SUMMARY REPORT This Technical Knowledge Exchange (TKX) was organized by the World Bank Disaster Risk TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE Management Hub, , in collaboration with the World Bank’s Resilient Community EXCHANGE (TKX) of Practice (CoP) in partnership with the government of (Ministry of Finance(MoF);

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(MLIT)). The TKX also benefited ON RESILIENT TRANSPORT greatly from contributions by the following: the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and

Recovery(GFDRR), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Iwate Reconstruction Summary Report Bureau, Hyogo Prefecture, University, Nippon Expressway Company (NEXCO), Japan Bosai

Platform, and World Road Association (PIARC). MAY 8–12 2017 5 CONTENTS

CONCEPT: The Technical Knowledge Exchange (TKX) 6 Acknowledgments

Technical Knowledge Exchange (TKX) integrates workshops, site visits, peer-to- 7 Table of Figures peer knowledge sharing, and action planning to support World Bank clients on specific topics. TKX both facilitates knowledge sharing and provides ongoing 8 Abbreviations support to connect clients with technical experts and best practices in close collaboration with the World Bank’s Communities of Practice (CoPs). 9 Executive Summary

The TKXs have four core elements: Participant Profile and Challenges Faced 10 Structure of the TKX 12 1. Objective-focused structure: Demand-driven and problem- solving orientation, with possible technical assistance, including Key Takeaways 13 consultation and expert visits to client nations through the World Bank’s City Resilience Program and other programs. Background on the Resilient Transport CoP 14 Japan’s Experience in Transport DRM 15 2. Knowledge exchange to foster operations: Knowledge exchange, just-in-time assistance, and potential technical assistance for clients and World Bank task teams. 16 Opening and Welcome

3. Structured learning: Delivery of structured learning for clients and partners such as e-learning courses and a package of selected 17 Session Summaries knowledge exchange instruments before, during, and after the keynote 1 Disaster Risk Management of Roads in Japan 17 Technical Knowledge Exchange in Japan. session 1 Introduction to Road Geohazard Risk Management 18 4. Application to knowledge networks: Contribution of relevant session 2 Understanding Risk and System Planning 21 inputs to CoPs to support development of their knowledge assets keynote 2 (such as case studies and best-practice lessons) and to disseminate Road Asset Management for Disaster Resilience 25 them to the broader community. session 3 Road Asset Management and Mapping for Resilience 26 session 4 Innovative Materials and Structures for Vulnerability Reduction 28 session 5 Emergency Management Response and Contingency Planning 30 session 6 Transport Infrastructure as Protection against Hydromet Events 32 This report was prepared by World Bank staff. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive 34 Site Visits Directors, or the governments they represent. Watarase Retarding Basin, Saitama Prefecture 34

The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, NEXCO Traffic Control Center, Saitama City 37 colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the 39 Summary of Action Planning Discussions endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. 45 Conclusion Rights and Permissions: The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to the work 47 ANNEX 1 Agenda of TKX is given. The material in this work is subject to copyright. 53 ANNEX 2 Expert Profiles © 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank Meet the Participants 59 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 7 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TABLE OF FIGURES

FIGURE 1 This summary report was produced by: deputy minister of transport, Ministry management specialist, Social, Urban, TKX Client Countries and Supported Projects 11 of Transport); Norma Castellanos Rural & Resilience Global Practice, World (environmental infrastructure adviser, Bank); Petar Krasic (Advisor Department FIGURE 2 MARC FORNI National Planning Department) for Road Transport, Roads and Road A Profile of the Risks Participating Countries Identified 11 Lead Disaster Risk Management Georgia: Robert Mutyaba (transport Safety, Ministry of Construction, Specialist, Social, Urban, Rural and FIGURE 3 specialist, Transport & ICT Global Practice, Transport and Infrastructure); Slobodan Resilience Global Practice, World Bank Key Themes of the TKX 12 World Bank); Gia Sopadze (head, Roads Basuric (head, Belgrade Department for JAMES (JAY) NEWMAN Department, Ministry of Regional Road Maintenance and Preservation) FIGURE 4 Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure: Life-Cycle Approach 13 Disaster Risk Management Development and Infrastructure) Sri Lanka: Amali Rajapaksa (senior infrastructure specialist, Transport Specialist, Global Facility for Disaster : Ashok Kumar (senior highway FIGURE 5 & ICT Global Practice, World Bank); Reduction and Recovery [GFDRR] engineer, Transport & ICT Global Practice, Japan’s Institutional Framework for Disaster Management System. 17 World Bank); Rajesh Bhushan (joint Nimal Chandrasiri (additional director AKIKO TOYA secretary, Ministry of Rural Development); general, construction design, Road FIGURE 6 Junior Professional Officer, GFDRR Vinay Kumar (secretary, Rural Works Development Authority); Shyamalee Holistic Approach for Geohazard Management 19 Department, State Government of Karunasekera (deputy director, VIBHU JAIN planning, Highway Information and FIGURE 7 Bihar); Rajeev Nayan Prasad Singh Proposed Risk Management Process 21 Consultant, GFDRR (project director and superintending Development Management System, Road Development Authority) SHANIKA HETTIGE engineer, Bihar Rural Roads Project, FIGURE 8 State Government of Bihar) Tajikistan: Aidai Bayalieva (transport Proposed Decision Making Process 22 Disaster Risk Management Consultant, specialist, Transport & ICT Global Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Kyrgyz Republic: Cordula Rastogi FIGURE 9 Practice, World Bank); Olim Yatimov Global Practice, World Bank. (senior transport economist, Trade Suggested New Approach to Consequence 23 & Competitiveness Global Practice, (head, foreign investments cooperation, World Bank); Zhamshitbek Kalilov Department of Ministry of Transport) FIGURE 10A The task team leaders and clients in The Kyoto Model of Road Asset Management vs. Previous Models 24 attendance for each country are listed (minister, Ministry of Transport Vietnam: Phuong Thi Minh Tran (senior and Roads); Ruslanbek Satybaldiev transport specialist, Transport & ICT below: FIGURE 10B (program coordinator, Ministry Global Practice, World Bank); To Nam The Kyoto Model of Road Asset Management vs. Previous Models 25 Afghanistan: Luquan Tian (senior of Transport and Roads) Toan (director, science technology, transport specialist, Transport & Lao PDR: Sombath Southivong (senior environment and international FIGURE 11 ICT Global Practice, World Bank); infrastructure specialist, Transport & ICT cooperation, Department of Hyogo Prefecture’s Infrastructure Data Management Systems 26 Hamidi Sayed Abdul Manan (senior Global Practice, World Bank); Lamphoun Directorate for Roads); Tran Anh Duong contract engineer, NRAP, MPW); FIGURE 12 Khounphakdy (deputy director, Road (director general, Department of Noori Mohammad Salam (senior road Modeling the Economics of Resilient Infrastructure Tool (MERIT) 27 Maintenance Division, Ministry of Public Environment, Ministry of Transport) design engineer, THRCP, MPW) Works and Trade); Litta Khattiya (deputy FIGURE 13 Argentina: Veronica Raffo (senior director general, Department of Roads, The report greatly benefited from the Landslide Countermeasures 28 infrastructure specialist, Transport Ministry of Public Works and Trade) information and support provided by: & ICT Global Practice, World Bank); FIGURE 14 Mozambique: Francisco Manual Jose Andres Gartner (chief advisor, Ministry The Surface and Pavement Waterproofness 29 Danca (senior highway engineer, of Transport); Emma Albrieu (general Road Fund); Emilia Tembe Boene Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Land, FIGURE 15 manager, Vialidad Nacional) (environmental specialist, National Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism DiMAPS showing the damage of 2016 Earthquake 30 Brazil: Satoshi Ogita (senior transport Road Administration); Francisco Álvaro Japan International Cooperation Agency FIGURE 16 specialist, Transport & ICT Global Practice, (technician, international relations, (JICA) NEXCO’s Eight-directions Strategy. 31 World Bank); Livia Maria Tiemi Fujii Road Fund); Jorge Tomás Muonima (civil (coordinator, road transport programs, engineer, National Road Administration) Hyogo Prefecture, Japan FIGURE 17 Ministry of Transport, Ports, and Civil Myanmar: Henrike Brecht (senior Kyoto University, Japan Permeable Pavement Technology 32 Aviation); Fabio Pessoa da Silva Nunes infrastructure specialist, Social, Urban, (general coordinator, maintenance and New Zealand Climate Adaptation FIGURE 18 Rural & Resilience Global Practice, road restoration, National Department Platform Primary Ministries and Agencies of Japan for DRM 33 World Bank); Tin Moe Myint (director, of Transport Infrastructure) Road & Bridge Division, Department of University of Auckland FIGURE 19 Cambodia: Chanin Manopiniwes Rural Development); Kyaw Myo Htut A Levee Road (Prefectural Road Nº 9) 34 (infrastructure specialist, Transport & ICT (director, Department of Highway) We thank the participating officials Global Practice, World Bank); Pom Chreay and project task teams for their FIGURE 20 Philippines: Victor Dato (senior (director, Department of Rural Health presentations, active involvement, and Knowledge Sharing Offered to Other Countries 44 infrastructure specialist, Transport & Care, Ministry of Rural Development); knowledge sharing. ICT Global Practice, World Bank); Maria Phirith Kang (deputy director, Equipment Teresa H. Concepcion (local government and Road Construction Department, operations officer V, Department of Ministry of Public Works and Transport) the Interior); Paul Irineo P. Montano Colombia: Mauricio Cuéllar (senior (local government operations officer transport specialist, Transport & ICT V, Department of the Interior) Global Practice, World Bank); Magda Serbia: Darko Milutin (disaster risk Constanza Buitrago Ríos (adviser to the 9 8 ABBREVIATIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

DRM Disaster Risk Management Technical Knowledge Exchange on GRM Geohazard Risk Management (Handbook) Resilient Transport IT Information Technology RANSPORTATION infrastructure 16 countries to share concepts and practices on JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency represents a significant public and resilient transport, including systems planning, LMICs low- and middle-income countries private investment that is fundamental engineering and design, asset management, NGO nongovernmental organization T to the functioning and development of and contingency programming. The exchange TEC-FORCE Technical Emergency Control Force (Japan) economies and societies. As such, transport drew upon Japanese and international experts TKX Technical Knowledge Exchange investments have been integral to the World to showcase innovative approaches and Bank’s partnerships with client countries. Since practical advice for facing the challenges when 2002, more than 260,000 kilometers of road addressing risk management planning for the were constructed or rehabilitated through transport sector. Country representatives and World Bank-supported projects. However, World Bank teams learned from one another these investments are increasingly exposed and from Japan’s challenges and successes to disaster and climate hazards, including with large-scale disasters. One key lesson was landslides, flooding, and earthquakes. To that continuously reviewing and enhancing manage and reduce the risks these hazards domestic practices and regulations will may pose, low- and middle-income countries ultimately increase the resilience of transport are seeking new approaches to plan, design, networks. construct, operate, and maintain their transportation systems. The Resilient Transport TKX also served as a platform for the launch of the new Road On May 8–12, 2017, the World Bank Disaster Geohazard Risk Management Handbook Risk Management (DRM) Hub in Tokyo and developed under the Hub’s Knowledge the Resilient Transport Community of Practice Program. The tool was presented alongside (CoP) hosted a week-long Technical Knowledge case studies of its application across federal, Exchange (TKX) in Tokyo that convened clients state, and municipal levels in Brazil and Serbia. and World Bank task team leaders (TTLs) from The Handbook itself urges a shift away from traditional and reactive approaches towards a multidimensional geohazard risk management approach that incorporates people, the environment, hydrology, and geology as well as transportation infrastructure so that such proactive methodology can result in 60–70 percent life-cycle cost savings. Going forward, the Resilient Transport CoP will continue to connect current and future World Bank transport investments with the information, tools, and technical expertise that exist in Japan and in many countries in the area of resilient transport. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

11 10 Executive Summary

• AF: Afghanistan Rural Access Project (P125961) FIGURE 1 Participant Profile afghanistan TKX Client • Trans-Hindukush Road Connectivty Project (P145347) and Challenges Faced Countries and argentina • Northwestern Road Corridor (P163115) Supported Projects Source: Tokyo DRM Hub HE TKX brought together World individuals working in the infrastructure and brazil • São Paulo Sustainable Transport Project (P127723) Bank staff working in five regions; public works and disaster risk management cambodia • KH - Road Asset Management Project II (P150572) Texperts from Japan and New Zealand; (DRM) fields. Country representatives shared colombia • CO Support Nat’l Urban Transit Program (P117947) and client delegations from Afghanistan, their unique challenges, practices, and lessons georgia • GE: Climate Resilience of Road Network (P161222) Argentina, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, learned with over 70 people who participated india • IN: PMGSY Rural Roads Project (P124639) Georgia, India, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Lao in the exchange. Each country presented a • BRRP (P155522) People’s Democratic Republic, Mozambique, lightning talk on the disaster risks affecting kyrgyz republic • Central Asia Regional Links - Phase 3 (P159220) Myanmar, the Philippines, Serbia, Sri Lanka, their own transport sectors FIGURE 2 and lao pdr • Lao Road Sector Project 2 (P158504) Tajikistan, and Vietnam. FIGURE 1 60 percent the methods they employ to make them more • Lao PDR Southeast Asia DRM Project (P160930) of the attendees represented the transport resilient. This ultimately informed each country mozambique • MZ-APL2 Roads & Bridges (P083325) sector, while the other 40 percent comprised as they developed action plans. • Feeder Road Project (P158231) myanmar • Flood and Landslide Emergency Recovery C (P158194) philippines • Technical assistance on Local Roads Management (P162622)

serbia • Corridor X Highway AF (P158413) • Implementing Open Data Plan for Serbia (P162777) south asia • Nepal-India Reg Trade & Transport Prj (P144335) sri lanka • Transport Sector Project (P132833) tajikistan • RSIP (P159707)

vietnam • Vietnam Road Asset Management Project (P123961) • Local Road Asset Management Program (P155086) • Together, these projects represent more than US$5 billion in government-led investment, supported by the World Bank.

landslide river cyclone earthquake coastal slope flood typhoon flood geohazard hurricane Afghanistan Afghanistan Cambodia Afghanistan Colombia Argentina Argentina India Kyrgyz Republic Myanmar Brazil Brazil Lao PDR Tajikistan Vietnam Colombia Cambodia Mozambique Georgia Colombia Myanmar India Georgia Philippines Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz Republic Sri Lanka FIGURE 2 Lao PDR Lao PDR A Profile of Philippines Mozambique the Risks Serbia Myanmar Participating Sri Lanka Philippines Countries Tajikistan Serbia Identified Source: Tokyo Vietnam Tajikistan DRM Hub Vietnam 13 12 Executive Summary

Structure of Key Takeaways

the TKX •• Investments in accurate data collection, can be integrated in the different phases of archiving, analyzing, and sharing systems are infrastructure life-span: HE WEEK-LONG innovative learning crucial. A comprehensive system should be exchange is structured around key • Systems planning: Shifting deployment developed that focuses on the entire value practical themes: FIGURE 3 of long-lived infrastructure away from T chain, from data collection and analysis to disaster-prone areas to avoid development efficient service delivery. Long-term planning, 1. Understanding disaster (that is, geohazard) lock-in; consideration of integration and institutional aspects, and data systems are key risks faced by the transport sector and redundancy on critical infrastructure to offer for sustainability of investments. system planning-based approaches to alternatives. manage these risks •• Capacity building of the stakeholders, through training and site visits, promotes • Engineering and design: Using transport 2. Showcasing Japan and global good practices well-coordinated, long-lasting, and effective infrastructure both for connectivity and on asset management technologies and resilient transport planning. Participants for DRM purposes, particularly from institutional and financial mechanisms were specifically interested in developing hydrometeorological-related hazards; 3. Exploring innovative materials and asset management tools; implementing use of innovative materials and design structures to reduce vulnerability comprehensive geohazard management specifications that enhance robustness and systems; and sharing technical guidance notes, flexibility of infrastructure. 4. Learning from Japan’s emergency case studies, and terms of reference. management response and contingency The TKX included six main sessions (including 14 • Asset management: Inventory and mapping planning efforts •• Incorporating climate and DRM in the transport lectures) on the principles of resilient transport, of transport infrastructure using open and sector life cycle is essential, and effective about which the experts from Japan offered interoperable technologies and improving 5. Examining how transport infrastructure resilient transport management systems relevant experience; two keynote addresses; institutional and financial arrangements can be used as protection against are built on legal and regulatory frameworks two field visits; and two workshops. for infrastructure maintenance; integration hydrometeorological events that define clear responsibilities and roles of of climate and disaster risk considerations different stakeholders, such as governments, in the prioritization of investments in municipalities, media, and the private sector. new infrastructure, rehabilitation, and •• Upstream planning of transport systems restoration. can reduce the hazard exposure of the infrastructure that results in greater disaster • Contingency programming: Developing risk. To utilize the life-cycle approach policy and institutional frameworks, Road Understanding Road asset Innovative Emergency Transport effectively, institutional and regulatory communication protocols, and investments Geohazard risk and management materials and management infrastructure as challenges, which are cross-cutting in in emergency preparedness and response; Risk system for resilience structures for response and protection nature, need to be mitigated. The life-cycle alignment of transport systems and flows Management planning vulnerability contingency against reduction planning hydromet events approach FIGURE 4 was applied to highlight with local and regional evacuation, response, how climate and disaster risk management and recovery needs.

