against A.i.M. goes on without Victor's ro­ of lives lost and delays in fighting A.I.M. If Victor to moderate his bot forces. Latveria will go into mourning Victor fails a Psyche FEAT roll, he be­ ego (Aftermath) +75 when it realizes the loss of its leader. comes remorseful and essentially learns Property damage to town, It is possible that, if Mephisto should to moderate his feelings and goals. If the castle, or grounds -5 to -25 win, he would begin attacks against the Psyche FEAT fails, Victor chooses to ig­ Fighting in Doomstadt -20 world that spawned Victor as well. This nore Mjster Fantastic, and he may cause Each hero defeated -40 possibility should be handled by the Judge further troubles on this world in the future Attack Victor without as seen fit. Mephisto will attempt to de­ while acting as a "hero." talking to him first -50 stroy all existing super-powered heroes, Mephisto wins the fight -100 subjugating all villains (including A.i.M. Victor slain -All

IAM THE ,4L PU#ISN- "'.NT...

18 phant. The Judge may wish to play out things if one moves through too quickly. Chapter 8: Taking additional scenarios against A.I.M., but The gateway remains open for only five this is not necessary. S.H.I.E.l.D.'s forces turns. A.I.M. manage to destroy the greater part of AJ.M.'s bases and fortresses, and when The A.J.M. interdimensional complex on NPC ROSTER: The Super-Adaptoid, the freed (and enraged) members of the the other side of the gateway is also in . soldiers and scientists, and possi­ A.I.M Defenders fill the skies again, AI.M.'s fate northern Indiana, in an industrial park out­ bly the NPC Wasp (Janet Pym) in this universe is sealed. side of Gary. The complex sits on a hilltop Battles with A.I.M. forces could be with a single driveway heading up to the SUMMARY: It's time to go home again, played out on city maps given with the var­ building and a large parking lot outside. but A.I.M. isn't going to make it easy on ious MARVEL SUPER HEROES modules The building's exterior walls are of the heroes. Though the heroes and their and boxed games from TSR, Inc. AI.M. Amazing material strength, as are the two interdimensional allies have captured the forces should be heavily armed and well blast doors in the complex, which were de­ A.J.M. base through which men and mate­ equipped to deal with heroes. The Judge signed to keep out meddling hero-types. rial have been entering this universe, the may create the A.J.M. forces to slightly Interior walls are of Remarkable strength heroes must fight their way through an un­ overpower the heroes going against them, material. The folding doors and all regular friendly A.I.M. complex in their own uni­ which should balance having the Judge doors are of Excellent material. verse upon their retu rn. control many characters while the players The crates in the warehouse section are It is not recommended that any of the he­ control only one or two at most. full of disassembled energy rifles and roes from the divergent universe join the When deSigning the villainous forces, other weapons, none of any use to the original heroes on their return trip to eight the Judge should feel free to create previ­ characters. Large crates weigh about one mainline This the MARVEL UNIVERSE"'. ously unknown villains or adopt known ton, while the small crates weigh only 200 could cause a lot of campaign problems un­ personalities from the mainline MARVEL Ibs. each. Crates are of Typical strength. less carefully handled, and confusion may UNIVERSE"'.What if an altered DOCTOR The Judge should set up the AI.M. arise as to which hero is which. The only OCTOPUS'" joined the fray? What if forces on the map so that the players can­ hero who might possiblyleave the divergent S.H.I.E.L.D. itself became too powerful for not see the map or its occupants before universe would the Wasp (Janet Pym), be everyone's comfort? Dozens of possibili­ entering the complex through the gate­ could change her identity and start a who ties may be explored. way. It would be best to note the location new life elsewhere. The Judge should try to resolve any of each AI.M. person on the map prior to If Janet Pym does decide to join the he­ problems resulting from the conclusion of the start of the scenario, and place each roes (as decided by the Judge or an inter­ Chapter 7 before ending this adventure. villain down on the map as they appear in ested player), she may either be played as Victor von Doom either emerges trium­ the heroes' line of sight. an NPC or as a PC. She cannot bring phant against Mephisto or destroyed by The AI.M. complex is divided into three much material with her, because of the his foe, or he has learned to set aside his major sections: the gateway section, con­ dangers and time elements involved; assault on the demon in favor of sparing taining the interdimensional equipment; money won't do her any good, since she is his world from Mephisto's wrath. the warehouse and storage area, where not only broke but currencies vary slightly (Mephisto might not attack him for the material being taken to or from the gate­ between the two worlds. The Judge "loss" of Cynthia von Doom 's soul, as Vic­ way section is stored; and, the personnel should arbitrate this matter as seen fit. Fu­ tor is quite powerful himself now.) Peace section, where A.I.M. plans its strategy ture adventures involving this second should begin to settle over the world once and tactics. Wasp (in whatever new identity she is more - except for renewed activity At the time the heroes burst through the given by the Judge) may be devised. among villains of the everyday sort. gateway, the complex is not on alert. The disposition of Jeffrey Mace at the A way home for the mainline universe There is a one-turn warning to the com­ conclusion of the war with A. J.M. is up to heroes is uncovered as well - the home in plex that the gateway is being forced the Judge. Mace might perish "off-stage" Plucien, Indiana, still has a functioning open, but this is not enough time for the in battle with A.J.M. forces or in bed, and gateway to the mainline universe. The • AI.M. forces to react immediately to this the player using Steve Rogers may have time for departure is approaching quickly, threat. Everyone in the complex, however, Captain America be present (as happened as the main universe (if it is still sticking to will be alerted by emergency alarms that in the mainline universe). It is not neces­ its schedules) should be opening the gate something is going wrong in the gateway sary for Mace to die before the heroes to Plucien shortly for a routine mainte­ area. Soldiers and scientists alike take up leave the divergent Earth, but cancer is nance check. Just enough time is given arms and head in that direction as quickly not curable in the MARVEL UNIVERSE'" for heroes to cross through the gate to as possible, and a warning is broadcast to in any event. their home. No other gateways survived the main AI.M. headquarters, at a secret the A.J.M. war. location elsewhere in the world. SETTING: The heroes begin this scenario At long last, the final good byes have Heroes who were captured by A.I.M. or Off-stage, as it were, and enter the map at been said (or if not, they can be played out the Super-Adaptoid in Chapter 1 are found the moment they cross universes into their by Judge and players), and the Avengers, tied up in one of the back rooms of the own home universe. The A.I.M. interdi­ Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man (as well complex. The Judge should create mark­ mensional facility map from the map sheet as the second Wasp, if joining them) are ers for the following A.I.M. forces in the that came with this adventure is required , preparing to return to their Earth. Players complex: and the set-up for AJ.M. forces follows. should decide how to pass through the Eighteen soldiers/workers, wearing When the heroes enter the main map, they gateway point in the garage (from the Plu­ Typical Body Armor and carrying concus­ do so at the Interface pOint, as labeled on cien, Indiana home where the extradimen­ sion pistols (4-area range, Good Slugfest the map. sional prison was maintained). When the damage, 5 shots each, 1 shot per turn). . gateway is activated, they may charge Five of these. guards have Gatling lasers, ADVENTURE through at top speed, walk through, or as they were on normal guard duty around peer in carefully. However, the heroes the complex (1 0-area range, Excellent The war between A.I.M. and the rest of the won't be able to look directly through the S&T damage, 20 bursts, 1 burst per turn, world ends with S.H.J.E.L.D., the De­ gateway into the place to which the gate­ requires two hands to fire), in addition to fenders, and the rest of the heroes trium- way opens. There is a risk of running into the pistols. One other guard on duty has a

19 LAW instead of a Gatling laser (4-area At any particular time, six of the guards gent worlds exist. The Judge may create range, Incredible damage, 6 shots, 1 shot are on duty. six are in their dormitory past criminal records for some of the A.I.M. per turn, requires two hands to fire). Sol­ asleep or resting, and six others are help­ personnel; certainly, the Super-Adaptoid diers have these statistics: ing out around the comp'lex. Three scien­ has a criminal record. Commander Krubb, tists are resting, and the rest are scattered however, has no previous record . He will F A S E RI P between the gateway area and the offices vow vengeance against the heroesand may GD TV TV GD TY PR FE in the dormitory area. Three of the techni­ become a thorn in their sides in future sce­ Health: 32 Karma: 12 cians are in the gateway area, and the rest narios. are in the dormitory area, either resting or A.I.M. itself may desire vengeance for Nine scientists, no armor, each carrying in the offices or armory. Commander the destruction of their plans to invade a standard handgun (3-area range, Typi­ Krubb and the Super-Adaptoid are both other universes. A sizable portion of the cal S& T damage, 6 shots each). Their sta­ talking in the warehouse section. The organization's funds and manpower were tistics are: blast door to the outside is shut, but the invested in this program, and all the per­ F A S E R P other blast door to the dormitory section is sonnel and equipment left back on the TV TV TY TY Va r Va r TY open. Either door can open or shut in a divergent Earth are now lost forever. It will single turn, and anyone caught by it takes take time for A.I.M. to recover its losses, Health: 24 Karma: Variable Amazing crushing damage. but it has the heroes who fought against it Reason for scientists varies between The Judge should place these characters firmly in mind. Good and Remarkable, as the Judge wherever desired, keeping in mind that Future adventures may be created in desires. Intuition varies between Typical though the base is in a state of readiness, it which travel to and from the divergent and Excellent. is not expecting an invasion from within. No world of Victor is accomplished. The Seven technicians/mechanics, no guards are outside the building, so they can Judge should strictly control the possible armor or weapons (but may find and use avoid drawing attention to the complex. contamination of his campaign world by any they can if they see heroes coming). people and material from Victor's world (or Their statistics are: On the first turn that heroes exit the gate­ any other divergent or alternate Earth). way, they gain the initiative against all A.I.M. The interdimensional facility could simply FA S E R IP personnel they attack. This bonusis lost on become inoperative (as a result of an acci­ TV TV TV GD TV TV PR all subsequent turns. A.I.M. personnel then dent, sabotage, or deliberate destruction Health: 28 Karma: 16 try to contain the heroes in the gateway to separate the two worlds). If it is kept area, but may fall back and try to keep them operative, then travel to and from Victor's One base commander, Geoff Krubb"', from leaving the building as well. world should be carefully monitored. wearing Typical Body Armor and using a If any hero is knocked unconscious, If the divergent Wasp came through the Gatling laser and concussion pistol (as A.I.M. personnel attempt to hold that hero gateway as an NPC, she assumes a new outlined above). Commander Krubb is a hostage to allow escape or to make other name (one not even resembling her old promising soldier in A.I.M.'s organization demands (surrender, go back through gate­ one) and seeks to settle down in New Yo rk and wants to do all he can to gain recogni­ way, etc.). A.I.M. soldiers have nothing City. After a period of adjustment, includ­ tion from his superiors - especially the against actually killing a hero, but another ing getting a job and modifying her cos­ Scientist Supreme of A.I.M. He won't like hero may attempt to intimidate the hostage tume and super-powers slightly, she may heroes who appear within his base and takers. ("Go ahead. Make my day.") This take up work as a crimefighter once again. does all he can to eliminate them. His sta­ act, if the Judge feels it was performed well Whether she decides to work with any tistics are: enough, succeeds on a white Popularity other heroes is entirely up to the Judge. FAS E RI P FEAT ro ll. She makes an effort not to interfere in EX GD GD EX GD GD TV Janet van Dyne's life, to avoid confusion AFTERMATH between them. Health: 60 Karma: 26

Commander Krubb, despite his hatred If the Super-Adaptoid and Commandel' KARMA: of super heroes, collects comic books. He Krubb are captured, the rest of the A.I.M. Capture Super-Adaptoid +75 likes spiders and keeps several as pets in personnel at the interdimensional facility Capture interdimensional his office, and he is likely to become attempt to escape. If an A.I.M. member machinery intact + 50 angered if he sees any hero using a escapes through the main doorway and no Rescue hostage + 30 motif (such as - you guessed it). His hero fo llows him within three turns (a move Capture Commander armored vest has a picture of an atomic which effectively puts both characters out of Krubb + 25 mushroom cloud on it, with the 16g0: "Now play for the rest of the scenario), then that Assist NPC Wasp in setting it's Miller Time." person has escaped. A hero can only cover up a new life +20 The Super-Adaptoid is acting as a the flight of one villain; if two or more leave, Capture A.I.M. scientists +20 each for the complex until A.I.M. can then an equal number of heroes must follow, Capture A.I.M. soldiers + 10 each complete the hiring of other super­ or the balance of villains escape. A.I.M. soldiers escape -10 each powered villains and mercenaries to sup­ Captured A.I.M. soldiers refuse to discuss A.I.M. scientists escape -20 each portthe base. At the time that the heroes their mission or plans, but there is sufficient Each hero defeated -20 each arrive, the Super-Adaptoid has assumed evidence at the base (in the computers, Interdimensional the appearance of a regular A.I.M. guard office paperwork, and personal notes and machinery damaged -20 (complete with concussion pistol and Gatl­ records)to convictthem of numerous crimes Krubb escapes -25 ing laser). It takes on the appearance of (including the assault on the Roxxon Corpo­ Each hero taken hostage -35 heroes in the group when it finds the best . ration warehouse in Chapter 1) and conspir­ Super-Adaptoid escapes -50 time to do so (Judge's option). The Super­ acy to overthrow the government of the PC hero from divergent -Half of Adaptoid retains the templates it gathered United States. The crimes that A.I.M. has Earth comes to all Karma in Chapter 1 from the player characters. If committed in Victor's universe must go mainline Earth from that hero it had previously been captured, it is unpunished, as no treaties or laws exist to Any foe slain -All assumed to have escaped and made its convict them on these charges. As far as way back to A.I.M. since then. world law goes, no other alternate or diver-



