Anti-Government Non-State Armed Actors in the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine TOMÁŠ ŠMÍD Ambis College, Brno, Czech Republic E-mail
[email protected];
[email protected] ORCID ALEXANDRA ŠMÍDOVÁ Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic E-mail
[email protected] ORCID Abstract This article presents the main ANSA involved in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. It focusses on an analysis of the specific phenomenon of the opolchentsy – Narodnoe opolchenie Donbassa. The aim of this paper is to introduce and describe these actors and to ground them in certain theoretical conceptions. The paper also tracks the changing motivations of the various ANSA brought under the umbrella of the quasi-state actor NOD throughout the conflict, and the changing array of formations that made up the opolchenie during a particular period of time. Evidently, the opolchenie do not fit into the usual classifications of ANSA. Keywords Ukraine, armed conflict, Donbas, opolchentsy, ANSA, Russia, foreign fighters, insurgency DOI 56/2/2021 IIR ▷ MVCJIR 35 Anti-Government Non-State Armed Actors in the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine began to attract scholarly attention immediately after the start of the hostilities. The tension in this region was inseparably linked with the events that preceded the fighting: the overthrow of President Yanukovich during the so-called Euromaidan and Russia’s annexation of Crimea that directly followed. A number of papers have analysed Russia’s role in the conflict, the relations between Moscow and Kiev, and the response by the international community (H AU K K A L A 2015; MALYARENKO – WOLFF 2018).