
np i n "i - isff i"v ' v i &wa tWtVMt

THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. rAPRIL 7, 1901. :z WANTED-MA- LE. HELP WANTED-MA- LE. 5Tn:tiMiTPs. HELP WANTED-FEMA- LE. HELP WANTED-FEMA- LE. HELP WANTED-FEMA- LE. HELP BIRTHS, Llnni Cents. Three, Lines fnr I'lve Centx MARRIAGES Line- - for Five Cents. Tlirr,. Li f for Tim Cents. Three for rive Line Five Cents Extra. 'fiPiJN-CHI?- Three Additional Cents Extra. Each Ad.lltlcn il .'A Philippine ISLANDS - VIA Hach Addltlrnal Line File Cents Extra. Hncli Addition Una rue CmM Cxtra. MlNrellniieotiK. Eacl Jue riie AND DEATHS. & The Trade. ", Occidental S. S and Orlrntul mini-curin- g Clerk and Salesmen. u I WANTED Iadle" to Inlr.lre.slnr, is. Co. Hong-Kon- g General llouacnork. ClerKd nod Saleswomen. learn S Tiom ban t rands o. Mam. help-- :, 1 and facial maa&age; special offer fur tlilrtv -s WANTED-- B1 , .111:11 s; cntna. April 17. Doric. Aiu:i 25. or 115 etrorfcly Indor-- e, for HELPER ETC.. ickmtth m:conn op WANTED-G- lady 'rs to aupply demand for 112 to EUSINEB men 1213 , in-sa- HOUSEGIRL lrl to do general good dj craduatfs: boy. Lass. uiutiis. ard freight rates, resenatlois passage CANVASSEI1S WANTED Time paid wr(k. us. Call ar.d special facilities for eeourlng pos- woodworl: painter and raere famll of two. 5 Page downtown trade. Itcom 403 weikly afttr onlv four with ana Information. app! to L. 12. Townsley, aie. iu call or write. Moler College. 1141 ition. Practical Ruslnes. College, cr. used to Louis ana EKleben, 1113 Sldnev: girl. 10 m. Market st. Iiriiisliflra cata-Icgj- WANTED Yotng Clan aecnt.4aOIUeat.. St. Louis. HOUSEGIRL housework. Holland bulId'tiR. after a. N)jth Call or aend ". JIV.N'7IR mil Hermann and Christlra Wolf, 2353 Sou'h WANTED Girl for YOUNG lady rrr Oiiio bts. fcr fliict metal work. Arp'y to-d- Ircra I to 4. :CT0 Finncj aie. IZxDIES "Somctlilm; In dolmr plain LADY WANTED Vounr; for ai and St. Fprlng; girl. go: eral office work: l rapid and ac- ist St. ljavs Cornlr.. iVork, Llffhth 2319 home; 5s to 512 wccklj; mut lery James and Sarah Golden, North Market: UULShUIKL WANTED-G- lrl for general at matrials- curate at ligures; no other neid apply. W K. CLEltlCS wanted who can easy. stjllsh LmU aie. Last Iiuls. . WANTED-FEMA- LE. 40-- furr.Nlied: cxperlenca unwcfqsary; no canvass-iiK- i:e Klrl. SITUATIONS 'l Washington Republic. fhos, f r S2.SC. Harris. 520 Tine st. Henry F. ana Clara relber. 2TCS Kenton: bey. ac 'teidv on.ploiment Addns, with stamp, LAroRERi? WANTED Ilrlck yard laborers. Thrt L'ncs for Five Cents. WANTED-Gcnn- Morgan Uo.--d road and William ard Mary KUlmy 2312 Madison: girl. - HOUSEGIRL an girl for llrht Hauseliold Mfg. Co.. Station V, Chicago. CLOTHING EXPERT WANTED No. 1 cloth; ChrUtv Il.o CI.iv Co.. 11 Hcb-r- t: Each Additional Lire File Cent- Extra, 41t,7 POUNDS - - Kins'- highway car toutn Harry ana Katie risher. SKI bov houseiiork. Mcpherson. e 20 FOR $1.00. lng expert for the season at exp'rt salary. Graiois ai- Ilik- - K. W. ana Mollle Eurk- -. North Grand, boy. LArirS-C- nn icu'traiel? Tho-- eeklnir a Ilepubllc. from Kocrncr's Garden.) i:a Twenty-f- COMPANION A refined, capable younjr lady HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl housework and penmnent Best Eastern and granulated migar. William and Minnie Woekler. Si North for at biiElrt s lifo can llnd an excellent s ma- notild like position liousekeep-- 4111 mcf-d'ati- ns we as nlwajs, as "waNTED-N- Dlemak-r- ifth; boy. as companloi and once. West Pine boulci.ud. Hs.tlim. no tpcclal etperleneo; cuirameed. prniea tint DRUG OLrintC o. 1 drur clerk; MACIHN1.STS WANTED ard weekly; doe 7 pounds good for 51. Our Seba-tl- 212 r!u:- -: girl JM per month and txpense. pajabie ulo nusttd coffo must speak Gt rman and registered In Missouri; chinists. sn Machinery Co.. lwi if. Daild and Ells Smith, , llOI'SHGIIU. WANTKD Girl for general rrerw h 1 pojnds- fur 51: 3 MO uth Th'rd: traitllns: r.n c.ina"-Ftn:- : our lady traielers celebratid ioff.ef good refeitrcts. 1"! Chout"iu aie. Broadway. Francis and Julia Fitzgerald. COMPANION Situation by tntill'ffint lndy as housoHork. Apply I1H 1'ago ao. pounds of the flue- -t Mocha and Jala for Jl. bov. I , the work aKiecabie and our buslnea rims len . Good, ma- a cvmiunlon. will do ll;;ht houvlcifplni; and ,,,.,.,.,-,,- - ,,...... :; E. Holiain Tlie George Cousins Ti-.- i Compan.-- blxth and DRUMMEi: WANTED-- An experlnce.l city MAfJliNIST WANTED Ros- - Rom-- o. S1C2 hoy. CC. FUe!lor. lsil. John it , -- work right Ernest end Lirledc: . plain sen In?; will V Ilcpubllc. ' Girl for general us Ilonarza. druinm-r- larK chinist fcr repair shop: fady for -. Icair cin. hoaM-'Worl- S.14 Drnrlo'-- Market cti. Mall lour ordtr. 1'uro on" well acrpialnted with the It. S and Je-.n- 'e Gru- 32' Cottage S410 Laclede Co. M. C'lilcnrn. ' - salary. nan Allen II irgrave, Ann i. III. d tea, onlv ulc pr pound. n.t ill drj- piodi trade; ttatr. reftrtrnce and Josroh and Anna Knppctir H3 ".corf: . frtrl. CO.MPANION Ouni lady would llk a. 2? saletladlei Mon-di- y tr-- i sXli:.SLDI1:SWANTI:0 S C7. ItepuWlc. .Frawln? and M irie Pohlmann 1.11 Allen. Iny. Position .is elii-- companion to a lady. K. T., HOLSCUIUL WANTLD Girl for general Kood 51.10 to MAX W ANTED Man press: must 3uia morning, to mlldt for article; b- fir John and Mnlll Suttrr. l'Gl Elliot. iov lriC N Grand ue houenurk onl cook: small faniilv. Call Sundiy, 52 DRUMMER.--, u sell Potato - xt A. Gclscl Mfg. e.o. second ami r; per diy. 4IJ3 North .Market st. Gold y ran "Irish Sul-tru- Solid Glasses, the R. ana Horten-- e Hitman, Lltman and UC?A Kensington $2.50 EI COOK sltintion Iv nr!t-cl- cock as cook or aie. Eacli eye Fcl.iitlflc.illi tested fiee. HI:. IIp" a a shiclin". It Is most healthful, clcai. Clark at . sample r'rl. boy. work cf an kind, can Kle references. Call or HOr.SEGIitL WANTHD-G- irl for central trU:i:.W73J3aZ53ggZMa3BJ MU111TZ. Oculi-- t jid Optician. 612 are. neit and selN at sKj comp!t) ail MECHANICS! engiaeT- -. electrtel ns. firtrnea. Edward and Lucille Fotthoff. n2S Berton; m iil-- d 13c Pipe Co , Box COS b-- write IS3I S i:ir;hth housework L1CI3 Mli.eria aie.; take Page aie. terms for Manila etc.; a free scholarship In wl.I car. WAATEU Eiiierlcnoeil Klrln for Q IJill, Mo awardd to a few- - ipp!l-ant- . COOK Situttlcn by relltblw colore 1 plrl as . MARRIAfii: LICr.S-I- .Mull He-- E coun- American School cf Corrcspond-'ncr- Boston. Mass. ccck In private faraii , wittioat laundry. 114 N. general olrrlenl nork In OnlT STOVE REPAIRS ENERGETIC salesrien; chocl stippll; HOrSIIGIRL WANIKD Girl for work- - Ulllot housework, (.ood 1704 N. RtU m try $pj, j.iiirj" and commissions. R. O. OPTICIAN WANTED-Go- od henchman. Add. Ral-to- n Ui; WcshlnctoT ale. VdKCi, apply at Grand iinrtini'iit. Apjily al onee, stoves. A. G. Br 8 N. st D. P. Tor all mer. Third Ei ins tz c . Chicago, III. G. B ft: ;il 11r st. 1ndell (."riiiiil-I.viKli- -r. B Co.. liusan B Teasdale .... li HLUGANT FUlte of seconJ tory rwns; couth- - ait. fliiiir - rinrl-an- t. Mo ern eu-M- r- FNEPGLTir- In each promlient Herman Knmer modern coi.ien'ences. In a line l:01TSr.G!KL WANTHD-nxrerlen-ced Klrl for unnecessary. PAINTERS WVNTED T.io house painters. Mo t ranill it. ror inijemen or rlti. fair ml iry to ftart; enper.enre Mary Toeller norlant. iiuuns. qiiti pitril work In small tamlli; Rood wages. 