Reason: Typical Background and personality: The Super­ Intuition : Typical Adaptoid was built by A.I.M. as a secret Non-Player Psyche: Typical weapon, and was originally ordered to find and destroy Captain America. It has battled him and 150 (see below) Character Roster Health: the Avengers on several occasions. The Super­ 18 Karma: Adaptoid also appears in Chapter 8. The Super­ The following compendium of heroes and vil­ Resources: Feeble Adaptoid has no personality, to speak of. lains lists those which should not be used by the Popularity: 4 players as characters in this adventure. A few Known Powers: CHAPTER 3 minor exceptions could be made (for the NPC Wasp in Chapter 8, for example), but for the ADAPTATION: The Super-Adaptoid can imitate SWORDSMANTlI most part,these should be directly controlled by the Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, • Real name unknown the Judge. powers, and weapons of up to five characters or International criminal These heroes are not listed in alphabetic creatures (humans, aliens, or robots) at one Divergent Earth villain order, as in previous modules. Instead, they are time. It cannot duplicate mental powers that generally given in of their appearance have no physical manifestation. The Super­ Fighting: Remarkable in this campaign adventure, save for a few, who Adaptoid's Health is always ISO, regardless of Agility: Good have been located with other important heroes what its current abilities are. Any creature that Strength: Good or villains. Those characters originating from passes through the area the Super-Adaptoid is Endurance: Excellent the divergent Earth of the hero Victor are occupying can be duplicated. Its visual sensors Reason: Typical labeled as such to avoid confusion with mainline analyze and record all of that person's powers. Intuition: Typical MARVEL UNIVERSE characters. It can keep a record of a person for up to two Psyche: Typical years. The terms " +CS" and "-CS" are used in the If it is imitating only one person, the Super­ Health: 70 text when discussing column shifts to the left (-) Adaptoid becomes an exact duplicate, includ­ Karma: 18 and the right ( +). A column shift from Amazing ing clothing and personal items. If it is Resources: Amazing (backed by A.I.M. to Monstrous is a + 1 CS, while one from combining several people, it imitates bits and and Mephisto) Remarkable to Good is a -2CS. pieces from each person's appearance. How­ Popularity: -5 ever, the android's takes on a greenish Ta lents: The Swordsman is the world's greatest CHAPTER 1 color when it duplicates more than one being at master of bladed weapons. He shifts one once. column to the right when using any hand-held SUPER-ADAPTOIDTlI Each of the abilities it duplicates is equal to bladed weapon in combat, and shifts two A.I.M. criminal android .the highest rank in that ability possessed by any columns to the right if using any form of sword. Mainline MARVEL UNIVERSE'" villain of the beings it is duplicating. It makes func­ He is also well versed in the martial arts. tional duplicates of any pertinentobjects, such Fighting: Typical as Captain America's , Hawkeye's bow, or EquipmentJPossessions: Swordsman has a Agility: Typical Iron Man's armor. It can copy anything up to and special sword, a unique weapon which utilizes Strength: Typical including Monstrous materials. Makluan technology, made from a material of Endurance: Typical Monstrous strength. By pressing a button in the

21 sword's hilt, he can produce a variety of effects: AT TUMA'" Health: 36 energy beam, disintegrator, flame, lightning, Barbarian ruler of Atlantis Karma: 22 gas. All of the attack forms do Remarkable dam­ Criminal and would-be conqueror Resources: Excellent (A .I.M. backed) age except for the gas. Any character who Divergent Earth villain Popularity: -2 breathes the gas must make a yellow Endur­ Known Powers: ance FEAT roll or fall unconscious for an hour. Fighting: Remarkable The range of the sword's distance weapons is Agility: Good BODY ARMOR: Klaw makes use of a sound four areas; the gas can only be sprayed within Strength: Monstrous generator that can project a force-field-like bar­ the area the Swordsman occupies. Endurance: Amazing rier of Incredible armor, good against all physi­ Reason: Typical Background: A long-time criminal with an cal attacks and of Monstrous protection against Intuition: Poor extensive international record, the Swordsman sonic attacks. Energy and light are not stopped Psyche: Good fought a number of super heroes, primarily by this barrier, which can encompass the area in which Klaw stands, and neither are those in the Defenders. While working under­ Health: 165 temperature-based attacks. Klaw may direct cover for the inside the Defenders, he Karma: 20 attacks through the barrier. fell in love with the Scarlet Witch, but he was dis­ Resources: Excellent (A .I.M. backed) covered and forced to flee. At a later time, he Popularity: -8 ran afoul of Victor while committing a robbery in SOUND OBJECTS: Klaw can create objects Known Powers: a country bordering Latveria. Victor's unforgiv­ and creatures made of coherent sound energy. These objects appear next to Klaw in his area, ing pursuit and treatment of the Swordsman DENSE FLESH: Attuma's flesh gives him Good but can then move to any other area. They are embittered him toward that particular super­ Body Armor against all physical attacks and controlled by Klaw, but he must be able to see powered hero; though he increasingly regrets Excellent resistance to cold. This enables him to them to exercise this control. He frequently his life of crime, the Swordsman has never lost withstand the great pressures of the ocean makes animals or large creatures, each having his hatred of Victor, and he repeatedly seeks to depths where he lives. attack and destroy whatever the monarch con­ the equivalent of Good Body Armor and the fol­ siders valuable. EXTRAORDINARY VISION: Attuma's viSion is lowing abilities: very sensitive to green and blue, and he has The Swordsman never met MANTIS", as he FAS E RI P Remarkable underwater vision. did in the mainline MARVEL UN IVERSE, and TV TV RM RM FE FE FE has continued in criminal activities. He left the SWIMMING SPEED: Attuma can swim under­ Health: 72 Karma: 6 Defenders alone for the most part, acting on his at Remarkable speed. own or in concert with other villains against Vic­ SOUND CONVERTER: This prosthetic device WAT ER BREATHER: If he is out of the water for tor. A year ago, the Swordsman made a foolish converts sound waves for Klaw's use, allowing bargain with Mephisto to gain more power if the more than 10 minutes (about 40 rounds), him to project Incredible blasts of energy. He Swordsman Attuma begins to suffocate. Outof the water, his could get a chance to defeat Victor. can emit a sonic blast that has the power to Strength is only Incredible, and his Health is Despite his increased wealth, Mephisto's influ­ deafen everyone within 10 areas of him. Each ence frightens and depresses the Swordsman. reduced to 130. Alluma may wear a water-filled victim must make a red Endurance FEAT roll to He does not see himself as truly evil, and he suit for short periods of time to get around this lose only partial hearing. All victims regain their desperately wants to be free of Mephisto's weakness. hearing after one day. power. WEAPON: Attuma usually fights with a 50-lb. The Swordsman's main goal is to kidnap Va le­ Background and personality: Ulysses Klaw sword in one hand; the weapon is usually of ria (also known as Va lor) and turn her over to was a physicist who worked on methods of turn­ Amazing material strength. A.I.M., in the hopes that this may distract Victor ing sound into matter. He found that he needed from his attack on Mephisto. (The attempt, even Background and personality: All uma grew up a large quantity of for his experi­ if the Swordsman succeeds in capturing Valor, to become the ruler of the barbarian Atlantean ments, and so armed himself with a sonic is doomed to fa il; it will enrage Victor further.) tribes, and he eventually conquered Atlantis by blaster and attempted to obtain it illegally, but force, fulfilling a prophesy he discovered as a was thwarted by the BLACK PANTHER'" and Personality: Though the Swordsman is a young adult. When the Skrulls came to Earth, Victor. His captivity prevented him from using wanted man, he has always sought the sense of Attuma joined forces with them (like the Sub­ his vibranium-produced sound converter to give noble purpose that he found in his life while Mariner of his world) when he came to believe himself super-powers, but he has since armed briefly working for the Defenders. He cares that the humans were a threat to all Atlanteans. himself with increasingly more powerful sound greatly for the Defenders, particularly for Cap­ The rivalry between Attuma and Namor (who converters, which he wears as prosthetic tain America and Scarlet Witch, and aVOids seri­ believes he should have been ruler) is strong, devices on his right arm (his hand having been ously harming any Defender if at all possible. He and the alliance between them is uneasy, but destroyed in a fight with the Black Panther). dislikes S.H.I.E.L.D., which has been almost as their hatred of humanity binds them together. Klaw is consumed with the desire to avenge his vengeful as Victor in its pursuit of him. The Attuma is a forceful, dictatorial, and brutal disfigurement on both the Black Panther (cur­ Swordsman avoids confrontations with Hawk­ warrior who is not known for wise planning. He rently captured by A.I.M. and out of reach) and eye whenever possible, as he once attempted has long fought the Defenders of his world and Victor (whom he hates more, since both have to murder the youthful CLINT BARTON" when is considered a major threat to international clashed in Europe on numerous occasions). the latter discovered the Swordsman commit­ commerce and peace, as is his partner, Namor. Klaw is vengeful, unpleasant, and slightly mad. ting a crime. Worse yet, Hawkeye's love, Both were approached by A.I.M. and promised MOCKINGBIRD"', was recently injured in an rulership of their world if they assisted with the WASP'" A.I.M. raid that the Swordsman directed. The attacks on the Defenders and S.H.I.E.L.D. - a Janet Pym Swordsman had not meant for this to occur, but promise that A.I.M. has no intentions of keep­ Retired Defenders East crimefighter he knows Hawkeye would never believe him. ing. Divergent Earth hero

SUB-MARINER'" KLAW"" Fighting: Typical Namor, former ruler of Atlantis Ulysses Klaw Agility: Good Criminal and WOUld-be conqueror International criminal and scientist Strength: Typical Divergent Earth villain Divergent Earth villain Endurance: Typical Reason: Excellent The NPC Namor is exactly identical in Fighting: Good Intuition: Good appearance and super-powers to the PC Agility: Good Psyche: Poor Namor. Most of the relevant facts concerning Strength: Typical this world's Namor have been covered else­ Health: 28 Endurance: Good where in this adventure. This NPC Namor is Karma: 34 Reason: Good thoroughly evil and fights humanity at all turns. Resources: Excellent Intuition: Typical See the description of Attuma, below, and Popularity: o Psyche: Typical Chapter 3.

22 with other super-powered characters, until she he once again donned the costume of Captain was expelled from the Defenders following an America and was soon joined by the new Bucky, incident in which she took part in a major fi ght Rick Jones. In the mid-1 960s, as part of the suc­ against villains while drunk. Her actions endan­ cessful rebellion against the Skrulls, Mace and gered the lives of her fellows, and she resigned several other heroes formed the NEW INVA­ rather than face a court-martial. She kept her DERS'" to attack remaining pockets of Skrull married name. resistance left on Earth. He married Since that time, Janet has virtually disap­ S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Sharon Carter, and the two peared from view. She has made little use of her have had a happy and adventurous marriage. super powers, and only the A.I.M. assault on Jeffrey Mace's youth treatment delayed the New Yo rk City has brought her out of her onset of the cancer that killed him in the main­ depression and lethargy. line MARVEL UNIVERSE'" in the late 1970s, but the treatments did not stop the illness. Jef­ Personality: Janet Pym pretended to be a frey Mace retired from crime fighting in the late dumb female, fitting the stereotypical image 1970s, secretly transferring Cap's identity to others had of her. She has maintained that Jack Monroe (see below). When Jack was cap­ image since her departure from the Defenders tured several weeks ago by A.I.M. forces, Jef­ to hide her true feelings of loss and worthless­ frey Mace took up Cap's role to prevent anyone ness. The Wasp has a poor self image and des­ from learning of the kidnapping. He is severely perately wants to be accepted again, though weakened by his cancer and easily exhausted, she fears no one takes her seriously. Janet and he is in pain nearly all of the time. He has attaches herself to anyone who shows an inter­ left Sharon to find and free the Defenders from est in her, pouring out her problems and looking A.I.M. for support (but not pity). If treated badly, the NPC Wasp leaves and is never seen again. Personality: Jeffrey Mace, though tortured by his poor physical health, is still the dedicated, CHAPTER 4 determined, even-tempered fighter he has always been. He does his best to cover up the CAPTAIN AMERICA'" extent of his illness, and desperately hopes to Jeffrey Mace rescue the captured Defenders from A.I.M.'s Retired crimefighter grasp. Knowing that his cancer is incurable, Jef­ Divergent Earth hero frey Mace will sacrifice himself without question to accomplish his mission. Fighting: Excellent Agility: Typical Strength: Typical Endurance: Poor Reason: Good Intuition: Good Psyche: Typical Known Powers: Health: 36 SHRINKING: The Wasp has Incredible shrink­ Karma: 36 ing powers. She can reduce her body to '/2*in Resources: Feeble height. Popularity: 80(95 with U.S. government) FLIGHT: When she reaches '/2*in height, a pair Known Powers: of wings unfolds from her back. She uses these to fly with Goodspeed when only '12* high, and Ta lents: Jeffrey Mace is skilled in journalism, she can lift 200 Ibs. with her arms while wasp­ martial arts, and , as well as in matters sized, but her wings can only carry about '/2 covered by the military skill. He can throw the ounce of weight. She may grow to four feet in Captain America shield with a + 1 CS in Agility, • height and still retain her wings. though he does not now have the shield (which is with Jack Monroe). WA SP STING: She has a wrist weapon on each arm that shoots a beam of bio-electric energy. Background: Jeffrey Mace was a reporter for These beams do Remarkable damage to any­ the New Yo rk Daily Bugle until he left his career one or anything in a one-area range. at the start of World War II to battle crime as the costumed hero "'. When the INVA­ INSECT COMMUNICAT ION/CONTROL: The DERS'" (including the original Captain America, Wasp has Typical skill in communicating with Steve Rogers) were captured and brainwashed and controlling insects. She seldom uses this by the '" , Patriot joined other super power. heroes to form the LIBERTY "', seven Background: When Henry Pym discovered the homefront heroes who rescued the Invaders "Pym particle" that enabled people to change and fought Nazi saboteurs and spies in the their body size, she joined him to use the power United States. After the war, Patriot and other for good causes. After avenging the murder of heroes formed the ALL WINNERS SQUAD'" . her father, Henry and Janet fought crime until When the original Cap vanished after the war, the Skrull invasion. At this time, Wasp, Henry WILLIAM NASLAND (SPIRIT OF '76"') became Pym (as Ant Man), and other heroes formed the Cap II. Nasland was later slain by the android Defenders to resist the Skrulls. ADAM II"', and Jeffrey Mace became the new However, when Henry Pym retired from active Captain America. He retired his role in 1950 to adventuring to devote his life to full-time return to reporting. research, Janet found herself increasingly lost Following the Skrull invasion in the early within her husband's shadow. As Henry 1960s, Jeffrey Mace returned to his role as the became more successful and involved in his Patriot, fighting Skrull occupation forces with a work, Janet, who had never been taken seri­ fledging hero-group, the Defenders. Hampered ously by many Defenders, suffered from a deep by his aging body, he contacted Henry Pym and CAPTAIN AMERICA'" sense of inferiority and depression. She was given a special formula and treatment that (JEFFREY MACE"') became an alcoholic and had several affairs restored his youthful vitality. Shortly afterwards,

