The 1St Annual Colloquium 14 May 2016, Queensland University of Technology

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The 1St Annual Colloquium 14 May 2016, Queensland University of Technology Indonesian Student Association of QUT The 1st Annual Colloquium 14 May 2016, Queensland University of Technology “We research, we write and we publish: What does it mean for Indonesia?” 16 1 Schedule Acknowledgement 08:45 | Registration The 1st ISAQ Annual Colloquium is proudly presented by our hard-working commitees 09:15 | Opening President, ISAQ | I Gede Widhiana Suarda 09:25 | Indonesia Raya Project offi cer | Yusuf Adinegoro 09:30 | Opening speech by president of ISAQ Secretary | Mega Ayu Alila Pramiyanti 09:35 | Opening speech by representative of QUT Fiona Suwana Treasury | Farah Dita 09:55 | Keynote speech by representative of Indonesian Event | Aditya Permana Indra Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Hendi Lie Joab Praisely Jonatan Education Kezia Marcella Supriyadi 10:25 | Presentation of token of appreciation by ISAQ Logistic | Prananda Navitas Herdiyan Maulana Julio Levi 10:30 | Morning tea. End of registration. Nathan Djumali IT and publication | Tri Mulyani Sunarharum 11:00 | Session 1: Infrastructure and development Farahiya Musthofa Novyti Dhyaan 12:00 | Session 2: Economy, business and politics Daniel Jauwhannes Eko Satyono Heriyanto 13:00 | Lunch break. Zuhur prayer. Jimmy Oentung Yousef Kurashi 14:00 | Session 3: Women, youth and well-being Academic | Ari Margiono Rido Panjaitan 15:00 | Session 4: Law and order Fajri Adrianto Jose Lukito 16:00 | Afternoon tea Andi Wisnu Wardana Putu Dyan Yuniartha Sukartha Titi Indahyani 16:30 | Award and ending Moh. Wangsit Supriyadi Nurhastuty K. Wardhani Taufi k Sutanto 17:00 | Keynote speech and closing by representative Karlina Indraswari of Indonesian ambassador for Australia Offi cer in charge | Noor Ifada (moderator, notulen, liason Sultan Akbar Rianto 18:00 | Dinner and maghrib prayer offi cer, catering and volunteer) Yolla Fauzia Nuraini Darren Christopher Michael Yuwono Hendo Chrismas Damus 2 15 Other Information Evening Schedule Fire Exits An informal discussion There are two fi re exits located in the conference room. Please “Challenges of research and higher familiarise yourself with their location. In case of fi re, leave all personal belongings and evacuate the building immediately. education in Indonesia” 19:30 | Opening by MC Muslim Praying Room (Mushola) The male mushola is located at G block room G210 and female 19:35 | Presentation and discussion mushola is located at G block room G211. Please ask for one of 21:05 | Conclusion by moderator the committees assistance if you are not familiar with QUT campus. Please note that there will be no special time reserved for prayers. 21:15 | Closing by MC Sponsors and Supporters The 1st ISAQ Annual Colloquium is proudly sponsored by: Special appreciation to: Disclaimer All pictures, photos and logos used in this document belong to their respective owners. ISAQ does not maintain any rights to them. 14 3 Session 1 Other Information Infrastructure & Food and Dietary Tea breaks | Tea and coffee Various snacks Development served at 10.30 and 16.00 Catalysing Indonesia development Lunch | Kalasan fried chicken served at 13.00 Stir-fried tempe and green beans with tauco sauce Vegetarian fried noodle Garlic cracker Terasi chili Steamed rice Dinner | Beef rendang served at 18.00 Kapau vegetable Egg with chili sauce Garlic cracker Curry chili Steamed rice All lunch and dinner menu are proudly provided by Sendok Garpu Authentic Indonesian Food Toilets Toilets are available on the same level as the conference room. Turn left and go straight from the room entrance. 4 13 Keynote Speakers Participating Papers Muhammad Nasir Muhammad Indra Al Irsyad | Multi-sectors estimation of Minister of Research, Technology and PhD candidate electricity consumption in School of Geography, Planning and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia Environment Management Indonesia The University of Queensland Chancellor, Dipenogoro University Professor, Behavioral Accounting and Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti | Improving sanitation access Management Accounting, Faculty of Economy PhD candidate and sustainability in rural and Business, Dipenogoro University School of Environment, Centre for Environment and Population Health Indonesia: The need for a Griffi th University comprehensive framework Ian Mackinnon Radies Kusprihanto Purbo | Public private partnerships in a Queensland University of