4J10 sui iWfiuLVMj&sumwimmBam SITUATIONS WANTED-MA- LE. Illrrk Co . :c4 Oiiit st. St. Louis. Waldhau.e. Madison. III. William Vogt Hannibal. Mo tcuple; en Delmir. near 1nde1 enter. X 70, Ite-- Morgan t. t Cora Bowers K0; Nonh Markl PU1I1C Thr- - Lines for Cents. ENERGETIC man In eicry town to represent PAINTER WANTED-Go- od curiae painter. A. HOUSIXIhIl AVANTniJGSr- i- general Me:iiiriisler. file -- 513 Cass e. S"5 Morran like a place for Each Additional Line Five Cent. Extra. an old tnh!lshrl manufarturlng company with ai E. I. Ballard :iM ili:i. Nice clore,t rlrl would k, In family. 3S40 Westminster p; '.."."."."...". thice TjiiIv stenogra- iapit.il of salary tr,0 per and h-- 'p Pancake Pane after South Side. G 74, liil'Ub-- li STENOGRAPHER WANTED ;).C: jeir PAINTER.--J Pearl N. the Ida in the pi ice. 2 p. open or pionotion permanent position, WANTED Witi lidders to "." Cnluinbu. O pher joung mid wllliiiT to learn. Apply m. ACCOUNTANT wants set of bucks to npld and out on Job l"o7 Albert Rcr Sunday 3. MO close, to leiulrln no cin.r.ssing; unusi.al opportunity. CboJte.iu uie 3T31 nnnry 1 1 OI JF KG I White for gen-or- at room Ollio st. comj Ikatrd accounts adjurt. kinloch Gertrude Crune Rlrl; will also nirl D S?S or O 103S. Address Mamger, P.O. Hox Philadelphia. Pa. 3'5." Olive lilltL Situation by I'inlri; room famll two. 4iG7 l'age boule-ar- d P. box 4i, PAPEBHANCER WANTED A man to bans Joseph K--- t referonces; n houewo:k: of STi:NOGR M'lIPRS Competent slenosrnphers paper It"; Clara jiMt wiln liuuieuork of ADrWRITER-Posltior- n en-t- rj ITX, uMlc. Mary O'Hara portals cnbwcred AppK 2411 Colcmar can I'O proeuictl thro-i-;- our employment depart-na- nt 7ss ad. wrlt-- r or nd. r NTRY CLERKVANTED Young man Ri ".'"."."." '. rs. Venice. Ill roTtLGIRL Tor general at all times: business houses Inilted to writer and stenrgrapher; May 1; reference. Ad- clerk by wliolesqi house: must b quick at PAI ERHANGERi WANTED SU ra;er-harge- Lewis Araentroat - Po-itl- o-- WANTED Girl Morrl ;.;:.::: vem. m OOVEKNE"-;- as ROiericss com- furnlly; high (k.31 patronize t. nt, cliarge to eltht- - party: New dress E. A. L., Tcpeka, Kar. I gures inc! veil C VS. Republic. Addres" C. C. I."'--. iaducah. Kr. Anna - panion; icf'ience-- exci M W Molten, bcirenoik, four in wagis. irif Mempbl- Ten anrcd i'entu. l)ep"nirc and Yot rented at ARC'HITI.C-r-Sltuntl- 530 d" Walter WIMairs I'tfty-'econ- aie. -r cung man cf For !iranei ofllr": salsrv las:"" -i- Morsin care Lamthnm. Fifth and d at.. " p- mciih United TiLenriter and Supplies !j il MANWNTKD PAPERHANGERS.-atten- cetlrtr for Jcnnl Ix;nU "" lis New York CUT. rooking or In nrchittct's ofllce; lias hid some experience. and expfnses: 517 cpsh requirril. 103 N. Ninth st. charter rsemlw-rshlp- ; 5" cenu- - April 12. Llght-sto- no IIn Plum HOUSEGIltL WANTED Girl for 120 Pine st. Tel. M 20(0. C. II. Odell, H 62. Republic. Gus Tit general fnmlly U Hall. No. 7. HIcitnth and Franklin. W. K. ,"".".".".". '3 Plum GOVERl-EF- woman housework; i.f two. Delnar m inacr. JIAN W NTED Ksperienccd man to traiel Jjiura Patton Situation by vounjr as -d Gordon. R. S. ". Allwnv. N. Y companion cr with famllv Koingr BOOICKEEl'ER Situation bv loung in in is o- ratiblsh ccunty and State, agents for manu- Amru. Morrison coiefcsj boijkkeepMr and olr'ce man; German; reference-- i 817 Gablcr. Mo rcfei-nct- i 1C3S -- facturers Franl; MarkeL WANTED-O-- .o Tlertlia Oettercr abrcpd, txch med. Address aas HOVSEGIEL WANTED-I- Girl for general POSITIONS FILLED. E O. Republic-- . who Ft. Lnuii housework, ; good wages. - ex all trarchtu Inq.ilre Geo D. Bar-- J. II. Civ.ci aie. iwo famil 45 During list week th follonlmr emp'oved stu- VAN WANTED To tniel; fal- salary and r it .".V.V.V. S1-- Lou's Maryland bfc fnoit- - e: narti & Co.. ane-,i'te- ml Maj Beard by etperlenced ho-t- tl nc. dents cf tie ili'jthiestern ElMness ("jllege. No. BOOKKEEPER Fltiiatlnn coirrtent penses to coimnfc-.e- ais. Mo HOUSnM:i.Prn Pcsltlcn s Ftntrram. I ; MO Oliio st . as bcolAc-iier- rind stencgijihcrs: kee; er ard ter, witirgoul referenc Mrmgrr. 031 room 309. WANTi:r'-ITrln- ter s)tni ar- William Gwnrr.er er: pood will leaie cltj COOIC Mlddle-nge- d woman cook; stenorai or iddress Ollie. 1'ItINTER to b Stratmacn. Mo ouekcci n.anirer, WANTED as Appell uu- -t lyiuls; small salary to begin Address U KIPP. 31 bophla W. Vlehmann.. references J 70, Tlopuhlic good wages. Apply 513 Missouri East tte t of St Amoicnn Car antl tistic printing: also plain work. R C. Republic i .Ij4 South Twelfth bet at ale. Uoundrj di, L'ncoln Trust Nilldlnr: Piixton & Iowa aie. MAN W NTED Good appearance, to. represent Jceph Llnsmann - - o- -i "" "Jldnej- HOPSrK:i:EPTNO. ETC. Woman wants II. fit fct. Louts. S'at'on.-r- y Co. rns "ns N. Uitirtn ; old lot.,- roid; Ml iry and expenses to start. PRESS FEEDSR WANTED Jo pre.o feed-r- : Slary BorchanU wrork. 't BOOKKEEPER You-i- man desl'p position Call at SI'S OH- -f St.. room 2. abb- - to make- - ready. I'rlntlsg "!!S513 South housekeeping. ewinc; cr any kind cf liKht iToi'SE-IR- girl Missouri Par he Rallwav. rI( Igfit , sal-ar-aiv must be Palmer si William G. Tilly Jefferin L WANTED Btrong. reliable - Do. Uiokkeeper, bll! clerk or colb'-trir- CT, IMS O'Fallon Address or call two daja. lloastkceper, 1213 b'llMIng- St Ijotils HiK Twentj-ilr- st assistant Co , Cl.ostnut st. Mary J. LiAcllr to aid in geieral houtcwork; no waahlug. Apply Firtrrv. rt.isonable: crn furrisli best tifcrenrcs J 7.IAN W U.TIin -- Tnim man to assist In of- Grattan it. once. S.Co anil Rnndilnh This pre;nros persrns . old-et- at lull aie. fcyr s 4. Rei.i.bll-- fice of ofllce business; jyo I7TC. WANTED Shoemakers, tl best office emplonrent. ni.d mik.-- a -- SHOEMAKERS. (Solid Oolil). Ir.tr est lstIlng S1.2C0 early guaranteed. edg"- - WddlnK niuB "lIOUSTGlisLnTflncd colonil lady would like HOrSEGIUL WANTED-Oo- cd German girl, i clnlty of agisting graduates tn r"Oft post man In raj j finlshcrr. hele' and trimmers and S."D Cliou-tei- si BOOKKEEPER Touns evnrirnc"d V. 72. Itepabllc bI Finest iVK) to J20 W. Merraod situation as houefiirl Bell aic. middle-agi- for general housework. 32- u Hone bo kkerpin" and ofllce work, at prt'ent emplovo.1 stters 2X0 Cast air. In nmrsy 'e & Jaccnrd'.". "Broadway anil Locust. HOUsirwOKIC Germ in clrl situation at aio. i.hole'ilr harduare sior0 ilisires a chane, MAN WNTED To s7l!7,ofpk7s7"of SHOEMAKERS, cb.-.- ope-ito- bovs to pall housework in small firmly. JS2IA Day- experienced tlr-nia- n raen. start reasonable; ,ood releiences furnished. K K, A- -'r Gr''e," to Introduce; -- alary or commls-rio- -t tacks and ink lo"a to. cu:tl-- g. hand ceneral HOUSEGIltL WANTED An y: - shank. ton t 4130 McPher-so- n lb rnbllc to right to-t- put np in handi- form: .tamp ne-.- 's finr s1 s. Frledaian Bros. Show Rirl to do geneial housework. s, laster oi -- -r; for Cu-tl- Cottage Groie, Tenn. 3117 VCRIAL PERMITS. competent elderly wom- ale. NURSEGIRL WANTED White nursrglrl. 