2018-2019 Annual Report of Pollution Information Transparency Index (PITI)
Achievements of One Decade 2018-2019 Annual Report of Pollution Information Transparency Index (PITI) for 120 Cities Institute of Public and Natural Resources Defense Council Environmental Affairs (IPE) (NRDC) The Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is an (IPE) is a registered non-profit environmental international nonprofit environmental organization that research organization based in Beijing. Since its combines the power of more than 3 million members establishment in May 2006, IPE has developed and supporters with the expertise of some 500 lawyers, the Blue Map Database (wwwen.ipe.org.cn), scientists, and other environmental specialists. Since 1970, as well as the Blue Map app, the first Chinese NRDC has worked to protect the world’s natural resources, environmental mobile app to track real-time public health, and environment in countries and regions pollution data, which went live in June 2014. IPE including the United States, China, India, Canada, Mexico, works to promote environmental information Chile, Costa Rica, and the European Union. NRDC is disclosure, public participation, and effective headquartered in New York City and has offices in Beijing; environmental governance strategies. Washington, D.C.; Chicago; Los Angeles; San Francisco and Bozeman, Montana. Authors: Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE): MA Jun, RUAN Qingyuan, GUO Ye, CHEN Yiting, HE Fanghui, ZHU Huaning, ZHU Li, GUO Huaxin, LI Zhenshan, LI Qingfeng, MA Yingying, DING Shanshan, CHEN Qifeng. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): WANG Yan, WU Qi, ZHANG Xiya, YANG Jia, Lena Suponya, Elizabeth Weinlein, QI Bokai English Translation QI Bokai, Elizabeth Weinlein, DING Shanshan, WU Qi, RUAN Qingyuan : Design CHEN Shuangli : Acknowledgement: Thanks to the Alibaba Foundation PROJECT XIN, Ai You Foundation, and SEE Foundation for funding this report.
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