23 SUPER SKRULL'" grab projections such as flag polesto swing on. cosmic-radiation bombardment, and carefully Altered Skrull warrior engineered by biochemists and genetics experts. OPTIC BLASTS: His eyes have been modified Leader of Skrulls on Earth As a res ult, he gained the major powers of the to allow him to fire blasts of Excellent-d amage < Divergent Earth villain original X-Men and became their greatest foe . green energy at all targets in any one area adja­ When the X-Men were absorbed into the cent to him . This optic blast is fully under the Fighting: Amazing Defenders and the Skrulls were driven off Earth, Super Skrull's control , so he can turn it offat will. Agility : Amazing the Super Skrull vowed to retake the planet for If focussed through thick quartz lenses, the Strength: Monstrous his people, and has since fought all of the Super Skrult's blasts can do Amazing damage Endurance: Unearthly Defenders at one time or another. to any target within a three-area range. He can Reason: Excellent Nonetheless, the Skru lls on Earth were make called shots in this manner. Intuition: Poor doomed. down by Victor's robotic forces Psyche: Typical ICE GEN ERATION: His hands have been (armed with the infallible Skrull detectors) and altered so that they may fire shards of super­ by vengeful humans, the last few dozen Skrulls Health: 275 hard ice (Remarkable strength) at a range of two came under Super Skrull's leadership and hid Karma: 30 areas. This attack causes Excellent damage to beneath the Earth in caverns. When A.I.M. Resources: Excellent (A . I . M . cked) ba all targets in the target area. The Super Skrull arrived, they discovered the Skrull forces by Popularity: -1 5 may also create Remarkable-strength shields accide nt and offered them a chance for Known Powers: The Super Skrull of this diver­ and weapons from this hard ice by drawing revenge. The Skrulls hesitantly took it, uncer­ gent world was g ranted powers copied from the moisture out of the air around him. These ice tain about A.I.M.'s motives, and they treacher­ original X-Men", rather than from the (non­ creations last for 5 turns, plus and additional 1- ously plan to seize control of A.I.M. and destroy existent) Fantastic Four as in the mainline 10 turns before melting (variable depends upon it as well in time. The Super Skrull hates human­ MARVEL UNIVERSE. ambient local temperature). The Super Skrull ity with a passion, and wants nothing more than has Amazing resistance to cold. to slay as many human heroes as he can; A.I.M. SKRULL SHAPE·CHANGING: The Super is merely a means to this end. Skrull possesses all of his race's abilities to alter TELEKINESIS: The Super Skrull has the power appearance, as noted in the section on the to levitate objects of up to one ton in weight SKRULLS™ Skrulls. (Remarkable FEAT roll required to lift; roll Alien race ted if object weighs under half a ton). This nega Divergent Earth villains FLIGHT: The Super Skrull has a large pair of power has a range of eight areas, and only leatheryw ings, with which he can fly up to six ar­ works on ine-of si t j t . L ng b n s can l - gh ob ec s ivi ei g Typical Skrull Warrior eas per turn. He can lift up to 400 Ibs. in flight , be lifted with this power, though he cannot make and his silent glide into an attack gives him an things travel at speeds faster than one area per FAS E RI P Intuition of Amazing in such situations. turn due to the intense concentration required. GD TY TY TY GD TY TY

ACROBATICS: The Super Skrull was ahered so Background and personality: The Super Skrull Health: 28 Karma: 22 that his feet could be used as hands, and he can was designed to fight the early X-Men, who were Known Powers: achieve speeds of up to four areas perturn if run­ seen as a powerfu l to Skrull domination ninlJon all fours. can c He climb any rough surfa e of Earth in the 1960s. A powerfulwarrior from the SHAPE-CHANGE: Skrulls are able to alter their at his normal movement rate, and can fall up to Skrull armies was selected, subjected to intense form at will, enlarging themselves up to 1 'h. times at a time without injury, so long as he 100' can their normal size. They can take the shapes of humans, humanoids, animals, fantasy creatures, and various super heroes and villains. They gain no special powersfrom shape-changing , but they may acquire teeth and claws to inflict Hack-&­ Slash damage .

Note: Though found in both the mainline MARVEL UNIVERSE'" and in the divergent Earth presented here, this section refers only to those Skrulls found in the divergent Earth. Those from the mainline universe have a differ­ ent historical background.

Background and personality: Skrulls are among the most devious races in the universe, masters of deception , subterfuge, and power. At one time, they had a military empire in the Andromeda galaxy with outposts in our Milky Way . They fought the in a million-year war without a conclusive end (until recently). They successfully invaded Earth but were driven out by a combined fo rce of the Defenders, Victor's robot armies, S.H.I.E.L.D., Galactus, and the Sil­ ver Surfer. In time, Galactus was led to the Skrull Throne­ world by the Silver Surferand other heroes, and he consumed it. The great empire went to pieces, with every Skrull governor declaring himself Emperor and fighting all other "pre­ tenders." The Skrull has crippled the empire beyond recovery, and the Kree have quickly stepped in to and dominate those Skrulls who remain. Skrulls have a spe­ cial hatred for Earth people, especially those heroes who fought against them in the past. The greatest sy mbo ls of hatred, fear, and dread SUPER SKRULL'" among them are Galactus and Spider-Man; AND SKRULLS many Skrulls believe that the latter still lives.

24 CHAPTER 5 contacts within all major hero groups and all Excellent levels since he rarely uses it. He can Western governments. Many associates of his make himself as small as 3' tall. NICK FURY'" in S.H.I.E.L.D. are men who fought beside him INSECT /CONTROL: Henry Executive director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Wo rld War II. Though he may be the most Pym can communicate with and control insects, Divergent Earth hero powerful and influential man on Earth, he does usually ants, with Typical power, but rarely does not relish this position. His battle to keep so. Fighting: Excellent S.H.I.E.L.D. honest and to maintain the serv­ Agility: Excellent ice's integrity have come close to destroying Ta lents: Henry Pym is a biochemist of Incredi­ Strength: Good him and have almost eclipsed the battles he ble skill, and possesses Incredible knowledge Endurance: Excellent waged against the legions of HYDRA that of , , electronics, bioengineer­ Reason: Excellent appeared after Earth won its independence. ing, medicine, and mechanics. His Reason is Intuition: Excellent At present, Nick Fury is directing operations also Incredible when inventing. Psyche: Good against the invading A.I.M. forces. He does Background and personality: what he can to cooperate with those heroic Henry Pym dis­ Health: 70 covered the "Pym particle," which allowed any­ forces from what's left of the Defenders and Karma: 50 other groups. one who breathed it to control his size. He and Resources: Amazing Janet Van Dyne used this gas to become super­ Popularity: 75 Personality: Nick Fury is much like he is in the small crimefighters. Henry eventually retired his mainline MARVEL UNIVERSE, though he has identity as Ant-Man during the Skrull invasion to Equipment/Possessions: Nick Fury has less patience, seems more irritable and bad become a full-time research scientist for the access to all S.H.I.E.L.D. equipment and weap­ tempered, and is even more cynical. He can be hard-pressed Defenders. He rediscovered the ons, as well as those of many Western govern­ abrasive and make rude, biting remarks to lost Super-SOldier formula, granted aging ments. His personal weapon is a . 15-caliber those who don't please him. heroes new youth,found a cure for the Inhu­ needle gun with a four-area range; it does Good mans' susceptibility to pollution, built many damage. The weapon has a 300-round ammo HENRY PYM'" robot guardians, and revived the Human To rch clip. Defenders East research scientist from years of "death." Ta lents: Nick Fury is trained as a paratrooper, Divergent Earth hero Henry and Janet were divorced after several ranger, demolitions expert (including underwa­ years of marriage (see description of divergent­ ter aspects of this skill), and aerospace pilot. He Fighting: Typical Earth Wasp). He has continued to serve as a can operate any vehicle made on Earth, includ­ Agility: Typical cornerstone for the Defenders with his intense ing all spacecraft. Fury is also knowledgeable in Strength: Typical focus on invention, and he has become interna­ law and law enforcement, , history, Endurance: Good tionally famous and quite wealthy. military matters, and first aid . He is a master of Reason: Remarkable Henry Pym is a pleasant, serious scientist martial arts and wrestling, and is a famed Intuition: Good who appears preoccupied with some problem or marksman and weapons master. He regularly Psyche: Typical another. He is usually tense because of pres­ works out with the better fighters within sures from his work, but he enjoys his life and Health: 70 Defenders East. the prestige he has received. Hank has mixed Karma: 36 feelings about his ex-wife Janet, and wonders Background: Nick Fury's father was a pilot, Resources: Incredible where things went wrong with her. killed in . Nick grew up in New Yo rk's Popularity: 65 Henry Pym is included here in case the PC Hell's Kitchen, and he enlisted in the Army as Known Powers: heroes wish to meet with him. His assistance America entered Wo rld War II. In short order, the varies with the Judge's discretion, but material youthful Fury was made a sergeant in charge of SHRINKING: Henry Pym can shrink at will, due help might be hard to obtain. an elite fighting team known as the HOWLING to his constant exposure to the shrinking gas he COMMANDOS"' . The team saw a great deal of developed in the past. This talent has faded to action in Europe, and afterwards Nick remained on active duty through the Korean War. He served as a spy in French Indochina in the 1950s, and was soon promoted to Colonel and worked with the C.I.A. With the invasion of the Skrulls, Nick Fury was given the directorship of a newly formed international espionage/paramilitary organiza­ tion called S.H.I.E.L.D. (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Divi­ sion). He was charged with establishing an underground network of spies, saboteurs, and resistance fighters to throw off the Skrull yoke, and he also servedas a government liaison with fledgling hero groups like the Defenders and New Invaders. With the destruction of the Skrull fleet in the Solar System by Galactus in the mid-1960s, Fury found himself in charge of an agency whose powersdwarfed that of any national gov­ ernment. Though S.H.I.E.L.D.'s powers have eroded somewhat with time, it still retains final say over much of what the American and West­ ern governments do - a status that many gov­ ernments, including that of the U.S.A., have come to resent. Many of S.H .I.E.L.D.'s opera­ tions have fallen into question, and it has been feared that its covert operations, though they have saved the world countless times, have also been responsible for numerous evil deeds. Nick Fury is a close friend of a number of upper-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Defenders, particularly Jeffrey Mace. He has uncounted NICK FURY'" HENRY PYM"'

25 CAPTAIN AMERICA'" Jack Monroe New Invaders crimefighter Divergent Earth hero

Fighting: Remarkable Agility: Remarkable Strength: Good Endurance: Remarkable Reason: Typical Intuition: Good Psyche: Typical

Health: 100 Karma: 22 Resources: Good Popularity: 80

Known Powers:

SHIELD: Jack Monroe carries a circular shield that is in many respects like the one Steve Rog­ ers possesses. The shield is made from Unearthly strength adamantite (produced by S.H.I.E.L.D. itself) and can absorb Amazing damage each round it is used defensively, though Jack cannot attack and defend in the same round. Jack can be slammed and stunned HERCULES" while using the shield. Jack Monroe's training with the shield allows him to hurl it as a weapon with Incredible agility, and the shield does Incredible damage to any­ one it strikes. He cannot do trick shots with it as yet.

Background and personality: Jack Monroe was once a crimefighter in the early 195Os, taking the CAPTAIN AMERICA'" role of Bucky to the fourth Captain America, a (JACK MONROE") SCARLET WITCH'" man who had government backing to emulate Cap during the Korean War. The war ended before he could appear in his role, however, and tain America uniform, he may attempt to make a RESISTA NCE TO FIRE: Hercules has Excellent the man, obsessed with Cap's heroic legend , yellow Reason FEAT every turn; success indi­ resistance to heat and fire. went ahead with his plan to become the new Cap cates that he has snapped out of his brainwash­ after meeting with Jack, who was at a boy's Ta lents: Hercules is an Olympian champion ing, and he may join the good guys (though he school. The new Cap abandoned his teaching wrestler, receiving a + 1CS for FEAT rolls in may still be confused about the identity of the career, and the two fought Communist agents in wrestling. other Captain America). America. Both the new Cap and Jack (as Bucky) Though at times he feels inadequate in his Equipment/Possessions: Hercules possesses had injected themselves with the rediscovered role of Captain America, Jack Monroe has dedi­ a golden mace, a Unique Weapon forged from Super-Soldier formula, which was unstable with­ cated himself to being a champion of liberty, jus­ enchanted (Class 1000 material out the use of "Vita-Ray" treatments. Their men­ tice, and freedom. He is considerably more strength). Hercules gets one column shift to the tal stab ility damaged, the two began attacking gung-ho and less forgiving than Mace, and he right when using the mace in combat. those they only suspected were Communists, still dislikes Communists greatly. However, he is until the government had them captured and • Background and personality: The legends of learning to moderate his feelings. placed in suspended animation. Hercules are widely known to anyone who is The two were rediscovered by agents of HERCULES'" familiar with Greek mythology. The son of HYDRA, and were reanimated and used as part '" , ruler of Olympus, Hercules is known as Olympian god; immortal of a plot against the Defenders and S.H.I.E.L.D. the best fighter and wrestler ever to walk the Defenders West crimefighter Cap IV was slain in the conflict, but Jack Monroe earth. Recently he came to this century and Divergent Earth hero was cured of his insanity by S.H.I.E.L.D. and fought many foes alongside the Defenders and eventually became the hero Patriot, an identity other heroes. . Fighting: Unearthly granted him by Jeffrey Mace. Hercules joined Defenders West, liking the Agility: Excellent When Jeffrey Mace's cancer began to mani­ Californian attitudes about life and love more Strength: Unearthly fest itself in the late 1970s, Jack Monroe was than the burdensome East-Coast work ethic. Endurance: Unearthly secretly given Cap's identity by Mace, so that However, he has always pulled his share of Reason: Good Cap's performance as a crimefighter would not weight in any team and thrives on doing good Intuition: Good be diminished. Jack undertook extensive train­ and mighty deeds. Hercules was captured and Psyche: Remarkable ing in hand-ta-hand fighting from Mace and Nick brainwashed by A.I.M. several weeks ago, and Fury, who was the only other man to know of the Health: 320 is now used to defend a major base with several transfer in identity. Monroe was given the Cap­ Karma: 50 other captured heroes. If in combat with a fellow tain America shield constructed by S.H .I.E.L.D. Resources: Typical Defender, Hercules may make a yellow Reason for Mace, and for a time he worked with Bucky Popularity: 70 FEAT once every two turns to see if the brain­ (Rick Jones) until the latter became the new washing wears off; if so, he joins the good guys Known Powers: Patriot (and later Nomad). . and attacks those who have imprisoned him Monroe was captured by A.I.M. agents sev­ DENSE FLESH: Hercules's skin is very difficult and stolen his free will. eral weeks ago, shortly after they invaded his to hurt or penetrate, providing him with Excel­ Hercules speaks with a Shakespearean fla­ divergent universe. He has been brainwashed lent protection from damage. vor and has a casual, swaggering confidence in and is currently guarding an A.I.M. base with his abilities as a fighter. He is chivalrous and fair, LEAPING: He can make Amazing leaps; this is several other captured heroes. If he is forced to even to his enemies, but is a terrible opponent. his primary method of movement. fight with someone else who is wearing the Cap-