INSTITUTIONAL AND REGULATORY CAPACITY BUILDING Disaster Resilient infrastructure life cycle approach FIGURE 4 Road Understanding Road asset Innovative Emergency Transport Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure: FIGURE 3 Geohazard risk and management materials and management infrastructure as Life-Cycle Key Themes of Risk system for resilience structures for response and protection SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ASSET CONTINGENCY Approach the TKX PLANNING AND DESIGN MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMING Source: Resilient Management planning vulnerability contingency against Source: Resilient Transport CoP reduction planning hydromet events Transport CoP SECTOR LEVEL PROJECT LEVEL PROJECT LEVEL PROJECT LEVEL 15 14 Executive Summary

Japan’s Experience in Transport DRM

HE government of Japan has a wealth of Specifically, the Ministry of Land, knowledge and experience in identifying Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) Tand managing hazards that may adversely provided the overall institutional DRM affect transport. In Japan, the challenges and framework for roads in Japan and introduced lessons learned from large-scale disasters have the Technical Emergency Control Force (TEC- been the driving force for continuously reviewing FORCE) mechanism whereby the national and enhancing the regulations, institutional government coordinates across regions frameworks, financing, staff capacity, and to quickly deploy technical capacity for technology to advance resilience in transport. post-disaster recovery. In addition, Nippon The TKX tapped into this experience by inviting Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO) speakers from Japan’s public sector, private presented an advanced and unique model for sector, academia, and civil society to share their how private highway companies can manage lessons learned in relation to each of the life- and operate resilient roads, as well as the cycle phases. technology and capacities put in place to respond to disasters. Background on the Resilient Transport CoP

RANSPORT damages and losses often when failures do occur, they can be addressed make up a significant proportion of in a way that limits negative impacts. Tthe economic impacts of disasters, frequently surpassing destruction to housing With a growing transport and DRM agenda and agriculture in value terms. Damage across the WB, the Resilient Transport CoP is sustained not only by road surfaces or brings together members of the Climate Change structures, but also by bridges, culverts, and Cross-Cutting Solutions Area (CCSA), GFDRR, other drainage works, while losses occur when Social Urban Rural & Resilience Global Practice breaks in transport links lead to reduced (GPSURR), and Transport and ICT GP (T&I GP), economic activity. Transport systems that are with the objective of creating a knowledge- built well the first time—upholding structural sharing environment for DRM and transport and schematic standards and planning for sector specialists. This COP has principally safe failure—and that are well maintained are developed since September 2016, with the aim less likely to collapse when under pressure. at establishing professional sharing practices With networks incurring damage less often, among multidisciplinary staff that provides costs of rebuilding the same structures are Task Teams with a suite of cross regional best reduced, and time and funding are made practices and grant funding for technical available for investment in more capable, assistance. By tackling DRM and transport in adapted systems. If disaster strikes, a tandem—integrating the priorities and needs still-functioning transport system can also of both sectors—robust resilient transport enhance the protection and revitalization systems can be established to reduce the risk of of other sectors. Finally, planning and lost returns on investments and make strides programming for contingencies ensures that toward long-term poverty reduction. 17 16 OPENING SESSION AND WELCOME SUMMARIES

•• Raise awareness of the importance of ARIA Cordeiro and Marc Forni KEYNOTE 1: climate and natural-disaster-resilient from the World Bank welcomed the transport systems by exposing World Bank Disaster Risk Management of Roads participants on behalf of the Bank’s M clients and teams to resilient transport in Japan Resilient Transport Community of Practice. concepts and best practices HITOSHI FUKUMOTO, senior deputy director, Road The interest received for this event and the Bureau, Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport coming together of global practice units and •• Foster learning, knowledge sharing, and and Tourism client countries from around the world was a collaboration among client countries on the testament to the importance of and need to topic of resilient transport APAN has developed its institutional enhance the resilience of transport systems to and regulatory framework to define roles •• Start documenting best practices being the impacts of natural disasters and climate Jand responsibilities of governmental deployed by client countries, with the change. organizations for disaster risk management support of the World Bank, to facilitate (DRM) as one of the world’s most disaster- replication and scaling-up of solutions Incorporating climate and disaster risk prone countries. FIGURE 5 Fukumoto provided preparedness, response, and recovery). His management into infrastructure investments •• Improve understanding of challenges faced a comprehensive explanation of how Japan presentation emphasized the importance of is an important part of meeting the World by client countries to inform World Bank has established a centralized DRM system by continuously improving the technical capacity Bank Group’s commitments to address climate products and services in order to best serve having strong coordination and communication of those who engage in disaster response and change. Given this context, the Technical and support client countries. at the national, prefectural, and municipal recovery work through practical trainings. For Knowledge Exchange (TKX) set the following levels to ensure the consistency of DRM plans example, Japan’s Technical Emergency Control key objectives: and its implementation approach. As a result, Force (TEC-FORCE) is a group of trained experts Japan has been able to mobilize people and who provide immediate support when local resources effectively during any phase of municipalities cannot manage the situation in the disaster management cycle (mitigation, the event of disaster.

disaster management system

national level

Prime Minister Formulation and promoting Central Disaster Management Council implementation of the Basic Designated Government Organizations Disaster Management Plan Designated Public Corporations

Formulation and promoting implementation of the prefectural level Disaster Management Governor Operation Plan Prefectural Disaster Management Council Designated Local Government Organizations Designated Local Public Corporations FIGURE 5 Formulation and promoting Japan’s implementation of the Local Institutional municipal level Disaster Management Plan Framework for Disaster Mayor of Cities, Towns and Villages Management System. Municipal Disaster Management Council Source: Adapted from Hitoshi Fukumoto’s residents level presentation. Households Session Summaries

19 18 Session Summaries

SESSION 1: FIGURE 6 Holistic Introduction to Road Geohazard Approach for Geohazard Risk Management Management Source: Road YUKA MAKINO, senior natural resources management Geohazard Risk and disaster risk management specialist, World Bank Management Handbook. HE World Bank’s Road Geohazard Risk Management (GRM) Handbook urges Ttraditional reactive approaches to improving transport network resilience to move toward a multidimensional geohazard risk management approach FIGURE 6, which incorporates people, the environment, [It is] easy to get money when hydrology, and geology as well as disaster happens but difficult transportation infrastructure. This proactive to get funding for preventive methodology is threefold—working through actions. —Yuka Makino the steps of evaluating hazards, monitoring networks, and managing infrastructure Currently the GRM Handbook is being tested accordingly—and can result in 60–70 percent through technical assistance programs and life-cycle cost savings. the first release of the executive summary was distributed to Technical Knowledge Exchange Effective transport asset management must (TXK) participants. The unabridged version include the following elements: (a) geohazard of the document contains sample terms of risk evaluation from a landscape perspective; reference, operations manuals, and guidance for (b) hazard monitoring, early warning cost-benefit analysis. systems, structural measures, and emergency preparedness and response planning; and (c) institutional coordination and management.

FIGURE 6 Holistic Approach for Geohazard Management Source: Road Geohazard Risk Management Handbook. Session Summaries

21 20 Session Summaries Session 1: Introductionto Road Geohazard Risk Management

FREDERICO FERREIRA PEDROSO, DRM specialist , World Bank SESSION 2: Understanding Risk and System ALTHOUGH Brazil faces significantly fewer natural hazards than many of the countries Planning represented at the TKX, its transport Keiichi Tamura, chair, Technical Committee infrastructure is extremely critical and highly on Risk Management, World Road vulnerable to disaster shocks. Approximately Association (PIARC) 25 percent of the Brazilian economy relies on the functioning of a pair of highways between KEIICHI TAMURA, chair, Technical Committee on Risk the São Paulo metropolitan area and the Management, World Road Association (PIARC) Port of Santos, the busiest container port in the Latin American region. Therefore, any ISKS are defined and evaluated obstruction on that road can have a sizable team is working in Brazil across federal, state, quantitatively and qualitatively. impact on the entire country’s economy. and municipal levels and is currently focused RBased on the shared understanding Unfortunately, the country faces significant on addressing issues of poor communication of risks, Tamura suggested evaluating road institutional challenges in mobilizing disaster to promote better sharing of data across geohazard risks more systematically by using resilience. The GRM Handbook encourages government sectors. a standardized risk index and rating. By countries to establish standard operating using the example of risk assessment on the procedures and recognize that DRM is not national highway (a 110-kilometer section) only the responsibility of federal or central running through the Pacific coast area of governments, but also of state, local, and all Japan, Tamura emphasized the importance of quantifying road geohazard risks by using other administrative bodies. The World Bank Identification of natural risk a risk index to identify treatment areas disasters (hazards) identification and specify risk mitigation methods. The proposed method of road DRM is to evaluate Damage judgment YOGANATH ADIKARI, DRM consultant, the risk of road facilities systematically of road facilities World Bank and demonstrate the efficiency of the

IN MAY 2014, an unprecedented rainfall proposed method through a case study. Evaluation of risk analysis resulted in massive flash flooding and The process involves the identification direct damage and evaluation landslides in Serbia. The transport sector of natural disasters (hazards), damage took an enormous hit as bridges failed, roads assessment of road facilities, evaluation Evaluation of were eroded, and throughways were flooded of direct and indirect damages, evaluation indirect damage by river water. The government realizes that of consequences, evaluation of risks, and it needs to streamline DRM but doesn’t examination of the disaster prevention Evaluation of consequences know where to start. Therefore, the World measures. FIGURE 7 Bank team is applying the GRM Handbook Evaluation of to address the government’s unanswered Evaluation of risks hazard likelihood questions. This effort includes making the case for increasing capacity, upgrading maintenance plans, and filling the data gap Examination of disaster prevention measures risk treatment to improve the country’s 5- and 10-year DRM FIGURE 7 implementation plans. Proposed Risk Management Process Source: Adapted from Keiichi Tamura’s presentation. 23 22 Session Summaries Session 2: Understanding Risk and System Planning

JULIE ROZENBERG, economist, MONIQUE CORNISH, New Zealand Climate Adaptation World Bank Platform, University of Auckland, and Tonkin & Taylor

DECISION MAKERS often have to make RECENT RESEARCH commissioned by the decisions that will have an impact for many New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) defines years to come, without having access to full resilience as “the ability of systems (including information or certainty. Rozenberg presented infrastructure, government, business, and a road network model designed to help decision communities) to proactively resist, absorb, makers overcome this burden in two ways: recover from, or adapt to disruption within a timeframe which is tolerable from a social, •• Identify critical links in a transport economic, cultural, and environmental network by using a new technology perspective.” This definition is not restricted (available as a free phone app) called to natural hazards but takes a wide view of RoadLabPro to collect up-to-date data challenges to the system. about the network and then systematically The tool urges decision makers to move from to a variety of stresses and shocks; of focusing simulate disruptions to highlight the road a “predict, then act” system to one that The tool developed for NZTA supports on social, cultural, and environmental as well as disruptions that will lead to the highest allows for iteration—that is, moving decision makers in the consideration of the economic value at stake; of allowing for a range increase in costs and time through phases of learning, acting, learning, consequences of unavailability of an asset in of stakeholder perspectives in decision making, revising, and then acting again based on new the context of social, cultural, environment, and of prioritizing outcomes and systems rather •• Prioritize robust interventions to improve information. FIGURE 8 This model was applied and economic impacts, as well as community than assets. the resilience of the transport network to Mozambique and Peru, and findings from a tolerance to outage and willingness to pay. given that risks and their consequences are series of scenario studies show that increasing FIGURE 9 Monique emphasized the importance It’s very important to place communities uncertain maintenance always yields higher economic of taking a wide view of resilience as it relates and their tolerance of risk at the heart of benefits, though they do not protect against our decision making. —Monique Cornish Experience shows that relying the worst-case scenarios. The World Bank team too much on the past can be recommends that the best option is to build sometimes dangerous for future redundancy only in the routes that draw the plans. —Julie Rozenberg highest traffic and that it is always beneficial to invest in resilience. Environmental: Social: Cultural: Economic: Ecosystems and Encompasses social cohesion Value attributed to physical A measure of the current Environmental: Social: Cultural: Economic: their constituent and access to social net natural and built environment levels of consumer or Ecosystems and Encompasses social cohesion Value attributed to physical A measure of the current parts, including networks, as well as to landmarks, and may be tangible or producer surplus Often their constituent and access to social net natural and built environment levels of consumer or people and services, including critical intangible Cultural value extends presented in monetary terms parts, including networks, as well as to landmarks, and may be tangible or producer surplus Often the traditional decision communities; and services; essential services; from what is valued today to sites or in terms of monetary people and services, including critical intangible Cultural value extends presented in monetary terms way of making making under all natural and non-essential services and or artefacts which are part of (New proxies such as exchange communities; and services; essential services; from what is valued today to sites or in terms of monetary decisions uncertainty physical resources recreational facilities Zealand’s) history value or productivity all natural and non-essential services and or artefacts which are part of (New proxies such as exchange physical resources recreational facilities Zealand’s) history value or productivity

Predict Act Learn Act Learn 5 environmental

45 economicenvironmental Revise socialeconomic FIGURE 9 34 cultural Suggested social 3 FIGURE 8 New 2 cultural

Proposed consequence Approach to 2 Decision Making Consequence 1 consequence Process Source: 1 Source: Adapted Adapted from 0 2 4 6 8 10 from Julie Monique mco mao Minimum Maximum Rozenberg’s Cornish’s 0 2 4 mco6 mao 8 10 presentation. presentation Continuity Acceptable days ObjectiveMinimum OutageMaximum Continuity Acceptable days Objective Outage 25 24 Session Summaries

