Operation - by July 1960
.. "' .. " " " I U "i U I ItJ.A ::; A merica ~ ChM:J new:Jpap€l' _~~,;;-=_.~ ___ ____. ____ __~ '~opyright 1960 by ullited Stales Che$S ."••• '."c .". ",.,"'-_____________ - --, 7""':::0::--- Vol. XlV, No. 13 Saturday, March 5, 1960 15 Cents ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL Masterinll the End (; ome Bv W AtTER KOnN. EfiilO' of Meo AMERICANA (Il l-Maryin Palmer Man'in live~ in Detroit, and although his talents have been dormant lately. he has composed quile a Jot of end·game ~ ludies. Quite a ,ale Iwr:gs around this miniature. (Diagram 76) Sec solution on page 8. Looking at this gem recently, I rcalizcd that I had seen the idea elsewhere. True, it was one of ReU's studies, published in 1928, the only difference being that Reti has the Black rook on Black'S Q·3. and an additional White pawn , on White's Q3. His solution ran; •.. 1. P-Q4, RxQP ; 2. P·K7, R·Q3ch; -,"",".~ . i~·N7, R-QI: 4. K·B7, winning as ~b(;\'e. but adding the minor varia· •• don 1. _.... _.. , K·B2; 2. P·Q5, RxQP; , 3. P·K7 etc. (Continued, with solution, Column I, 8) FISCHER BE ING PHOTOGRAPH ED AFTER FI NAL ROUND WIN OVER SMYSLOV 5000 Hat a,e /"" m"'~ pllOtOg,~ph, /ah" by K", H~r/r.rlelS a/ B~lgrad~, Y"solfa'l'ia, -MEMBERS the J..., Ih~ I,HI ,0",,,1 of du 1959 World Ca"J,d"u, T"""'anum "'''' pl"y.d. Operation - By July 1960 Colorado Story- The Perfecter! PIIIII From: Fred Cramer, General Membe rship Chairman To: Ju .
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