26 SCARLET WITCH'" HULK'" Hulk has no mind of his own and acts like a Wa nda Maximoff formerly Robert Bruce Banner robot. If the band around his head is damaged Defenders East crimefighter International menace (Excellent strength material, called shot Divergent Earth hero Divergent Earth villain required), he becomes enraged and attacks everything and everyone within reach. He won't F:ighting: Good Fighting: snap out of this state. Agility: Good Agility: Strength: Typical Strength: MAD THINKER'" Endurance: Excellent Endurance: Real name unknown Reason: Good Reason: Criminal scientist Intuition: Excellent Intuition: Divergent Earth villain Psyche: Remarkable Psyche: Fighting: Typical Health: 285 Health: 46 Agility: Typical Karma: 6 Karma: 60 Strength: Typical Resources: Feeble Resources: Good Endurance: Typical Popularity: -1 5 Popularity: 30 Reason: Amazing Known Powers: Known Powers: Intuition: Typical Psyche: Typical ALTERING PROBABILITY FIELDS: The Scar­ DENSE FLESH: The Hulk's tough, massive let Witch has the nonmagical power to alter body gives him Monstrous protection from phys­ Health: 24 probability fields, which requires a green ical attacks and Amazing protection from Karma: 62 Psyche FEAT roll. After the first use of the day, energy attacks. Resources: Remarkable Popularity: 7 each successive use requires an additional LEAPING: The Hulk has an Unearthly ability to (and cumulative) -1 CS. Anything she causes to leap. He always tries for the second leap for Known Powers: happen (or not happen) must be related to alter­ double normal distance. He uses this power pri­ COMPUTER BRAIN: The Mad Thinker is good ing the probability of something that is possible, marily for getting from place to place. Occasion­ at organizing information, but he is almost however unlikely. She cannot create objects out ally it is used as a combat maneuver. of thin air, but she could cause existing objects incapable of developing original ideas. Most of to suddenly collapse for no reason. This use of Background and personality: Robert Bruce his plots and inventions are based entirely on her power frequently catches victims and Banner was a physicist who developed the other people's ideas. He is able to calculate the onlookers by surprise. If she is using her power gamma bomb for the American military. At the probability of any event happening, but is pre­ to affect materials that do not occur in nature, bomb's test firing in New Mexico in the early vented from having perfect knowledge of the she shiftstwo columns to the left on her Psyche 1960s, Dr. Banner tried to save a teenager who future by the x-factor - variables that are FEAT roll (i n addition to the total shift for had driven onto the test site. The teenager, Rick unknown or cannot be calculated. Super heroes repeated uses in one day). Natural materials Jones, escaped harm, but Dr. Banner was have an x-factor in their actions and behavior, include fire, water, earth, air, wood, organic caught in the weapon's burst and became the which is why he has trouble working against items, and certain metals. Unnatural materials green-skinned titan known as the HUlk. For them. His schemes are completely planned in are plastic, strange alloys, artificial energies, years, the Hulk was pursued by the American advance, but the x-factor usually his plans. and so forth. Her power has a two-area range. armed forces, the invading Skrulls, and virtually every super-hero figure on Earth as he roamed WEAPONS: The Mad Thinker has many weap­ Ta lents: Scarlet Witch has made a thorough the planet, leaving massive destruction behind ons and androids, but they are all based on pre­ study of the occult and , giving her him in his wake. viously used ideas that he has combined to Excellent reason regarding them. During this time, the Hulk's only friends were make more effective. His androids are armed Background and personality: The Scarlet Rick Jones, , and a small handful of with blasters having Incredible power over a Witch was born with the ability to use her power, others who sought to help Dr. Banner and his three-area range, and have powers and abilities but she has also trained to improve her skill. alter-ego. However, the Hulk's enemies had �f up to Incredible rank, but their Reason, Intui­ Early in her career she and her brother were multiplied greatly. When he finally tried to see tion, and Psyche rarely exceed Typical. The members of 's Brotherhood of Evil his cousin Jennifer Walters, a California lawyer androids' stats are: and childhood friend , he was attacked by Skrull Mutants. After that group was defeated and F A S E R I P agents just as Jennifer was attacked by gang- • Magneto slain by Skrulls, she and her brother RM EX EX RM PR FE FE Quicksilver were taken in by the Defenders. She sters she had angered in her work. Despite Dr. is unaware that the evil Magneto was really her Banner's efforts to save her, Jennifer died - Health: 100 Karma: 8 father. Scarlet Witch met and married the and with her died Bruce Banner's fight to live. �ADlO LINK: The Mad Thinker has a surgically Human To rch, an arrangement that did not Exhausted and driven beyond his ability to Implanted radio link to his laboratory. He can please her domineering older brother (for which cope with his dual existence, Dr. Banner use his facilities through this means from up to he was expelled for a time from the Defenders). attempted to kill himself by exposing himself to 250 miles away, even while in prison. Scarlet Witch was kidnapped by A. I.M. forces quantities of radiation that should have been and was brainwashed to obey them, though this lethal to him, even in Hulk form. The attempt Background and personality: Most of the Mad backfired and only served to make the Hulk mind-control shows signs of slipping. If she Thinker's history is unknown. He began his makes a yellow Psyche FEAT roll in combat or if even stronger than before. Wo rse yet, the radia­ criminal career by trying to control various confronted by the Human To rch or her brother tion gene-locked his cellular structure. Dr. Ban­ gangs in New Yo rk. He soon stopped using nor­ Quicksilver, she is freed from the brainwashing. ner's personality vanished forever, leaving mal accomplices, since he considers himself She may roll once every other turn. behind a mindless creature who acted out of sheer, undiluted rage. resourceful enough to operate without them. The Scarlet Witch is friendly but reserved, Though he has worked with the PUPPET MAS­ and relies heavily on intuitive insights. She is The Hulk's subsequent was TER'" on occasion, he usually prefers to work very emotional, unlike her husband, but the two stopped only by the efforts of virtually every alone. It is not known if he has any living family. of them get along well together. Though her hero in the Defenders East and West, including The Mad Thinker is arrogant, conceited, cold, brother's interference has upset her greatly, she other hero groups such as the New Invaders. With the help of DOCTOR STRANGE"' , the Hulk calculating, distant, and power-mad. His lack of is still a basically optimistic person. The discov­ friends is hardly surprising, and he has few ery that Magneto was her father would upset her was placed into an extradimensional prison, allies. gravely, but it would take a lot of convincing for ·where he remained for years until A.I.M. sol- her to believe that such a thing was possible to diers and scientists raided the facility that main­ begin with. tained the prison's existence. A.I.M. carefully released the Hulk and succeeded in plaCing a mind-control ring around his head, so he would obey simple commands sent to him by his mas­ ters (attaCk, ki ll, run that direction, etc.). The

27 Incredible power.

ARMOR MODIFICAT IONS: Victor has been known to alter his armored suit to add additional offensive, defensive, and sensoryand detection equipment. These devices vary widely in power and effect, as per the Judge's plans and whim.

MAGIC: Victor has steadily pursued his knowl­ edge of occult and other-worldly powers, and he has become very proficient at manipulating magical forces in anticipation of his planned assault on Mephisto. He can use universal ener­ gies to create mystic shields and magical bolts of Amazing power. He can detect magical forces within a 10-area range with Monstrous ability. Victor has become proficient with using dimen­ sional energies to combat sendings from Mephisto and other demonic forces over the years as well, but he prefers to save his powers for his attack on the Lord of Evil.

Ta lents: Victor von Doom is a genius who has created a staggering number of devices in his fight against evil and crime, including devices allowing interdimensional travel and entire roboticarmies. His Reason is Monstrous in mat­ ters of physics, robotics, genetic engineering, bionics, and the occult,as well as in many other sciences. He has a Monstrous Reason if invent­ ing things. Victor is skilled in aeronautics and medicine as well (Incredible Reason).

Background: Much of Victor's story has been told elsewhere. Born of Latverian gypsies, Vic­ VA LOR" tor von Doom suffered greatly as a child under the rulership of a pretender who held the Latver­ ian throne. He left his homeland for America VICTORTM Shift X power. The can stop even and , where he con­ Victor von Doom energy attacks based on visible light, such as ducted his fatal experiment trying to contact the Monarch, scientist, crimefighter from laser weapons. No weapons systems can spirit of his dead mother. Changed by the expe­ Divergent Earth hero be engaged while the force field is activated. rience, Victor joined a colony of Tibetian monks The field can cover the entire area in which Vic­ and gained enormous mystical and scientific Fighting: Remarkable tor stands, including all persons within that knowledge. Having been told by his mother's Agility: Excellent area. spirit that he was the rightful ruler of Latveria, Strength: Remarkable FORCE BEAMS: Victor's gauntlets are Victor returned to his country, gained the Endurance: Incredible equipped with miniature particle accelerators. throne, and brought prosperity and freedom to Reason: Amazing These shoot beams of Amazing energy within a his people. He married his childhood sweet­ Intuition: Incredible range of seven areas. heart,Va leria, and appeared to settle down to a Psyche: Amazing life of crime fighting in Europe and abroad. His ELECTRIFIED ARMOR: Victor's armor is capa­ identity as Victor, the super-powered hero, is Health: 120 ble of being electrified, either to prevent anyo[le public knowledge. Karma: 140 from tampering with it or for use as a close­ Castle Doom, Victor's ancestral fortress, has Resources: Amazing quarters attack combined with a punch. The been honeycombed with high-tech devices and Popularity: 80 electrical field generated does Remarkable defenses, as well as numerous sorcerous pro­ Known Powers: damage to living targets (Amazing damage if tections. Almost everyone who works in the cas­ combined with a hard punch) or Amazing dam­ tle is a robot, save for a few associates. Many of Victor's powers derive from his sophis­ age to robotic/computer devices. This attack Personality: Victor von Doom's entire life has ticated suit of nuclear-powered. , computer- can only be used once every 20 rounds. enhanced armor. been shaped by three things: his guilt over Reed FLIGHT: Victor's armor is equipped with a jet­ Richard's death, his desire to eliminate crime ABILITY ENHANCEMENT: Victor's armor pack that allows him to fly at Excellent speed in and evil from the world, and his desire to free his raises the wearer's Fighting by one rank, and the atmosphere. He can carry up to 600 Ibs. of mother's spirit from Mephisto's realm. Though raises Agility, Strength, and Endurance by two additional weight with him in flight. accused by some of wanting to become the ranks each, to the maximum levels shown benevolent governor of Earth, Victor is widely AIR SUPPLY: Victor's armor has an air supply above. Without the golden armor, Victor von known as a great benefactor and champion, a for up to four hours of underwater or vacuum­ Doom's FA SE abilities are: proud and noble man who is beloved of his pe0- environment work. F A S E ple and respected by many worldwide. EX TY GD EX RADIO: Victor's helmet has a multi band radio of There is another side to Victor, however. His Incredible power and range, and a special radio drive to free his mother's spirit has grown into an BODY ARMOR: Victor's suit provides him with link-up via satellite with all of his robotic forces obsession that has overcome his good judg­ Incredible armor against all physical or energy- . worldwide. ment, and his pride and confidence have made based attacks. him arrogant and selfish at times. Of late, Victor AMPLIFIER: Victor's helmet also has a voice has turned all of his attentions toward the com­ FORCE FIELD: Victor's armor can project a amplifier that has an effective range of 10 areas. ing invasion of Mephisto's realm, and he cannot force field of Monstrous strength around him. be swayed from this goal. He considers all other The force field is effective against all physical or SKRULL DETECTOR: Victor invented a brain­ objectives as secondary in this light - even the energy-based attacks, but cannot protect him scanning device that detects the presence of a safety and well-being of Valeria and his allies, from magical or psionic attacks. The force field Skrull precisely within a range of 10 areas, pin­ ­ whom he uses to gain his own ends. grants protection against heat attacks of up to pointing its exact location regardless of its cur rent disguise. This device functions with

28 VALORTN BODY ARMOR: Mephisto's extradimensional power from this belief. Va leria von Doom body provides Amazing protection from al l like many of the other characters in this Latverian crimeflghter attacks save those which are mystical in . divergent universe, this Mephisto is not the Divergent Earth hero same as the one from the mainline MARVEL MYSTIC FORCE BOLTS; Mephisto may fire UNIVERSE, but he is very similar. He has mystic force bolts (Monstrous damage, line-ol­ 'Fighting: Excellent known for years that Victor von Doom was pre­ sight range) from his hands or eyes. Agility: Remarkable paring to attack him; he was at first amused by Strength: Excellent OTHER POWERS: Mephisto has a host of Victor's audacity and was content to let the sci­ Endurance: Remarkable powers (including teleportation, dimensional entist draw himself into his own trap of conceit Reason: Typical travel , levitation, invisibility, matter control, size and pride. Intuition: Typical control of self and others, all at Unearthlylevels Now, however, Mephisto is truly afraid that Psyche: Good of ability). Other powers are available at Mon­ Victor may succeed with the assault on the strous levels, but two powersare denied him: realm of his inferno. Victor's personal magical Health: 100 • Mephisto cannot control the actions of a talents (backed by powerful technological Karma: 32 sentient being without that being's willing devices) could cripple, if not totally destroy, the Resources: Amazing submission; and Lord of Evil. Granted, he would return, but he Popularity: 20 • Mephisto cannot read the minds of sentient would not be able to challenge his for Known Powers: beings. many, many years. In addition, Mephisto's summonings on Earth However, Mephisto has one card left to play. All of Val or's powers are derived from the suit of are merely illusions, against which the viewer Mephisto has subtly gained control of certain powered armor which she wears, which pos­ must make a red Psyche FEAT roll to disbelieve. A.I.M. operations in this universe by having the sesses exactly the same powers as that of Vic­ These illusions are at the Unearthly level and Swordsman suggest attacks against Victor's tor's. can cause damage if the viewer fails to disbe­ love, Va leria (see Chapter 3). If the Swordsman Without the suit, Valeria's FASE scores are as lieve in them. Damage ranges up to the fails and Mephisto is attacked by Doom's follows: Unearthly level, depending on the nature of the forces, or if Mephisto can catch Victor at a weak F . A S E illusion. moment, the demon prince attacks Victor GO GO TV GO directly. BaCkground and personality: Mephisto is the Background and personality : Valeria is a demonic lord of an extradimensional realm who gypsy woman who has loved Victor von Doom preys upon humanity's weaknesses. He can since their childhood. Embittered by the death intercept the astral bodies of humans after of his parents, Victor left her while he went to death and imprison them within his real m, America to State University. Upon his return, though the methods and requirements of this Victor freed Va leria from imprisonment by a imprisonment are unknown. Mephisto draws usurper on the Latverian throne, and married tremendous strength from humanity's belief in her in a state ceremony. him as the personification of evil. Mephisto may After several attempts were made against be defeated and his body destroyed, but he Valeria's life by super-powered villains and ene­ eventually reforms and reappears drawing mies of Victor, Victor made a special suit of armor for his wife and carefully trained her in its use. Va leria slowly gained confidence with her new powers, and she has even assisted Victor on some of his heroic quests (though Victor does not always approve of it). Val eria's identity as the heroine Valor is public knowledge, like her husband Victor's identity. Va leria (in both identities) has often served as a diplomatic liai­ son between Victor and other hero groups like the Defenders and S.H.I.E.l.D., and she tries (with varyingdegrees of success) to soothe bad feelings between them. Va leria does not approve of Victor's use of sorcery, forcing him to hide his true intentions of freeing , his mother from the netherworld even from her. Valeria has guessed at the truth , how­ ever, and fears for the safety of her kingdom and the world if her husband goes through with his plans. To rn by indecision and doubt, Valeria wants to do the right and best thing, even if it means going agai nst her husband's wishes.

MEPHISTOIII Lord of Hell Divergent Earth villain

Fighting: Monstrous Agility: Monstrous Strength: Monstrous Endurance: Class 1 000 Reason: Monstrous Intuition: Monstrous Psyche: Unearthly

Health: 1225 Karma 250 Resources: Unearthly

Popularity: - 1 00


The following alternate player characters are 'residents of Victor's divergent universe. As such, they do not have the same histories nor, in several cases, the same powers and talents as their counterparts in the mainline MARVEL UNIVERSE'· . These changes are purposeful and carefully considered; Judges and players should study these characters carefully before role-playing them, to familiarize themselves with the characters' new powers and personali­ ties. The changes brought about by the death of Reed Richards in this universe are, i n some cases, quite extreme - but perfectly logical. Almost all personal histories diverge from the MARVEL UNIVERSE'" starting with the Skrull invasion in the early 1960s. Certainheroes have powers and abilities they lack in the mainline universe (notably Crystal, the Thing, the Human To rch (Vision), and Nomad (Rick Jones» , while several are much the same (Daredevil, Flare (Dazzler), Quicksilver and Hawkeye, for instance). All of these characters are from a liv­ ing, active universe which they regard as nor­ mal; to them, the mainline MARVEL UNIVERSE'" is itself a strange, divergent uni­ verse.