Keynote 2: His presentation focused on the collaboration Finally, Kobayashi again emphasized the Road Asset Management of Kyoto University with Vietnam to improve importance of maximizing the value of for Disaster Resilience the road asset management system over the infrastructure for citizens by having optimal past 12 years. By conducting a training course allocation of resources between investment KIYOSHI KOBAYASHI, professor, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University with Vietnamese universities and others for new construction and spending for the to enhance the skills of the civil engineers, maintenance costs of existing facilities NFRASTRUCTURE is a driving force Kyoto University and the Japan International through a step-by-step evolution of the asset for development and is an invaluable Cooperation Agency (JICA) helped Vietnam management system. Iasset in megacities, especially in low- and build its technical capacity to apply the “Kyoto middle-income countries (LMICs). Kobayashi Model” invented by Kyoto University. The first defined the objective of road asset Kyoto Model is a performance-based road asset management as “to enhance the optimal management system that supports the decision allocation of the limited budget between Infrastructure is a driving force for making of PMS (pavement management the new arrangement of infrastructure development and is an invaluable systems) based on an actual investigation and rehabilitation/maintenance of the asset in megacities. inspection, repair data, and performance to existing infrastructure to maximize the —Kiyoshi Kobayashi reduce the life-cycle cost of road pavement value of the stock of infrastructure and at the project level or network levels. Unlike to realize the maximum outcomes for the previous models—including the Highway Design citizens.” Considering the challenges of and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM) asset management in LMICs—due to their developed by the World Bank—the Kyoto Model poor quality of infrastructure, growing and requires minimal data and provides a standard diverse needs for infrastructure services, platform corresponding to an international and vulnerabilities to disasters—Kobayashi standard as well as a PMS that supports overall reiterated the need for proper road inspections pavement asset management. FIGURES 10 A–B and asset data collection and management to prioritize road investment in a strategic manner.

previous model kyoto model

Deterioration Deterioration Ledger information Calibration Data Investigation Deterioration Performance curve prediction model prediction model (Data parameter) + (Road characteristic) = inspection data + hazard model = (past results) (Future prediction) (Future prediction)

Benchmarking Policy evaluation evaluation

FIGURE 10A FIGURE 10B The Kyoto Model The Kyoto Model of Road Asset of Road Asset Management vs. Management vs. Previous Models Previous Models Source: Adapted from Source: Adapted from Kiyoshi Kobayashi’s Kiyoshi Kobayashi’s presentation. presentation. 27 26 Session Summaries

ROGER FAIRCLOUGH, New Zealand Climate Adaptation SESSION 3: Platform, University of Auckland, and managing director, Road Asset Management and Neo Leaf Global Mapping for Resilience THE NEW Zealand government has a policy, TAKEAKI SHONO, civil engineer, Land Development Department, Land Planning Division, Hyogo Prefecture upheld across all sectors, that urges a focus on resilience planning, emergency response, and OST of Hyogo Prefecture’s integration with business continuity planning. infrastructure was built after Resilience planning involves the mapping Mthe 1960s, and thus maintenance of hazard exposure—understanding road and renewal costs are expected to increase networks not only as linear systems of state in coming years. To repair and renew aging highways and local roads but also about what infrastructure efficiently, maintenance they connect and enable. plans based on a wide range of data and system, a photograph storage system, and a mobile information are necessary. Hyogo prefecture system. FIGURE 11 This infrastructure data platform Fairclough shared the Modeling the Economics is using infrastructure data management allows users to access data from anywhere (such as of Resilient Infrastructure Tool (MERIT) that systems to maintain infrastructure efficiently. office and construction or inspection sites) remotely the New Zealand government is developing to Hyogo Prefecture manages a comprehensive via internet. The photograph storage system, which understand the types of businesses that can be infrastructure data platform by centralizing enables users to share geographical location and affected by different hazards and how those six key information systems: a facility ledger photographs of disasters, can enhance the quick impacts can take shape. FIGURE 12 system, an asset management system, a recovery of affected sites. geographic information management system, MERIT is an economic evaluation tool and a requests-and-complaints management may be used to assess the economic impacts associated with major infrastructure outages inrastrtre aiities integrated management system such as the GDP impacts. MERIT is a dynamic, Road Outage Scenario multi-regional and multi-sectoral economic 1 facility ledger system 3 geographic information system model that contains all of the core features of Bridges Road network X Level of Service X time Tunnels Locations of the facilities a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. (BAU & hazard event scenarios) Drainage pump stations Finally, he recalled that adaptability is key; aility ledger Maintenance information Water gates, weirs nsetion ledger plans need to be easy to understand and easily Harbor facilities Accident points readjusted. Sewage treatment facilities Network Analyser Other facilities We are guilty of plans that run asset management system 6 mobile system 2 into hundreds of pages. We Distance and time to travel between Request and complaints simple zones (BAU & hazard event scenarios) Bridges need realistic implementation. registration / browsing —Roger Fairclough Harbor facilities Photograph registration Direct Impact Analyser Facility information browsing 4 request complaints management system

Requests, complaints etane Photographs doumentation Change in expenditure X economic sector

FIGURE 11 FIGURE 12 5 photograph storage system Hyogo Prefecture’s Modeling the Economics of Infrastructure Data Resilient Infrastructure Tool Disaster photographs Compile Direct Impacts / Management Systems (MERIT) PR photographs Taken date Source: Adapted from Takeaki Source: Adapted from Roger MERIT Economic Model Events photographs Shono’s presentation. Fairclough’s presentation. 29 28 Session Summaries

STEFAN HUSZAK, geotechnical engineer, New Zealand SESSION 4: Climate Adaptation Platform, University of Auckland Innovative Materials and HUSZAK SHARED the research conducted Structures for Vulnerability at the University of Auckland concerning the Reduction better understanding of the role that water KENSUKE ICHIKAWA, manager, Disaster and Water ingress has to play on road asset failures. Resources Management Division, Kokusai Kogyo Co. Ltd. Water related failures is an issue that is being exacerbated through climate change, THIOPIA’S National Road Route 3 population increase, and urbanization. crosses through the Abay Gorge to Conducted research includes deepening the connect the district towns of Dejen and E understanding of water related failures, Gohatsion. The winding 42-kilometer stretch as well as exploring options to increase of road drops and then climbs 1.2 kilometers road asset resilience. In many cases, water information from which to improve and along cliffs and steep slopes, presenting to innovate and adapt economic selection of is needed to build roads, but as soon as optimize design processes of road assets. difficult geohazard conditions and demanding materials and more labor-intensive—rather building is completed, water is seen as the Options to increase resilience of roads include engineering challenges for road construction than capital-intensive—approaches. FIGURE 13 enemy. Water can enter the system through the use of positive drainage techniques, and maintenance. In fact, engineers found four infiltration through the surface (including permeable pavements, Epoxy modified critical landslides in the project area. From 2010 *Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), being forced through by traffic), capillary rise open graded porous asphalt (EMOGPA), and to 2012, JICA-supported work identified options “The Project for Developing Countermeasures against (water rising from water table), and from the waterproof solutions for thin chipseals (sprayed to address these issues.* Focusing on surface Landslides in the Abay River Gorge.” Final Report: http:// shoulder. Research aimed at understanding seals). The challenge still exists of integrating drainage, earth removal, soil nailing, erosion waterproofness of thin chipseals (sprayed this knowledge into widely used decision prevention, and anchoring, the project showed seals), and moisture susceptibility of pavement making processes to select options that the value of sharing and adapting techniques materials. This research will provide better increase resilience and reduce risk. FIGURE 14 with local engineers and the need to continue

introducing of japanece techniques and its application without waterproof countermeasures waterproofing road solutions applicable in ethiopia Repeated Horizontal gravity Drainage traffic loading Repeated (750kPa, 0002sec) drain work tunnel Slope protection work traffic loading (750kPa, 0002sec) Water entering Agregate Anchors seal defect but surface prevent from entering modifier Water entering Flushing Culvert basecourse seal defect Ditch Seal Layer 15mm Slip surface

Piles Basecourse Layer Drainage Channel FIGURE 14 150-200mm well Shaft FIGURE 13 Surface and Buttress piles Landslide Pavement fill work Countermeasures Waterproofness Source: Adapted from Source: Adapted Water disbonding Weakened, Waterproofing Basecourse Kensuke Ichikawa’s from Stefan Huszak’s bitumen at chip saturated membrane Top 10-15mm layer intact presentation presentation. interface basecourse of basecourse impregnated 31 30 Session Summaries

OSAMU UEMURA, manager, disaster and risk SESSION 5: management team, Nippon Expressway Company Emergency Management Response (NEXCO) and Contingency Planning UEMURA gave an overview of the duties KATSUNAO TANAKA, director, Disaster Risk Management Division, Water and Disaster Management of Japan’s Nippon Expressway Company Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation (NEXCO), which include toll management, road and Tourism maintenance and repairs, and inspection. The

CCORDING to MLIT’s DRM protocol, regional head office and traffic control center when large-scale natural disasters collect private data from weather forecasting occur, MLIT’s senior officials gather information services, meteorological agencies, immediately at the Disaster Control Center to and traffic patrol monitors to assess road and weather conditions. For NEXCO, information •• Collect disaster-related data and in case of emergency. Since its establishment and institutional arrangements are the temporary restorations have been made, information; in April 2008, more than 8,000 people from essential foundation of a well-operated while full restorations are expected to take each organization of MLIT have been assigned expressway. up to two years after an event. To conclude, •• Assess damage situations; to TEC-FORCE and have supported 69 disaster- Uemura shared strategies, such as NEXCO’s •• Share critical disaster-related information affected areas. TEC-FORCE’s activity location In our roles, who and when comb-like road-opening process and eight- with the prime minister’s office and other and investigation results are shared through the needs to do what is very well directions strategy, which aims to reestablish ministries (such as the Cabinet Office, Integrated Disaster Mapping System (DiMAPS), prescribed.—Osamu Uemura the accessibility to Tokyo from eight directions which plays a general coordination role and which integrates damage information such as within 48 hours after the earthquake by provides disaster information to the public roads, rivers, seismic intensity, and emergency In the event of a disaster, NEXCO prioritizes maintaining at least one route in each direction. and mass media); and routes. FIGURE 15 Finally, Tanaka shared MLIT’s road clearance to restore the network within FIGURE 16 These strategies facilitate the rapid •• Determine contingency plans. efforts to prepare for a future Nankai Trough 20 hours for emergency vehicle passage. response and recovery of transport systems and megathrust earthquake, which is expected General use is permitted within 13 days after enable NEXCO to fulfill its mission of protecting MLIT’s Technical Emergency Control Force to occur around the time of the 2020 Tokyo society and responding to disaster-hit areas. (TEC-FORCE) is a group of trained technical Olympics, and emphasized the importance of experts dedicated to providing special support investing in preparedness.

FIGURE 15 FIGURE 16 DiMAPS showing NEXCO’s Eight- the damage of 2016 Tohoku directions Strategy Kumamoto Earthquake Direction Source: Adapted from Source: Adapted from Osamu Uemura ’s Kanetu Katsunao Tanaka ’s presentation presentation Direction Jhoban Direction

Power source CCTV Camera Chuou Direction Keiyo Direction Highway blocked Tokyo National road blocked Prefectural road blocked Prefectural road opening info Railway stopped Tokyo-bay Ports and harbors affected Toumei Aquiline Airport affected Direction Direction Landslide Direction Infrastructure (Emergency transport roads, rail, ports, airports, dam, etc); Hazard Map (Expected Inundation Area, Landslide Sites, etc); Facilities (Government, evacuation sites, hospitals, etc); Base maps (aerial, elevation, etc) 33 32 Session Summaries

KAZUSHIGE ENDO, deputy director general, Iwate SESSION 6: Reconstruction Bureau, Reconstruction Agency Transport Infrastructure AFTER THE GREAT East Japan earthquake as Protection against in 2011, the government established a Hydromet Events Reconstruction Agency in 2012 to coordinate STEFAN HUSZAK, geotechnical engineer, New Zealand reconstruction policies and implement Climate Adaptation Platform, University of Auckland government assistance by promoting RBANIZATION removes a number of clear communication between the central natural means to reduce flooding, and government and local governments and other Upaved surfaces also cover significant line ministries and agencies. Under Japan’s urban areas that could be used to recharge the Cabinet Office, the Reconstruction Agency groundwater and reduce pressure on storm was positioned and ranked higher than other water. Although pavements traditionally as well as long-term infrastructure performance for ministries and agencies. FIGURE 18 Within this are designed to keep water out, permeable the needs in specific locations. FIGURE 17 In addition, institutional framework, the minister of the pavements do the opposite and, as a result, he reiterated that the benefits of resilience measures Cabinet Office Reconstruction Agency is authorized to provide they can effectively disseminate water to should not only be quantified in economic terms but any support across different ministries and ground and avoid flooding. A trial of permeable should also include their environmental, social, and Reconstruction Agency agencies and thus can comprehensively manage pavement technology was constructed on cultural aspects. The Mauri model* was presented as and expedite the reconstruction process. Auckland’s North Shore (New Zealand); which a tool to quantify and account these benefits, and Cabinet Secretariat The budget for reconstruction measures and was a success in its function, but a more successfully shown to be of use on a case study of a road activities for the planned 10-year period (FY 2011 expensive option when not including the value project in Samoa (funded by the World Bank). to FY 2020) was set at approximately US$320 of other benefits such as environmental and Ministry of Defense billion, and the progress of recovery of key flood risk reduction benefits. These benefits * « mauriometer.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=AgHBXVkk0bblyDQ8J infrastructure such as transportation, schools, of DRM intervention need to be properly Qu5Fw&r=80g0sfvBFQvJaA2ZreaV2rb6zXpzEFLoWKUTF- Ministry of the Environment and hospitals was almost complete (as of quantified and considered for a true value edovg&m=0wlvAre3qSh4uya-qu1mrHztJbEmg9D9CnjGhiESwZ4&s=_ M34j98Es956YmNwpkqc9D6PS6tbqyfnq1cqXifwicQ&e=” http://www. November 2016). of the technology. Huszak highlighted that» Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, although various pavement and surface design Transport and Tourism FIGURE 17 options exist around the world, it is critical to Ministry of Economy, Endo shared examples of the seawalls Permeable cabinet Trade and Industry consider the hydro-related hazards holistically Pavement constructed in Rikuzentakata city in Iwate Technology Ministry of Agriculture, Prefecture and how the design of the seawalls Source: Adapted from Stefan Forestry and Fisheries is harmonized with the natural environment Huszak’s and recreational space such as parks and presentation. Ministry of Health, solid block porous block pavers Labour and Welfare provides not only safety for the residents but (impermeable surface)pavers also beautiful scenery. He also noted that roads Ministry of Education, Culture, can serve as seawalls in case of emergency by Solid block Porous block Sports, Science and Technology (impermeable) (permeable) explaining how the East Expressway in pavers pavers Ministry of Finance Miyagi protected 230 people who evacuated to the roadway (height of embankment is 7–10 Jointing Sand (permeable) Ministry of Foreign Affairs meters) during the 2011 Tōhoku earthquakes by blocking the tsunami and debris from the FIGURE 18 Primary Ministries Pacific Ocean. Basercourse / Sub base (permeable) Ministry of Justice and Agencies of Japan for DRM Source: Adapted from Ministry of Internal Affairs Kazushige Endo’s and Communications Subgrade (impermeable or permeable) presentation. 35 34 SITE VISITS

Watarase Retarding Basin, Saitama Prefecture HE Watarase Retarding Basin (WRB) Kantō Plain. The Fujihatake area super levee is a flood control basin that stores was constructed from 1998 to 2000 on the Twater for daily use and retains the river western bank of the Yata River (a tributary overflow temporarily to prevent flooding. The of the largest tributary of the Tone River, objective of the visit was to allow participants called Watarase), where the vulnerability to to understand both normal and extraordinary extreme hydromet events is relatively high. operations at river management offices, In addition to its functions as a WRB levee, particularly before, during, and after expected the Fujihatake area super levee also forms major flood events. The site visit included a part of the levee road of Prefectural Road tour of the facilities and levee, which serve Nº 9. FIGURE 19 key functions in mitigating flood impacts to downstream metropolitan Tokyo. Participants Participants drew key lessons on the also visited the roadside station, which was integration of disaster risk management constructed on the super levee to provide (DRM) into road transport infrastructure amenities for road users and to serve as an from the observation of super levees (much evacuation center with storage for emergency wider than ordinary levees and designed goods. against floods and seismic events); roads in retarding basins; levee roads; and overflow The WRB was constructed as a flood control levees, which are applicable for river crossing measure after the flood caused by Typhoon (as a road river-crossing structure) as a non- Catherine in 1947, which inflicted large all weather service concept for low-volume damages to many areas of the flood-prone roads.

