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08-02-2021 Agenda Packet.Pdf AGENDA DELANO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 2, 2021 DELANO CITY HALL, 1015 – 11th Avenue 5:30 P.M. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GOVERNOR NEWSOM’S EXECUTIVE ORDER #N-08-21, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED FULLY VIA TELECONFERENCE, DUE TO THE CURRENT RESTRICTIONS BY SAID ORDER AND CENTERS FOR DISEASES CONTROL AND PREVENTION (CDC) GUIDELINES. THE PUBLIC WILL HAVE ACCESS TO CALL IN, LISTEN TO THE MEETING AND PROVIDE PUBLIC COMMENT. IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNOR NEWSOM’S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-08-21, THERE WILL NOT BE A PHYSICAL LOCATION FROM WHICH THE PUBLIC MAY ATTEND. IN ORDER TO CALL INTO TH E MEETING PLEASE SEE THE DIRECTIONS BELOW. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS Featured Pet – Tabitha PUBLIC COMMENT: The public may address the Council on items which do not appear on the agenda. The Council cannot respond nor take action on items that do not appear on the agenda but may refer the item to staff for further study or for placement on a future agenda. Comments are limited to 3 minutes for each person and 15 minutes on each subject. Please state your name and address for the record. CONSENT AGENDA: The Consent Agenda consists of items that in staff’s opinion are routine and non-controversial. These items are approved in one motion unless a Councilmember or member of the public removes a particular item. 1) Authorization to waive the reading of any ordinance in its entirety and consenting to the reading of such ordinances by title only 2) Warrant Register in the amount of $3,044,398.54 3) Minutes of regular City Council Meeting of July 19, 2021 4) Acceptance and Approval of the City of Delano Quarterly Investment Report 5) Resolution adopting the 2020-2021 Kern Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJHMP) 6) Approval of agreement with Youth Educational Sports, Inc. To provide school traffic safety education and public outreach services for the ATP3 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Project, Project # - ATPL-5227(060) at various schools in Delano and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement and all other documents needed to carry out this project Type of Call MCI California Relay Service Sprint California Relay Service TTY 1-800-735-2929 1-888-877-5378 Voice 1-800-735-2922 1-888-877-5379 Spanish 1-800-855-3000 1-888-877-5381 Speech to Speech 1-800-854-7784 TO PARTICIPATE PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TIME OF THE MEETING AS FOLLOWS: Join City Council Meeting by clicking on the following: When: Aug 2, 2021 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Topic: City Council Meeting Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82985088118?pwd=T3ZxNzhVNlY5Vno0RTA5NW4rcXNKQT09 Passcode: 696427 Or One tap mobile : US: +16699009128,,82985088118#,,,,*696427# or +12133388477,,82985088118#,,,,*696427# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 213 338 8477 or +1 669 219 2599 or +1 206 337 9723 Webinar ID: 829 8508 8118 Passcode: 696427 International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdSl800Sd2 To speak during public comment, please raise your hand (*9 via phone) to be unmuted. If the public has any questions, please feel free and call 661-720-2228 by 10:00 am on August 2, 2021. Agenda Item No. 2 CITY OF DELANO WARRANT REGISTER/COUNCIL MTNG 08/02/2021 Check Date Check Number Vendor ID Vendor Name Check Amount Line # Invoice # Description Expense Distribution Account 7/8/2021 30645 CAY02 ELNORA F. CAYME 13303.09 1 07/01/21 FINAL PAYOUT FOR ROMEO CAYME 74 5110 370 CAY02 Total 13303.09 7/8/2021 30646 SANG5 DARIAN SANTAELLA 838.00 1 06/09/21 PER DIEM/ICI CORE TRAINING 07/12-23 CARMEL, CA 01 5440 200 SANG5 Total 838.00 7/8/2021 30647 CARD5 CARMEL MISSION INN 811.15 1 06/09/21 LODGING/D. SANTAELLA C#149036726 07/11-16 01 5440 200 7/8/2021 30648 CARD5 CARMEL MISSION INN 811.15 1 06-09-21 LODGING/D. SANTAELLA Ca#149036110 07/16-23 01 5440 200 CARD5 Total 1622.30 7/8/2021 30649 DIX00 BRIANNA DIXON 391.00 1 06/17/21 PER DIEM/TRAFFIC COLLISION INV/ 07/12-16 SAN DIEGO 01 5440 200 DIX00 Total 391.00 7/8/2021 30650 GOV07 GOVERNMENT TRAINING AGENCY 549.00 1 06/17/21 REGISTRATION/B. DIXON 07/12-16 TCI COURSE 01 5440 200 GOV07 Total 549.00 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 143.73 1 931374 MAINT OPER/PULLEY/BELTS/#57023 WWTP 72 5510 570 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 30.07 1 931377 GENERAL SUPPLIES/HARNESS/PARKS 01 5700 600 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 95.24 1 935228 MAINT OPER/PULLEY IDLER/#57023 WWTP 72 5510 570 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 414.55 1 936306 MAINT OPER/MISC PARTS/#57014 WWTP 72 5510 570 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 151.53 1 936307 GENERAL SUPPLIES/WEED TRIMMER STRING/AIRPORT 74 5700 370 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 78.81 1 937188 GENERAL SUPPLIES FOR REFUSE MAINT 71 5700 540 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 125.49 1 937189 GENERAL SUPPLIES FOR GOLF COURSE MAINT 05 5700 650 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 189.94 1 937190 