THINGTM Benjamin J. Grimm S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Forces agent Divergent Earth hero

Fighting: Incredible Agility: Remarkable Strength: Monstrous Endurance: Monstrous FLIGHT: Ben Grimm's Thing suit can fly at 7 with Sue's brother Johnny. Sue and Johnny had Reason: Good areas per turn, or at 20 areas per turn for 5 turns also joined S.H.I.E.L.D. by this time, and they Intuition: Good (after which time he has to slow down for 10 often went on special missions together with the Psyche: Remarkable turns to rest the boot's turbine engines). Ben's blind S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Matt Murdock, calling suit cannot leave the Earth'satmosphere. themselves the "Fantastic Four" at Sue's sug­ Health: 220 gestion. Sue recently left S.H.I.E.L.D. to care for Karma: 50 Ta lents: Ben Grimm is an outstanding pilot and her children full time, and she was replaced by Resources: Excellent can fly any aircraft or spacecraft with Incredible Crystal Storm on the team. Popularity: 80 skill and Reason. He can deduce the workings Ben was given a special suit of powered Known Powers: of any alien spacecraft if he makes a green Rea­ assault armor just prior to the final conflict with son FEAT roll. Ben also knows martial arts and the Skrulls; not liking the bulky suit, Ben Ben Grimm's special powers derive from his suit wrestling. adopted Sue's nickname for it and called him­ of powered armor, designed and developed self "The Thing." The suit was designed to over the years by TO NY STARK'" and Background: Ben Grimm grew up in New Yo rk punch through starship and bunker armor, and S.H.I.E.L.D. to its present form. City's , and he lost his family Ben used it to good effect. After the Skrulls were before he was age 15. Cared for by his uncle defeated, Ben continued to wear the suit, enjoy­ ABILITY ENHANCEMENT: Ben Grimm's Thing and aunt, he became a football star in high ing its special capabilities more and more over suit raises the wearer's Fighting by two ranks school and went to Empire State University on a time. The armor has been improved over the (maximum of Incredible), Agility .by two ranks scholarship. There he met a talented genius years, especially by To ny Stark, though Ben has (maximum of Remarkable), Strength by five named Reed Richards, and the two became avoided having the suit outfitted with "fancy" ranks (maximum of Monstrous), and Endurance roommates and fast friends. items such as repulsors and guns. by five ranks (maximum of Monstrous). Without Unfortunately, Reed Richards was killed Ben and Sue have a son, Daniel Reed his suit, Ben's FASE scores are: while helping another student, Victor von Doom, Grimm, and a daughter, Jennifer Elaine Grimm, F A S E with an experiment. Ben was enraged that Vic­ both now of grade-school age. Ben and Sue's EX GO GO GO tor "got off" so lightly, though Reed's death was closest friends are Johnny and Crystal Storm entirely accidental. Susan Storm, a close friend (see Crystal), and Matthew and Alicia Murdock BODY ARMOR: The Thing suit provides Incred­ of Ben's who had been dating Reed Richards, (see Daredevil). ible protection from physical, acidic, and soon became Ben'ssteady girlfriend. Sue does temperature-based attacks. It gives Remark­ not share Ben's hatred for Victor, though Reed's Personality: Ben is a highly popular hero, able protection from energy attacks. death crushed her. though he maintains a gruff, rugged eX1erior SENSORY PROTECTION: Ben's sight and After completing college, Ben joined the Air and expresses himself in pithy, New Yo rk slang. hearing receive Amazing protection when tlie Force and became a test pilot. When the Skrulls He likes himself and his job, and he is a respon­ suit's equipment is activated. invaded Earth, Ben was transferred to sible and caring husband and father. Ben is usu­ S.H.I.E.L.D. and became a top combat ace, run­ ally in the front line of any assault against an VOICE AMPLIFIER: If he chooses, Ben may ning secret missions across the world in the enemy position,eager to mix it up in a brawl with use the voice amplifier in his suit's helmet to fight against the invaders. He and Sue Storm super-powered villains or their minions, roaring: broadcast his voice over a 10-area radius. This were married just before the Freedom War, the "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME'" at full amplifier vol­ sound is of Amazing strength. final battle with the Skrulls, and they rented an ume. apartment in the in New Yo rk Ben still bears a terrible antagonism for Vic-

30 tor, though he has grudgingly worked with Vic­ six areas across and doing Amazing fire Because Johnny has talked about the affair to tor:s forces in the past, and he wouldn't mind damage to anyone caught within it. others, it is now common knowledge (to Crys­ seeing Victor suffer for Reed's death. Ben's tal's distress). greatest super-powered foe, however, is the RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Henry Pym Crystal bears incalculable hatred for the Sub-Mariner of his world , who has tried on gave Crystal and her immediate family special Skrulls and for anyone who associates with numerous occasions to abduct Sue Grimm and treatments to enable them to withstand the pol­ them, as a result of their destruction of her peo­ take her beneath the sea to found a new Allan­ luted , which had caused ple and city. She admires Victor for his "Skrull tean race. Knowing that the invading A. I.M . them great problems since they were raised in detector" invention (see Victor) and bears him forces have hired Sub-Mariner and his fellow the perfectly clean environment of Attilan. Crys­ no ill will. Allantean rogues, Ben plans to go to any length tal and her fellow Inhumans now have Excellent to destroy the A.I.M. operation and to beat his resistance to air-borne pollutants, including poi­ DAREDEVIL1M old foe one last time. son gases and chemical irritants, but they can­ Matthew M. Murdock not breathe underwater or if no oxygen is S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Forces agent CRYSTAL'" present. Divergent Earth hero Crystalia Amaquelin Storm Ta lents: Crystal has been trained in several S.H.I.E.l.D. Special Forces agent Fighting: Incredible forms of martial arts. Divergent Earth hero Agility: Incredible Strength: Good Background: Crystal is one of the last few Inhu­ Fighting: Good Endurance: Excellent mans alive on Earth, following the Skrull inva­ Agility: Excellent Reason: Typical sion in the early 1960s. Born into the royal family Strength: Good Intuition: Monstrous of the Inhumans in Attilan, she and her immedi­ Endurance: Excellent Psyche: Good ate family were driven out of their city during a Reason: Good revolt, and she grew to young adulthood as her Health: 110 Intuition: Good people wandered through Asia, Europe, and Karma: 91 Psyche: Typical America for a decade. Resources: Excellent Health: 60 When the Skrulls conquered Earth, Crystal Popularity: 80 Karma: 26 and her family went into hiding, but soon Known Powers: Resources: Excellent encountered a number of heroes fighting the Popularity: 50 Skrulls under the name of the Defenders. The HEIGHTENED SENSES: Matt Murdock, as a Inhumans joined the battle against the Skrulls, Known Powers: result of the accident that blinded him, has Mon­ and "' , leader of the exiled Inhu­ strous senses of smell, taste, touch, and hear­ man group, made plans to take control of Attilan ELEMENTAL CONTROL: Crystal possesses ing that function with superhuman quality on an from his insane brother ". Unfortu­ the power to control earth, air, fire, and water Intuition FEAT roll. He can hear the heartbeats nately, before the Skrull fleet was annihilated by (the classical "elements" of nature) by psioniC of anyone in the same area with him, and has an Galactus and the Silver Surfer, Maximus molecular control . This control is of Monstrous Amazing ability to detect if someone is lying by attempted to strike a traitorous deal with the power. Among her specific capabilities are the changes in his heart rate (unless the subject has Skrulls. Believing the In humans of Attilan were following: a pacemaker, body-control power, or is a patho­ agents of the Kree, a race with which the Skrulls logical liar). He can read printed pages by • Create fire within any area in a five-area had foughtfor millions of years, the Skrull forces tOUCh, remember anyone's body odor regard­ range where oxygen is present (the flames blasted Atti lan from space, killing all who less of any disguise, detect anyone's presence do Excellent damage each turn); remained there. within his area by body heat, track a single per­ • Create rain in a two-mile radius (which Crystal continued to work with the Defenders son through a crowd by smell alone (f ive-area effectively covers any map display she until she met Johnny Storm, an agent of range), track a person's trail up to an hour afterit occupies), extinguishing fires of Excellent S.H.I.E.L.D. The two quickly fell in love, and was made, and detect the ingredients in any strength or less; they were married aftera long courtship. Crystal by taste. In crowds or in the presence of • Move water, causing a volume of water cov­ left the Defenders for S.H.I.E.L.D., becoming Remarkable or greater levels of sound, the ering one area (and up to 20 ' deep) to part of its Special Forces Division and has hearing- and scent-related portions of this move as a liquid mass at a rate of one area served well since then. When Sue Grimm left powerare reduced to Incredible levels. per turn (maximum range of six areas); S.H.I.E.L.D., Crystal took her place on the • Move earth, causing an earthquake cover­ "Fantastic Four" team. The current marital cri­ RADAR SENSE: Daredevil can sense three­ ing a roughly circular territory of up to 200 sis between Crystal and Johnny threatens the • dimensional objects (including attackers) up to areas across to strike (the earthquake does integrity of the team, and its future is uncertain. three areas away using a radarlike sixth sense. Monstrous damage to all buildings and Crystal and Johnny have a daughter, Rain­ This sense is omnidirectional and works in light fixed structures in this area, and all beings bow Storm , who has latent mental powers that or darkness, but it cannot distinguish fine on the ground must make yellow Agility she has not revealedto her parents. Rainbow is details (it also cannot resolve TV pictures). A FEAT rolls to remain standing; those who of grade-school age. She is cared for by Susan great number of moving people or objects, or fall take Good damage from the tumbling Grimm, Johnny's sister, when her parents are the presence of Remarkable or greater levels of ground and possibly more fro� falling adventuring. sound reduces his Intuition roll for special uses debris); Personality: Normally a pleasant, cheerful per­ of this sense to Incredible. • Create winds, causing a blast which does son, Crystal feels some conflicts between her Remarkable damage to anyone or any­ roles as a mother and agent. She depends Equipment/Possessions: Daredevil often car­ thing that it strikes (the wind blast affects heavily on Susan Grimm for moral support, par­ ries martial-arts fighting equipment with him, everything along a straight line, running ticularly if she is having marital problems with including knives, sais (treat as knives, but dis­ from Crystal to a maximum distance of five Johnny. Though she is an active adventurer, the arm attackers with a Fighting FEAT roll if used areas away); center point of her life is her daughter Rainbow, against swords or spears), and a long fighting • Create storm, reducing line-of-sight which has caused some friction between her staff (one-area reach, Excellent damage, vision to the single area each character and her husband. Remarkable material strength). Daredevil does inhabits and causing temporary blindness Crystal has increasingly expressed a desire not use firearms. to anyone failing an Endurance FEAT at the to retire from crimefighting and have her hus­ Daredevil also wears a special protective start of each turn the dust storm is in effect band reti re as well, but Johnny has resisted this hearing aid. If exposed to sound levels of (the dust storm covers an entire map area); . and the two fight bitterly at times about it. Crys­ Amazing or above, the hearing aid activates • Create typhoon, producing effects similar tal had a recent affair with Quicksilver afterone and muffles the incoming sound to protect his to those of a dust storm (without the blind­ such fight, though she stopped seeing him sensitive hearing. This immediately reduces his ing powers, but extinguishing all flames of when her husband discovered the relationship. Intuition to Incredible levels for the duration of Remarkable intensity or less) with Remark­ Crystal and Quicksilver still care for each other, the loud noise exposure. Matt's radar sense able winds; and but they won't express their feelings in public. continues to function during this time. • Create , covering a circular area