Prefectural Road, No 9 Roadside (Levee) Protected station inland Watarase Yata Retarding River Basin

fujihatake super levee FIGURE 19 Area: 21 ha A Levee Road Extension: 240 m (Prefectural Width: 140 m Road Nº 9) Embankment height: 9m Source: Tone River Upper Reach Office NEXCO Traffic Control Center, Saitama City


NEXCO Traffic Control Center, Saitama City AST Nippon Expressway Company •• Monitoring and emergency response: Limited (NEXCO East) is one of the The traffic control room monitors and Ethree Nippon Expressway Companies integrates information about abnormal owned by the government of Japan. NEXCO events (including natural disasters, objects East is responsible for the construction and on the road, disabled cars, and accidents); operation and maintenance of 3,870 kilometers road conditions (such as traffic jams and of expressways with a daily traffic volume of road closures); and weather conditions to 2.8 million vehicles; operation of terminals for provide emergency information to traffic trucks; and roadside business including parking users in coordination with the Regional lots and rest areas. The main disaster types on Police Bureau’s Expressway Management the expressway are mountainside slope failures, Office, fire departments, Ministry of Land, embankment collapses, flooding, and damage Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to bridges. The objective of the visit was to (MLIT), and local governments. At the time allow participants to understand the advanced of an abnormal event, the traffic control intelligent traffic control (ITC) technology room provides instructions to the NEXCO’s used for traffic control, including road disaster Traffic Management Patrol Squad on-site emergency management. to implement appropriate emergency response measures. The patrol squad sends To prepare and respond to disasters, NEXCO’s video feeds to the traffic control room for Iwatsuki Traffic Control Center integrates further instructions. observed hydrometeorological and seismic •• Asset management: The facility control data and information as well as early warnings room collects and analyzes the data and from the Japan Meteorological Agency. information about tunnels and bridges This information helps NEXCO organize an to develop and implement a maintenance emergency task force and response measures and rehabilitation plan. It also monitors at the affected segments of highways that it and controls the operations of various manages. The Control Center was upgraded facilities on roads and tunnels using remote in February 2016 with backup arrangements supervision control facilities that are from other control centers to avoid disruption available 24 hours a day. In case of fire in of services in the event of natural disasters. the long tunnels, control room personnel The participants learned about the Control swiftly guide the road users for evacuation Center’s disaster identification and response and operate emergency facilities in the procedures, as follows: tunnels. 39 SUMMARY OF ACTION PLANNING DISCUSSIONS

ARTICIPATING countries engaged in peer-to-peer learning and formulated takeaways from the Technical Knowledge Exchange (TKX) for potential Papplication to their country contexts. In the action planning discussions summarized below, by country, the participants discussed the range of challenges they face—institutional, legal, financial, technological, communication, structural, and nonstructural.


Overall transport and disaster risk management Implementation plan: (1) Review locally (DRM) institutional mapping: The Ministry of applicable design and construction standards; Transportation designs, constructs, maintains, (2) develop vulnerability assessment guide and prepares geohazard mapping. The Ministry and database; (3) draft a prioritized plan of of Economy acts as a DRM coordinator through locations to be measured on the sample network the working committee. and a quantified assessment of net benefits; and (4) draft recommendations on design and Client-identified challenges: Key challenges maintenance protocols with additional climactic include the move toward preparedness from data. the current status of focusing mainly on post disaster response, lack of financial resources, technical capacity, and effective institutional Brazil arrangement. Overall transport and DRM institutional Implementation plan: (1) Conduct capacity mapping: Civil defense under the Ministry building exercise; (2) conduct comprehensive of Integration has the mandate to provide functional analysis of existing systems; and (3) emergency assistances to people and assets map geohazard risks of a network of selected affected by natural disasters. However, it is not routes. linked to the Ministry of Transport and National Road Department for risk identification and assessment. Argentina Client-identified challenges: In the past five Overall transport and DRM institutional years, four major disaster events cost a total mapping: The Ministry of Transport is a of US$7.5 billion, US$5.5 billion of which were specialized agency on national roads and direct damages while the other US$2 billion were national railways. The Ministry of Security related losses. In addition to the lack of clarity in provides post disaster response. responsibility of each institution related to DRM, there is need to enhance DRM data integration Client-identified challenges: Geohazard risks and and establish risk evaluation methodology. their impacts are not analyzed on a systematic basis. Owing to the lack of institutional Implementation plan: (1) Establish the missions, and functional links between transport and targets, and responsibilities of all related DRM, Argentina has no institutionalized risk institutions on all phases of DRM in the short assessment process. and long term; (2) define the approach for the assessment of vulnerability and risk; and SUMMARY OF ACTION PLANNING DISCUSSIONS 41 40 Summary of Action Planning Discussions

(3) identify how to incorporate DRM data a “Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the focusing on how to integrate disaster and of Public Works, while provincial level is and assessment into road planning and Transport Sector” that aims to strengthen the climate resilience through the life cycle of responsible for risk identification, planning, and development. country’s technical and institutional frameworks infrastructure by improving knowledge and implementation of local roads. as well as to raise awareness about the risks that awareness through modern information transport infrastructure faces. For a successful technology (IT)-based tools, optimizing network Client-identified challenges: Key challenges Cambodia implementation of the plan, strong internal designs and increasing green cover, and include the need for a long-term strategic plan capacities in sectoral entities is necessary. improving asset management programs. integrating land use planning, coordination between sectors to implement a National Green Overall transport and DRM institutional Implementation plan: (1) Consider long-term Implementation plan: (1) Prepare climate Growth Strategy, and incorporation of the road mapping: The National Committee for Disaster scenarios for geohazard analysis on specific resilience strategy for rural roads; (2) conduct disaster management into sector development Management, the country’s lead government roads; (2) incorporate road adaptation or vulnerability mapping of core transport plans and operationalization of resilient road authority for disaster management and measures for programs and projects for local networks; and (3) seek climatically optimized asset management. response, has been established. Responsible roads; and (3) propose measures or innovative roads and bridges. institutions are designated for transport and solutions, including nature-based solutions and Implementation plan: (1) Improve climate DRM at the national and rural levels. slope intervention. resilient road asset management, road design standards and specifications, and technical Client identified challenges: Flooding has Kyrgyz Republic guidelines to enhance the road network; been the biggest problem with over the past (2) improve quality of and access to hazard 50 years, with destructive flooding occurring Georgia Overall transport and DRM institutional inventory and hydrometeorology data for approximately every five years. There are also mapping: The Ministry of Transportation designs, road design, planning and monitoring; and (3) flash floods. Most roads are unpaved and Overall transport and DRM institutional constructs, maintains, and prepares geohazard mainstream National Green Growth Strategy vulnerable to disaster risks, particularly with mapping: Transport and DRM are under different mapping. The Ministry of Economy acts as a DRM into five-year sector plan and sector strategy. limited maintenance. While hazard maps have agencies and ministries. coordinator through the working committee. been created based on simple and limited hydrometeorological data, upgrading disaster Client-identified challenges: Landslides Client-identified challenges: Although risk identification and assessment is needed. and rockfalls are the most common and avalanches occur yearly and the Ministry of Mozambique frequent threats. While Georgia implements Transportation allocates a budget for repairs and Implementation plan: (1) Learn more about an identification and assessment process response every year, the funds are not sufficient. Overall transport and DRM institutional the matrix system risk identification and applying multicriteria analysis for vulnerability It is necessary to strengthen preparedness by mapping: Institutions responsible for both measurement; (2) initiate dialogue with the determination, preparation of strategic action setting up financial resources, develop technical transport and DRM are the Ministry of Public competent bodies around DRM, including plans and inclusion of geohazard intervention in capacity with dedicated technical units based on Works, Housing and Water Resources; the community participation; and (3) increase current asset management systems is required. effective institutional arrangement, and create Ministry of Transport and Communications; the human capabilities and financial resources to sustainable early warning systems. Ministry of Local Government; and the Ministry implement road asset management with proper Implementation plan: (1) Finalize geohazard of Economy and Finance. Engineering and design design for disaster risks. vulnerability assessment; (2) prepare a Implementation plan: (1) Conduct functional for the road are managed by the National Road prioritized work program; (3) update the analysis of existing systems; (2) map geohazard Administration (ANE) and Road Fund (RF). road asset management process and design risk of a selected network of routes; and (3) Asset management or risk management are Colombia standards; and (4) prepare clear guidelines for prepare clear guidelines for emergency response. conducted by the ANE, RF, local governments, emergency response. and municipalities.

Overall transport and DRM institutional Client-identified challenges: Although the mapping: The presidential office; sectoral Lao People’s Ministry of Transport developed climate risk ministries; operational organizations (army, India Democratic Republic screening with efforts to revise design standards police, firefighters, Red Cross); and regional through a consultative process with industries, institutes (states and municipalities) are Overall transport and DRM institutional Overall transport and DRM institutional academics, and the public sector, successful designated for DRM for transport. National and mapping: A National Disaster Management mapping: Transport and DRM management implementation will require strong institutional local committees are established for knowledge Act and Policy, as well as national, state, and activities are under the responsibility of and sectorial coordination. management, risk reduction, and emergency district disaster management plans are prepared. different agencies at both central and provincial response. State governments lead the process of risk levels. Sector strategy, design standards, Implementation plan: (1) Implement pilot identification by developing satellite imagery specification and budget allocation, risk projects throughout the country; (2) mainstream Client-identified challenges: Considering and advanced forecasting systems. identification, and implementation of national climate resilience issues into the country avalanches, earthquakes, and coastal flooding, road are under responsibility of Ministry strategies; (3) set up a tool for country the Colombian government has prepared Client-identified challenges: India has been 43 42 Summary of Action Planning Discussions

preparedness; and (4) improve and strengthen place to monitor, deliver early warnings, and Sri Lanka and rescue-and-recovery operations; general institutional and sectoral coordination. implement asset management, these tasks are trend of focusing on post-disaster rather than not integrated and considered as a system. Overall transport and DRM institutional preparedness; absence of a natural disaster risk mapping: The road management authorities assessment, mapping and database; lack of early Myanmar Implementation plan: (1) Establishment of a include ministries and road development warning systems. web-based local roads and bridges inventory authorities (at the national and provincial levels) system; (2) Mainstream the use of local road Implementation plan: (1) Conduct knowledge Overall transport and DRM institutional and municipalities (for local roads). The Ministry network as part of resilience efforts through workshop and capacity building exercise; (2) mapping: In post disaster response, institutional of Irrigation is included for road-related water the establishment of an Information-Driven assess functional analysis of existing systems coordination is standard practice between the management issues. Institutions responsible for Local Disaster Risk Governance Program; and (3) in relation to DRM and resilience of transport road sector, the National Disaster Management DRM are the Ministry of Disaster Management, Assess the vulnerability of local infrastructure infrastructure; and (3) conduct geohazard risk Committee (NDMC), and national ministries. In which has overall responsibility and coordination by conducting a rapid assessment of all vital/ mapping for a network of selected routes for the predisaster stage, there is no coordination of ministries; the Road Development Authority; core local roads and bridges (The infrastructure shorter term and climate change vulnerability yet between the national DRM agency and the and the National Building Research Organization assessment tool for roads and bridges has been assessment for longer term. transport agency. for landslide monitoring. developed in partnership with the World Bank since 2011. This is the tool that is currently being Client-identified challenges: Myanmar faces Client-identified challenges: Since risk provided for the LGUs in the conduct of their cyclone, flooding, and landslide challenges that assessment is not included in the central asset Vietnam infrastructure audit). have damaged roads throughout the country. At management system, particularly for pavement present, projects are geared toward improving and bridges, DRM data need to be integrated at Overall transport and DRM institutional technical specifications for design and repair of the strategic asset planning level. Although some mapping: The institutions responsible for these assets. Risk evaluation methods are not Serbia DRM systems are in place (especially in coastal transport are the Ministry of Transportation systematic, and hazard maps are not available. areas), it is hard to sustain some initiatives (MoT) and its agencies. DRM responsibilities lie Overall transport and DRM institutional owing to lack of financial and technical with a National Committee on Preparedness and Implementation plan: (1) Improve road inventory mapping: Institutions responsible for the capacities. Response to Natural Hazards (NCPRNH), chaired and asset management by moving to a digitized transport functions are the Ministry of Transport by the prime minister. MoT is a member of system including hazard maps, photos, a and the Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia (PERS). Implementation plan: (1) Improve the existing NCPRNH, under the assignment of the premier. geographic information system (GIS), complaint The institution responsible for DRM is the Sector emergency response system; (2) integrate The MoT has responsibility for preparing and management, and a mobile system; (2) strengthen for Emergency Situations (Ministry of Interior), climate resilience and DRM in the master plan; responding to natural hazards in the transport road maintenance for disasters through guideline whereas the recovery and reconstruction is and (3) integrate climate and disaster risks in the sector. updates, training, and community awareness and managed by the Public Investment Management asset management process for pavement and participation; and (3) develop a contingency or Office. bridges. Client-identified challenges: Sea level is rising DRM plan for the road sector. along Vietnam’s coasts at an approximate Client-identified challenges: Extreme rainfall in rate of 2.8 millimeters per year, while average May 2014 affected 1.6 million people (22 percent Tajikistan annual temperatures have increased by about Philippines of the total population) and created a strain on 0.62 Celsius degree (between 1958 – 2014). The the mining and energy, housing, agriculture, and Overall transport and DRM institutional number of strong storms tends to increase trade sectors. Key challenges are mainstreaming and heavy rainfall has been intensified in the Overall transport and DRM institutional mapping: The Ministry of Transportation and of climate resilience into road transport Central South - West, South – West and North mapping: The Department of the Interior and its departments are responsible for policy- management; understanding of transport risk – West regions. Technical support is needed for Local Government is the agency that supervises making in transport sector, asset management, and vulnerabilities; and improving the resilience partitioning an online database and establishing local government units (LGUs). The Department preservation and maintenance of roads. of infrastructure. a system to monitor landslide risks along the of Public Works and Highways provides design MoT’s Design Institute is preparing designs. national roads in the mountainous Northern standards and criteria. The Department of Government’s Committee on Emergency Implementation plan: (1) Create national provinces. Transportation ensures the protection of Situations is responsible for emergency vulnerability assessment and emergency transport infrastructure. The National Economic situations. To coordinate DRM efforts, the response plan; (2) formulate a flood risk Implementation plan: (1) Enhance geospatial and Development Authority supports LGUs government has appointed the Ministry of assessment methodology for vulnerability road asset management, landslide mapping, regarding transport planning and recovery. Economy acts as a DRM coordinator of the assessment of roads; and (3) establish a data Working Committee. and monitoring system for the road network; (2) exchange platform and a construction code establish natural hazard monitoring; (3) create Client-identified challenges: Local roads are considering climate change effects. forecasting and early warning systems; and (4) mostly unpaved and exhibit low resilience to Client-identified challenges: Tajikistan faces establish task forces and management systems hazard impacts, becoming unusable during a series of institutional challenges, including to respond to disasters. a hazard event. Although institutions are in insufficient funding for both preventive 45 44 Summary of Action Planning Discussions CONCLUSION