15 or I uV "'fntion w.nard bv b"v of IS In soin-ofh- :Inry Co. rt TlOrPnKi:ni'nibi:v 1C old ;rsr, ?.I do. irars Catca Insurance e pn ferred ' boJs-'iol- d 'rs an, pillion as workliiK houcikceser; Y 7i. eneral ac. or brokers ollb :en ,' VTrP to sell "TlKlEM VKEES WANTED Flrst-cla- s. Afhbrook, 45 3 cars, pocrhcuse: cit. HOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl lor i . Eieriwhre William :. It. put lie. R public housenork. with or without washl-n- :i22 St NURSEGIRL WANTPD-- A girl to nurse and C nc ts'itl v simple on credit. P. O. Box 531. wanted nore others apply; wages - ., obj-c- t. PKaMe"Blum. Gamble- JarjT-sI- t Is Angc assist In general 4041 Morgan sL BY m!ldI"-iFc- .l ma-- position on In- V. - peil no MeNamara Shoe and List Company. 1 jear. :3 HOUSEKEEPER Elderly wldon wants situa- ale. . MEN ANTUIl- To cimrs: s.siarr and - eip-r- l ui-- o CG, Itepub'.lc-- 20? N. Sixth O'Uay, 6 months, Blddlc; conml- of WANTED-Esperlen- valid; and reference; t) goods. Antl-- ; st. Carroll 1M tion as housfleeper for elderly gentleman WANTED-G- lrl general NURI'EC.IRL ced white romnlssicn tntioi ind nonunion C331 UOUSEG1IU. for Cigar second floor. some mcui" West Clicttr.ut. mirseglrl, 11 to 1C t wages paid. 30I2A nn r; Trust Co.. K N. Ninth ft., SHOEMAKERS WANTED All m'rib-- s ) Tapln; menlruritis. hohsrwork. rmall famllj; apply at once Mil. irs. food CARPENTER-Situitl- by rellabl" nctli of Willlam Ehrle. years. 1:6 r: Loc--il 212. & - Veinon Ollio si. wish enlargements; good m'-hani- v oric WANTEIi-Fe- con-t-i- No. B. S. W. I"., to attend meeting 10 1314 Diddle: apoplexy. honFckeeper; aie. MFN w good men to sell -- Man- Karan. earv. HOUSriCKEPr.n Situatlcn as - at headquarters, Twi-it- j second and Franklin. 74 LlciecUi; mj f, uncrcu-nb-fd- : in rtusonal.h- Call for carpenter. 21it Chrk nlan Ca'I Jobn Dvorak. jcars, ai Soath good nacer, cook; I10USIX3IKL WANTED Competent girl for air oi iniestmnt Monday April S. S p. m. Election oC , 1414 Washing- I.miri:lrcNMe. Mjidav between 0 12. 411 Union Trust build- eienlng. at Bcnlllty. or oat ot cif of references. two; d ard 45TS bet general hoaev.ork. fnmllj of references CARPENTER A good, ing business agt. Harriet Dallcy. fil years. Greer: clrrho!a. ton fi273 place. M. n. aie. Westminster Crst-rla- work of kind: references .1. II. HOPPEN.TON, PRESIDENT. Willis WavhI-sto- 32 years. South IRONURS WANTED Ten 's shirt wints a"j 3 1 Iron-t- o o-- i 612 K Main st. MEN WANTTD Three East St. C. . SECRETARY. locomotor ulniia. HUNDEESS Good colore laundress want "HOUSEGIltL WANTED Girl for general new work, s'.eidi work. D. JIcLenna. rood mn for- r. S549 career. washing t,o V' Adams st. G Co . P)'3 Lu'-a- s Wetzel, mamger. and V)uthrn HI.: qiliry. AppH- upstairs, Itibtoca Schntlder. f? 1 ears, Ista; hone. homework, no washlrg; good w iges. Etr.t Rus- nie .J. CHEV1ST-- Position ! a r'i'-rt'- ! Iuls - STRHTER WANTED Tobacco .tripper, nu-r- 1311 Lane; 'ourth dor west of Firs- National Bank. East -. Charles Schramm. 33 jears. Malien sell NTED-Twenty- I 5. Republi" Nitz.-ch'- 3:CI IUNDUKSS Co'cr d laundrc-- s wants wash- aie. IRONERS. ETC.. W -fiie ej.p lesrs ct Tyouli F Van Winkle. P. Brradvay. accldnL Morg-- 2 133 North Market: ing to bring home. 2;i3 n st. HOrsEofnL WANTED Girl to do general rlerced Fhlrt Ironers snd nishers; sto3tiy CLERK Situ-itio- by clerk; haie hid TAILOR to rnak" cents Rt once; 12 up. Loretta Btrubo. moatrs. - grirrv MEN WANTED To advertise and Introduce ruf-id- SjJ1! good Paul E V. old shirt 40S N. -- debilltj. rirst-cla- s wl.l-e- s housniork: no leinlng. Westmin- jn: laundr. Hi'- j ears' V uC. Republic. our Tillors. Helena. Ark. de- LUNDRES5 laundrc Third, st ; floor oips ind r.elill, tick srns, dl'trlbut" 1 19l Benton; one third -- v Catherine M. Pircher. year. washing b-- st ster, block of Oliie. " pl.s Fte-'d- wo-- J12 weekly and to take home; references. 4rr CLERK Sltuaticn or am kind ti youig mm rirctilars. ir WANTED-Go- od psnts - Chb-an- TAILORS coat and bility. Kennerly WANTED-Hou'es- LAUNDRESS WANTED can glie Maritl Mfj- Co.. 44 years. 1701 Mornan: tumor. aie. HOUSEGIltL ETC. lrl and front the countrv: rlerkini; preferred; cxreisis makers; steady work given; good price raid. In- l.aur Orrs. .l 44.'G Laclede 4703 frixt-cla- laun-d-e- m.r'eglrl. gMOd naqes. good German air. references. Iibadle 211-- C. Charles Ilobb. ?; iear. 3531 Law ton; er.!lltv. "LAUNDRESS sTtuationbv a 's s horn; aie POSITION; T'nue- - "v-- Government Thousands quire at N. Seventn st. Jorn Zallee A Josephine Goodwin, 12 ears. 42C5A ICenn'rly: to sb cut Mondays and Tjediis. 3C'3l rT7 Kussell LAUNDRESS WANTED laundry woman by COACHMAN Situation lit cft or saburb b or ainolitrients will h m :' from cliil s.rvlce So,i - Mder-tnr.- cata-ln"- phthisis. Fjlrfax. ANTED-Yeu- ns- the 3112 01iv- st experienced Coachman: d care lawn rrarrlictl .ns to he held n all laigc cities; ROUSKGIRL girl to assist tl:. on Corre-rporde- rr TINNERS WANTED Tinners. Apply Monday Joble Tounp 30 rears. City Hospital; pleuris.v. referen es. B 70. Repibllr of info'-nstl- Cclumb'an 513 Mon-da-- s, in CM WVilinlnster, one block south and (loners; morning. N. Ferdinand Guetficmann. 9 months, r;:i South LVUND11ESS Waslilrc and Ironing for housework. LAUNDRESS MANAGER WANTED rur-tal- tt Coiiei-- r 'r" on. D. C. Lice. s of s Wt.i Beccnd, Pnd VclncsJa-- to home or Oiliest. cleaning Call Sundaj. McS.. 2315 Wash COACHMAN Young man wlsli'-- fltuatlon ns rrrt-clas- a T.csdus take tt. ' d WANTED Strlctlr clanln 21 Mo.; go out. 22 S ng pud SALESMAN '."A77TTT1 e"j"r''n-e- mm for Prs'-cli'-- LII! Flanagan. j ears. "St. Charl. lonard. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Strc- reliable Brl coachman; care of hotsc ithiries lawn; - mill mti3t be Address, at once. 4031 LUNDlfESS VANTEDComrettnr laundress . :he- Af'e- - 9. IA, 7 Mar nan: riboilsm. to aid In general housework: uo washlig. bv rarcful drlinr; reference-- T C4, Republic. lead. Tort ft. Mechanics' Planing Mill Co.. Fort Smith. Ark. 27 years. Cliarepalgn. heart L.VlNDREi:S 5ltuitlcn bi a co'ored laundres. tie month: also to assist In hcusework the John NcvIU. III.: to go also cexitral housework or house Cook nie. part of the 20'1 20. WANi-'Tc- - out: latter week. Park aie. COLLECTOR Energetic jounc m.n. ne3rlv SAirfSIA?: 'b'rt sal'smsn for flrst-rlis- failure. cleaning. 2317 I "iperl-'rce- . C9. WANTED At sober wood- I'ranklm nic. rar "ilOUinTGIRL WANTED Family of two, 513 Is ery desirous to obtain position : ccliectn-- : the citv; statr ,iu an L one Is used Job. term- Addresj worker: thit to repairing; stidy NDItE'SS S'tuatlon ly llrst-cla-- s cclored ninth, references reiiuiied. call at once. The Trnilen. best references, bond, - rcaFonabl for right mnn. Address Main Street Carriage 1I r"r 3311 Lincoln DHILDING PERMITS. laundrefs, washing to tnko home. Mrs. A. i4 aie. ale. SALESMAN WANTrp-T-- iir to Fell gro Work". Oklahomi City. Ok. 40r5 HOLSi-OnTl- WANTT:i)-G- CC'MPOSITORS WANTED Compositors; room Stvultrea. aie. general rirst-clss- s rers" "preltltlf n; poltlon to frooil first-cla- ss irl to do 713. HO .st. CUTTER cutter wis'ies situation "WHITEWASHERS WANTED Tliree k: V Oliic first-clas- man. O Bos ".. Ixjuls. $14."tf0 LAUNDRESS Washing lace to housewo-- funll cf four. 231S Shenandoah " with merchant tailor, s rcfeunc. C 74, P St Hoth Bros.. 2:21 N. H. Clark, Tenth and Warren: store; - ard curtains whltwashrs. Fifteenth ft. Encelbert Schneider. 