31 Talents: Matt Murdock is trained extensively in designed the special hearing aid that he wears. WATER WEAKNESS: If submerged in wate r, the areas of martial arts, gymnastics, and wres­ His closest friends are the Grimms and Storms, the Human Torch's flaming power cannot be tling. He is also skilled with blunt, sharp, and and he gets along well with many heroes in both started . If struck by a continual blast of wate r, thrown weapons, and has Excellent familiarity S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Defenders. his flames are extinguished and he won't be . with law and law enforcement matters (he is a li­ Matt regards the current war against A.I.M. as able to ignite them again for 10 turns (or until censed attorney). Matt's Agility is Amazing just another job, though a messier one than dry). when dodging. usual. If any of his friends are threatened, how­ Background: The Human Torch is an android ever, he may become vengeful and driven to (or synthozoid, as Henry Pym has labelled him) Background: Matt Murdock was the teenaged takes greater than usual risks to end the war created by PROFESSOR PHINEAS HOR­ son of a professional boxer. He was involved in quickly. TON'" . Photoelectric cells were imbedded in the a truck accident and exposed to radioactive Human Torch's skin to provide him with power, waste as a result, which blinded him but gave HUMAN TORCH'" but they tended to ignite when exposed to open him extra powers. The truck was being followed Jim Hammond (adopted name) air. After a chaotic startto his career, the Human by Tony Stark, who was checking the progress New Invaders crimefighter Torch gained control over his flaming powers of the shipment and laying low from Skrull in­ Divergent Earth hero and became a major crimefighter and war hero vaders who were hunting for his Iron Man alter­ in World War II. He worked with a mutant young­ ego. Tony immediately took the injured youth to Fighting: Remarkable ster named " (who possessed similar the secret headquarters of the fledging Agility: Excellent flaming powers) and joined the Invaders and AII­ S.H.I.E.L.D., where Matt was trained to use his Strength: Excellent Winners Squad during and after the war. The new talents by Nick Fury and other agents. Endurance: Remarkable Human Torch himself killed Adolph Hitler near Matt was able to continue his education while Reason: Typical the end of the war, though this fact is not widely working for S.H.I.E.L.D., and went to Columbia Intuition: Good known outside of the government. University with his friend, "FOGGY" Psyche: Typical The Human Torch was put out of action from NELSON'" . When terrorists captured a Greek Health: 100 1949 to 1953 by criminals using a Soviet paraly­ ambassador and his daughter, Matt, calling Karma: 22 sis spray. Though he was released from his bur­ himself by his codename "Daredevil," at­ Resources: Excellent ial in the desert by an ato mic bomb test, tempted to rescue the two. The ambassador Popularity: 80 the radiation he took from the blast eventually was accidentally killed; his daughter caused him to malfunction, and he deactivated "' , who had been in love with Matt be­ Known Powers: himself with a Final Fireball in 1955. fore the kidnapping, went to Europe. In the mid-1960s, the Mad Thinker found the With Matt's connections with S .H.I.E.L.D ., he FLAME GENERATION AND CONTROL: The Human Torch's body and tried to use the reacti­ was able to prevent the killing of his father by Human Torch can create flames from all or part vated hero against the Defenders. The plan was criminals who sought to have the elder Murdock of his body, and can control external fires within stopped, and Henry Pym took charge of bring­ take a fall in a boxing . He went on to be­ a range of five areas with Unearthly ability. He ing the Torch back to a "normal" life. Still using come a powerful agent in the Special Forces di­ can shoot flames from his hands with Remark­ his old name of Jim Hammond, the Torch joined viSion, and soon met and married a young blind able Agility up to three areas away, causing up the New Invaders with Captain America (Jeffrey woman named ALICIA MASTERS"' , a friend of to Unearthly damage. He can also shape flame Mace), Bucky (Rick Jones), and other heroes, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm (and the daugh­ within a three-area range to create fiery cages, and has been a stable member of the team ever ter of a criminal named the Puppet Master, a letters, or geometric shapes; these shapes last since. He met the mutant Defender Scarlet perennial foe of the Defenders and Victor). only as long as he concentrates upon them. Witch and eventually married her in the 1970s. Matt Murdocken countered Elektra again, but The Human Torch has begun to cut back on she had become an assassin in the employ of FIRE RESISTANCE: The Human Torch has Un­ his crimefighting activities of late and has the criminal "'. When Elektra earthly resistance to fire and heat attacks. thought about reti rement so that he and Scarlet threatened Alicia's life, Daredevil fought her in FLIGHT: When completely aflame, the Human Witch may spend more time together. The inva­ hand-ta-hand combat and accidentally killed Torch may levitate and even fly at Amazing sion of his world by A.I.M. has destroyed these her. This event devastated Daredevil, but with speeds (25 areas perturn). plans, and the Human Torch finds all of his time the support of Alicia and his friends, Matt has consumed in his quest to find the missing De­ continued working for S. H.I.E.L.D. For some BODY ARMOR: When completely aflame, the fenders and New Invaders, including his wife ­ time, Daredevil, Ben Grimm, Sue Grimm, and Human Torch gains Incredible Body Armor Scarlet Witch. Johnny Storm fought as a Special Forces team against all weapons of Incredible material strength or less. All slugfest, charging, �nd known as the "Fantastic Four." Crystal Storm Personality: The Human Torch is not a particu­ grappling attacks cause him normal damage, has replaced Sue on the team now. larly emotional hero, and he tends to keep his but attackers who touch his flaming body take Alicia Masters Murdock makes a living at feelings to himself. He loves Scarlet Witch and Incredible damage at once. home by making and selling sculptures and pot­ tries to get along with his bad-tempered brother­ tery. Her work is widely known, and she has be­ ANDROID PHYSIOLOGY: Though he func­ in-law, QuickSilver, despite the latter's continual come famous in her own right as an artist. Matt tions in all ways as a human being, Jim Ham­ insults and baiting of him. The Human Torch is and Alicia have a grade-school-aged son mond is an artificially created being with on excellent terms with many people in the U.S. named Franklin Benjamin Murdock after Matt's . Unearthly immunity to disease and infection. He government, the Defenders, and S.H.I.E.L.D. friend "Foggy" and Ben Grimm . possesses Remarkable senses of vision, taste, (when dealing with these groups, his Popularity rises to 95, and he gets a + 1 CS on reaction Personality: Matt Murdock has largely recov­ smell, hearing, and touch, and he cannot be af­ rolls.) ered from Elektra's death, though he is in­ fected by certain attack forms depending upon The Human Torch has been around for a long tensely aware of his sense of loss and guilt over human blood or tissue to become effective. time, and remembers the events of World War II the matter. He avoids using bladed weapons in FINAL FIREBALL: Should the situation de­ clearly. He is dedicated, persistent, and unstop­ combat except in nonlethal ways (using sais to mand it, the Human Torch is capable of causing pable in his determination to secure freedom disarm but not to stab) . the solar cells buried in his skin to overload in a and peace. The disappearance of Scarlet Witch Matt is otherwise an extremely active hero of single burst of flame. He can only perform this has greatly upset him, but he has not lost control exceptional character, being driven in his work, feat under direct, intense sunlight (or other light of his anger and plans to see this fight through hard-nosed, uncomplaining, and at times un­ of Amazing intensity or better). The blast does to the finish. comfortably honest. He is accustomed to taking ShiftX (150 points) damage to everything within extraordinary risks as a matter of course. Every­ a radius of ten areas. The Human Torch then one is aware of his blindness, but this does not collapses in a deathlike state of suspended ani­ h.amper his activities in the slightest and he is mation, and he must then be restored to life by quite popular. someone with at least Incredible knowledge of Matt Murdock's greatest foes are organized , electronics, and phySiCS. Henry crime figures, particularly Kingpin and various Pym has restored the Human Torch on the few '" families. Matt has no particular axe occasions in the past when this has occurred. to grind against Victor, especially since Victor

32 QUICKSILVER'" and the victim must tear his clothing away in the Pietro Maximoff next turn to be able to move freely afterwards. Defenders East crimefighter Divergent Earth hero Ta lents; Hawkeye is skilled in several types of martial arts. He is also a naturally skilled marks­ Fighting: Good man with any thrown or aimed weapon, and Agility: Unearthly uses a + 1 CS when using any weapon that Strength: Good requires an Agility FEAT roll. His Reason is Endurance: Remarkable Remarkable in inventing new arrows. Reason: Excellent Intuition: Typical Equipment/Possessions: Hawkeye usually car­ Psyche: Good ries 36 arrows in his quiver. Tw elve of them are standard target arrows (Excellent Slugfest dam­ Health: 150 age). Six have triple-bladed heads (Excellent Karma: 36 Hack-&-Slash damage); he rarely fires these at Resources: Good living creatures, using them instead on tires, win­ Popularity: 10 dows, etc. The other 18 arrows come from his Known Powers: large supply of special-purpose arrowheads. Whenever Hawkeye goeson a mission, he speci­ LIGHTNING SPEED: Quicksilver has Amazing fies which special arrows he's taking. Below is a running speed, covering up to 25 areas in a ­ list of some special arrows he uses. Players may gle turn. design others with the Judge's permission.

• Explosive - Amazing HE grenade dam­ THICK SKIN: Quicksilver's tough body enables age to one area or target him to stand the strains of his high velocities, • Te ar gas - Excellent potency, covers one giving him Typical protection from physical area for three turns (victims blinded, Down damage. FOUR to hit) • Acid - Monstrous corrosive strength, AIR CONTROL: By running in circles within one Excellent damage to one target area, Quicksilver can create a small cycl�ne • ElectriC - Amazing damage to one target that fills that area. This is an attack against • Rocket - Incredible speed, Remarkable many opponents (see page 12 of the Battle damage to one target, 20-area range Book) using his Fighting ability. The attack �o�s • Smoke - Covers one area for three turns no damage, but it can stun or slam those within or three consecutive areas for one turn that area. QUICKSILVER'· • Thermal - Remarkable heat damage to one target Ta lents: Quicksilver studied a special form of • Suction tip ' - Remarkable-strength grip, martial arts from his foster father, the old attaches to smooth surfaces only, no dam­ Invaders hero '", who died some age years ago of a heart attack. When in motion, ing, and opinionated youth, Quicksilver's tem­ • Vibrating - Excellent damage to one tar­ per and dictatorial nature have cooled by the Quicksilver's Fighting rises to an Excellent level get years. He is still not very popular (Hawkeye's and he gains the benefits of the martial arts tal­ • • - Returns next turn, can company is preferred to his) and still interferes ent. entwine objects in curved path (Typical with his sister's life (to her anger), but the A.I.M. damage) Background: Prior to the invasion of the invasion and his sister's capture have made him . . . • Flare - Lights up two-area radiUS, blinding Skrulls, Pietro Maximoff and his sister Wanda willing to cooperate with others. Any chance he opponents for two turns with Remarkable were children living in a gypsy camp in the Bal­ gets to attack A.I.M. and rescue his sister is to potency or dOing Good flame damage on kans. Forced to leave the camp by enraged vil­ be taken, regardless of the costs. lagers (after an incident brought on by Wanda impact • • (later known as Scarlet Witch), the two wan­ HAWKEYE'" - Incredible-strength cable that . spans three areas or Excellent-strength dered central Europe until found by the eVil Clint Barton light rope that spans five (Typical damage mutant Magneto. They were forced into service Defenders East crimefighter on impact) in Magneto's BROTHERHOOD OF EVIL Divergent Earth hero MUTANTS"', but left when the Brotherhood col­ • Putty ' - Excellent strength, good versus one target for entanglement and no dam­ lapsed following Magneto's death in a tre�en­ Fighting: Good . age, except to open machinery (Remark­ dous battle with the Skrulls. Named QUickSilver Agility: Remarkable able damage) and Scarlet Witch by Magneto, the two were Strength: Good • Siren - Good sonic damage, audible for immediately taken into the ranks of the Endurance: Excellent twenty areas (Typical damage on impact) Defenders at their own requests, and they Reason: Typical • Net - Net covers one area with Incredible servedwen as heroes for many years. Intuition: Good grasping strength, no damage For a ti me, it was believed that the semi­ Psyche: Typical • retired hero Whizzer (who had served with the Bola - Entangles one target with Incredible-strength bola cable, Feeble Liberty Legion in World War II) and his wife Health: 70 damage MISS AMERICA'" (who died in 1949) were the Karma: 22 parents of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, but in Resources: Good • Flame-killer - Amazing smothering effect on open flames in one area the early 1970s this was shown not to be the Popularity: 19 • Hypersonic - Excellent-intensity conc�s­ case. Quicksilver has no idea who his real par­ Known Powers: ents are; he certai nly wouldn't believe that his sive tip that stuns only living target for five turns (yellow Endurance FEAT to avoid) father was actually Magneto, commonly EXTRAORDINARY VISION: Hawkeye has • Shrinker - Bulb containing Henry Pym's regarded as the most dangerous man since Remarkable vision, from which he got his name. Adolph Hitler and a traitor to humanity. shrinking gas explodes on contact, caus­ . ing live targets within one area to be Tw o weeks ago, A.I.M. forces captured Scar­ BOW SKILL: Hawkeye has Monstrous Agility reduced to '/2 H height (becoming helpless let Witch; no trace of her has been found. Con­ when firing a bow. He usually uses a bow with a and easily caught by any nearby charac­ sumed· with his fears for his sister's welfare, 75-lb. pull with a range of seven areas. He may ter); effect lasts 20 turns Quicksilver might do anything to rescue her fire up to three arrows per turn, and is able to • - may have Remarkable-strength from A.I.M.'s clutches. "pin" an opponent by his clothing at a range of cable three areas long (or Excellent-strength two areas. This latter feat requires a Bull's-Eye, Personality: Once a hot-tempered, overbear- rope five areas long) attached to it.

33 dimensional figures of light to appear around her (ranging from simple geometric patterns to written words to complex holo­ grams of man-sized beings); • Strobe, creating regular pulSing flashes of light which can trigger epileptic attacks in persons so susceptible, or producing hyp­ nosis and tranquility in viewers if used in a nonthreatening manner; and • Force field, producing a wall of light energy around her body that serves as Body Armor. If uncontrolled, Flare's power causes her to flash once every ten turns, and her body other­ wise glows with Feeble intensity to emit the stored sound energy within it. Flare can control the direction,color , intensity, and duration of the light leaving her body with Unearthlypower . The dazzle, flash, glow, and strobe effects are usu­ ally generated from Flare's entire body (her cos­ tume permits light to escape through it while remaining opaque to viewers). Flare gains energy for these effects by storing sound-wave energy within her body. She can store an Unearthly amount of sonic energy, but this energy bleeds off (voluntarily or not) over time. The amount of sonic energy within her decreases by one rank every five turns, though the rate slows by five turns for every rank her energy drops below the Unearthly level. Thus, Flare goes from having Unearthly energy to Monstrous energy in five turns, which drops to Amazing after 10 turns, to Incredible after 15 turns, and so forth. During this time, Flare may use any of her seven light-related talents at the given rank level, each within a range of only one FLARE" area. For purposes of calculating the amount of energy Flare has stored, use the following as a Background: Clint Barton and his older brother prove himself to everyone. general guide. (NOTE: If exposed to a sound ran away from an orphanage and joined a circus Because of the attack on Mockingbird, Hawk­ of less power than her current energy in their early teens. They worked for a man who eye has become harder to get along with than level , Flare gains no further energy.) was later known as the criminal Swordsman, usual. He is determined to make the Swords­ Normal conversation: Excellent power who trained Clint in archery until the boy man pay heavily for the attack. Loud radiO, crowded room: Remarkable became a star in his own right. However, when power Clint discovered the Swordsman was stealing FLARETli Busy street, loud radio: Incredible power from the carnival, he was chased onto a tight­ Alison Blaire Small explosions, subway noise: Amazing rope, which the Swordsman then cut. Clint Defenders East crimefighter power recovered from his severe leg injuries and con­ Divergent Earth hero Jet engines, most rockets: Monstrous power tinued working for the carnival as an archer until Saturn-V liftoff (140 dB and over): Unearthly the time of the Skrull invasion. Seeing Iron Man Fighting: Excellent power in action against the aliens spurred him to Agility: Excellent SENSORY PROTECTION: Because of her become a costumed crimefighter. After a few Strength: Typical soundllight conversion powers, Flare has rough starts, he became a member of the Endurance: Excellent Unearthly resistance to being blinded or deaf­ Defenders. Reason: Poor ened by normal means. Clint never met BLACK WIDOW"' , as he did in Intuition: Good the mainline MARVEL UNIVERSE, since she Psyche: Typical Ta lents: Flare was taught martial arts by the was preoccupied with fighting Skrulls in the Defenders. She has Excellent singing ability, Health: 66 Soviet Union. He has had several girlfriends, his but little formal musical training. Karma: 20 most serious relationship being with Bobbi Resources: Good Morse (Mockingbird, a S. H .I.E.L.D. agent). Background: Alison's mutant talents surfaced Popularity: 25 Mockingbird was recently attacked and badly during high school, when she was singing at a injured by forces under the command of the Known Powers: dance. She tried to make a name for herself as Swordsman, and Hawkeye has vowed venge­ an entertainer, but pressure from both her fam­ SOUND/LIGHT CONVERSION: Alison has the ance against his old foe at all costs. ily, friends, and other mutants made her change mutant power of converting sound waves into her mind and enroll in an X-Man school (see the coherent light, creating effects selected from Personality: A brash, often loud-mouthed section on mutants) to become a crimefighter. the following list: Defender, Hawkeye acts as though he has a Alison was too young to participate in the war chip on his shoulder. He has never successfully • Laser beam, usually fired from fingers, against the Skrulls, but she was elected into the gotten out on his own as a lone crimefighter, a hands, or eyes; broad ranks of the Defenders and fought numer­ problem which irritates him greatly, and he • Flash, causing viewers to be blinded (-4CS ous foes for several years. The strain of being a craves more responsibility and respect from his on attempts to hit); super-powered hero, the loss of her singing fellows than he gets. He especially resents not • Dazzle, causing viewers to be confused career, and her increaSing awareness of her being chosen to head the Defenders West and unable to attack or defend themselves; intellectual limitations wore at her emotional branch (the decision having been made by Jack • Glow, bringing a steady light into existence health. She had a long succession of boy­ Monroe, the current Captain America). Hawk­ to illuminate her surroundings; friends, and her self-esteem (despite her great eye has a quiet grudge against Monroe for this • Image generation, creating two-and three- powers) was very low until she met Rick Jones reason, though he still wants desperately to