Summary of Community of Practice (CoP) Work Plan Development HE World Bank recognizes infrastructure will continue to leverage the information, tools, as a driving force for development and technical expertise that exist in Japan and The TKX showed how the Resilient Transport starting points, values, and approaches, the Tand an invaluable asset for cities. in many other countries to inform current and CoP encouraged the creation of partnerships at CoP reiterated the importance of developing Incorporating elements of resilience into future World Bank transport investments by the country level and emphasized that people a flexible suite of engagements that can be infrastructure investments in an informed ensuring that the wealth of knowledge and are at the center of the World Bank Group’s applied in a modular way. way is an important part of meeting the World experience within each country or institution Resilient Transport efforts moving forward. One Bank Group’s commitments to climate action. can be shared widely to benefit as many of tangible engagements emerged through this This Resilient Transport CoP continues to Moving forward, the Resilient Transport CoP countries and people as possible. TKX is the launch of a regional approach, “high consolidate and scale-up efforts to build mountainous countries initiative,” proposed by climate and disaster resilient transport three countries in Central Asia – Afghanistan, systems. The program grounds future, relevant Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan –aiming at the World Bank Group projects to the appropriate creation of resilient transport system based on sectors by establishing a base set of tools, their numerous similarities in the geography, solutions, and priorities on which to build. The topography, type and occurrence of disasters, CoP will host follow-up events, publish blog and economic situation. This initiative was posts, create knowledge products, and hold agreed among three delegations during the TKX meetings. Ultimately the CoP’s goal is to help and then idea was presented by the Minister task team leaders support country officials who of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic, make key decisions on transport and encourage Mr. Kalilov. While countries have diverse them to build more resilient countries.

vulnerability climate drm and engineering road emergency capacity and risk resilience systems & design assessment management building, assessment strategy planning standards management & response institutional coordination

Serbia India Myanmar Georgia Lao PDR India Philippines

India LAD PDR Kyrgyz Republic Sri Lanka Vietnam Colombia

Myanmar Mozambique Colombia Georgia Argentina

Georgia Mozambique Afghanistan

Kyrgyz Republic Cambodia


FIGURE 20 Knowledge Sharing Offered to Other Countries Source: Resilient Transport CoP 47 ANNEX 1: AGENDA OF TKX



Set out the objectives, concept, definition, and framework of resilient transportation Introduce client profiles and development challenges and set out what we are trying to achieve Launch the Road Geohazard Risk Management Handbook Deepen understanding of risk and system planning Introduce and explore road asset management and resilience mapping 8:30 am – 9 am Registration and Breakfast 9 am Welcome and Opening Remarks (10 minutes) . Mr. Marc Forni, lead DRM specialist, World Bank . Ms. Maria Cordeiro, senior transport specialist, World Bank Learning Objectives and Client Profiles (10 minutes) . Mr. James (Jay) Newman, DRM specialist, DRM Hub, Tokyo (GFDRR) . Ms. Naho Shibuya, DRM specialist, DRM Hub, Tokyo (GFDRR) . Ms. Shoko Takemoto, DRM specialist, DRM Hub, Tokyo (GFDRR) Keynote Presentation: Disaster Risk Management of Roads in Japan (15 minutes) . Mr. Hitoshi Fukumoto, senior deputy director, Road Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Q&A (10 minutes) 9:45 am Session 1: Opening and Launch of Road Geohazard Risk Management Handbook

SESSION 1 Introduction of Road Geohazard Risk Management Handbook (45 minutes) Introduction to Road Geohazard Risk Management (10 minutes) . Dr. Yuka Makino, senior natural resources management and DRM specialist Case Study: Brazil (7 minutes) . Mr. Frederico Ferreira Fonseca Pedroso, DRM specialist, and Fernando De Melo E Silva, transport consultant (via VC) Case Study: Serbia (7 minutes) . Dr. Yoganath ADIKARI, DRM consultant, World Bank Q&A (15 minutes) . Panel, including Mr. Mikihiro Mori, chief specialist, Geosphere Engineering & Disaster Management Office, Nippon Koei 10:30 am Coffee Break 10:45 am Session 2: Understanding Risk and System Planning

SESSION 2 Understanding Risk and System Planning Lightning Talks from international experts (45 minutes) . Dr. Keiichi Tamura, chair, Technical Committee on Disaster Management, World Road Association (PIARC): “Quantitative Evaluation of Road Disaster Risks” . Ms. Monique Cornish, NZ Climate Adaptation Platform and Tonkin & Taylor: “Building the Business Case for Resilience” . Ms. Julie Rozenberg, economist, World Bank Q&A (15 minutes) 49 48 ANNEX 1: AGENDA OF TKX

11:45 am Client Country Presentations (20 minutes) DAY 2: TUESDAY, MAY 9TH . Mozambique, Brazil, Georgia Q&A, exchange of views in small group discussions (10 minutes) OBJECTIVES OF DAY 2 . Participants Explore innovative materials and structures for vulnerability reduction 12:15 pm Lunch Explore approaches to emergency management response and contingency planning 1:00 pm Session 3: Road Asset Management and Mapping for Resilience 9:00 am Recap of Day 1 and Overview of Day 2 (5 minutes) 9:05 am SESSION 3 Introduction to Road Asset Management for Disaster Resilience Session 4: Innovative Materials and Structures for Vulnerability Reduction Keynote presentation (20 minutes) Innovative Materials and Structures for Vulnerability Reduction . Director and Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Graduate School of Management, SESSION 4 Kyoto University: “An Overview of ISO55000 on Asset Management, Japan’s Lightning Talks from international experts (45 minutes) Bottom-Up Approach, and Key Elements for Developing Countries” . Mr. Kensuke Ichikawa, manager, Disaster and Water Resources Management Division, Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd. Q&A (10 minutes) . Mr. Stefan Huszak, NZ Climate Adaptation Platform and University of 1:30 pm Case Studies on Technology and Institutional / Financing Auckland: “Understanding Resilience of Natural Aggregate Properties; Lightning Talks from international experts (30 minutes) Epoxy Porous Asphalt; Coastal Roads and Rising Seawater Levels” . Mr. Takeaki Shono, Hyogo Prefecture, Land Development Q&A (15 minutes) Department, Land Planning Division 10:00 am Client Country Presentations (30 minutes) . Mr. Roger Fairclough, NZ Climate Adaptation Platform and Neo Leaf . Colombia, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam Global: “Road Operators’ Approach to Resilience Improvement” Q&A (10 minutes) Q&A, exchange of views in small group discussions (15 minutes) 2:10 pm Client Country Presentations (30 minutes) . Participants . India, Kyrgyz Republic, Cambodia, Lao PDR 11:00 am Coffee Break Feedback and Comments from Expert Panel 11:30 am Session 5: Emergency Management Response and Contingency Planning . Prof. Kobayashi, Mr. Fairclough, and World Bank team (10 minutes) 2:40 pm SESSION 5 Emergency Management Response and Contingency Planning Lightning Talks from international experts (30 minutes) . Mr. Katsunao Tanaka, Disaster Risk Management Division, Water 2:50 pm Coffee Break and Disaster Management Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLIT), Japan: Presentation on TEC-FORCE 3:10 pm Action Planning (small groups) . Mr. Osamu Uemura, Nippon Expressway Company (NEXCO): . Mr. James (Jay) Newman, DRM specialist, DRM Hub, Tokyo Presentation on Disaster Management (GFDRR): “Introduction to Action Planning” (15 minutes) Q&A (15 minutes) Challenge Questions and Action Planning (WB and client teams) (60 minutes) 12:30 pm Client Country Presentations (20 minutes) Report Back . Afghanistan, Argentina, Tajikistan Small group reporting: representative from each group presents key points (40 min- Q&A, exchange of views in small group discussions (10 minutes) utes) 4:30 pm . Participants Feedback and Comments from Expert Panel (15 minutes) 1:00 pm Lunch . Prof. Kobayashi, Mr. Fairclough, and World Bank team 2:00 pm Client Country Presentations (20 minutes) 5:25 pm Wrap-up . Philippines, Myanmar, Serbia Wrap-up of Day 1 and Overview of Day 2 (5 minutes) . World Bank team Q&A, exchange of views in small group discussions (10 minutes) 5:30 pm Welcome Reception with Japan Bosai Platform . Participants 2:30 pm Session 6: Transport Infrastructure as Protection against Hydromet Events Transport Infrastructure as Protection against Hydromet Events Lightning Talks from international experts (15 minutes) . Mr. Stefan Huszak, NZ Climate Adaptation Platform and University of Auckland: “Vulnerability Aspects of Coastal Infrastructure (Erosion and Storm Events), Resilience Options, Coastal Protection, Protection against Storm Events, Infrastructure that Has to Come with Sea Level Rise” Q&A (10 minutes) 3:00 pm Coffee Break 51 50 ANNEX 1: AGENDA OF TKX

3:30 pm Engagement and Action Planning 3:30 pm Field Visit 2: Visit to NEXCO’s Kanto Traffic Control Center, Saitama City Small group discussion and action planning (30 minutes) 5:00 pm East Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO)’s Iwatsuki Traffic Control Cen- Small group reporting: representative from each group presents key points (15 min- 6:00 pm ter integrates observed hydromet and seismic data and information as well as utes) early warnings from Japan Meteorological Agency to organize an emergency Interactive session and feedback on learning needs from each country (15 minutes) task force and response measures at the affected segments of highways that 5:00 pm Wrap-up they manage. The Control Center was upgraded in February 2016 with backup arrangements with other control centers at the time of natural disasters. Wrap-up of Day 2 and overview of Day 3 (5 minutes) . World Bank team Depart from Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture to Tokyo Arrive in Tokyo (drop off at hotels)



Learn about how to utilize transport infrastructure for DRM measures against hydromet events Review and reflect on key lessons learned and explore how to operationalize them into country-specific Expand network of transport sector DRM stakeholders in Japan actions 9:00 am Recap of Day 2 and Overview of Day 3 (5 minutes) 9:00 am Recap of Day 3 and Overview of Day 4 (5 minutes)

9:05 am Session 6: Transport Infrastructure as Protection against Hydromet Events (contd) 9:05 am Stocktaking and Multistakeholder Dialogue (30 minutes)

SESSION 6 Transport Infrastructure as Protection against Hydromet Events Bringing it Home Lightning Talks from international experts (15 minutes) 10:00 am How to Operationalize Key Takeaways (30 minutes) . Mr. Kazushige Endo, Iwate Reconstruction Bureau, Reconstruction Agency Q&A (10 minutes) 10:00 am Country-Specific Action Plan Development (60 minutes) Depart from Tokyo to Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture (bus) Lunch in the bus and one break at highway service area Small group discussions by clients and task team leaders 11:00 am 12:30 pm Field Visit 1: Watarase Retarding Basin and Levee Roads Coffee Break 11:30 am Action Plan Pitch Session 1 (90 minutes) Wetland Information Center 5 minute presentation + 5 minute Q&A per client The Watarase Retarding Basin (WRB) is located in the center of Kanto plains and Panelists: constructed to store water for daily consumption and to temporarily retain . Dr. Mikio Ishiwatari, senior adviser, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) the river overflow to prevent flooding in the river basin. The area is highly . Mr. Marc Forni, lead DRM specialist, World Bank prone to floods and the facility serves as a key function for mitigating impacts . Ms. Maria Cordeiro, senior transport specialist, World Bank of floods to the downstream metropolitan Tokyo. The levee road (Prefectural . Mr. Juan Gaviria, practice manager, Transport for Road No.9) surrounds the WRB, and the stability of the road embankment Europe and Central Asia, World Bank has been enhanced as Super Levee against floods and seismic risk. At the WRB Moderated by DRM Hub Wetland Information Center, an overview of WRB and the role of Super Levee / 1:00 pm Lunch Prefecture Road during the past typhoon events will be explained. 2:00 pm Action Plan Pitch Session 2 (90 minutes) 1:15 pm Depart from WRB Wetland Information Center to Fujihatake Area Super Levee 5 minute presentation + 5 minute Q&A per client 1:35 pm Fujihatake Area Super Levee Panelists: The Fujihatake Area Super Levee is located on the western bank of Watarase . Dr. Mikio Ishiwatari, senior adviser, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) River, the largest tributary of Tone River. The Super Levee is much wider than . Dr. Yuka Makino, senior natural resources management ordinary levees and designed against floods and seismic events. The Super and DRM specialist, World Bank Levee was constructed from 1998 to 2000, including the Prefectural Road No.9 . Ms. Julie Rozenberg, economist, Sustainable Development Group, World Bank that runs on top of the Super Levee. In 2004, a Roadside Station and a Sports . Ms. Fiona Collin, lead transport specialist, World Bank Leisure Education Center were also opened as part of the Super Levee. These Moderated by DRM Hub facilities have multiple functions including commercial, leisure, as well as 3:30 pm Coffee Break emergency response by serving as storage facilities for emergency goods. 2:20 pm Depart from Kitakawabe Roadside station to NEXCO’s East Kanto Traffic Control Center 53 52 ANNEX 1: AGENDA OF TKX ANNEX 2: EXPERT PROFILES Information is as of the time of the TKX

Marc S. Forni Transportation and United Naho Shibuya 3:45 pm Conclusion and Wrap-up (20min) Nations Environment Programme’s Closing Remarks (10 min) Lead DRM Specialist | (UNEP) Global Environment DRM Specialist | DRM Hub, GSURR, World Bank Outlook – West Asia Regional Tokyo, GFDRR, World Bank 5:00 pm Farewell Dinner Report. A Portuguese national, Marc Forni joined the World Bank Maria holds a Global MBA from IE Naho Shibuya works on bridging in 2003, working for four years Business School, a master’s degree global and Japanese knowledge DAY 5: FRIDAY, MAY 12 in the Latin America and the in integrated environment control and expertise with the World Caribbean region to help build from Nottingham Trent University, Bank’s operations to help the disaster risk management and a bachelor’s degree in energy mainstream DRM in low- and OBJECTIVES OF DAY 5 practice. He returned to the World and environmental technology middle-income countries. Bank in 2011, after a period as an from the University of Glamorgan, She currently implements a Develop strategy for Resilient Transport Community of Practice (CoP) investment banker, to support U.K. knowledge program on resilient All Day World Bank teams the expansion of the disaster risk infrastructure by leveraging management practice in South James P. Newman (Jay) her experience in infrastructure Asia, where he leads the World development including public- Bank’s investments in resilience in DRM Specialist | DRM Hub, private partnerships (PPPs) in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, as well Tokyo, GFDRR, World Bank water supply and sanitation, as housing reconstruction in Nepal transport, energy, and urban following the 2015 earthquake. Jay Newman is a DRM specialist planning. As a Chartered Water at the World Bank DRM Hub, and Environmental Manager and Maria Cordeiro Tokyo, where he leads the Hub’s a Chartered Environmentalist, Knowledge Program, as well as Naho provided advisory service Senior Transport Specialist | its engagements on resilience. to multilateral and bilateral Transport and ICT, World Bank Since joining the World Bank in development banks, commercial 2013, Jay has worked at the Global lenders, investors, civil Maria Cordeiro contributes to Facility for Disaster Reduction contractors, and manufacturers the Green Transport Community and Recovery (GFDRR), serving as in the Asia Pacific region prior to of Practice as a focal point on a focal point for urban resilience joining the World Bank. She holds greenhouse gas accounting and and regional portfolios in South a graduate degree from Arizona climate risk screening for the Asia and East Asia Pacific. He State University and a master’s transport sector; supporting contributed to the development degree in sustainability science access to climate finance; and of the CityStrength Diagnostic, from the University of Tokyo. in the preparation of knowledge and has supported World Bank products on resilient and low- projects and technical assistance Shoko Takemoto carbon transport. in India, Nepal, South Africa, and Maria has 20 years of international Vietnam. Prior to joining the DRM Specialist | DRM Hub, work experience in the fields GFDRR, he worked for the City of Tokyo, GFDRR, World Bank of climate change, air quality, Baltimore, contributing to the environment management, and city’s 10-Year Financial Plan and Shoko Takemoto is a DRM sustainable mobility. Prior to CitiStat performance management specialist based in the DRM Hub, joining the World Bank, Maria program, also serving as acting Tokyo. Prior to joining the DRM was a section manager at the deputy procurement agent. As an Hub, she spent more than five Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi, adjunct professor at University years working alongside national United Arab Emirates. As part of of Baltimore’s Master’s in Public governments, communities, and the Policy and Planning team, Administration, he has taught donors in the Pacific and West Maria supported the development courses on statistics, urban Africa on climate- and disaster- of Abu Dhabi’s air quality and management, and public policy. Jay resilient development through climate change strategies, Surface holds a master’s degree in applied her appointment with the United Transportation Master Plan, Low economics and public policy jointly Nations Development Programme. Emission Vehicle Strategy, and from Georgetown University and Her areas of specialization vehicle fuel economy standards, Universidad Alberto Hurtado include environmental policy among other policies. Maria also in Santiago, Chile, as well as a and planning, climate change worked at the Inter-American bachelor’s degree in economics adaptation, disaster resilient Development Bank, the World and Spanish from Washington design, and integrated water Resources Institute, and other University in St. Louis. resource management. She holds international institutions a master’s degree in city planning where she helped shape low- from the Massachusetts Institute carbon investment portfolios in of Technology. the transportation sector and contributed to flagship events and publications like Transforming 55 54 ANNEX 2: EXPERT PROFILES

