Fall–Winter 2011 Volume 37: 3–4 The Journal of New York Folklore Yuri Yunakov, National Heritage Fellow Rhetoric of Italian American Identity Roman Turovsky- Savchuk and Ukrainian Folk Music Remembering Jean Crandall (1964–2011) From the Director As an organization, the varieties of musical expression found The New York Folklore Society continues the New York Folk- along and encouraged by the Erie Canal, its mission of education and encouragement lore Society has sup- both past and present. “Music of the Erie of traditional arts and culture in New York. ported regular oppor- Canal” will offer scholarly presentations as Please join us in our work! tunities for profes- well as the performance and presentation Ellen McHale, Ph.D., Executive Director sional development of music. Partnering with the Erie Canal New York Folklore Society and convening on Museum in Syracuse, the conference will
[email protected] specific topics. Since involve multiple venues and diverse op- www.nyfolklore.org its founding in 1944, portunities to present the musical history the Society has annually supported at least of the Erie Canal. Please visit our website, From the Editor one conference for the exploration of www.nyfolklore.org/progs/cfp-eriemusic.html, for The present issue of topics of relevance to the collecting and the Call for Proposals and for additional Voices reflects in large study of folklore in New York State. In information for attendance. part upon ethnic iden- our early years, the Society supported both A new program for the Society, the gradu- tity in New York. In a fall meeting which was held outside of ate student conferences have been held at “Ethnicity, Nostalgia, the New York tri-State region and a spring New York University (2010) and Bingham- Affirmation: The Rhet- meeting which was held in New York City.