34 (see Nomad). The two have been going with S.H.I.E.L.D. as an independent hero. When a each other for a couple of years, and Alison's government scandal caused him to lose faith in emotional health has improved. the "system," Rick dropped his Patriot guise and became the hero Nomad. Personality: Once overwhelmed by her respon­ Nomad escaped capture by A.I.M., and since sibilities as a hero and seriously depressed and that time has been on the run, evading the discouraged, Alison now shows more self­ invaders and trying to find a way to free the cap­ confidence and has more hope for the future. tured heroes. Flare (Alison Blaire) has been his She is learning to come to terms with her great girlfriend for several years. powers, and Rick Jones's encouragement has given her new enthusiasm. Just prior to A.I.M.'s Personality: Rick Jones is a cynical, embit­ invasion, Alison had made arrangements to tered hero who believes that large hero agen­ take a part-time job as a singer in a local New cies like the Defenders and S.H.I.E.L.D. have Yo rk nightclub. The invasion has shelved those lost touch with what being a hero is all about. He plans, angering her greatly. has become all too familiar with the careless Alison is deeply in love with Rick Jones, way in which the rights of the people are rou­ though she hides this fact from everyone she tinely stepped on by S.H.I.E.L.D. in particular, can (since Rick is not popular with either and he has had a few direct conflicts with that S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Defenders at the moment). organization. The attacks on the Hulk by the She does not always get along well with her fel­ government, before Bruce Banner destroyed low Defenders, and has been toying with the himself and the Hulk went on its rampage (see idea of retiring and becoming a full-time enter­ the Hulk), also angered and saddened Rick. tainer. Nonetheless, Nomad has become a folk hero in a matter of only a few years, though his brand of NOMAD'" individualism is seen as moderately dangerous Rick Jones and antisocial by most "establishment" sorts. Independent crimefighter Rick Jones met Alison Blaire on a crimefight­ Divergent Earth hero ing mission several years ago. Alison's need for support and Rick's need for companionship in Fighting: Incredible his lonely life were both filled, and they have Agility: Incredible fallen deeply in love with each other. The rela­ Strength: Excellent tionship is kept a secret because of Rick's Endurance: Remarkable unpopularity with the government and with Reason: Typical S.H.I.E.L.D. Intuition: Excellent The invasion of A.I.M. forces has changed Psyche: Good things somewhat. S.H.I.E.L.D. has dropped most of its objections to associating with Health: 130 Nomad, particularly since the capture of many Karma: 36 members of the Defenders and New Invaders Resources: Poor super-teams. Thrown into a full-scale battle with Popularity: 65 (5 with S. H.I.E.L.D., a major A.I.M. assault force in New Yo rk City, Defenders, and U.S. gov- Nomad is trying desperately to destroy the ernment) invaders and save his country. He still has prob­ Known Powers: None lems in working with S.H.I.E.L.D., but has set aside his objections for the duration. Ta lents: Rick Jones knows martial arts, and he gains Amazing Agility with thrown and hurled weapons. He is also a musician of Good ability.

Background: Rick Jones was a rebellious, orphaned teenager who had escaped from a state institution before he arrived at the site of the first Gamma Bomb test in the early 1960s, acting on a dare. He was near Robert Bruce Banner when the Hulk first came into being, and remained a constant companion to the scientist and his brutish alter ego for several years. At times, Rick was hunted by Skrulls attempting to catch or destroy the Hulk. One of these Skrull­ Hulk conflicts led to the formation of the Defenders; for his heroism and fast thinking in the action, he was made an honorary Defenders member. Jeffrey Mace (Captain America) got along well with Rick, and the two agreed to work as partners, with Rick adopting the role of Bucky. Rick quickly became one of the core members of the New Invaders during the Freedom War against the Skrulls. He received combat training from both Cap and Nick Fury, and eventually received an injection of a variant "Super­ Soldier" formula from Henry Pym. He continued HAWKEYE" working with Jeffrey Mace until the latter retired, and he stayed with Jack Monroe until a conflict in personalities led him to hang up his Bucky costume. Unwilling to give up adventuring, he soon took the unused role of the Patriot, aban­ doned by Mace and Monroe, and worked with the New Invaders, the Defenders, and

35 able protection from physical damage (bullets, hollow or solid shapes. These force-field shapes . MARVEL knives, explosives, and punches), but not can be enormous in size, covering an entire map against energy attacks or wrestling holds. He (such as a dome several miles in diameter). The UNIVERSETM can absorb Incredible damage from explosions, force field can absorb up to Monstrous damage but must make a Green Endurance FEAT roll from all attacks save visible light. PC HEROES afterward or fall unconscious. If struck by a If any Single attack causes more than Mon­ hurled object and if he is properly braced, Reed strous damage, the field collapses and she must can throw the object back at his attacker with make a green Endurance FEAT roll or pass out THE FA NTASTIC FOUR'" Typical Agility. for HO turns. Susan can use the field to lift as much as 10 tons, as if she had Incredible Among the first of many super-powered individ­ GRAPPLING: Reed does not have the wrestling Streng1h. Because of her long training, Sue can uals in recent times, the Fantastic Four gained talent, but his stretchy bodymakes him a difficult use up to three manifestations of her force-field, their powers in an experimental roc ket flight in opponentto grab. He grapples as though he had inviSibility, and ftight powers at the sametime. the early 1960s that was bombarded by cosmic Excellent Streng1h, but he does damage using radiation. The radiation transformed Reed his Typical Streng1h. He can escape from any FLIGHT: By creating a column of force beneath Richards, his fiancee Sue Storm, her brother wrestling hold with a green Streng1h FEAT roll. herself and allowing it to topple, the Invisible Johnny, and pilot Ben Grimm into enormously Wo man can "fly"at Typical speed (six areas per Tal ents: Reed is a master of many sciences. His powerful individuals, leaving each of them to turn). She can carryup to 10tons of passengers Reason is Monstrous in electronics, physics, cope with their new lives as best they could. For or material. mathematics, and mechanics. the most part, the Fantastic Four have done Background: Sue Storm gained her powers well , though they have always had assorted per­ Background: Reed Richards has been the along with Reed and the others on the 1960s sonal difficulties to overcome. mainstay and guiding force of the Fantastic rocket trip. She has since married Reed, sepa­ The Fantastic Four have fought an uncounted Four since their inception, supported by his wife rated from him once over personal matters, had number of criminals and threats to world peace, Sue. He has produced a wealth of inventions in one child (Franklin Benjamin Richards), and among them KANG'" , the "' , the years since then. Reed was a child , miscarried a second. Early in Secret Wars II, '" , SANDMAN'" , '" , attending several colleges as a teenager and Sue changed her code name from INVISIBLE ... , Puppet Master, Mole Man, DRAGON earning doctorates in physics and electrical GIRL" to Invisible Woman, after being brain­ MAN"' , and the Super Skrull. Seve ral of their old engineering. He worked on a government washed by PSYCHO-MAN'" . Her presence on foes, notably the Sub-Mariner and several Inhu­ rocket program based in Central City, California the team is verystable. mans, have since become heroes in their own (his home town), and designed a sta rship that right; twoInhumans, Crystal and " , even he was determined to test. Gathering three Personality: Sue Richards is the bond that has joined the team when Sue Storm was pregnant friends, he took off for space - and inadver­ kept the Fantastic Four together over time. and when Sue was briefly separated from Reed. tently created the Fantastic Four team . Though she formerly remained in the back­ Doctor Victor von Doom, however, remains the ground, she offered valuable emotional sup­ Personality: Mr. Fantastic useshis great mindand greatest foethe fo ur have ever fought. port. Long in doubt about her own powers and talents to make new discoveries and create new The Fantastic Four now operate out of the usefulness to the team, Sue now has the confi­ inventions. Reed has a tendency to become lostin until their headquarters, the dence and training to take on powerful oppo­ his work, however, and a new mystery often Baxter Building, is rebuilt (having been nents and survive. causes him to ignore problems at home. His son destroyed by a false Doctor Doom). They also Sue, once kidnapped by the Sub-Mariner, Franklin suffers from this lack of attention. lack access to their POGO PLANE'" and FAN­ bears no ill feelings toward him now. She Reed treats everyone in a friendly and even­ TA STICAR'" at the present time. admires Captain America and Wasp, and handed, if somewhat reserved, manner. He is accepts Spider-Man as a "good guy." MISTER FA NTASTIC'" fascinated by those with intellects which rival his, and he is prone to discuss complicated mat­ Reed Richards SHE-HULK'" ters with them for hours on end if given a Fantastic Four crimefighter Jennifer Walters chance. Reed depends heavily uponSue for her Fantastic Four crimefighter support and love. Fighting: Good Agility: Typical Fighting: Remarkable INVISIBLE WOMAN'" Strength: Typical Agility: Excellent Susan Storm Richards Endurance: Excellent Streng1h: Monstrous Fantastic Four crimefighter Reason: Amazing Endurance: Amazing Intuition: Excellent Reason: Typical Fighting: Good Psyche: Remarkable Intuition: Good Agility: Good Psyche: Excellent Health: 42 Streng1h: Typical Karma 100 Endurance: Excellent Health: 175 Resources: Remarkable Reason: Good Karma 36 Popularity: 80 Intuition: Excellent Resources: Excellent Psyche: Good Popularity: 30 Known Powers: Health: 46 Known Powers: ELASTIC BODY: Reed can make his body mal­ Karma 40 leable at will, and can deform, expand, com­ BODY ARMOR: She-Hulk's thick hide gives her Resources: Remarkable press, or stretch all or parts of his body. He can Incredible Body Armor against phySical, tem­ Popularity: 80 stretch up to four areas away without making a perature, and energy attacks. FEAT roll, and is able to attack or pick up objects Known Powers: LEAPING: at that range. His Strength drops to Poor Jennifer has powerful leg muscles INVISIBILITY: and can make Remarkable leaps of up to three beyond a range of four areas, and to Feeble at Sue can make herself invisible to 10 areas. Reed needs an Endurance FEAT roll normal sight by bending light around her body. areas. She can make other people (or objects up to to stretch beyond four areas; his maximum limit DISEASE IMMUNITY: She-Hulk's great physiol­ four areas in size) in line-of-sight range invisible is 10 areas. By stretching, Reed can attack sev­ ogy gives her Excellent resistance to disease (or visible) if she makes a green Psyche FEAT eral non-adjacent opponents. Reed can and infection. ' roll. When invisible, Sue is immune to all light­ assume aerodynamic shapes (gliders and kites), geometric shapes (spheres, cubes, etc.), energy attacks such as lasers, and cannot be Ta lents: Jennifer Walters was a licensed lawyer and super-thin shapes that can pass through a seen by visual scanners. with an Excellent Reason in legal matters, but as the She-Hulk she now has no patience for the needle's eye or under a door. Reed has used FORCE FIELD: Susan hasthe ability to create and law. this power to disguise his facial features. This use an invisible force field emanating from her power is Monstrous in nature. body.The force fieldcan bemade into planes, cy1- Background: Jennifer Wa lters was a criminal BODY ARMOR: Reed's skin gives him Remark- inders, domes, cubes, and other Simple forms, in lawyer in Los Angeles who was critically

36 wounded by mobsters. Her life was saved by her cousin, Robert Bruce Banner (the Hulk), who gave her an emergency transfusion. Ban­ ner's gamma-irradiated blood transformed WaI­ ters into the rampaging She-Hulk. Though btiefly considered a menace, She-Hulk moved to New Yo rk and joined the Avengers. At the close of the original Secret Wa rs , the Thing chose She-Hulk to replace him in the Fantastic Four, and She-Hulk has remained with the group ever since. She-Hulk was recently kidnapped by S.H.I.E.L.D., which believed she might become a menace like her cousin, the Hulk. In the events which followed, the Helicarrier was destroyed and She-Hulk lost her power to change into her alter-ego of Jennifer Walters. She-Hulk is pleased with the change of affairs. She is currently dating "', an athletic American Indian who loves her green-skinned form. As a reserve member of the Avengers, She-Hulk may be called into action by them at any time.

Personality: She-H ulk enjoys using her physi­ cal power, and sees the Fantastic Four as a chance to step out of of her danger­ ous cousin. She is a determined and exuberant fighter, eager to prove herself and to destroy vil­ lainous forces. She dislikes S.H.I.E.L.D. almost as much as she dislikes criminals, given her kid­ napping, but she tries not to hold a grudge. She­ Hulk likes herself and her new life as a green giantess, and has no intentions of turning back.

THE THING'" Benjamin J. Grimm Independent hero

Fighting: Incredible group, Ben has been the least stable element. Health: 60 Agility: Good Suffering severe identity crises over his horrific Karma 26 Strength: Monstrous appearance, Ben has left the team several Resources: Remarkable Endurance: Monstrous times in the past, being replaced by POWER Popularity: 80 Reason: Good MAN"' and She-Hulk on various occasions. Intuition: Good Known Powers: Ben had a long romance going with Alicia Psyche: Remarkable Masters, daughter of the Puppet Master, and GENERATE AND CONTROL FIRE: Johnny can Health: 200 she helped him recover much of his self respect generate flame from all or part of his body. He Karma 50 and self worth. However, Ben discovered Alicia can also control external fires within a five-area Resources: Remarkable was going with Johnny Storm when he returned range with Unearthly ability. He can shootflame Popularity: 80 from the original Secret Wars; he quit the team with Remarkable Agility up to three areas away, • and was replaced by She-Hulk. Ben then toured doing up to Unearthly damage. Johnny can also Known Powers: the country, getting involved with a super­ create shapes of flame in geometric, alphabeti­ BODY ARMOR: The Thing's orange, rocky hide powered wrestling organization. He eventually cal, or cagelike forms within a three-area range, serves as Incredible Body Armor against physi­ returned to work with his old teammates on the each lasting for as long as he concentrates cal, acidic, and temperature, and energy Fantastic Four. upon them. attacks. Personality: Ben Grimm has learned to adapt FIRE RESISTANCE: Johnny Storm has Ta lents: Ben can fly any airplane or spacecraft to his appearance in some ways, and he enjoys Unearthlyresistance to fire and heat. of terrestrial design. He can deduce the work­ using his phySical might against the villainous FLIGHT: When aflame, Johnny can fly at ings of any alien craft with a green Reason FEAT forces that the group must face. Pounding crimi­ Amazing speed (25 areaslturn). He can carry up roll. His Reason is Incredible when applied to nals takes his mind off his predicament and to 180 Ibs. with him, but this reduces his speed flying vessels. gives him stronger sense of self worth. to Remarkable. He can also hover in place. Ben has rejoined the Fantastic Four after a Background: Ben Grimm was born on the long absence. He gets along well with She-Hulk BODY ARMOR: Johnny's flaming skin is Lower East Side of New Yo rk City, and lost his and the rest of the team, save for Johnny Storm. Incredible Body Armor against shooting, throw­ family before he was age 15. Cared for by his ing, and Hack-&-Slash weaponry of Incredible uncle's family, he became a football star in high HUMAN TO RCH'" material strength or less. All slugfest, grappling, school and got a scholarship to Empire Stare Johnny Storm and charging attacks cause normal damage, University. There he met Reed Richards and Fantastic Four crimefighter but the attacker suffers Incredible damage auto­ Sue Storm, and the three of them became great matically. friends. Ben hated Victor von Doom, an arro­ Fighting: Good gant fellow student who was ejected from . Agility: Excellent BLAST: When "flamed on:' Johnny can school for performing dangerous experiments. Strength: Good explode in a super-heated blast of flame, caus­ AfteF college, Ben became an Air Force test Endurance: Excellent ing Shift X (150 pOints) damage to all within five pilot. He was eventually contacted by Reed, Reason: Good areas. Johnny's flame dies out immediately who was in need of a good pilot to fly his space­ Intuition: Good after this attack and his super powers are craft. That voyage gave him, Reed, Sue, and Psyche: Typical reduced to Feeble levels. He passes out for 1-10 Johnny their fantastic powers. Of the entire turns afterward unless he makes a red Endur-

37 ance FEAT roll.