Hitoshi Fukumoto Ann Arbor. In addition to her also taught as a visiting lecturer 2015. He holds a bachelor’s and level strategy development economics from Ecole des Hautes professional experience in South at the National Graduate Institute professional engineering degree in and implementation; risk and Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Senior Deputy Director | Road Asia, she spent 14 years of her for Policy Studies in Tokyo while engineering geology, road disaster opportunity assessment; and Paris and an engineering degree Bureau, Ministry of Land, youth in the Garhwal Himalayas in working for ICHARM. He has management, and comprehensive the development of nonfinancial from Ecole Nationale Superieure Infrastructure, Transport, India and is fluent in Hindi. published numerous research technical management. benchmarks and credentials. de Techniques Avancees. and Tourism, Japan papers in international peer- Monique has worked across Frederico Ferreira P. reviewed and local journals and Keiichi Tamura the building, infrastructure, Kiyoshi Kobayashi Hitoshi Fukumoto oversees road contributed to the Asia-Pacific and construction sectors in disaster risk management at the DRM Specialist | GSURR, World Bank Water Summit (APWF), World Chair | Technical Committee on Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Professor of Infrastructure Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Water Development Reports and its Disaster Management, World Americas, providing support Economics / Director | Graduate Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and Frederico Ferreira Pedroso, a side publications (UNISCO), Global Road Association (PIARC) to corporate, government, and School of Management and leads emergency management Brazilian national, is currently Assessment Reports (UNISDR), and nongovernmental organization Research Centre of Business and response of roads in face a DRM specialist at the World Asian Water Development Outlook Keiichi Tamura is chair of the (NGO) clients on the risks and Administration, Kyoto University of risks related to natural Bank working mainly in a vast 2013 (AWDO2013) for Water Technical Committee on Disaster opportunities associated with disasters including earthquakes, portfolio of projects in numerous Security in Asia (Asian Development Management, World Road responding to the challenge of Kiyoshi Kobayashi is a professor hydrometeorological events, and Brazilian States. In Brazil, Fred’s Bank). He has a doctorate and Association (PIARC), and an adjunct creating a sustainable, resilient of planning and management snow. Since joining the former engagement includes projects postdoctoral research experience professor at the Graduate School built environment. Monique theory of the Graduate School of Ministry of Construction in 1996, in the transport sector in São in erosion control engineering and of Management, Kyoto University, specializes in linking sustainability Engineering, Kyoto University. He he has conducted research related Paulo (road resilience) and Rio de forestry at University, specializing in earthquake and resilience measures to was dean of the Graduate School to transport and urban planning Janeiro (climate change impacts Japan. He is fluent in English, engineering and infrastructure core business strategy, while of Management for the period of at the Bureau of City Planning. He on urban transport); the water Japanese, and Nepali and also management. He has more than measuring the broader costs 2010–12. He is a world-renowned has also led initiatives related to sector (Espírito Santo and Ceará); speaks Hindi, Tagalog, and some 30 years of both professional and benefits of initiatives researcher in the fields of urban railway crossings and streetcars. the private sector (Rio Grande Spanish. and research experience. and outcomes. Most recently and infrastructure management After his appointment as the head do Sul); and public management Previously, he held multiple Monique led the development of and economics and a recipient of National Roads (Paraná and Bahia). Fred has Mikihiro Mori management roles including a resilience decision-support tool of several awards, including the Office of the Kyushu Regional worked as a consultant in the field head of the Ground Vibration for the New Zealand Transport Distinguished Research Awards Development Bureau, Hitoshi of transportation in Brasilia and Chief Specialist | Geosphere Division, Research Coordinator Agency (NZTA), which frames by the Japan Society of Civil was involved in urban planning, as an assistant professor at the Engineering & Disaster Management for Earthquake Engineering, the evaluation of resilience Engineers, Fellow Awards by RSA infrastructure development, and University of Canterbury in New Office, Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. and director of the Center for measures in the context of broader International, and Education DRM at the municipal level in Zealand. He holds a bachelor’s Advanced Engineering Structural environmental, social, cultural, Awards by the Danish Ministry Miyazaki and Shimanto cities. degree in civil engineering from the Mikihiro Mori specializes in Assessment and Research at the and economic costs and benefits, of Environment as well as by the Pontifical University of Goiás, a engineering geology and road Public Works Research Institute, and developed a framework for Vietnamese Minister of Education. Yuka Makino master’s degree in transportation disaster management. He where he had developed various evaluating environmental, social, He will be the president of the from the University of Brasilia, serves as chief specialist at the specifications, standards, and and governance risks for the Japan Society of Civil Engineers Senior NRM Specialist and DRM a doctorate in civil engineering Geosphere Engineering & Disaster guidelines in relation to highway Commonwealth Bank Group. in 2018, served as the president Officer | GSURR, World Bank (transport- and DRM-focused) from Management Office, Nippon Koei, bridges, geotechnical structures of the Applied Regional Science the University of Canterbury, and and provides technical solutions such as road embankments and Julie Rozenberg Conference and Global Business Yuka Makino has more than 23 a postdoctorate in urban logistics to the road disasters. Mikihiro’s retaining walls, risk management, Society, and currently serves years of operational experience and humanitarian logistics from extensive experience includes and emergency response. Keiichi Economist | GGSVP CE, World Bank on the editorial boards of in managing and developing Kyoto University in Japan. road and disaster management also served as a professor at the international journals including programs in geohazard risk and technical transfer projects Graduate School of Management of Julie Rozenberg is an economist the American Society of Civil management, natural resources Yoganath Adhikari in Armenia, Brazil, Cambodia, the Kyoto University for three years with the Office of the Chief Engineers, Annals of Regional management, land management, Honduras, Indonesia, Jordan, from April 2013 while on leave from Economist of the World Bank’s Science, the series editor-in-chief DRM, and climate change DRM Consultant | Nepal, Nicaragua, and the the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Sustainable Development (SD) of the Journals of Japan Society adaptation. She has extensive GSURR, World Bank Philippines. Before his current Transport and Tourism (MLIT). His Group. Her work includes green of Civil Engineers and the Journal experience in East Asia, South position, he conducted projects research interests cover various growth and climate change of Applied Regional Science. Asia, and Africa and has held field Yoganath Adikari is a Japanese for the Japan International management techniques of mitigation strategies and climate Currently, he is a member of the postings in Bangladesh, Cambodia, national who has worked for the Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the infrastructure such as risk and asset change adaptation and DRM. She National Land Development Japan, and Nepal. Prior to joining World Bank as an international above countries since 1994. During management, and he coauthored coordinates the work of the Council of Japan, a committee the World Bank in 2001, Yuka was consultant since 2016. Yoganath 2000–03, he was temporarily two books on infrastructure asset different SD Global Practices expert on the Transport Policy a United Nations Development has more than 17 years of transferred to the Institute of management. He holds a doctoral (including Transport & ICT, Water, Council of Japan, and a coalition Programme (UNDP) program experience in the field of disaster Road Management Technology in and bachelor’s degrees in civil and Energy & Extractives) on member of the Science Council of officer in Cambodia, and a Japan reduction and recovery in low- and the Road Management Technology engineering from the University of incorporating climate change Japan. He was an adjunct professor International Cooperation Agency middle-income, as well as high- Center, Japan, as chief researcher, to Tokyo. resilience in projects and of 10 overseas universities and a (JICA) expert on community-based income countries while working develop road disaster management strategies. She also works on visiting fellow of international disaster management in Nepal. for the Food and Agriculture techniques. From 2013 to 2014, he Monique Cornish infrastructure projects, helping organizations of IIASA, OECD, Yuka has an undergraduate degree Organization of the UN, Nippon worked as a project manager of World Bank teams and clients WHO, and the World Bank, among from International Christian Koei, the International Center slope protection for Sindhuri Road, Principal Advisor | Sustainability, take climate change constraints others. He is the author and University in Japan as well as a for Water Hazard and Risk Nepal. He also served as JICA expert Risk + Resilience and other long-term uncertainties coeditor of 70 books and more master’s and doctoral degrees in Management (ICHARM), and the at the technical assistance project into account in the feasibility than 450 academic reviewed terrestrial ecosystem management Forestry and Forest Products on Nepal’s Sindhuri Road operation Monique Cornish specializes studies and economic analyses of papers. from the University of Michigan, Research Institute of Japan. He and maintenance from 2012 to in corporate- and programme- projects. Julie holds a doctorate in 57 56 ANNEX 2: EXPERT PROFILES

Takeaki Shono Cooperation Agency, the World since he joined the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport for managing the transport face of disaster and climate risks Bank, and the United Nations Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). His career infrastructure practice in 22 active through process-based design and Civil Engineer | Hyogo Prefectural Development Programme in and Tourism (MLIT) in 1997. After in Japan covers more than 10 programs in the European Union, informed implementation of hard Government, Japan the areas of water and disaster 14 years of experience there, engineering positions in the Eastern Partnership, Western and soft resilience measures. She management. He holds a master’s he taught at the Interfaculty government, at national highway Balkans, Caucasus, Turkey, and holds a master’s degree in risk Takeaki Shono specializes degree in engineering. Initiative in Information management offices, and with the Russian Federation. He and resilience from the Harvard in road development and Studies, Graduate School of local authorities. He has also oversees a portfolio of investment Graduate School of Design, which management since he joined Stefan Huszak Interdisciplinary Information worked at the Japan International projects totaling just under builds on her prior focus on urban Civil Engineering Office, Hyogo Studies, University of Tokyo, as an Cooperation Agency and the World US$5 billion and annual advisory planning at Cornell University. Prefectural Government in 2006. Geotechnical Engineer | Opus assistant professor for three years. Bank. services of about US$5 million, He is currently in charge of the International Consultants He was appointed as director including a diverse portfolio of Jack Campbell development and operation of an of the Kofu River and National Mikio Ishiwatari motorways, railways, waterways, integrated management system Stefan Huszak is currently a Highway Office in Kano Regional ports, and logistics projects, as DRM Specialist | GFDRR, World Bank of social infrastructure assets and doctoral candidate studying at Development Bureau from 2014 Senior Advisor | Japan International well as infrastructure public- facilities for Hyogo Prefecture. the University of Auckland and to 2016. Since 2016, he has been a Cooperation Agency private partnerships (PPPs) Jack Campbell was a founding working at Opus International director for disaster management, in a variety of countries. Juan team member in the DRM Hub, Roger Fairclough Consultants as a geotechnical Disaster Prevention Office, Water Mikio Ishiwatari is a senior advisor also has broad professional Tokyo, where he was based during engineer. Stefan has been working and Disaster Management Bureau. in Disaster Management and experience in private and public 2014–15 to set up the program. Managing Director | Neo Leaf Global at Opus International Consultants Water Resources Management infrastructure development His operational focus has been since he began his working career Osamu Uemura at the Japan International and management, public utility on urban and climate resilience Roger Fairclough is a civil engineer as a civil engineering cadet. Stefan Cooperation Agency (JICA) and companies and concessions, projects in South Asia, where he is and member of the Institution has experience in civil droughting, Manager | Disaster & Risk focuses on DRM and water climate change and infrastructure a task team member of projects in of Professional Engineers surveying, and stormwater Management Team, Operational projects. He led the formulation operations, management of Dhaka and Colombo and manages New Zealand. His career spans design; however, the main Planning & Coordination Section, of Japanese assistance policies complex assignments, project a regional technical assistance government, state-owned basis of Stefan’s background is Operational Department, for climate change adaptation appraisal, finance, management, program on hydromet services. enterprises, and the private material testing. Stefan has been East Nippon Expressway and community-based disaster and marketing covering Europe, For the Global Facility for Disaster sector. This includes national 30- involved with both laboratory Company Ltd. (NEXCO-East) management. He worked at the Latin America, Central Asia, Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), year energy outlooks, managing and field testing for several World Bank as a senior DRM South Asia, and Africa. He he also focuses on new program national and biofuels major projects, both within New Osamu Uemura started his career specialist and a senior water also has experience as chief development with donors and policy, and “The Thirty Year New Zealand and internationally. in 1998 at the Construction office specialist from 2011 until 2015, operating officer of a medium-size client countries. Prior to working Zealand Infrastructure Plan Since completing his bachelor’s of Expressway under the Japan and produced “Learning from global container shipping line, at the World Bank, Jack was an 2015” with the vision that “New degree in engineering in 2015, Highway Public Corporation Megadisaster: Lessons from the formulating and implementing adviser to the United Kingdom’s Zealand’s Infrastructure will be Stefan has been working as a (currently NEXCO-East). He Great East Japan Earthquake.” new company strategy; carrying Department for International resilient and coordinated, and geotechnical engineer, widening worked at the Ministry of Land, He worked at various DRM out organizational and cultural Development (DFID) on disaster contribute to a strong economy his capabilities in that area; as well Infrastructure, Transport and positions at the Ministry of alignment; and developing risk management. He is a British and high living standards.” The as beginning research toward his Tourism (MLIT) in 2010 as a Land, Infrastructure, Transport regulatory strategy, value creation, national and holds a degree in earthquakes in Canterbury, New doctorate. Stefan’s research topic deputy manager for operations and Tourism (MLIT) in Japan integration management, and geography and Hispanic studies Zealand, since 2010 and the is “Optimising the Waterproofness and disaster management of for 17 years. He formulated and concluding transactions. He has a from the University of Birmingham recovery phase have been an of Chipseal Surfacings,” which expressways and experienced supervised national projects doctorate in transport economics and a master’s degree in public ongoing area of involvement. predominantly has applications the Great East Japan Earthquake of flood risk management and from the University of California, administration from the London Roger is currently chair of the within New Zealand, and other (March 11, 2011). Currently, he highways in Iwami District as Berkeley. School of Economics. New Zealand Lifelines (Utilities) areas that use this type of road is responsible for DRM work, director of the Hamada River and Council and chair of the Built seal. The research is part of a larger including business continuity Road Office, and was responsible Shanika Hettige Fiona Collins Environment Leadership Steering project, called “Waterproof Roads.” planning under the headquarters for research and technology Committee. His specific areas of The overall aim of the research is of NEXCO-East. development as senior deputy Consultant | GSURR, World Bank Lead Transport Specialist | interest include asset investment, to better design chip-seal roads to director for river technology and Transport and ICT, World Bank national resilience, global increase resilience against water Kazushige Endo information. He also has worked as Shanika Hettige joined the World resources, national infrastructure, infiltration and moisture-related an urban development specialist at Bank in 2015 and has contributed Fiona Collins joined the World emergency management, advanced failures. The research project Deputy Director General | Iwate the Asian Development Bank. He to the DRM practice by working Bank as a senior transport technologies, and natural hazards. predominantly consists of civil Office, Reconstruction Agency holds a master’s degree in urban on the Open Data for Resilience specialist in 2011, initially based engineering materials research, of Cabinet Secretariat engineering and a doctorate in Initiative (OpenDRI), the City in Addis Ababa for three years, Kensuke Ichikawa using laboratory testing that is international studies from the Resilience Program (CRP), and the and now a further three years in validated in the field. Kazushige Endo works on the University of Tokyo. Resilient Transport Community of headquarters within the Europe Manager | International Consulting Great East Japan Earthquake Practice, among others. Shanika and Central Asia region. Before Department, Kokusai Kogyo Co. Ltd. Katsunao Tanaka (March 11, 2011) reconstruction Juan Gaviria has experience in community joining the World Bank, Fiona projects in the Iwate Office, mapping and participatory worked as a civil engineer and Kensuke Ichikawa is a senior Director, Disaster Management Reconstruction Agency of Cabinet Practice Manager | Transport planning, impact modeling, risk project manager, specializing geotechnical engineer. He has | Water and Disaster Secretariat, as deputy director and ICT, World Bank communications, open data, in transport and connectivity. worked in several low- and middle- Management Bureau, MLIT general. After graduating from and nature-based risk reduction. Her 30 years of work experience income countries as a project University of Kyoto with a master’s Juan Gaviria is a practice manager Shanika works toward the spans the World Bank and other manager for international projects Katsunao Tanaka has specialized degree in transport engineering of transport for Europe at the protection of lives, livelihoods, development partners, road funded by the Japan International in water and disaster management in 1990, he joined the Ministry of World Bank and responsible and lifeline infrastructure in the agencies, contractor work, and 59 58 ANNEX 2: EXPERT PROFILES