4510 Manchester: dwelling: take home bi- tirs'-cla- sj laundress Mrs. ae.; tall Mondi; CO TMAKERs:. ETcTWanted Twenty Republic SLE?MAN WANTED --Salesman to travel In COOT. 141 J S. st duck coatmik-rs- ; 20 experienced pinls-mike- rs s WOODWORKER WANTED One carriage Twelfl'i HOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl fci gerenl CUTTER Ciitfr wishes situation to countrv anl to dealers; rood wages guaran- 2121 7ST3 Mon-d- on line inirre and worsted Dants. cutting-roo- is:st woodworker. N. Ninth st. zl Jamea J. O'Brien. Minnnta: "LAUNDRESS Good "would like" to hcusewoik sr.nll family: good pUce. Cail ei merchant tailor in understands us- teed J. A. Wat'clns. K2 S. SLth. K.0W. laundress 4Y-- Plg- - Mari. & Haas Clothing Co , Thirteenth and 74, hai, two dejs OLt in wee'.: for washing. 2U1 J lie1. ing block patterns. D Republic. WOODWORKER WANTED A carrlige woodV John TValchBhauser. Masnslla; dwelllr.rf; Wathlrmton aie ciI.ESMAV WANTED JIamcer of worker. 14K N. Seventh st. 1.SC0. fil Lucas aie. HOUSLGIRL WANTED German girl to assist DRUG CI.ERKKItti by dru"clerk. d. business; incd proilts; rerprnsibllRy; details. S. 1'LOWERMAKEr.S "WANTED-Gi- ris itlon S1U Hartfo-- d; S2.SM. tB large cnn- - to make C. M. 2113 Ljcast B Martz. attorney, St. L011K Mo. Frank RunS. fats; LAUNDRESS-Col.v- -d liundress waits laundry llrn"r,i!L,:',,,.V'1s!st "'"' artlticial ilj.iers; ap:nentkcs. Apply 3.1 is.. st. Coachmen. Mo-fi- t d,l,n- - alo at e W'AN'TEl-BookTi- "-- .....,. .. .,1.1 I.. or day i crk cut: cat giie Locust st. DETECTIVE Experienced dtectl-.- desires SA LFF MAN a-i: capable of ... - c! Morgan. WANTED-G- 'rl for cen-r- nl reascn-abl- hirjrg crew- on new book; COACHMAN WANTED Young cole-- man. HOrtFGlRL : 1 special work: strictli coifidentl il; ird read: GIRL-- WANTED-Gl- rls sew on v. . hruscwork. oi-- - psed (o chiblren; no washing. for hin lnir solicited. G3. Republic. new plan; big mon-- Y f5. Repub'Ic. with apply 336J West Ptn LAUNDRESS -- Ituntlon by womin laund'fs-- coats. Schmitz .t. Sixth St. Intefilew J - -'- )? S. SlnrIer. aril Chorlts boulevard. Waycott- Andrews v.e-i- ulc. Supply Go., first dais. iery steidy: best city refer- DRIVER Situation hv oung man ts delivery SAIESM VNWANTEP salesman 1C2 -1 Evperienccd girls ences; colored S. st "IToUSE'HRIVANTnr' A white girl; GIRLS WANTED to oretate wagon 61. Republic. o- Fourteenth g driver: reference. W for St Louis - Ixmls: rpcdal work; c. fu tcbines. Eawllngs Sport- Eat ft. Roysi. Waihlnrton Ave. and Second 5L fimlli of thiee: flit; llsht mo-!- gcd wages sewlnr stnrle lirt". Address Paul Shortrldge. 411 Mer-mo- d UNDRESS-Go- od German ing Goods Co., C20 Loct.st DRIVER WANTED for laundress wirts SJuSA Cnbsnre st l'oun; Gcrmm driver AV building. 'la Lfa-ett- c. aie references re- Jarcard Contractors' Tools. laundrv from ilcmltv of .IcfTcrsci and HANDS WANTlJD on la- - bakerv: must understand hrrc; BOY WANTED llrst-clas- s washing only, reference Experienced Eneiienced hands 3130 WANTED An experienced SU HOUSEGIRL WANTEIi house a fet. Louis quired. Easton. SALESMAN travel- Morgan. giien. S. Jcffsr-o- n and dmnj-ioo- girl, SIS per lefercnces. dies' skirts and children rcelers. ing salermin In Missouri to ell ladles" garments Scrapers, Bsirows, Picks, Shoiris, Etc., Etc. 33 aie. mirth, C . 701 Wnsnlncto-- i experienced L"',on oik Ci aie. ELECTRICIAN Situation bv line- as llnr f,i" wII-krow- n manufacturer, FOT at BUs) OFFICE rellab- l- rol- - ' up rile - with . - CLEANER Situation bv :ittr-- s. . man wiring buildings or putting wires. Z established Address, Chouteau ave-- Southwestern Agent- building ' IIOI's-FGIR- G'-- 1K1E linlrmake-- tabl and GG, fat'''- coimlssion. with orcd woman to cletn offices or other WANTm ' for geren! , hnds Republic. C9. Republic - en me siirr-- App'y Bros. K Jones A Lnnclillna (Limited) work; bcsf references 422 7A Kennerly aie. tiousn-crl- : it. spiill finiH liome- in.l stitiliers i's Friedman BtiY xj,TED Boy. Klmt II o- - 15. to worli gocd 4137 Shoe t'u, Niith end Vasitlrt. n aie. ENGINEER Situation bv licensed A In Apply 919 vi,;cs. Ielna" ry SALTrSMEN W NTED Salesmen of ability: drug stcre. N. Sarah st. CHANNELS, ANGLES, ETC. - engineer and mechanic; I BEAMS. REFINED wliioi- of desires position an I ..,...,..,,, SHOE fittei- -, skliers, table hands and unJerslaids must hit" good salary. 113 Merracd - - I W ANT1 clrl for foIder. does als own repairing; lest of ref- BOY WANTED To learn the automobile bust bouseke-- lr mini- cars' rxicrlence. Al refer- girl, to nor!- - In piekliu-ruo- Fliedman Bros, and : Jaccard building. ptrfe-re- d housework ins-n-il- l f imlU erences; city or country, H 63, Republic. ness; apply Monday morning. R13 Cass ave. eir l.ot.l L 34. Re- -' "al sold .ibi. shoe Co 3117 I.ocu-- 1 t. -- -l Henrietta st SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen traveling In public. Position as fireman or work of any BOY WANTED Boy to drive grocery delivel "p,rT"7 -- WANTED Experienced stripper; FIREMAN Illinois to cirry a side line: In replying give ter- & - IiOLSl.GIRL HANi-slti- on ,lo ,,-ri STRIPPER of references. W. R., 22M wagon. Come at or.cei Apply A. Eller, Groc SEALS STOCK CERTIFICATES. STENOGRAPHER Yrurs ladi would like ro- , - 4IO-4- kind: best II. ritory traieled. Y 69. Republic. r oiv-wnr- si- gin. no oincr- - need nppiy. Morgan Madison. III. as sunogr-aphe- or typewriter, n fumich ro wihlig. iiitnnlril air 6, THE S. G. ADAMS STAMP & SEAL CO., s com! floor. get position en-g- li Chtlll-eoth- e. machine. G 7, Rcpatll- - i ti e.jnpton riREMAN Would like to with SALESMENto sell "tcasTard coffees In BOY WANTED Boy who wishes to leani .114 Jf. SIXTH ST., ST. LOUIS. Je:;htsar eer as 1 stt'stant or llreman where, ran Mo ; commission hustlers- - - I i salarv and to drawing: salary to commence etabe age. on ot HOUSEGIRI. V.'ANTED German clrl frr rn- myself; machinery un.1 brul with; Manufacture more Seals an! Stock Certificates STrNOGRAPHER-Pr-lti- wanted by thor-- hair handled Ainiciic aea 1,0. iri. . inirtrcntn st. K 66. Ilepubllc. than any housa In the West. Prices the lowest: ghly stenographer- - years' rrai no warning; stnau :amity; W REILLY'S MILLINERY. charge of Bibcock & Wilcox hollers for cornp"t',nt ladi t'tre DS37 5AI.ESMEN To rTlI protection quality Commercial R"r"-bl- wages. Cans aie. In thoroughly pumps; best of trult tree and Monday the highest. Eierythlng In experience; salary moderate. D K, !c H The most ebgant hats the city for the jer.is; understand bu?gv top dressing to country BOY WANTED An errand bo7. Call STATIONERY. STAMPS, SEALS Jt STENCILS. 8 money. E CG. Republic merchants and morning, room' 313 Entitle building. Ninth and stenoc-rapli-- r; "HOUSEGIRL WANTEDGIri general last consumers. 522 bldg. STENOGRAPHER-CLuit!- on by for 1213-1- 7 Hirt A Co.. Holland lidv 2G32 Cleie-lin- d FRANKLIN AVEc. Two Ollie steady work. 205 Burlington housevork; 'mall family: good wages. B "HOUSEMAN by middle-age- d Ger- its.; good rtterenecs. Room Situation SALESMEN-WANTED- good building. aio. man; sober, speaks Englls't: had experience In salesmen: BOYS WANTED Newsboys: lodging an car- wages eiery week: refereice required. Apply free; genera! hou'-- care of horres and other stock: handy with boys welcome. Apply 2M7 Olive St., rear. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. "STENOGRAPHER Tourm ihuy wrio i HOI. WANTED Girl for i give reference. 