WAT ER WEAKNESS: Johnny Storm cannot ignite his flame underwater, and dousing him with a high-pressure water hose causes him to Crash if he is flying. Rain does not normally stop his flaming powers, however, as he can evapo­ rate it with his body heat before it touches him. If soaked, he must wait 10 turns before he can ignite himself.

Talents: Johnny's Intuition and Reason are Excellent concerning cars and auto racing.

Background: Johnny has been a constant member of the Fantastic Four, leaving the team only for brief periods. He was in high school when he gained his powers. He had a number of conflicts with Ben in the early days, but most of these resolved in time. Johnny was responsible for discovering the Sub-Mariner and helping him recover his memories, though this initially led to Namor's attacks against the surface world . Johnny dated the Crystal for many years, until Crystal met and married the mutant Avenger Quicksilver. Johnny fought Quicksilver briefly before giving up the quest. Johnny has had several girlfriends since then, the most seri­ ous relationship appearing recently (see below). Interestingly, Johnny knew of and admired the first Human To rch (an android who fought in World War II) before his transformation. John­ ny's interest in cars has been lifelong.

Personality: The youngest hero in the group, Johnny is still both impetuous and headstrong, CAPTAIN AMERICA'· SUB-MARINER'" often acting without thinking. He is youthful in (STEVE ROGERS'·, appearance and has a carefree, passionate atti­ tude about life. He can also be vengeful, is not easily dissuaded from his plans, and may tend to show off (which blew his secret identity early current chairperson, and Captain America has INSECT COMMUNICAT ION: The Wasp has in his career). served as chairperson several times in the past. Typical skill in communicating with and control­ After the first Secret Wars, Johnny began dat­ ling insects, but seldom does so. ing Alicia Masters, who was Ben Grimm's long­ WA SP'" Ta lents: Janet Va n Dyne has Remarkable Rea­ time girlfriend. (Ben remained on the Secret Janet Van Dyne son in business matters. Wars Battleplanet for many months.) The two Avengers chairperson and crimefighter have a close relationship now, but this drove a Background: Janet Van Dyne gained her deep wedge between Johnny and Ben, and Ben Fighting: Good powers from scientist Henry Pym, who was left the team for good. Agility: Excellent once known as Ant-Man. Janet used her skills to Strength: Typical investigate and avenge her father's murder, and THE AV ENGERS'" Endurance: Good joined Ant-Man as a pair of crimefighters. Wasp Reason: Excellent was an original founder of the Avengers and The Avengers were formed in the early 1960s by Intuition: Excellent even named the group. Ant-Man, Thor, lron Man, Wasp, and the Hulk as Psyche: Good Though Janet and Henry married, the mar­ a super-powered force that would combat riage deteriorated as Henry continued his Health: 46 threats to the world beyond the scope of normal experiments in efforts to make himself a better Karma 50 humans to solve. Over 30 heroes have served at hero. One experiment caused him to become Resources: Excellent one time or another as Avengers, though their mentally unstable, and when his condition wors­ Popularity: 65 current numbers, on both the east and west ened, leading him to attack the Avengers and coasts, are limited to six. In the past, as many as Known Powers: strike Janet in a fight, she filed for divorce. As fifteen and as few as three Avengers were in Henry Pym's career slumped, Janet's began to SHRINKING: The Wasp has Incredible shrink­ existence. Several honorary and associate climb. At present, Henry Pym works for the West ing powers and may reduce her body to '/2 ' in members have also been around. Coast Avengers, and Janet works on the east height by mental command. She retains her The Ave ngers have enjoyed very close ties coast as chairperson. normal mass and strength when reduced in with the U.S. government in the past, though size, but not her weight. Personality: Janet Va n Dyne formerly culti­ they have suffered some recent reverses in their vated a rather empty-headed and "dizzy" fortunes. Nevertheless,the Avengers were able FLIGHT: When Jan reaches 112"in height, a pair image, and few people took her seriously. She to have a second government-sponsored of wings unfolds from her back. She may fly up treated adventuring as a fun thing and gaining a Avengers team set up in Los Angeles (the West to two areas per turn in this fashion, and she can reputation for having a wide variety of colorful Coast Avengers). Currently, the East Coast carry about a half-ounce in flight. She can grow costumes, all made from unstable molecules. Avengers have joined forces with the Fantastic to a height of four feet and still retain the wings. Following the divorce, a new side has arisen to Four to establish an off-shore airbase in the WA SP STING: Jan wears a compressed needle Janet's personality, revealing a no-nonsense Atlantic Ocean. The East Coast and West Coast jet blaster on each wrist that shoots a beam of woman with excellent business sense. She Avengers often pool their resources to combat bio-electronic energy. These beams do maintains control of the Avengers - no easy grave threats to humanity and the Earth. Remarkable damage to any target in the same task given the tempers of Sub-Mariner and Her­ The East Coast Avengers use the Avengers area with her. If a live target fails a FEAT roll for cules, and the shadow cast by former chairper­ Mansion, located on Fifth Avenue in New Yo rk Endurance, it is stunned and unable to act for son Captain America, but she has the respect City, as a base for their operations. Wasp is the the following turn. and dedication of all Avengers. Janet has been

38 a close friend of She-Hulk following the first CAPTAIN AMERICA'" justice, and equality. He is a superb leader, eas­ S�ret Wars. Her romantic life is rather busy but Steve Rogers ily taking charge of any situation and using his private. Avengers crimefighter extensive knowledge of military tactics and past combat to save the day. He inspires confidence SUB-MARINER'" Fighting: Amazing in his followers, drawing out the best in them. Namor of Atlantis Agility: Incredible Cap works equally well on his own or on a team. Avengers crimefighter Strength: Excellent Endurance: Remarkable SPIDER-MAN'" Fighting: Incredible Reason: Good Peter Parker Agility: Remarkable Intuition: Incredible Independent hero Strength: Monstrous Psyche: Good Endurance: Incredible Fighting: Remarkable Health: 140 Reason: Typical Agility: Amazing Karma 60 Intuition: Remarkable Strength: Incredible Resources: Excellent Psyche: Incredible Endurance: Incredible Popularity: 100 Reason: Excellent Health: 185 Known Powers: Intuition: Amazing Karma 76 Psyche: Incredible Resources: Good SHIELD: Captain America carries a circular, Popularity: 5 red-white-and-blue shield made of a special Health: 160 mixture of adamantium and vibranium (Class Karma 110 Known Powers: 1000 strength). The shield is a Unique Weapon Resources: Poor BODY ARMOR: As a part-Atlantean, Namor and is immune to all but magical and psionic Popularity: 40 has Excellent resistance to cold and Good forms of energy. Known Powers: armor from physical attacks. The shield can absorb up to 90 pointsof dam­ age per turn, but Cap cannot attack in the same WA LL CRAWLING: Spider-Man sticks to all nor­ MOVEMENT: Namor moves three areas per turn that he uses his shield for defense. Even mal surfaces automatically, and can walk on turn on land, but in the water can swim at six when using the shield, he's still subject to spe­ walls and ceilings with Amazing ability at normal areas per turn. In addition, Namor can fly at four cial battle effects such as slams or stuns. speed. An Agility FEAT is required for him to areas per turn. Cap can throw the shield to hit a target; he walk across wet or slick surfaces. WEAKNESS: The above statistics concern can even make a called shot, bounce the shield SPIDER·SENSE: Parker's spider-sense warns Sub-Mariner when he is underwater or partially off several targets, and have it return to him. He him of potential danger. If placed in immediate wet. However, for every hour out of water, has Monstrous Agility when throwing the shield, danger, a successful Intuition FEAT roll allows Namor loses one Rank of Fighting, Strength, and the weapon inflicts Remarkable damage to him to react in time to save himself (dodging a and Endurance, down to Typical levels. His whatever it hits. bullet, for example). Failing the FEAT roll indi­ Health is unaffected. Should he be totally Ta lents: Captain America is an expert in all cates that he did not react in time to avoid the deprived of water, Namor takes 30 points of forms of martialarts and wrestling. He is a mas­ danger. No Karma may be added to these rolls. damage per day. Immersion in water automati­ ter of military strategy and tactics, and his Rea­ Potentially dangerous persons and situations cally restores Health lost through dehydration son in this subject area is Incredible. If he also cause his spider-sense to react. Potential and brings the Sub-Mariner's statistics to nor­ makes a yellow Reason FEAT roll, he can antici­ dangers can be estimated in terms of gravity, as mal. pate the moves of an organized enemy force an Unearthly danger sparks more of a reaction Background: Namor is the son of a human ship (with the Judge's help). than a merely Good one. The spider-sense is captain and PRINCESS FEN'", daughter of the omnidirectional and automatic. If deprived of Background: The of Liberty first ruler of Atlantis. He fought alongside Captain this sense, Spider-Man's Intuition drops to appeared at the start of World War II, fighting America and the android Human To rch (later the Good and his Agility to Incredible. enemy forces in America and Europe. He was Vision) as a member of the Invaders, but follow­ the leader of the Invaders, the super team that -SHOOTERS: Spider-Man wears a small, ing the war lost his memory when fighting the helped bring the war to a close, but his partner Excellent material-strength web-shooter on villain Destiny. His memory was returned by Bucky was killed and Cap himself was cast into each wrist, each firing Monstrous-strength Johnny Storm, the Human To rch, but Namor the sea by an explosion near the war's end. Cap webbing up to three areas away. The webbing discovered his homeland in ruins. Believing went into suspended animation in block of ice, • has Incredible material Strength in the turn it is atomic weaponshad destroyed it (though it was which came to rest in Eskimo territory. There, an fired, and hardens to Monstrous strength the the dOing of Destiny), he led the Atlantean peo­ enraged Sub-Mariner discovered him and cast turn afterwards. Spider-Man uses this webbing ple in several attacks against the surface world him into the sea, where he was found later by to restrain foes, to make swing-lines (moving up until convinced that the surface-dwellers were the crew of a submarine. He was revived, shield to 3 areas per turn in city areas), as missiles not overtly hostile. and all, little worse for the wear. However, he inflicting up to Excellent slugfest damage, and The Sub-Mariner has had several unsuccess­ now had to cope with a world twenty years as Monstrous-strength shields. The adhesive ful love affairs, among them being involvements advanced from his own time, and this proved webbing dissolves after two hours. Spider-Man with Sue Storm, LADY '" (slain afterthe difficult to do at first. carries a supply of 30web- fluid cartridges, each wedding), and MARRINA'" ofALPHA FLIGHT'" . Captain America joined the Avengers and good for 100 uses. The webs do not conduct He has fought numerous aquatic villains of his served as chairman several times. He has electricity. own race and of humanity, and Atlantis has fought almost every major criminal force at one been ravaged time and again by super-powered SPIDER TRACERS: Parker owns several small, time or another, and is powerful enough to have criminals. After several years of sharing an spider-shaped homing devices, each tuned in completely defeated entire teams of villains adventuring life with his tasks of rulership, the on a frequency detectable by his spider-sense. (such as the Serpent Society). people of Atlantis deposed him, feeling that The range of the signal is about one mile (an Cap has had losses, too. His long-time Namor's temperament was not suited towards entire map area). girlfriend, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Sharon Carter, peaceful rulership and their own defense. was killed by Nihilists. In the mid-1 970s, Cap SPIDER BEACON: Spider-Man keeps a small Namor wandered for some time, eventually join­ became despondent over a government scan­ beacon on his belt that flashes a red spidery ing the Avengers on the invitation of his old ally, dal and adopted the identity of Nomad, a wan­ symbol up to three areas away. Those caught in Captain America. dering hero. He eventually returned to his old the midst of the beacon are surprised and give . Personality: Namor is very much the hot­ identity and rejoined the Av engers. Cap's clos­ Spider-Man the initiative if they fail an Intuition tempered hero he was in the 1940s. He is thin­ est friends include Nick Fury and the FA LCON'" , FEAT. Spider-Man carries an automatic camera skinned, proud, easily offended, and as well as many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. with him next to the beacon. accustomed to having his every wish fulfilled by Personality: Captain America believes in free­ Ta lents: Peter Parker has Remarkable Reason willing underlings. Having worked as a solitary dom and self-determination, and always fights in chemistry, photography, and biophysics. hero for as long as he has, he is used to running to uphold the basic American virtues of truth, into battlewithout thought of his allies. Background: As a high-school student, Peter

39 Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and personal problems, including his 's granted his super-human powers. He made a heart attacks,the murder of his girlfriend GWEN red-and-blue costume, developed his web­ STACY'" , repeated break-ups with various other shooters, and became a television star - but he girlfriends, negative publicity from Jameson's failed to stop a thief who later murdered his editorials, and his own fears and concerns uncle, .and his show-business career was about his self-image and ability to overcome his destroyed by J. JONAH JAMESON'", editor of problems. Nonetheless, Spider-Man has sur­ the Daily /e. Ta king up crimefighting to end vived to become one of the most experienced his guilt, Spider-Man also began selling photo­ and powerful heroes of his time. graphs of himself in combat with various villains Spider-Man is very cynical and operates as a to Jameson, though he did so as Peter Parker, loner for the most part, feeling put-off by those photographer. he works with in groups. He is unquestionably Peter keeps his identity secret, as there are good in nature, but still subject to human weak­ many who would destroy his friends and loved nesses and errors. He tends to be hot-blooded ones if they learned who he really was. Dare­ and impulsive, with a touch of arrogance, but his devil, BLACK CAT'" , and a former girlfriend conscience catches up with him sooner or later. named '" know his iden­ tity, but have kept it secret. Much of Peter's income goes to support his frail AUNT MAY'" , his only living relative. Spider-Man is well-known to nearly all super­ beings in the MARVEL UNIVERSE, and he has been particularly close to the Fantastic Four (once briefly serving as a member of their team). He obtained a new black costume during the first Secret Wars, which he now wears all the time. He currently works as a freelance photog­ rapher, having left his position as a graduate student. Despite attacks on him by the Daily Bug/e, Spider-Man is known to be a hero and not a vil­ lain, though his reputation has been ques­ tioned. Criminals fear his wrath, and he has uncounted enemies. He formerly worked with the Black Cat, who was his lover, but they have separated.

Personality: Spider-Man's life has rarely been without stress. He has suffered many severe



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