Professor, PhD candidate multi-level governance setting: Technology School of Accounting, Finance and Economics A study of Indonesian PPP Executive Director, Institute for Future Griffi th University program in the water sector Environments (IFE), Queensland University of Technology Prananda Navitas | Urban fi re risk factors and PhD candidate community resilience School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment Nadjib Riphat Kesoema Queenland University of Technology Ambassador for Australia, Republic of Heriyanto | Understanding how Indonesia PhD candidate researchers experience Former ambassador for Belgium, School of Information System Queenland University of Technology open access as part of their Republic Luxembourg and European Union, information literacy of Indonesia Yusuf Adinegoro | Effects of road surface PhD candidate condition on motorcycle crash School of Psychology Queenland University of Technology and severity 12 5 Session 2 Participating Papers I Gede Widhiana Suarda | A review of Indonesia’s de- Business & PhD candidate radicalization program for School of Justice Economy Queensland University of Technology terrorist prisoners Empowering enterprises for a Warid Nurdiansyah | The introduction of the Robens- stronger Indonesia PhD candidate style legislation into Indonesian School of Geography Planning and Environment Management mining safety and health The University of Queensland legislation Lena Hanifah | Islamic inheritance law in PhD candidate Indonesia: The experience of Faculty of Law University of New South Wales women Andri Supriatna | The land tenure security PhD candidate issues: the case of urban School of Geography Planning and Environmental Management kampung in Jakarta The University of Queensland Karlina Indraswari, Sarah | Illegal bird trade in Indonesia Stoner and Serene Chng PhD candidate School of EECS Queensland University of Technology Ririn Tri Nurhayati | Sovereignty and responsibility PhD candidate in Indonesia School of Political Science and International Studies The University of Queensland 6 11 Session 4 Participating Papers Muhammad A. Margiono | Research into business Law and Order PhD candidate models of social enterprises in School of Business Queenland University of Technology Indonesia Preserving freedom and justice for Taufi k Sutanto | Scalable and cost-effi cient all citizens of Indonesia PhD candidate big data infrastructure for School of EECS Queenland University of Technology Indonesia’s small and medium enterprises Moh. W. Supriyadi, Benno | The impact of multiple Torgler and Uwe Dulleck compliance strategies on tax PhD candidate compliance School of Business Queenland University of Technology Arifi n Rosid | Do perceptions of corruption PhD candidate infl uence personal income School of Taxation and Business Law University of New South Wales taxpayer reporting behaviour? Evidence from Indonesia Rizal Rickieno | Creative industries PhD candidate development: An ethnographic School of Media, Entertainment and Creative Arts case study in Cimahi City, Queensland University of Technology Indonesia Raditya Kusumaningprang | Indonesia and the East Asian PhD candidate regional order transition School of Political Science and International Studies The University of Queensland 10 7 Session 3 Participating Papers Dewi Andriani | Situating the experiences of Women, Youth PhD candidate Indonesian women students in School of Education and Well-being The University of Queensland Australia Alila Pramiyanti | Understanding the infl uences Insights on key of happiness for PhD candidate of Twitter in digitally mediated School of Media, Entertainment and Indonesian families Creative Arts identity of the hijabers Queensland University of Technology community’s members Herdiyan Maulana | Investigating psycho-social PhD candidate and cultural factors associating School of Psychology Queensland University of Technology with Indonesian perception of subjective well-being Yulina Eva Riany | Parenting style and parent- PhD candidate child relationship of children School of Education The University of Queensland with autism: A comparative study in Indonesian society Andrian Liem | Exploration of Complementary- PhD candidate Alternative Medicine (CAM) School of Psychology The University of Queensland among Indonesian clinical psychologists: A study plan Fiona Suwana | Digital media, Indonesian PhD candidate young people and democracy School of Media, Entertainment and Creative Arts Queensland University of Technology 8 9.
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