64, Re- room 2"1 Arcade building. Esst St. Loul. 111. i oik and to scist In dmlr.g-roc- 3700 N. DrestamnkerB and Semnslrexaes. penters' tools: cm L rapid and expert stenographer wishes psit'on: Bruadwaj. public. SALE:.'KN '.VANTEIV-3Ie- n to sell tens an1 PASTEBOT WANTED Experienced Dasteboyr A SPECIAL meeting of the Fdocfcholdern of ths can give the best possible refetcr.ee. A Gl. Re- apprentice girls coffees to families In Macon Bevier. Mo. 917 one that can hang cheap paper preferred: state Sand Gravel Comiiani - hereby DRISMAKERS and to learn MACHINIST Good wants pcsltlon and ago expected. Colorado and public. HOUSEGIRL WANTEDGlrffor gencril nw-wer- k: dressnnklng. Call Monday at Miss McGrath'B, mchlnlst Fr.inlilin and salary A. ,3. Tlepubllc to convene the office of sild eomrjany on brass or iron. II CC. Repuollc. aie. railed at -. in family; gcod home. Call 1W7 3321 Lindcll In Laclede building, in the city of St. Louia. WORK A refined, yoin.g wort-.- a trte SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen to ell ttr.n STENOGRAPHER WANTED Boy with good the industrious CiUfo-ni- r.'.c WIUE-Twa- Mo , on Mcnday. (Cth) day of May. A. very capable, In country. WANTED-rirst-cl- as. MAN AND nosltlon: nrlvate fam and coffees In Mo . to habits who Is familiar with office work. Apply the sixth wants Fltuatlon ti FINISHERS finishers Republic. Rolls.. families; salary and D iSOL at 9 o'clock a. m . to ote upon a propo- where she will be treited as one ot the family: j HOUSEGIRL W NTKD Competent white girl on line pants. Robert Groin. 103 N. Scienth sL ily; suburbs preferred. K 7i. commission. Athletic TcaCo., 1227 N. Thirteenth. Monday, F. O. Sawjer Paper Co. then and there to be submitted to fond of children. X CC, Republic for gereril good cook; " sition increase -; houfeuork: 'mill famllv: MAN, 22. desires posltUn In ofllce; writes ald company thirty rnrr--r 77; r- rr-- ; v w fcti'J WANTED Experienced are SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen to sell a. Cnn-VMser- the capital stock'of from tth or wtttiout istung. 51s. tjatnnne aie. GIRIJ sewlns girls shortinnd; owns typewriter; cheip to start; nlno wages and Solicitor!. thonrand dollirs (Jn.0i), Us present capital, t3 tk jlj.1 en 10UI17 my jiiiog ni nuins wants aud apprentices. W01 Ollie. - nded article In eierv home; or commis- 13, gi-- 1 expenence J , 1220 of fifty thousand dollars fJCO.OW, the writing to do in ricnlng. 7. Republic HOUSEGIRL WANTED Yrung to assist monius- liepuurc sion Western Specialty Co., Ollie St.. St. the rim 3731 WANTED-Expcnen- cea glrlg CANVASSERS, city and suburbs, to sell a newr twenty thousand (120.000) cap- with geiiTnl work. Call, Sundtj ct Monday, girls to operate man, 23 age, Louis. dollars additional g MAN Situation bv youig jeirs cf useful household specialty. 1220 Franklin ave. ital to be divided into two thousand (2.01) shares Corners aie. sen lng machines. Itawllr.gi Sport. haling experience In work and lt.g Gocdt Co , 120 St. offce and as clerk: SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen calling on of par value of ten dollars (HO) each, and for the WANTED-FEMA- LE. TiOUSEGIRL WANT ED Young girl; light lcust also some knowledge In bookketplng: can speak CANVASSERS WANTED To rell Iatestaoni HELP -. hardware and Implement trade In Illinois to carry transaction of ether business ! c: k : sj-- in no v.oisecl--aiiing- : best reference- Y 2CG. Republic. - books: send 10c for ICO song" and prises to agents. W. M. MITCIIELT Tlree Lines for Cents. famllv HAND SEWERS WANTED Hand and ma- Gcrmm: a side lire- In replying glie. territory traveled. President. File piimment. 50C1 D'imir ' ralenrd. chine on coats C03 st. W 69. Republic Reliable Book Co Louis. Mo. Attest: F. M. Kidder. Serretarv. Each Additional LI.e Ktve Cents Extra. swers Carr MEAT CUTTER Situation by flrst-clis- s meat .St. W M. MITCHELL, "iTurSTolRL WANTLI Ulrl to ao general HAND SEWERS WANTED Hand sewers on cutter: West End preferred, s GG. Republic. SALESMEN WANTED Men to sell teas and CANVASSERS Dream book tills your future, W. M. MITCHELL, brusewotk: small family; gcod wages. E172A I business, love, marriage, send 20c sar-p- l-. JR.. General Ilotnevrorlc. pants. Mills & Aicrlll, Broadway n coffees In Pula1! ard Laclede Counties. Mo.; big etc.: for and MILLWRIGHT by Indjc-rnent- F, M. KIDDER. lie. Pine. Situation s to hustlers Athletic Tea Co.. 1227 Reliable Book Co.. 1104 Market st.. St. as millwright or general handy man. 65S Toner Louis. Mo. All of the Directors. CHAMBERMAID WANTED German girl ci WANTED-G- lrl pencral N. Thirteenth st. "HOUSEGIRL for WANTED-Exp-rlen- ced Groie 2523 Broadway. 1131 MACHINE GIRLS ma- aie. S. hous.'ivorit; three In family. Call Rutge. st. 2912 SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen to COUNTRT solicitor to cater to famllv trader chine girls to sew on pants. Salena at. mcdel-mak- sell teaa STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual DINING-ROO- GIRL W ANTED Neat girl rcr mornings. MODELMAKER Situation by first-cla- er and coffers to families In St. Charlesi County, liberal commission; excellent goods; quick sell- meeting of the rtcrkholders of the American house dining-roo- wcrle. 324 "H1RTMAKERS WANTED Shlrtmnkcrs to and experimental worker of eight jcars' Mo.; big Inducements ta ers. Add. Kentucky Whisky House. 817 Franklin. r and Walnut st. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od girl for hustler. Athletic Tea Company election reneral work at home. Ff-ia- r work all Apply experience. O t8. Republic. 1227 Central Insurance fcr the cf housework; nice home; good wages. 3314 Castle-rranai- the sear. fo.. N. Thirteenth at. thre (3) ditectors to serve for a term of four GIRL WANTEDTIrst-clas- s sen-an-t girl. 23J1 at M3 N. lenh st "MEN WANTED Men to take" orders for snlta car, will be held at office of the company, Lafajette TRINTER Steadv situation bv Al Job SALESMEN WA.NTED We want good reliable of clothes on commission: start at once. Call for the aie WANTED-Wllllam- son eight experience; gober; ref- I. "HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- - SKIRTMAKERS Corset jeirs' best salesmen to sell as a side line on liberal com- Frld-- 841 Chouteau ave.. 7 p. m. northeast corner Broadway and Locnt ft., it. WANTED Girl In family S530 lrl to asist In ren- . erences. P Si. Republic. Louie. Mo., on Tursflnv. the sixteenth dav of GIRL of three. eral houfework; famllv of two; one to go homo ami urace uompanj-- 1512 ijcust. mission the celebrated Royal Pepsin Stomach California ave. Full particulars en application. L. MEN" WANTED -d Insur- April. 190L from 9 o'clock a. m. UEtH nights. 3rfl7 N. mnke-u- n Bitter. A. Industr'nl Polls oien Tavlor nie. SKIRTMAKERfTw'ANTEDGnod pay; steady PRINTER An Al rrinter nnfl ranlfl Mov lib- 12 noon. GEO. CRAM, adiance-men- t. Scharff, St. Louis. ance men to Introduce a modern endowment; T. President. GIRL WANTED A plain country girl in a RtTw-ANT- E cmplo.iment. 703 Washington desires pisHIon with opportunity HOUTTGI girl to ae. for eral compensation to good men. Coll 201-2- John H. Adams, Secretary. small family to belp cork, wash and Iron. Call DGermai a'sl.f Addrss J. W. L., Commercial Printing SALESMEN to tnk-- orders from all trades) at EL Louis, April . 3M1. G104 with general housework: must be able to do good SEAMSTRES-E- 5 WANTED-Experlen- ced and Benolst building. at N. Broadway, city. waist Co.. Cairo, 111. professions staple patented $11 pliln rooking: good wages; Email family. 