DOI 10.12905/0380.sydowia70-2018-0199 Published online 12 December 2018 Entoloma aurorae-borealis sp. nov. and three rare En- toloma species in the Sinuatum clade (subg. Entoloma) from northern Europe Machiel Evert Noordeloos1, Øyvind Weholt2, Egil Bendiksen3, Tor Erik Brandrud3, Siw Elin Eidissen2, Jostein Lorås2, Olga Morozova4 & Bálint Dima5,* 1 Naturalis Biodiversity Center, section Botany, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands 2 Nord University, Nesna, NO-8700 Nesna, Norway 3 Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Gaustadalléen 21, NO-0349 Oslo, Norway 4 Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 Prof. Popov Str., RUS-197376 St Petersburg, Russia 5 Department of Plant Anatomy, Institute of Biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary * e-mail:
[email protected] Noordeloos M.E., Weholt Ø., Bendiksen E., Brandrud T.E., Eidissen S.E., Lorås J., Morozova O. & Dima B. (2018) Entoloma aurorae-borealis sp. nov. and three rare Entoloma species in the Sinuatum clade (subg. Entoloma) from northern Europe. – Sydowia 70: 199–210. Entoloma aurorae-borealis is described as new to science and three rare or little known Entoloma species (E. borgenii, E. eminens, and E. serpens) from Norway are treated based on morphological and molecular evidences. In the ITS phylogeny pre- sented here, all species belong to the Sinuatum clade, one of five well-supported lineages of subgenusEntoloma (= Rhodopolia & Nolanidea). Entoloma aurorae-borealis is only known from northern Norway, whereas E. eminens and E. serpens, apart from the here reported new records in Norway are known only from a few localities in Finland, and E.