Indonesian Ambassadors – Argentina, Paraguay and Uraguay – Her Excellency Dr. Nurmala Kartini Pandjaitan Sjahrir Indonesian
Indonesian Ambassadors – Argentina, Paraguay and Uraguay – Her Excellency Dr. Nurmala Kartini Pandjaitan Sjahrir Indonesian Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina Mariscal Ramon Castila 2901 C1425DZE, Buenos Aires Argentina Austria and Slovenia – His Excellency I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Gustav Tschermakgasse 5-7 1180 Vienna Austria Australia – The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary His Excellency Nadjib Riphat Kesoema The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 8 Darwin Avenue, Yarralumla, ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA Belgium, Luxembourg & the European Union – His Excellency Mr. Arif Havvas Oegroseno S.H. LL.M Ambassador to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Avenue de Tervueren 294, 1150 Brussels, Belgium Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia – His Excellency Mr Agus Sardjana Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Prilaz Gjure Dezelica 19 10 000 Zagreb Croatia Canada – Her Excellency Dienne Hardianti Moehario Office of the Ambassador to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 55 Park Dale Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y E5, Canada Denmark and Lithuania – His Excellency Prof. DR. (IPB) H. Bomer Pasaribu, SH, SE, MS Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Ørehøj Alle 1 2900 Hellerup Denmark Estonia, Finland – His Excellency Mr. Elias Ginting Saarihuhdantie 5, 00340 Helsinki, Finland France – His Excellency Mr. Drs. Rezlan Ishar Jenie Ambassador to the Embassy of the Indonesian Republic 47-49 rue Coetambert, 75116 Paris, France Germany – His Excellency Mr Eddy Pratomo The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Lehrter Strasse 16-17 10557 Berlin Germany Senegal in Dakar, and to Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Gabon, Congo, Guinea, Mali and Sierra Leone - His Excellency Mr.
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