1721 hands. Smith. 3612 Llndell for and article: help, Longfellow- - bouleiartl. Ir.nateil In our goods pirltlielv earns contlnu-ou.d- v SOLICITOR WANTED A rellnb!- - man with HELP WANTED Colored male or bouleiard. SALESMAN Position wanted as ealesman or exp-rlen- ATTXOCXCEMEXT9. SEAMSTRMSES WANTED-Gil- rls to sew 525 to weckiv: experience unnecessary. some salary ard commission to right GENERAL In housework Rartnvr aie. on In office by youn. married man; No. 1 refer- party; nothing 56, HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Go- od girl for gen- - pants. Apply at 1123 Washington fourth ences, b 35. Republic. Howlind Co.. How land Block, Chicago. to Jl Republic SJMssVsJss. HOUSEGIRL WANTED I ale. housework washing: family of floor. flrst-cla-- eral and three; To SOLICITORS WANTED Two s solicit TTE hare Just opened up an office- at IKS 2414 N. Grand ave. refre-ire-s required. Monday, 2946 Washing- - A gentleman SALESMEN WANTED-- handle our line Of Call SALESMAN of extensile business ors among m-- i; money Waahlctton ave.. for business. Short & Day. trtt- n I n gcr.t3" and Indies' linen collirs and cuffs In to work grod for right experience as salesman. bujer rr.inager SIS ! rnd Searlo & men. Pice St.. room 211. HOUSEGIRL AND COOK WANTED Apply at WANTED Walstmnk-ers- , ny any 1: city connection with similar lire. Gardner e. HOI'SEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl or woman for minis simaiion test .eterences. Co , Mfrs . Trov N. Y Address Western Sales- LOST it ixicicuc m I C. . S219 e. AND FODXD. as-- ! 1 TT E. E Minena ai & 1123 SOLICITOR WANTED . ' Skirtmakcrs and Alteratfon hands. room Searlo Gardner Co.. Washington ave.. Hebrew gentlemen; HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl to do house-lout- one wantlnc good"'home and Call at 2S11 Apply Monday SALESMAN Toung man of 23 wishes position St. Louis. professional or business man. to scllclt buslnesa LOST Lanrs brows shepherd dor, reword. 1122 Apply 4443 Olive St. Locust st. "'ornJnjr, April 8th, on road with pome good wholesale house in St. Louis; references required. Box 70S, Plant- - li the STARK Nurserv pnys wceklv If you sell Rutxer. Urcssmnking Parlors. Fourth floor. clt- has had experience; territory desired. South-er- a rah ers Hotel. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl for light hcus-wor- k. HOUSEWOMAN WANTED-Gcrm- an woman to Missouri Stark tree". Louisiana. Mo.: Dam We. N. T. Past terrler',pup: re- - ZCH general out- SCRUGGS, & and Northern Arkansas; references I)ST lam In left hip: Shaw ale. do hotsework: family of three; no VANDKRVOORT exchanged. W G2, Republic In SOLICITORS WANTEDSIT men who ars . mra. 4.T LUW. side wtrk. 4i:o West Bo'.Ie. WANTED Locil brcker every city and Modern Woodm-- n of America to travel in South- t HOUSEGIRL WA77TED Girl for geieral house- CARNEY D. Q. Co. town. Address, with stamp. Fly Mfg. Co., Chi- rlll Y K. .Mfc4-- hJV Am. - A CLERK-Sttuat- ion ern J'.PO per Call or O. iui - 4n tmmm SHIPPING tv married mnn, cago. Illinois; month. address ,00 MSZZ'trfZ-- ""'..7:" V2" " B' work. 1SI3S. Twelfth st. nged 33: capnble; Ill W. Newhall, 719 N. Vnndei enter, St-- Louis, Mo. s. ih cn-- i on tmiir. itewni 10 Wis Jiorgan"? Bu experienced; reliable; refer- HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl for general house- SILVER! SILVER! SILVER! Mtacellnneotm. ences. L 66, Republic WE piy 523 a week and expenses to men with t they L lOVP-T- Xn flotr. one elfle of black. 1200 rlga to introduce our poultry remedies: send territr work. Lafajette aie. SITUATION . Liberal it returned to 18 Vandevecter Replate, repilr and jelnlsh silverware: guaran- ACTIVE can JS0 ex- Situation by bor of IS: can give stamp. Eureka Mfg. Co.. Marshall. Mo. andindos-trion- HOUSEGIRL WANTED general womin make month and reference. cr call. 4702 WANTED Energetic s iPllevC piae. Girl for tee our p'ate to wear: and Jewelry gold penses: y. Write Minnesota J.5S5A watches permanent position; experience unneres-sar- aie. Wj NT ED A flrt-clns- s salesman who Is capa- housework. Carolire rt. plated: est. 1S72. Downing 203 N. lionse-to-liOD- se 1 tlsck-ond-U- n , tt Co. Platers. Clark : Co.. 222 S. Tourth st., Philadelphia. 1 exp"crtnteinv 7 by LOST Small dog-- with llcenre Seicnth st. SITUATION by No. fireman; ble of earning a good ralary. Address Clerk 13. men for 65 MIs-ou- "HOUSEGIRL TVVNTEI5-Gi- rT thoroughly pumps; 323, Chicago. 111. 00 collar; IE reward If retoroea to 1611 ri. for general WANTEI fitter: understands steam best Box housework. G01S Wcr Cabanne. BAKER Woman who known how to of references. 71, Republic. mike bome-- ida bread; no Sunday work. 944 K whole- canvassin?. Plenty of work and CooSca. Goou WANTED Traieling salesman. to the LOTT Tonne Shephera dog: answers to name HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl to do housework; fellow aie. SITUATION Situation with brldtre contractor sale and retail trade cnl-- : salprv $1,290 and ex- profitable contract. Apply of Kibe. Reward If returned to A. Shatlncer, two In family. !33 Hamilton ave. COOK WANTED Colored cook, man or wom- CHAMBERMAIDS by joung man ot 20. to finish learning trade. L. penses. The National, 02 Caxton building, Chi- 4147 Laclede. .TO) WANTED Two colored cago en. Bi rimer aie. cli3mbcrmiids. Call Sunday morning, 10 o'clock, jinggs, inn uiauie fi. 1903 Washington Ave. HOUSEGIRL White rlrl to assist with house-wor-k; 1627 Warhlngton n adver- LQST-Pm- all NTED-rirst-cl- ass aie. STEWARD Position as WANTED Traveling of ae. as black dot;: straight hair, female; rmall family. 2118 Locust. COOK W cook: references steward In hotel. 57SO white breast and bushy lost required. 2CI3 63. Republic tiser and Irspector for Ml'sourl: jearly to feet tail; last week. Ollie rt. CONSULTATION fres; see reliable, wen-kno- expenses; permanent employment Laborer. Will pay WANTED-Gcrm- girl gen-er- al start and nil to liberal reward. las rranklln ave. HOUSEGIRL in for resident attornev about wills, divorce STENOGRAPHER Competent stenogra- Manager, 31) Mdg., housework. 1122 Salisbury Ft. COOK w; N'TED-Go- od female cook; good and n ale Fttl'ib'e party. Road Caxton LABORERS WANTED-Ap- ply IDBT J25 reward will be paid Tor return of my land c.ifc's No 202 N. Ninth room 31L pher desires position. F C6. Republic. American Car wblteand-llve- r wagts paid. Mil LuraF. sf, Chicago. Foundry Co.. 111. colored pointer bitch: she has a HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Compct- ent girl to do Moderate charges. and Midison. coro-pete- nt pot In pupil of left eye and had round leather general housework. 2S22 Russell . First-clas- s - STENOGRAPHER Situation wanted by WANTED Salarv or commission or r aie COOK WANTUD cook, who can mor- ladles LABORERS WANTEDSe-vc- Clere-la- nd on when seen. Lu-ca- a, FEW aid girls to take homo light, male stenographer: employed; laborers: collar last Addrers Joseph D. glio reference. 272S IMne st. t AppK-- wants to in riery ronmunlty to sell the Gold Crown , "HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- irf work. Mcndav and Tuesday, mr.ko change. CI, Republic Affl-dii- lts aio east of Tower Grovo ave. J. F. Kinloch. St. Locls County, Mo. to do general 9 3. 220 E Pile Remedv. Cures after fall. from to Mormoil & Jaccard building. furnl-'ie- d. housework; two In family. 