Meet the Participants

consultancies. Geographically, works on integrated flood risk administrative and logistical AFGHANISTAN of engineering and has worked ARGENTINA Fiona has worked in Europe, management, hydrometeorology, support and liaises with partners with several international and Central Asia, East Africa, East Asia, geohazard risks, and other related worldwide, the Japanese Luquan Tian local organizations in Afghanistan Veronica Raffo Australia, and the Pacific Islands. aspects of DRM. Since 2012, she government, academia, and the and abroad, such as the United With a significant amount of has worked at the World Bank on private sector. She also works on Senior Transport Specialist | Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Senior Infrastructure Specialist | time spent in tropical latitudes, urban development projects in coordinating events and programs. Transport and ICT, World Bank the Afghan Construction and Transport and ICT, World Bank Fiona has firsthand experience of the New Delhi office and now on She has extensive experience Logistics Unit (ACLU), the extreme weather, particularly in DRM and infrastructure public- in planning, coordinating, and Luquan Tian specializes in Construction Control Services Veronica Raffo is a senior relation to cyclones and flooding, private partnerships (PPPs) in organizing conferences and high- transport infrastructure and Corporation (CCSC), the United infrastructure specialist at and in post disaster recovery and the Tokyo office. Before joining profile events. planning. Before joining the Nations Drug Control Programme/ the World Bank’s Transport & adaptation. This professional and the World Bank, she worked at World Bank in 2009, he worked the United Nations Office on Drugs Information and Communication personal exposure brings with PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. and at the Department of Transport and Crime (UNDCP/UNODC), the Technologies (ICT) global practice. it an interest in addressing the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. She in a province in China, as well as International Rescue Committee She joined the World Bank in 2006 impacts of climate change and holds a master’s degree in urban at two engineering consulting (IRC), and International Relief and as a young professional and has extreme weather and its effects regional planning and public policy. firms in the United Kingdom. Development (IRD). worked for the public sector and on road infrastructure; and her He has also worked as a project transport units. She has helped professional background as a Akiko Toya manager on several key national Noori Mohammad Salam advance the World Bank’s work in development practitioner and trunk motorway networks in sustainable transportation and engineer who has designed, built, Junior Professional Officer China. Other areas of expertise Senior Road Design Engineer | mobility through her management and maintained roads provides | GFDRR, World Bank include road maintenance, traffic THRCP, MPW, Kabul, Afghanistan of lending and advisory operations perspectives on how to deal with engineering, and transport in urban mobility, road safety, it. Akiko Toya is a junior professional planning in the United Kingdom Noori Mohammad Salam works rural connectivity, road asset officer who works on GFDRR’s and the United Arab Emirates. as a road design engineer with management, logistics, and Yohannes Yemane Kesete technical assistance grant At the World Bank, he works on the Ministry of Public Works’ transport planning in Latin America, portfolio. She connects leading transport infrastructure and (MPW) Trans-Hindukush Road Eastern Europe, and Africa. Before Disaster Risk Management global and Japanese DRM transport planning and policy Connectivity Project (THRCP). joining the World Bank, she worked Specialist | GSURR, World Bank knowledge and expertise with in Afghanistan and Nepal. Before joining the MPW, he as a researcher at the Social Science the World Bank’s operational Additionally, he works with the worked as international road Research Council, a program Yohannes Yemane Kesete is a civil teams, focusing on resilient DRM team to advise fragile and design engineer with the United coordinator at the Program on engineer, with specialization in infrastructure and transport conflict states. An internationally Nations Office for Project Services Global Security and Cooperation, infrastructure and transportation projects. Previously, she worked recognized expert in natural (UNOPS). He has also worked and as an associate attorney in the systems engineering. He has more with the South Asia and Latin disaster risk management in for the Sudanese government, capital markets and project finance than 10 years of both professional America and the Caribbean teams transport infrastructure, he where he worked in Khartoum practice at Marval, O’Farrell & and research experience. He on disaster risk assessment and is a chartered engineer in the and on a United States Agency Mairal. She has also worked at the currently works in the Latin risk reduction strategies for the United Kingdom and Europe, as for International Development European Parliament in Brussels. America and the Caribbean region transport sector. Prior to joining well as holds two degrees in civil (USAID)-funded project located at An author of several peer-reviewed on infrastructure improvement the World Bank, she worked in engineering. the Blue Nile State and in Gulli. He articles and publications, she also projects. He also leads several enterprise risk management and studied civil engineering at Kabul teaches post-graduate courses in technical assistance projects that political risk advisory at private Hamidi Sayed Abdul University in Afghanistan. He has Buenos Aires. She holds a law degree aim to integrate natural disaster insurance and consulting firms. A Manan more than 15 years of experience from the University of Buenos risk in infrastructure investment Japanese national, Akiko holds a in the field of engineering Aires in Argentina and a master’s decision making. In the past, he master’s degree in public affairs Senior Contract Engineer| NRAP, and has worked with several in science degree as a Chevening has worked as a risk modeler with and risk management from Cornell MPW, Kabul, Afghanistan international organizations in Scholar from the London School of AIR-Worldwide and as a structural University and a bachelor’s degree Afghanistan and abroad, such as Economics in the United Kingdom. engineer with the Ministry of in environmental economics and Hamidi Sayed Abdul Manan joined the National Rural Access Program Public Works of Eritrea. He holds sustainable development from the the Ministry of Public Works’ (NRAP), International Relief and Andres Gartner a doctorate in civil infrastructure Soka University of America. She (MPW) Natural Rural Access Development (IRD), the United systems from Cornell University has spent a semester abroad at Program (NRAP) in July 2015. National Procurement Division/ Chief Advisor | Ministry of Transport with a research focus on managing La Universidad San Francisco de Previously, he worked as a deputy National Area-Based Development natural disaster risk through Quito in Ecuador. team leader and national technical Programme (UNPD/NABDP), and Andres Gartner is a chief advisor insurance. coordinator at the United Nations the Danish Committee for Aid to at the Ministry of Transport in Haruko Nakamatsu Office for Project Services Afghan Refugees (DACAAR). Argentina. Previously, he worked Vibhu Jain (UNOPS), where he focused on at the World Bank’s Latin America Program Assistant | DRM the MPW’s Afghanistan Rural Transport Cluster and in the Consultant | DRM Hub, Hub, Tokyo, World Bank Access Project (ARAP). He holds City of Buenos Aires’s Transport Tokyo, World Bank an international master’s degree Subsecretary’s Sustainable Haruko Nakamatsu works at in structural and civil engineering Mobility Unit. He has also worked Vibhu Jain is an urban specialist the Global Facility for Disaster from the University of Manchester as a transport specialist at think and DRM consultant who supports Reduction and Recovery’s Institute of Science and tanks, universities, and other two teams in Tokyo: one at the (GFDRR) DRM Hub, Tokyo, as a Technology (UMIST) in Manchester, organizations.He holds a bachelor’s Global Infrastructure Facility program assistant. A Japanese United Kingdom. He has more than degree in economics from the and one at the DRM Hub. She national, Haruko provides critical 35 years of experience in the field University of Buenos Aires in 61 60 ANNEX 2: EXPERT PROFILES

Argentina, a master’s in science Livia Maria Tiemi Fujii programs in Laos, and transport to joining the World Bank, he GEORGIA on rural roads and highway degree in urban economics from sector knowledge programs in worked as a planning director projects, with international the Torcuato di Tella University Coordinator | Road Transport Malaysia. He holds a doctorate in at the Colombian National Robert Mutyaba assignments in Afghanistan, in Argentina, and a master’s in Programs, Ministry of Transport, applied economics and management Planning Department’s Rural China, Mongolia, Indonesia, Nepal, science degree in transport from Ports, and Civil Aviation from Cornell University, a master’s Roads National Fund. He has also Transport Specialist | Transport the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. the Imperial College London in the degree in policy economics from the served as a transport advisor for and ICT, World Bank He also has experience in asset United Kingdom. Livia Maria Tiemi Fujii works as University of Illinois at Urbana- the mayor of Bogotá. He holds a management and maintenance, a coordinator at the Brazilian Champaign, and a bachelor’s degree degree in civil engineering from Los Robert Mutyaba is a transport road sector policies and reforms, Emma Albrieu Ministry of Transport, Ports, in economics from Thammasat Andes University in Colombia and specialist at the World Bank modernization of road agencies, and Civil Aviation (MTPCA). She University. a master’s degree in infrastructure country office in Georgia, working capacity building, knowledge General Manager | Vialidad Nacional joined the MTPCA in 2012. She planning from the University of on roads and logistics projects in sharing, contract management, is a civil engineer and holds a Pom Chreay Stuttgart in Germany. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijani, and and working on challenging Emma Albrieu is a general manager master’s degree in geotechnics Kazakhstan. Prior to joining the assignments in low capacity of projects at Vialidad Nacional, the and a master’s in business Director | Department of Rural Health Magda C. Buitrago Ríos World Bank, he worked in various regions. Previously, he worked National Roads Council, which is a administration degree in public Care, Min. of Rural Development positions at the Uganda Road at the Central Road Research part of Argentina’s Transportation management. Advisor | Deputy Minister of Authority and as a consultant Institute in India for 22 years, Ministry. She has also worked as an Pom Chreay is a project director at Transport, Ministry of Transport at Mott McDonald and Ernst & where he conducted research on executive director at the Highway Fabio Pessoa the Ministry of Rural Development’s Young in the United Kingdom rural roads. Concession Control Body (El Department of Rural Health Care Magda Constanza Buitrago (UK). He holds a bachelor’s Órgano de Control de Concesiones da Silva Nunes and is also a director of the World Ríos has more than 20 years degree in civil engineering from Rajesh Bhushan Viales, OCCOVI), an infrastructure Bank-funded Cambodia Southeast of experience in the transport Makerere University in Uganda coordinator for the Argentina General Coordinator | Maintenance Asia Disaster Risk Management sector, with specific expertise and a master’s degree in road Joint Secretary | Ministry of Rural Operations Center (AROC), and and Road Restoration, National project. He has been working at in supervising road projects, management and engineering from Development, Government of India at the United Nations Office for Department of Transport the Ministry since 1998. He holds formulating and evaluating public the University of Birmingham in Project Services (UNOPS). She holds Infrastructure (DNIT), Brazil a degree in public administration investment projects, international the U.K. Rajesh Bhushan is joint secretary a degree in civil engineering from the from the University of Canberra credit structure, budget planning and director general at the Indian Universidad Católica de Córdoba in Fabio Pessoa da Silva Nunes is in Australia and a degree in rural and execution, strategic planning Gia Sopadze Ministry of Rural Development’s Argentina and a master’s in science a general coordinator of road development management from the and results management, disaster National Rural Roads Development degree in international business maintenance and restoration University of Khon Kean in . risk management, and climate Head | Environmental Department, Agency. He manages the rural from L’École Nationale des Ponts et at the Brazilian Department of change adaptation. She has Road Department, Georgia connectivity sector for the Chaussées in France. Transport Infrastructure (DNIT). Phirith Kang also developed a manual on the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Previously, he worked in the evaluation of disasters, as well as Gia Sopadze has been head of the Yojana (PMGSY), a flagship construction division of DNIT. He Deputy Director | Equipment and worked on estimating damages Environmental Department at the government program which BRAZIL holds a master’s degree in Road Construction Department, and losses from earthquakes in Road Department of Georgia since aims to improve livelihoods and structures from the University of Min. of Public Works and Transport Ecuador. She holds degrees in civil 2009. Between 1994 and 2004, he reduce poverty in rural areas by Satoshi Ogita Brasilia in Brazil. engineering and administration was an advisor to the President of building safe roads and bridges. Phirith Kan is a deputy director from the University of Santo Georgia on environmental issues. The annual program budget of Senior Transport Specialist | at the Ministry of Public Works Tomas in Colombia. In 2001, he established ECOVISION, $3 billion dollars is administered Transport and ICT, World Bank CAMBODIA and Transport. In 2011, he worked a union of nongovernmental through the State Rural Roads on the World Bank-funded Road Norma Castellanos organizations involved in Development Agencies. More Satoshi Ogita is a transport Chanin Manopiniwes Asset Management Project (RAMP), sustainable development projects than one million residents have specialist with more than 18 years which was co-financed by the World Environmental Infrastructure in Georgia. He has also authored benefited from the five million of professional experience. He Infrastructure Specialist | Bank, the Asian Development Bank, Advisor | National Planning about 25 scientific and educational kilometers of roads built by the joined the World Bank in 2011 and Transport and ICT, World Bank and Australian Aid. He has also Department (NPD) publications. He holds a doctorate PMGSY program. works on inter-urban transport worked as a deputy project director in geographical sciences from projects, mainly in Brazil and Chanin Manopiniwes has been on the World Bank-funded Road Norma Castellanos is an advisor Tbilisi State University in Georgia. Vinay Kumar Kumar Mozambique. Previously, he worked an infrastructure economist Rehabilitation Project. at the National Planning as an international development with the World Bank in Thailand Department’s Infrastructure and Secretary | Rural Works Department, consultant analyzing more than 25 since March 2006. He has worked Sustainable Energy Unit. She INDIA State Government of Bihar transport projects in Asia, Eastern on developing infrastructure COLOMBIA works on structuring, monitoring, Europe, and the Middle East for strategy, renewable energy and and evaluating public policies Ashok Kumar Vinay Kumar Kumar is a secretary eight years. He holds a master’s energy efficiency, public-private Mauricio Cuéllar related to the transport sector, at the State Government of degree in public administration partnerships, urban transport such as mitigation and adaptation Senior Highway Engineer | Bihar’s Rural Works Department. from the Harvard Kennedy School policy, road safety, public finance Senior Transport Specialist | to climate change. She holds a Transport and ICT, World Bank Previously, he has served as in the United States and a degree & decentralization, and rapid Transport and ICT, World Bank degree in civil engineering from the a director at the Bihar State in international studies from the assessment of damages and losses Nueva Granada Military University Ashok Kumar works as a senior Beverages Corporation, a chairman University of Tokyo in Japan. occurred from natural disasters. Mauricio Cuéllar is a senior in Colombia. highway engineer at the World at the Bihar Rural Livelihoods He also works with the World transport specialist at the World Bank county office in India, Project, and a secretary at Bank’s carbon finance team on Bank, where he has worked on where he focuses on integrating the Animal Husbandry & Fish energy efficiency projects, in managing numerous transport and adapting climate change Resources. He holds a master’s addition to highway management projects in Colombia, Venezuela, to rural projects. He has 35 degree in physics. projects in Thailand, infrastructure Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador. Prior years of experience working 63 62 ANNEX 2: EXPERT PROFILES