GENERAL SUPPLIES FOR REFUSE MAINT 71 5700 540 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 110.35 1 938646 MAINT OPER/MULCH BLADE/#60069 PARKS 01 5510 600 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 110.35 1 938647 MAINT OPER/MULCH BLADE/#60082 PARKS 01 5510 600 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 69.46 1 938771 MAINT OPER/SOLID BLADE/#60068 PARKS 01 5510 600 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 94.57 1 939149 GENERAL SUPPLIES FOR REFUSE 71 5700 540 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 96.34 1 939598 GENERAL SUPPLIES/TREE TIES/PARKS 01 5700 600 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 126.97 1 942328 GENERAL SUPPLIES FOR PARKS MAINT 01 5700 600 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 59.53 1 942559 GENERAL SUPPLIES/WEEDEATER STRING/PARKS 01 5700 600 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 59.53 1 942560 GENERAL SUPPLIES/WEEDEATER STRING/GOLF COURSE 05 5700 650 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 123.40 1 942650 GEN SUP/PENDULUM SPRAY/PARKS 01 5700 600 7/15/2021 30651 ABA01 ABATE-A-WEED INC. 123.41 2 942650 GEN SUP/PENDULUM SPRAY/GOLF COURSE 05 5700 650 ABA01 Total 2203.27 7/15/2021 30652 ADS00 ADVANCED DATA STORAGE, IN 23.75 1 131381 SHRED MISC CONF DCMNTS 06/16 CITY HALL/HR 01 5524 120 7/15/2021 30652 ADS00 ADVANCED DATA STORAGE, IN 43.75 2 131381 SHRED MISC CONF DCMNTS 06/16 CITY HALL/CITY M 01 5524 110 7/15/2021 30652 ADS00 ADVANCED DATA STORAGE, IN 23.75 3 131381 SHRED MISC CONF DCMNTS 06/16 CITY HALL/FIN 01 5700 170 7/15/2021 30652 ADS00 ADVANCED DATA STORAGE, IN 23.75 4 131381 SHRED MISC CONF DCMNTS 06/16 CITY HALL/UB 73 5700 740 7/15/2021 30652 ADS00 ADVANCED DATA STORAGE, IN 161.00 1 131389 SHRED MIS CONF DCMNTS 06/16 PD 01 5520 200 ADS00 Total 276.00 7/15/2021 30653 AFF00 AFFINITY TRUCK CENTER 50.21 1 F13222775 MAINT OPER/SEALANT/#5405 REFUSE 71 5510 540 7/15/2021 30653 AFF00 AFFINITY TRUCK CENTER 1127.04 1 F13222822 MAINT OPER/INJECTORS/#5405 REFUSE 71 5510 540 7/15/2021 30653 AFF00 AFFINITY TRUCK CENTER 1260.48 1 F13222825 EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF OEM TOOLS 81 86BL 900 AFF00 Total 2437.73 1 CITY OF DELANO WARRANT REGISTER/COUNCIL MTNG 08/02/2021 Check Date Check Number Vendor ID Vendor Name Check Amount Line # Invoice # Description Expense Distribution Account 7/15/2021 30654 ALF08 ALFORS, CHRISTOPHER BRYAN 176.86 1 06/30/21 REIMBURSE/SUPP FOR SFST TRAINING ON 06/29-30 01 5440 200 ALF08 Total 176.86 7/15/2021 30655 ALI03 JOE ALINDAJAO 100.00 1 Jul-21 JULY CELL PHONE STIPEND 01 5203 100 ALI03 Total 100.00 7/15/2021 30656 ALP09 ALPHA TECHNOLOGIES & ALAR 576.00 1 188623 YEARLY COMMERCIAL ALARM MONITORING 2021-22 ARMORY 01 5700 810 ALP09 Total 576.00 7/15/2021 30657 AME76 AMERICAN FABRICATION 14495.25 1 91912 DOUBLE SIDED PUBLIC WORKS SIGN FOR CORP YARD 01 5871 800 7/15/2021 30657 AME76 AMERICAN FABRICATION 13390.53 1 91912-1 DOUBLE SIDED PUBLIC WORKS SIGN FOR CORP YARD 01 5871 800 7/15/2021 30657 AME76 AMERICAN FABRICATION -14495.25 1 CM91912 DOUBLE SIDED PUBLIC WORKS SIGN FOR CORP YARD 01 5871 800 AME76 Total 13390.53 7/15/2021 30658 AME96 AMERICAN CYLINDER HEAD 25721.94 1 81016 USED ENGINE, DEF SYSTEM, AND ALLISON AUT.TRANSMISSION 11 5510 300 AME96 Total 25721.94 7/15/2021 30659 ANI06 ANIMAL CARE EQUIPMENT & S 261.36 1 93024 GENERAL SUPPLIES/SNARE POLE FOR ANIMAL CONTROL 01 5700 204 ANI06 Total 261.36 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 461.69 1 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/STS 11 5522 300 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 598.33 2 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/PARKS 01 5522 600 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 3282.35 3 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/GOV BLDNGS 01 5522 800 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 218.72 4 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/ST CLNG 71 5522 530 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 117.52 5 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/ANIMAL CONTROL 01 5522 204 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 1590.77 6 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/WWTP 72 5522 570 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 532.68 7 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/REFUSE 71 5522 540 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 1249.84 8 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/WTR 73 5522 720 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 649.40 9 Jun-21 GENERAL SUPPLIES/NITRILE GLOVES 81 5700 900 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 346.47 10 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/GARAGE 81 5522 900 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 740.49 11 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/TRANSIT 75 5522 350 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 152.20 12 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/AIRPORT 74 5522 370 7/15/2021 30660 ARA01 ARAMARK 39.10 13 Jun-21 JUNE LAUNDRY/UNIFORM SVCS/MCCF 76 5522 276 ARA01 Total 9979.56 7/15/2021 30661 ARC23 ARCADIA SOLAR, LLC 23264.33 1 100146834 JUNE ENERGY CHARGES/WWTP 72 5201 570 ARC23
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