41S2 Wet Pine. COOK WANTED-Pla- ln cook for boardlng-hsus- e, STENOGRAPHER experience. of merit Send 7"ic and rreelvo LOST 'Ulnbrella: preen nat-ttr- al Oie vrir's 71 dark tllk; wages, 120. 2C22 N. Broadway. FREE Frlsch's Improved Remington machine, desires post raM a hcttl" medicil pimphlt and LABORERS WANTED-Twe-ntr wood handle, end which Is shape HOUSEGIRL WANTED White girl for general latest lapor bath situation; will work -' $" per laborers and of ot G2. agent- instructions. Make day. Address teamster-- ; work In the Territory- - housework; two family. E2J7 WANTEfUMldille-age- d cabinet, with order of three cabinets; JJ.E0 to reasonable: references. O Republic. Indian apply horse'a hoof: ellver plate on end. Initials thereon In MorTan st. COOK woman cook at S10. Gold Medlcln- - Co., Utica, Mo. .T. 12C0 st- ironefay D. In script. once. G27 S. Trlsch, 414 N. Eighth Et. Cronn to day. Dlrmn. N. Third - Ship R. P. Reward paid on delivery at HOUSEGIRL WANTED Good general Slxthrt . East St. Lout3. STENOGRAPHER Position by ambi- night. B. Son- -, Buxton clrl for - nctlve "WANTED m-- n ev- Lantrv contractors. A Skinner Stationery Co., joe and 80S N. housework; no children 4024 Broad-ray- . GIRL to Ieam tious man. twenties- excellent ImldFtrlous and women In S. COOK WANTED cook to millinery trade. command Germin. to- -. nocan-ia?sin- K; Fourth ExiierlcncedGermai Wcitirn Tr.'rcnicil' Company. 1226 Washlng-- English; competent stenographer languige-- ery n to v ork tor us at their homes: McN Fifty In Ironing. S630 Hat t hoth ; wi-h- WANTED men to dl HOUSEGIRL WANTED Whit- - girl for gen- assist washing and Pine st. n - we will work any tlistarce; trenches for LOST A lady's aie. able correspondent: thorough office mm- grad- sml water pipe on and Merameo st,: 23 black pocketboo. In sretrn eral housewort: "nail family 5121 Ridge uate rommerelnl law; best references; bond- - rea- sclera! lines of work to glie out. some of per hour. John CDor.nell Bro. part city, en Sunday air. COOK WANTED Flft-clas- s refer-once- s, you de- & of last, containing check on cook with GIRLS WANTED-Gl- rls to pick nuta. Apply at sonable but adequate salary. Address G. M L., which requires no experience. If can't Jefferson Bank for $12. payable to R. c. Orcutt, HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl for housework: two In fimlly. 4I2S Forest Park bouleiard. 61S N. Second st. Box CVWellston, Mo. lete tho whole dav to our work, rou ran earn 13 MEN WANTED and signed by him on back; a Jl bill, do- no outside work; bring references. C031 Morgan. or 15 a week bv working an hour or two evenings. Fifty mn and teams at and a COOK WANTED Middle-age- d woman to COOK Fourth and Spruce; boarding-hous- llar or so In silver, an Gold- GIRLS WANTED-- Louis first-cla- ss Mfg. Co., 142 West 22d at.. furnished. E. and advertisement of gen- roadhousc; apply once. 6236 ave. St Paper Box Co., TEAMSTER Situation by colored AddrefS Standard Whelan man Bros. found, keep cash HOUSEGIRL WANTED White girl for la at Florissant Twenty-fir- st Randolph. teamster. Joseph 3319 New If for reward and housework; reference required. 2229 and II. Harris. Easton aie. Tork. return balance to E. J. Phillips, Captain com- eral Pine st. CCOK WANTED-Go- od cook; no TEAMS !lp manding washing: GIRLS WANTED folding help TWO m--n POSITIONS! Mar deprelt money In bank until for and wheeler work; also board- Sixth District. WANTED-G- lrl family. 2S37 Russell ave. For and In in firm or dalrv Sup-rl- or camp HOUSEGIRL to do ceneral small bindery. !16 S. Third, second floor. business want to run farm or flnirv for hsir position la secured. Instruction. This ing J. E. Houston. 118 N. Main, East St. housework: small family. 6133 Dclmar bonicvatd. .Interest; good references if necessary. Ellendale collegt Is Indorsed by business men. Call or Louis. "iJOUSEGIRL COOK WANTED Competent cook; good wages. GIRLS WANTED Small girls at American rnarmacy. tj .ciienuaie ave send for catalogue. Draushton's Practical Busi- INFORMATION 'WANTED. WANTED Toitng- lady to do SS21 Delmar aie Feather Duster Co., 1410 N. Seienth at. ness 0lcge, Emllle building, corner Ninth and Bookkeepers). light housework: good 74. home. H Republic rls UNDERTAKER, ETC. Young married man C:ive COOK WANTED-Go- 1601 GIRLS WANTED-Gl- "to its. MAKALA IfcBRXDE (nee Cogdcll). "general rd cook. Apply at S. learn on machine desires position as undertaker and embalmer BOOKKEEPER AND Hatton. HOUSEGIRL WANTED A girl to do Grand. and basting. 2416 S. Thirteenth st. with some St. Louis firm: -- xpert will STENOGRAPHER Ark., wants to know whereabout of her brother, housework. Apply C70G Vernon ave. trimmer; or TrneJes). WANTED Be, kkeeper and stenographer to keen Competent flrst-cla- ss WANTED-Experlen- take foreman position. T 67. Republic. The s- -t Richard Oogdell. ate M years. COOK WANTED cook: also GIRL ced girl to press small of books, writ- - letter-- and houscglrl; good wages. 1017 Dillon. and y after HOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl for general house- pack ladies' fine shoes. 3030 Cass aie. WALL paper to clean; nine years' experience WANTED-Go- od barber; no student; efllre of irirhln-r- manufacturing corporation. work; family of two. 3t719 Olive st. exclusively; BARBER 69, MINING INTERESTS. COOK WANTED Competent cook. 4221 Pins GIRLS WANTED Smart, tidy young girls to In this work send postal: will call. $3 30 guaranteed. 2S41 Easton. J WANTED-G- J. Neal. 222 Marlon st. HOUSEGIRL lrl for general Birceu leirn corset making; good pay from start. "BARBER WANTED To huy shop paying BOOKKEEPER WANTED A carabl- - experi- STOCK CriDDle Creek. housework In small family. 2C73 927 a enced bookkeeper UINTNa Colo tnln Laclede aie. Western Corset Company. N. Eleventh st. by young man 13; rn-j- $130 cash will who can give good reference as I COOK WANTED-Go- od cook, colored or WORK Situation of $1C0 per month: handle it. Alonzo U wotklnr day and night; no debt; well man "HOUSEGIRL white; give 1 "IS to character and ability. Address glilng age. e. WANTED Girl general good wages. 3C0 N. Taylor , GIRLS have work: can A No. N. Odessa. Mo. agea: weu rocaiea; muse seu. even at a to do ave near Olive st. WANTED Small girls to assort feath- Compton. Dier. extent and nature of expcrlerce. salary expected to protect hypothecation: 19 cents a housework. 2133 N. Grand. cars. ers: gcod wages. St. Louis Feather Duster Co., No. 1 share 3 Market St. BRICKLAYERS of to attend of etc.. E 70. Repuhllc. for quick turn. William H. Garland, Bank of HOUSEGIRL WANTED-Gl- rl, 15 17, COOK WANTED WORK Sltnation by sober, middle-age- d Swi-- s. Thursday eicnlre. April 11. without faiL Commerce) building. to to do Gocd German girl to do good sany L. KOLLEY. grreral housework. 2203A Carr st. cooklrg In family of two; no washing. 1530 Mor- GIRLS WANTED-Gl- rls to address envelopes; steady work of kind; factory, wholesale JOSEPH President BOOKKEEPrrrth. .stenccrnphere nnd others In- or do -- mlnln without water, by nse of gan ct. bring FTCclmcn of handwriting; salary $5 a week. house to driving, care of horses and cow. WANTED Chipper wanted terested In c education, call or end for PLACER gen- 73. Republic CHIPPER at Col-le- HOUSEGIRL WANTED White girl for Call Monday. 