Rajeev Nayan and connectivity, as well as has the region. He holds degrees MOZAMBIQUE as mainstreaming environmental Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), Prasad Singh recently published the book, in civil engineering and public and social considerations into the Louisiana Hurricane Center “The Eurasian Connection: policy. Kulwinder Rao all stages of a road project’s life after Hurricane Katrina, and the Project Director / Superintending Supply Chain Efficiency along cycle. She is also tasked with United Nations High Commissioner Engineer | Bihar Rural Roads Project, the Modern Silk Route through Lamphoun Senior Highway Engineer | creating strategies to increase for Refugees in Switzerland State Government of Bihar Central Asia.” She holds a Transport and ICT, World Bank women’s participation in road and Kenya. She holds a master’s doctorate degree. Khounphakdy projects. She holds a master’s degree in environmental science Rajeev Nayan Prasad Singh is Deputy Director | Road Kulwinder Rao is a senior highway degree in environmental resource and a doctorate in disaster risk a project director on the Bihar Zhamshitbek Kalilov Maintenance Division, Ministry engineer and the global lead for management. management. Rural Roads Project at the Bihar of Public Works and Trade Fragile and Conflict Affected Rural Roads Development Agency. Minister | Ministry of Transport Countries at the World Bank’s Francisco Álvaro Tin Moe Myint He has 30 years of experience and Roads, Kyrgyz Republic Lamphoun Khounphakdy has Transport and Information in planning, executing, and more than 15 years of field Communication Technologies Technician (International Director | Road & Bridge Division, monitoring Rural Roads Projects. Zhamshitbek Kalilov has experience in road network Global Practice. He manages the Relations) | Road Fund Department of Rural Development Previously, he worked in the significant experience in the maintenance planning, road World Bank’s transport portfolios Advance Planning section at the construction and rehabilitation construction management, in Liberia and Mozambique. He Francisco Álvaro works as a Tin Moe Myint is a director Road Construction Department. of roads in the Kyrgyz Republic, urban traffic planning, and is a professional engineer with technician of external affairs at the Department of Rural He has participated in numerous trans-border roads with China, disaster risk management. He more than 31 years of post- at the Directorate of External Development’s Road and Bridge training programs at the IIT and other neighboring countries. also has extensive experience graduate experience in highway Relations’ Road Fund. He is Division. Previously, she worked at Khargpur (innovative technology), He has 33 years of experience and in surveying road and bridge policy planning, engineering, responsible for liaising with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the ASCI Hyderabad (project is a member of the International conditions throughout Laos. project management, including development partners such as the Ministry of Border Affairs, National management & procurement), Transport Academy. An award- He joined the Ministry of Public performance-based contracting World Bank, as well as monitoring Races and Development Affairs, and Asian Institute of Transport & winning, widely recognized Works and Trade’s Department methods such as Output- and and evaluating the Integrated the Ministry of Livestock, Fishery Development, New Delhi, NITHE transport expert, he holds a post of Roads as a road assets Performance-Based Road Road Sector Program. He holds a and Rural Development. She also (Noida), and AIMA (Ahmedabad). graduate degree in transport. management engineer in Contracts (OPRC). Previously, he degree in international relations works on grants and other projects 2000. He holds degrees in civil held senior-level management and diplomacy. supported by the World Bank, the Ruslanbek Satybaldiev engineering and urban transport positions in the Indian KfW German Development Bank, KYRGYZ REPUBLIC engineering. government and the private Jorge Tomás Muonima the Asian Development Bank, Program Coordinator | sector. Japanese Infrastructure Partner, Cordula Rastogi Ministry of Transport and Litta Khattiya Civil Engineer | National and the Japanese International Roads, Kyrgyz Republic Francisco Manual Roads Administration Cooperation Agency. Senior Transport Economist Deputy Director General | | Trade & Competitiveness Ruslanbek Satybaldiev has 22 Department of Road, Ministry Jose Danca Jorge Tomás Muonima is a Kyaw Myo Htut Global Practice, World Bank years of engineering experience of Public Works and Trade division head at the National in road construction and Senior Highway Engineer Roads Administration, where Director | Department of Highway Cordula Rastogi, a senior transport rehabilitation. His portfolio Litta Khattiya is a deputy | Road Fund he oversees local government economist, is a global solutions includes managerial experience director general at the Ministry projects. One project involves Kyaw Myo Htut manages road lead on connectivity at the World and engineering expertise in road of Public Works and Trade’s Francisco Manuel Jose Danca building climate resilience and bridge construction and Bank’s Trade & Competitiveness rehabilitation projects within the Department of Roads. He is a civil engineer, specializing in roads located in the Gaza maintenance projects located in Global Practice. She has more than Kyrgyz Republic and neighboring has 19 years of professional in roads and bridges. He is province’s Limpopo basin. He Myanmar’s Chin State. He also 15 years of project management countries. experience working in the field currently acting as a provincial has 27 years of experience as a liaises with Indian counterparts experience, with strong analytical of road transport infrastructure delegate for the Roads Fund civil engineer specializing in road on grant projects and manages the skills to deliver policy-relevant development and management, in the Sofala Province. He has construction, rehabilitation, and Japanese International Cooperation solutions to clients and advise LAO PDR with a special focus on road worked for several years as a road maintenance. Agency’s overseas development them on strategic investments asset management. He also construction and maintenance assistance loans. He joined the and policy changes in the area of Sombath Southivong has experience working with supervisor in the Manica and Ministry of Construction in 1997 as a connectivity, transportation, and development partners such Nampula provinces. MYANMAR junior engineer. He holds a degree in logistics. She leads World Bank- Senior Infrastructure Specialist | as the World Bank, the Asian civil engineering from the Rangoon supported lending and non-lending Transport and ICT, World Bank Development Bank, KfW German Emilia Tembe Boene Henrike Brecht Institute of Technology in Myanmar. transport and logistics projects in Development Bank, Japan East Asia and the Pacific, South Sombath Southivong has more International Cooperation Environmental Specialist | National Senior Infrastructure Specialist Asia, and Europe and Central Asia. than 25 years of professional Agency, and the Nordic Administration of Roads | GSURR, World Bank PHILIPPINES Most recently in the Central Asia experience in institutional Development Fund to support region, her work has resulted in strengthening and capacity road infrastructure development Emilia Tembe Boene is the Henrike Brecht is a senior Victor Dato renewed engagement with Central building for transport sector in the Lao PDR. He holds head of the National Roads infrastructure specialist at Asian governments (Tajikistan, development, disaster risk degrees in civil engineering and Administration’s Monitoring the World Bank. Based in Senior Infrastructure Specialist | Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) management, and hydropower development planning. Department. She has 17 years Vientiane, Lao PDR, she is the Transport and ICT, World Bank and the preparation of four new and mining sector development. of experience in coordinating task team leader of disaster investments, including a regional He also has extensive experience environment and resettlement risk management projects Victor Dato is a senior infrastructure connectivity program addressing in road construction and issues. She is responsible for in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and specialist at the World Bank country connectivity challenges. She has maintenance, as well as road coordinating road monitoring Myanmar. Previously, she worked office in the Philippines. authored publications on logistics asset management in Laos and and cross-cutting issues, as well at the Global Facility for Disaster He specializes in roads and 65 64 ANNEX 2: EXPERT PROFILES

transport projects for the SERBIA Slobodan Basuric Nimal Chandrasiri TAJIKISTAN Operation. She is also a co-TTL for Philippine government’s the Central Highland Connectivity transport department. Recently, Darko Milutin Head | Belgrade Department for Additional Director General Aidai Bayalieva Improvement Project. Additionally, the transport team has started Road Maintenance and Preservation (Construction Design) | Road she manages various trust funds to work on local provincial road Disaster Risk Management Development Authority Transport Specialist | Transport that support project lending and development programs. He was Specialist | GSURR, World Bank Slobodan Basuric has been and ICT , World Bank supervision, as well as analytical part of the World Bank-led Post actively involved in Belgrade’s and advisory assistance. She holds Disaster Needs Assessment team Prior to joining the Eastern road maintenance projects and Nimal Chandraisiri has more than Aidai Bayalieva works on transport a master’s degree in public policy in the aftermath of Typhoon Europe and Central Asia urban road sector economic planning 37 years of experience in highway programs in the Kyrgyz Republic from the National University of Ketsana and Parma in 2009. and disaster risk management for the past five years. He is and bridge design, as well as road and the Republic of Tajikistan, Singapore, a bachelor’s degree in (DRM) unit as a DRM Specialist also the project manager for construction and management both highly mountainous agronomy from Hanoi Agricultural Maria Teresa in 2016, Darko Milutin worked performance-based maintenance in both Sri Lanka and abroad. He and the most climate change University, and a bachelor’s degree as a project manager for the of category I and II state roads. was instrumental in introducing vulnerable countries in the Central in English from Hanoi Teachers’ H. Concepcion DRM team in the Serbia country In the area of disaster risk computer aided design and Asian region. She also works Training University. management unit, where he was management, he works on global position systems on the preparation of climate Local Government Operations responsible for implementing assessing damages and economic (GPS), as well as raised project resilient components in regional To Nam Toan Officer V | Department Serbia’s DRM program. He has losses in the roads sector. management standards at the programs. She has more than 10 of the Interior previously worked as a consultant Previously, he was a supervisor Road Development Authority. years of experience working on Director | Science Technology, and as a donor representative specializing in landslide repairs He served as a project director infrastructure-related projects. Environment and International Maria Teresa H. Concepcion for Luxembourg’s bilateral and rehabilitation, as well as road when Sri Lanka built the Southern She holds a master’s of science Cooperation, Department of the focuses on the project development cooperation reconstruction. He holds a degree Expressway, which opened degree from University Directorate for Roads, Vietnam development and management projects in Serbia and in civil engineering from the Civil to traffic in 2011. He holds a in Japan. of local roads and bridges Montenegro. A Serbian and Dutch University of Belgrade in Serbia. master’s degree in structural To Nam Toan is a director at the information systems. She is also national, he holds a doctorate engineering from the University Olim Yatimov Department of the Directorate involved in disaster risk reduction degree in environmental sciences of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka and a for Road’s Science Technology, and management, specifically from Wageningen University SRI LANKA diploma in project planning and Head | Foreign Investments Environment, and International disaster risk financing, in the Netherlands and a development management from Cooperation, Department of Ministry Cooperation Department. His local risk assessments, and bachelor’s degree in hydrology Amali Rajapaksa the Asian Institute of Manila in of Transport, Republic of Tajikistan responsibilities include drafting vulnerability assessment of local and water resources management the Philippines. road standards for the department infrastructures. In her 30 years engineering. Senior Infrastructure Specialist | Olim Yatimov is a deputy director and the Ministry of Transport, as with the Philippine Republic’s Transport and ICT, World Bank Shyamalee Karunasekera of the Project Implementation well as applying new technologies. Department of the Interior and Petar Krasic Group at the Ministry of Transport He holds bachelor’s and master’s Local Government (DILG) as a Amali Rajapaksa leads the Deputy Director (Planning) and directly supervises regional degrees in road engineering from local government operations Department for Road Transport, dialogue on public private | Highway Information and World Bank transport programs. the University of Transport in officer, her work has mostly Roads and Road Safety | partnerships (PPPs) and manages Development Management System, He has more than 10 years of Vietnam and a doctorate degree revolved around the various Ministry of Construction, the transport portfolio. She Road Development Authority extensive experience in the in construction management from phases of project development Transport and Infrastructure joined the World Bank in 2003 transport sector and cooperating the University of Tokyo in Japan. and management – from as an infrastructure specialist Shyamalee Karunasekera leads with various international inception to feasibility study Petar Krasic has been working managing the World Bank’s and manages a wide range of financial institutions in Tran Anh Duong preparations, to results-based at the Ministry for more than portfolio on transport, energy, activities, including collecting, preparing and implementing monitoring. four years on various road and water in Sri Lanka. She has processing, and analysing priority road rehabilitation and Director General | Department safety and road intelligent contributed greatly to the growth road pavement data. She construction projects. Under of Environment, Ministry Paul Irineo P. Montano transport systems projects. He of the transport sector within is also responsible for road his direct supervision, his teams of Transport, Vietnam specializes in the development the World Bank’s portfolio in Sri rehabilitation, reconstruction, implemented and successfully Local Government Operations of strategic frameworks, studies, Lanka and has been instrumental and maintenance programs. completed numerous projects. Tran Anh Duong is responsible for Officer V | Department legislation, and other technical in bringing the first public-private Additionally, she works on overseeing state management of the Interior documents. He also works partnership (PPP) to the road conceptualizing, formulating, duties in the areas of on international cooperation sector. She has also been involved and developing the Road Asset VIETNAM environmental protection, energy Paul Irineo P. Montano works initiatives that involve European in the World Bank’s energy Management System. She joined efficiency, and climate change on project development, policy Union integration processes projects in India and Pakistan. the Road Development Authority Phuong Thi Minh Tran response for the transport sector. research and formulation, with in the transport field. In 2009, Previously, she worked at the in 1995 as a civil engineer and He has been working on the a special focus on strengthening he was awarded a third place Government of Sri Lanka’s has worked in several areas such Senior Transport Specialist | environment portfolio at the disaster risk governance at prize for a road safety project by Bureau of Infrastructure as research and development, Transport and ICT, World Bank Ministry of Transport since 2003. the sub-national levels. This the European Transport Safety Investments. She is a fellow of highway designs, and He has a degree in mechanical includes risk information Council. He holds a master’s the United Kingdom Chartered construction and maintenance Phuong Thi Minh Tran is a senior marine engineering from the management and analysis, and bachelor’s degree in traffic Institute of Management of road projects on national transport specialist with over Vietnam Maritime University and a vulnerability assessment of engineering from the University Accountants and holds a highways and expressways. She is 17 years of experience in project master’s degree in maritime safety local infrastructures, and risk of Novi Sad in Serbia. master’s degree in business a chartered civil engineer, with a development and management. and environmental protection financing windows. finance from Brunel University in post graduate diploma in highway She is currently the Task Team from the World Maritime the United Kingdom. and traffic engineering from the Leader (TTL) for the Vietnam Road University in Sweden. University of Moratuwa in Sri Asset Management Project and the Lanka. P4R Local Road Asset Management Contact

World Bank Disaster Risk Management Hub, Tokyo Phone: +81-(0)3–3597–1320 Email: [email protected] Website:

The World Bank Disaster Risk Management Hub, Tokyo supports developing countries to mainstream DRM in national development planning and investment programs. As part of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery and in coordination with the World Bank Tokyo Office, the DRM Hub provides technical assistance grants and connects Japanese and global DRM expertise and solutions with World Bank teams and government officials. Over 47 countries have benefited from the Hub’s technical assistance, knowledge, and capacity building activities. The DRM Hub was established in 2014 through the Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming DRM in Developing Countries – a partnership between Japan’s Ministry of Finance and the World Bank.