9 a. m,. at 1121 Olive st. X & HI- catalogue. DrauchonV Pncticil Business newly patented machine, that has been tested: COOK, WANTED-Co- ok. Shlckle. Harrison Howard, East St. Louis, - 400 eral hourework. 1206V4 Grattan. ETC., wash and iron; Emllle building. Ninth and Ollie sts. machines handle tons of material per day wages $15 HOME $5 WORK House, lawn, horses and cow. by ex- i 10 200 family of the: per month. 6C69 Cab- work for men and women: to $6 COATMAKERS WANTED To work each at cost of cents per ton; only shares HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl for general ave. T.eeKiy, wonung copy perienced, sober, honest old man; single CUSTOM anne eveninirs: some to letters; first-cla- to work In DranghtMnicn. now left of the limited amount ot treasury stock housework. 4351 Laclede. lneiose stamp; work mailed on application. Eagle neat appearance, strong nnd ac:lie; In the house: tushelmen originally offered. Call on Irving McGoaan, 213 Mfg. tools; any C9, the house. Mills & Airrlll. Broadway and Pine. gen- COOK WANTED Woman cook, $1 per day. In Co.. Toledo. O. , handy with kind steady work. C Laclede building. HOUSEGIRL WANTED Good girl to do Republic; references. band-sa- TWO nrrhltectnnl drnftsm-- n 1011 restaurant. 6703 Manchester take Benton KITCHEN FILER WANTED Good filer for out!de the) eral housework. Dillon st. car. aie,; GIRL WANTED White girl to Mengel Box Co.. Folson and Lawrence aves. city. Apnlv at the Acat'emy of Architecture Som fine specimens of lead and silver ere at work In kitchen; one who Hies at home pre- "YARDMAN Situation by German to care of Selene- -. 1742 and Inspection. Fo- - Industrial Chouteau ave. this office from Tcxaa for any HOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl for general COOK WANTED ferred; no Sunday work. .Apply Quick Lunch horses, vehicle and jard. Address Steffen. WANTED A carriage blacksmith D. Cleburne, Tex. 3727 Ccok and laundress for fam- Cafe,C02 1302 Washington J. HELPER Information address L. Jobe. housework: references. Ollie. ily of four: best wages paid. Call Monday at Chestnut st, 6:20 Monday morning. aie helper. 1436 N. Seienth sL Stenographers. HOUSEGIRL WANTED-G- lrl for general 4239 Morgan st. LADIES desiring pleasant, easy home work 449D HifM'l'BTilrT7lWi11llfrWiWJafsCsssesssi PRINTING. housework. Torest Park boulevard. pa!ng a handsamo Income should address with "A easiness Education and the Place fo Get It" STENOGRAPHER WANTED Toung COOK. ETC.. WANTED Girl to do cooking stamp. Standard Mich. 214 s: Co.. Flint, stenographer. N. Commercial st. A THTAT. you WANTED-O-Irl general and kitchen work; German preferred: no wash-in- order nrfntlne: Is what wint HOUSEGIRL for high-cla- -3 good rt good wages. 111. LADI. WANTED ss WANTED- or try Cos-tell- er 1323 Address Box D, Nokomls, Lady demonstrator for 4 . to push vonr basInCBS. When In need housework. Hogan st. toilet article In department store In city: Minccllarif-oilfl- & 1216 St. WANTED-Experlen- ced first-clas- s. for -" -- Co.. Ollie WANTED-G- lrl to do general COOK female cook must bo 4246 Finney. harness makers '- - - 1 HOUSrGIRL white preferred; wages $14 per month. Commtrcle Collega, ADVERTISEMENT BUSINESS cards. billheads, statements, housework; small family. Call 6JJ4 Cates ave. for hotel: "LIESXNTEDTo-se- ll Shorthand and Ttlcgraph School, buggy harness. Steady WRITER WANTED Jl: Mtrey, log Address Lcck Box 47, Falrfleld, Wayne County, the Magnet Skirt 309 Korth St. - Must haie had experience. Mermod & TnrmM notcheads. Jl.60 per thousand. A. P. 111. and Waist Supporter: salary $6 Broadm. Lcuit. HUsour.- "nOUSEGntL WANTEDIrl for general Extender and per (tndesti to good men. Jewelry Company. K. Twelfth st. no week; call mornings. 1226 S. Broadway. II anslIlM ferall bntlaen pnrfniti.aad ro-1- work housework: washing. S42 Cleveland aie. Dailaen honiei. bank., Printing Company, 907 N. rcurth COOK WANTED-Go- od white girl with refer-crce- sj Mtlread and efacee AUTHORS We wint poetry: serd stamp for CRESCENT WANTED-G- gen- LADIES to do needlework; prctmloml mea ", commercial work; popular prices. HOUSEGIRL lrl to assist In good wages; apply Sunday 10 a. m. material furnished; asd with reliable bookkecp-- J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co. particulars. Northwood Pub. Co., Columbus, O. Bt. Fine Job luus.wr,ik. 6l.1t Raymond. at no canvassing; gocd ray: stamped enielope for telegraph vperiton and ciuka. Fb.ltloni. ara- - Send fcr samples. eral 6061 Fatrmount aie. particulars. Chicago. c Heme Industrial Co., iui uiatiuain. r jrarwi. erf.ormoHn. vWti, BUGGY-WASHE- R WANTED-Ca- WANTED- - German girl gen- WANTED-Go- ll at stable-Eleven- th LO00l)nrtncss cards, other printing equally HC.USEG:!". for COOK od cook and nurse to go to J. a. BOTJUXB, Presldtvat. and Walnut. II: housework. 163s St-- Louis. country: German; Monday 10 LADIES do piecework for us at home. We essami&ii&axaaBM s low; billheads and notebeads. JLSO. Stapleton eral to the call from to pay $7 $12 4129 furnish all materials ard to weekly; CABINETMAKERS WANTED-Mach- tne dt Co.. 4Cit X. Twelfth. 2. at Laclede ave. stamped 34 PAPERH ANGERS, ATTENTION! hands HOUSEGIRL WANTED A good girl to assist send envelope to Rojal Co. Monroe MAIL ORDERS. and hardwood finishers. & WANTED Competent girl cook, wash St., Chicago. Statidte Rueckoldt Mfz. j. w. STEELE & CO.. Rook and Job Printers. ot housework. S333 Llndell ave. GIRL to We have the most complete litre shown Co., corner Sculard and Del.alb sts. U N. Third St. Legal blanks and briefs a spe- and Iron In family of three. 4200 Morgan. V ANTED Ladles to hair dressing by AGENTS to manufacture Florida fruit sparkle, in th! new general house- learn citj: all and rd cialty. Tel. Main 1470. HOUSEGIRL WANTED Grri for make $3 to $10 per day. par- greatest selling drink: send psrtlcu-lar- s. DENTIST WANTED-A-n operator." small family. 4318 Cook ave GIRL WANTED Girl for cooking and house- mall and from Fcr the for frao rrlccs guaranteed to be the lowest On the Apply Boston work: work In small family: must well recom- ticulars address Swift Mfg. Co., Horse Cave, Ky. Earrie, special manufacturer, St-- Louis. Mo. market. DON'T FAIL TO GET OUR Steam Lectal Rooms. 415 N. Broad-- be 1901 WANTETJ-G- irl Keneral good wages; situ- , NEW SAMPLES. HOTELS. HOUSEGIRL for mended and white: desirable WANTED-Ladles- send atamp for samples and START In the mall order business: success as- MsMMASSrMa housework. 6HSA Delmar. ation; call or write. 63CJ. Cabanne ave. pros- WESTERN WALL PAPER CO.. DID yon eicr try canvassing' No? payT prices of anything wanted; will save you money sured under our direction; particulars and 1202 BroaCway. Don't ejssrfieiseiiisii'Wyoming, Chestnut stamp. W. 134 S. 1102 Franklin ave. w? 'iave something that everybody i HOTEL Fifteenth and house- HOUSEGIRL WANTED Girl help cook and (ending stylish, gcod. Chicago Shop- pectus for B, Irons tt Co., Vas 2S1 to-d- SOo per HOTJSBGIRL WANTED Girl for general ta jrants: write, for particulars. R. - i ; i Modern Improvements; rales and tl day. family. $363 California. do laundry work: good wages. J72J west Has. Co., 90 Wabash, Chicago. Bum sU, Chicago. . K. Ma- yesel tales reduced. work, upstairs; small i

-- - jff.irf-yi- &fi'(SnMfv'Vs-f- ,-' j. - CZJ&.&hl A cr Z.i &..a..- -c f si X.e.. r -'t' '.Vt ai.f-ftf.'.4'-s- 4